Benazir's Assassination Was A Conspiracy: Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

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Benazir’s Assassination was a Conspiracy

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Since the assassination of the ex- Prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, the task
of answering questions that have arisen and imminent dangers may be outlined
through the means of astrology. In any case, the results of Pakistan’s internal
situation being extremely volatile are clear. In the Jagat Lagan kundali, it is on
looking kanya Rashi (which is Pakistan’s name rashi) and the rashi lord, Mercury, is
in the ninth house.

According to the graha yog, the ruler of Pakistan, the Musharraf government will
have to face difficult challenges. In opposition to the support being given to terrorist
organizations and due to high handed behavior inside the country there will be a
strong demand for a change of regime. The political dangers will deepen for the
rulers. In Baluchistan, Sindh provinces, disturbances, mass upheaval, explosive and
terrorist incidents will increase. In the peace talks with India, the pace after being
stalled will again be organized. Especially the period from 23 March to 27 July and 14
August (Pakistan’s Independence Day) to 15 October 2008 will be full of challenges
and a trial by fire for the Pakistan Government.

On the borders of the country in Baluchistan, there will be extremist demonstrations,

arson and violent incidents. Muslim countries, especially Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran,
Iraq, Turkey, and Afghanistan, on an internal basis, will unite against American and
European imperialism and will plant the roots for a world wide organization. There is
a very dangerous association between the kundali of the late Benazir Bhutto and the
kundali of the day of the incident. In Bhutto’s kundali the lagna is Sagittarius and
rashi is Libra. The kundali at the time of the incident the lagna is of Gemini and rashi
is of Cancer. As far the relationship of the two is concerned, both the kundalis are
affected by kendradhapitya dosh of Mercury and Jupiter. It is also a matter of
concern that Gemini lagna in Benazirs kundali is the lord of sahay bhav. Wherever
Benazir’s kundali has Mars panchamesh, it also has vyayesh.

On the day of the event, both rashi kundali’s chaturtha (fourth) and dasham (tenth)
relation is not holy. On this day, sahay bhav of kundali was also present. Also guru
(asta) and Mercury were getting linked. This had an inescapable impact on Bhutto’s
kundali. If we talk about the time of the event, Gemini has an impact on neck and
chest of a person. Incidentally, Bhutto was shot in her neck. The third eye of Shani
was on Libra. This was falling on Benazir’s rashi. Shani combined with ketu was in
the house of Leo which is looking at Sun lagna. Benazi’s sign is also Libra ekchar
rashi. In charrashi, ekadash house is deadly. The lord of this house, having
established a relationship with deadly planets, makes that much stronger. This is
also reflected in the relation of sam-saptak of Sun and the Mars. Also for Libra, the
fourth day of the month of Magh is deadly. On 27th December, the month was not
Magh but other circumstances were prevalent. This accelerated the pace of the event
a thousand times. Astrology believes that when the graha of birth moves in its own
rashi, then it has a very negative impact. The birth rashi of Mars and the rashi of the
day of the event is Gemini. The distance of the two is also very limited.

According to vishamottari dasha, rahu’s antardaha in Benazir Bhutto’s Shani was

about to end. Rahu became very effective in her kundali. Rahu is the representative
graha of criminals, dacoits, gambler and terrorists. Its impact is also surreptitious.
Thus, we see how graha impacts the life cycle of a person.

By the above analysis, we find that dwitiyesh (markesh) Shani, rahu, Mars and Sun
have been successful in taking her away from her. May her soul rest in eternal peace
and people in Pakistan have patience to overcome this tragedy!

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