Artifact E - Jeff Eng

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Competency Areas for Student Affairs Educators (ACPA and NASPA, 2015)
Overall Competency Ratings
0= no exposure to and no experience in this competency
1= minimal exposure to but no experience in this competency
2= moderate exposure to and minimal experience in this competency
3= moderate experience in this competency
4= experience in this competency
5= much experience in this competency, basic master has been achieved

Specific Skill Ratings

(+)= highly competent
()= competent
()= area of improvement/experience needed

Evidence of Learning
W= Work
I= Internship
C= Coursework
V= Volunteer Work
O= Other

Competency Area
Overall Competency Rating Level
Personal and Ethical Foundations
The Personal and Ethical Foundations
competency area involves the knowledge,
skills, and dispositions to develop and
maintain integrity in ones life and work; this
includes thoughtful development, critique,
and adherence to a holistic and
comprehensive standard of ethics and
commitment to ones own wellness and
growth. Personal and ethical foundations are
aligned because integrity has an internal locus
informed by a combination of external
ethical guidelines, an internal voice of care,
and our own lived experiences. Our personal
and ethical foundations grow through a
process of curiosity, reflection, and selfauthorship.
Articulate key elements of ones set of personal beliefs and
commitments (e.g., values, morals, goals, desires, selfdefinitions), as well as the source of each (e.g., self, peers,
family, or one or more larger communities).

Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Through reflection papers in

various classes I have had to
evaluate and explain how my
intersecting identities and
(+)= highly
experiences impact my work as
a SA professional. (C )
Articulate ones personal code of ethics for student affairs ()= area of
Have not had experience in my
practice, informed by the ethical statements of professional improvement/e classses or work in articulating
student affairs associations and their foundational ethical
my personal code of ethics. (O)
Adhering to FERPA, imparting
Describe the ethical statements and their foundational
accurate information to
principles of any professional associations directly relevant
students, and serve students
to ones working context.
fairly and equitible to name a
()= competent few. (W)
FERPA issues are prominent in
my line as work as an academic
Identify ethical issues in the course of ones job.
advisor. Example parents calling
(+)= highly
to learn more about student
performance. (W)
()= area of
Have not critically reflected on
Explain how ones behavior reflects the ethical statements
improvement/e how my behaviors reflect the
of the profession and address lapses in ones own ethical
ethical statement of the
profession. (O)
Have questioned and propose
changes to policies and
procedure that may be unethical
within the context of my
Appropriately question institutional actions which are not
workplace. Example why our
consistent with ethical standards.
NSM's are not considered
mandatory reporter and then
formalizing in Albers with the
()= competent Deans approval that the are.

Future Improvement & Development

Continue to be a reflective practitioner

and identify shifts in personal
beliefs/understanding and the impact it
may have on my work.

Assess my personal code of ethics by

first understanding ethical statements of
professional student affairs associations.
How to better integrate these national
organization statements to articualte my
own code of ethics.

Respond ethically and responsibility to

new issues that will inevitable arise in the
future by using my professional network
if issues arise.

Continue to analyze and assess ethical

standards in the workplace.

Before implementing formalize

crisis/title IX reporting for
NSM's and staff in Albers, I did
outreach to various individuals
like HAWC and title IX
Utilize institutional and professional resources to assist with
coordinator with limited success
ethical issues (e.g., consultation with appropriate mentors,
to receiving an answer if our
supervisors and/or colleagues, consultation with an
mentors were considered
associations ethics committee).
mandatory reporters or not.
Their roles and responsibilities
would indicate when compared
to RA's and HAWC member
()= competent that they should be. (W)
Have reflected how my
Articulate awareness and understanding of ones attitudes,
intersecting identities and
values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, and identity how they
experiences impact my work
affect ones integrity and work with others.
(+)= highly
with stuents in various classes in
the SDA program (C)
Attending workshops or events
like Moral Mondays at SU to
Take responsibility to broaden perspectives by participating
learn from different
in activities that challenge ones beliefs.
(+)= highly
perspectives around the Black
Lives Matter movement. (C/O)
Creating a professional identity
that is authentic and distict
voice as a leader has been
challenging but is what I strive
Identify the challenges associated with balancing personal
for in my work. Experimenting
and professional responsibilities, and recognize the
and learning by modeling
intersection of ones personal and professional life.
through others are ways that I
have worked towards
(+)= highly
developing my professional
identity that is appropriate. (W)
Identify ones primary work responsibilities and, with
Currently doing so through my
appropriate, ongoing feedback, craft a realistic, summative (+)= highly
portfolio and professional
self-appraisal of ones strengths and limitations.
workplan in Albers. (W/C )
I utilize a holistic approach
Articulate an understanding that wellness is a broad concept
when accessing the overall
comprised of emotional, physical, social, environmental,
wellness of individuals both
relational, spiritual, moral, and intellectual elements.
(+)= highly
professionally and personally.

Continue to analyze and assess ethical

standards in the workplace.

Recognize and articulate healthy habits for better living.

Actually practice what I know more

Work on self care beyond physical health
like excersing which I do.

Identify positive and negative impacts on wellness and, as

appropriate, seek assistance from available resources.

Identify and describe personal and professional

responsibilities inherent to excellence in practice.

Recognize the importance of reflection in personal,

professional, and ethical development.

Work/life balance, exercise,

()= competent eating healthy, relationships. (O)
Participating in HAWC
()= competent Wellness Challenge. (O)
My role as an academic advisor
require me to not only be
accurate in what information I
give but also be a source of
support and guidance. A holistic
(+)= highly
approach is needed to best serve
students. (W)
(+)= highly
I practiced this throughout the
SDA program. (C )

Continue to reflect and be critical about

the assumptions and biases that I hold
about those who I work with.

Continue to seek professional

development opportunities on and off

Continue to grow and learn from more

experience professionals and integrating
traits and values into my own
professional identity.

Continue to measure and assess my

strengths and limitations in various roles
that I will assume in the future.
Better understand mental health issues
that impact students and how to best
support those students in whatever my
role is.

Continue to improve ways of supporting

I will continue to be a reflective
practitioner beyond graduate school.

Competency Area
Values, Philosophy, and History
The Values, Philosophy, and History
competency area involves knowledge, skills, and
dispositions that connect the history,
philosophy, and values of the student affairs
profession to ones current professional
practice. This competency area embodies the
foundations of the profession from which
current and future research, scholarship, and
practice will change and grow. The
commitment to demonstrating this competency
area ensures that our present and future
practices are informed by an understanding of
the professions history, philosophy, and values.

Overall Competency Rating Level


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement & Development


SA is offer supports and services

across a variety of different
functional areas on college
campuses. SA enhance the
experience and success of
Articulate principles of SA professional
students through co-curricular
practice to those who may not
and extra-curricular activities. (C ) understand the work we do.

(+)= highly

Educate other professionals who may

Learned in various courses in the not be knowlegeable about the historical
SDA program including Lead & context that may be relevent to
Gov and Foundations. (C )
understand in their work.

(+)= highly

Have read and used research in

various classes. Research in SA is Use research and advocate for utilizing
largely mixed or qualitative
best practices in designing new
studies. (C )

(+)= highly

Have attended student protests

on campus. Example MRC
protest at SU. (C )

Continue to participate and engage with

students to stay up to date on the needs
of diverse student populations.

(+)= highly

Have learned in Foundations and

Lead & Gov basic roles of
faculty, academic affairs, and
student affairs. Also through
professional practice. (W/C)

Educate other professionals who may

not be knowlegeable about the varying
roles of faculty, AA, and SA in

(+)= highly

Service to institution and SA

profession enhance organizations
as a whole which can positive
impact students success. (W/C)

Continue to participate in workshops

and conferences put on through SA
professional associations such at


Learned through professional

experience and classroom
learning principles of professional
practice. Example SA
professionals support students in Articulate principles of SA professional
co-curricular and extracurricular practice to those who may not
on college campuses. (C/W)
understand the work we do.

Describe the foundational philosophies, disciplines, and values of the profession.

Articulate the historical contexts of institutional types and functional areas within
higher education and student affairs.

Describe the various research, philosophies, and scholars that defned the

Demonstrate responsible campus citizenship and participation in the campus

community .

Describe the roles of faculty, academic affairs, and student affairs educators in the

Explain the importance of service to the institution and to student affairs

professional associations.

Learn and articulate the principles of professional practice.

Articulate the history of the inclusion and exclusion of people with a variety of
identities in higher education.

(+)= highly

Learned in various courses in the

SDA program including Lead & Articulate history of higher education to
Gov and Foundations. (C )
others when applicable.

(+)= highly

SA professional associations
foster networking, professional
development, and legitimacy of
the profession as a whole. (C )

(+)= highly

To legitimizes the work we do by Advocate the importance of our work to

providing data and information in those who may not understand what we
an academic format. (C )

Explain the role and responsibilities of student affairs professional associations.

Explain the purpose and use of publications that incorporate the philosophy and
values of the profession.

Explain the public role and societal benefts of students affairs in particular and of (+)= highly
higher education in general.
Articulate an understanding of the ongoing nature of the history of higher
education and ones role in shaping it.

Stay up to date on public and

government perceptions of higher
education by being up to date on news
and other current events.

(+)= highly

Higher education is every evolving and

Have done so in coursework in as SA professionals we must stay current
SDA program and portfolio. (C ) with needs/trends of students.


Have an understanding of the

principles of the profession and is
demonstrating my knowledge
through coursework in SDA
Continue to model and develop my SA
program. (C )
professional identity .


Having ethical foundations

outlined by SA professional
organizations and the close knit
community that exists in SA
Continue to lead the values of SA
contribute to sustainable practice. profession and staying current on best

Be able to model the principles of the profession and expect the same from
colleagues and supervisees.

Explain how the values of the profession contribute to sustainable practices.

SA professionals provide support

services to student outside of the
classroom where students spend
the most time. Higher education
fosters critical thinking outsie of
the specific content area that they
are studying. (C )

Encourage participation of other SA

professionals to accompany me to attend
professional development opportunity
through conference and workshop

Articulate the changing nature of the global student affairs profession and
(+)= highly
communicate the need to provide a contextual understanding of higher education. competent

SA and higher education is

constantly changing due to
changing student demographics
and financial issues to name a
few. (W/C)

Seel professional development

opportunities such as understanding
issues international students and study
abroad students face and the role of
higher education in America is impacted
by these students.

Competency Area
Assessment, Evaliation, and Research
The Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
competency area focuses on the ability to
design, conduct, critique, and use various AER
methodologies and the results obtained from
them, to utilize AER processes and their
results to inform practice, and to shape the

Overall Competency Rating



Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement & Development

Have exerience doing

assessment, conducting
surveys, and research
both in the workplace
and classroom setting.
()= competent (W/C)

Learn more about the differences

between program review, evaluation,
and planning are. Ask questions if
terminilogy comes up in future
professional/academic environments. I
have mainly heard of assessment and
research through my course of study.

Differentiate among assessment, program review, evaluation, planning, and research as

well as the methods appropriate to each.
Select AER methods, methodologies, designs, and tools that ft with research and
evaluation questions and with assessment and review purposes.

()= competent

Facilitate appropriate data collection for system/department-wide assessment and

evaluation efforts using current technology and methods.
(+)= highly

Effectively articulate, interpret, and apply results of AER reports and studies, including
professional literature.

(+)= highly

Assess the legitimacy, trustworthiness, and/or validity of studies of various methods and
methodological designs (e.g. qualitative vs. quantitative, theoretical perspective,
(+)= highly
epistemological approach).

Consider rudimentary strengths and limitations of various methodological AER

approaches in the application of fndings to practice in diverse institutional settings and
with diverse student populations.

(+)= highly

Primary data collection is

through surveys and
some experience
generating reports
through RepGen on the
Banner SMS. (W)
Conducted research and
used best practices in
various classes including
Theory, Lead &
Governance, and
Community Colleges to
name a few. (C )

Collaborate more with Institutional

Research to tap into their large dataset
that may be useful data to include for
department/office assessment

Actually applying reports and studies

found in literature in professional
setting in program development.

Experience reading both

scientific and educational
research papers and can
apply the scientific
Continue to be up to date on current
method in determining educational research and how it can
validity of studies. (C ) inform my practice.
Research conducted at
one institution can not
be applied equally across
all institutions. Many
factors including student
demographic, region, and
campus climate to name
a few need to be
Always consider where and how studies
considered when looking are conducted and how feasbible or
at what best practices to effective implementing that best
implement for your
practice would be for any given
institution. (C )
institution yo may be working in.

confidentiality (FERPA),
liability that institutions
assume such as title IX,
mandatory reporting are
a few examples of the
importance of following
institutional procedure
and policies to protext
Explain the necessity to follow institutional and divisional procedures and policies (e.g.,
not only institutions but
IRB approval, informed consent) with regard to ethical assessment, evaluation, and other
research activities.
()= competent alike. (W/C)
Having others check
your data before
distribution and
receiving feedback on
Ensure all communications of AER results are accurate, responsible, and effective.
your data visualization
methods. I utlized these
methods during my
(+)= highly
internship for Student
Life at SSC. (I)
My experience with
graduate admissions in
the College of Nursing
and Health Science
granted me access to a
Identify the political and educational sensitivity of raw and partially processed data and
large pool of applicant
AER results, handling them with appropriate confdentiality and deference to
data. I managed
organizational hierarchies.
admissions process
between applicantsa and
faculty and learned the
intricacies of who had
access to tthat raw data I
()= competent downloaded. (W)

Design program and learning outcomes that are appropriately clear, specifc, and
measureable, that are informed by theoretical frameworks and that align with
organizational outcomes, goals, and values.

Explain to students and colleagues the relationship of AER processes to learning

outcomes and goals.

My work training and

supervising New Student
Mentors in Albers helps
contribute to the colleges
goal to build community
amongst Albers student
and contributes to the
wrap around advising
services that we pride
()= competent ourselves in. (W)
Have some experience
explaining to colleagues
at my internship at SSC
the basic concepts of the
assessment cycle and
explained the value of
data informing their
()= competent practice. (I)

When conducting assessment to be

congnizant of any legal or ethical issues
that may arise and how diffferent
institutions handles these issues.

Continue to colleborate and receive

feedback on my work.

Depending on my access to institutional

data depending on my role there is
much more that I can learn about the
political and educational sensitivity of
raw data. I need to be vigilant if and
when I have access to such data as it
relates to confidentiality and
organizational hierarchies.

Managing an already established

program is not the same as created a
program from the ground up. The
information that I can gleem from the
NSM program and research of best
practices will be instrumental when
desiging programs and learning
outcomes that are SMART.

Continue to try to integrate assessment

practices into the work I do and
explaining to others the importance of
data informed practice.

Competency Area
Law, Policy, and Governance
The Law, Policy, and Governance competency area
includes the knowledge, skills, and dispositions relating to
policy development processes used in various contexts,
the application of legal constructs, compliance/policy
issues, and the understanding of governance structures
and their impact on ones professional practice.

Overall Competency Rating Level


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement & Development

Describe the systems used to govern public, private, and for-proft institutions of all types
(two-year, four-year, graduate, professional,vocational, etc.) in ones state/province and

Have a basic
understanding of
differences between
public, private, and forprofit institutions from
Lead & Gov and
Foundations class in the
()= competent SDA program. (C )
Explain the differences between public, private, and for-proft higher education with
Differences include
respect to the legal system and what they may mean for respective students, faculty, and
private schools dont
student affairs professionals.
receive federal funding
and do not have to follow
the same rules like public
schools do. For-profit
institutions are
(+)= highly
market/profit driven. (C
Describe how national and state/provincial constitutions and laws infuence the rights of
Example of staying
students, faculty, and staff on all types of college campuses.
informed of laws that
govern higher education
()= area of
in Washington would be
improvement/e knowing where to
access/navigate WAC and
federal laws. (C )
Describe evolving laws, policies, and judicial rulings that infuence the student-institutional
The focus and mission of
relationship and how they affect professional practice.
institutions can greatly be
influenced by changes in
laws, policies, and judicial
rulings. Examples like
()= area of
Supreme Court cases,
improvement/e changes in how federal
monies are distributed. (C
Act in accordance with national, state/provincial, and local laws and with institutional
policies regarding non-discrimination.
Is clearly stated in job
descriptions on HR hiring
websites. HR is a resource
to know of specific
()= competent terminology. (W )
Identify major internal and external stakeholders, policymakers, and special interest
Learned in Lead & Gov
groups who infuence policy at the national, state/provincial, local, and institutional levels.
class in SDA program.
Knows where to look for
this information for
example board of trustees
()= competent members. (C )
Describe the governance systems at ones institution including the governance structures
for faculty, student affairs professionals, staff, and students.
Examples include Faculty
Senate, Staff Unions, and
Student Government.
()= competent (C/W)

Get better educated on specificity of

institutions that I may be working in for
the future if it is public or private and if
those differences are important to know
as it relates to my role on campus.

Continue to grow and develop my

understanding of what more specific
legal differences between public, private,
and for-profit higher education.

Utlize online resources and network of

professionals if questions arise that
impact rights of students, faculty, and

Stay current in state and federal rules and

regulations that impact higher education.

HR is an example to stay current with

issues around non-discrimation.

Rely on professional network to learn

about who or what groups are movers
and shakers on campus.
Participate in Staff Unions if available
and be up to date on employees right
and responsibilities and what influence
we have in the governance structure at
any given institution.

Describe how policy is developed and implemented in ones department and institution,
as well as the local, state/province, and national levels of government.

()= area of
Know when and how to consult with ones immediate supervisor and institutional legal
counsel regarding matters that may have legal ramifcations.

Explain concepts of risk management, reasonable accommodation, and enact liability

reduction strategies .

Demonstrate awareness of inequitable and oppressive ways that laws and policies are
enacted on vulnerable student populations at national, state/provincial, local, and
institutional levels.
Describe the student conduct process at the institutional level and demonstrate concern
for the legal, social, moral, educational, and ethical expectations of the community.

(+)= highly
()= area of

(+)= highly

()= competent
Encourage and advocate participation in national, state/provincial, local, and institutional
electoral processes as applicable.

()= competent

Have limited experience

in developing new policies
for department and
institutions. Do not fully
understand how this
applies at local, state, and
national level. Have done
some work working in
Albers in influencing and
advocating for change to
policies. (W)
Have basic understanding
of my limitations of my
role as acaemic advisor
and knows when to
consult with others if
problem is beyong my
scope of responsibility or
expertise. (W)
Have limited experience
in this area. Not in my
current scope of work
responsibilities. (O)
Coursework in SDA
program have taught me
various ways in which
institutions create barriers
for students. Examples
limited or lack of
resources for
students. (C )
Every institution has
Student Conduct process.
Decisions are not based
off of beyond a
reasonable doubt like the
US judicial system but out
of preponderance of the
evidence. Every student is
afforded due process. (C )
Have not personally
advocated for student to
be involved in electroral
process but understand
the process and
importance of it. (O)

Get involved on campus with various

committees to gain better understanding
of how decision-making occurs within an
institution and broadly.
Differ expertise to season professional if
cases with legal precedence arise in my

Refer to expertise of others and seek

learning opportunities if my role requires
me to think about risk management.

Continue to stay well informed on how

inquities manifest in institutions and
what can be done as SA professionals to
change those systems.

Be a member of the conduct review


When applicable engage in conversation

about the importance of getting involved
in elections of officials.

Competency Area
Human and Organizational Resources

The Human and Organizational Resources competency area

includes knowledge, skills, and attitudes used in the selection,
supervision, motivation, and formal evaluation of the effective
application of strategies and techniques associated with
financThe Organizational and Human Resources competency
area includes knowledge, skills, and dispositions used in the
management of institutional human capital, financial, and
physical resources. This competency area recognizes that student
affairs professionals bring personal strengths
and grow as managers through challenging themselves to build
new skills in the selection, supervision, motivation, and formal
evaluation of staff; resolution of conflict; management of the
politics of organizational discourse; and the effective application
of strategies and techniques associated with financial resources,
facilities management, fundraising, technology, crisis
management, risk management and sustainable
resources.anagement, risk management, and sustainable resources

Overall Competency Rating Level


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement & Development

Foundational Demonstrate effective stewardship/use of resources (i.e., fnancial, human, material)

(+)= highly

Frequently directing students to

available on campus resources and
staying up to date on current events
and programs on campus. (W)

I still have limited understanding/experience

managing budgets. Many professionals receive on
the job training in this area and I will most likely
to depending on my role.

Describe campus protocols for responding to signifcant incidents and campus crises.

Basic understanding of title IX

reporting protocol and how to
()= competent manage students in crisis. (W)

Receive more training in how to manage incidents

and campus crisis. Staying up to date of
institutional response protocols.

Describe environmentally sensitive issues and explain how ones work can incorporate
elements of sustainability.

Know what is recyclable,

()= competent compostable, and garbage. (W)

Assess institutions commitment to sustainability

and environmental stewardship.

Use technological resources with respect to maximizing the effciency and effectiveness of
ones work.

(+)= highly

Continuously look at ways to

streamline and maximize efficiency
in my work through use of
technology. Using electronic
methods of data gathering and
moving away from paper. (W)

Describe ethical hiring techniques and institutional hiring policies, procedures, and

()= area of

Having only been a part of and not

the manager of hiring processes I
have limited experience in the
intricacies of HR recruitment. (W)

Explain how job descriptions are designed and support overall staffng patterns in ones
work setting..

Have experience supervising front

desk student employees and mentors
for the New Student Mentor
program. Provide training and
()= competent performance appraisals. (W)
()= area of
Have no experience writing job
descriptions. (O)

Design a professional development plan that assesses ones current strengths and
weaknesses, and establishes action items for
fostering an appropriate pace of growth.

Created professional development

plan as an academic advisor in
Albers that assess strengths and
()= competent weaknesses and SMART gaols. (W)

Demonstrate familiarity in basic tenets of supervision and possible application of these

supervision techniques.

Advocate for more efficient processes within

office/department while being realistic of limited
technological resources available due to

Attending HR training for supervisors to learn

about ethical hiring techniqures if my role requires
hiring staff and/or students.

Expand my skill set of supervising students to

supervising staff as my roles and responsibilities
expand in the future. HR training would help
enhance my supervisory skills.
When my roles and responsibilities change to
include hiring, knowing how HR can help me
understand what goes into job descriptions.

Professional development plans are common in

the workplace and there are various resources to
help me design one if need be.

Describe the basic premises that underlie confict in and the constructs utilized for
facilitating confict resolution.

Applied counseling skills through my

coursework to help advise students
in Albers School of Business.
Practice positive reframing, using
open-ended questions, and affirming Attend professional development opportunities
()= competent to name a few. (W/C)
like motivational interviewing techniques.
()= area of
Have limited experience in formal
Attend professional development opportunities
training in conflict resolution. (W)
on conflict resolution.

Develop and utilize appropriate meeting materials (e.g. facilitation skills, agenda,

Run weekly meetings with NSM's.

()= competent (W)

Explain the application of introductory motivational techniques with students, staff, and

Continue to integrate more teambuilding and

other professional development opporunities for
my students in the future.

Have experience working in various

offices and diverse group of
professionals with varying
communication styles. Have
improved in my ability to assess
Continue to improve in verbal communications
Communicate with others using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies appropriate to the
others communication style and
with professionals with leadership styles/values
situation in ways that the person(s) with whom you are engaged prefers.
()= competent accomodating their needs. (W)
that vastly differ from mine.

Recognize how networks in organizations play a role in how work gets accomplished.

Is an integral part of SA and have

grown and developed in this area.
()= competent (W)

Continue to expand my professional network

through intentional outreach and attending
national/regional conferences.

Relationships have a significant

impact on the effectivenss in
Understand the relational roles partners, allies, and adversaries play in the completion of
achieving goals when working in
goals and work assignments.
()= competent higher education. (W)
Continue to develop in people skills.
()= area of
Explain the basic tenets of personal or organizational risk and liability as they relate to ones xperience
Have not had experience articulating Learn about basic tenets of
organizational risk and liability. (O) personal/organizational risk and liability.

()= competent
()= area of
Advocate for equitable hiring practices.
()= area of
Articulate basic institutional accounting techniques for budgeting as well as monitoring and xperience
processing revenue and expenditures.
Provide constructive feedback in a timely manner.

Provide performance appraisals for

mentors in the New Student Mentor This can still an area of growth for me and as I
program. (W)
develop as a supervisor in the future.

Have no experience advocating for

equitable hiring practices. (O)

Joining a Union would be one way to accomplish

this goal.

Have no experience managing

budgets. (O)

On the job training and HR training if my role

requires budget management.

()= area of
improvement/e Have very limited experience in this
Effectively and appropriately use facilities management procedures as related to operating a xperience
area with the exception of running Learn appropriate facilities management
facility or program in a facility.
programs and events. (W)
procedures if role requires it.

Institution structure and

organization impact how students
navigate college campus resources.
Example first generation students
lack certain capital. (C )

Demonstrate an understanding of how physical space impacts the institutions educational


(+)= highly

Understand the basic concepts of facilities management and institutional policies related to
energy usage and environmental sustainability.

()= area of
Have no experience in this area. (O)

Continue to asses how student navigate systems

of higher education and what ways to improve
these systems.
My current professional experience does not have
me working in this area. If my roles and
responsbilities change to incorporate this area
then I will learn it then.

Competency Area
Overall Competency Rating Level
The Leadership competency area addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions
required of a leader, with or without positional authority. Leadership involves
both the individual role of a leader and the leadership process of individuals
working together to envision, plan, and affect change in organizations and
respond to broad- based constituencies and issues. This can include working with
students, student affairs colleagues, faculty, and community members. This
section is organized by the leadership learning concepts of Education, construct
knowledge and articulation; Training, skill identification and enhancement;
Development, personal reflection and growth; and Engagement, active
participation and application.


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Foundational Articulate the vision and mission of the primary work unit, the division, and the

Had to understand the various program areas

that fell under the office of Student Life at SSC
and how to create a report that accurately
captures the mission and vision of that office.

Future Improvement & Development

Continue to understand the mission and vision

of various institutions and how they are
similar/differ and how those differences
manifest in the culture/structure of the

(+)= highly
Leaders describe individual characterics while Taking on more leadership roles and assessing
leadership is more about the abilities to lead as your impact your leadership has fosters clear
a whole. (W/I)
vision, direction, collaboration, and
communication would be areas for
Identify and understand individual-level constructs of leader and leadership. ()= competent
Explain the values and processes that lead to organizational improvement.
Current entry level positions in higher
education have left me with limited experience
on how organization improvement happens.
()= area of
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of decision-making
Have not previously formally or informally
processes (e.g. consensus, majority vote, and decision by authority).
learned about and being able to define different
types of decision-making processes. However
have rudementary understanding of decisionmaking processes through having taken on
leadership roles in the past. I have experience
both working collectively to accomplish a goal
and acting as the authority when efficiency and
clarity is important. (W)

Is currently taking a Leadership Systems,

Identity, and Practice course where we are
learning deminsions of leadership that are
muted or marginilized. The text explains
organizational stuctures, X and Y leadership
styles, etc.
Class in Leadership Systems will go over the
advantages and disadvantages of different
types of decision-making processes.

()= competent
Identify institutional traditions, mores, and organizational structures (e.g.,
hierarchy, networks, governing groups, technological resources, nature of power,
policies, goals, agendas and resource allocation processes) and how they
infuence others to act in the organization.

Having worked in two a religously affiliated

university and a large public research university
I have a good understanding of how institutions
of higher education is structured, what politics,
and beuracracy that exists between departments
and areas on campus. (W/C/I)

Continue to compare and contrast institutions

of higher education that I work in the future so
I can best navigate them for myself and

Strengths: good facilitator, inclusive, passionate,

creative, transparent, authentic, open-minded,
and insightful. Challenges: confidence, can have
trouble staying organized/focused, and
persitence can be difficult depending on
support/culture. (W/C/I)

Gaining confidence in effective leadership in

various settings will require continue practice.
Seeking out opportunities to present in
professional settings in front of students and
colleagues will strengthen my ability to
communicate and teach others. In term of
organization and staying on task creating a
stuctured workplan and schedule can help keep
me on track. To stay persistant will require
seeking out supports like mentors, colleagues,
and friends when things get difficult.

(+)= highly
Identify ones own strengths and challenges as a leader and seek opportunities to
develop leadership skills.

(+)= highly
Identify basic fundamentals of teamwork and teambuilding in ones work setting
and communities of practice.

Provide teambuilding activities for New Student Acquire more resources in different
Mentors. Practice teamwork on a daily basis in teambuilding excercises that can be done with
the workplace and participated in teambuilding staff and students.
activities in the workplace. (W)

()= competent

Describe and apply the basic principles of community building.

Things like sense of community, community

standards and fostering a welcoming and
inclusive environment are vital components of
community building. (W/C)

()= area of
Describe how ones personal values, beliefs, histories, and perspectives inform
ones view of oneself as an effective leader with and without roles of authority.

However I have limited experience creating

spaces for communities with a few exceptions
like being a Peer Advisor in the Summer
Enrichment Scholars Program during my
undergrad at UVM. Currently one of the
functions of the NSM program is to foster
community among Albers students and using
assessment to measure progress towards this
goal would be one way to see if this goal is
being met.

My Asian American values of valuing

Continue to lead by example of inclusion and
community and harmony instilled by my family authenticity.
inform the way I lead. Leadership that thinks
about the whole of a group/organization is not
only more inclusive but successul than tradition
supervior/subordinate relationships. (W/C/I)

(+)= highly
Build mutually supportive relationships with colleagues and students across
similarities and differences.

Built a network of support of professionals in

Seattle and broadly across various institutions.
Formed close relationships with students that I
supervise through the NSM program and
students I advise. (W)

Continue to develop my skills in supervising

and advising students to create a meaningful
and lasting impact. The same goes to
expanding my professional network of support
to help with career opportunities and
advancement in higher education.

Have a good understanding of office, college,

and campus culture at SU. This helps inform
my interactions with professionals and students
alike. (W)

Learn more about how culture and climate is

changing on college campuses. Campus climate
surveys an focus groups are ways to stay
curreny on climate.

(+)= highly
Understand campus cultures (e.g. academic, student, professorial, administrative)
and apply that understanding to ones work.

(+)= highly
Use appropriate technology to support leadership processes (e.g. seeking input
or feedback, sharing decisions, posting data that supports decisions, use group
support website tools).

Experience conducting surveys through

Streamlining data collection to minimize survey
Qualtrics at SU to assess programs and events. fatigue from students and minimize
time/efforts in gathering and proessing data.
(+)= highly

Think critically, creatively, and imagine possibilities for solutions that do not
currently exist or are not apparent.

(+)= highly
Identify and consult with key stakeholders and individuals with differing
perspectives to make informed decisions.

My highly intuitive mind has me exploring and Getting buy-in from others to think about
proposing new ideas to improve processes on a alternative solutions to a problem will continue
regular basis. (W/C/I)
to be a challenge. Backing up what I say with
data and research will help ligitmize my
alternative ideas.
During my internship at SSC I met with the
leaders of each program area and collaborated
with them to create the Student Life Annual
Report. (W)

Although I value collaboration, getting buy-in

and working with professionals with different
communication styles/values continue to be a
challenge even with the strides I have made in
forming those relationships. Contiuning to
improve my leadership and communication
with professionals and understanding how to
leverage peoples capital.

Hierarchy and structures create order and

efficiencies on one hand and disorder and
inefficiencies in others. Understanding how and
why divisions and departments operate
independently and as a whole will help
professionals navigate and ultimately be more
successful in their work. (W/C/I)

By understanding why institutions are

structured the way they are, it provides a
foundation in which to be able to institute
change and why change is slow to come.

()= competent
Articulate the logic and impact of decisions on groups of people, institutional
structures (e.g. divisions, departments), and implications for practice.

()= competent
Exhibit informed confdence in the capacity of individuals to organize and take
action to transform their communities and world.

Within the scope of ones position and expertise, lead others to contribute
toward the effectiveness and success of the organization.

I struggle at times to find my voice as a leader

to confidently take on leadership. I have stood
()= area of
up to advocate for certain changes working in
improvement/e Albers but can improve on my execution. (W)
area of
Current entry level positions in higher
education have left me with limited experience
in this area. However within my internship at
SSC I have encouraged the staff on speaking up
about this concerns they might have to the new
dean. (W/I)
()= area of

I can better prepare and organize my thoughts

and ideas beforehand which is an effective way
for me to feel more confident in what I have to

Advocate more when possible to

office/superisor on ideas and suggestions for

Competency Area
Social Justice and Inclusion
For the purpose of the Social Justice and Inclusion competency area,
social justice is defined as both a process and a goal that includes the
knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to create learning
environments that foster equitable participation of all groups and
seeks to address issues of oppression, privilege, and power. This
competency involves student affairs educators who have a sense
of their own agency and social responsibility that includes others,
their community, and
the larger global context. Student affairs educators may incorporate
social justice and inclusion competencies into their practice through
seeking to meet the needs of all groups, equitably distributing
resources, raising social consciousness, and repairing past and
current harms on campus communities.

Overall Competency Rating Level


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning

Future Improvement & Development

I harbor privileged identity

as a model minority and I
grew up in an affluent
Identify systems of socialization that infuence ones multiple identities and
neighborhood. I'm also an
sociopolitical perspectives and how they impact ones lived experiences.
asian male which
(+)= highly
steretypically is non
threatening. (C )
As a Master's educated
individual I occupy a
Understand how one is affected by and participates in maintaining systems of
minority of Americans to
oppression, privilege, and power.
(+)= highly
hold such a distinction. (C
Have done so continuously
throughout the SDA
Engage in critical refection in order to identify ones own prejudices and biases.
(+)= highly
program through many
reflections. (C )
Have done so continuously
Participate in activities that assess and complicate ones understanding of inclusion,
(+)= highly
throughout the SDA
oppression, privilege, and power.
program. (C )
Have not been able to
integrate my knowledge of
Integrate knowledge of social justice, inclusion, oppression, privilege, and power
()= area of
social justice, inclusion,
into ones practice.
improvement/e and oppression, privileges,
and power as an academic
advisor. (W)
Emphasize the importance
of building relationships
Connect and build meaningful relationships with others while recognizing the
with students and
multiple, intersecting identities, perspectives, and developmental differences people
professionals and the value
(+)= highly
of learning from various
perspectives. (W/C/I)
It is imparative as a SA
professional to be
knowledgable about issues
of social justice in the
context of higher
Articulate a foundational understanding of social justice and inclusion within the
education such as access,
context of higher education.
support, organization,
culture, etc. in order to
ensure the success of
(+)= highly
diverse student
populations. (W/C)

Understanding intersectionality
and changing sociopolitcal
perspectives is a life long
Continue to analyze my
assumptions and how my
identities and privileges impact
Continue to reflect on
prejudices and biases through
attending professional
development opportunities.
Continue to seek out
professional development
Seek campuses and offices that
value learning about social
justice issues and how to
integrate that knowledge in their

Continue to expand my
professional and personal
network and learn and grow
from those connections.

Continue to stay up to date on

the changing student
demographics and what issues
different institutions face in
recruiting, retaining, and
graduating students.

Advocate on issues of social justice, oppression, privilege, and power that impact
people based on local, national, and global interconnections.

Advocated for formalize

reporting protocol for
students NSM's/Advisors
when working with
students in distress and
()= competent title IX. (W)

Would like to be able provide

more professional development
opportunities around social
justice issues for staff and
students in my work. Either
attending or conducting

Competency Area
Overall Competency Area Level
Student Learning and Development
The Student Learning and
Development competency area
addresses the concepts and principles
of student development and learning
theory. This includes the ability to
apply theory to improve and inform
student affairs and teaching practice.


Specific Rating Evidence of Learning Future Improvement & Development

Articulate theories and models that describe the development

of college students and the conditions and practices that
facilitate holistic development (e.g. learning, psychosocial and
identity development, cognitive-structural, typological,
Foundational environmental, and moral).
()= competent

Learned various
theories and how to
apply them during my
Student Development
Theory class. (C )
Learned throughout my
undergraduate and
graduate program
Articulate how race, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, age,
diversity issues in both
sexual orientation, gender identity, dis/ability, and religious (+)= highly
context of individual
belief can infuence development during the college years.
and systems. (W/C)
Wrote theory papers
analyzing and
comparing theories to
critically assess their
Identify the strengths and limitations in applying existing
strength and
theories and models to varying student demographic groups. ()= competent weaknesses. (C )
Wrote many reflections
Articulate ones own developmental journey in relation to
(+)= highly
throughout SDA
formal theories.
program. (C )
Identify ones own informal theories of student development
(theories in use) and how they can be informed by formal (+)= highly
theories to enhance work with students.

Review theories in texts and how to best

use them in a ever changing student

Conduct workshops to educated

colleagues/students depending on role in

Informally applying theories when

working with students while being
cognizant to use it as a framework and
not fact.

Finish my portfolio.
Continue to assess advising style and
Incorporating theories how to best work with a diverse student
during training of New population to ensure their personal and
Student Mentors. (I)
academic success.

Identify dominant perspectives present in some models of

student learning and development.

Many student
development models
are centered around the
individual and may not
be applicable to those
who are raised in a
()= competent collectivist culture. (C )

Construct learning outcomes for both daily practice as well

as teaching and training activities.

Created workshop for

College Access Now on
Educational Planning
and had to submit
Run more workshops and clearly
learning outcomes
communicate purpose and important
()= competent beforehand. (V)

Continue to identify the strength and

limitations of various theories and how
to best apply them to a diverse student

Assess teaching, learning, and training and incorporate the

results into practice.

Assess learning outcomes from programs and services and

use theory to improve practice.

Training New Student

Mentors and providing
feedback on mentors
performance. Learning
how to best supervise
()= competent student workers. (W)
Conducted assessment
and generated annaul
report through
()= competent internship at SSC.

Continue to assess how to improve

supervision and training of students
through feedbac from students and

Continue to implement assessment into

my work as a SA professional.

Competency Area
Overall Competency Rating Level
The Technology competency area focuses on the use of digital
tools, resources, and technologies for the advancement of
student learning, development, and success as well as the
improved performance of student affairs professionals. Included
within this area are knowledge, skills, and dispositions that lead
to the generation of digital literacy and digital citizenship within
communities of students, student affairs professionals, faculty
members, and colleges and universities.


Specific Rating

Demonstrate adaptability in the face of fast-paced technological change.

(+)= highly competent


Remain current on student and educator adoption patterns of new technologies and familiarize oneself
with the purpose and functionality of those technologies.
(+)= highly competent
Troubleshoot basic software, hardware, and connectivity problems and refer more complex problems to
an appropriate information technology administrator.
(+)= highly competent
Draw upon research, trend data, and environmental scanning to assess the technological readiness and
needs of students, colleagues, and other educational stakeholders when infusing technology into
educational programs and interventions.

(+)= highly competent

Critically assess the accuracy and quality of information gathered via technology and accurately cite
electronic sources of information respecting copyright law and fair use.
(+)= highly competent

Model and promote the legal, ethical, and transparent collection, use, and securing of electronic data.
()= competent

Ensure compliance with accessible technology laws and policies.

Evidence of Learning Future Improvement & Development

Exploring use of social

media to better
communicate with
students. (W/I)
Improve mobile
experience for students
like functionaility and
accessibility. Examples
include college apps,
college website,
Canvas, etc. (W/I)
I am the go to
individual in the office
for troubleshooting
technology. (W/I)
Assessment and
creation of Annual
Report. (I)
Experience reading and
citing research through
various courses in the
SDA program and my
undergraduate degree
in the sciences. (C )
Trained in FERPA. (W)
Learned about and
conducted case studies
on various legal/ethical
issues in higher
education. (C )
Learned about
institutional policy as it
pretains to use of and
distribution of
information to third
party app developers at
SSC. (I)

Improve student adoption and

engagement on various social media
platforms such as Facebook or college
campus apps.

Continue to use and receive feedback

from students on the latest technology.

Continue to support collegues and utilize

IT when applicable.
Collaborating with Institutional Research
when applicable for pertinent data when
conductiing assessment.

Continue to be up to date on the latest

research that my be relevent to my work
as a SA professional.

Be aware of different institutional

policies when conducting assessment or
managing student records.

Network with professionals on campus

who may have to deal with FERPA
compliance issues such as the Registrar,
administration, etc.
Demonstrate awareness of ones digital identity and engage students in learning activities related to
Provide training/workshop to students
responsible digital communications and virtual community engagement as related to their digital reputation
Am aware of ones own to manage online presence. Examples
and identity.
()= competent
digital footprint. (W)
Career Services workshops.
Considered access to
Model and promote equitable and inclusive practices by ensuring all participants in educational endeavors
SSC app in the context
can access and utilize the necessary tools for success.
of a Community
Conduct assessment through surveys and
(+)= highly competent College setting. (I)
focus groups on use of SSC app.
Implemented texting as
a new form of
communication for
students in Albers
Appropriately utilize social media and other digital communication and collaboration tools to market and
School of Business.
promote advising, programming, and other learning-focused interventions and to engage students in these
Created Facebook
group for Albers NSM
program to better
Conduct assessment on efficacy of
communicate with
utilizing social media and other digital
(+)= highly competent students. (W)
communication methods.
()= area of
nce needed

Engage in personal and professional digital learning communities and personal learning networks at the
local, national, and/or global level.
()= competent
Design, implement, and assess technologically-rich learning experiences for students and other
stakeholders that model effective use of visual and interactive media.

Used Canvas discussion

boards in several
classes such as Adult
Learning, Multicultural
Perspectives. (C )
Used Powerpoint and
Prezi for
ps (W,I,C)

()= competent
()= area of
nce needed
Technology is
Incorporate commonly utilized technological tools and platforms including social medial and other digital
incorporated into most
communication and collaboration tools into ones work.
(+)= highly competent aspects of my work.
Ensure that ones educational work with and service to students is inclusive of students participating in
online and hybrid format courses and programs.

Participate on free online professional

development workshops though
Examples to integrate more technology
in learning include using texting polls,
twitter feeds, infographics, etc.
Learn how to use Canvas to create
Be up to date on the latest technology
and tools.

Competency Area
Overall Competency Rating Level
Advising & Supporting
The Advising and Supporting competency
area addresses the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions related to providing advising
and support to individuals and groups
through direction, feedback, critique,
referral, and guidance. Through
developing advising and supporting
strategies that take into account selfknowledge and the needs of others, we
play critical roles in advancing the holistic
wellness of ourselves, our students, and
our colleagues.


Exhibit culturally inclusive active listening skills (e.g., appropriately establishing interpersonal contact, paraphrasing, perception
Foundational checking, summarizing, questioning, encouraging, avoid interrupting, clarifying).
Establish rapport with students, groups, colleagues, and others that acknowledges differences in lived experiences.
Recognize the strengths and limitations of ones own worldview on communication with others (e.g., how terminology could
either liberate or constrain others with different gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, cultural backgrounds, etc.).
Facilitate refection to make meaning from experiences with students, groups, colleagues, and others.
Conscientiously use appropriate nonverbal communication.
Facilitate problem-solving.

Specific Rating Evidence of Learning Future Improvement & Development

(+)= highly
(+)= highly
(+)= highly
()= competent
()= competent
(+)= highly
(+)= highly
()= competent
(+)= highly
()= competent

Facilitate individual decision-making and goal-setting.

Appropriately challenge and support students and colleagues.
Know and use referral sources (e.g., other offces, outside agencies, knowledge sources), and exhibit referral skills in seeking
expert assistance.
Identify when and with whom to implement appropriate crisis management and intervention responses.
Maintain an appropriate degree of confdentiality that follows applicable legal and licensing requirements, facilitates the
development of trusting relationships, and recognizes when confdentiality should be broken to protect the student or others.
()= competent
Seek opportunities to expand ones own knowledge and skills in helping students with specifc concerns (e.g., relationship issues,
navigating systems of oppression, or suicidality) as well as interfacing with specifc populations within the college student
(+)= highly
environment (e.g., student veterans, low-income students, etc.).
(+)= highly
Utilize virtual resources and technology tomeet the advising and supporting needs of students.
Know and follow applicable laws, policies, and professional ethical guidelines relevant to advising and supporting students
()= competent

W, C

W, C

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