Johnston Lesson Plan Format Norwood

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Lesson Plan Format:

Teacher: Chris Johnston_

Grade Level: 7th


Content and Standards: Identify Mendelian patterns of inheritance. 3.1.7.B1


Prerequisites: Students need to know and understand the meanings of; genes,
heredity, alleles, dominant genes, recessive genes, traits, genetics, codominance,
incomplete dominance, heterozygous, homozygous, genotype, phenotype, and
Punnett Squares.


Essential Questions (provide a framework) How can individuals from the same
species even siblings have different characteristics.


Instructional Objective: Students will be able to define these terms comprehending

their relationship to each other and the broader subject of Heredity. They will create
a Punnett Square diagraming and predicting the offspring from various parent alleles.


Instructional Procedures: Before the lesson begins vocabulary flashcards will be

created and studied until a vocabulary quiz is given. This will give the students an
understanding of the terms used in creating a Punnett Square. During the students
will then be given instructions on the parts of a Punnett Square and how to create
them They will watch the Prezi which will further extend their knowledge of key
concepts associated with Punnett Squares. Then they will work on Punnett Square
worksheets. Along with the worksheets blank squares will be used to correct
misconceptions and answer questions. I will ask them what to put in the boxes
explaining why they put to correct thing there or what is supposed to go there if they
are wrong. As I close the lesson on Punnett Squares I will have a completed Punnett
Square and ask them to define the parts, this relates to the vocabulary from the
beginning of the lesson and reinforces key concepts and ideas associated with the
Punnett Squares.


Materials and Equipment: Prezi:
Fred and Wilma Punnett Square worksheet. Blank Punnett Square diagrams.


Assessment/Evaluation: The students will finish the worksheet and hand it in for a
class work grade. The blank Punnett Squares will be used to formatively assess
understanding key concepts and the ability to make a square correctly and to predict
the characteristics and percentages of the offspring of different parents. They will
have a Punnett Square to finish on the unit test that will determine understanding and
ability to create a genetic diagram.


VII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities: There are different Punnett Squares

that will be used. As they watch the Prezi I will have students that need more
instruction take notes to reinforce ideas. I will work through more squares step by
step for students that need it and completed squares will be provided for them to use
for future reference.


Technology: A prezi and a power point presentation will be shown on a white. The
white board will also be used to demonstrate Punnett Squares.


Self-Assessment During this lesson I was observed by my cooperation teacher.

She gave me feedback in order to modify my future lessons. During the lesson the
students will respond to my prompts and questions and I will make adjustments
based on their feedback. I will use how long the lesson took and how much
engagement I received from the students to adjust lessons for other classes. This
lesson will culminate with a vocabulary quiz and the handing in of completed

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