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11/30/06 09:56 am

If you are prone to hearing disembodied voices, people may advise you to
invest in a good tinfoil hat.
After diligent research, I must strongly state my disagreement with that
hypothesis. It is not a safe practice. You must wear a nomex cap under the
tinfoil hat for obvious reasons,as related in the enclosures below.
The next time ya put on that tinfoil hat?
...ya may want to place a fireproof nomex skullcap on yer noggin first.
Microwaves do funny things to metal, don't ya know...
...Oh, yeah. If yer on oxygen, too? You really don't wanna know this...
No matter how many people are out to get careful out there, will ya?
Under certain condistions, paranoia can be your friend. Marines call it,
"Threat Assessment."
I just thought I oughta warn ya is all...
Remember: Safety first!
What? Ya think I'm joking? forget the way I do my research, don't ya?
Further Studies on the Microwave Auditory Effect
Lin, J.C.
This paper appears in: Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on

Publication Date: Nov 1977

Volume: 25, Issue: 11
On page(s): 938- 943
ISSN: 0018-9480
Posted online: 2003-01-06 16:32:04.0
Auditory signals generated in humans and animals who are irradiated with
short rectangular pulses of microwave energy have been studied. Assuming that
the effect arises from sound waves generated in the tissues of the head by
rapid, thermal expansion caused by microwave absorption, and using a
technique described previously, the governing equations are solved for a
homogeneous spherical model of the head under constrained-surface conditions.
The results indicate that the frequency of the auditory signal is a function
of the size and acoustic property of the head only. While the amplitude and
frequency of the microwave-induced sound are higher than those predicted by
the stress-free boundary condition formulation, they are compatible with the
experimental results reported to date.
Microwave-induced thermoelastic pressure wave propagation in the cat brain
James C. Lin *, Jenn-Lung Su, Yujin Wang
Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois, Chicago
*Correspondence to James C. Lin, Department of Bioengineering (M/C 063),
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL 60680-4348
Funded by:
U.S. National Science Foundation; Grant Number: ECS-8304963
Office of Naval Research; Grant Number: N00014-81-K-0237
microwave pulses * acoustic pressure * speed of propagation * attenuation
coefficient * frequency spectrum
This paper presents direct measurements of acoustic pressure wave
propagation in cat brains irradiated with pulsed 2.45-GHz microwaves. Short
rectangular microwave pulses (2 s, 15 kW peak power) were applied singly
through a direct-contact applicator located at the occipital pole of a cat's
head. Acoustic pressure waves were detected by using a small hydrophone
transducer, which was inserted stereotaxically into the brain of an
anesthetized animal through a matrix of holes drilled on the skull. The
measurements clearly indicate that pulsed microwaves induce acoustic pressure
waves which propagate with an acoustic wave velocity of 1523 m/s.
Received: 10 March 1987; Revised: 3 August 1987


Hearing microwaves: the microwave auditory phenomenon
Lin, J.C.
Illinois Univ., Chicago, IL;
This paper appears in: Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE
Publication Date: Dec 2001
Volume: 43, Issue: 6
On page(s): 166-168
ISSN: 1045-9243
References Cited: 8
INSPEC Accession Number: 7166353
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/74.979546
Posted online: 2002-08-07 00:02:28.0
The microwave auditory phenomenon, or the microwave hearing effect, pertains
to the hearing of short pulses of modulated microwave radiation at high peak
power by humans and laboratory animals. Anecdotal and journalistic reports of
the hearing of microwave pulses persisted throughout the 1940s; and 1950s.
The first scientific report of the phenomenon appeared in 1961. The effect
has been observed for RF exposures across a wide range of frequencies
(450-3000 MHz). It can arise, for example, at an incident energy-density
threshold of 400 mJ/m2 for a single 10-microsecond-wide pulse of 2450 MHz
microwave energy, incident on the head of a human subject. And it has been
shown to occur at an SAR threshold of 1.6 kW/kg for a single
10-microsecond-wide pulse of 2450 MHz microwave energy, impinging on the
head. A single microwave pulse can be perceived as an acoustic click or
knocking sound, and a train of microwave pulses to the head can be sensed as
an audible tune, with a pitch corresponding to the pulse-repetition rate (a
buzz or chirp). Note that the SAR threshold of 1.6 kW/kg is about 1000 times
higher than that allowable by FCC rules for cellular mobile telephones
Microwave radar towers

Microwave weapons...
Microwave communications

12/02/06 07:27 pm
Some people who hear voices may not be as crazy as we think they are...
If you are a Veteran - or if you are a friend or a family member of a Veteran who
has worked around microwave radar, you may want to keep this one for your
files. If you're a civilian who works around such things, you may want to read
this presentation as well.
"The interpretive thrust of the eastern Europeans' studies of animals and of case
histories of human beings employed near industrial or military sources of radiofrequency energy is that chronic exposure to microwave radiations results in a
neurasthenic syndrome. Headache, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, moodiness, and
nocturnal insomnia are typically reported symptoms (cf. Marha, 1970; Tolgskava
& Gordon, 1973)."
...oh, yeah. From the sounds of this article, that tinfoil hat may not do ya much
good... Experiment a little bit, but you might want to opt for lead instead of
tinfoil when yer making that hat. ...mebbe a lead body suit or something...
< snip >
"The demonstration of sonic transduction bated and unresolved question of
microwave energy by materials lacking in water lessens the likelihood that a
thermoacoustic transduction probably underlies perception. If so, it is clear that
simple heating as such is not a sufficient basis for the Frey effect; the
requirement for pulsing of radiations appears to implicate a thermodynamic
principle. Frey and Messenger (1973) demonstrated and Guy, Chou, Lin, and
Christensen (1970) confirmed that a microwave pulse with a slow rise time is
ineffective in producing an auditory response; only if the rise time is short,
resulting in effect in a square wave with respect to the leading edge of the
envelope of radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response occur.
Thus, the rate of change (the first derivative) of the wave form of the pulse is
critical factor in perception. Given a thermodynamic interpretation, it would
follow that information can be encoded in the energy and "communicated" to the
"listener." Communication has in fact been demonstrated. A. Guy (Note 1),
skilled telegrapher, arranged for his father, a retired railroad telegrapher, to
operate a key, each closure and opening of which resulted in radiation of a pulse
of microwave energy. By directing the radiations at his own head, complex
messages via the Continental Morse Code were readily received by Guy. Sharp
and Grove (Note 2) found that appropriate modulation of microwave energy can
result in direct "wireless" and "receiverless" communication of speech. They
recorded by voice on tape each of the single- syllable words for digits between 1
and 10. The electrical sine-wave analogs of each word were then processed so

that each time a sine wave crossed zero reference in the negative direction, a
brief pulse of microwave energy was triggered.
By radiating themselves with these "voice modulated" microwaves, Sharp and
Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words.
The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial
larynxes. Communication of more complex words and of sentences was not
attempted because the averaged densities of energy required to transmit longer
messages would approach the current 10 mW/cm2 limit of safe exposure. The
capability of communicating directly with a human being by receiverless radio"
has obvious potentialities both within and without the clinic. But the hotly
debated and unresolved question of how much microwave radiation a human
being can safely be exposed to will probably forestall applications within the
near future."
< snip >

12/03/06 07:15 pm
(1 of 1)
United States Patent 6,017,302
Loos Jan. 25, 2000
Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric
acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory
resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation,
drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency
near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of
certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects
to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal
range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of
weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the
general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and
clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors,
epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a
nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for
causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then
preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that
inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.
Inventors: Loos; Hendricus G. (3019 Cresta Wy., Laguna Beach, CA 92651).
Appl. No.: 961,907
Filed: Oct. 31, 1997
Intl. Cl. : A61B 5/00
Current U.S. Cl.: 600/28
Field of Search: 600/26-28; 128/897, 898
References Cited | [Referenced By]
U.S. Patent Documents
4,124,022 Nov., 1978 Gross
4,335,710 Jun., 1982 Williamson 600/28
4,573,449 Mar., 1986 Warnke
5,076,281 Dec., 1991 Gavish 600/28 X
5,123,899 Jun., 1992 Gall 600/28
5,309,411 May, 1994 Huang et al. 367/140
5,733,240 Mar., 1998 De Visser 600/9
Primary Examiner: Gilbert; Samuel
17 Claims, 12 Drawing Figures

12/03/06 07:16 pm
Human auditory system response to
Modulated electromagnetic energy.
General Electric Advanced Electronics Center
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Frey, Allan H. Human auditory systems response to modulated electromagnetic
J. Appl. Physiol. 17(4):689-692. 1962The intent of this paper is to bring a new phenomenon to the attention of
physiologists. Using extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic
energy, the perception of sounds was induced in normal and deaf humans. The
effect was induced several hundred feet from the antenna the instant the
transmitter was turned on, and is a function of carrier frequency and
modulation. Attempts were made to match the sounds induced by
energy and acoustic energy. The closest match occurred when the acoustic
amplifier was driven by the rf transmitter's modulator. Peak power density is
a critical factor and, with acoustic noise of approximately 80 db, a peak
power density of approximately 275 mw/cm2 is needed to induce the perception
at carrier frequencies of 425 mc and 1,310 mc. The average power density can
be at least as low as 400 uw/cm2. The evidence for the various possible sites
of electromagnetic energy sensor are discussed and locations peripheral to
the cochlea are ruled out.
A significant amount of research has been concerned with the effects of
radio-frequency (rf) energy on organisms (electromagnetic energy between 1Kc
and 100 Gc). Typically, this work has been concerned with determining damage
resulting from body temperature increase. The average power densities used
have been on the order of 0.1-1 w/cm2 used ove many minutes to several hours.
In contrast, using average power densities measured in microwatts per square
centimeter, we have found that other effects, which are transient, can be
induced with this energy. Further, these effects occur the instant the
transmitter is turned on. With appropriate modulation, the perception of
various sounds can be induced in clinically deaf, as well as normal, human
subjects at a distance of inches up to thousands of feet from the
transmitter. With somewhat different transmitter parameters, we can induce
the perception of severe buffeting of the head, without such apparent
vestibular symptoms as dizziness or nausea. Changing transmitter parameters
again, one can induce a "pins-and -needles" sensation.
Experimental work with these phenomena may yield information on auditory
system functioning and, more generally, information on nervous system
function. For example, this energy could possibly be used as a tool to

explore nervous system coding, possibly using Neider and Neff's procedures
(1), and for stimulating the nervous system without the damage caused by
electrodes. Since most of our data have been obtained on the "rf sound" and
only the visual system has previously been shown to respond to
electromagnetic energy, this paper will be concerned only with the auditory
effects data. As a further restriction, only data from human subjects will be
reported, since only these data can be discussed meaningfully at the present
time. The long series of studies we performed to ascertain that we were
dealing with a biologically significant phenomenon (rather than broadcasts
from sources such as loose fillings in teeth) are summarized in another paper
(2), which also reports on the measuring instruments used in this work. The
intent of this paper is to bring this new phenomenon to the attention of
physiologists. The data reported are intended to suggest numerous lines of
experimentation and indicate necessary experimental controls. Since we were
dealing with a significant phenomenon, we decided to explore the effects of a
wide range of transmitter parameters to build up a body of knowledge which
would allow us to generate hypotheses and determine what experimental
controls would be necessary. Thus, the numbers given are conservative; they
should not be considered precise, since the transmitters were never located
in ideal laboratory environments. Within the limits of our measurements, the
orientation of the subject in the rf field was of little consequence. Most of
the transmitters used to date in the experimentation have been pulse
modulated with no information placed on the signal. The rf sound has been
described as being a buzz, clicking, hiss, or knocking, depending on several
transmitter parameters, i.e., pulse width and pulse-repetition rate (PRF).
The apparent source of these sounds is localized by the subjects as being
within, or immediately behind, the head. The sound always seem to come from
within or immediately behind the head, no matter how the subject twists or
rotates in the rf field.
Our early experimentation, performed using transmitters with very short square
pulses and high pulse repetition rates, seemed to indicate that we were
dealing with harmonics of the PRF. However, our later work has indicated that
this is not the case; rather, the rf sound appears to be the incidental
modulation envelope on each pulse, as shown in Fig. 1
Some difficulty was experienced when the subjects tried to match the rf sound
to ordinary audio. They reported that it was not possible to satisfactorily
match the rf sound to a sine wave or white noise. An audio amplifier was
connected to a variable bandpass filter and pulsed by the transmitter pulsing
mechanism. The subjects, when allowed to control the filter, reported a
fairly satisfactory match. The subjects were fairly well satisfied when all
frequencies below 5Kc audio were eliminated and the high-frequency audio was
extended as much as possible. There was, however, always a demand for more
high-frequency components. Since our tweeter has a rather good high frequency
response, it is possible that we have shown an analogue of the visual
phenomenon in which people see farther into the ultraviolet range when the
lens is eliminated from the eye. In other words, this may be a demonstration
that the mechanical transmission system of the ossicles cannot respond to as

high a frequency as the rest of the auditory system. Since the rf bypasses
the ossicle system and the audio given the subject for matching does not,
this may explain the dissatisfaction of our subjects in their matching. At
one time in our experimentation with deaf subjects, there seemed to be a
clear relationship between the ability to hear audio above 5Kc and the
ability to hear rf sounds. If a subject could hear above 5Kc, either by bone
or air conduction, then he could hear the rf sounds. For example, the
threshold of a subject whose audio-gram appears in Fig. 2 was the same
average power density as our normal subjects. Recently, however, we have
found people with a notch around 5Kc who do not perceive the rf sound
generated by at least one of our transmitters.
TABLE 1 Transmitter parameters
WavePulse Width
length cm
Duty Cycle
As shown in Table 1, we have used a fairly wide range of transmitter
parameters. We are currently experimenting with transmitters that radiate
energy at frequencies below 425 mc, and are using different types of
modulation, e.g., pulse-repetition rates as low as 3 and 4/sec. In the
experimentation reported in this section, the ordinary noise level was 70-90
db (measured with a General Radio Co. Model 1551-B sound-level meter). In
order to minimize the rf energy used in the experimentation, subjects wore
Flent antinoise ear stoppers whenever measurements were made. The Ordinary
noise attenuation of the Flents is indicated in Fig. 3. Although the rf
sounds can be heard without the use of Flents, even above an ambient noise
level of 90 db, it appears that the ambient noise to some extent "masked" the
rf sound.
TABLE 2 Threshold for perception of rf sound (ambient noise level 70 - 90 db)









Table 2 gives the threshold for perception of the rf sounds. It shows fairly
clearly that the critical factor in perception of rf sound is the peak power
density, rather than the average power density. The relatively high value for
transmitter B was expected and will be discussed below. Transmitter G has
been omitted from this table since the 20 mw/cm2 reading for it can be
considered only approximate. The field-strength-measuring instruments used in
that experiment did not read high enough to give an accurate reading. The
energy from transmitter H was not perceived, even when the peak power density
was as high as 25 w/cm2. When the threshold energy is plotted as a function
of the rf energy (Fig 4), a curve is obtained which is suggestive of the
curve of penetration of rf energy into the head. Figure 5 shows the
calculated penetration, by frequency of rf energy, into the head. Our data
indicate that the calculated penetration curve may well be accurate at the
higher frequencies but the penetration at the lower frequencies may be grater
than that calculated on this model.
As previously noted, the thresholds were obtained in a high ambient noise
environment. This is an unusual situation as compared to obtaining thresholds
of regular audio sound. Our recent experimentation leads us to believe that,
if the ambient noise level were not so high, these threshold field strengths
would be much lower. Since one purpose of this paper is to suggest
experiments, it might be appropriate to theorize as to what the rf sound
threshold might be if we assume that the subject is in an anechoic chamber.
It is also assumed that there is no transducer noise.
Given: As a threshold for the rf sound, a peak power density of 275 mw/cm2

determined in an ambient noise environment of 80 db. Earplugs attenuate the

ambient noise to 30 db.
If: 1 mw/cm2 is set equal to 0 db, then 275 mw/cm2 is equal to 24 db.
Then: We can reduce the rf energy 50 db to -26 db as we reduce the noise level
energy from 50 db to 0 db. We find that -26 db rf energy is approximately 3
Thus: In an anechoic room, rf sound could theoretically be induced by a peak
power density of 3 uw/cm2 measured in free space. Since only 10% of this
energy is likely to penetrate the skull, the human auditory system and a
table radio may be one order of magnitude apart in sensitivity to rf energy.
One possibility that seems to have been ruled out in our experimentation is
that of a capacitor type effect with the tympanic membrane and oval window
acting as plates of a capacitor. It would seem possible that these membranes,
acting as plates of a capacitor, could be set in motion by rf energy. There
are, however, three points of evidence against this possibility. First, when
one rotates a capacitor in an rf field, a rather marked change occurs in the
capacitor as a function of its orientation in the field. When our subjects
rotate or change positions of their heads in the field, the loudness of the
rf sound does not change appreciably. Second, the distance between these
membranes is rather small, compared with the wavelengths used. As a third
point, we found that one of our subjects who has otosclerosis heard the rf
Another possible location for the detecting mechanism is in the cochlea. We
have explored this possibility with nerve-deaf people, but the results are
inconclusive due to factors such as tinnitus. We are currently exploring this
possibility with animal preparations. The third likely place for the
detection mechanism is the brain. Burr and Mauro (6) presented evidence that
indicates that there is an electrostatic field about neurons. Morrow and
Sepiel (7) presented evidence that indicates the existence of a magnetic
field about neurons. Becker (personal communication) has done some work
indicating that there is longitudinal flow of charge carriers in neurons.
Thus, it is reasonable to suspect that possibly the electromagnetic field
could interact with neuron fields. As yet, evidence of this possibility is
inconclusive. The strongest point against is that we have not found visual
effects although we have searched for them. On the other hand, we have
obtained other nonauditory effects and found that the sensitive area for
detecting rf sounds is a region over the temporal lobe of the brain. One can
shield, with a 2-in.sq. piece of fly screen, a portion of the strippled area
shown in Fig. 6 and completely cut off the rf sound.
Another possibility should also be considered. There is no good reason to
assume that there is only one detector site. On the contrary, the work of
Jones et al (8), in which they placed electrodes in the ear and electrically
stimulated the subject, is sufficiently relevant to suggest the possibility
of more than one detector site. Also, several sensations have been elicited
with properly modulated electromagnetic energy. It is doubtful that all of
these can be attributed to one detector. As mentioned earlier, the purpose of
this paper is to focus the attention of physiologists on an unusual area and

stimulate additional work on which interpretations can be based.

Interpretations have been deliberately omitted from this paper since
additional data are needed before a clear picture can emerge. It is hoped
that the additional exploration will also result in an increase in our
knowledge of nervous system functions.
Neider, P.C., and W.D.Neff. Science 133: 1010,1961.
Frey, A.H. Aero Space Med. 32: 1140, 1961.
Zwislocki, J. Noise Control 4: 42, 1958.
Von Gierke, H. Noise Control 2: 37, 1956.
Niest, R., L Pinneo, R. Baus, J. Fleming, and R. McAfee. Ann. Rept. USA Rome
Air Development Command,TR-61-65, 1961
Burr, H., and A. Mauro. Yale J Biol.and Med. 21:455, 1949.
Morrow, R., and J. Seipel. J. Wash. Acad. SCI. 50: 1, 1960.
Jones, R.C.,S.S. Stevens, and M.H. Lurie. J.Acoustic.Soc. Am. 12: 281, 1940.
additional references:

12/03/06 07:31 pm
The 'tinfoil hat' thing is starting to have a brand new meaning, isn't
it? :O)
Now, some of you have seen some parts of my research. The research that took
me more than two years and reading some three hundred million words to even
begin to assemble. Research based upon real, verifiable and repeatable
science, history and technology. Research which reveals the theories behind
what I've been sharing with you over the last few days.
If one man working alone and on limited resources can assemble such
information, think about what he could if he had unlimited resources...and no
one to hold him accountable.
Think about having almost unlimted resources, and having several thousand
people - in dozens of nations around the world - working on such projects.
Russia, the U.S., China, Britain, Japan, India, private corporations and
research facilities, national security organiations, colleges and
universities, kids and inventors working in basements and garages...and they
each and every one have different agendas, ideologies and purposes.
Scary thought, huh?
This is the first of a two-part series on plasma and electromagnetic weapons
by David Hambling, author of Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth
Our High-Tech World.
The brain has always been a battlefield. New weapons might be able to hack
directly into your nervous system.
"Controlled Effects" (see image, right) is one of the Air Force's ambitious
long-term challenges. It starts with better and more accurate bombs, but
moves on to discuss devices that "make selected adversaries think or act
according to our needs... By studying and modeling the human brain and
nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnel is
also possible."
LTChallenge-08-IMG2.JPGThe first stage is technology to "remotely create
physical sensations." They give the example of the Active Denial System
"people zapper" which uses a high-frequency radiation similar to microwaves
as a non-lethal means of crowd control.
Other weapons can affect the nervous system directly. The Pulsed Energy
Projectile fires a short intense pulse of laser energy. This vaporizes the

outer layer of the target, creating a rapidly-expanding expanding ball of

plasma. At different power levels, those expanding plasmas could deliver a
harmless warning, stun the target, or disable them - all with pinpoint laser
precision from a mile away.
Early reports on the effects of PEPs mentioned temporary paralysis, then
thought to be related to ultrasonic shockwaves. It later became apparent that
the electromagnetic pulse caused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve
Details of this emerged in a heavily-censored document released to Ed Hammond
of the Sunshine Project under the Freedom if Information Act. Called "Sensory
consequence of electromagnetic pulsed emitted by laser induced plasmas," it
described research on activating the nerve cells responsible for sensing
unpleasant stimuli: heat, damage, pressure, cold. By selectively stimulating
a particular nociceptor, a finely tuned PEP might sensations of say, being
burned, frozen or dipped in acid -- all without doing the slightest actual
The skin is the easiest target for such stimulation. But, in principle, any
sensory nerves could be triggered. The Controlled Effects document suggests
"it may be possible to create synthetic images?to confuse an individual' s
visual sense or, in a similar manner, confuse his senses of sound, taste,
touch, or smell."
In other words, it may be possible to use electromagnetic means to create
overwhelming 'sound' or 'light', or indeed 'intolerable smell' which would
exist only in the brain of the person perceiving them.
There is another side as well. The "sensory consequences" document also notes
that the nervous system which controls muscles could be influenced to cause
what they call "Taser-like motor effects." The stun gun's ability to shock
the muscles into malfunction is relatively crude; we might now be looking at
are much more targeted effects.
Tomorrow: Moscow moves in. Remote-controlled heart attacks, anyone?

12/04/06 08:18 pm
"640K (of RAM) ought to be enough for anybody."
-- Bill Gates, 1981
Humility doesn't care how rich or clever you are, does it?
Ok. If this wireless brain interface stuff...doesn't get yer attention,
nuthin' will...
There's a lot more at the website than this...
Pictures and a few hotlinks in text at website.
Remember, politicians will try to control this technology...and by
controlling this technology, they control you.
"Think" It So.
I wrote this article for, and it was originally published in, Control
This is an updated version.
Our computers are VERY fast (at least from the perspective of the last several
decades), yet the way in which we interact with them is directly descended
from how we worked with mechanical typewriters. On the input side we tap on
keys set in a layout intentionally designed to slow things down so that the
mechanical hammers could keep up. For output, we read things off of a screen
(page). Yet even the fastest typists often think far faster than they can
type. And while the human eye can glean vast amounts of information from
briefly looking at a scene (what Nature optimized it to do), reading
paragraphs of text is a comparatively slow process.
That's a current bottleneck, but the potential for effectively interfacing
ourselves with machines is much greater. Imagine how many car accidents
might be averted if we could dramatically reduce the eye-hand-foot
coordination times required for an emergency maneuver. Imagine the
"competitive advantages" that instant brain-machine connections could bring
to a soldier or pilot. Or to a professionally-competitive "gamer." Or, even
to a business person who could "read" documents ten or one hundred (or more)

times faster than their competitors. How about a stock trader who could
react faster than anyone else to an event that he noticed first?
Some experiments, such as those by Duke University's Dr. Miguel Nicolelis
( have
already yielded (early) brain-machine interfaces through implanting an array
of 300+ electrodes in a monkey's brain -- the monkey could move a robotic arm
in place of its physical arm by simply "thinking it so." It's certainly a
But suppose that this area of research were to wildly succeed, providing a
high quality high-speed Input/Output channel for our senses? That happens to
be one goal of Cyberkinetics' "BrainGate" system
"The BrainGate? System consists of a sensor implanted on the motor cortex of
the brain, and a system that measures and interprets [its signals]. It is
hoped that the BrainGate? System might... allow people unable to use their
hands to... communicate with a computer using their thoughts."
Even so, most (non-disabled) people might eschew such a brain implant,
considering that (currently) an array of 100 or so sharp electrodes are
implanted on or within the brain and connected to an external computer via a
cable (although miniaturized wireless solutions are being explored).
Image - Cyberkinetics' 100-electrode brain implant
Image - Cyberkinetics' (2004) 100-electrode brain implant
(Above two images (c) 2004 Cyberkinetics Inc.)
Image - Harness connected to the brain of a Dobelle Artificial Vision patient
But results of such early interfaces in humans are already interesting as
illustrated and described in the Wired article "Vision Quest."
Currently only commercially available in Portugal, an artificial vision system
( system is apparently good enough
(although still very crude) that a newly un-blinded patient was able to
safely drive a car around a parking lot!
Image - the glasses-mounted camera of a newly un-blinded patient driving
arount a parking lot! - Image - newly
un-blinded patient driving arount a parking lot!
And as of this writing, Cyberkinetics has successfully brought a similar
brain-to-computer interface to paralyzed humans in FDA approved early
clinical trials -- the subject is able to (again crudely) move a cursor
around a screen, choose commands to change TV channels, and perform other
tasks by simply 'thinking it so!'
Cutting The Cord.
One of the fastest-growing technologies today is "wireless." The unregulated

802.11 (WiFi) spectrum of products (originally a grassroots movement that has

grown into a rapidly-growing commercial implementation thanks to "users,"
rather than to "carriers") has proven the demand for, and viability of,
wireless data communications. And if Robert Burke, lead architect of the
(now closed) European MIT's Media Lab "MindGames" group has his way, their
prototype wireless, non-invasive headset ("Cerebus") might be just the
interface key that helps free the brain from its organic peripherals'
The picture below is a working prototype that enables, literally, mind control
of a videogame by wearing a cap without implanted electrodes!
Image - MindGames' "Cerebus" prototype wireless brain-computer interface
In this early demonstration the user has to "think" a character's (a 'Mawg's')
balance as it crosses a 'high wire' without falling off.
Image - Mind Balance's brain-controlled video game
The helmet wirelessly communicates with the computer running the game via
Bluetooth (an increasingly popular low-speed, limited-range wireless
"...The cap monitors electrical signals from the surface of the scalp over
the occipital lobes (just above the neck). The occipital lobes are the home
of the brain's visual processing, and they sport an effectively direct
connection to the eyes via the brain's optical nerve. When the participant
stares at regions on the screen that are blinking at known frequencies, their
brain processes that blinking in enigmatically complex ways. But one
side-effect of that processing - an increase in electrical activity at the
same frequency as the blinking orb - is sufficiently pronounced that it can
be detected in the electromagnetic soup at the surface of the head. These
detectable artifacts are called Visually Evoked Potentials, or VEPs.
If the Mawg slips to the right, the participant can help shift the creature's
balance back to the left by staring at the orb flickering on the left-hand
side of the screen. The subsequent change in brainwave electrical activity is
detected by the system as a VEP, and transformed into a one-dimensional
analog control axis that can be used to get the Mawg back on track."
This videogame does seem a simplistic example, but -- it is a fascinating
beginning! (After all, as the saying goes, it's not how WELL the pig sings,
but that it can sing AT ALL.) And this IS just the beginning...
(You'll find a broad overview of this topic at
name=News&file=article&sid=2273 .)

12/05/06 11:48 am
Mind-reading machine knows what you see
15:26 25 April 2005 news service
It is possible to read someone's mind by remotely measuring their brain activity,
researchers have shown. The technique can even extract information from
subjects that they are not aware of themselves.
So far, it has only been used to identify visual patterns a subject can see or has
chosen to focus on. But the researchers speculate the approach might be
extended to probe a person's awareness, focus of attention, memory and
movement intention. In the meantime, it could help doctors work out if patients
apparently in a coma are actually conscious.
Scientists have already trained monkeys to move a robotic arm with the power of
thought and to recreate scenes moving in front of cats by recording information
directly from the feline's neurons (New Scientist print edition, 2 October 1999).
But these processes involve implanting electrodes into their brains to hook them
up to a computer.
Now Yukiyasu Kamitani, at ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in
Kyoto, Japan, and Frank Tong at Princeton University in New Jersey, US, have
achieved similar "mind reading" feats remotely using functional MRI scanning.
Between the lines
The pair showed patterns of parallel lines in 1 of 8 orientations to four
volunteers. By focussing on brain regions involved in visual perception they were
able to recognise which orientation the subjects were observing.
Each line orientation corresponded to a different pattern of brain activity,
although the patterns were different in each person. What is more, when two
sets of lines were superimposed and the subjects were asked to focus on one set,
the researchers could work out which one they were thinking of from the brain
In a separate study, also published in Nature Neuroscience, John-Dylan Haynes
and Geraint Rees at University College London, UK, showed two patterns in
quick succession to 6 volunteers. The first appeared for just 15 milliseconds - too
quick to be consciously perceived by the viewer.
But by viewing fMRI images of the brain, the researchers were able to say which
image had been flashed in front of the subjects. The information was perceived
in the brain even if the volunteers were not consciously aware of it.
The study probed the part of the visual cortex that detects a visual stimulus, but

does not perceive it. "It encodes what we don't see," Haynes says. He thinks that,
further along the visual pathway, brain regions consciously take note that there
has been a stimulus. But this does not happen for the "invisible" stimulus.
Consciousness kicks in
By understanding the perception pathway and working out the point at which
consciousness kicks in, patient consciousness could be diagnosed. This would
mean the setup could be used as a "consciousness-meter," says Haynes; "a
device that allows us to assess whether a patient is consciously perceiving his or
her outside environment."
Yang Dan, a neurobiologist at the University of California in Berkeley, agrees this
would be possible. But she cautions that there is little agreement over what
consciousness actually is.
More subtle forms of mind-reading such as working out intentions or beliefs are
much more speculative, she argues. Even if such subtle information could be
gleaned from brain scans both studies suggest the patterns are unique to
And using the technique as an alternative to the polygraph would be very risky,
says Dan. "The relationship between brain patterns and lies may be very loose."
Journal reference: Nature Neuroscience (DOI: 10.1038/nn1445 and

12/07/06 09:03 pm
If you are still dismissing some of what I've shared recently as being from
the realm of conspiracy theories or can be easily dismissed or discredited,
you're a damn fool.
Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen
High Power Microwave (HPM) systems are among the most mature non-lethal
weapons. They can be used effectively against electronic devices
(anti-electronics) and/or persons (anti-personnel weapon). Microwave weapons
(Directed energy weapons/Radio frequency weapons) damage or destroy
computers, disable the electronics of cars, ignite airbags, and take down
airplanes. They have strong effects and can be used for military and police
as well as terrorist and criminal activities.
Microwave devices are easily to obtain and can be built by terrorists or
criminals with basic knowledge in electronics. To quote Jim Lewis, director
of technology at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in
Washington DC.: "It is unfortunately true that people anywhere around the
globe get access to technology almost as advanced as the Department of
Defense [has it]."
Not only the good guys can apply non-lethal weapons: "...there is mounting
evidence that home-brew HPM weapons are being used to attack people...The
latest research and finding on this horrific trend in Europe is quite
frightening" (News from Infowar, Volume I Number 6, August 28, 2002).
Through the illegal usage of innovative high-tech weapons, people are not
"shot", rather their living quarters are bathed in (high frequency)
electromagnetic waves. A hightech-gang in Germany is using and testing
HPM-weapons that supply continous or pulsed waves over long periods of time.
They have magnetrons, microwave-generators, amplifiers and integrated
systems. The (pulsed) waves of two or more transmitters interfere in the
target zone and strengthen their effects. There are also parabolic antennas
modified to transmitters. Besides this, intelligent (adaptive) antenna
systems (numerous small transmitters connected, instead of few large ones;
for example hidden in parked cars/vans or buildings around the
target/person(s) are used. In addition they apply through wall imaging
methods. - The effects of the HPM-beam on the victims include headache,
irregular heartbeat, painful testis, burned skin, eye damage and cancer.
It would be an error to think that non-lethal weapons are not available for
law-breakers. "Unless we are aware of the possibilities, and acknowledge

them, there is no way we can begin to defend ourselves" (News from Infowar) It is better to inform and to tackle than to wait and ignore.

12/10/06 05:09 pm
Recommended reading: Mind Controllers, Dr. Armen Victorian, 1999, UK Mind
Control, World Control, Jim Keith, 1997, USA Microwave Mind Control, Tim
Rifat, The Truth Campaign, winter 1998, UK
John Stanton Yeomans, in his book ?Principles of Brain Stimulation? (6) of
1990 describes an experiment where, by the electrical stimulation of visual
brain center the perception of Braille characters in blind persons was
induced. They have learned to read them. John Stanton Yeomans writes that by
the electrical stimulation of the brain hundreds of reactions were produced
including complex thoughts.
The dangers of non-lethal mind control weapons were already revealed in an
expert meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, in
July 1994
At Lawrence Livermore Laboratory another RF weapons concept is nicknamed
Brain Bomb." According to the book Star Warriors the Brain Bomb
John Evans: Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, the Burlington Press,
1992, ISBN 1874498008, str.139
Robert Becker: "Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life",
William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985, pg. 287
Robert Becker: "Cross Currents, teh Startling Effects of Electromagnetic
Radiation on your Health", 1991, Bloomsburry Publishing, London, Great
Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9, pg. 304, Robert Becker refers to
Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January and February 1989
# Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromadnetic Fields, 1996, CRC Press
Inc., 0-8493-0641-8/96, - pg. 117, 119, 474- 485, 542-551, 565 at the top and
third and last paragraph
# Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist,
1975, pg. 391 - 401
# M. A. Persinger: ?On the Possibility of Directly acessing Every Human Brain
by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms?, Perception and
Skills, June1995,, sv. 80, str. 791-799
Nature, vol.391, 22.1.1998,str.316, ?Advances in Neurosciences May Threaten
Human Rights?

The concept of informational weapon or informational war is rather unknown to

the world general public. In 1999, V. Lopatin, together with Russian
scientist Vladimir Tsygankov, published a book ?Psychotronic Weapon and the
Security of Russia?.# V. Lopatin, V Cygankov: ?Psichotronnoje oru?ie i
bezopasnost Rossii?, SINTEG, Russian Federation, Moscow, ISBN
5-89638-006-2-A5-2000-30, list of the publications of the publishing house
you will find at the address
# Russian daily Segodnya, 11. February, 2000, Andrei Soldatov: ?Vsadniki
psychotronitscheskovo apokalypsa" (Riders of Psychotronic Apokalypse)
Michael Hutchinson, in the book Megabrain Power (8),
mind control, mind controllers
bioenergetics, neuroinfluencing, telesuggestion, parapsychology
directed-energy weapon
RF weapons
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB)
cybernetics microwaves
non-lethal mind control weapons
Remote Behavioral Influence Technology
EM bioeffects
Remote Behavioral Influence
Behavioral Biophysics
synthetic telepathy, Thought reading
pulsed microwaves, neurophone, radar auditory effect,Cochlear Microphonics
Generated by Microwave Pulses
ELF, ULF, extremely low frequency, ultra low frequency
bioeffects of electromagnetism
biopsychological effects of microwave radiations
electronic attack
Begich: In terms of causing specific information transfers, we don't think so.
I say that because we don't know enough about where they are headed beyond
today. Now, in terms of affecting overall behavior, that it can do. In terms
of being able to direct it specifically, as we understand HAARP today, it
can't be done. However, a smaller system, using the same basic technology,
could very well do it. In fact, we know that there are tactical weapons
systems which utilize pulsed microwaves. These were shown on 60 Minutes (in

1996) to affect behavior. Those smaller systems have been around for a long
time and are even being discussed publicly in superficial ways. The concept
of creating a point of high agitation within a population is very possible.
As we see it, HAARP covers a bigger geographic area, and this entire area is
subjected to the returning ELF frequencies. The energy densities are
sufficient when it cranks up that it gets even more profound in its effect,
and behavioral changes can happen. And you don't know it's happening. It's
not some type of violation that happens as when a bullet pierces tissue. It's
a violation that is much more subtle and difficult to put your finger on.
20th Century U.S. Military Defense and Intelligence Declassified Report:
Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research, Telepathy, Energy
Transfer, Psychotronic Generator, Apport Technique, ESP, Remote Viewing,
Out-of-Body Phenomena, the Paranormal, Psychokinesis (PK)
Mollick,Ethan.(1996,Fall).A Gentler War The Debate over Non-Lethal Weapons.
Harvard International Review. 18(4). {ONLINE],P.46.Available:EBSCOhost.
Mind Control
brain wave signatures
mind meld
directed-energy weapon
RF weapons
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB)
cybernetics microwaves
non-lethal mind control weapons
Remote Behavioral Influence Technology

EM bioeffects researchers
Resonant nonthermal effects in biological systems
low energy electromagnetic fields bilogical effects
Remote Behavioral Influence
Behavioral Biophysics
synthetic telepathy
scalar waves
scalar weapons
stealth radar
microwave interferometry
Microwave weapons
Brain implants
Cognitive modeling
Thought reading
High frequency pulsed ELF
Reverse MRI
Earth tomography
pulsed microwaves
radar auditory effect
Cochlear Microphonics Generated by Microwave Pulses
ELF, ULF electromagnetic waves
scalar waves
bioeffects of electromagnetism
biopsychological effects of microwave radiations
electronic attack
neural marketing
trans-cranial stimulation
corticol stimulators
Mind Controllers
Principles of Brain Stimulation
non-lethal mind control weapons
The Brain Bomb
Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
Bioelectromagnetics Society
Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist
On the Possibility of Directly acessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic
Induction of Fundamental Algorythms
Psychotronic Weapon
informational weapon
CIA mind control
disinformation campaigns



Gordon Thomas, author of "Journey Into Madness", CIA mind control.
Recommended reading: Mind Controllers, Dr. Armen Victorian, 1999, UK Mind
Control, World Control, Jim Keith, 1997, USA Microwave Mind Control, Tim
Rifat, The Truth Campaign, winter 1998, UK
read Uri Dowbenko's review of Brice's book, Mind Control, The Ultimate Terror
John Stanton Yeomans, in his book ?Principles of Brain Stimulation? (6) of
1990 describes an experiment where, by the electrical stimulation of visual
brain center the perception of Braille characters in blind persons was
induced. They have learned to read them. John Stanton Yeomans writes that by
the electrical stimulation of the brain hundreds of reactions were produced
including complex thoughts.
The dangers of non-lethal mind control weapons were already revealed in an
expert meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, in
July 1994
At Lawrence Livermore Laboratory another RF weapons concept is nicknamed
Brain Bomb." According to the book Star Warriors the Brain Bomb
John Evans: Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, the Burlington Press,
1992, ISBN 1874498008, str.139
Robert Becker: "Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life",
William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985, pg. 287
Robert Becker: "Cross Currents, the Startling Effects of Electromagnetic
Radiation on your Health", 1991, Bloomsburry Publishing, London, Great
Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9, pg. 304, Robert Becker refers to
Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January and February 1989
# Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromadnetic Fields, 1996, CRC Press
Inc., 0-8493-0641-8/96, - pg. 117, 119, 474- 485, 542-551, 565 at the top and
third and last paragraph

# Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist,

1975, pg. 391 - 401
# M. A. Persinger: ?On the Possibility of Directly acessing Every Human Brain
by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms?, Perception and
Skills, June1995,, sv. 80, str. 791-799
Nature, vol.391, 22.1.1998,str.316, ?Advances in Neurosciences May Threaten
Human Rights?
The concept of informational weapon or informational war is rather unknown to
the world general public. In 1999, V. Lopatin, together with Russian
scientist Vladimir Tsygankov, published a book ?Psychotronic Weapon and the
Security of Russia?.# V. Lopatin, V Cygankov: ?Psichotronnoje oru?ie i
bezopasnost Rossii?, SINTEG, Russian Federation, Moscow, ISBN
5-89638-006-2-A5-2000-30, list of the publications of the publishing house
you will find at the address
# Russian daily Segodnya, 11. February, 2000, Andrei Soldatov: ?Vsadniki
psychotronitscheskovo apokalypsa" (Riders of Psychotronic Apokalypse)
Michael Hutchinson, in the book Megabrain Power (8),
Mollick,Ethan.(1996,Fall).A Gentler War The Debate o
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Mind control
Hearing voices
Synthetic telepathy
Voice to skull
Mind control

Scalar weapons
Scalar waves
Non-lethal weapons
Directed energy weapons
Radio frequency weapons
Schizophrenia cover story
US military treason
Secret bases
Silent assassination

12/19/06 02:24 am
Mind Control
brain wave signatures
mind meld
directed-energy weapon
RF weapons
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB)
cybernetics microwaves
non-lethal mind control weapons
Remote Behavioral Influence Technology
EM bioeffects researchers
Resonant nonthermal effects in biological systems
low energy electromagnetic fields bilogical effects
Remote Behavioral Influence
Behavioral Biophysics
synthetic telepathy
scalar waves
scalar weapons
stealth radar
microwave interferometry
Microwave weapons
Brain implants
Cognitive modeling
Thought reading
High frequency pulsed ELF
Reverse MRI
Earth tomography

pulsed microwaves
radar auditory effect
Cochlear Microphonics Generated by Microwave Pulses
ELF, ULF electromagnetic waves
scalar waves
bioeffects of electromagnetism
biopsychological effects of microwave radiations
electronic attack
neural marketing
trans-cranial stimulation
corticol stimulators
Mind Controllers
Principles of Brain Stimulation
non-lethal mind control weapons
The Brain Bomb
Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
Bioelectromagnetics Society
Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist
On the Possibility of Directly acessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic
Induction of Fundamental Algorythms
Psychotronic Weapon
informational weapon
CIA mind control
disinformation campaigns

01/01/07 01:26 am
If you've read even a few of the "Tinfoil Hat" emails, throw in some of that
stuff from "Invisible Cyborgs" - and can understand multisyllabic words you'll realize that some of these mind control conspiracy folks aren't that
Of course, if you don't think the Russians are working on this kinda stuff,
you're as gullible as they come. ...wanna buy a used car?
Bioelectric Terrorism: Analysis of Possible Threat
Grigoriev O.A.1, Grigoriev Y.G.2, Stepanov V.S.2, Chekmarev O.M.3
Published in Russian in "Annual of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionising
Radiation Protection 2004-5" Moscow, 2006, page 205-216. The following
translation to english by UC Davis student, Tatiana Kanare, August 2006.
The book begins in english: "The possible threat analysis of the EMF
technologies applications in terrorist activity is presented for the first
The article ends in english: "Analyses of Possibility Threat of The
Bioelectromagnetic Terrorism. The possiblity of the bioelectromagnetic
terrorism is discussed in this article. It was analyzed main aims, ways and
methods of EMF effects for biologics objects. In opinion of authors, EMF will
be able to using for bioelectromagnetic terrorism in futures."
A special thank you to Anatolij, a victim of the Netherlands, who sent Mind
Justice the background information and this russian article in 2005. You
have made a difference, Anatolij, thank you! Anatolij was a university law
student in 1997 when the severe psychotronic, electromagnetic attacks began.
The severe remote torture he described continues to this day. It is
unimaginable and also similar to the many cases being reported worldwide.
Mind Justice Home Page
Grigoriev O.A.1, Grigoriev Y.G.2, Stepanov V.S.2, Chekmarev O.M.3
Center of Electromagnetic Safety*, Moscow
SSC (State Scientific Center) Institute of Biophysics, Moscow
Center of State Sanitary Control of Administrative Department of President of
the Russian Federation, Moscow
The principle possibility of the use of biological action of the
electromagnetic field (EMF) by terrorist elements is examined, and also the
respective possible ways, methods and aims of electromagnetic influence on

bio-object, corresponding measures on warning of negative consequences of

such influence are analyzed. The article is prepared on the basis of the
materials of lecture by authors at the 2nd International Conference ?World
Association Against Globalization of Criminality and Terrorism?, held in
Moscow on January 20-21, 2004.
Most often the term ?electromagnetic terrorism? is used in relation to the
destruction of technical objects. Examining the theme of biological action of
EMF in relation to terrorist acts, the authors considered it possible to use
the term ?bioelectromagnetic terrorism?, taking into account that EMF, as
well as factors related to the weapon of mass destruction, can affect a man
with a lethal and nonlethal outcome, and affect all of the elements of
biosphere and ecosystems.
EMF is a biologically active physical factor, depending on the terms of
influence on bio-objects, it can exert harmful, dangerous or striking action.
The passage of Federal Law in effect from 2001, ?About a weapon? (article 6)
establishes the possibility of the existence of ?weapon and other objects,
the striking action of which is based on the usage of electromagnetic
radiation? [1].
In problems of electromagnetic terrorism, power levels, pulsing and broadband
sources of EMF are considered. It is fully justified, if the question is
about technical objects (computer networks, systems of electric supply and
etc.), when for realization of destruction, power characteristics play an
essential role. It goes without saying that high-power electromagnetic
impulses also have striking biological action, in particular this question
was considered in 2003 at the meeting of the Russian National Committee on
Defense from the Unionizing Radiations.
However, a biological effect is not always determined by the amount of energy.
The biological action of EMF of radio frequency range is carried out
depending on the intensity by means of two basic mechanisms ? thermal and
non-thermal, so-called informational or containing information. At normal
levels of influence on an organism the response reaction can be registered at
all levels: cell, system and organismic. The central nervous system,
cardio-vessel, immune and endocrine systems are the critical systems of
organism to be influenced by EMF. The reproductive system is also sensitive
to the certain modes of electromagnetic influence [2,3,6].
* Address for correspondence: Russia, 123182, Moscow, Zhyvopysnaya St., 46;
tel./fax +7 (495) 193-0187, e-mail:
Under the influence of EMF the following parameters influence the biological
reaction: the intensity of EMF (size), duration of the influence ? factor of
time, bearing frequency, type of signal modulation, simultaneous combination
of a few frequencies of EMF, periodicity of action, cumulative effect,
combination with other unfavorable factors of physical and/or chemical

nature, and also the initial subjective state of a man and individual radio
sensitiveness. The combination of the above mentioned parameters can give
different consequences for the reaction of the exposed biological object to
the rays.
The scientific research studies of the last decades have established that at
the non-lethal levels of the influence for the biological reaction, the
modulation of the influencing electromagnetic field plays the determining
role [3,4,5].
The uniqueness of biological action of EMF in comparison with other physical
factors of the influence is in the presence of after-effects, thus the
maximal biological reaction can become apparent exactly in the period of
The process of cumulation is important, i.e. the accumulation of unhealthy
reactions in the period of the repeated electromagnetic influences during the
protracted radiation.
Affecting bio-objects, EMF can be directly both as a striking factor and a
promoter or ?catalyst? under the influence of other factors of physical or
chemical nature, and also as a component of psycho-terrorist acts.
It goes without saying that the undetectable delivery of electromagnetic
radiation signal is extremely important, inasmuch as a man does not have the
proper sense-organs and direct perceptive receptors.
Obviously the enumerated variety of parameters of EMF, result in the different
biological reactions, and in theory allows the creation, in principle, of new
striking effects, which will make it possible to provide a high quality
distinction between the terrorist acts and traditionally used ones.
Examining the effects of direct biological action of EMF, it is necessary to
remember the often quoted, by authors in anti-terrorist subject, effect of
?radio audibility?, which is known to the specialists over 30 years. It is
based on a thermal mechanism in principle and requires enough high power
expenses, as well as modes of sharp microwave pulsing [6,7].
According to the results of experimental researches, distinctly expressed
biological effects are found at super small intensities of the influence,
when the heating of fabrics is not occurring and is impossible in general.
Thus, the method of organization of electromagnetic signal and, first of all,
the modulation plays the leading role in bio-effects. For example, it is
experimentally shown that the pulsed super-high frequencies of radiation
(SHF), being synchronized with a certain part of cardiac cycle, influences
the work of heart, changing frequency of rhythm of cardiac reductions,
depending on the change of frequency of modulation. During this experiment,
the intensity of influencing EMF did not exceed the set maximum-possible
level of EMF for the present time for the human population. At low
intensities of modulated EMF in the experiment on the isolated hearts of

frogs, the effect of heart stop was produced; and on chicken embryos the
possibility of influence on early memory of chickens was shown on imprinting
[8,9]. Numerous similar laboratory results achieved in different countries
can be shown, which demonstrate the potential possibility in the near future
of the appearance of new, nontraditional means of defeat, based on biological
activity of EMF.
For the estimation of the value of striking action of EMF, the fact that there
is a change in the sensitivity of an organism is extremely important to other
factors of environment after influence of EMF of very low levels, including
the change of stability to the chemical factor. In particular, it can be
related to the increase of permeability of hematoencephalic barrier, as a
result of which the safe concentration of chemical substance in the
environment can become dangerous for the functional state and health of a
man. Thus, it is necessary to notice that if prior EMF exposure is taken into
account and the facts of possibility of change of permeability of
hematoencephalic were related to the laboratory experiments [10, 11], the
later published results of the scientific studies of the Swedish specialists
show that it is possible under the influence of EMF of mobile telephones [12,
13, 14].
It is appropriate to note that according to data of the International
Electromagnetic Project of the World Organization of Health Protection,
active research on the biological action of EMF, including the aspects of the
applied usage (medical, biotechnological, military and etc.) are being
developed in more than half of world countries, including countries on
territory of which the known terrorist organizations are based. In Russia, to
the contrary, researches have been abandoned in the last decades, which in
the case of appearance of the relevant threat; it will not allow realizing
antiterrorist activity in this direction.
Examining the technical means of realization of tasks of bioelectromagnetic
terrorism, we must admit that according to modern data in most cases for the
achievement of effective influence the use of difficult and unique equipment,
and the work of the prepared specialists is required. It, surely, limits the
possibility of terrorists on the modern stage.
According to the published data, the armed forces of the USA successfully
realized the complex of weapons for tactical purposes on the basis of
super-high frequencies generators [15]. Presently it is examined with the
field tests in a stationary version, but a mobile complex of truck and later
air basing are planned. This non-lethal weapon is intended for the rapid
local heating-up to 55C of skin cover on a depth to 0.5 mm. The mass
stimulation of thermo-receptors leads to pain which vanishes after
termination of super-high frequencies of influence. The distance of action of
this weapon is 750 meters. It is scheduled for deployment in 2008. It is
obvious that for the reproduction of similar weapons for terrorist aims,
considerable material and intellectual resources are required.

In our opinion, for planning of bioelectromagnetic terrorist activity the

already existent infrastructure of electromagnetic sources can be used. The
analysis conducted by authors shows that in the present time, many sources of
EMF are so close to population, that they can be examined as the means of the
hidden delivery of EM influence. Among such sources, it is possible to select
mobile connection (wireless and trunking) and electric supply systems of
buildings and construction. In accordance with our estimation, performed by
conducting hygienical research studies, a general number of the population of
the country, being in the contact with EMF of the above mentioned sources, is
presently no less than 80 million people.
For carrying out local acts of individual or group destructive electromagnetic
biological influence, and also as an element of complex influence, systems of
electric supply of buildings can be used. The actual data analysis shows that
existence of publicly-accessible technical means allow modulating currents
flowing through the systems of the electric supply, including the sources of
uninterrupted delivery. Thus, for formation of the complex magnetic condition
in the apartments, elements of metal constructions and pipelines of buildings
can be used, and for organization of modulation it is not quite necessary to
use any additional equipment, as systems of the electric supply in buildings,
having a difficult structure, allow to use electrical engineering elements
and calculations for creation of the magnetic field directly, possessing
difficult modulation and space-temporal distribution. Thus, areas of local
increased level of the magnetic field of the industrial frequency can be
formed, which can lead to the oncological diseases, illnesses of the
cardio-vascular and central nervous systems under the long influence.
Besides, it is necessary to pay attention to the sources of uninterrupted
delivery, which can form distortions on the screens of the means of visual
display of information, leading to the influence on a brain through a visual
analyzer [16, 17].
Mobile (wireless and trunking) connection is the closest to the objects of
influence by means of the delivery of the biologically significant
electromagnetic field. For this purpose, both subscriber terminals (wireless
telephones and radio stations) and base stations can be used. Taking into
account the system of structure of mobile connection, individual, group or
mass influence on considerable or preset local territories is possible.
The elements of mobile connection, especially base stations, are characterized
by low-power, so-called informational level of influencing EMF. It is
necessary to point out that the hygienically setting of norms and control are
measured and recorded only by energetic characteristics. At the same time it
is repeatedly proved and is no longer questioned or doubted that in the
development of character and direction of biological reaction at the
relatively low levels of influence the method of organization of EMF signal
(modulation, intermittency factor, repetition and etc.) plays the most
important role. The most possible consequences are related to functioning of
the central nervous system under the condition of the influence.

Two basic directions of unfavorable influence are possible:

accumulation (cumulation) of unfavorable biological effect as a result of
long-term influence of EMF, accompanying regular work of elements of systems
of mobile connection; unfavorable biological reactions, especially of central
nervous system, developing in the preset direction during the special
organization of influence of EMF elements of systems of mobile connection.
In this connection at consideration of possible antiterrorist activities with
the use of elements of mobile connection we select three stages of estimation
of danger:hygienical estimation of elements of mobile connections in terms of
regular usage; estimation of possibility of organization of influence by
changing the regime of work of transmitting means of radio communication
(Baltic system (BS), subscriber terminal) without changing their essential
technical parameters); estimation of possibility of organization of influence
by changing technical parameters of transmitting means of radio communication
(influence by the preset signal).
In accordance with the preliminary analysis of possibility of the use of
mobile connection, as a factor of the possible directed influence on the
state of health and conduct, the most obvious and potentially dangerous
effects can be:provocation of epileptic reaction (provoked development of
convulsive activity); change of permeability of hematoencephalic barrier;
the changed state of behavior (oppression, aggression, depression), the
development of the stressing state.
However, as a thorough analysis of technical abilities of transmitting means
of mobile connection was not conducted, additional possibilities and
consequences of their use is possible.
It is known that a regular monitoring of electromagnetic environment, formed
by networks of mobile connection, is carried out only from the point of
providing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), the external control after the
modes of exploitation and management of subscriber terminals here is not
carried out. In the present time all mobile phones and trunking radio
stations are made abroad. Taking into account this circumstance, in the
conditions of absence of individual control of electromagnetic safety and at
having a special purpose delivery for the different corporate programs,
including at providing the state structure, subscriber terminals can be
placed, for example, both with constantly increased power and with additional
or changed generators of electromagnetic signals. In these conditions there
is no guarantee that the following scenario may not occur; the result of the
influence of EMF mobile telephones would be the penetration of the
hematoencephalic barrier of the brain by highly active chemical substances
which are present in the building.
Thus, in our opinion, mobile connection is potentially the means for the
realization of terrorist tasks of both physical defeat of people and
psycho-terrorism. Taking into account the relative complexity and spending

required, the most obvious possibilities in this case, are purpose groups.
Examining a possibility of mass bioelectromagnetic terrorism it is necessary
to examine the structure of subject domain of ?methods and facilities of
terrorist activity?. It takes ?the agents of influence in the links of the
control? and action system of ?provocation of taking necessary decision? to
the social class of methods of the directed influence [18]. As it was
indicated above, more than a half of population of the country is in contact
with the modern sources of EMF in domestic and non-productive conditions of
influence. Consequently, the cost of error sharply increases at determination
of maximum-possible level of the influence of EMF.
In the period of the existence of the USSR careful and multilateral hygienical
researches were followed by the development and implementation of all
essential for the population and mass sources of EMF, from television centers
to the super-high frequency stove. Now Russia is the sole country in the
world, which develops mobile connection and, contrary to its own experience
of the preceding period and modern international experience, does not conduct
the relevant medical-biological researches. It is not a secret to experts
that despite their opinion and experience of hygienical science of the period
of 60s-80s, the introduction of mobile connection in Russia has been taking
place since 1994 actually without conducting adequate researches of
biological action and with the scientifically groundless maximum-possible
levels of EMF for the population. Presently more than 36 million people have
mobile telephones, and about 10% of users are children, it is planned to lead
the number of proprietors of mobile telephones up to 60-80 million. On the
territories already covered by mobile connection networks, about 80 million
people live. The creation of the federal network of mobile radio connection
of a standard of ?TETRA? also takes place without medical-biological
accompaniment, while subscriber terminals of this standard are more powerful
than mobile telephones, and are intended for the professional usage,
including for special services. Whether the act of terror (in accordance with
the above-mentioned definition) is the absence of adequate ground of
electromagnetic safety and research of bioelectromagnetic terrorist
possibilities of mobile connections, the answer must be given by experts in
antiterrorist activity. It is obvious that in modern conditions, the role of
electromagnetic situation is very high and the insufficient control of
sources and mechanisms of its generation can be an element of the long
destructive influence on great masses of population of Russia.
It is necessary to note that the operating formulation of the law ?About a
weapon? does not limit possibilities of potential terrorists. In accordance
to the law the weapons are wares, ?striking action of which is based on the
use of electromagnetic radiation, and which have outlet parameters, exceeding
the size set by the state standards of the Russian Federation and adequate
norms of federal organ of executive power in the area of health protection.?
However, the hygienical setting of norms in our country does not take into
account all parameters for the biological reaction under the influence of
EMF, oriented only on the power loading.

The electromagnetic field is a biologically dangerous factor, which under the
certain condition can be used for the striking action in terrorist aims.
The electromagnetic field, as a factor of a biological influence, possesses a
number of unique specific features, including the dependence of bio-effect
from the modulation and method of organization of signal, allowing for
different terrorist tasks, including tasks of psycho-terrorism.
The use of the electromagnetic field in combination with other types of
weapons of mass defeat, foremost chemical, can sharply multiply their
terrorist efficiency.
It is possible to use existent sources of the electromagnetic field close to
the population, in particular mobile connection and systems of electro-supply
of buildings, as facilities of delivery of a factor of the unfavorable
The most obvious directions of application of bioelectromagnetic terrorism are
toward groups of special importance, and especially at providing the defense
to traditional directions of safety.
The electromagnetic situation can be the element of a long duration of
destructive influence on great masses of population, especially on the
generation of children.
Description of literature.
1. Federal Law, December 13, 1996. #150-FL ?About a weapon? (Collection of
legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, #51, article 5681).
2. Hygienical Problems of unionizing radiations. Edited by Grigoriev Y.G., and
Stepanov V.S. Volume 4. M.: Publ. of AT, 1999.
3. Hygienical aspects and Biological Action of the Modulated Electromagnetic
Fields of Range of Radio Frequencies. Collection of Scientific Work. M. Publ.
MSIIG named after Ervsman. 1990. p.159.
4. Grigoriev Y.G. Role of Modulation in Biological Action of Electromagnetic
Radiation. Radiation Biology. Radioecology. 1996, v. 36, 5, pp. 659-670.
5. Grigoriev Y.G. Role of Modulation in Development of Somatic eEfects of EMF.
Materials of the International Conference ?Electromagnetic Fields. Biological
Action and Hygienical Setting of Norms?. Moscow, May 18-22, 1998. The World
Organization of Health Protection, Geneva, Switzerland. 1999, pp. 37-48.
6. ICNIRP Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-varying Electric, Magnetic,
and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Physics. April 1998.

Volume 74, Number 4. pp. 494-522.

7. Elder J., Chou C. Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy.
Bioelectromagnetics. Supplement, 2003, vol. 6, pp. 162-173.
8. Grigoriev Y.G., Afrikanova L.A. The Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation
of Different Modes on the Heart Activity (in the experiment). Radiation
Biology. Radioecology. 1996, vol. 36, 5, pp. 691-699.
9. Grigoriev Y.G., Stepanov V.S. Forming of the Chicken Memory (Imprinting)
After Preliminary Influence of Electromagnetic Fields of Low Levels.
Radiation Biology. Radioecology. 1998, v. 38, 2, pp. 223-231.
10. Grigoriev Y.G., Rynskov V.V., Lukyanova S.N., etc. The Influence of Long
Action of Low Intensity and Modulated Microwave Radiation on
Barrier. Abst. Book Biomed. Effects Relevant to Amel. Modul. RF Fields,
Kuopoio, 1995, p.8.
11. Salford L., Bertil R., Persson B. Neurological Aspects on Wireless
Communications. Jn. Proc. Int. Seminar on Biological Effects of Non-Thermal
Pulsed and Amplitude Modulated RF EMF and Related Health Risk. Munich,
November, 20-21, 1996, pp. 131-143.
12. Persson B., Salford L., Brun A. Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Rats
Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields Used in Wireless Communication. Wireless
Networks, 1997, # 3, pp. 455-461.
13. Persson B., Malmgren L., Brun A. et al. Studies of Pulsed 900/1800 MHz
RF-Fields on the Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Rats. Pros. 3rd
Int. Conferences on Bioelectromagnetism. 8-12 Oct. 2000, Bled-Slovenia, pp.
14. Salford L., Brun A., Eberhardt J. et al. Microwaves Emitted by Mobile
Phones Damages Neurons in the Rat Brain. Proc. 3rd Int. EMF Seminar China:
EMF and Biol. Effects, Guillin, China, Oct. 13-17, 2003, pp.33-34.
15. Barnett A. Army?s Secret ?People Zapper? Plans. ?The Observer?, November
3, 2002.
16. Computer and System of Electro-supply in the Office: Modern Aspects of
Safe Use. Edited by Grigoriev O.A. ? M.: Publ. RUDN, 2003, p. 103.
17. Grigoriev O.A., Petuchov V.S., Merkulov A.V. Magnetic Field of Industrial
Frequency in Conditions of Non-productive Influence: Sources and Methods of
Tool Control.// col. ?The Year-book of the Russian National Committee of the
Protection from Unionizing Radiations?// Collection of scientific work.- M.:
Publ. RUDN, 2003, pp. 85-105.
18. Super Terrorism: the New Challenge of the Next Century. Edited by

A.V. ? M.: Human Rights, 2002, p. 392.
Mind Justice Home Page

Satellite Plan Draws Scrutiny

By Robert Block
The Wall Street Journal
Thursday 23 August 2007
Washington - In the first sign of opposition to a controversial satellitesurveillance plan, House Democrats told the Department of Homeland Security
they intend to exercise close oversight of the program, a move that could spark
another confrontation between the legislature and the executive over national
The announcement, contained in a tersely worded letter sent yesterday to
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff by House Homeland Security
Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.), echoes concerns voiced by
some critics that the planned program lacks sufficient safeguards to prevent
abuses. (See the full text of the letter.)
"I need you to provide me with an immediate assurance that upon its October
1st rollout, this program will be operating within the confines of the Constitution
and all applicable laws and regulations," Mr. Thompson wrote. He also
demanded biweekly updates on the activities and progress of the program as it
prepares to become operational.
Spy satellites have been used for decades for civilian purposes, including
mapmaking and environmental studies. Three months ago, the Bush
administration decided to expand their use for homeland security and law
enforcement, including border protection. The satellites will later be made
available to assist federal, state, local and tribal authorities. The program has
been on the drawing board since September 2005 and was authorized by the
director of national intelligence, Michael McConnell, in May.
The DHS wants access to the satellites to be controlled by a new branch called the National Applications Office - which has a staff of about 40 people. The
DHS said its internal watchdogs would be in charge of exercising oversight and
in its public statements, didn't mention any role for the courts or Congress.
What Happened: House Democrats told Homeland Security they intend to
exercise close oversight of a satellite-surveillance plan.
What's Next: The move could spark another confrontation between Congress
and the Bush administration when Congress reconvenes next month. Some
Democrats worry they have been too pliant on national-security matters.
Mr. Thompson's letter comes amid disquiet among some congressional
Democrats that they have been too pliant on national-security matters. In the last
hours before breaking for its August recess, Congress agreed to demands from
the White House and passed a bill allowing the government to expand its use of
warrantless wiretapping, a move that prompted an outcry from the party's base.
It signals the entire surveillance issue could flare up again when Congress
reconvenes next month.
Spy satellites can sense electromagnetic activity, radioactivity and chemical
traces, as well as wavelengths of light. That allows them to see through cloud
cover and even concrete. Given the novelty of the program, there is effectively no
legal framework governing their domestic use, raising concerns from privacy

advocates that Americans could be subject to warrantless surveillance from

According to DHS officials, Congress was briefed on the program, signed off
on this expanded use of spy satellites and allowed the department to reallocate
funds to begin work this fall. An aide to the Senate Intelligence Committee said
the committee was aware of the program and was monitoring it.
But in his letter to the secretary, Mr. Thompson said that he wasn't fully
briefed on the program until after The Wall Street Journal wrote about it Aug.
15. "Let me state this clearly - the release of important information to the public
without prior to notification to this Committee is unacceptable," Mr. Thompson
Until now, congressional reaction to the program has been muted because of
the August recess. The DHS also seems to have carefully managed the release of
information about the program, selectively briefing members of Congress and
their staff. A Democratic staffer on the House intelligence committee said the
committee was advised by the DHS that it intended to reallocate money inside
the department to create the program but that the department provided only
basic details about the program.
DHS spokesman Russ Knocke denied that department officials tried to
mislead Congress, saying there have been at least 13 detailed briefings for
congressional leaders since January. He didn't specify whether Mr. Thompson
was among those briefed.
In his letter, Mr. Thompson said the department's own privacy and civilliberty watchdogs were brought in only a few months ago and were presented
with he called a "fait accompli."
Mr. Knocke and Charles Allen, the DHS's chief intelligence officer, who will
ultimately be in charge of the program, said privacy and civil-liberties officers
signed off on the program and have been closely involved in its planning. Mr.
Knocke said the department's Privacy Office and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Office will oversee the new National Applications Office.
---------Robert Block - bobby.block@wsj.com4
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Paints a Bleak Picture of Iraq Ray McGovern | Bush League War Drums Beating
Louder on Iran Thirteen Killed in Baghdad Clash Satellite Plan Draws Scrutiny
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Austrian Minister: US Missile Shield Is Provocation -------------- t r u t h o u t
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Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind Homeland Security Contract

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 18:15:28 -0400

10/17/07 12:40 pm
Two items for your consideration...
Microsoft's new 'mind reader.'
Biblio. Data
National Phase
Latest bibliographic data on file with the International Bureau
Publication Number:
International Application No.:
Publication Date: 30.08.2007 International Filing Date: 14.02.2007
Int. Class.: A61B 5/00 (2006.01), G04B 13/00 (2006.01), G06F 19/00
(2006.01), H04B 1/38 (2006.01), H04L 29/08 (2006.01)
1, NL-5621 BA Eindhoven (NL) (AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BE, BF,

VN, ZA, ZM, ZW only).
Steindamm 94, 20099
Hamburg (DE) (DE only).
FALCK, Thomas [DE/DE]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven (NL) (US
Inventor: FALCK, Thomas [DE/DE]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL-5656 AA
Eindhoven (NL).
Agent: SCHOUTEN, Marcus, M.; Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven
Priority Data:
Disclosed are communication devices especially devices adapted for use as
body-worn medical sensors for continuously measuring ECG, SpO2, heart rate,
blood pressure and the like, and in particular a method and apparatus for
setting up wireless networks of such devices, specifically a communication
device adapted for attachment to the body of a wearer so as to form part of a
body area network ('BAN') comprising a body coupled communication ('BCC')
device, and a short-range radio device, the device including means for
detecting other similar communication devices on the wearer using BCC, and
means for establishing a wireless network with other such devices using their
short range radios.
Designated States: AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY,
African Regional Intellectual Property Org. (ARIPO) (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW,
Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM)
European Patent Office (EPO) (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR,
African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Publication Language: English (EN)
Filing Language: English (EN)

12/02/07 08:32 pm
In case ya hadn't seen it before.
(Keep in mind that this one was in 1975...)
Synthetic telepathy
In 1975, researcher A. W. Guy stated that "one of the most widely observed and
accepted biologic effects of low average power electromagnetic energy is the
auditory sensation evoked in man when exposed to pulsed microwaves."
He concluded that at frequencies where the auditory effect can be easily
detected, microwaves penetrate deep into the tissues of the head, causing
rapid thermal expansion (at the microscopic level only) that produces strains
in the brain tissue.
An acoustic stress wave is then conducted through the skull to the cochlea,
and from there, it proceeds in the same manner as in conventional hearing. It
is obvious that receiver-less radio has not been adequately publicized or
explained because of national security concerns.
Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a target's
head is known inside the Pentagon as "Synthetic Telepathy." According to Dr.
Robert Becker, "Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations
designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected
instructions to a programmed assassin."
On the possibility of directly accessing every human brain by electromagnetic
induction of fundamental algorithms.
Persinger MA.
Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario,
Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by
which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic,

brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human

temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require
energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and
contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the
band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected
by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1
Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. U.S. Air Force Looks
to the Battlefields of the Future: Electromagnetic Fields That Might "Boggle
the Mind "It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the
human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological
direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the GHz range strikes the
human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated
with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast
enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be
possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kHz range, which is
audible. Thus it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a
fashion that would be most disturbing to them."U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John
Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in
Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a
Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind
would revolutionize the military and society at large.
[He] coined the term "Biofusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the
brain] leading to advances in ...national security... and ...would be able to
convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's electrical
activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using
mathematical models, [Smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models
also]. It sound crazy,...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ...have all awarded...research
contracts to Norseen. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these
contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen's theories are
grounded in current science. ...By MRI, scientists can tell what the person
was doing at the time of the recording...Emotions from love to hate can be
recognized from the brain's electrical activity. ...Norseen predicts
profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to
draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping
breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive
way. A modified helmet could record a pilot's brainwaves. "When you say right
090 degrees...the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and
turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090
degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmut would detect the error,
then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves."
A demonstration by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William van Bise, directed
magnetic signals into the brain of reporter Chuck DeCaro. They created visual

images as in a hallucination. This program features Dr. Robert O. Becker, two

time Nobel prize nominee, scientist and researcher of electromagnetic
radiation effects on the body and author of Body Electric, summarized, "The
government has never disproved the psychological effects of electromagnetic
radiation. "Dr. Robert Becker commented "that this is a substantial step
forward in the understanding how the visual system works" and would be a
powerful weapon if used on fighter pilots while trying to fly. For a 55$ copy
of this tape call CNN at 404 827 2712 and ask for R2501 #13, R2747 #33,
#15, R2501-#17. It runs about 20 minutes.
. Ultrascience, Weapons of War, Learning Channel, 1997, Featured Dr. Michael
Persinger, Laurentian University, Canada. Dr. Persinger described weapons
using "psycho or influence technology" and electromagnetic radiation
frequencies to control what people think, for psychological warfare purposes.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept 1994, Softkill Fallacy by Steve Aftergood,
Page 45. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg writes: "Many of the non-lethal weapons
under consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including
lasers, microwave or radio-frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at
brain-wave frequency) for their effects. These weapons are said to cause
temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes,
modification of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain,
dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or disruption of internal organ functions in
various other ways.
# CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro,
of War, Is there an RF Gap? Dr. Ross Adey discussed a demonstration of the
1950s Russian Lida machine, which used electromagnetic energy to put Russian
psychiatric patients to sleep, as a substitute for tranquilizers and to treat
neurotic disturbances. Dr. Adey stated that it worked on cats and dogs and
put them to sleep. The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol.
XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony
reported: "...Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at Loma Linda...started
testing the machine [the Lida]...the device is on loan to Dr. Ross Adey. 'The
machine is technically described as 'a distant pulse treatment apparatus. It
generates 40 megahertz radiowaves which stimulate the brain's electromagnetic
activity at substantially lower frequencies"

01/06/08 01:49 pm
The size of this device is just a few micrometers. - millionths of a meter.
Smaller than a grain of dust.
This is just one version.
Nanodisk Codes
By Laura Mgrdichian
Physical binary codes formed by nanodisks carved out of nanorods. Image
courtesy Chad Mirkin.
Physical binary codes formed by nanodisks carved out of nanorods. Image
courtesy Chad Mirkin.
Researchers at Northeastern University have devised a way to use
billionth-of-a-meter-sized disks to create codes that could be used to
encrypt information, serve as biological labels, and even tag and track goods
and personnel.
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The nanodisks can form a physical pattern, similar in concept to a barcode,
as well as a spectroscopic code, meaning it can exhibit a specific, unique
response to electromagnetic radiation, or light, depending on the type of
molecule (or molecules) attached to the disks?in other words, how the disks
are ?functionalized.?
Nanostructures can be ideal for encoding. Their small size allows them to be
hidden easily in a variety of materials and objects, and scientists' ability
to easily tailor their physical and chemical properties makes it possible to
design nanostructures for specific coding functions.
In a paper describing this work, published in a recent edition of Nano

Letters, the researchers, led by Northeastern chemist Chad Mirkin, describe

how the nanodisks can form physical binary codes. The group started with
nanorods made of gold and nickel and, using a method they developed, carved
disks out of each rod. The disks are created in twos, with up to five pairs
created per rod.
Each of the five disk-pair locations along the rod can correspond to a ?0? or
a ?1,? depending on whether that location is occupied by a disk pair. For
example, if only one disk pair is present, and it is situated at the third
location, that code is read as 00100. If two disk pairs are present, at the
fourth and fifth locations, the code is 00011.
?This is a rapid, low cost way of making many unique nanostructures that can
identified and read based upon high sensitivity spectroscopic techniques,?
Mirkin said to ?It's a beautiful example of how the ability to
shape and control the size and surface composition of a nanostructure can
translate into significant technological advantages.?
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The group has made nanodisk arrays as long as 12 micrometers (millionths of a
meter), which can support as many as 10 disk pairs, yielding 287 physical
nanodisk codes.
The researchers increased the codes' usefulness by functionalizing them with a
class of dye molecules called chromophores. This makes the codes
spectroscopically active, allowing each to emit a unique light spectrum when
illuminated by an exterior light source, typically a laser beam.
Due to the physical and spectroscopic codes they can exhibit, the nanodisks
are particularly suited for biological tagging, a method of tracking and
detecting individual biological materials, such as DNA. The researchers
proved this by attaching pieces of single-stranded DNA to the surfaces of the
nanodisks in a 11011 code. Each of these strands was complementary to half of
a ?target? DNA strand?the strand being tagged. The other half of the target
strand was complementary to a ?reporter? strand, rendered spectroscopically
active with dye. The overall structure formed a three-strand ?sandwich,? with
the target strand in the middle.

The group also created a similar sandwich structure using a different reporter
strand and a 10101 code, and then mixed the two samples. They were able to
successfully detect and distinguish between the unique spectrums emitted by
both reporter molecules.
Citation: Nano Lett., 7 (12), 3849-3853, 2007
Copyright 2007
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten
or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of

01/06/08 04:28 pm
On that note, do a little reading about smart dust and utility fog. We're
closer to achieving it than most people think, even in the publicly available
I don't have a problem with the tech. I do have a real problem with how
certain groups and organizations use it and plan to use it!!
As well, it is no longer just the US or just Western nations who're
researching these technologies. Every nation on earth with a viable military
and/or a college campus is in on the act.
These technologies could be used to answer all of our prayers and hopes and
dreams for all of us. They could be used to set us all free and to provide
all that we could ever need.
Instead, many groups are working to use these technologies to control others
and to deny us a future of personal freedom and sovereignity for ourselves
and for our children.
see also: ubiquitous computing

02/17/08 05:48 am
The last few posts have been addressing aspects of 'psi' phenomenon (mind
stuff) and some math and science that is related to this type of workwork.

02/19/08 03:06 pm
...going kinda mainstream on a popular gadget geek website...
Non-lethal yet still horribly unpleasant weapons are all the rage these days,
from puke rays to pink tasers. What's the next step? How about a beam that
inserts voices into your head? Yes, you could be minding your own business
looting a Best Buy during a riot and all of the sudden there's a voice coming
from inside your own brain saying "We're really disappointed with you."
It's a pretty insane idea, but one that's actually been proven to work, at
least in a basic form.
----Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse
characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology
could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard
like the spoken word, except hat it could only be heard within a person's
head. In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using
"speech modulated" microwave energy was successfully demonstrated.
Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up the
sound. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of
This technology requires no extrapolation to estimate its usefulness.
Microwave energy can be applied at a distance, and the appropriate technology
can be adapted from existing radar units. Aiming devices likewise are
available but for special circumstances which require extreme specificity,
there may be a need for additional development. Extreme directional
specificity would be required to transmit a message to a single hostage
surrounded by his captors. Signals can be transmitted long distances
(hundreds of meters) using current technology. Longer distances and more
sophisticated signal types will require more bulky equipment, but it seems
possible to transmit some of the signals at closer ranges using man-portable
----Luckily for you lawbreakers out there, this is taken from a recently
declassified document that was initially written about 10 years ago. There
are no hints that one of these things has been developed, but it's certainly
possible that it's happening in the still-classified vaults of the Pentagon.
So I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether the voices in your head
are really being beamed there from black helicopters or if you're just crazy.
[Danger Room]

02/19/08 03:14 pm
Some of you remember the old "Tinfoil Hat Warnings" that I shared last
year... Remember? I even shared cutting-edge research and patents proving my
Well,'s going kinda mainstream.
Found on a popular gadget geek website...
Quote of the day follows the article...
Non-lethal yet still horribly unpleasant weapons are all the rage these days,
from puke rays to pink tasers. What's the next step? How about a beam that
inserts voices into your head? Yes, you could be minding your own business
looting a Best Buy during a riot and all of the sudden there's a voice coming
from inside your own brain saying "We're really disappointed with you."
It's a pretty insane idea, but one that's actually been proven to work, at
least in a basic form.
----Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse
characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology
could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard
like the spoken word, except hat it could only be heard within a person's
head. In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using
"speech modulated" microwave energy was successfully demonstrated.
Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up the
sound. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of
This technology requires no extrapolation to estimate its usefulness.
Microwave energy can be applied at a distance, and the appropriate technology
can be adapted from existing radar units. Aiming devices likewise are
available but for special circumstances which require extreme specificity,
there may be a need for additional development. Extreme directional
specificity would be required to transmit a message to a single hostage
surrounded by his captors. Signals can be transmitted long distances
(hundreds of meters) using current technology. Longer distances and more
sophisticated signal types will require more bulky equipment, but it seems
possible to transmit some of the signals at closer ranges using man-portable

Luckily for you lawbreakers out there, this is taken from a recently
declassified document that was initially written about 10 years ago. There
are no hints that one of these things has been developed, but it's certainly
possible that it's happening in the still-classified vaults of the Pentagon.
So I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether the voices in your head
are really being beamed there from black helicopters or if you're just crazy.
[Danger Room]
BY AEC007 AT 02/18/08 01:14 PM
Microwaves directly to your brain???????
Ahhh... so how much is the difference in power settings between "hearing
voices" and "WELL DONE" ?

February 19, 2008 12:16 AM

Subject: (WO/2004/069076) ORAL DEVICES AND METHODS FOR
Electroosiiiosis involves the movement of a solvent with the agent through a
membrane under the influence of an electric field.
Electroplzoresis is based on migration of charged species in an electromagnetic
field. Ions, molecules, and particles with charge carry current in solutions when
an electromagnetic field is imposed. Movement of a charged species tends to be
toward the electrode of opposite charge. The voltages for continuous
electrophoresis are rather high (several hundred volts).
Electroporatio is the process in which a biological barrier is subjected to a high
voltage alternating-current (AC) surge, or pulse. The AC pulse creates temporary
pores in the biological membrane, specifically between cells. The pores allow
large molecules, such as proteins, DNA, RNA, and plasmids to pass through the
biological barrier.
Iontophoresis, electroosmosis, and electrophoresis are diffusion processes, in
which diffusion is enhanced by electrical or electromagnetic driving forces. In
contrast, electroporation literally punctures the biological barriers, along cell
boundaries, enabling passage of large molecules, through.
Generally a combination of more than one of these processes is at work, together
with passive diffusion and other naturally occurring transfer modes.
Therefore, electrotransport refers to at least one, and possibly a combination of
the aforementioned transport mechanisms, which supplement the naturally
occurring transfer modes.
Medical devices that include drug delivery by electrotransport are described, for
example, in US Patent 5,674, 196, to Donaldson, et al., US Patent 5,961, 482, to
<BR> <BR> Chien, et al. , US Patent 5,983, 131, to Weaver, et al., US Patent
5,983, 134, to Ostrow,<BR> and US Patent 6,477, 410, to Henley, et al. , all of
whose disclosures are incorporated herein by reference.
In addition to the aforementioned electrotransport processes, there are other
electrically assisted drug delivery mechanisms, as follows: Soiiophoresis, or the
application of ultrasound, induces growth and oscillations of air pockets, a
phenomenon known as cavitation. These disorganize lipid bilayers thereby
enhancing transport. For effective drug transport, a low frequency of between 20
kHz and less than 1.5 MHz, rather than the therapeutic frequency, should be
used. Sonophoresis devices are described, for example, in US <BR> <BR>

Patents 6,002, 961,6, 018,678, and 6,002, 961 to Mitragotri, et al. , US Patents
6,190, 315 and 6,041, 253 to Kost, et al. US Patent 5,947, 921 to Johnson, et al.
and US <BR> <BR> Patents 6,491, 657, and 6,234, 990 to Rowe, et al. , all of
whose disclosures are incorporated herein by reference.
Ablatif71, or the literal slicing of tissue, by various means, is another method of
forcing drugs through a biological

Monday, February 18, 2008 11:26 PM

Subject: System and Method for Optical Interrogation of Micro-Mechanical
Sensors Using Microcavity Interferometry -'s Patent Debate

Monday, February 18, 2008 11:05 PM

Subject: Emailing: Welcome to IEEE Xplore 2.0 Characterization of Silicon
Nitride Micromachined Beams via Remote Optical Interrogation

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Abstract - Print Format

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Characterization of Silicon Nitride Micromachined Beams via

Remote Optical Interrogation
Shelton, W.A. Muth, J.F. Holland, J.L. Lunardi, L.M.
Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., North Carolina State Univ.,
Raleigh, NC;
This paper appears in: Optical MEMS and Their Applications
Conference, 2006. IEEE/LEOS International Conference on
Publication Date: 2006
On page(s): 138-139
ISBN: 0-7803-9562-X
INSPEC Accession Number: 9274313
DOI: 10.1109/OMEMS.2006.1708303
Posted online: 2006-10-09 11:06:04.0

We demonstrate that mechanical characterization of the motion of
micromachined double- clamped silicon nitride beams is possible via remote
optical interrogation. Using Fabry-Perot interferometry, information about the
absolute displacement and resonant frequency of various mechanical modes is

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Monday, February 18, 2008 11:05 PM

Subject: Emailing: Welcome to IEEE Xplore 2.0 Characterization of Silicon
Nitride Micromachined Beams via Remote Optical Interrogation

Home | Help

Abstract - Print Format

< Back to Previous Page

Characterization of Silicon Nitride Micromachined Beams via

Remote Optical Interrogation
Shelton, W.A. Muth, J.F. Holland, J.L. Lunardi, L.M.
Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., North Carolina State Univ.,
Raleigh, NC;
This paper appears in: Optical MEMS and Their Applications
Conference, 2006. IEEE/LEOS International Conference on
Publication Date: 2006
On page(s): 138-139
ISBN: 0-7803-9562-X
INSPEC Accession Number: 9274313
DOI: 10.1109/OMEMS.2006.1708303
Posted online: 2006-10-09 11:06:04.0

We demonstrate that mechanical characterization of the motion of
micromachined double- clamped silicon nitride beams is possible via remote
optical interrogation. Using Fabry-Perot interferometry, information about the
absolute displacement and resonant frequency of various mechanical modes is

Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:33 PM

Subject: DoD's Weaponized Drugs, so far
Based on our previous discussion regarding the "remote (weaponized)
administration of drugs," take a look at this.
Now, mind you, this says nothing about HOW these drugs can be remotely
administered. There is some intimation that they are to be used in gaseous form.
Regardless, the issue is, Does the government have a vested interest in
remotely administering drugs for behavioral control purposes? The answer,
given this, is an obvious "Yes." There is just no current, verifiable evidence that
radio frequencies and EMFs are to be or have been used for this purpose.

02/21/08 05:00 am
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Thank you so much. I believe that they are in gaseous form and that they are
either administered through our body cavities or they are able to pierce the skin.
I read an article that stated the following.
Electroporatio is the process in which a biological barrier is subjected to a high
voltage alternating-current (AC) surge, or pulse. The AC pulse creates temporary
pores in the biological membrane, specifically between cells. The pores allow
large molecules, such as proteins, DNA, RNA, and plasmids to pass through the
biological barrier.
Imagine that they do this then they can remotely medicate and test anything that
pierces the skin on us. This would account for the lesions we have and the fact
that the Morgellons people are being called mentally ill. Was this available when
you were in army intelligence? see below
Iontophoresis, electroosmosis, and electrophoresis are diffusion processes, in
which diffusion is enhanced by electrical or electromagnetic driving forces. In
contrast, electroporation literally punctures the biological barriers, along cell
boundaries, enabling passage of large molecules, through.

02/21/08 10:27 pm
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K_NAME, SPF_PASS autolearn=disabled version=3.0.0-pre4
Riding Brain Waves At a Game Expo
NEWS | OPINIONS | SPORTS | ARTS & LIVING | Discussions | Photos & Video |
Riding Brain Waves At a Game Expo
By Mike Musgrove
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 21, 2008; D01

The next video game controller you use might be between your ears. A start-up
company called Emotiv Systems has developed a helmet-like headset that, it
says, lets users control game characters with their thoughts.
The device looks like something used for heavy-duty orthodontics, and it comes
with receptors that read activity among the brain's neurons. The player then
teaches the device's software to associate thought patterns with commands.
According to the game news blog Kotaku, which got an early look, players could
push and pull an object by willing it so or scare spirits away with a grimace.
Due out this year, Emotiv's device offers one of the more far-out views of what
the future of the gaming industry could look like. It was also one of several
products making a debut this week at the Game Developers Conference in San
Francisco, an annual video game confab that started in a game designer's living
room 20 years ago and has grown into a 16,000-person industry event.
This year's show comes at a heady time for the industry, which is focusing more
on making gaming more intuitive -- if not mind-reading. One of the drivers of that
trend has been the success of Nintendo's Wii, which a year and a half after its
launch is still selling so quickly that it's hard to keep it stocked in stores. The Wii
has helped further transform gaming into a mainstream hobby that is more
accessible to those not fluent in the latest technology.
The Sony PlayStation 3 has had slower sales but got a potential boost this week
after a series of announcements endorsing the high-definition video technology
built into its system. The consumer-electronics industry's backing of Blu-ray
technology over its rival HD DVD format could mean that more non-gamers buy
the PS3 as an upgrade to their DVD systems, analysts said. All of this buoys an

industry whose U.S. sales totaled $18 billion last year, up 43 percent from the
year before, according to the research firm NPD Group.
Online distribution of games is one major theme at the conference this year.
Microsoft, for example, said it is launching a service to allow programmers to
design and distribute their own games over the Web instead of on discs.
Nintendo announced similar plans to allow game designers to publish their own
Wii-compatible titles online. WiiWare, as the service is known, is to launch May
12 and is expected to increase the number of games available on the system.
Building on the motion-sensing technology of the controller for its Wii, Nintendo
also announced a May 19 U.S. launch date for Wii Fit, a balance board that
senses shifting weight. The board will allow users to control their game
characters doing yoga, for example, or skiing down a mountain. The company
still has not yet announced a U.S. price for the device, which has sold 1.4 million
units in Japan since December.
Although much of the video game industry's enthusiasm is focused on building its
market by appealing to "casual" gamers with products like Wii Fit, the show still
included a few announcements for hard-core gamers.
To the gamer who favors a good, old fashioned shoot-'em-up, the game developer
Epic said a sequel to the Xbox 360 game Gears of War -- a blockbuster hit that
gave players an opportunity to fight aliens with a chainsaw-equipped assault rifle
-- is scheduled for release in November.
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2008 The Washington Post Company

02/22/08 03:02 am
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02/27/08 08:44 pm
Well...progress is progress, I suppose...but if anyone thinks the Democrats
are pure as the driven snow, they're either ignorant or naive... or both.
The Democrats have controlled the purse-strings in the House and Senate for
at least sixty of the last seventy years. They headed most of the committees
that approved the spending on such black-ops projects...
The Democrats are also in charge of those same committees in the House, right

03/01/08 07:41 pm
Here's another one!
Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head
A recently unclassified report from the Pentagon from 1998 has revealed an
investigation into using laser beams for a few intriguing potential methods
of non-lethal torture. Some of the applications the report investigated
include putting voices in people's heads, using lasers to trigger
uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human body to a point of
feverish confusion - all from hundreds of meters away.
A US citizen requested access to the document, entitled "Bioeffects of
Selected Non-Lethal Weapons," under the Freedom of Information Act a little
over a year ago. There is no evidence that any of the technologies mentioned
in the 10-year-old report have been developed since the time it was written.
The report explained several types of non-lethal laser applications,
including microwave hearing, disrupted neural control, and microwave heating.
For the first type, short pulses of RF energy (2450 MHz) can generate a
pressure wave in solids and liquids. When exposed to pulsed RF energy, humans
experience the immediate sensation of "microwave hearing" - sounds that may
include buzzing, ticking, hissing, or knocking that originate within the
Studies with guinea pigs and cats suggest that the mechanism responsible for
the phenomenon is thermoelastic expansion. Exposure to the RF pulses doesnt
cause any permanent effects, as all effects cease almost immediately after
exposure ceases. As the report explains, tuning microwave hearing could
enable communicating with individuals from a distance of up to several
hundred meters.
"The phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities
of those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered,"
the report explains. "Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent
on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this
technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted
to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within a
persons head. In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten
using speech modulated microwave energy was successfully demonstrated.
Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up these
sounds. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of

The report predicts that communicating at longer distances would be possible

with larger equipment, while shorter range signals could be generated with
portable equipment. Putting voices in peoples heads could cause what the
report calls "psychologically devastating" effects. The technology might even
allow for communicating with an individual hostage surrounded by captors,
although this would require "extreme directional specificity."
With another weapon, electromagnetic pulses could be used to disrupt the
brain s functioning, although this technology was still in the theoretical
stages at the time.
Under normal conditions, all brain structures function with specific rhythmic
activity depending on incoming sensory information. Sometimes, the brain
synchronizes neuronal activity in order to focus on a specific task, but the
degree of neuronal synchronization is highly controlled. However, under
certain conditions (such as physical stress or heat stroke), more areas of
the brain can fire in a highly synchronized manner, and may begin firing
The report describes a method for replicating this highly synchronized neuron
firing across distances of several hundred meters. High-voltage (100 kV/m)
electromagnetic pulses lasting for one nanosecond could trigger neurons to
fire, disrupting the bodys controlled firing activity. Short-term effects
may include loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and
seizures lasting for a couple minutes. These high-voltage pulsed sources,
which would require an estimated frequency of 15 Hz, exist today.
Another form of non-lethal torture described in the report is microwave
heating. By raising the temperature of the body to 41C (105.8F), humans can
experience sensations such as memory loss and disorientation, and exhibit
reduced aggression. According to the report, humans can survive temperatures
up to 42C (107.6F), at which time prolonged exposure can result in
permanent brain damage or death.
The microwave heating technique was tested on a Rhesus monkey, where a 225
MHz beam caused an increase in the animals body temperature. Depending on
the dosage level, the temperature increase occurred within a time of 15 to
30 minutes. After the beam was removed, the animals body temperature
decreased back to normal. The report suggests the technique could be useful
for controlling crowds or in negotiations.
While the investigations reveal intriguing techniques for non-lethal torture,
the report does not mention plans for carrying out specific experiments or
studies in the future.
Full report: Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons

via: Wired

Sunday 02 March 2008 06:32 pm

Cointelpro is not dead. It has been reinvented with the use of computers,
satellites, so called non-lethal weapons (LETHAL) and LRAD. The new program
is just to target a person, discredit them only with new toys. Scroll down
and just read the highlighted words.

APRIL 23 (under authority of the order of April 14), 1976




COINTELPRO is the FBI acronym for a series of covert action programs directed
against domestic groups. In these programs, the Bureau went beyond the
collection of intelligence to secret action defined to "disrupt" and
"neutralize" target groups and individuals. The techniques were adopted
wholesale from wartime counterintelligence, and ranged from the trivial
(mailing reprints of Reader's Digest articles to college administrators) to
the degrading (sending anonymous poison-pen letters intended to break up
marriages) and the dangerous (encouraging gang warfare and falsely labeling
members of a violent group as police informers).
This report is based on a staff study of more than 20,000 pages of Bureau
documents, depositions of many of the Bureau agents involved in the
programs, and interviews of several COINTELPRO targets. The examples
selected for discussion necessarily represent a small percentage of the more
than 2,000 approved COINTELPRO actions. Nevertheless, the cases
the consequences of a Government agency's decision to take the law into its
own hands for the "greater good" of the country.
COINTELPRO began in 1956, in part because of frustration with Supreme Court
rulings limiting the Government's power to proceed overtly against dissident
groups; it ended in 1971 with the threat of public exposure. 1 In the
intervening 15 years, the Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante
operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment
rights of speech and association, on the theory that preventing the growth
of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the
national security and deter violence. 2
Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even
if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO
went far beyond that. The unexpressed major premise of the programs was that
a law enforcement agency has the duty to do whatever is necessary to combat
perceived threats to the existing social and political order.
A. "Counterintelligence Program": A Misnomer for Domestic Covert Action
COINTELPRO is an acronym for "counterintelligence program."
Counterintelligence is defined as those actions by an intelligence agency
intended to protect its own security and to undermine hostile intelligence
operations. Under COINTELPRO certain techniques the Bureau had used
hostile foreign agents were adopted for use against perceived domestic

threats to the established political and social order. The formal programs
which incorporated these techniques were, therefore, also called
"counterintelligence." 2a
"Covert action" is, however, a more accurate term for the Bureau's programs
directed against American citizens. "Covert action" is the label applied to
clandestine activities intended to influence political choices and social
values. 3
B. Who Were the Targets?
1. The Five Targeted Groups
The Bureau's covert action programs were aimed at five perceived threats to
domestic tranquility: the "Communist Party, USA" program (1956-71) ; the
"Socialist Workers Party" program (1961-69) ; the "White Hate Group" program
(1964-71) ; the "Black Nationalist-Hate Group" program (1967-71) ; and the
"New Left" program (1968-71).
2. Labels Without Meaning
The Bureau's titles for its programs should not be accepted uncritically.
They imply a precision of definition and of targeting which did not exist.
Even the names of the later programs had no clear definition. The Black
Nationalist program, according to its supervisor, included "a great number
of organizations that you might not today characterize as black nationalist
but which were in fact primarily black." 3a Indeed, the nonviolent Southern
Christian Leadership Conference was labeled as a Black Nationalist "Hate
Group.'' 4 Nor could anyone at the Bureau even define "New Left," except as
"more or less an attitude." 5
Furthermore, the actual targets were chosen from a far broader group than the
names of the programs would imply. The CPUSA program targeted not only
members but also sponsors of the National Committee to Abolish the House
Un-American Activities Committee 6 and civil rights leaders allegedly under
Communist influence or simply not "anti-Communist." 7 The Socialist Workers
Party program included non-SWP sponsors of antiwar demonstrations which
cosponsored by the SWP or the Young Socialist Alliance, its youth group. 8
The Black Nationalist program targeted a range of organizations from the
Panthers to SNCC to the peaceful Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 9
and included most black student groups. 10 New Left targets ranged from the
SDS 11 to the Interuniversity Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy, 12
from all of Antioch College ("vanguard of the New Left") 13 to the New
Mexico Free University 14 and other "alternate" schools, 15 and from
underground newspapers 16 to students protesting university censorship of a

student publication by carrying signs with four-letter words on them. 17

C. What Were the Purposes of COINTELPRO?
The breadth of targeting and lack of substantive content in the descriptive
titles of the programs reflect the range of motivations for COINTELPRO
activity: protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining
the existing social and political order by "disrupting" and "neutralizing"
groups and individuals perceived as threats.
1. Protecting National Security
The first COINTELPRO, against the CPUSA, was instituted to counter what the
Bureau believed to be a threat to the national security. As the chief of the
COINTELPRO unit explained it:
We were trying first to develop intelligence so we would know what they were
doing [and] second, to contain the threat.... To stop the spread of
communism, to stop the effectiveness of the Communist Party as a vehicle of
Soviet intelligence, propaganda and agitation. 17a
Had the Bureau stopped there, perhaps the term "counterintelligence" would
have been an accurate label for the program. The expansion of the CPUSA
program to non-Communists, however, and the addition of subsequent
make it clear that other purposes were also at work.
2. Preventing Violence
One of these purposes was the prevention of violence. Every Bureau witness
deposed stated that the purpose of the particular program or programs with
which he was associated was to deter violent acts by the target groups,
although the witnesses differed in their assessment of how successful the
programs were in achieving that goal. The preventive function was not,
however, intended to be a product of specific proposals directed at specific
criminal acts. Rather, the programs were aimed at groups which the Bureau
believed to be violent or to have the potential for violence.
The programs were to prevent violence by deterring membership in the target
groups, even if neither the particular member nor the group was violent at
the time. As the supervisor of the Black Nationalist COINTELPRO put it,
"Obviously you are going to prevent violence or a greater amount of violence
if you have smaller groups." (Black Nationalist supervisor deposition,
10/17/75, p. 24.) The COINTELPRO unit chief agreed: "We also made an effort
to deter or counteract the propaganda ... and to deter recruitment where we
could. This was done with the view that if we could curb the organization,
we could curb the action or the violence within the organization." 17b In
short, the programs were to prevent violence indirectly, rather than

directly, by preventing possibly violent citizens from joining or continuing

to associate with possibly violent groups. 18
The prevention of violence, is clearly not, in itself, an improper purpose;
preventing violence is the ultimate goal of most law enforcement.
Prosecution and sentencing are intended to deter future criminal behavior,
not only of the subject but also of others who might break the law. In that
sense, law enforcement legitimately attempts the indirect prevention of
possible violence and, if the methods used are proper, raises no
constitutional issues. When the government goes beyond traditional law
enforcement methods, however, and attacks group membership and advocacy, it
treads on ground forbidden to it by the Constitution. In Brandenberg v.
Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), the Supreme Court held that the government is not
permitted to "forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or law
violation except where such advocacy is directed toward inciting or
producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such
action." In the absence of such clear and present danger, the government
cannot act against speech nor, presumably, against association.
3. Maintaining the Existing Social and Political Order
Protecting national security and preventing violence are the purposes
advanced by the Bureau for COINTELPRO. There is another purpose for
COINTELPRO which is not explicit but which offers the only explanation for
those actions which had no conceivable rational relationship to either
national security or violent activity. The unexpressed major premise of much
of COINTELPRO is that the Bureau has a role in maintaining the existing
social order, and that its efforts should be aimed toward combating those
who threaten that order. 19
The "New Left" COINTELPRO presents the most striking example of this
attitude. As discussed earlier, the Bureau did not define the term "New
Left," and the range of targets went far beyond alleged "subversives" or
"extremists." Thus, for example, two student participants in a "free speech"
demonstration were targeted because they defended the use of the classic
four-letter-word. Significantly, they were made COINTELPRO subjects even
though the demonstration "does not appear to be inspired by the New Left"
because it "shows obvious disregard for decency and established morality."
20 In another case, reprints of a newspaper article entitled "Rabbi in
Vietnam Says Withdrawal Not the Answer" were mailed to members of the
Vietnam Day Committee "to convince [them] of the correctness of the U.S.
foreign policy in Vietnam." 21 Still another document weighs against the
"liberal press and the bleeding hearts and the forces on the left" which
were "taking advantage of the situation in Chicago surrounding the
Democratic National Convention to attack the police and organized law
enforcement agencies." 22 Upholding decency and established morality,
defending the correctness of U.S. foreign policy, and attacking those who
thought the Chicago police used undue force have no apparent connection with

the expressed goals of protecting national security and preventing violence.

These documents, among others examined, compel the conclusion that Federal
law enforcement officers looked upon themselves as guardians of the status
quo. The attitude should not be a surprise; the difficulty lies in the
choice of weapons.
D. What Techniques Were Used?
1. The Techniques of Wartime
Under the COINTELPRO programs, the -rsenal of techniques used against
espionage agents was transferred to domestic enemies. As William C.
Sullivan, former Assistant to the Director, put it,
This is a rough, tough, dirty business, and dangerous. It was dangerous at
times. No holds were barred.... We have used [these techniques] against
Soviet agents. They have used [them] against us. . . . [The same methods
were] brought home against any organization against which we were targeted.
We did not differentiate. This is a rough, tough business. 23
Mr. Sullivan's description -- rough, tough, and dirty -- is accurate. In the
course of COINTELPRO's fifteen-year history, a number of individual actions
may have violated specific criminal statutes; 24 a number of individual
actions involved risk of serious bodily injury or death to the targets (at
least four assaults were reported as "results" ; 25 and a number of actions,
while not illegal or dangerous, can only be described as "abhorrent in a
free Society." 26 On the other hand, many of the actions were more silly
than repellent.
The Bureau approved 2,370 separate counterintelligence actions. 27 Their
techniques ranged from anonymously mailing reprints of newspaper and
magazine articles (sometimes Bureau-authored or planted) to group members or
supporters to convince them of the error of their ways, 28 to mailing
anonymous letters to a member's spouse accusing the target of infidelity ;
29 from using informants to raise controversial issues at meetings in order
to cause dissent, 30 to the "snitch jacket" (falsely labeling a group member
as an informant) 31 and encouraging street warfare between violent groups ;
32 from contacting members of a "legitimate group to expose the alleged
subversive background of a fellow member 33 to contacting an employer to get
a target fired; 34 from attempting to arrange for reporters to interview
targets with planted questions, 35 to trying to stop targets from speaking
at all ; 36 from notifying state and local authorities of a target's
criminal law violations, 37 to using the IRS to audit a professor, not just
to collect any taxes owing, but to distract him from his political
activities. 38
2. Techniques Carrying A Serious Risk of Physical, Emotional, or Economic

The Bureau recognized that some techniques were more likely than others to
cause serious physical, emotional, or economic damage to the targets. Any
proposed use of those techniques was scrutinized carefully by headquarters
supervisory personnel, in an attempt to balance the "greater good" to be
achieved by the proposal against the known or risked harm to the target. If
the "good" was sufficient, the proposal was approved. 39 For instance, in
discussing anonymous letters to spouses, the agent who supervised the New
Left COINTELPRO stated:
[Before recommending approval] I would want to know what you want to get out
of this, who are these people. If it's somebody, and say they did split up,
what would accrue from it as far as disrupting the New Left is concerned?
Say they broke up, what then....
[The question would be] is it worth it? 39a
Similarly, with regard to the "snitch jacket" technique -- falsely labeling a
group member as a police informant -- the chief of the Racial Intelligence
Section stated:
You have to be able to make decisions and I am sure that labeling somebody as
an informant, that you'd want to make certain that it served a good purpose
before you did it and not do it haphazardly. . . . It is a serious thing. .
. . As far as I am aware, in the black extremist area, by using that
technique, no one was killed. I am sure of that. 40
Moore was asked whether the fact that no one was killed was the result of
"luck or planning." He answered:
"Oh, it just happened that way, I am sure." 41
It is thus clear that, as Sullivan said, "No holds were barred, 42 although
some holds were weighed more carefully than others. When the willingness to
use techniques which were concededly dangerous or harmful to the targets is
combined with the range of purposes and criteria by which these targets were
chosen, the result is neither "within bounds" nor "justified" in a free
society. 43
E. Legal Restrictions Were Ignored
What happened to turn a law enforcement agency into a law violator? Why do
those involved still believe their actions were not only defensible, but
right? 44
The answers to these questions are found in a combination of factors: the
availability of information showing the targets' vulnerability gathered

through the unrestrained collection of domestic intelligence; the belief

both within and without the Bureau that it could handle any problem; and
frustration with the apparent inability of traditional law enforcement
methods to solve the problems presented.
There is no doubt that Congress and the public looked to the Bureau for
protection against domestic and foreign threats. As the COINTELPRO unit
chief stated:
At this time [the mid-1950s] there was a general philosophy too, the general
attitude of the public at this time was you did not have to worry about
Communism because the FBI would take care of it. Leave it to the FBI.
I hardly know an agent who would ever go to a social affair or something, if
he were introduced as FBI, the comment would be, "we feel very good because
we know you are handling the threat." We were handling the threat with what
directives and statutes were available. There did not seem to be any strong
interest of anybody to give us stronger or better defined statutes. 45
Not only was no one interested in giving the Bureau better statutes (nor, for
that matter, did the Bureau request them), but the Supreme Court drastically
narrowed the scope of the statutes available. The Bureau personnel involved
trace the institution of the first formal counterintelligence program to the
Supreme Court reversal of the Smith Act convictions. The unit chief
The Supreme Court rulings had rendered the Smith Act technically
unenforceable.... It made it ineffective to prosecute Communist Party
members, made it impossible to prosecute Communist Party members at the
time. 46
This belief in the failure of law enforcement produced the subsequent
COINTELPROs as well. The unit chief continued:
The other COINTELPRO programs were opened as the threat arose in areas of
extremism and subversion and there were not adequate statutes to proceed
against the organization or to prevent their activities. 47
Every Bureau witness deposed agreed that his particular COINTELPRO was the
result of tremendous pressure on the Bureau to do something about a
perceived threat, coupled with the inability of law enforcement techniques
to cope with the situation, either because there were no pertinent federal
statutes, 48 or because local law enforcement efforts were stymied by
indifference or the refusal of those in charge to call the police.
Outside pressure and law enforcement frustration do not, of course, fully
explain COINTELPRO. Perhaps, after all, the best explanation was proffered
by George C. Moore, the Racial Intelligence Section chief:

The FBI's counterintelligence program came up because there was a point -- if

you have anything in the FBI, you have an action-oriented group of people
who see something happening and want to do something to take its place. 49
F. Command and Control
1. 1956-71
While that "action-oriented group of people" was proceeding with fifteen
years of COINTELPRO activities, where were those responsible for the
supervision and control of the Bureau? Part of the answer lies in the
definition of "covert action"-- clandestine activities. No one outside the
Bureau was supposed to know that COINTELPRO existed. Even within the
the programs were handled on a "need-to-know" basis.
Nevertheless, the Bureau has supplied the Committee with documents which
support its contention that various Attorneys General, advisors to
Presidents, members of the House Appropriations Subcommittee, and, in 1958,
the Cabinet were at least put on notice of the existence of the CPUSA and
White Hate COINTELPROs. The Bureau cannot support its claim that anyone
outside the FBI was informed of the existence of the Socialist Workers
Party, Black Nationalist, or New Left COINTELPROs, and even those letters or
briefings which referred (usually indirectly) to the CPUSA and White Hate
COINTELPROs failed to mention the use of techniques which risked physical,
emotional, or economic damage to their targets. In any event, there is no
record that any of these officials asked to know more, and none of them
appears to have expressed disapproval based on the information they were
As the history of the Domestic Intelligence Division shows, the absence of
disapproval has been interpreted by the Bureau as sufficient authorization
to continue an activity (and occasionally, even express disapproval has not
sufficed to stop a practice). Perhaps, however, the crux of the "command and
control" problem lies in the testimony by one former Attorney General that
he was too busy to know what the Bureau was doing, 50 and by another that,
as a matter of political reality, he could not have stopped it anyway. 51
2. Post-1971
Whether the Attorney General can control the Bureau is still an open
question. The Peterson Committee, which was formed within the Justice
Department to investigate COINTELPRO at Attorney General Saxbe's request,
worked only with Bureau-prepared summaries of the COINTELPRO files. 52
Further, the fact that the Department of Justice must work with the Bureau
on a day-to-day basis may influence the Department's judgment on Bureau
activities. 53

G. Termination
If COINTELPRO had been a short-lived aberration, the thorny problems of
motivation, techniques, and control presented might be safely relegated to
history. However, COINTELPRO existed for years on an "ad hoc" basis before
the formal programs were instituted, and more significantly, COINTELPRO-type
activities may continue today under the rubric of "investigation."
1. The Grey Area Between Counterintelligence and Investigation
The word "counterintelligence" had no fixed meaning even before the programs
were terminated. The Bureau witnesses agreed that there is a large grey area
between "counterintelligence" and "aggressive investigation," and that,
headquarters supervisors sometimes had difficulty in deciding which caption
should go on certain proposals. 54
Aggressive investigation continues, and may be even more disruptive than
covert action. An anonymous letter (COINTELPRO) can be ignored as the work
of a crank; an overt approach by the Bureau ("investigation") is not so
easily dismissed. 55 The line between information collection and harassment
can be extremely thin.
2. Is COINTELPRO Continuing?
COINTELPRO-type activities which are clearly not within the "grey area"
between COINTELPRO and investigation have continued on at least three
occasions. Although all COINTELPROs were officially terminated "for security
reasons" on April 27, 1971, the documents discontinuing the program
In exceptional circumstances where it is considered counterintelligence
action is warranted, recommendations should be submitted to the Bureau under
the individual case caption to which it pertains. These recommendations will
be considered on an individual basis. 56
The Committee requested that the Bureau provide it with a list of any
"COINTELPRO-type" actions Since April 28,1971. The Bureau first advised the
Committee that a review failed to develop any information indicating post
termination COINTELPRO activity. Subsequently, the Bureau located and
furnished to the Committee two instances of COINTELPRO-type operations. 57
The Committee has discovered a third instance; four months after COINTELPRO
was terminated, information on an attorney's political background was
furnished to friendly newspaper sources under the so-called "Mass Media
Program," intended to discredit both the attorney and his client. 58
The Committee has not been able to determine with any greater precision the
extent to which COINTELPRO may be continuing. Any proposals to initiate

COINTELPRO-type action would be filed under the individual case caption. The
Bureau has over 500,000 case files, and each one would have to be searched.
In this context, it should be noted that a Bureau search of all field office
COINTELPRO files revealed the existence of five operations in addition to
those known to the Petersen committee. 59 A search of all investigative
files might be similarly productive.
3. The Future of COINTELPRO
Attitudes within and without the Bureau demonstrate a continued belief by
some that covert action against American citizens is permissible if the need
for it is strong enough. When the Petersen Committee report on COINTELPRO
was released, Director Kelley responded, "For the FBI to have done less
under the circumstances would have been an abdication of its
responsibilities to the American people." He also restated his "feeling that
the FBI's counterintelligence programs had an impact on the crises of the
time and, therefore, that they helped to bring about a favorable change in
this country." 60 In his testimony before the Select Committee, Director
Kelley continued to defend COINTELPRO, albeit with some reservations:
What I said then, in 1974, and what I believe today, is that the FBI
employees involved in these programs did what they felt was expected of them
by the President, the Attorney General, the Congress, and the people of the
United States. . . .
Our concern over whatever abuses occurred in the Counterintelligence
Programs, and there were some substantial ones, should not obscure the
underlying purpose of those programs.
We must recognize that situations have occurred in the past and will arise in
the future where the Government may well be expected to depart from its
traditional role, in the FBI's case, as an investigative and
intelligence-gathering agency, and take affirmative steps which are needed
to meet an imminent threat to human life or property. 62
Nor is the Director alone in his belief that faced with sufficient threat,
covert disruption is justified. The Department of Justice promulgated
tentative guidelines for the Bureau which would have permitted the Attorney
General to authorize "preventive action" where there is a substantial
possibility that violence will occur and "prosecution is impracticable."
Although those guidelines have now been dropped, the principle has not been


A. Origins

The origins of COINTELPRO are rooted in the Bureau's jurisdiction to

investigate hostile foreign intelligence activities on American soil.
Counterintelligence, of course, goes beyond investigation; it is affirmative
action taken to neutralize hostile agents.
The Bureau believed its wartime counterattacks on foreign agents to be
effective -- and what works against one enemy will work against another. In
the atmosphere of the Cold War, the American Communist Party was viewed as
deadly threat to national security.
In 1956, the Bureau decided that a formal counterintelligence program,
coordinated from headquarters, would be an effective weapon in the fight
against Communism. The first COINTELPRO was therefore initiated. 63
The CPUSA COINTELPRO accounted for more than half of all approved
64 The Bureau personnel involved believed that the success of the program -one action was described as "the most effective single blow ever dealt the
organized communist movement" -- made counterintelligence techniques the
weapons of choice whenever the Bureau assessed a new and, in its view,
equally serious threat to the country.
As noted earlier, law enforcement frustration also played a part in the
origins of each COINTELPRO. In each case, Bureau witnesses testified that
the lack of adequate statutes, uncooperative or ineffective local police, or
restrictive court rulings had made it impossible to use traditional law
enforcement methods against the targeted groups.
Additionally, a certain amount of empire building may have been at work.
Under William C. Sullivan, the Domestic Intelligence Division greatly
expanded its jurisdiction. Klan matters were transferred in 1964 to the
Intelligence Division from the General Investigative Division; black
nationalist groups were added in 1967; and, just as the Old Left appeared to
be dying out, 66 the New Left was gradually added to the work of the
Division's Internal Security Section in the late 1960s.
Finally, it is significant that the five domestic COINTELPROs were started
against the five groups which were the subject of intensified investigative
programs. Of course, the fact that such intensive investigative programs
were started at all reflects the Bureau's process of threat assessment: the
greater the threat, the more need to know about it (intelligence) and the
more impetus to counter it (covert action). More important, however, the
mere existence of the additional information gained through the
investigative programs inevitably demonstrated those particular
organizational or personal weaknesses which were vulnerable to disruption.
COINTELPRO demonstrates the dangers inherent in the overbroad collection of

domestic intelligence; when information is available, it can be -- and was

-- improperly used.
B. The Programs
Before examining each program in detail, some general observations may be
useful. Each of the five domestic COINTELPROs had certain traits in common.
As noted above, each program used techniques learned from the Bureau's
wartime efforts against hostile foreign agents. Each sprang from frustration
with the perceived inability of law enforcement to deal with what the Bureau
believed to be a serious threat to the country. Each program depended on an
intensive intelligence effort to provide the information used to disrupt the
target groups.
The programs also differ to some extent. The White Hate program, for example,
was very precisely targeted; each of the other programs spread to a number
of groups which do not appear to fall within any clear parameters. 67 In
fact, with each subsequent COINTELPRO, the targeting became more diffuse.
The White Hate COINTELPRO also used comparatively few techniques which
carried a risk of serious physical, emotional, or economic damage to the
targets, while the Black Nationalist COINTELPRO used such techniques
extensively. The New Left COINTELPRO, on the other hand, had the highest
proportion of proposals aimed at preventing the exercise of free speech.
Like the progression in targeting, the use of dangerous, degrading, or
blatantly unconstitutional techniques also appears to have become less
restrained with each subsequent program.
1. CPUSA. -- The first official COINTELPRO program, against the Communist
Party, USA, was started in August 1956 with Director Hoover's approval.
Although the formal program was instituted in 1956, COINTELPRO-type
activities had gone on for years. The memorandum recommending the program
refers to prior actions, constituting "harassment," which were generated by
the field during the course of the Bureau's investigation of the Communist
Party." These prior actions were instituted on all ad hoc basis as the
opportunity arose. As Sullivan testified, "[Before 1956] we were engaged in
COINTELPRO tactics, divide, confuse, weaken in diverse ways, all
organization. . . . [Before 1956] it, was more sporadic. It depended on a
given office. . . ." 69
In 1956, a series of field conferences was held to discuss the development of
new security informants. The Smith Act trials and related proceedings had
exposed over 100 informants, leaving the Bureau's intelligence apparatus in
some disarray. During the field conferences, a formal counterintelligence
program was recommended, partly because of the gaps in the informant ranks.
Since the Bureau had evidence that until the late 1940s the CPUSA had been

"blatantly" involved in Soviet espionage, and believed that the Soviets were
continuing to use the Party for "political and intelligence purposes," 71
there was no clear line of demarcation in the Bureau's switch from foreign
to domestic counterintelligence. The initial areas of concentration were the
use of informants to capitalize on the conflicts within the Party over
Nikita Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin; to prevent the CP's efforts to
take over (via a merger) a broad-based socialist group; to encourage the
Socialist Workers Party in its attacks on the CP; and to use the IRS to
investigate underground CP members who either failed to file, or filed under
false names.
As the program proceeded, other targets and techniques were developed, but
until 1960 the CPUSA targets were Party members, and the techniques were
aimed at the Party organization (factionalism, public exposure, etc.)
2. The 1960 Expansion. -- In March 1960, CPUSA COINTELPRO field offices
received a directive to intensify counterintelligence efforts to prevent
Communist infiltration ("COMINFIL") of mass organizations, ranging from the
NAACP 72 to a local scout troop. 73 The usual technique would be to tell a
leader of the organization about the alleged Communist in its midst, the
target, of course, being the alleged Communist rather than the organization.
In an increasing number of cases, however, both the alleged Communist and
the organization were targeted, usually by planting a news article about
Communists active in the organization. For example, a newsman was given
information about Communist participation in a SANE march, with the express
purpose being to discredit SANE as well as the participants, and another
newspaper was alerted to plans of Bettina Aptheker to join a United Farm
Workers picket line. 74 The 1960 "COMINFIL" memorandum marks the
of the slide from targeting CP members to those allegedly under CP
"influence" (such civil right's leaders as Martin Luther King, Jr.) to
"fellow travelers" (those, taking positions supported by the Communists,
such as school integration, increased minority hiring, and opposition to
HUAC.) 75
3. Socialist Workers Party. -- The Socialist Workers Party ("SWP") COINTELPRO
program was initiated on October 12, 1961, by the headquarters supervisor
handling the SWP desk (but with Hoover's concurrence) apparently on a theory
of even-handed treatment: if the Bureau has a program against the CP, it was
only fair to have one against the Trotskyites. (The COINTELPRO unit chief,
in response to a question about why the Bureau targeted the SWP in view of
the fact that the SWP's hostility to the Communist Party had been useful in
disrupting the CPUSA, answered, "I do not think that the Bureau
discriminates against subversive organizations.") 76
The program was not given high priority -- only 45 actions were approved -and was discontinued in 1969, two years before the other four programs
ended. (The SWP program was then subsumed in the New Left COINTELPRO.)

Nevertheless, it marks an important departure from the CPUSA COINTELPRO:

although the-SWP had contacts with foreign Trotskyite groups, there was no
evidence that the SWP was involved in espionage. These were, in C. D.
Brennans phrase, "home grown tomatoes." 77 The Bureau has conceded that the
SWP has never been engaged in organizational violence, nor has it taken any
criminal steps toward overthrowing the country. 78
Nor does the Bureau claim the SWP was engaged in revolutionary acts. The
Party was targeted for its rhetoric; significantly, the originating letter
points to the SWPs "open" espousal of its line, "through running candidates
for public office" and its direction and/or support of "such causes as
Castro's Cuba and integration problems arising in the South." Further, the
American people had to be alerted to the fact that "the SWP is not just
another socialist group but follows the revolutionary principles of Marx,
Lenin, and Engles as interpreted by Leon Trotsky." 79
Like the CPUSA COINTELPRO, non-Party members were also targeted,
when the SWP and the Young Socialist Alliance (the SWP's youth group)
started to co-sponsor antiwar marches. 80
4. White Hate. -- The Klan COINTELPRO began on July 30, 1964, with the
transfer of the "responsibility for development of informants and gathering
of intelligence on the KKK and other hate groups" from the General
Investigative Division to the Domestic Intelligence Division. The memorandum
recommending the reorganization also suggested that, "counterintelligence
and disruption tactics be given further study by DID and appropriate
recommendations made." 81
Accordingly, on September 2, 1964, a directive was sent to seventeen field
offices instituting a COINTELPRO against Klan-type and hate organizations
"to expose, disrupt, and otherwise neutralize the activities of the various
Klans and hate organizations, their leadership, and adherents." 82 Seventeen
Klan organizations and nine "hate" organizations (e.g., American Nazi Party,
National States Rights Party, etc.) were listed as targets. The field
offices were also instructed specifically to consider "Action Groups" -"the relatively few individuals in each organization who use strong arm
tactics and violent actions to achieve their ends." 83 However,
counterintelligence proposals were not to be limited to these few, but were
to include any influential member if the opportunity arose. As the unit
chief stated:
The emphasis was on determining the identity and exposing and neutralizing
the violence prone activities of "Action Groups," but also it was important
to expose the unlawful activities of other Klan organizations. We also made
an effort to deter or counteract the propaganda and to deter violence and to
deter recruitment where we could. This was done with the view that if we
could curb the organization, we could curb the action or the violence within

the organization. 84
The White Hate COINTELPRO appears to have been limited, with few
85 to the original named targets. No "legitimate" right wing organizations
were drawn into the program, in contrast with the earlier spread of the
CPUSA and SWP programs to non members. This precision has been attributed
the Bureau to the superior intelligence on "hate" groups received by
excellent informant penetration.
Bureau witnesses believe the Klan program to have been highly effective. The
unit chief stated:
I think the Bureau got the job done.. I think that one reason we were able to
get the job done was that we were able to use counterintelligence
techniques. It is possible that we eventually could have done the job
without counterintelligence techniques. I am not sure we could have done it
as well or as quickly. 86
This view was shared by George C. Moore, Section Chief of the Racial
Intelligence Section, which had responsibility for the White Hate and Black
Nationalist COINTELPROs:
I think from what I have seen and what I have read, as far as the
counterintelligence program on the, Klan is concerned, that it was
effective. I think it was one of the most effective programs I have ever
seen the Bureau handle as far as any group is concerned. 87
5. Black Nationalist-Hate Groups. 88 -- In marked contrast to prior
COINTELPROs, which grew out of years of intensive intelligence
investigation, the Black Nationalist COINTELPRO and the racial intelligence
investigative section were set up at about the same time in 1967.
Prior to that time, the Division's investigation of "Negro matters" was
limited to instances of alleged Communist infiltration of civil rights
groups and to monitoring civil rights protest activity. However, the long,
hot summer of 1967 led to intense pressure on the Bureau to do something to
contain the problem, and once again, the Bureau heeded the call.
The originating letter was sent out to twenty-three field offices on August
25, 1967, describing the program's purpose as
... to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the
activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings,
their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters, and to counter
their propensity for violence and civil disorder. . . . Efforts of the
various groups to consolidate their forces or to recruit new or youthful

adherents must be frustrated. 89

Initial group targets for "intensified attention" were the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,
Revolutionary Action Movement, Deacons for Defense and Justice, Congress of
Racial Equality, and the Nation of Islam. Individuals named targets were
Stokely Carmichael, H. "Rap" Brown, Elijah Muhammed, and Maxwell Stanford.
The targets were chosen by conferring with Headquarters personnel
supervising the racial cases; the list was not intended to exclude other
groups known to the field.
According to the Black Nationalist supervisor, individuals and organizations
were targeted because of their propensity for violence or their "radical or
revolutionary rhetoric [and] actions":
Revolutionary would be [defined as] advocacy of the overthrow of the
Government.... Radical [is] a loose term that might cover, for example, the
separatist view of the Nation of Islam, the influence of a group called U.S.
Incorporated.... Generally, they wanted a separate black nation.... They
[the NOI] advocated formation of a separate black nation on the territory of
five Southern states. 90
The letter went on to direct field offices to exploit conflicts within and
between groups; to use news media contacts to disrupt, ridicule, or
discredit groups; to preclude "violence-prone" or "rabble rouser" leaders of
these groups from spreading their philosophy publicly; and to gather
information on the "unsavory backgrounds" -- immorality, subversive
activity, and criminal activity-- of group members. 91
According to George C. Moore, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
was included because
... at that time it was still under investigation because of the communist
infiltration. As far as I know, there were not any violent propensities,
except that I note ... in the cover memo [expanding the program] or
somewhere, that they mentioned that if Martin Luther King decided to go a
certain way, he could cause some trouble.... I cannot explain it
satisfactorily . . . this is something the section inherited. 92
On March 4, 1968, the program was expanded from twenty-three to forty-one
field offices. 93 The letter expanding the program lists five long-range
goals for the program:
(1) to prevent the "coalition of militant black nationalist groups," which
might be the first step toward a real "Mau Mau" in America;
(2) to prevent the rise of a "messiah" who could "unify, and electrify," the
movement, naming specifically Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael, and

Elijah Muhammed;
(3) to prevent violence on the part of black nationalist groups, by
pinpointing "potential troublemakers" and neutralizing them "before they
exercise their potential for violence;"
(4) to prevent groups and leaders from gaining "respectability" by
discrediting them to the "responsible" Negro community, to the white
community (both the responsible community and the "liberals" -- the
distinction is the Bureau's), and to Negro radicals; and
(5) to prevent the long range growth of these organizations, especially among
youth, by developing specific tactics to "prevent these groups from
recruiting young people." 94
6. The Panther Directives. -- The Black Panther Party ("BPP") was not
included in the first two lists of primary targets (August 1967 and March
1968) because it had not attained national importance. By November 1968,
apparently the BPP had become sufficiently active to be considered a primary
target. A letter to certain field offices with BPP activity dated November
25, 1968, ordered recipient offices to submit "imaginative and hard-hitting
counterintelligence measures aimed at crippling the BPP." Proposals were to
be received every two weeks. Particular attention was to be given to
capitalizing upon the differences between the BPP and US, Inc. (Ron
Karenga's group), which had reached such proportions that "it is taking on
the aura of gang warfare with attendant threats of murder and reprisals." 95
On January 30, 1969, this program against the BPP was expanded to additional
offices, noting that the BPP was attempting to create a better image. In
line with this effort, Bobby Seale was conducting a "purge" 96 of the party,
including expelling police informants. Recipient offices were instructed to
take advantage of the opportunity to further plant the seeds of suspicion
concerning disloyalty among ranking officials. 97
Bureau witnesses are not certain whether the Black Nationalist program was
effective. Mr. Moore stated:
I know that the ... overall results of the Klan [COINTELPRO] was much more
effective from what I have been told than the Black Extremism [COINTELPRO]
because of the number of informants in the Klan who could take action which
would be more effective. In the Black Extremism Group . . . we got a late
start because we did not have extremist - activity [until] '67 and '68. Then
we had to play catch-up.... It is not easy to measure effectiveness....
There were policemen killed in those days. There were bombs thrown. There
were establishments burned with molotov cocktails.... We can measure that
damage. You cannot measure over on the other side, what lives were saved
because somebody did not leave the organization or suspicion was sown on his
leadership and this organization gradually declined and [there was]

suspicion within it, or this organization did not join with [that]
organization as a result of a black power conference which was aimed towards
consolidation efforts. All we know, either through their own ineptitude,
maybe it emerged through counterintelligence, maybe, I think we like to
think that that helped to do it, that there was not this development. . . .
What part did counterintelligence [play?] We hope that it did play a part.
Maybe we just gave it a nudge." 98
7. New Left. -- The Internal Security Section had undergone a slow transition
from concentrating on the "Old Left" -- the CPUSA and SWP -- to focusing
primarily on the activities of the "New Left" -- a term which had no precise
definition within the Bureau. 99 Some agents defined "New Left"
functionally, by connection with protests. Others defined it by philosophy,
particularly antiwar philosophy.
On October 28, 1968, the fifth and final COINTELPRO was started against this
undefined group. The program was triggered in part by the Columbia campus
disturbance. Once again, law enforcement methods had broken down, largely
(in the Bureau's opinion) because college administrators refused to call the
police on campus to deal with student demonstrations. The atmosphere at the
time was described by the Headquarters agent who supervised the New Left
During that particular time, there was considerable public, Administration -I mean governmental Administration [and] news media interest in the protest
movement to the extent that some groups, I don't recall any specifics, but
some groups were calling for something to be done to blunt or reduce the
protest movements that were disrupting campuses. I can't classify it as
exactly an hysteria, but there was considerable interest [and concern]. That
was the framework that we were working with.... It would be my impression
that as a result of this hysteria, some governmental leaders were looking to
the Bureau. 100
And, once again, the combination of perceived threat, public outcry, and law
enforcement frustration produced a COINTELPRO.
According to the initiating letter, the counterintelligence program's purpose
was to "expose, disrupt, and otherwise neutralize," the activities of the
various New Left organizations, their leadership, and adherents, with
particular attention to Key Activists, "the moving forces behind the New
Left." The final paragraph contains an exhortation to a "forward look,
enthusiasm, and interest" because of the Bureau's concern that "the
anarchist activities of a few can paralyze institutions of learning,
induction centers, cripple traffic, and tie the arms of law enforcement
officials all to the detriment of our society." The internal memorandum
recommending the program further sets forth the Bureau's concerns:
Our Nation is undergoing an era of disruption and violence caused to a large

extent by various individuals generally connected with the New Left. Some of
these activists urge revolution in America and call for the defeat of the
United States in Vietnam. They continually and falsely allege police
brutality and do not hesitate to utilize unlawful acts to further their
so-called causes.
The document continues:
The New Left has on many occasions viciously and scurrilously attacked the
Director and the Bureau in an attempt to hamper our investigation of it and
to drive us off the college campuses. 101
Based on those factors, the Bureau decided to institute a new COINTELPRO.
8. New Left Directives. -- The Bureau's concern with "tying the hands of law
enforcement officers," and with the perceived weakness of college
administrators in refusing to call police onto the campus, led to a May 23,
1968, directive to all participating field offices to gather information on
three categories of New Left activities:
(1) false allegations of police brutality, to "counter the wide-spread
charges of police brutality that invariably arise following student-police
(2) immorality, depicting the "scurrilous and depraved nature of many of the
characters, activities, habits, and living conditions representative of New
Left adherents"; and
(3) action by college administrators, "to show the value of college
administrators and school officials taking a firm stand," and pointing out
"whether and to what extent faculty members rendered aid and
The letter continues, "Every avenue of possible embarrassment must be
vigorously and enthusiastically explored. It cannot be expected that
information of this type will be easily obtained, and an imaginative
approach by your personnel is imperative to its success." 103
The order to furnish information on "immorality" was not carried out with
sufficient enthusiasm. On October 9, 1968, headquarters sent another letter
to all offices, taking them to task for their failure to "remain alert for
and to seek specific data depicting the depraved nature and moral looseness
of the New Left" and to "use this material in a vigorous and enthusiastic
approach to neutralizing them." 104 Recipient offices were again instructed
to be "particularly alert for this type of data" 105 and told:
As the current school year commences, it can be expected that the New Left
with its anti-war and anti-draft entourage will make every effort to

confront college authorities, stifle military recruiting, and frustrate the

Selective Service System. Each office will be expected, therefore, to afford
this program continuous effective attention in order that no opportunity
will be missed to destroy this insidious movement. 106
As to the police brutality and "college administrator" categories, the
Bureau's belief that getting tough with students and demonstrators would
solve the problem, and that any injuries which resulted were deserved, is
reflected in the Bureau's reaction to allegations of police brutality
following the Chicago Democratic Convention.
On August 28, 1968, a letter was sent to the Chicago field office instructing
it to "obtain all possible evidence that would disprove these charges" [that
the Chicago police used undue force] and to "consider measures by which
cooperative news media may be used to counteract these allegations." The
administrative "note" (for the file) states :
Once again, the liberal press and the bleeding hearts and the forces on the
left are taking advantage of the situation in Chicago surrounding the
Democratic National Convention to attack the police and organized law
enforcement agencies.... We should be mindful of this situation and develop
all possible evidence to expose this activity and to refute these false
allegations. 107
In the same vein, on September 9, 1968, an instruction was sent to all
offices which had sent informants to the Chicago convention demonstrations,
ordering them to debrief the informants for information "indicating
incidents were staged to show police reacted with undue force and any
information that authorities were baited by militants into using force." 108
The offices were also to obtain evidence of possible violations of anti-riot
laws. 109
The originating New Left letter had asked all recipient offices to respond
with suggestions for counterintelligence action. Those responses were
analyzed and a letter sent to all offices on July 6, 1968, setting forth
twelve suggestions for counterintelligence action which could be utilized by
all offices. Briefly the techniques are:
(1) preparing leaflets designed to discredit student demonstrators, using
photographs of New Left leadership at the respective universities.
"Naturally, the most obnoxious pictures should be used";
(2) instigating "personal conflicts or animosities" between New Left leaders;
(3) creating the impression that leaders are "informants for the Bureau or
other law enforcement agencies";
(4) sending articles from student newspapers or the "underground press" which

show the depravity of the New Left to university officials, donors,

legislators, and parents. "Articles showing advocation of the use of
narcotics and free sex are ideal";
(5) having members arrested on marijuana charges;
(6) sending anonymous letters about a student's activities to parents,
neighbors, and the parents' employers. "This could have the effect of
forcing the parents to take action";
(7) sending anonymous letters or leaflets describing the "activities and
associations" of New Left faculty members and graduate assistants to
university officials, legislators, Boards of Regents, and the press. "These
letters should be signed 'A Concerned Alumni,' or 'A Concerned Taxpayer'";
(8) using cooperative press contacts" to emphasize that the "disruptive
elements" constitute a "minority" of the students. "The press should demand
an immediate referendum on the issue in question";
(9) exploiting the "hostility" among the SDS and other New Left groups toward
the SWP, YSA, and Progressive Labor Party;
(10) using "friendly news media'' and law enforcement officials to disrupt
New Left coffeehouses near military bases which are attempting to "influence
members of the Armed Forces";
(11) using cartoons, photographs, and anonymous letters to "ridicule" the New
Left, and
(12) using "misinformation" to "confuse and disrupt" New Left activities,
such as by notifying members that events have been cancelled. 110
As noted earlier, the lack of any Bureau definition of "New Left" resulted in
targeting almost every anti-war group, 111 and spread to students
demonstrating against anything. One notable example is a proposal targeting
a student who carried an "obscene" sign in a demonstration protesting
administration censorship of the school newspaper, and another student who
sent a letter to that paper defending the demonstration. 112 In another
article regarding "free love" on a university campus was anonymously mailed
to college administrators and state officials since free love allows "an
atmosphere to build up on campus that will be a fertile field for the New
Left." 113
None of the Bureau witnesses deposed believes the New Left COINTELPRO was
generally effective, in part because of the imprecise targeting.


The origins of COINTELPRO demonstrate that the Bureau adopted extralegal
methods to counter perceived threats to national security and public order
because the ordinary legal processes were believed to be insufficient to do
the job. In essence, the Bureau took the law into its own hands, conducting
a sophisticated vigilante operation against domestic enemies.
The risks inherent in setting aside the laws, even though the, purpose seems
compelling at the time, were described by Tom Charles Huston in his
testimony before the Committee: 114
The risk was that you would get people who would be susceptible to political
considerations as opposed to national security considerations, or would
construe political considerations to be national security considerations, to
move from the kid with a bomb to the kid with a picket sign, and from the
kid with the picket sign to the kid with the bumper sticker of the opposing
candidate. And you just keep going down the line. 115
The description is apt. Certainly, COINTELPRO took in a staggering range of
targets. As noted earlier, the choice of individuals and organizations to be
neutralized and disrupted ranged from the violent elements of the Black
Panther Party to Martin Luther King, Jr., who the Bureau concedes was an
advocate of nonviolence; from the Communist Party to the Ku Klux Klan; and
from the advocates of violent revolution such as the Weathermen, to the
supporters of peaceful social change, including the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference and the Inter-University Committee for Debate on
Foreign Policy.
The breadth of targeting springs partly from a lack of definition for the
categories involved, and partly from the Bureau's belief that dissident
speech and association should be prevented because they were incipient steps
toward the possible ultimate commission of an act which might be criminal.
Thus, the Bureau's self-imposed role as protector of the existing political
and social order blurred the line between targeting criminal activity and
constitutionally protected acts and advocacy.
The clearest example of actions directly aimed at the exercise of
constitutional rights are those targeting speakers, teachers, writers or
publications, and meetings or peaceful demonstrations. 116 Approximately 18
percent of all approved COINTELPRO proposals fell into these categories. 117
The cases include attempts (sometimes successful) to get university and high
school teachers fired; to prevent targets from speaking on campus; to stop
chapters of target groups from being formed; to prevent the distribution of
books, newspapers, or periodicals; to disrupt news conferences; to disrupt

peaceful demonstrations, including the SCLCs Washington Spring Project and

Poor People's Campaign, and most of the large antiwar marches; and to deny
facilities for meetings or conferences.
A. Efforts to Prevent Speaking
An illustrative example of attacks on speaking concerns the plans of a
dissident stockholders' group to protest a large corporation's war
production at the annual stockholders meeting. 118 The field office was
authorized to furnish information about the group's plans (obtained from
paid informants in the group) to a confidential source in the company's
management. The Bureau's purpose was not only to "circumvent efforts to
disrupt the corporate meeting," but also to prevent any attempt to "obtain
publicity or embarrass" corporate officials. 119
In another case, 120 anonymous telephone calls were made to the editorial
desks of three newspapers in a Midwestern city, advising them that a lecture
to be given on a university campus was actually being sponsored by a
Communist-front organization. The university had recently lifted its ban on
Communist speakers on campus and was experiencing some political difficulty
over this decision. The express purpose of the phone calls was to prevent a
Communist-sponsored speaker from appearing on campus and, for a time, it
appeared to have worked. One of the newspapers contacted the director of the
university's conference center. He in turn discussed the meeting with the
president of the university who decided to cancel the meeting. 121 The
sponsoring organization, supported by the ACLU, took the case to court, and
won a ruling that the university could not bar the speaker. (Bureau
headquarters then ordered the field office to furnish information on the
judge.) Although the lecture went ahead as scheduled, headquarters
the field office for the affirmative results of its suggestion: the
sponsoring organization had been forced to incur additional expense and
attorneys' fees, and had received newspaper exposure of its "true communist
B. Efforts to Prevent Teaching
Teachers were targeted because the Bureau believed that they were in a unique
position to "plant the seeds of communism [or whatever ideology was under
attack] in the minds of unsuspecting youth." Further, as noted earlier, it
was believed that a teacher's position gave respectability to whatever cause
he supported. In one case, a high school teacher was targeted for inviting
two poets to attend a class at his school. The poets were noted for their
efforts in the draft resistance movement. This invitation led to an
investigation by the local police, which in turn provoked sharp criticism
from the ACLU. The field office was authorized to send anonymous letters to
two local newspapers, to the city Board of Education, and to the high school
administration, suggesting that the ACLU should not criticize the police for

probing into high school activities, "but should rather have focused
attention on [the teacher] who has been a convicted draft dodger." The
letter continued, "[the teacher] is the assault on academic freedom and not
the local police." The purpose of the letter, according to Bureau documents,
was "to highlight [the teacher's] antidraft activities at the local high
school" and to "discourage any efforts" he may make there. The letter was
also intended to "show support for the local police against obvious attempts
by the New Left to agitate in the high schools." 122 No results were
In another case, 123 a university professor who was "an active participant in
New Left demonstrations" had publicly surrendered his draft card and had
been arrested twice, (but not convicted) in antiwar demonstrations. The
Bureau decided that the professor should be "removed from his position" at
the university. The field office was authorized to contact a "confidential
source" at a foundation which contributed substantial funds to the
university, and "discreetly suggest that the [foundation] may desire to call
to the attention of the University administration questions concerning the
advisability of [the professor's] continuing his position there." The
foundation official was told by the university that the professor's contract
would not be renewed, but in fact the professor did continue to teach. The
following academic year, therefore, the field office was authorized to
furnish additional information to the foundation official on the professor's
arrest and conviction (with a, suspended sentence) in another demonstration.
No results were reported.
In a third instance, the Bureau attempted to "discredit and neutralize" a
university professor and the Inter-University Committee for Debate on
Foreign Policy, in which lie was active. The field office was authorized to
send a fictitious name letter to influential state political figures, the
mass media, university administrators, and the Board of Regents, accusing
the professor and "his protesting cohorts" of "giving aid and comfort to the
enemy," and wondering "if the strategy is to bleed the United States white
by prolonging the war in Vietnam and pave the way for a takeover by Russia."
No results were reported. 124
C. Efforts to Prevent Writing and Publishing
The Bureau's purpose in targeting attempts to speak was explicitly to prevent
the "propagation" of a target's philosophy and to deter "recruitment" of new
members. Publications and writers appear to have been targeted for the same
reasons. In one example, 125 two university instructors were targeted solely
because they were influential in the publication of and contributed
financial support to a student "underground" newspaper whose editorial
policy was described as "left-of-center, anti-establishment, and opposed
[to] the University administration." The Bureau believed that if the two
instructors were forced to withdraw their support of the newspaper, it would
"fold and cease publication. . . . This would eliminate what voice the New

Left has in the area." Accordingly, the field office was authorized to send
an anonymous letter to a university official furnishing information
concerning the instructors' association with the newspaper, with a warning
that if the university did not persuade the instructors to cease their
support, the letter's author would be forced to expose their activities
publicly. The field office reported that as a result of this technique, both
teachers were placed on probation by the university president, which would
prevent them from getting any raises.
Newspapers were a common target. The Black Panther Party paper was the
subject of a number of actions, both because of its contents and because it
was a source of income for the Party. 126 Other examples include contacting
the landlord of premises rented by two "New Left" newspapers in an attempt
to get them evicted; 121 an anonymous letter to a state legislator
protesting the distribution on campus of an underground newspaper
"representative of the type of mentality that is following the New Left
theory of immorality on certain college campuses"; 128 a letter signed
"Disgusted Taxpayer and Patron" to advertisers in a student newspaper
intended to "increase pressure on the student newspaper to discontinue the
type of journalism that had been employed'' (an article had quoted a
demonstrator's "vulgar Ianguage"); 129 and proposals (which, according to
the Bureau's response to a staff inquiry, were never carried out) to
physically disrupt printing plants. 130
D. Efforts to Prevent Meeting
The Bureau also attempted to prevent target groups from meeting. Frequently
used techniques include contacting the, owner of meeting facilities in order
to have him refuse to rent to the group; 131 trying to have a group's
charter revoked; 132 using the press to disrupt a "closed" meeting by
arriving unannounced; 133 and attempting to persuade sponsors to withdraw
funds. 134 The most striking examples of attacks meeting, however, involve
the use of "disinformation." 135
In one "disinformation" case, the Chicago Field Office duplicated blank forms
prepared by the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
("NMC") soliciting housing for demonstators coming to Chicago for the
Democratic National Convention. Chicago filled out 217 of these forms with
fictitious names and addresses and sent them to the NMC, which provided them
to demonstrators who made "long and useless journeys to locate these
addresses." The NMC then decided to discard all replies received on the
housing forms rather than have out-of-town demonstrators try to locate
nonexistent addresses. 136 (The same program was carried out when the
Washington Mobilization Committee distributed housing forms for
demonstrators coming to Washington for the 1969 Presidential inaugural
ceremonies.) 137
In another case, during the demonstrations accompanying inauguration

ceremonies, the Washington Field Office discovered that NMC marshals were
using walkie-talkies to coordinate their movements and activities. WFO used
the same citizen band to supply the marshals with misinformation and,
pretending to be an NMC unit, countermanded NMC orders. 138
In a third case 139 a midwest field office disrupted arrangements for state
university students to attend the 1969 inaugural demonstrations by making a
series of anonymous telephone calls to the transportation company. The calls
were designed to confuse both the transportation company and the SDS leaders
as to the cost of transportation and the time and place for leaving and
returning. This office also placed confusing leaflets around the campus to
show different times and places for demonstration-planning meetings, as well
as conflicting times and dates for traveling to Washington.
In a fourth instance, the "East Village Other" planned to bomb the Pentagon
with flowers during the 1967 NMC rally in Washington. The New York office
answered the ad for a pilot, and kept up the pretense right to the point at
which the publisher showed up at the airport with 200 pounds of flowers,
with no one to fly the plane. Thus, the Bureau was able to prevent this
"agitational-propaganda activity as relates to dropping flowers over
Washington." 140
The cases discussed above are just a few examples of the Bureau's direct
attack on speaking, teaching, writing and meeting. Other instances include
targeting the New Mexico Free University for teaching, among other things,
"confrontation politics" and "draft counseling training." 141 In another
case, an editorial cartoonist for a northeast newspaper was asked to prepare
a cartoon which would "ridicule and discredit" a group of antiwar activists
who traveled to North Vietnam to inspect conditions there; the cartoon was
intended to "depict [the individuals] as traitors to their country for
traveling to North Vietnam and making utterances against the foreign policy
of the United States." 142 A professor was targeted for being the faculty
advisor to a college group which circulated "The Student As Nigger" on
campus."' A professor conducting a study on the effect and social costs of
McCarthyism was targeted because he sought information and help from the
American Institute of Marxist Studies. 144 Contacts were made with three
separate law schools in an attempt to keep a teaching candidate from being
hired, or once hired, from getting his contract renewed. 145
The attacks on speaking, teaching, writing, and meeting have been examined in
some detail because they present, in their purist form, the consequences of
acting outside the legal process. Perhaps the Bureau was correct in its
assumption that words lead to deeds, and that larger group membership
produces a greater risk of violence. Nevertheless, the law draws the line
between criminal acts and constitutionally protected activity, and that line
must be kept. 146 As Justice Brandeis declared in a different context fifty
years ago:

Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill,
it teaches the whole people, by its example. Crime is contagious. If the
Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law: it invites
every man to become a law unto himself. To declare that in the
administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means -- to declare
that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of
the private criminal -- would bring terrible retribution. Against the
pernicious doctrine this Court should resolutely set its face. Olmstead v.
U.S., 277 U.S. 439,485 (1927)


The techniques used in COINTELPRO were -- and are -- used against hostile
foreign intelligence agents. Sullivan's testimony that the "rough, tough,
dirty business'' 147 of foreign counterintelligence was brought home against
domestic enemies was corroborated by George Moore, whose Racial Intelligence
Section supervised the White Hate and Black Nationalist COINTELPROs:
You can trace [the origins] up and back to foreign intelligence, particularly
penetration of the group by the individual informant. Before you can engage
in counterintelligence you must have intelligence .... If you have good
intelligence and know what it's going to do, you can seed distrust, sow
misinformation. The same technique is used in the foreign field. The same
technique is used, misinformation, disruption, is used in the domestic
groups, although in the domestic groups you are dealing in '67 and '68 with
many, many more across the country ... than you had ever dealt with as far
as your foreign groups. 148
The arsenal of techniques used in the Bureau's secret war against domestic
enemies ranged from the trivial to the life endangering. Slightly more than
a quarter of all approved actions were intended to promote factionalization
within groups and between groups; a roughly equal number of actions involved
the creation and dissemination of propaganda. 149 Other techniques involved
the use of federal, state, and local agencies in selective law enforcement,
and other use (and abuse) of government processes; disseminating derogatory
information to family, friends, and associates; contacting employers;
exposing "communist infiltration" or support of target groups; and using
organizations which were hostile to target groups to disrupt meetings or
otherwise attack the targets.
A. Propaganda
The Bureau's COINTELPRO propaganda efforts stem from the same basic
as the attacks on speaking, teaching, writing and meeting: propaganda works.
Certain ideas are dangerous, and if their expression cannot be prevented,

they should be countered with Bureau-approved views. Three basic techniques

were used: (1) mailing reprints of newspaper and magazine articles to group
members or potential supporters intended to convince them of the error of
their ways; (2) writing articles for or furnishing information to "friendly"
media sources to "expose" target groups; 150 and (3) writing, printing, and
disseminating pamphlets and fliers without identifying the Bureau as the
1. Reprint Mailings
The documents contain case after case of articles and newspaper clippings
being mailed (anonymously, of course) to group members. The Jewish members
of the Communist Party appear to have been inundated with clippings dealing
with Soviet mistreatment of Jews. Similarly, Jewish supporters of the Black
Panther Party received articles from the BPP newspaper containing
anti-Semitic statements. College administrators received reprints of a
Reader's Digest article 151 and a Barron's article on campus disturbances
intended to persuade them to "get tough." 152
Perhaps only one example need be examined in detail, and that only because it
clearly sets forth the purpose of propaganda reprint mailings. Fifty copies
of an article entitled "Rabbi in Vietnam Says Withdrawal Not the Answer,"
escribed as "an excellent article in support of United States foreign policy
in Vietnam," were mailed to certain unnamed professors and members of the
Vietnam Day Committee "who have no other subversive organizational
affiliations." The purpose of the mailing was "to convince [the recipients]
of the correctness of the U.S. foreign policy in Vietnam." 153
Reprint mailings would seem to fall under Attorney General Levi's
characterization of much of COINTELPRO as "foolishness." 154 They violate no
one's civil rights, but should the Bureau be in the anonymous propaganda
2. "Friendly'' Media
Much of the Bureau's propaganda efforts involved giving information or
articles to "friendly" media sources who could be relied upon not to reveal
the Bureau's interests. 155 The Crime Records Division of the Bureau was
responsible for public relations, including all headquarters contacts with
the media. In the course of its work (most of which had nothing to do with
COINTELPRO) the Division assembled a list of "friendly" news media sources
-- those who wrote pro-Bureau stories. 156 Field offices also had
"confidential sources" (unpaid Bureau informants) in the media, and were
able to ensure their cooperation.
The Bureau's use of the news media took two different forms: placing
unfavorable articles and documentaries about targeted groups, and leaking
derogatory information intended to discredit individuals. 157

A typical example of media propaganda is the headquarters letter authorizing

the Boston Field Office to furnish "derogatory information about the Nation
of Islam (NOI) to established source [name excised)": 158
Your suggestions concerning material to furnish [name] are good. Emphasize to
him that the NOI predilection for violence, preaching of race hatred, and
hypocrisy, should be exposed. Material furnished [name] should be either
public source or known to enough people as to protect your sources. Insure
the Bureau's interest in this matter is completely protected by [name]. 160
In another case, information on the Junta of Militant Organizations ("JOMO",
a Black Nationalist target) was furnished to a source at a Tampa television
station. 161 Ironically, the station manager, who had no knowledge of the
Bureau's involvement, invited the Special Agent in Charge, his assistant,
and other agents to a preview of the half-hour film which resulted. The SAC
complimented the station manager on his product, and suggested that it be
made available to civic groups. 162
A Miami television station made four separate documentaries (on the Klan,
Black Nationalist groups, and the New Left) with materials secretly supplied
by the Bureau. One of the documentaries, which had played to an estimated
audience of 200,000, was the subject of an internal memorandum "to advise of
highly successful results of counterintelligence, exposing the black
extremist Nation of Islam."
[Excised] was elated at the response. The station received more favorable
telephone calls from viewers than the switchboard could handle. Community
leaders have commented favorably on the program, three civic organizations
have asked to show the film to their members as a public service, and the
Broward County Sheriff's Office plans to show the film to its officers and
in connection with its community service program.
This expose showed that NOI leaders are of questionable character and live in
luxury through a large amount of money taken as contributions from their
members. The extreme nature of NOI teachings was underscored. Miami
advised the expose has caused considerable concern to local NOI leaders who
have attempted to rebut the program at each open meeting of the NOI since
the program was presented. Local NOI leaders plan a rebuttal in the NOI
newspaper. Attendance by visitors at weekly NOI meetings has dropped 50%.
This shows the value of carefully planned counterintelligence action. 163
The Bureau also planted derogatory articles about the Poor People's Campaign,
the Institute for Policy Studies, the Southern Students Organizing
Committee, the National Mobilization Committee, and a host of other
organizations it believed needed to be seen in their "true light."

3. Bureau-Authored Pamphlets and Fliers.

The Bureau occasionally drafted, printed, and distributed its own propaganda.
These pieces were usually intended to ridicule their targets, rather than
offer "straight" propaganda on the issue. Four of these fliers are
reproduced in the following pages.

NOTE: Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/14/70;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 1/20/70.

NOTE: Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/7/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 2/14/69.

NOTE: Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/21/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 1/24/69.

NOTE: Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/5/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 8/11/69.

B. Effects to Promote Enmity and Factionalism Within Groups or Between


Approximately 28% of the Bureau's COINTELPRO efforts were designed to

groups by setting members against each other, or to separate groups which
might otherwise be allies, and convert them into mutual enemies. The
techniques used included anonymous mailings (reprints, Bureau-authored
articles and letters) to group members criticizing a leader or an allied
group; 164 using informants to raise controversial issues; forming a
"notional" -- a Bureau run splinter group -- to draw away membership from
the target organization; encouraging hostility up to and including gang
warfare between rival groups; and the "snitch jacket."
1. Encouraging Violence Between Rival Groups
The Bureau's attempts to capitalize on active hostility between target groups
carried with them the risk of serious physical injury to the targets. As the
Black Nationalist supervisor put it:
It is not easy [to judge the risks inherent in this technique]. You make the
best judgment you can based on all the circumstances and you always have an
element of doubt where you are dealing with individuals that I think most
people would characterize as having a degree of instability. 65
The Bureau took that risk. The Panther directive instructing recipient
officers to encourage the differences between the Panthers and U.S., Inc.
which were "taking on the aura of gang warfare with attendant threats of
murder and reprisals," 166 is just one example.
A separate report on disruptive efforts aimed at the Panthers will examine in
detail the Bureau's attempts to foment violence. These efforts included
anonymously distributing cartoons which pictured the U.S. organization
gloating over the corpses of two murdered Panthers, and suggested that other
BPP members would be next, 167 and sending a New Jersey Panther leader the
following letter which purported to be from an SDS member: 168
"To Former Comrade [name]
"As one of 'those little bourgeois, snooty nose' -- 'little schoolboys' -'Iittle sissies' Dave Hilliard spoke of in the 'Guardian' of 8/16/69, I
would like to say that you and the rest of you black racists can go to hell.
I stood shoulder to shoulder with Carl Nichols last year in Military Park in
Newark and got my a--- whipped by a Newark pig all for the cause of the
wineheads like you and the rest of the black pussycats that call themselves
Panthers. Big deal, you have to have a three hour educational session just
to teach those ... (you all know what that means don't you! It's the first
word your handkerchief head mamma teaches you) how to spell it.
"Who the hell set you and the Panthers up as the vanguard of the
revolutionary and disciplinary group. You can tell all those wineheads you

associate with that you'll kick no one's '... a---,' because you'd have to
take a three year course in spelling to know what an a--- is and three more
years to be taught where it's located.
"Julius Lester called the BPP the vanguard (that's leader) organization so
international whore Cleaver calls him racist, now when full allegiance is
not given to the Panthers, again racist. What the hell do you want? Are you
getting this? Are you lost? If you're not digging then you're really
"Oh yes! We are not concerned about Hilliard's threats.
"Brains will win over brawn. The way the Panthers have retaliated against US
is another indication. The score: US-6: Panthers-0.
"Why, I read an article in the Panther paper where a California Panther sat
in his car and watched his friend get shot by Karenga's group and what did
he do? He run back and write a full page story about how tough the Panthers
are and what they're going to do. Ha Ha -- B -- S --.
"Goodbye [name] baby-and watch out. Karenga's coming.
"'Right On' as they say."
An anonymous letter was also sent to the leader of the Blackstone Rangers, a
Chicago gang "to whom violent type activity, shooting, and the like, are
second nature," advising him that "the brothers that run the Panthers blame
you for blocking their thing and there's supposed to be a hit out for you."
The letter was intended to "intensify the degree of animosity between the
two groups" and cause "retaliatory action which could disrupt the BPP or
lead to reprisals against its leadership." 169
What's with this bull---- SDS outfit? I'll tell you what they has finally
showed there true color White. They are just like the commies and all the
other white radical groups that suck up to the blacks and use us. We voted
at our meeting in Oakland for community control over the pigs but SDS says
no. Well we can do with out them mothers. We can do it by ourselfs.
Soul Brother Jake
In another case, the Bureau tried to promote violence, not between violent
groups, but between a possibly violent person and another target. The field
office was given permission to arrange a meeting between an SCLC officer and
the leader of a small group described as "anti-Vietnam black nationalist

[veterans'] organization." The leader of the veterans' group was known to be

upset because he was not receiving funds from the SCLC. He was also known to
be on leave from a mental hospital, and the Bureau had been advised that he
would be recommitted if he were arrested on any charge. It was believed that
"if the confrontation occurs at SCLC headquarters," the veterans' group
leader "will lose his temper, start a fight," and the "police will be called
in." The purpose was to "neutralize" the leader by causing his commitment to
a mental hospital, and to gain "unfavorable publicity for the SCLC." 170
At least four assaults -- two of them on women -- were reported as "results"
of Bureau actions. The San Diego field office claimed credit for three of
them. In one case, US members "broke into" a BPP meeting and "roughed up" a
woman member. 171
In the second instance, a critical newspaper article in the Black Panther
paper was sent to the US leader. The field office noted that "the
possibility exists that some sort of retaliatory actions will be taken
against the BPP." 172 The prediction proved correct; the field office
reported that as a result of this mailing, members of US assaulted a Panther
newspaper vendor. 173 The third assault occurred after the San Diego Police
Department, acting on a tip from the Bureau that "sex orgies" were taking
place at Panther headquarters, raided the premises. (The police department
conducted a "research project," discovered two outstanding traffic warrants
for a BPP member, and used the warrants to gain entry.) The field office
reported that as a "direct result" of the raid, the woman who allowed the
officers into the BPP headquarters had been "severely beaten up" by other
members." 174
In the fourth case, the New Haven field office reported that an informant had
joined in a "heated conversation" between several group members and sided
with one of the parties "in order to increase the tension." The argument
ended with members hitting each other. The informant "departed the premises
at this point, since he felt that he had been successful, causing a
flammable situation to erupt into a fight." 175
2. Anonymous Mailings
The Bureau's use of anonymous mailings to promote factionalism range from the
relatively bland mailing of reprints or fliers criticizing a group's leaders
for living ostentatiously or being ineffective speakers, to reporting a
chapter's infractions to the group's headquarters intended to cause censure
or disciplinary action.
Critical letters were also sent to one group purporting to be from another,
or from a member of the group registering a protest over a proposed
For instance, the Bureau was particularly concerned with the alliance between

the SDS and the Black Panther Party. A typical example of anonymous mailing
intended to separate these groups is a letter sent to the Black Panther
newspaper: 176 [sic - report did not contain text of letter. - PW]
In a similar vein, is a letter mailed to Black Panther and New Left leaders.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Since when do us Blacks have to swallow the dictates of the honky SDS? Doing
this only hinders the Party progress in gaining Black control over Black
people. We've been over by the white facists pigs and the Man's control over
our destiny. We're sick and tired of being severly brutalized, denied our
rights and treated like animals by the white pigs. We say to hell with the
SDS and its honky intellectual approaches which only perpetuate control of
Black people by the honkies.
The Black Panther Party theory for community control is the only answer to
our problems and that is to be followed and enforced by all means necessary
to insure control by Blacks over all police departments regardless of
whether they are run by honkies or uncle toms.
The damn SDS is a paper organization with a severe case of diarhea of the
mouth which has done nothing but feed us lip service. Those few idiots
calling themselves weathermen run around like kids on halloween. A good
example is their "militant" activities at the Northland Shopping Center a
couple of weeks ago. They call themselves revolutionaries but take a look at
who they are. Most of them come from well heeled families even by honky
standards. They think they're helping us Blacks but their futile, misguided
and above all white efforts only muddy the revolutionary waters.
The time has come for an absolute break with any non-Black group and
especially those ------- SDS and a return to our pursuit of a pure black
revolution by Blacks for Blacks.
Power !
Off the Pigs!!!!
These examples are not, of course, exclusive, but they do give the flavor of
the anonymous mailings effort.
3. Interviews
Interviewing group members or supporters was an overt "investigative"
technique sometimes used for the covert purpose of disruption. For example,
one field office noted that "other [BPP] weaknesses that have been
capitalized on include interviews of members wherein jealousy among the

members has been stimulated and at the same time has caused a number of
persons to fall under suspicion and be purged from the Party." 178
In another case, fourteen field offices were instructed to conduct
simultaneous interviews of individuals known to have been contacted by
members of the Revolutionary Union. The purpose of the coordinated
interviews was "to make possible affiliates of the RU believe that the
organization is infiltrated by informants on a high level. 179
In a third instance, 'a "black nationalist" target attempted to organize a
youth group in Mississippi. The field office used informants to determine
"the identities of leaders of this group and in interviewing these leaders,
expressed to them [the target's] background and his true intentions
regarding organizing Negro youth groups." Agents also interviewed the
target's landlords and "advised them of certain aspects of [his] past
activities and his reputation in the Jackson vicinity as being a Negro
extremist." Three of the landlords asked the target to move. 180 The same
field office reported that it had interviewed members of the Tougaloo
College Political Action Committee, an "SNCC - affiliated" student group.
The members were interviewed while they were home on summer vacation.
"Sources report that these interviews had a very upsetting effect on the PAC
organization and they felt they have been betrayed by someone at Tougaloo
College. Many of the members have limited their participation in PAC affairs
since their interview by Agents during the summer of 1968." 181
4. Using Informants To Raise Controversial Issues
The Bureau's use of informants generally is the subject of a separate report.
It is worth noting here, however, that the use of informants to take
advantage of ideological splits in an organization dates back to the first
COINTELPRO. The originating CUPSA document refers to the use of informants
to capitalize on the discussion within the Party following Khrushchev's
denunciation of Stalin. 182
Informants were also used to widen rifts in other organizations. For
instance, an informant was instructed to imply that the head of one faction
of the SDS was using group funds for his drug habit, and that a second
leader embezzled funds at another school. The field office reported that "as
a result of actions taken by this informant, there have been fist fights and
acts of name calling at several of the recent SDS meetings." In addition,
members of one faction "have made early morning telephone calls" to other
SDS members and "have threatened them and attempted to discourage them
attending SDS meetings." 183
In another case, an informant was used to "raise the question" among his
associates that an unmarried, 30-year old group leader "may either a
bisexual or a homosexual." The field office believed that the question would

"rapidly 'become a rumor" and "could have serious results concerning the
ability and effectiveness of [the target's] leadership." 184
5. Fictitious Organizations
There are basically three kinds of "notional" or fictitious organizations.
All three were used in COINTELPRO attempts to factionalize.
The first kind of "notional" was the organization whose members were all
Bureau informants. Because of the Committee's agreement with the Bureau not
to reveal the identities of informants, the only example which can be
discussed publicly is a proposal which, although approved, was never
implemented. That proposal involved setting up a chapter of the W.E.B.
DuBois Club in a Southern city which would be composed entirely of Bureau
informants and fictitious persons. The initial purpose of the chapter was to
cause the CPUSA expense by sending organizers into the area, cause the Party
to fund Bureau coverage of out-of-town CP meetings by paying the informants'
expenses, and receive literature and instructions. Later, the chapter was to
begin to engage in deviation from the Party line so that it would be
expelled from the main organization "and then they could claim to be the
victim of a Stalinist type purge." It was anticipated that the entire
operation would take no more than 18 months. 185
The second kind of "notional" was the fictitious organization with some
unsuspecting (non-informant) members. For example, Bureau informants set up
a Klan organization intended to attract membership away from the United
Klans of America. The Bureau paid the informant's personal expenses in
setting up the new organization, which had, at its height, 250 members. 186
The third type of "notional" was the wholly fictitious organization, with no
actual members, which was used as a pseudonym for mailing letters or
pamphlets. For instance, the Bureau sent out newsletters from something
called "The Committee for Expansion of Socialist Thought in America," which
attacked the CPUSA from the "Marxist right" for at least two years. 187
6. Labeling Targets As Informants
The "snitch jacket" technique -- neutralizing a target by labeling him a
"snitch" or informant, so that he would no longer be trusted -- was used in
all COINTELPROs. The methods utilized ranged from having an authentic
informant start a rumor about the target member, 188 to anonymous letters or
phone calls, 189 to faked informants' reports. 190
When the technique was used against a member of a nonviolent group, the
result was often alienation from the group. For example, a San Diego man was
targeted because he was active in draft counseling at the city's Message
Information Center. He had, coincidentally, been present at the arrest of a
Selective Service violator, and had been at a "crash pad" just prior to the

arrest of a second violator. The Bureau used a real informant to suggest at

a Center meeting that it was "strange" that the two men had been arrested by
federal agents shortly after the target became aware of their locations. The
field office reported that the target had been "completely ostracized by
members of the Message Information Center and all of the other individuals
throughout the area . . . associated with this and/or related groups." 191
In another case, a local police officer was used to "jacket" the head of the
Student Mobilization Committee at the University of South Carolina. The
police officer picked up two members of the Committee on the pretext of
interviewing them concerning narcotics. By prearranged signal, he had his
radio operator call him with the message, "[name of target] just called.
Wants you to contact her. Said you have her number." 192 No results were
The "snitch jacket'' is a particularly nasty technique even when used in
peaceful groups. It gains an added dimension of danger when it is used -as, indeed, it was -- in groups known to have murdered informers. 193
For instance, a Black Panther leader was arrested by the local police with
four other members of the BPP. The others were released, but the leader
remained in custody. Headquarters authorized the field office to circulate
the rumor that the leader "is the last to be released" because "he is
cooperating with and has made a deal with the Los Angeles Police Department
to furnish them information concerning the BPP."
The target of the first proposal then received an anonymous phone call
stating that his own arrest was caused by a rival leader. 194
In another case, the Bureau learned that the chairman of the New York BPP
chapter was under suspicion as an informant because of the arrest of another
member for weapons possession. In order to "cast further suspicion on him"
the Bureau sent anonymous letters to BPP headquarters in the state, the wife
of the arrested member, and a local member of CORE, saying
"Danger-Beware-Black Brothers, [name of target] is the fink who told the
pigs that [arrested members] were carrying guns." The letter also gave the
target's address. 195
In a third instance, the Bureau learned through electronic surveillance of
the BPP the whereabouts of a fugitive. After his arrest, the Bureau sent a
letter in a "purposely somewhat illiterate type scrawl" to the fugitive's
Jimmie was sold out by Sister [name -- the BPP leader who made the phone call
picked up by the tap] for some pig money to pay her rent. When she don't get
it that way she takes Panther money. How come her kid sells the paper in his

school and no one bothers him. How comes Tyler got busted up by the pigs and
her kid didn't. How comes the FBI pig fascists knew where to bust Lonnie and
Minnie way out where they were.
--- Think baby. 196
In another example, the chairman of the Kansas City BPP chapter went to
Washington in an attempt to testify before a Senate subcommittee about
information he allegedly possessed about the transfer of firearms from the
Kansas City Police Department to a retired Army General. The attempt did not
succeed; the committee chairman adjourned the hearing and then asked the
member to present his information to an aide. The Bureau then authorized an
anonymous phone call to BPP headquarters "to the effect that [the target]
was paid by the committee to testify, that he has cooperated fully with this
committee, and that he intends to return at a later date to furnish
additional testimony which will include complete details of the BPP
operation in Kansas City." 197
In the fifth case, the Bureau had so successfully disrupted the San Diego BPP
that it no longer existed. One of the former members, however, was
"'politicking' for the position of local leader if the group is ever
reorganized." Headquarters authorized the San Diego field office to send
anonymous notes to "selected individuals within the black community of San
Diego" to "initiate the rumor that [the target], who has aspirations of
becoming the local Black Panther Party Captain, is a police informant." 198
In a sixth case, a letter alleging that a Washington, D.C., BPP leader was a
police informant was sent "as part of our continuing effort to foment
internal dissension within ranks of Black Panther Party:" 199
Brother: I recently read in the Black Panther newspaper about that low dog
Gaines down in Texas who betrayed his people to the pigs and it reminded me
of a recent incident that I should tell you about. Around the first part of
Feb. I was locked up at the local pigpen when the pigs brought in this dude,
who told me he was a Panther. This dude who said his name was [deleted] said
he was vamped on by six pigs and was brutalized by them. This dude talked
real bad and said he had killed pip and was going to get more when he got
out, so I thought he probably was one of you. The morning after [name] was
brought in a couple of other dudes in suits came to see him and called him
out of the cell and he was gone a couple of hours. Later on these dudes came
back again to see him. [Name] told me the dudes were his lawyers but they
smelled like pig to me. It seems to me that you might want to look into this
because I know you don't want anymore low-life dogs helping the pigs
brutalize the people. You don't know me and I'm not a Panther but I want to
help with the cause when I can.
A lumpen brother

In a seventh case, the "most influential BPP activist in North Carolina" had
been photographed outside a house where, a "shoot out" with local police had
taken place. The photograph, which appeared in the local newspaper, showed
the target talking to a policeman. The photograph and an accompanying
article were sent to BPP headquarters in Oakland, California, with a
handwritten note, supposedly from a female BPP member known to be
"disenchanted" with the target, saying, "I think this is two pigs oinking."
Although Bureau witnesses stated that they did not authorize a "snitch
jacket" when they had information that the group was at that time actually
killing suspected informants, 201 they admitted that the risk was there
whenever the technique was used.
It would be fair to say there was an element of risk there which we tried to
examine on a case by case basis. 202
Moore added, "I am not aware of any time we ever labeled anybody as an
informant, that anything [violent] ever happened as a result, and that is
something that could be measured." When asked whether that was luck or lack
of planning, he responded, "Oh, it just happened that way, I am sure." 203
C. Using Hostile Third Parties Against Target Groups
The Bureau's factionalism efforts were intended to separate individuals or
groups which might otherwise be allies. Another set of actions is a variant
of that technique; organizations already opposed to the target groups were
used to attack them.
The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, for example, printed
and distributed under their own names Bureau-authored pamphlets condemning
the SDS and the DuBois Clubs.
In another case, a confidential source, who headed an anti-Communist
organization in Cleveland, and who published a, "self-described conservative
weekly newspaper," the Cleveland Times, was anonymously mailed information
on the Unitarian Society of Cleveland's sponsorship of efforts to abolish
the House Committee on Un-American Activities. The source had "embarrassed"
the Unitarian minister with questions about the alleged Communist
connections of other cosponsors "at public meetings." 204
It was anticipated that the source would publish a critical article in her
newspaper, which "may very well have the result of alerting the more
responsible people in the community" to the nature of the movement and
"stifle it before it gets started." 205
The source newspaper did publish air article entitled "Locals to Aid Red

Line," which named the Minister, among others, as a local sponsor of what it
termed a "Communist dominated plot" to abolish the House Committee. 206
One group, described as a "militant anticommunist right wing organization,
more of an activist group than is the more well known John Birch Society,"
was used on at least four separate occasions. The Bureau developed a
long-range program to use the organization in "counterintelligence activity"
by establishing a fictitious person named "Lester Johnson" who sent letters,
made phone calls, offered financial support, and suggested action:
In view of the activist nature of this organization, and their lack of
experience and knowledge concerning the interior workings of the [local] CP,
[the field office proposes] that efforts be made to take over their
activities and use them in such a manner as would be best calculated by this
office to completely disrupt and neutralize the [local] CP, all without [the
organization] becoming aware of the Bureau's interest in its operation. 207
"Lester Johnson" used the organization to distribute fliers and letters
opposing the candidacy of a lawyer running for a judgeship 208 and to
disrupt a dinner at which an alleged Communist was to speak. 209 "Johnson"
also congratulated the organization on disrupting an antidraft meeting at a,
Methodist Church, furnishing further information about a speaker at the
meeting 210 and suggested that members picket the home of a local "communist
functionary." 211
Another case is slightly different from the usual "hostile third party"
actions, in that both organizations were Bureau targets. "Operation
Hoodwink" was intended to be a long-range program to disrupt both La Cosa
Nostra (which was not otherwise a COINTELPRO target) and the Communist
by "having them expend their energies attacking each other." The initial
project was to prepare and send a leaflet, which purported to be from a
Communist Party leader to a member of a New York "family" attacking working
conditions at a business owned by the family member. 212
D. Disseminating Derogatory Information to Family, Friends, and Associates
Although this technique was used in relatively few cases it accounts for some
of the most distressing of all COINTELPRO actions. Personal life
information, some of which was gathered expressly to be used in the
programs, was then disseminated, either directly to the target's family
through an anonymous letter or telephone call, or indirectly, by giving the
information to the media.
Several letters were sent to spouses; three examples follow. 213 The names
have been deleted for privacy reasons.
The first letter was sent to the wife of a Grand Dragon of the United Klans

of America ("Mrs. A"). It was to be "typed on plain paper in an amateurish

fashion." 214
"My Dear Mrs. (A),
"I write this letter to you only after a long period of praying to God. I
must cleanse my soul of these thoughts. I certainly do not want to create
problems inside a faintly but I owe a duty to the klans and its principles
as well as to my own menfolk who have cast their divine lot with the klans.
"Your husband came to [deleted] about a year ago and my menfolk blindly
followed his leadership, believing him to be the savior of this country.
They never believed the "stories that he stole money from the klans in
[deleted] or that he is now making over $25,000 a year. They never believed
the stories that your house in [deleted] has a new refrigerator, washer,
dryer and yet one year ago, was threadbare. They refuse to believe that your
husband now owns three cars and a truck, including the new white car. But I
believe all these things and I can forgive them for a man wants to do for
his family in the best way he can.
"I don't have any of these things and I don't grudge you any of them neither.
But your husband has been committing the greatest of the sins of our Lord
for many years. He has taken the flesh of another unto himself.
"Yes, Mrs. A, he has been committing adultery. My menfolk say they don't
believe this but I think they do. I feel like crying. I saw her with my own
eyes. They call her Ruby. Her last name is something like [deleted] and she
lives in the 700 block of [deleted] Street in [deleted.] I know this. I saw
her strut around at a rally with her lustfilled eyes and smart aleck figure.
"I cannot stand for this. I will not let my husband and two brothers stand
side by side with your husband and this woman in the glorious robes of the
klan. I am typing this because I am going to send copys to Mr. Shelton and
some of the klans leaders that I have faith in. I will not stop until your
husband is driven from [deleted] and back into the flesh-pots from wherein
he came.
"I am a loyal klanswoman and a good churchgoer. I feel this problem affects
the future of our great country. I hope I do not cause you harm by this and
if you believe in the Good Book as I do, you may soon receive your husband
back into the fold. I pray for you and your beautiful little children and
only wish I could tell you who I am. I will soon, but I am afraid my own men
would be harmed if I do."
"A God-fearing klanswoman"
The second letter was sent to the husband ("Mr. B") of a woman who had the
distinction of being both a New Left and Black Nationalist target; she was a

leader in the local branch of the Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom, "which group is active in draft resistance, antiwar rallies and New
Left activities," and an officer in ACTION, a biracial group which broke off
from the local chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality and which "engaged
in numerous acts of civil disruption and disobedience." 215
Two informants reported that Mr. B had been making suspicious inquiries about
his wife's relationship with the Black males in ACTION. The local field
office proposed an anonymous letter to the husband which would confirm his
suspicions, although the informants did not know whether the allegations of
misconduct were true. It was hoped that the "resulting marital tempest"
would "result in ACTION losing their [officer] and the WILPF losing a
valuable leader, thus striking a major blow against both organizations." 216
Accordingly, the following letter, 216a written in black ink, was sent to the

A letter from the field office to headquarters four months later reported as
a "tangible result" of the letter that the target and her husband had
recently separated, following a series of marital arguments:
This matrimonial stress and strain should cause her to function much less
effectively in ACTION. While the letter sent by the [field office] was
probably not the sole cause of this separation, it certainly contributed
very strongly. 217
The third letter was sent to the wife of a leader of the Black Liberators
("Mrs. C"). She was living in their home town with their two daughters while
he worked in the city. Bureau documents describe Mrs. C. as a "faithful,
loving wife, who is apparently convinced that her husband is performing a
vital service to the Black world. . . . She is to all indications an
intelligent, respectable young mother, who is active in the AME Methodist
Church." 218
The letter was "prepared from a penmanship, spelling style to imitate that of
the average Black Liberator member. It contains several accusations which
should cause [X's] wife great concern." It was expressly intended to produce
"ill feeling and possibly a lasting distrust" between X and his wife; it was
hoped that the "concern over what to do about it" would "detract from his
time spent in the plots and plans of his organization." 219
The letter was addressed to "Sister C":

The Petersen Committee said that some COINTELPRO actions were "abhorrent
in a
free society." This technique surely falls within that condemnation. 220
E. Contacts with Employers
The Bureau often tried to get targets fired, with some success. 221 If the
target was a teacher, the intent was usually to deprive him of a forum and
to remove what the Bureau believed to be the added prestige given a
political cause by educators. In other employer contacts, the purpose was
either to eliminate a source of funds for the individual or (if the target
was a donor) the group, or to have the employer apply pressure on the target
to stop his activities.
For example, an Episcopal minister furnished "financial and other" assistance
to the Black Panther Party in his city. The Bureau sent an anonymous letter
to his bishop so that the church would exert pressure on the minister to
"refrain from assistance to the Black Panther Party." 222 Similarly, a
priest who allowed the Black Panther Party to use his church for its
breakfast program was targeted; his bishop received both an anonymous letter
and three anonymous phone calls. The priest was transferred shortly
thereafter. 223
In another case, a black county employee was targeted because he had attended
a fund raiser for the Mississippi Summer Project and, on another occasion, a
presentation of a Negro History Week program. Both functions had been
supported by "clandestine CP members." The employee, according to the
documents, had no record of subversive activities; "he and his wife appear
to be genuinely interested in the welfare of Negroes and other minority
groups and are being taken in by the communists." The Bureau chose a
curiously indirect way to inform the target of his friends' Party
membership; a local law enforcement official was used to contact the County
Administrator in the expectation that the employee would be "called in and
questioned about his left-wing associates." 224
The Bureau made several attempts to stop outside sources from funding target
operations. 225 For example, the Bureau learned that SNCC was trying to
obtain funds from the Episcopal Church for a "liberation school." Two
carefully spaced letters were sent to the Church which falsely alleged that
SNCC was engaged in a "fraudulent scheme" involving the anticipated funds.
The letters purported to be from local businessmen approached by SNCC to

place fictitious orders for school supplies and divide the money when the
Church paid the bills. 226 Similar letters were sent to the Interreligious
Foundation for Community Organizing, from which SNCC had requested a grant
for its "Agrarian Reform Plan." This time, the letters alleged kickback
approaches in the sale of farm equipment and real estate. 227
Other targets include an employee of the Urban League, who was fired because
the Bureau contacted a confidential source in a foundation which funded the
League; 228 a lawyer known for his representation of "subversives," whose
nonmovement client received an anonymous letter advising it not to employ a
"well-known Communist Party apologist"; 229 and a television commentator who
was transferred after his station and superiors received an anonymous
protest letter. The commentator, who had a weekly religious program, had
expressed admiration for a black nationalist leader and criticized the
United States' defense policy. 230
F. Use and Abuse of Government Processes
This category, which comprises 9 percent of all approved proposals includes
selective law enforcement (using Federal, state, or local authorities to
arrest, audit, raid, inspect, deport, etc.) ; interference with judicial
proceedings, including targeting lawyers who represent "subversives";
interference with candidates or political appointees; and using politicians
and investigating committees, sometimes without their knowledge, to take
action against targets.
1. Selective Law Enforcement
Bureau documents often state that notifying law enforcement agencies of
violations committed by COINTELPRO targets is not counterintelligence, but
part of normal Bureau responsibility. Other documents, however, make it
clear that "counterintelligence" was precisely the purpose. "Be alert to
have them arrested," reads a New Left COINTELPRO directive to all
participating field offices. 231 Further, there is clearly a difference
between notifying other agencies of information that the Bureau happened
across in an investigation -- in plain view, so to speak -- and instructing
field offices to find evidence of violations -- any violations -- to "get" a
target. As George Moore stated:
Ordinarily, we would not be interested in health violations because it is not
my jurisdiction, we would not waste our time. But under this program, we
would tell our informants perhaps to be alert to any health violations or
other licensing requirements or things of that nature, whether there were
violations and we would see that they were reported. 232
State and local agencies were frequently informed of alleged statutory
violations which would come within their jurisdiction. 233 As noted above,
this was not always normal Bureau procedure.

A typical example of the attempted use, of local authorities to disrupt

targeted activities is the Bureau's attempt to have a Democratic Party fund
raiser raided by the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. 234 The
function was to be held at a private house: the admission charge included
"refreshments." It was anticipated that alcoholic beverages would be served.
A confidential source in the ABC Commission agreed to send an agent to the
fund raiser to determine if liquor was being served and then to conduct a
raid. 235 (In fact, the raid was cancelled for reasons beyond the Bureau's
control. A prior raid on the local fire department's fund raiser had given
rise to considerable criticism and the District Attorney issued an advisory
opinion that such affairs did not violate state law. The confidential source
advised the field office that the ABC would not, after all, raid the
Democrats because of "political ramifications.") 236
In the second case, the target was a "key figure" Communist. He had a history
of homosexuality and was known to frequent a local hotel. The Bureau
requested that the local police have him arrested for homosexuality; it was
then intended to publicize the arrest to "embarrass the Party."
Interestingly, the Bureau withdrew its request when the target stopped
working actively for the Party because it would no longer cause the intended
disruption. 237 This would appear to rebut the Bureau's contention that
turning over evidence of violations to local authorities was not really
COINTELPRO at all, but just part of its job.
2. Interference With Judicial Process
The Bureau's attempts to interfere with judicial processes affecting targets
are particularly disturbing because they violate a fundamental principle of
our system of government. Justice is supposed to be blind. Nevertheless,
when a target appeared before a judge, a jury, or a probation board, he
sometimes carried an unknown burden; the Bureau had gotten there first.
Three examples should be sufficient. A university student who was a leader of
the Afro American Action Committee had been arrested in a demonstration at
the university. The Bureau sent an anonymous letter to the county prosecutor
intended to discredit her by exposing her "subversive connections"; her
adoptive father was described as a Communist Party member. The Bureau
believed that the letter might aid the prosecutor in his case against the
student. Another anonymous letter containing the same information was mailed
to a local radio announcer who had an "open mike" program critical of local
"leftist" activity. The letter was intended to further publicize the
"connection" between the student and the Communist Party. 239
In the second example, a Klan leader who had been convicted on a weapons
charge was out on bail pending appeal. He spoke at a Klan rally, and the
Bureau arranged to have newsmen present. The resulting stories and
photographs were then delivered to the appellate judges considering his

case. 240
The third instance involved a real estate speculator's bequest of over a
million dollars to the three representatives of the Communist Party who were
expected to turn it over to the Party. The Bureau interviewed the probate
judge sitting on the case, who was "very cooperative" and promised to look
the case over carefully. The judge asked the Bureau to determine whether the
widow would be willing to "take any action designed to keep the Communist
Party from getting the money." The Bureau's efforts to gain the widow's help
in contesting the will proved unsuccessful. 241
3. Candidates and Political Appointees
The Bureau apparently did not trust the American people, to make the proper
choices in the voting booth. Candidates who, in the Bureau's opinion, should
not be elected were therefore targeted. The case of the Democratic
fundraiser discussed earlier was just one example.
Socialist Workers Party candidates were routinely selected for
counterintelligence, although they had never come close to winning an
election. In one case, a SWP candidate for state office inadvertently
protected herself from action by announcing at a news conference that she
had no objections to premarital sex; a field office thereupon withdrew its
previously approved proposal to publicize her common law marriage. 241a
Other candidates were also targeted. A Midwest lawyer whose firm represented
"subversives" (defendants in the Smith Act trials) ran for City Council. The
lawyer had been active in the civil rights movement in the South, and the
John Birch Society in his city had recently mailed a book called "It's Very
Simple -- The True Story of Civil Rights" to various ministers, priests, and
rabbis. The Bureau received a copy of the mailing list from a source in the
Birch Society and sent an anonymous follow-up letter to the book's
recipients noting the pages on which the candidate had been mentioned and
calling their attention to the "Communist background" of this "charlatan."
242 The Bureau also sent a fictitious-name letter to a television station on
which the candidate was to appear, enclosing a series of informative
questions it believed should be asked. 243 The candidate was defeated. He
subsequently ran (successfully, as it happened) for a judgeship.
Political appointees were also targeted. One target was a member of the board
of the NAACP and the Democratic State Central Committee. His brother,
according to the documents, was a communist, and the target had participated
in some Party youth group activities fifteen years earlier. The target's
appointment as secretary of a city transportation board elicited an
anonymous letter to the Mayor, with carbons to two newspapers, protesting
the use of "us taxpayers' money" in the appointment of a "known Communist"
to a highly paid job; more anonymous letters to various politicians, the
American Legion, and the county prosecutor in the same vein; and a

pseudonymous letter to the members of the transportation board, stating that

the Mayor had "saddled them with a Commie secretary because he thinks it
will get him a few Negro votes. 244
4. Investigating Committees
State and Federal legislative investigating committees were occasionally used
to attack a target, since the committees' interests usually marched with the
Perhaps the most elaborate use of an investigating committee was the framing
of a complicated "snitch jacket." In October 1959, a legislative committee
held hearings in Philadelphia, "ostensibly" to show a resurgence of CP
activity in the area. 245 The Bureau's target was subpoenaed to appear
before the committee but was not actually called to testify. The field
office proposed that local CP leaders be contacted to raise the question of
"how it was possible for [the target] to escape testifying" before the
committee; this "might place suspicion on him as being cooperative" with the
investigators and "raise sufficient doubt in the minds of the leaders
regarding [the target] to force him out of the CP or at least to isolate and
neutralize him." Strangely enough, the target was not a bona fide CP member;
he was an undercover infiltrator for a private anti-Communist group who had
been a source of trouble for the FBI because he kept getting in their way.
A more typical example of the use of a legislative committee is a series of
anonymous letters sent to the chairman of a state investigating committee
that was designated to look into New Left activities on the state's college
campuses. The target was an activist professor, and the letters detailed his
"subversive background."
G. Exposing "Communist Infiltration" of Groups
This technique was used in approximately 4 percent of all approved proposals.
The most common method involved anonymously notifying the group (civil
rights organization, PTA, Boy Scouts, etc.) that one or more of its members
was a "Communist," 246 so that it could take whatever action it deemed
appropriate. Occasionally, however, the group itself was the COINTELPRO
target. In those cases, the information went to the media, and the intent
was to link the group to the Communist Party.
For example, one target was a Western professor who was the immediate past
president of a local peace center, "a coalition of anti-Vietnam and
antidraft groups." He had resigned to become chairman of the state's
McCarthy campaign organization, but it was anticipated that he would return
to the peace center after the election. According to the documents, the
professor's wife had been a Communist Party member in the early 1950s. This
information was furnished to a newspaper editor who had written an editorial
branding the SDS and various black power groups as "professional

revolutionists." The information was intended to "expose these people at

this time when they are receiving considerable publicity to not only educate
the public to their character, but disrupt the members" of the peace
organization. 247
In another case, the Bureau learned through electronic surveillance of a
civil rights leader's plans to attend a reception at the Soviet Mission to
the United Nations. (The reception was to honor a Soviet author.) The civil
rights leader was active in a school boycott which had been previously
targeted; the Bureau arranged to have news photographers at the scene to
photograph him entering the Soviet Mission. 248
Other instances include furnishing information to the media on the
participation of the Communist Party Presidential candidate in a United Farm
Workers' picket line: 249 "confidentially" telling established sources of
three Northern California newspapers that the San Francisco County CP
Committee had stated that the Bay area civil rights groups would "begin
working" on the area's large newspapers "in an effort to secure greater
employment of Negroes;" 250 and furnishing information on Socialist Workers
Party participation in the Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in
Vietnam to "discredit" the antiwar group by tying it "into the subversive
movement." 251


A. Within the, Bureau
1. Internal Administration
The Bureau attempted to exercise stringent internal controls over COINTELPRO.
All counterintelligence proposals had to be approved by headquarters. Every
originating COINTELPRO document contains a strong warning to the field that
"no counterintelligence action may be initiated by the field without
specific Bureau authorization." The field would send a proposal under the
COINTELPRO caption to the Seat of Government -- the Bureau term for
headquarters -- where it would be routed to the Section Chief of the section
handling the particular COINTELPRO program. 252
The recommendation would then be attached to the proposal, beginning the
process of administrative review. The lowest level on which a proposal could
be approved was the Assistant Director, Domestic Intelligence Division, to
whom the Section Chief reported via the Branch Chief. More often, the
proposal would go through the Assistant to the Director and often to the
Director himself.
2. Coordination

The Counterintelligence programs were coordinated with the rest of the

section's work primarily through informal contacts, but also through section
meetings and the Section Chief's knowledge of the work of his entire
section. Further, although the initial COINTELPRO was an effort to
centralize what had been an ad hoc series of field actions, the programs
continued to be essentially field-oriented with little target selection by
headquarters. However, the Section Chief would attempt to make sure targets
were being effectively chosen by occasionally sending out directives to
field offices to intensify the investigation of a particular individual or
group and to consider the subject for counterintelligence action."
3. Results
Participating field offices were required to send in status letters (usually
every ninety days) reporting any tangible results. They were instructed to
resolve any doubts as to whether a counterintelligence action caused the
observed result in their favor. Nevertheless, results were reported in only
527 cases, or 22 percent, of the approved actions. When a "good" result was
reported, the field office, or agent involved frequently received a letter
of commendation or incentive award. 254
4. Blurred Distinction Between Counterintelligence and Investigation
It is possible that some actions did not receive headquarters scrutiny simply
because the field offices were never told precisely what
"counterintelligence" was. Although Bureau procedures strictly required
COINTELPRO proposals to be approved at headquarters and a control file to be
maintained both in the field and at headquarters, the field offices had no
way to determine with any certainty just what was counterintelligence and
what was investigation. Many of the techniques overlap: contacts with
employers, contacts with family members, contacts with local law
enforcement, even straight interviewing, are all investigative techniques
which were used in COINTELPRO actions. 255 More importantly, actions in the
Rev. Martin Luther King case which cannot, by any stretch of the language,
be called "investigative" were not called COINTELPRO, but were carried under
the investigative caption. 256
The Bureau witnesses agree that COINTELPRO has no fixed definition, and that
there is a large grey area between what is counterintelligence and what is
aggressive investigation. As the Black Nationalist supervisor put it,
"Basically actions taken to neutralize an individual or disrupt an
organization would be COINTELPRO; actions which were primarily investigative
would have been handled by the investigative desks," even though the
investigative action had disruptive effects. 256a Aggressive investigation
continues, and in many cases may be as disruptive as COINTELPRO, because in
an investigation the Bureau can and does reveal its interest. An anonymous
letter (COINTELPRO) can be discarded as the work of a crank; but if the

local FBI agent says the subject of an investigation is a subversive an

employer or family member pays attention.
5. Inspection
The Inspection Division attempted to ensure that standard procedures were
being followed. The Inspectors focused on two things: field office
participation, and the mechanics of headquarters approval. However, the
Inspection Division did not exercise oversight in the sense of looking for
wrongdoing. Rather, it was an active participant in COINTELPRO by attempting
to make sure that it was being efficiently and enthusiastically conducted.
As the Assistant Director then in charge of the Inspection Division
testified, the "propriety" of COINTELPRO was not investigated. He agreed
that his job was to "determine whether the program was being pursued
effectively as opposed to whether it was proper," and added, "There was no
instruction to me, nor do I believe there is any instruction in the
Inspector's manual that the Inspector should be on the alert to see that
constitutional values are being protected." 258
B. Outside the Bureau: 1956-1971
There is no clear answer to the question whether anyone outside the Bureau
knew about COINTELPRO. One of the hallmarks of C01NTELPRO was its
No one outside the Bureau was to know it existed. 259 A characteristic
instruction appeared in the Black Nationalist originating letter:
You are also cautioned that the nature of this new endeavor is such that
under no circumstances should the existence of the program be made known
outside the Bureau and appropriate within-office security should be afforded
to sensitive operations and techniques considered under the program. 260
Thus, for example, anonymous letters had to be written on commercially
purchased stationery; newsmen had to be so completely trustworthy that they
were guaranteed not to reveal the Bureau's interest; and inquiries of law
enforcement officials had to be under investigative pretext. In approving or
denying any proposal, the primary consideration was preventing
"embarrassment to the Bureau." Embarrassment is a term of art. It means both
public relations embarrassment -- criticism -- and any revelation of the
Bureau's investigative interest to the subject, which may then be expected
to take countermeasures. 261
This secrecy has an obvious impact on the oversight process. There is some
question whether anyone with oversight responsibility outside the Bureau was
informed of COINTELPRO. In response to the Committee's request, the Bureau
has assembled all documents available in its files which indicate that

members of the executive and legislative branches were so informed. 262

1. Executive Branch
On May 8, 1958, Director Hoover sent two letters, one to the Honorable Robert
Cutler, Special Assistant to President Eisenhower, and the other to Attorney
General William Rogers, containing the same information. The Attorney
General's letter is captioned "COMMUNIST PARTY, USA-INTERNAL
letters are fairly explicit notification of the CPUSA COINTELPRO:
In August of 1956, this Bureau initiated a program designed to promote
disruption within the ranks of the Communist Party (CP) USA ... Several
techniques have been utilized to accomplish our objectives. 263
The letters go on to detail use of informants to engage in controversial
discussions, after which "acrimonious debates ensued, suspicions were
aroused, and jealousies fomented"; and anonymous mailings of anti-communist
material, both reprinted and Bureau-prepared, to active CP members. 264 (Two
examples of the Bureau's product were enclosed.) "Tangible accomplishments"
achieved by the program were "disillusionment and defection among Party
members and increased factionalism at all levels." 265 However, the only
techniques disclosed were use of informants and anonymous propaganda
mailings. There is no record of any reply to these letters.
On January 10, 1961, letters from the Director were sent to Dean Rusk, Robert
Kennedy, and Byron R. White, who were about to take office as Secretary of
State, Attorney General, and Deputy Attorney General, respectively. The
letters enclosed a top secret summary memorandum setting forth the overall
activities of the Communist Party, USA, and stated, "Our responsibilities in
the internal security field and our counterattack against the CPUSA are also
set out in this memorandum." 266
The five-page memorandum contains one section entitled "FBI Counterattack."
This section details penetration of the Party at all levels with security
informants; use of various techniques to keep the Party off-balance and
disillusioned; infiltration by informants; intensive investigation of Party
members; and prosecution. Only one paragraph of that report appears at all
related to the Bureau's claim that the CPUSA COINTELPRO was disclosed:
As an adjunct to our regular investigative operations, we carry on a
carefully planned program of counterattack against the CPUSA which keeps it
off balance. Our primary purpose in this program is to bring about
disillusionment on the part of individual members which is carried on from
both inside and outside the Party organization. [Sentence on use of
informants to disrupt excised for security reasons.]
In certain instances we have been successful in preventing communists from

seizing control of legitimate mass organizations and have discredited others

who were secretly operating inside such organizations. For example, during
1959 we were able to prevent the CPUSA from seizing control of the
20,000-member branch of the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People in Chicago, Illinois. 267
The only techniques disclosed were use of informants and COMINFIL exposure.
There is no record of any replies to these letters.
On September 2, 1965, letters were sent to the Honorable Marvin Watson,
Special Assistant to President Johnson and Attorney General Katzenbach
(whose letter was captioned "PENETRATION AND DISRUPTION OF KLAN
ORGANIZATIONS-RACIAL MATTERS"). These two-page letters refer to the
success in solving a number of cases involving racial violence in the South.
They then detail the development of a large number of informants and the
value of the information received from them.
One paragraph deals with "disruption":
We also are seizing every opportunity to disrupt the activities of Klan
organizations. Typical is the manner in which we exposed and thwarted a
"kick back" scheme a Klan group was using in one southern state to help
finance its activities. One member of the group was selling insurance to
other Klan members and would deposit a generous portion of the premium
refunds in the Klan treasury. As a result of action we took, the insurance
company learned of the scheme and cancelled all the policies held by Klan
members, thereby cutting on a sizable source of revenue which had been used
to finance Klan activities. 268
Notifying an insurance company of a kick back scheme involving its premiums
is not a "typical" COINTELPRO technique. It falls within that grey area
between counterintelligence and ordinary Bureau responsibilities.
Nevertheless, the statement that the Bureau is "seizing every opportunity to
disrupt the activities of Klan organizations" is considered by the Bureau to
be notification of the White Hate COINTELPRO, even though it does not
distinguish between the inevitable and sometimes proper disruption of
intensive investigation and the intended disruption of covert action.
On September 3,1965, Mr. Katzenbach replied to the Director's letter with a
two-paragraph memorandum captioned "Re: Your memorandum of September 2,
regarding penetration and disruption of Klan organizations." The body of the
memorandum makes no reference to disruption, but praises the
of the Bureau in the area of Klan penetration and congratulates Director
Hoover on the development of his informant system and the results obtained
through it. The letter concludes:

It is unfortunate that the value of these activities would in most cases be

lost if too extensive publicity were given to them; however, perhaps at some
point it may be possible to place these achievements on the public record,
so that the Bureau can receive its due credit. 269
The Bureau interpreted this letter as approval and praise of its White Hate
COINTELPRO. Mr. Katzenbach has said that he has no memory of this
nor of the response. He testified that during his term in the Department he
had never heard the terms "COINTEL" or COINTELPRO, and that while he was
familiar with the Klan investigation, he was not aware of any improper
activities such as letters to Wives. 270 Mr. Katzenbach added:
It never occurred to me that the Bureau would engage in the sort of sustained
improper activity which it apparently did. Moreover, given these excesses, I
am not surprised that I and others were unaware of them. Would it have made
sense for the FBI to seek approval for activities of this nature -especially from Attorneys General who did not share Mr. Hoover's political
views, who would not have been in sympathy with the purpose of these
attacks, and who would not have condoned the methods? 271
The files do not reveal any response from Mr. Watson.
On December 19, 1967, Director Hoover sent a letter to Attorney General
Ramsey Clark, with a copy to Deputy Attorney General Warren Christopher,
a ten-page memorandum with the same caption and a list of statements and
publications regarding the Ku Klux Klan "and the FBI's role in investigating
Klan matters." The memorandum was prepared "pursuant to your conversation
with Cartha DeLoach of this Bureau concerning FBI coverage and penetration
of the Ku Klux Klan." 272
The memo is divided into eleven sections: Background, Present Status, FBI
Responsibility, Major Cases, Informants, Special Projects, Liaison With
Local Authorities, Klan Infiltration of Law Enforcement, Acquisition of
Weapons and Dynamite of the Ku Klux Klan, Interviews of Klansmen, and Recent
The first statement in the memorandum which might conceivably relate to the
White Hate COINTELPRO appears under the heading "FBI Responsibility":
. . . We conduct intelligence investigations with the view toward
infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan with informants, neutralizing it as a
terrorist organization, and deterring violence. 273
The Bureau considers the word "neutralize" to be a COINTELPRO key word.

Some specific activities which were carried out within the Bureau under the
COINTELPRO caption are then detailed under the heading "Special Projects."
The use of Bureau informants to effect the removal of Klan officers is set
forth under the subheadings "Florida," "Mississippi," and "Louisiana." More
significantly, the "Florida" paragraph includes the statement that, "We have
found that by the removal of top Klan officers and provoking scandal within
the state Klan organization through our informants, the Klan in a particular
area can be rendered ineffective." 274 This sentence, although somewhat
buried should, if focused upon, have alerted the recipients to actions going
beyond normal investigative activity. Other references are more vague,
referring only to "containing the growth" or "controlling the expansion" of
state Klans. 275 There is no record of any reply to this letter, which Clark
does not remember receiving:
Did [these phrases in the letter] put me on notice? No. Why? I either did not
read them, or if I did read them, didn't read them carefully.... I think I
didn't read this. I think perhaps I had asked for it for someone else, and
either bucked it on to them or never saw it. 276
He added, "I think that any disruptive activities, such as those you reveal,
regarding the COINTEL program and the Ku Klux Klan should be absolutely
prohibited and subjected to criminal prosecution." 277
Finally, on September 17,1969, a letter was sent to Attorney General
Mitchell, with copies to the Deputy Attorney General and the Assistant
Attorneys General of the Criminal Division, Internal Security Division, and
MATTERS (KLAN)," which informs the recipients of the "significant progress
we have recently made in our investigation of the Ku Klux Klan." The one
page letter states that, "during the last several months, 278 while various
national and state leaders of the United Klan of America remain in prison,
we have attempted to negate the activities of the temporary leaders of the
Ku Klux Klan." 279
The only example given is the "careful use and instruction of selected racial
informants" to "initiate a split within the United Klans of America." This
split was evidenced by a Klan rally during which "approximately 150 Klan
membership cards were tacked to a cross and burned to signify this breach."
The letter concludes, "We will continue to give full attention to our
responsibilities in an effort to accomplish the maximum possible
neutralization of the Klan." 281 There is no record of any replies to these
While the only documentary evidence that members of the executive branch
informed of the existence of any COINTELPRO has been set forth above, the

COINTELPRO unit chief stated that he was certain that Director Hoover orally
briefed every Attorney General and President, since he wrote "squibs" for
the Director to use in such briefings. He could not, however, remember the
dates or subject matter of the briefings, and the Bureau was unable to
produce any such "squibs" (which would not, in any case, have been routinely
saved). Cartha DeLoach, former Assistant to the Director, testified that he
"distinctly" recalled briefing Attorney General Clark, "generally ...
concerning COINTELPRO. 282 Clark denied that DeLoach's testimony was
true or accurate, adding "I do not believe that he briefed me on anything
even, as he says, generally concerning COINTELPRO, whatever that means."
The Bureau has failed to produce any memoranda of such oral briefings,
although it was the habit of both Director Hoover and DeLoach to write
memoranda for the files in such situations. 284
2. The Cabinet
The Bureau has furnished the Committee a portion of a briefing paper prepared
for Director Hoover for his briefing of the Cabinet, presided over by
President Eisenhower, dated November 6, 1958. There is no transcript of the
actual briefing. The briefing as a whole apparently dealt with, among other
things, seven programs which are "part of our overall counterintelligence
operations" and which are "specific answers to specific problems which have
arisen within our investigative jurisdiction." Six of the programs
apparently related to espionage. The seventh deals with the CPUSA:
To counteract a resurgence of Communist Party influence in the United States,
we have a seventh program designed to intensify any confusion and
dissatisfaction among its members. During the past few years, this program
has been most effective. Selective informants were briefed and trained to
raise controversial issues within the Party. In the process, many were able
to advance themselves to higher positions. The Internal Revenue Service was
furnished the names and addresses of Party functionaries who had been active
in the underground apparatus. Based on this information, investigations were
instituted in 262 possible income tax evasion cases. Anticommunist
literature and simulated Party documents were mailed anonymously to
carefully chosen members. 285
This statement, although concise, would appear to be a fairly explicit
notification of the existence of the CPUSA COINTELPRO. There are no
documents reflecting any response.
3. Legislative Branch
The Bureau has furnished excerpts from briefing papers prepared for the
Director in his annual appearances before the House Appropriations
Subcommittee. During the hearings pertaining to fiscal years 1958, 1959,

1960, 1961, 1963, 1966, and 1967, 286 these briefing papers were given to
the Director to be used in top secret, off-the-record testimony relating to
the CPUSA and White Hate COINTELPROs. No transcripts are available of the
actual briefings, and it is, therefore, not possible to determine whether
the briefing papers were used at all, or, conversely, whether the Director
went beyond them to give additional information. Additionally, portions of
the briefing papers are underlined by hand and portions have been crossed
out, also by hand. Some sections are both underlined and crossed out. The
Bureau has not been able to explain the meaning of the underlining or cross
marks. However, if the briefing papers were used as written, the
Subcommittee was informed of the existence of the CPUSA and Klan
The FY 1958 briefing paper is in outline form. Under the, heading "auxiliary
measures directed against Communist Party-USA" is a paragraph entitled "FBI
counterintelligence program to exploit Party 'split':"
The Bureau also recently inaugurated a newly devised counterintelligence
program which is designed to capitalize upon the "split" presently existing
in the leadership of the Communist Party-USA. Among other objectives,
efforts are being made by the Bureau, through informants and other
techniques, to keep these rifts open, and to otherwise weaken the party
where possible to do so in an anonymous manner. The Internal Revenue Service
has been given the names of 336 communist underground subjects, so that the
agency may be able to entertain prosecutions for filing of false income tax
returns or other violations within the jurisdiction of that Service.
The FY 1959 briefing paper on the CPUSA deals primarily with informant
penetration, but includes the statement that "to counteract [CPUSA]
activities the FBI for years has had a planned intensive program designed to
infiltrate, penetrate, disorganize, and disrupt the Communist Party, USA."
287 In covering informant activities, the paper includes the statement "they
[informants] have likewise worked to excellent advantage as a disruptive
tactic." 288 The one specific example cited has been deleted by the Bureau
because it tends to identify an informant.
The FY 1960 briefing paper is even more explicit. The pertinent section is
entitled "FBI's Anti-Communist Counterintelligence Program." It details use
of informants to engage in controversial discussions "to promote dissension,
factionalism and defections" which "have been extremely successful from a
disruptive standpoint." 289 One paragraph deals with propaganda mailings
"carefully concealing the identity of the FBI as its source"; 290 another
paragraph states that "Communist Party leaders are considerably concerned
over this anonymous dissemination of literature." 291
The FY 1961 briefing paper, again titled "FBI's Counterintelligence Program",
states that the program was devised "to promote dissension, factionalism and
defections within the communist cause." 292 The only technique discussed

(but at some length) is anonymous propaganda mailings. The effectiveness of

the technique, according to the paper, was proven from the mouth of the
enemy that the mailings "appear to be the greatest danger to the Communist
Party, USA." 293
The FY 1963 briefing paper, captioned "Counterintelligence Program," is
extraordinarily explicit. It reveals that:
Since August, 1956, we have augmented our regular investigative operations
against the Communist Party-USA with a "counterintelligence program" which
involves the application of disruptive techniques and psychological warfare
directed at discrediting and disrupting the operations of the Party, and
causing disillusionment and defections within the communist ranks. The
tangible results we are obtaining through these covert and extremely
sensitive operations speak for themselves. 294
The paper goes on to set forth such techniques as disrupting meetings,
rallies, and press conferences through causing the last-minute cancellation
of the rental of the hall, packing the audience with anticommunists,
arranging adverse publicity in the press, and giving friendly reporters
"embarrassing questions" for Communists they interviewed. The briefing paper
also mentions the use of newsmen to take photographs which show the close
relationship between the leaders of the CPUSA and officials of the Soviet
Union, using informants to sow discord and factionalism, exposing and
discrediting Communists in such "legitimate organizations" as the YMCA and
the Boy Scouts, and mailing anonymous propaganda. 295
The briefing paper for FY 1966 again refers to "counterintelligence action:"
"We have since 1956 carried on a sensitive program for the purpose of
disrupting, exposing, discrediting, and otherwise neutralizing the Communist
Party-USA and related organizations." 296 The paper cites two examples. The
first is an operation conducted against a Communist Party functionary who
arrived in a (deleted) city to conduct a secret two-week Party school for
local youth. The Bureau arranged for him to be greeted at the airport by
local television newsmen. The functionary lost his temper, pushing the
reporter away and swinging his briefcase at the cameraman, who was busily
filming the entire incident. The film was later televised nationally. The
second technique is described as "the most effective single blow ever dealt
the organized communist movement." The description has been deleted "as it
tends to reveal a highly sensitive technique." 297 The COINTELPRO unit chief
also stated that this one single action succeeded in causing a "radical
decrease" in CPUSA membership, but refused to tell the Committee staff what
that action was because it involved foreign counterintelligence. 298
The final briefing paper, for FY 1967, refers to the CPUSA program and its
expansion in 1964 to include "Klan and hate-type organizations and their
memberships." It continues, "counterintelligence action today is a valuable
adjunct to investigative responsibilities and the techniques used complement

our investigations. All information related to the targeted organizations,

their leadership and members, which is developed from a variety of sources,
is carefully reviewed for its potential for use under this program." 299
Examples cited are the Bureau's preparation of a leaflet on the W.E.B. DuBois
Clubs entitled "Target ... American Youth!" sponsored by the VFW; alerting
owners of meeting locations to their use by Communists; alerting the
Veterans Administration to a Klan member's full-time employment in order to
reduce his pension, and the IRS to the fact that he failed to file tax
returns; exposing the insurance kick back scheme also referred to in the
1965 letters to Watson and Katzenbach; and increasing informant coverage by
duplicating a Klan business card given to prospective members. 300
C. Outside the Bureau: Post -- 1971.
In the fall of 1973, the Department of Justice released certain COINTELPRO
documents which had been requested by NBC reporter Carl Stern in a Freedom
of Information Act request following the Media, Pennsylvania, break-in. In
January 1974, Attorney General Saxbe asked Assistant Attorney General Henry
Petersen to form an intradepartmental committee to study COINTELPRO and
report back to him. 301 The committee was composed of both Department
attorneys and Bureau agents. The Department lawyers did not work directly
with Bureau documents; instead the Bureau prepared summaries of the
documents in the COINTELPRO control file, which did not include the
identities or affiliations of the targets, and the Department members were
allowed to do a sample comparison to verify the accuracy of the summaries.
A revised and shortened version of the report of the Petersen Committee was
made public in November 1974. The public report was prefaced by a statement
from Attorney General Saxbe which stated that while "in a small number of
instances, some of these programs involved what we consider today to be
improper activities," most of the activities "were legitimate." 301a The
public version did not examine the purposes or legality of the programs or
the techniques, although it did state some COINTELPRO activities involved
"isolated instances" of practices that "can only be considered abhorrent in
a free society." 302 The confidential report to Attorney General Saxbe
examined the legal issues at some length. It emphasized that many
activities "were entirely proper and appropriate law enforcement
procedures." 303 These included the following:
notifying other Government authorities of civil and criminal violations of
group members; interviewing such group members; disseminating public source
material on such individuals and groups to media representatives;
encouraging informants to argue against the use of violence by such groups;
and issuing general public comment on the activities, policies and
objectives of such groups through testimony at legislative hearings and in
other formal reports. 304

On the other hand, the report concluded that many other COINTELPRO activities
designed to expose, disrupt, and neutralize domestic groups "exceeded the
Bureau's investigative authority and may be said to constitute an
unwarranted interference with First Amendment rights of free speech and
associations of the target individuals and organizations." 305
Department attorneys prepared two legal memoranda, one viewing
a conspiracy to deprive persons of First Amendment rights under 18 U.S.C.
241, and the other rejecting that view. 306 The committee itself reached the
following conclusion:
While as a matter of pure legal theory it is arguable that these programs
resulted in Section 241 violations, it is the view of the committee that any
decision as to whether prosecution should be undertaken must also take into
account several other important factors which bear upon the events in
question. These factors are: first, the historical context in which the
programs were conceived and executed by the Bureau in response to public and
even Congressional demands for action to neutralize the self-proclaimed
revolutionary aims and violence prone activities of extremist groups which
posed a threat to the peace and tranquility of our cities in the mid and
late sixties; second, the fact that each of the COINTELPRO programs was
personally approved and supported by the late Director of the FBI; and
third, the fact that the interferences with First Amendment rights resulting
from individual implemented program actions were insubstantial. Under these
circumstances, it is the view of the committee that the opening of a
criminal investigation of these matters is not warranted. 307
The report also concluded that there were "substantial questions" as to the
liability of various former and present officials to civil suit "under tort
theories of defamation of interference with contract rights." 308
The Departmental committee's crucial conclusion was that the interferences
with First Amendment rights were "insubstantial." It appears to have reached
that conclusion by ignoring the declared goals of the programs: cutting down
group membership and preventing the "propagation" of a group's philosophy.
Further, the committee brushed over dangerous or degrading techniques by
breaking down the categories of actions into very small percentages, and
then concluded that, if only 1 percent of the actions involved poison pen
letters to spouses, then the activity was "insubstantial" as compared to the
entirety of COINTEL proposals, even though, as to the individuals in that
category, the invasion might be very substantial indeed.
Another weakness in the Petersen committee report is its characterization as
legitimate of such techniques as "leaking" public source material to the
media, interviewing group members, and notifying other government
authorities of civil and criminal violations. The term "public source

material" is misleading, since the FBI's files contain a large amount of

so-called public source data (such as arrest records, outdated or inaccurate
news stories) which should not be "leaked" outside the Bureau to discredit
an individual. 309 Interviews can be conducted in such an intrusive and
persistent manner as to constitute harassment. Minor technical law
violations can be magnified when uncovered and reported by the FBI to
another agency for the purpose of disruption rather than objective law
enforcement. 310 Claims that a technique is legitimate per se should not be
accepted without examining the actual purpose and effect of the activity.
Although the Petersen committee's report concluded that "the opening of a
criminal investigation of these matters is not warranted," 311 the Committee
did recommend broad changes in Bureau procedures. First, the report urged
that "a sharp distinction . . . be made between FBI activities in the area
of foreign counterintelligence and those in the domestic field." 312 The
committee proposed that the Attorney General issue a directive to the FBI:
prohibiting it from instituting any counterintelligence program such as
COINTELPRO without his prior knowledge and approval. Specifically, this
directive should make it unmistakably clear that no disruptive action should
be taken by the FBI in connection with its investigative responsibilities
involving domestic based organizations, except those which are sanctioned by
rule of law, procedure, or judicially recognized and accepted police
practices, and which are not in violation of state or federal law. The FBI
should also be charged that in any event where a proposed action may be
perceived, with reason, to unfairly affect the rights of citizens, it is the
responsibility of the FBI as an institution and of FBI agents as individuals
to seek legal advice from the Attorney General or his authorized
representative. 313
Attorney General Saxbe did not issue such a directive, and the matter is
still pending before Attorney General Levi. 314

On April 1, 1976, Attorney General Levi announced the establishment of a
special review committee within the Department of Justice to notify
COINTELPRO victims that they were the subjects of FBI activities directed
against them. Notification will be made "in those instances where the
specific COINTELPRO activity was improper, actual harm may have occurred,
and the subjects are not already aware that they were the targets of
COINTELPRO activities." 315
The review committee has established guidelines for determining which
COINTELPRO activities were "improper," but it will be difficult to make that
determination without giving an official imprimatur to questionable

activities which do not meet the notification criteria. For example, there
is little point in notifying all recipients of anonymous reprint mailings
that they received their copy of a Reader's Digest article from the FBI, but
the Department should not suggest that the activity itself is a proper
Bureau function. Other acts which fall within the "grey area" between
COINTELPRO and aggressive investigation present similar problems. 316
Nevertheless, a Departmental notification program is an important step toward
redressing the wrongs done, and carries with it some additional benefits.
For the first time, Departmental attorneys will review the original files,
rather than relying on Bureau-prepared summaries. Further, the Department
will have acknowledged -- finally -- that COINTELPRO was wrong. Official
repudiation of the programs is long overdue.
The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the
government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it
considers threats to the established order. Only a combination of
legislative prohibition and Departmental control can guarantee that
COINTELPRO will not happen again. The notification program is an auspicious

1 On March 8,1971, the FBI resident agency in Media, Pennslyvania, was broken
into. Documents stolen in the break-in were widely circulated and published
by the press. Since some documents carried a "COINTELPRO" caption -- a word
unknown outside the Bureau -- Carl Stern, a reporter for NBC, commenced a
Freedom of information Act lawsuit to compel the Bureau to produce other
documents relating to the programs. The Bureau decided because of "security
reasons" to terminate them on April 27, 1971. (Memorandum from C. D.
to W. C. Sullivan, 4/27/71; Letter from FBI headquarters to all SAC's,
2 The Bureau's direct attacks on speaking, teaching, writing, and meeting are
discussed at pp. 28-33, attempts to prevent the growth of groups are set
forth at pp. 34-40.
2a For a discussion of U.S. intelligence activities against hostile foreign
intelligence operations, see Report on Counterintelligence.
3 See Senate Select Committee Report, "Alleged Assassination Plots Involving
Foreign Leaders" and Staff Report: "Covert Action in Chile."
3a Black Nationalist Supervisor deposition, 10/17/75,1), p. 12.

4 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 8/25/67, p. 2.

5 New Left Supervisor's deposition, 10/28/75, p. 8. The closest any Bureau
document comes to a definition is found in an investigative directive: "The
term 'New Left' does not refer to a definite organization, but to a movement
which is providing ideologies or platforms alternate to those of existing
communist and other basic revolutionary organizations, the so-called 'Old
Left.' The New Left movement is a loosely-bound, free-wheeling,
college-oriented movement spearheaded by the Students for a Democratic
Society and includes the more extreme and militant anti-Vietnam war and
anti-draft protest organizations." (Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all
SAC's, 10/28/68; Hearings, Vol. 6, Exhibit 61. p. 669.) Although this
characterization is longer than that of the New Left Supervisor, it does not
appear to be substantively different.
6 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland Field Office, 11/6/64.
7 One civil rights leader, the subject of at least three separate
counterintelligence actions under the CPUSA caption, was targeted because
there was no "direct evidence" that he was a communist, "neither is there
any substantial evidence that he is anti-communist." One of the actions
utilized information gained from a wiretap; the other two involved
dissemination of personal life information. (Memorandum from J.A. Sizoo to
W.C. Sullivan, 2/4/64; Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI
Headquarters, 2/12/64; Memoranda from FBI Headquarters to New York Field
Office, 3/26/64 and 4/10/64: Memorandum to New York Field Office from FBI
Headquarters, 4/21/64; Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Baltimore Field
Office, 10/6/65.)
8 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland Field Office, 11/29/68.
9 FBI Headquarters memorandum, 8/25/67, p. 2.
10 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Jackson Field Office, 2/8/71, pp. 1-2.
11 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Antonio Field Office, 10/31/68.
12 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 10/26/66.
13 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cincinnati Field Office, 6/18/68.
14 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Albuquerque Field Office, 3/14/69.
15 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Antonio Field Office. 7/23/69.
16 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Pittsburgh Field Office, 11/14/69.
17 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office, 11/4/68.

17a COINTELPRO Unit Chief deposition, 10/16/75, p. 14.

17b Unit Chief deposition, 10/16/75, p.54.
18 "Possibly violent" did not necessarily mean likely to be violent.
Concededly non-violent groups were targeted because they might someday
change; Martin Luther King, Jr. was targeted because (among other things) he
might "abandon his supposed 'obedience' to 'white, liberal doctrines'
(non-violence) and embrace black nationalism." (Memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to all SAC's, 3/4/68, 1). 3.)
19 This attitude toward change is apparent in many of those Bureau activities
investigated by the Committee. It played a large part in the Martin Luther
King, Jr. case, which is the subject of a separate report.
20 FBI Headquarters memorandum, 11/4/68.
21 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 11/1/65.
22 Memorandum from Cartha DeLoach to John Mohr, 8/29/64, pp. 1-8.
23 William C. Sullivan testimony, 11/1/75, pp. 97-98.
24 A memorandum prepared for the Justice Department Committee which
COINTELPRO in 1974 stated that COINTELPRO activities "may" have violated
Civil Rights statute, the mail and wire fraud statutes, and the prohibition
against divulging information gained from wiretaps. (Memorandum to H. E.
Petersen, 4/25/74.) Internal Bureau documents show that Bureau officials
believed sending threats through the mail might violate federal extortion
statutes. (See, e.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Newark Field
Office, 2/19/71.) Such threats were mailed or telephoned on several
25 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Chicago Field Office, 1/30/70.
26 Hearing of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights
11/20/74, p. 11. The Petersen Committee, composed of Department of Justice
attorneys and Bureau agents, was formed in 1974 at the request of Attorney
General Saxbe to investigate COINTELPRO. Its conclusions are discussed on
pp. 73-76.
27 3,247 actions were proposed.
28 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office,

29 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office,

30 E.g., Memorandum from Los Angeles Field Office to FBI Headquarters,
31 E.g., Memorandum from Newark Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 7/3/69.
term "snitch jacket" is not part of Bureau jargon; it was used by those
familiar with the Bureau's activities directed against the Black Panther
Party in a staff interview.
32 E.g., Memorandum from Columbia Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/4/70.
33 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Chicago Field Office, 8/2/68.
34 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland and Boston Field
Offices, 5/5/64.
35 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office,
36 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Antonio Field Office,
37 E.g., Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office,
38 E.g., Memorandum from Midwest City Field Office to FBI Headquarters,
39 Mechanically, the Bureau's programs were administered at headquarters, but
individual actions were proposed and usually carried out by the field. A
field proposal under the COINTELPRO caption would be routed to a special
agent supervising that particular program. During most of COINTELPRO's
history that supervisor was a member of the section at the Domestic
Intelligence Division with investigative responsibility for the subject of
the proposal. The supervisor's recommendation then went up through the
Bureau hierarchy. Proposals were rarely approved below the level of
Assistant Director in charge of the Division, and often were approved by one
of the top three men in the Bureau.
39a New Left supervisor testimony, 10/28/75, pp. 72, 74.
40 George C. Moore testimony, 11/3/75, p. 62.
41 Moore, 11/3/75, p. 64

42 Sullivan, 11/1/75, p. 97.

43 James B. Adams testimony, 11/19/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, pp. 73, 75.
44 The unit chief stated: "The Bureau people did not think that they were
doing anything wrong and most of us to this day do not think we were doing
anything wrong." (Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 102.) Moore felt the same way: "I
thought I did something very important during those days. I have no
apologies to make for anything we did, really." (Moore 11/3/75, p. 25.)
45 Unit chief, 10/16/75, pp. 11, 12, 14.
46 Unit chief, 10/10/75, pp. 12-14, Deputy Associate Director Adams'
testimony on COINTELPRO noted that "interpretations as to the
constitutionality of [the Smith Act of 1940] leave us with a statute still
on the books that proscribes certain actions, but yet the degree of proof
necessary to operate under the few remaining areas is such that there was no
satisfactory way to proceed." (Adams testimony, 11/19/75. Hearings, Vol. 6.
p. 71.) In fact, the Smith Act decisions did not come down until 1957.
Perhaps the witnesses were referring to Communist Party v. Subversive
Activities Control Board, 351 U.S. 115 (1956), which held that testimony by
"tainted" Government witnesses required remanding the case to the Board.
47 Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 15.
48 One witness also pointed out that while the federal antiriot and
antibombing statutes were not passed until 1968, inadequate statutes were
not the only problem. Statutes directed at specific criminal acts would only
have served to allow prosecution after the crime; they would not have
prevented the act in the first place. He also stated that he did not believe
it would be possible to pass a statute which would have given the Bureau the
tools necessary to prevent violence by disrupting the growth of
violence-prone organizations -- "because of something called the United
States Constitution." When asked whether that answer implied that preventing
the growth of an organization is unconstitutional, he answered, "I think
so." (Black Nationalist supervisor, 10/1/75, pp. 25-26.) He was the only
Bureau witness who had reservations about COINTELPRO's constitutionality.
Another witness gave a more typical response. When asked whether anybody at
any time during the course of the programs discussed their constitutionality
or legal authority, he replied, "No, we never gave it a thought." (Moore,
11/3/75, p. 83.)
49 Moore, 11/3/75, p. 79.
50 Ramsey Clark testimony, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6,1).245).
Nicholas deB. Katzenbach testimony, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 217.

52 These summaries were the point of departure for the Select Committee's
investigation but were deemed unsatisfactory for a complete inquiry.
53 For instance, the Department is defending litigation commenced against the
Bureau by COINTELPRO victims who happen to have received their files
Freedom of Information Act requests. More such litigation may arise as more
targets learn of Bureau actions taken against them.
54 The New Left supervisor stated, "[The COINTELPRO caption was] as much as
it was anything else, and administrative device to channel the mail to the
Bureau . . . we get back to this old argument between the supervisors not
argument, but discussion, between the supervisors, it falls on yours, no, it
doesn't, it's yours." (New Left Supervisor, 10/28/75, p. 49.)
55 The Bureau can and does reveal its interest in the subjects of
investigation to employees, family members, and neighbors. The Black
Nationalist supervisor explained, "Generally speaking, we should not be
giving out information to somebody we are trying to get information from. As
a practical matter sometimes we have to. The mere fact that you contact
somebody about someone gives them the indication that the FBI is interested
in that person." (Black Nationalist deposition, 10/17/75, p. 16). See also
the statement of the Social Workers Party, 10/2/75, which details more than
200 incidents involving its members since COINTELPRO's termination. The SWP
believes these to be as disruptive as the formal SWP COINTELPRO.
56 Memorandum from Charles D. Brennan to William C. Sullivan, 4/27/71,
Hearings, Vol. 6, Exhibit 55-3.
57 In one instance, a field office was authorized to contact the editor of a
Southern newspaper to suggest that he have reporters interview Klan members
and write an article based on those interviews. The editor was also
furnished information on Klan use of the polygraph to "weed out FBI
informants." According to the Bureau, "subsequent publication of the Klan's
activities resulted in a number of Klan officials ceasing their activities."
(Letter from FBI to the Senate Select Committee 10/24/75.) The second case
involved an anonymous letter and derogatory newspaper clipping which were
sent to a Black Panther Party office in the Northeast to discredit a Panther
leader's abilities. (Letter from FBI to the Senate Select Committee,
58 It should be noted that Charles Colson spent seven months in jail for
similar activity involving the client.
59 Letter from Attorney General Edward H. Levi to the Senate Select
Committee, 5/23/75. These included: (1) 37 actions authorized between 1960
and 1971 "aimed at militant groups which sought Puerto Rican independence;"

(2) "Operation Hoodwink," from October 1966 to July 1968, "aimed at putting
organized crime elements in competition with the Communist Party USA;" (3) a
1961 program targeted against "a foreign-dominated group;" (4) two actions
taken between January 1969 and March 1971 against "a foreign nationality
group in the United States;" and (5) seven actions between 1961 and 1968
against members, leaders, and factions of "a foreign communist party."
The FBI's operations against "a foreign communist party" indicate that the
Bureau, as well as the CIA, has engaged in covert action abroad.
60 Clarence M. Kelley testimony, House Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights
Subcommittee hearings, 11/20/74, pp. 44-45. This statement appears to be an
explicit recognition that one purpose of COINTELPRO was to influence
political events.
61 omitted in original.
62 Clarence M. Kelley testimony, 12/10/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, 1). 283, 284.
Affirmative legal steps to meet an imminent threat to life or property are,
of course, quite proper. The difficulty with the Director's statement,
juxtaposed as it was with a discussion of COINTELPRO, is that the threats
COINTELPRO purported to meet were not imminent, the techniques used were
sometimes illegal, and the purposes went far beyond the prevention of death
or destruction.
63 Memorandum from Alan Belmont to L. V. Boardman, 8/28/56, Hearings, vol.
exhibit 12.
64 1,388 of a total of 2,370.
65 Excerpt from materials prepared for the FBI Director's briefing of the
House Appropriations Subcommittee, FY 1966, p. 2.
66 According to Sullivan, membership in the Communist Party declined steadily
through the '60s. When the CPUSA membership dropped below a certain figure,
Director Hoover ordered that the membership figures be classified. Sullivan
believes that this was done to protect the Bureau's appropriations.
(Sullivan, 11/1/75, pp. 33-34.)
67 For instance, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was targeted as
a "Black Nationalist-Hate Group." (memorandum from FBI headquarters to all
SAC's, 3/4/68, p. 4.)
68 Memorandum from Alan Belmont to L. V. Boardman, 8/28/56, Hearings, Vol.
exhibit 12.

69 Sullivan testimony, 11/1/75, pp. 42-43.

70 As noted earlier, Bureau personnel also trace the decision to adopt
counterIntelligence methods to the Supreme Court decisions overturning the
Smith Act convictions. As the unit chief put it, "The Supreme Court rulings
had rendered the Smith Act technically unenforceable .... it made it
ineffective to prosecute Communist Party members, made it impossible to
prosecute Communist Party members at the time." (Unit chief, 10/16/75, p.
71 Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 10.
72 Memorandum from New Haven Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 5/24/60.
73 Memorandum from Milwaukee Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 7/13/60, pp.
74 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 9/13/68.
75 Sullivan, 11/1/75, p. 29.
76 Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 40.
77 Charles D. Brennan testimony, Senate Select Committee on Campaign
Activities, 6/13/73, p. 10.
78 Robert Shackleford testimony, 2/6/76, pp. 88-89.
79) Memorandum from FBI Headquarters.
80 For example, anonymous letters were sent to the parents of two nonmember
students participating in a hunger strike against the war at a midwest
college, because the fast was sponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance. The
letters warned that the students' participation "could lead to injury to
[their] health and damage [their] academic standing," and alerted them to
their sons' "involvement in left wing activities." It was hoped that the
parents would "protest to the college that the fast is being allowed" and
that the Young Socialist Alliance was permitted on campus. (Memorandum from
FBI headquarters to Cleveland Field Office, 11/29/68.)
81 Memorandum from J. H. Gale to Charles Tolsen, 7/30/64, p. 5. Opinion
within the Division had been sharply divided on the merits of this transfer.
Some saw it as an attempt to bring the Intelligence Division's expertise in
penetrating secret organizations to bear on a problem -- Klan involvement in
the murder of civil rights workers -- creating tremendous pressures on the
Bureau to solve. Traditional law enforcement methods were insufficient
because of a lack of Federal statutes, and the noncooperation of local law
enforcement. Others thought that the Klan's activities were essentially a

law enforcement problem, and that the transfer would dilute the Division's
major internal security responsibility. Those who opposed the transfer lost,
and trace many of the Division's subsequent difficulties to this
"substantial enlargement" of the Division's responsibilities. ("Unit chief,
10/16/75, pp. 45-47.)
82 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Atlanta Field Office, 9/2/64, p. 1.
83 FBI Headquarters memorandum, 9/2/64, p. 3.
84 Unit Chief, 10/14/75, p. 54.
85 A few actions were approved against the "Minutemen," when it became
that members were stockpiling weapons.
86 Unit Chief, 10/16/75, p. 48.
87 Moore, 11/3/75, p. 31.
88 Note that this characterization had no substantive meaning within the
Bureau. See p. 4.
89 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 8/25/67.
90 Black Nationalist supervisor, 10/17/75, pp. 66-67. The supervisor stated
that individual NOI members were involved with sporadic violence against
police, but the organization was not itself involved in violence. (Black
National supervisor, 10/17/75, p. 67.) Moore agreed that the NOI was not
involved in organizational violence, adding that the Nation of Islam had
been unjustly blamed for violence in the ghetto riots of 1967 and 1968: "We
had a good informant coverage of the Nation of Islam.... We were able to
take a very positive stand and tell the Department of Justice and tell
everybody else who accused the Nation of Islam ... [that they] were not
involved in any of the riots or disturbances. Elijah Muhammed kept them
under control, and he did not have them on the streets at all during any of
the riots." (Moore, 11/3/75, p. 36.)
When asked why, therefore, the NOI was included as a target, Mr. Moore
answered: "Because of the potential, they did represent a potential ... they
were a paramilitary type. They had drills, the Fruit of Islam, they had the
capability because they were a force to be reckoned with, with the snap of
his finger Elijah Muhammed could bring them into any situation. So that
there was a very definite potential, very definite potential." (Moore,
11/3/75, p. 37.)
91 The unit chief, who wrote the letter on instructions from his superiors,
concedes that the letter directed field offices to gather personal life

information on targets, not for "scandalous reasons," but "to deter violence
or neutralize the activities of violence-prone groups." (Unit chief,
10/16/75, p. 66.)
92 Moore, 11/3/75, pp. 37, 39, 40.
93 Primary targets listed in this second letter are the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,
Revolutionary Action Movement, Nation of Islam, Stokely Carmichael, H. "Rap"
Brown, Martin Luther King, Maxwell Stanford, and Elijah Muhammed. CORE
dropped for reasons no witness was able to reconstruct. The agent who
prepared the second letter disagreed with the inclusion of the SCLC, but
lost. (Black Nationalist supervisor, 10/17/75, p. 14.)
94 Memorandum from FBI headquarters to all SAC's, 3/4/68, pp. 3-4.
95 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Baltimore Field Office, 11/25/68.
96 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 1/30/69.
97 This technique, the "snitch jacket," was used in all COINTELPRO programs.
98 Moore, 11/3/75, pp. 34, 50-52.
99 As the New Left supervisor put it, "I cannot recall any document that was
written defining New Left as such. It is my impression that the
characterization of New Left groups rather than being defined at any
specific time by document, it more or less grew...." Agreeing it was a very
amorphous term, he added: "It has never been strictly defined, as far as I
know.... It is more or less an attitude I would think." (New Left
supervisor, 10/28/75, pp. 7-8.)
100 New Left supervisor, 10/28/75, pp. 21-22.
101 Memorandum from Charles D. Brennan to William C. Sullivan, 5/9/68.
102 omitted in original.
103 memorandum from FBI headquarters to all SAC's, 5/23/68. Memorandum
FBI headquarters to all SACs, 10/9/68. This time the field offices got the
message. One example of information furnished under the "Immorality" caption
comes from the Boston field office;
"[Informant] who has provided reliable information in the past concerning the
activities of the New Left in the Metropolitan Boston area has advised that
numerous meetings concerning anti-Vietnam and/or draft activity are

conducted by members sitting around the table or a living room completely in

the nude. These same individuals, both male and female, live and sleep
together regularly and it is not unusual to have these people take up
residence with a different partner after a six or seven month period.
"According to the informant, the living conditions and habits of some of the
New Left adherents are appalling in that certain individuals have been known
to wear the same clothes for an estimated period of weeks and in some
instances for months. Personal hygiene and eating habits are equally
neglected by these people, the informant said.
"The informant has noted that those individuals who most recently joined the
movement are in most instances the worst offenders as far as moral and
personal habits are concerned. However, if these individuals remain in the
movement for any length of time, their appearance and personal habits appear
to improve somewhat." (Memorandum from Boston Field Office to FBI
Headquarters, 6/13/68.)
106 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SACs, 10/9/68.
107 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Chicago Field Office, 8/28/68.
108 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 9/9/68.
109 Note that there was no attempt to determine whether the allegations were
true. Ramsey Clark, Attorney General at the time, testified that he did not
know that either directive had been issued and that "they are highly
improper." He also noted that the Bureau's close working relationship with
state and local police forces had made it necessary to "preempt the FBI" in
cases involving the investigation of police misconduct' "we found it
necessary to use the Civil Rights Division, and that is basically what we
did." (Clark, 12/3/75, Hearings Vol. 6. pp. 254-255.)
110 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 7/6/68.
111 The New Left supervisor confirmed what the documents reveal: "legitimate"
(nonviolent) antiwar groups were targeted because they were "lending aid and
comfort" to more disruptive groups. According to the New Left supervisor:
"This [nonviolent groups protesting against the war] was the type of thing
that the New Left, the violent portion, would seize upon. They could use the
legitimacy of an accepted college group or outside group to further their
interests." (New Left supervisor, 10/28/75, p. 39)
Nonviolent groups were thus disrupted so there would be less opportunity for
a violent group to make use of them and their respectability. Professors
active in "New Left matters," whether involved in violence or just in
general protest, were targeted for "using [their] good offices to lend aid

and comfort to the entire protest movement or to help disrupt the school
through [their] programs." (New Left supervisor, 10/28/75, p. 69.)
112 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters, Minneapolis Field Office, 11/4/68.
113 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Antonio Field Office, 8/27/68.
114 Huston was the Presidential assistant who coordinated the 1970
recommendations by an interagency committee for expanded domestic
intelligence, including concededly illegal activity. The so-called "Huston
Plan" is the subject of a separate report.
115 Tom Charles Huston testimony, 9/23/75, Hearings, Vol. 2, p. 45.
116 The usual constitutional inquiry is whether the government is "chilling"
First Amendment rights by indirectly discouraging a protected activity while
pursuing an otherwise legitimate purpose. In the case of COINTELPRO, the
Bureau was not attempting indirectly to chill free speech or association; it
was squarely attacking their exercise.
117 The percentage is derived from a cross-indexed tabulation of the Petersen
Committee summaries. Interestingly, these categories account for 39 percent
of the approved "New Left" proposals, which reflects both the close
connection between antiwar activities and the campuses, and the "aid and
comfort" theory of targeting, in which teachers were targeted for advocating
an end to the war through nonviolent means.
118 The group was composed largely of university teachers and clergymen who
had bought shares in order to attend the meeting. (Memorandum from
Minneapolis Field Office to FBI headquarters, 4/1/70.)
119 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office, 4/23/70;
memorandum from Minneapolis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 4/1/70.
120 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/26/60;
Memoranda from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 10/27/60, 10/28/60,
10/31/60; Memorandum from F. J. Baumgardner to Alan H. Belmont, 10/26/60.
121 It is interesting to note that after the anonymous calls to the
newspapers giving information on the "communist nature" of the sponsor, the
conference center director called the local FBI office to ask for
information on the speaker. He was informed that Bureau records are
confidential and that the Bureau could not make any comment.
122 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Pittsburgh Field Office, 6/19/69.
123 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Pittsburgh Field Office, 5/1/70.

124 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/11/66;

memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 10/26/66.
125 Memorandum from Mobile Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 12/9/70;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Mobile Field Office, 12/31/70;
memorandum from Mobile Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/3/71.
126 In one example, a letter signed "A Black Parent" was sent to the mayor,
the Superintendent of Schools, the Commander of the American Legion, and two
newspapers in a northeastern city protesting a high school's subscription to
the BPP newspaper. The letter was also intended to focus attention on the
teacher who entered the subscription "so as to deter him from implementing
black extremist literature and philosophy into the Black History curriculum"
of the school system. (Memorandum from Buffalo Field Office to FBI
Headquarters, 2/5/70.)
127 Memorandum from Los Angeles Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/9/68;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to SAC, Los Angeles Field Office, 9/23/68.
128 Memorandum from Newark Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 5/23/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Newark Field Office, 6/4/69.
129 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/28/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 3/27/69.
130 For example, one proposal requested that the FBI Lab prepare a quart of
solution "capable of duplicating a scent of the most foul smelling feces
available," along with a dispenser capable of squirting a narrow stream for
a distance of approximately three feet. The proposed targets were the
physical plant of a New Left publisher and BPP publications prior to their
distribution. Headquarters instructed the field office to furnish more
information about the purpose for the material's use and the manner and
security with which it would be used. The idea was then apparently dropped.
(Memorandum from Detroit Meld Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/13/70;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 10/23/70.)
131 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Los Angeles Field Office, 9/23/68.
132 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Antonio Field Office, 5/13/69.
133 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Indianapolis Field Office, 6/17/68.
134 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 12/30/68.
135 One of the 12 standard techniques referred to in the New Left memorandum
discussed at pp. 25--26, disinformation bridges the line between
"counterintelligence" and sabotage.

136 Memorandum from Chicago Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/9/68;

memorandum from Charles Brennan to William C. Sullivan, 8/15/68.
137 Memorandum from Washington Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/21/69.
138 Egil Krogh has stated to the Committee staff that he was in charge of
coordinating D.C. law enforcement efforts during demonstrations, and gained
the cooperation of NMC marshals to ensure an orderly demonstration. This law
enforcement/NMC coordination was effected through the same walkie-talkie
system the Bureau was disrupting. (Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to
Washington Field Office, 1/10/69; staff summary of Egil Krogh interview,
139 Memorandum from Cincinnati Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 12/20/68;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cinncinnati Field Office, 12/29/68.
140 Memoranda from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/15/67,
9/26/67, and 10/17/67; memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field
Office, 9/29/67. By letter of January 14, 1976, the. Bureau submitted
specific instances of "action, other than arrest and prosecution, to prevent
any stage of [a] crime or violent acts from being initiated" which had been
taken. The examples were intended to aid in developing "preventive action"
One of the examples was the prevention of the publisher's plan to drop
flowers over the Pentagon: "A plan was thus thwarted which could well have
resulted in tragedy had another pilot accepted such a dangerous flying
mission and violated Federal or local regulations in flying low over the
Pentagon which is also in the heavy traffic pattern of the Washington
National Airport." The letter does not explain why it was necessary to act
covertly in this case. If flying over the Pentagon violates Federal
regulations, the Bureau could have arrested those involved when they arrived
at the airport. No informant was involved; the newspaper had advertised
openly for a pilot.
141 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Albuquerque Field Office, 3/19/69.
142 Memorandum from Boston Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/22/66.
143 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to El Paso Field Office, 12/6/68.
144 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 3/19/65.
145 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland and Boston Field Offices,
146 Mr. Huston learned that lesson as well:

"We went from this kind of sincere intention, honest intention, to develop a
series of justifications and rationalizations based upon this ... distorted
view of inherent executive power and from that, whether it was direct ... or
was indirect or inevitable, as I tend to think it is, you went down the road
to where you ended up, with these people going into the Watergate.
"And so that has convinced me that you have just got to draw the line at the
top of the totem pole, and that we would then have to take the risk -- it is
not a risk-free choice, but it is one that, I am afraid, in my judgment,
that we do not have any alternative but to take." (Huston, 9/23/75, p. 45.)
147 Sullivan, 11/1/75, pp. 97-98.
148 Moore, 11/3/75, pp. 32-33.
149 The percentages used in this section are derived from a staff tabulation
of the Petersen Committee summaries. The numbers are approximate because it
was occasionally difficult to determine from the summary what the purpose of
the technique was.
150 The resulting articles could then be used in the reprint mailing program.
151 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office, 11/4/68.
152 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Boston Field Office, 9/12/68.
153 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 11/1/65.
154 Levi 12/11/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 318.
155 "Name checks" were apparently run on all reporters proposed for use in
the program, to make sure they were reliable. In one case, a check of Bureau
files showed that a television reporter proposed as the recipient of
information on the SDS had the same name as someone who had served in the
Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The field office was asked to determine whether the
"individuals" were "identical." The field office obtained the reporter's
credit records, voting registration, and local police records, and
determined that his credit rating was satisfactory, that he had no arrest
record, that he "stated a preference for one of the two major Political
Parties" -- and that he was not, in fact, the man who fought in the Spanish
Civil war. Accordingly, the information was furnished. (Memorandum from
Pittsburgh Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 12/26/68; memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to Pittsburgh Field Office, 1/23/69.)
156 The Bureau also noted, for its files, those who criticized its work or
its Director, and the Division maintained a "not-to-contact" list which
included the names of some reporters and authors. One proposal to leak
information to the Boston Globe was turned down because both the newspaper

and one of its reporters "have made unfounded criticisms of the FBI in the
past." The Boston ]Field Office was advised to resubmit the suggestion using
another newspaper. (Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Boston Field
157 Leaking derogatory information is discussed at p. 50.
158 The Committee's agreement with the Bureau governing document
Provided that the Bureau could excise the names of "confidential sources"
when the documents were delivered to the Committee. Although the staff was
permitted to see the excised names at Bureau headquarters, it was also
agreed that the names not be used.
159 Note that Bureau witnesses testified that the NOI was not, in fact,
involved in organization violence. See pp. 20-21.
160 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Boston Field Office, 2/27/68.
161 Memorandum from Tampa Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/5/68.
162 Memorandum from Tampa Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/7/69.
163 Memorandum from G. C. Moore to William C. Sullivan, 10/21/69.
164 This technique was also used in disseminating propaganda. The distinction
lies in the purpose for which the letter, article or flier was mailed.
165 Black Nationalist supervisor, 10/17/75, p. 40.
166 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Baltimore Field Office, 11/25/68.
167 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/20/69;
memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 3/27/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 4/4/69.
168 Memorandum from Newark Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/15/69.
According to the proposal, the letter would not be typed by the field office
stenographic pool because of the language. The field office also used
asterisks in its communication with headquarters which "refer to that
colloquial phrase ... which implies an unnatural physical relationship with
a maternal parent." Presumably the phrase was used in the letter when it was
sent to the Panthers.
169 Memorandum from Chicago Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/12/69:
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Chicago Field Office, 1/30/69.

170 Memorandum from Philadelphia Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/25/68;

memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Philadelphia Field Office, 12/9/68.
171 Memorandum from San Diego Meld Office to FBI Headquarters, 4/10/69, p.
172 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/12/69.
173 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/12/69.
174 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 12/3/69.
175 Memorandum from New Haven Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/18/70.
176 Memorandum from San Francisco Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/27/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Meld Office, 9/5/69.
177 Memorandum from Detroit Meld Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/10/70;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 3/3/70.
178 Memorandum from Indianapolis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/23/69.
179 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SACs, 10/28/70.
180 Memorandum from Jackson Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/27/68.
181 Ibid.
182 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 9/6/56.
183 Memorandum from Los Angeles Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 12/12/68.
p. 1
184 Memorandum from San Diego Meld Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/2/70.
185 Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 7/9/64.
186 Memorandum from C. D. Brennan to W. C. Sullivan, 8/28/67.
187 Memorandum from F. J. Baumgardner to W. C. Sullivan, 1/5/65.
188 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 2/14/09.
189 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Jackson Field Office. 11/15/68.
190 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 2/9/60.
191 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/17/69;

memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 3/6/69;

memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters 4/30/69.
192 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/31/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 2/14/69.
193 One Bureau document stated that the Black Panther Party "has murdered
members it suspected of being police informants." (memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to Cincinnati Field Office, 2/18/71.)
194 Memorandum from San Diego Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/11/69;
memorandum to San Diego Field Office from FBI Headquarters, 2/19/69.
195 Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/14/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 3/10/69.
196 Memorandum to FBI Headquarters from SAC, Newark, 7/3/69;
memorandum to
Newark Field Office from FBI Headquarters, 7/14/69.
197 Memorandum from Kansas City Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/16/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 11/3/69.
198 Memorandum to FBI Headquarters from San Diego Field Office, 3/6/70;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 3/6/70.
199 Memorandum from Charlotte Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 3/23/71;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Charlotte Field Office, 3/31/71.
200 Memorandum from Charlotte Field Office to FBI Headquarters 3/23/71;
memorandum FBI Headquarters to Charlotte Field Office, 3/31/71.
201 In fact, some proposals were turned down for that reason. See, e.g.,
letter from FBI Headquarters to Cincinnati Field Office, 2/18/71, in which a
proposal that an imprisoned BPP member be labeled a "pig informer" was
rejected because it was possible it would result in the target's death. But
note that just one month later, two similar proposals were approved. Letter
from FBI Headquarters to Washington Field Office, 3/19/71, and letter from
FBI Headquarters to Charlotte Field Office, 3/31/71.
202 Black Nationalist supervisor, 10/17/75, p. 39.
203 Moore, 11/3/15, p. 64.
204 The minister has given the Select Committee an affidavit which states
that there was an organized attempt by the Bureau's source to disrupt the
Church's meetings, including "fist fights." Affidavit of Rev. Dennis G.

Kuby, 10/19/75).
205 Memorandum from Cleveland Meld Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/28/64;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland Field Office, 11/6/64.
206 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cleveland Field Office, 11/6/64.
207 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/18/66, p. 2.
208 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/19/67.
The lawyer was targeted, along with his law firm, because the firm "has a
long history of providing services for individual communists and communist
organizations," and because he belonged to the National Lawyers Guild.
209 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 1/16/67.
210 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 1/10/67.
211 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 11/3/66.
212 Memorandum from F. J. Baumgardner to William C. Sullivan, 10/4/66;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 10/5/66.
A similar proposal attempted "to cause dissension between Negro numbers
operators and the Italian hoodlum element" in Detroit. The Bureau had
information that black "numbers men" were contributing money to the local
"black power movement." An anonymous letter containing a black hand and the
words "watch out" was sent a minister who was "the best known black militant
in Detroit." The letter was intended to achieve two objectives. First, the
minister was expected to assume that "the Italian hoodlum element was
responsible for this letter, report this to the Negro numbers operators, and
thereby cause them to further resent the Italian hoodlum element." Second,
it is also possible that [the minister] may become extremely frightened upon
receipt of this letter and sever his contact with the Negro numbers men in
Detroit and might even restrict his black nationalist activity or leave
Detroit. (Memorandum from the Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters,
6/14/68; Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 6/28/68.)
213 Letters were also sent to parents informing them that their children were
in communes, or with a roommate of the opposite sex; information on an
actress' pregnancy by a Black Panther was sent to a gossip columnist; and
information about a partner's affair with another partner's wife was sent to
the members of a law firm as well as the injured spouses.
Personal life information was not the only kind of derogatory information
disseminated; information on the "subversive background" of a target (or
family member) was also used, as were arrest records.

214 Memorandum from Richmond Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/26/66.

215 Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/30/70.
216 Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/30/70. Note
that there is no allegation that ACTION was engaged in violence. When the
target was interviewed by the staff, she was asked whether ACTION ever took
part in violent activities. She replied that someone once spat in a
communion cup during a church sit-in and that members sometimes used four
letter words, which was considered violent in her city. The staff member
then asked about more conventionally violent acts, such as throwing bricks
or burning buildings. Her response was a shocked, "Oh, no! I'm a pacifist -I wouldn't be involved in an organization like that." (Staff interview of a
216a Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 1/30/70.
217 Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/17/70.
218 Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/14/69, p.
219 Memorandum from St. Louis Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/14/69, pp.
220 House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional
Rights, Hearings, 11/20/74, p. 11.
221 There were 84 contacts with employers or 3 percent of the total.
222 Memorandum from New Haven Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/12/69.
223 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Diego Field Office, 9/11/69.
224 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 9/29/64.
225 The FBI also used a "confidential source" in a foundation to gain funding
for a "moderate" civil rights organization. (Memorandum from G. C. Moore to
W. C. Sullivan, 10/23/68.)
226 Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/18/70.
227 Memorandum from New York Field office to FBI Headquarters, 8/19/70.
228 Memoranda from FBI Headquarters to Pittsburgh Field Office, 3/3/69 and

229 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 7/2/64.
230 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Cincinnati Field Office, 3/28/69.
231 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 10/9/68.
232 Moore, 11/3/75, p. 47.
233 Federal agencies were also used. For instance, a foreign-born professor
active in the New Left was deported by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service at the Bureau's instigation. (Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to
San Diego Field Office, 9/6/68.) The Bureau's use of the IRS in COINTELPRO
is included in a separate report. Among other actions, the Bureau obtained
an activist professor's tax returns and then used a source in a regional IRS
office to arrange an audit. The audit was intended to be timed to interfere
with the professor's meetings to plan protest demonstrations in the 1968
Democratic convention.
234 The fund raiser was targeted because of two of the candidates who would
be present. One, a state assemblyman running for reelection, was active in
the Vietnam Day Committee; the other, the Democratic candidate for Congress,
had been a sponsor of the National Committee to Abolish the House Committee
on Un-American Activities and had led demonstrations opposing the
manufacture of napalm bombs. (Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San
Francisco Field Office, 10/21/66.)
234 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office,
236 Ibid.
237 Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 2/23/60;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 3/11/60;
memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/10/60;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to New York Field Office, 11/17/60.
238 omitted in original.
239 memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office, 7/22/69;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Minneapolis Field Office, 4/9/69.
Charles Colson spent seven months in jail for violating the civil rights of
a defendant in a criminal case through the deliberate creation of
prejudicial pretrial publicity.
240 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Miami Field Office, 6/23/66;
memorandum from Miami Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/30/66.
241 Memorandum from New York Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 4/5/67. The

Bureau also obtained legal advice from a probate attorney on how the will
could be attacked; contacted other relatives of the deceased; leaked
information about the will to a city newspaper; and solicited the efforts of
the IRS and state taxing authorities to deplete the estate as much as
241a Memorandum from Atlanta Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 7/13/70.
242 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 9/15/65;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 9/22/65.
243 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 10/1/65.
244 Memorandum from Detroit Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 10/24/66;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Detroit Field Office, 11/3/66.
245 According to the documents, "operating under the direction of New York
headquarters," a document was placed in the record by the Committee which
according to the "presiding officer," indicated that the CP planned to hold
its national convention in Philadelphia. The field office added, "This
office is not aware of any such plan of the CP." Memorandum from,
Philadelphia Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 11/3/59; memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to Philadelphia Field Office, 11/12/59.
246 Note that the "Communist" label was loosely applied, and might mean only
that an informant reported that a target had attended meetings of a "front"
group some years earlier. As noted earlier, none of the "COINTELPRO" labels
were precise.
247 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Phoenix Field Office, 6/11/68.
248 Memorandum from William C. Sullivan, 2/4/64; memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to New York Field Office, 2/12/64.
249 The target was not intended to be the United Farm Workers, but a local
college professor expected to participate in the picket line. The Bureau had
unsuccessfully directed "considerable efforts to prevent hiring" the
professor. Apparently, the Bureau did not consider the impact of this
technique on the United Farm Workers' efforts. Memorandum from San
Field Office to FBI Headquarters 9/12/68; Memorandum from FBI Headquarters
to San Francisco Field Office, 9/13/68.
250 Memorandum from San Francisco Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 4/16/64.
251 Memorandum from San Francisco Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 3/10/67;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to San Francisco Field Office, 3/14/67.

252 The CPUSA, SWP, and New Left programs were handled in the Internal
Security Section; the White Hate program was first handled in a short-lived
three-man "COINTELPRO unit" which, during the three years of its existence,
supervised the CP and SWP programs as well, and then was transferred to the
Extremists Section; the Black Nationalist program was supervised by the
Racial Intelligence Section. The Section Chief would then route the proposal
to the COINTELPRO supervisor for each program. Occasionally the Section
Chief made a recommendation as to the proposal; more often the supervisor
made the initial decision to approve or deny.
253 No control file was maintained of these directives. Since these
directives were sent out under the investigative caption, the first time the
COINTELPRO caption would be used was on the field proposal which responded
to the directives.
254 (Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 167.) There is no central file of such awards,
so the number is retrievable only by searching each agent's personnel file.
255 According to Moore, even the "snitch jacket" -- labeling a group member
as an informant when he is not -- is not solely a counterintelligence
technique, but may be used, in an ordinary investigation, to protect a real
informant, "Maybe . . . you had an informant whose life was at stake because
somebody suspected him and the degree of response . . . might be the degree
that you would have to use in order to sow enough suspicion on other people
to take it away from your informant." (Moore, 11/3/75, p. 70)
256 See Dr. Martin Luther King Report.
256a Black Nationalist deposition, 10/17/75, p. 15.
257 As Moore put it, "This was a program, and whenever the Bureau had a
program, you had to produce results because it was scrutinized by the
inspectors, not only during your own inspection on a yearly basis, but also
scrutinized in the field during field inspections." (Moore, 11/3/75, p. 43.)
The New Left supervisor, who received copies of the inspection reports,
stated that "it would be an innocuous type report in every instance I can
recall." (New Left supervisor, 10/28/75, p. 72)
For example, one Domestic Intelligence Division inspection report on the
"White Hate" programs noted under "Accomplishments" that the decline in Klan
organizations is attributable to "hard-hitting investigations,
counterintelligence programs directed at them, and penetration . . . by our
racial informants." The report then lists several specific actions,
including the defeat of a candidate with Klan affiliations; the removal from
office of a high Klan official; and the issuance of a derogatory press
release. (Inspection, Domestic Intelligence Division, 1/8-26/71, pp. 15,

258 Mark Felt testimony, 2/3/76, pp. 56,65.

259 For security reasons, no instructions were printed in the Manual. In
service training for intelligence agents did contain an hour on COINTELPRO,
so it may be assumed that most agents knew something about the programs.
For instances in which Attorneys General, the Cabinet, and the House
Subcommittee on Appropriations were allegedly informed of the existence of
the CPUSA and Klan COINTELPROs. [sic]
260 Memorandum from FBI Headquarters to all SAC's, 8/25/67.
261 One example of the lengths to which the Bureau went in maintaining
secrecy may be instructive. The Bureau sent a letter to Klan members
purporting to be from the "National Intelligence Committee" -- a
super-secret Klan disciplinary body. The letter fired the North Carolina
Grand Dragon and suspended the Imperial Wizard, Robert Shelton. Shelton
complained to both the local postal inspector and the FBI resident agency
(which solemnly assured him that his complaint was not within the Bureau's
jurisdiction). The Bureau had intended to mail a second "NIC" letter, but
the plans were held in abeyance until it could be learned whether the postal
inspector intended to act on Shelton's complaint. The Bureau, therefore,
contacted the local postal inspector, using their investigation of Shelton's
complaint as a pretext, to see what the inspector intended to do. The field
office reported that the local inspector had forwarded the complaint to
regional headquarters, which in turn referred it to a Chief Postal Inspector
in Washington, D.C. The Bureau's liaison agent was then sent to that office
to determine what action the postal authorities planned to take. He returned
with the information that the Post Office had referred the matter to the
Fraud Section of the Department of Justice's Criminal Division, under a
cover letter stating that since Shelton's allegations "appear to involve an
internal struggle" for Klan control, and "since the evidence of mail fraud
was somewhat tenuous in nature," the Post Office did not contemplate any
investigation. Neither, apparently, did the Department. The Bureau did not
inform either the Postal Inspector or the Criminal Division that it had
authored the letter under review. Instead, when it appeared the FBI's role
would not be discovered, the Bureau prepared to send out the second letter
-- a plan which was discontinued when the Klan "notional" was proposed.
Memorandum from Charlotte Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 5/9/67;
memorandum from FBI Headquarters to Charlotte Field Office, 5/24/67;
memorandum. from Charlotte Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 5/31/67;
memorandum from Atlanta Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/7/67;
from Atlanta Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/13/67; memorandum from
Birmingham Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/14/67; memorandum from
Charlotte Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/28/67; memorandum from FBI
Headquarters to Atlanta and Charlotte Field Offices, 6/29/67; memorandum

from Atlanta Field Office to FBI Headquarters, 6/27/67; memorandum from

Bernard Rachner to Charles Brennan, 7/11/67; memorandum from Charlotte
Office to FBI Headquarters, 8/22/67; memorandum from FBI Headquarters to
Charlotte Field Office, 8/21/67.
262 These documents were also made available to the Petersen Committee. The
Petersen Committee twice asked the Bureau for documents showing outside
knowledge, and twice was told there were none. Only as the Petersen report
was ready to go to press did the Bureau find the documents delivered. (Staff
interview with Henry Petersen.)
263 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 5/8/58.
264 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 5/8/58.
265 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 5/8/58.
266 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 1/10/61.
267 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 1/10/61, p. 4.
268 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 9/2/65, p. 2.
269 Memorandum from Nicholas deB. Katzenbach to J. Edgar Hoover, 9/3/65.
270 Nicholas deB. Katzenbach testimony, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, pp.
271 Katzenbach, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 217.
272 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 12/19/67, p. 1.
273 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 2/19/67, p. 4.
274 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 12/19/67, p. 8.
275 The paragraph under the subheading "Tennessee" includes the statement
that, through a highly placed Bureau informant, "we were able to control the
expansion of the Klan." The paragraphs under the subheading "Virginia"
states that, after the United Klans of America began an intensive
organizational effort in the state, "We immediately began an all-out effort
to penetrate the Virginia Klan, contain its growth, and deter violence." The
specific examples given, however, are not COINTELPRO actions, but liaison
with state and local authorities, prosecution, cooperation with the
Governor, and warning a civil rights worker of a plot against his life. The
paragraph under the subheading "Illinois" contains nothing relating to
COINTELPRO activities, but refers to cooperation with state authorities in

the prosecution of a Klan official for a series of bombings. (Memorandum

from Director, FBI, to the Attorney General, 12/19/67, pp. 8 10.)
276 Clark, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 235.
277 Clark, 12/3/75, Hearings, p. 221.
278 The White Hate COINTELPRO had been going on for five years.
279 Memorandum from Director, FBI to the Attorney General, 9/17/69.
280 Ibid.
281 Ibid.
282 DeLoach, 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 183.
283 Clark. 12/3/75, Hearings, Vol. 6, p. 232.
284 Unit Chief, 10/14/75, p. 136; and 10/21/75, p. 42.
285 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing to the President and his cabinet,
11/6/58, pp. 35-36.
286 The actual dates of the hearings would be 1957, 1968, 1959, 1960, 1962,
1965, and 1966.
287 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1959, p. 54.
288 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1959, p. 58.
289 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1960, p. 76.
290 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1960, p. 76.
291 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1960, p. 77.
292 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1961, p. 80.
293 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1961, p. 81.

294 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations

Subcommittee, FY 1963.
295 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1963.
296 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1966, p. 62. This is the first time the targeting of
non-Party members can be inferred.
297 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1966, p. 63.
298 Unit chief, 10/16/75, p. 113.
299 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1967, p. 71.
300 Excerpt from FBI Director's briefing of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee, FY 1967, pp. 72-73.
301 Although portions of the Committee's report were made public in April
1974, Petersen has testified that the purpose of the report was simply to
inform the Attorney General. The inquiry was not intended to be conclusive
and certainly was not an adversary proceeding. "We were doing a survey
rather than conducting an investigation." (Henry Petersen testimony,
12/11/75, Hearing, Vol. 6, p. 271.)
301a William Saxbe statement, Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights
SubCommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 11/20/74, p. 9.
302 Petersen committee report, CRCR Hearings, 11/20/74, p. 11.
303 Petersen committee report, CRCR, Hearings, 11/20/74, p. 26.
304 Petersen Committee Report, pp. 26-27.
305 Petersen Committee Report, p. 27.
306 Petersen Committee Report, p. 21.
307 Peterson Committee Report, pp. 21-22.
308 Petersen Committee Report, p. 22.
309 For instance, the 20-years-past "Communist" activities of a target
professor's wife were found in "public source material," as were the arrest
records of a prominent civil rights leader. Both were leaked to "friendly"

media on condition that the Bureau's interest not be revealed.

310 See, e.g., the attempt to get an agent on the Alcohol Beverage Control
Board to raid a Democratic Party fundraiser.
311 The Civil Rights Division refused to endorse this conclusion, although it
was under heavy pressure from top Department executives to do so. Assistant
Attorney General J. Stanley Pottinger was first informed of the Petersen
committee report a week before its public release; and no official of the
Civil Rights Division had previously examined any of the COINTELPRO
materials or summaries. After the report's release, the Civil Rights
Division was permitted a short time to review some of the materials. (Staff
summary of interview with Assistant Attorney General Pottinger, 4/21/76.)
Under these restrictions the Civil Rights Division was not able to review
"everything in the voluminous files," but rather conducted only a "general
survey of the program unrelated to specific allegations of criminal
violations." Assistant Attorney General Pottinger advised Attorney General
Saxbe, upon the completion of this brief examination of COINTELPRO, that the
Division found "no basis for making criminal charges against particular
individuals or involving particular incidents." Although some of the acts
reviewed appeared "to amount to technical violations," the Division
concluded that "without more" information, prosecutive action would not be
justified under its "normal criteria." However, Pottinger stressed that a
"different prosecution judgment would be indicated if specific acts more
fully known and developed, could be evaluated in a complete factual
context." (Memorandum from J. Stanley Pottinger, Assistant Attorney General.
to Attorney General Saxbe, 12/13/74.)
312 Petersen Committee Report, Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional
Rights, Hearings, 11/26/74, p. 25.
313 Petersen Committee Report, Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional
Rights hearings, 11/20/74, p. 28.
314 Attorney General Levi has proposed a series of guidelines on domestic
intelligence. A set of "preventive action" guidelines was prepared which
would have authorized the Bureau to take "nonviolent emergency measures" to
"obstruct or prevent" the use of force or violence upon the Attorney
Generals' authorization. These guidelines have now been abandoned because
the Attorney General determined that it was not possible to frame general
language which would permit proper (and indeed ordinary) law enforcement
measures such as increased guards around building or traffic control during
a demonstration while preventing COINTELPRO type activity.
315 Department of Justice release, 4/1/76.
316 The notification guidelines read as follows:

1. The review of the COINTELPRO files should be conducted by the existing

Shaheen committee.
2. An individual should be notified in those instances where an action
directed against him was improper and, in addition, there is reason to
believe he may have been caused actual harm. In making this determination in
doubtful cases, the committee should resolve the question in favor of
3. Excluded from notification should be those individuals who are known to be
aware that they were the subjects of COINTELPRO activities.
4. An advisory group will be created to pass upon those instances where the
committee is uncertain as to whether notification should be given, and
otherwise to advise the committee as requested.
5. The manner of notification should be determined in each case to protect
rights to privacy,
6. Notification should be given as the work of the committee proceeds,
without waiting for the entire review to be completed.
7. In the event that the committee determines in the process of review that
conduct suggests disciplinary action or referral of a matter to the Criminal
or civil nights Divisions, the appropriate referral should be made.
8. No departure from these instructions will be made without the express
approval of the Attorney General. The committee may request such departure
only through and with the recommendation of the advisory group. (Letter from
Department (if Justice to the Select Committee, 4/23/76.)

Transcription and html by Paul Wolf, 2002.

03/03/08 01:49 am
Well stated qualifier!
Whatever the political party in power, while national security is a pragmatic
necessity in the real world, allowing the government to arbitrarily toss out
the Constitution for it's own purposes and at it's own convenience is a
definite no-no.
On Sunday 02 March 2008 06:42 pm, you wrote:
Home | What Is Jericho? | How to Help | Links | Jericho Chapters |
> Join Jericho | Resources
It is not that I support all groups but I believe that if their
> intelligence was as good as it should be then they would not have to
> discredit and harm innocent people. It is bad enough that they violate
> everyone's rights. I just support our constitutional rights and I detest
> those that want to alter them and eliminate our true freedoms.
Joint Statement from the San Francisco 8
We, the San Francisco 8, would like to send this joint statement
> extending our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all our friends and
> supporters. As many of you know, this COINTELPRO persecution has been
> on-going for nearly 36 years. However, in the last few years, in accord
> with the implementation of the Patriot Act, state and federal authorities
> initiated plans to stifle political dissent, particularly targeting young
> activists. Similarly, COINTELPRO's objective was to ". expose, disrupt,
> misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of Black
> nationalist, hate type organizations and groupings, their leadership,
> spokesmen, membership, and supporters, and to counter their propensity for
> violence and civil disorder ." (COINTELPRO memo of August 25, 1967).
The FBI not only targeted the Black Panther Party, but according to
> this COINTELPRO memo: "Intensified attention under this program should be
> afforded to the activities of such groups as the Student Nonviolent
> Coordinating Committee, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
> Revolutionary Action Movement, the Deacons for Defense and Justice,
> Congress of Racial Equality, and the Nation of Islam. Particular emphasis
> should be given to extremists who direct the activities and policies of
> revolutionary or militant groups such as Stokely Carmichael, H. "Rap"
> Brown, Elijah Muhammad, and Maxwell Stanford." By March 4, 1968,
> was in full operation leading to directing its full attention to the Black
> Panther Party when it came into existence in October 1968, to prohibit the
> BPP from developing durable long-term political and organizational
> relationships with various segments of the Black community.


This case represents the continuation of that COINTELPRO objective,

to further indicate how the government will persecute today's activists.
The government is seeking to rewrite the history of struggle as exemplified
by the BPP, venomously trying to define that legacy of struggle as a
"terrorist" movement. We vehemently reject that labeling, as the government
attempts to characterize the San Francisco 8 as "terrorists," "criminals,"
and "wanton killers." They will never say the SF8 were political activists
and progressive civil/human rights organizers. They will never say they
sought to relieve the community of all forms of state sponsored terrorism
that is often found in Black, Asian and Latino communities today. They will
never admit to the unconstitutional practices of the FBI COINTELPRO
activities, despite the 1974 Senate Church Committee findings condemning
those practices. Furthermore, they will never seek to establish remedies
for those who are victims of the illegal FBI and local police actions under
COINTELPRO, and now under the Patriot Act, if we don't demand they do so.
It is with this understanding the SF8 are issuing this joint
statement, calling for friends and supporters to organize a national
determination to ensure our victory. Ours will be a victory against fear
and state terrorism; it will be a defeat against state torture tactics,
threats and coercion. This case and our call for action will teach today's
activists what to expect from the state in its efforts to suppress dissent
and protest of government repression. Indeed, this task will forward a
broader understanding of what happened in the Movement of the 60s and 70s,
and how COINTELPRO disrupted and destroyed the most viable Black political
party that emerged out of the civil rights movement.
Ultimately, what is here proposed will tell of a youth movement and
how the government sought to undermine and destroy it. The proposal will
expose how the government seeks to retaliate because those youth (who are
now Elders) did in fact challenge the system of racist oppression. They not
only challenged oppressive conditions in our collective communities, but
also worked to support all oppressed peoples fighting against colonialism
and imperialism at that time.
This case evolves out of a history of political struggle in this
country, and it is our duty to fulfill that mission by expressing what
happened then, and COINTELPRO's negative impact on today's social
movements. Therefore, while we engage in a legal battle in the courtroom,
it is imperative we urge our friends and supporters to extend the political
front in the various communities. We must reach out to the various street
organizations and youth groups, the animal and earth liberation groups,
women's rights and LGBT forums, the immigration rights struggles, and the
many ethnic communities who are struggling for a better life in this
Hence, the course of the overall struggle to win the release of the
San Francisco 8 requires a broad political determination, reaching beyond

> the important legal issues of the case. For example, the question of
> torture, COINTELPRO, and matters of reconciliation are essential to this
> case. Therefore, a successful national campaign in support of the SF8
> requires friends and supporters to achieve the following objectives:
1. Anti-Torture Legislation:
In 1909, the Niagara Movement evolved into the NAACP led by W.E.B.
> Dubois. The principal platform of the NAACP at that time was a struggle to
> forge an anti-lynching movement. Today, torture in its many forms has
> become a scourge in America: there is the inhumane use of restraint chairs
> in jails and prisons, an especially despicable device reminiscent of
> medieval torture mechanisms; there has been an increase in use of the taser
> as a weapon to induce confessions and control prisoners, resulting in many
> deaths, another inhumane torture device.
In the case of the SF8, law enforcement officers employed similar
> torture techniques, including those used in Vietnam and in Abu Ghraib by
> U.S. military personnel. The use of torture permeates all facets of the
> so-called "criminal justice system." Obviously, like the old anti-lynching
> platform of the NAACP, the San Francisco 8 call for a national campaign
> demanding anti-torture legislation on local levels (city councils and state
> legislatures). The SF8 hold that any form of interrogation that employs the
> use of water boarding, simulated drowning techniques, cattle prods, tasers,
> restraint chairs, physical beatings, sensory and sleep deprivation, and
> psychological coercion must be deemed inhumane and criminal. Therefore, the
> San Francisco 8 call for all progressive and peace loving people to join in
> a national campaign on city, state and congressional levels for
> proclamations and legislation outlawing all forms of torture.
2. Reopen COINTELPRO Hearings:
It is well known that the FBI targeted the Black Panther Party for
> annihilation under the secret counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO).
> The FBI COINTELPRO effort resulted in the assassination, criminalization,
> vilification, and the splitting of the BPP leading to its destruction, with
> many BPP members today languishing in prisons. The FBI COINTELPRO
> worked in alliance with police departments across the country, and today,
> the Patriot Act has legalized much of what were illegal COINTELPRO
> practices.
In 1974, the Senate Church Committee investigating the illegal FBI
> COINTELPRO activities declared such practices unconstitutional. However,
> the Senate Church Committee failed to create remedies for those who
> suffered from the unconstitutional practices of the FBI and police
> departments. Subject to that reality, the San Francisco 8 hereby call for a
> national movement for the reopening of COINTELPRO hearings. We, the SF8,

> urge friends and supporters to phone/fax/write to John Conyers, Chair of

> the Judiciary Committee in Congress, and appeal for him to conduct public
> hearings on why victims of COINTELPRO languish in prison over 30 years
> after it was declared unconstitutional.
We, the SF8, ask friends and supporters to contact your congressional
> representative, Congressional Black Caucus members and other elected
> officials urging them to enable John Conyers to reopen COINTELPRO
3. Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
At the conclusion of hostilities in the struggle to end apartheid in
> South Africa, many progressive forces took a path to resolve potential
> antagonisms subject to racial, socio-economic and political strife during
> the decades of apartheid. That path led to the creation of the Truth and
> Reconciliation Commission, principally led by the Honorable Bishop Desmond
> Tutu.
In the United States, people of Afrikan descent suffered the trauma
> of chattel slavery, Black Codes, Jim Crow segregation laws, political
> repression and state terrorism under the auspices of COINTELPRO. However,
> unlike South Africa, at no time has there been a national determination to
> resolve political, social or economic antagonisms born out of
> centuries/decades of racial strife.
In recent years, as a result of the reparations movement, some
> corporations, cities and states have issued apologies for having been
> involved in the Atlantic slave trade. Despite these apologies, the systemic
> inequities prevail with devastating consequences on every vestige of life
> confronting the majority of people of Afrikan descent in America.
The San Francisco 8 understand that these historic dynamics
> perpetuate social-cultural determinants that inhibit the necessary
> psychological inducements towards self-reliance and self-determination.
> Therefore, we are calling for progressive peoples to open dialogue and
> begin the process towards organizing a national Truth and Reconciliation
> Commission to address these inequities. We believe such a Commission could
> serve as a catalyst to forge substantial resolutions to heal America's
> racial trauma.
In conclusion, it is these three areas of concern we jointly agree
> will empower a national campaign to virtually expose the negative impact of
> both COINTELPRO and the Patriot Act. We call for all progressive peoples in
> support of the San Francisco 8 and all U.S. political prisoners to find the
> means to organize committees and coalitions to implement this proposal on
> local and national levels.


Again, we, the San Francisco 8, extend our heartfelt appreciation for
your solidarity and support. Let us, together, build a sustainable and
durable initiative that redresses civil and human rights violations, as we
organize to win the freedom of the San Francisco 8.
Free All U.S. Political Prisoners!
The San Francisco 8
For more information about the San Francisco 8, contact:
Committee in Defense of Human Rights (CDHR), P.O. Box 90221,
Pasadena, CA 91109. Email: Phone:
Freedom Archives, 522 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 99110;; phone: 415-863-9977
NYC Jericho Movement, P.O. Box 1272, NY, NY 10013.
Download the statement in English or Spanish
-------------------------------------------------------------------------National Jericho Movement . P.O. Box 1272 . New York, NY 10013

03/03/08 02:22 am

03/08/08 03:24 pm
"Brain Reading" Device Can Predict What People See
Ker Than
for National Geographic News
March 5, 2008
A new computer program can match brain activity with visual images and even
predict what people are seeing, a study has shown.
The work raises the possibility that one day computers could "read" a
person's brain to digitally re-create memories, dreams, or imaginings.
Previous attempts to decode vision in this way could only extract simple
information about images, such as their physical orientation, and could not
identify images that participants were seeing for the first time.
"Our technique overcomes this limitation, and we show that we can perform
identification for novel images," said study team member Kendrick Kay of the
University of California, Berkeley.
The new computer model is described in today's issue of the journal Nature.
Master Predictor
The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure
activity in the visual cortices of participants' brains as they looked at
photographs of animals, food, people, and other common objects.
The fMRI technique is a relatively new way to measure changes in the brain's
blood oxygen levels, which have strong links to neural activity.
The collected data were used to "teach" a computer program to associate
certain blood flow patterns with particular kinds of images.
Participants were then asked to look at a second set of images they had never
encountered before.
The model was programmed to take what it had learned from the previous
pairings and figure out what was being shown in the new set of images.
For a collection of 120 images, the model correctly identified what a person
was looking at 90 percent of the time. When the set was enlarged to a
thousand images, accuracy was about 80 percent.
The researchers say their work opens the door for brain-reading devices?like

those envisioned by Philip K. Dick and other science-fiction writers?that

display a person's inner visual experiences on a screen.
Human brain picture
Enlarge Photo
_ Printer Friendly
Email to a Friend
Mice With Human Brain Cells Created (December 14, 2005)
Supercomputing Project Aims to Simulate Human Brain (July 20, 2005)
"Beyond the Brain" in National Geographic Magazine (March 2005)
Before such a device can be built, however, researchers must first answer
important questions about dreams, memories, and imagination.
(Related: "First Ever Brain 'Atlas' Completed [September 26, 2006].)
"Perhaps the contents of our imaginations are not represented in the same way
as the contents of our actual real perceptions," Kay said.
"In this case, we will have to investigate how imagination is represented and
construct appropriate computational models."
Technology will have to improve as well.
Many critics of fMRI point out that the technique does not measure brain
activity directly. As a result, it lacks the resolution of data recorded
directly from brain cells.
Small Step
Frank Tong, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, said he
was surprised that the team's method worked as well as it did for this very
"Most people think of fMRI as a pretty crude method, but [the data collected]
contained a surprising amount of information, enough to predict, well above
[the level of mere] chance, which of several hundred or thousand pictures a
person was looking at," said Tong, who was not involved in the study.
The work also builds on other groundbreaking studies, including research
reported last year in the journal Current Biology, in which researchers were
able to decode the simple intentions of participants about 70 percent of the
time based on fMRI readings.
Robert Dougherty, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, said the
construction of a brain-reading device might be possible, but he cautions
that the team's new model is only a small step toward that goal.
"Their model is not invertible?it cannot generate a unique image from the
measured brain activity," Dougherty added.
"However, combined with strong assumptions about natural image statistics, a
more sophisticated model could produce such images that would be a prediction
of a subject's visual imagery."
A brain-reading device would be valuable for probing phenomena that are
difficult to study using conventional means, such the differences in

perception among people, the researchers said.

But the team notes that such a device could be used for more sinister
purposes as well.
The privacy and ethical concerns associated with a brain-reading device would
parallel those surrounding human genome sequencing, the researchers said.
In both cases, care will need to be taken so that the rights of individuals
are not violated.
"The authors believe strongly that no one should be subjected to any form of
brain-reading process involuntarily, covertly, or without complete informed
consent," the team wrote in a statement.

03/08/08 11:04 pm
(...shaking my head...)
Now, you know I have a true and honest appreciation for cutting-edge
Eliminating sleep is right up there with, "I wonder what happens when ya
spilt an atom?"
...It can only lead to disaster...
Just...imagine... millions of grumpy, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated people
running charge of Very Dangerous Things...
(to be filed under: Better living through chemistry.)
January 02, 2008
DARPA Develops Brain Chemical to Replace Sleep
Serta_sheep_look_2As the line between science fiction and reality becomes
increasingly blurry, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
has always led the pack in terms of cool, weird, wacky and frightening
innovations. This time Darpa-funded scientists have found a drug that
eliminates sleepiness with a nasal spray of a key brain hormone. The spray
has worked well in lab experiments, with no apparent side effects. The hope
is that the hormone will serve as a promising sleep-replacement drug in
< snip >

03/08/08 11:38 pm
Remember: If you can use your brain in order to control the machine?
...the machine can probably be used to control you...
On the other hand, a world full of smiling, healhy, happy-faced people probably
isn't a bad thing, come to that...
I'm not against human enhancement, btw. If I were, I'd haveta give up these
here seeing-eye glasses I gots...along with my computer...and my telephone...and
knives and forks and stoves and refrigerators and furnances and air
conditioners... along with my clothes...and cars...and housing...and
aspirin...along with my cane. (all of that kinda stuff -and more- is, technically, an
enhancement of our natural skills and abilities.)
Yes, I wanna be stronger, faster, smarter and live in a healthy body for a
thousand years or so. (if nuthin' else, just to be around to see what you idjits are
gettin' up to next.) All of which is possible with the technology that's coming
soon to a neighborhood near you.
...When it comes to some of this technology, it's just a question of who's 'pushing
the buttons' and why...
Who's controlling the Controllers?
...and DARPA is kinda scary, in an Outer Limits, " slices, it dices, it also
makes julienne fries," sort of way....
DARPA To Support Brain-Machine Research
DURHAM, N.C. -- Devices including "neuroprosthetic" limbs for paralyzed
people and "neurorobots" controlled by brain signals from human
operators could be the ultimate applications of brain-machine interface
technologies developed under a $26 million contract to Duke
sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
The DARPA support will help launch Duke's Center for Neuroengineering,
co-directed by Miguel Nicolelis, professor of neurobiology, and Craig Henriquez,
the W.H. Gardner Jr. Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering. The center's
scientists and engineers will seek to pioneer a new technological era in which
brain signals could control machines that augment and extend human
capabilities in a way never before possible.
The Duke center will consist initially of a collaboration of separate

laboratories in the medical center's department of neurobiology and in the

Pratt School of Engineering department of biomedical engineering.
However, the researchers expect to unite the center's efforts in the new
multidisciplinary engineering building now under construction.
Nicolelis will be principal investigator for the DARPA project. Co-PIs are
Henriquez, Professor of Neurosurgery Dennis Turner and Patrick Wolf, associate
professor of biomedical engineering. Other center collaborators include John
Chapin of the State University of New York, Brooklyn, Jose Principe of the
University of Florida, Mandayam Srinivasan of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and Harvey Wiggins of Plexon Inc. in Dallas.
The contract is part of DARPA's Brain-Machine Interfaces Program, which seeks
to develop new technologies for augmenting human performance by accessing
the brain in real time and integrating the information into external devices.
Besides development of brain-controlled prosthetic limbs, neurosurgeons could
apply brain-mapping enabled by the new technologies to aid surgeons in
distinguishing healthy brain tissue from that which is part of a tumor or a focus
for epileptic seizures.
"This technology can immediately increase the resolution with which
surgeons can map the extent of a tumor or a specific brain region," said
Nicolelis. "Such improved mapping can translate into a better prognosis
for the patient, since less tissue might have to be removed."
Beyond medical uses, brain-machine interfaces also could be applied to
enhance the abilities of normal humans, said the researchers. As
examples, they said, neurally controlled robots could enable remote
search-and-rescue operations or exploration of hazardous or
inaccessible environments.
As part of the DARPA support:
Biomedical engineer Henriquez and his colleagues will coordinate
development of equipment and methods for visualizing and analyzing the
massive amounts of data produced from electrode arrays in the brains of
experimental animals.
Neurosurgeon Turner and his colleagues will investigate potential use
of brain-machine interfaces in patients with neurological disorders.
Biomedical engineer Patrick Wolf and his colleagues will develop a
miniaturized "neurochip" for detecting and analyzing brain signals, as well
as optical communications links between the chip and the control
components of the interface.
John Chapin's laboratory will develop the sensory feedback mechanism
by which animals and humans can "feel" the actions of a neurorobotic
arm or hand.
Jose Principe and his colleagues will develop new computer

algorithms for translating brain-derived signals into control commands to

operate a robot arm.
Mandayam Srinivasan's laboratory will develop new interfaces to
provide visual and tactile feedback signals to animal subjects operating
robot arms, and
Harvey Wiggins of Plexon Inc. in Dallas will supply hardware and
software that will enable development and testing of brain-machine
According to Nicolelis, the initial concentration of the new center will be on
neuroprosthetic arms for paralyzed people, based on the success of
initial experiments with animals.
"Last year, we reported experiments in primates showing that a
brain-machine interface could, indeed, control a robot arm," said
Nicolelis. "While this was a first-generation system, it proved to us that
there was an enormous opportunity to pursue research leading to clinical
applications. We are extremely grateful to DARPA for their vision in
establishing a program that will provide the crucial support to launch this
In 2000, Nicolelis and his colleagues tested a neural system on monkeys
that enabled the animals to use their brain signals, as detected by
implanted electrodes, to control a robot arm to reach for a piece of food.
The scientists even transmitted the brain signals over the Internet,
remotely controlling a robot arm 600 miles away. The technique they
used, called "multi-neuron population recordings" was originally
developed by center collaborator Chapin.
In the experiments, the scientists used arrays of up to 96 electrodes to
sense signals from multiple areas of the brain, including the motor cortex
from which movement is controlled. The scientists then recorded the
output of these electrodes as the animals learned "reaching tasks,"
including reaching for small pieces of food.
The scientists fed the mass of neural signal data generated during many
repetitions of these tasks into a computer, which analyzed the brain
signals to detect tell-tale patterns that would enable researchers to
predict the trajectory of the monkey's hand from the signals.
Then, by programming the computer connected to the robotic arm to
sense these signal patterns emanating from the monkey's brain, the
scientists could enable the monkey to, in effect, control the arm only via
neural signals.
This proof-of-concept experiment showed the effectiveness of recording
from multiple areas of the brain and then allowing the computer to "learn"
brain signal patterns that triggered certain movements.

In the new center, Nicolelis, Henriquez and their colleagues will aim to
increase the number of recording electrodes to more than 1,000 to enable
control of more complex actions by robotic arms and other devices. The
"neurochip" being developed by Wolf and his colleagues will greatly
reduce the size of the circuitry required for sampling and analysis of brain
"Our dream is to develop a palmtop-like device that routes the signals
either to robotic devices, computers, or even to the physician, to alert the
physician to some problem," said Nicolelis. According to Henriquez, the
greater number of recording electrodes will also enable far more
sophisticated analysis of brain signals.
"This research involves a major effort to decode how the brain manages
information," said Henriquez. "Once we are able to use computation to
decode such information, we can translate that understanding into an
algorithm that can be incorporated into hardware." Ultimately, the
researchers hope to be able to record and analyze such signals for long
periods of time without damage to brain tissue, said the researchers.
They have already shown that animals can tolerate the electrodes for
periods of years without apparent harm.
According to Nicolelis, the technology and computational methods
developed under the DARPA support also will lead to a deeper
understanding of the brain itself.
"This research will provide us with a powerful new set of experimental
tools and techniques to answer the question of how millions of brain cells
come together to generate a particular behavior," he said. "Traditionally,
the neurosciences have taken a reductionist approach, with investigators
trying to understand individual neurons, molecules and genes. We are
trying to understand the brain's function as a dynamic system."
Nicolelis, Henriquez and their colleagues are among researchers
developing a theory that neurons are not hard-wired circuit elements
permanently assigned to one computing task, like the microprocessor
inside a computer. Rather, the new theory holds that neurons are
adaptable, living entities that can participate in many processing tasks at
once. Moreover, the theory holds that those tasks may change from
millisecond to millisecond. For example, Nicolelis' experiments have
revealed that the brain signals producing a single event, such as a
monkey reaching out, are mirrored in many places in the same brain
region -- as if the neurons "vote" on such actions.
In their current experiments, the center's scientists and engineers are
developing "closed-loop" systems, in which movement of the robot arm
generates tactile feedback signals in the form of pressure on the animals'

skin. Also, they are providing visual feedback by allowing the animal to
watch the movement of the arm.
Such feedback studies could also potentially improve the ability of
paralyzed people to use such a brain-machine interface to control
prosthetic appendages, said Nicolelis. In fact, he said, the brain could
prove extraordinarily adept at using feedback to adapt to such an artificial
"One provocative, and controversial, question is whether the brain can
actually incorporate a machine as part of the neural representation of the
body," he said. "I truly believe that it is possible. The brain is continuously
learning and adapting, and previous studies have shown that the body
representation in the brain is dynamic. So, if you created a closed
feedback loop in which the brain controls a device and the device provides
feedback to the brain, I would predict that as people or animals learn to
use the device, their brains will basically dedicate neuronal space to
represent that device."
Development of the Duke center's brain-interface technologies also will
involve collaborations with industry, said the researchers. The market for
such devices should be considerable, they said. According to a market
analysis commissioned by DARPA, the current worldwide market of about
$270 million annually is projected to be $1.5 billion by 2005.
"In our discussion with corporations, we've found that, even though these
technologies are in their infancy, the companies are emphasizing their
commercial development," said Henriquez. "We believe that the Duke
center will help propel development of the next generation of brain
interface technologies. And the opportunities for their application seem
almost boundless."
DARPA ( is the central research and development
organization for the Department of Defense. It manages and directs
selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD,
and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very
high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional
military roles and missions.
The DARPA sponsored contract is being managed by the Space and
Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego

03/09/08 08:39 pm
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation, is basically electric messages that are sent
to a nerve in the ear that maintains balance. A person or persons can
manipulate this technology for either military purposes or for commercial
purposes. The technology is being applied in ATSUGI, Japan, as well as a
number of other research institutions around the world. It is being
investigated for a variety of applications: biomedical, pilot training and
entertainment. It is possible there are more diabolical applications.
< snip >

03/09/08 11:26 pm
New Camera Can Tell Exactly What's In Your Pockets From 80 Feet Away
securitycamera.jpgA British company called ThruVision has developed a camera
that can detect items such as guns, drugs and explosives under people's
clothes without, for better or worse, being able to see their genitals. It
holds a lot of promise for places like airport security checkpoint but stands
to open up a huge can of privacy-hating worms elsewhere.
The camera is called the T5000, and it sees objects based on the Terahertz, or
T-rays, that they emit. The camera works because all people and objects emit
low-level electromagnetic radiation. Every material emits a different
signature of Terahertz wave, which lies between infrared and microwaves on
the electromagnetic spectrum. That means it can tell the difference between
cocaine and flour but won't show the distinct outline of your danglers.
It's all well and good, but with the camera working from over 80 feet away
you've got to wonder how long it'll be before a city starts installing these
cameras on the street and arresting anybody walking around with drugs in
their pockets. Where is the privacy line drawn? Will that make people safer
or just make it feel like we're living in a totalitarian police state? It's
tricky. Boy, I can't wait. The future is now, and it's unsettling! [Reuters]

03/13/08 04:43 pm
Nerve-tapping neckband used in 'telepathic' chat
Movie Camera
17:23 12 March 2008 news service
Tom Simonite
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The world's first "voiceless" phone call took place thanks to a neckband that
converts nerve impulses into speech (footage courtesy Texas Instruments)
Watch the full-size video
A neckband that translates thought into speech by picking up nerve signals has
been used to demonstrate a "voiceless" phone call for the first time.
With careful training a person can send nerve signals to their vocal cords
without making a sound. These signals are picked up by the neckband and
relayed wirelessly to a computer that converts them into words spoken by a
computerised voice.
A video (right) shows the system being used to place the first public
voiceless phone call on stage at a recent conference held by microchip
manufacturer Texas Instruments. Michael Callahan, co-founder of Ambient
Corporation, which developed the neckband, demonstrates the device, called
the Audeo.
Users needn't worry about that the system voicing their inner thoughts though.
Callahan says producing signals for the Audeo to decipher requires "a level
above thinking". Users must think specifically about voicing words for them
to be picked up by the equipment.
The Audeo has previously been used to let people control wheelchairs using
their thoughts. Watch a video demonstrating thought control of wheelchairs
"I can still talk verbally at the same time," Callahan told New Scientist. "We
can differentiate between when you want to talk silently, and when you want
to talk out loud." That could be useful in certain situations, he says, for
example when making a private call while out in public.
The system demonstrated at the TI conference can recognise only a limited set
of about 150 words and phrases, says Callahan, who likens this to the early
days of speech recognition software.
At the end of the year Ambient plans to release an improved version, without a

vocabulary limit. Instead of recognising whole words or phrases, it should

identify the individual phonemes that make up complete words.
This version will be slower, because users will need to build up what they
want to say one phoneme at a time, but it will let them say whatever they
want. The phoneme-based system will be aimed at people who have lost the
ability to speak due to neurological diseases like ALS - also known as motor
neurone disease

Remote-Controlled Humans
Leah Hoffmann 08.04.05, 10:00 AM ET
Video: Remote-Controlled Woman
LOS ANGELES Smiling nervously, the young woman walks forward in a straight line. Suddenly,
she veers to the right. She stumbles and stops, attempting to regain her
balance, and continues to walk forward. And then she veers off to the left.
No, she's not intoxicated. The young lady's vestibular system, which controls
her sense of movement and balance, has been thrown off-kilter by two weak
electrical currents delivered just behind her ears. ( Click here to see video
of a remotely controlled woman.)
This sort of electrical stimulation is known as galvanic vestibular
stimulation, or GVS. When a weak DC current is delivered to the mastoid
behind your ear, your body responds by shifting your balance toward the
anode. The stronger the current, the more powerful its pull. If it is strong
enough, it not only throws you off balance but alters the course of your
GVS has been known about for at least a century, but it attracted relatively
little interest until the last 20 years. If researchers at the Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone (nyse: NTT - news - people ) Communication Science
Laboratories have their way, that interest may soon accelerate--and even go
At the 2005 SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference in Los Angeles this week,
NTT researchers debuted a device designed to exploit the effects of GVS.
Known as "Shaking the World," the project is the result of research carried
out by NTT researcher Taro Maeda. Maeda and his colleagues constructed a
headphone-like apparatus to deliver the electrical current and a small radio
control to direct the strength and direction of the signal. Whoever wears
such headphones can be steered by remote control.
Conference attendees lined up to try to maintain their balance as an NTT
spokesperson gently steered them left and right. Some attempted to counteract
the current's effects, while others almost ran into the crowd of onlookers as
they stumbled haplessly along. But nearly everyone was curious.
Where might this research lead?
The most persuasive commercial applications of Maeda's GVS device will most

likely be in gaming; researchers put together a crude virtual racing game to

demonstrate how GVS heightened the perception of centrifugal force as users
watch the car wind its way around the track on a video screen. Manabu
Sakurai, NTT's marketing manager, says the company is currently investigating
whether or not gamers would be interested in the device. Flight simulators
are another area of interest.
"Many people talk about that," Sakurai explained. "Because GVS causes you to
feel the same kinds of motion as a large-scale flight simulator, it could be
a much simpler and more cost-effective way to train people."
NTT researchers also point, rather improbably, to GVS's potential for
collision avoidance. A demonstration video shows a young man walking down the
street nearly run over by a passing motorcycle, steered to safety at the last
minute by a guardian angel wielding a remote control. But wouldn't that
require that people wear electric nodes behind their ears 24 hours a day?
Well, yes. And according to Maeda, the long-term effects of GVS are unknown.
But he plans to continue investigating ways to bring the phenomenon to the
Video: Remote-Controlled Woman

03/21/08 08:59 pm
Filed under: Tinfoil Hat warnings.
Tinfoil hat jokes aren't so very funny anymore, are they?
google: directed energy weapons.
US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun
12:00 21 March 2008 news service
David Hambling
Web Links
US Army Intelligence and Security Command
Navy research into beaming sound into people's heads
Dortmund University
A recently declassified US Army report on the biological effects of
non-lethal weapons reveals outlandish plans for "ray gun" devices, which
would cause artificial fevers or beam voices into people's heads.
The report titled "Bioeffects Of Selected Nonlethal Weapons" was released
under the US Freedom of Information Act and is available on this website
(pdf). The DoD has confirmed to New Scientist that it released the documents,
which detail five different "maturing non-lethal technologies" using
microwaves, lasers and sound.
Released by US Army Intelligence and Security Command at Fort Meade,
Maryland, US, the 1998 report gives an overview of what was then the state
of the art in directed energy weapons for crowd control and other
A word in your ear
Some of the technologies are conceptual, such as an electromagnetic pulse
that causes a seizure like those experienced by people with epilepsy. Other

ideas, like a microwave gun to "beam" words directly into people's ears,
have been tested. It is claimed that the so-called "Frey Effect" - using
close-range microwaves to produce audible sounds in a person's ears - has
been used to project the spoken numbers 1 to 10 across a lab to volunteers'.
In 2004 the US Navy funded research into using the Frey effect to project
sound that caused "discomfort" into the ears of crowds.
The report also discusses a microwave weapon able to produce a disabling
"artificial fever" by heating a person's body. While tests of the idea are
not mentioned, the report notes that the necessary equipment "is available
today". It adds that while it would take at least fifteen minutes to achieve
the desired "fever" effect, it could be used to incapacitate people for
almost "any desired period consistent with safety."
Less exotic technologies discussed include laser dazzlers and a sound source
loud enough to disturb the sense of balance. Both have been realised in the
years since the report was written. The US army uses laser dazzlers in Iraq,
while the Long Range Acoustic Device has military and civilian users, and has
been used on one occasion to repel pirates off Somalia.
However, the report does not mention any trials of weapons for producing
artificial fever or seizures, or beaming voices into people's heads.
Potentially torturous
Steve Wright, a security expert at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, warns
that the technologies described could be used for torture. In 1998 the
European Parliament passed a motion banning potentially dangerous
incapacitating technologies that interfere with the human brain.
"The epileptic seizure inducing device is grossly irresponsible and should
never be fielded," says Steve Wright "We know from similar [chemically]
artificially-induced fits that the victim subsequently remains "potentiated"
and may spontaneously suffer epileptic fits again after the initial attack."
The acoustic energy device that affects the ear canals, disrupting the motion
sense, may require dangerously loud sound levels to be effective, points out
Juergen Altmann, a physicist at Dortmund University, Germany, who is
interested in new military technologies.
"[There is] inconsistency between the part that says "interesting" effects
occur at 130-155 dB and the Recovery/Safety section that says that 115 dB is
to be avoided - without commenting on the difference."
Weapons Technology - Keep up with the latest innovations in our cutting edge
special report.
Focus on America - Delve into the science and technology questions facing the
USA in our special report.


03/25/08 11:32 pm
Spam Status: Spamassassin 10% probability of being spam.
Full report:
No, score=1.0 required=10.0 tests=HTML_20_30,HTML_MESSAGE,
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., March 21 (UPI) -- A U.S. researcher says he
is concerned that advanced brain imaging technology is being used to
interrogate suspected terrorists.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, has been used by
neurosurgeons since the 1990s to scan for brain tumors and to diagnose
nervous system disorders. Some in the intelligence community want to use it
as a tool to identify terrorists or during an interrogation.
The adoption of fMRI is not surprising given the limitations of lie
detection techniques such as a polygraph test, says Jonathan Marks of
Pennsylvania State University.
The imaging uses magnetic fields to detect tiny changes in blood oxygen
levels in the brain. Active neurons take up more oxygen than inactive
ones and these tiny changes are believed to be signatures of cognitive
Marks says there is evidence fMRI is being used to interrogate
suspected terrorists despite concerns it may not be reliable.
"There can be all sorts of reasons for recognizing a name or a
photograph or responding to a particular word," said Marks. "I lived London,
listening to reports of IRA bombings. My brain would light up if you
mentioned the word semtex -- a plastic explosive."
Marks analysis is published in the American Journal of Law and
2008 United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
This material may not be reproduced, redistributed, or manipulated in
any form.
Print story

03/29/08 08:33 am
In case ya haven't seen it, yet.
Quarterly report
Chronic Microelectrode Recording Array
Period 07/01/06 ? 09/30/06
Contact details:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Solzbacher, Ph.D.
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Director Microsystems Laboratory
University of Utah
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
MEB 3280
Tel.: (801) 581 7408 / 6941 (secretary)
Fax: (801) 581 5281
Table of contents
I. Executive
II. Activity
III.a. Probe system
III.a.1 Task 1 Fabrication of ultra thin Utah Electrode
Array .................................................... 3
III.a.2 Task 2: Development and fabrication of electronics and communications

module ........ 5
III.a.3 Task 3: Development and fabrication of PI
coils............................................................. 6
III.a.4 Task 4: Flip-chip bonding and
assembly .........................................................................
III.a.5 Task 5.1: Hermetic encapsulation and layer
coating ....................................................... 8
III.a.5. Task 5.2: Parylene
deinsulation ....................................................................................
III.b.1. Task 6: Testing and validation of probe systems
(in-vitro/in-vivo) ............................. 12
III.b.1.1 Bench testing of
III.b.1.2 In-vivo testing of

04/01/08 09:45 am
...and this isn't another unfounded, wild-eyed conspiracy theory.
They're really doing what this guy says they're doing.
For example...
Just keep well in mind...that the U.S. isn't the only nation in the world
that is developing such things...
...ask me what's in my 'Mind Control' folder...if you dare.
Published on (
Weaponizing the Pentagon's Cyborg Insects
By davidswanson
Created 2008-03-31 01:04
A Futuristic Nightmare That Just Might Come True
By Nick Turse, Tom Dispatch [1]
Biological weapons delivered by cyborg insects. It sounds like a nightmare
scenario straight out of the wilder realms of science fiction, but it could
be a reality, if a current Pentagon project comes to fruition.
Right now, researchers are already growing insects with electronics inside
them. They're creating cyborg moths and flying beetles that can be remotely
controlled. One day, the U.S. military may field squadrons of winged
insect/machine hybrids with on-board audio, video or chemical sensors. These
cyborg insects could conduct surveillance and reconnaissance missions on
distant battlefields, in far-off caves, or maybe even in cities closer to
home, and transmit detailed data back to their handlers at U.S. military

Today, many people fear U.S. government surveillance of email and cell phone
communications. With this program, the Pentagon aims to exponentially
increase the paranoia. Imagine a world in which any insect fluttering past
your window may be a remote-controlled spy, packed with surveillance
equipment. Even more frightening is the prospect that such creatures could be
weaponized, and the possibility, according to one scientist intimately
familiar with the project, that these cyborg insects might be armed with "bio
For the past 50 years, work by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) -- the Pentagon's blue skies research outfit -- has led to some of
the most lethal weaponry in the U.S. arsenal: from Hellfire-missile-equipped
Predator drones and stealth fighters and bombers to Tomahawk cruise missiles
and Javelin portable "fire and forget" guided missiles. For the last several
years, DARPA has funneled significant sums of money into a very different
kind of guided missile project, its Hybrid Insect MEMS (HI-MEMS) program.
This project is, according to DARPA, "aimed at developing tightly coupled
machine-insect interfaces by placing micro-mechanical systems [MEMS] inside
the insects during the early stages of metamorphosis." Put simply, the
creation of cyborg insects: part bug, part bot.
Bugs, Bots, Borgs and Bio-Weapons
This past August, at DARPA's annual symposium -- DARPATech -- HI-MEMS
manager Amit Lal, an associate professor on leave from Cornell University,
explained that his project aims to transform "insects into unmanned
air-vehicles." He described the research this way: "[T]he HI-MEMS program
seeks to grow MEMS and electronics inside the insect pupae. The new tissue
forms around the insertions, making the bio-electronic interface long-lasting
and reliable." In other words, micro-electronics are inserted at the pupal
stage of metamorphosis so that they can be integrated into the insects'
bodies as they develop, creating living robots that can be remotely
controlled after the insect emerges from its cocoon.
According to the latest reports, work on this project is progressing at a
rapid pace. In a recent phone interview, DARPA spokesperson Jan Walker said,
"We're focused on determining what the best kinds of MEMS systems are; what
the best MEMS system would be for embedding; what the best time is for
This month, Rob Coppinger, writing for the aerospace trade publication Flight
International, reported on new advances announced at the "1st US-Asian
Assessment and Demonstration of Micro-Aerial and Unmanned Ground Vehicle
Technology" -- a Pentagon-sponsored conference. "In the latest work," he
noted, "a Manduca moth had its thorax truncated to reduce its mass and had a
MEMS component added where abdominal segments would have been, during

larval stage." But, as he pointed out, Robert Michelson, a principal research
engineer, emeritus at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, laid out "on
behalf of DARPA" some of the obstacles that remain. Among them were short
insect life-spans and the current inability to create these cyborgs outside
specialized labs.
DARPA's professed long-term goal for the HI-MEMS program is the creation of
"insect cyborgs" capable of carrying "one or more sensors, such as a
microphone or a gas sensor, to relay back information gathered from the
target destination" -- in other words, the creation of military
micro-surveillance systems.
In a recent email interview, Michelson -- who has previously worked on
numerous military projects, including DARPA's "effort to develop an
?Entomopter' (mechanical insect-like multimode aerial robot)" -- described
the types of sensor packages envisioned, but only in a minimalist fashion, as
a "[w]ide array of active and passive devices." However in "Insect Cyborgs: A
New Frontier in Flight Control Systems," a 2007 article in the academic
journal Proceedings of SPIE, Cornell researchers noted that cyborg insects
could be used as "autonomous surveillance and reconnaissance vehicles" with
on-board "[s]ensory systems such as video and chemical."
Surveillance applications, however, may only be the beginning. Last year,
Jonathan Richards, reporting for The Times, raised the specter of the
weaponization of cyborg insects in the not-too-distant future. As he pointed
out, Rodney Brooks, the director of the computer science and artificial
intelligence lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, indicated that the
Pentagon is striving toward a major expansion in the use of non-traditional
air power -- like unmanned aerial vehicles and cyborg insects -- in the years
ahead. "There's no doubt their things will become weaponized," he explained,
"so the question [is]: should they [be] given targeting authority?" Brooks
went on to assert, according to The Times, that it might be time to consider
rewriting international law to take the future weaponization of such
"devices" into account.
But how would one weaponize a cyborg insect? On this subject, Robert
Michelson was blunt: "Bio weapons."
Cyborg Ethics
Michelson wouldn't elaborate further, but any program using bio-weapons
immediately raise major legal and ethical questions. The 1972 Biological and
Toxin Weapons Convention outlawed the manufacture and possession of
bio-weapons, of "[m]icrobial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever
their origin? that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or
other peaceful purposes" and of "[w]eapons, equipment or means of delivery

designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed

conflict." In fact, not only did President George W. Bush claim that Iraq's
supposed production and possession of biological weapons was a justification
for an invasion of that nation, but he had previously stated, "All civilized
nations reject as intolerable the use of disease and biological weapons as
instruments of war and terror."
Reached for comment, however, DARPA's Jan Walker insisted that her agency's
focus was only on "fundamental research" when it came to cyborg insects.
Although the focus of her agency is, in fact, distinctly on the future -- the
technology of tomorrow -- she refused to look down the road when it came to
weaponizing insect cyborgs or arming them with bio-weapons. "I can't
speculate on the future," was all she would say.
Michelson is perfectly willing to look into future, especially on matters of
cyborg insect surveillance, but on the horizon for him are technical issues
when it comes to the military use of bug bots. "Surveillance goes on anyway
by other means," he explained, "so a new method is not the issue. If there
are ethical or legal issues, they are ones of 'surveillance,' not of the
'surveillance platform.'"
Peter Eckersley, a staff technologist for the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
a digital rights and civil liberties group, sees that same future in a
different light. Cyborg insects, he says, are an order of magnitude away from
today's more standard surveillance technologies like closed circuit
television. "CCTV is mostly deployed in public and in privately owned public
spaces. An insect could easily fly into your garden or sit outside your
bedroom window," he explained. "To make matters worse, you'd have no idea
these devices were there. A CCTV camera is usually an easily recognizable
device. Robotic surveillance insects might be harder to spot. And having to
spot them wouldn't necessarily be good for our mental health."
Does Michelson see any ethical or legal dilemmas resulting from the future
use of weaponized cyborg insects? "No, not unless they could breed new cyborg
insects, which is not possible," he explained. "Genetic engineering will be
the ethical and legal battleground, not cybernetics."
Battle Beetles and Hawkish Hawkmoths
Weaponized or not, moths are hardly the only cyborg insects that may fly,
creep, or crawl into the military's future arsenal. Scientists from Arizona
State University and elsewhere, working under a grant from the Office of
Naval Research and DARPA, "are rearing beetle species at various oxygen
levels to attempt to produce beetles with greater-than-normal size and
payload capacity." Earlier this year, some of the same scientists published
an article on their DARPA-funded research titled "A Cyborg Beetle: Insect
Flight Control Through an Implantable, Tetherless Microsystem." They
explained that, by implanting "multiple inserted neural and muscular

stimulators, a visual stimulator, a polyimide assembly and a microcontroller"

in a 2 centimeter long, 1-2 gram green June beetle, they were "capable of
modulating [the insect's] flight starts, stops, throttle/lift, and turning."
They could, that is, drive an actual beetle. However, unlike the June bug you
might find on a porch screen or in a garden, these sported on-board
electronics powered by cochlear implant batteries.
DARPA-funded HI-MEMS research has also been undertaken at other
across the country and around the world. For example, in 2006, researchers at
Cornell, in conjunction with scientists at Pennsylvania State University and
the Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, received an $8.4 million DARPA grant
for work on "Insect Cyborg Sentinels." According to a recent article in New
Scientist, a team led by one of the primary investigators on that grant,
David Stern, screened a series of video clips at a recent conference in
Tucson, Arizona demonstrating their ability to control tethered tobacco
hawkmoths through "flexible plastic probes" implanted during the pupal stage.
Simply stated, the researchers were able to remotely control the
moths-on-a-leash, manipulating the cyborg creatures' wing speed and
Cyborg insects are only the latest additions to the U.S. military's
menagerie. As defense tech-expert Noah Shachtman of Wired magazine's Danger
Room blog has reported, DARPA projects have equipped rats with electronic
equipment and remotely controlled sharks, while the military has utilized all
sorts of animals, from bomb-detecting honeybees and "chickens used as
early-warning sensors for chemical attacks" to guard dogs and dolphins
trained to hunt mines. Additionally, he notes, the DoD's emphasis on the
natural world has led to robots that resemble dogs, monkeys that control
robotic limbs with their minds, and numerous other projects inspired by
But whatever other creatures they favor, insects never seem far from the
Pentagon's dreams of the future. In fact, Shachtman reported earlier this
year that "Air Force scientists are looking for robotic bombs that look -and act -- like swarms of bugs and birds." He went on to quote Colonel Kirk
Kloeppel, head of the Air Force Research Laboratory's munitions directorate,
who announced the Lab's interest in "bio-inspired munitions," in "small,
autonomous" machines that would "provide close-in [surveillance] information,
in addition to killing intended targets."
This month, researcher Robert Wood wrote in IEEE Spectrum about what he
believes was "the first flight of an insect-size robot." After almost a
decade of research, Wood and his colleagues at the Harvard Microrobotics
Laboratory are now creating small insect-like robots that will eventually be
outfitted "with onboard sensors, flight controls, and batteries? to nimbly

flit around obstacles and into places beyond human reach." Like cyborg insect
researchers, Wood is DARPA-funded. Last year, in fact, the agency selected
him as one of 24 "rising stars" for a "young faculty awards" grant.
Asked about the relative advantages of cyborg insects compared to mechanical
bugs, Robert Michelson noted that "robotic insects obey without innate or
external influences" and "they can be mass produced rapidly." He cautioned,
however, that they are extremely limited power-wise. Insect cyborgs, on the
other hand, "can harvest energy and continue missions of longer duration."
However, they "may be diverted from their task by stronger influences"; must
be grown to maturity and so may not be available when needed; and, of course,
are mortal and run the risk of dying before they can be employed as needed.
The Future is Now
There is plenty of technical information about the HI-MEMS program available
in the scientific literature. And if you make inquiries, DARPA will even
direct you to some of the relevant citations. But while it's relatively easy
to learn about the optimal spots to insert a neural stimulator in a green
June beetle ("behind the eye, in the flight control area of the insect
brain") or an electronic implant in a tobacco hawkmoth ("the main flight
powering muscles? in the dorsal-thorax"), it's much harder to discover the
likely future implications of this sci-fi sounding research.
The "final demonstration goal" -- the immediate aim -- of DARPA's HI-MEMS
program "is the delivery of an insect within five meters of a specific target
located a hundred meters away, using electronic remote control, and/or global
positioning system (GPS)." Right now, DARPA doesn't know when that might
happen. "We basically operate phase to phase," says Walker. "So, it kind of
depends on how they do in the current phase and we'll make decisions on
future phases."
DARPA refuses to examine anything but research-oriented issues. As a result,
its Pentagon-funded scientists churn out inventions with potentially
dangerous, if not deadly, implications without ever fully considering -- let
alone seeking public or expert comment on -- the future ramifications of new
technologies under production.
"The people who build this equipment are always going to say that they're
just building tools, that there are legitimate uses for them, and that it
isn't their fault if the tools are abused," says the Electronic Frontier
Foundation's Eckersley. "Unfortunately, we've seen that governments are more
than willing to play fast-and-loose with the legal bounds on surveillance.
Unless and until that changes, we'd urge researchers to find other projects
to work on."
Nick Turse is the associate editor and research director of
He has written for the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle,
Adbusters, the Nation, the Village Voice, and regularly for Tomdispatch. His

first book, The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives, has
just been published in Metropolitan Books' American Empire Project series.
His website is

The Emerging Surveillance State

Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 16:10:29 -0400

The Emerging Surveillance State

Last month, the House amended the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA) to expand the government's ability to monitor our private
communications. This measure, if it becomes law, will result in more warrantless
government surveillance of innocent American citizens.
Though some opponents claimed that the only controversial part of this
legislation was its grant of immunity to telecommunications companies, there is
much more to be wary of in the bill. In the House version, Title II, Section 801,
extends immunity from prosecution of civil legal action to people and companies
including any provider of an electronic communication service, any provider of a
remote computing service, "any other communication service provider who has
access to wire or electronic communications," any "parent, subsidiary, affiliate,
successor, or assignee" of such company, any "officer, employee, or agent" of any
such company, and any "landlord, custodian, or other person who may be
authorized or required to furnish assistance." The Senate version goes even
further by granting retroactive immunity to such entities that may have broken
the law in the past.
The new FISA bill allows the federal government to compel many more types of
companies and individuals to grant the government access to our
communications without a warrant. The provisions in the legislation designed to
protect Americans from warrantless surveillance are full of loopholes and
ambiguities. There is no blanket prohibition against listening in on all American
citizens without a warrant.
We have been told that this power to listen in on communications is legal and
only targets terrorists. But if what these companies are being compelled to do is
legal, why is it necessary to grant them immunity? If what they did in the past
was legal and proper, why is it necessary to grant them retroactive immunity?
In communist East Germany , one in every 100 citizens was an informer for the
dreaded secret police, the Stasi. They either volunteered or were compelled by
their government to spy on their customers, their neighbors, their families, and

their friends. When we think of the evil of totalitarianism, such networks of state
spies are usually what comes to mind. Yet, with modern technology, what once
took tens of thousands of informants can now be achieved by a few companies
being coerced by the government to allow it to listen in to our communications.
This surveillance is un-American.
We should remember that former New York governor Eliot Spitzer was brought
down by a provision of the PATRIOT Act that required enhanced bank monitoring
of certain types of financial transactions. Yet we were told that the PATRIOT Act
was needed to catch terrorists, not philanderers. The extraordinary power the
government has granted itself to look into our private lives can be used for many
purposes unrelated to fighting terrorism. We can even see how expanded federal
government surveillance power might be used to do away with political rivals.
The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution requires the government to have a
warrant when it wishes to look into the private affairs of individuals. If we are to
remain a free society we must defend our rights against any governmental
attempt to undermine or bypass the Constitution.

04/12/08 06:58 pm
Brain cells in a dish fly fighter plane
16:05 25 October 2004 news service
Celeste Biever
Related Articles
Brain implants 'read' monkey minds
08 July 2004
An array of rat brain cells has successfully flown a virtual F-22 fighter jet.
The cells could one day become a more sophisticated replacement for the
computers that control uncrewed aerial vehicles or, in the nearer future,
form a test-bed for drugs against brain diseases such as epilepsy.
Enzymes were used to extract neurons from the motor cortex of mature rat
embryos and cells were then seeded onto a grid of gold electrodes patterned
on a glass Petri dish. The cells grew microscopic interconnections, turning
them into a "live computation device", explains Thomas DeMarse, a biomedical
engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, US, who carried out the
"This is novel work," says Mandayam Srinivasan of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, who used electrodes implanted in a monkey's brain to move a
robotic arm. He says that in future living systems could be combined with
traditional computers to solve problems more efficiently.
"There are certainly things that biological systems can accomplish that we
haven't been able to do with electronics," he says. For example animals have
no problem recognising different textures or telling the difference between
two different pieces of furniture, whereas computers find this very
This is probably because the way neurons process information and interconnect
is much more complex than in modern electronics, says Srinivasan. Billions of
neurons - rather than the millions of transistors on a computer chip - make a
biological system "fail safe", he adds.
Hybrid robot
With this in mind, Steven Potter, a biomedical engineer at the University of
Georgia, US, and DeMarse's former supervisor, created in 2002 the Hybrot - or
"hybrid robot" - a cup-sized robot controlled by an array of rat neurons
grafted to silicon electrodes. The robot moves around in response to infrared
signals that it converts into movement using a combination of its sensors and
its "living" brain.
But until now, no one had written algorithms that harnessed neuronal responses
to fly a plane. The ultimate aim is to put arrays of neurons into unmanned
planes - or other dangerous situations - where only living brain cells can be
relied upon to make the right decisions.
DeMarse's array of 25,000 interconnected neurons were able to convert signals

that indicated whether the simulated plane is experiencing stable conditions

or hurricanes into a measurement of whether the plane is flying straight or
tilted and then correct the flight path by transmitting signals to the
airplane's controls.
But a brain in a dish that can fly a real plane is a long way off, warns
Potter. Instead he says: "The clear advantage is that you can put these
things under a microscope and hold them still while you take a picture." It
is a unique opportunity to monitor neurons in a Petri dish while they are
actually performing calculations.
For example, the neurons in a brain undergoing an epileptic seizure all fire
in synchrony, and this pattern is commonly replicated by neurons grown in a
Petri dish. So strategies for preventing epileptic fits could be tested on
these in vitro neuron arrays, says Potter.
Although the work may sound spooky, Potter says that the array of cells is far
from resembling a real brain, as it lacks the complex structure and contains
only thousands, rather than billions, of neurons.

04/16/08 01:55 pm
Use of lasers to read electrical activity in the brain.
Laser beams to the brain reveal seizures in real time
17:39 15 April 2008 news service
Belle Dum
Vibrating a rat's brain with pulsing laser beams produces vibrations that
reveal the focus of epileptic seizures (Image: Huabei Jiang)
Enlarge image
Vibrating a rat's brain with pulsing laser beams produces vibrations that
reveal the focus of epileptic seizures (Image: Huabei Jiang)
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Huabei Jiang
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida
Vibrating people's brains with laser beams could pinpoint the focus of
epileptic seizures faster and more easily than the lengthy scans or surgery
used today, US researchers say.
Epilepsy is the most common brain disorder and affects about 1% of the
population. It occurs when nerve cells in a certain area of the brain fire

more rapidly than usual, leading to seizures.

Only about two-thirds of people with epilepsy can be treated with drugs, with
surgery the only option for the rest. Surgical cure rates are poor and
recurrence rates high - especially for "neocortical seizures" that occur in
the brain's outer layers.
Cut it out
Surgery involves removing the part of the brain where the abnormal activity is
centred so surgeons must know exactly where that is. Pinpointing it is
difficult and often involves surgery to place a grid of electrodes directly
onto the brain's surface.
A scanner that fires laser light into the brain has the potential to find the
focus of seizures without surgery. Huabei Jiang and colleagues at the
University of Florida, Gainsville, US, have shown that their method works in
tests on rats.
The technique is called laser-induced PAT, for photoacoustic tomography. A
powerful laser is shone into the brain through the skull, causing tiny
vibrations in the brain tissue. Listening to those vibrations using an
ultrasound transducer makes it possible to map the brain, and its activity.
Vibrating brain
Active regions absorb the most light and thus create the most vibrations,
making it possible to identify parts of the brain involved in a seizure.
Laser-induced PAT only takes a second or less to complete, compared with
several minutes for CT and MRI scans, Jiang told New Scientist. "This is high
speed, and the technique is low cost and potentially portable, so brain
imaging might be performed in real time at the bedside of a patient."
The rapidity of the technique also makes it suitable for children and babies,
who often struggle to lie still during lengthy CT and MRI scans.
Laser hat
Having achieved good results with the rat version of the scanner, the team are
now working on building a specially designed version for humans. A special
hat will be used to deliver the laser pulses and pick up the vibrations they
However, the researchers cannot simply scale up the scanner they used for
rats. The human skull is around a centimetre thick, compared with tenths of a
millimetre for a rat. That will make it hard for the laser beam to vibrate
the brain inside the skull, and muddy the vibrations that can be picked up
from outside.
Jiang and colleagues are confident they can overcome those problems by using

laser light at longer wavelengths that can penetrate deeper into brain
tissue. Using a special gel to ensure better transmission of laser light and
vibrations should also help.
Journal reference: Physics in Medicine and Biology (DOI:

04/20/08 05:20 pm
Microwaves and Behavior
Unclassified/Commerical Mind Control Technology - Classified Electronic Weapons Used By Organized
Maine Indymedia: Organized Vigilante Stalking
McKinney: Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Report
US Patent Index for MCF
Leading Edge International Research Group

04/29/08 03:13 pm
Synthetic telepathy
In 1975, researcher A. W. Guy stated that "one of the most widely observed and
accepted biologic effects of low average power electromagnetic energy is the
auditory sensation evoked in man when exposed to pulsed microwaves."
He concluded that at frequencies where the auditory effect can be easily
detected, microwaves penetrate deep into the tissues of the head, causing
rapid thermal expansion (at the microscopic level only) that produces strains
in the brain tissue.
An acoustic stress wave is then conducted through the skull to the cochlea,
and from there, it proceeds in the same manner as in conventional hearing. It
is obvious that receiver-less radio has not been adequately publicized or
explained because of national security concerns.
Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a target's
head is known inside the Pentagon as "Synthetic Telepathy." According to Dr.
Robert Becker, "Synthetic Telepathy has applications in covert operations
designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected
instructions to a programmed assassin."
On the possibility of directly accessing every human brain by electromagnetic
induction of fundamental algorithms.
Persinger MA.
Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario,
Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by
which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic,
brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human
temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require
energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and
contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the
band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be affected
by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0.1
Microwave News, editor, Louis Slesin, Jan/Feb 1997 p 14. U.S. Air Force Looks

to the Battlefields of the Future: Electromagnetic Fields That Might "Boggle

the Mind "It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the
human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological
direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the GHz range strikes the
human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated
with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast
enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be
possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kHz range, which is
audible. Thus it may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries in a
fashion that would be most disturbing to them."U.S. News, 1-3-2000, John
Norseen, Reading and changing your mind. [Lockheed Martin neuroengineer in
Intelligent Systems Division] Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a
Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind
would revolutionize the military and society at large.
[He] coined the term "Biofusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate [the
brain] leading to advances in ...national security... and ...would be able to
convert thoughts into computer commands by deciphering the brain's electrical
activity. BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the brain by using
mathematical models, [Smirnov's computer program uses mathematical models
also]. It sound crazy,...The National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, ...have all awarded...research
contracts to Norseen. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these
contracts-portions of them classified- comes through. Norseen's theories are
grounded in current science. ...By MRI, scientists can tell what the person
was doing at the time of the recording...Emotions from love to hate can be
recognized from the brain's electrical activity. ...Norseen predicts
profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005. ...Norseen would like to
draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain -mapping
breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive
way. A modified helmet could record a pilot's brainwaves. "When you say right
090 degrees...the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and
turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090
degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmut would detect the error,
then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves."
A demonstration by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William van Bise, directed
magnetic signals into the brain of reporter Chuck DeCaro. They created visual
images as in a hallucination. This program features Dr. Robert O. Becker, two
time Nobel prize nominee, scientist and researcher of electromagnetic
radiation effects on the body and author of Body Electric, summarized, "The
government has never disproved the psychological effects of electromagnetic
radiation. "Dr. Robert Becker commented "that this is a substantial step
forward in the understanding how the visual system works" and would be a
powerful weapon if used on fighter pilots while trying to fly. For a 55$ copy
of this tape call CNN at 404 827 2712 and ask for R2501 #13, R2747 #33,
#15, R2501-#17. It runs about 20 minutes.

. Ultrascience, Weapons of War, Learning Channel, 1997, Featured Dr. Michael

Persinger, Laurentian University, Canada. Dr. Persinger described weapons
using "psycho or influence technology" and electromagnetic radiation
frequencies to control what people think, for psychological warfare purposes.
Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, Sept 1994, Softkill Fallacy by Steve Aftergood,
Page 45. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg writes: "Many of the non-lethal weapons
under consideration utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including
lasers, microwave or radio-frequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at
brain-wave frequency) for their effects. These weapons are said to cause
temporary or permanent blinding, interference with mental processes,
modification of behavior and emotional response, seizures, severe pain,
dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, or disruption of internal organ functions in
various other ways.
# CNN news broadcast, Special Assignment, Nov.-1985, by Chuck DeCaro,
of War, Is there an RF Gap? Dr. Ross Adey discussed a demonstration of the
1950s Russian Lida machine, which used electromagnetic energy to put Russian
psychiatric patients to sleep, as a substitute for tranquilizers and to treat
neurotic disturbances. Dr. Adey stated that it worked on cats and dogs and
put them to sleep. The Defense and Foreign Affairs Daily, Jun 7, 1983, Vol.
XII, Number 104, Psy-War: Soviet Device Experiment by Dr. Stefan T. Possony
reported: "...Dr. Ross Adey, chief of research at Loma Linda...started
testing the machine [the Lida]...the device is on loan to Dr. Ross Adey. 'The
machine is technically described as 'a distant pulse treatment apparatus. It
generates 40 megahertz radiowaves which stimulate the brain's electromagnetic
activity at substantially lower frequencies"

04/29/08 03:14 pm
June 24, 2003
DARPA, PNAC and the Perfect Killing Machine
by Maureen Farrell
"We appear to be edging towards an era of 'mind control' -- a time when human
brains might be manipulated routinely by highly sophisticated technology. On
the bright side, the powers of this science could be used to mend broken and
diseased brains. On the dark side, there would be plenty of opportunity to
tinker with consciousness and control human behavior in menacing fashion," -Nicholas Regush, ABC News [LINK]
Earlier this month, Popular Science featured an article on the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)-funded quest to create "the world's
first prosthetic brain part," a silicon microchip, which, when inserted in
someone's brain, can either compensate for brain damage -- or create the
perfect killing machine. According to the chip's inventor, biomedical
engineer Theodore Berger, this technology, (only a few months away from
testing) will help Alzheimer's patients and stroke victims, and could "one
day lead to cyborg soldiers and robotic servants." [LINK]
While Stepford soldiers may not be marching onward just yet, technology is
headed in that direction. Researchers at the State University of New York in
New York City successfully implanted electrodes into a rat's brain and turned
it into a remote controlled robo-rodent [LINK]; Cybernetics professor and
would-be cyborg Kevin Warwick has interacted with machines via an implant in
his arm [LINK]; and robots are already serving in the US military. By 2010,
DARPA's X-45 (a pilotless, windowless W-shaped plane) will be independently
able to discriminate between friend and foe -- and bomb accordingly [LINK].
"The real challenge is to mix man and machines," Colonel Leahy, director of
the Gnat drone program, recently said. "It will be a loose ballet at first.
But eventually, the systems will be linked to each other, sharing information
and deciding among them who has the best shot."
Though that's all well and good, what happens when "mixing man and
is taken to extremes? Will physically (or pharmaceutically) altered soldiers
become fearless, merciless and remorseless? Could future populations be
branded and tracked? And how can we be sure the government won't recycle old
This is Your Brain on DARPA
Given the US government's history in mind control [LINK] and other sordid

experiments [LINK], skepticism is prudent. A closer look at DARPA reveals

In an article published on DARPA's Web site, Dr. Alan Rudolph explains the
agency's "Brain Machine Interfaces Program" which will "create new
technologies for augmenting human performance" by "access[ing] codes in the
brain" and "integrat[ing] them into peripheral device or system operations."
In other words, machines and man will most decidedly "mix," giving US
soldiers a sizable edge. While some of this sounds benign, and in many ways,
even desirable, there are deeper, more frightening implications.
"Feedback could be received from peripheral systems or sent directly into
appropriate brain regions," Rudolph writes, shortly before entering into "it
puts the lotion in the basket" dehumanization mode. "Demonstrations of
plasticity from the neural system and from an integrated working device or
system that result in real time control under relevant conditions of force
perturbation and cluttered sensory environments from which tasks must be
performed," he adds. [LINK]
Regardless how many times one wades through this difficult-to-decipher techno
lingo, it's nearly impossible to differentiate the "neural system" from the
machine. After a while, one gets the idea that that's the idea.
In December, 2002, DARPA also announced, as ABC News reported, that the
government was "tinkering with a soldier's brain using magnetic resonance" in
order to fool the body into believing it was well-rested, even after being
awake for up to seven consecutive days and nights. "Eliminating the need for
sleep during an operation ... will create a fundamental change in war
fighting and force employment," DARPA officials asserted. Though sleep
deprivation during combat carries certain risks -- as evidenced when two
pilots accidentally killed Canadian troops in Afghanistan after taking Air
Force-issued amphetamines [LINK] -- DARPA has no qualms about fooling
Nature. "This program is really out of the box," John Carney, director of
DARPA's Continuous Assisted Performance program reported. "We want to look
capabilities in nature and leverage it so we can apply it in ways that no one
thought possible." [LINK]
And if that's not unsettling enough, DARPA's Information Awareness Office,
under the stewardship of John Poindexter, plans to use "biometric signatures
of humans," which means that data will be collected on individuals' gaits,
faces and irises -- in addition to fingerprints. [LINK]
Skin-Patch Pharmaceuticals: Be All You Can Be!
Much has been written about the Project for a New American Century's (PNAC)
not-so-secret goal of global supremacy, as well as the sizable influence PNAC

members Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Lewis
Libby, John Bolton had in drafting Bush's policy of preemption. In their
view, the US military is "the cavalry on the new American frontier" whose
mission is to "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater
wars." Yet they also acknowledge that the military needs to be radically
transformed -- and, according to PNAC's published report, "Rebuilding
America's Defenses," the Army is in for some interesting alterations.
"Consider just the potential changes that might effect the infantryman," they
wrote. "Future Soldiers may operate in encapsulated, climate-controlled,
powered fighting suits, laced with sensors and boasting chameleon-like
'active' camouflage while 'skin-patch' pharmaceuticals help regulate fears,
focus concentration and enhance endurance and strength." ([LINK] , p. 62).
In keeping with PNAC's vision (and thanks to a $50 million grant from the US
Army), MIT's Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies is manufacturing military
uniforms in which, as Clamor Magazine put it, "Human soldiers themselves are
being transformed into modern cyborgs through robotic devices and
nanotechnology." And though the Navy has addressed "performance
medications [LINK], there is no word yet on the long-term effects of the
proposed mind-altering pharmaceutical patch.
The Virtual Soldier
If you've ever visited Universal Studio's "Terminator II: 3D" attraction, you
probably recall the chirpy PR infomercial in which a child is tucked in bed
by a steel robotic claw, as her mother phones from half a world away. One
gets the same surreal sense of artificial caring while reading DARPA's plans
for a virtual soldier.
"The [Virtual Solider] program," Dr. Richard Silva explains, "will create the
mathematical modeling approaches to develop an information (computational)
representation of an individual soldier (a holographic medical electronic
representation or holomer) that can be used to augment medical care on and
off the battlefield with a new level of integration." In other words, injured
soldiers will be treated by a hologram that will perform certain tasks,
including, "the automatic diagnosis of battlefield injuries" and "prediction
of soldier performance." [LINK] What happens, however, if the diagnosis is
dire and predictions of solider performance aren't up to snuff? Hopefully,
the hologram won't be named "Hal."
The Scariest Thing Ever
During last summer's missing children scare, U.S. citizens were treated to
surreal super-hyped moments -- despite the fact that incidents of kidnapping
had actually decreased. One particular low point came when a mother from
Texas, whose infant was stolen the day before, gave a nationally televised,
"we interrupt this program" press conference, even though she didn't speak

English and her baby was returned unharmed. Creepily enough, the following
day, the Philadelphia Inquirer ran a front page story on why parents should
consider having their children implanted with microchips -- and safely
tracked by global satellite positioning systems. "We have [global positioning
system (GPS)] units for our cars," Applied Digital spokesperson Matthew
Cossolo said "If your car is stolen, we can locate it. Do we love our cars
more than our children?" [LINK]
Soon to be mounted on soldiers' helmets [LINK] (or perhaps one day implanted
in soldiers' bodies, as UCLA's Journal of Law and Technology predicts
[LINK]), GPS technology will also be implanted in remote-controlled rats and
used for military functions [LINK]. And though the benefits are undeniable,
"chipping," has disturbing undertones -- particularly considering the
potential to eventually control humans. "I think that a lot of people are
very wary of that sort of thing and understandably so," Kate Rears, a policy
analyst at the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington told the
Associated Press. "I don't think it's a sign of paranoia to react against
this because it is very odd. It's Brave New Worldish."
University of Kansas research professor Jerome Dobson (who created the maps
used in global satellite tracking systems) takes it a step further, and says
that this technology has created a threat of "geoslavery," that, in his
opinion, that could make "George Orwell's 'Big Brother' nightmare...look
amateurish." "I've spoken about this at academic conferences," Dobson said.
"I find that the first reaction people have is, maybe, disbelief. But if I
talk for two minutes, suddenly they begin to turn somber and say, 'This is
the scariest thing I have ever seen.'" [LINK]
A Tale of Two Realms
Lately, several op-eds have centered on the movie The Matrix's apt commentary
on our illusionary, propagandized world [LINK] -- and though ruminations on
the gap between "what is real and what Americans perceive as real" are all
too relevant, the sci-fi thriller is also a cautionary tale about where
technology might lead. "It's so weird to say this," producer Joel Silver told
the Sydney Morning Herald, "but it's a treatise on our times and where we're
going and how to not go there." Matrix cast members were reportedly required
to read Kevin Kelly's Out of Control: The Rise of Neo-biological
Civilization, which centers on "Singularity," the place, for lack of a better
definition, where man and machine merge. "The realm of the born -- all that
is nature -- and the realm of the made -- all that is humanly constructed -are becoming one," Kelly wrote in 1994.
Acclaimed author and award-winning inventor Ray Kurzweil also says this
man/machine meld is inevitable. "The union of human and machine is well on
its way," he wrote. "Ultimately we will become more nonbiological than
biological." [LINK] And though an enthusiastically willing subject,
"Professor Cyborg" Warwick made an unnerving observation after being

implanted with the "smart card" microchip that connected him to machines. "I
feel mentally different," he told ABC News in 1998. "When I am in the
building I feel much more closely connected with the computer. I am not a
separate thing." [LINK]
Renowned scientist Bill Joy believes technology is "threatening to make
humans an endangered species," [LINK] while more than a decade ago, San
University Professor of Computer Science Vernor Vinge warned, "Within 30
years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman
intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will end." Is this hyperbole? Or
do implanted microchips and DARPA's "man-as-machine" approach to soldiering
give real cause for concern? And how on earth does the government get away
with "tinkering with a soldier's brain," while the general population
considers this "the home of the free?"
Welcome to the Monster State
"Man should not be in the service of society, society should be in the
service of man," the late Joseph Campbell told PBS' Bill Moyers. "When man is
in the service of society, you have a monster state, and that's what is
threatening the world at this minute. . . [the movie Star Wars] shows the
state as a machine and asks, "Is the machine going to crush humanity or serve
Anyone appalled by the laundry list of lies the Bush administration told
[LINK] to justify their pre-planned war [LINK] realizes that Americans are
now in the service of a monster state. We are deliberately fed fabrications
[LINK]; our public coffers are pilfered by those who supposedly work for us
[LINK] [LINK]; and no one has honestly addressed the ultimate cost or the
length of the Iraq occupation. And when are Iraqis going to view us as
liberators? [LINK]. No matter. Provided we pay our taxes and feed the
Carlyle/Halliburton/Bechtel/WorldCom beast [LINK], it's "Mission
As The Matrix's Morpheus reminds, "What you know you can't explain, but you
feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with
the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your
mind, driving you mad. But what is it? . . . It is the world that has been
pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth."
In the meantime, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines is scheduled for release
July 2.

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Here is a chance to ask a question to the people responsible for torture. Tell
them about this program.
"Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <> wrote: Date: Wed, 7 May
2008 18:19:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <>
Subject: At last: Top-down torture testimony

What questions would you ask Bush's torture team?

Dear ACLU Supporter,
Thanks to you, we took a major step forward yesterday in our efforts to hold the
Bush torture team accountable. We've been vocal in our demands urging
Congress to act -- and we're finally getting results.
John Yoo, author of the infamous Bush "torture memo," and former Attorney
General John Ashcroft both agreed to testify at an upcoming hearing. And in a
bold "we mean business" move, at a packed, standing-room only hearing, a
House Judiciary subcommittee gave Judiciary Chairman John Conyers the power
to issue a subpoena to David Addington, Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff.
Now, just hours ago, Judiciary Chairman John Conyers used that authority and
issued Mr. Addington a subpoena, compelling him to testify on June 26, at 10am.
These events are important steps to get at the truth, but tough questions must
be asked of Bush administration officials. Let Congress know which questions
you want answered when the Bush torture team finally appears.
Send your questions about the U.S. government and torture to Judiciary
Committee members.
Investigations into high-ranking administration involvement in waterboarding
and other forms of torture should have happened years ago.
But now, in the face of revelations that the highest officials in the Bush White
House reviewed and approved specific CIA torture techniques for specific
detainees, there is no way that Congress can avoid acting.
Our task now is to make sure this critical hearing featuring top-ranking
members of the Bush torture team takes place. And we have to make sure that
the toughest, most essential questions are asked and answered.
Help get at the truth about torture. Submit your questions now.
Torture is un-American and it's a federal crime. No matter how long it takes,
we're going to get to the bottom of who authorized it, condoned it, and let it
happen in our name.

Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

05/08/08 01:13 am
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Here is a chance to ask a question to the people responsible for torture. Tell
them about this program.
"Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <> wrote: Date: Wed, 7 May
2008 18:19:38 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU" <>
Subject: At last: Top-down torture testimony

What questions would you ask Bush's torture team?

Dear ACLU Supporter,
Thanks to you, we took a major step forward yesterday in our efforts to hold the
Bush torture team accountable. We've been vocal in our demands urging
Congress to act -- and we're finally getting results.
John Yoo, author of the infamous Bush "torture memo," and former Attorney
General John Ashcroft both agreed to testify at an upcoming hearing. And in a
bold "we mean business" move, at a packed, standing-room only hearing, a
House Judiciary subcommittee gave Judiciary Chairman John Conyers the power
to issue a subpoena to David Addington, Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff.
Now, just hours ago, Judiciary Chairman John Conyers used that authority and
issued Mr. Addington a subpoena, compelling him to testify on June 26, at 10am.
These events are important steps to get at the truth, but tough questions must
be asked of Bush administration officials. Let Congress know which questions
you want answered when the Bush torture team finally appears.
Send your questions about the U.S. government and torture to Judiciary
Committee members.
Investigations into high-ranking administration involvement in waterboarding
and other forms of torture should have happened years ago.
But now, in the face of revelations that the highest officials in the Bush White
House reviewed and approved specific CIA torture techniques for specific
detainees, there is no way that Congress can avoid acting.
Our task now is to make sure this critical hearing featuring top-ranking
members of the Bush torture team takes place. And we have to make sure that
the toughest, most essential questions are asked and answered.
Help get at the truth about torture. Submit your questions now.
Torture is un-American and it's a federal crime. No matter how long it takes,
we're going to get to the bottom of who authorized it, condoned it, and let it
happen in our name.

Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

06/04/08 09:24 am
Bloodstream Bot
Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology are in the process of
developing a nanogenerator, a tiny power source which produces energy from
flowing blood, constricting blood vessels, or beating hearts. The devices
could be used to power implantable biomedical electronics, or might be
employed in personal electronics. The nanodevices generate power while using
ultrasonic waves as their energy source.
May 19th, 2008
Nanorobots to improve health care
Dec 4, 2007
Nanorobot for drug delivery and diagnosis

A new approach within advanced graphics simulations is presented for the
problem of nano-assembly automation and its application for medicine. The
problem under study concentrates its main focus on nanorobot control design
for molecular manipulation and the use of evolutionary agents as a suitable
way to enable the robustness on the proposed model. Thereby the presented
works summarize as well distinct aspects of some techniques required to
achieve successful integrated system design and 3D simulation visualization
in real time.
Nanorobot architecture for medical target identification
MAY 19, 2008

New work on nanorobotics design, simulation and control for nanomedicine

A follow up to a group working on nanorobots for nanomedicine
Molecular 'robots' explore cellular landscapes

06/13/08 12:49 am
Device harvests energy from the environment to provide direct current
Atlanta (April 5, 2007) -Researchers have demonstrated a prototype nanometerscale generator that produces continuous direct-current electricity by harvesting
mechanical energy from such environmental sources as ultrasonic waves,
mechanical vibration or blood flow.
Zhong Lin Wang, Regents Professor in the School of Materials Science and
Engineering at Georgia Tech, holds a prototype DC nanogenerator fabricated
using an array of zinc oxide nanowires. (Georgia Tech Photo: Gary Meek)
300 dpi Hi-Res Version
Based on arrays of vertically-aligned zinc oxide nanowires that move inside a
novel "zig-zag" plate electrode, the nanogenerators could provide a new way to
power nanoscale devices without batteries or other external power sources.
"This is a major step toward a portable, adaptable and cost-effective technology
for powering nanoscale devices," said Zhong Lin Wang, Regents' Professor in the
School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. "There has been a lot of interest in making nanodevices, but we
have tended not to think about how to power them. Our nanogenerator allows us
to harvest or recycle energy from many sources to power these devices."
Details of the nanogenerator are reported in the April 6 issue of the journal
Science. The research was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the
Emory-Georgia Tech Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence.
The nanogenerators take advantage of the unique coupled piezoelectric and
semiconducting properties of zinc oxide nanostructures, which produce small
electrical charges when they are flexed.
Fabrication begins with growing an array of vertically-aligned nanowires
approximately a half-micron apart on gallium arsenide, sapphire or a flexible
polymer substrate. A layer of zinc oxide is grown on top of substrate to collect
the current. The researchers also fabricate silicon "zig-zag" electrodes, which
contain thousands of nanometer-scale tips made conductive by a platinum
Close-up image shows a prototype direct-current nanogenerator fabricated by
Georgia Tech researchers using an array of zinc oxide nanowires. (Georgia Tech
Photo: Gary Meek).
300 dpi Hi-Res Version
The electrode is then lowered on top of the nanowire array, leaving just enough
space so that a significant number of the nanowires are free to flex within the
gaps created by the tips. Moved by mechanical energy such as waves or
vibration, the nanowires periodically contact the tips, transferring their electrical

charges. By capturing the tiny amounts of current produced by hundreds of

nanowires kept in motion, the generators produce a direct current output in the
nano-Ampere range.
Wang and his group members Xudong Wang, Jinhui Song and Jin Liu expect that
with optimization, their nanogenerator could produce as much as 4 watts per
cubic centimeter - based on a calculation for a single nanowire. That would be
enough to power a broad range of nanometer-scale defense, environmental and
biomedical applications, including biosensors implanted in the body,
environmental monitors - and even nanoscale robots.
Nearly a year ago, in the April 14, 2006 issue of the journal Science, Wang's
research team announced the concept behind the nanogenerators. At that time,
the nanogenerator could harvest power from just one nanowire at a time by
dragging the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) over it. Made of platinumcoated silicon, the tip served as a Schottky barrier, helping accumulate and
preserve the electrical charge as the nanowire flexed - and ensuring that the
current flowed in one direction.
With its multiple conducting tips similar to those of an AFM, the new zig-zag
electrode serves as a Schottky barrier to hundreds or thousands of wires
simultaneously, harvesting energy from the nanowire arrays.
"Producing the top electrode as a single assembly sets the stage for scaling up
this technology," Wang said. "We can now see the steps involved in moving
forward to a device that can power real nanometer-scale applications."

Schematic shows the direct current nanogenerator built using aligned ZnO
nanowire arrays with a zigzag top electrode. The nanogenerator is driven by an
external ultrasonic wave or mechanical vibration and the output current is
300 dpi Hi-Res Version
Before that happens, additional development will be needed to optimize current
production. For instance, though nanowires in the arrays can be grown to
approximately the same length - about one micron - there is some variation.
Wires that are too short cannot touch the electrode to produce current, while
wires that are too long cannot flex to produce electrical charge.
"We need to be able to better control the growth, density and uniformity of the
wires," Wang said. "We believe we can make as many as millions or even billions
of nanowires produce current simultaneously. That will allow us to optimize
operation of the nanogenerator."
In their lab, the researchers aimed an ultrasound source at their nanogenerator
to measure current output over slightly more than an hour. Though there is some

fluctuation in output, the current flow was continuous as long as the ultrasonic
generator was operating, Wang said.
To rule out other sources of the current measured, the researchers substituted
carbon nanotubes - which are not piezoelectric - for the zinc oxide nanowires,
and used a top electrode that was flat. In both cases, the resulting devices did
not produce current.
Providing power for nanometer-scale devices has long been a challenge.
Batteries and other traditional sources are too large, and tend to negate the size
advantages of nanodevices. And since batteries contain toxic materials such as
lithium and cadmium, they cannot be implanted into the body as part of
biomedical applications.
Because zinc oxide is non-toxic and compatible with the body, the new
nanogenerators could be integrated into implantable biomedical devices to
wirelessly measure blood flow and blood pressure within the body. And they
could also find more ordinary applications.
"If you had a device like this in your shoes when you walked, you would be able
to generate your own small current to power small electronics," Wang noted.
"Anything that makes the nanowires move within the generator can be used for
generating power. Very little force is required to move them."
Research News & Publications Office
Georgia Institute of Technology
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Atlanta, Georgia 30308 USA
Media Relations Contact: John Toon (404-894-6986); E-mail (
Technical Contact: Zhong Lin Wang (404-894-8008); E-mail:
Writer: John Toon
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b.. Zhong Lin Wang
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"Congressman G. K. Butterfield" <>
06/23/08 10:15 pm
Congressman Butterfield,
I have explicit photos of sexual assaults that have been committed against myself
and others using military advanced technology. These intelligence agents have
been responsible for stealing out of innocent people's homes. Some of the items
were just small items not even worth much but having personal meaning to the
many victims. Several victims complained about the crotches of their underwear
being cut out. Myself I had a simulated gunshot to the head followed by threats.
What have I done? Perhaps if I send photos of these sexual assaults (yes, I keep a
camera handy now) and documents then congress will hesitate to violate our
rights with what has been called surveillance instead of illegal weapons and
psychological testing under this administration. Does the FISA Act cover this?
NO because it is another black-op program approved by the Justice Department
and Homeland Security. It involves military weapons being used against citizens
to prevent or discredit them for various reasons. I would like a case file opened
and I need your assistance. In the mean time I have signed on to a class action
suit that will be filed soon to stop covert harassment. We believed that
Cointelpro operations went out with Hoover and we believed that when the
Department of Defense and the CIA were admonished for their use of Mk Ultra
that this would stop. It has not stopped it has increased and has been responsible
for thousands of ruined lives. With every election we pray for an honest congress
and president but each time we are given rubber stamping congress that
obviously have failed the American people. I hope that you will look at this
evidence and stop the harassment. I have been lied about over and over by
corrupted agents and I want my freedom as promised in the constitution. I have
one more question. How long can Bills be passed that make a mockery of the
constitution without ratification be allowed. Does congress think that the public
will surrender their rights based upon a Patriot Act or a Domestic Surveillance
Act that is unconstitutional? I think not. Look at the rage over the mistreatment
of the people at Guantanamo has created. What will happen when the public
learns about a spy program or another test program that has the same
consequences as the POW's? Thank you for your time.

From: Congressman G. K. Butterfield

To: js
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. S:

Thank you for contacting me about the ongoing debate over government
surveillance, which is being addressed in the Responsible Electronic Surveillance
That is Overseen, Reviewed and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007, H.R. 3773,
and the FISA Amendments Act, S. 2248. I appreciate learning your views on this
important issue.

Many efforts have been made in the 110th Congress to reform and improve
elements of the U.S. Intelligence Community in the wake of intelligence failures
and illegal surveillance, such as the warrantless wiretapping that took place

The Protect America Act (PL 110-55) was enacted on August 5, 2007 and made
key changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). These changes
were driven by the President and did not reflect a balanced approach to reform.
This act was set to expire February 1, 2008. An extension of this bill was passed
on January 31, 2008, but a second effort to extend the law failed on February 13,
2008. The House passed HR 3773, the Responsible Electronic Surveillance That
is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective (RESTORE) Act of 2007 in November of
2007. This bill demanded a court order for the surveillance of non-U.S. persons
outside the United States. It is meant to take the place of the Protect America
Act when an agreement is reached by both houses.

The Senate has passed the FISA Amendments Act of 2007, which would permit
the Attorney General and Director of National Intelligence jointly to authorize
the targeting of persons reasonably believed to be outside the United States to
acquire foreign intelligence information. A key provision of this legislation is that
it provides retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies that assisted
the government in counterterrorism surveillance efforts since 9/11 and have
been the subject of lawsuits.

I applaud the House Democratic leadership for crafting a bill that permits our
intelligence community to gather valuable information as part of the Global War
on Terror while carefully preserving individuals' right to privacy. I strongly
supported the House bill last November.

As the House and Senate meet to resolve differences, the Senate-included issue
of retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies is among the most
difficult to resolve. It is my hope that the compromise will consider the
importance and unique circumstances telecommunications companies faced after
the events of 9/11, specifically when participation was undertaken in good faith
with an objectively reasonable belief that such assistance was lawful.

While it is imperative that we protect against any illegal wiretapping or other

invasions of privacy, we must also be careful to avoid discouraging private
citizens and organizations from aiding the government in dire times. The
government alone should be culpable for any breaches of privacy committed
after 9/11, not the private organizations that acted in good faith to assist its
government in a time of need.

Thank you for contacting me about this important issue. I look forward to
addressing any of your future concerns.
Very truly yours,
G.K. Butterfield
Member of Congress


Published Weekly by
FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2008
As some of you know, this past Wednesday, June 25, the FFCHS Media
Committee sent its first press release. Many thanks to all on the committee who
worked so diligently to achieve this goal. When the committee was formed,
through discussion they realized that we needed professional help with
circulating our information rather than relying on our own lists. So we decided
to sign up with a news wire service for this. To join this service is way more than
we can afford on our own, but through the donations, we were able to send this
press release to the widest audience available. We hope to be sending more in
the near future on various topics for the education of our elected officials and the
general public. Here is a link to our press release that was published by Yahoo
June 25, 2008
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Re: Report of Litigation Status
Dear Members:
This law firm represents Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
("Freedom"). Since January, we have been looking into litigation against
government agencies and contractors surrounding the use of directed energy
weapons and similar technologies against United States citizens. We have been
conducting factual research based on the reports of targeted individuals,
technological reports, and other avenues of information. We have also been
analyzing the information in terms of various potential legal causes of action and
Thank you to everyone who has contributed information to this cause. The firm
has received hundreds of letters, emails and phone calls. Due to the size of this
undertaking, we have not been able to respond to everyone, however, we
appreciate your input, we are taking your reports seriously, and we are

considering your information in light of the overarching legal analysis.

At this point, we have completed an initial analysis of potential litigation and it
appears the most effective strategy would be to sue under a small number of
plaintiffs rather than as a class. Many suits based on similar allegations have
failed and we have been analyzing the best strategies to avoid dismissal or an
adverse verdict. Based on the information we have received, the core issues and
potential defendants are too diverse amongst FFCHS members to be limited to a
class action. In other words, a class action is not recommended because many
members are being targeted by different, unconnected perpetrators, and the
reports of targeting techniques, technologies and methods are too varied to fit
into a class action. Therefore, it makes sense to select the TIs whose abuse is
best supported by evidence. By this manner, the case will also be more
manageable. If a suit is successful, it should open up the courts to other TIs to
bring individual or group actions.
If you are not a plaintiff, this does not mean you are disbelieved. Rather, TIs
who are not plaintiffs have suffered as much as the others. If just happened that
evidence was able to be collected by the plaintiffs who will further a suit.
In this current stage, we are contacting potential experts and lay witnesses who
may be able to testify in furtherance of a civil action as well as trying to obtain
evidence to be used in court. We have relied upon representations of members
as to the strength of evidence, but the evidence must be authenticated and
admissible in court. We will recommend filing a complaint only if the witnesses
and evidence are sufficient to proceed. If we were to proceed with too little, and
the case were dismissed, it could jeopardize the plaintiffs' access to court in the
Please continue to submit questionnaires, surveys, reports, records of evidence,
contact information for good expert and lay witnesses, and useful technological
information. Thank you again for helping Freedom work toward a decisive legal
decision in order to stop the inhumane harassment and surveillance.
Very truly yours,
Jon Wilson
Thanks to all who have donated this past week. Because of everyone's efforts
the press release was sent and some other outreach programs are being
developed. Some cost money. Some not. But we believe that our continued
efforts will payoff somewhere down the road.

Membership is $15/year and sponsorship can be any amount, large or

Payment options are: Paypal - to our email address:
Or a check or money order made payable to FFCHS and mailed to:
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
"If we all do a little, we can do a lot!"
We are finally getting started on our first annual FFCHS conference to be held
around mid-October in Los Angles. We are looking to have workshops, speakers,
information and a variety of activities for our community to enjoy. We hope to
have many TI's on hand so that we get to meet and come to know each other.
The planning committee for this event is now forming. So those interested in
working on this project, please contact:
Krissi Stull - or
Jimi Walbert -
Gloria Valentine -
Richard Centeno -
This past Sunday was the first meeting of our new committee called the Crisis
Intervention Committee. The purpose of this committee as the name states is to
intervene in any TI emergency and seek solutions. We've needed a vehicle such
as this for sometime for those who, because of the targeting, have found
themselves in dire straits with noone to turn to. Well, now there is help. These
volunteers have stepped forward to be of assistance to TI's in an emergency on
behalf of the organization in whatever way they can. Crises may include
housing, severe targeting, endangerment, despair, to name a few. Here is a list
of those who have joined the committee thus far:
Christine Magiotti
Denise Myles
Joel Mittelman
Gloria Stroud
Krissi Stull
Lola Taylor
Kenneth M. Wilbourne, Jr.
If anyone else would like to volunteer, please let me know

Just as the Media Committee is busy making contacts with the press, we also
need to continue networking with our elected officials. Those interested in
working on this new committee, please contact me asap.
In response to a request for a V2K blog, FFCHS now has started a Google group
where we can blog all of our targeting experiences: V2K, electromagnetic
torture, organized stalking, etc. Google's group pages have many features that
some others don't such as: fonts, font sizes and colors, background colors, you
can add pictures, upload files and documents, share files, subcategorize topics
such V2K or stalking; in other words it offers a wide variety of interesting
options for communicating your ideas in this format. You'll need to create a
Google account at Then search for and join our group at this
We have been really fortunate as an organization thus far. Therefore, lately
we've been under attack. In this past week 2 FFCHS board members abruptly
resigned amid circumstances that as I look back at them, feel sure were
orchestrated by the perps. This is noone's fault. It was the stalkers. Everyone
needs to understand that they have the ability to manipulate our thoughts and
emotions in various ways. Please be mindful of this and think before speaking,
think before acting. It could make all the difference - whether in your home life,
work environment, or dealing with other TI's. Please know they are constantly
working to undermine all of our efforts.
From: David Vindiola
I would like t.i.'s to know that I found a shielding tip that works very
well.Its called a 10's unit.It used with electrodes,you place the electrodes on the
part of the body thats being attacked,you'll find its instant relief until they
readjust thier dials,then you just turn it on again.You'll notice,if you hear head to

skull voices,it really pisses them off to the point of not activating it
anymore.You'll notice,when they activate it the next time, they'll attack a
different part of the body,all you do is move the electrode to that part of the
body.You can purchase them online,some sites require a perscription,in this case
just tell your primary doctor you have back pain,and that you've tried a 10's unit
and it worked very well.He'll have no problem writing a percription.You can
purchase these online for,anywhere from $70 to $200 dollars.Another tip, you
know what im talking about,when they try to put you to sleep,put the electrode
on your nose it stops it
instantly.Also if you hear head to skull voices, and you believe you have
mindreading implants,this is the ultimate counter attack.Invision them in your
mind then blow them away.Example: show yourself where thier at or where you
think thier at and let them have it,shoot em,show police busting them, the better
the vision the better the effects.Heres where it gets good your going to hear
them scream like you never heard a scream before.Thier not going to know how
to play you anymore.This is the BOMB!!!.Remember thier under hypnosis in
order to read your mind,so if you've ever seen someone under hypnosis,you know
they"ll do whatever you ask.Thier hooked up to a mind machine which requires
an electrode in itself,they feed off the thoughts relayed from your ear implants to
the mind machine.tell em to bark,whatever you ask they'll do.Trust me this
works.I've been going through this for a very long time.Feel free to contact me at I have alot of ideas
on how to stop the hurt.
Here's some information about TENS units.
Here's an affordable sale on TENS units


This is yet another article published in a mainstream magazine, based on the
declassified document that Don Friedman received from the US Army. Josh in
Utah says that he sent them the document and they wrote the article. Good
work, Josh!

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to

teenage boys.
P. J. O'Rourke
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Crowd-Controlling MEDUSA Ray Gun Puts Voices Inside Your Head
The Sierra Nevada Corporation claimed this week that it is ready to begin
production on the MEDUSA, a damned scary ray gun that uses the "microwave
audio effect" to implant sounds and perhaps even specific messages inside
people's heads. Short for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio, MEDUSA
creates the audio effect with short microwave pulses. The pulses create a
shockwave inside the skull that's detected by the ears, and basically makes
you think you're going balls-to-the-wall batshit insane. The MEDUSA can also
"produce recognizable sounds" and is aimed primarily at military uses, but
New Scientist revealed there are other uses in the works, too.
And if you're thinking ear plugs are this thing's Kryptonite, think again. Lee
Sadovnik of Sierra Nevada Corp. said normal audio safety limits are off the
table since the sound bypasses the eardrums and emanates from within the
skull. "The repel effect is a combination of loudness and the irritation
factor," he said. "You can?t block it out."
Wet blanket James Lin of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
the University of Illinois in Chicago wants more testing done, however,
because of the perceived health ramifications of such a device. Lin said
lower, whisper-level intensities work fine, but the higher incapacitating
levels expected by the military could fry more than a few brains out on the
battlefield. "I would worry about what other health effects it is having,"
Lin said. "You might see neural damage."
And those "other uses" hinted at above? Try subliminal advertising; or
suggestive subconscious comments that you don't really "hear" but can
influence decision-making anyway. Or, alternatively, the beam can be ramped
up to 11 and just kill you outright. WIN!
Fun Gizmodo Fact: The MEDUSA is useless against a raging pack of
schizophrenics. [New Scientist via Danger Room]

07/27/08 11:36 pm
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This also is an old article. Because there are so many new victims we need to
republish and send these out for them. These articles helped us. Keep in mind
that J Edgar Hoover had his extremist groups also including Elvis and the
Beatles. Unfortunately the narrow minded bigots in these agencies live in fear of
people that express their opinions and those that are different. In fact the people
who are different get labeled mentally ill. I think it has gotten worse now and the
FBI has stated our next terrorist attack will come from domestic terrorist.
Perhaps because they are agitating people. We know that in every advocate
group there is always a person who has the capability of ruining the group b
using violence. It still does not justify what we are going through in fact these
agents have become the extremist.

| Home | Signs of the Time | Index | Subject Index |

Signs of the Time
A Sampling of 2001 news articles from The SPOTLIGHT
July 2, 2001
'Extremists' Targeted by Snoop Group
July 9, 2001
--------------------------------The SPOTLIGHT July 2, 2001
'Extremists' Targeted by Snoop Group
The Justice Department is operating a super secret federal snoop group in
order to keep an eye on "extremists" - meaning those who disagree with the
government line.
By Mike Blair
The Justice Department has activated a little-know and highly secretive
information-gathering intelligence program aimed at maintaining intimate
surveillance of what are described as "extremists" and the groups to which they
In other words,, the Justice Department is now targeting America political
dissidents whose views run counter to those of the plutocratic elite.
The Regional Information Sharing System, or RISS, ws set up to snoop on
militias and do-called "patriot groups" that the Justice Department may decide
need watching. Ostensibly, the program also monitors organized crime.

Critics say the fact that the Justice Department would lump political dissidents
alongside criminal elements is interesting indeed. Sources indicate that RISS has
direct links to Morris Dees's Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the AntiDefamation League (ADL), which feed the federal group what it collects on
various organizations, their leaders and members.
RISS was officially created under Attorney General Janet Reno during the
Clinton administration, but the new Justice Department under Attorney General
John Ashcroft does not seem inclined to disband this spy operation.
Prior to the creation of the new RISS bureaucracy, such surveillance of
perceived extremist organizations was left to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, which was established for these monitoring purposes and to insure
internal security. The FBI's most infamous spying operation aimed against
political dissident was its COINTELPRO operation of the 1960s. A key ally of the
the FBI in its COINTELPRO scheme was, in fact, the ADL, which actually did
much of the "on site" work, spying for the FBI domestic spying operation was
dubbed (CHAOS).
Many American political groups were infiltrated by COINTELPRO and CHAOS
agents, posing as "patriots." Longtime ADL informant Roy Bullock is known to
have worked closely with COINTELPRO throughout the 1960s.
After COINTELPRO was officially disbanded following a public outcry when its
activities were inadvertently exposed, many of its duties were discreetly left in
the hands of the ADL. So for years, the ADL continued to do the "spying" and
then turned the data over to the FBI.
But today the FBI seems to be bypassed by RISS, which the Southern Poverty
Law Center and the ADL can utilize to "finger" patriotic organizations not
"politically correct."
RISS has established information collection centers in Newton, Pa., Franklin,
Mass., Springfield, Mo., Sacramento and Phoenix.
According to the Sweetwater, Tenn., Citizens Awareness Committee, a
grassroots organization that monitors intrusive government, RISS trades
information woth not only law enforcement agencies but with police in Canada,
Guam, Australia and Puerto Rico via a network called RISSNET.
"RISSNET," according to the citizens' group, "enables investigators to find links
between the movements and look into their finances, telephone calls and
membership lists."
Riss is fed much of its information by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms (BATF), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), the Secret service and the Customs Service.
One source told the SPOTLIGHT that RISS has far-reaching international
tentacles through connections with Interpol, ant international law enforcement
RISS is supposed to allow local law enforcement the means of keeping the track
of organized crime and extremist groups, but checking with police agencies in
New York and Virginia. The SPOTLIGHT found none that had any connections
with the new super snoop group or even any knowledge of it.*

The SPOTLIGHT July 2, 2001

--------------------------------The SPOTLIGHT July 2,2001
Pentagon Unveils Laser As 'Crowd Controller'
The Pentagon is hyping a new "non-lethal" energy beam weapon for crowd
control - that means you.
By Mike Blair
The Pentagon has developed a new "non-lethal" beam projection device to
control crowds that utilizes "millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy," according
to Defense Department sources.
The device, which the Pentagon expects will be in wide use with the U.S.
military by 2009, employs a directed energy beam that inflicts a painful brief
burning sensation. It heats up the surface of a victim's skin and within seconds
can create pain similar to touching a hot light bulb.
"It is the kind of pain you would feel if you were being burned," Rich Garcia, a
spokesman for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirkland Air force base,
New Mexico, explained. "It's just not intense enough to cause any damage."
However, Human Rights Watch and other such monitoring groups are asking
questions about potential dangers of the new device.
"What, as an example, will happen to children in the crowds?" one critic of the
Pentagon's plan to employ the weapon asked. "What about pregnant women and
the elderly?"
The beam penetrates to a depth of one-sixty-fourth of an inch below the surface
of a victim's skin and creates the burning sensation.
"When it penetrates in, it activates pain sensors and you feel a lot of pain," the
Air Force's Garcia explained. "But there's no damage. It truly is a non-lethal
According to Garcia the Air Force has "tested 72 human beings that have had
over 6,500 exposures."
Currently, the Air Force has plans to test the device on goats and humans at
Already, the Marine Corps intends to mount the electromagnetic energy
weapons on its Humvees, all terrain vehicles.
Later, according to Pentagon sources, the device may be used on aircraft and
The Pentagon concedes that the new projected beam device is not just intended
for crowd in Third World countries where the U.S. Military may become involved
in so-called "peacekeeping" missions. It could be used for crowd control
purposes that the military may be called upon to maintain in the United States.
With the increased blurring of military and special law enforcement units, such
as Special Weapons and Tactics units, as a result of the nation's war on drugs,
the new weapon could come into police hands to be used in controlling rallies.
In other words, the electromagnetic beam devices could have been used last
year in Seattle to control crowds demonstrating against supposed "free trade"
had it been available.*

----------------------------------------------------------------The SPOTLIGHT July 2, 2001

08/05/08 01:31 am
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I have been attacked more today than last week. I would say they are lying to
Pentagon closes controversial intelligence unit
2 hours, 37 minutes ago
The Pentagon on Monday said it was closing a controversial intelligence office
that had raised concerns about domestic spying by the military after the
September 11 attacks.
The Defense Department said it had "disestablished" the Counterintelligence
Field Activity office, or CIFA, created in February 2002 by former Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to manage defense and armed service efforts against
intelligence threats from foreign powers and groups such as al Qaeda.
Those responsibilities will now be carried out by a new organization called the
Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center, overseen by the
Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency.
CIFA's operations stirred concern among members of Congress and civil
liberties advocates. A CIFA database known as Talon, set up to monitor threats
against U.S. military installations, was found to have retained information on
U.S. antiwar protesters including Quakers after they had been found to pose no
security danger, officials said.
Talon, the acronym for Threat and Local Observation Notice, was ended last
year as a result of the outcry. But the controversy, leading the Defense
Department to reorganize CIFA's functions after a broad review of Pentagon
intelligence operations, officials said.
A senior defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Defense
Secretary Robert Gates approved the change after the review found the office's
functions could be performed more effectively by another agency.
The Army, Air Force and Navy operate their own separate counterintelligence
operations. Officials said coordinating and management function previously
performed by CIFA would be taken over by the new center, which will also
oversee DIA's operations in traditional espionage.
"Integration under one organization will result in greater collaboration in
operational and support areas where both disciplines overlap," Army Maj. Gen.
Theodore Nicholas, the center's new director, said in a statement.
(editing by Randall Mikkelsen and Alan Elsner)

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We must be wary of those who promise us security and ask in return for our

freedom. We must recognize that part of the price for freedom may well be
insecurity, but that the price for complete security is inhumanity. Martin Luther

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Pentagon "Calmatives": Biochemical Substances as Incapacitating Weapons of
War and Social Control

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Pentagon "Calmatives": Biochemical Substances as

Incapacitating Weapons of War and Social Control
by Tom Burghardt
Global Research, July 12, 2008
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Ours is a social system spinning wildly out of control.

Wherever one glances, the political-economic-ecological crises engulfing late
capitalism are insolvable in terms of structural reforms that might mitigate the
system's approaching zero hour. Call it the proverbial band-aid over gangrene
syndrome; a plethora of terminal "fixes" that fix nothing.
During periods of extreme crisis, ruling class elites and the
technocratic "wizards of armageddon" who serve them--bankrupt authoritarians
without authority--harbor a not-so-secret longing for "magic bullets" that will put
things right.
Thus, the quixotic crusade by politicians, military planners
and corporate grifters out to make a buck to discover what they hope will be an
antidote to the spreading virus of desperation and anger gripping the planet as
the alleged "beautiful world" promised by neoliberalism morphs into an
unlimited--and endless--low-intensity "war on terror" waged against the world's
A futile quest to be sure, while the immense, untapped social
potential for resolving humanity's most pressing needs--food, shelter, healthcare,
repair of the environment--are grimly shuttled "off world" to various "green
zones" and "secure, undisclosed locations" where science, and scientists,
function as the equivalent of nerdy call-girls in the "Pentagon Madame's" little
black book of atrocities.

In "'Non-Lethal' Weapons: Where Science and Technology

Service Repression," I began a preliminary inquiry into "less than lethal"
weapons research; that investigation continues.
Calmative Agents
For six decades, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) have explored ways to harness biochemical substances as
incapacitating weapons of war. During 1977 congressional hearings, the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence published material on "Project MKULTRA, The
CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification."
While the media focused on the sensationalistic dosing of
unsuspecting "subjects" with LSD and other psychoactive substances during
unethical CIA and Army experiments, purportedly as a means to gain "control"
over the minds of "enemy agents" or "target populations," the demise of
MKULTRA supposedly signalled that research into these forbidden zones were a
closed book.
Unfortunately, this is not the case. While "mind control" as a
weapon of war has proven chimerical, the Pentagon has hardly neglected its
search for biochemical agents as mechanisms for repressive domination. Under
the broad heading "calmatives," such research continues to this day. The nowdefunct Sunshine Project offered a preliminary assessment and defined
calmatives as,
chemical or biological agents with sedative, sleep-inducing or
similar psychoactive effects. Chemical calmative weapons such as BZ (3quinuclidinyl benzilate, a compound related to scopolamine) were developed
during the Cold War. Proponents of calmatives are creating a new and alarming
legal ambiguity surrounding their use. ...
The US Department of Defense (DoD) arguments imply the
creation of two loopholes in the Chemical Weapons Convention: the possible
definition of psychoactive substances as riot control agents, and a distinction
between "military operations other than war" [MOOTW] and armed conflicts. In
the latter, DoD argues that even toxic chemicals would be of operational utility.
("Non-Lethal Weapons Research in the U.S.: Calmatives and Malodorants," The
Sunshine Project, Backgrounder Series #8, July 2001)
In other words, while deploying these agents in the
"battlespace" is prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention, their use
on civilian populations during MOOTW, "if classified as riot control agents, can
be acceptable."
As Neil Davison, a researcher at the University of Bradford's
Disarmament Research Centre (BDRC) describes,

From a military perspective, specific characteristics of such

agents have been seen as follows:
(1) Highly potent (an extremely low dose is effective) and
logistically feasible.
(2) Able to produce their effects by altering the higher
regulatory activity of the central nervous system.
(3) Of a duration of action lasting hours or days, rather than
of a momentary or fleeting action.
(4) Not seriously dangerous to life except at doses many
times the effective dose.
(5) Not likely to produce permanent injury in concentrations
which are militarily effective.
However, contemporary definitions emphasise rapid onset of
action and short duration of effects, characteristics which reflect the current
preoccupation with counter-terrorism and the associated convergence of military
and policing requirements. Generally for reasons of politics and public relations
rather than accuracy these weapons have also been referred to as "calmatives"
and "advanced riot control agents". (Neil Davison, Bradford Disarmament
Research Centre, 'Off the Rocker' and 'On the Floor': The Continued
Development of Biochemical Incapacitating Weapons, Bradford Science and
Technology Report No. 8, August 2007) [emphasis added]
As Davison narrates, BDRC's title refers to the nomenclature
assigned these substances by Cold War researchers.
Broadly speaking agents were colloquially divided into "off the
rocker" agents having psychotropic effects and "on the floor" agents causing
incapacitation through effects on other physiological processes. "Off the rocker"
agents prevailed since the safety margins for other agents, including anaesthetic
agents, sedatives, and opiate analgesics, were not considered sufficiently wide
for them to perform as 'safe' military incapacitating agents.
This is hardly an academic exercise considering that the
Pentagon's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) is carrying-out ongoing experimentation into what it euphemistically calls "Human Effects
Research" to develop an "Advanced Total Body Model (ATBM) for predicting the
effects of non-lethal impacts."
The JNLWP non-lethal human effects community has begun
to increase its focus on improving the characterization and quantification of
NLW effectiveness. In other words, researchers are attempting to better answer
the question of how well the human response relates to desired mission

outcomes. This area of research is critical to ensuring that the end user will get
reliable, repeatable, and safe results from future non-lethal capabilities. ("Human
Effects Research," Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program, April 10, 2008)
Perhaps, the JNLWD "human effects community" should
ponder the "living laboratory" on display during the October 2002 Moscow
Theatre siege. Under "real world" conditions, 50 Chechen terrorists (some
allegedly linked to the Afghan-Arab database of disposable intelligence assets
known as al-Qaeda) and 129 hostages were killed when Russian OSNAZ forces
pumped an aerosolized fentanyl derivative through the ventilation system. A
KGB-developed "psycho-chemical gas" known as Kolokol-1 was the suspected
calmative used during the "rescue." Kolokol-1 has been described by medical
experts as being 1000 times more potent than morphine.
When a normal dose of fentanyl enters the brain, it is quickly
redistributed throughout the body and acts as a short-lived anesthetic. A larger,
more concentrated dose however, is not so easily redistributed and remains
concentrated in the brain and shuts down normal respiratory functions. This was
the mechanism that caused the Moscow deaths; hostages were chemically
suffocated by their "rescuers."
The former Soviet Union however, wasn't alone in looking at
fentanyl derivatives as "non-lethal" incapacitating agents. In 1987, the U.S.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) had established a "Less-Than-Lethal
Technology Program," and awarded its first contract to the U.S. Army's Chemical
Research, Development, and Engineering Center (CREDEC, [rebranded as the
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center [ECBC)] ) at the Aberdeen Proving
Ground, "for a feasibility assessment of a dart to deliver an incapacitating agent
to stop a fleeing suspect," BDRC reports.
According to Davison, "the requirement for rapid
immobilization apparently led to consideration of fentanyl analogues, in
particular alfentanil. ... However, its' low safety margin was a major problem."
The prototype delivery system was a failure and NIJ moved on.
But "mission creep" being what it is the military, perhaps
"inspired" by NIJ's pursuit of incapacitating agents for civilian police use, quickly
adopted the "less-than-lethal" terminology and rekindled its own interest in
fielding such weapons. By 1990, Davison writes, the "Army terminated their
'Incapacitating Chemical Program' and reinvented it as the 'Riot Control
Through slight-of-hand tricks designed to circumvent the 1993
Chemical Weapons Convention, the Pentagon sought to place incapacitating
agents in the same category as irritant riot control agents (RCA) such as pepper
However, the British Medical Association (BMA) in its 2007

report, "The Use of Drugs as Weapons," raised serious ethical concerns for
healthcare professionals' involvement in what they term "tactical pharmacology"
as deployable "non-lethal" weapons. To wit,
The use of a drug as a method of warfare would constitute a
violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the 1993 Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC). Ambiguity in the text of the CWC leaves open the possibility
of the use of a drug as a weapon for the purposes of 'law enforcement including
domestic riot control'. There is also a question as to whether some drugs fall
within the definition of a biological weapon as defined in the 1972 Biological and
Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). It is vital that the international community
makes every effort to ensure that these weapons conventions remain intact. The
development and deployment of drugs as weapons for whatever reason risks
undermining the norms these conventions represent.
Serious questions are raised by the BMA over the state's
proposed use of drugs as weapons. Indeed, the use of these agents by military
and security forces "is simply not feasible without generating a significant
mortality among the target population." The BMA concludes, "it is and will
continue to be almost impossible to deliver the right agent to the right people in
the right dose without exposing the wrong people, or delivering the wrong dose."
But over and above "tactical" considerations, the BMA avers,
From an ethical perspective, healthcare professionals need
to begin a deeper examination of their roles in relation to such use of biomedical
knowledge and medical expertise for hostile purposes. This is, ultimately, a
matter relating to health because the lives and wellbeing of humans are at stake.
But as we have seen in the anemic response by many
American healthcare professionals to CIA and U.S. military torture policies at
Guantnamo Bay and transnational "black sites," biomedical knowledge has been
perverted for devilish "national security" considerations. Indeed, some doctors,
nurses and psychologists--military officers and/or "outsourced" contractors--like
their Argentine and Chilean colleagues during the "dirty war" period of the
1970s and 1980s have been complicit in U.S. war crimes. This too, seems to be
the case as Pentagon specialists transform drugs into "tactical" weapons.
By 2000, the Pentagon's JNLWD was pressing for a range of
programs to develop new incapacitating agents, rechristened as we have seen,
as "non-lethal" weapons. Indeed, Davison reports that the U.S. Army issued a
"solicitation under its' Small Business Innovation Research programme...that
included a request for proposals on 'Topic# CBD 00-108: Chemical Immobilizing
Agents for Non-Lethal Applications."
"Phase I" sought "to identify new agents and agent
combinations including an analysis of '...recent breakthroughs in
pharmacological classes such as Anesthetics/analgesics, tranquilizers, hypnotics
and neuromuscular blockers'," Davison reports.

Program design and testing regimens would lead to the

development of an appropriate delivery system(s) and the consideration of "dualuse" applications of the technology by the military and civilian law enforcement
Potential military uses, according the JNLWD solicitation
included "meeting US and NATO objectives in peacekeeping missions; crowd
control; embassy protection; rescue missions; and counter-terrorism" whereas
law enforcement applications cited were "hostage and barricade situations;
crowd control; close proximity encounters, such as, domestic disturbances, bar
fights and stopped motorists; to halt fleeing felons; and prison riots." In other
words, military/law enforcement deployment of "calmatives" are envisaged as
weapons for social control.
The JNLWD awarded its initial "Phase I" contract to Ann
Arbor, MI-based capitalist grifter OptiMetrics Inc., for work on the program at
ECBC. As of this writing, there is no available information on "Phase II" or
"Phase III." If the program panned-out, the JNLWD isn't saying. However,
research continues at Pennsylvania State University's (PSU) College of Medicine
and the Navy's Applied Research Laboratory (ARL). The ARL/PSU study sought

* Define the advantages and limitations of pharmaceutical

compounds as calmatives with potential use in non-lethal techniques.
* Provide a comprehensive survey of the medical literature
utilizing pharmaceutical agents to produce a calm state with potential for use as
a non-lethal technique. This information will provide a current database of the
relevant literature on calmatives.
* Provide an in-depth review of selected calmatives identified
by the literature search with high potential for further consideration as a non
lethal technique.
* Identify and recommend promising new areas in
pharmaceutical drug development that are poised to uniquely meet the
requirements of calmatives as non-lethal techniques. (emphasis added)
Davison notes that the October 2000 ARL/PSU report, The
Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-Lethal Technique,
concludes ominously that "different chemical agents would be required for
different scenarios with '...different mechanisms of action, duration, of effects
and different depths of 'calm'."

While the report doesn't specify a delivery system, Davison

writes "the authors envisage a variety of delivery routes including '...application
to drinking water, topical administration to the skin, an aerosol spray inhalation
route, or a drug filled rubber bullet'." Perhaps the authors' propose drugging
municipal water systems to suppress "anti-social behaviors" such as a general
strike or mass antiwar protests to achieve their goal of effecting "different
depths of 'calm'"!
The ARL/PSU report concludes: "The extensive survey of the
literature conducted on calmatives serves to emphasize that the 'time is right'
with respect to considering pharmaceutical agents..." as new a new class of "nonlethal" weapons. (emphasis added) The time is "right" indeed as the JNLWD
considers newer and ever-more insidious methods of repression!
Currently under development are programs that employ
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a delivery system for calmatives as well as
other "non-lethal" weapons. With tens of billions of dollars invested by the
Pentagon in UAVs since the 1990s, a small, though significant area of interest is
the use of UAVs as a "non-lethal" dispersal platform. One 1998 study concluded
that a "UAV-dispenser system could be used with any UAV with a 40 lb or more
payload capability."
The JNLWD has funded development of an "unmanned
platform" to "spray liquid payloads" by remote control at the Southwest Research
Institute (SwRI). According to Davison,
SwRI engineers developed a computer-controlled unmanned
powered Para foil (UPP) equipped with a payload that dispenses liquid spray
while in flight. Developed for the Marine Corps Non-Lethal Directorate, the
system is intended to provide non-lethal crowd control options for the U.S.
military. The UPP was fitted with a pan-tilt camera to continually locate the
impact point of the liquid spray. Using computer-assisted flight modes and the
camera image, a remote operator can direct the UPP over a target at low altitude
and release the spray.
Similarly, Raytheon was "tasked" with "assessing the
feasibility" of delivering "non-lethal" payloads, including chemical agents from its
Extended Range Guided Munition. Another "major recommendation" was for
"further development of unmanned vehicles to deliver 'non-lethal' weapons
including chemical agents at long distance with greater accuracy," Davison
Just this week, The Guardian reported a new "tool" appeared
in the Pentagon's "non-lethal" weapons arsenal. The U.S. Army's XM1063 155mm
howitzer launched projectile is capable of scattering "152 small non-explosive
submunitions over a 1-hectare area; as each parachutes down, it sprays a
chemical agent."

Designed by major corporate grifter General Dynamics for the

U.S. Army's Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC)
at Picatinny Arsenal, the XM1063 is touted as the latest in a series of "nonlethals" which will "'suppress' people without harming them."
The Guardian reports,
Testing of the XM1063 was completed successfully last year
and it is due for low-rate production from 2009. Ardec says that the production
decision is on hold awaiting further direction from the program manager. It
seems the decision on whether to enter a new age of chemical warfare now rests
with the military rather then civilians. Unless put under pressure, the US Army
seems unlikely to give any details of what's in the surprise package until it is
used. And maybe not even then. (David Hambling, "U.S. Weapons Research Is
Raising a Stink," The Guardian, July 10, 2008)
As we have seen in this outline, there is no question that
research into these appalling weapons systems will continue. The Defense
Science Board (DSB), which advises the Pentagon on science and technology
issues, have recommended that work on "non-lethal" weapons--including socalled "calmatives"--move forward.
In 2004, the DSB concluded that "Applications of biological,
chemical or electromagnetic radiation effects on humans should be pursued."
Davison notes that in the section on "strategic payload concepts" the report
* Calmatives might be considered to deal with otherwise
difficult situations in which neutralizing individuals could enable ultimate
mission success
* The principle technical issue is the balance between
effectiveness (i.e., the targets are truly "calmed") and margins of safety (i.e.,
avoiding overexposure and resulting fatalities of neutral bystanders)
* The treaty implications are significant
But as with other treaties to which the U.S. is a signatory,
notably the Geneva Conventions, the U.N. Convention Against Torture and the
now-renounced Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, "national security," in the Orwellian
sense understood by the United States, always trumps human rights and the rule
of law.
The democratic Republic which most Americans have longcherished is rapidly falling by the wayside as economic crisis, endless wars and
ecological collapse fuel moves by the U.S. ruling class to complete constructing
their corporatist police state. It within this context, that "calmatives" and other
"non-lethal" weapons technologies arise: both as metaphor and method for an

ever-more sinister rebranding of fascism.

Tom Burghardt is a researcher and activist based in the San
Francisco Bay Area. In addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly, Love &
Rage and Antifa Forum, he is the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military
"Civil Disturbance" Planning, distributed by AK Press.
Tom Burghardt is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
Global Research Articles by Tom Burghardt
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800-828-0498, Toll Free Number to Congress..
The following article is exactly why we lose our civil liberties. Everyone should
be calling this number and voicing opposition to the FBI gaining more powers.
many ti's have been placed under surveillance because of federal law
enforcement without just cause. The technology that is used on us is used for
surveillance. This is another cover up of what they are doing to
us and if this is passed it will justify what they are doing.
US lawmakers raise concern about FBI powers
Thu Aug 21, 5:39 PM ET
US lawmakers on Thursday expressed concern about a Justice Department plan
to set new guidelines for FBI investigations that would widen powers to
investigate people without basis for suspicion.
"We are particularly concerned that the draft guidelines might permit an
innocent American to be subjected to such intrusive surveillance based in part on
race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or on protected First Amendment
activities," said the letter addressed to Attorney General Michael Mukasey.
In it, the four Democratic senators -- Russ Feingold (Wisconsin), Ted Kennedy
(Massachusetts), Richard Durbin (Illinois) and Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode
Island) -- urged the Justice Department to wait until experts and legislators could
provide input on the proposed changes.
"We understand that you intend to finalize and sign next week the draft
Attorney General Guidelines intended to govern FBI criminal, national security
and foreign intelligence investigations," it said.
"We have a number of questions and concerns about the guidelines, and urge
you not to sign them until members of Congress, experts in the relevant fields,
and affected communities have had a full opportunity to provide detailed input."
The senators also accused Mukasey of avoiding "meaningful and robust debate"
by making the draft available "to congressional staff for only a few hours at a
time, over the course of a week and a half during the August ... recess when
many staff and members are out of town."
The proposed guidelines would "permit the FBI to use a variety of intrusive
investigative techniques to conduct 'assessments' of possible criminal activity,
national security threats or foreign intelligence collection -- without any initial
factual predication," the senators wrote.
"We are concerned about the extent to which such authority might, for
example, permit the FBI to conduct long-term physical surveillance of an

innocent American citizen; interview such an individual's neighbors and

professional colleagues, including based on a 'pretext' or misrepresentation ... all
without any basis for suspicion."
President George W. Bush's administration has sought to enact a series of
changes to intelligence gathering in its final months in order to protect increased
post-September 11 security and counter-terror measures.
us. Everyone ask fro Nancy Pelosi's office and complain about these powers.

Homeland Security Detects Terrorist Threats by Reading Your Mind Tuesday,

September 23, 2008
By Allison Barrie

A computer screens displays input from Homeland Security's FAST body
scanner during a demonstration.
A computer screens displays input from Homeland Security's FAST body
scanner during a demonstration.

Baggage searches are SOOOOOO early-21st century. Homeland Security is now

testing the next generation of security screening - a body scanner that can read
your mind.
Most preventive screening looks for explosives or metals that pose a threat. But
a new system called MALINTENT turns the old school approach on its head. This
Orwellian-sounding machine detects the person - not the device - set to wreak
havoc and terror.
MALINTENT, the brainchild of the cutting-edge Human Factors division in
Homeland Security's directorate for Science and Technology, searches your body
for non-verbal cues that predict whether you mean harm to your fellow
It has a series of sensors and imagers that read your body temperature, heart
rate and respiration for unconscious tells invisible to the naked eye - signals
terrorists and criminals may display in advance of an attack.
But this is no polygraph test. Subjects do not get hooked up or strapped down
for a careful reading; those sensors do all the work without any actual physical
contact. It's like an X-ray for bad intentions.
Currently, all the sensors and equipment are packaged inside a mobile
screening laboratory about the size of a trailer or large truck bed, and just last
week, Homeland Security put it to a field test in Maryland, scanning 144 mostly
unwitting human subjects.
While I'd love to give you the full scoop on the unusual experiment, testing is
ongoing and full disclosure would compromise future tests.
* Click here for an exclusive look at MALINTENT in action.
But what I can tell you is that the test subjects were average Joes living in the
D.C. area who thought they were attending something like a technology expo; in
order for the experiment to work effectively and to get the testing subjects to

buy in, the cover story had to be convincing.

While the 144 test subjects thought they were merely passing through an
entrance way, they actually passed through a series of sensors that screened
them for bad intentions.
Homeland Security also selected a group of 23 attendees to be civilian
"accomplices" in their test. They were each given a "disruptive device" to carry
through the portal - and, unlike the other attendees, were conscious that they
were on a mission.
In order to conduct these tests on human subjects, DHS had to meet rigorous
safety standards to ensure the screening would not cause any physical or
emotional harm.
So here's how it works. When the sensors identify that something is off, they
transmit warning data to analysts, who decide whether to flag passengers for
further questioning. The next step involves micro-facial scanning, which involves
measuring minute muscle movements in the face for clues to mood and intention.
Homeland Security has developed a system to recognize, define and measure
seven primary emotions and emotional cues that are reflected in contractions of
facial muscles. MALINTENT identifies these emotions and relays the information
back to a security screener almost in real-time.
This whole security array - the scanners and screeners who make up the mobile
lab - is called "Future Attribute Screening Technology" - or FAST - because it is
designed to get passengers through security in two to four minutes, and often
If you're rushed or stressed, you may send out signals of anxiety, but FAST isn't
fooled. It's already good enough to tell the difference between a harried traveler
and a terrorist. Even if you sweat heavily by nature, FAST won't mistake you for
a baddie.
"If you focus on looking at the person, you don't have to worry about detecting
the device itself," said Bob Burns, MALINTENT's project leader. And while there
are devices out there that look at individual cues, a comprehensive screening
device like this has never before been put together.
While FAST's batting average is classified, Undersecretary for Science and
Technology Adm. Jay Cohen declared the experiment a "home run."
As cold and inhuman as the electric eye may be, DHS says scanners are
unbiased and nonjudgmental. "It does not predict who you are and make a
judgment, it only provides an assessment in situations," said Burns. "It analyzes
you against baseline stats when you walk in the door, it measures reactions and
variations when you approach and go through the portal."
But the testing - and the device itself - are not without their problems. This
invasive scanner, which catalogues your vital signs for non-medical reasons,
seems like an uninvited doctor's exam and raises many privacy issues.
But DHS says this is not Big Brother. Once you are through the FAST portal,
your scrutiny is over and records aren't kept. "Your data is dumped," said Burns.
"The information is not maintained - it doesn't track who you are."
DHS is now planning an even wider array of screening technology, including an
eye scanner next year and pheromone-reading technology by 2010.
The team will also be adding equipment that reads body movements, called
"illustrative and emblem cues." According to Burns, this is achievable because

people "move in reaction to what they are thinking, more or less based on the
context of the situation."
FAST may also incorporate biological, radiological and explosive detection, but
for now the primary focus is on identifying and isolating potential human threats.
And because FAST is a mobile screening laboratory, it could be set up at
entrances to stadiums, malls and in airports, making it ever more difficult for
terrorists to live and work among us.
Burns noted his team's goal is to "restore a sense of freedom." Once
MALINTENT is rolled out in airports, it could give us a future where we can once
again wander onto planes with super-sized cosmetics and all the bottles of water
we can carry - and most importantly without that sense of foreboding that has
haunted Americans since Sept. 11.
Allison Barrie, a security and terrorism consultant with the Commission for
National Security in the 21st Century, is FOX News' security columnist.

10/31/08 03:47 am
I'm not sure that tin foil will mitigate the effects, but ya never know...
So...just in case...
No one's safe.
For the new folks? If ya think this is a 'one-off' deal and isn't credible, I
have only one thing to say: "How big is yer inbox?" I have numerous credible
resources regarding this and other techniques and technologies about what can
reasonably and rationally be described as "mind control."
29 OCTOBER 2008
Remote Control of Brain Circuits Using Low Intensity, Low Frequency Pulsed
When asked about the potential of using his groups? methods to remotely
control brain activity, Tyler says: ?One might be able to envision potential
applications ranging from medical interventions to use in video gaming or the
creation of artificial memories along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger?s
character in ?Total Recall.? Imagine taking a vacation without actually going
Brain researchers at Arizona State University have discovered how to use
pulsed ultrasound for remote stimulation of brain circuit activity.
Led by Tyler, the ASU research group discovered that remotely delivered low
intensity, low frequency ultrasound (LILFU) increased the activity of
voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels in a manner sufficient to trigger
action potentials and the release of neurotransmitter from synapses. Since
these processes are fundamental to the transfer of information among neurons,
the authors pose that this type of ultrasound provides a powerful new tool
for modulating the activity of neural circuits.

?Many of the stimulation methods used by neuroscientists require the use and
implantation of stimulating electrodes, requiring direct contact with nervous
tissue or the introduction of exogenous proteins, such as those used for the
light-activation of neurons,? Tyler explains.
The search for new types of noninvasive neurostimulation methods led them to
revisit ultrasound.
?We were quite surprised to find that ultrasound at power levels lower than
those typically used in routine diagnostic medical imaging procedures could
produce an increase in the activity of neurons while higher power levels
produced very little effect on their activity,? Tyler says.
Other neuroscientists and engineers have also been rapidly developing new
neurostimulation methods for controlling nervous system activity and several
approaches show promise for the treatment of a wide variety of nervous system
disorders. For example, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Vagal Nerve
Stimulation (VNS) have been shown to be effective in the management of
psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder, and drug addition, as well as for therapies of neurological
diseases such as Parkinson?s disease, Alzheimer?s disease, Tourette Syndrome,
epilepsy, dystonia, stuttering, tinnitus, recovery of cognitive and motor
function following stroke, and chronic pain.
...One prior stumbling block to using ultrasound noninvasively in the brain
has been the skull. However, the acoustic frequencies utilized by Tyler and
his colleagues to construct their pulsed ultrasound waveforms, overlap with a
frequency range where optimal energy gains are achieved between transcranial
transmission and brain absorption of ultrasound ? which allows the ultrasound
to penetrate bone and yet prevent damage to the soft tissues. Their findings
are supported by other studies examining the potential of high-intensity
focused ultrasound for ablating brain tissues, where it was shown that
low-frequency ultrasound could be focused through human skulls. _Newswise
If you are curious whether such methods have already been used, for example,
at Obama political rallies, Al Fin says that non-disclosure agreements he
signed before touring the neuro-research facilities at the campaign prevent
this blog from providing information on that topic. He was able to tell me
that he was quite impressed by some of the unpublished progress he was shown.
When combined with increased knowledge of the neurological correlates of
cognition and emotions--such as hatred, for example--the ability to remotely
and non-invasively stimulate or suppress activity of specific brain circuits
should prove useful to social engineers of all types.
For more information, consult George Orwell.
Alice Finkel

Homeland Security To Covertly Scan Behaviour

Minority Report technology to analyze behaviour and physiology and determine
Whether you are a terrorist or not
reddit_title='Homeland Security To Covertly Scan Behaviour'
= 'Homeland Security To Covertly Scan Behaviour'; digg_bodytext = ' The
United States Department of Homeland Security is to install a host of new
technology to covertly scan the behaviour and emotions of American citizens in
an effort to prevent terrorism according to an upcoming article in the New
Scientist.'; digg_topic = 'politics';
Steve Watson
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Email Print Friendly Page
Yahoo! MyWeb
The United States Department of Homeland Security is to install a host of new
technology to covertly scan the behaviour and emotions of American citizens in
an effort to prevent terrorism according to an upcoming article in the New
Scientist. Scientists and engineers have been asked to devise ways of analysing
people's behaviour and physiology from afar, in the hope they may reveal clues
about their mental state and even their future intentions, reports the London
Guardian. A program named Project Hostile Intent (PHI) is aiming by 2010 to
develop technology that can scan the bodily functions of citizens without them
knowing and uncover any possible hostile intent or deception. Testimony by the
American Psychological Association (PDF link) states that "Project Hostile Intent
aims to detect and model the behavioral cues that indicate an individual's intent
to carry out acts of terrorism." The testimony continues:
The cues examined in PHI are those that can be assessed remotely and in real
time, and the procedures and technologies required to collect these cues are
non-invasive and amenable to integration into busy operational contexts.
In other words the technology will be covertly placed in public and will
operate just like CCTV, with DHS officials able to remotely access it and apply its
use to anyone in the area.
The DHS offers a further brief explanation of Project Hostile Intent here.
The Guardian reports that the DHS has revealed to New Scientist that
technology to be used for PHI includes lasers, cameras, eye trackers,
microphones and heart rate and breathing sensors. The DHS has also stated that
it wishes to develop a lie detector-type test that can be used remotely which is
described as "an advantage because it would not interfere with the flow of a
crowd and it could be used without the target's knowledge."
The report also states that the Project represents an enhancement of
technology already in use to scan faces in crowds, details of which we have
previously covered.
Infowars has posted hundreds of articles over the years detailing the

involvement of DARPA and the Defense Department in mandating that the States
adopt uniform biometrics on state licenses and ID cards, RFID tracker chips to
replace the bar-code, and cameras that recognize individuals by their faces,
walk, vehicle type or license plate number. Now the DHS is taking America all
the way down the line towards the big brother state.
Peter McOwan, a computer scientist who is developing sensors to detect
people's moods at Queen Mary, University of London, told the Guardian: "It's just
like something from Minority Report. They have been watching too many Tom
Cruise movies."

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The true story behind government sponsored terror, 7/7, Gladio and 9/11, get
Terror Storm!
Let us help you reach a huge audience of potential customers. Help support the
website and take advantage of low advertising rates. Click here for more info.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indeed, the use of this technology for crime prevention and social control is
beyond anything Orwell predicted, and is directly lifted from Phillip K Dick's
Minority Report, which was recently made into a feature film. See below:

Is this the kind of society we want to live in? Clearly not. Is there even a debate
about that?
Once again however, those detached from any kind of moral reality will say "If
you've got nothing to hide then what is the problem with being scanned for precrime? If it keeps us all safe from terrorists I'm all for it". How far towards a
literal technological police state can America slip before its people wake up to
the fact?
We have also previously covered reports out of Britain that detail how teams of
neuroscientists have developed technology that allowing them to look deep
inside a person's brain and read their intentions before they act.
The technology is no longer science fiction. The London Guardian report on the
developments earlier this year debated whether a 'Minority Report' era, where
judgments are handed down before the law is broken on the strength of an
incriminating brain scan, is ethical or not.

And what will be the punishment for pre-crime? With moves to "chemically
castrate" sex offenders by eliminating their sexual desires, seriously being
considered now, how far fetched is it to imagine a future thought criminal's brain
being "corrected" by eliminating the relevant desires or emotions picked up by a
brain scan?
It is not beyond reason to expect this technology to be implemented without
debate. Can anyone remember a real meaningful debate occurring concerning
surveillance cameras before four million of them went up in London?
We have also previously reported on documents leaked from the Home Office in
London revealing that the British government is looking into using X-ray
technology cameras by concealing them in lamp posts to "trap terror suspects".
With the Bush administration's new ability to implement any surveillance
programs it now wishes without oversight, and rabid neocon lapdogs calling for
the heads of anyone who questions them, a pandora's box has been opened that
threatens to turn America into a big brother panopticon state.
So get it straight, you are helping the terrorists by resisting having your
behaviour scanned. Plus, if you have anti-big brother government feelings
Project Hostile Intent will certainly expose you for he terrorist you are.

Brain Transmitters

What They Are

How They Are Used

Investigative Reporting Group
1996 Reprint

Radio Implants and Remote-Controlled Humans

Brain Transmitters
What They Are and How They Are Used
Doctors in Sweden
began placing brain transmitters in the heads of anesthetized patients without
the persons' knowledge in about 1960. The insertion was conducted through the
nostrils and took only a couple of minutes to perform.
Implanted devices can remain in a person's head for life. The energy to activate
the implants is transmitted by way of radio waves. Professor Jos Delgado wrote
about the technology in Physical Control of the Mind in 1969.
The Technology and Its Possibilities
Brain transmitters have been thought to be impossible by the majority of people
and have been relegated to science fiction. The fact is that scientists developed

the technology into reality at least forty years ago.[1]

By means of two-way radio communication called telemetry, or remote control,
one can send wavelengths round trip to a brain transmitter in a person's head.
The wavelengths flow through a person's brain, then return to a computer where
all aspects of a human being's life are uncovered and analyzed.
To allow brain waves, measured by electroencephalograph (EEG), to be
analyzed by a computer instead of through a printout offers new possibilities of
interpretation. The charting of mental thoughts, vision, hearing, feelings, and
behavioral reactions can lead to an analysis of the foundation of personality. It
allows one to study the psyche more completely. In addition, one can follow
chemical reactions, observe patterns of neurons, or follow an illness or disease
and analyze it at an earlier stage of development. All of the above and much
more can be discovered with bio-medical telemetry.[2]
During the 1960s, brain transmitters as small as a half of a cigarette filter made
it possible for doctors to implant them in patients easily and without surgery.[3]
Two-way radio communication throughout the world to the brain was possible
by the late 1950s. This was done in many ways. For example, vocal messages
could be sent by radio waves to receivers placed in the head, where a person
with an attached transmitter could answer directly to a central location with his
thoughts, by brain waves data (EEG) carried with radio signals.[4]
Distances were not a problem, since radio waves could travel globally at the
speed of light.

Implanted brain transmitters (biotelemetry devices) have been reported since

the 1960s: "Two patients instrumented for intracerebral radio stimulation and
recording engage in spontaneous activities (one is playing the guitar) in the
psychiatric ward in the presence of the doctor (VM). Explorations of the brain
can be performed for as long as necessary without disturbing the patients." J.M.R. Delgado, V. Mark, W. Sweet, F. Ervin, G. Weiss, G. Bach-y-Rita, and R.
Hagiwara, "Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free
Patients," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1968, October; 147(4):
pages 329-40.

Liquid crystals which are injected directly into the bloodstream and fasten
themselves to the brain have been developed in the last ten years. It works on
the same principle as the usual transmitters and uses the same technology and
contains the same possibilities.[5] [6]
How It Began - Experiments with the Brain

As early as the 1920s, European scientists made discoveries which paved the
way for future development of brain stimulation. The Swiss W. R. Hess could
identify 4,000 different places in the brain's hypothalamus, which are in direct
contact to certain physical and mental reactions. By stimulating specific points in
the brain by an electrical current, the stimulation of one point of the brain could
bring about aggressive reactions, while the stimulation of another point could
bring about calmness. Through electrical currents to the brain, Dr. Hess could
change peoples' personalities, bring about feelings of happiness or sadness,
hunger or satisfaction, etc. All of this was achieved over seventy years ago.
To the Present and Victims for Life
Brain transmitters, also called electrodes, stimoceivers, and endoradiosondes,
can control the brain and transmit data. They can be used to influence people to
conform to a political system. They can be applied to remotely monitor and
control human beings to serve as agents. The technology exists and is being
utilized. The devices usually remain in a person's head for life.
"Autonomic and somatic functions, individual and social behaviors, emotional
and mental reactions may be evoked, maintained, modified, or inhibited, both in
animals and in man, by electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures.
Physical control of many brain functions is a demonstrated fact. ... It is even
possible to follow intentions, the development of thoughts, and visual
experiences," wrote Dr. Jos Delgado in the book Physical Control of the Mind in
1969. At that time Dr. Delgado was a Professor of Physiology at Yale University,
where he developed techniques for electronically and chemically influencing the
brain. He has published more than two hundred scientific works and is a wellknown authority in neurology and behaviorism.
In the preface to the book, it is written that Dr. Delgado, "... shows how, by
electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced
by radio command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can be
modified, sexual behavior may be changed, and memory, emotions and the
thinking process may be influenced by remote control."[7]
It is possible to change people, create illness, modify opinions, and dull or
activate the senses by penetrating centers of the brain with radio waves. People
then obey controllers instead of their own natural choices. Monitoring of
individuals' brain activity can instantly reveal all private experiences and
observations of others.[8]
"This is the second implanted transmitter; this device appeared under
rather unusual circumstances on 10th March 1972, when I became tranquilized
in the hotel where I was temporarily lodging. This implantation preceded a
period of prolonged torture with personality-altering radio signals 10 - 20 hours
a day and they started communicating directly with my brain. It was then I

realized that they could discern my thoughts and, indeed, experience my entire
range of cognitive activity. ... The picture was taken at Karolinska Hospital
where all radiographers deny that any foreign object can be identified in this
picture. However, there are a number of overseas physicians who testify the
obvious fact, that several transmitters can be seen quite clearly." - Robert
Naeslund, INMC, Open Letter, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1993, page 32.

Dr. Robert G. Heath, of Tulane University, has implanted as many as 125

electrodes in a human being's brain. In his experiments, he discovered that he
could control his patients' memories, sexual arousal, fear, pleasure, and cause
Overriding Proof Against the Hospitals
"In response to your most recent letter regarding the roentgen films, I can only
confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain transmitters, have been
implanted at the base of your frontal brain and in the skull," wrote Professor
Peter Aaron Lindstrom from California to one of his Swedish patients. The
patient was a victim of an implantation of a brain transmitter over twenty-five
years ago. Dr. Lindstrom, who taught at the University of California, San Diego,
added, "There is no excuse for doctors to implant brain transmitters in people's
There is complete evidence that Sdersjukhuset, Karolinska, Nacka, and
Sundsvall hospitals, among others in Sweden, have implanted brain transmitters
without the permission or knowledge of the patients for many decades.
Mental Patients Utilized
Investigations at different mental hospitals in Sweden have shown that a great
number of patients out of fifty interviewed, thought themselves to be victims of
long-term medical experiments. A number of these patients were actually in need
of mental care due to the experiments. There were also many at the hospitals
who were forcibly placed there because they had declared that a transmitter had
been implanted in their heads during an operation, or in conjunction with
admittance to the mental hospital.
Checks were made of all groups with electronic devices which confirmed that
there were radio waves traveling from brain transmitters in many patients.[9]
Interviews with patients were done at Lngbro Hospital, Beckomberga
Hospital, as well as at Karolinska Hospital Psychiatric Clinic.
The radio waves which pass through the brain are not necessarily registered by
one who has a brain transmitter. Only when the effect is greatly increased, for
example when experiments are performed, is it possible for the victim to detect

"This is the third transmitter placed in my head and the first which was
embedded in my brain. Without doubt it was implanted while being detained by
the police in Stockholm 1973; this was my first period of custody and afterwards
I underwent considerable personality modification, a process which had already
begun in 1967 but accelerated rapidly towards criminality after the implantation
of the second transmitter." - Robert Naeslund, INMC, Open Letter, Stockholm,
Sweden, May 1993, page 32.

One of the letters from P.A. Lindstrom, M.D., to his patient that is an
implants victim.

Electronic Measurements

This picture shows the frequencies 18.5 - 18.7 kHz which were sent from a
brain transmitter. The chart was created by a printer connected to a radio
frequency analyzer computer during measurements from a transmitter in a
person's skull.
While measuring other persons, the wavelengths were counted at similar
Long wavelengths are commonly used since they work over vast distances at
the speed of light, and the frequencies are often between 15 - 35 kHz.[10]
The radio waves are called "frequency shift" signals and can flow within a
certain wavelength area. They do not occur in a decided frequency, but rather
through a special modulation, the radio waves identity. The bandwidth was 150
Hz and the effect in all measurements was between 1 - 10 microvolts.
Measurements were done with the following electronic devices:
Hewlett & Packard Spectrum Analyzer 3585 A
Roedre & Schwarts VLF-HF Receiver EK 070
Marconi Spectrum Analyzer
Dynamics SD 375 Spectrum Analyzer
Nicolets Radio Frequency Analyzer Computer
Court Trials in Canada

were heard against a number of hospitals in Montreal in 1989. The hospitals

were accused of carrying on long painful experiments with patients which began
in the 1950s. One of Canada's most honored doctors, Ewen Cameron, Head
Doctor at Royal Victoria Hospital and Allen Memorial Institute, worked on
assignments from the Secret Police that ordered experiments with, among other
things, brain transmitters.[11]
"Furthermore, it can be seen that electrodes placed in the occipital lobe
are blocking the blood flow behind their delimitation where the oxygen depletion
is caused and this is seen as well in his frontal brain just above the implanted
transmitter. Among the changes caused by the frequencies affecting his brain,
the reduced oxygen levels have induced an alteration of neurological functions,
and impaired cognitive abilities including that of memory. Moreover he [Mr.
N'Tumba] has obviously been anesthetized without his knowledge so that this
implantation could be performed. ... The x-ray examination was performed at
Brook Hospital Main, September 16, 1992." - INMC, Letter to British Prime
Minister John Major, Stockholm, Sweden, October 9, 1992.

"... a meeting between Mr. John Austin-Walker, Member of Parliament,

and a victim of mind control, impressed on him the importance of pursuing
investigations into the matter ..." - INMC, Letter to British Prime Minister John
Major, Stockholm, Sweden, October 9, 1992, page 1.

Many Others Cry for Help

Doctors at the World Health Organization's (WHO) office in Copenhagen say
that many Swedes write to them, stating that they have been exploited for
hospital experiments. Many say that devices must have been implanted in their
The United Nations' information office in Copenhagen also says that upset
residents of Sweden have contacted them and have sought help as victims of
hospital experiments.
Amnesty International in Stockholm and Copenhagen tell a similar story, as well
as the Citizens' Rights Movement, representatives of the Green Party of Sweden,
and a number of female members of the Swedish Parliament.
Those who contact the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare
(Socialstyrelsen) about this issue are sent to Department Ptp (formerly HS4 and

SN3). Then they are informed that they are psychologically ill and that they run
the risk of being admitted to a mental hospital if they continue to talk about a
device in their heads. Additionally, they are told that brain transmitters do not
Swedish Board of Health and Welfare
The person Dr. Lindstrom later helped had by 1977 written to authorities in
Sweden and explained to them to what he had been subjected. Among those he
wrote to was the General Director of the Board of Health and Welfare.
Declared Mentally Ill
Dr. Annmari Jonson at the Board of Health and Welfare referred to the letter a
year later when she explained, "He intensely maintains everything which he had
written to the Board of Health and Welfare. He exhibits, in this way, obvious
misconceptions and points clearly to the need for psychiatric examination."
The examination was conducted in 1978 by Dr. Janos Jez, who wrote:
"He says that he is convinced that a device was applied in his head during an
operation at Sdersjukhuset. He ought to be considered dangerous if this pattern
of misconceptions cannot be erased; and if he then begins to doubt his ideas and
thereafter begins to have insight into his illness. He should therefore be
committed to an asylum."
Five years later Dr. Lindstrom wrote, "... I can only confirm that some foreign
objects, most likely brain transmitters, have been implanted at the base of your
frontal brain and in the skull. ... I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence who in his
book on page 27 wrote: 'There are two particularly dreadful procedures which
have been developed. Those working and playing with them secretly call them
R.H.I.C. and E.D.O.M.-Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic
Dissolution of Memory.'"
The patient wrote to both the doctors and the Board of Health and Welfare's
General Director, Barbro Westerholm, and included a copy of Dr. Lindstrom's
declaration. However, none of them desired to answer, which indicates both the
Board of Health and Welfare's attitude towards the issue, and even the doctors'
What Brain Transmitters Look Like

The above photographs are of brain transmitters. The above one on the left is
an enlargement taken from an X-ray. The above picture on the right was taken at

an operation to remove the implant.

The above one on the right shows the shape of the most usual type of brain
transmitter. It looks like a bullet and is put into place through the nose. This
device was inserted during an operation at Sdersjukhuset in Stockholm by Dr.
Curt Strand at the end of the 1960s, without the knowledge or consent of the
patient. It was placed just underneath the brain. This implant is the same shape
on both sides and its actual length is 16 millimeters (mm) or .62 inch, with a
width of 7 mm (.27 inch).
The above picture to the left shows a brain transmitter which has the shape of a
mushroom. It was implanted through a surgical opening in the forehead. Its
actual size is 7 mm (.27 inch) across the head, while the stem is 4 mm (.16 inch).
Most implant victims are unaware of the devices because they were sedated
during the procedures. Then they are amnesic, monitored, and controlled.
However there are some disclosures.
"This is the fourth transmitter in my head and it was inserted in
connection with an appearance at Nacka Police Station, just outside Stockholm,
on 26th November 1975, ostensibly for interrogation. I was locked up in a cell,
but after a short while I fell into a deep sleep from which I emerged to an
entirely new life. It is during these hours when the transmitter was implanted,
and when, I awoke I had a searing high frequency signal at about 100 db in my
skull. This was to plague me for about 16 hours a day for the past eight years
and completely transform my life. It depressed the functional capacity of my
right cerebral hemisphere and altered my personality, behavior, and abilities as
if they no longer were part of myself." - Robert Naeslund, INMC, Open Letter,
Stockholm, Sweden, May 1993, page 32.

Doctors Warn
Dr. Robert J. Grimm of the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon, stated
in March 1974 at a doctor's symposium in California, that he viewed brain
control and influencing the brain with radio waves was of similar importance as
to the debate concerning the detonation of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima.
He also asked, "Do scientists have the right to pursue projects potentially
destructive of human life, and in this era, destructive of the individual?"
And Protest to the Swedish Government
The chairman of an internationally influential scientific organization in Canada,
Dr. Andrew Michrowski, wrote in 1985 to the Swedish government and sought
an answer about Sweden's obvious encroachment of human rights. He saw clear
evidence that Swedish doctors implanted brain transmitters in patients, and

referred to the Declaration of Human Rights signed by Sweden.

The Swedish government did not reply.

"This X-ray shows three transmitters in the frontal lobes. All of these were
implanted on different occasions by the Swedish police. The detainee had been
put to sleep unaware, as usual, at the police remand center in Stockholm. A
doctor writes in his statement concerning this X-ray:
'...Later I received your additional skull film which clearly demonstrated some
implanted transmitters, one inside the brain and two probably just underneath
the brain.'
The upper arrow indicates the object lodged completely within the brain. All
these transmitters were inserted through the nostrils and implanted into the
frontal lobes in the vicinity of the upper opening of the nasal passage." - Lennart
Lindquist, Evamarie Taylor, and Robert Naeslund, Cybergods, Stockholm:
Gruppen, 1996, page 11.

Another medical opinion about X-rays, "... taken at Karolinska Hospital

where all radiographers deny that any foreign object can be identified." - INMC,
Open Letter, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1993, page 32.

FOA Educates Doctors

Since the 1960s, the Swedish Defense Research Institution (FOA) has educated
hospital doctors, mostly surgeons and psychiatrists, regarding brain transmitters
and bio-medical telemetry.
One of the books which was used twenty-five years ago at FOA's Department 3
in education had the title Bio-Medical Telemetry (1968), written by Dr. Stuart
Mackay. Dr. Mackay wrote in the introduction that, "The purpose of this book is
to introduce a wide segment of the scientific community to the rapidly
developing field of bio-medical telemetry. It presents to physicians, engineers,
and scientists information about the possibilities of different telemetric methods.
It gives biologists a background in electronics to enable them to choose
The former head of FOA, Lars-Erik Tammelin, and the following director, Bo
Rydbeck, are medical doctors with advanced knowledge in biology.

When Bo Rydbeck became head of the FOA in 1985, he said in an interview in

the newspaper Dagens Nyheter that, "Among the current assignments, more
intensive effort will be put into information technology." Which includes both
telemetry and brain transmitters as essential parts.[13]
Dr. Mackay continued in his introduction, "Among the many telemetry
instruments being used today [1968] are miniature radio transmitters that can
be swallowed, carried externally, or surgically implanted in man or animals.
Recent developments include pressure transmitters small enough to be placed in
the eye, ultrasonic and radio units for free-swimming dolphins, units for tracking
wild animals, and pill-sized transmitters of many designs and functions that can
operate continuously for several years. The scope of observations that can be
made is too broad to more than hint at with a few examples. ... The possibilities
are limited only by the imagination of the investigator."
Dr. Stuart Mackay has worked as a Professor at the University of California,
Berkeley, and at many foreign universities. His main fields are Medicine and
Computers and the Brain
"Dr. Delgado is optimistic that with the increasing sophistication and
miniaturization of electronics, it may be possible to compress the necessary
circuitry for a small computer into a chip that is implantable subcutaneously. In
this way, the new self-contained instrument could be devised; capable of
receiving, analyzing and sending back information to the brain, establishing
artificial links between unrelated cerebral areas, functional feedbacks, and
programs of stimulations contingent on the appearance of predetermined wave
patterns," wrote Samuel Chavkin in The Mind Stealers (1978), a book about
psychosurgery and mind control.
Samuel Chavkin was the founder and chief editor of the Science and Medicine
Publishing Company, which publishes periodicals concentrating on medical
In the preface to the book it is stated that, "Telemetry for the surveillance of
every citizen is on the drawing boards. Chavkin's prediction that mind-control
techniques could become standard equipment of governments, prisons, and
police departments is backed by forceful documentation."[14]
Biotelemetry systems that remotely "mind read" and "mind control" have
existed for decades. Brain transmitters measure EEG and send data to
computers that instantly translate it into words. Implants also deliver electric
shocks that control a brain and behaviors. The devices are now less than 1 mm
(.04 inch) in diameter.
Dr. Delgado conducted experiments in the early 1960s that placed an electrode
on the eardrum (middle ear) of a cat. The device picked-up people's

conversations and transmitted them to a receiver for listening. According to

Victor Marchetti, co-author of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (1974), the
CIA attached a tiny radio implant to a cat's cochlea (inner ear) for surveillance
A few years after Delgado's implanted "bug" experiments, Dr. Ralph
Schwitzgebel developed a miniature radio receiver so that a therapist could
communicate with his subject.
Tiny combination microphone-transceiver-speakers are implanted inside
unsuspecting people's ears. The instruments transmit nearby conversations and
deliver audio commands. Individuals are conditioned to obey the directives,
though they are usually unaware of the voices.[15]
"X-ray photograph taken the day following the operation [August 12,
1987, St. Carolus Hospital, Ji Salemba, Djakarta], the 1/2 cm [.20 inch] deep area
of branded cortex can be identified, as can the implanted transmitter." - INMC,
Open Letter, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1993, page 15.

Report for an x-ray examination conducted over three and a half years
after an August 12, 1987 brain implant victimization.

In 1985
an advertisement placed by the Swedish Citizens' Rights Movement in over
thirty daily and weekly publications stated that doctors in larger hospitals in
Sweden inserted brain transmitters in anesthetized patients during operations.
At the same time, a letter signed by fifty people was sent to the Attorney
The Attorney General Questioned
Those who had signed the letter had read through material which showed that
the reality of brain transmitters is a fact. The signers demanded an answer from
the Attorney General on whether the implantation of brain transmitters is a
crime or not. Those who signed the letter were representatives from different
human rights groups, the Swedish Peace Movement, professors from, for
example, the Royal School of Technology, lawyers, and others.
The State Says Yes to Brain Transmitters

The Attorney General did not reply to the letter. Instead, he sent it to the
Attorney District (verklagaren), who said that this issue should not be
considered a crime. Decision from May 15, 1985, verklagaren Register
number AD II 76-85.
However, of course it is one of the harshest crimes which the state can commit;
to deny the right of the individual to his or her own brain, and to inner peace
without the interference of government authorities. Since Sweden signed the
Human Rights Act, it must follow the act's assumptions. In any case, it means
that a new relationship has been created between the state and the people of the
"There are similar signs, here and now, like in Germany during the 1930s,
where the country's leading doctors and politicians see individuals as objects of
experimentation where their brains and behaviors are changed," wrote Samuel
Chavkin about the United States in 1978. The same can be said about Sweden,
the same ideas exist here. Mind-control technology has changed since the 1970s
and has been developed even further.[16]
X-ray of a person with two types of brain implants and an object in the

This material is for publication.

If you are interested as a journalist, or would like more information, please
write to us.
Investigation and reporting done by:
Investigative Reporting Group
Box 136
S-114 21 Stockholm, Sweden

Brain Transmitters: What They Are and How They Are Used,
Mediaeko, Investigative Reporting Group, 1996 Reprint, Revised.*
*Adapted, revised, and reprinted from:
Brain Transmitters: What They Are and How They Are Used,
Mediaeko, Investigative Reporting Group, 1992.

Compiled extensively from Mediaeko, Mediaecco, and International Network

against Mind Control's (INMC) material.

The four books marked with a Y (psi) describe Dr. Ewen Cameron's exploitation
of patients in long-lasting painful medical and psychological experiments, and his
participation in the development of different mind-control methods. He was one
of the world's most highly regarded physicians, and was at different times
president of the American Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, the American Psychopathological Association, the Society of
Biological Psychiatry, and the World Psychiatric Association.
Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing. William
Sargant. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984.
Bio-Medical Telemetry. Stuart Mackay, M.D. New York: Wiley, 1968.
The Body Electric. Robert Becker, M.D. and Gary Seldon. New York: William
Morrow Co., 1985.
The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control. Maya Pines. New
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.
Brain Control: A Critical Examination of Brain Stimulation and Psychosurgery.
Elliot S. Valenstein. New York: Wiley, 1973.
"Brainwash Experiments Still Enrage Victim's Son." Jacqueline Cutler. San Jose
Mercury News, October 9, 1988.
Brave New World Revisited. Aldous Huxley. 1958.
The Breaking of Bodies and Minds: Torture, Psychiatric Abuse and The Health
Professions. Eric Stover and Elena Nightingale, M.D., Ph.D. New York: Freeman
& Co., 1985.
Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Daniel Ryder. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: CompCare Publishers, 1992.
"Canada Settles with Brainwash Victims." Robert Davis. Gannett News Service,
November 19, 1992.
"Central Nervous System Stimulation by Implanted High Frequency Receiver."
A. Mauro, W.L.M. Davey, and A.M. Scher. Fed. Proc., Baltimore, 1950, 9.
"Cold War Guinea Pigs: The Government's Secret Experiments using Radiation,
Mind Control, Chemicals and Drugs on its Citizens." Stephen Budiansky, Erica E.
Goode, and Ted Gest. U.S. News & World Report, January 24, 1994.
The Controllers. Martin Cannon. Aptos, California: Davis Books, 1990.
Depth-Electrographic Stimulation of the Human Brain and Behavior: From
Fourteen Years of Studies and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease and Mental
Disorders with Implanted Electrodes. C.W. Sem-Jacobsen. Springfield, Illinois:
Thomas Publishers, 1968.
"Electrical Excitation of the Nervous System-Introducing a New System of
Remote Control." E.L. Chaffee and R.U. Light. Science, 1934, 79.
Electrical Stimulation of Brain. S. Cobb. Texas Press, 1961.

"Electrode and Cannulae Implantation in the Brain by a Simple Percutaneous

Method." J.C. Lilly. Science, 1958, 127.
"The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict." Capt. Paul E. Tyler,
MC, USN. Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology. Lt. Col. David J. Dean,
USAF (Editor). Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press, June
"Electrophysiology of Mental Activities." E. Jacobson. American Journal of
Psychology, 1932, 44, 677-694.
"Endoradiosonde." R.S. Mackay and B. Jacobson. Nature, 179, June, 1957.
"Epileptiform Convulsions from 'Remote' Excitation." F.A. Fender. Archives of
Neurology and Psychiatry, 1937, 38.
"Evaluation of Seven Years Experience with Depth Electrode Studies in Human
Patients." R.G. Heath and W.A. Mickle. In: Electrical Studies on the
Unanesthetized Brain. E.R. Ramey and D.S. O'Doherty, Editors. New York:
Hoeber, 1960.
Y A Father, a Son and the CIA. Harvey Weinstein, M.D. Toronto: Lorimer & Co.,
"Human Guinea Pigs are American as Apple Pie." Samuel Chavkin, author of
The Mind Stealers: Psychosurgery and Mind Control (1978). New York Times,
Letters to Editor, January 11, 1994.
The Human Guinea Pigs. John McGuffin. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974.
Implantable Biotelemetry Systems: a Report. Thomas B. Fryer. Ames Research
Center, NASA, 1970.
Y In the Sleep Room. Anne Collins. 1988.
"Instrumentation, Working Hypotheses, and Clinical Aspects of
Neurostimulation." J.M.R. Delgado. Applied-Neurophysiology, 1977-78, 40(2-4):
"Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free Patients."
J.M.R. Delgado, V. Mark, W. Sweet, F. Ervin, G. Weiss, G. Bach-y-Rita, and R.
Hagiwara. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1968, 147.
Y Journey into Madness: the True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical
Abuse. Gordon Thomas. Bantam Books, New York, 1989.
"Magnetic Implants Aid Hearing." Popular Science, November, 1994.
The Manchurian Candidate. Richard Condon. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.
"A Method for the Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous
System." E.L. Chaffee and R.U. Light. Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine, 1934,
Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation. Julianne McKinney.
Silver Spring, Maryland: Association of National Security Alumni, 1992.
Mind-Control Manuscript and Open Letter. Mediaecco. Stockholm, Sweden:
International Network against Mind Control (INMC), May, 1993.
"Mind Control: the Top Secret Weapons of the Future Are Here." Larry Collins.
Playboy, January, 1990.
The Mind Manipulators: A Non-fiction Account. Alan Scheflin and Edward
Opton. New York: Paddington Press, 1978.
The Mind Possessed. William Sargant. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984.
The Mind Stealers: Psychosurgery and Mind Control. Samuel Chavkin. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978.

The Mind-Control Papers. Los Angeles: Editors of Freedom, 1980.

"Multichannel Transdermal Stimulation of the Brain." J.M.R. Delgado. Technical
Documentary Report No. ARL-TR-70-1, New Mexico: Holloman Air Force Base,
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. Robert
Lifton. New York: Basic Books, 1986.
"On Hearing by Electrical Stimulation." S. Stevens. Journal of Acoust. Soc. Am.,
1937, 8.
Operation Mind Control. Walter H. Bowart. New York: Dell Publishing Co.,
Operation Mind Control 2. Walter H. Bowart. Tucson, Arizona: Freedom of
Thought Foundation, 1994.
The People Shapers. Vance Packard. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1977.
"A Perfusion Cannula for Intracerebral Microinjections." R.G. Heath and W.L.
Founds. EEG Clinical Neurophysiology, 1960, 12.
"Permanent Implantation of Multilead Electrodes in the Brain." J.M.R. Delgado.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 1952, 24.
"Persistent EEG Patterns Associated with Overt and Covert Speech." Lawrence
R. Pinneo. Neurophysiology Program. Menlo Park, California: Stanford Research
Institute, 1975.
Physical Control of the Mind. Jos M.R. Delgado, M.D. New York: Harper and
Row Publishers, 1969.
"Pressure-sensitive Telemetering Capsule for the Study of Gastrointestinal
Motility." J.T. Farrar, V.K. Zworykin, and J. Baum. Science, 1957, 126,
Y Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control. Harvey Weinstein, M.D.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1990.
Psychotechnology: Electronic Control of Mind and Behavior. Robert L.
Schwitzgebel and Ralph K. Schwitzgebel (Editors). New York: Holt, Rinehart,
and Winston, 1973.
"Radio Telemetry from Within the Body." R.S. Mackay. Science, 1961, 134.
"A Remote Control Brain Telestimulator System." H. Warner. Digest: 15th
Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, November, 1962.
Ritual Abuse: Definitions, Glossary, the Use of Mind Control. Ritual Abuse Task
Force. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Commission for Women, 1991.
L.A.C.C.W., 383 Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA
90012 U.S.A.
"Sci-Fact-Not Fiction: High-Tech Slavery is Here." Maitefa Angaza. The City
Sun, Brooklyn, New York, December 15-21, 1993.
The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control. John
Marks. New York: Time Books, 1979.
"Solid-state Electrodes for Multichannel Multiplexed Intracortical Neuronal
Recording." S.L. Bement, et al. IEEE Trans. Bio-Medical Engineering, 1986, 33.
"Stimulation of the Brain by Means of Radiant Energy." J.A. Gengerelli.
American Psychologist, 1948, 3.
"Subminiature Radio EEG Telemeter for Studies of Disturbed Children." R.
Vreeland, et al. Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. San Francisco,
California: California Department of Mental Hygiene, Government Publications,

November, 1962.
Such Things are Known. Dorothy Burdick. New York: Vantage Press, 1982.
"A Technique for Chronic Remote Nerve Stimulation." M.M. Lafferty and J.F.
Farrell. Science, 1949, 110.
"Technique of Intracranial Electrode Emplacement for Recording and
Stimulation and its Possible Therapeutic Value in Psychotic Patients." J.M.R.
Delgado, H. Hamlin, and W.P. Chapman. Confinia Neurologica, 1952, 12.
"Telemetry and Telestimulation of the Brain." J.M.R. Delgado. In: Biotelemetry.
L. Slater, (Ed.). New York: Pergamon, 1963.
"Two-way Radio Communication with the Brain in Psychosurgical Patients."
J.M.R. Delgado, S. Obrador, and J.G. Martin-Rodriquez. In: Surgical Approaches
in Psychiatry. L.V. Laitinen and Livingston, (Editors). Lancaster, England:
Medical and Technical Publishing, 1973.
"U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology." Barbara Opall. Defense
News, January 11-17, 1993.
The Unquiet Mind. William Sargant. Ashford: The Invicta Press, 1984.
War on the Mind, the Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology. Peter Watson.
New York: Basic Books, 1978.
Were We Controlled?. Lincoln Lawrence. New York: University Books, 1967.
You Must Be Dreaming. Barbara Noel. New York: Poseidon Press, 1992.

--------------------------------[1] The technology was developed in the United States in the CIA
projects called "ARTICHOKE," "BLUEBIRD," "MKDELTA," and "MKULTRA." The
area has at different times been called ESB (Electronic Stimulation of the Brain),
Brain-Computer Technology, Biological Radio-Communication, RHIC (Radio
Hypnotic Intra-cerebral Control), and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory),
among others. All of these are pseudonyms for bio-medical telemetry, which is
the prevailing technique used for mind control in the eastern and western

[2] Electroencephalograph (EEG) Telemetry System consists of

transmitters, receivers, and other components used for remotely monitoring or
measuring EEG signals by means of radio or telephone transmission systems (In
the U.S.A. see Food and Drug Administration, Medical Devices: Classification of
Neurological Devices).

[3] "Dr. Antoine Remond, using our techniques in Paris, has

demonstrated that this method of stimulation of the brain can be applied to the
human without the help of the neurosurgeon; he is doing it in his office in Paris

without neurosurgical supervision. This means that anybody with the proper
apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that
electrodes have been used on that person. I feel that if this technique got into
the hands of a secret agency, they would have total control over a human being
and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly, leaving little evidence of
what they had done." - John C. Lilly, M.D., 1953: The Scientist, John C. Lilly,
M.D., Berkeley: Ronin Publishing, 1988, page 91.

[4] "Biotelemetry, which was developed to monitor the temperature,

brain-wave activity, breathing rate, and heartbeat ... Biosensors attached to the
body send data by wire or radio. This information may be displayed on
oscilloscopes for doctors to analyze. It can also be fed into a computer that
'watches' the patient ... Some biosensors, called endoradiosondes, can be
implanted in the body. The tiny batteries that power them can be recharged by
radio waves." - Compton's Encyclopedia, Electronic Edition, 1995.

[5] "... the American multinational company ..., which blends radio
transmitting material into its liquid cortisone preparation ... [and] it is effective
in whatever part of the body the injection is made. It is highly likely that ... [it] is
not unique in this way-other medical products are suspect, ..." - International
Network against Mind Control (INMC), Open Letter, Stockholm, Sweden, May
1993, page 38.

[6] CIA documents mention "liquid crystals" related to behavior control,

e.g.: "The project will support studies ? of solid and liquid crystals ? The
materials to be studied will, to a large extent, also be of biological interest. ?
These relate to physical studies which are required to develop effective
materials which will influence the human nervous system." (1 September 1961) ?
"An exploratory study concerned with ? certain ferroelectric crystals. ? There is
also some support for structural studies of organic materials which have shown
semiconductor activity." (23 July 1962) - Project MKULTRA, Subproject 99,
August 1959 - September 1962, CIA MORI DocID: 17502.

[7] Instrumentation developed includes: "brain radio stimulators, ... and

an optoelectric sensor for telemetry ... combining multichannel stimulator and
EEG telemetric instrument; transdermal stimoceivers, totally implantable for
two-way communication with the brain through the intact skin; and implantable
microprocessor for detection of EEG signals which are used to trigger contingent
brain stimulation. ... and establishment of artificial neuronal links with the aide
of the computer." - J.M.R. Delgado, M.D., "Instrumentation, Working Hypotheses,

and Clinical Aspects of Neurostimulation," Applied-Neurophysiology, 1977-78;

40(2-4): pages 88-110.

[8] "Tracking could also be combined with ESB by broadcasting to and

from the brain. Placement of a device inside the skull or in another part of the
body is technically more difficult than strapping it to the wrist, but once placed,
the device is more secure and can transmit more detailed information." - Alan
Scheflin and Edward Opton, The Mind Manipulators: A Non-fiction Account. New
York: Paddington Press, 1978, page 349.

[9] "Who is wasting tax money on experiments using devices smaller

than needle points that are injected into people's bodies without consent? These
people are then given shocks for 'improper behavior.' Radio frequencies are set
aside by government for such experiments. ... It is illegal. If the scope of this
program and its CLASSIFIED nature does not scare you, think again." - Citizens
for Open and Honest Treatment of the Handicapped, Announcements, 1993.

[10] "Early workers in this field used a low-radio frequency, typically

300 to 1500 kHz, ... Since 1960, transistors for operation at 100 MHz have been
available, ... implanted systems work very well in the region of 100 MHz. ...
placement of a self-contained transmitter totally within the tissue represents a
somewhat different situation. The tissue absorbs energy, but it also appears to
compensate for this loss by reradiation of energy and effective increase in the
size of the transmitting antenna." - Thomas B. Fryer, Implantable Biotelemetry
Systems: a Report, Ames Research Center, NASA, 1970, page 65.

[11] "Just what happened to Mr. N'Tumba, he describes himself in a

letter to us:
'Concerning the brain transmitter in my head, it has been performing without
my knowledge or consent ... What's very outrageous is that I am sharing all my
vision, thoughts, images, hearings ... etc. with people around me as the security
services are engaging in a large scale propaganda drive to smear my character,
background, behavior, emotions and motives ... I have no privacy at all ... I am
not a spy, I am not a criminal, I am not a terrorist. Being an innocent victim of
MI5 ... my persecution started in June 1988.'
What is more, there is no reason to suspect the validity of what he writes; we
are overburdened with letters such as this one from the USA, Denmark, Sweden,
Germany, New Zealand and our investigations in Sweden reveal a terrifying
reality where the mental health services, police authorities and hospitals implant
radio-transmitting devices in people's heads and brains.

This reality is exposed by a vast amount of X-ray material to be a chilling and

gloomy vision of the future, stage-managed for decades by the security forces in
collaboration with medical and psychiatric institutions who together have
created a secret power which transcends law and order and which is beyond
intrusive public control." - INMC, Letter to British Prime Minister John Major,
Stockholm, Sweden, October 9, 1992, page 2.

[12] "If the stimulation Delgado plans to administer is electric, the shaft
is an exceedingly thin steel-wire electrode coated with insulation except at the
tip. Dozens of such needlelike wires may be inserted from one opening and can
be attached to the same socket on top of the skull, or eventually inside it. ...
Delgado has pioneered in the remote control of electrical stimulation. He began
shaping the behavior of subjects while he was in a nearby room manning a pushbutton radio device. Now he can do this from thousands of feet away.
At first the sockets he was using to receive radio messages were outside the
scalp. Now the equipment, built under a microscope, is the size of a coin and can
be planted under the scalp and so is unnoticeable in a free-moving subject. Also,
the device not only receives instructions but broadcasts back the subject's
reactions. Delgado calls it a transdermal stimoceiver.
A very recent refinement, still being perfected, is for the information being
received back from inside the brain to go to a tiny computer. This computer is
being programmed to recognize abnormal brain-wave activity. ...
With humans he and his associates have stimulated several areas involved in
motor activity. ... He caused one woman patient in his group, when she was alone
in her own room, to turn her head and move her body as if she were looking for
something. This was repeated. When she was asked what she was doing, the
woman always had a plausible explanation. Apparently, she had no idea she was
responding to the electrical stimulation of her brain. ...
Lawrence R. Pinneo, a ... neurophysiologist ... at the Stanford Research
Institute, ... has proved that you can think into a computer, and that the
instructions you think can cause the computer to activate and move remotecontrol cameras and other machines. In short, the machines obey your mental
Pinneo started with the motor theory of thought. This holds that verbal thinking
is nothing more than subvocal speech. With a number of subjects he attached
electrodes to the area of the scalp near the region where speech originates. On
command they were to think of a word, such as 'schoolboy' or 'start' or 'left.'
They were to repeat the word in their minds ten times. All this thinking of words
was being registered by a computer. It averaged out a recognition pattern for
each word. He proceeded to build up a vocabulary of fifteen unspoken English
words that the computer could recognize. He trained the computer to recognize
actually spoken words (overt speech) as well as think words (covert speech).
They came out much alike in the word patterns that the computer stored away.
In his preliminary report Pinneo stated: 'We conclude that it is feasible for a
human verbally to communicate both overtly and covertly with a computer using

biological information [EEG] alone, with a high degree of accuracy and

reliability, at least with a small vocabulary.' ...
This is interesting as an exercise in scientific versatility. But what would the
practical applications be, assuming that 100 percent accuracy is achieved with a
much larger vocabulary of words that were only thought, not spoken? ?
Perhaps the best practical use would be in surreptitious situations." - Vance
Packard, The People Shapers, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1977, pages
42-43, 55, 285-286.

[13] "An essential part of biotelemetry encompasses the transmission of

data. This occurs mostly with help from a surgically implanted transmitter. ...
The technology has been developed quite extensively in medical research." - P.M.
Persson, Swedish Defense Research Institution, FOA, 1965.

[14] Publishers Weekly's review of The Mind Stealers, by Samuel


[15] "... The situation just described is not our first encounter with the
apparent use of medical implant devices in these harassment/mind-control cases.
Another of our contacts began receiving auditory input roughly 15 years after
she had 4 mm. cochlear implants placed in her ears. The 'voices' claim to be
affiliated with the CIA and, among other things, expressed intentions of running
this woman as an agent in denied areas by 'piggybacking' their audio
transmissions onto standard FM frequencies to avoid detection. ...
[Another] individual ... also appears to have been 'tagged' by some type of
implant device. ... During this meeting, she accepted the offer of a drink, blacked
out after consuming it, and awoke four hours later, ... to find that the back of her
ear had been punctured and was bleeding. ... She has since found two adjacent
puncture marks behind her ear, which are not healing properly, and between
which she can feel the presence of a 'wire' measuring approximately 1/4" length.
In yet another case involving auditory input, the individual has allegedly been
informed by her 'voices' that the technologies being used against her were stolen
from the CIA by a maverick employee, whose group is now targeting her from a
distance of 2,000 miles. ...
One unusually-candid CIA spokesman also allegedly informed this individual
that, 'while the CIA does not deny having this equipment,' they 'do not use it in
this country.'" - Julianne McKinney, Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control
Experimentation, Silver Spring, MD: Association of National Security Alumni,
1992, pages 15-16.

[16] "ESB, however, used in conjunction with psycho-surgery and

behavior modification, offered unlimited possibilities. After experiments on
laboratory animals met with success, human experimentation was
enthusiastically undertaken in quest of the most reliable and absolute method of
remote control of the mind. ...
And, in 1974, the first victim of Parkinson's disease treated by ESB walked
gracefully out of a San Francisco hospital under his own power, thanks to
portable ESB. He had a 'stimoceiver' implanted in his brain ... The 'stimoceiver'
which weighed only a few grams and was small enough to implant under his
scalp, permitted both remote stimulation of his brain and the instantaneous
telemetric recording of his brain waves. ...
In 1975 a primitive 'mind reading machine' was tested at the Stanford Research
Institute. The machine is a computer which can recognize a limited amount of
words by monitoring a person's silent thoughts. This technique relies upon the
discovery that brain wave tracings taken with an electroencephalograph (EEG)
show distinctive patterns that correlate with individual words-whether the words
are spoken aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of). ...
While Dr. Reed conceded that it was 'conceivable that thoughts could be
injected' into a person's mind by the government, he indicated that he did not
believe it had already been done. ...
Typically, the scientists have not been vigilant enough, for the cryptocracy
already has developed remote-controlled men who can be used for political
assassination and other dangerous work, ...
In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book ... [Were We
Controlled? presented] a sophisticated technique known as RHIC-EDOM ... Radio
Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory. ...
'Under RHIC, a "sleeper" can be used years later with no realization that the
"sleeper" is even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will
have no memory of ever having carried out. In a manipulated kind of kamikaze
operation where the life of the "sleeper" is dispensable, RHIC processing makes
him particularly valuable because if he is detected and caught before he
performs the act specified . . . nothing he says will implicate the group or
government which processed and controlled him.'" - Walter Bowart, Operation
Mind Control, New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978, pages 253, 256-262.

12/11/08 03:53 pm
Published: 6 hours ago, 04:50 EST, December 11, 2008
Dreams may no longer be secret with Japan computer screen
Technology / Hi Tech
Japanese student demonstrates walking in a virtual world on a flat screen
monitor with the character controled by his brain waves in Yokohama in 2007.
A Japanese research team has advanced even further by creating a technology
that could eventually d ...
Japanese student demonstrates walking in a virtual world, on a flat screen
monitor, with the character controled by his brain waves, in Yokohama, in
2007. A Japanese research team has advanced even further by creating a
technology that could eventually display on a computer screen what people
have on their minds, such as dreams.
Researchers at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories succeeded in
processing and displaying images directly from the human brain, they said in
a study unveiled ahead of publication in the US magazine Neuron.
While the team for now has managed to reproduce only simple images from the
brain, they said the technology could eventually be used to figure out dreams
and other secrets inside people's minds.
"It was the first time in the world that it was possible to visualise what
people see directly from the brain activity," the private institute said in a
"By applying this technology, it may become possible to record and replay
subjective images that people perceive like dreams."
When people look at an object, the eye's retina recognises an image that is
converted into electrical signals which go into the brain's visual cortex.
The team, led by chief researcher Yukiyasu Kamitani, succeeded in catching the
signals and then reconstructing what people see.
In their experiment, the researchers showed people the six letters in the word
"neuron" and then succeeded in reconstructing the letters on a computer
screen by measuring their brain activity.
The team said that it first figured out people's individual brain patterns by
showing them some 400 different still images.
2008 AFP

12/14/08 04:12 pm
Most of you know nothing about 'Janis.' The rest of you know damned little.
I've been working with Janis and his associates for several years, now. We've
been assembling information, resources, references and scientific papers on
'mind control.'
We've been distributing it to everyone who will listen and who can accept the
facts for what they are. Sadly, the only public figure who has listened to us
is Dennis Kucinich, D-OH. His peers, his political enemies and the media have
done what they can to discredit him because of it. I personally disagree with
Kucinich on almost everything. I absolutely despise his political ideology.
However, on this one issue, Mind Control, he is absolutely and irrefutably
At this point, some of the information about the technology is beginning to
go mainstream.
Some of you on my 'Friends' list may have additional questions. I have 100
folders with numerous references and resources that you can examine and which
will provide numerous paths for further research.
Mind Control. It's no longer a matter solely for discussion by conspiracy
theorists...or political extremists from either side of the aisle.
---------- Forwarded Message ---------Subject: FYI
Date: Sunday 14 December 2008 08:17 am
From: Janis
Homeland Security testing 'mind-reading' checkpoints

By Humphrey Cheung
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 15:33
vote nowBuzz up!
Washington DC - The Department of Homeland Security is currently testing a
scanning system that can almost read your mind. Aptly called MALINTENT, the

system is sort of like a polygraph test and scans for body temperature,
respiration and a voice stress except that in this case the person being
scanned isn't hooked up to any cables. MALINTENT is run out of a modified
trailer and is currently being tested by the Department of Homeland
Security's Directorate for Science and Technology. The system was recently
tested in Maryland against 144 people who believed they were going to a
technology expo. 23 of those people were told to act like terrorists and
tried to smuggle an explosive device into the venue. People line up outside
the trailer and enter one by one. Once inside they are greeted by security
agents, a standup metal detector and various other sensors studded along the
walls. You can see MALINTENT in action in the following Fox News video link.
Subjects are asked to look directly at the interviewer while they answer
several security questions like "Do you plan to detonate an explosive at the
expo today?" and "Do you plan to illegally record any information at the
expo today?" Sensors monitor the subjects' voice, facial muscles, body
temperature, respiration rate and heart rate while being interviewed.
Computers then convert these readings a risk assessment and in the system
can recommend further screening for those who are apparently up to no good.
The Department of Homeland Security wants to implement MALINTENT into
trailers (Future Attribute Screening Technology) and claims the system gives
a fast and nonbiased way of screening people. Each person can be screened in
approximately two to four minutes and the computers supposedly aren't fooled
by anxious or hurried people. Of course privacy advocates are raising
questions about all the data that is gathered during the screening process,
but the Department of Homeland Security is assuring the public that all the
information gathered by MALINTENT will be erased after the subject steps out
of the trailer. Like all experimental projects extra sensors and
modifications are being added as we speak the Department of Homeland
Security hopes adding eye scanner and pheromone reading sensor by 2010 the
department is also looking into adding body movement scanners.

12/14/08 04:52 pm
Interesting the direction science is moving.
There seems to be some really McCabe social
engineering going on behind the scenes folks


Original contents


with explanations of their programming
This list is added as a supplement to those sites exposed in the Vol. 2
book. Slaves have to come in to the "SHOP" periodically to have certain
maintenance programs renewed to maintain the power of the programming.
slaves that are being used in operations come in at a minimum every 2-3
years. Most people who have been programmed are sleepers. And many people
who have horrible programs to carry out are programmed for the next few

years. All kinds of sites are used, for instance,


Boy and Girl Scout camps

a big church in Greensboro, NC

a desert site near Tucson, AZ

hotels in New Orleans

Many people who have been "recruited" (beguiled and trapped) into the
mind-control are seen being sent to Colorado Springs, CO. A network of
daycare centers has been established worldwide by the Illuminati's Network
for the programming and recruiting of children. A series of Youth Hostels
has also been created (originally by the communists) for Network goals, and
have been widely used by the communist faction of the World Order.

The elite have their own schools, such as Eaton School in the UK which
receives some Illuminati children under mind-control. Watch the Office of
Global Analysis, which is an intelligence group for global analysis for the
NWO. Also watch out for the National Program Office (NPO) which is reported
to have been created in 1982 to oversee "black" programs of the intelligence
agencies. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is another black ops
group. This group is in part housed within the Pentagon and deals with
assassination teams. It uses lots of illegal funds which it launders through
another Pentagon agency called the DSAA (Defense Security Assistance
Agency). Gen. Howard Fish, Mr. Eric Von Marbod, Gen. Phil Gast were the men
in DSAA that laundered the NRO's money. I. Irving Davidson, who has one foot
in the mafia & one in the military black ops is a go-between. One of the
assassination programs they ran years ago was the Zeta Diogenes (ZD)

Different agencies that participated had different codes for the programs.
The men used in these NRO programs are mind-controlled slaves in some cases,
it is not known what % if any are not under mind-control. They are organized
as cells and are operating in various military, national guard, and secret
reserve units. Present-day Russia's Guards Directorate has two
"counter-terrorist" divisions Alfa and Vympel. These were formerly part of
the KGB, and employ mind-controlled victims in their work. OP-06-D is the
unit assigned to perform penetration tests to determine security at these
different military/intelligence bases used for programming.
Air Force Units to watch:

Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center ADIC

Air Force Intelligence Support Agency AFISA (recent name) of the Air
Force's all sources intelligence organization
Kelly AFB has the 693rd Intelligence Wing located there
ERT (Air Force Swat Teams)
Army Units to watch:
Military Intelligence which calls itself INSCOM. INSCOM units are all over
the world incl.
<> Area 51, White
Sands, Ft. Meade, and their Vint Hills Farm Station at Warrenton, VA near
the old Manassas battlefield sites. Their Ft. Huachucha in AZ appropriately
sports a Sphinx statue.

So many intelligence people came from

<> the
Illuminati initiating centers of Harvard, Yale, & Princeton that the acronym
HYP was applied to some of them by others in an allusion to the word "hype."
For the first half of MI-6's history, only women from the elite, the
aristocracy were recruited to work in MI-6, for this reason the women at
MI-6 were called Queenie. As Illuminati members of the hierarchy, they were
indeed given various Queen positions. The crossovers occur both ways. One
finds intelligence people in places like Yale and the big Illuminati
corporations. For instance, a military psychologist Alexander R. Askenasy,
who worked in the area of mind-control for the Army, later taught at
Princeton, and then went on to a prominent position at the NY State
Psychiatric Institute & the Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia Univ. Another
example is Robert Finley Delaney, who worked with the Navy in PSYOPS, the
State Dept. and also worked for ESSO Standard Oil company. One final example
in a list of examples that seems to go on forever, the Professor of
Psychology at Yale was Irving L. Janis, a military man who worked in
military psychological research and PYSOPS, and who co-authored
1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-4692800-9955915?v=glance&s=books> Communications
Persuasion, Personality and Persuasibility.

Dictionary of Programming Centers
Underground Military Bases (DUMB Bases)
<> Return


(cont. from Vol. 2)

ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Co.)

--This company continually keeps popping up during investigations/research

on Mind-control. John Coleman in report
4.htm#Tavistock Institute> The Tavistock Institute states that several men
on ARCO's Board of Directors were trained by Tavistock incl. Jack Conway,
Philip Hawley, and Dr. Joel Fort.

Alice Springs, Australia

--is home of USAF Detachment 421 involved with intelligence

Amarillo, TX

-- near Amarillo is a major underground programming center called "the

Station." Inside Amarillo are other collaborating sites such as an
ophthalmologist's office.

Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC)

-- This center uses mind-controlled slaves, incl. those who are members of
the Green Berets.

Austin, TX

-- The Rebecca Baines Johnson Convalescent Home, at 21 Waller St., Austin,

ph. no. 512-476-6051, has had a Cray-3 computer (with at least a 1,000
megaflop capability) secretly placed into the Johnson Convalescent home for
the purpose of secretly being a command post for sending control signals to
people who have body suits of implants. Signals from here radiate to many
far off places to control victims of implant mind-control.

Boulder, CO

-- The headquarters for EMC, a type of electra-magnetic mind control that is

being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.

Bristol, Eng.

-- Burden Neurological Institute.

The CIA empire

-- The CIA's empire carries out mind control of its assets in many
locations. CIA HO, nicknamed "the campus", is a Langley, VA. It might be
pertinent to point out a few of their organizations that are active in mind
control. Staff D, has a CIA assassination group, referred to at one time as
ZR/RIFLE. Their Central Cover Staff (fka Operational Services Division)
manages mind-control agents. The Office of Scientific & Weapons Research has
carried out some of the mind-control research.

You will find mind-control regularly carried out within what has been called
the Directorate for Research, the Directorate of Science & Technology (fka

DDR), and the Directorate of Operations (fka DDP Dir. of Plans until '73)
which ran the TSD later known as the Office of Technical Services, and their
CI Staff (Counterintelligence Staff a part of the Dir. of Ops.). The CIA
operates a vast array of research & operational programming centers CIA
Programmed slaves are fanned Out into CIA organizations such as:

Air Asia,

Air Ethiopia,

American Newspaper Guild,

Communications Workers of America (CWA),

International Catholic Youth Federation,

The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU),

International Federation of Journalists (with HQ in Brussels),

the International Police Academy (in Wash. D.C.) & the National
Students Assoc. (NSA- with HO in Washington D.C.).
Other known CIA fronts have included:

Allied Pacific Printing in Bombay, India

Asia Research Centre in Hong Kong

Gibraltar Steamship Company

Programmed multiples also are injected into everywhere else too. They work
at spying, drug mulling, assassination, and supplying the CIA leadership
with sexual slaves.

Camp Bullis [sp.?], TX Dallas, Doctor's Hospital

-- An important major programming center, this is located at Garland Rd. at

Buckner Blvd. Ph. 2 14-324-6 100. This hospital has a psych wing to it.
Baylor Univ. Med Center, 3504 Swiss Ave. in Dallas is also involved in
mind-control programming, as well as the Texas Women's Univ., 1810 Inwood
Rd. (214-689-6500), Dallas.

Deep Creek Cabins, just west of Ft. Detrick, MD.

-- These cabins located in the general area of the Magothy River, are a
series of cabins surrounded by water & used for sexual programming & sexual
training by the intelligence agencies. The area was reported by one slave to
have been labelled Subproject #74.

El Reno, OK

--Federal Correctional Institution used for implant and electronic

mind-control. Inmates were subjected to this type of mind-control as
experimental fodder.

Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA.

-- Esalen is the Tavistock of America. They give workshops on hypnosis,

biofeedback, Witchcraft (for instance, their Rituals of Transformation
class). Instructors include:

witch Margo Adler

Cranio-sacral D.O. Jim Asher

psychologist Adam Burke who specializes in trance training

Patti Lawrence (who does cranial work)

Caroline Muir (a tantric sex yoga expert)

Robert Swanson (a Dolphin expert)

Charles Tart (a expert w/ altered states of consciousness)

Karen Turner (a witch psychologist)

Anna Wise who is skilled in using EEGs to measure & train brain waves

These are only a few of the many occult or interesting instructors that the
Esalen Institute has.

Ft. Drum, NY (Camp Drum)

--near Watertown, NY. This military reservation is used for training troops
in winter fighting, as well as having been used for a remote mind-control
programming facility in northern NY.

Ft. George Meade, MD, National Security Agency (NSA)

-- It's interesting that in Sidney Sheldon's novel

2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/104-4692800-9955915?v=glance&s=books> The
Conspiracy published by Time-Warner in 1991 that the author/researcher
Sheldon has NSA commander Robert Bellamy thinking to himself as he enters
Ft. Meade,

"My God, I'm in the land of Oz." (p.13)

After being given his assignment, he wonders (on pp. 20-21) "I feel
like the White Queen in Through the Looking Glass. Why sometimes I've
believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

"Well, this was all six of them."

One of the projects that the NSA run with mind-controlled slaves is Project
Mirror (Op. # 6317-ABL-4) which consists of about 30 programmed assassins,
who are debriefed after their assassination mission and then killed and
cremated. The NSA has had two RNM computerized systems for tracking people
by monitoring their evoked emissions, and for transmitting thoughts (as well
as audio and visual messages) to people's brains. NSA Cryptologists have
gotten computers programmed to decode what a person's state of mind &
thoughts are when their brain emissions are picked up from a distance. Other
groups which conduct mind control which work closely with the NSA would
include for instance:

Air Force Space Command/NORAD

Unified Command ELINT Centers

Space Surveillance

The NSA's "Human Sources" of intelligence are often subjected to

mind-control. The Air Force has run a Texas facility called TRIMS, which has
exhibition rooms for slaves, which has been used for mind-control


Ft. Polk, LA

--The Delta Forces are stationed here, and are programmed and trained here.
MJTF (Multi-jurisdictional Task Force) troops, the BATF & other federal
agencies train in kicking in civilian doors & martial law type tactics. Ft.
Bragg is HO for the mind-controlled Delta Force. Ft. Bragg is a major
satanic center in the military.

Kanoehe State Hospital, Oahu, HA

--This hospital connects with the Naval Base and Naval intelligence. It has
been used for programming slaves, as well as Tripler VA Hospital on Oahu
island. Kunia, HA is the site of an NSA listening post. Kaneohe, HA also has
an underground installation, which is used at least in part by the U.S.
Pacific Fleet. Naval intelligence in Hawaii has been involved in

Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab

--the Sandia Labs have been used for mind control. The one in NM is at
Kirtland AFB 87117 (505-845-8692). It has bunkers that have been used for
mind-control. The one in Hawaii is at Hanapepe on the Garden Island of Kauai
(808-335-5611). Sandia Labs also has a presence in Aibuquerque, NM. Sandia
Labs has worked on such secret projects such as the W-88 nuclear warhead
which was mounted on the Trident II missiles carried by Ohio-class subs.
Mind-controlled slaves help keep Sandia Lab's research secret.

Lexington, Kentucky

-- On the west side of Lexington is the Lexington airport and next to the
airport is a castle that is just south of highway 60 and across from
Keeneland Race Course. This castle's original owner is dead. A CIA operative
owned it for a while and then it went into receivership. Then the Federal
government got the property (a 100 yr. lease). The castle was a major
mind-control programming center, as well as a narcotics depot & a money
laundering base.

Tunnels existed. The castle is believed to no longer be in use for

mind-control, although that is not known for sure. This Lexington, KT
programming center within the castle was well situated to connect with a
U.S. Veterans Hosp. on the NW side of Lexington, a nearby Fed. Correctional
Institute (near Brackton), radio towers are all over the area, and the
Kentucky State Horse Park with racetracks all built after 1965 is nearby.
Scott Gen. Hosp. and an Orphan School at Midway, and the catholic St.
Francis Mission are also in the vicinity.

Los Alamos, NM

--A site for research into nonlethal weapons, such as syntel for
mind-control. The T-13 Complex Studies Group has been researching


--The CIA used an International Children's Summer camp for MK Ultra

mind-control. This summer camp was probably not related to the International
Children's School at South Burlington, VT which also has summer school.
There is also an International Children's School tied to the UN in New York,
it is not known whether it ties in or not.

New Orleans, LA

--Some of the hotels and restaurants are being used for mind-control. This
author suspects (but has no proof) the Ursuline Academy (a Ursuline Convent
school) on State St., Bacco Italian restaurant (a relatively new expensive
restaurant named after the roman god Baccus and which has had lots of money
put into it, and excellent food located in the Hotel de la Poste, French
quarter), and the avant-garde Pelican Club (in the heart of the French
quarter) tie in with the Network. Upper Bourbon Street is a gay community,
and Bourbon St. was originally a voodoo center. Just off of Bourbon St. is
the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. This is the only voodoo museum in
the world, and it has voodoo dolls and readings available for visitors.

Oswego, NY

--Served as a programming site on Lake Ontario.

The Presideo of Monterey, CA

--This place is not to be confused with the Presideo of San Francisco. This
Presideo has the Monterey Defense Language Institute (DLI). Slaves who have
scarred brain stems are sent here to develop language skills.

Princeton, NJ--

Salt Lake City, UT

--St. Mark's Hospital, 1011 Sunberry Dr., Salt Lake City (801-268-7422) has
been used for programming.

Stockholm, Sweden

--Soder Hospital has been involved in implants. Dr. Curt Strand & others, &
the Swedish Police SAPO were involved in implanting unsuspecting victims.

Pelican Bay Prison, (WI?)

--Isolation Tank Programming was what made this prison famous.

Utah State Prison (Gunnison Facility & Draper Prison) and Utah State
Hospital, Univ. of Utah Med. Center
-- inflicted directed energy rape of the inmates, pressure chamber
sensations in the inner ear, voices and all types of electronic control. The
med center was used to implant various types of implants into people. Prison
psychiatric staff participated with the mind-control. They routinely used a
variety of well-planned tactics to falsely label inmates as psychiatric
cases so that they could force-medicate them and then subject them to
mind-control. Inmates were subjected to round the clock brainwashing
rhetoric for months on end, after they got the implants.

These Utah institutions began cooperating with the secret implant

mind-control experimentation in the 1980's. When inmates complained of the
mind-control they were forced medicated. Hundreds made complaints about the
mind-control but the system was able to shut them up. The controllers
running the implants had the voices being beamed coming from places like the
planet "Astra." Several inmates got the Astra script.

Vancouver, B.C.

--Hollywood Hospital was used for LSD programming for years.


--A remote mountain site is used for programming. Victims are helicoptered

Veterans Administration Hospitals, Medical Centers and Clinics

-- All of these have been used for mind-control. These hospitals are located

Baltimore, MD

Battlecreek, MI

Bedford, MA

Birmingham, AL

Brockton, MA

Buffalo, NY

Butler, PA

Canandaigua, NY

Columbia, MO

Clarksburg, WV

Des Moines, IA

Fayetteville, AK

Fresno, CA

Huntington, WV

Hines, IL

Jackson, MS

Kerrville, TX

Knoxville, IA

Lincoln, NE

North Chicago, IL

Northport, NY

Prescott, AZ

Providence, RI

St. Miami, FL

St. Temple, TX

Salibury, NC

Salem, NC

This list is not comprehensive as some have been closed and this is a list
of active ones.

Washington, D.C.
--The secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the
intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA as well as many other nefarious
groups lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD
installation with the
.htm> House of the Temple. The Supreme council of the 33 of the Scottish

Rite's House of the Temple has a 14' x 25' room in it with 13 chairs where
the Illuminati's Grand Druid Council meet.

The NOD Deep Underground Installation has numerous levels to it. One
eyewitness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes
that deeper levels exist. The NOD installation is involved with psychic
(demonic) and satellite control over slaves. This underground complex is to
allow the government of the United States to escape a nuclear attack. The
enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other
sites. The tunnel system is used to move some of the mind-control sex
slaves. The walls and ceilings of the tunnels are ceramic tile with
fluorescent lighting recessed into the ceilings.
menu2#menu2> Go Back


In the U.S., approximately 140 of these DUMB bases exist, and they employ
perhaps over 200,000 people. A geologist friend of this author who helped
build these DUMB bases, gave his life to get the truth out to the American
people. He was a programmed multiple of the Illuminati, and some of his
alters knew it. Because these underground bases play such a vital role in
the entire mind-control NETWORK, I will list these bases here, even though
they have been given previously in - my Ezek. 6:3 book. DUMB (Deep
Underground Military Bases)


140 secret underground facilities have been built, many are underground
small-cities. A number of these bases have been described to me by witnesses
including NORAD, <>

Dulce, Coos Bay, and Dreamland. What I am describing is a series of large

underground facilities which are connected with tunnels. The tunnels carry
extremely fast trains. Train terminals are up to 1 million sq. ft. in area,
with multiple levels.
Underground facilities contain computer centers, genetic experimentation,
mind-control research, housing for several nationalities of humans and
several varieties of aliens. The corporations which assist
<> the NWO are able to
quietly interlink their facilities via the tunnel system too, as well as
disperse some of their workers into the world above ground.
There are approx. 50 ways tunnels and underground facilities are dug, which
include high pressure continuous water let, low pressure percussive water
jet, high freq. electrical drill, turbine drills, pellet drills, spark
drills, explosives, hydraulic rock hammers, lasers, electron beam guns,
forced flames, etc. These various tunnelling methods can be broken down in:

Mechanical (such as a water canon)

Thermal (such as a high velocity flame, laser, atomic fusion, etc)

Chemical (such as a dissolver)

The beautiful thing about nuclear subterrenes (rhymes with submarine) is

that they don't leave any debris to dispose of.
These nuclear subterrenes are building tunnels 40' in diameter, and as these
machines work the rock is melted into a hard, glassy tunnel lining.
Air-intake shafts bring fresh air to the tunnels and underground facilities.
Underground facilities have fuel storage units, air-conditioning, water
reservoirs, dining, medical, sleeping and storage units. Many of the
underground sites are close to railroads and have entrances that trucks can
drive into. Some of the entrances for trucks are protected by holograms that
look like the side of a mountain, but allow vehicles if one just drives
through them.
The other style of hidden entrances are buildings where trucks drive in and
are lowered via access shafts down into the underground areas. Security for
some (such as Groom Lake) of the facilities is maintained by
<> Wackenhut.
Penetration tests on facilities are carried out by a special unit called
OP-06-D which are HQed at Off utt AFB, NE. Format is as follows: Site name,

site location (warning: longitudes & latitudes were quick off of the head
estimates), group/groups in control, size, activity.
1. Fort Huachuca. 3150' N 1100 19'48" W, saucer base below, intelligence
training above, mind-control incl. too.
2. Gates Pass Base
3. Gila Mountain Area, south of Interstate 8 and approx. 30 east of Yuma,
AZ. 290 N 116W. DUM base.
4. Grand Wash Cliffs, on western edge of the cliffs at the head of
Grapevine Wash. Must be reach via hwy 93 and then unpaved roads. DUM base.
5. Green Valley
6. Hualapai Mountains, east side of the mountain range, about 35 mi. SE of
Kingman, AZ
7. Rincon Mtn., north side of Rincon Mtn
8. Mt. Lemmon
9. Page
10. Safford, near Safford
11. Santa Catalina Mountains - base
12. In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. 360 19' N 929'W W.
Installation purpose not known.
13. Pine Bluff, Ark. area. 34 13.4' N 9201.0'W to 3430' N 92 30'W.
saucer base.
14. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on military map as airspace area
R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. This is a U.S. alien research/
diagnostic facility and UFO base.
15. China Lake, mind control and weapons research
16. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin
17. Deep Springs, CA, 3722' N 117 59.3' W. saucer base
18. Fort Irwin, CA, 3520'N 1168'W W. saucer base
19. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. & the so. fork
of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. 348' N 117 48' W
20. George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base
21. Helendale, Lockhead Underground Facility, 3444.7' N 1170 18.5' W.
Technology for secret projects. There are 3 saucer bases here.
22. Los Angeles, On Hwy 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. after Palmdale, one
turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th
St. to the Rosamond-170th intersection, the second and lower and better
maintained dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north
at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an

underground NORTHOP facility; Technology for the elite's secret projects.

This area was very active in the 1970s. Northrop's facility is near the
Tehachapi Mtns. It has been reported
to go down 42 levels. It is heavily involved with electronics and hi-tech
aerospace research.
23. Mt. Shasta
24. Kern River, CA the hollowed out mountain next to the hydroelectric
facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield- reported saucer base
25. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. Tunnels also
connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control.
Has a saucer base.
26. Norton Air Force Base- saucer base
27. Quincy, CA, 39 56.2' N 120 56.5' W. saucer base
28. Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. til 240th St. and goes to
Ave R-8. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglas's facility
called the Uano Facility. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills
to the south of the facility. Strange shaped disks raise out of the ground
on pylons. These attached disks glow and change color. It is involved in
hi-tech aerospace technology.
29. Presidio, CA - A FEMA/DOD site for Region IX's regional office
30. San Bernardino, CO, 34 50' N to 34 16' N
31. Santa Barbara County - placed in the thick diatomite strata
32. Santa Rosa, 38 26.4' N 122 42.9' W,
<> FEMA, Regional
center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. This is
listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more.
33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA - very deep military base
34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new
underground base which was finished in Sept. '95. This is the "Unholy 6"
base of the Orions. 35 20' 118 40'
35. Trona, CA, 35 45.5' N 1 7722.6' W --several miles northwest of
Trona, directly under Argus Peak. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land,
and may have been built in the '60s.
36. Alamosa, 37 28.1' N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer base
37. Book Cliffs, CO, 39 40' N 108 0' W near Rifle, CO
38. Boulder, CO--The headquarters for EMC, a type of electra-magnetic mind
control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to
control slaves.
39. Colorado Springs, NORAD --Canada & U.S., &
<> FEMA, hundreds
people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns
and 45 underground steel buildings.
Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 '. This complex tracks
thousands of satellites, missiles, submarines, and UFOs. NORAD also controls

many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS endtime callback
programming. NORAD installation has 1278 miles of road underground.
40. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens
41. Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base
42. Montrore Co.--north of Paradox, in Paradox Valley. The site in Paradox
Valley can be reached via Hwy. 90 via Nucla.
43. North west Connecticut
44. Massive base- reported saucer base
45. Eglin AFB, 30 40' N 86 50' W- Orion saucer base since 1978
46. Atlanta, GA --FEMA regional center, which is appropriately placed
since Atlanta is to become a capital within the NWO redrawing of boundaries.
Atlanta is believed to have several underground installations in its area,
one to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, GA connected to Dobbins AFB and
one to the south of Atlanta at Forest Park.
47. Thomasville, 30 50.2' N 8358.9' W,
<> FEMA, regional
center, they train groups in Search and Destroy missions for when Martial
Law is imposed. This is SW Georgia in area of tunnels.
48. Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley, ID.-<> Wackenhut of
<> the
Illuminati run a "model prison" for the NWO. The worst of the federal
prisoners are placed in this underground prison which has 7,100 cells which
are filled with about 2,700 federal inmates. A track runs through the middle
of the eerie underground facility. Food and showers are on the tracks, and
the men are allowed showers once a week. The minimum of lighting is used and
the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. It sits 500' underground.
49. South central Idaho--under the Snake River lava flows between Twin
Falls and Idaho Falls.
50. Bedford & Lawrence Co. area--continued activity in large old mines
indicates a possible government use of the large old quarries.

51. Atchison, KS--the DIPEF underground facility, which the govt. would
run in an emergency. AT & T maintains an underground facility at Fairview,
52. Kinsley--an underground UFO base
53. Camp David--just north of the camp is an underground facility
important to the intelligence agencies.
54. below Ft. Meade, of the National Security Agency, 10 acres of the most
sophisticated supercomputers that can be built, very large complex, massive
surveillance of all the world's communications, including all transmissions
in the U.S. & world of telephones, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV and
microwave transmissions.
55. Olney, actually the facility is between Olney and Laytonsville, on
Riggs Rd. off of Rt. 108. Another underground facility may also exist in the
area, <> FEMA &
possibly NSA, the facility may be 10 levels deep, purpose unknown.
56. Suitland, MD- Classified archives of U.S. Govt. stored here in
underground levels. Vaults have extensive amounts of documents which are not
indexed. Restricted access with a coded security card. High level
intelligence groups operate in the area also.
57. Maynard, 42 26.0' N 71 27.0' W FEMA, regional center,
<> Wackenhut is
here too.
58. Battle Creek, 42 19.3' N 85 10.9' W
<> FEMA, regional
center, activity secret (not validated)
59. Gwinn, Ml, 46 16.8'N 87 26.5' W, near Gwinn is a large underground
base which is a key base for sending signals. An AFB is also nearby. Under
Lake Superior is an alien base
with roads 5,000' deep.
60. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8' N 115 24.3' W, near the newly
created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base
61. In the Bat/Dry/Dead Man/ Howell cluster of caves- reported saucer base
62. St. Francis Mountains, MO (between St. Louis & New Madrid)

63. North-central Nebraska

64. Red Willow Co. near McCook, NE
65. Blue Diamond, 36 02.8'N 11524.3 W -reported saucer base
66-68. <> Groom Lake,
also known as Dreamland, Area 51, The Area, the Spot, Red Square, Sally
Corridor, Watertown Strip. 1150 50'N 3720W. Run by
<> the NWO along with
demonic beings, the CIA is there and
<> Wackenhut
Security. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom
Lake but controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed
Ridge (S-4) underground bases. Purpose is the testing of various UFOs and
other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth. Also biological work is
done, including the biological raising of small greys. Many levels have been
built at these three complexes, and a 7 mile long run way (which is actually
39 miles) has been built over Groom Lake, a dry lake. There is an S-2, an
S-4, an S-6, and an S-66 underground installations. S-66 is the most secret
and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300' deep.
69. Quartzite Mountain SE of Tonopah, 37 31 'N 116 20' W- reported
saucer base
70. Tonopah, Airforce, CIA? & ??, deals with secret aircraft
71-73. There may be as many as three underground installations in New
Hampshire's hills (according to reports).
74. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o 38'N 74 32' W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile
large & very deep underground.
The state of New Mexico and Colorado have been used for the construction of
a series of underground bases. (All the rest of the states have too.) The
Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of:
3 enormous underground bases in
<> the Dulce, NM area (an
area I spent several days investigating in 1993)
the White Sands--Alamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases
Datil and Pie Town which have two more underground bases. (Carlsbad Cavern
which had underground activity, which is reported discontinued, and another

base to east of Carlsbad.)

the Los Alamos area underground facility
the Taos area underground facility
The New Mexico area has basically four underground system out. One goes to
the 4-corners area and then to Groom Lake (Area 51). One goes north toward
Delta, CO and Colorado Springs. The Taos facilities goes north approximately
along Interstate 25 and eventually ties in NORAD. The southern bases connect
to Texas and Mexico. The Los Alamos facility dates at least back to 1940.
One can only imagine what has been built with 1/2 century of labor on this
underground system. Visitors to the deeper levels report humans kept in
glass cylinders, plus many other strange things. I have had the opportunity
to debrief some people who have been in the lower reaches of some of these
facilities. There are special badges, special uniforms, tube elevators etc.
which for lack of time I will not describe.
75. Angel Peak- reported saucer base
Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed), 32 25.0'N 1040 14.0W -old relics of
saucer base left
76-78. Dulce, N.M., 36 56.0'N 10659.8'W,--South of Dulce, in the area of
the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, another facility is east of the Dulce
facility a number of miles. This is run directly by Illuminati w/ Army and
Airforce help, CIA also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the
installation is hugh requiring small shuttle trains and has seven levels
according to witnesses. Serves as a UFO base, biological experiments,
production center for small-grey drones. Wackenhut provides some of the
security on the ground.
79. Kirtland AFB, NM, Sandia National Lab
80. Manzano Mtn, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage
Complex, Airforce, 3,000-acre base within the Kirtland AFB/Sandia National
Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected
UFO base. A new 285,000-sq. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base.
81. Pie Town, 34 17.9'N 1 10808.7'W, in area near Pie Town, UFO Base.
82. Sandia Mountains NE of Albuquerque -reported saucer base
83. to the north of Taos Pueblo
84. White Sands, 3222.8'N 10628.8'W, major hub for research, tied in
with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation
research ctr. and mind control.
85. Adirondack Mountains (near Elizabethtown)
86. New York Metro area
87. Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 4940'N 7333 W- two
saucer bases in this area.

88. Ada, 3446.4' N 9640.7W W, underground saucer base, this base does
human cloning, and it is
<> FEMA's most
sensitive base.
89. Ashland Naval Ammunition Depot, 3445.9'N 96 04.3'W,- reported saucer
90. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. Hood, and
very close to Larch Mtn. and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge.
91. Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground
facilities built for UFOs. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland
in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. It is now an old
abandoned facility well camouflaged. The coast facility is probably still
92. Klamath Falls, OR--since Sept. '95 this has been a base for a number
of NWO groups incl. the Air National Guard,
Spetznaz, and MOSAP training base. An underground concentration camp exists
93. Blue Ridge Summit, near Ft. Ritchie, known as 'Raven Rock" or "Site
R", Army, major electronic nerve center, 650 ft. below surface with about
350 staff and over a 716 acre area. possibly connected via tunnel to Camp
David. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite
control over slaves. This underground complex is to allow the government of
the United States to escape a nuclear attack. The enormous complex radiates
under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. The tunnel system is
used to move some of the mind-control sex slaves. The walls and ceilings of
the tunnels are ceramic tile with fluorescent lighting recessed into the
94. Ft. Hood, TX, 31 15'N 97 48' W, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled
soldiers and a reported saucer base.
95. Denton, TX, 33 13.2'N 97 08.2'W <> FEMA, regional
center, activity secret
96. Red River Arsenal, TX- reported saucer base
97. Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Preparedness Agency & FEMA,

small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret

work for <> FEMA
contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and
cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several
administrations and help run the United States.
98. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 7759.8'W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper off
of Rt. 3, called Mount Pony, Illuminati--Fed. reserve, 140,000 sq. ft.,
includes a facility for the storage for corpses, monitors all major
financial transactions in the U.S. by means of the "Fed Wire", a modern
electronic system.
99. Pentagon, Arlington, VA 100. Warrington Training Ctr. --two sites one on Rt. 802 and the other on
Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. One is Station A the other Station
B. Army & ??, purpose unknown
101. Bothell, 4745.7'N 12212.2w W,
<> FEMA, regional
center, activity unknown
102. WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5'N 7702.0'W--The secret NOD underground
installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the
CIA as well as many other nefarious groups lays under the White House with
tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the
.htm> House of the Temple. The Supreme council of the 33 of the Scottish
Rite's House of the Temple has a 14' x 25' room in it with 13 chairs where
the Illuminati's Grand Druid Council meet. The NOD Deep Underground
Installation has numerous levels to it. One eyewitness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that
deeper levels exist.
103. Sugar Grove, the Navy's Strategic Intelligence Services microwave
communications. There base here.
104. White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large
enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any
other purposes otherthan listening to U.S. microwave communication it is
unknown by this author.

In Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati
and the KKK. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this
author. Kennecott's mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the
Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported
connected to the Mormon Church. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big
trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large
trucks with 2 trailors each rolling into the mine. In other words, it
appears that the heavy train & tractor trailor activity indicates something
besides mining.

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to Underground Anomalous Constructions

NewScientist magazine Judges Junk Bogus Neuroscience

21 December 2008
For similar stories, visit the The Human Brain Topic Guide
JUDGES in the US are waking up to the potential misuse of brain-scanning
technologies. Last month, Judge John Kennedy of the New Jersey Judiciary rallied
50 of his peers to discuss protecting courts from junk neuroscience.
In September, an Indian court jailed a murder suspect for life, partly on the
basis of a brain scan. Meanwhile Cephos of Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, is one of
several US companies that claim to be able to show whether someone is lying
using a functional MRI brain scan. Ethical issues aside, many neuroscientists say
the scans have not been tested rigorously enough to be admitted in court, and
that they could produce false positives.
Now judges are coming to the same conclusion. Kennedy's gathering, at the
New Jersey Judicial College in Teaneck, agreed that brain scans, if accompanied
by the opinion of a medical professional, can reveal if a person is in pain or
mentally competent to stand trial, but cannot be used to determine a state of
Scans can reveal if a person is in pain or mentally competent to stand trial,
but not guilt

No judge in the US has yet accepted fMRI scans in a trial, but Kennedy expects
attempts to admit them to increase. "We're taking a peek over the horizon to see
what's coming," he says.
Such considerations are spurred in part by the "Daubert standard" - a Supreme
Court ruling that extended a judge's authority to challenge the credibility of
scientific evidence in court.

01/05/09 09:04 pm
More science for ya, darlin'.
Although a lot of conspiracy theorists mistakenly found their thoughts and
activism about Mind Control upon their own biases, assumptions and
preconceptions, and even upon their personal political and social ideologies
and belief systems, the basic science proves that mind control is indeed
possible. At this point, there is no logical or reasonable basis for any
sophistry which is founded upon what is or is not possible wrt to Mindo
Control and the potential for abuse by anyone who possesses the appropriate
technological capability.
Fluorescent Proteins In The Brain Light Up During Individual Action Potentials
Making It Possible To Track Nerve Cell Communication
Main Category: Neurology / Neuroscience
Also Included In: Biology / Biochemistry; Alzheimer's / Dementia;
Parkinson's Disease
Article Date: 05 Oct 2008 - 12:00 PDT
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Thought processes made visible:
An international team of scientists headed by Mazahir Hasan of the Max Planck
Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg has succeeded in optically
detecting individual action potentials in the brains of living animals. The
scientists introduced fluorescent indicator proteins into the brain cells of
mice via viral gene vectors: the illumination of the fluorescent proteins
indicates both when and which neurons are communicating with each other. This
new method enables the observation of brain activity over a period of many

months and provides new ways of identifying, for example, the early onset of
dysfunction in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The fluorescent proteins could also provide scientists with information about
the ways in which normal aging processes affect nerve cell communication.
(Nature Methods, September 2008)
A nerve cell is a major hub for the exchange of valuable information. The
nose, eyes, ears, and other sense organs perceive our environment through
various antennae known as receptors. The numerous stimuli are then passed on
to the neurons. All of this information is collected, processed, and finally
transferred to specific brain centers at these hubs - the human brain
consists of almost 100 billion nerve cells. The nerve cell uses a special
means of transport for this purpose: the action potential which codes the
information, thus enabling communication between the nerve cells.
Calcium as the starting gun
An action potential of this kind is an electrical excitation and arises when
our nerve cells receive the information via a stimulus: the voltage across
the cell membrane of the neuron changes and various ion channels open and
close in a very specialized manner. Shortly before the nerve cell forwards
the information via the stimulus, calcium ions pour into the nerve cell,
acting as the starting gun for the flow of data from one neuron to the next.
In the past, action potential was measured and rendered visible using
microelectrodes. However, this method only enabled the monitoring of a
limited number of cells engaged in the process of communication. Moreover,
scientists were unable to record neuronal communication in a clearly
identifiable way over a longer period or in freely moving animals using this
Yellow and blue fluorescent proteins
This situation could be set to change. As part of an intensive international
cooperation project, Mazahir Hasan has made nerve cells, which release a
single action potential, optically visible in mice. This means that the
communication of entire groups of neurons can be observed over an extended
period of time. Mazahir Hasan also attracted attention in 2004 when he
demonstrated for the first time that fluorescent proteins are suitable for
making activity in the brains of mice visible (Hasan et al., 2004 PLoS
Biology 2:e163).
For this new recent development, Hasan used a sensor protein called D3cpv,
which was generated by Amy Palmer at the Roger Tsien Laboratory of the
University of California in San Diego, as a complex of numerous
interconnected protein subunits. Two of these subunits react to the binding
of calcium ions to the complex: the yellow-fluorescent protein (YFP) lights
up and the illuminating power of cyan-fluorescent protein (CFP) declines - a

coincidence that would later prove crucial to the success of the study.
The Max Planck scientists introduced the corresponding genetic material that is the construction manual for this protein complex - into the genetic
material of viruses. Hasan and his team then used these viruses as a genetic
"ferry" for introducing the genetic material into the brains of mice. The
protein complex was actually produced in the nerve cells of the "infected"
mice and functions there as an calcium indicator: if the calcium level within
a cell increases - which is the case with every action potential - the D3cpv
changes form when it binds to calcium. As a result, the two fluorescent
proteins, CFP and YFP, move closer to each other and the transmission of
energy between the CFP and YFP changes.
"To observe this change, we use a two-photon microscope developed by Winfried
Denk", explains Hasan. Each individual action potential that arises due to a
stimulus makes itself directly perceivable in the brain through yellow
illumination and the simultaneous reduction in the emission of blue light.
The two-photon microscope pinpoints the coincidence between the two
fluorescent signals very accurately and clearly reveals which nerve cells are
communicating and exchanging information with each other and when.
Damian Wallace and Jason Kerr from the Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics in Tbingen were able to confirm this finding: targeted
electrical recordings of neuronal activity after the triggering of stimulus
showed that the colour change actually coincides with the firing of the
action potentials. Hasan's method sheds light on which nerve cells will talk
to each other and in which time period. However, it is only applicable if the
neurons fire action potentials with a frequency of less than one hertz.
Insight into complex thought processes
The researchers were thus able to demonstrate for the first time that genetic
calcium indicators provide optical proof of the perceptions of the sensory
system in higher organisms. "With this method we can understand, in greater
detail, how the human brain regulates complex thought processes and, for
example, how it transforms the numerous sensory impressions into long-term
memories", says Hasan. Developments resulting from the aging of the nerve
cells can also be understood better as a result - "as we now have a way of
observing the neurons over longer periods of time," concludes Hasan.
Moreover, the sensor proteins could prove very useful in helping researchers
to reach a better understanding at the cellular level of neurological
diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's chorea.
---------------------------Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
---------------------------Original work:

Damian J Wallace, Stephan Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, Simone Astori, Ying Yang,
Melanie Bausen, Sebastian Kgler, Amy E Palmer, Roger Y Tsien, Rolf Sprengel,
Jason N D Kerr, Winfried Denk & Mazahir T Hasan
Single-spike detection in vitro and in vivo with a genetic Ca2+ sensor
Nature Methods, Vol.5 No. 9, September 2008, 797
Mazahir T Hasan, Rainer W Friedrich, Thomas Euler, Matthew E Larkum,
Giese, Matthias Both, Jens Duebel, Jack Waters, Hermann Bujard, Oliver
Griesbeck, Roger Y Tsien, Takeharu Nagai, Atsushi Miyawaki, Winfried Denk
Functional fluorescent Ca2+ indicator proteins in transgenic mice under TET
PLOS Biology, Vol.2 No.6, June 2004, e163
Source: Mazahir T. Hasan

Vets Sue CIA Over Mind Control Tests By Noah Shachtman January 07, 2009 |
6:05:29 PMCategories: Bizarro
For two decades or more, the CIA and the military allegedly plied the
unwitting with acid, weed, and dozens of psychoactive drugs, in a series of zany
(and sometimes dangerous) mind-control experiments. Now, the Vietnam
Veterans of America are suing the agency and the Pentagon for perceived
abusessuffered under the so-called "MK-ULTRA" and other projects.
Six veterans are suffering from all kinds of ailments tied to this "diabolical and
secret testing program," according to a statement from the vets' lawyers, passed
on to SpyTalk's Jeff Stein.
The experiments allegedly included "the use of troops to test nerve gas,
psychochemicals, and thousands of other toxic chemical or biological substances,
and ... the insertion of septal implants in the brains of subjects in ... mind control
experiments that went awry, leaving many civilian and military subjects with
permanent disabilities." Subjects were tested without their consent, the veterans
say. And when the trials were over, the government failed to "provide health care
or compensation."
In a book published last year, former military psychiatrist James Ketchum
describes an Army project -- separate from the CIA's efforts -- that took place at
Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. There, he saw test subjects "carry on
conversations with various invisible people for as long as 2-3 days." Others
"salute latrines" and attempt to "revive a gas mask" that they mistake for a
The feds insist that MK-ULTRA ended, when it was exposed during
Congressional hearings. But interest in chemical mind-control lives along, in
some corners of the military-intelligence community. In a 2003 memo, thenJustice Department lawyer John C. Yoo suggesting that interrogation drugs could
be used if their effects were not permanent or profound. Since then, evidence
has accumulated that some detainees may have been drugged. "It's coming
back," retired Colonel John Alexander told Sharon.

01/10/09 05:22 am
Activists and others have used the internet to shine more than a little
sunlight on our politicians, bureaucrats and corporations.
They don't like that.
They don't like it at all.
Internet2009: The Year of the Thought Criminal
Tom Corelis (Blog) - January 7, 2009 10:30 AM
Give those in power an inch, and they'll take a mile
Barely a week in, 2009 is shaping up to be an interesting ? if somewhat
depressing ? year for opponents of internet censorship and overpowered
copyright enforcement. These last few weeks we?ve seen a number of troubling
initiatives from India, Australia, the U.K., and New Zealand, among others,
which seek to curtail the delightfully double-edged freedom of information
that makes our Internet so great.
While diverse in purpose, each of these initiatives bear a common thread:
increased government control in things that it lacks the business, the
discipline, and the authority to regulate. Whether it?s heightening the reign
of censorship in Australia, disconnecting the internet of anyone even
remotely suspected of file sharing in New Zealand, or the increase in police
cybersnooping powers in India and the U.K., it appears that many of this
world?s governments have had enough of the open internet and now intend to
take over and regulate.
The reasons why these developments are a genuinely Bad Thing? should be both
multitude and obvious. The internet gives us, as a people, an almost
unthinkably powerful weapon ? a weapon of minds, of expression, and of
intellectual freedom ? that we are free to wield against ourselves, each
other, and those who govern over us. In no other time have we had such a
power, and yet under the guise of fear ? excuses range everywhere from
?protecting public morality? to ?saving the children? ? we allow lawmakers to
siphon it away from us.
Clearly, our governments are envious.
The range between these initiatives, in terms of simple power, is wide: while

the ?Constable HaX0r? police-hacker scare in the U.K. seems largely the
result of media hysteria ? British police have had the ability to remotely
investigate suspects? computers for quite some time, as Ars Technica?s Julian
Sanchez points out ? a two-year-old Indian bill, which was finally approved
last month, gives Indian authorities a sudden and substantial increase in
their ability regulate the private lives of Indian citizens.
?Any email you send, any message you text [is] now open to the prying eyes of
the government,? writes Indian blogger Binu Karunakaran, as is ?the contents
of your computer you surfed in the privacy of your home.?
Binu writes of the Information Technology (Amendment) Bill of 2006, which
passed Indian parliament late last month. It grants authorities practically
unrestricted authority to monitor all electronic communication, the ability
to block any website at will, and the authority to break into someone?s home
and inspect their computer ? in addition to imposing ?Victorian? moral
sensibilities on an already conservative culture. Banned activities include
e-mailing anything (even jokes) that might be considered offensive or false,
surfing celebrity ?Bollywood? news, or watching porn.
Meanwhile, bloggers? christening of the ?Great Firewall of Australia? seems to
have gained additional relevance, after the Australian government announced
intentions to introduce worldwide, ISP-level internet filtering upon its
inhabitants. Labor party minister Stephen Conroy writes ? in an open-comment
blog post, paradoxically ? that the move is necessary to maximize the
?participation of Australian businesses and individuals in the digital
economy,? so that they conduct themselves online as they do offline. Open
censorship isn?t an attack on free speech, he writes, because the government
doesn?t acknowledge it as such; censors are ordered to avoid blocking any
forms of ?political speech? while little is said about any of the other
More troubling, however, is how quickly we?re sleepwalking into the arms of a
Big Brother-esque surveillance state. Indian citizens may have had little
debate over their Big Brother bill, but voters in the U.K., Australia, the
United States, and elsewhere have ? and yet we continually ignore the warning
signs: Warrantless wiretapping in the U.S. continues to gather indifference
from most of the voting public, and most of the lukewarm attempts to slow the
rampant spread of traffic, speed, and public surveillance cameras in the U.S.
and U.K. have thus far failed. Most people I?ve talked to seem to shrug their
shoulders and say that they have nothing to hide ? and then go on with their
business. Nobody seems to care.
(There?s an excellent counterpoint to the ?nothing to hide? argument, by the
way, and if that?s your mantra then I demand that you read this.)
It is for these reasons that I wish to tentatively declare 2009 as the Year of
the Thought Criminal, because these people will be the only ones worth

placing any hope on. They are the people sneaking past the censors, foiling
government inspectors, and reporting all things hidden. They are the hackers,
reporters, intellectuals, and gatekeepers who safeguard our minds so that we
may use them to wander in whatever direction we see fit. They are anyone who
actually gives a damn.
There's a story floating around that says a frog will allow itself to be
boiled alive if it is put in a pot of cold water slowly heated. If it's
dropped in a boiling pot, it will jump out. A clichd slippery slope
argument, for sure, but there exists no better imagery to illustrate my
My question to you is this: are we the unsuspecting frog? Could you
comfortably stand naked before the eyes of your government?
That future might be nearer than we think.

01/12/09 09:01 pm
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*Brasscheck TV: The psychiatric drug racket*
* **Merchants of death *
*The Pharmaceutical Industry*

*For more info, pictures or video from the source go to:*
*Brasscheck TV: The Psychotropic Drug Scam*
*Making a Killing*
*Evil run rampant*
*How many people do you know who have been diagnosed with some kind of
"mental disorder"...*

*For more info, pictures or video from the source go to:*


*Brasscheck TV: The battle for your mind*

*Edward Bernays and the
Assassination of Democracy*

*What did the Nazis and 20th century American captains of industry have in

*For more info, pictures or video from the source go to:*


*"Tell a lie loud and long enough and people will believe it."* Adolph
Hitler's campaign of propaganda, conspiracies, crimes for power and control
of the people is a commonly known fact.

*"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary

act."* English
essayist, novelist, & satirist (1903 - 1950) George

Most of the government leaders of the World and other puppets of the major
newspapers, radio, TV stations/networks like ABC, CBS, NBC and others on
cable/satellite TV, also known as (aka) the main stream media of the USA
and other countries are controlled/owned by the members/people of the secret
societies <> and/or
and powerful, which include the
Royal Families of the World

<>, International
Bankers <>,
Industrialists <> and other
groups. They control the World and this is why their puppets will/can not
tell us the whole truth about important issues/events resulting

They are *The Secret Rulers of the

**,* (aka) The New World Order
Globalists <>,
Council Of Foreign Relations
Trilateral Commission<>,
Free Masons <>,
*Skull & Bones
Neocons <>, The Rise of the
4thReich<>and other World
organizations that also control the United
Nations (UN) <>. These people
others are associated with/part of The Secret
Government<>and are working
for a North
American Union (NAU) <>,
Dollar <>
and cashless
society <>.

Their agenda <> or some of

their secret
plans <>, (aka)
conspiracies <>, which

the secret Session in House of Representatives on March 13,

2008<>forthe Worldwide
food crisis <>,
economic collapse <> and
economic depression <>
by the Federal Reserve (FED)
<>, International
Monetary Fund
which will pave the way for their Police
Martial Law <>, concentration
camps <>,
War 3 <> and
World Government
Furthermore, we'll be experiencing more intense Earth
which are shown on a future map of the
starting as soon as 2010 <> and
peaking on the arrival of Planet
(aka) Nibiru <>, the 10th or
12thPlanet<>that will align
with the Earth and Sun on December
21, 2012 <> that will cause a
shift <> at that time and
2010 to 2014 without the help of the Survival
Center <> will be very difficult until
the return of


What is *"REALLY"* going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream

media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions?
Typically they will/can not inform your acquaintances, neighbors,
associates, friends, family, you or the people in the World about the whole
truth, if much/any, of important issues/events that has happened/will, which
has/will harm us. *Educate yourself <>* because The
Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought is our only hope for a decent

Therefore, once you're enlightened via discernment it's your duty as a

**& Messenger* to inform those *Truth Seekers* who are seeking the
truth/knowledge! *(**HOSEA 4:6) *My people are destroyed from lack of
knowledge. (The World Net Daily <>, World News
Daily <> and Truth
News<>on the Internet are some of the reliable
sources of news.)

*(Ezekiel 33:6)* But if the *watchman* sees the sword coming, and does not
give a note on the horn, and the people have no word of the danger, and the
sword comes and takes any person from among them, he will be taken away in
his sin, but I will make the *watchman* responsible for his blood.

*The Watchman & Messenger*

*P.S.: *All recipients of these messages may forward them to other Truth

Report: U.S. Surveillance Society Running Rampant By David Kravets January
12, 2009 | 4:30:49 PMCategories: Surveillance
If you think you're being watched, you're probably right.
The American Civil Liberties Union posted awebsite Monday showing that
government-financed surveillance cameras are running rampant across the
United States.
All the while, studies suggest they do nothing to cut down on violent crime. San
Francisco, for example, has spent $700,000 for dozens of public cameras, but a
University of Californiastudy (.pdf, 187 pages) just concluded there was "no
evidence" they curtailed violent crime.
"Violent incidents do not decline in areas near the cameras relative to areas
further away," added the study, which noted the cameras helped police bring
charges against six people accused of felony property crimes. "We observe no
decline in violent crimes occurring in public places."
But the report did show that, over the past two years, property crimes such as
burglary and muggings dropped an estimated 24 percent in areas within 100 feet
of San Francisco camera locations.
The ACLU's website, "You Are Being Watched," shows a map of the 50 U.S.
states with links to news accounts about where surveillance cameras are in each
state. The federal government has given state and local governments $300
million in grants to fund an ever-growing array of cameras.
Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU's Technology and Liberty Program, said
in a telephone interview that, while the cameras have helped nab suspects, he
believes they provide a false sense of security.
"It's the illusion of security ... public authorities like to give the impression they
are doing something about crime and terrorism," Steinhardt said.
He said it is impossible to quantify exactly how many government-backed
surveillance cameras are in the public right of way, but they are in virtually
every U.S. state.
Two questions posed on the ACLU site ask: "Do we want a society where an
innocent individual can't walk down the street without being considered a
potential criminal?" and "Do we want a society where people are comfortable
with constant surveillance?"

01/29/09 03:46 pm
Spam Status: Spamassassin 39% probability of being spam.
Full report:
No, score=3.9 required=10.0 tests=DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE,
On Valentines Day I suggest that we flood the WHite House phone lines with a
statement that citizens in this country are being tested with military technology
under the illusion of surveillance. That Cointelpro operations have been used
against anyone who tells the truth regarding the testing. We need to say that
with advanced technology we have been subjected to psychological games as
well as the use of the active denial weapons technology as a means to control us.
Many victims have burns and have been subjected to the Martha Mitchell effect
as a result of trying to get help from the Justice Department, Homeland Security
and even our FBI. Profiling AMericans who untimately are innocent for years and
subjecting them to weapons testing and remote interrogation needs to be
investigated by this administration.
To: <>,
"Derrick Robinson" <>,
Subject: Emailing: Martha Mitchell effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:28:36 -0500



if (wgNotice != '') document.writeln(wgNotice);

Martha Mitchell effect From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist,
or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient's perception of real events
as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.
1 Description
2 Origin
3 See also
4 References
[edit] Description According to Bell et al., "Sometimes, improbable reports are
erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness," due to a "failure or
inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how
improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician."[1] They note that
typical examples of such situations, may include:
Pursuit by practitioners of organized crime
Surveillance by law enforcement officers
Infidelity by a spouse
Quoting psychotherapist Joseph Berke, the authors note that "even paranoids
have enemies." Any patient, they explain, can be misdiagnosed by clinicians,
especially ones with a history of paranoid delusions.
[edit] Origin Psychologist Brendan Maher named the effect after Martha Beall
Mitchell.[2] Mrs. Mitchell was the wife of John Mitchell, Attorney-General in the
Nixon administration. When she alleged that White House officials were engaged
in illegal activities, her claims were attributed to mental illness. Ultimately,
however, the relevant facts of the Watergate scandal vindicated her and hence
attracted to her the title of 'Cassandra of Watergate'.
[edit] See also
Cassandra Complex
Rosemary's Baby
[edit] References
^ Bell, V., Halligan, P.W., Ellis, H.D. (2003) Beliefs About Delusions. The
Psychologist, 6 (8), 418-422.

^ Maher, B.A. (1988) Anomalous experience and delusional thinking: The logic
of explanations. In T. Oltmanns and B. Maher (eds) Delusional Beliefs. New York:
Wiley Interscience
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Popular psychology | Richard Nixon

02/17/09 01:38 pm
Here is what the Supreme Court Justice had to say about what we endure.
Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric
information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance
system . It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S.
Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency
of each ? ?We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy , where
everyone is open to surveillance at all times: where there are no
secrets from the government ? ~ William O. Douglas (U.S. Supreme Court
Justice) ?

02/20/09 04:17 pm
Spam Status: Spamassassin 21% probability of being spam.
Full report:
No, score=2.1 required=10.0 tests=DNS_FROM_RFC_POST,
FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS,NO_REAL_NAME autolearn=disabled version=3.0.0pre4
Please send this out to your contacts. Our ranchers and farmers need our help on
this. If it isn't stopped, you'll be next if you own a single cat or dog. It's
The Truth About the Animal ID Plan
NAIS: Get the government out of my barnyard!
The loons at the USDA are taking comments for the next few weeks.
We need everyone to make your voice heard.
We the people have prevailed in the past on these kinds of "tell us what you
think" from govmint alphabet soup agencies.
Link is here:
Speak Out Against NAIS

Mechanical Response of an Al-PTFE Composite to Uniaxial Compression Over a

Range of Strain Rates and Temperatures
Abstract: Compressive stress-strain curves were generated for a pressed and
sintered mixture of polytetrafluoroethylene and aluminum powders. Experiments
were performed at strain rates ranging from 0.001 to 8000/s using a servohydraulic load frame and a split Hopkinson pressure bar. High-rate experiments
were also performed over a temperature range of 22-78 C. The data is fit to the
Johnson-Cook and Modified Johnson-Cook constitutive equations and also to a
Zerilli-Armstrong equation adapted for use with polymers. Although the material
is known to be reactive, only the inert behavior is described in this report.
Final rept. Oct 2006-Apr 2008
Report Date:
Report Number:
Keywords relating to this report:
Janice Stricek
Domestic Violence Advocate

Monkey Aversion to 94-GHz Facial Exposure
Authors: NAVAL

Millimeter wave (MMW) source technology has advanced significantly
the use of 94-GHz MMWs as a non-lethal weapon. The Air Force Research
Laboratory has developed such a non-lethal weapon known as the Active
Denial System (ADS). The purpose of this study was to determine the
threshold for behavioral aversion to 94-GHz MMW exposure in rhesus
Aversion was defined simply as an eye blink, head turn, or raising the hand
to block the 94-GHz MMW beam. Six rhesus monkeys were occasionally
to a 94-GHz beam that was turned on for brief periods to deliver energy
densities (fluence) that ranged from 0.2 J/sq cm to 2.2 J/sq cm. An
infrared camera produced a series of thermographs during the exposure so
that facial skin and eye temperature could be correlated with behavioral
aversion. The energy density thresholds that produced these behavioral
responses on 50% of the exposures and the maximum facial (and ocular)
temperature changes were determined to be in the range of 0.4 J/sq cm to
1.0 J/sq cm and produce maximum temperature changes of 1 deg C to 3.2 deg
on the face or cornea of the eye. Eye blink was most sensitive to the MMW
exposures. Head turn or hand raising required higher energy densities than
that required to produce eye blinks. Aversion to 94-GHz MMWs begins at 0.4
J/sq cm and is a robust response at 1.0 J/sq cm. These effects occur well
below the temperature rise in the skin needed to produce pain (10 deg C).
These data along with human exposure data will be used to specify safe
exposure levels for the ADS system.


technical rept.


Report Date:

Report Number:


This title is unavailable from Storming Media.

We do not know when it might be available, if at all. We list the report
on our site for bibliographic completeness, to help our users know what
other work has been performed in this field. Please note that as with all
titles on this site, we do not have contact information for any of the
authors. Nor can we give any suggestions on how one might obtain this

Keywords relating to this report:












March 2, 2009, 1:23 PM

Nanoparticles let scientists tickle brain cells wirelessly
PRINCE.EDWARD.ISLAND (CBC) - Using electrical signals to stimulate brain
and nerve cells can help people recover from injury and improve the lives of
those with Parkinson's disease, but often requires the surgical implantation of
electrodes in the brain, which are attached to cumbersome wires.
A group of scientists in Cleveland , Ohio , has now found a new method that
could one day allow doctors to activate neurons brain or nerve cells wirelessly
using microscopic beads and light.
So far, Case Western Reserve University neuroscientist Ben Strowbridge,
chemist Clemens Burda, and members of their research groups have tried their
technique on slices of rat brain tissue and published the results in a recent issue
of the journal Angewandte Chemie.
The method involves placing beads about 10 nanometres wide far smaller than
human cells close to a neuron. A human hair is about 80,000 nanometres wide.
The beads are made of semiconductors that get electrically excited when light
shines on them.
"Essentially, these are the same particles used to sensitize solar cells," Burda
The illuminated particles produce an electric field or current that activates the
neurons, which respond with their own measurable electrical signals.
In Strowbridge and Burda's experiments, the nanoparticles were attached to a
very small glass micropipette to make it easier to position the particles, but
ultimately the researchers hope to be able to place a layer of particles on the
The technique has a number of advantages over current methods to electrically
stimulate the brain, Strowbridge said.

Current methods involve surgery, a much larger metal electrode, typically one
with a contact about one millimetre one million nanometres in diameter. It is
hooked up to wires that come out of the brain or skin and are attached to a
control unit.
"It's very invasive and the wires themselves are difficult to deal with,"
Strowbridge said. In addition, current methods involve stimulation at only one or
two sites at a time.
With a layer of nanoparticles, the light, and therefore the activation, could be
directed to different areas.
"There's really no other technology that can do that with this degree of control or
spatial resolution."
If the nanoparticles were placed near the surface of the skin, it is possible that
they could be activated by shining a light through the skin. Otherwise, a fibre
optic cable could be used to deliver the light.
Strowbridge and Burda chose to use very small particles in an effort to make
them as uninvasive as possible. Ultimately, they plan to coat them with a
biocompatible glass to ensure they are non-toxic.
The technique still needs to be refined and tested on actual rat brains and nerves
before it can be applied to humans.

I have seen where other companies and universities are working on similar
projects. (as one example of a resource, see for additional info
in the public realm.)
What is in the public realm speaks of such new discoveries, yet what is
currently available in the public realm is very small, indeed. Much smaller
than a small grain of rice. What may be available under a black ops program?
Imagine a thirty or forty year lead on what's publicly known in the private

Northrop To Develop Mind-Reading Binoculars

Date: Tuesday 10 June 2008 07:09 am
From: Bones <>
Northrop To Develop Mind-Reading Binoculars
By Sharon Weinberger EmailJune 09, 2008 | 11:03:00 AMCategories:
Binoculars_wide The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
tapped Northrop Grumman to develop binoculars that will tap the subconscious
mind. The Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System program, informally
called "Luke's Binoculars," combines advanced optics with
electro-encephalogram electrodes that can, DARPA believes, be used to alert
the wearer to a threat before the conscious mind has processed the
While they were considering a number of technologies for neural detections,
it appears DARPA has settled on EEG. "HORNET will utilize a custom helmet
equipped with electro-encephalogram electrodes placed on the scalp to record
the user's continuous electrical brain activity," says Northrop. "The
operator's neural responses to the presence or absence of potential threats
will train the system's algorithms, which will continue to be refined over
time so that the warfighter is always presented with items of relevance to
his mission."
I described this project in an article last year for Wired News, when DARPA
was still sifting through the concepts. The idea was to incorporate
technology that detects neural patterns that indicate a possible threat -the idea being that the subconscious mind detects threats faster than the
conscious mind realizes (essentially, the binoculars bypass inhibitory
reflexes). Some scientists I spoke with thought the projects was interesting
-- particularly the advancements in optics and imaging -- but that neural
detection technology wasn't nearly developed enough for the schedule DARPA
anticipated (the agency wants to field the binoculars in just a few short
The most common sense challenge raised about these binocular by one scientist
I spoke with was the whole issue of bypassing inhibitory reactions. Is that

really something you want a soldier to do? It'll be interesting to see what
the first soldiers to use these binoculars have to say about them.
[Image: DARPA]

04/06/09 07:07 pm
This is one of the reasons I do what I do. I'm trying to keep the world from
devolving into a global tyranny where such technology would be put into
general use by tyrants and ideologues who want to control the populace. This
technology gives them another tool for that purpose.
Imagine Obama adminstration backed by a Pelosi and Reid Congress had
access to mass produced versions of this technology? A technolgy where they
can actually re-arrange the memeories of their ideological opponents in order
to suit themselves?
Imagine a Republican Party - currently led by men just as corrupt and power
mad as their ideological opponents - in the same position.
...and the only real change I've found that most people in third parties want
to see is to put their own butts in the seats of power and their own faces in
the public feed trough....
Keep in mind that both major parties were fully involved in having alla those
school kids pumped full of ADHD drugs and the like. If that isn't enough,
look at your favorite politician's FEC reports and see how many
pharmaceutical companies and executives are giving them money. Big
corporations don't give money away without getting something, somewhere,
sometime, in return.
How would a right-wing Christian put this tech to use? A Muslim? Markos or
Arianna? Ideologically, they all think that all of the others are crazy as
hell. After all, everyone wants to stop all of the insanity, don't they...
Such technologies are becoming available, today. Now.
Most people who say they love freedom are really only interested in
controlling other people in some fashion or form. Freedom is for everyone.
Controlling others, no matter the method or means of coercion, no matter the
rationale or excuse, is not freedom. It's slavery. I've found that ideologues
merely want to change to world into their own image. When they look at the
world, they want to see their own reflections staring back at them.
Christians no less so than others.
Here's another scenario. Personally, I think that anyone with an I.Q. under
100 should have certain additional limits in life and even in social and
reproductive choices. The Darwin Effect just isn't fast enough for my tastes.
I could eliminate a lot of the stupidity around the globe with the use of
this technology and of others much like it. With my research skills and
'gift' with words, I could lay out a convincing, even compelling, argument
for doing so. Would you want someone like that to have power and control
over this technology? (Yes, It would be intellectually dishonest of me to
actually do so, but it is a scenario I've examined.)

In any case, someone just like the examples above will be making the choices
about how, when and where this technology - and others like it - are to be
deployed and used.
If you - personally and individually - don't stand up and fight for freedom
now - today - in five or ten years, there simpy won't be any freedom to be
found, anywhere...and there will be no recourse to dissent or to active and
open rebellion. All options will be closed. Permanently. You'll become a mere
reflection of someone else's world-view. A zombie. A willing, happy and
content slave to their desires and needs and wants. You would never remember
or know that there had ever been anything else.
Anyway, a couple of blurbs about re-arranging your memory.
filed under "Tin Foil Hats."
Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing Memory
Published: Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.
Last Modified: Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:13 a.m.
Public release date: 23-Dec-2008
Contact: Andre Fenton, Ph.D.
SUNY Downstate Medical Center
SUNY Downstate researchers find that memory storage molecule preserves
Finding suggests that unwanted memories might be erasable without harming
other brain functions
The brain acts as a computer to both store information and process that

information. In a computer, separate devices perform these roles; while a

hard disk stores information, the central processing unit (CPU) does the
processing. But the brain is thought to perform both these functions in the
same cells - neurons - leading researchers to ask if distinct molecules
within the brain cells serve these different functions.
In a discovery that may one day lead to the ability to erase debilitating
painful memories and addictions from the brain, researchers at SUNY Downstate
Medical Center have found that a molecule known to preserve memories PKMzeta - specifically stores complex, high-quality memories that provide
detailed information about an animal's location, fears, and actions, but does
not control the ability to process or express this information. This finding
suggests that PKMzeta erasure that is designed to target specific
debilitating memories could be effective against the offending memory while
sparing the computational function of brain.
The findings are detailed in the December edition of PLoS Biology in a paper
titled, "PKMzeta Maintains Spatial, Instrumental, and Classically Conditioned
Long-Term Memories." The paper is authored by Andre A. Fenton, PhD, associate
professor of physiology and pharmacology, Todd C. Sacktor, MD, professor of
physiology and pharmacology and of neurology, and Peter Serrano, PhD,
research assistant professor of physiology and pharmacology, at SUNY
Downstate, as well as by colleagues at other institutions in Michigan, New
York, Wisconsin, and the Czech Republic.
Dr. Fenton said, "The work published in PLoS reveals that PKMzeta is a general
storage mechanism for different types of memory content but, fortunately,
that PKMzeta stores only high-quality memories, the kind that provide
detailed information rather than general abilities."
"If further work confirms this view we can expect to one day see therapies
based on PKMzeta memory erasure," Dr. Fenton suggests. "Negative memory
erasing not only could help people forget painful experiences, but might be
useful in treating depression, general anxiety, phobias, post-traumatic
stress, and addictions," he adds.
Dr. Sacktor said the research "shows that PKMzeta is fundamental for storing
many different forms of memory, which previously has been viewed as
potentially mediated by distinct mechanisms."
The PloS Biology paper may be accessed via this link:
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, founded in 1860, was the first medical school
in the United States to bring teaching out of the lecture hall and to the

patient's bedside. A center of innovation and excellence in research and

clinical service delivery, SUNY Downstate Medical Center comprises a College
of Medicine, Colleges of Nursing and Health Related Professions, a School of
Graduate Studies, a Graduate Public Health Program, University Hospital of
Brooklyn, and an Advanced Biotechnology Park and Biotechnology Incubator.
SUNY Downstate ranks eighth nationally in the number of alumni who are on the
faculty of American medical schools. More physicians practicing in New York
City have graduated from SUNY Downstate than from any other medical school.

04/19/09 05:15 am
Mind-Reading Voice Analyzer On Tap
By Larry Greenemeier, InformationWeek Jan. 23, 2006 URL:
Better watch your mouth. Technology is being tested that's designed to
identify criminal intent by analyzing a person's voice. Insurance companies
already are using it, and now law enforcement is checking out possible uses.
Nemesysco Ltd.'s layered-voice-analysis technology doesn't provide just the
pass/fail results of a lie-detector test but can determine a person's
willingness to speak on specific topics, their level of concentration, and
even whether their thoughts come from memory or imagination. Lawenforcement
agencies could use it for investigations, security clearances, controlling
access to secured areas, intelligence-source questioning, and hostage
negotiations, Nemesysco says.
The company completed a pilot test in November at Moscow's Domodedovo
where 500 passengers' voices were analyzed by a walk-through security system
based on the technology. Nemesysco's GK1 voice analyzer, which costs up to
$30,000, was used to help identify potential hijackers, drug smugglers, and
other criminals.
Nemesysco developed its layered-voice-analysis technology with the goal of
producing something more advanced than lie-detection technology, says Rich
Parton, CEO of V LLC, Nemesysco's North American distributor. Unlike
lie-detector tests, it doesn't determine stress levels to signal if a person
is lying. "Nemesysco provides a psychological assessment of what's behind the
response," he says.

04/27/09 10:29 am
Making waves in the brain
Researchers use lasers to induce gamma brain waves in mice
Deborah Halber, Picower Institute
April 26, 2009
Scientists have studied high-frequency brain waves, known as gamma
oscillations, for more than 50 years, believing them crucial to
consciousness, attention, learning and memory. Now, for the first time, MIT
researchers and colleagues have found a way to induce these waves by shining
laser light directly onto the brains of mice.
The work takes advantage of a newly developed technology known as
optogenetics, which combines genetic engineering with light to manipulate the
activity of individual nerve cells. The research helps explain how the brain
produces gamma waves and provides new evidence of the role they play in
regulating brain functions -- insights that could someday lead to new
treatments for a range of brain-related disorders.
"Gamma waves are known to be [disrupted] in people with schizophrenia and
other psychiatric and neurological diseases," says Li-Huei Tsai, Picower
Professor of Neuroscience and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.
"This new tool will give us a great chance to probe the function of these
Tsai co-authored a paper about the work that appears in the April 26 online
issue of Nature.
Gamma oscillations reflect the synchronous activity of large interconnected
networks of neurons, firing together at frequencies ranging from 20 to 80
cycles per second. "These oscillations are thought to be controlled by a
specific class of inhibitory cells known as fast-spiking interneurons," says
Jessica Cardin, co-lead author on the study and a postdoctoral fellow at
MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research. "But until now, a direct test of
this idea was not possible."
To determine which neurons are responsible for driving the oscillations, the
researchers used a protein called channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), which can
sensitize neurons to light. "By combining several genetic tricks, we were
able to express ChR2 in different classes of neurons, allowing us to
manipulate their activity with precise timing via a laser and an optical
fiber over the brain," explains co-lead author Marie Carln, a postdoctoral

fellow at the Picower Institute.

The trick for inducing gamma waves was the selective activation of the
"fast-spiking" interneurons, named for their characteristic pattern of
electrical activity. When these cells were driven with high frequency laser
pulses, the illuminated region of cortex started to produce gamma
oscillations. "We've shown for the first time that it is possible to induce a
specific brain state by activating a specific cell type" says co-author
Christopher Moore, associate professor of neuroscience and an investigator in
the McGovern Institute. In contrast, no gamma oscillations were induced when
the fast-spiking interneurons were activated at low frequencies, or when a
different class of neurons was activated.
The authors further showed that these brain rhythms regulate the processing of
sensory signals. They found that the brain's response to a tactile stimulus
was greater or smaller depending on exactly where the stimulus occurred
within the oscillation cycle. "It supports the idea that these synchronous
oscillations are important for controlling how we perceive stimuli," says
Moore. "Gamma rhythms might serve to make a sound louder, or a visual input
brighter, all based on how these patterns regulate brain circuits."
Because this new approach required a merger of expertise from neuroscience
molecular genetics, three different laboratories contributed to its
completion. In addition to Tsai, Moore and Carln of MIT, co-authors include
Jessica Cardin, research affiliate at the McGovern Institute and the
University of Pennsylvania, and Karl Deisseroth and Feng Zhang at Stanford
University. Other co-authors were Konstantinos Meletis, a postdoctoral fellow
at the Picower Institute, and Ulf Knoblich, a graduate student in MIT's
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
This work was supported by NARSAD, the National Institutes of Health, the
National Science Foundation, the Thomas F. Peterson fund, the Simons
Foundation Autism Research Initiative and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg

[ Nature Methods (9/21/06), practical advice on use (Mirror) ] [ Proc Natl Acad
Sci (5/1/07), first ChR2 transgenic mouse (Mirror) ]
Press: [ Technology Review, "TR35 2006 Young Innovators Under 35," Edward
Boyden, 27 (Mirror)] [ Technology Review, "10 Ways to Think About Innovation"
(Mirror)] [ MIT News Office, "MIT faculty, alumni cited as top young
innovators..." (Mirror)] [ Journal of Cell Biology, Research Roundup (Mirror) ]
[ Nature Methods, Research Highlights (Mirror) ] [ Faculty of 1000 ]
Navigation: [ Back to home page ]

NEW! (3/21/07) My lab

released a new tool that enables neurons to be optically silenced by
pulses of yellow light, the light-activated chloride pump halorhodopsin (Halo), in
a paper entitled "Multiple-color optical activation, silencing, and
desynchronization of neural activity, with single-spike temporal resolution." Click
here to read/comment (local mirror here). This work was first publicly presented
on 2/24/07, at a Spotlight Presentation at the CoSyNe meeting in Salt Lake City,
UT, and published on 3/21/07.

Boyden, E. S., Zhang, F., Bamberg, E., Nagel, G., and Deisseroth, K. (2005)
Millisecond-timescale, genetically-targeted optical control of
neural activity. Nature Neuroscience 8(9):1263-1268.

Millisecond-timescale, genetically-targeted optical control of

neural activity
Temporally precise, noninvasive control of activity in well-defined
neuronal populations is a long-sought goal of systems
neuroscience. We adapted for this purpose the naturally occurring
algal protein Channelrhodopsin-2, a rapidly gated light-sensitive
cation channel, by using lentiviral gene delivery in combination
with high-speed optical switching to photostimulate
mammalian neurons. We demonstrate reliable, millisecond-timescale
control of neuronal spiking, as well as control of

excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. This technology

allows the use of light to alter neural processing at the level of
single spikes and synaptic events, yielding a widely applicable
tool for neuroscientists and biomedical engineers.

Lentivirus plasmid maps and sequences:

Channelrhodopsin-2/ChR2, with humanized/mammalian optimized codon usage,
fused with GFP (FCK-hChR2-GFP, containing hChR2-GFP) [ plasmid map ]
[ sequences for gene and plasmid ] [ plasmid data in VectorNTI format ]
Find Boyden Lab Plasmids
Email : with general questions, or to have your study added to the list below.
Mailing list:
for users of channelrhodopsin (for discussing reagents, vectors,
hardware, etc.). A
channelrhodopsin/channelopsin/ChR2/chop-2/photostimulation community.
Applications of channelrhodopsin-2 to various neural systems
Nagel, G, Brauner M, Liewald JF, Adeishvili N, Bamberg E, Gottschalk
A. (2005) Light
Activation of Channelrhodopsin-2 in Excitable Cells of
Caenorhabditis elegans Triggers Rapid Behavioral
Responses. Curr Biol. 15(24):2279-84.
METHOD: DNA microinjection. Mercury lamp. Behavior.


Li X, Gutierrez DV, Hanson MG, Han J, Mark MD, Chiel H, Hegemann P,
Landmesser LT, Herlitze S. (2005) Fast noninvasive
activation and inhibition of neural and network activity by vertebrate
rhodopsin and green algae channelrhodopsin.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(49):17816-21.
METHOD: Electroporation, virus. Xenon lamp. Vertebrate preparation.

Schroll C, Riemensperger T, Bucher D, Ehmer J, Voller T, Erbguth K, Gerber B,
Hendel T, Nagel G, Buchner E, Fiala A. (2006) Light-Induced Activation of
Distinct Modulatory Neurons Triggers Appetitive or Aversive Learning in
Drosophila Larvae. Curr Biol. 16(17):1741-1747.
METHOD: GAL4-UAS flies. Mercury lamp, blue light-emitting diode (LED).

Ishizuka T, Kakuda M, Araki R, Yawo H. (2005) Kinetic evaluation
of photosensitivity in genetically engineered neurons expressing green algae
light-gated channels.
Neurosci Res. 54(2):85-94.
METHOD: Virus. Blue LED. Intact circuit, without retinal supplementation.

Bi A, Cui J, Ma YP, Olshevskaya E, Pu M, Dizhoor AM, Pan ZH. (2006) Functional
Ectopic Expression of a Microbial-Type Rhodopsin Restores Visual Responses in
Mice with Photoreceptor Degeneration. Neuron 50(1):23-33.
METHOD: Adeno-associated virus. Xenon lamp. Prosthetic vision prototype.

Copyright 1995-present, Ed Boyden

Can internal 'brain music' be used in therapy?

17:07 24 April 2009 by Colin Barras
For similar stories, visit the Mental Health and The Human Brain Topic Guides
Does the brain naturally compose melodies to rival those by Mozart or Chopin?
Researchers at the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) think so. What's
more, they suggest that piano renditions of an individual's cerebral music can
help in dealing with insomnia and fatigue in the aftermath of a stressful
experience. Psychologists, however, are sceptical of their claims.
The DHS researchers on the TechSolutions programme and in the Human
Factors/Behavior Science Division hope to record the brain's natural activity
during periods of calm or alertness. Human Bionics ? a company specialising in
neurotraining in Purcellville, Virginia ? will convert the signal into an audible
polyphonic melody. Individuals will be asked to listen to the tracks at various
times during the day to either soothe the nerves or improve concentration levels.
Such technology was requested by local firefighters, coast guards, bomb squads
and others working within the DHS, says DHS science spokesman John Verrico.
Listen to an alertness track, which DHS researchers suggest has a "Mozart
sound", or try the "melodic, subdued Chopin sonata" relaxing track.
Lawrence Parsons, a psychologist at the University of Sheffield, UK, thinks the
proposed work taps into a number of well-established research areas. "But I
don't think they have a clue about what they're trying to do," he adds.
A little mood music
Biofeedback involves taking signals from the body and playing them back to
individuals to affect their performance. "It's been used on and off for 20 years,"
says Parsons. In 2004 Fumiko Hoeft and colleagues at Stanford University
showed that recording brain activity using a functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) scanner and then playing it back to volunteers helped them
control pain. There are even proposals to use the biofeedback effect in the next
generation of computer games.
"But the idea of making music from the brain and playing it back to an individual
to recreate the original mood is crazy," Parsons says.
Instead, he thinks it's likely that the proposed mood-altering powers of the music
are due not because the melodies emerge from the individual's brain, but simply
because they are melodies in the first place. "If you're looking at music
modulating someone's emotions, then lots of studies show that," he says. There is
ongoing research to test the claims of music therapists.
Verrico thinks that underestimates personal taste in music. "Some people can
listen to first chords of Pachelbel's Canon and feel their eyelids getting heavy,
but others can listen to the whole thing without an impact," he says. "This study
is more personalised that traditional music therapy because it's designed to sync
up to what activates the individual's brain."
Key signatures
But Ulman Lindenberger, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute for Human
Development in Berlin, Germany, thinks that the brain is unlikely to respond
particularly to its own music. Part of the problem is that converting the brain
waves to an audible melody would likely strip the signal of its signature, leaving
the individual unaware that the music is their own. That music might impact

mood, but it's "highly questionable whether the effects would be any different if
it was [from] the same person's brain or some other brain," says Lindenberger.
Parsons says that unless volunteers in the experiments are not told the
provenance of the music they are played, yet another well-known phenomenon
could be at work. "It sounds like a big fat placebo effect," he says. The placebo
effect can produce powerful outcomes in treatment, and DHS researchers must
be careful to guard against it influencing their studies, says Parsons.
While the study has some degree of coherency, "the researchers are mixing [a
number of theoretical ideas] into a brood that makes no sense," says Parsons.
Read more about the DHS research here
If you would like to reuse any content from New Scientist, either in print or
online, please contact the syndication department first for permission. New
Scientist does not own rights to photos, but there are a variety of licensing
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Have your say

05/15/09 05:57 am

Laser-Controlled Humans Closer to Reality
By Lizzie Buchen
April 29, 2009
Flashes of light may one day be used to control the human brain, and that day
just got a lot closer.
Using lasers, researchers at the MIT Media Lab were able to activate a
specific set of neurons in a monkey?s brain. Though the technique has been
used to control and explore neural circuits in fish, flies and rodents, this
is the first time the much-hyped technology has ever been used in primates.
?It paves the way for new therapies that could target a number of psychiatric
disorders,? said MIT neuroscientist Ed Boyden, who led the research with
postdoctoral fellow Xue Han. ?This is very exciting from a translational
The beauty of this optogenetic technique is its specificity. By using a
combination of lasers and genetic engineering, scientists can control, to the
millisecond, the firing of a specific class of neurons, allowing them to
pinpoint problematic cells and circuits while leaving innocent bystanders
alone, thus minimizing potential side effects.
Viruses are engineered to infect neurons with a special type of channel,
originally discovered in algae, which is sensitive to blue light. Once a blue
laser shines on the infected neurons, the channels snap open, ions rush into
the cell, and the neuron fires.
Crucial to the technique is that the virus is only injected into a very small
part of the brain, and only a certain class of neurons, once infected,
actually turn the channel on. The sharp laser beam further zeros in on a
small portion of the brain. This precise aim is in contrast to current
techniques, such as drugs and electrodes, both of which have a much broader
The optogenetic method was pioneered in 2005 by Boyden and Karl Deisseroth
Stanford University and has since been used to understand how circuits of
neurons control various behaviors, such as learning in mice and predator
escape in fish. But until now, scientists had never demonstrated the

technique in primates ? a move essential for developing therapeutic uses for

the technology in humans.
Boyden?s new research, published Wednesday in Neuron, demonstrates not only
that the technology works in primates, but also that it is safe. The rhesus
macaques received multiple rounds of injections and laser stimulations over
the course of eight or nine months without damaging the neurons or activating
the brain?s immune system, an obvious concern when viruses are involved.
?Many disorders are associated with changes in specific cell types,? said
Boyden. ?For therapeutic purposes, you want to affect certain cells, but you
want to leave normal cells intact. The ability to use light to turn specific
cells on and off with very precise timing could in principle allow new
Future applications could involve using light-emitting neural prosthetics to
replace the electrodes used in deep brain stimulation, which currently
activate or silence a broad range of neurons. Deep brain stimulation has
shown promise in treatments of Parkinson?s disease, epilepsy and depression,
but it has a number of side effects, stemming in part from its lack of
?Our ability to remedy problems in the brain may ultimately be limited by how
many side effects occur,? said Boyden. ?We could find ways to shut down
seizures but the side effects might be intolerable. By pinpointing specific
cell types, we could craft therapeutic neuromodulators and directly develop
therapies, while preserving a high degree of well-being.?
Proving the method works in primate brains paves the way not only for cleaner
therapies, but also for understanding the relationship between specific
neural circuits and behaviors, particularly higher cognitive functions.
Genetically, mice are ideal model organisms ? but their behavioral repertoire
isn?t very sophisticated. If neuroscientists hope to understand and treat
problems like ADHD, schizophrenia, depression and compulsive behaviors like
addiction, they can run far-more-powerful experiments using primates.
?This is a very important and exciting step forward for all systems
neuroscience,? said a neuroscientist who preferred to remain anonymous due to
recent attacks against primate researchers.
?There are many limitations with the current way we try to understand neural
circuits, primarily the lack of specificity. The hope is that as this sort of
research continues in labs around the world, it will become possible to
specifically target many different classes of neurons. We can learn how each
of them contributes to specific cognitive functions.?
See Also:
Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of Neuroengineering
Dial H for Happiness: How Neuroengineering May Change Your Brain

Optical Interface Mouse Video

Citation: ?Millisecond-Timescale Optical Control of Neural Dynamics in the
Nonhuman Primate Brain,? by Xue Han, Xiaofeng Qian, Jacob G. Bernstein,
Hui-hui Zhou, Giovanni Talei Franzesi, Patrick Stern, Roderick T. Bronson,
Ann M. Graybiel, Robert Desimone and Edward S. Boyden. Neuron 62, 191?198,
April 30, 2009.
Image credit: Dr Jonathan Clarke. Wellcome Images,
Copyright work available under Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.0 UK

05/15/09 06:11 am
With nanotechnology, advances are happening so quickly that no single
individual can keep up with all of it. Who knows how far DARPA and others
like them have already taken the tech. If I were to make an educated guess,
they've long ago gotten it to the millimeter scale and quite possibly to the
Barring a complete Malthusian Collapse, this kinda stuff will be available
for mass production within a few short years.
IMEC?s design strategy for brain implants paves the way to multi-electrode
deep-brain stimulation
PictureLeuven, Belgium ? April 21, 2009 ? At this week?s Design, Automation &
Test in Europe (DATE) conference, IMEC presents a new design strategy for
brain implants, which it used to create a prototype multi-electrode
stimulation & recording probe for deep-brain stimulation. With this
development, IMEC highlights the opportunities in the healthcare market for
design tool developers.
Brain implants for electrical stimulation of specific brain areas are used as
a last-resort therapy for brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease,
tremor, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Today?s deep-brain stimulation
probes use millimeter-size electrodes. These stimulate, in a highly unfocused
way, a large area of the brain and have significant unwanted side effects.
Wolfgang Eberle, Senior Scientist and project manager at IMEC?s bioelectronics
research group: ?To have a more precise stimulation and recording, we need
electrodes that are as small as individual brain cells (neurons). Such small
electrodes can be made with semiconductor process technology, appropriate
design tools, and advanced electronic signal processing. At DATE, we want to
bring this message to the design community, showing the huge opportunities
that the healthcare sector offers.?
IMEC?s design and modeling strategy allows developing advanced brain
consisting of multiple electrodes enabling simultaneous stimulation and
recording. This strategy was used to create prototype probes with 10
micrometer-size electrodes and various electrode topologies.
The design strategy relies on finite-element modeling of the electrical field
distribution around the brain probe. This was done with the multi-physics

simulation software COMSOL 3.4 and 3.5. The COMSOL tools also enabled
investigating the mechanical properties of the probe during surgical
insertion and the effects of temperature. The results indicate that adapting
the penetration depth and field asymmetry allow steering the electrical field
around the probe. This results in high-precision stimulation. Also key to the
design approach is developing a mixed-signal compensation scheme enabling
multi-electrode probes capable of stimulation as well as recording. This is
needed to realize closed-loop systems.
These new design approaches open up possibilities for more effective
stimulation with less side effects, reduced energy consumption due to
focusing the stimulation current on the desired brain target, and closed-loop
control adapting the stimulation based on the recorded effect.
---ends--About IMEC
IMEC is a world-leading independent research center in nanoelectronics and
nanotechnology. IMEC vzw is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, has a sister
company in the Netherlands, IMEC-NL, offices in the US, China and Taiwan, and
representatives in Japan. Its staff of more than 1650 people includes about
550 industrial residents and guest researchers. In 2008, its revenue (P&L)
was estimated to EUR 270 million.
IMEC?s More Moore research aims at semiconductor scaling towards 22nm and
beyond. With its More than Moore research, IMEC looks into technologies for
nomadic embedded systems, wireless autonomous transducer solutions,
biomedical electronics, photovoltaics, organic electronics and GaN power
IMEC?s research bridges the gap between fundamental research at universities
and technology development in industry. Its unique balance of processing and
system know-how, intellectual property portfolio, state-of-the-art
infrastructure and its strong network worldwide position IMEC as a key
partner for shaping technologies for future systems.
Further information on IMEC can be found at
COMSOL was founded in 1986 in Stockholm, Sweden, and has grown to include
offices in the Benelux countries, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India,
Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and in the US with offices in
Burlington, MA, Los Angeles, CA, and Palo Alto, CA. Additional information
about the company is available at
Contact: IMEC : Katrien Marent, Director of External Communications, T: +32

28 18 80, Mobile : +32 474 30 28 66,

05/15/09 07:12 am
Think: 'Invisibility' ...and 'solid objects' that aren't so solid as alla
---------- Forwarded Message ---------Subject: Suggested reading:
Date: Friday 15 May 2009 06:58 am
From: Bones <>
To: Undisclosed.Recipients: ;
Brian has some good articles up on China, Russia, the economy and energy,
but the two items that caught my eye are a bit further down. In the article,
"The First 43 Years and Next 43 Years of Star Trek and Our World," there's a
blurb about 'Claytronics.' You can google it and even go to YouTube and
watch a video about it. What surprised me is that they're down to the
millimeter level with that tech. A couple years ago, they were doin' good to
get to cubic centimeters. The thing about Claytronics is that it's only a
hop and a skip from where they are to being able to produce Smart Dust and
Utility Fog. iow...magic. Some of you remember when I was goin' on about
Harry Potter tech? Yeah. We're closer than I thought we were. Much closer...
The next article that really caught my eye there is called, "Any
Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic: Beyond
Invisibility Illusion Optics." Read it all.
Brain Wang's work is always worth the time. If nuthin' else, you'll always
have somethin' to think about. If you still have some extra money, he'll also
give ya something to think about for those long-term investments ten and
twenty years out. Brian Wang's not only a tech guy, he's an international
businessman and keeps an eye on that sort of thing.

Speculation on What Would Be Possible with Passive Femtotech/Stable matter

from subatomic particles
NOTE: I am well aware that this is likely impossible. However, it seems more
possible to find a loop hole and bootstrapping to achieve something useful here
than some of the theoretical work on say warp drive. This seems like something
that could have some useful investigation for a million dollars or less per year or
at most a few million with the multi-trillion dollar possibility of achieving radical
transformation if successful.

Jerusalem, Israel ? April 21, 2009? Strategic Solutions today announced a new
prospective technology even more advanced than nanotechnology; the prospect
of stable matter formed by subatomic particles that is faster than a speeding
bullet; more powerful than a locomotive ? no not Superman, but a form of super
matter. Super strong ? million times stronger than steel, the engines made of this
new matter will be million times more powerful than a locomotive and aircraft
built of this material will have full reflectivity, super-insulation and super energy
storage, but most amazing will safely go super-fast with zero friction. Electric
grids made of this superconductive material will eliminate the billions of dollars
of lost electricity. As it can safely be used in temperatures of millions of degrees,
while it is a super insulator, thermal power stations can be built in volcanoes and
electricity be transmitted great distances with no loss.
Paradoxically, this strongest material is invisible and can go right through
matter. This is possibly the defining technology of the 21st century.
The chief scientist of Strategic Solutions Technology Group, Prof. Alexander
Bolonkin for decades worked in the Russian Space program while he taught
doctoral level courses and later worked for NASA and the USA Air Force
research laboratories. His long history in overcoming the problems in space
travel gave him unique insight which has evolved into innovations far before his
time. One major limitation of space travel is the limitations of matter built from
atoms. Aircraft burns its fuel fighting friction. On reentry, the temperatures soar
and in outer space the temperatures are brutally cold. What is needed is a
material which has zero friction; which does not decay under stress; which can
contain and store a great amount of energy and which insulates absolutely. Prof.
Bolonkin posited that this material can be made from sub-atomic nuclear matter,
from nucleons (neutrons, protons), electrons, and other nuclear particles. In two
journal articles he shows
this new ?AB-Matter? has extraordinary properties as follows:
Super-transparency, invisibility of special AB-Matter-nets. The light we see with
has a wavelength of 4-8 microns. Blue is 4.5, red is longer, etc. A net or mesh of
AB-Matter having a spacing (step distance) between strings or monofilaments of
more than 100 femtometers (10e-13 meter) will pass visible light of this sort with
PERFECT efficiency.

Full reflectivity (super-reflectivity). Controlled modification of its properties will

produce a PERFECT reflector. And even more amazing than these, controlled
invisibility not just to eyes, but to sensors using the spectra we employ. There
are so many possibilities for the above three properties alone, in optics,
camouflage, directed energy weapons, literally reflecting most of the output of a
nuclear bomb in a given direction that simply to catalogue most of them would
take months.
Permeable property (ghost-like intangibility power; super-passing capacity). An
AB-Matter monofilament net with spacing (mesh size) between strings of more
than 100 nanometers (= 10e-11 meters) will pass the atoms and molecules
through itself. This provides the ability to travel intangibly through the earth to
seek out minerals, or through a diplomatic safe wall of any thickness to reach
inside, as easily as a fish swims through water. With appropriate sensors and end
effectors you could navigate through the earth and exactly delineate any buried
installation or mineral deposit with absolute precision.
Zero friction. If the AB-Matter net has a mesh size distance between strings
equal or less than the atomic scale (310-10 m), it has an ideal flat surface such
that the mechanical friction may be zero. This means that planes and ships and
other vehicles can travel WITHOUT energy losses which currently are a huge
percentage of fuel consumption. This also means that perfect bearings can
eliminate spin-down losses in generators and turbines, and untold other
applications that could save vast amounts of energy and money.
Impenetrability for gas, liquids, and solid bodies. When the AB-Matter net has a
step size between filaments of less than atomic size it can became impenetrable
to conventional matter. While it may be invisible, it has enormous strength.
Theoretically this would be the equivalent of the force-field belt beloved of comic
book artists whose barrier could not be seen yet could repulse bullets, cannon
shells, etc. Aircraft and other vehicles could be rendered nearly invulnerable to
assault by low-technology forces.
Super-impenetrability for radiation. If the step size of the AB-Matter net will be
less than a wave length of a given radiation, the AB-Matter net will not pass this
radiation. In the above scenario, the laser protective goggles with variable
spacing would be similarly blocking-- but it also works the other way, making
selective invisibility possible, as well as invulnerability to nuclear flash.
Zero heat/thermal conductivity because nucleons have a very strong connection
between one and another. In practical terms, this means that this is the perfect
insulator--enabling small scale melting furnaces and the ability to carry
incandescent molten metals in one's pocket inside a well sealed plastic bottle as
long as a layer of the insulator is present and unbreached. The applications for
rocket engine designs are obvious, and the increased exhaust velocity means a
school-bus sized vehicle could carry astronauts to the Moon in a single stage-and back again, all on a single fueling from Cape Canaveral. Needless to say, the
Mach 35 reentry would pose no thermal problem even if the underside of the

femto-thin layer were ordinary aircraft aluminum.

Impunity against high temperatures: With appropriate insulation for protection
of personnel and equipment, (see above) fusion reactions can be DIRECTLY
CONTAINED WITHOUT COOLING or fears of the plasma touching the wall.
Millions of degrees can be withstood. Reactor designs for fission also can use
unprecedented levels of heat output and theoretically with gas-core fission
reactors can DIRECTLY use plasma for industrial purposes as well as conversion
efficiencies of over 2/3, and that is being conservative. Similar impunity against
corrosive chemicals.
Super or quasi-super conductivity of electricity at any temperature. This is one
reason for the conservative estimate of conversion efficiency above. Imagine
MHD (magneto hydrodynamic) generators directly putting 50000 C plasma past
a SUPERCONDUCTING structure for generating electricity without moving
parts! The AB-Matter string can have outer electrons in an arrangement similar
to the electronic cloud into metal. But AB-Matter strings or threads can be
located along the direction of the electric intensity and they will not resist the
electron flow. That means the electric resistance will be zero or very small. The
AB-Matter string can have outer electrons in an arrangement similar to the
electronic cloud between the nuclei of a metal structure. But AB-Matter strings
(threads) can be located along the direction of the electric intensity and they will
not resist the electron flow. That means the electric resistance will be zero or
very small.
High tensile strength. Safe tensile stress is MILLIONS of times greater than the
Safe tensile stress of steel OR NANOTUBES!
High dielectric strength AB-Matter may be used for devices to produce high
magnetic intensity. This would be very useful for EMP weapons as well as
medical uses and even electromotive equipment of many types and surpassingly
light weight, thus enabling economical long range
Absolute chemical stability. No corrosion, no material fatigue, infinite lifetime.
All chemical reactions are acted through ORBITAL electron of atoms. The ABMatter does not have orbital electrons and nucleons cannot combine with usual
atoms having electrons. As such, AB-Matter has absolute corrosion resistance.
There is no fatigue of material because in conventional material fatigue is result
of splits between material crystals and there are no crystals in AB-Matter. That
means AB-Matter has lifetime equal to the lifetime of neutrons themselves.
The applications of the AB-Matter are encyclopedic in scope and will create
revolutions in many fields of human activity. Some unusual applications include:
Storage of enormous energy. The energy stored in flywheels is highly dependent
on the density of the material and the speed it is spinnable at. Lead is dense, but
not strong. Kevlar is strong, but not dense. By contrast, a gigantic value of stored
energy is possible with AB-Matter because of the extreme values afforded by the

strong nuclear force. A car having a pair of 1 gram counterspun fly-wheels (2

grams total) which would be spun up at the factory with huge electric motors
there, can run all its life without gasoline or any other refueling. Aircraft or sea
ships having 100 gram (two 50 gram counterspun fly-wheels) can fly or swim all
its life without additional fuel. The AB matter flywheel storage has zero friction
and indefinite energy storage time.
Electricity Grid. While copper is one of the best electrical conductors, it still has
some resistance which means that there is energy loss. In Israel which is about
the size of New Jersey, the loss from the electricity generator in Ashkelon to
Eilat, about 100 miles, is 15%. In the United States, the vast distances that
electricity must be transported means that millions and perhaps billions of
dollars is wasted. As mentioned above, AB Matter can both store electricity and
transmit electricity with virtually no loss. It is inevitable that the future electric
grid will be constructed by AB Matter.
Simple thermonuclear reactor. The AB-Matter film may be used as the wall of a
simple thermonuclear reactor. The AB-Matter film allows a direct 100% hit by
the accelerated nuclei to stationary nuclei located in the film. Wherever it
impacts, there is a nucleus waiting! You get a controlled nuclear reaction of
cheap fuel. In conventional thermonuclear reactor the probability of a hit by the
accelerated or highly heated nuclei to other nuclei is trifling. The accelerated
particles, which run through ghostlike ATOMS and lose the energy, need
therefore to be sent through to repeated collisions each of which loses energy
until the one that hits and generates energy. The winner must pay for all the
losers. That way we need big, very complex, and expensive high temperature
conventional thermonuclear reactors. They are so nearly unbuildable because
ordinary matter literally cannot take the reactions they are designed to contain,
and therefore special tricks must
be used to sidestep this, and the reactions are so improbable that again special
tricks are required. Here, every shot is a hit and the material can endure every
consequence of that hit. A good vacuum system and a means of getting power
and isotopes in and out are the main problems, and by no means insuperable
ones. Using the AB-Matter we can design a micro-thermonuclear AB reactor.
Computer and computer memory. The AB-Matter film allows writing in 1 square
centimeter 2.510e25 bits of information. The current 45 nanometer technology
allows writing only 2.510e14 bits in 1 square centimeter. That means the main
chip and memory of computer based in AB-Matter film may be a billion times
smaller and presumably thousands of times faster based on the lesser distance
signals must travel.
Increasing efficiency of a conventional aviation and transport vehicles. ABMatter does not experience friction. The air drag in aviation is produced up 90%
by air friction on aircraft surfaces. Therefore an AB-Matter friction free coating
would enable global range in most aircraft which today only have an operational
radius of only a thousand kilometers or so. Military aircraft could break the
friction barrier that has held practical speeds to under Mach 3 for two

generations, and suborbital hops would become more economical than

transoceanic atmospheric flight in many cases because of the perfect heat
Hypersonic aircraft. The friction and heat which attacks conventional materials
for hypersonic aircraft limits their speed. Using the AB-Matter eliminates this
problem. Many designs for aerospace planes could capture oxygen in flight,
which would save the cost of hauling oxidizer and carrying fuel. These designs
enable new airliner type geometries and greater payloads because it eliminates
the weight of the oxidizer and the tanks needed to hold it. A single stage to orbit
or antipode aerospace plane would be quite possible with AB-Matter. For that
matter, a single stage to lunar surface and back, just like the movies.
High efficiency rocket, jet and piston aviation engines. The efficiency of
conventional jet and rocket engines are limited by the temperature and safety
limits of conventional matter (2000oK). If the rotor blades in a jet engine or
combustion chamber in rocket and piston engines are constructed from ABMatter, their capacities radically improve. As there is no need for a cooling
system, their construction is simplified.
AB-Matter as propulsion system of space ship. The most important characteristic
of rocket engine is specific impulse which is the speed of gas or other material
flowing out from the propulsion system. The chemical rocket engine has a
specific impulse of about 3700 m/s. That value is 10 thousand times less than an
AB Matter engine might be capable of. In our design of the rocket engine, the
energy is saved in the flywheel. Current projects of a nuclear rocket are very
complex, heavy, and dangerous for humans because of gamma and neutron
radiation and have specific impulse of thousand of times less than the AB-Matter
rocket engine which may be very small and which can produce any rocket thrust
in any moment in any direction.
Super-armor from conventional and nonconventional weapons. No weapon exists
which comes close to the speed needed to break through or perforate a shield of
To oversimplify what we propose, AB Matter is really nothing more than taking
neutrons or protons; elements of the core of every atom; and making it into
strings, and then crossing the strings into a mesh. It is the size of the mesh
opening which gives it certain properties and the absence of electrons which
gives it other properties.
Strategic Solutions Technology Group is willing to share with the public the
mathematical modeling which predicts these properties, but the designs of how
to do it is a closely guarded secret which of course needs substantial R&D to
actualize. After this type of matter is produced, the world will be unrecognizable.
For example, we can configure this so that one probe goes to the core as it can
go through matter like its not there, a second combination can resist any heat
and pipeline the lava up and a third can be the turbine that makes the electricity.

We then will have virtually unlimited electricity without burning any fossil fuels.
Finally, mankind can be safe from all conventional and unconventional weapons.
For the first time in 50 years mankind is safe not just from nuclear weapons and
other WMD but from all conventional weapons making warfare unfeasible. This
is not a brave new world scenario but a safe new world. Eliminating the need to
burn fossil fuel also makes this a clean new world.

05/16/09 03:31 am
Between this and Garrett Lisi's "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of
Everything" absolutely nothing is impossible...
The only problem is with the current political and social paradigms, which
will abuse the use and implimentations of these technologies...but I've
successfully spent most of the last ten years laying the foundation for a
change in alla that.

05/18/09 12:58 am
'spray-on computers' by professor Damal Arvind, Monday, April 9, 2007,
"Scottish Scientists Develop "Spray-On Computers" for Healthcare."
In the lab, they've already got it down to the millimeter size... iow, just a
couple of steps away from creating 'Smart Dust.' (also Google: 'Smart Dust,'
and 'Utility Fog.'
About Speckled Computing
What is Speckled Computing?
Speckled Computing offers a radically new concept in information technology
that has the potential to revolutionise the way we communicate and exchange
Specks will be minute (around 1 mm3) semiconductor grains that can sense and
compute locally and communicate wirelessly. Each speck will be autonomous,
with its own captive, renewable energy source. Thousands of specks, scattered
or sprayed on the person or surfaces, will collaborate as programmable
computational networks called Specknets.
Computing with Specknets will enable linkages between the material and
digital worlds with a finer degree of spatial and temporal resolution than
hitherto possible; this will be both fundamental and enabling to the goal of
truly ubiquitous computing.
Speckled Computing is the culmination of a greater trend. As the
once-separate worlds of computing and wireless communications collide, a new
class of information appliances will emerge. Where once they stood proud ?
the PDA bulging in the pocket, or the mobile phone nestling in one?s palm,

the post-modern equivalent might not be explicit after all. Rather, data
sensing and information processing capabilities will fragment and disappear
into everyday objects and the living environment. At present there are sharp
dislocations in information processing capability ? the computer on a desk,
the PDA/laptop, mobile phone, smart cards and smart appliances. In our vision
of Speckled Computing, the sensing and processing of information will be
highly diffused ? the person, the artefacts and the surrounding space,
become, at the same time, computational resources and interfaces to those
resources. Surfaces, walls, floors, ceilings, articles, and clothes, when
sprayed with specks (or ?speckled?), will be invested with a ?computational
aura? and sensitised post hoc as props for rich interactions with the
computational resources.

05/18/09 03:22 am

05/25/09 04:40 pm
There's some neuroscience and mind control stuff here that'll be of interest.
Hotlinks in text at website.
Harnessing science to create the ultimate warrior
20 May 2009 by Linda Geddes
Magazine issue 2709.
Editorial: Is this the dawn of the super-soldier?
BATALLIONS of super-soldiers could be selected for specific duties on the
basis of their genetic make-up and then constantly monitored for signs of
weakness. So says a report by the US National Academies of Science (NAS).
If a soldier is struggling, a digital "buddy" might step in and warn them
about nearby threats, or advise comrades to zap them with an electromagnet to
increase their alertness. If the whole unit is falling apart, biosensors
could warn central commanders to send in a replacement team.
As advances in neuroscience bring all this into the realms of reality, there
are ethical issues to consider. Last week, the NAS released a report
assessing the military potential of neuroscience, providing a rare insight
into how the military might invest its money to create future armies.
Sponsored by the US army and written by a panel of 14 prominent
neuroscientists, the report focuses on those areas with "high-payoff
potential" - where the science is sufficiently reliable to turn into useful
technologies (see "Where should the money go?").
"A growing understanding of neuroscience offers huge scope for improving
soldiers' performance and effectiveness on the battlefield," says the report.
Neuroscience offers huge scope for improving soldiers' performance on the
Within five years, biomarkers might be used to assess how well a soldier's
brain is functioning, and within 10 years, it should be possible to predict
how individuals are likely to respond to environmental stresses like extreme
heat and cold, or endurance exercises.
Genetic testing might also enable recruitment officers to determine which
soldiers are best for specialist jobs. For example, by combining
psychological testing with genetic tests for levels of brain chemicals, a
clearer picture of a soldier's competencies might shine through. "We might

say that given this person's high levels of brain serotonin, they're going to
be calmer under pressure, so they might make a good sniper," says Paul Zak of
Claremont Graduate University in California, who was on the NAS panel.
Alternatively, someone with low dopamine might be less likely to take risks,
he says, and therefore be better suited as a commanding officer in a civilian
Selection by genotype could be fraught with difficulty - applicants rejected
for certain jobs might try to sue on the grounds of genetic discrimination,
say. Anders Sandberg, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford's Future
of Humanity Institute, says the military also needs to choose the traits it
wants to optimise with care. "The battlefield is changing quite a lot right
now. Wars are becoming more like computer games, which means that in the
future having the genes that make you a good physical fighter might not be so
important as having excellent hand-eye coordination."
Perhaps more sinister is the possibility of neuroscientists creating
cognitively manipulated warriors, whose emotions have been blunted, for
Zak emphasises that the panel was not asked how to turn soldiers into better
"killing machines", although "the whole purpose of maximising and sustaining
battlefield capacity is to gain superiority over opponents", admits Floyd
Bloom of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, who chaired
the panel.
That's not to say someone won't try it, though. Zak's own work focuses on the
role of the hormone oxytocin in trust and empathy. If drugs were developed to
block oxytocin, the effect might be to reduce a soldier's ability to
empathise with enemy combatants or civilians.
You could get rid of empathy to create a soldier that's more prepared to
engage in battle
"There are lots of stories of soldiers who refuse to shoot other soldiers,"
says Zak. "If you could get rid of that empathy response you might create a
soldier that's more prepared to engage in battle and risk their life."
The panel recognised that such ethical dilemmas might be an inevitable
consequence of their work. For this reason, they recommended that the US
military should recruit ethicists to examine the ramifications of such
developments before they occur. "They need to be explored because at some
point someone's going to do them," says Zak. "Controls have to be put in
Neuroscience could also help to save lives in a military context. If you could
predict which soldiers were particularly susceptible to stress, for example,
it might help prevent a tragedy. Last week US army sergeant John Russell was

charged with shooting five of his colleagues dead. Russell had completed a
15-month tour of Iraq and was being treated for stress.
Other research has suggested that navy recruits whose hypothalamo-pituitary
axes (an area of the brain involved in the stress response) are highly
reactive to stress are less likely to complete navy SEAL training. Robert
Ursano at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland, and his
colleagues have hinted that you might be able to predict individual responses
to stress by looking at numbers of serotonin receptors, and levels of p11, a
protein linked to depression (Progress in Brain Research, DOI:
The difficulty is finding predictive markers that are reliable enough, says
Simon Wessely at the King's Centre for Military Health Research in London,
who was not involved in the report. "Current predictors are too weak, and
while they may work statistically in large groups, they cannot say that
Private A is vulnerable and Private B isn't." Moreover, "if you wrongly label
someone as vulnerable to breakdown, you are damaging his career and robbing
the army of much-needed manpower".
A more likely short-term prospect is monitoring whether an individual
soldier's mental performance is deteriorating because of stress or tiredness.
Many errors involve lapses of attention, so finding ways to monitor
attentiveness could have big benefits. Recent studies have linked variations
in blood flow and oxygenation with occasions when observers miss signals,
says the report, so sensors in helmets to monitor these variations could
alert the soldier and his unit that his attention was fading.
Another possibility might be to use brain imaging to work out which recruits
have understood new training concepts. In a recent study, fMRI was used to
compare the brain activity of physics students and other students when they
watched film clips of two different-sized balls falling at either the same or
different rates.
The students were asked if the film they viewed was consistent with their
expectations of how the balls should fall. In the non-physics students, an
area of the brain associated with error detection lit up when the large and
small balls fell at the same rate. For the physics students, the same area
lit up when they fell at different rates - suggesting that they had fully
grasped the Newtonian concept that different balls should fall at the same
rate, regardless of their size.
Bloom emphasises that while all technologies have the potential to be misused,
this is not necessarily a reason for ignoring them. Indeed, military
investment could even reap benefits for the wider society. "Investment in
such opportunities will be of benefit to the public by improving ways we
educate our children and understand ourselves," he says.

05/29/09 03:39 am
Also can be used as ultrasound 'mind control.'
Thursday, May 28, 2009
First Acoustic Superlens
An ultrasound lens could be used for high-resolution clinical imaging.
By Katherine Bourzac
smaller text tool iconmedium text tool iconlarger text tool icon In focus:
When filled with water, the holes in this aluminum plate act as resonant
cavities that can focus ultrasound waves.
Credit: Nicholas Fang
Over the past few years, researchers have developed several materials that
bend light in ways that appear to violate the laws of physics, creating
so-called superlenses, for ultra-high-resolution optical imaging, as well as
invisibility cloaks. Now researchers have demonstrated that the same kind of
images and cloaking devices could be made with sound instead of light. Using
the first acoustic metamaterial ever produced, the researchers were able to
focus ultrasound waves. This represents a significant step toward creating
high-resolution ultrasound images and cloaking devices capable of hiding
ships from sonar.
Acoustic lenses can be made to focus sound much as the lens in a microscope
focuses light. But physicists' ability to work with both types of waves is
limited by scattering effects called diffraction. Using conventional lenses,
it's not possible to focus light waves or sound waves to a spot size smaller
than half the wavelength of the light. To get around these limitations, a
lens must refract, or literally bend light backward. No naturally occurring
materials have a negative index of refraction, but some materials carefully
designed in the lab, called metamaterials, do. The same tools used to make
materials that can focus light or sound waves beyond the diffraction limit,
enabling high-resolution imaging, can also be used to make materials that
accomplish the opposite, cloaking an object by directing light or sound
around it.
Theorists have been working on materials that bend sound waves backward for
several years. Such a metamaterial has now been built by Nicholas Fang, an
assistant professor of mechanical science and engineering at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His group's sound-focusing device is an
aluminum array of narrow-necked resonant cavities whose dimensions are tuned
to interact with ultrasound waves. The cavities are filled with water. Fang
likens them to an array of wind instruments, such as the pipes in an organ.

When ultrasound waves move through the array, the cavities resonate so that
the sound is focused. The cavities "work together to refract the sound," says
"This is a big step forward for acoustic metamaterials," says Steven Cummer,
an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Duke
University. Cummer was involved with the development of the first optical
cloaking device. "It's a good experimental confirmation that ideas from
electromagnetics can be extended to acoustics," he says. "Figuring out a good
way to do this experimentally was not easy."
The ultrasound system, described in the journal Physical Review Letters,
hasn't yet exceeded the diffraction limit. But researchers expect Fang to
beat it soon. "I am sure that we shall not have long to wait," says John
Pendry, a professor of theoretical solid-state physics at Imperial College
London, who designed the materials used by Duke researchers to make the first
invisibility cloak.
"There are many important applications awaiting a successful sub-wavelength
acoustical focusing device," says Pendry. The first application of acoustic
metamaterials is likely to be in high-resolution clinical ultrasound imaging,
says Fang. "Without pumping more energy into tissue, you can provide a
sharper image." However, he notes that applications are a ways off. "We've
done focusing, but not yet imaging," says Fang.

05/29/09 03:41 am
Ultrasound shown to exert remote control of brain circuits
In a twist on nontraditional uses of ultrasound, a group of neuroscientists at
Arizona State University has developed pulsed ultrasound techniques that can
remotely stimulate brain circuit activity. Their findings, published in the
Oct. 29 issue of the journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) One, provide
insights into how low-power ultrasound can be harnessed for the noninvasive
neurostimulation of brain circuits and offers the potential for new
treatments of brain disorders and disease.
While it might be hard to imagine the day where doctors could treat post
traumatic stress disorders, traumatic brain injury and even Alzheimer?s
disease with the flip of a switch, most of us have in fact experienced some
of ultrasound?s numerous applications in our daily lives. For example,
ultrasound has been used in fetal and other diagnostic medical imaging,
ultrasonic teeth cleaning, physiotherapies, or surgical ablation. Ultrasound
also provides a multitude of other non-medical uses, including pharmaceutical
manufacturing, food processing, nondestructive materials testing, sonar,
communications, oceanography and acoustic mapping.
?Studies of ultrasound and its interactions with biological tissues have a
rich history dating back to the late 1920s,? lead investigator William
?Jamie? Tyler points out. ?Several research groups have, for more than a
half-century, demonstrated that ultrasound can produce changes in excitable
tissues, such as nerve and/or muscle, but detailed studies in neurons at the
cellular level have been lacking.?
?We were able to unravel how ultrasound can stimulate the electrical activity
of neurons by optically monitoring the activity of neuronal circuits, while
we simultaneously propagated low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound through
brain tissues,? says Tyler, assistant professor of neurobiology and
bioimaging in the School of Life Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and
Led by Tyler, the ASU research group discovered that remotely delivered low
intensity, low frequency ultrasound (LILFU) increased the activity of
voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels in a manner sufficient to trigger
action potentials and the release of neurotransmitter from synapses. Since
these processes are fundamental to the transfer of information among neurons,
the authors pose that this type of ultrasound provides a powerful new tool
for modulating the activity of neural circuits.
?Many of the stimulation methods used by neuroscientists require the use and

implantation of stimulating electrodes, requiring direct contact with nervous

tissue or the introduction of exogenous proteins, such as those used for the
light-activation of neurons,? Tyler explains.
The search for new types of noninvasive neurostimulation methods led them to
revisit ultrasound.
?We were quite surprised to find that ultrasound at power levels lower than
those typically used in routine diagnostic medical imaging procedures could
produce an increase in the activity of neurons while higher power levels
produced very little effect on their activity,? Tyler says.
Other neuroscientists and engineers have also been rapidly developing new
neurostimulation methods for controlling nervous system activity and several
approaches show promise for the treatment of a wide variety of nervous system
disorders. For example, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Vagal Nerve
Stimulation (VNS) have been shown to be effective in the management of
psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder, and drug addition, as well as for therapies of neurological
diseases such as Parkinson?s disease, Alzheimer?s disease, Tourette Syndrome,
epilepsy, dystonia, stuttering, tinnitus, recovery of cognitive and motor
function following stroke, and chronic pain. Up until now, these two
techniques have captured the attention of physicians and scientists; however,
these therapies still pose risks to patients because they require the
surgical implantation of stimulating electrodes. Thus, these types of
therapies are often only available to patients presenting the worst of
One prior stumbling block to using ultrasound noninvasively in the brain has
been the skull. However, the acoustic frequencies utilized by Tyler and his
colleagues to construct their pulsed ultrasound waveforms, overlap with a
frequency range where optimal energy gains are achieved between transcranial
transmission and brain absorption of ultrasound ? which allows the ultrasound
to penetrate bone and yet prevent damage to the soft tissues. Their findings
are supported by other studies examining the potential of high-intensity
focused ultrasound for ablating brain tissues, where it was shown that
low-frequency ultrasound could be focused through human skulls.
When asked about the potential of using his groups? methods to remotely
control brain activity, Tyler says: ?One might be able to envision potential
applications ranging from medical interventions to use in video gaming or the
creation of artificial memories along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger?s
character in ?Total Recall.? Imagine taking a vacation without actually going
?Obviously, we need to conduct further research and development, but one of
the most exhilarating prospects is that low intensity, low frequency
ultrasound permit deep-brain stimulation procedures without requiring

exogenous proteins or surgically implanted medical devices,? he adds.

Tyler and the other ASU researchers will now focus on further characterization
of the influence of ultrasound on intact brain circuits and translational
research, taking low intensity ultrasound from the lab into pre-clinical
trials and treatment of neurological diseases.
Margaret Coulombe,
School of Life Sciences

05/29/09 04:26 am
also: Google: 'ultrasound gamma oscillations'
iow, they definitely have the technology to influence one's behavior from
e.g. one google search using the above keywords shows this article:
----Lasers Induce Gamma Brain Waves in Mice | EmpowHer - Womens Health ...
May 20, 2009 ... Gamma oscillations reflect the synchronous activity of large
interconnected networks of neurons firing together at frequencies ranging
from ... - 152k - Cached - Similar pages
Long-distance brain waves focus attention (w/Video)
May 28th, 2009
( -- Just as our world buzzes with distractions -- from phone
calls to e-mails to tweets -- the neurons in our brain are bombarded with
messages. Research has shown that when we pay attention, some of these
neurons begin firing in unison, like a chorus rising above the noise. Now, a
study in the May 29 issue of Science reveals the likely brain center that
serves as the conductor of this neural chorus.
MIT neuroscientists found that neurons in the prefrontal cortex - the brain's
planning center - fire in unison and send signals to the visual cortex to do
the same, generating high-frequency waves that oscillate between these
distant brain regions like a vibrating spring. These waves, also known as
gamma oscillations, have long been associated with cognitive states like
attention, learning, and consciousness.
"We are especially interested in gamma oscillations in the prefrontal cortex
because it provides top-down influences over other parts of the brain,"
explains senior author Robert Desimone, director of the McGovern Institute
for Brain Research and the Doris and Don Berkey Professor of Neuroscience at
MIT. "We know that the prefrontal cortex is affected in people with
schizophrenia, ADHD and many other brain disorders, and that gamma
oscillations are also altered in these conditions. Our results suggest that
altered neural synchrony in the prefrontal cortex could disrupt communication
between this region and other areas of the brain, leading to altered
perceptions, thoughts, and emotions."
To explain neural synchrony, Desimone uses the analogy of a crowded party with

people talking in different rooms. If individuals raise their voices at

random, the noise just becomes louder. But if a group of individuals in one
room chant together in unison, the next room is more likely to hear the
message. And if people in the next room chant in response, the two rooms can
In the Science study, Desimone looked for patterns of neural synchrony in two
"rooms" of the brain associated with attention - the frontal eye field (FEF)
within the prefrontal cortex and the V4 region of the visual cortex. Lead
authors Georgia Gregoriou, a postdoctoral associate in the Desimone lab, and
Stephen Gotts of the National Institute of Mental Health, trained two macaque
monkeys to watch a monitor displaying multiple objects, and to concentrate on
one of the objects when cued. They monitored neural activity from the FEF and
the V4 regions of the brain when the monkeys were either paying attention to
the object or ignoring it.
When the monkeys first paid attention to the appropriate object, neurons in
both areas showed strong increases in activity. Then, as if connected by a
spring, the oscillations in each area began to synchronize with one another.
Desimone's team analyzed the timing of the neural activity and found that the
prefrontal cortex became engaged by attention first, followed by the visual
cortex - as if the prefrontal cortex commanded the visual region to snap to
attention. The delay between neural activity in these areas during each wave
cycle reflected the speed at which signals travel from one region to the
other - indicating that the two brain regions were talking to one another.
Desimone suspects this pattern of oscillation is not just specific to
attention, but could also represent a more general mechanism for
communication between different parts of the brain. These findings support
speculation that gamma synchrony enables far-flung regions of the brain to
rapidly communicate with each other - which has important implications for
understanding and treating disorders ranging from schizophrenia to impaired
vision and attention. "This helps us think about how to approach studying and
treating these disorders by finding ways to restore gamma rhythms in the
affected brain regions."
Source: McGovern Institute for Brain< Research

06/04/09 07:43 pm
Hotlinks in text at website.
Inside the Military?s Secret Terror-Tagging Tech
By David Hambling Email Author
June 3, 2009 |
radartagThe story that the CIA uses tiny homing beacons to guide their drone
strikes in Pakistan may sound like an urban myth. But this sort of technology
does exist, and might well be used for exactly this purpose. It might even
have been the ?secret weapon? that Bob Woodward said helped the American
military pacify Iraq.
The military has spent hundreds of millions of dollars researching,
developing, and purchasing a slew of ?Tagging tracking and locating? (TTL)
gear ? gizmos designed to keep covertly tabs from far away. Most of these
technologies are highly classified. But there?s enough information in the
open literature to get a sense of what the government is pursuing:
laser-based reflectors, super-strength RFID tags, and homing beacons so tiny,
they can be woven into fabric or into paper.
Some of the gadgets are already commercially available; if you?re carrying
around a phone or some other mobile gadget, you can be tracked - either
through the GPS chip embedded in the gizmo, or by triangulating the cell
signal. Defense contractor EWA Government Systems, Inc. makes a radio
frequency-based ?Bigfoot Remote Tagging System? that?s the size of a couple
of AA batteries. But the government has been working to make these terrorist
tracking tags even smaller.
Sandia National Laboratories have carried out development on ?Radar
Responsive? tags, which are like a long-range version of the ubiquitous
stick-on RFID tags used to mark items in shops. The Radar Responsive tag
stays asleep until it is woken up by a radar pulse. The tags in Wal-mart have
a range of a couple of meters, Sandia?s tags can light up and locate
themselves from twelve miles away.
This document from 2004 describes the tags as being credit-card sized and with
a ?geolocation accuracy? of three feet. The radio waves penetrate buildings.
Suggested application include ?search and rescue, precision targeting,
special operations.? The selection of aircraft used to illustrate the system
includes a Predator drone.
The reports from Pakistan suggest that the CIA knew which village to strike,
they just needed to locate the exact building (descriptions like ?third house

on the left? can be dangerously ambiguous, especially when viewing from the
air). A Radar Responsive tag would be very handy for guiding a strike from a
drone a few miles away.
Nor is this the only technology out there. A 2002 Defense Science Board report
on counter-terrorism mentioned, among other things, the possibility of using
invisible chemical dye to mark terrorists, so they could be spotted using a
suitable viewer.
The 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review ? the Pentagon?s once-every-four-years
grand strategy document ? included a section on defeating terrorist networks,
which mentioned the importance of tagging and tracking both terrorists and
their gear. Two methods suggested are tinier-than-tiny radar tags, and
dynamic optical tags. Darpa, the Pentagon?s way-out research arm, spent years
developing these ?small, environmentally robust, retro reflector-based tags
that can be read by both handheld and airborne sensors at significant
ranges.? They rely on small silicon reflectors which return a laser signal ?
as long as that signal can be seen from the air. ?Each Dynamic Optical Tag or
DOT is an inch across and based on a ?quantum well modulator,?? the agency
explains. ?They are read using a laser interrogator, which can be mounted on
an aircraft; the laser ?wakes up? the tag, which sends a return signal at
over 100 kbps. This can be simply the ID of the tag, or it can be data that
it has recorded - for example, details of where it has traveled since last
interrogated, or recorded video or audio.?
Covert radar tags were descried in a 2004 report by the National materials
Advisory Board. Inkode, a company that also provides cheap RFID tags for
supermarkets, has developed a means of embedding aluminum fibers in paper
other materials. The fibers are described as 6.5 millimeters long and 1.5
micrometers in diameter.
When illuminated with radar, the backscattered fields interact to create a
unique interference pattern that enables one tagged object to be identified
and differentiated from other tagged objects,? the company says. ?For
nonmilitary applications, the reader is less than 1 meter from the tag. For
military applications, the reader and tag could theoretically be separated by
a kilometer or more.?
The fibers can be embedded in ?paper, airline baggage tags, book bindings,
clothing and other fabrics, and plastic sheet.? Eight thousand fibres can be
embedded in a typical 8 by 11 inch piece of paper, which could be seen by
radar at a similar distance to a meter-square target. So even something as
small as a cigarette paper could be detected through walls, uniquely
identified and precisely located from a tactically-useful distance in order
to direct a missile strike.
This 2007 briefing from U.S. Special Operations Command hints at research into

even more exotic ways to keep tabs on a target. Technology goals include
spotting a ?human thermal fingerprint at long distance,? ?augmentation of
natural signatures: e.g. ?perfumes? and ?stains.?? The presentation also
mentions a ?bioreactive taggant? that is a ?current capability.? Next to the
words in a picture of a bruised arm.
We do not know if any or all of these technologies are actually in use. After
all, mobile phones are also a good way of locating an individual from long
range, and there are numerous other sensors that can be used to direct a
strike. But technologically speaking, the miniature homing beacon calling in
CIA drone strikes is not just another urban myth.
? David Hambling and Noah Shachtman
[Photo: Sandia National Labs]

06/04/09 07:45 pm
If they can 'see' inside the cells, they can begin to manipulate those
cells. ...for good or ill.
Revolutionary Ultrasonic Nanotechnology May Allow Scientists To See Inside
Patient?s Individual Cells
ScienceDaily (June 3, 2009) - Revolutionary ultrasonic nanotechnology that
could allow scientists to see inside a patient?s individual cells to help
diagnose serious illnesses is being developed by researchers at The
University of Nottingham.
The new technique would utilise ultrasound technology ? more commonly used to
look at whole bodies such as fetal scanners ? to look inside cells. The
components of the new technology would be many thousand times smaller than
current systems.
The technology would be tiny enough to allow scientists to see inside and
image individual cells in the human body, which would further our
understanding of the structure and function of cells and could help to detect
abnormalities to diagnose serious illnesses such as some cancers.
The work by the Ultrasonics Group in the Division of Electrical Systems and
Optics has been deemed so potentially innovative it has recently been awarded
a 850,000 five-year Platform Grant by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC).
Ultrasound refers to sound waves that are at a frequency too high to be
detected by the human ear, typically 20 kHz and above. Medical ultrasound
uses an electrical transducer the size of a matchbox to produce sound waves
at much higher frequencies, typically around 100-1000 times higher to probe
The Nottingham researchers are aiming to produce a miniaturised version of
this technology, with transducers so tiny that you could fit 500 across the
width of one human hair which would produce sound waves at frequencies a
thousand times higher again, in the GHz range.
Dr Matt Clark of the Ultrasonics Group, said: ?By examining the mechanical
properties inside a cell there is a huge amount that we can learn about its
structure and the way it functions. But it?s very much a leap into the
unknown as this has never been achieved before.
?One of the reasons for this is that it presents an enormous technical
challenge. To produce nano-ultrasonics you have to produce a

nano-transducers, which essentially means taking a device that is currently

the size of a matchbox and scaling it down to the nanoscale. How do you
attach a wire to something so small?
?Our answer to some of these challenges is to create a device that works
optically ? using pulses of laser light to produce ultrasound rather than an
electrical current. This allows us to talk to these tiny devices.?
The new technology may also allow scientists to see objects even smaller than
optical microscopes and be so sensitive they may be able to measure single
In addition to medical applications, the new technology would have important
uses as a testing facility for industry to assess the integrity and quality
of materials and to detect tiny defects which could have an impact on
performance or safety.
Ultrasonics is currently used in applications such as testing landing gear
components in the aero industry for cracks and damage which may not be
immediately visible or may develop with use.
The group is also looking at developing new inspection techniques for
inspecting engineering metamaterials ? advanced composites that are currently
impossible to inspect with ultrasound. These materials offer huge performance
advantages allowing radical new engineering but can't be widely used because
of the difficulty of inspection.
Dr Clark added: ?We are also applying our technology to nanoengineering
because we have to match the enormous growth in nanotechnology with
techniques to inspect the nanoworld. As products and their components become
ever tinier, the testing facilities for those also need to be scaled down
In NEMS (nanoelectromechanical) and MEMS (microelectromechanical) based
machines there is an increasing demand for testing facilities which offer the
same capabilities as those for real-world sized devices.
Adapted from materials provided by University of Nottingham.

06/15/09 08:30 pm
Starting to go mainstream. least, they aren't dismissing the
possibility outright, as they were when I first began sending out my "Tinfoil
Hat" and "Mind Control" emails.
If ya want those, lemme know. I might even take the time to put 'em all in a
pdf for ya. ...won't be very well organized, but you'll have 'em.
It isn't a question of whether it is possible or not. Merely a question of
just how far those black budget projects have taken the technology. If
they've succeeded with some of the nanotech - smart dust stuff, or even
gotten it down to the millimeter scale - there just might be sumpin' real
behind some of those chemtrail conspiracies.
If DARPA and others have gone as far as I think they might have, there's a
few poor bastards out there who really aren't in control of
themselves...they've become puppets.
The scientific evidence is very real. Irrefutable. It isn't a matter of mind
control tech being real or whether it works or not. It's just a matter of how
far they've gone with it. Where's the leading edge? Where's the state of the
art? That's the only question that remains.
Any other type of question about the topic is just plain and simple denial.
Mind-Reading Tech May Not Be Far Off
At the World Science Festival this week, indications that brain scanners may
soon uncover your private thoughts
By Brooke Borel Posted 06.12.2009 at 5:15 pm 2 Comments
Neuroscientists are already able to read some basic thoughts, like whether an
individual test subject is looking at a picture of a cat or an image with a
specific left or right orientation. They can even read pictures that you're
simply imagining in your mind's eye. Even leaders in the field are shocked by
how far we've come in our ability to peer into people's minds. Will brain
scans of the future be able to tell if a person is lying or telling the
truth? Suggest whether a consumer wants to buy a car? Reveal our secret likes
and dislikes, or our hidden prejudices? While we aren't there yet, these
possibilities have dramatic social, legal and ethical implications.
Last night at the World Science Festival in New York, leading neuroscientists

took the stage to discuss current research into functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (fMRI), a type of scan that indirectly measures neural activity by
measuring the change in the blood oxygen level in the brain. Neurons require
oxygen in order to fire, so if a person is thinking about or looking at a
specific image, by looking at the oxygen levels the scientists can see the
patterns that "light up" in the brain, and link them to a specific word or
image. Study results in this field are astonishing. Work out of Frank Tong's
lab at Vanderbilt University, one of the event's panelists, shows that the
researchers can read the orientation of an object that a person is looking
out -- say a striped pattern that goes off to the left or the right -- 95
percent of the time. His group also, with 83 percent accuracy, can predict
which of two patterns an individual is holding in their memory.
But deciphering the patterns that result from one word or image is fairly
simple. Unraveling the entirety of our thoughts is not. John-Dylan Haynes, a
neuroscientist at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in
Berlin and another panelist, says that the researchers are not truly reading
minds: "We don't understand the language of the brain, the syntax and the
semantics of neural language." At this point, he says, they are just using
statistical analysis to analyze brain patterns during very specific
object-oriented tasks.
Some of Haynes' own work, however, seems eerily akin to mind reading. In an
experiment reminiscent of Benjamin Libet's 1985 Delay Test -- in which
electroencephalogram (EEG) scans indicated neural activity before a test
subject was conscious of making a decision to move their hand, encouraging
many a debate about free will -- Haynes' team was able to predict whether or
not a test subject would press a button with their left or right hand before
the subject was aware which they would pick, simply by reading their brain
The prospect of mind reading brings up privacy issues, raises deep ethical
questions, and will doubtless eventually bring complicated legal dilemmas.
Emory University bioethicist Paul Root Wolpe, a leading voice in the
relatively new field of neuroethics, urges society to be "vigilant" as these
technologies advance, and think about how to set the boundaries on who should
be scanned and when. One potential grey area is the Fifth Amendment: Will
brain scanning count as testimonial self-incrimination in a court case, or
will it fall into the same category as submitting hair and blood samples?
Other questions to consider: Can fMRIs act as trustworthy lie detectors or
indicators of racial prejudice in a hate crime, and should the tests be
admissible in court? Wolpe predicts that the Supreme Court will have to
decide on questions like these within the next decade.
For now, however, all of the panelists agree: do not trust current fMRI
products that are marketed as lie detectors. They say these may be
over-glorified polygraph tests, and may simply measure emotional responses to
stress, rather than "truth." More research needs to be done to confirm the

validity of such machines. But it may happen sooner than you think.

06/24/09 11:11 pm
Under the current control narratives of our contemporary national and
international societies, sooner or later, if you do not subscribe to
whichever ideology is in political and economic power, you will be required
to undergo a procedure which will allow that ideology to control your every
move. In fact, once the procedure is complete, you'll be very happy to comply
with their every wish.
I have at least 250 folders on very closely related materials if anyone is
interested. I may even be bothered to turn them into one, large pdf for your
Researchers expand clinical study of brain implant
Joshua Foer is a guest blogger on Boing Boing. Joshua is a freelance science
journalist and the co-founder of the Atlas Obscura: A Compendium of the
World's Wonders, Curiosities, and Esoterica, with Dylan Thuras.
braingateneuralinterface.jpgI'm excited to see that the BrainGate Neural
Interface System is moving to phase-II clinical testing. BrainGate is:
A baby aspirin-size brain sensor containing 100 electrodes, each thinner than
a human hair, that connects to the surface of the motor cortex (the part of
the brain that enables voluntary movement), registers electrical signals from
nearby neurons, and transmits them through gold wires to a set of computers,
processors and monitors. The goal is for patients with brain stem stroke,
ALS, and spinal cord injuries to eventually be able to control prosthetic
limbs directly form their brains.
An earlier version of the BrainGate system helped a young tetraplegic named
Matt Nagle control a mouse cursor and operate a very basic prosthetic hand.
Last fall, I met a 25-year-old locked-in patient named Erik Ramsey, who is
participating in the only other FDA-approved clinical trial of a
brain-computer interface. Ever since a car accident nine years ago, the only
part of Erik's body that has been under his control has been his eyeballs,
and even those he can only move up and down. The hope is that he might
someday use his neural implant to control a digital voice:
When Erik thinks about puckering his mouth into an o or stretching his lips
into an e, a unique pattern of neurons fires--even though his body doesn't
respond. It's like flicking switches that connect to a burned-out bulb. The

electrode implant picks up the noisy firing signals of about fifty different
neurons, amplifies them, and transmits them across Erik's skull to two small
receivers glued to shaved spots on the crown of his head. Those receivers
then feed the signal into a computer, which uses a sophisticated algorithm to
compare the pattern of neural firings to a library of patterns Kennedy
recorded earlier. It takes about fifty milliseconds for the computer to
figure out what Erik is trying to say and translate those thoughts into
Like the BrainGate sensor, Erik's neural implant was inserted into the motor
cortex (in his case, the specific region that controls the mouth, lips, and
jaw). But Erik's implant only has a single electrode, whereas the BrainGate
has 100, which means it should, theoretically, be able to differentiate
signals from a far greater number of neurons.
Plug and Play: Researchers Expand Clinical Study of Neural Interface Brain
The Unspeakable Odyssey of the Motionless Boy

07/03/09 09:23 pm
Just an FYI.

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