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Tier Two

Running head: Tier Two Words and Rule of 3

Tier Two Words and Rule of 3

National University
MAT 671

Tier Two

By using Tier two vocabulary words relating to the comparison of hunter-gather communities
and farming communities we create a basic level of understanding for the lesson. We will utilize
cognates to assist English Language Learners. The Rule of 3 for implementation of a vocabulary
strategy will be used in the lesson plan and a reflection of the success will be provided.

Tier Two

Tier Two Words and Rule of 3

Tier Two Vocabulary
Hunter- gather

Spanish Cognates


Family- Familia


Ranch- Rancho





All of the vocabulary words provided in these lists will help students understand the
difference between hunter- gather communities and the development of farming communities.
Sixth grade students will need to be able to compare the communities and explain the benefits of
developing farming techniques. The students will focus on the vocabulary and ensure
understanding before researching the topics and applying the vocabulary words to new projects.
English language learners will have an easier time being able to relate to the Spanish cognates
prior to learning the new vocabulary. The will establish a basis to attach the new words and make
their connections. According to L.D. Ventriglia Students who had received vocabulary
instruction significantly outperformed students who did not have the benefit of vocabulary
instruction on global vocabulary measures such as standardized test (L.D. Ventriglia, 2012).

Tier Two

I am currently not in the classroom but I would use the following lessons using The Rule of
3 to help student have a strong understanding of the vocabulary.

First the list will be on the board. I as the instructor will say the word and spell it
once. The students will then use a Venn diagram that will show how the words
relate to each group. The two sides will be hunter-gather and Farming. They will
then group the words that are associated with each community. Such as mobility
would be a hunter-gather characteristic while growth would relate more to farming
communities. The visual of seeing how the words relate while also writing them
will help them rehearse the vocabulary.

The students will then compare their Venn diagram with another student and they
will see what they agreed on and what was different. As a class we will have a
discussion where we create a Venn diagram together. The list of words will now be
off the board and the class will spell the vocabulary words aloud in unison.


To help analyze the ways the vocabulary words can be used students will need to
create a sentence that uses the vocabulary word correctly in another tense. For
growth they can use grown or development they can use develop. They will analyze
how the meaning changes.

We will utilize collaborative grouping to have the students relate the vocabulary
word to a concept. The students will work together to create concepts that help them
understand the vocabulary word. Such as relating mobility to physical mobility. If
they can understand and relate a physical mobility issue to mobility they will create

Tier Two

another connection. Someone who has a physical mobility issue will not be able to
move as easily similar to the farming community.

They will then be responsible for making a short story that utilizes all of the
vocabulary words. The short story should be accompanied by a drawing that
represents the main idea within their story. The short stories will be shared and the
class will need to clap when they hear the vocabulary word.

The students will also work to create their own definition of the words. They will
work in pairs and create a definition for each word. The best definitions will then be
used in a matching project for the class.

I think by starting out having the reviewing the vocabulary and immediately using a
graphic organizer it will help them have a visual for the spelling and immediately repeating the
words. By working together again as a class it will help them rehearse spelling the word out
loud and making a connection as an entire class. By using the vocabulary in their own sentence
the students will need to have an understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary and be able
to use it in many tenses. This will help them see how the word can be changed. The short story
will be the best way for students to make connections. The ability to create a story that they are
invested in and use their imagination they will have a greater understanding. They will then
need to create an image that portrays the meaning of the short story. The word and concept may
be more challenging which is why it should be completed in pairs. The concepts will help
students see how the vocabulary relates to other subjects and can be referenced. By having
students create their own definitions they will have to demonstrate a strong understanding with
clear and concise ideas.

Tier Two

The most beneficial parts of the lesson plan are when the students are being creative with
the vocabulary. While creating the short story and the picture they will be engaged and more
successful with understanding the vocabulary. Creative production exercises require the
learner to retrieve and produce the target word in appropriate novel contexts (L.D. Ventriglia,
2012, p. 45). The produce portion will get their creative energy flowing and they will relate and
utilize the vocabulary words without much additional thought. The Rule of 3 allows teachers to
have a system in place for each lesson to focus on vocabulary growth and understanding.

Tier Two
L.D. Ventriglia, P. D. (2012). Best Practices Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Development the Rule
of 3 (10 ed.). US: Younglight Educate.

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