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Yael R.

Dragwyla First North American rights

Email: 78,400 words

New Magicks for a New Age

Volume 4: The Notebooks of a Magickian
Book Ten

Sometimes the imaginary has more reality than the provably real:

‘But . . .’ Lyra struggled to find the words she wanted: ‘but it en’t true, is it? Not
true like chemistry or engineering, not that kind of true? There wasn’t really an Adam
and Eve? The Cassington Scholar told me it was just a kind of fairy tale.’
‘The Cassington Scholarship is traditionally given to a freethinker; it’s his function
to challenge the faith of the Scholars. Naturally he’d say that. But think of Adam and
Eve like an imaginary number, like the square root of minus one: you can never see
any concrete proof that it exists, but if you include it in your equations, you can
calculate all manner of things that couldn’t be imagined without it.’

Phillip Pullman, The Golden Compass (Book 1 of His Dark Materials. New
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995), pp. 372-373)


HydroDragon Enterprises
13410 Greenwood Ave N, # 306
Seattle, WA 98133-7380
August 3, 1996

Atlantis Rising
PO Box 441
Livingston, MT 59047

Dear editor,

Just received Atlantis Rising # 8, and was very pleased with it. I have just one teeny quibble:

In “The Mayan Calendar Mystery” by Kathie Garcia (Atlantis Rising # 8, pp. 41, 73), the author says that
the Mayans “referred to Venus as the eighth planet and the earth as the seventh. This and other
archaeological evidence has led Sitchin to suggest that they knew of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto as well and had obtained their knowledge from aliens, whose ‘count’ began at farther reaches
of the galaxy.” [Italics mine.]

The implication is that if the Mayans were aware of the existence of the outer planets, it could only have
been through contact with aliens, or at least with a culture that had telescopes. I disagree. Uranus, unlike
Neptune and Pluto, is a naked-eye planet; a person with normal vision can see it from the Los Angeles
basin on many nights of the year! The problem is that it moves very slowly through the heavens, a mere
4 degrees per year, as opposed to the much faster motion of Saturn and the other inner planets. But
regular observation of the heavens night after night, especially in ancient times, when there was neither
light pollution nor smog to obscure the night skies, would fairly quickly reveal Uranus for what it was:
unlike a star, but like a planet, it does not twinkle; it is much brighter than most stars; though it moves
slowly, its motion along the ecliptic is enormously faster than the proper motion of a true star; and
unlike a star, but like a planet, eventually it does return to the same celestial longitude. In fact, many
“primitive” cultures have known Uranus for just what it is, a planet, and the Mayans almost certainly
must have known this, too, through systematic observations of the skies taken over hundreds or thousands
of years. Unlike European-based civilization, the Mayans weren’t hampered in their astronomical work
by iron-clad assumptions, based upon theologically oriented ideas, about the maximum “permitted”
number of Planets. The West required a telescope to “discover” the “new” planet Uranus only because
up until then, Western belief-systems blinded Western astronomers to just what was out there and what it

As for Neptune and Pluto, while they cannot be seen with telescopes, their existence can be inferred from
irregularities in the orbit of Uranus. Again, unlike Europeans, the Mayans had no reason not to build a
cosmological model in which the Earth and other planets went around the Sun. Once they had done that,
they would have been able to associated irregularities in planetary orbits with the presence of other
planets, whether or not they ever had a theory about gravity. From there, knowing Uranus existed, it
would have been a short step to the obvious conclusion that irregularities in Uranus’s orbit unaccounted
for by the inner planets had to have been due to the presence of other planets still further out. No aliens
required at all – just good, hard, relentlessly meticulous mathematical and scientific reasoning.

Other than that, it was a great issue, one I enjoyed very much.


Lvg. (Ms) Yael R. Dragwyla, K.S.G.

HydroDragon Enterprises


Subj: FWD: If the Founding Fathers Had Been Wired

Date: 96-08-03 19:58:27 EDT
From: Nebet Het
BCC: Polaris93

Date: Fri, Aug 2, 1996 10:30 AM CDT

From: Sermoner1
Subj: If the Founding Fathers Had Been Wired
cc: JohnGibson, Nebet Het

Sent on: WAOL sub 38

Gents (and ladies). . .

Got this in my mail and just had to pass it on. . .enjoy

serving Him by serving others

Jerry White
Forum Admin.
Religion & Beliefs/Ethics
America Online

Subject: (FYA) If the founding fathers had been wired. . ..

Mr. Jefferson: Gentlemen, the summer grows hot, and it is essential that we complete this declaration of

Mr. Franklin: Wait a minute, Thomas. I have to reboot here.

Mr. Jefferson: That’s all right, Ben. We’ll go on without you. Has everyone had a chance to look at the
draft I posted yesterday?

Mr. Sherman: Not yet, Thomas, I’ve been having Notes replication problems.

Mr. Adams: Here, Roger, I brought a hard copy.

Mr. Sherman: Thanks, Saaaaay, nice font.

Mr. Adams: Do you like it? I downloaded it off Colonies Online just last week.

Mr. Jefferson: Gentlemen! There is work to be done. I fear our document will soon leak out.

Mr. Livingston: Too late, Thomas. There’s already a bootleg circulating. I saw it posted on last night.

Mr. Franklin: @#$$%^$# General Protection Fault!

Mr. Adams: Ben, you might try upgrading to Windows 75. It solved that problem for me.

Mr. Sherman: Thomas, the part here about the Acts of Pretended Legislation; have you considered using
bullets to air out the text?

Mr. Jefferson: I can fix that easily enough. Drat! I’ve spilled candle wax on my keyboard again.

Mr. Adams: You know, Thomas, that wouldn’t happen if you’d buy an active-matrix screen.

Mr. Franklin: Hard-disk failure?!? Aw, criminy

Mr. Livingston: Are you sure it’s “unalienable rights”? My spell checker recommends” unassailable”.

Mr. Jefferson: Can we stick to the substance of the document, please? Shoot. Low battery. Anyone got a
spare power cable?
Mr. Sherman: What have you got, a Toshiba? No, mine isn’t compatible.

Mr. Franklin: Hello, PCs Philadelphia? What does it mean when the floppy drive buzzes? OK, I’ll
hold. . ...

Mr. Livingston: The “In Congress” part here at the top; have you thought about blowing that up really big
and maybe centering it in 72 point Helvetica?

Mr. Jefferson: Not a bad idea. Aw, nuts! Word macro virus! I can’t save the file.

Mr. Franklin: That’s all right, Thomas. We can manage. Here, borrow my quill pen. . ..



In a message dated 96-08-05 10:08:12 EDT, you write:

<< You know I’m working on my book, “Conversations With . . . Astrology’s Best Thinkers” and would
like your advice as to who you think the best current astrologers are in the world? C’mon, have another
cup o’ java and put on your thinking cap.>>

I don’t know who is best, but certainly Noel Tyl is highly respected (for good reason). The horary
astrologers Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson and Barbara Watters are also outstanding. Anthony Louis, an
M.D. who is also an astrologer, has written an outstanding work, Horary Astrology, that is one of my
bibles, as it were. There is especially Doris Chase Doane, whose various works, e.g., TIME CHANGES
IN THE USA, have been a Godsend to us all – she is to modern astrology what Webster (the dictionary
man), Roget (of Thesaurus fame), Bartlett’s (FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS), Funk & Wagnall, etc. are to
American letters: indispensable. I think right off the bat we’d damned well better honor Ms. Doane,
because without her, and those like her, we’d all be up you-know-what-creek for lack of solid data-bases!
Anne Ungar and Lillian Huber’s work on the houses of the horoscope in horary, THE HORARY
REFERENCE BOOK, put them right up there with Ms. Doane. Nicholas DeVore, for his monumental
best works on the subject I know of. Melanie Reinhart, whose work on Chiron is still the best I’ve run
across (CHIRON AND THE HEALING JOURNEY). Cyril Fagan, whose work on ancient astronomies
has given us all a far clearer understanding of what astrology really addresses, and its human importance
in all cultures, at all times, maybe back a million years or more.
There are lots more, but these are among my favorite. And one other, deceased: Aleister Crowley,
whose work on Qaballah, astrology, and Magick shows clearly that these and the other Hermetic
disciplines are all aspects of one overarching system, as the subjects of their work are all just aspects of
the same universe (which is the one we live in, and is also the same one of which the subjects of modern
objective science are just aspects). I learned as much from him as anyone else I’ve named here
concerning the applications and implications of astrology and its relationship to everything else.
And one other: my late friend Gary Csillaghegyi. Unpublished, he was one of the finest teachers of
astrology I ever had. (But that can’t go in the book.)
Hope this is useful, love always, Yael


August 4, 1996

Dear Rich,

Sitting here playing with my new Pentium and the nice Lotus software (e.g., address book) that came
with it in the process of writing this letter. (I think I’ll try the Lotus word-processor next – I love
WORD, especially the upgrade for Windows95 I just got for it, but there’s always something new . . .) I
just sent off the following to Dale Seago and Tamara Studa-Legen, both of whom are familiar with the
occult. Thought you might find it of interest.


Hi –
Recently, using several different approaches in more than one experiment, and with
some unexpected independent confirmation of results, I learned of another, or maybe
two more spirits or what have you that got attached to me when I was small by the idiot
occult activities of my adoptive father. This may have happened accidentally, either as
an unexpected Qlipphotic slopover of rituals that hadn’t been warded properly or as one
of those psychodynamic glitches that can happen in a child’s psyche because of
something an adult does without any thought of causing said glitch at all. Or it could
have been done deliberately. That isn’t clear at this point. What is clear is that while
whatever this is has obviously attached itself to me in a manner that long ago created
dissociated aspects of my personality, it itself is not part and parcel of my own psyche
in the way a secondary personality is supposed to be. As an analogy, think of a
tapeworm or heartworm, which lives in the tissues of its hosts without being part of
them. I’m not sure if this is one spirit with two tasks, or two spirits each with its own
task. But whatever the case may be, this is a very curious sort of thing, and I wondered
if y’all had ever run across any information about anything like this.
Task # 1 – the first task given to this thing, or pair of things – was punish her. Not
particularly for anything, mind you, just to punish, and punish, and keep on punishing.
The will of this thing is to punish its assigned target forever, and I seem to be the target.
Call it the “Punisher,” because I don’t know its true name. The fact that it doesn’t need
reasons for what it does implies that it probably was accidentally generated. I can see
an occultist siccing a demon on a child as a punishment for something. I can’t see
somebody doing it for no good reason at all, without any end-point to the punishment –
even a purely psychopathic sadist gets bored, after a while, so what would the point of
punishment that never ended?
Task # 2 may have been just a refinement of Task # 1, or it may have been
separate. Again, that isn’t clear at this point. The second task, whether or not a
separate spirit was to carry it out, was to destroy everyone and everything I cared about.
Again, no end-points, and no restrictions. If possible, it was to destroy everyone I
loved, any possessions I ever had, my career, any possibility of a career, and so on up to
my country and my planet, assuming I loved them (which I do, as it happens). It wasn’t
to do this for any particular reason, mind. Its assignment was to destroy anything and
everything and everyone I loved or cared about, world without end, amen.
And what it claimed, at any rate, under interrogation by several different methods,
was that it could literally destroy this country, its liberty, part or all of this planet,
because I had been primed by my adoptive father for use as a sort of Magickal machine
to control or destroy any of these when I was a baby, and it could thus use me to destroy
what I loved best, an utterly sadistic flourish on the whole thing. This may have been
mere braggadocio on its part, and probably was, but it sure was vicious.
This thing – or pair of things – isn’t, unfortunately, just a psychological complex.
It got real enough to start poltergeist activities at the house of a friend of mine up here,
and turned up in an evocation of something else entirely which a colleague was doing
here. With that information, I did some Workings of my own, including divinatory, and
got confirmation. I’ve got several friends and a colleague really mad at me over this – I
don’t blame them – and it is just barely possible that the trail of deaths and everything
else that has followed me all my life could have something to do with this.
If you or anyone you know has ever run across anything like this sort of situation –
unbonded, uncontrolled attacks by spirits starting in early childhood due to occultism
on the part of others, attaching themselves to the child and doing great harm not only to
her, but possibly to a lot of others around her, please let me know. The various tomes I
have on hand all seem to agree that this sort of thing would be highly “illegal,” in a
spiritual sense, and the idea that vicious, one-track-mind, stupid spirits like this would
have that much power is also something that said tomes seem to pooh-pooh. But the
Church swore and be damned that the Sun went around the Earth until finally its arms
were twisted too hard by consensus and it had to give up the claim, and any idiot can
aim a gun and pull the trigger. Mother Nature always has one more interesting surprise
or two waiting for us around every corner, and power isn’t a matter of nobility,
complexity, deservingness, or much else. The former is a certainty and the latter is a
matter of opportunity. So who knows?
If you have any info on any of this, please let me know! Thanks, love,


Take care, love always,



August 18, 1996

Dear Rich,

I’ve been reading Chrystine Oksana’s Safe Passage to Healing: A Guide for Survivors of Ritual
Abuse (1994) – Kelly kindly got it from the local library for me. While I’m not real hot on Oksana’s
style (you can, as it were, hear New Age muzak playing the background, astrally speaking, as you read),
she meticulously documents all the essential behavior patterns and emotional complications with which
the lives of survivors of ritual abuse are beset. She lays them out clearly and understandably, without
bullshit, making it very easy to read and assimilate.
The interesting thing for me is that a great many of my own life-problems closely match some of the
patterns she documents – expectably enough, I suppose. But what I find fascinating is the extent to
which those patterns also correspond to the behavior and lives of so many of the assholes I’ve run afoul
of in my life. E.g., Ruth Haber, Kevin Bjornson, George Bryson, my adoptive father, most of the people
in the O.T.O., most of the people I got to know well in school, most of my boyfriends could all be case
stereotypes drawn directly from Oksana’s book. In short, evidently I’ve been a sort of magnet for ritual-
abuse survivors all my life long – the sort of survivors who apparently ended up identifying with their
tormentors, turned into the sort of assholes who ruined them in their childhoods. I guess I look like an
“archetypal victim” to them – they see me, they recognize what happened to me, whether I do or not,
they think: “Ah-hah, this is supposed to be a perfect victim for a sacrifice, let’s get it!” And they go
after me.
Which implies, from the sheer numbers of them I’ve encountered in my life, that ritual abuse and its
victims are thick as maggots on a corpse out there, have been so for a long, long time. Like, if you walk
through a field full of haystacks and you kick one of the haystacks at random and a dozen needles fall out
at your feet, you’ve got to conclude that that whole field is just stiff with needles. Similarly, on my own
Drunkard’s Walk through the world these last 51 years, that I’ve encountered sociopaths of this particular
stripe everywhere I’ve gone implies that the problem is universal, at least in the West. (The really scary
thing about this is the number of doctors, nurses, shrinks, social workers, etc. who I’ve into in my time
[so have others I know] who also fit this pattern. Apparently great numbers of the people who go into the
“helping” professions are ritual abuse survivors who are either in their professions in order to corner the
victim market, as it were, or because they were programmed by their tormentors to do so, for whatever
reasons. No wonder so many of them are worse than the diseases they are supposed to treat! – What
does this imply about our society, if so many of those to whom we entrust our lives, our souls, our well-
being are in fact agents, knowing and willing or otherwise, of whatever lies behind pandemic ritual
Be that as it may, you could use me to bird-dog them the way you use lodestone to find iron filings:
sweep me through a crowd and watch who attach themselves to me!
It also follows that my early “programming” – such as it was; from the evidence, it seems to have
been half-assed at best, performed by incompetents to begin with and permanently interrupted before it
could ever be completed – was to be a sacrifice of some kind, or else a tool whose successful application
required that I be cowed and broken in spirit. If so, It all kind of backfired – real bad. I mean, here I
wait, with one revolver, 3 semi-autos and a 12-gauge pump . . . 
The thing is, due to what happened to me as a child, I apparently developed a number of dissociated
complexes – not full-blown individual personalities in their own right, but something a little more active
and self-willed than, say, mere memories. And all along, some of these have been doing their best to
destroy me. Either they’ve been seizing opportunities to take over my will long enough to get me to do
things that would hurt me, because I haven’t been aware that there was anything wrong or that my will at
the time wasn’t my own, or maybe they’ve acting through other people or doing a poltergeist trip. I
would rule those last two possibilities out, though psychologists would pooh-pooh the notion, and I’m not
sure you could even say that these complexes were really part of me, though originally they came into
existence by budding off from my psyche, as it were. After all, a baby is an individual in its own right
even in the last 3 months in its mother’s womb, and once it is born, no one can dispute it is a completely
distinct, separate individual, not part of its mother, even though it began from one of her eggs. Similarly,
these little monsters may have begun as complexes in my own psyche that formed in response to things
that were done to me by others – but at least to some extent, apparently those things that were done to me
were done deliberately, with the intent of creating just such dissociations, for others’ reasons, not mine.
So they weren’t entirely mine even to start with – they were “fertilized” by the will of others, came into
existence because others wanted them to, for the purposes of others, and if left to my own devices, I’d not
have produced them. I wouldn’t have produced those particular complexes if not for that deliberate
(however half-assed) programming – maybe others, but not those.
So that’s at least part of what I’ve been fighting all my life – enemies within as well as enemies
drawn to me from without because they sense or recognize how I’ve been programmed, what it means,
and, basically, see me as snack-food of one sort or another. If I could get rid of the enemies within, that
might be more than half the battle, because I think those are what make me look like a “come and get it!”
type to the external ones. The problem is that if I treat the internal enemies as if they were just poor, lost
little parts of me, and open my psychic arms to welcome them home again, I run a very real risk of
possession by the damned things. So re-assimilation of them isn’t the answer. I don’t know what is, and
if you have any suggestions, I’d be delighted to hear them. They’re doing everything they can to
sabotage me – I finally figured out that my spending binges, the way I fall in love over and over with
people I find out later aren’t accessible, etc., all these are the result of the little buggers hacking their way
into the rest of my psyche and punching emotional buttons at just the wrong time. They really deserve
the 9th Circle of Hell, for “treason to hosts,” don’t they? How do I put them there? I’m all ears . . . :->=>
Take care, love always,



Merl –
Has anyone ever done any work on whether E.T.’s could catch the bacterial or viral diseases of
terrestrial organisms? In H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, the aliens were finally defeated by “God’s
humblest and smallest creatures,” the microbes that are everywhere on Earth, to which they had no
immunity at all. If, say, Grays or what-have-you can catch various terrestrial infectious diseases, or are
vulnerable to Earthly macroparasites such as tapeworms, etc., they are (a) real, (b) vulnerable, (c)
defeatible. Otherwise, they are (a) not physically real or (b) based on a non-carbon biochemistry, say, a
silicon one. If they are not physically real, they could be from the Inner Planes, say, which means they
are best fought with the means which shamans, theologians, and occultists have developed over countless
millennia to do battle with demons, wicked spirits, etc. If they are physically real but not based on the
sort of biochemistry we are, well, there still viruses, of a kind, that is, something like computer viruses –
all that lives continues to do so because of some sort of process of replication of genetic material,
whatever the chemistry of the latter, and by introducing a sort of “pirate” gene-set into theirs, one can
make them sick, perhaps sick enough to die. (Think of what a computer virus can do to a computer these
days!) In other words, the things can be fought, whatever they are. The problem is scoping out what
they are, and then tailoring a “biowarfare” program accordingly, if you wanted to make war on them. An
interesting theoretical exercise, nu? (By the way, that an organism is inoculated against one or a few
infectious diseases doesn’t mean it is immune to everything. Viruses and bacteria are constantly
mutating, and then there are things like the aforementioned tapeworm. Again, think of computer
viruses.) Wonder if anybody has ever designed an Atari or D&D-style adventure-game based on such
speculations? Gee, could be worth many $$$$ in royalties . . . :-)
Take care, love always, Yael


My morning rant . . . :-\ Enjoy, yrd


As in all other things peculiar to ourselves in particular and living beings in general, morally we have
always lived between catastrophe and disaster, or perhaps a better phrase is “between atrocity and
abomination.” Somewhere ‘way back when, early on in our evolution, we became band-animals,
perpetual players of follow-the-leader, because for some reason, it gave us a big fat evolutionary edge on
the competition. The problem is that if you have leaders, you have politicians, and where there are
politicians, there is always a certain level of abuse of the power over others wielded by such beings. This
is because if you must have leaders, if the exigencies of survival require it, they’d better be good at what
they do, which means they must enjoy their jobs – which means, Murphy being Lord of This World, that
sometimes they enjoy it a little too much. Now, in the wild, this never got to be to extensive or too
entrenched a problem. Sadists and control-freaks are stupid and self-centered, and not really competent
to lead. Either their erstwhile followers, discovering their incompetence, quickly give them the boot, or
else the followers don’t last long, and tend not to pass on their genes – which means the genes and culture
of their abusive group-leader don’t go on, either. Life is too rugged to permit such a situation to go on
very long in the wild. So most of the time a nice balance is kept between band-leaders who overdo their
thing and those who don’t do it enough or at all, between, on the one hand, the sadists, bullies, and
control-freaks and their abject, captive, slavish followers, and, on the other, the weak and incompetent
band-leaders, whose bands perish for lack of visionary and competent leadership.
All well and good, but what happens when our species begins to live in relatively dense numbers in
settlements, cultivating their own food, most of them not having to deal with the rigors of the wild – and
those settlements multiply until they cover the earth everywhere, ever-increasing numbers of them?
When, due to technological innovation, almost all the competition is killed off or herded into zoos, and
the worst enemy you can have is your next-door neighbor? For, since the beginning of the Neolithic, that
is how things have gone for us. Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! are no longer anything to worry about,
and all too many of us believe that our food is dug out of supermarket shelves, bins, and cold-chests.
Who or what now remains for us to worry about?
The answer stares at us from the shelves of B. Dalton Books, Waldenbooks, Crown Books: the
works of Stephen King, R. R. McCammon, Clive Barker, and all their colleagues shout it out for us all.
“We have met the enemy . . . and he is us.” With no eternal checks on it, that Ol’ Debbil Power-Lust,
that Old Adam in us all that just loves to wield power over others, loves that thrill of fear it sees in others
eyes’ and will do anything it can get away with to elicit it, comes out of its hiding-place deep in our
genes, our natural history, our brains and souls ever-more frequently and wreaks havoc everywhere. We
are the only species that routinely preys on its own members. While it is true that male cats and wolves
do kill the offspring of other males when they go into the territories of the latter, it stops there – they
don’t make a practice of routinely torturing, murdering, even feasting on all the young of their species
they can catch – especially not their own young, the children of their own loins. Natural selection
prevents it – the exigencies of their lives are such that indulgences of that sort are contra-survival, both
for any individuals practicing them and their communities as a whole. They aren’t band-animals, the
way we are – pack-animals like wolves don’t have quite the same political drives that band-animals like
ourselves do, while cats don’t form either packs or bands, but rather live in loose familial colonies with
entirely different political and cultural structures than either the primate band-culture or the canine pack-
We, however, are band-animals. And now that we’ve been living far away from the evolutionary
alchemy lab that forged us for all this time, in a highly protected environment where, most of the time,
the only natural, non-human enemies we have are endoparasites such as viruses, bacteria, and tapeworms,
the Old Adam in us becomes more and more evident. Jeff Dahmer, Ted Bundy, the second Hamilton
Fish, Hitler, Goering, Goebbels, Jack the Ripper, the Black Dahlia killer – as human population sizes and
densities grow ever greater, so do the monster grow ever more numerous . . . and ever-stronger.
Still worse, however, is that we have trained ourselves to forget all this. More and more, media and
popular culture encourage an attitude of “Oh, that’s all behind us, life isn’t like that, we aren’t like that!”
. . . Wanna bet? Jefferson said it: “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” And as long as there are
primates, human and otherwise, that will be true, because of the Old Adam within us all.’
True, there are lots of good people in the world, always have been, always will be. But that’s also
true of not-so-good people. And of monsters. True, the good people will generally always be in the
majority. But there will always be almost as many not-so-good people. And as for the monsters . . . all
you need is one or two in the wrong place. Like, say, the Reichschancellory. Or the White House. And
then you are screwed.
Particularly in today’s exciting world, which is just chock-full of lovely things such as modern
surveillance technology, the sort of technology that facilitates organ-legging . . . and the Bomb,
biowarfare materiel, and nerve-gas.
The good people have let themselves be lulled so long and so well by the blandishments of
politicians and the media into believing that “it can’t happen here and now” that all they have left to fight
with, if it comes to it, is their own raw sewage. And who wants to loose plague on the land? It’s like
setting your own house on fire with your family and yourself still inside!
The not-so-good people are split into two camps: the larger, which believes that playing follow-the-
leader, even when the leader is a Jeff Dahmer armed with H-bombs, is the path of least risk and most
gain; and the smaller, which knows what Franklin, Jefferson, and their colleagues knew – that the roots
of the Tree of Liberty must from time to time be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants, that it is
their blood that will probably be required in the mix, too, and that even so, a life lived without liberty
isn’t worth a damn, so . . . The latter do what they can, and the good people and the other not-so-good
people despise and fear them, and the monsters fear and hate them, and what can they do?
And the monsters do what they can to turn everyone else into kine, swine, and sheep, stupid,
unaware, and ripe for harvest. As if they themselves were cannibal pigs, predatory cattle, sheep turned
Jack the Ripper.
And all because most of us have let ourselves come to believe that Old Adam is just a myth, that we
are just like everything else in the living world when it comes to in-built limits on the ways in which we
treat others of our own kind, that there are no real monsters among us, we’ve set ourselves up for this.
Haven’t we? The Social Darwinists of the last century went overboard with “Nature Red in Tooth in
Claw,” using the example of interspecies (species X on species Y) predation to excuse intra (human-on-
human) species predation. And everyone but the monsters properly recoiled from this. But they recoiled
too far, assuming that “therefore human beings don’t prey on one another, except in very isolated cases.”
Hah. I got news for you, kids – Sawney Bean, Ted Bundy, the Wicked Witch of the fairy-tales, name
your favorite monster, all of them are right there inside every one of us, just waiting for a wake-up call.
Every Jack Kennedy has his Joe McCarthy, every Hindenberg his Hitler, the demon walks hand-in-hand
with the angel inside us, always. It’s up to us as to which gets let out to play – and by preferring to
pretend that the demon doesn’t exist at all, or only in a very few rare instances, we have abdicated that
choice, by and large. You see, if tigers and lions and bears, oh my! aren’t around to select out the demon
when it makes an appearance, then who is left? Why, only you and me, folks, only you and me.
Between self-discipline and self-defense, the monsters are contained within and without – and no other
way. Either we determine to act always as civilized beings, ourselves, and defend ourselves from would-
be tyrants and monsters whenever they put in an appearance in our neighborhood, as well, or we will
have to make the interesting choice as to whether we and those we love shall become predator . . . or
We’ll never be without the Old Adam, will we? The Old Adam has been our bane – but also our
strength, and has been hammered so hard into the matrix of ours souls and genes by the pounding
hammer of evolution that we’’’ never get rid of him. So we will always be confronted with the choice
the Founding Fathers of this country had to make: whether to stand and fight for liberty, at the same time
preserving a decent respect for the liberties of all, or going under . . . or becoming monsters themselves,
as so many before had. The same choice that Moses and the Israelites had – to live by law binding both
man and God in an unbreakable Covenant of life-cherishing rules of conduct of some kind, or live in
horror. The Christians posited the Christ as the antidote to the Old Adam – and were never fool enough
to believe that the Old Adam would cease to exist short of Doomsday. Whatever the remedy or balance,
whether the Christ of Christianity, the “natural law” of libertarianism, Jewish law, or any other, always
we must take account of the reality and continued existence of the Old Adam in ourselves and humanity
as a whole, and act appropriately – or go under.
Now (what all this leads up to): who has pushed the idea that the Old Adam, as I’ve been calling it,
doesn’t exist? Who has profited the most, stands to profit the most, from getting us all to believe that “all
that is behind us,” that we have reached some sort of plateau of the Good Life and that as long as nobody
questions it, things will stay that way? Who has the most to benefit from getting us to “make hymns to
the Silver Wire” of that sort – who, in fact, has written and promoted them hymns? What opportunistic
infections have worked so long and so hard on getting us all to de-fang ourselves? – And opportunistic
infections they are, you know. Our complacency about the Good Life is very old in its own right, going
back thousands of years to the beginning of the Neolithic, agriculture, settlements, the original Industrial
Revolution of chert, flint, copper, tin, and iron. all it took was some enterprising Bundy or Dahmer to
say to him- or herself, “Gee, look at all these things around me, don’t they look yummy! Now, they raise
cattle, pigs, and sheep for their food, they did it by domesticating them, taming them, just like they did
their dogs. So why couldn’t that be done to them?” The rest, as they say, is history. Literally.
Is this an Incendiary Tract? Yes, of course it is. Now take it, and a couple of Stephen King’s or R.
R. McCammon’s or Clive Barker’s better efforts, along with examples of What Could Be such as, say,
Mein Kampf or one of Bill Clinton’s more interesting efforts, and share it around. Please.
Because I don’t fancy being the only one around here fighting back when the **** comes down.
And maybe if a few more people WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, those of us who are prepared
to take a stand will have some company.
I hope.
Gods bless you, love, Yael Dragwyla


Dale & Teri -

Had the strangest dream this morning, thought you might enjoy it. I dreamt I was walking through the
countryside with a female puma as a companion. Saw drakes mounting ducks and fighting other drakes.
Then real African-type lions appeared, came toward me and the puma. When they started for me, I
mewed like a kitten or cub and they licked my fingers, backed off, and let me by. But they chased my
puma, so I got her to jump up on the roof of an open-walled shed or something attached to a nearby
house where she was safe from the lions, who couldn’t jump. There, in the shade of the shed, was a
hawk attacking an owl. I got the hawk to let the owl go; the owl flew to a perch high under the roof of
the shed. Then the hawk, warning me I’d taken on an obligation for life by protecting the owl (to protect
the owl, and care for her), gave me a strange sword from a collection he had. It was made of odd plastic
and steel; the hawk said it was Russian, made to hyar (“narrow,” as in “narrow tolerances”; supposedly
a Russian word, but I have no idea). The hawk had a voice just like Robin Williams. He joined us (me,
hawk, owl) on our journey. The sword was huge. A Magick dream? :-)

Enjoy, Yael (August 8, 1996)


Hi – wonder’d what your reaction to this might be. – yrd


Federal fox guarding the civil hen-house

August 9, 1996 – the 51st anniversary of the A-bombing of Nagasaki: lest we forget.
Back in the 1970s, I first became really aware of the general injustices to which all women have
been subject down the centuries, and was converted to feminism. Like so many other women at the time,
understandably, I was supremely happy over the Roe-vs.-Wade decision of the Supreme Court. For the
record, I still believe with all my heart in a woman’s right to choose, her freedom to determine her
reproductive destiny, and that won’t change, because the alternatives are slavery, the same chattel slavery
most women have been held captive by for millennia in the “civilized” world. I loathe slavery of any
kind, and above all, chattel slavery, and of course I know what would happen to me if we ever went back
to the sort of patriarchist systems that still exist today in such places as, e.g., Iran, and have reached
archetypal expression in such historical abominations as Nazi Germany.
That’s all well and good. What I am beginning to question is whether we should have asked the
government to be the protector of our rights in this – or any other critically important – matter. That is
seeming more and more to me like asking the fox to guard the hen-house. “Power corrupts, and absolute
power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton’s tired old maxim, for all its overuse, is still true. And our
government, between media and pedagogical influence over the citizens of this country and the lovely
toys, such as H-bombs and biowarfare materiel, the government has available to it, has as close to
absolute power as can be conceived today. I keep ranting about the “Old Adam,” a potential within
humanity which apparently isn’t shared by most other species (if, indeed, any other has it at all) for
recreational cruelty, sadism, murder, mayhem, abomination, atrocity of every possible kind, a lust to visit
horror on anything that lives, especially others of our kind. Most never show it; saints are never
tempted by it at all. There is also goodness in us, “there is also love in the world.” Yeah, so?
It isn’t the best of us who become politicians, power-brokers, traffickers in influence and the wealth
of nations and power over our fellows. Whether it is religious, mundane, or any other power over others
of our kind, except at the very lowest levels of the hierarchies of power, true kindness and generosity and
altruism aren’t just exceptions to the rule, they are virtually non-existent. Torah, Jewish law, especially
the Ten Commandments, came into existence not only as a restriction on human behavior, but also as a
restriction on the power of God and those who claim to be God’s representatives on others. “Thou shalt
not do murder” also means “thou shalt not offer human sacrifices to God,” as well as “God has no right to
ask us to sacrifice the lives of our fellows to him.” And so it goes through the rest of the law.
Qaballah was originally a Jewish metaphysical system which eventually became part of the entire
Western Ceremonial tradition. It draws much of its symbolism, concepts and ideas from the Old
Testament, and its theoretical and conceptual models are all based upon Torah and Jewish history. Most
of the founders of this country were not Jews – but almost all of them were Masons, and Masonry is a
Qaballistic discipline. And in addition to the legal codes of the American Indian nations around them, by
which the early colonial thinkers and philosophers were greatly influenced, they also drew upon Qaballah
and the Bible for inspiration in the matter of creating the United States Constitution and the Bill of
Rights. And like Moses and the Israelites, they, too, created a Covenant, this one between individuals
and government, which they regarded as an evil which, whether or not it was necessary, was inevitable.
The Jews did beg God for a king, and pestered the Prophet Samuel until, in exasperation, he gave them
one in the person of King Saul. Which turned out to be something other than the unalloyed blessing the
people had thought it would be.
We do this to ourselves all the time. We’re band-animals, so we crave band-leaders. So we get
them, and they like that power, and we end up with tyrants and despots and worse. So the founders of
this country decided to erect a body of law that would hamstring whatever bunch of power-mad idiots we
put over us, slow them down, keep them from acting too fast for us to keep track of what they were up to
and Do Things to stop it if we didn’t like it. They even added the Bill of Rights, which explicitly states
what our federal government isn’t allowed to do to the citizens or the individual states.
What Roe-vs.-Wade did was to mandate: “You aren’t allowed to determine, as individuals or states,
what reproductive rights you do or do not have, and how you shall protect the ones you do have. Instead,
we, your federal government, shall decide that from now on.” True, the details at the time were: “We
will permit any woman who wants it to have an abortion on demand, and punish anyone who tries to
interfere with her right to do so.” But who is to guarantee that, once given that power, the bastards
wouldn’t change the details?
For, just incidentally, you see, Roe-vs.-Wade also contravened several very important aspects of our
Constitutional law and Bill of Rights, including those of states’ rights and local determination of laws
governing the behavior and rights of individuals in all matters. And so many of us, yours truly included
it, bought it, hook, line, and sinker, because we were too inexperienced and ignorant to realize what the
implications of it all were. “We need the government to protect us, nobody else is big enough!
Otherwise we haven’t a chance!” Oh, yeah? What about protecting ourselves, ladies? “Oh, but that’s
unladylike, that’s violent, and only men are violent, that’s evil, because only men would do something so
patriarchist as getting into self-defense!” Riiigggghhht. And if you-all believe that, I have this lovely
bridge, a real steal at just $10,000, it’s in Brooklyn . . .
This, people, is what we call a protection racket. Because at the same time the government did that,
it – with the media fronting for it and its covert ops working undercover and behind the scenes as inside
agitators and instigators – started a relentless push for gun-control, for disarming the citizenry, and for
diverting the original thrust of feminism, which was in the direction of libertarian self-determination and
self-reliance, into the camp of collectivist group-think and “rejection of the masculine,” i.e., rejection of
any tendency toward self-reliance, technological competence, philosophical comprehension and
adeptship, modern scientific awareness and competency, and everything else needed by truly free people
to stay free. And, all too often, we bought into that, as well. And so we handed our government the right
to determine our reproductive rights, and at the same time we began abandoning the means to take that
right back should they misuse it – as they inevitably would, being government. And we see the fruits of
that blunder now, just beginning to burst forth: the Clintons, the Gores, the monsters who, in the name of
a “kinder, gentler” agenda, want to herd most of us into what for all the world are ranches, to be used as
slaves for common labor or labeled “unfit” and harvested for our organs (or maybe for steaks, who knows
what they’ll think of next?).
I don’t believe in Roe-vs.-Wade. I believe in liberty. I don’t believe that only the government can
protect women from those who would exploit them – I believe that big government will, in the long run,
exploit women more and worse than all the individuals and local government put together ever have or
could, however bad that has been or might be. “Government expands to exploit all available citizens.”
Asking government to protect your rights is like asking your friendly local con-artist to manage your
stock portfolio for you. Those who don’t establish and defend their own rights soon cease to have any
rights at all, because somebody bigger and badder inevitably comes along and picks off those who can’t
or don’t defend themselves. That’s bad enough. But asking, nay, demanding of that bigger and badder
somebody that it come in and defend your rights for you, and voluntarily giving up your ability to defend
yourself, either on your own or in company with others, is stupid – and like all too many other women
back then, for the best of intentions, of course (guess what road is paved with those?), I bought into it.
Well, I am here to tell you, I am buying out of it, here and now. Not because I’m no longer pro-
choice on women’s reproductive rights. On the contrary. But rather because I’m also pro-choice on self-
defense and self-determination and self-governance and liberty for women and men, and do not believe
that any government is worth trusting any farther with anything important to the lives, well-being, and
liberties of its subjects than you could throw the entire Clinton Administration and Congress one-handed.
I hate sexism, I hate racism, I hate child-abuse, I hate all such evils. But I don’t think the answer to
them is to hand the government control of our reproductive freedoms, of our cultural process, of the lives
and educations of our children. I think it’s time we all re-thought this whole matter, and tried something
Like the Bill of Rights. And a little courage, self-initiative, and healthy cynicism. (Not to mention
turning off the TV and leaving it off. Anybody who watches Larry King and his ilk and believes in them
deserves to become a donor to Bill Clinton’s organ-banks!)
Rantingly yours, Yael Dragwyla


Hi – thought y’all might enjoy this one:

Eine kliene morgenfunny:


FEUDALISM - You have two cows. Your lord takes

some of the milk.
PURE SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The
government takes them and puts them in a barn with
everyone else’s cows. You have to take care of all the
cows. The government gives you as much milk as you
The government takes them and puts them in a barn with
everyone else’s cows. The are cared for by ex-chicken
farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the
government took from the chicken farmers. The
government gives you as much milk and eggs the
regulations say you should need.
FASCISM - You have two cows. The government takes
both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.
PURE COMMUNISM - You have two cows. Your
neighbors help you take care of them and you all share the
milk equally.
RUSSIAN COMMUNISM - You have two cows. You
have to take care of them but the government takes all the
CAMBODIAN COMMUNISM - You have two cows.
The government takes both and shoots you.
DICTATORSHIP - You have two cows. The government
takes both and drafts you.
PURE DEMOCRACY - You have two cows. Your
neighbors decide who gets the milk.
cows. Your neighbors pick someone to tell you who gets
the milk.
BUREAUCRACY - You have two cows. At first the
government regulates what you feed them and when you
can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. Then it
takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk
down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms
accounting for the missing cows.
PURE ANARCHY - You have two cows. Either you sell
the milk at a fair price or your neighbors try to take the
cows and kill you.
two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
SURREALISM - You have two giraffes. The government
requires you to take harmonica lessons.


In a message dated 96-08-09 01:44:24 EDT, Clewt writes:

<< with the possible exception of Clewt >>

Hey, I’m concerned. But I know about oil and inevitability. I’m just a guy who can
see both sides.

As for bombs on planes, no oil, no flights, no problem. >>

See both side of what, Clewt – the shell the pea is supposed to be under and isn’t? As for “no oil, no
flights,” where did your technical education come from – the caves at Lascaux? We’ve really got the
scientific and technological understanding to create flying craft that don’t need oil, don’t even need
volatiles – but that technology is controlled and locked up by the government you seem to be so madly in
love with, as something too good for us peons. Moreover, so we don’t fly – think that’ll keep somebody
from throwing a bomb through the front window while we all sit around the telespeak, listening to Uncle
Bill give us our orders for the day? Like maybe the government itself? Those who place a higher value
on security than liberty end up having neither . . . and, all too often, die under the butcher’s knife. You
wanna be a rabbit in the farmer’s meadow, making poems to the silver wire, Clewt, that’s nice, you go do
that. Not me, fella – I know all too well that eventually, if I join you, that silver wire’s gonna come for
me. So the hell with you.

– yrd

In a message dated 96-08-10 12:29:59 EDT, MERLIN1246 writes:

<< And we see the fruits of that blunder now, just beginning to burst forth: the
Clintons, the Gores, the monsters who, in the name of a “kinder, gentler”
agenda, want to herd most of us into what for all the world are ranches, to be
used as slaves for common labor or labeled “unfit” and harvested for our organs
(or maybe for steaks, who knows what they’ll think of next?).
I don’t believe in Roe-vs.-Wade. I believe in liberty. I don’t believe that only
the government can protect women from those who would exploit them – I
believe that big government will, in the long run, exploit women more and
worse >>

>>> Yael – thank you for your revelatory rant. While I realize that much of it had a
woman’s “flavor” to it, I think you’ve hit on an important and non-gender specific
state-of-sad-affair; our increasingly deepening slide into shackle-less slavery. We, men
and women, have become so beholden to the bewildering technology and the
commercial network that supports our “lifestyle” (aka “survival”) that we CANNOT
live without it. The monied technocracy behind the curtain, like the Wiz hisself, is
turning the twisty knobs that are effectively control valves on our individual freedom.
Like Kali’s morphological admonition to us all, “I am become Death” we have become
slaves. . .. . .expendable, replaceable. . ...mere utilitarian “objects” – the very chattel
you rail against. Freedom is independence, and vice versa, as inseparable as a Janus
peristyle. We can’t throw off our shackles because we can neither feel nor see them;
yet, they ARE there. . .. . ..growing heavier and making us more weary from their
subliminal weight all the time.

Remember, the slaves were NOT freed by the 14th Amendment; rather, the 14th
Amendment condemned us ALL to be the chattel of the federal government; slaves, one
and all, by declaring everyone to be Federal “citizens.”

It is no accident – that those who are aware of this serious chicanery (the 14th
Amendment) have declined, denied, denigrated and renounced this “privileged” status
of “US citizen,” knowing it for what it is, the exchange of rights for privileges, the
acceptance of the new King George, the reversal of sovereignty whereby the sovereign
(the individual) abdicates and accepts the “authority” of the new king, the Federal
government – are self-proclaimed “Free Men.” There would be many more of us if the
truth about the occult slavery of the masses were widely known. >>

Merl –
I hadn’t thought of that, but boy, howdy, are you right! The Civil War freed no slaves, did it? As you
said, it and its aftermath made all of us slaves to the industrial state, backed up by force of Constitutional
Law. And here we are, aren’t we? Worse: this made so many of us think that the federal government
was our great good ally, and that anyone who objected to it thereby proved him/her/itself to be our
enemy. So, e.g., in matters of women’s suffrage (the universal suffrage amendment was necessary, and
not in the same category as the 14th Amendment or Roe-vs.-Wade, for obvious reasons; I’m not ranting
against it, just the federal-enabling legislation such as the XIVth) , since Roe-vs.-Wade, it isn’t men
arguing with women or women arguing with women over abortion rights or whatever, it’s women-who-
believe-in-reproductive-freedom-and-the-federal-government vs. everybody else, the former constituting
a gigantic wedge that has driven deep into the delicate interrelationships that make up family,
community, friendship, and every other aspect of our lives, tearing community itself asunder. The same
is true of “affirmative action,” isn’t it? No longer is it a matter of hammering out issues of ethnic justice
among members of the community that must live with the results of their decisions – the feds come in
and hammer it all out for them, and damn the consequences to that community! The media, by and large,
back the feds. What hope have lone voices of courage, principle, honor, reason, and justice against such
an overwhelming combine? Weirdly enough, among the few daring to speak out loudly against this, who
are helping the rest of us to be heard when otherwise we could not be, are such Politically Incorrect types
as Col. Oliver North, The Reader’s Digest, America Online, Newt Gingrich, and writer Stephen King
(whose writing I love, by the way, and he’s a very nice man, dammit! He’s also been the targets of
numerous attempts at censorship by the Politically Correct). Who speaks, who stands for Liberty? These
– and the people who keep Internet going. Including those of us who care, and are willing to add our two
cents to this list.
I strongly suggest that we take out all them lists of PC-vs.-un-PC in our minds that we’ve accumulated
since childhood (I must admit, my own list long included The Reader’s Digest, and latterly came to
include Newt Gingrich, decisions based as much on personality conflict, if you will, as anything else),
review every name on there, and check the actual performance of the people and institutions on those
lists to see whether maybe we should transfer a few of them from one category to the other. The feds and
the media have counted on our unconscious, knee-jerk reactions and our embrace of personality and anti-
personality cults for a long, long time, and their success at gradually, relentlessly gutting our freedoms
and turning us into a nation of slaves has in great part depended on those reactions and that embrace.
Well, let’s look at all those we count as political enemies or friends, and see whether we have come to do
so not on the basis of proven behavior and performance and results, but rather because we did or didn’t
like the media-cut of their media-provided jib. The results, for any who care to do so, may surprise you.
In the meantime, let’s stop thinking of the feds as our friend. There’s a character in the R. R.
McCammon novel Swan Song (Pocket Books, 1987) who names him/itself that, and he/it is utterly,
utterly evil. Maybe there’s a lesson in that. Maybe we should deal with one another only, for better or
worse, and leave the feds strictly out of it, regardless of the issues. We’ve let the federal government
become the arbiters of our consciences, our very souls for far too long. Well, it’s about time that we who
do the living and dying, the earning and spending, take back the power of life and death, of fiscal
potency, of every other aspect of our lives, re-create our liberties day by day by day, and the hell with the
feds! The feds are our “friends” to about the extent and in the same way that the shepherd – or stockyard
owner or meat-packer – is the sheep’s friend, and let us never forget it. Like all other Devil’s Bargains,
the price of accepting federal “protection” is ultimately our very souls and spirits, not to mention
everything we own and our lives. (If you don’t believe me, ask those who died at the Branch Davidian
Compounds in Waco, Texas – not to mention the survivors of that Holocaust!)
And if the feds take objection to my rants, and hang me for them, so be it: take my sudden silence as
a sign of the truth of my words, and measure what’s happened to our freedom accordingly.
Gods bless you all, Yael Dragwyla


Hi –
Just after I sent the following to you, I tried to run it off using WORD for Wesley Nations, editor of
Crash Collusion, a cryptophenomenology mag I’ve been published in. As soon as I tried, the software
corrupted and so did everything else I have – except the text-editor in AOL. Thought you’d enjoy the
synchronicity. – yrd


Hi –
For all of you out there concerned about alien abductions and related issues, assuming that at least
some of the reports of abduction and traumatization of UFO contactees by aliens are essentially true –
and I have no doubt that is the case – it dawned on me the likely reason for all of it. Curious as to what
you think about it.
In my state, Washington, we recently had an ugly thing come to the surface concerning the OK
Boy’s Ranch, a place operated by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for
adolescent boys who were either repeated delinquents or homeless. For years, this place operated on
taxpayer funds, and it was claimed that so much good had been done for the boys placed there. Then it
all came out: it was little more than a front for pandering adolescent boys to rich, powerful perps around
the state who would “rent” the boys for sexual purposes from the OK Boys’ Ranch. This and a number
of similar establishments in this state have finally been closed down, and DSHS is about to be closed
down as well.
Okay, what I think most or all of the alien abductions, etc. are all about is that we are the cosmic
equivalent of the OK Boys’ Ranch, as far as the little ******s are concerned. They come here and use us
as sex-toys; they use us to make their versions of kiddy-porn and snuff-films and bestiality and atrocity
films, with us as the victims in those films; or they run the concessions that make us available to their
fellows; and they do all this for their entertainment. They are little better than cosmic predators, not
even as glamorous as the aliens in Stephen King’s Tommyknockers, and that’s all they are. And they are
laughing at us, because they are using all our most cherished beliefs and institutions, religion,
philosophy, sex, business, you name it, to rope us into going along with the things that make us available
to them for this. Their major imports from us to their own worlds include the snuff-films and kiddy-porn,
etc., that our own perps make for our own rich, powerful monsters, and all our religious beliefs and
everything else just make them laugh at us all the harder. All we are to them, at best, is what Jeff
Dahmer’s potential victims were to him – prey. That’s all.
And here we sit, wondering about the cosmic significance of the “lessons” these perps put us through
with all this, and they are laughing their three-eyed little heads off at us for it! They find us ridiculously
stupid, because of our willingness to trust, to have faith, to believe. All they are is glorified baby-beaters,
child-molesters, vivisectionists, Marquises de Sade, Jeff Dahmers, Ted Bundys –that’s all.
All the evidence I’ve seen about them, e.g., contactee experiences and post-traumatic stress
syndrome, things suggesting alien conspiracies, etc. – all of it supports that idea. That’s what they are,
and they are laughing at us for being too stupid to realize it.
“You fool me once, shame on you. You fool me twice, shame on me.” I, for one, don’t want to be
fooled any more. I would also very much like to get this planet in gear so it goes into space and reaches
the stars; if for no other reason, I want to go kick alien butt, and nail the damned perps. How about it?
Interested in your opinion. Take care, yrd


(In reply to your message to me:

Subj: Re: Physics of mutual receptions?
Date: 96-08-11 22:37:00 EDT
From: (L–– Sheppard)

Dear L––
In reply to your message:

This was a most interesting essay, and I really think you are
on to something. Physics is not my field of expertise, and I
wish I knew quark theory and such better so that I could give
you a more well-informed comment. Here’s my inadequate

We are all familiar with the electronic interactions that can

occur between two people. . . one shuffles hir feet on a
synthetic carpet and then touches another person, and they
both feel the “shock.” But this is just static electricity. I
know that the types of interactions you describe do occur,
as I have had limited first-hand experience with them. Very
similar to the concept of Chi. I’ve also seen very advanced
yogis generate what looks like electrical energy with their
hands. This may be the same or a different type of energy.

I’m no physicist either, but Nick Herbert’s work combined with what little I know about electronic
orbitals and modern theory concerning what sub-atomic particles are and how they behave suggests that
if any two things touch, forever after the particles directly involved in that touching behave in some ways
as if they are still touching, however great their actual physical separation. That is, you can Do Things to
one particle, and the other particle will show a response, subtle or otherwise, to what happens to the first
that seems to be instantaneous. That is, the information about what is happening to particle A seems to
travel far faster than the speed of light, far faster than can be measured, if it isn’t actually indeed moving
at infinite speeds. This is the same sort of thing involved in the tunnel-diode effect and in diffraction
effects – the electron is here, and then is there, with no appreciable time-lag between the two, regardless
of the distance between here and there. So what happens with living organisms? How does this affect
them and their interactions? That’s how the article came to be.

However, what you are describing seems to involve systems

other than the familiar proton/electron interactions.
Perhaps it involves smaller particles, or perhaps no
particles at all, but fields of non-particulate energy. I
feel the different “energy fields” for lack of a better term,
that people radiate most acutely, and on a few rare
occasions I have seen them (no, I wasn’t high on anything,
but was in a state of what might be called spontaneous
trance). These different types of phenomenon (chi, auras,
electric shocks, telepathy, etc.) don’t necessarily involve
the same types of “energy”.

Naw – simple electrons could do it. Nick Herbert explains it much better! :-)

My point is, your premise seems correct, but I think the

explanation for all of this is not likely to be interactions
between electron shells, but rather interactions involving
subatomic particles and/or other types of energy that we (the
scientific community) are just beginning to investigate. Do
you agree?

Well, maybe intranuclear thingees are involved. Same basic principles adhere, though: any
subatomic particle is in a sense infinite in size (though very attenuated most places) and eternal; it is a
probability “cloud” which is very dense in one small spot, very thin throughout the rest of the universe.
We think of the “one small spot” as the particle, but the particle really is infinite in size, even though its
mass is very small and it is dense in just one place. When the probability function of the cloud changes,
the place it is dense changes – i.e., it is observed to move, as we understand motion. But it is still
everywhere, forever. This is true of atoms, true. Its electron “shells” – the electronic cloud of
probability around it – really extend to infinity, though the ones farther from the atom’s nucleus have a
lower probability of having electrons in them than the shells closer in. Hence an electron associated with
an atom in my body can be so far from it that it may also be right by an atom in your body, even if I’m in
Seattle and you are in, say, Minsk, or on Mars. My guess is, we’re all sharing electrons all the time in
“loose” covalent bonds that extend over enormous distances. We directly experience those bonds in the
form of phenomena as, e.g., telepathy, teleportation, hunches, etc. But it’s a very physical phenomenon.
any type of subatomic particle could be involved in the bonding function, at least, I don’t have any idea
right now which types would be most likely. Maybe they all are. I started with electrons because those
are easy to think about – but who knows?

On reading what I’ve written above over again it sounds

pathetically childish. I hope that you understand what I’m
saying in spite of my inability to express it coherently.

You’re apologizing for your inability to express yourself coherently? HAH! Here I am, sounding
like a babbling idiot in that article, you yourself come off as a model of clarity, genius, and perspicacity,
I am green-eyed with envy! <g> Seriously, you aren’t at all incoherent, you’re very clear. What we need
is to somehow cast a spell of binding over Nick Herbert, get him to do this all for us, have explain it to us
afterward so it sounds like we know all about it, cause him to forget it was his work, we take credit (and
cash) for it, he’s out in the cold . . . BWA-ah-ah!! ;-)
But seriously, folks . . . Glad you liked it. Maybe somebody we’ll run across a real physicist who
isn’t all hide-bound when it comes to New Things, and . . .
Take care, love always, delighted you liked it, Yael


Subj: off the web

Date: 96-08-12 01:07:13 EDT
From: (L–– Sheppard)

The Book of the Eight Aeons

HTML by Will Franqui (

In the beginning there was the One, the One who will be in the end.

The Earth and heavens were not, and day and night were not, but the
One was and will be. Light and dark, the highest and the lowest, all
was united in the One.

But Ialdabaoth the blind Demiurge broke free, proclaiming the word “I
am”. And thus disunity was created.

Ialdabaoth named things, and they were separated from the One. Thus he
created the world.

First Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be Saturn, the first and

greatest of the Aeons!”. And the Lord of Time was created, and
Ialdabaoth saw that past was separated from future.

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be Jupiter, the Aeon of

Separation!”. And the Lord of Space was created, and Ialdabaoth saw
that above was separated from below.

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be Mars, the Aeon of

Destruction!”. And the Lord of Dust was created, and Ialdabaoth saw
that decay and imperfection ruled everything.

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be Mercury, the Aeon of

Consciousness!”. And the Lord of the Mind was created, and Ialdabaoth
saw that all things were distinguished and named.

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be the Moon, the Aeon of

Spirit!”. And the Queen of the Night was created, and Ialdabaoth saw
that the worlds were separated by the abyss of night.

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be Venus, the Aeon of Life!”.

And the Lady of Plants and Beasts was created, and Ialdabaoth saw that
all life grew, survived and died in endless

Then Ialdabaoth proclaimed “Let there be the Earth, the Aeon of

Matter!”. And Gaea, known as the Kingdom, was created. And Ialdabaoth
saw that the fragments of the One was trapped
within shells of matter and movement, ruled by the urges of Venus,
imprisoned by the ring-pass-nots of the Moon, the names of Mercury,
the strife of Mars, the labyrinths of Jupiter and
the eternities of Saturn. And he proclaimed: “Hereafter disunity will
rule to the end of time!”

But then he heard the voice of Sofia, the wisdom of the One imprisoned
within the fragments: “Thou hast spoken the truth, O Lord of
Dispersion. Disunity will rule to the end of time, but
time itself will once die. One day the aeons themselves will die, and
then unity will be restored”. And then the One created the King of the
Aeons, the Lord of the Sun, to guide the fragments
towards unity.

One day the Daughter will marry and unite with the shining King, and
this will begin the great Reconciliation. The One will gather together
and the universe will be reunited.

In the beginning there was the One, the One who will be in the end.


Mickey –
As a matter of fact, I know exactly how bad terrestrial human beings can get. I am a ritual abuse
survivor who has found that not only does nobody give a damn about what has happened to people like
me, but indeed that people think I am a bad person because as a child, I had those things happen to me.
There is something in the nature of humanity – call it “Old Adam” – that is utterly shitty, and the process
of civilization is intended to keep it from getting out of bounds and hurting others. Our civilizations are
breaking down, and so people are becoming not just meaner, but eviller by the day. What I intended my
message about the Okay Boys’ Ranch to do is to demystify the awe and trembling so many people have
about possible aliens. Perps are perps, off Earth or on it – as Hannah Arendt pointed out, their hallmark
is utter banality. I do firmly believe that extraterrestrials have come to Earth and have kidnapped and
terrorized people, and may be involved in much of this world’s evils – but I also believe that if so, it is
only because they found willing accomplices here on Earth.
I’m tired of seeing people continuously fooled into believing that everything in life is a “lesson,” that
there is some benign purpose behind everything, and that even sheer, utter evil must be viewed as some
sort of quasi-religious phenomenon, to be analyzed exegetically for its personal meaning. This is the sort
of attitude which vicious child-abusers, political torturers, and brain-washing experts work hard to instill
in their victims, to try to ensure that there will be minimal resistance to more abuse and exploitation from
the victims. They try to get their victims to believe that all of the horror the victims have gone through is
due to their “karma” and/or that God/the spirits/the Guardian Angel/etc are causing this to happen to
them in order to “teach” them “life-lessons,” that, in short, evil is good, and should not be resisted.
It doesn’t matter whether it is aliens or Saddam Hussein that does this to people. But in the cases in
which it is aliens, then the victims would be more likely to heal and recover fully from the abuse if they
can view their alien tormentors as no better than predators and perps, nothing else, instead of as “agents
of the divine light,” “archons from the Lower Hells,” or whatever it is. I mean, angels you can revere,
before Beelzebub you can tremble in fear – but a perp? The only thing people feel for identified perps is
disgust. And if a victim can see the victimizers as about six feet lower than a snake’s belly-button, it gets
them past a major hurdle in the way of their healing, that of feeling that the abuser is all-powerful and
all-knowing and like that.
I have spent 51 years getting over the effects of systematic ritual abuse that began when I was
literally only a month or two old, of being regarded as a thing not only by the actual abusers, but also by
damned near everyone else. I have had no family and very few friends, and of my friends, the ones who
really have cared whether I lived or died, all are badly damaged themselves and unable to help me. So
I’ve had to do whatever healing of myself that I’ve gotten on my own. Even therapists can’t stand people
like me – they lie to us, mind-rape us, try to tell us “it didn’t happen,” sometimes out of the best of
intentions, sometimes not. So it’s been up to me. And what I’ve found helps the most is this: if you can
despise those who hurt you like that, whether terrestrial or otherwise, you have thereby already broken
free of a great deal of the psychospiritual damage they did to you. Who obeys the long-ago orders and
conditioning of people you despise? It really helps, it does.
That’s the message I was trying to get across, at least. I can see I failed utterly.
Oh, well, back to the drawing board . . . :-\

– Yael Dragwyla


Hi –
I’ve been gradually isolating some things in my life to have a look at them, with the help of various
resources, and it’s pretty clear that most of my life, since at least age 3 or so, I’ve had some well-
developed dissociated complexes in my psyche. Not that I have multiple-personality as such; I’ve never
“lost time,” nor exhibited any of the other major hallmarks of that syndrome. But the capacity to develop
“alters” in that way exists in us all, and is apparently something that has been built into us by our
evolution because it gave our ancestors some sort of edge on things. All of us dissociate from time to
time, pull away from our emotions a little or a lot so we can function during a crisis. The difference
between the healthy person and the person suffering from MPS is that in the latter, the dissociation isn’t
temporary. Once formed, it goes on and on and on. If the dissociations have been deliberately
constructed by outside influence, as in, e.g., people who are survivors of ritual abuse they suffered as
children or whatever, the “alters” in that case behave individually and as a system rather differently than
they do in MPS sufferers who became that way due to unplanned, random, rather chaotic chronic
traumatization of the sort seen in families that are badly dysfunctional but aren’t adept at planned mind-
control and abuse. (Dysfunctional families, like cults and governments, do have certain goals in mind as
far as the targets of their abuse go; they want that target to fill a certain type of niche in the group, and
are using the abuse quite systematically to try to “re-construct” their victim to fill that niche. The
difference between the dysfunctional family and, e.g., cults that do this is that the former aren’t doing it
all that consciously and haven’t consciously inherited a whole mind-control technology and expertise to
do it with. Both do it deliberately – but the families generally aren’t all that good at it, and aren’t so
systematic about the abuse.)
Be that as it may, al of us possess the capacity to “split,” because all of us possess the capacity to
dissociate. Most of us never develop permanent dissociations. Of those of us who do, most don’t take it
as far as developing separate personalities overt appearances of which aren’t under the control of the
conscious mind. Only a few rare souls actually become true multiple-personalities. In my own case, I’m
not in that third category – nor, apparently, in the first. I seem to have a number of dissociated
complexes which, however, aren’t quite whole, separate individuals in their own right. It’s as if I’d
grown an extra leg or arm or two, or an eye on my shoulder, say, organs with their own needs and
determination to get those needs met, but not separate human beings in the way that Siamese twins are.
In my case – which is apparently the rule as these things go – these dissociated complexes are often at
odds with one another and with me as far as their needs, desires, general reactions to things, etc. go, and
as a result, most of my life and energy have been taken up in an internal war among these complexes and
between them and me. Theoretically, recognition of this should enable a healing process as nothing else
could, but it would help also to have more information about this. If any of you know of any books or
other resources on this type of thing, please let me know. Also, those of you who are astrologers, if you
know anything about the astrology of this sort of condition, I could really use more info on it. (I was
born 3/20/45 @ 5:48 p.m. PWT, Pasadena, CA.) My own dissociations were in part deliberately created
or at least kicked off when I was 2-3 years old by my adoptive father and his friends, who were into
occult practices and used me in them at that time, so in many cases they don’t follow the “natural”
pattern of having characteristics tailor-made to meet the wishes of those adults rather than being my own
internally-generated adaptations for survival made without outside interference.
Thanks, love, Yael


Subj: Re[4]: Physics of mutual receptions?

Date: 96-08-13 16:32:32 EDT
From: (L–– Sheppard)

In a message dated 96-08-12 22:45:08 EDT, you write:

<< very clear. What we need is to somehow cast a spell of binding over Nick
Herbert, get him to do this all for us, have explain it to us afterward
so it sounds like we know all about it, cause him to forget it was his work,
we take credit (and cash) for it, he’s out in the cold . . . BWA-ah-ah!!
Yes! I like your spell binding idea! How do we do it:)!? >>

Let me think about that one. I’m not sure what demon is in charge of it. (When I find out, let’s also do
one on Bill Gates . . . just to torture him. You wouldn’t believe the trouble I’m having with Windows95!
Grrr . . . ) Maybe a Spare Sigil – I think I still have Herbert’s address around here somewhere – I
published him once, got his address then. He lives near the Bay Area in California. Let me work on this
one . . . :-)

Great. Keep me informed on progress :).

On this same topic, I read an article in, of all places, Elle

magazine. It describes the work being done at Princeton on
just the types of phenomenon we’ve been discussing. . . *real*
scientific work, with proper controls. You’re probably
familiar with it. Physicists have found that people are able
to affect computerized random event generators with their
thoughts, even from thousands of miles away. Gives a whole
new perspective to the ways that supposedly “random” methods
of divination e.g. Tarot, I Ching, Runes, etc. may work. Also
magick. Their findings on the states of mind in which people
get better results are fascinating and correlate well with my
own experiences. If you’re at the library, you might want to
check out this article in September’s issue. I hope to get a
little time to dig out the original research papers that this
guy has published.


Hello. I am, more and more, coming to the utterly despairing conclusion that modern culture and
politics are no more than battles among competing evils. “Which form of murder shall we elevate to a
sacrament?” From the chillingly smarmy blandishments of Jack Kevorkian to the nauseatingly
smarmy/terrifyingly hostile rants of “right-to-life” proponents, to the mind-destroying, soul-trampling
self-righteousness of the Politically Correct, whether Democans, Republicrats, CNN and the other media
barons, every aspect of the modern American political/propaganda establishment seems to be out for all
the power it can grab, and lying its head off about its motives. I have no doubt that politics has always
been that way – those who love power gravitate to the places where there is a lot of power.
In a message dated 96-08-13 20:15:53 EDT, you write:

<< experienced abuse as a child myself Yael, and it has left me with a dissociative
disorder, which invokes a great deal of stress and further compounds my problem. I am
currently undergoing a period of personal healing; I am having some success. One of
the most effective tools in combating this, has been ‘for me to relinquish my
bitterness’; something which I believe the both of us have had a fair share of. I am not
suggesting this is an easy task after a lifetime of constructing a fortress of paradigms
which serve to justify these mindsets. No matter how justifiable this might seem to you,
I truly suspect it will never serve you in a positive light. I am not suggesting you revere
those who might take advantage of you, but to delve into past scenario of abuse and
misfortune in hopes of some type of retrospective vindication, is nothing more than the
perennial no win situation. Believe me I have spent a half century practicing this and it
has nearly destroyed me. I am sorry you have endured the suffering which has propelled
you to this juncture; I do not wish to see anyone suffer but in the final analysis effective
repair is our own responsibility. I hope that in some way you can come to terms with
this. >>

There is this problem with “relinquishing bitterness” – generally, for a female, like myself, it means
relinquishing one’s determination to protect oneself when attacked. I did that as a tiny child because,
basically, I was beaten into giving up my ability to defend myself. Now that I have it back, I refuse to let
it go.
Also, it’s very, very easy to minimize someone else’s pain, isn’t it? Or to lapse into denial about
one’s own. Or to say, “I feel your pain,” when all is meant is political rhetoric which happens to be not
the case. “Letting go of my bitterness” sounds very nice, but as it happens it would also be suicide. I
don’t know what posh, protected environment you are fortunate enough to live in, but I have lived all my
life on the world’s meanest streets, darlin’, and I know damned good and well that the chances that that
will ever change are virtually zero. Bullies and perps and predators don’t stop doing what they are doing
as long as they feel they’re in a low-risk situation, which is the case for them as long as they believe the
people they want to prey on won’t fight back. Sometimes the only thing that will stop a predator is a
loaded gun – “hot prowlers” will break through windows and break down doors to get in to go after their
intended targets. I have been told that it is bitterness on my part to believe that there is real evil in the
world, that there are predators, that I need to prepare myself to defend myself at need. So be it. I am
bitter, honey, and I will be damned if I just hand my soul, my mind, my life to someone or something in
order to be “mentally well” or “not earn bad karma” or whatever the current buzz-term for being in
denial about the real nature of this world is. Oh, you will say, that isn’t bitterness! I meant . . . Well,
how about the emotional and mental set it takes to prepare to fight back, to accept that evil is real, that
one could be a target of it, that one had damned well better prepare to fight back at need? that is what
people mean by “bitterness,” you see. And clearly nothing will ever serve me in a positive light, unless I
make it serve me so! I have always looked like so much snack-food to damned near everybody, judging
from their behavior – and only stopped looking like it when I made it very clear that I wasn’t a soft target
and they’d better go elsewhere if they didn’t want their karma totaled. You mean well, Micky – I think.
But if so, you have no idea how so many of us have had to live all our lives, or what it took to survive,
and what our continued survival requires. And if not – well, as I said, I’m not a soft target.
Apparently you don’t believe self-defense, or a determination to defend oneself at need, is
justifiable. Too bad. I don’t think that that is even relevant. Living organisms do tend to resist being
destroyed rather strongly – if you find that unpalatable, that may indicate that your education in the real
world leaves more than a little to be desired.
As for “repair being your own responsibility” – let me know when you plan to take out your own
appendix, or drill your own teeth . . . or beget children on yourself. I mean, there is such a thing as
taking a cliche a little too far. And as I said, it’s very, very easy to trivialize someone else’s pain, injury,
death, and damnation, isn’t it? “Delving into past scenarios,” by the way, sounds suspiciously like a put-
down on those who review history to learn from it. Are you suggesting we ought not to learn from our
histories in order to better our futures – or just make them possible?

<<<There is something in the nature of humanity – call it “Old Adam” – that is

utterly shitty, and the process of civilization is intended to keep it from getting
out of bounds and hurting others. Our civilizations are breaking down, and so
people are becoming not just meaner, but eviller by the day.>>>

<< am inclined to agree about our civilization breaking down. I don’t know to what
extent people are collectively ‘becoming meaner’, but on a reactive scale there is a
disproportionate acceleration of negativity and passionate retribution in the form of
violence and other assorted vulgarities. >>

Yeah, there is. It’s one of the many interesting benefits of egregious (and rapidly increasing)
overpopulation. When we get too crowded – and that happened somewhere around three centuries or
more ago, planet-wide – we started exhibiting more and more individual and collective sociopathologies.
It’s one way of cutting down our numbers to something that isn’t as likely to strip our resource-base bare
within a generation and set us all up for horrible plagues. While the violence is rough on individuals – to
which I can testify directly – in the long run it may cut our numbers back to a viable level. I hope. In the
meantime, remember: overcrowding makes people weird. Either weird-passive or weird-violent, either
cannons or cannon-fodder. Or, as a third alternative, someone who deals with it, works around it, keeps
it from totaling one’s soul, and has a life in spite of it. But weird we remain.

<<<What I intended my message about the Okay Boys’ Ranch to do is to

demystify the awe and trembling so many people have about possible aliens.
Perps are perps, off Earth or on it – as Hannah Arendt pointed out, their hallmark
is utter banality. I do firmly believe that extraterrestrials have come to Earth and
have kidnapped and terrorized people, and may be involved in much of this
world’s evils – but I also believe that if so, it is only because they found willing
accomplices here on Earth.>>>

<< As I pointed out: to some extent, there seems to be a strong case for the
aforementioned scenario, in having an aura of ‘duly noted validity’. To what extent
goes beyond my capacity (at present), to ‘truly ascertain’. What the motives or agendas
are (Aliens or Terrestrial), exceeds my comprehension. I have heard many theories and
have come up with some of my own. I suspect you have come across these as well
Yael. I surmise, as yourself there are elements of skullduggery at hand. But at the same
time I do not know if these accounts vilify the entire picture (Alien visitation or
intrusion). I consider that, we might possibly be dealing with several factions. Once
again I do not suggest throwing caution to the wind, but I am not prepared to jump to
conclusions at this juncture. Besides which I have had two UFO encounters with no
negative side effects (to my knowledge). >>

Yeah, well, maybe. The thing is, motives don’t mean diddly once you’ve been messed over. At that
point, either you deal with what/whoever has messed you over, or you or your kids or your friends or
your relatives get messed over again and again and again because the perpetrators see no good reason to
stop. It isn’t any one encounter that I’ve been looking at – it’s a whole pattern of encounters, over
thousands of years, as documented by everyone from Jacques Vallee and John Keel to the Brothers
Grimm and Homer, one way and another. From the evidence, to paraphrase Charles Hoy Fort, there’s
something out there that thinks it owns us – and likes to mess with our minds, our bodies, our souls,
everything we are. Like little boys tormenting a stray dog, or big boys overbreeding dogs into unviability
just to make a buck, to other big boys (and girls) vivisecting dogs “for science” (or maybe snuff films.
To older generations, they were known as “the Fair Folk,” the Fairies, the Little People, etc., rather than
as ET aliens – but the descriptions are the same and the bulk of what is reported of them is repellent,
frightening, horrifying. They aren’t at all nice. Occasionally they do spare people they encounter. But
most of the time, the contactees are badly hurt, in mind, or body, or by having their lives totally torn
apart. So I don’t give a red-hot revolving damn about their motives, thanks very much. They can either
come out of the woodwork, clear up all the mysteries, and treat with us as peers – or they are enemies of
the planet, to be shot on sight. Or boiled in oil. Or whatever else is handy.

<<<I’m tired of seeing people continuously fooled into believing that everything
in life is a “lesson,” that there is some benign purpose behind everything, and
that even sheer, utter evil must be viewed as some sort of quasi-religious
phenomenon, to be analyzed exegetically for its personal meaning.>>>

These ideological discriminations are of a personal nature. To what extent ‘everything

in life is a lesson’ goes beyond my comprehension as well. On the other hand, I have
found (for myself) there are lessons to be learned. One of which is that I do not have the
time or energy to purport ‘my insights are all encompassing’ (far from it). Each
individual must contemplate there own discriminatory paradigms. In certain respects, I
am in agreement with some of your points of view, but in the past I have also fooled
myself into thinking, that my insights were omni-directional, when in fact, as a result of
‘subliminal/emotional stonewalling’, they were rather acute. For me to unilaterally
propagate or proselytize my points of view (albeit Mickey often gets on his soapbox as
well) is more weight that I (or any of us) need to carry. However we are all entitled to
our point of view. Is that not why you asked us for our opinion in the initial post? >>

Actually, I was hoping to run into somebody with some hard data on the subject. Something
objective. Not how to blame myself for having been victimized as a child or adult. I’ve already had far
too much of that from abusive adults beginning at a time before I was able to talk. the classic ploy of
dedicated child-abusers, child-molesters, political terrorists, governments, etc. is to work on the mind of
the victim to try to get him/her to accept blame for what has been done to him/her. Sorry – I won’t buy
into that any more.
< <<This is the sort of attitude which vicious child-abusers, political torturers,
and brain-washing experts work hard to instill in their victims, to try to ensure
that there will be minimal resistance to more abuse and exploitation from the
victims. They try to get their victims to believe that all of the horror the victims
have gone through is due to their “karma” and/or that God/the spirits/the
Guardian Angel/etc are causing this to happen to them in order to “teach” them
“life-lessons,” that, in short, evil is good, and should not be resisted.>>>

<< Unfortunately these techniques are used to victimize individuals in a state of

‘conditional vulnerability’. This is a specific set of conditions, and to disregard these
circumstances would invoke something less than a true matrix of comprehensive
analysis. I do not purport to be an expert on spirituality or angels; I have my points of
view but I am not prepared to enter a debate purporting the existence of or debunking
‘various spiritual manifestations’. What I am trying to point out, is that ‘spirituality
itself’ is a separate issue. It is a shame that ‘it can become muddled’ and drawn into an
‘arena of irrelevancy’, as a result of those who choose to misuse it as a tool of
manipulation. TV fundamentalist evangelists do this sort of thing on a daily basis.>>

That isn’t exactly the case. (a) How do you know when any other person is “conditionally vulnerable” or
not? b) How the hell can “spirituality itself” be separate from anything in life? The hallmark of all life is
its intentionality, purposiveness, will, spirit, which is inextricable from any aspect of our lives and the
lives of all beings. You seem to believe “spirituality” is a matter of meditation and chanting and all the
rest of the New Age Thang. Honey, “spirituality” is what living organisms are, their determination to
survive long to enough to pass on their genes, their memes, their spirits. Manipulation is in fact just one
sort of technique which human organisms use to that same end – so is the life of a St. Francis of Assisi.
So is going to work and earning a living, so is picking up a welfare check, so is just digging on life with
hopscotch when you’re a kid. This is true of all living beings, terrestrial or otherwise, too. – I’m
speaking both as a biologist/ecologist and a Hermeticist, someone who has spent the last 30 years
intensively learning and practicing Magick, Qaballah, Tarot, and other esoteric arts as well as studying
hard biological science. I’m also a student (a rank beginner) of combat arts. Spirit is life and life is
spirit, God is the heart and core and will of Life, and most of what passes for talk about “spirituality” is a
distraction, a mystification, or just flat hot air.

<<< It doesn’t matter whether it is aliens or Saddam Hussein that does this to
people. But in the cases in which it is aliens, then the victims would be more
likely to heal and recover fully from the abuse if they can view their alien
tormentors as no better than predators and perps, nothing else, instead of as
“agents of the divine light,”>>>

<< Perhaps Yael, if this is indeed the case. Weather it is or not I do not know. It very
well might be neither. Remember we are limited by our own powers of comprehension,
patterns of logic and fragmentation’s of what appear to be semiconscious recollections
(I suspect there are some elements of accurate sequential recollection, but what it is we
are dealing with might exceed our level of understanding) . Our interpretations of these
said events still maintain somewhat of a ‘veneer of ambiguity’ (I have read the
‘umpteen hundred accounts’ so there is no need to reiterate). If I had to second guess
though… Saddam probably has a bit more blood on his hands. This of course is my
opinion and I am not prepared to draw any conclusions other that I feel there are too
many pieces missing for me to delineate a complete picture. >>

I think the problem in communication here is the difference between theorizing and hard, pragmatic
applications, between someone who has no need of self-defense or protection, and someone who has been
all alone, with no one else to turn to but oneself, all one’s life, and has had to deal with it or go under.
It’s like someone who was in ‘Nam, talking with someone who has never been to war at all, or even been
mugged: the gulf may be just too great for real communication. It’s like cops. I don’t like most cops.
But I can sure understand how so many of them who didn’t start out bad become bad. People demand
that there be cops, to protect them and their property; then they jump on cops every time one of the cops
tries to protect them; their lives are literally on the line whenever they’re working the street, all the time;
the pay is lousy, the benefits stink, and nobody likes them. And nobody understands, and nobody cares
to understand. “Do your job, protect me,. my kids, this city – but don’t ask me for help if you get in
trouble!” Again, there’s this gulf. I fear one exists here, in this exchange, as well, of a similar nature.
Can you guarantee, Micky, that every minute of my life, you will put your life and soul and self on
the line to keep me utterly safe from attack, body, soul, and otherwise? No, you can’t. Can you
guarantee that I’ll never be unsafe again, that I will always be safe, that I have no real reason to worry
about my safety? No. So why complain about my “attitude”? After all, without such an attitude, I
wouldn’t have the will to protect myself from whatever might come down – and being female, living
alone, having no one to protect me, having little money, none for hiring bodyguards, living in a big
modern city, my chances of being attacked by some perp, or maybe just somebody whacked-out on crack
and paranoid as hell who encounters me at a bad time, are about 100%. So either I protect myself or I’m
toast. And since to protect myself I have to have my “bad attitude,” so I have a bad attitude. You bet.
If you think I’m paranoid, try walking San Francisco’s Tenderloin about 2 a.m. without backup or an
AK-47. Or the Central District of my own city, Seattle, ditto. Or the bad part of town in any modern
major city – or even some of the good parts.
The same goes for human-alien encounters. Either the aliens treat us with respect, or they don’t. If
they do, fine – but the historical records shows otherwise. So thanks, I’ll gear myself up to do what I
need to should it all come down, on Earth as it is in the heavens. Which means I’m not giving up my
If you find that objectionable, well, tell you what: the next time you’re mugged, friend, who will
you call? A guru – or a cop? And if you call the cop and the cop shows up and does his thing to protect
you, are you going to castigate him (or her) for his (her) “bad attitude”? Or just thank your Gods that
somebody was there to pull your bacon out of the fire?
Me, I’ll keep my bad attitude.
– Yael Dragwyla

<<< I have spent 51 years getting over the effects of systematic ritual abuse that
began when I was literally only a month or two old, of being regarded as a thing
not only by the actual abusers, but also by damned near everyone else. I have
had no family and very few friends, and of my friends, the ones who really have
cared whether I lived or died, all are badly damaged themselves and unable to
help me. So I’ve had to do whatever healing of myself that I’ve gotten on my

<< I am saddened to hear this Yael. I only hope and pray you can heal.

<<<Even therapists can’t stand people like me – they lie to us, mind-rape us, try
to tell us “it didn’t happen,” sometimes out of the best of intentions, sometimes
not. So it’s been up to me. >>>

<<I would reconsider (my opinion) the above evaluation. I realize there are charlatans,
but I do not believe this is universally axiomatic. Sometimes we might ride the
misgivings of others on a wave of self fulfilled prophecy. Perhaps you are of a grate
deal more value than you have been led to, and led yourself believe. I myself am
working to unravel a ‘lifetime swaddling’ of my own bitterness Yael. It is no easy task.

<<<And what I’ve found helps the most is this: if you can despise those who
hurt you like that, whether terrestrial or otherwise, you have thereby already
broken free of a great deal of the psychospiritual damage they did to you. Who
obeys the long-ago orders and conditioning of people you despise? It really
helps, it does.>>>

<<Within the limits of a given set of ‘transitions, evaluations and understanding’ this
might be the case. However there exists (believe me I know first hand) an inherent
danger of self entrapment. Such elements are corrosive and can impede further self
development. As an overview, I would be inclined to disagree with such paradigms of
summation. But it is your life Yael, and you are ‘ostensibly’ free to choose your

<< That’s the message I was trying to get across, at least. I can see I failed utterly.
Oh, well, back to the drawing board . . . :-\

Yael Dragwyla >>

<<<I understand the gist of what you are trying to impart. In my case Yael, it is one I
can no longer use. Despite all of the ugliness and tragedy in the world I am headed in a
different direction. Four you to burden yourself with success of failure along these lines
is more of a load than you need to carry. All you need do is state your opinion; that is
your right and privilege as a human being. I truly hope you find your own path of


Hi –
In re my ongoing exchange with Mickeyx32 and what preceded it, y’all may find the following of
interest. These are quotes from Andrew Delbanco’s The Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the
Sense of Evil (NY: Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1995):


Americans were slow to grasp that the discrediting of the old moral geography
would leave them in a world without any map at all. They did not apprehend, as the
cultural historian George Steiner put it later, that

the mutation of Hell into metaphor left a formidable gap in the co-ordinates
of location, of psychological recognition in the Western mind. The absence
of the familiar damned opened a vortex which the modern totalitarian state
filled. To have neither Heaven nor Hell is to be intolerably deprived and alone
in a world gone flat. Of the two, Hell proved the easier to re-crate. (The
pictures had always been more detailed.)

p. 188


. . . But even as he believed in the continuing relevance of the old concept of sin to new
events, Nieburh was also aware that evil had taken on a distinctly modern
characteristic. In this sense, he belonged to another lineage as well – to the literary
tradition that runs from Goethe to Melville and Dostoevsky and Conrad, and expounds
evil as the capacity to render invisible another human consciousness. Sin, in this view,
is the failure to meet what Kant called the “categorical imperative,” by which one is
compelled to treat other persons as ends rather than means. ‘To accomplish his object,’
as Melville put it, writing about his mad captain’s willingness to use his men as
instruments of his personal revenge, ‘Ahab must use tools; and of all tools used in the
shadow of the moon, men are most apt to get out of order.’
This conversion of human beings from obstructions into instruments is one of the
obligatory themes of modern literature, for the good and sufficient reason that the
economic and political organization of the modern West (capitalism and colonialism)
has ensured its presence. Here, at the outset of the tradition, is Goethe’s Faust – one of
the first literary portraits of the grasping modern consciousness – explaining why he has
ordered Mephisto to clear out an old couple whose cottage stands on a spot that he,
Faust, covets as a building site:
that aged couple should have yielded,
I want their lindens in my grip,
Since these few trees that are denied me
Undo my worldwide ownership.
Hence is our soul upon the rack,
To feel, amid plenty, what we lack.

Faust is loudly indignant when he learns that Mephisto, having taken his wishes
seriously, has killed the old couple and burned their house to the ground. But the
offense, we suspect, is not the deed so much as the tactless fact of his being told about
it. He wants not so much that the old man and woman should have been spared as not
to know what was done with them.

pp. 193-194

(Yael continues in her own words:)

We are made uncomfortable by evil – not only by seeing it in ourselves, but by seeing it out there. It
frightens us. True evil is also uncanny, profoundly disturbing because of its weirdness. Learning of it –
e.g., as America did of Nazi Germany’s mass-murders after WW 2 – first we ask, “Why?” Finding no
answer, we start inventing answers, anything to try to explain, because without explanations, we are left
psychospiritually adrift on a sea of weirdness without a raft in sight. If we can’t blame the Devil,
because belief in the Devil is outmoded, and we can’t believe that perpetrators are responsible for what
they do, because psychology admonishes us to pity the perpetrators, who after all are very, very
damaged, all that is left to do is blame the victim, or at the very least, get angry at the victim for trying to
fight back. So we re-invent the powerful, seductive, pernicious idea of karma as an excuse for all evil, a
reason not to do anything to change the world for the better. We look to new incarnations, the Afterlife,
for escape from an evil world. We abandon courage, honor, whatever would enable us morally to take a
stand and fight back. And so we end up abandoning our ownership of our own future, leaving it to the
strong and ruthless to make the decisions and expedite them for us. By refusing to confront the weirdness
that is true evil and somehow wrestle it to the mat and bind it and charge it and banish it for good, we
step out of the Circle, release it from the Triangle and let it possess our world, unopposed.
I don’t know what the answer to Evil is. The excesses of the Inquisition and the Witch-Burners show
how badly wrong belief in and war against an arch-Devil can be. On the other hand, however, the long,
horrible history of India shows what belief in karma does: renders generation upon generation morally
powerless to confront and best their oppressors and the evils that beset them, so that finally a caste
system becomes permanent, and hope is obliterated for all but the few, cynical wealthy and powerful who
believe in nothing and control all.
Neither hysterical phobias about and masochistic acceptance of evil do much good, do they? What
does? What will guarantee freedom from evil?
Nothing. In the real world, there are no such guarantees. But there are Paths which enable the
followers thereof to feel one hell of a lot more at peace with themselves, to feel better about themselves,
and have a far better chance of being able to defend themselves successfully from evil should they
encounter it, than others. All of them require the warrior’s courage, not only physical courage, but moral
courage, the courage to do what is necessary and right in a given situation and accept responsibility for
the consequences. And the warrior is loathed by complacent New Agers and rioting religious hysterics
alike, because the lone warrior has the potential for effectiveness that mobs of the other two can’t even
dream of. The warrior – not the violent man or woman, but rather the truly self-sufficient, completely
competent human being who is willing to take the fullest possible responsibility for his/her life and fate –
is a true adult, whereas the others are children, either self-righteously smug or violent and terrified, but
always children who are afraid to act on their own initiative and out of their own moral understanding.
The latter want no reminders of the heritage they sold for their various messes of pottage – and a minimal
chance of being thwarted in their relentless quest for perfect security. The warrior is everything they
could have been if they hadn’t run in terror from life – and someone who, they sense, rightly or wrongly,
is likely to keep them from their goals.
I can’t claim to be a warrior. That is a fact I’m deeply ashamed of – and I’m working on it, and will
continue to do so as long as I live. Harriet Tubman’s words ring in my soul: “You’ll be free or die.”
Those are the only acceptable choices for me. If yours are otherwise, that is your right and your choice –
but as for me, I stand with Tubman and Patrick Henry. A life without liberty is for me hell itself, and I
can never accept it.
– Yael Dragwyla


(Nota bene: the following lacks a complete spectrum of facts on all sides. It is highly biased, and the
bias is not honest. What it purports to show is that numerous Christians but not pagans have been guilty
of a number of heinous crimes even in modern times. Certainly there have been many practicing
Christians who have committed crimes at all periods of history – and that must be just as true of Jews,
Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, pagans, and every other possible human religious group. Further, many of
the instances cited below fall more into the category of “tragic” than “criminal,” deserving of pity
rather than despite, or else are trivial or silly, with no bearing on the main thesis of those who sent this
to me. We must also remember that it was an openly self-proclaimed pagan government, Nazi Germany,
which committed some of the most hideous atrocities of all time; that a completely atheistic government,
Stalinist Russia, contributed its share to the world total of horror, as well; and that regimes ranging
from Pol Pot’s to the Islamic Taliban in Afghanistan have all done nicely in that department, too – none
of which, by the way, are Christian. Bearing all that in mind, as far as the following goes, caveat
emptor. – yrd)

Hi Yael,

I work voluntarily for the S.A.F.F. (which Chris founded some years ago) and he has asked me to forward
this file to you in the hope that you can spam it to some of your extensive contacts/bbs/noticeboards. He
says that it would be crucial to get this information out at this time in readiness for the fundie push at
Halloween so that occultists can show that the New Age isn’t anti-social but that Mother Church is. He
knows you know of lots of binary corners which might be able to make use of the info!

The information is copyright free.

Keep up the good work,

First Published July 1991. by The Sub Culture Alternatives Freedom Foundation, 6-8 Burley Lodge
Road, Leeds LS6 1QP, Yorkshire, U.K. Email Contact John Dennis



This pamphlet and its following statistical analysis is of supreme importance to parents, free-thinkers,
social workers and Government. It is the first time any organisation has punctured the conspiracy of
silence which hides the tremendous risk to children from paedophile clergy.

1978: Priest John Lenihan 44, admitted molesting a girl victim repetitively from ages 13 until 15.
1978: Christian Brother working at Mount Cashel orphanage convicted of repeated sexual assaults on two
8 year old boys. Eight other Brothers were also tried in the same scandal.
1982: Vicar who plies 2 young altar boys (10 & 12) with alcohol and then indecently assaults them gets
5 years at Liverpool Crown Court Rev Evans, former chaplain at Norwich prison assaulted one boy after
he had been placed in care.
1982: Three year old child beaten to death with a wooden bat by his parents, members of an extremist
Christian group, to ‘save his soul’.
1982: 35 Yr Old Welsh preacher Roger Cox of Denbigh prayed with his wife Elizabeth before cutting off
his penis and throwing it in the fire. Claiming that the DIY operation was carried out in accordance with
St Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 19 V12. Cox said “I have always desired to serve my Lord as best I can
without distraction”. His wife was in prefect agreement to the act.
1983: Two year old child is spanked to death by parents at Christian commune in a public display of
religious discipline. Victim Joseph Green died of shock after his parents hit him for two hours with a
wooden bat.
1983: Decomposed body of a 10 year old girl discovered at headquarters of Christian fundamentalist sect
who had held praying services for her resurrection for several months after they allowed her to die from
untreated juvenile diabetes.
1983: Methodist Choirmaster admits repetitive abuse of five year old girl but is only cautioned by police.
Parents begin private prosecution but Crown Prosecution Service stymie them.
1983: Fifty children taken into care from Christian commune where a 12 year old boy was beaten to
death in what its leaders claim was punishment by God. The beatings were accomplished with a pickaxe
handle and occurred whilst the victim was locked into a kind of wooden stocks. “John’s death was God’s
Will’ said one leader. “God tells you to put the rod to the children’s back and that is what we are doing”.
He insisted that the beatings were necessary for children to enter ‘the Kingdom of God’.
1983: Jerald Johns, lay preacher who was never without his bible, accused of raping and assaulting more
than 100 women.
1984: Methodist Minister Edgar Ford , 69, admitted to running a mailing list of 100 ‘young things’ and
housewives who wanted to pose for amateur and professional photographers’ that he had taken
photographs of housewives and models himself and that on one occasion he did submit to being
photographed by a lady whilst they were both nude.
1985: Rev. John Gargano 67 convicted of 14 counts of rape, sodomy, sexual abuse and child
endangerment. His four victims, who were repetitively abused said that the minister represented himself
to them as the angel Gabriel.
1985: Methodist minister Emyr Owen a homosexual later found to possess collection of sado-
masochistic pornography was imprisoned by Chester Crown Court for secretly cutting the genitals off
corpses of his parishioners which were placed in his care for burial and for threatening to murder a four
year old girl. Police found photographs of severed genitals together with knives and surgical implements
at Owen’s vicarage. Owen was in charge of several chapels in North Wales and at one time had been the
Chaplain to the High Sheriff of Gwyned. Sentenced to 4 years imprisonment.
1985: Christian zealot Michael Feeny described by his wife as a ‘religious fanatic’ read from the bible;
stabbed her repetitively in a frenzy and leaving her for dead jumped to his death from a bridge on the
1985: Church pastor Andrew Hope from Nottingham arrested for soliciting sex from prostitutes
1986: Minister Richard Kearney found guilty of molesting 4 boys over a 5 year period. One victim said
he had been abused 20 times and another said he was molested whilst under Confirmation instruction by
1987: Vicar pleads guilty after being caught peeping on young women in a changing room at a Leisure
Centre sports complex in Yorkshire. Admits he did it because he had been aroused by watching young
1987: Catholic priest who specialised in counseling on child abuse and incest faces charges of importing
paedophile videos and slides.
1987: Vicar Cecil Rothery, 63, sentenced to probation at Retford for indecently assaulting a teenage boy.
1987: Jehovah’s Witness given 8 years at Chelmsford for raping two girls. Yeates chanted “Satan. Satan”
whilst raping them and claimed the devil made him do it.
1988: Pentecostal minister Rev John Terry beheaded one of his parishioners and burned down his church
with the body in it in an attempt to assume a new identity and disappear with £25,000 of church money.
1988: Congregational Church Minister Ian Garvock 45, of Lanarkshire found guilty of raping a four year
old girl in park. Judge said “The offence was an appalling one of a very severe kind with incalculable
consequences to the young child.
1988: Public school chaplain prosecuted for possessing pornographic pictures of under-age children.
1988: Priest Dino Cinel admitted intending to have sex with young men and was found to possess
numerous pornographic videos & magazines of children and teenagers.
1988: Preacher Wilfred Glew sentenced to life at St Albans Crown Court for the unprovoked battering to
death of the fiancé of a young girl whom he had seduced when she came to him for spiritual guidance.
1988: Baptist minister Jonathan Hamlin shot his live-in girlfriend dead and then went to church and
preached. He was sentenced to 15 years.
1988: Massive child porn ring smashed when police officers arrested a church official and seized cache
of indecent video tapes magazines and child pornography photos in a raid on a church in London.
1988: Church of England Vicar Michael Walter, already having served time for indecently assaulting
little boys yet allowed to continue his clerical career by the church, is found guilty of further assaults on
1988: Stephen Wilcock, religious fanatic and teacher at a Catholic School is exposed as a pervert when
hundreds of polaroid snapshots involving Wilcock, a female teacher and teenage pupils in various erotic
poses were discovered.
1988: Local church official and foster father Reginald Palmer who played Santa Claus at children’s
parties tortured boys and girls, one as young as 30 months old, who were stripped naked and filmed in
their agonies. At one point he became godfather to one child and then went on to assault the youngster.
Palmer strung children upside down by the feet, beat them and encouraged children in his care to play
sex games with each other. “Children can be seen and heard screaming, crying, pleading and begging for
the defendant to stop” :G7 the prosecutor said. Sentenced to Six years at Exeter Crown Court.
1988: a Two Vicars, a choirmaster, a solicitor and an already convicted child molester all jailed at
Winchester Crown Court on 21 specimen charges of sexual abuse of boys as young as seven which were
carried out on them at church outings, at the YMCA and in churchyards. The men made the children take
an oath never to breathe a word of what was going on and paid them 1.00 for each session. Sometimes
the children’s private parts were beaten with a fly swatter.
1988: Born Again Christian Tate who works for a religious magazine, confesses to seducing ten year old
1988: Vicar Trevor Ward jailed for 7 years for using pornographic books to corrupt boys as young as
eleven. Ward arranged sex ‘threesomes’. Ward admitted offences of indecent assault, gross indecency
and buggery over an 8 year period.
1988: Rev. Joseph Got jailed for indecently assaulting a 10 year old boy and taking obscene photographs
of him. Glos. Crown Court.
1988: R.A.F. Roman Catholic Priest fined for gross indecency after picking up a man at public toilets and
committing sex act in a supermarket car-park.
1988: Mormon preacher from Manchester shoots two women neighbors and then fires random shots from
a magnum .35 revolver (for which he had a firearms certificate) before killing himself and his pet
1988: Fugitive Italian priest Rev Lorenzo Zorza goes on run accused of organising a pipeline for
swapping American cocaine for sicilian heroin.
1988: A ‘God Fearing’ 38 yr old Foster Parent sentenced to 4 years for indecently assaulting three girls
aged 8 at Bodmin Crown Court.
1989a A ‘devout Christian; and a Sunday School teacher, Scott Williams, 29, admitted to raping a 13
year old girl and strangling and beating her to death.
1989: Christian Evangelist Darlene Jackson, 33, starved her 4 year old daughter to death to exorcise her
of evil spirits. She was sentenced to 7 years.
1989: ‘Church-affiliated psychologists and attorneys concede that, in the past 10 years, hundreds of
priests have molested thousands of children in the U.S. More than 600 paedohpiliac priests have been
counseled at a New Mexico facility in that time’ Aberdeen Press & Journal 7.12.89.
1989: Bartley Dobben, a member of a Christian evangelical fellowship killed his sons, aged 2 and 15
months, as a sacrifice to God by putting them into a red-hot foundry ladle because “God had dictated
through the bible” that he should do so.
1989: Minister Bernard Ponder 46, already on probation for the sexual abuse of boys now accused of
sexually abusing a deaf boy.
1989: Salvation Army member sexually abuses 14 year old girl whom he met at Sunday School. Jailed at
York Crown Court.
1989: Chapel child care volunteer charged with 50 counts of child molestation, kidnapping, child abuse
and other offences at Spring Valley church. A former youth minister was convicted of molesting
teenagers at the church in the early 1980s.
1989: Baptist Christian fundamentalist found guilty of starting 19 fires at bookstores and sex shops
causing 90,000.00 worth of damage and injuring two firemen.
1989: Rev William Thompson 45, Headmaster at an Episcopal Church pleaded guilty to charges of child
pornography and molesting 7 boys aged 11 to 16.
1989: A devout British Moslem ritually killed his daughter by saying Bismalla and then slitting her throat
and allowing her to bleed to death because she had declared that she was to convert to Christianity after
she had been enticed into a gospel meeting by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
1989: Robert Messersmith, 46, a catechism instructor found guilty of coercing boys (12 to 15 years) to
perform sex acts by showing them pornography.
1989: Christian Evangelist Tony Leyva sentenced to 2 years for running a child prostitution ring.
1989: Baptist minister Henry Waters, convicted of sexually abusing young boys whose souls he claimed
would be ‘saved’ through his ‘sex instruction’.
1989: Salvation Army Captain Jack Holcomb, 50, pleaded guilty to unlawful intercourse with a 14 year
old girl Salvation Army member.
1989: Vicar quits his job after allegations of sexual indecency with girl.
1989: London Vicar and church school Governor exposed, along with the deputy headmaster of the
school for 11 year olds, for hosting perverted homosexual parties where drugs are smoked and hard core
porno films are screened before group sex orgies commence.
1989: Rev Robert Halverstadt, 61, jailed after admitting to using games, coercion and drugs to sexually
molest 3 girls in his congregation. One girl said he gave her something to drink that made her fall asleep.
1989: Bible School teacher Stanley Cummings sentenced to more than 2,000 years in prison after
conviction on 60 counts of child molestation and sexual exploitation of minors. Cummings molested,
sodomised, photographed and tape recorded beating his victims whom he met through his church.
1989: Foster parent Reverend Robert Schultz, 52, who had been honoured for his voluntary services to
the community was sentenced to 30 years after confessing to acts described as ‘horribly perverse’ on
foster children in his care.
1989: Baptist minister William Hendricks, 50, pleaded guilty to sexual assault on his 7 year old girl
victim whom he molested on consecrated ground.
1989: Pentecostal evangelist Antonio S Martinez ‘married’ a 12 year old girl whose grandmother forced
her into the arrangement. He first assaulted her when she was 11. He was found guilty of aggravated
sexual assault after taking her to a doctor to ask why she wasn’t pregnant.
1989: Catholic priest George Bredemann, 47 convicted of molesting boys sent to him for counseling for
previous sexual abuse, later admitted 15 similar assaults.
1989: Rev. Thomas Welsch 39, and his wife accomplice were sentenced to 30 years in prison for a string
of abuses on twin sisters (13) and a 17 year old girl, both members of his congregation.
1989: Bible fanatic Jehovah’s Witness Robin Baker who attended church three times a week beat up a
mother of three who disagreed with his beliefs. Baker knocked her down, dragged her by the hair and
punched and kicked her. The year previously Baker had assaulted a disabled woman. He was sentenced
to a year’s imprisonment.
1989: Christian Childcare worker Heath Turner, employed by First United Methodist Church convicted
of sexually abusing a child in his care with toy boat, finger, and ice.
1989: Six girls abused by Rev Francis Haight, Baptist leader, sentenced to 20 years.
1990: ‘Praying Rapist’ murders 68 year old woman after raping her. Man repeats Church periapts whilst
committing his horrible sex attacks on aged women in South East London.
1990: British & American Catholic church officials shuttle around a priest accused of child sexual
abuse who is evading arrest. Priest eventually extradited and sentenced to 6 years for sexually abusing 4
1990: Christian Evangelists rioted with police when they tried to question a member of the congregation
in Kensington. A police van was set upon, a sergeant was dragged out and punched in the face and
another officer was spat on whilst the mob tried to turn the van over.
1990: Bishop tries to hush-up Goat in Churchyard sex scandal of divorcée and Vicar by persuading her to
destroy erotic love letters. Vicar had seduced the divorcee after calling on her to give advice on treating
an ache in her shoulder.
1990: Slough Christian Social Worker sentenced to jail at Old Bailey for taking indecent photographs of
a mentally retarded 8 year old boy. His job was to look after handicapped children to give parents a
1990: A Bradford man described in mitigation by his Church leader as a ‘devoted practising Christian’
made menacing telephone calls to young mothers threatening to throw acid in their children’s faces, stab
and burn them.
1990: Vicar’s wife runs off with 14 year old choirboy. Vicar claims the lad is a “son of satan” . “This
unholy union is the work of the devil”
1990: Cathedral Sidesman jailed for life for murdering his mistress and her new lover. Clive Crawshaw,
well connected with leading clergymen in Exeter, poured petrol over his victims and set them alight.
1990: Pentecostal Minister D Stenhouse from Solihull sent to jail after admitting five charges of
indecently assaulting boys aged 12 to 15.
1990: Priest Domenico Bernard, 65 arrested for molesting women who came to his home for distressed
1990: Priest James Morrow found guilty of attacking pregnant woman at abortion clinic. Morrowa had
appeared in court four times in the previous year for similar protests.
1990: Archbishop Penney resigns following report of him having ignored or denied reports of child sex
abuse by Catholic Priests. Since 1988 TWENTY of his priests have been convicted of sexually abusing
1990: Catholic Priest Anton Mowat 45, pleaded guilty to sexually molesting four altar boys between ages
12 and 14. Sentenced to 6 years imprisonment in Maya for 2 charges of child molestation , two of cruelty
to children, two of enticing boys for indecent purposes and four charges of battery.
1990: Priest Kenneth Arkley, pleaded guilty at Old Bailey to soliciting homeless young ‘runaways’ for
sex at railway stations and repetitive homosexual acts with underage youth in his love nest.
1990: Rev Gordon Haggarty, TV vicar and celebrity jailed for lewd and libidinous practices at
Edinburgh Crown Court. He bound, blindfolded and gagged girls in his care aged from 8 to 12 years, then
took photographs of them.
1990: Nineteen members of Roman Catholic lay order charged with 149 counts of physical and sexual
abuse at a boys training school (now closed down)
1990: Jehovah’s Witness Thomas Rosserr, 38, pleaded guilty to two sexual intercourse with a 13 year old
girl at Bible Classes and was sentenced to 21 months at Teeside Crown Court.
1990: Prison Chaplain replies to sexual contact mag advert and is blackmailed after writing pornographic
letters about his erotic fantasies.
1990: Priests of a wealthy Roman Catholic break-away sect are given emergency hospital treatment after
self-castration. Followers of the Christian sect are also reported to insert rings through their genitals as
penitence or to prevent sexual temptation.
1990: Rev Stephen Horkin pays rent-boy to sadistically abuse him whilst dressing up as the devil.
1990: Methodist Reverend Paul Flowers, vice-chairman of Rochdale social services committee which
had control over the Rochdale Satanic Abuse Cases is discovered to have a conviction for indecency
during the height of the allegations. Flowers was caught in a public lavatory with another man.
1991: Lord Justice Butler-Sloss (author of the definitive Cleveland report on child abuse) cautioned a
Christian ‘religious fanatic’ who had appealed to see his two children who feared him because of his
obsession with Christianity. He had tried to force his strict beliefs on the children and they were
frightened of him when he questioned their own beliefs. The judge said “Don’t push your beliefs too far
or you may lose them forever.”
1991: Priest allows filming and broadcast of the ‘exorcism’ of 16 year old girl who is tied down and
traumatised with spitting, screaming and retching.
1991: Rev Elias Sark convicted of rape and gross sexual imposition on a female parishioner.
1991: A Christian religious fanatic whose father had died after drinking strychnine during a service was
killed during another Church service where attendees were encouraged to handle Snakes.
1991: Church Choir tenor and dole fraud investigator Ian MacKenzie, 35, was jailed for four years for
sexually assaulting boys aged between 12 and 14. MacKenzie forced them into felatio after making them
shackle him with chains and rope and then thrashing him with a horsewhip.
1991: Rev. John Stockwell found guilty of kerb-crawling and soliciting prostitutes.
1991: Fallen priest Roy Yanke robbed 14 banks and stole 24,000. Yanke admitted spending the money on
his obsession with prostitutes.
1991: Church Organist Vincent Smith jailed at Leeds Crown Court for repetitive sexual abuse of a 9 year
old boy which extended over a six year period.
1991: Priest Norbert LaCosse, sentenced to 15 years for molesting his 12 year old Altar boy, admitted to
repeatedly abusing him.
1991: Rev G Snow, 38 jailed for sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy. Police found two suitcases filled
with indecent photographs of boys and men in Snow’s vicarage.
1991: 52 yr old Priest pleaded guilty to sexually abusing children aged 13 to 15 in dormitories whilst they
slept. He was the second priest to be convicted in the scandal.
1991: Evangelist preacher Alan Bradley of Skipton convicted of indecent behaviour. Caught by police
after revealing himself to young girls wearing a rubber penis and false breasts.
1991: Catholic Priest tape recorded soliciting sex from policewoman. Priest Dominic Candappa (official
exorcist) entrapped and arrested between church services on Good Friday.
1991: Baptist Minister Ashby Breneman gets 18 yrs for molesting six boys at a Christian Youth Camp he
1991: 62 yr Old Sunday School teacher sentenced to 10 years for sexually assaulting numerous children
who attended Sunday School classes.
1991: Baptist Minister Rev. Robert Burton charged after admitting long-term serious sexual abuse of his
six and eight year old stepsons.
1991: Pentecostal Religious teacher who already had convictions for indecency against children was
allowed to teach bible classes at a Cornwall Church and used his position to sexually assault an 8 year old
boy who attended his classes.
1991: Minister Alfred Gatehouse 62, sentenced to 10 years for sodomy and soliciting paid sex with
teenage girls.
1991: Baptist Minister Larry Bernard 45, sentenced to 7 years for molesting a boy of 14.
1991 Reverend S Pusateria 40, sentenced to 6 years for criminal sexual assault. He molested his victim
repeatedly for over a year.
1991: Priest sentenced to 22 years imprisonment for repeatedly sexually assaulting a 13 year old boy.
1991: 51yr old Minister’s Wife convicted of inducing a minor in her foster care to engage in sexual

–––––– NOTES: This list finalised July 1991. Every case has been thoroughly researched and can be
fully supported with documented evidence of dates, places, Court records, sources, times and names. It is
highly abbreviated here for practical purposes but we can say that the details of the abuses area
exceedingly horrible and many exhibit virtually identical abuses to those alleged to take place in so-
called Satanic Ritualised Abuse. We invite further correspondence and offer free research facilities on all
our data to any serious enquirer.

FREQUENCY Of CHRISTIAN RITUAL ABUSE: The S.A.F.F. only began collecting, collating and
analysing Sexual Abuse linked with ecclesiastics during 1989 hence the sample of cases grew as our
scope and ability to source them increased. The early years are therefore sparse but this reflects the lack
of attention so far applied to them.

Since 1978 we have logged over ONE HUNDRED convictions of Christian Ritualised Abuse. Compare
these DEFINITE cases with the six uncorroborated cases promoters of Satanic Ritualised Abuse have
unearthed over the same period and the true nature of both is immediately apparent.

The average yearly level of abuse going by our 1989/90 & 91 figures can be considered representational
at two dozen cases per year, a shocking figure.

We did not collate cases prior to 1989 and we must remember that not all cases are detected and brought
to court but applying the average from the firm statistics we do have we come up with the terrible result
that whilst Tim Tate and his pro-SRAMists have been occupying the nation with sensationalism about six
cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse, more than Two HUNDRED cases of Christian Ritual Abuse are likely to
have occurred. The tragedy of the suffering of innocent children in this situation is too miserable to

COVERAGE: Please note that we have NOT included ALL the cases we have on file. There are many
further cases which we have researched which confirm the overall picture but which are insignificantly
unique and which we have therefore left out. These are open to scrutiny if needed. We also have a large
pile of quite serious and shocking Christian Ritual Abuse cases which were reported mid-trial and which
look likely to have ended in convictions but which we have not yet sourced the verdicts for.

STATISTICAL COMPARISONS: The data from our research is now large enough to form predictions of
the yearly frequency of what can now be seen to be a very serious problem of Christian Ritual Abuse.
We are not here looking at a sporadic and unusual manifestation of Christian Ritual Abuse caused by a
handful of rogue Vicars. The shocking facts are that statistics show a definite and continuing proportion
of the clergy who area pre-disposed to commit terrible crimes against children in their care. This
phenomenon carries across all age levels and is represented in novitiates as well as established
ecclesiastics - it is not a passing node which will eventually dissipate itself given time. Action must be
called for from government to deal with this problem. Additionally it has to be said that a not
insignificant portion of these Christian Ritual Abusers re-offend when allowed to continue in their work.

CONCLUSIONS AND CONTINGENCIES: We want to know what our social services and the
Department of Health are doing about this crisis and why they haven’t identified it as a problem? Why
was it left to us to highlight?

Additionally we would like to know why there has been such an immense amount of professional time
and resources squandered over the past three years upon the Wild Goose chase of so-called Satanic
Ritualised Abuse, when its leading promoter , journalist Tim Tate, has only been able to cobble together
six possible cases in the past eight years? (an average of 1.3 cases per year)

Even if we leave aside the argument over validation of these cases; even if we avoid the controversy
over whether Satanic Abuse actually exists (and our research shows that it does not) then we are still left
with the statistical certainty that XXX children are at risk from Christian Sexual Abusers each year yet
Social Workers have ‘turned a blind eye’ to this DEFINITE sickening threat to the well-being of our
nation’s children in favour of chasing the Devil.

This certainly isn’t through ignorance of Christian Sexual Abuse for the profession is well aware of the
problem but seems to avoid addressing it as a public issue whenever it can. Ray Wyre, head of the
Gracewell Clinic for male sexual abusers, One of the countries foremost experts in child-abuse re-
offenders, and an advisor to many local social services departments. He has admitted that Christian
Ritualised Abuse is a well-known phenomenon within social work. He is on record as saying: “I have
worked with more vicars who have abused than ever Satan Worshippers” (Interview with the Northern
Echo, August 24 1990)

Additionally as early as 1987, Diannea Corea of the CHILDWATCH group acknowledged the problem
with Christian Ritualised Abuse by personally travelling to London to present a confidential ‘dossier’ to
the Archbishop of Canterbury which involved data on 10 Christian Ritual Abuse cases under Childwatch
surveillance, five of which were then unresolved. No specific action was taken by Lambeth Palace on
this issue in response to the dossier and a year later Ms Core took an entirely different tack and became
one of the major players in promoting the idea of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Had Ms. Core forgotten about
Christian Ritualised Abuse? Did Ms Core’s surveillance of the child abuse scene fail to catch the XX
cases of Christian Ritual Abuse which occurred during the next few years?

And what about her parliamentary representative Geoffrey Dickens? During 1987 he was claiming that
“There had been a significant increase in homosexual clergymen leading to an increase in abuse of young
boys” Yet by 1988 he had joined forces with Ms Core to become a major player in the promotion of the
idea of Satanic Ritualised Abuse and has not made mention of Christian Ritualised Abuse since.

Additionally, why is it that, in his scouring of court records on child-abuse to obtain data for his recent
book “Children for the Devil - Ritual Abuse and Satanic Crime “ in which he attempts, and fails, to
prove a connection, the journalist Tim Tate never stumbled across or became alerted to the significant
frequency of cases of Christian Ritualised Abuse?

So if those at the leading edge of social work, child-care and the treatment of sexual abuse offenders are
aware of the risk, why have they spent so much time, like Mr. Tate, flogging the dead horse of Satanic
Ritual Abuse and ignoring Christian Ritual Abuse?

Our data shows that sentences for NON-clerics who abuse are very much stronger than for clerics whose
crimes tend to be looked upon as ‘abnormalities’ of behaviour. Yet our research shows that their crimes
are anything but. They are predictable, repetitive and, unfortunately, far from ‘abnormal’ in the general
way of things.

The fact is that like Ray Wyre, who once trained as a Baptist Minister, and the head of the NSPCC who
was a Methodist Minister, the majority of social workers area Christians themselves and in the Satanic
Ritual Abuse vs. Christian Ritual Abuse controversy seem to have a blind-spot for Christian Ritual Abuse
in inverse proportion to their obsession with Satanic Ritual Abuse.

SUMMING UP: The S.A.F.F. has provided a most important public service by highlighting the problem
of Christian Ritualised Abuse and all decent citizens of this country will expect the Social Services and
the Government to make use of this information and tackle the unacceptable level of Christian Ritualised

It must not be thought that such conclusions are in any way anti-Christian or sectarian. Obviously there
are many millions of ardent Christians who love and care for children. What we are saying is that there
are too many who abuse them under the auspices of and through the opportunities given to them by their
position in various Christian Churches and this must be stopped by preventative methods. Christian
Ritualised Abuse is a reality and for our society to turn a blind eye to that whilst persecuting religious
minorities for the same assumed crimes is a most despicable hypocrisy which endangers our children.

Whilst professionals field these arguments back and forth our children are being horribly abused and
irreversibly traumatised for the rest of their lives by Christian Ritualised Abuse. There is NO time to
delay. The problem of Christian Ritualised Abuse must be acknowledged and the police, social workers
and care-agencies must be trained to prevent it, detect it and deal with it NOW not later. We demand
nothing less and the official response to these incontrovertible statistics will show the public and history
at large whether the social services of this country area full of hollow self-righteous propaganda to justify
their existence or whether they REALLY care for the children whose safety they are supposed to protect.

UPDATE: BLACK MUSEUM 1 was very influential and used in evidence during the U.K. government’s
Inquiry into the victimisations of innocent children and their parents during the Orkney Satanic Child
Abuse fiasco. Also see BLACK MUSEUM a2, (BLAKMUS2.MSS) Published August 1996 for further
corroborating statistical conclusions based on surveillance of hundreds of further cases of Clergy Abuse
since BM1 which provides undeniable proof of the continuing cover up of widespread Crimes against
children by a powerful sections of the Christian community and the real threat to the offspring of
unaware parents.

CONCLUSION: During a ten year period in which inordinate amounts of public money and child-care
resources have been spent chasing the phantom of Satanic Abuse, there have been NO genuine cases
found in the U.K. at all. Not one. The Satanic Ritual Abuse Myth was a propaganda smoke-screen
promoted consciously or unconsciously by the Christian Churches in order to focus the public’s attention
away from the epidemic of Child abuse occurring in their own ranks.


S.A.F.F. 6-8 Burley Lodge Road, Leeds LS6 1QP Yorks. (0532) 451309


Moral Catch-22

Hi –
One thing that is glaringly evident from a thorough study of human history is that our capacity for
evil seems to be inextricably confused – and that is the operative word – with our moral sense and
capacity. So often outrage over evil turns into perpetration of evil in the form of witch-hunts and other
manifestations of mob violence and mass-murder. The sheer scale and quality of such atrocities are
unlike that found anywhere else in the living world. Why?
Clearly, part of this is due to the fact that due to our technological ability, great numbers, and planet-
wide distribution, no other organism has the opportunity for perpetrating the hell on Earth humanity has
been known to do. Also, our morality isn’t hard-wired in on a genetic level, the way it seems to be in
many other species; we learn it from our elders as we grow up. If either those who set us our moral
examples and teach us moral precepts are not good at their job, for whatever reason, or our ability to
receive and assimilate such instruction is damaged, e.g., neurologically or psychologically or whatever,
our moral behavior and outlook will be skewed accordingly.
Maybe it comes down to what A. E. Van Vogt called the “Right Man” syndrome, an overwhelming
need to feel that one is in the right at all costs, whether or not one really is in the right. There seems to
be a capacity in us for re-wiring our own neurochemistry to give ourselves a “moralistic high” fueled by
rage and fear, dressed up in all the verbal and ideational ornamentation of moral discourse, but not
spiritually informed by true morality at all. Once in that state, we can “justify” anything with enough
word-play, or even without it, and wreak utter havoc, perpetrate absolute evil without any qualms at all.
When the berserker fury is over, we hate ourselves – which generates need to “feel right” at any cost
again, to side-rail our guilt with another rampaging moralistic high. And so it goes, over and over.
We are rightly appalled at evil. But all too often, our reaction to it somehow phases over into a
moralistic and non-moral fervor in which we commit evil. In fact, those most at risk for committing
immediate true evil are those who are absolutely sure in that moment that they aren’t evil, aren’t capable
of evil, couldn’t possibly ever do evil. Because that certainty isn’t a factual certainty, it’s a hardened
emotional posture, a stand taken against what are felt to be overwhelming assaults on one’s psyche and
ego. It isn’t concerned with facts at all, it’s concerned with one’s feelings and the need to protect them.
And being a defensive posture, it can very quickly escalate into atrocities born of belief that only
commission of such atrocities can protect one’s soul from whatever one believes at the moment to be the
This response may not be strictly physical. It may take the form of verbal abuse of others around
one, or passive-aggressive behavior. But the result is that all too often, it does unjustifiable harm to
Thus our morality impels us to immorality. How do we get out of that bind?
I don’t have any quick answers to that question. But I think a good first step is to admit the bind
exists and begin studying it to see what, if anything, can be done about it.


In a message dated 96-08-14 21:38:15 EDT, you write:

<< The real question is: Why hasn’t our species, as a whole, outgrown, evolved, beyond
the need for endless and limitless acquisition? >>

I don’t know – and I find the phenomenon deeply disturbing, both as a sociobiologist and as someone
concerned with the spiritual aspects of existence. Lyall Watson’s recent book, Dark Nature, makes some
excellent points about the human capacity for sin from a biologist’s point of view, though it leaves me
unsatisfied. This is an age-old question, along with “Why haven’t we outgrown our lust for power over
one another?” Part of the problem seems to be some sort of design-flaw built into us, at least potentially,
on a biochemical and genetic level, a tendency to go off the rails in certain directions under chronic
stress, particularly in early childhood, that can have horrible consequences in the long run. Part of it –
well, maybe there are sentient viruses, or demons, or something around that takes advantage of that
design-flaw for its own purposes, and thereby exacerbates an already egregious problem into a
catastrophe. Beyond that, I really don’t know. I wish I did. This is one of those questions like “Why
Auschwitz?” that has me up nights in a cold sweat. (I gather I’m by no means alone in that. <g>)

– Yael D

Subj: something for you
Date: 96-08-14 21:38:05 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Trident23

thought you might be interested in the following blurb from ISCNI:


[CNI News thanks Errol Bruce-Knapp of UFO Updates Toronto for sending this text. The opening
remarks were written by Michael Malone. CNI News hastens to add that the 700 Club’s view of the
“facts” leaves much to be desired, even discounting their “demonic” interpretation of abduction. Most
glaring is their casual dismissal of “all” crop circles as being (apparently) the work of Doug and Dave.
Pleeeze! Nonetheless, some elements of the following text are intriguing – such as the reference to Louis
Farrakhan’s UFO experience, and Farrakhan’s apparent belief that the aliens “are your friends.”]

I’m not a fan of the 700 Club, but I was switching channels late last month, and there were scenes from
ID4 being shown. I quickly learned that I was watching one of the 700 Club’s pseudo-news shows. It
was on the evil of UFOs. There was a number to call for a “Fact Sheet” on UFOs. I thought it might be
interesting, so I called.

Yesterday [July 30] I got this Fact Sheet in the mail (see below).

The 700 Club, for those who don’t know, is home to Pat Robertson. It’s one of the larger Christian
organizations in America. Thinking that it’s not a powerful entity would be a mistake. One of
Robertson’s spawns, Ralph Reed, is a formidable power in Washington, D.C. Reed has been attempting
to distance himself from Robertson, unsuccessfully. While Reed would like to look more independent,
the truth is that Robertson is the one pulling his strings. Reed’s organization is one of the strongest “pro-
family” organizations lobbying in Washington and in various state capitals. It’s strongly anti-gay, anti-
abortion, anti-new-age, anti-paranormal, and anti-UFO. Hypnotherapists will be “happy” to know that
[Reed’s group] are strong believers in the Satanic Cult Theory of repressed memories.

Anyway, here is the 700 Club’s Fact Sheet on UFOs.

Fact Sheet
The 700 Club
UFOs: A Christian Response
As Featured on CBN’s Newswatch Today April 26, 1996

The Facts

America is captivated by little creatures from outer space. In fact, some even claim to have been
abducted by them. Several polls say as many as half of all Americans believe in UFOs, while 1 in 7
claims to have had a UFO or paranormal experience.

“They had very large heads, they had small frail bodies and really, really big black eyes,” explains Kathie

“I was terrified. I felt a strong sense of a presence of someone standing behind me, I was actually floating
above the bed! I tried to wake my husband up; I was completely terrified,” recalls Melanie Green.

Are these people spaced out, or have they really been abducted? UFO expert Stanton Friedman believes
them. He says thousands of similar yet unrelated abductee stories are just part of the growing evidence
that is bringing a new, extraterrestrial reality down to earth. “The evidence is overwhelming that planet
earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft.”
Lending credence to these visits are some high-profile Americans who claim they are real. Among them
is Louis Farrakhan. “I was transported by a small, circular plane – you call it a UFO – to a great mother
wheel,” he claims. “Before you call me crazy, these wheels will be seen all over America. They’ll be
coming down over the major cities. You will look up one day and see them, and I don’t want you to be
terrified. They’re your friends.”

For the victims, episodes of alien abduction often become life altering. “When something like this
happens to you, you have two choices,” says Ron Blevens, an abductee. “You can decide you’re crazy. or
you can expand your reality to include these other life forms.”

Recalling her abduction experience, Davis says, “I don’t want to offend people when I say this, [but] I
kind of lost my taste for organized religion and found a deeper spiritual something inside of me.”

Not all experts, however, are so convinced. Philip Klass has written numerous books debunking the UFO
phenomenon and has offered to pay $10,000 to anyone whose abduction can be verified by the FBI. “I
have spent nearly 30 years looking for a case with scientifically credible evidence that the earth is being
visited and have yet to find a single case that we have extraterrestrial visitors.”

Klass says most sightings can simply be explained away, either as a natural phenomenon, aircraft or
hoax. For example, the crop circles that mysteriously appeared in British wheat fields over the past
twenty years – thought to be created by UFO landings – were actually made by two men with planks tied
to their feet.

But abductee stories are not so easily debunked, especially when thousands claim similar experiences.

“Either we’re being visited by extraterrestrial beings created by God, or we’re dealing with a spiritual
phenomenon – either angelic or demonic,” says John Weldon. In his book, The Encyclopedia of New
Age Beliefs, Weldon explains that many abductees sincerely believe that what happened to them was
real. “They are very convinced that they have been taken on board a UFO, examined medically and had
some kind of experiment performed on them. That’s because they’ve undergone a hypnotic experience,”
he says.

Hypnosis, according to Friedman, plays a large part in many, if not all, abduction experiences. “It
appears that the hypnosis is required because the aliens program the people not to remember.”

Although these experiences may be real to the abductees, Weldon is convinced that they are strictly a
spiritual phenomenon. “The entities that these people run into have the capacity to manipulate their
experiences to such an extent that they can’t distinguish fantasy from reality.”

That’s precisely why many theologians suggest that the UFO phenomena are demonic and caution people
to avoid them whoever and whatever they are.


Fascinating post! While I loathe Pat Robertson, it must be remembered that since the people he
represents oppose what they believe is the Establishment position on all things, they often go out of their
way to ferret out news-items and facts that in fact the establishment news-sources, e.g., CNN, never tell
you, either because it doesn’t fit into their sound-bite programming or it doesn’t fit their world-view.
Sometimes “the enemy of my enemy” is my friend. (On the other hand, sometimes he isn’t – but that’s
another story . . .)

Thanks for sending it. I passed it on in all directions. :-) Take care, love, Yael


Subj: Re: Germane quotes

Date: 96-08-14 19:27:13 EDT
From: (Dale Seago)


Excellent stuff, not only the quote but your further observations as well. Regarding warriorship,
physical courage and moral courage, warriorship is a physical/moral thing. Something Jack Hoban,
Robert Humphrey (author of *Values For A New Millenium*), and I have noticed over years of teaching
(and have also discussed with each other) is that in today’s society it is far easier to take physically-
oriented people and
reactivate them morally than to take supposedly moral people and get them to be physical. Puts me in
mind of the Tantric idea that a spiritual path needs to be grounded in physical reality. . .On the whole, I
think it’s been put best and most simply by Ambrose Redmoon in his essay, “There Are No Peaceful


On Wed, 14 Aug 1996 wrote:

> Hi –
> In re my ongoing exchange with Mickeyx32 and what preceded it, y’all may
> find the following of interest. These are quotes from Andrew Delbanco’s The
> Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil (NY:
> Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1995):
> ******************************************************************************
> ************
> Americans were slow to grasp that the discrediting of the old moral
> geography would leave them in a world without any map at all. They did not
> apprehend, as the cultural historian George Steiner put it later, that
> the mutation of Hell into metaphor left a formidable gap in the co-ordinates
> of location, of psychological recognition in the Western mind. The absence
> of the familiar damned opened a vortex which the modern totalitarian state
> filled. To have neither Heaven nor Hell is to be intolerably deprived and alone
> in a world gone flat. Of the two, Hell proved the easier to re-crate. (The
> pictures had always been more detailed.)
> p. 188
> ...
> . . . But even as he believed in the continuing relevance of the old concept
> of sin to new events, Nieburh was also aware that evil had taken on a
> distinctly modern characteristic. In this sense, he belonged to another
> lineage as well – to the literary tradition that runs from Goethe to
> Melville and Dostoevsky and Conrad, and expounds evil as the capacity to
> render invisible another human consciousness. Sin, in this view, is the
> failure to meet what Kant called the “categorical imperative,” by which one
> is compelled to treat other persons as ends rather than means. ‘To
> accomplish his object,’ as Melville put it, writing about his mad captain’s
> willingness to use his men as instruments of his personal revenge, ‘Ahab must
> use tools; and of all tools used in the shadow of the moon, men are most apt
> to get out of order.’
> This conversion of human beings from obstructions into instruments is
> one of the obligatory themes of modern literature, for the good and
> sufficient reason that the economic and political organization of the modern
> West (capitalism and colonialism) has ensured its presence. Here, at the
> outset of the tradition, is Goethe’s Faust – one of the first literary
> portraits of the grasping modern consciousness – explaining why he has
> ordered Mephisto to clear out an old couple whose cottage stands on a spot
> that he, Faust, covets as a building site:
> that aged couple should have yielded,
> I want their lindens in my grip,
> Since these few trees that are denied me
> Undo my worldwide ownership.
> ...
> Hence is our soul upon the rack,
> To feel, amid plenty, what we lack.
> Faust is loudly indignant when he learns that Mephisto, having taken his
> wishes seriously, has killed the old couple and burned their house to the
> ground. But the offense, we suspect, is not the deed so much as the tactless
> fact of his being told about it. He wants not so much that the old man and
> woman should have been spared as not to know what was done with them.
> pp. 193-194
> ******************************************************************************
> (Yael continues in her own words:)
> We are made uncomfortable by evil – not only by seeing it in ourselves, but
> by seeing it out there. It frightens us. True evil is also uncanny,
> profoundly disturbing because of its weirdness. Learning of it – e.g., as
> America did of Nazi Germany’s mass-murders after WW 2 – first we ask,
> “Why?” Finding no answer, we start inventing answers, anything to try to
> explain, because without explanations, we are left psychospiritually adrift
> on a sea of weirdness without a raft in sight. If we can’t blame the Devil,
> because belief in the Devil is outmoded, and we can’t believe that
> perpetrators are responsible for what they do, because psychology admonishes
> us to pity the perpetrators, who after all are very, very damaged, all that
> is left to do is blame the victim, or at the very least, get angry at the
> victim for trying to fight back. So we re-invent the powerful, seductive,
> pernicious idea of karma as an excuse for all evil, a reason not to do
> anything to change the world for the better. We look to new incarnations, the
> Afterlife, for escape from an evil world. We abandon courage, honor,
> whatever would enable us morally to take a stand and fight back. And so we
> end up abandoning our ownership of our own future, leaving it to the strong
> and ruthless to make the decisions and expedite them for us. By refusing to
> confront the weirdness that is true evil and somehow wrestle it to the mat
> and bind it and charge it and banish it for good, we step out of the Circle,
> release it from the Triangle and let it possess our world, unopposed.
> I don’t know what the answer to Evil is. The excesses of the
> Inquisition and the Witch-Burners show how badly wrong belief in and war
> against an arch-Devil can be. On the other hand, however, the long, horrible
> history of India shows what belief in karma does: renders generation upon
> generation morally powerless to confront and best their oppressors and the
> evils that beset them, so that finally a caste system becomes permanent, and
> hope is obliterated for all but the few, cynical wealthy and powerful who
> believe in nothing and control all.
> Neither hysterical phobias about and masochistic acceptance of evil do
> much good, do they? What does? What will guarantee freedom from evil?
> Nothing. In the real world, there are no such guarantees. But there
> are Paths which enable the followers thereof to feel one hell of a lot more
> at peace with themselves, to feel better about themselves, and have a far
> better chance of being able to defend themselves successfully from evil
> should they encounter it, than others. All of them require the warrior’s
> courage, not only physical courage, but moral courage, the courage to do what
> is necessary and right in a given situation and accept responsibility for the
> consequences. And the warrior is loathed by complacent New Agers and rioting
> religious hysterics alike, because the lone warrior has the potential for
> effectiveness that mobs of the other two can’t even dream of. The warrior –
> not the violent man or woman, but rather the truly self-sufficient,
> completely competent human being who is willing to take the fullest possible
> responsibility for his/her life and fate – is a true adult, whereas the
> others are children, either self-righteously smug or violent and terrified,
> but always children who are afraid to act on their own initiative and out of
> their own moral understanding. The latter want no reminders of the heritage
> they sold for their various messes of pottage – and a minimal chance of
> being thwarted in their relentless quest for perfect security. The warrior
> is everything they could have been if they hadn’t run in terror from life –
> and someone who, they sense, rightly or wrongly, is likely to keep them from
> their goals.
> I can’t claim to be a warrior. That is a fact I’m deeply ashamed of –
> and I’m working on it, and will continue to do so as long as I live. Harriet
> Tubman’s words ring in my soul: “You’ll be free or die.” Those are the only
> acceptable choices for me. If yours are otherwise, that is your right and
> your choice – but as for me, I stand with Tubman and Patrick Henry. A life
> without liberty is for me hell itself, and I can never accept it.
> – Yael Dragwyla


Curt –

In a message dated 96-08-15 03:12:02 EDT, you write:

<< >>Tsk! Tsk! I would like to take each one of the morons out there who believes
what the 700 Club says out and hypnotize them just to show them what it is like and
then maybe they will understand this thing called hypnosis. Who knows it may even
help out in the long run. I can see it now Pat Robertson goes on TV and does what he
would least likely do, cry and ask for forgiveness as he has lied to the american public
that has listened to him as the messenger of GOD (hypnotized to repent and return the
money that he has and is swindling from the american public), you know just like Jerry
Falwell did several years ago, except Pat will give the money back-Jerry didn’t. >>

Jerry, however, is the one who has put together and distributed the most interesting video, Bill’s Dead
Friends, about all the strangely coincidental murders (38 in the video, which was made a few years ago;
the tally now is up to about 500, including Waco, etc.) trailing along in Clinton’s wake. Jerry’s a brave
man, and in his way, a good one. His money has gone into trying to do something about turning this
country around. Robertson’s has gone into running for President. !

<< Then there the other moron out there Jim Baker now there is one for the books. He
cheats on his wife and steals money from us and acts like there is nothing wrong. Then
he gets caught and he acts like we killed someone when we ask him to face the piper.
Now tell me there is nothing wrong with our moral and social system in this country!!!
HA! Fat chance of that, this is the major reason I do not follow one religion whole-
heartedly. Can you blame me after reading this S*** from them.
So long for now the silent one. CLE. >>
Don’t blame you at all. What gets my goat is that it’s the Jim Bakkers of the world who are screaming
just how bad our moral system has gotten –until they get caught! This is called hypocrisy. The thing is,
Curt, the Democrats want to save the country by destroying half the Bill of Rights. The Republicans
want to save the country by destroying the other half of the Bill of Rights. The media want to make
money on it all while the whole damned thing is destroyed, the country and all our freedom along with it.
It’s real easy to sort this out: they’re all evil. Yes, they are. all of them. Let’s hear it for getting the hell
of this planet, opening up the high frontier and challenging the spiritual set of the whole world the way
that the discovery of the Americas did Europe! Unlike the Americas, space is virtually infinite in extent
and can’t ever be wholly domesticated the way the Americas have been. Vote for Harry Browne. Or
Ross Perot. Or whoever else you think will truly do what he can to get the government off our backs and
open up the high frontier. – Yael


Subj: Re: something for you

Date: 96-08-15 03:12:02 EDT
From: (Curtis Evans)
To: wrote:
> Thought y’all might find this intriguing. It gives some sidelights on the
> situation that you don’t normally get on CNN. For fun, enjoy, Yael Dragwyla
> ******************************************************************************
> thought you might be interested in the following blurb from ISCNI:
> [CNI News thanks Errol Bruce-Knapp of UFO Updates Toronto for sending this
> text. The opening remarks were written by Michael Malone. CNI News hastens to
> add that the 700 Club’s view of the “facts” leaves much to be desired, even
> discounting their “demonic” interpretation of abduction. Most glaring is
> their casual dismissal of “all” crop circles as being (apparently) the work
> of Doug and Dave. Pleeeze! Nonetheless, some elements of the following text
> are intriguing – such as the reference to Louis Farrakhan’s UFO experience,
> and Farrakhan’s apparent belief that the aliens “are your friends.”]
> I’m not a fan of the 700 Club, but I was switching channels late last month,
> and there were scenes from ID4 being shown. I quickly learned that I was
> watching one of the 700 Club’s pseudo-news shows. It was on the evil of
> UFOs. There was a number to call for a “Fact Sheet” on UFOs. I thought it
> might be interesting, so I called.
> Yesterday [July 30] I got this Fact Sheet in the mail (see below).
> The 700 Club, for those who don’t know, is home to Pat Robertson. It’s one
> of the larger Christian organizations in America. Thinking that it’s not a
> powerful entity would be a mistake. One of Robertson’s spawns, Ralph Reed,
> is a formidable power in Washington, D.C. Reed has been attempting to
> distance himself from Robertson, unsuccessfully. While Reed would like to
> look more independent, the truth is that Robertson is the one pulling his
> strings. Reed’s organization is one of the strongest “pro-family”
> organizations lobbying in Washington and in various state capitals. It’s
> strongly anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-new-age, anti-paranormal, and
> anti-UFO. Hypnotherapists will be “happy” to know that [Reed’s group] are
> strong believers in the Satanic Cult Theory of repressed memories.
> Anyway, here is the 700 Club’s Fact Sheet on UFOs.
> Fact Sheet
> The 700 Club
> UFOs: A Christian Response
> As Featured on CBN’s Newswatch Today April 26, 1996
> The Facts
> America is captivated by little creatures from outer space. In fact, some
> even claim to have been abducted by them. Several polls say as many as half
> of all Americans believe in UFOs, while 1 in 7 claims to have had a UFO or
> paranormal experience.
> “They had very large heads, they had small frail bodies and really, really
> big black eyes,” explains Kathie Davis.
> “I was terrified. I felt a strong sense of a presence of someone standing
> behind me, I was actually floating above the bed! I tried to wake my husband
> up; I was completely terrified,” recalls Melanie Green.
> Are these people spaced out, or have they really been abducted? UFO expert
> Stanton Friedman believes them. He says thousands of similar yet unrelated
> abductee stories are just part of the growing evidence that is bringing a
> new, extraterrestrial reality down to earth. “The evidence is overwhelming
> that planet earth is being visited by intelligently controlled
> extraterrestrial spacecraft.”
> Lending credence to these visits are some high-profile Americans who claim
> they are real. Among them is Louis Farrakhan. “I was transported by a small,
> circular plane – you call it a UFO – to a great mother wheel,” he claims.
> “Before you call me crazy, these wheels will be seen all over America.
> They’ll be coming down over the major cities. You will look up one day and
> see them, and I don’t want you to be terrified. They’re your friends.”
> For the victims, episodes of alien abduction often become life altering.
> “When something like this happens to you, you have two choices,” says Ron
> Blevens, an abductee. “You can decide you’re crazy. or you can expand your
> reality to include these other life forms.”
> Recalling her abduction experience, Davis says, “I don’t want to offend
> people when I say this, [but] I kind of lost my taste for organized religion
> and found a deeper spiritual something inside of me.”
> Not all experts, however, are so convinced. Philip Klass has written
> numerous books debunking the UFO phenomenon and has offered to pay $10,000 to
> anyone whose abduction can be verified by the FBI. “I have spent nearly 30
> years looking for a case with scientifically credible evidence that the earth
> is being visited and have yet to find a single case that we have
> extraterrestrial visitors.”
> Klass says most sightings can simply be explained away, either as a natural
> phenomenon, aircraft or hoax. For example, the crop circles that mysteriously
> appeared in British wheat fields over the past twenty years – thought to be
> created by UFO landings – were actually made by two men with planks tied to
> their feet.
> But abductee stories are not so easily debunked, especially when thousands
> claim similar experiences.
> “Either we’re being visited by extraterrestrial beings created by God, or
> we’re dealing with a spiritual phenomenon – either angelic or demonic,” says
> John Weldon. In his book, The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, Weldon
> explains that many abductees sincerely believe that what happened to them was
> real. “They are very convinced that they have been taken on board a UFO,
> examined medically and had some kind of experiment performed on them. That’s
> because they’ve undergone a hypnotic experience,” he says.
> Hypnosis, according to Friedman, plays a large part in many, if not all,
> abduction experiences. “It appears that the hypnosis is required because the
> aliens program the people not to remember.”
> Although these experiences may be real to the abductees, Weldon is convinced
> that they are strictly a spiritual phenomenon. “The entities that these
> people run into have the capacity to manipulate their experiences to such an
> extent that they can’t distinguish fantasy from reality.”
> That’s precisely why many theologians suggest that the UFO phenomena are
> demonic and caution people to avoid them whoever and whatever they are.


Hi –
Stephen King’s two new novels haven’t appeared yet. In the meantime, you may enjoy the following
as a good substitute. The problem is, it’s real. This is one of the responses to the whole idiot exchange
I’ve had with Mickyx23 lately. Remember that thing about “making poems to the silver wire”? I don’t
think some of these poor, brain-dead, soul-rotted bastards would get the point if they found somebody in
their bedrooms at 2 a.m. holding a gun at their heads and demanding where their valuables and little kids
were! Oh, my God . . . <<<<BRRRR!!>>>>>


<< Subj:Re: OK Roswell Ver. 2.0I

Date: 96-08-15 14:48:20 EDT
From: RuthC 2
To: Mickeyx32, Trident23

Thank you for including me in this string. Mickey, you have come a long way on your healing path.
Yael, you are doing what you feel is necessary to survive. It’s my belief that we are all right where we
should be at any given time. If the time is right for us to hear a message, we will hear it and heed it. But
each of us must walk our paths ourselves. If our paths should cross, it is for a definite reason albeit we
may not see the reason now. It is good that we can use this medium to share our individual thoughts and
express ourselves without worry of physical or psychological harm. There is something to be learned by
all, from all.
Are aliens “perps”?? Very good question. Is a perp considered to be a perp if they are not
intentionally perpetrating harm? Yes, I would say so. But, like the animals we capture, tranquilize and
tag, we cannot voice our opinions to our captors or are not taken seriously. Do we care if we traumatize
the animals? To a certain degree, yes. But on the whole, as long as we put them back into their dens, etc
whole and “unharmed” we feel we are causing no lasting or serious problems for the animal. I suggest
that is exactly how certain aliens think of us. Not all of them, to be sure, but some of them, most
assuredly. What can we do about it? I don’t know. It’s been said that we can’t change others, we can
only change ourselves or the way we look at things. Is this a form of denial? To a certain degree, and
under some circumstances, I think it is. On the other hand, when it comes to alien intervention within
our lives, what choice do we have? R– >>


Dale & Teri –

Here’s another one . . .
– Yael

<< Subj:Re: OK Roswell Ver. 2.0I

Date: 96-08-15 01:43:30 EDT
From: Iwonder414
To: Mickeyx32, Trident23

In a message dated 96-08-14 21:16:19 EDT, you write:

<<Or just thank your Gods that somebody was there to pull your bacon out of the fire?
Me, I’ll keep my bad attitude.>>
¨ Yael Dragwyla

It is yours to keep Yael…

Mickey >>

Dear Mickey,

In regards to your comments, I found them well written with a lot of balance. Me being
a Libra, I look at both sides. Not only in communications, but on how well balanced
ones opinion is expressed. Rather hard to do on E-Mail. You were always fair to see
Trident’s views. I, on the other hand am not.
Living is an extraordinarily painful experience every day, but if it were not, we
would not be LIVING LIFE and, therefore end the learning. We do not go looking for
these teachings, they come from others when paths are crossed. We must learn as much
of the bad as the good. That is our inheritance for being human and having free will to
choose either a positive life, or a negative one. It is much like love, in so far as, the
greater we love, the greater the pain can be from that love. The Ying and Yang.
Everything has its opposite. We are to know the value of both in order to keep


I find you to be knowledgeable. Your degrees are impressive, but your attitude puzzles
me. Either you are in great need of expressing opinions, fed up with life, or really
pissed about the past. Or, perhaps you just like a good debate. Does it feed your soul,
or is something else keeping you a prisoner? Is this a reaction to ET’s?
Could it be a childhood recollection when you were dominated? Now the ET’s make
you feel when you did as a child? Both can not have the same reasoning.

Pain comes in different levels, even though the teachings may be different, the levels
remain a constant. One can be empathetic even though the levels may be lower.

BTW, a real Guru has no need for a cop.

Thanks for the open conversations.


Dale & Teri –

And heeeere’s – MICKY!!!

“Ladies and germs . . .”

– Yael

<< Subj:Re: OK Roswell Ver. 2.0I
Date: 96-08-14 21:16:19 EDT
From: Mickeyx32
To: Trident23

In a message dated 96-08-14 00:06:26 EDT, Trident23 writes:

<<There is a problem with “relinquishing bitterness” – generally, for a female,

like myself, it means relinquishing one’s determination to protect oneself when
attacked. I did that as a tiny child because, basically, I was beaten into giving
up my ability to defend myself. Now that I have it back, I refuse to let it go.>>

Yael, I think you misunderstand: I am not suggesting you don’t defend yourself. I
believe everyone should have knowledge of and the right to self defense. Emotional
balance and self defense are separate issues. My friend at work has studied Kung Fu for
most of his life (native Chinese); the man’s personal demeanor is that of a pussycat…
but don’t mess with him. Yet his attitude or ‘particular benevolence’ is all pervasive. I
think you misunderstand my premise. When was the last time you were attacked?

<<Also, it’s very, very easy to minimize someone else’s pain, isn’t it? Or to
lapse into denial about one’s own. Or to say, “I feel your pain,” when all is
meant is political rhetoric which happens to be not the case. “Letting go of my
bitterness” sounds very nice, but as it happens it would also be suicide. >>

In no way would I attempt to minimize someone else’s pain ( I never said I “feel your
pain”). First of all it cannot be done. By the same token I find it impossible to lapse into
denial with regards to my own. But to dwell upon past scenarios after recognition or a
process of working it through is a waste of time and energy. As I have stated: I have
spent too much time engaging in a process of personal lamentation. I suspect you feel
as though you have to maintain this aspect of your personality as an integral part of
your personal paradigm for self defense. Aren’t the disciplines (and spirituality) of
marshal arts that you study enough? I would tend to disagree with your premise. I’ve
known many people who feel they must build an emotional wall around themselves, but
in the end they only propel themselves on a spirituality down trodden path. On the other
hand I have seen individuals let go of their bitterness after trauma and keep on going.
Your decision of course is your own Yael; but to assume you are the only human who
has endured pain or that your pain is worse than that of others (comparative gauging
invokes the theater of the absurd) is in itself a form of denial and at best a
rationalization. I do acknowledge your pain but in essence I refute the need for mindset
serve as what I might consider to be unnecessary ballast.
<<I don’t know what posh, protected environment you are fortunate enough to
live in, but I have lived all my life on the world’s meanest streets, darlin’,>>


<<and I know damned good and well that the chances that that will ever change
are virtually zero.>>

Well in my youth I was a heroine addict and I’ve endured the ‘pleasure of having the
s*it kicked out of me (who hasn’t?) on more than one occasion (I’ve kicked some ass
too but all of that nonsense equalizes). I’ve never lived in a posh protected
environment. If you ask me there isn’t much of that element around any more, and if
attacked I will still defend myself. I don’t expect the mean streets to change either
(plenty of them here in New York as well), but I do recognize the fact you have been
severely scarred. I have my own scars but I relinquish the need to a knee jerk red alert
scenario against the whole world (I’ve been there but no more for me thanks). If you
feel the need then by all means. But it is not the path I wish to ensue. There are
proclivities for a certain temper of self-righteous behavior which I no longer care to
partake in, as it has a propensity for invoking self pity. Something which I would care
to bury

<<Bullies and perps and predators don’t stop doing what they are doing as long
as they feel they’re in a low-risk situation, which is the case for them as long as
they believe the people they want to prey on won’t fight back. Sometimes the
only thing that will stop a predator is a loaded gun – “hot prowlers” will break
through windows and break down doors to get in to go after their intended

It is human nature. It is not late breaking revelation of holy grail enlightenment.

Humans will indeed take advantage and yes by all means take precautions (hell put
your six guns on but do it with a smile). You think that you alone are privy? Of course
there are extreme situations. Are you currently being targeted on a regular or personally
exclusive basis? Do you actually believe that I have not mentally gone over all of this
video taped footage umpteen trillion times?

<<I have been told that it is bitterness on my part to believe that there is real
evil in the world, that there are predators, that I need to prepare myself to defend
myself at need. So be it. I am bitter, honey,>>

Honey? We hardly know each other. . .

<< and I will be damned if I just hand my soul, my mind, my life to someone or
something in order to be “mentally well” or “not earn bad karma” or whatever
the current buzz-term for being in denial about the real nature of this world is.>>

You might consider the possibility of self inflicted damnation. Perhaps you might be
handing them your soul on a silver platter (something to consider albeit you will
probably dismiss the notion). As far as the ‘real nature of this world’ is concerned: the
atrocities committed by humans is old news Yael and many others have been hurt.

<<Oh, you will say, that isn’t bitterness! I meant . . . Well, how about the
emotional and mental set it takes to prepare to fight back, to accept that evil is
real, that one could be a target of it, that one had damned well better prepare to
fight back at need?>>
It requires a definite mind set to defend oneself. I have seen the gamut, from local
street fighters, Law enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, marshal artists. . . etc.;
this includes the full spectrum of attitudes. I have the power to invoke my own set of
evaluations and I am by no means easily fooled (ploys, analogies etc.). Your attitude is
at one end of the spectrum; that is not to say I have not encountered this type of mindset
before, but I have come to see there are others whom I’ve met that are quite adept (both
male and female) at various systems of self defense and have maintained a balance of
internal temperament. Listen Yael. . . I do not claim I have reached a balance in
personal temperament myself, but I know where I’ve been and I know where I want to
go and it is not in the reverse direction.

<< that is what people mean by “bitterness,” you see. And clearly nothing will
ever serve me in a positive light, unless I make it serve me so! I have always
looked like so much snack-food to damned near everybody, judging from their
behavior – and only stopped looking like it when I made it very clear that I
wasn’t a soft target and they’d better go elsewhere if they didn’t want their
karma totaled. You mean well, Mickey – I think. >>

Why would you doubt that? We do have a definite difference of opinion Yael but I
must assure you my intentions are benevolent. I am as repulsed by mindless cruelty as
you are and for most of my life my reactions have been extreme.

<<But if so, you have no idea how so many of us have had to live all our lives, or what it took to
survive, and what our continued survival requires. And if not – well, as I said, I’m not a soft target.>>

Not exactly Yael. . . I have known many and have seen many lives destroyed for a
conundrum of reasons. It was part of the reason I myself have clinged [sic] to bitterness
most of my life. I (for myself) have begun to work this through. I have taken it as far as
it can go and I’ve come to terms with the fact that it is my own unnecessary heavy
baggage which I must cast overboard.

<<Apparently you don’t believe self-defense, or a determination to defend

oneself at need, is justifiable. Too bad. >>

You can’t be serious. Are you that locked into a rigid paradigm?

<<I don’t think that that is even relevant. Living organisms do tend to resist
being destroyed rather strongly – if you find that unpalatable, that may indicate
that your education in the real world leaves more than a little to be desired.>>

You are wrong about that Yael as well as your evaluation regarding my education
regarding mans proclivity for reciprocal destruction. I am all to well aware. But this
can only serve as a digression or rational for the propagation of what I would consider
irrelevancies. By all means defend yourself if attacked, but you might want to
reconsider the plausibility for the recruitment of second and third parties engaging in
your personal paradigms. My initial response was in disagreement to fighting Aliens.
Some how we have segued into the depths of paradigmatic polarization.

<<As for “repair being your own responsibility” – let me know when you plan
to take out your own appendix, or drill your own teeth . . . or beget children on
yourself. I mean, there is such a thing as taking a cliche a little too far. >>

I would venture to say this analogy is irrelevant; nor would you benefit in knowing
when I am about to impart on, or recruit second parties to implement the above
procedures. I maintain my own personal repair is my own responsibility. I suspect that
it holds true for most of us Yael. I also refute the notion that ‘personal responsibility is
“taking things too far” (reference to the definition of what a cliché is or isn’t not
<<And as I said, it’s very, very easy to trivialize someone else’s pain, injury,
death, and damnation, isn’t it?>>

I don’t know. . . perhaps for you but not for me. I believe in the element of
compassion. I think the human race as a whole would fare much better if this element
was more abundant. I realize this is no easy task. I read the newspaper the other day and
I suspect it is difficult to remain sanguine about the future of Sol 3.

<<“Delving into past scenarios,” by the way, sounds suspiciously like a put-
down on those who review history to learn from it. are you suggesting we ought
not to learn from our histories in order to better our futures – or just make them

This interpretation is an aberration of what I was talking about. I am suggesting a

departure from delving into ‘personal history’ in hopes of invoking retrospective
resolve. It usually (if not always) results in a no win scenario wherein the individual
becomes the assailant and their own victim all over again. If you feel the need to
engage in such subliminally oriented emotional syndromes it is your life. But no more
Jell-O for me Mom!

<<but on a reactive scale there is a disproportionate acceleration of negativity

and passionate retribution in the form of violence and other assorted vulgarities.

Yeah, there is. It’s one of the many interesting benefits of egregious (and rapidly
increasing) overpopulation. When we get too crowded – and that happened somewhere
around three centuries or more ago, planet-wide – we started exhibiting more and more
individual and collective socio-pathologies.>>

Yes it does indeed seem to be accelerating.

<<It’s one way of cutting down our numbers to something that isn’t as likely to
strip our resource-base bare within a generation and set us all up for horrible
plagues. While the violence is rough on individuals – to which I can testify
directly – in the long run it may cut our numbers back to a viable level. I hope.
In the meantime, remember: overcrowding makes people weird. Either weird-
passive or weird-violent, either cannons or cannon-fodder. Or, as a third
alternative, someone who deals with it, works around it, keeps it from totaling
one’s soul, and has a life in spite of it. But weird we remain.>>

Well Yael I will have to say I agree. I don’t know if our ‘collective psyches’ are geared
for the type of ‘dysfunctional sociological interactive urban sprawl’. . . such as the
brand which has arisen in our inner cities.

<<What I intended my message about the Okay Boys’ Ranch to do is to

demystify the awe and trembling so many people have about possible aliens.
Perps are perps, off Earth or on it – as Hannah Arendt pointed out, their hallmark
is utter banality. I do firmly believe that extraterrestrials have come to Earth and
have kidnapped and terrorized people, and may be involved in much of this
world’s evils – but I also believe that if so, it is only because they found willing
accomplices here on Earth.>>

Okay. . . I do not firmly believe or disbelieve anything along these lines. I am open to
second and third party interpretations but have not experienced (to my knowledge
anyway) this abduction scenario, albeit I have had UFO encounters. I am not drawing
conclusions (to reiterate I am familiar with the full spectrum of abduction accounts).
Consequently I am not about to react to something which I have as yet formed or
invoked a set of ‘crystallized paradigm platforms’ from which to take some kind of a

<<Yeah, well, maybe. The thing is, motives don’t mean diddly once you’ve
been messed over.>>

In this case Yael… I really don’t know. To reiterate, I suspect we could be dealing
with a level of consciousness which is incomprehensible. So I must consider that Alien
patterns of logic and consciousness very well might be an integral part of this picture.

At that point, either you deal with what/whoever has messed you over, or you or your
kids or your friends or your relatives get messed over again and again and again
because the perpetrators see no good reason to stop. It isn’t any one encounter that I’ve
been looking at – it’s a whole pattern of encounters, over thousands of years, as
documented by everyone from Jacques Vallee and John Keel to the Brothers Grimm
and Homer, one way and another. ET aliens – but the descriptions are the same and the
bulk of what is reported of them is repellent, frightening, horrifying. They aren’t at all

I am familiar whit the accounts. However there is little evidence (some cases though)
wherein an abductee is able to successfully invoke a meaningful or effective resistance.

<<treat with us as peers – or they are enemies of the planet, to be shot on sight.
Or boiled in oil. Or whatever else is handy.>>

Well I suspect some might have tried to shoot them, but one would have a hell of a
time corralling one of these critters and hauling them off to a boiling pot of oil to be
deep fried.

<<Actually, I was hoping to run into somebody with some hard data on the
subject. Something objective.>>

I see… I sincerely doubt we will find any hard core data on countermeasures for said
Alien Intrusions on the Net Yael; but you have my blessings. Quite frankly I haven’t
heard anything which I might consider revolutionary in years.

Not how to blame myself for having been victimized as a child or adult. >>

Who said you should blame yourself? Am I missing something here?

My initial post had Little to do with any of that (more of a byproduct of the second
round). I was stating an alternate point of view and I maintain that I really don’t know
what we are up against (if at all against)

<<The classic ploy of dedicated child-abusers, child-molesters, political

terrorists, governments, etc. is to work on the mind of the victim to try to get
him/her to accept blame for what has been done to him/her. Sorry – I won’t buy
into that any more.>>

I wouldn’t think of asking you to buy into that… don’t apoligize [sic].

<< They try to get their victims to believe that all of the horror the victims
have gone through is due to their “karma” and/or that God/the spirits/the
Guardian Angel/etc are causing this to happen to them in order to “teach” them
“life-lessons,” that, in short, evil is good, and should not be resisted.>>
Look Yael… I don’t know anything about the dealings from deck of the karmic wheel.
I never mentioned anything about your karma in relation to your abuse. I am not a
Karma salesperson nor do I purport to know anything with regards to fatalistic
ideological causality.

<<That isn’t exactly the case. (a) How do you know when any other person is
“conditionally vulnerable” or not?>>

I am not an abuser but if I had to second guess those that are geared for that sort of
thing are well aware of the vulnerability of their victims.

<< How the hell can “spirituality itself” be separate from anything in life?>>

It appears to be an integral part. That is if you believe the essence of man is spiritual.

<<You seem to believe “spirituality” is a matter of meditation and chanting and

all the rest of the New Age Thang. >>

You have a proclivity for misinterpretations. New age thing? I do meditate because it
relaxes me and relieves stress. I do not claim to have attained any ascendance into the
higher planes.

<<Honey, “spirituality” is what living organisms are, their determination to

survive long to enough to pass on their genes, their memes, their spirits.>>

Honey? Driving force for survival but I would hesitate to draw conclusions along these

<<speaking both as a biologist/ecologist and a Hermeticist, someone who has

spent the last 30 years intensively learning and practicing Magick, Qaballah,
Tarot, and other esoteric arts as well as studying hard biological science.>>

So we’ve come down to the use of credentialism Yael? Show me someone who flashes
credentials and I’ll show you a vein attempt at digression. We are not discussing hard
biological science or Magick or Tarot or esoteric arts or any of the above. I am not
easily fooled and I am not impressed with individuals who attempt such ploys.

We have an incongruity of opinions regarding UFOs abductions and personal

interpretations of attitude. The aforementioned matrix of personal achievement has
little relevance.

<<I’m also a student (a rank beginner) of combat arts.>>

Well you should be… you express the need to defend yourself.

<<Spirit is life and life is spirit, God is the heart and core and will of Life, and
most of what passes for talk about “spirituality” is a distraction, a mystification,
or just flat hot air.>>

In part I am in agreement. There is much hot air. I pay no attention to those who stand
up at podiums for the purpose of self reverie.

<<I think the problem in communication here is the difference between

theorizing and hard, pragmatic applications, between someone who has no need
of self-defense or protection, and someone who has been all alone, with no one
else to turn to but oneself, all one’s life, and has had to deal with it or go
We all have the need for ‘self protection/vindication’; but in suggesting an alternative
point of view I have inadvertently invoked a great deal of your attention. We maintain a
true polarization of ideals. Yours does not work for me. If you feel that it works for you
that is a matter of personal choice.

<< It’s like someone who was in ‘Nam, talking with someone who has never
been to war at all, or even been mugged: the gulf may be just too great for real

I agree about the gap but I feel that we have communicated opposing points of view.
That of itself is real communication. It need not culminate into a palatable resolve. As
far as the Nam analogy is concerned I don’t feel it has any relevance. We simply

<< Can you guarantee, Mickey, that every minute of my life, you will put your
life and soul and self on the line to keep me utterly safe from attack, body, soul,
and otherwise? No, you can’t. Can you guarantee that I’ll never be unsafe again,
that I will always be safe, that I have no real reason to worry about my safety?
No. So why complain about my “attitude”?>>

Of course not, but I receive no such guarantees from second and third parties myself.
Do you need protection every minute of your life? I realize we are all vulnerable, but a
9MM slug will go through my flesh just as fast as it will yours. My safety in not
guaranteed either Yael. As far as your attitude is concerned: I wouldn’t define my
remarks as a complaint. Further reiteration at this point is redundant. I think I have
made myself clear enough Yael. I realize you opposition to alternate points of view on
this matter is pretty much etched in stone. It is of course your right as a human. But I
will not partake in the Alien Wars at this juncture.

<<If you find that objectionable, well, tell you what: the next time you’re
mugged, friend, who will you call? A guru – or a cop? And if you call the cop
and the cop shows up and does his thing to protect you, are you going to
castigate him (or her) for his (her) “bad attitude”?>>

Objectionable? No… I don’t have to live with it. But I will not partake in it. Quite
frankly Yael, it is your life, but as far as implementing your paradigms regarding
human-alien situations, I will have to dismiss it as something which I consider less than
objective. I don’t pretend to have hard-core answers here myself. I’ve listened to many
theories but at the present time I will draw no conclusions.

<<Or just thank your Gods that somebody was there to pull your bacon out of
the fire? Me, I’ll keep my bad attitude.>>

It is yours to keep Yael…



Dale & Teri –

Let’s have another one – just like the other one! :-(

(Reason I’m sending y’all this admittedly horrifying stuff is, I want witnesses, sane ones! There really
are idiots out there like this! This is what James Hillman meant by We’ve Had a Hundred Years of
Psychotherapy and the World’s Getting Worse! Was it Esalen? Freud? John Dewey? Idiots have
always been with us, God knows – but apparently the “benefits” of modern “civilization,” such as they
are, have allowed the trend to go terminal, like wiping out all the Emmer and filling the world with wheat
so overbred and chemicalized it can’t breed without human help. I mean, I do not like Fundamentalist
Christianity, but they do manage to point out some real home truths from time to time, don’t they? I can
sure see why they think UFOs are demonic in nature – “contactees” act as if they were possessed. By
Polyanna or – oh, God, this is horrible! What’s happened to us? (That’s not a rhetorical question. I’ve
run out of answers, and no new ones in sight!)

Love always, Yael

<< Subj:Re: Nokay

Date: 96-08-14 09:28:46 EDT
From: CNIMichele

In a message dated 96-08-11 18:35:36 EDT, Trident23 writes:

<< Okay, what I think most or all of the alien abductions, etc. are all about is
that we are the cosmic equivalent of the OK Boys’ Ranch, as far as the little
******s are concerned. They come here and use us as sex-toys; they use us to
make their versions of kiddy-porn and snuff-films and bestiality and atrocity
films, with us as the victims in those films; or they run the concessions that
make us available to their fellows; and they do all this for their entertainment

I really doubt that this would be the prime reason for their coming so far and using so
much effort and expense. This assumption seems like an easy answer to questions of
their behavior what are obviously hard for us to understand. You also have assumed
that their sexual preferences have to be similar to our own, or it wouldn’t “do them any
good” in the first place. And also that every encounter revolved around a “sexual”
experience–the reason for the encounter– which is also simply not the case.

I understand how experiences can create this type of anger and victimizational
orentaded behavior. And I also understand how we as humans have a need to put these
experiences in a frame of reference we understand. . that “animal expermerents”,
“sexual toys”, “genetic material collection”. . .etc, etc. . . But, Frankly I just don’t think
it’s that simple.

Mickkee >>


Hi –
What do you think about “Spiritual Road-Kill: Autopsy of the American Mind” for a sub-title over
the section including the last few exchanges with the people on alt.ufo.weird I just sent you? :-(
(Just had to share that with somebody . . . <g>) – Yael Dragwyla


Subj: De-Population Scenario

Date: 96-08-17 20:36:58 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Trident23 et al.

Dear friends,
The following is from a former co-poster to our cyber-circle. I found it chilling and somewhat plausible.
See what you think. . .. . .

Regards to all,


A conversation taking place in an ultra secret meeting room somewhere in the developed world:
We have a problem. Our planet is being infected with an organism that is eating up resources and
destroying ecology after ecology by expanding exponentially. It now threatens the planet’s oxygen
producing forests and this spells disaster for all life forms bigger than 50 pounds in mass, just like at the
time of the dinosaurs.

The destruction of ALL of the world’s oxygen producing expanses of chlorophylic life forms will result
in the degradation of the atmosphere, and the reduction of the biosphere to structures similar to those of
the early carboniferous period.

The organism must be brought under control or the Earth is doomed.

The organism? Homo Sapiens.

World scientists and military leaders, in a secret cabal, decide to save the world and decide to find a
way that will look like a natural disaster brought on by nature and not by man. They cannot reveal this
even to their leaders, lest they be stopped and hanged as the worlds greatest genocidal maniacs since
Ghengis Khan and Hitler.

They know that most of the world’s resources, specifically the great forests, are located outside their
borders, and they are impotent to act to save them. The reason is the exponential expansion of aboriginal
and native populations, in nations where these populations are little more than a drag on world resources,
giving back little more than dung and consuming oxygen. (in the view of these self appointed saviors of
the world) Their reproduction cannot be controlled by normal family planning and contraception, but a
war of extermination is not their way.

Predictions on the degradation of the atmosphere following the destruction of the forests indicate the
population must be brought down to 1950 levels by the first half of the 21st century or else.

The virus is created and it is a success. Sexually transmitted, not airborne, anyone informed and
educated can avoid it. The non educated and uninformed masses will succumb to it. It is known this
incidentally means 3 billion peasants from the underdeveloped countries that are reproducing without

The virus is first released in the most suitable incubation environment. The teeming cities of Africa,
where medical care is minimal and information systems worse. The black race is expendable, and has
always been to the developed nations.

The virus works itself perfectly into these populations, and travels like predicted through the fringe
populations. In America, it reaches the Gay community, another “expendable” group. With delight the
creators of this abomination get the “good news” the drug users are also catching it and dropping like
flies. The greening of the Earth has a positive bonus. The social cleansing of America.

the year, 2021

Blacks and Hispanics start getting the virus and giving it to their wives and children by the mid 1990’s.
America starts getting whiter, but it’s healthcare resources break down under the stress. Soon people
without insurance are triaged. AIDS patients are left to die. Puerto Rico’s population plummets to less
than 1 million due to AIDS. The rest are reduced to less than humanly bearable social conditions. The
island economy collapses. This creates a domino effect in the Dominican Republic and later on Haiti.

Latin America sinks into chaos and civil war due to the onslaught of the virus in peasant populations.
The African nations have lost 2/3 of their populations. Europe takes over Africa “in order to help”. The
Chinese have instituted quarantine and staved off the virus. But the world is in chaos, and crops fail in
China. 1 billion people find themselves facing famine. Russia is not better off. The situation degrades
rapidly. Millions are dying every month.

Those who thought they were saving the environment by creating a man-controlling organism, did not
count on the fact the situation would degenerate into a political conflict.

Evidence of the artificial origin of the virus comes out. Developing nations blame the west, and
specifically France and the United States. Several nations, including Bangladesh, Iraq, (who has
annexed a couple of ex-soviet Moslem republics) and China, declare war on the west. The Moslem
dictator fires off nuclear warheads that hit Paris, New York, Washington and London. The west

The result:

AIDS destroys 0.5 billion people. Famine destroys 2 billion. World civilizations fall. Nuclear effects
poison another 500 million, including the contamination of vast areas of Africa, the middle east,
America and Europe.

The end:

Our population is effectively reduced alright. Civilization survives in the form of small enclaves.
Mainland chin is a vast plain of bones. Japan survives with it’s civil infrastructure nearly intact, but it’s
population reduced to 23% of it’s former level. Central America reverts to the jungle. The Mexicans go
the way of the Maya, with the exception of enclaves like Acapulco, taken over by Americans. All
isolated island populations die of starvation as world commerce disappears.

South America is literally deserted, with the exception of Argentine and Chile, which have been able to
repel immigration from the north and avoided the famine and the epidemics. They now own South
America. They soon begin colonization. Their coveting eyes look north of the Amazon basin. They
colonize the now deserted Falklands.

America is now a confederation of independent states, incapable of taking over nothing but minding their
own business. Russia is depopulated after being hit by nuclear warheads from Chin before they get hit
themselves. Having avoided most conflicts, Argentina is now a world power. considering what is left.

the year 2098

The world is now again green. Man is but a minor species, climbing back towards civilization.
Technology has not been lost, but has been hit hard. It will take several centuries for man to recover any
semblance of a world wide technological civilization again.


Quite an imagination I have.. but the scenario is very probable, possible and is just around the corner.


Thoughts on new Tarot Trump designs:

When did belief in the Devil, or some other arch-God of Evil, begin? I find more and more evidence
that the religious hatred of sex so evident in Christianity stems from a time during which the density of
human populations in Europe became great enough to make recurrent plagues extremely likely. From
that time on, since sex is of course a perfect vector for infectious microorganisms, inhibitions on sexual
activity became pro-survival, because they reduced the chances of transmitting disease and therefore the
risk of facilitating the spread of plague. Therefore a religious revulsion against sex would have been a
biologically valuable strategy for both individual and community, because it would have reduced the
chances of disease for the former and devastating plagues for the latter. It was about this time that belief
in the Devil first became widespread – and that the equations (disease = evil) and (sex = evil) became
powerful forces in the Western world. Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other, and the
inevitable corollary of these equations is (sex = disease), which one suspects was the point of it all, all
So why didn’t this happen in the Far East or elsewhere in the world? Why was it only the Christian
West that adopted this two-pronged strategy of equating the Devil with sexual desire as well as with
plagues of infectious disease? Obviously more was involved in establishment of the Father of Lies as the
Father of Plague and Lust, as well, such as historical contingencies and cultural forces unique to Europe
and the Middle East at the time. Could genetically-facilitated resistance to certain microorganisms
among Eastern and American populations have been involved, as well? On the other hand, in the
Americas, if they had been undisturbed by European encroachment until after natives of the Americas
had established large, high-density populations themselves (assuming that would ever have happened
there), would belief in the Devil have started up there? Why didn’t Chin and India, with their vast,
extremely dense human populations, develop a belief in the Devil analogous to that of the West? Were
their teeming millions simply not susceptible to the kind of infections fear of which triggered the cultural
development of belief in the Devil in the West? Any of these, all of these, or none of these may be the
answer – but all at least deserve investigation.
The course of human history may have been shaped far more by plague – plagues of viruses and
bacteria, plagues of rats and other macrovermin, plagues of wheat-rust and ergot and other crop-
damaging or -destroying organisms – than any other single factor. The impact of plague is always
manifold, simultaneously affecting the economy, human social relationships, and countless other aspects
of the lives of individuals and their communities in extremely important ways. Is it so strange, then, to
ask whether plagues, or the possibility of them, have shaped the evolution of human religious and other
cultural institutions?
In the Tarot, Trump XIII, Death, “The Child of the Great Transformers,” is associated with the Sign
Scorpio and all catastrophic, deadly things – including plagues. In fact, in traditional packs its design is
often taken directly from culturally embedded memories of the Black Death of the 1400s. We are what
we are at least as much because of disease as any other factor – or all other factors combined. This is as
true of our religious beliefs and practices as any other aspects of our biology and ecology. Trump XIII is
followed by Trump XIV, Temperance, for Sagittarius, which rules religion; Trump XIV is in turn
followed by Trump XV, The Devil, for Capricorn – and Auld Scratch, Old Nick, His Anti-Divine
Nastiness himself. – And, of course, “Jesus was a Capricorn.” Death/Plague – Religion – Jesus & the
Devil. Clearly these are linked in the Western mind and Western culture. Is it possible that the links are
causal, that plagues and their impacts on the soul of the West gave birth to belief in the Devil and all his
I would like to see these ideas embodied in a new Tarot pack, such that Trumps XIII, XIV and XV
showed these links, as described above, in their design and symbolism. Interested in your ideas for such
Thanks, Yael Dragwyla


Subj: Re: Trump XIII & Trump XV

Date: 96-08-18 09:53:43 EDT

> Why didn’t Chin and India, with their

>vast, extremely dense human populations, develop a belief in the Devil
>analogous to that of the West?

In India, anyone who had unacceptable sexual relations was out-caste, a

condition which was hereditary. One might be out-caste because one’s
great-grandmother had been raped by someone of a lower caste than hers.
If you think about it, the people themselves were demonized, so what need
was there of imaginary demons?

I have assumed that the cruel customs of India arose from just the
conditions you are discussing here: the effort to keep the tribe free of
sexually transmitted disease. Of course in India it wasn’t appreciated
that young males of the clan, out sowing wild oats, are the true cause of
germs coming into the family, just as the same thing wasn’t appreciated
in the west.


In a message dated 96-08-18 09:53:43 EDT, you write:

<< > Why didn’t China and India, with their

>vast, extremely dense human populations, develop a belief in the Devil
>analogous to that of the West?

In India, anyone who had unacceptable sexual relations was out-caste, a

condition which was hereditary. One might be out-caste because one’s
great-grandmother had been raped by someone of a lower caste than hers.
If you think about it, the people themselves were demonized, so what need
was there of imaginary demons?

I have assumed that the cruel customs of India arose from just the
conditions you are discussing here: the effort to keep the tribe free of
sexually transmitted disease. Of course in India it wasn’t appreciated
that young males of the clan, out sowing wild oats, are the true cause of
germs coming into the family, just as the same thing wasn’t appreciated
in the west. >>

But one thing that India never developed was a belief in the Devil of the sort that Fundamentalist
Christians, Moslems, etc. believe in. the Devil apparently was first created by the Persians (whose heirs
are modern Iranian Moslems), and the West gladly assumed the raising of him once he was in the world.
It seemed to explain so much. Yet even after a great deal of Christian and Islamic proselytization in the
Far East, neither China, India, Indo-China, nor the rest of that area have ever gone for a belief in the
devil en masse. There has always been a belief in demons in that part of the world, but not in one,
virtually omnipotent arch-demon opposed to Heaven (maybe because monotheism never really caught on
there?). About the closest they’ve come is a belief in Capitalism as the root of all evil – but not in a
personification of Capitalism in the way the Devil is the Western personification of evil.
In A History of the Devil (Kodansha International, 1996), Gerald Messadie goes into the evolutionary
history of belief in the Devil, and makes it clear that regardless of lesser “demonizations” of enemies,
conquered peoples, etc., belief in the Devil is confined to the monotheistic cultures of the West and
Middle East, and not all of those. Only the West sees life as one long battle against temptation and evil –
the East has no such tradition of spiritual militancy (to coin a phrase). Nothing like the Spanish
Inquisition or mass persecutions and purges of suspected witches ever occurred in the Far East (save
possibly with the exception of the Communist purges of our century, and even those were overtly
political in character, without the weird spiritual dimension of, say, the Inquisition). Everything from
ergot poisoning to white-sugar psychosis to sociopolitical theory has been evoked to try to explain the
peculiarly Western spiritual purges, but none really account for the fact that nowhere else on Earth –
other than in Western-derived cultures – has that sort of thing ever happened. True, there have been vast
massacres of human beings by human beings down through the ages, there have been countless atrocities
of every conceivable and inconceivable kind. But nowhere have there been attacks on the collective
souls of opponents of the sort the Spanish Inquisition exemplified, nor the extreme, murderous, religious
sadism of the witchcraft burnings of Europe, all in the name of a battle against a host of demons headed
by one ultimate Devil.
As to why this is so, I don’t know – but I think it’s something worth investigating. Is the answer to
be found in cultural differences? Epidemiological ones? Pharmacological or nutritional ones? Genetic
ones? Even if it never came up with the answer to this question, a search for that answer could yield
treasures of knowledge in various areas, such as human epidemiology, anthropology, and so on.
You might give Messadie’s book a try if you get a chance. It’s a fascinating, well-researched, well-
written book, and I highly recommend it. (He meticulously documents all his sources and has a superb
index, too – worth the price any time! <g>)
Enjoy, Yael Dragwyla


Hi –
I have a technical question about frustration and prohibition I wonder if you could answer. I have a
specific example in mind, as follows:
Horary question: “Will I be able to go on living in my apartment as long as I want, without being evicted
for non-payment of rent or other disaster?” (My finances are on the raw, ragged edge of it right now, due
to a disastrous automobile-related expense, with no relief in sight, so this is not a frivolous question. The
chart should therefore be worth study, as one done for a really trivial or frivolous question might not be.)
Chart data: the chart is cast for Sunday, August 18, 1996, at 12:48 p.m. PDT, longitude 122 W 21’,
latitude 47 N 41’, using the Placidus House-domification system and true (as observed, rather than
averaged) Lunar Nodes.
The problem-area in the chart involves Mars, Venus, and Neptune. Mars, at 15° 57’ Cancer in the
9th, is the traditional ruler of the chart. Venus, at 10° 23’ Cancer in the 8th, will conjoin Mars at 12:33
am PDT on September 3. But before She can do so, the day before, first Mars will oppose Neptune, then
Venus, a few hours apart.
Technically, this is normally referred to as frustration. John Lilly uses that term as follows: “when a
swift Planet would corporally join with a more ponderous, but before they can come to a Conjunction, the
more weighty Planet is joined to another, and so the Conjunction of the first is frustrated . . . in Questions
[this condition] signifies as much as our common Proverb, The Dogs quarrel, a third gets the Bone.”
The problem in interpreting this lies in the fact that Neptune Himself in this chart lies at 25° 35’
Capricorn – more than nine degrees beyond Mars’s degree. According to Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson, in
Simplified Horary Astrology (1960) the permitted orbs on application for both conjunction and opposition
is 8 degrees (ibid., p. 22). On the other hand, Venus and Mars are less than 6 degrees apart, with Venus
applying to Mars. Should Neptune simply be ignored in this chart, and the conjunction of Venus to Mars
be a deciding factor? Or should Mars’s eventual opposition to Neptune be considered to interfere fatally
with that conjunction, even though at the moment Mars is out of orb for an opposition to Neptune,
because the conjunction of Venus to Mars (in-orb) will take place after that (out-of-orb) opposition?
Some other factors should be mentioned. One is that the other ruler of the chart, Pluto, is rising in
Sagittarius in the First, and applying to retrograde Uranus (ruler of Sign on cusp of 4th House of
outcomes), the two being less than 1-1/2 degrees apart, Uranus in 3rd in Aquarius.
Also, Luna, though technically She is in the Via Combusta in this chart, which would normally make
the chart non-radical, is also in mutual reception with Venus. According to numerous experts, “mutual
reception remedies all evils,” and through it here Luna can be moved to the Sign Cancer or back to 10°
23’ Libra and out of the Via Combusta. For this reason, the chart should be considered radical.
Also, the Sun in Leo in 10th is in mutual reception by House with Saturn, in the 5th. Further, The
Sun here opposes my natal Mars (natus: 3/20/45, 5:48 p.m. PWT, Pasadena, CA). What, if anything,
that has to do with things, I don’t know, but there you are. :-)
So: how does one go about interpreting such a chart? It’s radical, in spite of Luna’s placement,
because of Her mutual reception with Venus. Mars is in orb of application to nothing in this chart by any
major aspect; Venus applies in orb to a conjunction with Him, but before She can conjoin Him, He
opposes Neptune, to which at the present time He is not in orb of application. Does His opposition to
Neptune frustrate Her conjunction to Him, or not? In either case, what does it mean? Is Pluto the
dominant ruler of the chart, or should Mars be taken into consideration?
If any of you have any ideas on how to interpret this thing, please let me know! :-)

Thanks, Yael Dragwyla

Hi –
Just discovered something in the chart described in previous message (8/18/1996 @ 12:48 p.m. PDT,
122 W 21’, 47 N 41’, Placidus House system):
If, through Her mutual reception with Luna, Venus is moved to 16° 21’ Cancer, so that She is just
ahead of Mars (15° 57’ Cancer) in that Sign, then both She and Mars are in the 9th House. Jupiter, on the
other hand, is at 8° 13’ Capricorn, in the 2nd House – and, because of Venus’s transposition via mutual
reception with Luna, He is now in mutual reception by House with Venus. Thus He can be moved to Her
position, just ahead of Mars, and She can be moved to Jupiter’s. At that point, Venus would be in the
2nd, the House of the Near Future, while Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, the Sign on the cusp of that House,
would be in the 9th, at 16° 21’ Cancer, so that Mars would be within one degree of conjoining Jupiter in
that House. Meaning: All’s well that ends well?
Interested in what you think of this.
– Love, Yael


Subj: Re: Trump XIII & XV

Date: 96-08-20 09:17:06 EDT
From: 100415.2206@CompuServe.COM (John Dennis)
To: (

Greetings Ruth

Sorry to hear that you are financially strapped and hope your legal situation comes good soon to alleviate
matters. I won’t make any demands on you for the SAFF till things get more straightened out (though I
will keep you updated of course). If there’s any other way I can help please shout.

Regards origins of The Devil. Man maketh both his god and his devil in his own image. The Devil is
simply a projection to balance the psychology of those who believe in a God. The idea of a munificent
altruistic god is quite unreasonable and cosmologically inept. The universe is clearly crooked and
chaotic but the politicians (and their forerunners the priests) can only come to power if they con the
public into believing that intellect can create order out of the chaos (which it cannot). Their theoretical
prime mover for Order is their God and by adhering to a paradigm controlled by a God the plebes begin
to live and act in a predictable and controlled fashion which has as its fundamental the entirely erroneous
(but highly convenient - for the priests that is- ) idea that people are unable to decide what is best for
themselves without recourse to Gods or their go-betweens. Theology is simply the rhetorical excuses
which the priests and the politicians have invented to explain away how god can be ultimately good, yet
allow natural disasters and tragedies to happen on a continual basis (although the rhetoric never actually
approaches the most true and obvious answer - that there is no god) . Ultimately the properties of God
and Devil are one in the same depending upon how much pressure the politicians and priests need to
bring to bear to keep everyone else in line. The image of the Devil is, of course, simply an icon of those
things which appear most horrible and threatening to the human condition, better to frighten the plebes
with if they begin to search for their own volition. I think your point about fear of a Devil being some
kind of control mechanism to curb disease ridden sexual promiscuity is valid up to a point (victims of
motiveless tragedies/diseases are bound to respond with a ‘why me?’ and then think up a scenario which
panders to their own egotism, instead of realising that life is a lottery and individuals are generally
worthless) - Life must have meaning - they say. However in my opinion this is simply the result of prior
conditioning. In reality the Xists couldn’t give a fuck what happens to the People, witness the British
Government’s sacrifice of a whole generation via the BSE epidemic, and the U.S.
government’s sacrificing of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Vietnam for no good purpose.

Keep up the good work



The End of Selection?

There are a number of people who firmly believe that natural selection no longer acts upon Homo
sapiens “because modern medicine and the Welfare State keep people alive now who in the past
wouldn’t have made it.” Yet even superficial observation would quickly show that while the direction of
natural selection upon humanity may have changed due to such “advances,” the process certainly hasn’t
stopped acting upon us. If anything, its pace has accelerated, at least in certain areas of our existence.
Consider just the following selective pressures, all of which are immediately to hand in any modern city
or suburban area: bad medicine and iatrogenic disease; environmental pollution; predation upon human
beings, especially young children, by other human beings, whether their close relatives or total strangers;
political actions (e.g., Waco, Ruby Ridge, the European Holocaust of the Jews, the massacres attributed
to Josef Stalin, etc.); deteriorating public health measures combined with increasing microbial resistance
to antibiotics, which together promote the rise and spread of new and/or more virulent strains of
infectious disease; and environmental mutagens, which not only cause cancer and other degenerative
horrors, but also (a) cause mutations in our genes, the result being children with various genetically
facilitated illnesses, (b) cause mutations in the genes of both wildlife and cultivars, screwing up planetary
ecosystems as well as making the crops we depend upon for a living less healthy, and (c) cause mutations
in microbial genes, creating brand-new strains of viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. against which we have no
genetically-facilitated resistance. –Still think we’ve been freed from selective pressures? (If you do, I’ve
got this bridge for you, a real steal at just $10,999.95, you have to go to Brooklyn to pick it up, but . . .)

Religious Meta-System

I think that every single long-lived religious belief-system has been true for at least a few people,
that it really has addressed the spiritual and other reality of their lives. Otherwise it wouldn’t have
persisted as long, or been adhered to by as many people – religions are as subject to natural selection as
anything else, after all. So where is the truth in all of them? Are there meta-truths that encompass or
underlie all these more relative truths? Obviously there are real conflicts between the claims of the
various great world religions, not to mention the countless lesser ones. They can’t all be universally true,
even if they are contingently or locally true for some of their followers. Yet each one has its faithful, and
somehow manages not to kill them all off before they can pass on their culture to the next generation. So
where is the truth, or set of truths, underlying them all, which all of them address, on which all of them
are based, however indirectly or symbolically? What we need is a religious ecology, a study of the
interrelationships among religions, their followers, and the universe as a whole – that may be the best
approach to an answer to these questions.


Subj: Fwd: Dreams and Implant Removal Programs?

Date: 96-08-20 22:18:39 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Trident23

Thought you might be interested in this message from Irene. I think you’ve corresponded with her before.
. ...


n a message dated 96-08-18 16:31:27 EDT, IreneR757 writes:

There are many of you who may not be aware that there is an active, very powerful, group of people
who have very good reason to make people think that their experiences are made up - be they memories
of abductions or ritual abuse.
Many people who have been abused ritually, as well as abuctees, end up with a PTSD or DID diagnosis.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation has been proven to have known pedophiles in their
membership. They are the debunkers of the MPD/DID/PTSD world.

They do not want us to remember what has really happened to us. They have good reason to not want us
to remember.

As far as I am concerned the jury is still out at to whether there are really aliens, or whether the aliens
are screen memories for Manchurian Candidate type brainwashing, or whether there really are aliens and
they are working with the military, etc, etc. I don’t know that we will ever know. The point being, we
must look very carefully at the affiliations of those we will turn out psychology over to. People who have
been programmed - and there is tons of evidence to support this, I can point anyone to the research - are
constantly at risk.

If you were a high level CIA person, and you wanted to create the perfect operative, what better way
than to take a small child, program them, and then give them memories of being with aliens. Who would
then believe that child? If you were the aliens and the military, give them memories of candles and black
robes and child pornography. Most people do not want to believe that their fellow humans are capable of
such horrors, and denial is an amazing tool if you know how to use it.

Those of you who know me, know I do not come to these conclusions lightly. It took me three years to
even discuss that I might be an abductee. I have spent two years now tracking down the connections
between my military abduction memories and my father’s - and my - possible connection to a certain
doctor who is *known* to have been involved in NAZI experiments (no, not NAZI *type* experiments,
the real ones themselves).

It is very uncomfortable to believe that there is possible real evil in the world, and that evil might be so
close at hand.

Irene >>

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Dreams and Implant Removal Programs?
Date: 96-08-18 16:31:27 EDT
From: IreneR757
To: MagicMkr4U

There are many of you who may not be aware that there is an active, very powerful, group of people who
have very good reason to make people think that their experiences are made up - be they memories of
abductions or ritual abuse.

Many people who have been abused ritually, as well as abuctees, end up with a PTSD or DID diagnosis.
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation has been proven to have known pedophiles in their
membership. They are the debunkers of the MPD/DID/PTSD world.

They do not want us to remember what has really happened to us. They have good reason to not want us
to remember.

As far as I am concerned the jury is still out at to whether there are really aliens, or whether the aliens are
screen memories for Manchurian Candidate type brainwashing, or whether there really are aliens and
they are working with the military, etc, etc. I don’t know that we will ever know. The point being, we
must look very carefully at the affiliations of those we will turn out psychology over to. People who have
been programmed - and there is tons of evidence to support this, I can point anyone to the research - are
constantly at risk.
If you were a high level CIA person, and you wanted to create the perfect operative, what better way than
to take a small child, program them, and then give them memories of being with aliens. Who would then
believe that child? If you were the aliens and the military, give them memories of candles and black
robes and child pornography. Most people do not want to believe that their fellow humans are capable of
such horrors, and denial is an amazing tool if you know how to use it.

Those of you who know me, know I do not come to these conclusions lightly. It took me three years to
even discuss that I might be an abductee. I have spent two years now tracking down the connections
between my military abduction memories and my father’s - and my - possible connection to a certain
doctor who is *known* to have been involved in NAZI experiments (no, not NAZI *type* experiments,
the real ones themselves).

It is very uncomfortable to believe that there is possible real evil in the world, and that evil might be so
close at hand.



Merl –
I think this is right on the money. It’s a good approach to the whole thing – examine what has actually
happened, then work backward, if possible, to the cause. The syndrome itself is of first concern for so
many people – I am well aware of many case-histories of people who had things like this done to them by
human beings, whether cults, predators, or governments. Aliens also could do these things. In either
case, it would be in the interest of whoever did it to make the public disbelieve that “such things can be,”
wouldn’t it?


Subj: Fwd: OMNI AM Chats, 8/16 - 8/21

Date: 96-08-20 22:18:47 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Trident23

Yael, you may also be interested in this upcoming discussion of EVIL. . the Omni Antimatter Room.
. ..

In a message dated 96-08-18 20:22:34 EDT, DianeOmega writes:

<< Paranormal Chat: Evil

Host: OMNI Warp
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET

Why are some locales perceived as evil, like Salem, Massachusetts, or the Black Forest? Is it merely a
cultural thing or some paranormal property of the area at work? Does evil exist? Is it only good versus
evil? If not, what other alternatives are there? Coexistence? Where does evil come from? What causes it?
The Devil? Is there such a thing as Hades, or is it really the locale of an alien base? These and many
more questions will be raised about evil when OMNI Warp opens the Paranormal Gardens’ gates. Join
the Antimatter Chat if you know what’s evil for you. }:>


Need a road map? From Keyword: OMNI, click OMNIChat Rooms in the scrolling list box on the left
side of the window, then click Antimatter Chat.
If you no longer wish to receive this mailer, just click reply and type “Stop.” If you occasionally can’t
attend our chats but would like to be notified of upcoming Antimatter chats, as well as future OMNI
special events and announcements, become a “Friend of OMNI.” Just go to Keyword: OMNI > “Become
A Friend of OMNI” (in the scroll box on our front screen) and give your information, including your wish
to stay informed of Antimatter chats!

Thank you,

Your hosts, OMNIRanger, OMNI Sage, OMNI Warp. >>

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: OMNI AM Chats, 8/16 - 8/21
Date: 96-08-18 20:22:34 EDT
From: DianeOmega

Forwarded Message:
Subj: OMNI AM Chats, 8/16 - 8/21
Date: 96-08-13 19:37:10 EDT
From: OMNI Chat

Greetings, Antimatterians!

We’ve got a full round of Antimatter chats this week – including our Late Night in Antimatter chat:
Ecto’s Diner! Be sure to join us for our new Metaphysical Chat this Sunday! Join us as we explore a wide
spectrum of the paranormal.

We hope to see *you* here to chat and hang out with your fellow Antimatterians! :D

The OMNI Antimatter Team

==== Antimatter Chats-At-A-Glance ====

Friday, August 16, 1996

10 p.m. - 12 am ET – OMNIRanger
–> Teleportation

12 am - 2 am ET – OMNI Sage
–> Holographic Brain & Universe

Saturday, August 17, 1996

10 p.m. - 12 am ET – OMNIRanger
–> UFO Chat: Slumber Party, Part I

** Ecto’s Diner – Late Night in Antimatter **

12 am - 2 am ET – OMNIRanger
–> Slumber Party, Part II

Sunday, August 18, 1996

10 p.m. - 12 am ET – OMNI Sage
–> Metaphysical Chat

Monday, August 19, 1996

10 p.m. - 12 am ET – OMNI Warp
–> UFO Chat: What are alien ships made of?

Wednesday, August 21, 1996

10 p.m. - 12 am ET – OMNI Warp
–> Evil

=============== Chat Descriptions ================

–––––––> Friday, August 16 <––––––––

Paranormal Chat: Teleportation

Host: OMNIRanger
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET

Can objects and living things be transported through time and space in the blink of an eye? Is this an idea
of the future, or could it really be part of our past? Be sure to join OMNIRanger and the gang at the
Campfire of the Paranormal Valley in Antimatter as we discuss all the possibilities of teleportation!

Paranormal Chat: Holographic Brain & Universe

Host: OMNI Sage
Meeting Time: 12 am - 2 am ET

Karl Pribram, originator of the Holographic paradigm said, “It isn’t that the world of appearances is
wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through
and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality.
And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically:
paranormal phenomena, synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.” Let’s talk.

–––––––> Saturday, August 17 <–––––––

UFO Chat: Slumber Party, Part I

Host: OMNIRanger
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET

Bring your favorite snacks, beverages and UFO topics as we have part one of OMNI Antimatter’s First
Annual Slumber Party! School’s about to start, Fall is around the corner, and it’s the last party of the

*** Ecto’s Diner – Late Night in Antimatter ***

Paranormal Chat: Slumber Party, Part II
Host: OMNIRanger
Meeting Time: 12 am - 2 am ET

Bring your favorite snacks, beverages and paranormal topics as we have part two of OMNI Antimatter’s
First Annual Slumber Party! School’s about to start, Fall is around the corner, and it’s the last party of the

–––––––> Sunday, August 18 <–––––––

Metaphysical Chat
Host: OMNI Sage
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET
If your God(dess)(s) was/were human, what would you ask or say to him/her/it/them? If that entity which
created life were to sit down next to you and ask you for feedback, what would you tell them? What
questions would you ask? Would they be philosophical, sociological, personal? Let’s explore.

––––––> Monday, August 19 <–––––––

UFO Chat: What are alien ships made of?

Host: OMNI Warp
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET

Let us pretend for a moment that aliens exist . . .you can do it. Let’s also pretend . . .I know, this might
hurt. . . that they can visit our solar system and beloved Earth. Okay, not bad. Now what would their
ships be made of? How would they propel them such a great distance to get here? Have you experienced
a close encounter with a UFO? They’re becoming the talk of the world and OMNI’s on top of it: UFOs
and aliens! Come to the Antimatter Chat and help OMNI Warp browse the heavens for answers and truth
about the UFO and alien phenomenon. The Outpost has the perfect view for all skywatchers to find their
own. You won’t know if you don’t go. LOL

–––––––> Wednesday, August 20 <––––––––

Paranormal Chat: Evil

Host: OMNI Warp
Meeting Time: 10 p.m. - 12 am ET

Why are some locales perceived as evil, like Salem, Massachusetts, or the Black Forest? Is it merely a
cultural thing or some paranormal property of the area at work? Does evil exist? Is it only good versus
evil? If not, what other alternatives are there? Coexistence? Where does evil come from? What causes it?
The Devil? Is there such a thing as Hades, or is it really the locale of an alien base? These and many
more questions will be raised about evil when OMNI Warp opens the Paranormal Gardens’ gates. Join
the Antimatter Chat if you know what’s evil for you. }:>


Here’s something I was just entering into the bibliography for NEW MAGICKS– the section on history
and American pedagogy – on the decline of American education, its impact on all of us, and what we
might be able even now to do about it. I thought maybe y’all might find it interesting. So here it is.
Enjoy, Yael Dragwyla


Rickover, Hyman George. American Education – a National Failure: The Problem of Our Schools and
What we can Learn From England. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1963.

“In 1959 E. P. Dutton published Education and Freedom, Admiral Rickover’s first
explosive book on the current deplorable state of our system of public education [for
more on which, see below]. In this new and vitally important book Admiral Rickover
presents even more persuasive arguments – impressively documented throughout – for a
thorough reform of our education system. He shows clearly how our education
standards are quantitatively and qualitatively inferior to European systems and are thus
totally out of step with the needs of modern society. After giving an analysis of the
English system of education, the author shows how American may profit by emulating
many of the best features of the English system. He advocates the following program:
1) elimination of “ability to pay” from public education and retention of “ability to
learn”; 2) procuring of highly qualified teachers to whom much freedom is given in
their work and the elimination of nonteaching school principals and administrators; 3)
use of Government grants as a means of raising national standards in education; 4) the
setting of national standards through national examinations leading to national
diplomas. . . .”

– From the jacket blurb.

Since 1963, when this book was published, the state of America’s publication “education” has
become inconceivably worse than it was then. The solutions for the mess in which our public education
system was already in proposed by Admiral Rickover at the time would have helped immeasurably – but
they were never implemented. As a consequence, the state of our public educational systems has become
so bad that a whole new private industry has grown up to take advantage of the crying need for damage-
control, e.g., “Hooked on Phonics” and other systems of tutoring in basic skills such as reading for which
those who need such services pay out of pocket (or for which their parents or guardians pay). For a good
overview of just how things got this bad, Admiral Rickover’s books on the subject together with Robert
A. Heinlein’s essay, “The Happy Days Ahead” (in Expanded Universe [Ace Books, 1980], pp. 515-582).
As I’ve said elsewhere (Chapter 3, “Gemini” of Part 2 of Volume 2 of this work),

“In his essay “The Happy Days Ahead” (in Expanded Universe [Ace Books, 1980], pp. 515-582),
Robert A. Heinlein describes the deterioration of American education from his grandfather’s time (ca.
1860) through the 1960s. What he describes is appalling, at least to anyone who gives a damn about the
future of this country. It is, unfortunately, accurate – if anything, it understates the case. The reality is a
pedagogical and historical horror-story that puts anything by Stephen King in the shade, a fast slide into
Hell of the American spirit and soul via what has passed for public “education” in this country since the
1930s on. As a result, American public elementary schools have become little better than glorified day-
care centers; high schools have devolved into what are at best accelerated elementary schools, as
measured against the last century’s educational systems and achievements; colleges have become little
more than pumped-up high schools (again, by the measure of another, better century); while our great
universities have become repositories of academic cannon-fodder – the students – who are there for the
convenience and use of their professors and, later, what Dwight David Eisenhower called “the military-
industrial complex.” Therefore while Jupiter may still rule the colleges and universities in this country
(if those), clearly today Mercury (or maybe his Qlippoth) rules all forms of American public, “free”
education from high school on down. (Though a good argument can be made for the dominion of Luna –
Who rules young children – over our public elementary schools, given their devolution into what are at
best glorified collective baby-sitters and pedagogical factories for the infantilization and spiritual
crippling of our children from age 6 through adolescence.)
For a scathing indictment of American public education by someone who had to battle its results every
step of the way in order to make any headway on one of the most important military projects of all time,
the design and production of the nuclear submarine, see Hyman George Rickover’s Education and
Freedom (1962?). As Rickover makes abundantly clear, no matter how bad you think our educational
system is – it’s unimaginably worse.” – Yael Dragwyla

It’s all true, too . . . (“– And it’s your fault!!”)

_____. Education and Freedom. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959. Foreword by Edward R.
Murrow. Preface by Charles van Doren.

“Admiral Rickover is no theoretical pedagogue. His attitude toward American

education was the result of practical experience, and it is worth all the more for that
very reason. He found the inadequacy of our schools when he recruited his staff. With
the opening of the atomic era he himself went in for an intensive education in nuclear
physics and engineering and inspired his closest associates to join him. Then, when he
was assigned to build the first nuclear power plant for naval use, he had to create a
working force of highly educated specialists. They had to be like himself, know what
the nuclear age meant, be willing to make sacrifices to equip themselves for it, and
understand that utterly new engineering standards were called for. He discovered that
such men were hard to come by. American education was not supplying them tailor-
made for the exacting new duties.
“Since his initial discovery he has devoted every available moment to education,
and has now become our foremost advocate of an educational system that meets the
challenge of the atomic era. He has spoken forcefully and frequently on this theme, and
this book, largely based on these speeches, is in my opinion the most stimulating and
searching analysis of the perils of inadequate preparation for the nuclear age that I have
encountered . . .
“Here is a remarkable book, packed with salient facts, dictated from experience
and inspired by wisdom. Admiral Rickover is more than a naval officer who pushed
through a crash program of building nuclear power plants. He is greater than that. He
is a prophet and a leader. He says that we must train better scientists and technicians,
but also more responsible men. He has no specialist’s contempt for the humanities.
Basically what he wants is to see intelligence and the disciplined mind become
respectable. He knows that only if they do will we have a chance to hold our own in
the demanding years before us.
From the foreword by Edward R. Murrow, ibid., pp. 6-7

_____. Swiss Schools and Ours: Why Theirs are Better. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press
Books/Little, Brown, and Company, 1962.

“Admiral H. G. Rickover requires no introduction. His crusading efforts for the

improvement of American education are as vigorous and forthright as his dedication to
the development of our atomic navy. This book is a trenchant, no-holds-barred study of
education in a European democratic country, Switzerland, and of how the lessons
learned there can be applied in the American system.
The Admiral describes how Switzerland has achieved an integration of mass and
academic education which gives each student the best of what is most suitable for him,
and he shows that because of a longer day and a longer school year (240 days compared
with 180 in the United States), the Swiss youngsters spend one third more time in the
classroom than their American counterparts. All Swiss pupils spend four to six years in
elementary school together and then go on to specialized schools, according to their
desires and abilities.
“Admiral Rickover also stresses than in Switzerland the school is not expected to
do the whole job, and the family supplements schoolwork with extra reading at home.
He emphasizes that moral training is the responsibility of the parents and not of the
“Constructively, the Admiral makes some suggestions for America in the light of
Swiss experience. We should begin by improving the training of our administrative
personnel: a superintendent or principal should first of all be an excellent teacher,
rather than someone with limited experience in the classroom who has acquired
administrative training, or, even worse, a football coach turned principal. He also feels
that there is a great need for a nationally determined standard of course programs, so
that there will be greater uniformity of requirements for secondary diplomas and
college degrees. (He deplores the expensive, time-consuming College Entrance
Examination Board tests, which must be given to all entering students because colleges
cannot rely upon the variations in grades and recommendations of high schools across
the country.) . . . .”
From the jacket blurb.

Admiral Rickover was one of the most utterly Thelemic individuals of all time. Called an “anarchist in
uniform” by more than one frustrated opponent (including former President George Bush), he dedicated
all he was and all he had to his country. “To all America’s children” is the dedication he wrote in
Education and Freedom. Born in 1900, in Macawa, Poland, brought to America with his parents in 1903,
he was forcibly retired in 1980 by order of President Ronald Reagan, and died in 1986 of a heart-attack.
Most of his life was spent in defense of his country and its freedom. Requiescat in pace, Admiral – we
need more like you!

In a message dated 96-08-25 03:26:51 EDT, you write:

<< Yael - Absofloggin’lutely right. . .ds >>

Glad you liked it. – You might suggest to interested students that they look up Rickover’s work in their
libraries or via interlibrary loan. It’s also worth xeroxing copies of them for one’s own library, or trying
to get them through out-of-print book-searches in used book stores. In fact, Rickover first pushed
through the nuclear subs because they so obviously were the perfect guerilla battle-machines, and a
perusal of his work may uncover a lot of his insights on the realities of war and realpolitik (including
intracultural and virtual, as in the Education Wars he fought for so hard and so long and with such
heartbreak in this country). Worth checking out, at any rate.
Take care, love, Yael


The Old Adam

There is a capacity in all human beings – this may or may not be true for members of other species, but it
is certainly true of ours – for what I call the Old Adam and Christians call Original Sin. Not one of us,
given physical ability to carry them out, is not capable of the most appalling atrocities; the context
necessary to evoke and actualize that potential differs enormously from one to another of us, but none of
us lacks that potential. All that holds it in check, assuming that one is not physical restrained or damaged
in some way that nullifies one’s ability to do anything to other living organisms, is training, education,
and external sociocultural negative-feedback-mechanisms that come into play to shortstop certain
activities should internal constraints such as conscience, superego, and common sense fail. There are
some internal constraints in the form of hard-wired neuroendocrinological mechanisms, to be sure, but
the development of these is as much dependent upon nutritional and pedagogical history as on the genes,
so even these are not absolutes. Anything from brain-damage to bad nutrition to bad pedagogy can throw
such checks against the Old Adam off the rails, and if, on top of that, cultural constraints such as judicial
systems, penology, the Second Amendment, etc. fail, the Old Adam will burst forth unchecked to wreak
havoc. This happened in Germany during the Nazi era there; it has happened in many others places all
through the history of urban humanity, and will again and again. The existence of saints – and they do
exist – doesn’t argue against this thesis; such beings only test the rule, and show that there are fortunate
combinations of parenting, diet, experience, etc. that can throw up barriers in the way of the Old Adam
which, internalized in flesh and bone and mind and spirit by that saint, prove to be absolute during his or
her lifetime. But the Old Adam is still there, waiting only for its moment to come forth and drown its
world in blood and horror, on whatever scale is available to it.
Why is it there? There have been many answers to that question, religious, philosophical,
sociobiological, and other, and none satisfy me. All we can say is that it is there, and that it must be
assumed to be in every one of us, at least as a potential, until prove otherwise. I disagree with Christians
on why it is there, perhaps, but I certainly agree with them that it is there. And it may be that even in the
matters of doctrine about Original Sin over which I disagree with them there are indirectly embedded
truths about its underlying causes and mechanisms we don’t dare ignore.
The one thing that is clear is that the very moment we believe we are incapable of doing evil, of
becoming evil, that is the moment we are on the verge of going straight into the Pit. It is our awareness
of what is wrong and evil, and that we are at least capable of doing wrong, that keeps us from indulging
in it, individually and collectively. When we start believing that we can do no wrong, then there is
nothing to keep us from doing just what we – and the Old Adam within us – wants to do. Which, all too
often, is atrocity.
How did that Old Adam get into us, in the first place? (Are we the only species that exhibits it (no;
chimps seem to, too, and there are probably some others). Are there evolutionary reasons for it, having
to do with our genes? With the genes of some internal parasites such as viruses we have suffered from
over the Aeons and to which we had to adapt by becoming this way? Is the potential to become a saint or
an angel within us equally strong? (Apparently it is – at least that strong.) I think these questions require
serious investigation in a non-religious context. The potential in us is there, and waits only opportunity
to destroy all around it, even itself, so this is no small thing.

The Collective Psyche

Just as there is a fine balance in the soul of the individual which, once upset, will manifest itself in
increasingly egregious manifestations of the parts now out of balance, as in multiple-personality
syndrome, so it is with the collective psyche, the conscious and unconscious aspects of a community,
society, culture, species, etc. The human psyche is actually communal in nature; in a sense, there is no
such thing as one human being, for what each of us is depends as much upon the group of other
organisms like and unlike us of which we are part as it does upon genes or anything else. So within each
human individual and group are all human potentials, all of which strive indomitably to become manifest.
Thus if one group within a human society deliberately seeks to divorce itself from some of that potential,
another group within that same society will begin expressing the first group’s alienated potentials in the
same way that if an individual develops dissociated personality syndrome, all his or her potential will
still be there, but split up into different specialist sub-personalities rather than as integrated into one
coherent overall personality. For various reasons, many families, communities, and societies develop
multiple-personality syndrome, as it were. We see this in dysfunctional families all the time, and it is
also manifest at higher organizational levels, though it is harder for us as individuals to perceive this.
Always, in such cases, some aspect of human being is considered to be tabu, to be avoided, to be
repressed and alienated and outlawed, by one sub-group, e.g., those in charge of the group as a whole, or
women, or men, or adults, or children, whatever, and from then on, some other sub-population within the
group takes up the banner of the first group’s alienated potential and lives it out to the hilt. If, e.g.,
women decide that “violence is evil” and strive to divorce themselves from all taint of it, including the
ability to defend themselves effectively in the face of physical violence from others, that potential for
violence will find a home among the male half of the population, and the ranks of male predators and
other violent offenders will begin to swell. This isn’t to say that “X group eschewing a tendency will
make it show up in Y.” Rather, this shows that one good way to ensure that an egregiously expressed
version of a universal human potential will manifest in a population, from pathological violence or
alcoholism to masochism or uncontrollable promiscuity, is to ban it, pass laws against it, tabu it,
whatever. Perhaps most of the population will be “good” and avoid it – but there will always be a sub-
group that manifests it. This isn’t to say, either, that violence or drunkenness, etc. are good per se.
Rather, these are egregious, extremist forms of things that are healthy, normal, and part of what we all
are, e.g., as extreme, objectless violence is a broken-down, mis-applied, unchecked, contextless
expression of the same mechanisms which also facilitate self-assertion and self-protection. In that
example, clearly the latter two expressions of those mechanisms are life-enhancing, the first isn’t.
Another example is sex. Sex is a normal, healthy, necessary part of life, though satyriasis and
nymphomania aren’t. Repress and tabu healthy sexuality in a human population and you get those two
pathologies and much more as a result.
One effective way to make a person into a tool is to force them to develop multiple-personality
syndrome such that as a result, they – or rather their various sub-personalities – will do what you want
when you want it, and not what you don’t want. In the same way, it is in the interest of would-be tyrants
and despots and all others who stand to benefit by making a community or society or family or nation
more controllable to induce this same sort of thing at a collective level – and instituting tabus, outlawing
various human potentials, of certain kinds in certain specific ways will produce the same result. On the
one hand, many or most members of the subject population will prefer to be “good,” accepting the tabus
and, just incidentally, becoming more and more passive, likely to take overt direction and obey direct
orders. The rest become the “outlaws,” who are very useful to tyrants as tools of one sort or another. An
example is the ongoing Drug War in our country – remember Iran-Contra and the Bush administration?
From a tyrant’s point of view, an “outlaw” is just a different sort of tool, one that may be much more
useful than the more numerous “law-abiding citizens” of the population. Get most people to equate the
egregious manifestations (e.g., extreme violence, extreme and compulsive promiscuity, alcoholism, etc.)
with healthy human potentials (self-assertion/protection, healthy sexuality, enjoyment of a good glass
wine or a coffee every now and then, etc.) and then give up (or pretend to) the “evil” normal behavior
and potential, and you then have a nice sub-group of “outlaws” who traffic in all them tabu things – and
become very, very useful to those running things, as a result. Even data Ol’ Debbil Old Adam I talk
about so much is one of our healthy potentials; as long as it is manifest in appropriate contexts – e.g.,
self-defense, whatever – it is as “good” as any other part of us. You can’t eliminate it by fiat. Try, and all
you do is breed monsters. “The sleep of reason” is – idiot laws against inalienable aspects of human
being, passed by very clever despots who, in this way, enlist the people themselves in their own
subjugation to tyranny.
Now –who’s a saint, then?


Ferret brownies?

Hi –
This may sound silly, but I was wondering: given the extremely high intelligence and obvious
sentience of ferrets – not identical with ours, but clearly they are as aware of their environment as we are,
in the same basic ways, and react to things emotionally the same way we do, not to mention their high
IQs (this doesn’t necessarily mean common sense, of course <G>) – and their general size and build, is it
possible that in those parts of the world where weasels and their cousins have always lived that these may
have given rise to legends of brownies, leprechauns and related sprites? Many ferrets look so much like
what brownies are supposed to look like you have to wonder. They have hands – they use their front feet
the way we use hands, and have opposable thumbs. They take joy and delight in things as we do; they
grieve at the same things we would, in the same way – they even sob loudly, weep when they grieve over
the loss of a mate or on discovery that they have been maimed (as in a recent post to FML). “Have we
not hands? Have we not feet? If you cut us, do we not bleed?” It would be very easy to conclude they
are people – tiny people, very clever ones, who are prone to theft and mischief but also potentially very
affectionate, just like brownies, elves and so on are supposed to be.
So many of the beings with which we share our planetary home are sentient. Elephants not only
paint, but each will sign her own signature, one that doesn’t change, to every painting she turns out.
Ferrets and elephants and cats and dogs grieve, they weep and sob and sometimes will pine away and die
at the loss of a loved one. Bears will go into raptures over the beauty of a sunset. Pigs make excellent
bodyguards, drovers of small livestock, security guards, companions. Whales and dolphins are legendary
for their high intelligence and their clearly high esthetic and emotional responses to life and their
surroundings. Apes, ferrets, and other non-human beings sometimes even go mad or bad the way we
occasionally do, developing horrifyingly sadistic or predatory natures. Clearly they are people, though
not human. Their souls – psyches, even in just the strict behavioral and neuroendocrinological sense –
are like ours, and their intellects are possibly all as great as ours or greater, at least potentially so. So it is
very possible that over the millennia ferrets and other mustelids, who look and act exactly like sprites of
all kinds are supposed to, provided the basis for the legends of such “fabulous” beings.
If anyone has more information on this subject, e.g., on the anthropology, historical studies and so on
of (a) human/non-human interactions and (b) the legends of the “wee folk” around the world that could
shed some more light on this, please let me know. Thanks, Yael Dragwyla


Hi –
BTW, I forgot to cite my best sources for information on non-human sentience. These include, e.g.,
Jeffrey Moussaief Masson and Susan McCarthy, When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals
(NY: Delacorte Press, 1995); Lyall Watson, Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil (NY:
HarperCollinsPublishers, 1995), Beyond Supernature: A New Natural History of the Supernatural (NY:
Bantam, 1988), Lifetide (NY: Bantam, 1980), et al.; Jane Goodall, In the Shadow of Man, revised
edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988); Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The Tribe of Tiger: Cats and
Their Culture (NY: Simon and Schuster, 1994); Paul Corey, Do Cats Think? Notes of a Cat-Watcher
(Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 1977); Dr. Derek Denton, The Pinnacle of Life: Consciousness and Self-
Awareness in Humans and Animals (NY: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994); . . ... (There are a great many
more good ones out there, but I use these all the time.) All these works are either concerned true hard
ethological (behavioral) science or solid empirical observation of their subjects, or both. They are well-
written and a treat to read – and will, in some cases, move you to heartbreak. I have also had direct
experience of the sentience of non-human organisms. These include waking up in the middle of the night
to hear my female ferret, who had just lost her mate from unknown causes, sobbing her heart out exactly
as a human widow would do; watching my cat one evening sitting on the balcony watching the sunset as
Mozart played in the background on my CD player, his face a mask of pure bliss; watching my female
ferret come over to give comforting kisses to that cat one afternoon when we were trying to give him
antibiotics for a large, dangerous abscess he’d developed after a scrap with another cat; and watching my
cat give similar comfort to my former landlord’s aged pit-bull, who was paralyzed in her back legs and in
a good deal of pain. Chimpanzees and gorillas will themselves keep pets, such as kittens – a trait that
was once considered to be THE hallmark of sentience. And so it goes. All life is sentient, in its way, and
some of it is sentient as we are – or as our saints and geniuses are, if recent research on whales and
elephants is any indication. For confirmation of that assertion, please check out the works cited above, as
well as those cited in their bibliographies. You will find them eye-openers.


In a message dated 96-08-25 23:07:44 EDT, you write:

<< “Constructively, the Admiral makes some suggestions for America in the
light of Swiss experience. We should begin by improving the training of our
administrative personnel: a superintendent or principal should first of all
be an excellent teacher, rather than someone with limited experience in the
classroom who has acquired administrative training, or, even worse, a
football coach turned principal. He also feels that there is a great need
for a nationally determined standard of course programs, so that there will
be greater uniformity of requirements for secondary diplomas and college
degrees. (He deplores the expensive, time-consuming College Entrance
Examination Board tests, which must be given to all entering students because
colleges cannot rely upon the variations in grades and recommendations of
high schools across the country.) . . . .”


It is my firm opinion that education, in one form or

another, could solve or prevent every problem in the world.
Think about it.

I’ve believed that all along.

I agree that our educational system is a mess. Bright

students spend their time bored to tears, when they should be
delving into advanced topics, their innate curiosities
intact. Textbooks are so boring. Instead of assigning
students to read the chapter on Mexico, copy the questions at
the end of it, and parrot back the answers, why not ask them
to investigate some aspect which might actually kindle a
spark of interest, such as *why* some Mexicans try to cross
the border illegally, or *why* Mexicans speak Spanish, or
*why* tacos originated in Mexico, or *why* both the Mayans
and the Egyptians built pyramids, then provide them with a
few leads to help them get started.

Children write beautiful stories, full of imagination and

life, until they reach 4th grade and the teacher “corrects”
them with huge red ink. Imaginations are squelched with
emphasis on grammatical mechanics, and many never write from
their hearts again. Yet many visitors from non-English
speaking countries use better grammar than we natives. Why is

I think that over the last several decades, there has been a deliberate effort by public school
administrations to “dumb down” the students, to make them more controllable and amenable to authority.
Public schools aren’t trying to educate anymore – they are there to turn wolves into sheep. They know
what they’re doing, they go about it very effectively, and that’s why they use the “teaching” methods and
systems they do – to stupefy their students, turn them off learning.

How cruel and unnecessary it is to bore children with years

of phonics. . . if you provide children with interesting books,
along with someone for them to read to and help when needed,
they’ll often learn to read on their own in a few months.
Want to teach fractions? Bring in a cherry pie; you’ll get
their attention and they’ll understand the concept quickly
and painlessly.

Well, when I went to school, way back in the Lower Cretaceous, phonics was the only method. I learned
how to read well in the first grade inside of about five weeks with that system. When it’s taught
intelligently, any healthy, sighted child can learn within a few weeks how to read. After that, you simply
throw interesting reading at them. “Phonics” is not a matter of burying a child under Dick-&-Jane
readers and similar pap for 5 years. It’s a matter of showing a little kid how this neat gadget works, the
nuts and bolts. Once that’s acquired – and if it’s done right, it shouldn’t take very long – the rest is a
library card and a little psychology as to getting the kid to crack the pages. I’ve heard of ghetto teachers
using hard-core but well-written pornography to get ghetto teenagers interested in reading – a short
course in phonics (about six weeks long) and a walk down to the corner Dirty Book Store, and voila!
Somebody who can read more fluently than many politicians and businessmen! Same teachers have give
assignments in writing porn to their classes – it works. Anyway, phonics isn’t the problem. The “Look-
See” method of reading failed miserably when it was introduced in California, and is still being used, and
is still failing miserably. “Hooked on Phonics” is a fabulously profitable business now because its
methods work – they take about six weeks to teach the kid the basics, then turn him loose. What your
teachers and many others now call “phonics” isn’t – it’s literary force-feeding, and what is fed is as
boring and stupefying as possible. The real phonics, plus modern equivalents of the wonderful
McGuffy’s Readers does work. Especially when the readers include things like the unexpurgated (=dirty
<g>) version of Moby Dick, say . . . (“No, dear, that’s for adults, you have to wait to read it.” “Okay,
mom . . .” <sneak, sneak, sneak . . .>)

Schools should be intellectually stimulating places full of

enthusiastic teachers, music, interesting books,
philosophical discussions, scientific experiments, art
projects, debates, quiet gardens. They should be places that
students look forward to going to because “there is something
to do” there. Attempts to standardize the teaching
*material* have resulted in producing the most boring places
on earth. Instead, we should standardize *what’s to be
learned*, without hampering either the students’ or the
teacher’s innate drive to go beyond. We could save a fortune
on overpriced, glossy, yet boring standardized workbooks and
administrative consultants and use the money instead to hire
competent professionals with a knack for teaching.

You know, we have places now that you are saying schools should be like – they’re called “public
libraries.” I swear, the best teachers I’ve ever seen for youngsters these days seem to be in our local
libraries! Like my friend K–, to whom I often CC mail I send you.

An inspired student, like a toddler, seeks out knowledge like

a sponge. But a competent teacher is needed to guide the
student towards rewarding currents. With no competent guide
available, a student living in an impoverished area may be
drawn to investigate the inner politics of gang structure,
the economics of the illegal drug market, and a limited
exploration of the chemistry of explosives, but without a
competent and concerned guide, such a student will have
difficulty catching the subtle currents leading to more
fertile perspectives.

Perhaps most typical of the American school experience is the

school “food”. It lacks flavor, texture, variety, and
content. Can we really expect to grow bright, healthy
children on the nutrition-deficient swill slopped out in many
of our schools? There are alternatives. We could hire
competent professionals to do the job. Better yet, we could
hire a competent professional to teach interested students
the basic principles of food science, guide them towards more
specialized cuisines, then oversee the final production. The
students would, in the process, learn a little chemistry, a
little biology, some math, and some economics, and gain an
introduction to business administration and managerial
techniques. Given an inspiring and knowledgeable guide,
they’d learn about foreign cultures, climates, geography,
etc., and gain skills in planning, communication, and
cooperation. And in the end, they’d get to eat good food.
With the dollars American pay for tasteless, empty, canned
educational food, they could, with a little thought and
effort, provide school meals which include a magnificent
variety of fresh fruits, expertly-seasoned vegetables, tasty
meats, wholesome fresh-baked breads, and even dessert.

Again, you may find that this is part of the “dumbing-down” process. Bad food eventually makes for
stupid people. American public schools aren’t there to educate Americans any more. They are there to
facilitate the process of gradually reducing the American citizenry to mindless masses that can then be
used for about anything the would-be masters want to use them for. Maybe it will succeed, maybe it
won’t – but all the things you are talking about have been quite deliberately, cold-bloodedly implemented
by people who want to be able to control this country without a fight – “hearts and minds” stuff, and also
“souls.” Fortunately, people aren’t inherently stupid. More and more people are going for home-
schooling and programs such as “Hooked on Phonics” because they want their kids to be able to read,
write, do arithmetic, and get a real education. Once their kids can do the basics, they then point them at
the library, and later at college, but first they are doing what they can to give them basic skills. The rest
all comes out of that.

Love, Yael


Persecution by alters – posted to DDS

Hello. I haven’t posted to this list before. I have what is almost certainly a problem with alters, or at
least dissociated complexes, I’ve never run across anywhere in the literature on the subject or in anyone I
know besides myself. I wondered if anyone out there has any information on such a problem or any
experience with it. If so, I’d be extremely grateful for anything that might shed some light on this.
What it is, is that I seem to have alters, or dissociated parts of myself, that take a sadistic delight in
persecuting me in various ways, subtle and otherwise, and have done so since their formation. That was
48 or more years ago, when I was somewhere around 3 years old (I was born March 20, 1945). I had
been subject to repeated, extremely bizarre forms of traumatization, ritual, sexual, and otherwise, by an
adoptive father who was an occultist (not a “Satanist,” whatever that may be, but rather someone who
himself had multiple-personality syndrome and one or more of whose alters liked to dabble in
Ceremonial Magick and other aspects of the occult, and had no conscience at all), from infancy until
about age 3. Some of his colleagues also contributed to this, but that’s beside the point. At any rate,
starting at about age 2 or 3, maybe earlier, these whatever-they-ares began to turn up, and made their
presence in me known by occasionally taking over the machinery of my brain and mind to cause me to
suddenly trip and fall, without warning, or turn left instead of right and bang into a wall, to drop things
(by making my hands suddenly go limp or even throw whatever they were holding as hard as they could
against a wall), and so on. Over the years it got worse and worse until it was an ongoing, eternal
violation of my soul and mind by the things, which made me feel foul and dirty even by their mere
presence. I am as fully aware of their thoughts and feelings about me as I’m sure they are about me and
mine, and their reasons for doing what they do to me seem to have nothing to do with any real anger they
have ever had toward me. It is simply that they take extreme delight in hurting others, especially me, but
apparently would not do so if I’d done anything to deserve it. From time to time they manage to warp,
cloud, or otherwise sabotage my judgment and reason so that I end up acting on pure impulse – and
impulse that isn’t mine, but rather is theirs – to do such things as spending a lot of money I don’t have on
things I don’t need, or getting things done by routes far more expensive than required (better and cheaper
remedies are readily available and normally I’m aware of them). They sabotage my memory, cause me
to stutter, cause transient aphasias, and otherwise wreak havoc when they can with my ability to think
and manage my life. They also constantly throw up visions of how ugly I am, ridicule and humiliate me.
They also do everything they can to sabotage all my efforts to make a good living for myself, contribute
to society and to my own well-being, make a name for myself, find friends or a mate, have any happiness
at all. Always, the feeling is that they are doing this purely to entertain themselves, and that part of their
delight in it is that they know that what they are doing is baseless, undeserved, and flat wrong. Does
anybody have any idea how to get at them and turn them off? I don’t want to “re-integrate” these things
into my own being – they’d like nothing better than to possess me completely, use me like a puppet, and
that would give them carte blanche to do so. They are utterly evil. I’ve had 48+ years of being beaten up
from the inside out by these things. Lately I’ve been practicing Zen combat arts and have divorced
myself from everything and everyone that seemed to reinforce the ability of these things to hurt me as
they have, and it does seem to help. But I need to take it farther – far enough to get to the bottom of
whatever these are and get rid of them if I can. Has anyone out there had experience of this, or does
anyone know anything about this particular form of alter?
Grateful for anything you might know, thanks,


Hi – I forgot to add the following to the post I sent last night.

How can you differentiate between actual dissociated parts of yourself of the sort that are split off to
give rise to multiple-personality syndrome or dissociated complexes from things that are a product of true
paranormal experience? I seem to have dissociated complexes – I’ve never “lost time” and don’t seem to
have true MPS, but I do apparently have dissociated parts of myself that tend to invade my motor-control
and perceptions from time to time, grossly interfering with my life, as I said in my last post – but I have
also been demonstrably psychic, telepathic, clairvoyant, and precognitive from a very early age (no older
than about 2) and have had numerous poltergeist and related activities associated with me. I have earned
much of my living as a card-reader and psychic for over 27 years, and have been able to do so in great
part because of repeat business – I can actually do this sort of thing, and do it well, otherwise I wouldn’t
have the repeat business. In my personal life, I use the sort of information received that way all the time
– it has saved my life on more than one occasion, and re-united me with people I had long thought lost
forever to me. I have even occasionally been able to use a little telekinesis for one thing or another – I
once somehow got burning paper that had gotten stuck in a xerox machine to come out, when none of us
could get to it physically and (it was apparent once it had been extruded by the machine) the wad was too
big to go through the little exit slot (I have witnesses to this). So there are clearly also purely external
potential sources of the sort of invasions that I and others who have DD or MPS suffer all the time.
How do you tell the difference? Has anyone done any research on this, and if so, what have they
come up with? From everything I’ve learned over the years from all sources combined, the best ways of
dealing with dissociated parts of one’s own self are not necessarily the best ones, or even very good ones,
for dealing with external intrusions, so this is a matter of real importance to me.
Apparently the trauma that so often create DD or MPS also open up the psyche to paranormal
experience and damage the filters and “valves” Mother Nature normally has in there to keep us from
being overloaded from a continuous flood of paranormally received information or doing damage to the
environment from uncontrolled telekinesis and that sort of thing. But problems associated with DD/MPS
have different sources than those caused by unwanted, hostile paranormal intrusions from outside one’s
self and psyche, and the optimal ways of dealing with them can be quite different. Applying techniques
suitable for one sort of problem to those of the other sort can sometimes produce disastrous results. So
the problem is: how do you tell which is which? I would very much appreciate any information anyone
has on this subject – my health and livelihood depend on finding dependable answers. Thanks so much,


Evolutionary chess masters

Chess masters, as opposed to other players of the game, are those who can see up to about 15 moves
ahead of the current state of the board. They best almost all their opponents because most players can
see at most 1-5 moves ahead, no more. But if the rules of the game themselves should change, the
masters cease to be masters, and have no better skill, at least to start with, than others who have no
experience with the new rules. They do tend to learn faster, however, so with any luck eventually they
become more competent at the new game than the slow learners.
Evolution and natural selection work in essentially the same way. The longest-lived biological taxa
are those whose genes and luck combine to let their species anticipate the environment’s “moves” more
“turns” ahead than do those of organisms that die out faster. The dinosaurs persisted for 150 million
years because they were masters of the evolutionary games in force during their time. It was when the
rules of the game, the nature of their environment, changed too much, too quickly, for them to anticipate
its shifts and adapt appropriately to them that they died out, around 65 million years ago.
In other words, the fittest survive – until the shape of the environment changes and they can’t change
to fit. Then they don’t survive. At which point, Nature hands them their pink slip, and that’s the end of


DDS-list post – reply to responses about alters

Hi –
Thank you for all your responses to my recent posts. I got so many I can’t answer them all so I’m
answering them this way. They were very helpful, and so kind, thank you so much.
I had a problem with some, though. First, to those who suggested that the problem alters, or
whatever they are, be spoken to “kindly and gently,” respectfully, as a way of dealing with them, this has
been tried by me, by numerous therapists, and so on. In the case of the alters or whatever they are I’ve
had the problem with, though, this consistently backfired. They either ignored it or got worse. The one
thing that has managed to bring them under control at all is long readings from the Bible, or practices
incorporating a lot of Hebrew words and Judeo-Christian symbolism. Even then, it has to go on for hours
and hours. Also, the presence of Holy People in the area, like a recent visit here (Seattle, WA) of the
Dalai Lama, tends to keep them at a low roar for the duration. In this, they seem to behave much more
like the evil spirits described by professional exorcists, regardless of the cultures involved, than they do
true alters, from everything I’ve read.
Also, as to one of them, it behaves like and has the sense of presence of someone that I didn’t meet
until I was 38; yet its presence first turned up when I was 18, 20 years before then. The oddest thing was
that at that time, the person whom the alter was so like lived about 20 miles away from where I did, he in
Santa Barbara, California, I in Meiners Oaks, a little suburb of Ojai, California. At 18, I was in a really
nasty foster-home in Meiners Oaks, run by a sadistic foster-mother and a pederast foster-father. (Up until
then, I’d lived for 17 years in the Los Angeles area, then for a short time a little south of Ventura.) The
other was living with his parents in Santa Barbara, going to school at UCSB. When I eventually actually
met him, in 1983, he had applied to become my private student, taking lessons in Qaballistic Magick
from me, when I was myself living in Santa Barbara. Up until then, we’d had no contact at all, ever,
unless it had been when I was a small child, far too young to know it (at which time I lived in San
Gabriel, California, and why he’d have come there I have no idea). He was born in December 1935, I in
March 1945 (if you’re curious), and was exclusively homosexual. After ten years of knowing him, I
finally had to come to the conclusion that he was one of the evillest people in the world, and that only
blind luck or Divine providence, as manifest in the form of limitations of funds and the fact that he was
mad as a March hare in some respects (which drove would-be supporters away), had spared the world his
talents on a political stage. At that point, using some info I had up my sleeve (I knew he was a
pyromaniac, had set several huge fires in So. Cal. and New York State and numerous smaller ones over
the years, but couldn’t prove it – though he didn’t know I couldn’t), I scared him away. That was in
1993. I moved from my last place late last year. Since I have, tenants there who never met him and
know nothing about him have reported seeing a “ghost” which looks and acts exactly like him, but is
clearly some sort of paranatural visitation, e.g., rooms it has occupied have a temperature like dry ice
afterwards, and so on. This spook generates poltergeist effects, and small animals in apartments it haunts
die after it turns up there.
If this is my alter, it is curious that it was born in the flesh as well about ten years before I was, that it
turned up in me when I was about 18 years old, that I only met it and knew anything about it on that
plane when I was 38, and that it has since managed to haunt the apartments and kill the pets of people
who have no idea it was ever connected with a living human being, or who the latter was, or heard
anything about either the person or the alter that is so like it.
Another thing: in 1963 I was engaged to a wonderful man who was killed in a car-wreck at San Luis
Obispo 3 weeks before we were to have been married, on August 6. I had had premonitions of it
delivered to me in a horribly threatening tone by an “alter” all that summer, and at the exact time he died,
I knew it, experienced his death quite clearly (I’ve been psychic all my life, this isn’t surprising). After
his death, the persecution and harassment by that “alter” got worse and worse and worse for about a year,
and was accompanied by weird, off-the-wall behavior by my foster mother, such as threatening to put me
in a mental hospital if I cried any time after 4 days after my fiancé’s death, then telling people I was
crazy because I didn’t cry over his death. She acted as if something were pulling her strings, as if she
were a puppet, all the while. Anyway, the sense of presence of the badgering “alter, and even the things
it said, were identical with those of my erstwhile student on the day in 1993 that he blew up at me,
started making death-threats and God knows what else at me, and inspired me to tell him to get away
from me and stay away. Weirdest of all is the fact that apparently he himself had MPS, and it was one of
his alters that had overtly come out in front of me for the first time that carried out that performance. He
was saying the same things that the “alter” had said to be right before and after my fiancé’s death, things
I’d never told him because there had been no reason to, but which I’ll remember to my dying day even if
I develop Alzheimer’s!
So if that “alter” of mine that matched him so closely is truly an alter, then we need to re-think our
understanding of what alters can be and do, and how they come into existence. It may make more sense
to conclude that perhaps my student sort of “jobbed out” his own alters, portions of his own psyche,
telepathically intruding them by seduction, tricks, or main force into the psyches of others. The way my
fiancé died was so weird that the police concluded that the driver of the car that had hit him had been
“temporarily possessed” or something – is it possible this was another of my student’s alters, gone out to
do a job for him?
In 1992, a friend of mine was almost car-jacked in Northern California in an area where my former
student used to live in the 1960s. The episode had the man’s signature all over it, in terms of the men
who tried to car-jack my friend, the area it happened in, and all the rest of it. Could he have done that?
One has to ask: Why would he, or his alters, gone out of his way, telepathically or otherwise, to
murder my fiancé, somehow take over my foster mother to use her to persecute me overtly that horrible
year after my fiancé was killed, kill my friends, kill the pets of people he didn’t even know in a building I
used to live in, etc.? Theoretically, he had never met me until 1983, years after my fiancé’s death, long
after I was out of the foster home. He’d never met my friend, either, though he’d heard me talk about
her. Why me? I’m female, and he was gay. But he was also predatory – I’ve learned since 1993 from
the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department that he may have been a serial killer, too, a really creative one.
Is that why he engaged me as his “teacher” – to get close enough to me to do me in in some ghastly way?
But why me? The only possible early connection I could see, one I might not have remembered,
could have had to do with his maternal grandfather, who was almost certainly the one who was
responsible for his condition. The grandfather had been a missionary to China, pillar-of-the-community
sort, whose only daughter (youngest of 9 children) was considered to be a sort of aristocrat in the So. Cal.
Fundamentalist Christian Community. But this man was also a closet occultist. In China, he loved to go
to private “showings” of hideous executions-by-slow-torture beloved of many warlords of that time,
dragging his daughter off with him, forcing her to watch them (she was about 8 or younger at the time).
Back in the states, he was rumored to hang out clandestinely with “black lodges” of renegade Masons and
similar types, messing about in the occult. As it happens, my own adoptive father hung out with such a
crowd, dabbling in the occult with them, and trying to get in their good graces by going to private
Saturday-night “stag films” parties that were in fact films made in Europe and South America in the ‘20s,
‘30s, and early ‘40s of the on-camera murders of children from infants on up to adolescents in various
hideous ways. My adoptive father dragged me to these things, and used me in some of the rituals they
did, when I was 2-3 years old. My student’s grandfather could have known those same men – he lived in
Santa Barbara himself at the time, and we were living in San Gabriel, just a little south of there – and he
was into the same pastimes. Could he have been to one of those things, and dragged my student along
with him? That’s all I can think of. I have no memory of it, but then, I was awfully small, and while I
do remember those movies and occult messings-around, it isn’t surprising that at that age, a lot of the
details would have got lost, either because they were meaningless to me or else because I was simply
overwhelmed with too much weird data and could assimilate it all.
Well, anyway, if any of you have any thoughts on this, I’ll be glad to hear them.
Thanks, Irene, see you on Merlin’s list! :-)
Take care, best wishes,


Post to several friends, 8/29/96

Hi –
Question: when exactly did schools in this country start teaching that the federal government is there to
“enforce our rights given in the Constitution” rather than that the Bill of Rights is there to restrain
government? It was only after this that such things as government funding of the arts and so on really
became popular, or I miss my guess. Today, so many people really believe that it is the federal
government that “protects our rights,” “protects us,” etc, This had to start with propaganda at a young
age. When was it first introduced, and where, and by whom? The answers might be significant in
uncovering just how this country has gone so far off the libertarian rails it began on.
Thanks, Yael


Observations on the erosions of our liberty since the Civil War, 8/29/96

When you strip away all the rhetoric, what the Civil War in this country actually was, was the
federal government’s struggle to maintain and increase its power over everyone and everything in the
country, at all levels, as well as the competitive edge in finance, business, and industry which the North
then had over the South. The South was fighting for its freedom on a collective level, the federal
government was fighting to destroy that freedom. What the war wasn’t fought over was freeing the
slaves, though that was the propaganda that got the people in the North to tolerate that war and pay for it.
Because the North won the war, a precedent was set, by which the federal government had much more
scope for interfering in the lives of citizens as well as the business of states than it had ever had before.
At the outset, the federal government was supposed to be there only for vital jobs that couldn’t be done
by anything or anyone else, a necessary evil, tolerated as necessary but disdained as evil nonetheless.
These jobs included, e.g., maintaining certain postal services, military services to defend the country
from outside interference, etc. And nothing else. After the Civil War, though, it slowly came to be taken
for granted that the federal government had both the responsibility and the right to run everything, until
now many believe that preservation of our liberties depends on it on the federal government (whereas the
Bill of Rights was written to restrain government, so that the citizens would maintain ultimate control
over their lives and all federal government could do was just those jobs that couldn’t get done otherwise.
Protection of their rights was supposed to reside in the citizens, and it was assumed back then that it was
the government we were supposed to protect those rights from.
Ironically, Abraham Lincoln, who engineered the transfer of power from the people to an imperial
federal government via the Civil War – who didn’t really care about the Blacks, whose reason for his war
was to “preserve the Union” (i.e., make its power over states and citizens absolute), who actually signed
a “Bill of Extermination” against the American Indians you can see today in the Smithsonian (it wasn’t
honored most of the time, but he did write and sign it), who held seances in the White House and was a
practicing Spiritualist – was one of the very first major candidates of the then-nascent Republican Party,
which was supposed to represent the interests of our Republican Democracy and act to preserve the
Constitution and precedents set at our country’s birth.
Anyway, things sure have gone downhill a lot since 1776, haven’t they?
Yrs in Thomas Paine,

Love, Yael Dragwyla


Election-trend indicators – 8/29/1996

I just noticed something interesting about the astrology of the coming national elections. Jupiter will
be in direct motion for it, having done direct on September 3, 1996; Saturn will be retrograde at that
time. Jupiter rules the Republican Party, Saturn rules the Democrats. Will this boost Dole’s chances of
winning and hurt Clinton’s?
As to why, in spite of everyone’s best efforts, we have had a two-party political system for so long,
perhaps it has something to do with the classic US natus, for about 2:30 am local time, Philadelphia, July
4, 1996. In that chart, Gemini is rising, Mars in the First House. We seem to put an awfully lot of
energy into squabbling with one another (Mars), but first we like to split up into two teams (Gemini) for
the arguments! Could this have something to do with it?
Interested in your reactions.
Thanks, Yael Dragwyla


Clinton shills – 8/29/96

Hi –
Something you might want to share with others, an indicator of just how big and what sort of liar
Clinton is.
Right before the national elections of 1992, my late friend Gary came in one night from downtown,
where he’d stop in at a coffee-shop after taking in a concert. This was one of those working-man’s
coffee-&-donut places down on third avenue, the cheep shop, where the average guy goes to eat when he
hates McDonald’s.
Gary said that while he was in there, he met a man, by appearance (dressed in painter’s overalls, that
sort of thing) a man who worked long, hard hours, had just come off work, wasn’t well off, and was a lot
like most working people as to his outlook on things. The man also had a classic Arkansas drawl. The
men in there got to talking about the upcoming election, and this particular man said he was going to vote
for Clinton. The reason, he said, was that when Clinton was governor of Arkansas, he had “saved the
state educational system” from the fiscal ax then being applied to almost everything, because, he said,
Clinton said that he “wanted to preserve our cultural heritage no matter what it took.” Gary, who like me
highly valued education, told me this with tears in his eyes, and said he was seriously thinking of voting
for Clinton.
After Gary was dead last year, I found out that not only had Clinton not saved the educational system
in Arkansas, or anything like it, but everything else that man told Gary that night was a lie. Apparently a
carefully-crafted set of lies, ones told in similar settings all across the country about that same time, from
what I hear now from friends elsewhere who are relating similar stories they or people they know
experienced at that time. Seems Clinton’s backers hired an army of shills and sent them out all over the
country to put that act on in that sort of setting. Flat lies, very well done lies, professionally done lies
told by very competent actors.
That is what we have in the White House right now – the guy who seduced voters with that sort of

Please pass this on. Thanks, Yael Dragwyla


John –
However appalling the crimes of the Nazis were, they themselves were simply glorified sociopaths
who seized on the historical moment to strut their stuff on a world stage. Psychologically, they were in
kind with that couple known as the “Moor Murderers” who were arrested in the early 1960s or late 1950s
for kidnapping small children and torturing them to death while Christmas music played in the
background, recording it all on tapes for later amusement. (The tapes were presented in evidence at their
trial, as it happened.) Or with Jeff Dahmer, or the Black Dahlia murderer.
It occurs to me that we have things like that in the White House now. Monsters who want to “gently
put the unfit out of their misery” by euthenizing them and putting their remains in organ-banks which the
wealthy can draw on at need, whose every word seems to be a lie, in whose wake bodies lie like straws
laid down by an evil wind, who want to restrict what hoi polloi can read, listen to, view, send in the mail
but themselves live like the libertines they are. That and the weird symbolism of so many of Clinton’s
political gestures make me wonder: are any of them real, believing Nazis? Not Neo-Nazis, but occultist
sociopaths of Hitler’s and Borman’s and Goering’s stripe? More and more, I fear at least Clinton is,
maybe Hillary and the Gores as well, and who knows who else in that administration. What do they have
planned for us? And why? Is Clinton Hitler’s revenge on this country for Germany’s defeat in WW 2?
If so, how the hell did he get as far as he did in American politics? Who are his real backers?
John, tell me I’m just being paranoid. Please tell me I’m just being paranoid!
Take care, love always, Yael


Viruses – 8/29/96

Hi –
I saw some posts from people who mentioned viruses, apparently in connection with alter egos. You
may be right on the mark. There is no essential reason why sentience of some kind couldn’t be
associated with a virus. After all, we ourselves, biochemically speaking, are just viruses (the DNA in the
nuclei of the cells of our bodies) dressed up in nice coats of fatty acids, i.e., cellular membranes and all
the goodies they contain, the machinery that supports the continued existence of the DNA in their nuclei.
We are sentient, aware, conscious. It is clear as well that most other organisms are, too (for good, solid
data on that, see Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Susan McCarthy, When Elephants Weep: The
Emotional Lives of Animals [NY: Delacorte Press, 1995] and the many wonderful books by the biologist
Lyall Watson, e.g., his Supernature, Dark Nature, Lifetide, etc.). If organisms made up of cells which
are just supportive machinery for the DNA in their nuclei are sentient, aware, conscious, why not viruses,
which are RNA or DNA sequences that borrow the cells of organisms to house and perpetuate
themselves? A virus or bacterium, for that matter, is as multicellular as you or I – it is an organism
comprising countless copies of its genes, each copy housed in a cell of some form of life such as
ourselves or our relatively close biological cousins such as other mammals and vertebrates, non-
vertebrates, plants, etc., spread out over an enormous area, sometimes world-wide. Think of the ranges
in which such well-known viruses and bacteria as the common cold, the flu, rabies, herpes, AIDS,
syphilis, tuberculosis, etc. are found – each one of those is one organism, spread out over that entire
range, housed in countless living organisms whose genes aren’t like its own. As Richard Preston, in The
Hot Zone (NY: Random House, 1994) and Laurie Garrett, in The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging
Diseases in a World Out of Balance (NY: Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1994) show, viruses and other
endoparasites (organisms that live within other organisms, and depend on the latter for their ability to
survive and reproduce) are extremely elegant predators, in their way. This way of life is very old. Mark
McMenamin and Dianna McMenamin, in Hypersea: Life on Land (NY: Columbia University Press,
1994) hypothesize that endoparasitism evolved as part of terrestrial life’s colonization of the land,
literally over hundreds of millions, even billions of years. Water is not easy to come by on land, and it’s
easier to get as much of it as you need if you live inside another, larger organism whose tissues are rich in
water and salts. That gives plenty of time for viral and bacterial sentience to have evolved!
Such organisms could even have fallen to earth inside asteroidal or cometary material, from outer
space, having originally evolved on some other world. They could – this is a wild hypothesis, but what
the hey, we’re all well-acquainted with science fiction, now – even have evolved elsewhere, begun
selective breeding of their hosts there to create a host that could manipulate tools, make and use fire, etc.,
and follow orders or be easily taken over, possessed by such viruses, who thus effectively became their
hosts’ bodies’ only active sentiences. Having done so, they could have created space-ships, gone star-
roving, visited us – and once here, they could easily have hopped from their traditional hosts to us. Or
rather, part of each of them would have remained in those hosts, part in human beings they managed to
infect. Who knows what they could do?
At any rate, viral sentience is not impossible. Certainly it might account for some of the more
egregious events of history. In Disease and History (NY: Dorset Press, 1972), Frederick F. Cartwright
and Michael D. Biddiss discuss the effects which syphilis had on, e.g., Ivan the Terrible of Russia and
Adolf Hitler of Germany and, through them, on the millions of people they harmed during their mad
careers. Arno Karlen, in Man and Microbes: Disease and Plagues in History and Modern Times (NY:
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam Books, 1995) and William H. McNeill, in Plagues and Peoples (NY:
Monticello Editions/History Book Club, 1976) confirm the observations of Cartwright and Biddiss.
Since the easiest, surest way to vector a virus is via sex, might not this possibly account for some,
though not all, cult activities involving forced sex with children as part of their initiation into the cult?
The virus takes over some adults, gets them to start a cult by taking advantage of their religious instincts
and emotions, causes them to become hypersexual as well as heartless by selectively destroying,
irritating, or otherwise damaging parts of their limbic brains, and in this way gets the adults to vector
them on to new, young hosts who will have a long time to infect lots of other people via sexual contact.
Why not? The rabies virus gets itself vectored by causing the animals it infects to either bite other
organisms (the typical “mad” dog) or become hypersexual (ground-squirrels, bats, and other organisms in
whose populations this virus is endemic frequently exhibit this trait, and thereby vector the rabies virus
on to others of their kind via sex). We are as susceptible to central-nervous system viruses as any other
mammal, at least in general, and we have the same essential biochemistry. There is nothing at all save
natural immunity and megadoses of vitamin C and other such supplements to prevent any of us from
being infected by such a virus, and only luck in the form of education, moral upbringing, maybe another,
competitive virus without such a game-plan, etc. to keep us from being led down the primrose path by the
damned thing once we are infected. On a strictly biochemical level, we are just like ground-squirrels and
dogs – and that is the level on which viruses such as AIDS, rabies, etc. and bacteria such as syphilis
Viral and bacterial endoparasites are invisible to us without microscopes and some idea that they are
there and where to look for them and how to recognize them once we find them. In Europe, up until a
few centuries ago, there was no understanding of the microbial mechanisms associated with infections of
any kind, and such virally-induced infections as meningitis and rabies were believed to be the result of
demonic possession. The sufferers themselves had no real understanding of what had happened to them,
and often believe they were under assault by demons.
So there’s a possibility that at least in some cases, “alters” aren’t alters at all, but rather sentiences
associated with viral or bacterial endoparasites we have been infected with at some point, perhaps
through rape or other assault when we were children, even through our food. In such cases, we would
almost certainly “share” such alters with others who were infected by them – these “alters” would be
distributed across a number of human beings the way each of us is distributed throughout the cells of our
bodies. This could even account for some phenomena associated with possession, e.g., the way that the
“demons” seem to know the thoughts and have the knowledge of people far removed from the sufferer.
These are just extrapolations from known facts – but those facts are pretty solid, and I think these
ideas may be worth looking into. Hope this is useful,


Why Bob Dhole may be a good choice for President – 8/30/96

Merl –
I may vote for Dole yet. He does have two good qualifications: a bad heart – and Jack Kemp. ;-)

(As for why I won’t vote for Ross Perot – why should I put that nice man in the White House . . . where
they’ll probably shoot him or something?! We need him too much as a gadfly! <g>)

Love, Yael


To DDS list 8/30/96, “Guides”

Hi –
A couple of other things that have helped me enormously to get myself together and get a life for
myself over the years, and has helped some in healing the DDS I have, I thought I’d share with you:
In the Prince, written back during the Renaissance as a sort of guidebook for the Medicis, Nicolo
Machievelli wrote about how to rule in such a way that the ruler appears to be both benign and
enlightened when he is nothing of the sort, and how to keep subjects confused, divided against
themselves, and convinced that they themselves or other subjects like themselves are the enemy and the
oppressor when in fact all of them are equally oppressed by the tyrant. Among other things, the old
saying “Divide and Conquer” comes from this. In the mid-20th century, George Orwell took these
precepts much farther in his horrifying dystopias 1984 and Animal Farm. All these works have to do
with keeping societies divided against themselves, confused about who the real enemy is, and otherwise
unable to throw off the oppressors who exploit them. Since a society of any kind is a kind of
superorganism or mega-person, and since individuals comprise numerous potential personalities within
themselves, close analogies can be drawn between what smart tyrants do to their subjects and those
whose abuse of children and others in their power induces MPD or DDS in their victims. In both cases,
the motives of the oppressors and victimizers are the same: divide and conquer, keep the
victims/oppressed divided against themselves and therefore unable to muster the comprehension and
focus necessary for successful self-defense.
Long ago, not long after I started grade school, about 4th grade, I became hooked on the libertarian
science-fiction novels of Robert A. Heinlein; in turn, he inspired me to read the documents left to us by
America’s founders. These all made me aware that before I could have a life worth living, I had to have
freedom. And that led me to look at the lives and works of the people who have, down the centuries,
fought so hard and so well for their freedom, especially the founders of this country, Black Americans,
and American Indians. One figure, above all, stands out: Harriet Tubman, A.K.A. “General Moses,” the
Black woman who, after escaping from slavery herself, made sortie after sortie onto the plantations and
other places in the South where slaves were kept to free countless numbers of Black slaves. She was
born into slavery in the ante-bellum American South. At fifteen, her head was injured by an overseer
who, according to one account, beat her on the head with an iron bar. As a result of this beating, for the
rest of her life she was subject to “fainting fits,” probably a type of epilepsy, during which she frequently
had prophetic visions –real ones, which always came true, true clairvoyant and precognitive faculties,
which she always believed were gifts of God, given to her by Him to aid her in His work. It was by aid
of these visions, many times, that she was able to accomplish her work of helping to free other slaves and
keep them and herself from being re-taken by slavers or killed on their long journey North.**

*”Well has she been called ‘Moses,’ for she has been a leader and deliverer unto hundreds of her
people.” From Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman (1869) by Sarah H. Bradford (b. 1818).

**She said of her unique gifts and their aid in her work, “‘Twant me, ‘twas the Lord. I always told him,
‘I trust to you, I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me,’ and he always
did.” Told to her biographer, Sarah H. Bradford (c. 1868).

Not long after that beating, while still a very young woman, she made her way to freedom and her
niche in history. She told her biographer Sarah H. Bradford [c. 1868] of her escape from slavery:

When I found I had crossed that line,* I looked at my hands

to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over

*On her first escape from slavery in 1845.

Eventually she became the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, the system of
routes by which escaped slaves made their way North, to freedom. She made nineteen dangerous trips
back and forth, often disguised, escorting more than three hundred slaves to freedom. Always with her
was her pistol, which she was known to have used a number of times with deadly effect to defend herself
and her charges and prevent their being taken back into slavery or worse. Her first words upon meeting
new “passengers” to conduct to freedom on the Underground Railway, were “you’ll be free or die.”
Once, when asked what her philosophy of life was, she replied, “There was one of two things I had a
right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me
alive . . .”
As bad as things have been for me, they’ve been paradise compared to what so many men and
women and children kept as slaves in the American South went through. Starting from less than zero, in
spite of the most horrifying conditions of oppression and slavery, Tubman engineered her own escape
from that hell, then returned again and again to free countless other slaves. It came to me that with all
the advantages I have of skin-color, education, and so forth today, I should be able to break free and do
something to fight back against the enormous evils that have so horribly hurt people like you and me. So
many children are regarded as no more than slaves by those who have them in their power, whether
parents or anyone else, and the damage done to them is in many cases like that done to Black slaves.
Black Americans, though, had one advantage that many of those who suffer now from MPS and DDS do
not: a strong community of their own and a way of working together to fight their oppressors and
struggle for their freedom. Out of Black-American history I have a great deal of useful information on
that score by which I’ve managed, however slowly and awkwardly, to struggle up out of my own pit.
Other sources that have helped include things drawn from the history of Native America and the history
of the foundation of this country. True, this country began with the institution of slavery already in place
– divided against itself, morally, spiritually, and economically, from the beginning. But men such as
Franklin and Jefferson warned from the start that that very condition could doom the new nation, knew
that slavery was evil and tried to get it outlawed. You kind of have to pick and choose to get good out of
any of this – but that’s what life is all about, nothing is handed to any living thing free in all the 4 billion
years life has been evolving on Earth. At any rate, child-abuse is a political matter – a matter of the
egregious abuse of power by a minority against a majority – as well as a military one (use of force
majeur by an oppressor against a subjugated individual or population) and therefore examples from
politics, political history, and military science can be very helpful in finding ways to fight back
successfully as well as heal.
Another thing: the search for healing is inextricable from the search for justice, as far as DDS and
MPD and related conditions go. No therapeutic method that doesn’t address the need for justice, for
enabling the victim to get real justice from his or her tormenters and the social institutions and processes
that have supported and abetted those tormenters can ever be genuinely effective. Often, in this respect,
a good lawyer can be worth a thousand psychiatrists – in fact, as we all know too well, psychiatrists are
often part of the problem themselves, because they deny the reality of abuse, or dismiss its damaging
effects on victims, or get in the way of any attempts by victims to get real justice. Keep in mind: go for
justice, whatever else you go for!
One thing that study and practice of combat arts has given me – one of the most valuable things it
could give anyone – is the certainty that self-defense and self-protection are right, good, and proper.
Victimizers of children work very hard to teach them that self-defense and self-protection are “wrong,”
“improper,” “evil,” because that keeps their victims unable to fight back and allows the victimizers to
keep on exploiting them. So combat arts can be helpful, not because it causes the student to become an
aggressor – in fact, real combat-arts studies of any worth teach an iron-hard ethic of self-restraint,
responsibility to community, and right conduct that militates against such aggression and unprovoked,
unwarranted violence – but rather because you get used to moving again, to acting naturally on the self-
protective instincts Mother Nature built into us all, to taking falls and blows and rolling with them and
coming back with effective means of dealing with them, all the things which get knocked out of MPD
and DDS victims at an early age.
The horror of child-abuse and traumatization is essentially political in nature, another aspect of the
same evil responsible for ante-Bellum Southern chattel slavery, sexist oppressions, genocide against Jews
by Hitler and Native Americans by Abraham Lincoln and numerous other Americans, and so forth.
Regardless of your politics – I’m an Old Heinlein Libertarian, myself – you may therefore find it useful
to look at what you went through and the problems it presents you with now as political and military in
nature, because that viewpoint may give some real help in fighting through to freedom and well-being.
Therefore, if you haven’t seen the following works already, you may find these books of use to you:
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson’s The Assault on Truth: Freud’s Suppression of the Seduction Theory (NY:
Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1984) and Against Therapy (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1994); Roger
Zelazny, editor, Warriors of Blood and Dream (NY; Avon Books, 1995), an anthology of remarkable
tales that celebrate “hand-to-hand battles beyond the extraordinary,” from a night clerk at a 7-Eleven who
discovers that the path to enlightenment leads to a beer-guzzling redneck sensei named Bubba to a
collision between martial arts and Virtual Reality; Alice Miller, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s
Betrayal of the Child (NY: Meridian Books, 1984); Judith Lewis Herman, M.D., Trauma and Recovery:
The Aftermath of Violence – from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror (NY: Basic
Books/HarperCollinsPublishers, 1992); Steve Barnes (co-author with Larry Niven of the wonderful
DREAM PARK science-fiction novels), The Total Success System: Lifewriting/Total Success Workbook
(Ronin Arts Productions, PO Box 2041, Canyon Country, CA 91386, 805-251-9393: Ronin Arts
Productions, 1993); Ronald Segal, The Black Diaspora: Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside
Africa (NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995); Allan W. Eckert, A Sorrow in Our Heart: The Life of
Tecumseh (NY: Bantam Books, 1992); and Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States (NY:
Perennial Library/Harper & Row, 1980).
One final note: about 1974 I first heard the following song by the same group (I forget their name)
that did the top-of-the-charts “Green, Green.” Ever since, whenever I am about to give up, I remember
this song, and the valiant people who invented it and sang it on their way to freedom, and recover heart.
Maybe it will give you something, too.

“Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd” – a song of the Underground Railway of the American
Civil War era. Like so many other Black “spirituals,” this song was actually a call to
freedom – and a practical tool for attaining it. In the following song, the Gourd is the
Little Dipper (Lesser Bear), at the tip of the tail of which is the North Star, Polaris, the
guide-star of the Northern Hemisphere. The same constellation aided the moonlight
rebels of Ireland, who called it the Plough and the Stars, and put it on their flag. The
“old man” referred to in the song was apparently a real historical person, a member of
the Underground Railway who guided runaway Black slaves on the first leg of their
journey to freedom; he wore the “peg-leg” of the song, and used it to mark the trail in
the ground. But at the same time, the phrase refers to the Mississippi River, across the
banks of which lay the road to freedom. 11 is the Key Number of Aleph, Whose Planet
is Uranus; Uranus rules the 11th Sign, Aquarius, and is exalted in Scorpio, which falls
in November, the 11th month. It is most appropriate that this song, “Follow the
Drinkin’ Gourd,” should be the 11th item in this chapter.

When the sun comes back and the first quail calls,
Follow the drinkin’ gourd,
For then the old man is a-waitin’ for to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinkin’ gourd.

Follow the drinkin’ gourd –
Follow the drinkin’ gourd!
For the old man is a-waitin’ for to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinkin’ gourd.


The river bank will make a very good road,

The dead trees show you the way,
Left foot, peg foot, traveling on –
Follow the drinkin’ gourd.


The river ends between two hills,

Follow the drinkin’ gourd,
There’s another river on the other side,
Follow the drinkin’ gourd.


Where the great big river meets the little river,

Follow the drinkin’ gourd,
The old man is a-waitin’ for to carry you to freedom,
If you follow the drinkin’ gourd.

God bless,


Lead into gold: Chiron’s cure 8/31/96 to DD-Supl

Hello again –
It occurs to me that as long as one is saddled with MPS or DDS, so that one is a population rather than
an individual, as it were, then the condition could be transformed from the horrible liability it generally is
into a rare, very useful, extremely valuable asset. That is, given any group of beings, whether that group
is composed of individual organisms such as human beings or the parts of a personality making up the
psyche of someone suffering from MPS/DDS, that group can exist in one of several states: a loose
collection of unaffiliated individuals, a mob, an army, a community, a civilization, an ecosystem, etc. If
that group is under siege, obviously its chances of coming through with minimal damage and maximum
chance of victory are far better if it organizes itself and acts as a competent army than if it degenerates
into a mob. And since a well-organized, effective group of competent individuals has available to it
numerous talents, skills, experience, etc. not available to any one of its members, the same is true of the
group of personalities making up the psyche of someone with MPS/DDS.
The ancient alchemists taught that gold is the child of lead, and that its soul is contained as a spark in
the heart of lead. The ancient Greeks passed on to us the story of Chiron, who suffered from a terrible
wound that would not heal, because of which he was forced to search endlessly for a cure; but in the
process of that search he became one of the greatest healers of all time, one of the original medical
geniuses that left the whole world a fantastic legacy in the form of pharmaceutical, herbal, and other
medical treasures because of which all humanity benefited. It occurs to me that all of us who suffer from
MPS and/or DDS are the children of Chiron, the potential heirs of the great alchemists. We labor under a
burden of lead-heavy lies, confusion, terror, and pain, suffering from a wound that never heals. What if
that burden, that wound could be turned into a treasure, a source of healing, for ourselves and others?
The best way to rescue a mob from a formidable oppressor is to turn it into an army – one capable of
rescuing itself and achieving victory against its enemy. Perhaps there is a hint in this of a way to begin
healing oneself of the ravages of MPS and DDS.
(For more information on Chiron, shamanism, and cultural differences in handling breakdowns and
other dysfunctions, see Melanie Reinhart’s marvelous Chiron and the Healing Journey: An Astrological
and Psychological Perspective (Penguin Arkana Books, 1989). For general information on Chiron and
other ancient Greek religious stories, see Robert Graves’ The Greek Myths (a two-volume edition is
available from Penguin Books, copyright 1960).)
I would be interested in hearing any feedback anyone might have on this. Thanks,


Subj: Nota bene

Date: 08/30/96

Hi –
Almost forgot: I have found the following works, along with many listed in their bibliographies, to be
of great help to me in dealing with my DDS-related problems over the years. They provide a better
understanding of the physical and biological machinery that facilitate the self and consciousness, and
you, too, may find them helpful. They include (not exclusively, of course):

Oliver Sacks, An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales (NY: Alfred Knopf, 1995)
Richard E. Cytowic, M.D., The Man Who Tasted Shapes: A Bizarre Medical Mystery Offers
Revolutionary Insights Into Emotions, Reasoning, and Consciousness (NY: Jeremy P.
Tarcher, Putnam Books, 1993)
Elaine Morgan, The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human Origins (NY:
Oxford University Press, 1994) and The Descent of the Child: Human Evolution from a
New Perspective (NY: Oxford University Press, 1995)
Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., The Dreaming Universe (NY York: Touchstone Books/Simon &
Schuster, 1995)
Dr. Derek Denton, FRCP, The Pinnacle of Life: Consciousness and Self-Awareness in Humans
and Animals(New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994)
Roger Penrose, Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness (NY:
Oxford University Press, 1994)
Antonio R. Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain (NY:
Grossett/Putnam Books, 1994)
Lyall Watson: Beyond Supernature: A New Natural History of the Supernatural (NY: Bantam,
1988), Dark Nature: A Natural History of Evil(NY: HarperCollins, 1995), The Dreams of
Dragons: An Exploration and Celebration of the Mysteries of Nature (Rochester, VT:
Destiny Books, 1987, 1992), The Nature of Things: The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects
(Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1990, 1992), Gifts of Unknown Things (NY: Simon &
Schuster, 1976), Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious (NY: Bantam, 1980)
L. Bass, “A Quantum-Mechanical Mind-Body Interaction,” in Foundations of Physics 5: 159
J. S. Bell, “On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox,” in Physics 1, 195 (1964).
Cramer, John G.. “The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,” in Reviews of
Modern Physics 58, 647 (1986)
Paul Davies and John Gribbin, The Matter Myth: Dramatic Discoveries That Challenge our
Understanding of Physical Reality (New York: Touchstone Books/Simon & Schuster,
B.S. Dewitt and R. N. Graham, The Many-worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971)
Nick Herbert: Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics (New York:
Dutton, 1993), Faster Than Light: Superluminal Loopholes in Physics (New York: New
American Library, 1988), “Mechanical Mediums” in Psychic Magazine July/August 36
(1976), “Notes Towards ‘A User’s Guide to the Quantum Connection” in The BVI-Pacifica
Journal, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Leo/Summer 1988), p. 4, Quantum Reality: Beyond the New
Physics (New York: Doubleday, 1985)
Hanshi Steve Kaufman, The Martial Artist’s Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation
of Miyamoto Musashi’s Classic Book of Strategy (Boston: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1994)
Jack Hoban, Ninpo: Living and Thinking as a Warrior (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1988)
Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, Ninjutsu: History and Tradition (Burbank, CA: Unique Publications,
Sun Tzu, Art of War (Ralph D. Sawyer, translator. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994)
Gary Null: Healing Your Body Naturally: Alternative Treatments to Illness (NY: Wings
Books, 1992)
Mantak Chia, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I: Once a Martial Art, Now the Practice That Strengthens the
Internal Organs, Roots Oneself Solidly, and Unifies Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health
(Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books, 1986)
Adelle Davis, Let’s Get Well: America’s Most Celebrated Nutritionist Shows How the Proper
Selection of Foods and Supplements Can Hasten Recovery from Illness
Stanley Coren, Sleep Thieves: An Eye-Opening Exploration Into the Science & Mysteries of
Sleep (NY: The Free Press, 1996)

Hope you find these as useful and helpful as I have. Enjoy,

PS: This list would be much more extensive, but for space requirements. All the books on it and much
more are included in the bibliography to the textbook I’ve been working on. If anyone wants a copy of
that bibliography, let me know and I’ll send it by email. –


DDS list/Soul-retrieval (technique) 8/31/96

Hi –
Something you may find of interest.
A couple of years ago, just for the heck of it, I attended a seminar on something called “Soul
Retrieval.” I attended out of sheer boredom. I thought it would be just another New Agey thing, but it
turned out to be something quite different. A local man had learned a shamanic technique called “soul
retrieval,” in which he induces trance in himself and, in trance, goes out on the Inner Planes and
somehow finds those parts of the client’s soul that have gotten lost out there somewhere and brings them
back to the client, and/or identifies things in the client’s soul that aren’t really part of the client and takes
them back where they belong.
In the first case, the parts of the client’s soul that are retrieved are those lost through some sort of
trauma; they get stuck to the place, time, situation, and/or person(s) associated with the trauma. By
bringing them back to the client, however he does it, the shaman enables the client to re-connect with
his/her (the client’s) own memory and experience of the traumatic event.
On the other hand, parts of the souls of individuals connected with traumatic experience often get
left behind in the client’s soul (as the theory goes). They then form a parasitic relationship with the
client, further traumatizing him/her from within over the years, oppressing him/her and wreaking
psychological, even physical havoc. By sending them back where they belong, the shaman frees the
client from their endless assaults and the damage they do him/her.
All this is done strictly on the Inner Planes, with both shaman and client in trance. The client does
not have to tell the shaman anything. The shaman just goes in there and looks and does whatever is
indicated, without any prior knowledge of the nature of the problem.
It has worked on very small children who come from cultural backgrounds very different from the
shamans, children as young as 6 months old, whose parents are recent immigrants from, e.g., Cambodia,
Thailand, Bosnia, and other far-away places (this shaman is a white man who lives over on one of the
islands in Puget Sound, near Seattle (where I live)), who speak little English and can’t communicate the
nature of the problem to the shaman even if they have any idea of what it is. Anthropologists are now
working with this man because of the amazing things he has learned about other cultures this way – this
stuff is for real.
I went to him, just to see what he could do. I told him nothing about my background. We went in
trance, he went out into the Inner Planes, apparently found some parts of my soul in the form of me at
extremely young ages (less than three), weeping in the darkness, and brought them back to his spiritual
staging area, where he found three geese – he’d never run into this before! – waiting, who guarded the
little girls (me) while he went out to make sure he got everything. Coming back (still in trance), he
returned the little girls (pieces of my soul) to me, putting them back in my soul. He also found things in
me that didn’t belong there, and took them wherever it was they were supposed to go – which turned out
to be, when he described them, people who’d viciously abused me when I was a small child, people he
had no prior knowledge of, as well as predators I’d run into later in life, of whom he also had known
nothing before this.
Subsequently I found myself recalling experiences which I hadn’t been aware of at all throughout my
adult life – experiences no one had primed me to recall in any way, including this shaman. Not long after
that, for the first time since 1973, I got it together financially to get completely off SSI Disability, in my
own business, moving out of a situation with a hideous landlord where I’d lived for some 8 years. This
was in 1994. Since then, my life has improved in all ways by leaps and bounds, and however bad the
DDS problems I have now are, they are nothing compared to what they were like up until then.
(Actually, after 1992, when I got into combat arts, thanks to my friend and sensei Dale Seago, it got a lot
better than it had been before then. But it wasn’t until after I saw the shaman that I really began to make
gains – and it was also after I saw him that I began to become proficient in combat arms and related
matters in a way I hadn’t been able to do, for all my practice, up until then.)
It is a technique worth checking out, at least. If you want, I can give you the name, address, and
telephone number of a couple of ethical practitioners of soul-retrieval in this area. I do not recommend
going into this without checking out the practitioner’s bona fides, and it certainly isn’t a panacea for
DDS, MPD or any other psychospiritual disability. It is, however, worth checking out, at least, one more
technique which, in the hands of a skilled, experienced, ethical practitioner, can help one get a better
handle on such conditions than one has had in the past.
For what it’s worth, then, there’s what it is about soul-retrieval. :-)

Hope this is helpful,


DDS list – supportive techniques & thingees 8/31/96

Has anyone out there discovered practical things that help increase one’s mental alertness and
togetherness, enable one to function better in spite of DDS/MPD, or even help heal it some?
E.g. (as I have learned through personal experience, but also scientific papers report the same thing),
the nutritional supplements DHE (an amino acid), gingko biloba (herb), octacosinyl (an amino acid that
improves coordination and reflexes by a tremendous factor), and melatonin (helps get one to sleep) all
seem to help enormously in this respect. So can acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, and related
therapies, for that matter. Repeated practice of such techniques as banishing rituals and the Rose-Cross
ritual, which are acted-out versions of Judeo-Christian prayers and symbolism (for more on which, let me
know, I’ll send you files via email or on diskette via snail-mail), for some people, seem to help a great
Anybody discovered other things that help? All the ones I listed here are excellent supportive
therapy for enabling the neuroendocrine system – brain, endocrine glands such as the adrenals and
pituitary, etc. – to recover from post-traumatic stress syndrome on a biochemical and physical level, and
thereby helps one to function better psychospiritually all the way around. (The supplements are
extremely good for helping people recover from the physical damage associated with chronic stress of
any kind, and thus from the psychospiritual problems that arise from such damage. The practices can
help as supportive techniques, though of course they don’t cure anything and if they are to help at all,
must be practiced every day over a long period.)
I’d be grateful for information on anything else that can help in this way, and would be happy to
send on any information of this kind I have on hand, in exchange.
Thanks in advance,


Who Goes There? – 9/3/96

John –
It occurs to me that the major trends in the last two centuries that have brought us to the pass we are
in now are all associated with powerful vested interests having to do with the medical and pharmaceutical
professions. I don’t mean “most physicians,” though God knows there are a lot of venal, corrupt
individuals in the medical profession. Rather, I mean medical societies and related groups, e.g., the
A.M.A., the American Pharmaceutical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, etc., who have
all been involved in re-molding the public, its attitude, its outlook, its education, and so on. In Germany,
well before Hitler came to power, numerous psychiatrists and other physicians became enamored of the
racist ideas that Hitler also embraced, and began euthenizing their own “unfit” patients, on their own,
without any urging to do so by the government then in power or even those who would later constitute
the Nazi government. On the other hand, in 19th-century America, numerous physicians got on the band-
wagon of clitoridectomies as a wondrous “cure” for the newly-discovered “disease” of female
circumcision, and countless little girls and grown women were medically castrated as a result of the panic
these doctors induced in the American public over the spectre of “masturbation-induced insanity” and
“masturbation-induced immorality.” Cases of people being railroaded into mental asylums for the worst
of reasons or no reasons at all with the complicity of psychiatrists are well-known in all countries in the
Western world, and so are those about Soviet physicians in the former USSR certifying people for “anti-
State delusions.” Consider the current CDC campaign in this country against the 2nd Amendment.
Consider the pushing of dangerous drugs such as ritalin in our schools by the AMA, the American
Pharmaceutical Association, and the American Psychiatric Association, for the purpose of “controlling
hyperactivity,” and the use of such drugs on children who have no such disorder and are in fact (to start
with, until the drug does its number on them) healthy in all ways. Consider the “dumbing down” of our
public “education” system that has gone hand in hand with this. Consider all the stock which George
Bush owns in Eli Lily Pharmaceuticals, and Bill the Pill’s campaign to (a) medicalize America and (b)
take away the 2nd Amendment in the name of “health interests.”
Consider that up until the last couple of decades, when pandemic, aggravated, chronic child-abuse as
well as use of children for sexual purposes by numerous individual adults as well as groups finally
became so widespread and out of control that public outcry has made significant changes in the way the
medical profession deals with it, for countless decades it has been the medical profession in the West that
covered up crimes of all kinds against children by adults and institutions. Sigmund Freud, a medical
doctor, actually repudiated his original – and accurate – model of the etiology of psychoneurosis, the
Seduction Theory – in favor of one that blamed such illness on the “bad fantasies” of the victims,
possibly because the Austrian crown was holding a gun at his head, as it were (but see Jeff Masson’s
Assault on Truth: Freud’s Suppression of the Seduction Theory [1984] for evidence of other possible
motives on Freud’s part for this cover-up).
In Confessions of a Medical Heretic, written in the 1970s, the late Dr. Robert Mendelssohn pointed
out the sheer, awful power vested in physicians, literally the power of life and death, and the strong
tendency to gross corruption in that profession. He pointed out the profession’s penchant for criminal
interference in the lives of individuals, especially women and children, e.g., unnecessary hysterectomies,
etc. He warned about the rise of monsters such as Jack Kevorkian (I am as much a believer in self-
determination when it comes to how long one shall live and one shall die, and how and why, as any other
libertarian, but what Kevorkian wants is, apparently, to vest that power firmly in the hands of the state
and leave it there, so that the “unfit” shall be efficiently weeded out by the state, if they won’t weed
themselves out – shades of Das Dritte Reich!)
How many times has the public learned to its horror of physicians who make a regular practice of
molesting, raping, and otherwise sexually exploiting their patients – including pediatricians? How many
lawsuits have their been against physicians who do great, unnecessary harm to their patients? Look at the
news lately about the rise of clandestine “organ-banks,” which sell illegally-obtained organs to wealthy
people for huge sums of money – then look at Clinton’s attempts to start a national organ-bank, to which
all would contribute, above all, criminals who have committed capital crimes (as defined by the state, of
course), but from which only the very wealthy could make withdrawals.
There is an ugly pattern in all that. Is the medical profession part or all of what has ultimately been
behind everything that’s gone wrong with our world in the 20th century? Or just associated with it,
opportunistic infections taking advantage of the lowered resistance of a body politic made deathly ill by
overcrowding, pollution, and the other environmental pathologies of the last couple of centuries?
We could speculate about “sentient viruses,” infecting doctors and then, through them, putting all
these trends in motion in order to ranch humanity like we do cattle, to ensure a steady supply of hosts to
infect. We could even speculate about extra-terrestrial viruses doing so, as a possible explanation for the
UFO cover-ups. Certainly it would make an easy explanation for it all – after all, who is in a better
position to become infected by a virus in the first place than someone in the medical profession, a doctor
or nurse? But this is just speculation – great for a science-fiction story, maybe, but without any real
proof behind it, for now it should be left on the shelf as just another interesting theory.
The important thing is that whether it is a primary (ultimate cause) or secondary (opportunistic
phenomenon) part of the general malaise of this century, the medical profession and its satellites such as
the pharmaceutical industry are associated with every widespread evil of our society. Isn’t it perhaps
time we asked why, and did some investigation?
–Yrs in Tom Paine, Yael Dragwyla


In a message dated 96-09-03 01:57:56 EDT, you write:

<< Yael,

Hope you had a nice Labor Day. I celebrated it right. . . I


So did I. Made a lot of money on overtime. :-) Feel like hell. :-\ Money will make me feel better again
when I get the check. ;-)

Thanks for sending the funnies. . . I got a kick out of them.

My problem now is – retaliating at Merlin for sending them to me . . . ;-) Got any good ones?
Yael, I’ve been puzzling over an astrological question for
some time and I’m hoping that you might help to shed some
light on it. How would Neptune transiting the empty spot of
a natal Mars-Sol-Jupiter t-square, in opposition to the sun,
be likely to manifest itself? [My natal Mars was in Aries in
the 9th, sun in Cancer on the cusp of the 12th, and Jupiter
in Libra in the 3rd, leaving my empty spot in Capricorn in
the 6th at Neptune’s current position.] Would it have to do
with a lack of mental clarity concerning matters of work and

Yes, now that you mention it. It completes a Grand Cross in Cardinal Signs in Mutable Houses. Unlike
T-squares, which find their resolutions at that empty point, Grand Crosses tend to give problems without
resolutions – you just go ‘round and ‘round and ‘round . . . When Neptune moves on, the situation will
end and you should suddenly find yourself feeling much better and much more focused. Anything making
hard aspects to natal planets from the 6th House is going to tend to cause health problems, as it is. If the
natal planets it makes those aspects to include the Sun and/or Mars, the tendency is much stronger. If the
transiting Planet is Neptune, the problems are likely to involve anything from infectious illness, kidney
problems, and confusion to problems with prescription drugs or some other remedy for an illness that
turns out to be worse than the disease. If, on top of everything, a Grand Cross is involved, the problems
that arise this way become entrenched and chronic, at least for the duration. But once Neptune moves
out of that point, you should see a sudden, rapid improvement in all areas that were affected by the
Saturn rules your 6th-House cusp, doesn’t He? If Saturn isn’t involved in the Grand Cross with
Neptune, that probably is a very good thing, not only because the ruler of your 6th isn’t involved, but
because Saturn, regardless of what He rules in your chart, isn’t involved.
Anyway, you seem to be right on the money. Watch what happens when Neptune leaves the orb of
that transit (2° approach, 1° separating, in any direction) – unless some other heavy Planet makes that
same transit about that time, you should feel a lot better then! 
Hope this helps, love, Yael



Need some constructive criticism on this idea. It seems obvious that all terrestrial organisms have
had to adapt to continuous fluctuations in the Solar electromagnetic field in which the Earth is embedded,
caused by the constantly changing geometry of the Solar system and its associated gravity-well as these
affect the fluid dynamics of the Sun and therefore its electromagnetic field. This would be true of us, as
well, and would certainly account for the astonishing predictive accuracy of so much of astrology, from
astrometeorology to natal astrology to horary astrology: we are creatures of sunlight, and as the Sun
changes, so must we. And we change in kind as the Sun does – and the Sun does so in kind with changes
in the geometry of the Solar System. So we have learned to adapt to it, by orienting on the cyclical
changes in that geometry. Each planet, asteroid, comet, everything in the Solar System has come to
mean something in a biological and ecological sense, each organism responding to the changing
influence of its gravity on the Sun’s shape and therefore the Sun’s electromagnetic field in its own
characteristic way, according to its genes and life-history.
This would also account for the fact that different cultures have different astrologies – and each
astrology, used in its own culture, is as accurate as any other used in the latter’s culture. The ways in
which the Solar e-m field impacts on any of us depends on our latitude, longitude, the season, and a host
of other factors, including genetics. Every culture has had its origins in a different habitat than any other,
and the differences in its astrology from that of any other culture reflects the differences between that
origin-place and the origin-habitats of all other cultures.
Above all, though, implicit in all this is an association between niche and time. A niche is what an
organism does for its living. In order to make its living, that organism has to gear in properly with the
seasons, the cyclical patterns of all other living beings in its habitat, the times and tides of life and its
world. All these recurrent tides in its own life and the lives of the other organisms with which it shares
its world must, from the above arguments, be related one way and another to the responses it makes to
the astrology of its world, the ever-changing geometric interrelationships of the planets, Sun, Moon, and
Earth, and the ways in which these affect the gigantic electromagnetic field of the Sun in which it, the
Earth, and all Earth’s life have always been embedded. Thus as the constant mutations of the heavens
map out the tides of its life, they also map out the details of that organism’s ecological niche. Like all
else in the universe, the phenomenon of niche, is defined as much in terms of time as it is of space.
This is obvious in the case of economics in its most general sense, the continuous metabolic flow of
biological energy throughout Gaia, Her “geophysiology,” as Lovelock calls it, and the ways in which
living organisms participate in it via their various interactions with one another and their environment as
a whole. By the most basic definitions of biophysics, this energy-flux exists in time as well as space.
“Time-wise components of biological energy flux” is something of a tautology. But that this also applies
to the phenomenon of niche isn’t as obvious. It is even less obvious that the time-wise aspects of niche
are, from the preceding arguments, recursive and elegantly faithful reflections of Solar System’s ever-
changing geometry. Each organism takes up a niche – a way of life, a way of making its living –
peculiar to it according to its genetically and historically determined global responses to the ongoing
mutations of that geometry, as measured astrologically. By analogy, we are all – all forms of earthly life
– musicians, but some of us stick to the classics while others of us dig on Bird or follow the Dead. Or: it
is as if we were each born knowing only a limited set of dances, their identity peculiar to our individual
genes and life-history, and we take up a living according to the dances we are able to perform, and only
those. Thus our lives and our manner of making our living are matters of rhythm, the music of the
Spheres and the dances that accompany that music.
How important are time and rhythm as far as hard, useful definitions of niche and other economic
phenomena go? Are they perhaps more important than other factors which have always been considered
the defining criteria of these phenomena? And to what extent are they matched with ongoing changes in
the geometry of the Solar System, as mapped by various astrological systems? Early and “primitive”
cultures developed their astrologies for the most basic of reasons: to give them an economic edge when
it came to agronomy and animal husbandry. They used their astrologies to predict weather and all the
other factors that have fundamental importance in determining crop-yields and related matters, things
critical to their individual and collective survival. In short, their astrologies were based on a close
correspondence between the motions of the Planets and Lights against the background of the heavens and
in relation to one another, on the one hand, and the exigencies of survival in their world as hunters and
gatherers or as agriculturists, on the other – and these astrologies worked. The astrological predictions
they made about weather and all the rest of the factors that could make or break them, economically
speaking, were accurate enough to guarantee their collective survival, even allow them to thrive, expand,
leave countless descendants – including us. Their astrologies worked – and they worked because they
associated cyclical changes defined by the mutations of the Planets with the economic realities of their
Clearly niche is a time-wise and cyclical matter as well as a spatial one – otherwise our own
ancestors couldn’t have done as well as they did, couldn’t have built the civilizations they did, wouldn’t
have left the world as it was for us, their descendants, might not even have produced us as their
descendants and heirs. On the basis of that historical example, then, we must conclude that recursive
time-wise flow, as defined astrologically, is a highly important aspect of general economics, that is, of
geophysiology in general and the lives of all organisms, individually and collectively, in particular. Has
anyone done any work you know of in this area – that is, something approaching true hard ecology?
Be grateful for any information you might have on this. Thanks, Yael Dragwyla


If Stephen King did editorial cartoons . . . 9/8/96

Hi –
Back in 1984, after Ronald Reagan was re-elected, Conrad of the Los Angeles Times did one of his
magnificent editorial cartoons showing Conrad (who loathed Reagan) standing in front of a canvas on
which was a cartoon of a clown with Ronald Reagan’s face, arms out-stretched, giving the “V for
Victory” sign with both hands – Conrad, likewise, had his arms outstretched, giving the “V for Victory”
(i.e., “4 more years!” [of effortless editorial cartooning]) sign with both hands . . .
If Clinton wins the coming election, perhaps we should have “Ghastly” Graham “Tales from the
Crypt” Ingalls do the editorial cartoons for the next 4 years?
– yrd


Chris –

In a message dated 96-09-10 12:59:21 EDT, you write:

<< Subj:Re: Gopher it!

Date: 96-09-10 12:59:21 EDT
From: 100415.2206@CompuServe.COM (John Dennis)
To: (

Greetings Ruth
Thanks for the information on IHR/Clinton/Aquino. Would have thought Clinton was the target for
WASP anti-semite Armageddon types (a la Oklahoma bombing) rather than intertwined with them but
the Aquino mention is quite probable. Were you aware that Aquino has his own agenda which might not
always equate with the best interests of Satanism? It is definitely unlikely to be in the best interests of
occultism generally, based on his past performance. Some people have it that his mom is Betty Ford
hence the man keeps his head above water. Aquino is on record as invoking Satanic Powers in a ritual at
Wewelsburg castle Germany apparently set out by Himmler and La Vey tells stories of how Aquino
misread some publicity he was setting up and revealed his Nazi sympathies. Aquino is an apologist for
Himmler and although takes great care to avoid being openly anti-semitic (so he doesn’t lose charitable
status for his ‘church’, the leader of his UK branch of the Temple of Set has firm links with the fascist
underworld and has even resorted to anti-semitic threats against my wife (whose parents were Jewish) on
behalf of his master in a campaign to try and discredit the S.A. following an article exposing Aquino’s
involvement with promoting the satanic ritual abuse myth which was published in the Lamp of Thoth
magazine issue 24 (a copy of which I can send you by airmail if you let me have your current postal
address). Remember that it is just as much in the interests of power-hungry satanic leaders to propagate
the myth as it is for Christian fundamentalists. >>

To some extent, at least, from police evidence in this country, it isn’t a myth, and it would be in the best
interest of those involved in it for profit, power, or whatever to promote the myth that it doesn’t go on.
Government agencies in this country have been implicated in using “satanic” cults of that sort to
brainwash and program children to turn them into “sleepers,” to be used later as tools for whatever
purposes. It probably cuts both ways. Why it would be in Aquino’s interest to propagate the myth that it
does go on is something I don’t understand, after his involvement with the S.F. Presidio incident – the
Army ordered all records suppressed, but the evidence up to then strongly supported the idea that Aquino
was involved in such a government-backed occult “experiment” in the form of cult-programming of
children by various traumatic techniques. Why would he want to make people believe that that sort of
thing does go on?

<< Aquino was flown over by The Cook Report for wining and dining before an interview on British TV
in a programme which promoted the Satanic Abuse Hysteria during 1989 and his British aide (quizling)
gave insider information on the British occult scene so that Cook could make his programme more anti-
occult. Aquino milked the scare for all it was worth. What is more sinister as far as I am concerned is
Aquino’s attempt to promulgate armanenshaft ideas (and possibly recruit other fascistic inclined
occultists) through the Rune Guild and other front occult organisations run by his aide Stephen Flowers
(pen name Edred Thorsson) with those air-head pagans who are into Viking, Norse, Volkish pagan stuff.
Much is made of Aquino’s ‘psyops’ activity but most of it is blown out of proportion. Some say he was
just a pen-pusher in Vietnam. >>

That’s not strictly true. He was with the Army Intelligence division responsible for psyops activity. He
tended to depend heavily on underlings with higher intelligence and more creativity for results, but he
definitely was an Army psyops officer – he drew a regular paycheck for it. This isn’t saying he was all
that good at it – just that that was his actual assignment.
<< He does think he is a past master at the art of propaganda (taking his lead from Goebbels) but really
hasn’t much of a clue. The only publicly available transcript of his work FROM PSYOPS TO
MINDWAR was done for the Army and is palpably incorrect and foolishly experimental. His
organisation The Temple of Set spent two years trying to ‘put the S.A. out of business’ using a
continuous campaign of smear tactics, lies and fictional stories, because we were clued in to what was
going on. He tried similar tactics with all other competing Satanic Groups and has continually tried to
discredit La Vey since he was kicked out of the COS in 1975. His psyops wasn’t particularly effective
on me but his bully boy fascist aide’s treachery and double-dealing caused me a lot of trouble and time
and expense to put right. Problem is that Aquino benefits the more publicity/notoriety he gets so in his
silly double-think he might welcome a debate or could have even planted the links with revisionism
himself! He and his cronies regularly scan the Net in order to work up satanic or anti-satanic contacts
with the twin purpose of recruitment and provocation and, in the best traditions of spooks, you never
quite know who is whom and who is getting what from where. The assholes can be quite charming when
manipulating naive netters. >>

Now this is bang on the money. Aquino is typical of well-educated, well-connected sociopath, lots of
charm and experience to do his dirty work. On the other hand, I hear he got kicked out of the Army for
being stupider than usual, and, one hopes, it carried over into civilian life – i.e., so that he trips over
himself in all directions. But evil – yah. I actually like LaVey – LaVey is sort of the Bill Gaines of the
occult. As someone once said of the horse in the lousy production of the opera who shat on stage:
“Terrible manners – but a great critic!” (Goes double for Crowley. <G?) Aquino, however, is one scary
sonofabitch. But he’s also one stupid sonofabitch, and someday his ego will lead him into evoking
Choronzon in his own living-room, sans Circle, sans invocation of the proper God, etc., and that will be
the end of that nonsense! ;-)

<< If you want to open the can of beans, suggest you log onto to Alt.Satanism, drop a little hint about
Aquino and the IHR then watch the response. Keep in touch with me over input and I’ll point out any
spooks or gambits they might try on you. >>

Thanks for the info! :-)

<< Keep in touch, Chris >>

Will do. Yes, please do send me LOT # 24.

Take care, love, Yael Dragwyla


Dale & Teri –

Thought you might find this as fascinating as we did. Jessie, my female ferret, likes my cat Puggsley’s
dry cat-food, which isn’t good for her. If I leave it out for him, if she sees it she dives into it, and if he’s
trying to eat at the time, she effectively drives him away from his food in the process. I caught her doing
that this evening. I immediately started scolding her, and told her, “Shame on you! Poor Puggsley – you
chased him away from his food! You have plenty of food of your own, you don’t have to eat his! Aren’t
you ashamed? Now you go apologize to him. right now!”
– Puggsley was standing nearby. She looked up at me, looked over at him, then walked over to him
and touched his nose with hers, looking into his eyes, the sort of thing she does when she wants to make
up with someone.
Tell me they don’t understand every word we say . . .
– Eerily yours, love, Yael


Political astrology 9/12/96

Sylvia –
I just noticed something weird about American politics (so what else is new? But this is new weird),
astrologically speaking.
Traditionally, Jupiter rules the Republicans, because they began as the party of Manifest Destiny,
i.e., expansion, imperialism, excess, etc.; Saturn rules the Democrats, because that party began as a
populist (Aquarian-ruled) movement. However, over the years the Republicans have come to represent
the right wing of American politics and the conservatives, which are traditionally ruled by Saturn
(restriction), while the Democrats have come to represent the left wing of American politics and the
liberals, which are traditionally ruled by Jupiter (excess, expansion, etc.).
Physically, the Planets are eerily like the things they rule psychospiritually in many ways. I wonder
if the electromagnetic fields of both Jupiter and Saturn have done a 180-degree flip or something since
about 1904, when the aforementioned shift began. (Oddly enough, by the way, that was the same year
that Aleister Crowley wrote and first published his Liber Al vel Legis [The Book of the Law], which
events many of us believe initiated the real Age of Aquarius. Did that initiation also somehow make
changes in the gross physical characteristics of the Planets, as well, leading to shifts of this sort?)
Has anyone you know of looked closely at this phenomenon of the swap of astro-political function
between Saturn and Jupiter over the decades since the end of the Civil War? I’d be interested to know
what, if anything, they’ve come up with on it.
Thanks, love always, Yael Dragwyla



In a message dated 96-09-13 03:55:10 EDT, you write:

<< I sent you a copy of the Elle article a day or so ago. . . it

should be arriving soon. I can’t find the material I
downloaded off the web, but will send you a copy if I do. My
desk would make a fine alter for Eris!

I’ll keep an eye out for it – didn’t come today, should be there tomorrow.

Yes. I wish I had access to a free color copier. . . the little

chicks following the robot around are very yellow and fluffy
and cute. . . not the ghastly looking things the copier turned
them into. >>

Scanner prices are coming down . . . ;-) (The color reproduction on mine isn’t bad, and my ink-jet printer
does a faithful job of printing it out. Both fairly low in cost – and as I said, the cost is coming down.
Might be worth investing in some day. Do you have Egghead Software near where you live? Check on
them there.)

Did “Rosebud” arrive in good shape?

Yes, but I haven’t had a chance to read it through yet. . .

might not for a week or two, I’m afraid. But I am looking
forward to it. Just so damned BUSY!

Ah – sounds as if the transmission glitch (the “=“ thing at the ends) got solved! (?)

I read through your essay on astro/socio/ecology and it is

excellent. I want to read it again at a more leisurely pace
soon. I also read through the chapter on Gemini. . . just out
of curiosity, why is San Francisco in Gemini’s domain? >>
All that weird sex and ambiguous gender-orientation? Seriously, it’s a major port of call, and has every
variety of everything under the Sun, a very Geminian thing. Also, it sits very near the San Andreas
crustal-plate division, and has numerous faults underlying it. With many nationalities of people living in
it, numerous different languages spoken among them, and all the rest, it conforms precisely to the nature
of Gemini. It is also spang on the place where the western boundary of the US tectonic plate meets the
eastern boundary of the Pacific Plate (the San Andreas); the former is ruled by Cancer, the latter by
Gemini, and partaking of both, the city is Gemini (for the division and the multiplicity of natures). The
Golden Gate Bridge is a sort of Geminian symbol. It is also one of the most American of cities, and
America is a Gemini-ruled nation (Gemini rises in the US natal chart). – I think that covers all of it, but
let’s ask my colleagues here if they have an additional info on it. (I initially got my information from Ivy
M. Goldstein-Jacobson and Geraldine Davis, who got theirs from traditional sources. But there may be
dissenting votes I don’t know about. Anybody out there know?)

Take care, love always, Yael


Migraines – 9/15/1996

Hi –
Anybody know how the new anti-migraine medicine Midrin works? The mechanics of it? Not only
does it stop my migraines dead in the water, better even than aspirin, but it also stops the endless
cramping and spasming in my neck and shoulders which apparently is triggered by my taking aspirin, but
also seems to go on and on and on at times for no known reason when I’m not taking aspirin, as well. I
got a prescription for Midrin because I can’t take aspirin any more (because of the cramping it sets off,
which interferes with my ability to make a living after a while, it hurts so bad) and needed something for
those ferocious migraines. Tylenol doesn’t touch them, and things like Excedrin and Ibuprofin work the
same way aspirin do and set off the cramping. So the doctor prescribed this.
The thing is, it does stop the neck cramps and the migraines, which suggests that a low-level chronic
migraine – not enough to cause a real headache, but enough to dilate blood vessels inside the head at
certain key sites – is what sets off the neck-cramping. At such times, I also become extremely irritable
and suffer from chronic insomnia, as well. Is it possible that the cramping, the irritability, and the
insomnia all come from expansion of blood-vessels in the head characteristic of migraines that usually
isn’t enough to set off a real migraine as such, but is enough to press against various parts of the motor
cortex, limbic brain, etc. and set off the other things? If so, that means I’m also at grave risk of a
cerebral aneurysm somewhere in the brain, maybe several places, and need to get that treated at once.
Am I just being hypochondriacal, or could it be that Midrin is suppressing a chronic low-level dilation of
cerebral blood-vessels and that that is how it stops the neck-cramps and, at the same time, the irritability
and insomnia which seem to go with the cramping?
The active ingredients in Midrin are isometheptene, dicholoralphenazone, and acetaminophen. If
you know anything about how these work, or the combination does, please let me know!
Thanks, love always, Yael Dragwyla


Dream – 9/15/1996

Hi –
I had a horrible dream this morning, and wondered what you might think of it. When it began, it
didn’t seem horrible at the time. There was this little old lady, one who seemed quite powerful,
somehow, dressed in a long black dress with a white apron and a white cap in a style out of the 19th
century. She acted as if she assumed she could have whatever she wanted, and whatever she demanded
of me she’d get. At any rate, I found myself going over to my poor cat Puggsley, cutting off his tail, and
fixing it for her to eat! I felt so good about preparing this interesting dish for her, and very anxious for
her to like it. She rejected it, so I started to go back to get Puggsley again, with the idea of butchering
him and making her a dish out of his haunches – and then I suddenly became aware of what I was about
to do, and stopped in my tracks, appalled, before I could get to Puggsley. About then I woke up,
shuddering. The worst of it was that up to that moment when I became aware of the fact that I was about
to murder my friend, my cat, to feed this woman I didn’t even know a dish of roast cat haunch that she
might not even want, I had had no feeling at all that what I was doing was wrong or weird or anything.
All I felt up until then was an overwhelming anxiety to please the woman, whoever she was. Why I had
made the first dish with my cat’s tail, I don’t know, why the idea of killing my cat and cooking him up
for her, I don’t know, and as to who she was – I have no idea. Only after I realized what I’d been about
to do and woke up did I have the shakes over it, but up until then, I was feeling calm, full of energy,
more or less happy.
Anybody ever had a dream like this? If so, what does it mean?
Take care, love always, Yael Dragwyla


In a message dated 96-09-15 21:25:35 EDT, you write:

<< Whether it will or not, we don’t know yet, but we found this extremely interesting
just as it is. You might want to do some checking of your own to see what you can find
out along those lines concerning our country’s Fearless Leader. If Clinton was one of
the Oxford Nazis’ fair-haired boys, it sure would explain a lot, wouldn’t it?
Let me know what, if anything, you find out. I’ll keep you posted on my end, too.
<< though Bill’s approach is quasi-fascistic, I don’t think the philosophy he pushes, if
philosophy it be, is along the lines of Ole Schickelgrubber. Seems to me, this is fascism
from the left, not the right -, as was the case with the National Socialists. >>

Hitler once said, “If the Jews had not already existed, we should have had to invent them!” His beliefs
and philosophy weren’t necessarily what he pushed publicly – the latter always had the aim of getting the
masses to act in a way that advanced his own interests, regardless of what he himself actually believed.
To put it plain and simple, Hitler and his cronies were just world-class predators who had seized upon a
weird historical moment and the opportunities it presented to get into power over a modern, highly
industrialized nation and advance a program of world-conquering. They were also occultists – but their
interest in the occult was subordinate to their political and other personal aims: a search for raw power,
the more the better, and the hell with how it was obtained. Everything else was frills – the nature of the
frills, however, does distinguish the Nazis from other, less weird predators and opportunists such as, e.g.,
Saddam Hussein (assuming he’s not an occultist). E.g., Hitler’s “Final Solution” for the Jews and
Gypsies of Europe may in fact have been in line with some sort of ultimate blood sacrifice for evoking
whatever occult sources of power Hitler was interested in. And so on. Now: remember Waco? And the
OKC bombing? They both occurred on April 19 – the anniversary of Hitler’s death in the Berlin bunker,
as I recall, as well as 10 days after the anniversary of the concluding third of the 3-day long celebration
of the anniversary of the transcription of The Book of the Law by Crowley. That book was supposedly
dictated to Crowley by a preternatural being, Aiwass, on April 8-10, 1904, as the result of the Cairo
Working in the Great Pyramid at midnight, March 20, 1904. The book supposedly prophecies a new age
– the Aeon of Aquarius – which was supposed to have begun on the night of the Cairo Working, initiated
by it, in fact. Hitler believed in that book – interpreted it in a way totally contrary to what Crowley
himself got out of it (by the way, Crowley hated Hitler and the Nazis and all they stood for, and worked
closely with MI5 during WW2 to do what he could to help defeat the Axis). Everything that is in Mein
Kampf came from Hitler’s twisted interpretation of that book. At any rate, look at the dates of the Waco
holocaust and the OKC bombing, as well as Clinton’s New-Agey crowd-pleasing, the fact that George
Bush (Clinton is Bush’s protege) has always had close ties to the Nazis this country took in after WW2,
and so on and on and on – funny patterns, aren’t they?
Wondering what you think, always, Yael Dragwyla


In a message dated 96-09-15 21:26:24 EDT, you write:

<< No, I don’t believe you mentioned that. Sorry, I don’t recall the author’s name, but
it should be available from the library’s list of books in print. Good luck finding it !!!
The library did get the publication data on the book, and it’s on order via interlibrary loan from
Vancouver, BC. :-)

My late friend Gary Csillaghegyi had a flag-and-banner business, StarFlag, when he moved up here, his
sole source of income. He had a number of flag-orders going with the federal government, and was
making a decent income from the business because of them, until 1989. That’s when our landlord’s
halide-light shop was raided during Operation Green Merchant (one of the stupider skirmishes of the
Drug Wars), and the federal fuzz therefore also came around and harassed both me and Gary because we
were Kevin’s tenants – or, rather, I was, and Gary was renting his apartment from the same man from
whom Kevin rented space for his store in that building. The word got back to George Bush, then
president – who’d already bought several flags from Gary – that Gary was renting from Kevin, so Bush
got him blacklisted from any further business from the federal government. Gary went bankrupt as a
result, and the stress of it was a contributing factor to his eventual heart-attack last year. Why Bush
decided to have Gary blacklisted has been a mystery every since. He was doing nothing wrong – he
happened to rent an apartment in a building in which a halide-light store was also operating, had nothing
to do with that business, and the raid itself was not really all that legal itself. Whatever Bush’s reasons
for getting Gary black-listed, they had nothing to do with law or anything else that would have made
sense. And my friend died as a result of it.

Take care, love always,


I have been increasingly disturbed by an ongoing “war of words” between ethical biologists such as Jeff
Masson and sociobiologists such as E. O. Wilson, apparently concerning underlying mechanisms behind
motivations for the behavior of organisms. The big bone of contention, as it were, seems to turn around
the possible sociobiological implications of current patterns of male-female interactions among primates
in general and human beings in particular. Dr. Donald Simons of UCSB – by the way, I had this idiot for
a professor – insist that male-dominance-vs.-female-submissiveness is a genetically hardwired tendency
that can’t be overcome with all the good will in the world, unchangeable, world without end, amen. The
feminists such as Masson insist on throwing out sociobiology because of idiots such as Simons. Is there
anyone out there with a grain of common sense? Male super-aggressiveness toward the female
ultimately becomes deadly to the female and the children she bears – including the offspring of the super-
aggressive male that has her in his thrall. Those who have to do the damage-control on the results of
violence by male predators, control-freaks, sadists, paranoiacs, etc. against their wives, children, strange
women and children, etc. can testify to the fact that much of the time such men are selecting their own
genes right out of the gene pool by their behavior, because they tend to go after the children of close
relatives or their own children more often than completely strange ones who are not biologically related
to them. Over time, if such behavior were completely biologically determined it would select itself out
of the gene pool in a big hurry. If it arose because of mutations, the tendency of codons to get mutated
that way would also become lessened by this selective pressure. Yet it comes up again and again and
again, and seems to correlate more strongly with cultural and environmental factors such as crowding,
bad diet, early experience of abuse, etc. than any genetic factors. That it runs in families isn’t proof it is
genetic – families transmit patterns of behavior to their children by example and related factors in ways
that have nothing to do with genes per se. So why the insistence that super-aggression in males of the
sort that works itself out in the form of wife-beating/murder and child-abuse is evolutionarily
advantageous, when it obviously isn’t? And why say the prevalence of such patterns discredits
sociobiology as a discipline, when in fact all it does is discredit those self-professed human
sociobiologists who build stupid models and theories to try to prove stupid ideas in spite of the fact that
the ideas are truly stupid?
I know that Elaine Morgan, who wrote Descent from Woman and other outstanding studies on human
evolution, doesn’t fall into either camp. Are there any other sane human sociobiologists out there? (If
there are, I would bet large sums of money that most or all of them are women – men seem to have such
a corner on macho stupidity when it comes to idiot theories! <G>)
Interested in your viewpoint on this. Take care, love always, Yael

Why I’m sending these late-night thoughts to you, I don’t know – maybe you can give me some
feedback on them no one else could.
A Fundamentalist friend recently asked me what good the study of the sciences has been to me,
spiritually speaking. As I told him, it has inspired me to virtues religion somehow never has. From
mathematics and physics, I have learned from Godel and Heisenberg that at the most fundamental levels
of both pure thought and physical reality, there are things we literally cannot know, perhaps never can
know. From biology, paleontology, and ecology I have learned that in the long run, the only things that
remain important are the things that matter to all living beings; the individual’s concerns remain issues
of importance for at most a few generations, if that, then drop out. By the study of sociobiology I have
become aware of how precious community is, its function as the vehicle of spirit long after the individual
has died. Sociobiology and evolutionary anthropology have reinforced what the rabbis have taught us all
along: “Remember in the midst of your pride, o man, that even the worm was made before thee.”
Together these have all given me a perspective that includes billions of years and a universe – or
multiverse – gigaparsecs or more in size. Once one has attained that perspective, there’s no going back –
and after that, egomania, vanity, power-lust, greed, and all the other great sins have seemed so very
pointless. I want enough, no more; and I am no longer so anxious about how long I will live, what shall
come after it. In short, science has enhanced religion for me in a way nothing else could have. I grant
you, this doesn’t happen very often. All I can say is that this is what it gave me, and I agree that there are
at least as many )*(s per cubic meter in the sciences as anywhere else. In my own case, though, study of
mathematics and the sciences has given me a reverence for life and Creation, a profound humility, and a
realistic perspective on my own importance (!) that nothing else in this world ever has. Perhaps religion
should have done that job for me in the first place, but it didn’t, so here we are, then. I only wonder why
it hasn’t done the job for so many others. <G>
– Yael Dragwyla


In a message dated 96-09-16 06:02:11 EDT, you write:

It’s about 3 in the morning and I’m waiting for an
experiment to finish, so if I sound goofy it’s because I’m
half asleep (or wish I were:)

Anyway, I think your subconscious has realized something

important and it’s trying to tell you about it. Jung said
that all characters in a dream represent aspects of
ourselves. After all, we create them! So according to
Jung, there’s a part of you that wants and tries to please
at all costs, represented in the dream by you. Your
subconscious has undoubtedly realized that there are
problems with this philosophy. There may also be a part of
you that is authoritarian, austere, and aloof, represented by
the old woman. And then there’s the part of you that is
loving, loyal, and soft, represented by your cat. This is
the part of you that gets hurt (your tail chopped off!) when
you try to appeal to the strict old lady. She may represent
you “dweller on the threshold.” You have to learn how to
deal with her without hurting yourself in the process. Maybe
you could try to contact her (that aspect of yourself) when
in meditation and get to know her better. In the end,
according to Jung, the goal is to synthesize these opposing
elements into one harmonic whole. Does this make any sense
at all?


It makes sense in terms of Jungian analysis, but it also has a frightening similarity to things recalled
by people who have been hypnotically or otherwise programmed by cults, governments, or just sadistic
individuals to carry out various commands on cue. They go into a state in which they feel nothing but a
tremendous desire to carry out the command, until it’s all over, at which point, if what they have done is
really bad, they feel horrible remorse. I’m not saying that happened to me – but it felt as if I’d been
taken completely over by something else while I was cutting off Puggsley’s tail and serving it up to
whoever that was.
At the same time, throughout my life I’ve had numerous dreams in which I was doing through
horrible experiences which, it turned out when I awoke, were things that were actually happening to
someone else while I was asleep, as evidenced by the news on radio, TV, or the papers, or from some
individual I knew. Lately, I’ve been subscribing to this “DDS” list for people who suffer from
Dissociative Disorders or Multiple Personality Syndrome (I have the first a little, not the second) because
of extreme post-traumatic stress syndrome and/or programming by some group for some (bad) purpose.
This dream also had strong similarities to some of the things they report as having happened to them. I
have no idea whether I was in someone else’s head, as it were, going through what they actually were in
real life, or recalling a memory of something that happened to me as a child, or just battling something
from my own unconscious mind. If it had been just something I read about somewhere, I would have
been outside the experience during the dream, watching it from an outside perspective – that’s the way
these things work for me. So it was somebody’s personal experience, but I have no idea whether it was
mine or someone else’s, and if it was mine, whether it was real-time or just something psychological.


Curt –
While I hadn’t heard (so far) the latest about Kevin and Larry, I had heard a rumor to the effect that
Kevin is planning to write a sex-manual, a la The Joy of Sex. He’s planning to call it Total Sleaze. It
covers such subjects as, e.g., using silicone jelly rather than Vaseline for whacking off, because otherwise
you could get burned bad when the Vaseline catches fire from the friction; what to do if it turns out the
8-year old you’re planning to molest knows karate; lists of bail-bondsmen and good lawyers who
specialize in getting sex-offenders off the hook; how to make out your will when you come down with
AIDS; etc. . . .
. . . So what is the latest about Kevin and Larry?
– Yael


Cain & Abel 9/17/1996

When taken literally, the Old Testament frequently seems ridiculous, at least to our modern minds.
But it should be remembered that the people who put that book together, like the ancient Greeks,
employed “just-so” stories and half-understood tales to record valuable information, historical, spiritual,
and otherwise, that otherwise they could not have preserved. So often reality is far more complex and
less comprehensible than we can grasp, but by means of our stories, parables, metaphors, and anecdotes
we can at least get something of a handle on them. So it was with the people who wrote the Old
Testament. And in that book we frequently find, embedded in what seems to be a fabulous or fantastic
story, some very important information concerning how we all came to be what we are now, and where
we might be going.
Consider, for example, the story of Cain and Abel, sons of Adam, recorded in Genesis. Taken
literally, without any other context than the King James version of Genesis, the story is an oddity,
perhaps a psychological study of the murder of one brother by another and the guilt felt by the murderer,
expressed as a seeming vision of the wrath of God and a psychosomatic or self-inflicted “Mark of Cain.”
But looking deeper into it, in the context of what we now know from archeology and other disciplines
about the history and evolution of our species, there is something more and other here.
‘Way back when, Paleolithic hunter-gathering communities often lived side-by-side with Neolithic
farming communities. The hunter-gatherers tended to keep their numbers down so that they would not
over-harvest their habitat, and while they were territorial concerning the entire range of their wanderings,
they weren’t nearly as much so as farmers are concerning their farm-lands. Hunter-gatherers wander
widely, and often tend not to see the sort of boundary-markers farmers use as important. They thus may
wander across a farmer’s land, taking game as they will – which can make the farmer very angry,
especially if the hunter-gatherers also start sampling his produce as they go through his fields.
Something like that may have led to so hot and prolonged a conflict between an early farming
community and a community of hunter-gatherers whose range crossed the former’s settled, marked lands
that the farmers decided to get together and wipe out the hunters, just as they might go after crows or
other “vermin” that attacked their crops or trespassed on their lands. So one day (or night) a band of
farmers, armed with weapons, perhaps of copper or bronze or even iron (for Cain was rumored to be a
blacksmith, and the founder of a whole lineage of blacksmiths), sought out the main encampment of the
hunters and their families. Swooping down on the hunters, who were armed with sticks, stone tools, and
nets, but no metal tools, the larger, better-fed group of farmers wiped out the hunters.
The leader of the farmers was named “Cain,” perhaps; the Old Man of the hunters, “Abel.”
Afterward, the farmers felt remorse for what they had done, and passed the story on to their children and
their children’s children for generations, and finally it was recorded as an anecdote in Genesis. And so
this story may contain important information concerning the history of cultures in the Middle East and
the interactions between Neolithic farming communities and Paleolithic hunter-gatherer communities
there that could broaden and deepen our understanding of human history and our own roots.


Subj: ferret brownies

Date: 96-09-19 13:57:16 EDT
From: (Holly Park Library)

[In response to a post in which I speculated that perhaps ferrets were the prototypes for legends of sprites,
pixies, leprechauns, etc. because of their high intelligence, mischievousness, and the way they use their
very humanoid hands]

Yael–why do you think they call a male ferret “Hob. . .”[g]

(and what about the little-girl “sprites?” There’s something here! There’s a kids’ book, “Stinker From
Space,” about an ET whose nearest earthly analog is–a skunk! Great little book–the alien’s real name is
something like “T-s’ink-ur”)

love, Kate


The difference between anarchy and government is that between chaotic evil and well-organized evil.
How well organized do you want your evil to be?


Hello –
Just heard something interesting you may want to check out concerning a group apparently
associated with promotion of the idea of “False Memory Syndrome.” This group, some of whose
members work closely with those most involved in pushing FMS, is the Institute for Historical Review.
The IHR was founded at Oxford University, England, back in the 1960s, by Nazis, neo-Nazis, and their
fellow-travelers, many of whom were among the staff and faculty of that university. Its purpose was to
defend the major tenets of “Holocaust Revisionism,” claiming that the Holocaust of European Jewry by
Nazi Germany never happened. The IHR has a major center in Los Angeles, California, and was
affiliated with Bradley Smith, publisher of Prima Facie, an American historical revisionism journal,
during the 1980s. The IHR publishes their own journal, as well, Journal of Historical Review. They do
not directly promote the notion of “False Memory Syndrome,” but many of their members work closely
with major promoters of the idea and with jurisprudential and political bodies working to discredit
victims by using it as a blanket defense in criminal trials of perpetrators, especially high-ranking ones.
Why is the IHR involved in promotion of FMS? I think this should be checked out. Anyone know
anything more about this? I got this from a friend who is doing GOPHER research on Internet (I’m not
able to do that myself at this time, for various reasons, not the least of which has to do with fund$$ for it.


Subj: Enemy Enema

Date: 96-09-21 09:14:12 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Polaris93

In a message dated 96-09-15 23:39:49 EDT, you write:

<< Hitler once said, “If the Jews had not already existed, we should have had to invent them!” His
beliefs and philosophy weren’t necessarily what he pushed publicly – the latter always had the aim of
getting the masses to act in a way that advanced his own interests, regardless of what he himself actually
believed. To put it plain and simple, Hitler and his cronies were just world-class predators who had
seized upon a weird historical moment and the opportunities it presented to get into power over a
modern, highly industrialized nation and advance a program of world-conquering. >>

No doubt about it. Governments have always used the principles of mass merchandising and Hegelian
logic to create an “external” enemy; in this case by ostracizing the Jewish community from the rest of
German society. Look, we did it with the Communists, the Romans had the Xtians, etc., etc. etc.

By rallying the dumbed-down masses to fight a trumped up “enemy” is an age-old technique for those in
power to consolidate their power, or hang on the power if
they’re in danger of losing it. Enemies lists are ubiquitous. Look at Iraq and Iran. Though enemies
themselves, they share the Great Satan (the US) as a common enemy.


Subj: Re: Another way to look at it . . .

Date: 96-09-21 19:25:33 EDT
From: MERLIN1246
To: Polaris93,,

In a message dated 96-09-19 21:52:24 EDT, Polaris93 writes:

<< To:,

To: MERLIN1246,

The difference between anarchy and government is that between chaotic evil and well-organized evil.
How well organized do you want your evil to be? >>

>>> About as organized as my desk at work. . .. . .. . .<VBG>



A Thought – 9/23/1996
Merl –
Just had a thought. Bill Clinton – like Bush before him – never would have got where he did, and
couldn’t remain there now, without public tolerance, or at least lack of action. The reasons the public
hasn’t acted to oust him – that they voted for him (and Bush before him) – grew out of public perception
of Clinton before and after his election. Those perceptions were shaped by the media – and clearly some
very highly sophisticated social psychology was used in that shaping. The most highly sophisticated
technology of that sort has been developed by US Army PsyOps (Psychological Warfare Operations).
What possibility is there that US Army Intelligence has been closely involved in the rise to power of the
slimeballs we’ve had infesting the Presidency for so many years, Clinton, Bush, and all the others?
Remember that it was the Civil War and its aftermath that destroyed freedom in this country for us all –
and that those responsible for the deliberate destruction of freedom in this country had in many cases
close ties with the US Army. It might be enlightening to research this farther – to what extent has the
Army been involved in all the deterioration of American culture and life, and for how long?
Interested in your thoughts on this.
– yrd


Re: A Thought – 9/24/1996

Ken –

In a message dated 96-09-24 13:00:14 EDT, you write:

<< >(Psychological Warfare Operations). What possibility is there that US

>Intelligence has been closely involved in the rise to power of the slimeballs
>we’ve had infesting the Presidency for so many years, Clinton, Bush, and all
>the others?

Hum . . . very interesting. You’ll remember Heinlein’s “If This Goes On–”? >>

Yes – except he was writing about a takeover by the religious right. What I’m wondering is about the
possibility the US Army has been doing so covertly, behind the scenes, since Grant’s administration. If
so, why? Why the Army, particularly? And who else? (Since so many employees of such federal
agencies as the FBI, CIA, etc. for many decades have been Mormons, if Army is doing this, maybe it is
an attempt at a theocratic takeover, by some splinter group of Mormon fringe fanatics?)

<< And for that matter, you’ve read In the Country of the Blind by Michael Flynn? (If
not, do anything necessary to find a copy . . . really, it’s full of head-bangers.) >>

Will call library tomorrow to do a search. :-)

<< >farther – to what extent has the Army been involved in all the
>deterioration of American culture and life, and for how long?

I don’t think it would be the Army or even the military per se, but perhaps
the intelligence (so-called :-) branches in association with the OSS/CIA/NSA
perhaps. Or perhaps just some secret organization that’s infiltrated ‘em. >>

No, it wouldn’t. This started way the hell and gone before the OSS was a gleam in the federal
government’s eye, maybe as far back as Grant’s administration. And the US Army is the one that
developed these particular psyops technologies, the sort you would use to manipulate public opinion if
you were waging a covert war on your own people. The CIA et al inherited this technology from Army,
and developed it even further, but they weren’t first either at creating it or using it.
<< Or, as L. Neil Smith says an editor once pointed out, “never attribute to conspiracy
what can just as easily be explained as stupidity”. >>

Somebody is behind the overall media bias in this country, a growing bias that has contributed more and
more to a great many of the gross evils committed by our government in the last several decades. As far
as the major media go, we have either Oprah, Barney the Dinosaur, game shows, or CNN News– and
little else. I.e., pap, more pap, yet more pap, and damned lies, all slanted to make anyone who criticizes
the powers that be look crazy, stupid, criminal, or all three. Like a cross between 1984 and Brave New
World (Brave New World of 1984?). There has to be something going on. The motives behind it could
be something as crass and petty as monetary greed – or as horrible as trying to own and control the whole
world for completely psychopathic purposes. Whatever the motives, whoever is behind it, there’s been
too obvious a bias, for too long, to ignore. It’s not accidental, it’s not a result of market pressure or
anything as automatic as that.

<< I’ve worried and fretted over the social/cultural deterioration we see all around us
for a long time. Much of it is caused by the “free public schools” of course . . . maybe
it’s the Teacher’s Union behind it all, eh? When I was in 3rd grade, we had a couple
weeks on table manners and related general politeness – I’m sure they don’t do THAT
anymore. We sang folk songs and read stories about the common American Cultural
Myths – I doubt they do that now. I suspect the only common culture kids get now is
from TV (Gawd help us!). >>

Same here. And from appearances in my state, there really is some sort of a thing pushed by the
teachers’ unions, who have (I swear this is true) gotten children thrown out of school for insisting on
more academic meat to the curriculum and less fluff, who protest teaching real American history (as
opposed to Politically Correct damned lies and cardboard mythology), who want to substitute “relevant”
PC courses in place of what’s left of teaching of basic skills such as reading, arithmetic, writing, etc.
These damned idiots write letters to the newspaper on behalf of their unions protesting “overemphasis on
outmoded ‘Basic Skills Programs,’ for real. Maybe it’s just a conspiracy of really stupid, incompetent
teachers who don’t want to have to do any real teaching. But a conspiracy it is.

<< I guess an important question would be “IS it an organized attempt to destroy

the cultural center of America”? “IS it an organized attempt to destroy the
Traditional American Values”? Those values being primarily individualism,
independence, self-reliance, self-determination, think-for-yourself, and in
matters of religion: heresy.

This is a question I’m unable to answer. Somedays I think “Yes, it’s gotta be
deliberate”. Other days, I think maybe it’s just the vector sum of “Progressivism”
(nowadays falsely called “liberalism”) and “Collectivism”, along with “guilt for our
collective success”. All arising from the contradictions in the common culture arising
from trying to meld individualism with the Plato/Augustine version of Christianity. In
other words the contradiction of individualism and altruism (not be confused with
benevolence). >>

The problem is that there are a great many powerful vested interests who could only benefit if the
American people were turned into so many confused, dizzy, jacklighted sheep, unable to do anything but
what their masters told them to do. And no scruples about doing so – if they could, they would. They
can, they’ve got the sociopsychological technology, developed by the Army and, later, the CIA et al. Not
to mention the infernal miracles accomplished by Hitler and Goebbels (and how many “reformed” “ex”-
Nazis did we take in after WW 2?). So . . .

<< I had the . . . ah . . . “pleasure” of being raised in the old-fashioned libertarian

Southern Baptist culture (not to be confused with the new know-nothing version). We
were constantly being given those Traditional American Values, and at the same time
were being given those anti-individualism “selfless” Christian values. We were
supposed to divide our minds into water-tight compartments so we wouldn’t have to
deal with the contradictions. Call me “Titanic”, I wasn’t unsinkable ;-)
I’m rambling. Anyway, this is the best I’ve been able to do to explain it. Ayn Rand hit
me like a ton of bricks at age 20, providing a framework to get it all sorted out. I don’t
think she got everything right, but the outline is a damn good one. Which reminds me,
I haven’t re-read Atlas Shrugged in about 10 years. Walking through a shopping mall
last week reminded me very much of parts of that book . . . more and more shops
closing, people looking more and more worried.

So. There’s what I think . . . as best I can, anyway. I trust I’m looking worried a lot,
too. >>

Maybe I’m only seeing ghosts. But I’ve seen too much in my time that I can’t dismiss. Here’s
another weird thought for you: the CIA, for example, has used every avenue, licit and otherwise, to
finance their various operations, including drug-running. What other vices have they exploited to get
funds? Probably everything under the Sun – and nearest rock, for that matter. The Roman Empire
probably did similar things to maintain power and fight dissent, in its time. As long as vice has existed,
there’s always been a “shadow civilization,” a dark underside to every major urban civilization which has
accounted for vast amounts of the wealth flowing through that civilization. People have always been
willing to pay through the nose to feed their various joneses – and the more tabu and proscribed those
joneses are, the more the traffic will bear. The vice-lords of the world have generally always been very
wealthy, and since wealth can easily buy political power and impregnability, they have also (on the
average) been politically powerful and well-connected. True, their power and wealth have never been
obvious, publicly, by the very nature of what they do – but it is there, and could account for up to 25% or
more of the true wealth of a nation or civilization. Governments have always found it easier to turn a
blind eye on much or most of those crepuscular undersides of their nations as long as the latter never got
too obvious in their activities, or caused too much trouble, especially trouble of a particular nature. And
whenever the “tenebrous” world, the demimonde, decides to actually cooperate with the official,
“daylight” one, often the latter is only too happy to get that cooperation – it makes its job far easier and
less costly, for one thing, and also the backsheesh (shhh!!) can be most gratifying. This sort of thing has
probably gone on since the first cities, thousands of years ago, people being what they are (greedy, lazy,
and too trusting). We’d be fools to think it hasn’t happened here, as well – what do you think the “Drug
War” is really all about, after all? It’s just a selection process to keep weeding out the incompetent and
weak among the criminal class, so that what is left make very efficient partners with the “non-criminal”
class. John Brunner wrote about this in The Shockwave Rider – and yes, it goes on here. So: to what
extent does that twilight world call the shots when it comes to what our official governments do? To
what extent does it determine political and military policy, both international and domestic? And just
how appalling are the crimes committed by the demimonde as part of their business operations that
tolerated by our official governments as part of this “silent partnership”? In other words, to what extent
is our country actually governed by true sociopaths? (Before you answer that one, take a look at Hitler’s
These aren’t frivolous or lightly-considered speculations. I’ve seen far too much indicating that our
own nation’s demimonde has an unholy amount of power and influence with our official government.
And if that really is the case, trying to alert the public to it would be putting one’s neck in a noose. Or
strait-jacket – often they prefer merely to put you away for the rest of your life and keep you doped up on
thorazine and haldol until you croak because you are “obviously paranoid.” Well, be that as it may,
while I’m convinced such ties exist and have always existed between the underworld and the official one,
it isn’t clear how strong they are in this country. And I think that’s something we really need more
information on.
– Yael Dragwyla


Ken –

In a message dated 96-09-25 13:30:46 EDT, you write:

<< >Yes – except he was writing about a takeover by the religious right.
Right, Left, what’s the difference? >>

There’s the religious right, the non-religious right, and the left, which tends not to be overtly religious, at
least in any way harnassable for political purposes (unless you count the mundane, atheistic “religions” of
communism and socialism as such, which some do). I agree these are “only” labels, and over time, their
definitions tend to become too fuzzy to be useful. Even so, for the moment, when one says “religious
right,” clearly one is “not” referring to Bill Clinton, Ted Turner, or their ilk. Nor is one referring to a
non-secular outfit such as the US Army, which at least officially is not organized on religious lines, not at
this point.

<< >Somebody is behind the overall media bias in this country, a growing bias
>that has contributed more and more to a great many of the gross evils
>committed by our government in the last several decades.

Well, it seems that way, doesn’t it. Sometimes I think it’s a small group of
somebody’s, other times I think it’s just the common culture of the media people. >>

Maybe a combination of both. In ecology we learn “You can never do just one thing,” and “Nothing has
just one cause.” Everything that has to do with living organisms, including humanity, is synergistic –
even zombies like the news-ghouls <g>. It’s more a matter of opportunism. The great chess-masters are
masters because they can see about 15 moves ahead, whereas non-masters can see at most about 5-10
moves ahead. So the masters see more opportunities, and are experienced and intelligent enough to
exploit them. But without the opportunities, no game. Conspiracies are much more like AIDS than like
Horatio Alger: they come about when niches evolve that are ripe for their exploitation, rather than doing
anything truly original or creative. They then settle into the niche and start fluffing out the pillows,
putting up the curtains, generally making it comfy for themselves. As a result, it changes, just as a new
house that has just been sold to a family changes a lot over time as the family settles into it, or as virgin
territory changes after the first colonists move into it. As it changes, the opportunities it presents change,
both qualitatively and quantitatively, affording possibilities to different types of opportunists, as well as
more (or less) of them. The opportunists interact with one another, sometimes in a friendly way,
sometimes in hostile ways, sometimes in a trophic way (i.e., “big fish eat little fish” interactions – in such
a setting, these are known as, e.g., “corporate takeovers,” “mergers,” etc.). As a result, the balance of
power shifts, policy decisions change, etc. Conspiracies are just colonists filling a niche, and form an
ecosystem, and their behavior and the effects they have on their habitat and other organisms around them
follow the same rules that govern all ecosystems. And in any ecosystem, this means (a) species diversity,
(b) competition among inhabitants, (c) commensalism, symbiosis, and parasitism, (d) the “Law of the
Limit” (that resource which is the scarcest determines the nature and balance of the whole system),
speciation, radiation, catastrophe theory, etc. Sort of like rats and cockroaches in the basement of a
house. <G>

<< > There has to be something going on.

This is the sticking point. It seems reasonable. But is it? Is something really going on
behind the scenes – something deliberate, something consciously chosen? How do we
tell? Deductive reasoning breaks down, there’s all that evidence, but it’s all indirect. >>

Sure. If there’s a niche, something, somewhere, will exploit it. There’s always a dark place behind the
scenes the public doesn’t see, if only the place in the theater where the actors have their dressing-rooms
and the grips store the props. And where there’s money and power, there will always be greedy, power-
hungry people who go for them, and many of these will cowards who work best in the dark, and there
you are. There are six billion people now alive on this planet, and there’ll always be some of them on
any tail of any bell-curve you can come up with, including moral and political ones. So the predators
will always be with us – including the political and financial ones.

<< > The motives behind it could be something as crass and petty as monetary
>greed – or as horrible as trying to own and control the whole world for
>completely psychopathic purposes. Whatever the motives, whoever is behind
>it, there’s been too obvious a bias, for too long, to ignore. It’s not
>accidental, it’s not a result of market pressure or anything as automatic as

Or, it’s perhaps more likely that there are COMPETING esoteric groups,
if it comes down to actual real, live conspiracy. Rockafeller/Morgan
against Rothschild, or whatever. >>

This goes back to competing, evolving colonists of a niche, described above.

<< The evidence points to the Ford Foundation engaging in a decades-long attempt to
destroy the education system in this country . . . or are they actually trying to make it
better like they claim? How would we tell? >>

The Ford Foundation never puts money into anything over that long a span of time unless it expects a
pay-off as a result, and if the pay-off isn’t what it wants, it makes sure that something else is done with
its funding, instead. Look at where it’s put its money over the decades, and the results!

<< >Same here. And from appearances in my state, there really is some sort of
>a thing pushed by the teachers’ unions, who have (I swear this is true)
>gotten children thrown out of school for insisting on more academic meat to
>the curriculum and less fluff, who protest teaching real American history (as
>opposed to Politically Correct damned lies and cardboard mythology), who
>to substitute “relevant” PC courses in place of what’s left of teaching of
>basic skills such as reading, arithmetic, writing, etc. These damned idiots
>write letters to the newspaper on behalf of their unions protesting
>“overemphasis on outmoded ‘Basic Skills Programs,’ for real. Maybe it’s
>just a conspiracy of really stupid, incompetent teachers who don’t want to
>have to do any real teaching. But a conspiracy it is.

Well, you and I are engaged in a conspiracy to make the world over into what we think
is a better place . . .. ;-) >>

Gee . . . how’d you guess? <G>

<< Of course, we don’t have any power or influence :-( >>

Not the Big Brass Band type, no. That’s all too the good. More can be done by Sneaky Ninja-Style
Night-Fighter Guerilla Educationists via media such as Internet and other modern equivalents of Nailing
Fiery Broadsides to Public Walls (which is one way those fomenting the first French Revolution helped
push the public into going through with it) and other covert means than by going on TV to Tell the
World. It takes much longer for the Powers That Be to realize what’s going on, and by then, it’s much
too late. The rats in the walls have started plagues that brought down otherwise invulnerable empires that
seemed to be eternal – so let’s start some whacking great plagues of education around here! <G>

<< >The problem is that there are a great many powerful vested interests who
>could only benefit if the American people were turned into so many confused,
>dizzy, jacklighted sheep, unable to do anything but what their masters told
>them to do. And no scruples about doing so – if they could, they would.
> They can, they’ve got the sociopsychological technology, developed by the
>Army and, later, the CIA et al. Not to mention the infernal miracles
>accomplished by Hitler and Goebbels (and how many “reformed” “ex”-Nazis
>we take in after WW 2?). So . . .

*sigh* This is certainly possible. It explains things. Is it true? How could we tell? Like
I said, about half the time I think this IS what’s happening. The other 50% of the time I
think it’s just Stupidity In Action. >>
How can you tell? Look at what the AMA and FDA have done over the years to try to make it illegal to
manufacture, sell, or take vitamins! What business is it of theirs, after all, what we do to ourselves? I
can see the FDA enforcing honest labeling – but after that, to try to regulate what we ourselves choose to
put in our bodies is something the Founding Fathers would have lynched them for. Ditto the AMA.
These groups do everything they can to kill the 2nd Amendment, destroy the supplement industry, keep
us confused about the value of our food (nil) and need for supplements (extreme), and kill the alternative
medicine industry. Why? Part of it is to kill competition – yet they could cash in on this themselves,
make money developing great supplements and alternative therapies. And why the 2nd Amendment? If
guns are inherently that dangerous, it can only mean more money for them. If not, none of their business.
Either way, who do they think they are, to tell the rest of us how to run our lives and our stomachs?
What’s the point? The point, darlin’, is to keep us all sick, stupid and confused for lack of good food and
effective doctoring – easier to manage us that way. Even more so if we don’t have anything to fight back

<< >Maybe I’m only seeing ghosts. But I’ve seen too much in my time that I
>dismiss. Here’s another weird thought for you: the CIA, for example, has
>used every avenue, licit and otherwise, to finance their various operations,
>including drug-running. What other vices have they exploited to get funds?
> Probably everything under the Sun – and nearest rock, for that matter. The
>Roman Empire probably did similar things to maintain power and fight
>in its time. As long as vice has existed, there’s always been a “shadow
>civilization,” a dark underside to every major urban civilization which has
>accounted for vast amounts of the wealth flowing through that civilization.

The bootleggers supported Prohibition as much or more than the tea-totalers did ;-) >>

And look at the Drug Wars!

<< > In other words, to what extent is our country actually governed by true
>sociopaths? (Before you answer that one, take a look at Hitler’s Germany.)

Yeah. Billy Jeff the 43-Percenter seems to fit right in, doesn’t he. >>

If you’re talking about Bill the Pill, I can only agree.

<< >I’m convinced such ties exist and have always existed between the
>and the official one, it isn’t clear how strong they are in this country.
> And I think that’s something we really need more information on.

Yes. But how to find out? Beats me. >>

Another vice . . . ;-) Seriously, folks, you can look at “statistical skew,” look at trends and other
statistically evident effects of hidden underlying causes, then infer the nature of the causes from that of
the trends and effects. When every factor you know about is accounted for and still observed effects
aren’t explained, then you know other things you don’t know about are at work. You work backward to
try to figure out what they have to be, then do more sampling to test your models. Etc.

<< I think the thing that keeps . . . ah . . . things from getting worse is that there
are rival gangs out there. Rival demons, rival Godfathers, whatever.

Consider the recent “political” show – both “major” parties nominated goons that
nobody seems to like. What kind of silliness lead them to do that, anyway? Just how
out-of-touch with the “grassroots” are they? >>
This I agree. In this great country, you have everything from Scientology to Rev. Moon – and little or no
consensus! ;-) Seriously, I think the competition among predators is all that has kept us from going all
the way over the same edge Germany did in 1933. Let’s hear it for Kompeting Klowns! ;-)

<< Well, I’ve been thinking about this for about 20 years now. Unfortunately I
can’t get anywhere without evidence. The only way I can think of to get
evidence is to infiltrate ‘em – descend into the den of corruption without getting
any on me. Probably too late for me to even try that. (I wonder what would have
happened if I’d answered those CIA recruiting adverts when I was in college?)

Nope – start using statistical tools, as described above. Safer – and thanks to the FIA
and Internet, you can still get all the data you need.

<< And of course, even direct testimony from “insiders” is suspect: how do we know
it’s not part of a disinformation ploy? It comes down to the rather irritating and
frightening possibility that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to find out the truth about this stuff. I hate
it when that happens. >>

Assuming at least 80% of everything is disinformation – and start slinging plenty of it into the system
yourself! You don’t have to know how much is signal, how much noise, in order to add some noise
yourself. You don’t even have to know much about who out there is putting disinformation in, and why,
in order to screw them up by putting plenty out there yourself. If you have not done so, be sure to read
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s Illuminatus! trilogy – I mean it! It’s in a lovely trade paperback,
3 volumes under one cover, not expensive, get it at B. Dalton’s (or cheap at a used bookstore). In volume
3, read about this guy Markov Chaney . . .

<< So, what I have to do is trust that the rival factions/gangs will keep busy
fighting each other and leave me alone. The free market works even in
underground conspiracies, I’m sure. Although they try to agree to divide up
territory, but then they wait for a slip to move in on ‘em

Of course, lately they’ve been feeling more confident, haven’t they. >>

Which makes them ripe for exploitation – easier to sneak up on their wallets . . . ;-)

<< Or else more fearful that they are loosing control. I’ve decided all this hysteria about
guns, “pornography”, and drugs is just a sign that the “Powers that Be” are loosing their
grip on things, and are thrashing about in a blind rage trying to maintain. In other
words, Marx was right: the state is withering away, and really upset about it, too. >>

Read Illuminatus! – more on this in there.

<< And maybe the “under-state” (or “states” – if any) are doing the same thing. >>

They function just like any “official” state, so you can bet that’s what they’re doing, too.

<< Or maybe I’m just a silly optimist. >>

It’s something to do until the Hangman shows up . . . ;-)

<< Alas, I fear we’re living in “interesting times >>

Haven’t we always? Ask the dinosaurs who were doing their thing about 65 million years ago, the
shellfish whose fossils are so plentiful right up to the edge of the Upper Paleozoic’s upper boundary, the .
. . Life has always lived on the edge between catastrophe and disaster, and somehow, 4 billion years
later, it’s still here. It will still be here long after Standard Oil and all the rest of our wheelers and dealers
are dust and fossils themselves, and may even go on on planets of other stars long after Earth is a well-
toasted asteroid belt. From life’s point of view, it is only the interesting times that provide the kick
necessary for evolutionary creativity (though it’s a little rough on us, as individuals). Plus ca change,
plus ca la meme chose . . .

Take care, love always, Yael


In a message dated 96-09-25 18:28:50 EDT, you write:

<< There’s the religious right, the non-religious right, and the left, which

Yeah, sure, but what’s the real difference. The Operational Difference (tm)? None. >>

That’s not true. The religious right always has a tight focus, emotionally and otherwise, which the
others lack, and it generally makes them better-organized and better coordinated. The things they want
politically differ from the things the others do, their goals are different, and they provide a good critical
corrective to the left (and vice-versa). This is like saying there’s no operational difference between the
left and right halves of our brains, or of our hearts, or our bodies in general. In fact, there is a great deal
of functional difference between these, and this is true of their political analogs. The main thing, at least
for now, is that the right, especially the religious right, is resistant to change and to federalization, when
it comes to politics, whereas the left is “progressive,” enamored of change, federalization., and so on.
The right emphasizes the individual, especially the spiritual aspects of the individual; the left is
concerned with “the masses.” The religious right, like the right in general, in this country (at least for
now), tends to cling to the Bill of Rights, in simple self-defense; the left believes the Bill of Rights is
“outmoded,” and wants to junk it. (BTW, I disagree all to hell and gone with the strictly religious
outlook of the religious right – but we agree absolutely on the Bill of Rights, and de-federalization.)
Always, the right is conservative when it comes to change, resistant to it, the left quite the opposite. So
they have profoundly different effects on the country, and want to steer it in very different directions.
That is one hell of a difference, as far as I’m concerned!
This is not to say that I agree religiously with the religious right, nor that I believe they can do no
wrong when it comes to politics. At this moment of history, in the current political context, they function
as described above. Under other circumstances, they could provide us with a Torquemada. The left, on
the other hand, could give us a Hitler. In Germany in the 1930s, the reverse was true – but that was a
different time, place, and culture.
For what it’s worth, those are the differences between left and right in this country, at this time.

<< >The Ford Foundation never puts money into anything over that long a span
>time unless it expects a pay-off as a result, and if the pay-off isn’t what
>it wants, it makes sure that something else is done with its funding,
>instead. Look at where it’s put its money over the decades, and the results!

But is it deliberate or is it just stupidity? Maybe I have trouble admitting the reality of
evil. Even when I know better. Damn, this optimism thing is a drag sometimes ;-) >>

It’s deliberate. It’s also stupid, because it sabotages the future – everybody’s future. Ted Bundy and Jeff
Dahmer were evil. They also both got caught, big time. Hitler was evil – and bought the farm. Evil is
stupid. Evil is appetite unrestrained by morality – and morality is ultimately based on wisdom, both
personal and collective, reasoned and intuitive, learned and genetic. Read Lyall Watson’s Dark Nature
(just out) – great read on the sociobiology of evil! Watson is a real biologist and ecologist; he is also a
very wise, thoughtful man, and he has a good deal to say on the subject. Anyway, evil – real spiritual
evil – is real. But it may be due to a spiritual version of the sort of biochemical and similar breakdowns
that produce such purely physical horrors as cancer, hemophilia, congenital teratologies (monsters in the
womb), and so on. M. Scott Peck, who wrote People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, who
is a psychiatrist and thus an M.D., suggests this about evil, that it is in its own way a sickness or
dysfunction, an ultimate one – and one for which there is hope of healing. Even so, as he says, it has to
be dealt with, confronted, fought, or otherwise, like some horrible cancer, it takes over everything. The
problem really isn’t evil, it is how it is dealt with by all of us. If we have a culture that refuses to
acknowledge its reality and deal with it decisively and intelligently, it’ll spread like a bastard; otherwise,
it stays at a minimum. It’s just like cancer – cancerous cells bud off healthy ones all the time, but in a
healthy body, the body’s defenses nail the individual cancer cells before they can form colonies, and keep
cancer from getting a real stronghold in the body. In a sick body, defenses are too little and too late,
cancer gets started and then spreads like wildfire. Same thing with evil. The thing is, there’s a difference
between agreeing to acknowledge its reality and going along with one or another particular remedy for it.
I know evil exists and will do hideous things if not checked, but my ideas of how to deal with it may
differ quite widely from those of others. The founders of our nation set up checks and balances in the
Constitution to minimize its appearance on a political, national level, but our culture’s inherent moral and
spiritual checks and balances have long since deteriorated until there’s little to oppose evil. The religious
right does take a stand against it. Why don’t the rest of us? Unfortunately, in this country, over the last
several decades, the left and right have split up along lines in part determined by whether or not one
believes that evil is real, and believes it ought to be dealt with. That should be something we all agree
on, left or right, conservative or progressive, whatever. So why don’t we? Why has this been left to the
religious right? Shame on all of us that that has become our sad and sorry spiritual state today!

<< ><< Of course, we don’t have any power or influence :-( >>
>Not the Big Brass Band type, no. That’s all to the good. More can be done
>by Sneaky Ninja-Style Night-Fighter Guerilla Educationists via media such as
>Internet and other modern equivalents of Nailing Fiery Broadsides to Public
>Walls (which is one way those fomenting the first French Revolution helped
>push the public into going through with it) and other covert means than by
>going on TV to Tell the World. It takes much longer for the Powers That Be
>to realize what’s going on, and by then, it’s much too late. The rats in the
>walls have started plagues that brought down otherwise invulnerable empires
>that seemed to be eternal – so let’s start some whacking great plagues of
>education around here! <G>

Well, you’ve seen my web site ( for y’all what

hasn’t). >>

Not yet – still getting up the nerve (and bucks for Internet search time) to check it out, dammit.

<< > *sigh* This is certainly possible. It explains things. Is it true? How
> could we tell? Like I said, about half the time I think this IS what’s
> happening. The other 50% of the time I think it’s just Stupidity In Action.
>How can you tell? Look at what the AMA and FDA have done over the years
>try to make it illegal to manufacture, sell, or take vitamins! What business
>is it of theirs, after all, what we do to ourselves? [snip]
> Either way, who do they think they are, to tell the
>rest of us how to run our lives and our stomachs? What’s the point? The
>point, darlin’, is to keep us all sick, stupid and confused for lack of good
>food and effective doctoring – easier to manage us that way. Even more so
>if we don’t have anything to fight back with.

There’s also the little fact that Robert Anton Wilson reported somewhere on the
research findings that dominating someone causes an increase in the dominator’s level
of sex hormone. In other words, being a bureaucrat gives one a better sex life. >>

I saw something on that in the local papers. I believe it! People do get off on power, and on the struggle
for it, women as well as men. There have been studies done on habitual violent offenders in prisons that
show their hypothalamuses (pleasure-centers) have far more receptor-sites for adrenaline, cortisone, and
other hormones associated with anger, rage, “rage-highs,” and other dominance-associated states than do
normal people. (Ascertained indirectly, via biochemical testing, for human beings, directly – through
autopsy – on chimps, gorillas, other non-human primates.)

<< Yet, I’m sure freedom does an ever better job. If we could just convince all these
authoritarian jerks that they’d be better off if everybody had freedom . . . silly me. >>

Well, perhaps eventual natural selection will do the job. I have been seriously asked by certain people,
most notably my chronically violent ex-student Bryson, why I don’t particularly enjoy “dominance high”
and “chronic rage” states myself. Bryson used to keep himself in a state of chronic rage by whatever
means he could because he liked it, though toward the end it was destroying him with perforated ulcers,
kidney-stones (from all the Tums he ate every day – aluminum silicate by the pound). As I told him, I
hate getting angry at all because it simply gives me a bad headache, and no pleasure. That’s always been
true of me. That’s not a moral reaction – that’s my body’s reaction to the hormones involved in, such as
adrenaline and cortisone. On the other hand, I can’t take confinement, can’t stand it, especially
psychospiritual confinement, i.e., any demand that I shape my thoughts and feelings to please anyone
else – again, it’s a whole-body reaction, biochemical, not spiritual. Okay, I’m still here, Bryson isn’t – I
think in the long run, the freedom-loving and the emotionally balanced will have the evolutionary edge
on the control-freaks, dominance-freaks, habitually violent, adrenaline freaks, “natural slaves,”
masochists, sadists, etc. They former will leave more children, healthier children, more fertile children
than the latter. Hence they will win the evolutionary sweepstakes. Rough on the individual sometimes,
but in the long run, only who leaves the most descendants counts. “Mother Nature Always Bats Last.”

<< > Yes. But how to find out? Beats me. >>
>Another vice . . . ;-) Seriously, folks, you can look at “statistical skew,”
>look at trends and other statistically evident effects of hidden underlying
>causes, then infer the nature of the causes from that of the trends and
>effects. When every factor you know about is accounted for and still
>observed effects aren’t explained, then you know other things you don’t
>know about are at work. You work backward to try to figure out what they
>have to be, then do more sampling to test your models. Etc.

Scientific method all right. I’m just real leery of long chains of reasoning leading to
conclusions that are impossible to test. I do it myself, of course, but I don’t know what
to do after I get there. >>

Use pattern-recognition. Human beings are exceptionally good at that. A right-brain function improved
by lots of practice at Logic Problems, Scrabble, and trying to keep track of what your ferrets are currently
up to. :-)

<< >Nope – start using statistical tools, as described above. Safer – and
>thanks to the FIA and Internet, you can still get all the data you need.

Well . . . maybe, maybe not. I suppose it’s all that studying of epistemology when I was
a Philosophy major. Knowing things gets a lot more complicated than most people
think. Especially for an empiricist like me. >>

What do you think I am? A wooly-minded Clintonite? ;-)

<< > << And of course, even direct testimony from “insiders” is suspect: how do
> we know it’s not part of a disinformation ploy? It comes down to the
> rather irritating and frightening possibility that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to
> find out the truth about this stuff. I hate it when that happens. >>
>Assuming at least 80% of everything is disinformation – and start slinging
>plenty of it into the system yourself! You don’t have to know how much is
>signal, how much noise, in order to add some noise yourself. You don’t even
>have to know much about who out there is putting disinformation in, and why,
>in order to screw them up by putting plenty out there yourself. If you
>have not done so, be sure to read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s
>Illuminatus! trilogy – I mean it! It’s in a lovely trade paperback, 3
>volumes under one cover, not expensive, get it at B. Dalton’s (or cheap at a
>used bookstore). In volume 3, read about this guy Markov Chaney . . .

The MGT. Yes, I read those when they were first published. By the way, if you ever
find the original 3 volume edition in a used bookstore, grab it. The publishers cut some
stuff when they did the 1-volume edition. I once asked Wilson about that, and he said
they weren’t going to publish it unless he let them cut. The same thing happened to the
1-volume edition of Schroedinger’s Cat, alas. >>

Thanks – I’ll have to start looking. From time to time I see individual volumes of the thing in local used
bookstores. Next time, I’ll grab. ;-)

<< Unfortunately my previous life as a librarian leaves me unable to generate

disinformation. I want to clarify things, arrange things neatly so people can find them.
Heh. Talk about yer sissy-puss task ;-) >>

Sometimes the simple truth can be the nastiest disinformation of all. Evil lives by the Lie – and believes
everyone else does. So if you consistently tell the truth . . . ;-)

<< ><< Alas, I fear we’re living in “interesting times >>

>Haven’t we always? Ask the dinosaurs who were doing their thing about 65
>million years ago, the shellfish whose fossils are so plentiful right up to
>the edge of the Upper Paleozoic’s upper boundary, the . . . Life has always
>lived on the edge between catastrophe and disaster, and somehow, 4 billion
>years later, it’s still here. It will still be here long after Standard Oil
>and all the rest of our wheelers and dealers are dust and fossils themselves,
>and may even go on on planets of other stars long after Earth is a
>well-toasted asteroid belt. From life’s point of view, it is only the
>interesting times that provide the kick necessary for evolutionary creativity
>(though it’s a little rough on us, as individuals). Plus ca change, plus ca
>la meme chose . . .

You are correct. I shore do want a vacation away from it all, though ;-) I also don’t
want my children and future grandchildren having to do Bosnia-type street fighting. I
want a Civilization, and instead they give me . . . what we’ve got. Bah humbug. >>

The beauty of Magick is this: you ignore Probabilities, and set your sights on the goal you want above
everything, your True Will, and do everything you can, throughout your life, to get there, until you get
there. Mine happens to be the Stars – my ambition is to walk safely on the soil of a planet of another
Star, in this lifetime. If we do get to the Stars, that means we’ll have remained truly civilized enough,
long enough, to do that job. – Silly? Maybe – but once you get your mind in gear on one thing that
important to you, you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish. Part of it has to do with the synching-
in techniques used in Magick and similar disciplines, but remember: the fundamental, defining attribute
of all life is will, purposiveness, goal-oriented behavior. Life on this world has had some 4 billion years
to get its mojo together. So all living beings – including you and me, brother – have a mojo sharpened
and perfected over all that time. All you have to do is haul it out and learn to use it. (If I hadn’t done so
long since, I wouldn’t be here now.) For what it’s worth . . . ;-)

Take care, now, love always, Yael


Ken –
In a message dated 96-09-26 18:35:16 EDT, you write:

<< >There’s the religious right, the non-religious right, and the left, which >

> Yeah, sure, but what’s the real difference. The Operational Difference (tm)?
> None. >>
>That’s not true.

It is if you consider the END, which is telling people what to do, and making them do
it. That’s the RESULTS, which is what I meant. How they get those results, and what
the actual things they want to impose are different. >>

That isn’t the end – it may be their idea of their end, but the actual results can be, and usually are, quite
different. Further, a lot of the religious right really don’t want to mess with anyone else’s lives, just to be
left alone – consider the Amish and the Mennonites, very conservative but wholly uninterested in running
others’ lives.

>Well, you’ve seen my web site ( for

>y’all what hasn’t). >>
>Not yet – still getting up the nerve (and bucks for Internet search time) to
>check it out, dammit.

Nerve? Um . . . AOL makes it fairly easy. Just click on that “Internet” button, and
then type in my URL, and wait for it to load. The time, of course, is outrageously
expensive on AOL, but that’s easy to fix too ;-) >>

That’s not the problem. The problem is some sort of neurological glitch, like an aphasia or a phobia that
translates to some extent as “fear of spending time/money on Internet I don’t have” but isn’t really that at
bottom. As you say, there are ways around the $$$ problem. It really is a phobia, not sure whether
psychological or neurological as to cause, but completely irrational, and I have no idea how to get around
it for now. I’ll just have to wait – that’s what got me around the other computer-related phobias I started
out with in 1993, and it may be that in a few months I’ll be whizzing around the Web with the best of
you! :-0

<< >Use pattern-recognition. Human beings are exceptionally good at that. A

>right-brain function improved by lots of practice at Logic Problems,

It’s just that the patterns I see give me the screaming heebie-jeebies :-) >>

One is tempted at this point to quote a certain Charles Addams cartoon, in which Morticia is telling little
Wednesday, who has run to her whining about something Puggsley just did to her, “Well, you just go
poison him right back!” Seriously, to do anything about what’s wrong with everything, you have to
identify what it is, first. Then brace to deal with it. I realize that may be easy to say, and impossible to
carry out – but it’s what I’ve tried to do all along. Some days it ‘bout drives me crazy, too. But I keep
remembering how many of my cousins and great-uncles and -aunts and their kin died in Hitler’s Death-
Camps because they saw the handwriting on the wall but refused the message it had for them until it was
far too late to do anything about it. And I will not go that way. I give you my chances of survival to a
new dawn of freedom may be vanishingly small – but if and when I go down, it’ll be shooting. At least I
can have a true Viking funeral – and maybe provide for it myself when the time comes . . . ;-)

<< >Sometimes the simple truth can be the nastiest disinformation of all. Evil
>lives by the Lie – and believes everyone else does. So if you consistently
>tell the truth . . . ;-)

Heh heh heh. The ultimate mind-fuck! >>

Yeah. This is in the same league as “Love your enemies – it drives them nuts! (And while they’re all
boggled by it, then stick the knife in, real good!)”

<< >The beauty of Magick is this: you ignore Probabilities, and set your sights
>on the goal you want above everything, your True Will, and do everything you
>can, throughout your life, to get there, until you get there. Mine happens
>to be the Stars – my ambition is to walk safely on the soil of a planet of
>another Star, in this lifetime.

Now THAT’S a noble goal! >>

Naw – not any more than wanting a Pentium to play with. Mine! ;-) So I got a Pentium, so now we work
on the small shit . . . ;->

– Love, Yael


Merl –
This is a response to the message from Randy Lewis included at the end of this post.
If what Mr. Lewis says is true, urban humanity, at least, and maybe our whole world, is in deep doo-
doo indeed. As it happens, female mammals generally have endocrinological buffer systems that tend to
keep them on average a little more even-tempered than male mammals. That doesn’t say anything about
individual mammalian females or males, but it does mean that on a statistical basis, of the members
population of a given mammalian species who don’t live under extreme stress, far fewer females among
them will attack males in the population without direct provocation from those males than vice-versa.
Again, remember that I said on average, and unstressed.
Evolutionarily speaking, all other things being equal, females that tend not to attack males of their
species with strong provocation to do so from those males have something of an evolutionary edge over
females that are a little too quick on the trigger when it comes to “first strike” action against males. This
is especially true of large primates like ourselves, chimps, and other close relatives as well as of big cats
and other large mammals with big sharp teeth and/or claws: females of these species who attack their
mates without due provocation either drive the mates away, thereby being deprived of said mates’
protection of themselves and their children as well as a chance to mate with them again and have yet
more children, or provoke a nasty fight in which they and/or any of their offspring in the area could get
hurt or killed. Males of their species who take such punishment don’t last long, or don’t breed viable
babies, and are not likely to be able to protect mate and offspring from strange males (or females, for that
matter). So both male and female mammals tend to beget female offspring that don’t tend to go for “first
strike” behavior.
Only under highly unusual conditions, usually involving extreme chronic stress, do the evolutionary
rules change and favor genes of women who are at least as violent as the violent men around them, who
hit first and hit hard and do so without real provocation. These conditions almost invariably involve
overcrowding and/or terrible nutrition (food low on vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients
and/or high on pollutants and nasty chemical additives). When such conditions persist long enough,
he/she who gets there fustest with the mostest and drives enough of the organisms around him/her that are
crowding him/her and his/her offspring to death will, all other things being equal, leave more of his/her
genes in the gene-pool than more pacifistic types. Under such conditions of catastrophic overcrowding,
slow poisoning, extreme malnutrition, etc., females have no more reason to not be hair-trigger violent
than the males of their species, because the males around them present at least as much of a threat to
them and their offspring as they do any advantages, and this includes even one’s mate and father of one’s
Again: this says nothing about individuals. Natural selection may act on individuals, but its results
are statistical and genetic rather than individual and phenotypic. In other words, the schmucks and )*(s
will always be with us, and this includes female S&A’s as well as male. This isn’t an apology for radical
feminist separatists, only a description of the mechanisms of mammalian evolution.
So: we are mammals. If what Mr. Lewis reports is accurate, and not an artifact of sloppy statistical
sampling, investigator bias, or whatever, then the populations from which these statistics were drawn can
be considered to be so overcrowded and malnourished that plague, famine, war, and mass death may not
be very far ahead of us. Which is terrifying.
Is this true of all urban humanity, world-wide? Of all human societies and cultures? Or of a much
smaller sampling-space? Where did these statistics come from, and are they skewed in any way when it
comes to sampling techniques and selections? These aren’t questions aren’t idle or rhetorical, and are not
intended to provoke an argument or set the stage for a political rally. Rather, I am genuinely concerned
about the future of our species and our living world, and I know we are not in good shape, as it is. If
what Mr. Lewis says is true, we are in far worse shape than I thought. So I think this is something that
really should be researched in depth, and as soon as possible. I’d appreciate any more on it anyone has.
Thanks, Yael Dragwyla

************************* Begin Forwarded Message ********************************

In a message dated 96-09-23 06:07:23 EDT, MERLIN1246 writes:

<< From: Randy Lewis <>

To: Alan Stock <>
Subject: John Leo on Domestic Violence

Forwarded Message:
Subj: C-NEWS: John Leo on Domestic Violence (fwd)
Date: 96-09-18 02:41:05 EDT
From: (Mark White)
Reply-to: (Mark White)

Things that go bump in the home


U.S. News & World Report, Inc

May 13, 1996

A Page 1 headline in the Los Angeles Times announces “A New Side to Domestic
Violence.” This “new side,” apparently quite puzzling to the reporter, is
that under mandatory arrest laws, a large number of women are now being
arrested after domestic battles. In Los Angeles, arrests of women in such
cases have almost quadrupled in eight years. In Wisconsin, the number of
abusive men referred by the courts for counseling has doubled since 1989,
while the number of abusive women referred for counseling increased 12-fold.

You could sense that the reporter was grappling with a baffling question:
How is it that laws intended to protect women are producing so many arrests
of women themselves?

Luckily, he was able to come up with three explanations: a backlash against

women, spiteful action by police officers who resent mandatory arrest laws,
and outright male trickery.

Under the heading of trickery came tales of a man who smashed a brick on
his head and blamed his wife, a man who bloodied himself by scratching his
ear and a man, born with an odd bump on his head, who repeatedly showed the
bump to police and got his wife arrested three times.

There is another explanation, one that has nothing to do with lucky head
bumps or rogue cops. The explanation is this: If mandatory arrest laws are
fairly applied, we will eventually see roughly equal numbers of men and
women arrested, because the amount of domestic violence initiated and
conducted by men and women is roughly equal. In fact, women may well be

Newsroom taboo. No, you haven’t read this in your local newspaper, and
certainly not in elite papers like the Los Angeles Times. The obvious
reason is that publishing this news would create a severe political problem
in the newsroom. To their credit, feminists made domestic violence a
political issue. But they shaped the issue around a theory:

This violence is an expression of patriarchy as a social force and marriage

as a patriarchal institution. It is something men do to women because of the
way society is organized.

An enormous amount of evidence now shows this paradigm is wrongheaded. But

feminists are unwilling to adapt it to reality, and since the modern
newsroom is supportive of feminism, news stories on domestic violence are carefully
crafted, consistently unreliable and often just wrong.

Follow the work of the National Family Violence Survey. The original 1975
survey showed rather high rates of female-on-male domestic violence, but these
were fitted to the paradigm and explained as understandable reactions to
male violence. But the second survey in 1985 clearly showed equality in
turning to violence: In both low-level assaults and severe assaults, only
the wife was violent in a quarter of the cases, only the husband in another
quarter, both in half of the cases. These findings came from self-reports.

This signaled a split in research: Feminist researchers keep churning out

work that fits feminist theory, while independent researchers keep finding
equality in the use of violence. Men are more dangerous–they kill partners
twice as often–and more likely to inflict serious damage. But women are
just as inclined to be violent with their partners as men are. (The rather
high rates of violence in lesbian homes echoes this finding.)

The equality findings undercut the feminist theory of partner violence as

patriarchy in action, with its dark view of men and marriage. Instead, they
support the common-sense view that violence between partners has more to do
with problems of individuals in a difficult culture rather than with any
vast ideological scheme.

The feminist insistence on using theory to mug facts has unfortunate

results. One is that a generalized view of men as uniquely violent and
dangerous to women (“men batter because they can,” “the most dangerous
place for a woman to be is in the home”) has leached deep into popular
culture. In a recent TV ad for girls’ athletics, a young girl says if she
plays sports, she will be more likely to leave an abusive relationship. A
recent national list of what children want actually included the wish that
daddies would stop hitting mommies.

In fact, children are now more likely to see mommy hit daddy. The rate of
severe assaults by men on women in the home fell by almost 50 percent
between the first National Family Violence Survey (1975) and the most
recent update of data in 1992. It dropped from 38 per 1,000 couples per
year to 20. Give the feminists credit for this. They did it mostly by
themselves. But the rate of dangerous female assaults on males in the home
stayed essentially static over that period–45 per 1,000 couples–and is
now twice as high as the male rate. Give feminists responsibility for this,
too. By defining partner violence as a male problem, they missed the chance
to bring about the same decline in violence
among women.

Feminist studies of partner violence rarely ask about assaults by women,

and when they do, they ask only about self-defense. Journalists, in turn,
stick quite close to the feminist-approved studies for fear of being
considered “soft” on male violence. The result is badly skewed reporting of
domestic violence as purely a gender issue. It isn’t. >>

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Dale –
A little explanation about Heimdall.
My friend Rich Ransdell, who is one of the most talented Magickians I’ve ever met, and a very wise,
kind man, thinks that it is possible that whatever it is my adoptive father attached to me when I was a
baby may be from portions of the Inner Planes far beyond those associated with our Solar System, and
that that is why no one human culture’s remedies have worked against it, and why anything designed to
deal with entities from within the Solar System haven’t worked all that well to get rid of it. He thinks
that what might work against it is a sort of coalition of Gods from many cultures, as it were – that this
thing may be something that threatens our whole world (my own part in this is accidental; I’m nobody,
and I just sort of blundered into everyone else’s accident, as it were, as a tiny child, for reasons known
best to Eris and the Gods of Random Chance), and may have been doing us all harm for many years, and
therefore can only really be dealt with by all the Gods of Earth. Those from just one or two of our
world’s human cultures can’t defeat it, can’t even stalemate it, so it’ll take everybody. On the other hand,
since this threatens the whole world – it may be whatever Crowley accidentally let loose in 1904 during
his Cairo Working, which Schuler and others feel may have inspired Hitler and the Nazis to do what they
did, as well as Harry Truman’s use of the Bomb on Japan, and most of the other horrors of this century;
that was what my adoptive father was trying to bind me to, after all, whatever he may have believed it
was – the whole world should band together to fight it. An individual disaster turned collective
opportunity. Rich felt that Heimdall might be an especially good ally in this, for various reasons, which
seem good to me, along, of course, with Hermes/Odin/Raphael, my own Patron, Hades, Persephone, and
Ares. Who else might be good to invoke for this? The more cultures such Gods are drawn from, the
better. Can you think of any from China, Japan, or other cultures that I should invoke? I’d be very
grateful for any info you can come up with.
By the way, should I somehow miraculously die rich, if I have not then already done so, make sure
some of it goes for two things: an esoteric university that ‘teaches both sides of the head,” coordinating
study of the hard, life, and social sciences and disciplines with esoteric studies of all kinds, and teaches
esoteric systems, technologies, wisdom, and skills from all cultures possible. Through the Qaballah as
Crowley taught it and I’ve expanded it (see my NEW MAGICKS), these studies can be unified to some
extent by mapping all cultures’ Gods, esoteric ideas of all kinds, etc. onto the Tree of Life, so that
Qaballah functions for the esoteric Arts and Sciences the way mathematics does for the objective
sciences. This would nail down the binding together of all the world’s Gods and Goddesses into one
overall, terrestrial divine confederation, as it were, to help keep anything from outside playing “Divide
and Rule” on a spiritual level against us all again.
Also, a temple, so that all Earth’s Gods can be honored in one place by whosoever wishes. This is
one living world, and we are all part of it, and so are all our Gods and cultures. So if They are all
brought together in one place, to be honored together, this can help to heal Gaia spiritually. I hope.
Thanks, in the spirit of the Order of the 11th Commandment, “Thou shalt not harm Mother Earth,
nor Her life, thou shalt cherish all Her life, and all the children of Her spirit, and protect them from evil,”
Love always, Yael Dragwyla

Pay As You Go :-) 9/28/1996

Hi –
My female ferret, Jessie, has been pooping by the corner of the refrigerator in the kitchen, and
whenever I catch her, back in the cage she goes.
This evening, I walked out of my work-room to find Jessie curled up in her hammock in her cage,
which had the top open because earlier I’d let her and Bart, her spouse, run loose. She looked rather
forlorn, and somewhat embarrassed. I went and looked in the kitchen – sure enough, there by the ‘fridge
was Jessie’s calling-card. Whether she had just had an accident or had gone in for a political statement
and then regretted having made it, apparently she decided to atone for it by putting herself into her cage,
without waiting for me to do it!
I’ve heard of monkeys who do this sort of thing – making a mess on the floor, then paddling
themselves. This is the first time I’ve encountered this in ferrets. Anybody seen this in other ferrets, or
other species?
– Yael Dragwyla


In a message dated 96-10-01 06:48:14 EDT, you write:

<< >>> Just to let you know I enjoyed your mini-diatribe and appreciate your point of view – exactly.

Merl >>

Merl –
Thanks for the appreciation. I don’t get much (but then, who does, these days?), and can use all I can
get! <G> And how’s bayou?

– Yael

PS: Off-the-subject-question: When does a scientific popularizer’s rants against astrology, etc. stop
being a reasonable protest against frauds and New Ager bullshit and become scientistic Inquisition? How
do you convince arrogant sonsabitches that (a) their First Amendment rights are contingent on the
existence of everyone else’s (to yank someone else’s, or burn books, is to guarantee that their own rights
– and books – will be toast next), (b) it is very possible to be both a good scientist and a good esotericist
(Sir Isaac Newton was both), and (c), the hell with Miss Manners, I think they are unmitigatedly rude,
crude, boorish assholes!! ?
– Exasperatedly yours, Yael


Hi –
Am reading a creepy book – not the latest Stephen King (which I dig), but Larry Bond’s THE
ENEMY WITHIN (New York: Warner Books, 1996). As a set-piece of anti-libertarian/pro-gun control
propaganda, it is superb – in other words, enough to terrify any truly thinking American. All about how
Islamic terrorists smuggle high-power weapons into this country to start a war on us within our own
borders – aided and abetted by our “lax” attitudes concerning private ownership of guns, relatively open
borders, lack of government control over our lives, and so on.
The book is actually an excellent read – fast-paced, lively action, nerve-breaking suspense, good sex,
the whole nine yards. But it is also just a little too slick, too set, too much in support of the various “anti-
terrorist,” pro-gun control and other lines being pushed by the Clinton administration to be for real. As if
the author had been commissioned by the Clinton administration to write the damned thing.
Eerily, there are persistent minor grammatical errors in this turkey exactly like those in the “anti-
cult” book I just wrote to you about by Margaret Singer (Cults in Our Midst), e.g., dangling participles
and other goodies. Are these things maybe written by a government computer or something?
If you haven’t read this one, give it a look. Tell me I’m just paranoid – it would be such a relief!
– Yael Dragwyla


Dale & Teri –

Over the past several days, I’ve cut my caffeine intake to 1/2 of what it was, by cutting regular
coffee half-and-half with decaf. Since I’ve done that, about 75% of my symptoms, from neck-cramps to
extreme clumsiness to great irritability, has disappeared, yet I’ve cut down on my migraine medicine.
Apparently the amount of caffeine/coffee I’ve been drinking was so high it’s been setting all that off,
including, probably the migraines. I’m going to wean myself down to 0% caffeine by the simple
expedient of adding more and more decaf and nothing else to the coffee-bin as the level drops, until it’s
all decaf. Then I can cut it out entirely. I love coffee – but I can’t take the migraines, the neck-cramps,
or the rest of it, and the possible risk of stroke is just too high to continue. So, bye-bye coffee . . . <sigh>
Anyway, once I’ve cut the stuff out entirely, I’ll let you know how my health goes, as a result. Some
people can take a lot of coffee – once, I could – but for me, no more. Dammit. Well, anyway, a cheap
cure – talk about quick fixes! (For fast, fast, FAST relief – stop drinking that **** coffee!!! <G>)
Also, please wish me luck. Norris finally got on the dime, and I take my last (I hope) driving lesson
tomorrow, then my road-test on this coming Thursday. With any luck, I’ll have WHEELS soon! Yea!!
Take care, love always, Yael

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