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Here be a collection of material developed during a long running campaign of Tunnels & Trolls,
the delightful RPG by Ken St. Andre, published by Flying Buffalo. Nearly all of this material was
created for the Fifth Edition rules, but should plug in with little adaptation to most of the other
published editions. Where material has been adapted or borrowed from other sources, I have made
every effort to provide credit for such; if I have been amiss anywhere, please let me know.
This is intended as an assortment of house rules and addenda to the official rules; it is not a
monolithic alteration of the work, but a collection of interchangeable parts that may be applied or
rejected according to your own preferences. Use any or all of it as you will in your games may your
dice be hot and your characters cool.

Tunnels & Trolls is a trademark of Flying Buffalo, Inc.

These rules addenda are copyright 1999 by Bruce V. Edwards and published under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License (

The contents of the Tunnels and Trolls Treasury have been mostly just copied in from the old html
files from the now defunct Treasury website. My apologies for any roughness in the formating.

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As most Gm's do, I have made a few alterations to the basic rules that suited me and my gamers.
Many of the sections withing the Treasury were created with these House Rules in mind. These rule
changes are not, however, necessary to the Treasury addenda; you may use them or not as you prefer.

Wizards & Rogues should be awarded XP for every spell cast "under stress." That is, for any spell
not cast just for the sake of practice. The XP awarded is equal to the Mana cost times the level of the
An extra bonus is awarded for any spell that takes more Mana than the caster has and is
successfully cast. In this case, award five times the normal XP for that spell.

The rules state that the character should get as many XP as the total of the SR die roll times the SR
level. As this is too much "nickel & diming" for my taste, I use a slightly altered system that gives
pretty much the same results.
As the average result of a 2d6 roll where doubles add and roll over is 8.4 (roughly), one can simply
multiply this by the number of levels of SRs attempted and get nearly the same number as if one
added & multiplied all those separate die rolls. Therefore, the player simply records the levels of SRs
attempted during the evening's play. The SR need not be successful, and as a bonus, I allow players
credit for the level of SR actually made if it exceeds the required level. (e.g., a player attempts and
fails a L1 IQ SR, then she attempts and makes a L2 DX SR, and then she attempts a L1 LK SR but
actually scores a L3 SR; so she now has a total of SIX levels worth of SRs recorded.) At the end of
the play session, multiply the number of SR levels by 8.4 to determine the total XP awarded for
Saving Rolls

The original level advancement schedule is a little uneven. The following revision maintains the
same basic profile but smooths out the mathematical curve:

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10 140,000
11 190,000
12 260,000
13 360,000
14 500,000
15 700,000
16 1,000,000
17+ (doubled every level)

I prefer that my characters retain their kindred advantages & penalties throughout their lives.
Therefore, the following rule is amended to 2.14:
Each kindred's attribute modifiers apply also to the level advancement bonuses. First, figure the
bonus as stated -- either the level number or half that -- but do not drop any fractions yet. Then,
modify that number by any kindred modifier and drop all fractions. As you can imagine, this can
produce a high-level hobbit with a phenomenal CON, but he'll still be a weakling.
For a list of the modifiers and tables of pre-calculated bonuses, see the Level Advancement page.

I decided to add the attribute Mana to the game for the best of "Approved T&T" reasons:
simplicity. Using strength as the spell-casting fuel simply brought up too many questions ("Is this ST
only good for spell-casting? Does it reduce my combat adds when I cast a spell? Why doesn't that
shriveled up old wizard with a ST of 47 just smash down the door, beat the villain to a pulp and then
cast a spell?" etc.).
Mana is a seventh attribute possessed only by traditional wizards and rogues. Warriors and other
non-magical classes do not have this attribute at all. Mana replaces Strength in all spell-casting
In addition to spell casting, Mana may also be used to boost the caster's own combat adds. One
point of Mana is good for one extra add for one combat round. A character may not more than double
his or her combat adds through mana-boosting. However, even just one add from Mana makes all that
character's attacks that round "magical" in nature.

If Mana is reduced to zero or below, the character is not dead but does fall unconcious for (d6 +
excess mana) game turns. If an attempt is made to cast a spell that requires more Mana than is
available, the spell-caster must make a LK SR at the level of the spell. If the roll is failed, Mana is
reduced to zero and the spell is not cast. If, however, the roll succeeds, the spell is cast but the excess
Mana is supplied by permanent loss of points from other attributes (roll randomly for which attribute
each separate point is taken from).
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The following table lists the Mana attribute modifer for the major kindreds:










For a larger list of Mana modifiers, see the Level Advancement tables.

Fairies, Brownies and kindreds of similar size have special considerations for miniature armor and

All classes except wizards may choose any weapon from the lists, ignoring ST requirements. Cost
and weight is one tenth normal. All one-handed weapons get two dice; all two-handed weapons get
2d + 3.

Cost, weight, and range are one tenth normal. The ST requirement is reduced to one fourth
normal. The weapon's dice are reduced to one third normal (round up).

The choice of armor is very limited -- the amount of protection that can be wrapped around a dollsized body is minuscule. The below armor sets are complete and include, if you wish, a helmet
(whether or not you wear it is immaterial). The number in the Fly ST column indicates the minimum
ST if a fairy character wishes to fly while wearing this armor (regardless of weight carried); this is
cumulative if a shield is also taken.

fly ST











If Mithril armor is used, add one to the protection, subtract one from the Fly ST, cut the weight in
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half, and multiply the cost by ten thousand.

In general, decrease the weights and costs of faerie equipment by one tenth. Keep in mind that a
fairy lantern will cast very little light, and a brownie rope and piton set will be of very little use to a
200 pound dwarf.

If the character belongs to a guild (Fighters', Wizards', etc.), the appropriate items are usually
available there. Otherwise, they may have to journey to a native settlement.

All T&T veterans know that the combat rules have one little glitch -- if two opposing forces have
high dice weapons and heavy armor, it can be very difficult for either side to score hits on the other.
For example, if two dwarves rolling 5d + 20 and wearing 40 points of armor try to fight to the death,
they will more likely starve than actually be stabbed. There are two reasons for this difficulty: first,
the high armor values available to warriors and, by extension, to the party as a group; and second, the
steep bell curve produced by three or more dice.
Without regard to the mathematics of bell curves, the simplest & easiest solution to this problem is
one of the many "critical hit" variants in use among T&T gamers. I use the following version:
Regardless of the combat totals or other outcome of the combat round, all natural SIXes rolled by a
combatant count as one hit directly to the CON of the opponent. This neatly bypasses the armor issue
and does not involve math or recordkeeping. I don't generally use this method in all cases, but when
a combat seems to be going on too long, I will invoke the rule at that point.
With this method (or any of its variants) the fighter with the greater number of dice is given a slight
edge. The down-side to this method is that if dice are relatively equal, the fighter (or group) with less
CON is almost certainly doomed. And it can still take a great deal of time resolve the issue,
particularly with high level combatants.

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The armor system given below replaces both the "simple" and "complicated" systems in the fifth
edition rulebook. It is, however, completely compatible with both and may be used alongside them
and in all the solo adventure books. Personally, I found the simple system too simplistic and the
complicated system too -- well, complicated. Thus, I crafted from the actual armor statistics a middle
ground that my friends have found very playable.
First principle: There are three distinct bits of armor that any person may wear:
1. Helmet
2. Shield
3. Armor, meaning body armor
Only one of each type may be used. The ST requirement given is cumulative and the total must not
exceed the wearer's Strength. Body armor is of two general types:

Cuirass -- covers the torso, shoulder and hip (typified by the Roman Lorica).

Full -- an extended cuirass including attached gauntlets and greaves.

* -- any armor marked with an asterix is too cumbersome for constant use; a character may
wear such armor for as many (10 minute) turns as their CON; after which they lose one
point of ST every turn they are not resting. Lost ST is not recovered until the armor is

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ST req



Cloth Cuirass



Full Quilted



Leather Cuirass



Ring Cuirass



Scale Cuirass



Full Leather



Lamellar Cuirass



*Full Ringmail



Mail Cuirass



*Full Scale



*Full Lamellar



Bronze Cuirass



*Full Mail




*Full Composite Plate





*Full Plate Suit




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ST req



Leather Cap



Greek Helm



Full Helm




ST req






Target Shield



Aspis (medium)



Tower Shield



Adjustments for Character's Size:

If the PC is 7 feet or taller: Increase cost and weight by 50%.

If the PC is 3 to 5 feet: Decrease weight by half, cost by one fourth.
If the PC is under 3 feet: Decrease weight by three fourths, cost by half,
and decrease the protection value by half (round up).

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Mithril armor's chief practical value is its light weight. What really makes it so desirable is
the suitability of mithril for magicks -- mithril armor is ready to accept enchantments of any
level and can hold them for any duration (they may also get a save versus dispellment).

ST req



Mithril Ring Cuirass



Mithril Full Ringmail



Mithril Mail Cuirass



Mithril Plate Cuirass



Mithril Full Mail



*Mithril Full Plate




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Here are a few additional playable races that have evolved into my game over the years.
Following these are comprehensive height, weight, and level advancement charts for all the kindreds.

The Bogeys -- also known as boogey-men and woogie-woogies -- are frightening little creatures
whose main province is retribution and vengeance, and often serve the gods in these matters. Their
primary power is the ability to scare the living bajeezus out of just about anybody.
Bogeys take no class; they are just boogey-men. Also, Bogeys will always move in total silence,
even when walking on dry leaves and such. For my idea of what a Bogey looks like, check out Brian
Froud's illustration of a "bogle" in his book Faeries. Short & spooky looking.

All bogeys have two natural spell abilities. Note the special cost requirements:
Coyses / [D] / 2 LK / range 50'
This will cause the required level of all the victim's Saving Throws to be tripled for 24 hours. The
cost is two point of Luck per 24 hours duration of the curse. Luck is recovered at two points each
Bogey-Bogey! / [E] / 1 ST -This causes the Bogey to swell in size (but not ST). The cost is one ST per additional two feet in
height. It lasts one turn or until dismissed. The strength is recovered normally at one per turn.

Kindred attribute modifiers are as follows:
ST 1/3
IQ 1.5
LK -DX -CHA 3(negative)
CON 1/2
Mana 1/2

The best way to describe Brownies is as 6 inch tall, mischievous, party-loving picts. Better yet, just
watch the movie Willow. Their one real advantage in life is a remarkable durability -- they are hard to
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Brownies do not have free choice of class -- they are all warriors. However, all brownies also have
the gift of being able to create magical potions and powders (but not scrolls or enchanted items -- see
the College of Material Magicks for details). They must learn their "spells" (recipes) in the same way
as rogues, but can only learn spells of at least two levels below their experience level (in addition to
meeting the IQ and DX requirements). Thus, a brownie must be at least third level before creating
"vorpal blade oil" or "knock-knock dust."
Brownies only get 1d - 3 in unarmed combat (they get 1d if fighting brownie-sized creatures).
Brownies live in numerous out-of-the-way settlements, mostly in deep woods or high mountains,
scattered throughout the Great Land.
Rhea is the patron deity of the Brownies.

Kindred attribute modifiers are as follows:
ST 1/4
IQ 3/4
Mana na

The gnomes are a wise folk and live close to nature without much concern over gain or loss. All
gnomes must be classed as rogues.
There are no major gnome villages -- most gnome families live in isolated homes, frequently built
beneath a great tree (or even inside one).
Demeter is the patron deity of the Gnomes.

All gnomes have the gift of the Down Under spell. This "reverses" the gnome (not another person)
so that they walk on the underside of the surface of the ground -- they are thus upside down, but may
walk as easily as if through air and can see for about 100 feet through ordinary soil (rock is opaque).
While underground, the gnome walks as normal and can pass through natural stone formations, but
not crafted stone (such as the foundation of a building); although this may be climbed "over" as one
might attempt climbing over a wall. The spell costs 2 Mana points for 10 minute duration and may be
extended (for another 2 points per 10 minutes) as long as the gnome has Mana left.

Kindred attribute modifiers are as follows:

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ST 1/2
IQ 1.5
LK 1.5
DX -CHA -CON 1/2
Mana --

The Primitives, sometimes called "cavemen", continue to live a simple stone-age life on the fringes
of the more advanced cultures. Their lifestyle & culture is similar to the Native Americans prior to
the introduction of horses, and genetically, they are Neanderthals.
Primitives may be Warriors, Rogues, or Shamans (never wizards, or other specialist classes). Note
also that as rogues, they will be shaman-rogues. Refer to the Shaman rules.
The rare appearance of a primitive as an adventurer may be due to their having been exiled from
the tribe, or perhaps curiosity about the civilized world got the better of a more intelligent specimen.
Most often, however, it is the result of a decision to pursue a Glory Quest. After gaining fame &
fortune (and a few levels), the primitive will return to his or her tribe to assume a position of
Special: any primitive that starts with an IQ of 12 or better knows the language of their tribe's
totem animal.

There are six distinct tribes of Primitives; each is a separate cultural group and are strangers to all
the other tribes. There are no "relations" between the tribes, and another primitive is no more
welcomed by a foreign tribe than any non-primitive.
Roll one die to determine which tribe your character is from. Some tribes have special restrictions
or advantages which you should note.
1.Wavemakers totem = the Viper.
They live in scattered settlements along the islands & coast of the northwest from Deaf Island
northwards. They have frequent battles with the Stick-in-the-eye and Broken Fang orc clans.
Restriction: tribe members may never accumulate wealth -- they may have no more possessions than
they can carry and no valuables in excess of 1000 gp. All excess must be given away.
2.EarthTouchers totem = the Cougar
These are nomads roaming from Rum Lake to the Desert of Desolation. All Warriors & Rogues get
an African Throwing Knife, which they are trained to use regardless of DX requirements. Shamans
are forbidden to use any weapon, but have a Mana modifier of 1.5.
3.TundraWalkers totem = the Caribou
These nomads roam along the furthest northeast plains. Restrictions: no tribe member may ever use
swords or shields. However, Warriors & Rogues may use two 3-die clubs without penalty if their
ST is 11 or better. All tribe members including Shamans can use any spear.

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4.CaveWarriors totem = the Cave Bear

They live in the hills along the north coast of Whiskey Lake. Restrictions: tribe members may never
use any sort of missile weapon.
5.OceanCliff totem = the Kingfisher
This tribe lives along the south coast of the Gulf of Perdition, often trading their fish for weapons
from the dwarves of Klubble. This tribe is Matriarchal. Restriction: tribe members may never use
any edged or pointed weapons.
6.CliffRunners totem = the Eagle
They are strung out along the heights of the Demarcation Mountains, in the area roughly east of Nex
Vomica Lake. Restrictions: Warriors may use NO armor other than a shield. Rogues & Shamans
may us no armor at all, but both get a Mana modifier of 1.5.

Kindred attribute modifiers are as follows:
ST 1.5
IQ 3/4
LK -DX 3/4
Mana -- (except for certain tribes)

Sylvan Elves, Forest Elves, or Woods-haunters are a very distant relative to the High Elves.
Although they share the pointed ears and comeliness of their taller cousins, there is very little else
they have in common. Sylvan elves normally grow to 3 or 4 feet in height and have a deep coppery
skin color. Their culture is deceptively primitive -- they are nomadic hunters and gather few
possessions and have no native written form for their language. The ancient Elven heritage is
revealed, however, in the depth of their traditions and artistry.
The Sylvan elves are deeply spiritual and their ancient, animistic ceremonies revolve around their
attachment to the wilderness. Most elves are not literate, but they all have a prodigious capacity for
memorizing long speeches or stories. Wood-elf messengers are highly valued by many kings &
governments because of this.
Sylvan elf ethics & culture have some profound differences with human & dwarven cultures, but
on the whole they are not incompatible. Elves can mix with men & most other kindreds without much
Artemis is the patron deity of the Sylvan elves.
Special: each sylvan elf is born with the gift of one language of a woodland creature

Sylvan Elves gather into tightly knit tribes, which form an extended family. There are six tribes
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within the Great Land -- each roams (& dominates) one great forest. The first three listed are known
for their ferocity and aggressiveness; the latter three are more widely noted for their arts.
1.Two Red Feathers in Darkwood, northwest of Whiskey Lake, in the nation of Distress.
2.Seashells in Deadfall Forest, in the kingdom of Ruin.
3.Leather Drums in the Forest of Venial Sins, west of the Sea of Animal Appetite, in the Territory
of Indulgence.
4.Ivory Carvers in Aspenwoods, in the Territory of Indulgence.
5.Otter Claws in Seafoam Forest, in the State of Plenty.
6.Wildrose in Gentle Meadows, in the State of Knowledge.

Kindred attribute modifiers are as follows:
ST 2/3
IQ -LK -DX 2
CHA -CON 2/3
Mana --

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Because rolling separately for height & weight sometimes resulted in, um, odd characters that my
players had a hard time justifying, I have adapted a height & weight chart from one of my more
"serious" role-playing systems.
Roll 3d on the row for your kindred to find your height (in feet ' inches) and your starting weight
(in pounds). Then roll again on the table below to find out how the base weight is modified to get the
character's actual weight.











5' 1

5' 2

5' 3

5' 4

5' 5

5' 6

5' 7

5' 8

5' 9

5' 10

5' 11


6' 1

6' 2

6' 3

6' 4


3' 2

3' 3

3' 4

3' 5

3' 6

3' 7

3' 8

3' 9

3' 10

3' 11


4' 1

4' 2

4' 3

4' 4

4' 5

High Elf

5' 5

5' 6

5' 7

5' 8

5' 9

5' 10

5' 11


6' 1

6' 2

6' 3

6' 4

6' 5

6' 6

6' 7

6' 8

Sylvan Elf

3' 2

3' 3

3' 4

3' 5

3' 6

3' 7

3' 8

3' 9

3' 10

3' 11


4' 1

4' 2

4' 3

4' 4

4' 5


2' 7

2' 8


1' 8

1' 9




2' 7

2' 9

2' 10

2' 11

1' 10


1' 11


2' 8

2' 9

2' 10


3' 1


2' 1

3' 2
2' 2

2' 3





1' 1

1' 2

2' 11


3' 1

3' 2

3' 3

3' 4


7' 2

7' 4

7' 6

7' 8

7' 10


8' 2

8' 4

8' 6

8' 8

8' 10


9' 2

9' 4

9' 6

9' 8


6' 1

6' 2

6' 3

6' 4

6' 5

6' 6

6' 7

6' 8

6' 9

6' 10

6' 11


7' 1

7' 2

7' 3

7' 4


5' 1

5' 2

5' 3

5' 4

5' 5

5' 6

5' 7

5' 8

5' 9

5' 10

5' 11


6' 1

6' 2

6' 4

6' 5


7' 1

7' 2

7' 3

7' 4

7' 5

7' 6

7' 7

7' 8

7' 9

7' 10

7' 11


8' 1

8' 2

8' 3

8' 4


5' 1

5' 2

5' 3

5' 4

5' 5

5' 6

5' 7

5' 8

5' 9

5' 10

5' 11


6' 1

6' 2

6' 3

6' 4

now roll 3d again and multiply the base weight by:

3-4 0.8
5-6 0.9
7-8 0.95
9-12 no change
13-14 1.05
15-16 1.1
17-18 1.2

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If you decide to use the Kindred-specific level advances as explained in the House Rules, these
charts provide the pre-calculated bonuses for the first five levels for the major kindreds (at least the
major ones in my campaign world).

























































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Certain tribes may have alterations to the Mana attributes.

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These are some optional choices for character classes that crept into my campaign. They should be
entirely compatible with the official classes, but not all of them have been thoroughly playtested.

Kung Fu Fighters will have mastered only one general type of weapons (sword, hafted, bows, etc.);
any other type of weapon may only be used if the fighter's ST & DX are double the ordinary
Fighters may wear any armor, so long as the total ST requirement is not more than half the fighter's
In unarmed hand-to-hand combat, a Kung Fu Fighter gets dice equal to his or her level, plus the
personal missile adds are used, not the normal melee adds.

If a Kung Fu Fighter wears no armor at all, he may use his DX as armor -- each point over 12
counts as one point of armor in a melee situation. DX armor is halved if the fighter is attacked from
the rear, and is completely ignored if the fighter is unaware of the attack.

Kung Fu Fighters choose one special ability for each level they gain (including first level). Some
of these are simply skills, others are akin to magic spells and have a ST cost to "cast". This ST cost is
not assessed until after the current combat is concluded. All costs are incurred immediately after the
battle, and lost CON may not be recovered until all ST is recovered (at the usual rate of one per turn).

Make your regular combat roll -- but if you win the round, you do not score hits. If the "hits"
exceed your opponent's DX, you have him pinned; he can break the hold only with a ST SR at
your level. (Obviously, this may only be used in one-on-one situations.)
This works just like Grapple, except success means you have thrown your opponent to the
ground; he is stunned for one round unless he can make a L2 CON SR.
SpeedyStrike ST cost = 5
You get two rounds to your opponent's one for the next five combat rounds (essentially doubles
your combat total).
Great Leap ST cost = 2
You may make one standing leap of a distance/height up to your level x 5 feet (or your ST in
feet, if greater).
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Resist Wounds ST cost = 2+
You may heal yourself at the cost of 2 ST per CON point, even in the midst of combat.
You may pick up any ordinary object (bench, soup bowl, bucket, chair, etc.) and use it as a
weapon. Each round choose one option: adds two dice to your unarmed combat roll; or use it as a
10 point shield. Each such "weapon" will survive only d3 combat rounds before it is destroyed or
knocked from your hands.

Heroic Weapon ST cost = 10
This works just like Grab-A-Weapon (and you must first have that skill as a prerequisite), but the
object you pick up is huge (ship's anchor, log, boulder, etc.) but cannot exceed ST x 5 pounds
weight. This will serve either to add five dice to your combat roll, or as a 20 point shield. These
weapons will last d6+1 combat rounds.
Resist Death
With this ability, you will not die during combat until you receive enough hits to drive your CON
to a negative number equal to your CON. If you finish combat with negative CON, you will die
immediately unless magical healing brings your CON back to positive numbers within one
combat round.
Iron Fist ST cost = 20
If you do nothing else that combat round (even defend yourself), you may strike an object or
person with your fist, doing damage equal to the total of all your attributes. Your fist will not be
hurt, regardless of what you punch.
Secret Technique ST cost = 15
Your opponent gets a L7 IQ SR to see this coming, and thus negate any effect. Otherwise, your
opponent gets no combat roll this round -- his total is zero. (if you use this in a mass melee,
simply double your combat roll; both rolls if you are also speedy-striking).

A Shaman is an intuitive Wizard; the primitive world's version of a sorcerer. Magic-users from
uncivilized tribes such as Orcs & Cavemen (see Primitives) will be shamans rather than true Wizards.
Shamans function in much the same way as orthodox wizards (and have the Mana attribute). Each
shaman has a staff (or rattle, drum, etc.) which functions just like a Staff Ordinaire (if it is ever lost,
the shaman must construct a new one herself). They can never use a Deluxe Staff or its equivalent.
The primary difference with Shamans is that they can only gain spells from the spirit world -- they
can never be taught spells or learn them from scrolls or books. Shamans also ignore the IQ and DX
requirements for spells. Level, however is an absolute limit: a shaman cannot cast a spell at a higher
level than his own. IQ puts a limit on the number of spells: a shaman may have a number of spells
not more than half her IQ at each level.

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First level shamans start out with d6 level one spells chosen from the standard list or any of the
specialist colleges. In order to acquire new spells, the shaman must retire to an isolated spot and
pursue a Vision Quest. A quest lasts three to five days and the shaman may do nothing else during
this time. Once it is over, the shaman will be exhausted and require at least a day to recover. At the
conclusion of the quest, the shaman makes a CHA SR. If the roll is successful at the level of the spell
desired, the shaman gets his or her choice of spell. If at least a L1 SR is made, the spell is of the
desired level but of the GM's choice. If the roll is failed entirely, the shaman still gets a spell, but at a
random level and a random spell (unless the shaman has her full quota of spells at that level). If the
roll is fumbled, then no spell is acquired. Again, the spell may come from any of the Wizard Guild

Characters from certain cultures (specifically Primitives and Orcs) may be Shamanic Rogues.
These are handled in the same way as orthodox rogues, but they have the same spell limitations as
shamans and can only learn spells from shamans of their own culture (a different tribe is okay, but a
Primitive shaman could not instruct an Orc rogue).
Unlike shamans, shamanic rogues must have the required IQ and DX to handle spells. The shaman
may then "teach" the rogue one spell of his choice. The process requires a sweat-lodge or similar
place of purification. The rogue must fast and go on a one to three day mini-quest, and then will
receive the designated spell.

Thieves have limited weapon skills; they may use daggers plus their choice of one other general
type of weapon. If they wish to use a weapon from any other category, they must first get training and
meet double the normal ST and DX requirements.
Armor protects thieves at face value -- plus they can only wear armor that has a total ST
requirement that is not more than half their strength.
Thieves automatically get reduced levels on their Saving Rolls for moving silently and climbing
walls (unless they forget to remind the GM). Also, they may attempt Saving Rolls for the following
actions: Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Remain Unseen in Shadow, Pass Small Portals (up to half the
normal size required), and Disguise (all these are normally DX SRs).

Like most enterprises in the Great Land, criminal activity is monopolized by a powerful guild
house. The Thieves' Guild is a shadowy organization, but not an entirely secret one. Most traders and
merchants will know how to contact the guild as easily as any street thug. Any thief entering a new
territory must check in with the local guild and clear any major operation with the guild hierarchy
(you may be refused permission if your target has already purchased "protection").
Any criminal gains less than 100 gp per week are free and clear. Any thefts greater than that value
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 30

must fork over at least ten percent to the local guild; failure to do so will result in unpleasant

The Thieves' Guild also controls the production of poisons and blade venoms, and it is to them that
even respectable gentry come to get their Curare or Spider Venom. To higher level thieves with
proven ability (sufficient DX and IQ), the Guild will provide alchemical training in poison brewing -for a fee.

A Thief may also be a Rogue class; these have the same armor and weapons restrictions as normal
thieves, but may not attempt any of the special skills. Instead, they use spells to do their dirty work.
Thief Rogues must learn their spells from the cranky old wizards of the Thieves' Guild, who charge
very high prices. Most proper wizards will refuse to teach spells to thieves, but even if one is conned
into doing so, it may be to no avail anyway. The embittered old wizards who sell their services to the
Thieves' Guild have tended to develop magicks along subtly different lines than the Wizards' Guild,
and this difference may be too much for a thief rogue to overcome. If a thief does learn a spell from
an orthodox wizard, he must make an IQ SR at the level of the spell on the following day, or he will
completely forget it.
The spell list available from the Guild wizards is a little different from the standard list. The spells
listed below with no description are exactly the same as the standard spells.
Special Notations:
"D" -- spell may be cast at higher levels for increased duration
"E" -- spell may be cast at higher levels for increased effect
"#" -- base spell cost in ST (or Mana)

Detect Magic 1
Lock Tight
Will-o-Wisp 1
Knock-Knock 2
Oh-There-It-Is 4
No-Feel-ums / 3
Renders all others incapable of feeling the thief's activities on their person, such as pocket
picking or even poison injecting. Lasts one round only.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 31

Hidey Hole 10
Cat Eyes
Glue You 8
Little Feets 8
No-Hear-ums / [D] / 5
Completely silences any activity done directly by the thief (caster). You can drag a table silently,
but if a lamp falls off it, there will be a noise. Lasts one turn.
Sleep Tight / 9 / 30' range
Cast on a sleeping person, it will keep him asleep for one hour. Only a Dis-spell can awaken him.

Slush-Yuck 15
Rock-a-Bye 11
Fly Me 7
No-See-ums / [D] / 12
Renders the caster invisible for one turn.
Crossed Tracks / 8
Hopelessly confuses any trail left by the caster & her party. Can only be followed by using a
Second Sight spell.
Assay / 6
Accurately determines the value of precious metals & stones; also spots fakes and worthless

Wink Wing 14
Dum-Dum 8
Double Double 18
Upsidaisy 9
Snooze Alarm / 12
This is a simple ward; placed on a container or across a threshold, will instantly awaken and alert
the caster when it is triggered. Lasts for 12 hours or until triggered.
Instant Banking / [E] / 20
When cast upon a collection of loot (not exceeding the caster's IQ in pounds), the goods will sink
without a trace into the ground beneath. It will stay there, safe from water, worms, & other
natural hazards (but not from discovery by others). The caster may recall it to the surface at any
time, but after one year and a day, the spell dissolves and the treasure reappears.

Mind Pox 39
Zingum 36
Second Sight 30
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Trust Me / 30
If cast upon a victim whose IQ+LK+CHA ( or MR) is less than the caster's, will cause the victim
to believe completely whatever the caster says. Lasts d6 hours. However, if the intended victim
proves to have too high attributes, the victim then conceives a great loathing for the caster and
seek to denounce him to the authorities or just pound his face in.
Silvernose / [D] / 12
Allows the caster to smell the scent of silver for one turn.

Mystic Vision 15
Wall of Thorns 14
Wall of Wood / 16
This conforms to all the standards for Wall spells; this one is made of foot-thick oak beams.
Goldnose / [D] /15
Allows the caster to smell the scent of gold for one turn.

Invisible Wall 27
Jemnose / [D] / 20
Allows the caster to smell the scent of precious gems for one turn.
Exchange / 30
This spell transmutes precious metals (including coins) into gems and vice versa. The total value
in the exchange cannot exceed the caster's (IQ x 1000) in gp; no value is lost in the exchange.
The gems thus created will be uncut and unexceptional, of random types, weighing a hundredth
of what the metal weighed (roughly). The reverse process will create the equivalent value in (roll
1 = gold dust
2-3 = gold nuggets
4-5 = silver nuggets
6 = gold coins

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Copyright 1998 by Bruce V. Edwards

Ages ago, great sages of the Guild would join together to promote the study of their favored types
of magicks. These evolved into formal organizations, each developing specialized spells and
assembling courses of study to teach other mages how to handle these spells. The magicks of each
college began to develop along subtly different lines, and special training was required before the
unique spells could be learned by other mages.
These colleges are now available to all members of the Guild. Student mages must complete the
special course of study to master the peculiar visualizations and psychic techniques of each college.
Applicant's must be of the requisite Level required by the college and pay the tuition fee. After
spending the required time in training and study, the student must make an IQ SR in order to
successfully complete the course (if he fails, he does not get his money back, but may try again later -after paying the fee again). When successful, the graduate receives one spell as a gift. Thereafter, the
graduate is qualified to purchase the college's spells as well as the standard Guild spells.
These unique spells cannot be learned by a mage until they have completed the college's course of
study. Note that the availability of these spells depends upon the presence of another graduate of that
college. Any graduate can teach a spell to another graduate, but only graduates of at least 12th level
are qualified to instruct others in the secrets of the college.


in gp

of seminar

Level of SR



1 week




1 week


Material Magicks


12 weeks


Medical Magicks


1 week




1 week




1 week


Mental Magicks


2 weeks




4 weeks



Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 34



2 weeks


Light & Night


2 weeks




2 weeks




2 weeks




1 month




1 month


A note on the spell descriptions: A '[D]' in the first line indicates

that the spell may be cast at higher levels for doubled duration; a
'[E]' indicates it may be cast at higher levels for doubled effect.
Then follows the ST (or Mana) cost and the range, if applicable( a '--'
means a range of 'touch').

With the exception of the colleges of Golems, Material Magick, and Mystical Clowning, many of the
spells in these colleges were inspired by & adapted from the elemental spells found in Dave Nalle's
Ysgarth Rules System (1980 edition). Mr Nalle & I corresponded briefly regarding various magic
systems -- wherever you are, Dave, good gaming to you.

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At this college you will practice the theory of perceptual reality alterations. The College of
Enchantments is not so much a specialist school as an advanced course-- it has been, after all, the
major source for the standard guild spells. You will receive the training necessary to sharpen your
discipline in perceptual alterations, which will allow you to wield the college's specialized spells.
A wizard must be at least Second Level to attend this college. The tuition is 1500 gp; the seminar
requires one full week of intense study and an L1 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of the course, you will receive the Alarums spell. The remainder will be available for you
to purchase at the Guild.

Level One -- IQ = 10, DX = 8

Alarums / [D] / 4 / -This is placed across an opening, on an object, or on an area of 10 foot radius. If the area is
disturbed or crossed, the caster will be alerted. Lasts 100 hours.

Level Two -- 750gp IQ = 12, DX = 9

Chameleon / [D] / 5 / -The person will blend into any background and be harder to hit & easier to hide (by half).
In melee, this will halve the attacker's adds. Lasts 1 turn.

Level Three -- 1250gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Pretty Ugly / 6 / -Will double or halve CHA (caster's choice) for 1 hour.

Level Four -- 1750gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Slamshut / [E] / 10 / range 30'
Will close an opening of window (half-door) size; the surrounding material closes in and
has its ordinary resistance to breakage, etc. Lasts one hour if not smashed. Increased levels
increase the size of the opening allowed.
Ward Warn / 18+ / -Placed across an opening, on an object, or an area of 10 foot radius with one other spell
(which adds its mana cost to this); that encapsulated spell will go off on the first being to
cross/disturb the warded area. Lasts until triggered or canceled.

Level Five -- 2250gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

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Peekaboo / 15 / -Renders any material (less than a foot thick) transparent for one turn. The area of
transparency can be up to (level) inches in diameter.

Level Six --2750gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Animation / [D] / 20 / range 50'
Animates any inanimate object in a cartoony fashion; it sprouts legs & arms as necessary,
and can manipulate objects and obey simple commands. Its effective ST & DX depend on
its original composition & form. Lasts one turn.

Level Seven -- 3250gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

You Will Talk / 25 / -Endows an inanimate object with a mouth & the power of speech for 3 turns. The apparent
intelligence of the object will be very rudimentary, but depending upon GM's
determination, effective IQ will actually increase with fine workmanship and greater age of
the object (e.g., a cheap, new leather belt will be a useless dimwit, but a finely wrought
antique chair may be very erudite).
Open Sesame / 15 / -Creates an opening in a physical barrier about five feet across. The depth/length of the
passage may be up to the caster's level in feet. If the barrier is thicker than that, the spell
fails completely. Will last for one hour unless dispelled.

Level Eight -- 3750gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Statuesque / [D] / 20 / -Allows the caster to petrify himself. He retains vision & hearing and may cancel the spell at
any time. Lasts one hour.

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This is the college that some have named the High Magick of Low Humor. Many of these spells
are very ancient, and despite their whimsical origins can be quite useful in practical situations. They
have fallen out of general use, however, not so much for their undignified nature as for their
limitations and Saving Roll allowances. Nonetheless, they continue to be popular for their original
intents, and this college exists to preserve these specialized examples of the mystic arts.
A wizard must be at least Second Level to attend this college. The tuition is 2000 gp; the seminar
requires one full week of intense study and an L1 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of this course, you will receive the Hotfoot spell. The remainder of the college's spells
will be available for you to purchase at the guild.
Note that due to the mischievous nature of the wizards who developed these spells, they have all
been carefully designed to suppress any revealing side-effects. These spells are accompanied by no
lights or sounds that may give away the prankster.

Level One -- 250 gp IQ = 10, DX = 8

Hotfoot / [E] / 7 / range 30'
This causes one target to experience the momentary sensation of having a lit match stuck
between the toes. This can affect any number of targets, so long as the combined CHA (or
MR) does not exceed the caster's IQ. Higher levels double this limit.
StickyFoot / 3 / range 30'
This will glue one target's foot to the ground for a second only (thus if they are not moving,
they may never notice). The target's CHA cannot exceed the caster's IQ.
Wedgie / 5 / range 30'
This forcibly yanks one person's pants or underpants up into their personal regions. This
will halve their adds for at least one round.
Whisper / [E] / 5 / range 10'
Originally a message spell of limited utility (note the short range), it was eventually used
merely for starting brawls. It allows the caster to "project" his voice so that it seems to be
coming from a point right next to the target's ear. The spoken message cannot be longer
than (caster's IQ) words. Higher levels double the range.

Level Two -- 500 gp IQ = 12, DX = 9

Antsy / 7 / range 30'
This gives any one person the sensation of ants in the pants; it requires a L2 IQ SR to
Ass-o-Light / 8 / range 30'
This causes one target's posterior to burst into flames. The fire is purely visual effect and
can do no actual damage; the pain, however, is real. The whole event is but momentary, but
will cause complete preoccupation for at least one round. The target can completely deflect
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 38

this spell with a L2 IQ SR.

Giggles / [D] / 10 / range 30'
This affects only one target, inflicting a giggle fit that lasts one round. This reduces all
personal adds to zero and increases all SRs by two levels. If the target is under stress at
the moment, they are allowed a L2 IQ SR to deflect the spell.
Pepperload / [E] / 5 / range 30'
This will affect one target whose IQ+LK+CHA cannot exceed the caster's (higher levels
increase this limit). Their next mouthful of food or drink (if taken within the next round)
will be a pure mixture of curry, tabasco, and jalapeo.
Portal Picture / 4 / -This creates a perfect three dimensional illusion of a passage through a wall or similar
barrier. Lasts one (10 minute) turn or until someone bumps into it.
Snuff / [E] / 10 / range 30'
This can affect any number of targets, so long as the total CHA (or MR) does not exceed
the caster's IQ (higher levels double this limit). They are inflicted with a sneezing fit that
prevents any action for one round.

Level Three -- 1000 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Drop! / [E] / 10 / range 50'
This can affect any number of targets, so long as the total CHA (or MR) does not exceed
the caster's IQ (higher levels double this limit). They experience a sudden loss of pantaloon
security. This will cause pants or skirts to drop about the ankles; any sort of clothing that
fastens about the waist will do -- this won't work on robes, togas, etc.
Dummy Talk / 8 / range 30'
The caster can supply up to (caster's level) words that the target will then speak out loud.
The target first gets a L1 IQ SR to resist the impulse; even if the target speaks the words, it
will have no effect on the attitude or frame of mind, and he can immediately countermand
it. Some things, however, once said, are difficult to take back.
Miasmal Fart / [E] / 6 / range 30'
This creates a ten foot diameter cloud of the foulest smelling abdominal gases. It is not
contained and will dissipate normally. Higher levels double the diameter of the cloud.
Tinkle / [E] / 11 / range 30'
This causes one target, whose CHA cannot exceed the caster's IQ, to immediately lose
bladder control. The effect may depend on the target's character, and on how full the
bladder was (they get a L3 LK SR to avoid any real distraction). If in combat, they will lose
all personal adds for one round.
Twinkle, Twinkle Foolish Gold / 12 / range 50'
This illusion cause all round stones within fifteen feet of the target point to assume the
appearance of gold nuggets and coins. Once a person starts picking them up, they get a L3
IQ SR to discover the illusion. Lasts one turn.
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Level Four -- 1500 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Eeek! / [D] / 18 / range 30'
This causes one target, whose CHA cannot exceed the caster's IQ, to be suddenly
convinced they are completely naked. Lasts one turn.
Whoopie Curses / [D] / 12 / range 30'
This curse causes one target to emit loud farts whenever they sit down -- they are allowed
an IQ SR at the caster's level to deflect it completely. The effect lasts until the next sunrise.
Higher levels double the number of days.

Level Five -- 2000 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Perfect Portal Picture / 22 / range 30'
This creates the illusion of a passage as in the second level Portal Picture, except that the
caster and party may actually pass through it. It disappears when anyone else tries to use it,
or after one turn.

Credits: This college owes its existence & most of its less savory spells to Jack Radosevich and family.

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At this college you will learn the arcane arts of preparing magical items. There is not much new in
the way of spells to learn, but many alchemical skills and artistic crafts must be mastered. There are
three specific categories of material magicks: Scrolls, Potions, and Charged Items. A wizard must
be at least Third Level to attend this college. The tuition is 3000 gp; the seminar requires twelve full
week of intense study and an L1 IQ SR is required to pass.

Scrolls are very expensive and not always reliable (unless demon skin is used). They are,
however, the safest way to store spells. They are only usable by the mage who prepared them, unless
specific allowances are made during the scroll's ensorcellment. Even then, only wizards and rogues
can activate them.
Material requirements: All scrolls must be written on specially prepared skins with special inks.
The type of skin used affects the scroll's chances of success. When a wizard or rogue attempts to use
a scroll, they roll 2d6; if they roll beneath the success number given below, the scroll has failed and is
skin type

Success for

Success for Rogue

cost of skin &





5 gp




200 gp

High Elf or Troll



300 gp




600 gp

1200 gp
These skins must be removed and ensorcelled within three days of the "donor's" death.
Pens used to inscribe the scroll must be plucked from a harpy, roc, griffin or similar flying creature
with a mystical nature. The ink is usually prepared from mummy bones and demon or fairy (best) or
dragon (acceptable) blood. A pulverized gem of at least 10 gp value per level of spell must be
included in the mixture.
Preparing a Scroll: enscrolling a spell requires the use of the another special spell. This spell is
given to graduates of the college as their departing gift.
Scrollspell (cost special)
The strength cost of this spell is equal to the cost of the spell being inscribed plus one point
per level of that spell.
It takes one hour per spell level to inscribe a scroll, and at the end of that time, the wizard must
make an IQ SR at the level of the spell. If the roll is failed, the scroll and all materials used in its
preparation are ruined. A completed scroll is actually a poem of sorts, which should evoke the
imagery of the spell effect.
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Casting a Scroll: Reading a scroll is not a quick process; the caster cannot be doing anything else
or moving about in any manner. It takes about ten seconds per spell level to read off the entire scroll.
Once the scroll is read, it either works or it doesn't, and then the magic is gone and the materials are

Potions & Powders

These can be used by anyone and are consistent in their effects. However, all potions and powders,
etc., will have some side-effects, usually due to the noxious chemicals used. The side-effects vary,
but will remain the same for each potion type prepared by the same wizard. Also, for each batch
prepared, roll 2d6; on a snake-eyes, the magical effect is crocked (reversed or otherwise perverted).
For each type of potion (which may actually take the form of a powder, unguent, tincture, salve,
suppository, whatever), suitable materials must be used to absorb the appropriate magical energies.
The first step is to create an ordinary item -- a tea, a graphite powder, a lard balm, etc. To this
mundane base must be added a small amount of sulfur and garlic, and finally the special ingredient.
This special ingredient may be anything -- indeed it may be different from one batch to the next -- but
the GM must agree that it is somehow germaine to the spell's effect. Once the preparation is
complete, the Wizard need only cast the desired spell into the potion. Finally, player and GM must
agree on suitable side-effects. If the special ingredient is very rare or valuable, the side-effects will be
less disruptive.
Below are some examples of successful preparations and their side-effects.
Cateyes Drops 75 gp/dose
The special ingredient is the eyes of an owl or cat. While using this preparation, the person
cannot endure bright light, and may suffer temporary blindness afterwards (L1 CON SR to
avoid). If the eyes of a black panther are used, blindess will never result.
Healing Feeling Elixir 400 gp/dose
The special ingredient is mummy dust. The disease will be cured but the patient will
undergo violent convulsions and will have to held down to prevent injury; he will lose
about half his hit points in the process anyway (these will be recovered normally). If the
dust is freshly scraped off of a "living" mummy, the convulsions will be gentle and will
only incapacitate the patient for 15 minutes.
Too-Bad Toxin Potion 280 gp/dose
The special ingredient is stems from the Destroying Angel mushroom. The toxins are
driven out of the system through excretion, and the patient will become quite poisonous
himself for the next d6 hours. If instead of a mushroom, venom sacs from a winged viper
are used, the patient will not become poisonous, but will feel quite ill for about an hour.
Double-Double Drops 700 gp/dose
The special ingredient is blowfish scales. It will double a wizard's IQ, a warrior's ST, or a
Rogue's LK for 5 turns, then halve it for another 5 turns. After all this is over, most
imbibers will suffer random fits of nausea for the next 24 hours. If giant's blood is used as
the special ingredient, there is no nausea, but the halved attribute lasts for ten minutes.
Mixing and overdosing: When two potions are mixed together the results are entirely
unpredictable -- the practice is not recommended. Using more than one dose of even the same potion
at a time can also be quite dangerous. The effects may cancel or even multiply each other, and the
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 42

side-effects are bound to be memorable.

Charged Items
Charged items include rods, wands, rings, talismans, teacups or whatever pleases the creator's
imagination. They are reliable and not usually dangerous. They can only be used by their creator
unless specific allowances are made during the object's creation. If such is the case, they may be used
by anyone who knows or can discover the key (gesture, word, thought, trigger button, etc.), but tend to
be rather volatile and prone to accidental triggering.
Creating such an item requires a suitable receptacle, as for potions. Almost any item can be used,
but it must be of high quality and fine workmanship. Once prepared, this object will then absorb a
single spell type only, but may hold up to (2d6 minus the spell level) charges, but always at least one.
Once used, the item cannot be recharged, so all spells that it can hold must be cast into it at its
creation, within one 24 hour period. Casting a spell for absorption by the item will actually cost 50%
more mana points than normal. Some example of successful items are:
Gem of Brightness
a 120 gp value imperial topaz that holds 10 Will-o-Wisp spells
a finely wrought cudgel covered in silver filigree, about 85 gp value. It holds 5 KnockKnock spells, but will explode if used against a barrier sealed by a Lock-tight spell.
Rock-a-Bye Rod
A silver and copper rod of 700 gp value. It holds 3 Rock-a-Bye spells.
Other ideas include Dum-Dum blackjacks, Wind Whistle bottles, Zombie-Zonk bracelets, BreakerBreaker shields and Smog bellows.
As mentioned before, any item that has been keyed to be usable by people other than the creator
tend to be volatile. If any such item is dropped or roughly handled there is always a 1 in 6 chance that
it will spontaneously discharge.
True Enchantments: A regular charged item may be turned into a semi-permanent enchanted
object whose spell will repeatedly or continually function. Such an item must be made of truly special
materials (they must somehow correspond to the spell effect and be valued at 500 gp per spell level),
then charged as normal, then have the spell Some Enchanted Item cast upon it (this is a level 5 spell,
available for purchase from the college at a cost of 2500 gp). The mana cost of this spell equals three
times the cost of the spell being enchanted. The exact parameters of the item are up to the GM; and
despite all the preparations, it is still a "regular" magical construct and is subject to dispelling and unmagicking in all the regular ways.
Really fabulous enchanted items such as Flaming Holy Swords, and Amulets of Invincibility verus
Whatsits, etc., are made by demigods, not mortal wizards.
This college is a simplified version of the original system by Roy Cram which
appeared in Sorcerer's Apprentice # 15.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 43

At this college you will train in the disciplines necessary to apply very specific alterations &
modifications to the living body. All these spells will work equally well on any mammal; you may
attempt them on other creatures, but success will depend on certain Saving Rolls. This school will
also give you the knowledge to apply Poor Baby, Healing Feeling, and Too-Bad Toxin to any
mammal as well.
A wizard must be at least Third Level to attend this college. The tuition is 2000 gp; the seminar
requires one full week of intense study and an L1 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of this course, you will receive the Owie Begone spell. The remainder of the college's
spells will be available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level One -- 500 gp IQ = 10, DX = 8

Owie Begone / [D] / 4 / -Anesthetizes a person, blocking all pain signals without affecting motor control (this could
be hazardous). Lasts three turns.
Clot! / 1 / range 10'
Stops external bleeding. (This includes blood drain by a monster, requiring the monster to
attack again to restart the drain.)

Level Three -- 1500 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Scalpel, Please / 2 per CON / -The caster's finger cuts a clean incision, doing 1 (or more) points of damage. Can be used
as a weapon, or to do crude surgery (arrow removal, etc.) without excessive blood loss or
risk of further infection.
Splint & Knit / 7 / -Sets and heals one broken bone instantly.

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Ker-Rack! / 10 / range 30'
If the caster's IQ is at least half the victim's CON or MR, he will cause one selected limb
bone to shatter (this rarely kills, damage is usually 1-3d plus loss of use of limb).

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Rag Doll / 20 / -Cause paralysis. Denies victim all motor control below the neck. The effect is permanent
but can be dispelled.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 44

Level Six -- 3000 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Stand Up & Walk / 25 / -Cures paralysis from any cause except a severed spinal cord (a Clone Grown spell will have
to be combined with this to cure that condition).

Level Seven -- 3500 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Brain Strain / 24 / -Causes permanent insanity. The nature of the insanity -- subtle disorientation to raging
lunacy -- is up to the GM, but the experience difference between caster & victim should be
taken into account. A 15th level Wizard should be able to induce any desired type of
insanity in a 1st level Warrior.
Bread & Water / [D] / 15 / -Suppresses a person's need for food & water for up to three days, after which the lack will
have to be made up.

Level Eight -- 4000 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Head Shrink / 30 / -Will cure all insanity, except that from a divine cause.
Rippin' Stitchin' / 20 / range 60'
Will cause all wounds received (& previously healed) in the past 24 hours to instantly reopen.

Level Eleven -- 5500 gp IQ = 30, DX = 18

Clone Grown / 40 / -Limb regeneration. The stump must not have been cauterized, and the spell must be cast
within three days of the severing. The limb will require 10 days to fully regrow.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 45

At this college you will study disciplines involving the element of water. A wizard must be at least
Fourth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 3500 gp; the seminar requires one full week of
intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful completion of studies, you will
receive the Waterclean spell. The remainder of the college's spells will be available for you to
purchase at the Guild.

Level Three -- 1500 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Waterclean / 10 / -Completely purifies a quantity of water of all contaminants (including poisons); up to (the
caster's level squared) quarts.
Sploosh! / [E] / 10 / range 50'
Summons 20 gallons of water from the nearest source (if within a mile or so) and dumps it
atop the target.

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Water Puppet / [D] / 15 / -Animates a body of water or vapor (up to one quart per Level of caster); it has movement
ability within its natural capacity and will act under the conscious direction of the caster.
The range of control is not limited, but it will not act independently or upon instructions.
Lasts one turn.
Gill Frill / [D] / 16 / -Allows a person to breath underwater for one hour.

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Float Feet / [D] / 15 / -Allows a person to walk on water for one turn.

Level Six -- 3500 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Wall of Water / 12 / -This conforms to the standard rules for Wall spells. It is just a wall of ordinary water.
(Drinking it will do no good, any water removed from the wall area disappears. It does,
however, make a heck of a swimming pool.)

Level Seven -- 4000 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 46

Mist / 20 / -The caster turns into steam -- it lasts three (ten minute) turns or until dispelled, or dismissed
by the caster. Use with caution; you have no voluntary movement in this form, you are at
the mercy of the winds (and temperature).

Level Eight -- 4500 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Water Spout / [D] / 35 / range 300'
Creates a water twister that moves at the caster's direction (up to 40' per round); lasts for
two rounds. It will destroy small boats and swamp larger ones, and pick up & hurl about
any object weighing less than (IQ 100) pounds. This spell works only at sea or within
300 feet of a large lake or sea.

Level Nine -- 5000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Water Way / [D] / 20 / -Allows the caster to merge with a body of water and move along within it at a rapid (up to
40 mph) speed. Lasts one hour or until the caster exits the water.

Level Ten -- 5500 gp IQ = 28, DX = 17

Dry Up! / [E] / 30 / range 100'
Completely dehydrates one victim (man-sized or smaller); Strength immediately drops to
one, and the victim must receive at least one quart of water for each of the next four hours
or will perish. Higher levels double either the size or number of victims allowed.

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In this college you will master the particular mental disciplines that harmonize with the element of
air. Most of the college's spells are of low level, but do involve some peculiar visualizations.
A wizard must be at least Fourth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 4000 gp; the seminar
requires one full week of intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of studies, you will receive the Skyhole spell. The remainder will be available for you to
purchase at the Guild.

Level One
Skyhole / [D] / 3
This will pierce overcast or clouds, creating a hole directly between your position and the
sun (or moon, or directly overhead if only starlight is available). Lasts one (ten minute)

Level Two -- 1000 gp IQ = 12, DX = 9

Fresh Breath / [D] / 8 / -Creates enough air for one person to breathe for one hour. It will not create excessive air
pressure, and the air will not be contained, but is free to bubble or blow away.
Weathercast / [E] / 7 / -Will give the caster accurate knowledge of the general weather conditions in this region
over the next 24 hours.

Level Three -- 1500 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Zap! / [E] / 6 / range 150'
A lightning bolt leaps from the caster's finger to the target. Damage is 3 dice, no adds.

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Vapor Maker / [spcl] / 10
Creates high level clouds; they form within five minutes and last three turns. [If cast at
Fifth level (cost = 20), the clouds will be at ground level -- fog.]

Level Six -- 3000 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Wall of Wind / 18 / -This conforms to the standard rules for Wall spells. Within the wall's volume, the air is
hurtling around at hurricane velocity. Anyone entering it must make a STR SR at the
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 48

caster's level or be hurled back (damage = the caster's level in dice).

Level Eight -- 4000 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Twister / 35 / range 100'
Creates a small cyclone under the direction of the caster; anything weighing less than (100
caster's IQ) will be picked up & thrown around. Lasts two rounds and can move at up to
40 feet per round.

Level Nine -- 4500 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Weather Master / 30 / -The caster may do one of two things: (a) Control what extant weather there is (rain, wind,
lightning, etc.) in a limited way for two turns; or (b) command what the weather will be like
on the following day (must not be too unseasonal).

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At this college you will study the disciplines involving the mind & its modifications. The college
teaches relatively few spells, but many of them have grave moral and social implications -- use them
with care.
A wizard must be at least Fifth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 4500 gp; the seminar
requires two full weeks of intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of studies, you will receive the True-Tongue spell. The remainder of the college's spells
will be available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level Three
True-Tongue / [D] / 8 / -Forces one person to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for one turn
(10 minutes).

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Sixth Sense / [D] / 10 / -Renders a person quite incapable of being surprised by anything for one hour.

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Flower Power / [D] / 28 / range 50'
Causes all within fifty feet (including the caster) to desire nothing but peace & sweetness &
harmony for one turn.
Think Throw / [D] [E] / 20 / range 500'
Allows the caster to telepathically converse with one person. Target must be known to the
caster or within line of sight; Lasts one round. (Higher levels increase range or duration.)

Level Six -- 3500 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Mystic Ears / 16 / -The caster can hear what is going on in another known location [clairaudience]. Lasts one
(ten minute) turn.

Level Seven -- 4500 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Nobody Home / 25 / -To any mystic or psychic probes, the caster's mind will appear as "not there;" a complete
blank. His mind cannot be read or even detected. Lasts one hour or until dispelled, or
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dismissed by the caster.

Level Twelve -- 7000 gp IQ = 32, DX = 19

Head Gauge / 40 / range 100'
Reveals to the caster the deepest thoughts and inmost motivations of one target. It will
reveal demonic possession, psychic control, mental illness, etc.

Level Thirteen -- 7500 gp IQ = 34, DX = 20

Brain Repair / 45 / -Heals points of IQ lost due to illness, injury, magic, poison, or monsters. Will restore all
lost IQ, but not to a higher total than the caster's IQ.

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At this college you will study the demanding disciplines of Golem construction and activation. The
college has but one spell, which is given to you upon successful completion of studies. A wizard must
be at least Fifth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 6000 gp; the seminar requires four full
weeks of intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass.

The construction of a golem merely requires the appropriate craft skills (sculpture for clay,
carpentry for wood, etc.), and this need not be performed by the wizard but may commissioned to
more competent hands -- under proper supervision, of course. The materials are simple and often
inexpensive, with the exception of the nervous system. A duplicate of a living being's energy
meridian must be built into the golem's body by implanting five special focus crystals at the primary
meridian points (hip, navel, heart, neck, & head). These crystals are gems whose value depends on
the type of golem.

Once properly constructed, the golem is animated with the Fifth Level spell, It's Alive, Igor! (ST
(or mana) cost of this spell is determined by golem type). A golem will follow the instructions of only
one master and that person must be specified when the spell is cast. The designated person must be
present during the spell-casting or the golem will go berserk.

Golems can perform only one task at a time and will fulfill it literally, regardless of obstacles. The
tasks must be relatively simple ones, but if given a continuous task, a golem will persist until ordered
to stop. If given a task that is triggered by some event (e.g., "kill anything that walks through that
door"), it can wait indefinitely, ever vigilant (note, however, that in the previous example, it will
ignore anything that flies through the door).
Every month, or each time a violent task is performed, roll two dice; if the result is snake-eyes, the
golem becomes berserk and proceeds to smash everything in sight and kill anything that moves. Once
berserk, control cannot be regained.
Because of their physical nature, all except flesh golems are immune to arrows and similar stabbing
projectiles (although they may be affected by secondary effects, such as fire). All (including flesh)
golems are unaffected by any disease or poison. Finally, since only the flesh golem has a living brain,
all others are unaffected by TTYF, Mind Pox, and other charm & psychic type spells.
To determine the personal stats for a golem, roll 2d6 (not three) for all attributes except IQ, which
is always 2. Each golem type then has certain modifiers to apply to the results.

The table below gives the cost of the creation spell, the time & manner of construction, and the
average cost of the materials and life-gems for each golem type. More detailed description of each
type is given below, with attribute modifiers and average combat rolls. A golem's combat roll is a
number of dice equal to its Strength multiplier, with adds determined normally.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 52


Time to construct

cost of

cost of



1 week, sculpted

20 gp

120 gp



3 weeks, woven from scraps





2 days, usually molded





2 weeks, folded from large






3 weeks, carved





2 weeks, sculpted





1 week, stuffed into a mold




1 week, poured into a mold





1 week, sculpted (not a frozen





4 weeks, sculpted





6 weeks, wrought & cast





4-24 weeks, surgered from the

best bits


Golem Type

Wax Golem
Modifiers: 2 ST
The basic cheap work-horse golem. Temperatures over 90F do one point to CON per hour.
Persistent temperatures below 40F will immobilize it. Cold attacks slow it by half, but do no
damage. Fire attacks do only normal damage.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 2d-2, 7 hp
maximum: 2d+12, 12 hp

Cloth Golem
modifiers: 2 ST, 3 CON
When in combat, if it rolls doubles on its combat dice, it will enwrap one opponent, pinning them
with cloth strips & doing 1 pt/round of strangulation/crushing. An enwrapped victim may break free
with a L2 ST SR. If a golem has only one enwrapped victim, it may still attack others normally.
Attacks on a golem with enwrapped victims are hazardous -- one third of the hits delivered to the
golem are instead taken by the enwrapped victims. Fire attacks have a 2 in 6 chance of setting it
ablaze, doing 2 pts/round.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 2d-2, 20 hp
maximum: 2d+12, 35 hp

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Tar Golem
modifiers: 2 ST, 2 DX, 2 CON
A favorite inexpensive combat golem. Any weapon used against a tar golem has a 2 in 6 chance of
getting stuck, requiring a L2 ST SR to pull free. [If a combatant is left hanging on to a stuck weapon
(i.e., attempted the SR & failed), he is at the mercy of the golem and must take a double share of
hits.] Roll for "sticking" each round, regardless of whether any hits were scored.
Cold attacks will slow or immobilize it (depending on how many hit points are scored), but do no
damage. Any fire attack has a 3 in 6 chance of setting the golem ablaze, doing 1 pt/round but adding
one die to its attack roll. If the golem is not on fire, it will regenerate two CON points per round.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 2d+2. 14 hp
maximum: 2d+24, 24 hp

Paper Golem
modifiers: 3 DX, 3 LK
These golems are just stupendously useful. They can refold themselves into almost any shape -chairs, animals, parasols, books -- the possibilities are endless. Wounds inflicted by a paper golem
are usuallyer, paper cuts; those injured who fail a L1 IQ SR have their next combat total halved
because of the pain. Any fire attack has a 5 in 6 chance of setting the golem on fire, doing one point
per round.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 1d+16, 7 hp
maximum: 1d+48, 12 hp

Wood Golem
modifiers: 2 ST, 3 CON
Because of their organic nature, wood golems can be given slightly more complex instructions than
the average golem; and will not go berserk while actually performing a task (or acting on instructions,
even if simply "wait until"). Blunt weapons are ineffective against wood golems; attackers using
such weapons must halve their combat total. Fire attacks have only a 1 in 6 chance of setting it afire,
doing one point per round.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 2d-2, 20 hp
maximum: 2d+12, 35 hp

Clay Golem
modifiers: 4 ST, 3 CON, 2 CHA(negative)
The classic golem and a sentimental favorite. No one is sure why, but clay golems seem to have a
predilection for blood-letting. If given a violent task, even if they don't go berserk, they usually
overdo it. Fire attacks have no effect. A bucket of water will do one point, and a heavy rain will do 1
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 54

Combat roll & CON=

average: 4d+12, 20 hp
maximum: 4d+36, 35 hp

Dust Golem
modifiers: 2 ST, 2 DX
Dust golems can "sift" through small cracks & holes and reform on the other side. Anyone who
takes hits from a dust golem must make a L1 LK SR or be blinded by the dust for one round.
Being mostly insubstantial, no weapon can inflict more than one point per round on a dust golem.
Fire attacks do full normal damage. A good dose of water will reduce it to a helpless pile of sludge,
but when it dries out, it will reform again.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 2d+2, 7 hp
maximum: 2d+24, 12 hp

Glass Golem
modifiers: 3 ST, 3 CON, 2 DX
Because they are transparent and reflective, they can be rather difficult to see, particularly in low
light conditions. Any opponent who fails a L2 IQ SR must halve their combat total (or if firing
missiles, must double the level of the to-hit SR). When hit, a glass golem tends to scatter shards of
glass; for every hit point scored on the golem, a like amount must be taken among the melee
Combat roll & CON=
average: 3d+9, 20 hp
maximum: 3d+36, 35 hp

Ice Golem
modifiers: 3 ST, 4 CON
Ice golems never go berserk so long as the temperature is below freezing. They may also be
magically charged by casting a Freeze Pleeze spell at it immediately upon its awakening. Thereafter,
it will be able to cast that spell once per day, with power equal to the original spell as it was cast.
Temperatures above 40F will do 1 point per hour; above 70F will do 1 pt per turn. Fire attacks
will do normal damage; cold attacks will heal hit points.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 3d+5, 30 hp
maximum: 3d+24, 45 hp

Stone Golem
modifiers: 5 ST, 2 DX, 5 CON
Stone golems may use any weapon their ST and DX allow, and often carry tower shields. They
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 55

may be magically charged by casting a Medusa spell at it immediately upon its awakening.
Thereafter, the golem will be able to cast that spell once per day and will be immune to Slush Yuck
Each round that a bladed weapon is used against a stone golem, there is a 1 in 6 chance the weapon
will lose one add due to chipping.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 5d+23, 35 hp
maximum: 5d+60, 60 hp

Iron Golem
modifiers: 6 ST, 3 DX, 8 CON
Iron golems may use any weapon their ST and DX allow. They may also be magically charged by
casting a Wall of Iron spell at it immediately upon its awakening. Thereafter, it will be able to cast
that spell once per day, either in the normal fashion, or to instantly regenerate all its lost CON.
Blunt weapons and arrows are totally ineffective against an iron golem. Each round that a nonmagical bladed weapon is used against it, there is a 1 in 6 chance the blade will completely shatter.
Combat roll & CON=
average: 6d+37, 55 hp
maximum: 6d+84, 95 hp

Flesh Golem
modifiers: 3 ST, 2 CON, IQ = 1d6
Since flesh golems have an inherent nervous system, meridian crystals are unnecessary. Their
bodies are, however, not really alive, and they need no food or water, and are unaffected by climatic
extremes, etc.
Roll 1d6 for the flesh golem's IQ. If you roll a 3 or better, it is semi-intelligent and can speak the
first language of the original brain. Also, you must now roll for control loss during every task. If
control is lost, it will not necessarily go berserk. Instead, it becomes an independent, free-willed
Combat roll & CON=
average: 3d+5, 14 hp
maximum: 3d+24, 24 hp
Most of the Golem types in this college were inspired by (or ripped off from) various contributions to
the three (out-of-print) volumes of All the World's Monsters edited by Jeff Pimper & Steve Perrin.

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At this college you will study the disciplines affecting the element of earth. Many of these
specialist spells will seem mundane, but with practice you can use them to cause quite spectacular
secondary effects.
A wizard must be at least Sixth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 7000 gp; the seminar
requires two full weeks of intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of studies, you will receive the Cloud o' Dust spell. The remainder of the college's spells
will be available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level One
Cloud o' Dust / [D] / 4 / range 30'
Raises a ten foot wide cloud of dust which reduces visibility by half and chokes the
breathing of all within (L3 CON SR or lose half STR while in the cloud). Lasts one (ten
minute) turn.

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Stone You! / 20 /range 70'
All throwing-sized rocks within fifty feet will leap off the ground and hurl themselves at
the target. Damage depends on the surrounding terrain, but is at least 2d6 and at most 10d6.

Level Six -- 3500 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Dig Dig Dug / [D] [E] / 16 / -The caster can move aside or remove earth (not solid rock) at the rate of 50 cubic ft/Level/
round for one turn(five rounds). (A tunnel a man can move through at a crouch is 100
cubic feet per four foot length.)

Level Seven -- 4000 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Rubble Crumble / [D] / 25 / range 100'
Causes stone to slowly crumble into dust at the rate of 100 cubic feet per round for one turn
(total volume = 8 foot cube). Will not work on magical stone (golems, medusa victims,
Walls of, etc.).

Level Nine -- 5000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Earth Merge / [D] / 25 / -The caster merges with the ground and may move through it at walking pace; even through
solid rock. Lasts for one turn or until the caster "surfaces."
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Level Ten -- 5500 gp IQ = 28, DX = 17

Stone Mold / 30 / -The caster may shape stone as if it were soft clay (does not work on magickal stone). Lasts
for one hour.
Ground Grip / 35 / -The caster becomes "rooted" to the earth and cannot be moved; lasts for one hour or until
dismissed by the caster. However, the caster also becomes of the same consistency as the
ground he is standing on; use with caution.

Level Twelve -- 7000 gp IQ = 32, DX = 19

Instant Burial / [E] / 28 / range 50'
The ground will open up beneath one target (of up to ogre size), swallow him and slam
shut. Damage done depends on the ground consistency, but usually runs 20 to 120, not to
mention suffocation. Higher levels double the number or size of targets.

Level Thirteen -- 7500 gp IQ = 34, DX = 20

Summon Kobolds / 45 / -Kobolds are minor earth elementals and usually have MR's well below 10. The number
appearing (popping out of the ground) will have a total MR not more than the caster's
CHA. They will obey the caster's commands for one turn, after which they will return to the
ground or seek revenge for being commanded to do something really stupid.

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At this college you will learn to master the disciplines involving the manipulation of light and the
absence thereof. A wizard must be at least Sixth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 7500 gp;
the seminar requires two full weeks of intense study and an L2 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon
successful completion of the course, you will receive the Sparkler spell. The remainder of the
college's spells will be available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level One
Sparkler / [D] / 3 / range 30'
Creates a yard-wide sphere of glowing motes, which moves about at the caster's direction.
It will weakly illuminate a five foot radius. Lasts one turn or until dismissed.

Level Two -- 1000 gp IQ = 12, DX = 9

Moonbeams in a Jar / [D] [E] / 7 / range 50'
Creates light -- moonlight intensity -- over a ten foot radius area; lasts one turn. Higher
levels may increase the duration or radius.
Night Blight / [D] / 7 / range 50'
Creates darkness over a ten foot radius -- not total darkness, but as an overcast night; lasts
one turn. Higher levels may either double the duration or the radius.

Level Three -- 1500 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Say Cheese / 6 / -Produces a flash of intense light from the caster's palm -- anyone looking that direction (or
anywhere in the vicinity if at night) must make an L3 LK SR or be dazzled (halve their
combat roll, double their SR's, etc.). If at night, anyone looking directly at the flash will be
night-blinded for one turn if they fail a L6 LK SR.

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Sunlight in a Bottle / [D] [E] / 12 / range 50'
Creates full daylight in a ten foot radius area; lasts one turn. Higher levels may double the
duration or the radius.

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Moon Banish / [E] / 20 / -A lunar eclipse affecting the area within one mile of the caster; lasts for one hour or until
dismissed. Higher levels double the radius.
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Glow / [D] / 10 / -The caster glows with torchlight intensity. Those touching him will take 1d heat damage.
Those grappling or being grappled take 3d. Lasts one combat round.

Level Six -- 3500 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Wall of Gloom / 12 / -This conforms to the standards for all Wall spells. Within the wall area there is total
darkness; those entering must make an L6 IQ SR or panic and flee.
Wall of Light / [E] / 22 / -This conforms to the standards for all Wall spells. The Wall glows very brightly,
illuminating the area within fifty feet. Anyone entering must take heat damage equal to the
caster's IQ and make an L3 LK SR or be blinded for d6 turns.

Level Seven -- 4000 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Darkmeld / [D] / 15 / -The caster becomes a part of the night or deep shadow. They are nearly invisible when
motionless and only silver or magicked weapons can strike them (however, a successful
Medusa spell on a person in this state will kill them). The effect is dispelled by any strong
light. Lasts one turn.

Level Eight -- 4500 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Sun Screen / [E] / 35 / -A solar eclipse affecting the area within one mile of the caster; lasts one hour. Higher levels
double the radius.

Level Nine -- 5000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Fall of Light / [E] / 30 / range 100'
This spell works only under direct, unobscured sunlight. It causes a shaft of greatly
magnified sunlight to fall upon a five foot radius area. All flammables will catch fire and
the heat damage to all in the area equals the caster's IQ 10.

Level Eleven -- 6500 gp IQ = 30, DX = 18

Stars Out / [E] / 40 / -Eclipses all starlight and moonlight within one mile of the caster; lasts one hour. Higher
levels double the radius.

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Level Thirteen -- 7500 gp IQ = 34, DX = 20

Aurora / [D] / 40 / -The caster gains a prismatic aura, all seeing it must make an L3 LK SR or be dazzled (halve
their combat rolls, double their SR levels, etc.). The caster is immune to spells cast be
dazzled opponents and does touch damage equal to CHA 1d6. Lasts one round.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 61

At this college you will study disciplines dealing with the derived element of ice and the removal of
heat. A wizard must be at least Seventh Level to attend this college. The tuition is 12,000 gp; the
seminar requires two full weeks of intense study and an L3 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon
successful completion of studies, you will receive the Jack Frost spell. The remainder of the college's
spells will be available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level Two
Jack Frost / 6 /-Causes a layer of light frost to cover everything within 100 feet of the caster.

Level Three -- 2000 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Snowball / [E] / 4 / range 30'
Hurls an ordinary snowball; caster must make the appropriate DX SR to hit the target. (The
snow sublimates almost immediately after hitting the target.) Higher levels double the
number of snowballs -- they may be "thrown" separately or all at once.

Level Four -- 2500 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Chill / [D] [E] / 10 / range 20'
Cools the temperature of a small object (up to hobbit size) by 20F for one turn.
Mystic Woollies / [D] / 15 / -Cause the caster or one other person to be impervious to cold & immune to cold damage for
one hour.

Level Five -- 3000 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

Cool It / [D] [E] / 10 / range 50'
Drops the temperature within a 25 foot radius by 10F for one turn.

Level Six -- 4000 gp IQ = 20, DX = 13

Ice Storm / [E] / 16 / range 100'
Causes an instant hail storm over a 20 foot radius; it lasts one round and does little real
damage (except to crops, etc.). Higher level increase the radius.
Bridge of Ice / [E] / 30 / -Creates a bridge spanning at most 50 feet and capable of supporting (IQ Level) 100
pounds. (This is a variant Wall spell and otherwise conforms to those standards.)
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Level Seven -- 4500 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Icicle / [E] / 20 / range 100'
Hurls a spear-like icicle into one target. Damage only equals the caster's IQ, but anyone
taking hits must make a LK SR at the caster's level or lose half their DX (due to chills) for
one turn. Higher levels increase the number of icicles -- which may be thrown separately,
at different targets, or all at once.

Level Nine -- 5500 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Cube You / 25 / range 50'
Entraps one man-sized victim in a cube of solid ice. The cube takes (caster's IQ level)
points of damage to smash. Meanwhile, the victim is subject to the normal effects of
freezing and suffocation.
Ice Merge / [D] / 22 / -The caster can become one with a body of ice and move through it at walking speed. Lasts
three (ten minute) turns, or until the caster leaves the ice.

Level Twelve -- 7500 gp IQ = 32, DX = 19

White Out / [D] [E] / 40 / -A blinding blizzard springs up, covering the area within 100 feet of the caster. All within
(except the caster) must make an L3 CON SR or lose three DX per round to the freezing
cold; Lasts one full turn. Higher levels double the radius or the duration.

Level Fifteen -- 9000 gp IQ = 38, DX = 22

Summon Ice Demon / 70 / -Summons one Ice Demon that will serve for 1d6 hours. (Refer to Demonology School.)
Roll a die for which type you get:
1-3 Class I
4-5 Class II
6 Class III
{NOTE: until (if ever) I get the demonology school posted on this site, use an ordinary
demon made of ice with an MR of 2d6 20}

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 63

At this college you will learn to master the arts & disciplines of the element of Fire. Use these
spells with caution -- many can cause an alarming amount of collateral damage to combustible
materials; and a wizard who is too free with his flames will not be trusted by the community.
A wizard must be at least Seventh Level to attend this college. The tuition is 14,000 gp; the
seminar requires two full weeks of intense study and an L3 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon
successful completion of studies, you will be given the Flame Flick spell. The remainder of the
college's spells will be available for you to purchase at the Guild

Level Two
Flame Flick / 5 / -A small spurt of flame from the finger, which may be "flicked" up to 15 feet away. It may
ignite dry combustibles, or do 1-2 points of damage.

Level Three -- 2000 gp IQ = 14, DX = 10

Fireball / [E] / 6 / range 100'
A glowing red 6 inch sphere hurtles to the target & explodes. The caster must make the
appropriate DX SR to hit, or specify a terminal range for explosion. Damage is 2d, no
adds. Higher levels either double the damage or the range.

Level Four -- 2500 gp IQ = 16, DX = 11

Flame Out / [E] / 10 / range 50'
Extinguishes a campfire sized fire (or up to four torches). Higher levels put out larger fires
(e.g., a bonfire = L6, a house fire = L8).
Invincible Flame / [D] / 14 / range 20'
Cast on an existing fire (up to bonfire size), this will cause it to continue burning as long as
the fuel remains, regardless of presence of oxygen, high winds, even underwater, etc. Lasts
one hour.
Sta-Cool / [D] / 15 / -This renders the caster or one other person impervious to heat & immune to all fire damage
(except magical flames created by a caster (or dragon) with greater IQ than this spell's
caster) for one hour.
Hot Stuff / [D] [E] / 10 / range 20'
Raises the temperature of an object (up to hobbit size) by 20F for one turn.

Level Five -- 3000 gp IQ = 18, DX = 12

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Hot Time / [D] [E] / 10 / range 50'

Raises the temperature in a 25 foot radius by 10F for one turn.
Hell Gloves / [D] / 20 / -Envelopes the caster's hands in flames. The caster will then do 1d damage by touch (each
hand) as well as ignite flammables. This will also grow to envelop any hand-held weapons
and add one die to their combat damage as well as render the attack magickal. Lasts one
Fire Vision / 26 / -The caster may look into one fire and "see out of" any other fire within five miles. Lasts
one turn.

Level Eight -- 5500 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Armor of Flame / [D] / 35 / -Swaths the caster's entire body in flames. This has all the same effects as the Hell Gloves
spell. It also does 6d damage if grappling or being grappled. It also heats up any melee
weapon used against the caster by 20F per round. Lasts one turn.

Level Nine -- 6000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Fire Portal / 25 / -Allows the caster to step into one fire and out of another up to five miles away.

Level Eleven -- 8000 gp IQ = 30, DX = 18

Spontaneous Combustion / 40 / range 80'
Cause one victim to burst into flames and be instantly reduced to ashes. The target is
allowed a SR on IQ at (the caster's level minus their level); if they succeed, they still take
damage equal to the caster's IQ and their clothing is on fire.

Level Thirteen -- 9000 gp IQ = 34, DX = 20

Fire Storm / [E] / 55 / -A circular wave of raging flames spreads outward from the caster to a radius of 50 feet,
doing (IQ caster's Level) damage and igniting everything that might conceivably burn.
Higher levels double the damage or the radius.

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At this college you will study the mysteries and disciplines of the Dark Arts. As with all spells, the
following are amoral, but many of them have grave ethical and religious implications. Open use of
them can gain one an unsavory reputation or even the unwanted attention of the gods.
A wizard must be at least Ninth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 35,000 gp; the seminar
requires one full month of intense study and an L4 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of studies you will receive the Panick spell. The remainder of the college's spell will be
available for you to purchase at the Guild.

Level Six
Panick! / 32 / range 50'
All living beings within 50 feet of the caster must make an IQ SR at the caster's level or
flee in terror.

Level Seven -- 7000 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Older / [E] / 25 / range 25'
Adds five years to the age of one person or object (living beings are allowed an L3 LK SR;
objects get no SR).

Level Eight -- 8000 gp IQ = 24, DX = 15

Alas, Poor Stiff / [D] / 24 / -Allows the caster to speak with a dead person; the corpse or at least a skull must be present.
This does not actually recall the spirit, but merely reactivates the memory & consciousness
lying dormant in the remains. Lasts for one round (2 minutes).
Early Grave / 30 / range 30'
For all practical purposes, the victim of this spell will appear to nature (& non-intelligent
creatures) to be dead. Scavengers may attempt to eat him as he sleeps, and worst of all he
will actually begin to decompose -- losing one point of CON each day. Also, no healing of
any wounds is possible except by magic. There is no save & the effect is permanent,
although it may be removed like any curse.

Level Nine -- 9000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Seance / 25 / -Recalls the ghost of a deceased person if the spirit resides in the Asphodel Fields (not
Tarterus or Elysium) [note: in other worlds, this translates to a limitation of only being able
to call spirits that are in limbo, not those who have been raised to Heaven or cast into
Hell]. A particular person may be specified, or a random ghost will come. A cup of blood
must be ready for the ghost to consume; it will then converse for up to one hour (the ghost
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 66

merely refuses to come if there is no blood; these are shades only, with no substance or
Diabolic Pet / 35 / -Summons up a familiar that will serve the caster for 1d years or until banished. It is almost
always an Imp, with an MR no higher than the caster's IQ. In addition to their regular
abilities, they can also function as a Deluxe Staff for their wizard (although they cannot
remember spell requiring a higher IQ than they possess). They must feed daily upon the
wizard's blood. [Caution: familiar or not, these creatures are still servants of Hell.]
Living Dead / 40 / -This functions exactly like Zombie Zonk, except that the zombies created will last

Level Eleven -- 11,000 gp IQ = 30, DX = 18

Shadow Valet / 40 / -This calls forth a harmless, invisible spirit that can perform all butler & cook functions for
the caster for one full day.

Level Twelve -- 12,000 gp IQ = 32, DX = 19

Limbo Trip / 40 / range 50'
Casts one victim into a dimension (plane) of absolute sensory deprivation. Roll 2d; on a
snake-eyes, he is consumed by the unknown monsters there. Otherwise, he will return to
the same spot three turns (30 minutes) later. If he fails an L1 IQ SR, he will have been
driven stark staring looney by the experience. Even the sturdiest of persons usually return
screaming and take several minutes to recover.
Circle of Binding / [E] / 35 / -Create a circle on the ground which will contain any ghosts, demons, undead, etc. that may
be lured or conjured into it. Only spirits with an MR greater than (caster's IQ Level) may
break free. Lasts one hour.

Level Thirteen -- 13,000 gp IQ = 34, DX = 20

Door #13 / 75 / -Opens a portal to another plane. (There are no known limits to this spell, except that the
other plane must be personally known to the caster. So to open a door to Tarterus, you must
first have traveled to Tarterus and returned.)
Ghost Glue / 60 / -Temporarily binds a ghost (or the stolen spirit of a living person) into an object. The victim
retains consciousness, but cannot employ or exhibit any powers. Lasts one week (but can be
made (semi)permanent by the Some Enchanted Item spell).

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Level Fourteen -- 14,000 gp IQ = 36, DX = 21

Master of Corruption / [D] [E] / 50 / range 100'
The caster can control all ordinary forms of undead, so long as the individual IQ does not
exceed his own, and the total MR does not exceed (caster's Level (IQ + CHA)). Lasts 12
Cast Ye Out! / [E] / 60 / -Drives a possessing demon out of its victim (it may then be free to possess another, or
attack, etc.). If the demon's MR exceeds the caster's total attributes, or if its IQ is greater
than the caster's, it will pass from the victim and possess the caster! (That's what higher
casting levels are for, they double the above limits.)

Level Fifteen -- 15,000 gp IQ = 38, DX = 22

Demon Binding / [E] / 85 / -Permanently binds a demon into an enchanted object; it adds the demon's powers to that
object, and the caster can then utilize any of the demon's mystic powers through the object.
(Example: an ordinary demon is bound into a sword -- the sword gets normal dice, but the
regular adds are replaced by the demon's adds, & its attacks are magickal.) The demon's
proper name must be known and used in the spell. The victim demon's IQ may not exceed
the caster's, nor may its MR exceed the caster's (Level IQ).

Level Sixteen -- 16,000 gp IQ = 40, DX = 23

Greater Elements / 68 / -Conjures up a greater Elemental -- it will serve for one turn or one task. It will have an MR
of (caster's IQ Level) and have mystic powers to control its element as appropriate.

Level Seventeen -- 17,000 gp IQ = 42, DX = 24

Demon Calling / 120 / -As per the Summoning spell, but if the caster makes an IQ SR, he may specify the type of
demon summoned. The level of the SR is based on the desired demon's class or level
number if it has one, or equals the average MR/20.

Level Eighteen -- 18,000 gp IQ = 44, DX = 25

Demon Dumping / [E] / 165 / -A more powerful form of Banishing. It will dismiss any demon whose IQ is not greater
than the caster's, or whose MR is not greater than the caster's (IQ Level). Bound demons
must first be freed in order to be dismissed.

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Level Nineteen -- 19,000 gp IQ = 46, DX = 26

Soul Snatch / 150 / -Steals the spirit of one victim (must be within line of sight; or may be up to one mile away
if the caster possesses a lock of hair or such). Unless imprisoned or bound, the spirit is
immediately free to seek out its body again. If the soul is gone for 21 days, the body will

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At this college you will study the arts of manipulating the flow of time. As has been thoroughly
discussed in Guild treatises, it is quite impossible to project oneself or an object into the "past" or
"future." However, since the passage of time is an illusion caused by our conscious perception, there
are disciplines which can manipulate this illusory flow. In fact, many standard spells accomplish their
effects by doing just that. Glue You and Little Feets are actually limited temporal manipulations.
Here, you will learn some highly specialized disciplines which play real havoc with the perception of
A wizard must be at least Ninth Level to attend this college. The tuition is 21,000 gp; the seminar
requires one full month of intense study and an L5 IQ SR is required to pass. Upon successful
completion of these studies, you will receive the Superglue spell. The remainder of the college's
spells will be available for you to purchase at select Guild halls.

Level Six
Superglue / [D] / 26 / range 30'
This is an amplified & concentrated Glue You. The victim cannot move at all for one turn;
but is subject to normal time events (he can be moved, hurt, etc.).

Level Seven -- 7000 gp IQ = 22, DX = 14

Speedy Me / [D] / 25 / -Elevates the caster's (or another's) time factor by six. The person operates six times faster,
thus "disappearing" to normal time perception (beings in normal time will be unable to see
them, although they might sense their smell or psychic presence). They react to gravity,
mass, etc., in a way that is "normal" to their perception (thus they would fall six times
faster but still take normal damage for the distance fallen). Small objects held in their hand
would share their time factor, but living being would not. This spell, therefore, is worthless
for combat, as a speeded warrior is unable to do real damage to normal time people
(although he might steal their swords).
Speedy Them / [D] / 25 / -Reduces the caster's (or another's) time factor by six. They "disappear" to normal time
perception and experience 10 minutes of time while the world goes through one hour. They
may see stationary objects and people, but someone moving at walking speed would be
invisible to the slowed person. Use with caution, as collisions with unseen horses, etc., can
be very dangerous.

Level Nine -- 9000 gp IQ = 26, DX = 16

Watch Stop / [D] / 40 / range 50'
This prevents the target from experiencing any time (and therefore, change) at all. They can
be moved like a statue, but their posture, etc., will not change, and they are totally
invulnerable as the state of their bodies cannot be altered (as by stabbing or crushing). Lasts
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one turn.

Level Eleven -- 11,000 gp IQ = 30, DX = 18

Blink / 30 / -The caster disappears and reappears in the same spot six seconds later. (If another person is
now standing there, he will be pushed aside with great force.) You are actually hurling
yourself into the future, but maintaining the same "coordinates." This spell can theoretically
be cast at higher levels, but it can be suicide to do so. The longer you "hurl," the wider you
frame of reference for your coordinates will become. Thus instead of being positioned
relative to the ground at your feet, you may be positioned relative to the mass of the world
(regardless of how it has rotated or moved in the meantime), or even relative to the ether
(which may long since have swept past the world).

Level Twelve -- 12,000 gp IQ = 32, DX = 19

World Stop / 45 / -Increases the caster's (or another's) time factor by 72. See Speedy Me for the basic effects.
The speeded person will live through 12 hours of time in only 10 minutes; to their
perception the entire world has stopped dead still. However, at this level the isolation of
the altered time factor is a bit blurry & imperfect. Rapid movement can actually cause
windburn; hitting something hard can demolish your hand (because it was moving at
several hundred mph); and it can take quite a "long" time to open a large door (the fraction
of a second it takes to overcome the door's inertia).
World Goes By / 45 / -Reduces the caster's (or another's) time factor by 72. See Speedy Them for the basic
effects. The person will experience only 10 minutes of subjective time while the world
goes through 12 hours. A person under this spell must be moved very carefully; if, for
example, you straightened out their arm, their muscles might not be able to keep up with
such "rapid" motion and the tendons could snap.

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Here are three new optional magic systems that amount to new character classes for PC's or
NPC's. They are built along the same lines as the mainstream T&T magic and should all work well
together within the same milieu.


The Fraternity of Lapidary and Crystology is a small college under the auspices of the Wizard's
Guild. They are a clique of highly specialized wizards who continue to practice "earth magic" as
opposed to internal (psionic) magic. These mages call forth the natural magicks found in gems and
crystals. They are often looked down upon by the orthodox wizards, but defenders will point out that
crystologists are not limited by Mana (or Strength) requirements and enjoy a better public image.

The most important attributes for a crystologist are IQ and CHA. Personality is very important in
accessing earth powers. Crystologists do not have the Mana attribute.
Each known crystal has one or more magical applications. Crystologist wizards learn the secrets of
these applications in the same manner as wizards learn new spells. First level crystologists start out
with knowledge of six first level crystals; three chosen by themselves and three more chosen by their
instructor. Further applications (spells) must be bought from the guild as usual -- the costs and IQ &
CHA requirements are listed below.

Any crystal of suitable purity may be tapped for its magickal power. When a stone is first found,
roll 2d6 to determine its suitability -- raw gems are usable on a roll of 6+; already selected and cut
stones are suitable on a roll of 4+; better yet, roll on the expanded Treasure Table. A lower roll
indicates this stone will never be capable of generating magicks. To Activate the dormant earth
power, the crystologist must hold the stone and meditate for a number of turns equal to the
application's level -- the gem is then ready to use. Unless specifically noted, a single stone can only
contain one magick. Even if two different applications are known, the crystologist must choose which
magick to draw from the stone.
Normally the stone must be in contact with the crystologist's flesh and in line of sight of its target to
be fully effective. Certain stones may be primed by the wizard, which allows it to be used by any
other person who knows its purpose. Any application not noted as primable can only be used by a
Crystologist. Many of the simple primable stones can be good money-makers for a crystologist (see
Clear Carnelian).
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Stones with one shot effects are either destroyed when used, or lose all their lustre and value.
Stones with a continuing or repeated effect are only effective for one year and a day.
When running a game with a crystomancer PC, it is helpful to use the expanded Treasure Table.

Crystal Powers
Level One -- 500 gp IQ = 10, CHA = 12
Red Agate
Will repel spiders & scorpions, of a total MR not more than 20 per charge. The stone will
hold 2 charges per carat.
Yellow Amber
When burnt in a room with a woman in labor, will protect the mother and child from death
during birth. Requires a complete lump of at least six ounces.
When inscribed with the names of the sun and the moon and worn as an amulet, will protect
the wearer from becoming drunk. (Primable)
Clear Carnelian
Clears the complexion when worn. (Primable)
When three ounces are ground and administered with spring water, will add 2d6 to a
person's saving roll versus disease (the effect is immediate).
When worn on the right side of the chest, will cause snakes viewing it to die of fright -- the
total MR may not be more than carats 5.
When worn, will add +d6 to any SR's versus hags, witches, & other female spirit-types.
Iron Pyrite
Will repel any crocodile or alligator with an MR not more than 40.
When carried by children, their parents will be aware of what befalls them. Must be formed
into a ball and washed in the parent's blood; lasts one week per ounce. (Primable)
Pearl I
One fair sized pearl will allow you to function underwater without the need to breathe. It
will naturally recharge in one year.
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If quarried in crystal form and never exposed to sunlight, will harm undead -- doing 1d6 per
ounce of crystal that hits them when thrown; no SR or armor allowed. (Primable)
When formed into a goblet, will reveal poisons poured into it (this works 1d6 times).
Turquoise I
When fashioned into a necklace of at least 12 stones, it will act as 10 points of armor versus
attacks from any cold-blooded animal. (Primable)

Level Two -- 1000 gp IQ = 11, CHA = 12

Black Agate
When worn, will add 3d6 to any SR's versus catching a disease. (Primable)
Red Amber
When formed into a ball and held firmly in the sword hand, it will protect against natural
heat and flames. Requires at least four ounces and lasts for 2d6 total turns. (Primable)
Smooth Antipathes
It must be at least seven carats and thoroughly polished -- it will protect against the effects
of any wizardly spell of seventh level or less; works only once.
This will add one point per carat to SRs versus charm-type spells (Dum-Dum, Rock-a-Bye,
Oh-Go-Away, Mind Pox, etc.). It will add as many points as it can, up to its limit or the total
necessary to pass the SR -- each point used destroys one carat. (Primable)
Blood Carnelian
When worn, will stop one point of Blood-Drain attacks per round per ounce; it is not used
up but rather remains effective. (Primable)
When worn around the neck, it will protect from sunstroke; plus it absorbs one point per
carat of Blasting Power spell attacks (but each carat used is destroyed). (Primable)
Hematite I
Will add one point per carat to CHA when dealing with persons of the same kindred and
opposite sex. (Primable)
Yellow Jade
If held in the hand and stroked with the thumb, will prevent you from being duped when
conducting business deals. (Primable)
Magnetite I
When worn, it tends to draw lightning, but it also adds 1d6 to ST (the add is steady, roll
once for each stone to determine its potency). (Primable)

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When worn in a ring, it reduces one's anger and contentiousness, also prevents berserker
rages. (Primable)
Ruby I
When worn in a ring, it protects against all effects of hunger & starvation for (d6 carats)
days. (Determine the length of effect only when the stone is first used; it will then function
for that total time span -- need not be all at once.) (Primable)
Blue Sapphire
Allows the crystologist to cast a Wind Whistle spell -- ten mph for one turn. For each carat
over 2, the crystologist may increment either the velocity or duration. This choice is set
upon activation of the stone & the parameters are then permanent. Usable once per day for
a year and a day.
When crushed and consumed with wine, it acts as a Cat Eyes spell potion, duration is one
hour per carat. (Primable)

Level Three -- 1500 gp IQ = 12, CHA = 16

Grey Agate
When square cut and worn on a necklace, will ward off (1d6) decapitating blows
When taken from the skulls of (unburned) mummies and rolled into an armring, will protect
that arm from broken bones and add 2 points of overall armor. (Primable)
Yellow-Green Beryl
Protects from scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies for one month per carat.
Sard Carnelian
Will add 3d6 to any chosen SR versus magic, for a female only; works but once. (Primable)
Red Coral
Will cure natural sterility; must consume 30 ounces. (Primable)
Green Diamond
Adds +1 per carat to reaction rolls & SRs versus woodland animals. (Primable)
Green Jade
Dispels astral forms, forcing them back to their bodies; works once per ounce.
Green Jasper
Quells aggression of woodland beasts (as the Nice Doggy spell), of a total MR up to five
per ounce.

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Black Opal
When worn will add one per carat to LUCK (only one stone at a time will function).
Pearl II
When placed within an open wound, it will prevent infection, and one turn later the patient
immediately recovers d6+1 CON.
Ruby II
This stone will reflect disease spells of CON-draining magic back upon the caster. The
stone is not used up, but will be destroyed on a roll of 6. (Primable)
Allows the casting of one Blasting Power spell; dice = carats, adds = 2 caster's level.

Level Four -- 2000 gp IQ = 13, CHA = 18

Brown Agate
When triangle cut, will give +1 per carat on SRs versus paralysis by spell (Glue You) or
poison. Also gives +1 per 5 carats versus gaze attacks of any sort. Each use expends one
charge; one charge per carat. (Primable)
The rock crystal form may be cut into a ring which will deflect one point per die of fire
magic (including dragon's breath) cast at the wearer. Will last for (d6/carat) total points of
absorption. (Primable)
Green Beryl
When ground into a powder and used as an eye wash, will cure shortsightedness.
Cater's Eye
When made into a ring, will function as a Staff Ordinaire for a wizard. (Primable)
(This stuff clings to the flesh like tar; takes 1d6 rounds to remove.) When held in the sword
hand, it protects against all charm-type spells (Dum-Dum, Oh-Go-Away, Rock-a-Bye, Mind
Pox, etc.). (Primable)
Green Coral
Will cure unnatural wounds that refuse to heal. It cures d6 points per pound, and is
destroyed in the process.
Blue Diamond
When dipped into a goblet of spring water, it will produce one dose per three carats of a
potion which cures any disease. The stone may be reused after one month.
Red Jade
If a piece of at least two pounds is made into an axe, it will slay any demon on its first hit.
Works only once. (Primable)
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When cut into a teardrop of at least three carats, will control one animal that hunts by night.
Usable only once; control lasts until sunrise.
Clear Opal
This increases the damage done by direct attack spells. For a Crystologist, it adds one per
carat; for a wizard or rogue, it adds one per caster's level. (Primable)
Yellow Sapphire
The crystologist can use this to cast a Will-O-Wisp spell (the stone is the source of light;
brightness is up to 1 candlepower per caster's level; lasts up to 24 hours). Will naturally
recharge in seven days.
Protects the wearer from all special damage from touch attacks (paralysis, poison, spells,
etc.). (Primable)
Protects the wearer from any manipulation of the emotions (except through direct magical
attack). It lasts for 1d6 years. (Primable)

Level Five -- 2500 gp IQ = 14, CHA = 20

Green Agate
Using a stone of at least ten carats, will cure blindness from all causes except divine curses.
This must be mixed with salt that has never been exposed to sunlight (at least ten ounces of
each). Then a wizard must summon an Invisible Fiend, which becomes bound to the
mixture, which is then rolled in a cloth and sewn up. The fiend will then take all unnatural
damage (from spells, gaze attacks, etc.) that the wearer would otherwise take, until the
fiend is killed. (Primable)
Green Amber
This will stop external bleeding; it is usable on one wound per day.
Yellow Beryl
When cut into a teardrop and worn between the eyes, will deflect all mind contact magicks
(TTYF, Dum-Dum, Mind Pox, etc.).
Cat's Eyes
When worn, this will protect once from death by magic (then the eye disappears).
Cross Stones
When thrown at vampires, they explode if they hit, doing 1d6 per 5 carats. (Primable)
Black Coral
This must be formed into some sort of weapon (dagger, arrowhead); then it can be used to
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 77

dispel any sort of curse or mystic control if used to kill the causer thereof. (Primable)
Yellow Diamond
When a stone of at least two carats is worn as a ring or brow circlet, this will protect against
all natural snake venoms, plus add +1 per carat to all other poison SRs. (Primable)
White Jade
When worn, this acts as (d6 per half ounce) points of armor versus lightning (natural or
magic). (Primable)
This must be fashioned into an arrowhead and the name of a demon must be written on the
shaft. When such a missile hits, it explodes doing damage equal to what the demon would
inflict (by MR). This incidentally does one point per die (of the damage roll) in damage
directly to the demon and thus tends to draw its attention. (Primable)
When worn as a ring, it adds one per carat to Charisma for purpose of leadership SRs only.
Ruby, starred (III)
When cut into a cube at least a half inch square, allows its holder to fly (up to running
speed), but only during hours of darkness.
Green Sapphire
This can be used to summon a water elemental, with an MR up to (carats caster's level); it
will serve for (caster's level) hours.
Turquoise II
When at least two stones are diamond cut and attached to a weapon, they will add one die
to the weapon's damage roll; this effect will last for 1d6 rounds per stone. (Primable)

Level Six -- 3000 gp IQ = 15, CHA = 22

Moss Agate
When worn uncut in an armring, allows control of plant life (but only within their natural
capacities). May be used once each day.
When burnt, the smoke will drive off demons. It is effective versus an MR total not
exceeding (d6 per ounce) crystologist's level.
Living Amber (with bugs in it)
Five of these can be used to create a Golem (of clay, wood, or tar); they replace the
requisite spells and chakra stones.
Blue-White Crystal (quartz)
This can be used to summon one large storm with a heavy rainfall. It takes d6 hours and
consumes the crystal.
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Red Diamond
This will protect you from the direct attacks of demons and demonic magic; it is effective
versus demons whose MR does not exceed (20 carats).
Hematite II
When worn, this will prevent or stop all internal bleeding. (Primable)
Blue Jade
Protects the wearer from thirst; each carat will supplant one quart of water needs per day.
The gem loses value as each carat is used. (Primable)
Red Jasper
Protects a pregnant woman and her unborn child from disease, injury, and deformity for the
entire course of pregnancy. (Primable)
Lapis Lazuli
When cut into a sphere (at least 1 inch diameter), it will deflect all spells cast by clerics;
up to a total of 4d6 levels. When cut into a cylinder (at least 3 by 1 inch), it will allow a
cleric to increase the level of certain spells for free, up to a cumulative total of 2d6 levels.
(Both applications are Primable)
When worn, this will reduce Charisma by 5 points, but will reflect any one spell (of choice)
back upon the caster. (Primable)
Sky Turquoise (translucent)
Allows you to summon an Air Elemental -- MR up to (carats your level); it will serve for
(your level) hours. Or if given as a gift to any mystic spirit or creature of the air, will entitle
you to one favor or wish.

Level Seven -- 3500 gp IQ = 16, CHA = 24

Blue Amber
Can be used to summon an Amber Phoenix. The ritual costs half your wealth, one year of
your life, and one complete, undamaged lump of amber. The Phoenix will serve you for
2d6 months; its MR will equal (ounces + your level) 10. It will be able to cast all wizard
spells (from the standard lists only) of up to your level, at twice that level of proficiency.
B'dissai (Clear Amber)
If at least three ounces are ground into a powder, that powder may be cast into the air as a
wizardly spell is cast and it will double the power of the spell. When suitably primed, this is
usable by rogues or wizards (and, where applicable, crystologists). (Primable)
Clear Crystal (quartz)
If formed into an unblemished crystal ball, it will allow you one Dear God or Mystic
Visions spell per day.
White Diamond I
Each full carat is a "talisman" containing one use of one spell (determine the spell
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 79

randomly from any of the wizard lists; the level equals 2d6, or d6+10 for superior
specimens). These are cast at the spell's level or the crystologist's level, whichever is
Green & Red Jasper
When set into a gold amulet, this will allow 4d6 Mutatum Mutandis spells.
When at least five ounces are fashioned into a disk and worn, it will deflect all forms of
attack that would drain the wearer's prime attribute (ST for warriors, IQ for wizards, LK for
rogues, etc.). (Primable)
Magnetite II
If cut into a five pointed star, washed in the blood of a slain virgin, and set into a dagger, it
will imbue the blade with a terrible poison. Anyone taking a hit from it must make a L7 LK
SR or die. This will work only five times. The bearer of this weapon cannot benefit from
"good" cleric's miracles nor enter any sanctified place. (Primable)
Milky Opal
This allows the crystologist to make a medusa gaze attack. Upon each use, there is a 1 in 6
chance that the stone will be consumed.
Black Pearl
This will allow the caster to summon forth anyone or anything. It can only be used once,
and it will only work during the dark of the moon. The summoned thing is not at all under
anyone's control.
Black Sapphire
This will absorb and contain any one spell cast at the wearer. That same spell may then be
recast by the crystologist at any time.

Level Nine -- 4500 gp IQ = 17, CHA = 28

White Diamond II
When this is activated with another stone (one having a continuous or repeatable
application), it will leech away the other's magic and assume those powers as its own; and
will retain that power for 100 years, a year, and a day. When activated along with a "oneshot" crystal, it will absorb that power and be able to duplicate it once, but will not be
destroyed -- it may then be "recharged" with another stone. A single diamond may absorb
as many crystal's powers as it has full carats. The second stone that provides the power is
consumed as if normally used.

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Herbal wizards are a rare lot. They usually come about when an otherwise ordinary herbalistmediker (pharmacologist) "discovers" wondrous magical properties in certain herbs, most of which
powers are actually coming from himself. The smart ones then seek out the aid of the local Wizards'
Guild. They are inducted into the order both to protect themselves and the secrets of magic. In return,
they are schooled in their newfound powers and learn to create ever more wondrous mystical effects
through their affinity with herbs.
Herbal Wizards do not use staffs, nor do they use strength or mana to "cast" spells. The tools of an
herbalist are a wooden bowl and a small silver knife (of at least 30 gp value). The knife is used in
harvesting and preparing the herbs; the bowl is where they are enchanted. Before herbs becomes
magical, the herbalist must place them in the bowl and turn their latent powers to his purpose.
Normally, hymns to the deity to whom the plant is sacred are chanted while the herbs are pared to
shape or mashed to the proper consistency. This takes from ten minutes to an hour for each batch.
Once prepared, herbs may stored for up to a year without losing potency. Unlike crystal magic,
herbal preparations, if used properly, may be used by anyone for full effect.

Beginning first level Herbalist characters start with three Level One magicks of their choice, plus
three more chosen by the GM. Further magicks must be learned from senior Herbalists at the guild -the cost per magick and the attribute requirements are given in the lists below.
Herbal wizards progress much as regular wizards do, and the costs and IQ & DX requirements for
each level are quite generous. However, take note that all herbal spells higher than fifth level require
the herb to be personally harvested by the herbalist. No "second hand" herb may be enchanted to a
purpose of sixth level or greater.
The herbal wizard does gain experience for "spells cast." Five times the spell level in XP are
earned for each preparation used which aids the wizard or the party or which helps someone. Herbal
magic is inherently "good" and no mean-spirited pharmacist has ever discovered magical properties.
Herbalists may wear any sort of armor, getting the standard protection only. In addition to daggers,
an herbalist may be proficient in one other class of weapon (hafted-slicing heads, or self-bows, etc.)
Any kindred that is allowed to be a wizard may also be an herbalist. A kindred which is allowed only
to be a rogue may also be an herbalist, but may never learn preparations beyond the seventh level.
An important element still missing from these rules is availability data. I would like each plant to
be listed with a habitat (mountain, desert, etc.) and its growing season. However, I have yet to find a
simple botanical reference with that information. If anyone out there can help me with this, it will be
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 81

greatly appreciated. You won't get any money, but you will get credit. In the meanwhile,
gamemasters must be prudent and use their own judgment. If the time & place seems reasonable,
allow the party to find a good plant with appropriate blossoms (or whatever) on a roll of 8+ on 2d.
Allow only one roll per area per week.
Even if an Herbalist is not a PC in your game, it can be fun to include a low-level Herbalist in the
staff of your local Wizards Guild. The players can go on small missions to gather special weeds, and
many of the preparations the Herbalist creates are useful low-power magicks that the players can

There are a few unique forms of preparation, which are described with the herb later, but most take
one of three forms:
{I} Infusion (potion); which is to be drunk by the person to whom the effect is
to be applied. Unless otherwise stated, the effect begins immediately.
{O} Ointment; which is to be smeared upon the target person or object.
{S} Smudge, or smoke; the preparation must be burned and the smoke wafted
about the area or inhaled to produce the effect.
{C} Charm; normally a small cloth cachet, which is to be worn, or hurled at the
target. Charms which have a short or instantaneous duration can be kept
dormant in a box or bag. They are activated when placed next to the owner's
Unless otherwise specified, it should be assumed that each "dose" or charm is good for only one
use, after which it is valueless and cannot be re-enchanted.

The "Spell" Descriptions

Each herb has one or more "spells" or applications. The description gives the type of
preparation (I, O, S, or C) and the deity to whom the plant is sacred.

Level One -- 100 gp IQ = 9, DX = 7

Adder's Tongue {I} Apollo
A wounded person will recover twice as many CON points as normal on the next d6
recovery periods (turns, usually). Only one dose may be administered at a time.
Almond {C} Hermes
This charm aids Saving Rolls made involving business dealing only, it is good for a period
of 3d6 days. Any appropriate SRs may add & roll again on the first roll even if it is not

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 82

Aloe {O} Apollo

Instantly cures up to four points of injury caused by burns. Only one application per day is
Apple I {O} Hera
Ensures domestic love & tranquillity (and fidelity) when worn by the wife only. This is a
popular commercial preparation; it is effective for 3d6 weeks.
Aster {C} Aphrodite
You will meet a potential love partner (not necessarily to your liking) within ten days. What
you do beyond that is up to you.
Avocado Aphrodite
A properly carved piece of the fruit (in the shape of the appropriate genitals) is to be eaten
(this must be fresh, of course). It will guarantee sexual vitality (no guarantees about
expertise or satisfaction) for the next d6 nights.
Bamboo 1 {C} Hestia
Will preserve a home from environmental or accidental damage for 3d6 10 days.
Chicory {C} Zeus
When inserted into a lock like a key, it will open it (one use only, as usual).
Cloth-of-Gold {S} Artemis
These herbs must be gathered while barefoot; it gives the inhaler the ability to understand
(but not speak) animal languages for d6 hours.
Clover, 2-leaf {C} Hermes
You will meet a love partner for this evening; but this will work on the best possibilities
available -- if there are only pigs around, you get a pig.
Eyebright {I} Apollo
This will clear up muddled or blocked memory, or allow recall of greater detail & accuracy.
Ginseng 1 {I} Hephaestus
This may incite love in the drinker, although it will more likely be lust.
Hemlock {O} Hecate
When rubbed onto an edged weapon, any "one's" rolled by it (in combat) during the next
hour are converted into "sixes."
Myrrh {S} Apollo
This incense will double the effectiveness of healing magicks (including potions & items)
used in its area. A person may benefit from only one such doubling, but any number of folk
& magicks present may receive the benefit. The incense lasts for one turn (10 minutes) and
can fill a 10 10 foot area.
Periwinkle 1 {I} Aphrodite
This will restore memory lost or stolen through magic, injury or disease.

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Walnut {C} Apollo

Will prevent sunstroke and similar heat injuries for 3d6 days.

Level Two -- 250 gp IQ = 10, DX = 8

Alfalfa {C} Aphrodite
This "charm" is eaten when necessary. It provides a starving person with just enough
nutrition to keep going for another 24 hours.
Allspice {C} Ares
This doubles your LUCK attribute only for calculating the next d6 Saving Rolls applied to
Althea {S} Poseidon
The smoke reveals the exact nature and level of a spell, enchantment, magic item, etc.
Amaranth {I} Artemis
When a crown of Amaranth is placed upon a person's head, they will receive d6 + 1 turns
worth of healing in only one turn (this includes ST and Mana recovery). If a '6' is rolled (for
seven turns worth), then the effect will be repeated on the following turn (roll again for the
next turn, if you get another six, continue into the third turn, etc.).
Angelica 1 {C} Aphrodite
For all Saving Rolls involving gambling, you may add d6 to your final total. This is
effective for d6 hours.
Aspen {C} Hermes
This will protect one person or room from thievery for 24 hours.
Avens (clove root) {I} Zeus
This potion will halve the effect of any animal or blade venoms currently at work or
encountered within the next d6 hours.
Basil 1 {O} Ares
A person who rubs this on their torso gains the power of levitation, at will, for a period of
d6 (ten minute) turns. They do not "fly," this is merely zero-gee.
Birch {C} Artemis
This will protect an infant from serious disease, sudden death, changelings, etc., for 3d6
10 days, but only while it lies in its crib.
Carnation {C} Zeus
This will double the effectiveness of a single Poor Baby spell cast by a wizard.
Chrysanthemum {I} Hephaestus
This tea instantly dispels drunkenness and returns a person to sobriety (however, "blowing
chunks" is a common side-effect).
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Cinquefoil {C} Zeus

This will lower by one level any one Saving Roll required for persuasion, or resisting same.
(If only a 1st level SR is required, success is automatic.)
Citron {C} Apollo
May be used by a Wizard in either of two ways: 1) to double the power/effect of any one
charm-type spell (Yassa-Massa, Dum-Dum, etc.); or 2) to increase by two levels a Too-Bad
Toxin spell.
Club Moss (foxtail) {C} Artemis
This will guarantee the success of the very next Saving Roll of 2nd level or higher that you
are required to make.
Garlic 1 {C} Hecate
This works for Warriors only; when the "charm" is eaten, it will dispel all fears -- even
those magically induced -- for d6 combat rounds.
Goldenrod {S} Aphrodite
The smoke trail will reveal the location of a specific desired object (must be known to the
user, not merely conjectured) if it is within 200 yards.
Hawthorn 1 {S} Hephaestus
This ensures the fertility of any union made in the room treated during that night.
Knotweed {C} Cronus
When the charm is placed in the mouth, it will give wondrous sight (telescopic, infrared, or
whatever is appropriate) for one (ten minute) turn.
Masterwort {O} Ares
When rubbed into the arms, this will boost Strength by (d6) points for the next d6 hours.
Note that the "boost" points are re-rolled for each combat round and Saving Roll involved.
Moonwort 1 {C} Artemis
When tied around a metal chain, it causes instant corrosion of one link.
Parsley 1 {C} Persephone
When placed upon a plate or platter, this will purify all food served upon it during one
meal. (It eliminates corruption and poison, but not any magical properties.)
Passion Flower {S} Aphrodite
This incense dispels strife and anger -- attitudes & opinions remain unaffected, but people
will not lose control of themselves. It is very popular with diplomats.
Pennyroyal {C} Demeter
This prevents fatigue on a long march, and allows a person to heal and recover points
normally even if engaged in a strenuous activity. Effective for one full day.
Pimpernel 1 {O} Hermes
When rubbed onto any weapon, it will double the number of combat dice it gets for d6
combat rounds, during the very next combat this day (excess rounds will not carry over
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 85

into another combat, and it loses its power after one day).
Poppy 1 {C} Demeter
This cachet may be used repeatedly for up to one year to insure sound, restful sleep; or, if
burst in the face of an opponent, causes them to fall asleep for d6 (ten minute) turns if they
fail a L2 IQ SR.
Raspberry {C} Artemis
This relieves the pain of childbirth.
Tansy {C} Aphrodite
When scattered about the ground, it will repel ants (regular & giant).
Violet {O} Apollo
Overnight, this will cure d6 points of serious, slow-healing injury (burns, broken bones,

Level Three -- 500 gp IQ = 11, DX = 9

Acacia 1 {C} Artemis
When a large branch is placed across a threshold, window, path, etc., it will attack the first
person or animal to cross it (combat roll = 1d6 + (herbalist's DX), CON = (herbalist's LK).
It will guard for one day or night.
Death Cap Mushroom {I} Dionysus
This brew will cause a horrendous but non-fatal illness lasting d6 days; but after which the
fertility of a barren or impotent person will be restored.
Alyssum {C} Hera
It will absorb & neutralize any one charm-type magick (Yassa-Massa, Dum-Dum, Oh-GoAway, etc.) used against the wearer. (Activation is automatic upon the very next such spell.)
Ash 1 {C} Zeus
Entwining the twigs about a person's neck will cure all damage caused by snakebite.
Banana {S} Aphrodite
This treatment will restore fertility to an impotent male for d6 days.
Bracken {S} Hermes
Burning this will bring rain within 24 hours. How much and how long depends upon local
China Berry {C} Hermes
On any one Saving Roll of the bearer's choice, the value of the lower die will be raised to
equal the value of the higher die, thus guaranteeing doubles on the first roll. (If the first roll
is a natural double, the effect will carry over into the second roll, etc.)

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Clover, 3-leaf {C} Hermes

This charm doubles the bearer's LUCK adds when opposing monsters only (note that this
will only make a negative add even worse). It will work for d6 days.
Damiana {I} Ares
This brew will fill a person with lust & unending sexual vitality for one day or night (it may
also render them a good deal less picky about their partners).
Edelweiss 1 {C} Hermes
This powerful charm will eliminate all adds the next d6 arrows, bolts, stones or other
projectiles that strike you would otherwise get.
Heliotrope {C} Apollo
This allows one to move silently and blend into the background (double your effective
attributes for the purposes of Saving Rolls involving concealment, disguise, & stealth). It
works for d6 hours.
Horsetail Cronus
The herbalist must craft the stem into a whistle, which may then be used once to charm
ordinary snakes, in pied piper fashion.
Larkspur {C} Aphrodite
This charm causes fear in normal venomous animals (it is effective for one year).
Mallow {O} Artemis
This ointment is rubbed over the heart. The very next spell of 5th level or less cast against
you (without your assent) will be deflected to a randomly determined nearby target.
Mugwort 1 {O} Artemis
When rubbed onto the legs, allows one to run for d6 ten minute turns without tiring.
Mustard {C} Apollo
Allows a person to make one flight of any duration -- once you touch the ground again, it is
over. Maximum speed equals your running speed; carrying is limited to normal
encumbrance limits.
Periwinkle 2 {I} Aphrodite
For the next 24 hours, you will attract more offers & opportunities for monetary gain than
usual; and any deals or transactions made will be more profitable than usual. (GM's
Pimpernel 2 {C} Hermes
When held in the hand, this will pulse with heat when another person tells you a lie. Good
for d6 lies.
Pomegranate {I} Persephone
Using a properly prepared branch, it will lead you to the nearest concealed wealth within
200 yards (works on refined metals or worked stones only).
Poppy 2 {I} Demeter
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After drinking, ask a yes-or-no question; it will be answered in a dream this night.
Rue {C} Artemis
This causes fear in werewolves; and if one does attack the bearer, its LK adds (or MR adds)
will be halved. Good for one month.
Thistle {I} Athena
The imbiber will recover d6+1 CON and d6+1 Mana points in the following turn (ten
minutes). If a "six" is rolled, that particular bonus will continue for another turn.

Level Four -- 750 gp IQ = 12, DX = 10

Cocklebur 1 {C} Zeus
When this charm is thrown to the ground, it grants you protection from evil spirits,
including demigods, for one turn (5 combat rounds). If such a spirit causes you to make an
SR or uses magic on you, effectively double the attribute(s) used in defense; if attacked
physically or by combat magicks, you have 20 points of armor in addition to normal; any
weapons you are using will be capable of wounding the spirit.
Almond 2 {I} Hermes
This drink doubles your IQ instantly; it will return to normal at the rate of one point per (10
minute) turn.
Amaranth 2 {I} Artemis
This renders the drinker (and clothing & personal equipment) invisible for one hour.
Lemon Balsam {C} Artemis
When tied about a weapon, this instantly cures all wounds caused by that weapon in the
previous hour.
Basil 2 {C} Ares
This allows the bearer to issue a single command to one scorpion (regular or giant) which it
must obey (no SR).
Bluebell {I} Athena
For ten minutes after drinking this tea, the drinker must truthfully answer any questions.
Crocus {S} Aphrodite
Revealed within the smoke will be the face of the person who robbed you.
Ground Ivy {I} Hecate
This bitter, fermented drink will give you a vision of the person who is using magic against
Holly {C} Hephaestus
When thrown at any ordinary animal, this will immediately dispel their aggression & fear.

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Gravelroot (Joe-Pye Weed) {O} Aphrodite

For one day after applying this ointment, all people will look upon you with respect and
favor (so long as you act in an appropriate manner).
Lily of the Valley {C} Apollo
Boosts your IQ for purposes of Saving Rolls only, effectively doubling it for one day.
Mugwort 2 {I} Artemis
The drinker will be immune to all poisons for 24 hours.
Pistachio 1 {O} Hermes
This immediately dispels the effect of any love or lust magic.
Stillengia (Queen's Root) {S} Hermes
The smoke will lead you to a specified item, which you have previously lost (or has been
stolen from you), if it is within one mile.
Thyme {O} Aphrodite
This will double a female's Charisma for 24 hours.
Vervain 1 {O} Hera
This liniment cures any & all disease save only those inflicted by the gods.
Yarrow {C} Aphrodite
When crushed and inhaled, it renders a person incapable of feeling any sort of fear for d6

Level Five -- 1000 gp IQ = 13, DX = 11

Anemone {I} Apollo
This will cure all diseases and render a person immune to disease for d6 10 days.
Angelica 2 {S} Aphrodite
The smoke will put one person into a trance lasting d6 (ten minute) turns; each turn they
may ask one yes-or-no question of the gods (the GM), which will be answered truthfully.
However, questions about future events will not be answered -- no prophesying allowed.
Bay {I} Apollo
The drinker immediately falls into a trance lasting two minutes; another person may ask
them one question about the future, and they will deliver a sometimes ambiguous prophecy.
A specially prepared spine can be used by a wizard to write one spell into the wax of a
candle. The spell will be "cast" when the candle is lit ("writing" the spell takes the usual
Mana cost, lighting the candle may be done by anyone at no cost). If the spell affects a
particular target, it will be the person lighting the candle; if it has an area, it will be
centered upon the candle; if the spell has a duration, it will last for as long as the candle
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 89

burns. The spell in the candle can have no range (range must be touch), and if the candle is
snuffed prematurely, the spell ceases and the magic is gone. (The average candle burns a
half hour per inch.)
Celandine {C} Hephaestus
When this is worn and a prayer to Hephaestus is recited, it will guarantee escape from
bonds & imprisonment.
Clover, 4-leaf {C} Hermes
When held against the head, this will neutralize all charm-type magicks, reveal the presence
of spirits, undead, and demigods, and reveal hidden treasure. The effect lasts for as long as
it is held to the head, but not more than one hour.
Flax, Blue {C} Hermes
This charm will absorb and neutralize any one magic used against you, at your discretion.
Garlic 2 {C} Hecate
When hurled at a monster, it will reduce by half the monster's dice & adds.
Ginseng 2 {I} Hephaestus
This drink doubles your Charisma for 24 hours.
Iris {S} Hera
This incense will double one priest's PIETY attribute; once used to call a miracle, these
extra points are gone.
Moonwort 2 {O} Artemis
When rubbed upon a metallic object and left to dry in the moonlight, by morning it will
become a genuine silver coating. The silver is quite thin and not very valuable, but it is
pretty and weapons thus coated function as fully silver weapons.
Periwinkle 3 {S} Aphrodite
No person may use this treatment more than once in their lifetime (upon pain of things too
hideous to mention). It will restore lost attribute points, limbs, and personal abilities; it will
restore you to your true form, relieve you of curses, disease, blindness, etc., etc. You will
be graced with complete restoration.
Primrose {I} Hera
This dispels any insanity or the effects of charm-type magicks.
Saffron {I} Artemis
While breathing this incense, one person may specify a particular place and time (within
ten miles and ten hours, past or future), and will receive a brief vision detailing the events
Slippery Elm {O} Cronus
When this oil is rubbed into your hair, all current gossip & slander regarding you will
Wolfsbane {I} Hecate
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When a prepared seed is wrapped in lizard-skin, it grants the power of invisibility, at will,
for 24 hours. (This is transferable, anyone holding the wrapped seed within that 24 hours
will also hold that power.)
Woodruff {C} Ares
For Saving Rolls made for athletic contests only, this will convert all 2's to 4's and all 3' to
6's. Lasts for one full day.

Level Six -- 1500 gp IQ = 15, DX = 12

Anise 1 {I} Zeus
This tea removes all curses afflicting the drinker.
Bean {C} Demeter
When placed upon the head of a person who has been dead for less than a day, will allow
you to converse with them for ten minutes (about things which happened before their death,
they will reveal nothing of the Underworld).
Catnip {S} Aphrodite
This functions upon one person and one domestic cat, forging a permanent psychic bond.
They will share their feelings and be able to see through each others eyes -- wounds and
pain will be transmitted as well.
Cocklebur 2 {C} Zeus
This will reflect any one spell, at your discretion, back upon the caster.
Edelweiss 2 {C} Hermes
When a wreath of this is donned, it will render the wearer not only invisible in all ranges of
light, but inaudible as well. The effect will last until the wreath is removed or a maximum
of 24 hours.
Garlic 3 {O} Hecate
This ointment draws out all diseases, toxins, and even curses.
Lotus 1 {C} Artemis
When a piece of the root is placed under your tongue, you may command any one door to
Marjoram {C} Aphrodite
This will act as armor, absorbing a maximum 10d6 points of cold-based attacks only (roll
the dice once to determine the charm's capacity; it will absorb that much damage, there is
no time limit, only a total damage limit).
Parsley 2 {I} Persephone
This powerful and bitter brew will transport the drinker to the Asphodel Fields (or whatever
the Underworld is in your universe). This is a ONE-WAY trip!

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Pearl Moss (Irish Moss) {I} Artemis

Over the next week, you will receive a small but steady flow of money (totaling no more
than 2d6 50 gp).
Purslane {O} Artemis
This oil will double the effectiveness of any one piece of armor for the next 24 hours.
Vervain 2 {C} Hera
This charm will double (in whatever appropriate fashion) the effect of any one spell or
magic-casting, of any type.
Yucca {C} Ares
A person wearing this wreath may transform into any creature desired (the total MR will
equal the person's attribute total; if a magical creature is chosen (e.g., unicorn, dragon),
only the form will be duplicated, not any magical or special abilities). The transformation
may last up to d6 hours.

Level Seven -- 2000 gp IQ = 17, DX = 13

Acacia 2 {S} Artemis
The smoke allows one person to see and hear clearly what is happening in another place,
anywhere in the Land where that person has been or can now see. Lasts d6 minutes.
Apple 2 Hera
The herbalist carves an applewood staff which is then enchanted by the Wizards' Guild into
a staff ordinaire. A wizard using this staff doubles his attribute total for purposes of OhGo-Away, Yassa-Massa, and Rock-a-Bye spells. (Retail value about 8000 gp).
Ash 2 {C} Zeus
The leaves are woven into a belt, and this will neutralize the next d6 spells or magickal
effects used against you.
Caraway {C} Hermes
This charm will drive away one incubus or succubus.
Clover, 4-leaf {C} Hermes
Within 10 days you will find or acquire (the equivalent of) d6 1000 gp.
Cypress Apollo
The herbalist crafts a cypresswood staff which is then enchanted by the Wizards' Guild into
a staff ordinaire. A wizard using this staff automatically boosts by one level all healing
spells at no extra Mana (ST) cost (for Poor Baby spells, this simply gives an extra point of
healing). (Retail value about 200 gp.)
Hawthorn 2 {C} Hephaestus
This charm renders the bearer immune from all attacks by evil spirits of Level 5 or less. It
is useful on your next such encounter only (even if you are not attacked).
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Juniper {C} Apollo

This will prevent any thieves from entering one room for d6 10 days (thief is here
defined as any being intent upon removing something from the room against your will).
Lobelia {S} Cronus
This will dispel an oncoming storm, or lessen a current one.
Nettle, Stinging {S} Ares
This will remove one curse and send it back upon the caster.
Pistachio 2 {C} Hermes
When this powder is scattered upon the ground, it will destroy the next d6 zombies that
cross it.
Sesame {I} Hermes
Allows the drinker to see hidden traps, treasures, and secret doors for ten minutes. During
that time, the person can also open any locked door with only a L1 LK SR (one try only).
Willow Hecate
The herbalist crafts a magical wand of willow, which a Wizard may then enchant into a
makeshift "staff" (the enchantment in this case will be automatically successful). Any spells
cast through the wand in moonlight will be boosted one level (or doubled in some
appropriate fashion). (Retail value about 200 gp).
Wolfsbane 2 {C} Hecate
The bearer will be immune from any sort of attack from vampires or werewolves. It is good
on your next such encounter only (even if you are not attacked).

Level Eight -- 2500 gp IQ = 19, DX = 14

Anise 2 {O} Zeus
A person may use this powerful liniment no more than once every ten years. It will remove
2d6 years of aging (without affecting skills or memory). This will have no effect on actual
life-span, merely on how fit & vigorous the person is.
The herbalist must carve an ebonywood staff, which the Wizards' Guild then enchants into
a staff ordinaire (or a make-shift staff, success guaranteed). A wizard using this always
adds his or her level to the damage total of TTYF spells. (Retail value about 4000 gp).
Larch {C} Artemis
When tossed into the air, this charm will quench all fire (even magical) within 100 feet.
Vanilla {I} Aphrodite
This tea immediately restores all spent ST points for a warrior or all spent Mana points for
a wizard. Rogues may choose either effect.

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Wood Rose {I} Dionysus

After drinking this stout brew, on your very next Level increase, your Luck will increase by
one point -- this is in addition to the normal level bonus. The increase is real and
permanent, but only one such boost may be received per level increase.

Level Nine -- 3000 gp IQ = 21, DX = 15

Apple 3 {S} Hera
This smoke will transport one person's spirit to the Asphodel Fields; it will return
automatically one hour later.
Belladonna {I} Hecate
This potion allows your spirit to travel outside of your body for an indefinite period (but if
you are gone for 21 days, your body will die). You may not travel to Olympus (heavenly
planes) or the Underworld; otherwise there are few limitations.
Dandelion {I} Hecate
This tea gives you the power to call forth and commune with spirits and ghosts for one
hour. (Note that it does not grant you any control over them.)
Goat Weed (St John's Wort) 1 {C} Apollo
This charm is effective for Warriors only. It will absorb the next 3d6 damage points
suffered by the bearer from any cause.
Lotus 2 {S} Artemis
This heady incense is an antidote for all love & lust magicks, but its main power is to grant
you an audience with a specified demigod or demigoddess, who is bound to receive you
favorably (until you open your mouth, at any rate...).
Persimmon {O} Aphrodite
When this ointment is applied over the entire body, the person will gradually (over the next
10 to 20 days) change gender. This is permanent and leaves no residue of curse or magic to
be dispelled (however, if the oil is washed off within the first 24 hours, no change will

Level Ten -- 3500 gp IQ = 23, DX = 16

Arbutus {S} Ares
This smoke will negate Undead that enter into it, up to a total MR of d6 50.
Castor {S} Demeter
This pungent smoke absorbs & dispels all evil intentions in the area and even banishes evil

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 94

Frankincense {S} Apollo

This mighty incense consecrates the area (up to 50' 50'), banishing all evil spirits and
removing all curses. It will prevent any evil spirit or mortal servant of evil from entering
the area for a year and a day.
Mandrake 1 {C} Hecate
When this charm is placed beside a mound of coins, the number of coins will double by

Level Eleven -- 4000 gp IQ = 25, DX = 17

Bamboo 2 Hestia
When the herbalist crafts this into a flute, it may be used (by someone who knows how to
play a flute) to summon one good spirit or demigod.
Heather {S} Aphrodite
This dangerous incense will conjure up one ghost which is bound to your service for one
Kelp {C} Poseidon
When this is cast into a natural body of water, it will call forth a Water Elemental (MR
equals d6 50); it will be bound to your service for d6 (ten minute) turns.
Mandrake 2 {O} Hecate
This is a lethal poison to all demons. Weapons coated with this count as magical for
attacking any demonic creature, and any hits scored by pointed/edged weapons will
continue to cause an equal amount of damage again on every subsequent combat round. (If
the demon can flee home before he "dies," he will survive & certainly bear a grudge.)
Pomegranate 2 {C} Persephone
This will raise one person from the dead if their corpse is present and their spirit is in the
Asphodel Fields (that is, the spirit has not passed on to more remote spiritual realms or
been imprisoned somehow).
Poppy 3 {I} Demeter
This potion gives one person the power of invisibility at will, and they may make any
object invisible merely by touching it. The power and invisibility fade after d6 days.
Wolfsbane 3 {I} Hecate
This brew cures lycanthropy, but only if the person is willing and not currently in the
animal form.

Level Twelve -- 4500 gp IQ = 27, DX = 18

Cinnamon {S} Aphrodite
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 95

This smoke will allow you to summon one specific type of demon (the type must be known
and specified, the MR will be no more than d6 100). It will be bound to your service for
one hour.
Sage {I} Zeus
When drunk from a pure mithril goblet, the drinker of this powerful brew will never suffer
from the normal effects of aging, although the lifespan as determined by the Fates is
Willow 2 {S} Hecate
This smudge may only be used during the waning moon -- it gives you the power to conjure
demons of any type and MR. You may conjure any number of demons, so long as their
total does not exceed your Charisma; they will be bound to your service for one day.

Level Thirteen -- 5000 gp IQ = 29, DX = 19

Bamboo 3 {S} Hestia
This gives one the power of a single wish, gods willing.
Goat Weed (St John's Wort) 2 {S} Apollo
This smoke banishes any and all demons.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 96

Warning: The following magick system is not for every T&T group. It requires a playful
and adventurous band, with a GM who is precise and patient, and a player (the
cartomancer) who is quick-witted and willing to take lots of notes. It takes extra effort to
make this work, but it can work -- and be a lot of fun, as well.

Among the magic wielders of the Great Land, there is a rare and hazardous breed called
cartomancers. Their magicks are immensely powerful but woefully unpredictable. It has been said,
with some justification, that only the most foolhardy of gamblers become cartomancers. It is more
likely that it is the most foolhardy of gamblers that are punished with the gift of cartomancy.
The power and the danger that is cartomantic magic is frighteningly simple: the magician draws a
card from the top of the deck, the card symbolizes one specific spell, and it is that spell that the
cartomancer may cast -- it is up to his imagination to make it work in the circumstances. Thus, a
cartomancer begins with the full complement of all spells. It is the skill at applying them in diverse
situations that increases with experience.
Cartomancers are normally accidental wizards, most never sought the powers they wield. Hecate is
the patroness and giver of the gift of cartomancy -- its use is therefore neutral (or better to say
"amoral"). Cartomancers are thus also provisional members of the Wizards Guild. Any kindred that
may be Wizard or Rogue may be a cartomancer.
Cartomancy is a gift, and the power of the spells is in the cards, not the cartomancer. However, the
gift is granted to the person and not to the deck, therefore the deck is useless to anyone but the
cartomancer, and the cartomancer must use only that one deck. If a cartomancer should ever
deliberately give up or destroy that deck, the gift is lost forever. However, if through some mishap
the deck is stolen or destroyed, the cartomancer can receive another by praying at a temple of
Hecate and making sacrifices worth 10% of his total wealth.

The player or GM must supply a common Tarot deck. The deck may be of any kind so long as it
uses the standard Rider-Waite images. The deck should be thoroughly shuffled -- this includes
reversing half the deck with each split, ensuring that the cards are randomly reversed (that is, some are
right-side-up, some not). The deck is placed face down in front of the cartomancer. When the player
wishes to cast a spell, she flips over the card at the top of the deck and places it in a discard pile next
to the deck. The card symbolizes one of two spells, depending on whether it sits upright or reversed.
The cartomancer must immediately decide whether or not to cast that spell and if so, at what targets.
The real difficulty here is that the player does not get to see the complete spell list!
When starting a first level cartomancer, the GM should write down for her a list of 6 spells and
their corresponding cards. For example, the player might get a description of the spells for 8 of
Wands, reversed 6 of Pentacles, reversed Empress, etc. During the course of her adventuring, she is
free to keep written notes as to the effects of the spells. It is incumbent upon the GM to have the spell
list handy -- the cartomancer player may decide to cast the spell even if she does not know what it is!
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 97

For an astute player, this may not be as bad as it sounds. There is some logic to the choices of spells
and the effects that spells within in a particular suit can have. A good player can learn to make some
good guesses about what an unknown card might do. The GM must describe exactly and fairly what
happens -- if the spell requires a target (such as a person) the GM will ask for one, but need not tell
the cartomancer whether the effect will be good or bad. Unless otherwise stated, the cartomancer may
always choose herself as the target (although that's not always wise).
Every time the cartomancer character gains a level, she may ask the GM for the complete
description of any card's spell (just one spell, she must specify upright or reversed); she may ask for as
many spell definitions as her new level number. Even when the spell is known to the cartomancer, its
precise effects are largely beyond her control, as it is the card itself which casts the spell (the GM
decides on the precise effects, and should be fair & consistent in applying them).
Whether or not the spell is cast, that card is "used up" and must remain in the discard pile. The
casting of spells costs the cartomancer nothing, but reshuffling spent cards back into the deck uses
personal energy. The cartomancer may reshuffle the deck at any time, but it requires a small ceremony
that takes one (ten minute) game turn, and the character cannot be moving (even if in a cart) and
cannot be within the direct rays of the sun. It also costs one STR point per card put back into the deck.
If the cartomancer does not have enough Strength for all the discards, she may choose how many and
which ones to shuffle back in, leaving the remainder in the discard pile. Strength points spent in
shuffling are recovered normally, one per game turn.
When not in combat, a cartomancer may only flip one card per 10 minute game turn. She does not
have to be in any special circumstances, but cannot be involved in anything more strenuous than a
brisk walk (horseback is okay, if not at a gallop). During a combat, the cartomancer may flip as many
as one card per combat round, but must not be under attack or running for her life, etc.
Designer's Note: A player who is familiar with the Tarot may or may not have an advantage.
Although I used A. E. Waite's interpretation of the card's as a guide to the spell list, practical
considerations forced me to take quite a few liberties. Don't expect the spells to exactly match your
idea of what the card means.

The following list is for GM's eyes only; Cartomancers must build their own spell list based on
experience. As a less stringent alternative, GMs may wish to allow the player to read through the list
once to get a good feel for it.
A great many of these spells are abstract or open-ended, and it is left to the GM to administer them
appropriately (see Page of Wands for a good example). The GM is, in a sense, playing the role of the
deck itself -- the player requests a spell and the GM must create the magickal effect. The GM must be
fair & consistent in this (the "deck" actually does want to help its master) -- a cartomancer player will
get in plenty enough trouble without the GM trying to crock things.
In the following descriptions, (L) is a number equal to the cartomancer's level. Unless specified
otherwise, any spell that is not permanent or instantaneous has a duration of one game turn (five
combat rounds).

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 98

Suit of Wands


Bend the target's will to feel

Compel to tell the truth, works only tolerance & sympathy for you (or
King of Wands if the caster's IQ + CHA exceeds the your request/cause, etc.).
Queen of Wands

Gives you favor in the eyes of one

female target.

Discovers any infidelity/betrayal on

the part of the target.

Causes the target group to fight

Causes (L) targets to flee in panic or amongst themselves. If not cast
Knight of Wands
otherwise depart the area
during combat, the fighting may just
be arguing, etc.
Calls a young man to your aid
A curse; the target will soon receive
Page of Wands (capabilities & loyalty depend upon bad news (how bad depends on
cartomancer's level)
cartomancer's level)
Target(s) lose (L) Luck points (loss
Someone of something will oppose
ten is spread among the chosen targets);
the target's plan or purpose.
these are recovered at one per day.
Target is not subject to fear and his Affects up to (L) targets; the level of
nine or her armor value is doubled; lasts all their SR's is doubled for the rest
(L) combat rounds.
of the day
One target (a group, a horse-cart, an
arrow) will cover twice as much
Brings jealousy & quarrelsomeness
distance as normal in one day (or
to a couple or group ( (L) days )
one shot, throw, flight).
Allows the target to roll one extra
Inflicts up to (L) targets with
die in combat (for (L) rounds); or an
indecision & anxiety; if in combat,
extra die for SRs involving
personal adds are halved.
debate/conflict (for (L) game turns)
Gives a target more recognition &
increased rewards for a current
six victory of accomplishment (who
from depends on what they

Incites treachery within the target


Creates a "mirror" illusion, a perfect

duplicate of anything in the
five cartomancer's range of vision -- it
mimics the movements of the
original exactly; last (L) game turns

Makes (L) targets more convincing

in their lies, disguises, deceptions
(add one to level of SRs attempting
to see through the falsehood; or
minus one level if using the target's

four A blessing upon one household, or

grants the target +1 to CHA,

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 99

permanent, on their next regular level

even a shack or cave; it insures
increase (in addition to normal level
safety & tranquility within; (L) days increase); or will double the CHA of
a pregnant woman's unborn child
Will ensure the fidelity of a
three collaboration or alliance; or detect
falsehood within it

Inflicts (L) targets with ennui and

total apathy

Immediately halts the current

conflict, allowing, if desired,
Stirs (L) targets to action -- awakens,
dispels magical sleep & hypnosis

Create a beginning (e.g., pregnancy

Begin an Ending; instill decay,
in a barren woman, entrance to a
Ace of Wands
disease, despair (the size of this task
forbidden place, passage through
is governed by cartomancer's level)
blocked portals, etc.)

Suit of Cups


Persuades men of high station to aid

your quest; also reveals deceit on
A curse; the target will be the victim
King of Cups
the part of those claiming to help
of an injustice or loss
Persuades women of high station to Reveals to the cartomancer the
Queen of Cups favorably hear your pleas; or grants target's vices, dishonors, hidden
you a vision regarding your question depravities
Knight of Cups

Grants the target the ability to

Grants the cartomancer clairvoyance
discern all trickery & fraud working
for 1 turn; max range (L x 10) miles
against him

Calls forth a minor spirit or Water

Elemental (MR = cartomancer's IQ renders up to (L) targets blindly
Page of Cups
+ CHA); will perform one small
gullible to deception & suggestion
Cures diseases both physical &
ten mental; calms mind & spirit
(effective up to (L) level disease)

Inflicts disquiet & inability to

concentrate -- Rogues may not cast
spells, Wizard's spell costs increase
(L) points; affects (L) targets, or one
target for (L) game turns

Whatever little food & water is

present will fully nourish the entire Levitation, for the cartomancer or
group; also purifies the food &
one target; (L) game turns
Causes a target to quit a current
quest, course of action, mission,
desire (removes geases&

Turns a sorrow or difficulty into a

great joy (a good card but
unpredictable, it is up to the GM
how a badness turns into a niceness)

seven Creates any visual illusion desired

Draw a second card immediately, its

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 100

by the cartomancer (no sound,

substance or movement); lasts (L)

effect will be doubled in your favor

Reveals the past -- perfectly restores

Gives the cartomancer a brief vision
six lost memory or grants a vision of
of the immediate future
the history of a place or object


Dispels spirits or spells, up to (L)

level (or MR = (L) x (IQ + CHA))

Neutralizes a target's sense of taste

& smell, dulls all other senses
(halve personal adds); affects (L)
targets or one target for (L) days

Brings news or communication

from one blood relative (or spouse)
of the cartomancer or target, (even a
recently deceased relative); which
relative is the target's choice
draw four more cards, the
cartomancer chooses which one to

An (activity, sensation, sight) of the

At the conclusion (of a fight, quest,
cartomancer's choice causes the
three journey), this brings safe rest,
target intense pleasure; (L) game
comfort, improved healing
Inflicts passion (lust) in one target
whose (IQ + CHA) is lower than the
Promotes favor, concord, sympathy,
cartomancer's (target of this lust will
two perhaps even affection, among (L)
either be the cartomancer (if target
feels it appropriate) or the target's
best choice among those present)

Ace of Cups

Creates a zone of complete & utter

safety in this place; lasts (L) hours

Suit of Swords

Cartomancer seizes control of the

target's mind (if target's IQ is not
King of Swords
greater), target will obey blindly
for one game turn

Completely reverses one target's

attitude on a chosen issue/person;
lasts (L) hours (the cartomancer can
make this permanent with a LK SR
at the target's level plus one)
Summons a demon (MR = d6 x 10,
or a "basic" demon of d6 level); if
cartomancer's total attributes exceed
the MR (or demon's attributes), it
will serve for d6 rounds or one
discreet task; otherwise it is

Queen of Swords Releases (L) Furies, they swoop

Inflicts a Jekyll/Hyde
about the chosen target(s),
transformation on 1 target; reversing
hounding them for all their sorrows CHA and loyalties; lasts (L) hours
& guilts, all personal adds are lost
& they flee in terror if they fail a

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 101

L1 IQ SR; lasts (L) rounds

Knight of Swords

Barrage of (L) fireballs, each doing Reduces the IQ of (L) targets to (d6)
damage = cartomancer's CHA
for one turn

Renders target invisible, inaudible,

intangible; not truly ethereal, but Reveals to the cartomancer the
Page of Swords
may move as though ethereal; up to target's most sensitive secret
(L) hours
Renders up to (L) targets
hypervulnerable to swords for (L)
ten rounds -- armor will not protect vs
swords, and swords used against
them get an extra die
Inflicts (L) targets with absolute
nine hopelessness; they immediately
give up their current endeavor

One target receives 10 "Re-Rolls" -they may use these to re-try any
failed SR or poor combat roll; they
may use multiple re-rolls on a single
event; no time limit, they last until
used up
Reverses the personal adds of up to
(L) targets using swords (positive
adds become negative, vice versa);
lasts 1 turn (5 rounds)

Eight whip-like bands of steel

Renders (L) swords (or steel
enwrap one target, immobilized for
objects) brittle as treacle, lasts one
(cartomancer's IQ - target's ST)
rounds (at least one)
Materializes swords in the hands of
(L) targets (longswords, or the type
the person is accustomed to) -seven magic, unbreakable and can do
damage even to steel objects &
demigods, plus each gets an extra
die in combat; lasts (L) rounds
Creates a common vehicle (or
other means) for passing an
six obstacle; is big enough or lasts
long enough only to transport (L
squared) persons

The cartomancer will speak: the

single best piece of advice the GM
could give to the party in this
Literally or figuratively denudes one
target; if in combat, loses all armor
& weapons; if in debate, impales his
own position. Whatever the
situation, the target will be
momentarily defenseless

The next (L squared) dice that the Inflicts 1 target with piercing agony,
five target throws will be "one's" (but subtract (L squared) from his
won't count for doubles)
combat total; lasts (L) rounds
All members of the target group are
drawn to their best tactical positions
Seals (L) targets in an iron box for
(in combat, everyone gets doubled
(L) turns; they get one ST SR to
adds for 1 round; in the woods,
break out at ((L x 2) - number
someone spots whoever is sneaking
imprisoned) level
up on them; in town, you find a
good bargain, etc.)
three Teleports one target up to (L
squared) yards

Inflicts confusion on (L) targets for

(L) rounds -- they must make a L1
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 102

IQ SR to do anything
Lower ranking members & allies of
Ensures the courage & loyalty of
the target group must make an (L)
two the target group & its allies; (L)
level IQ SR or turn disloyal &
rounds, or (L) days if not in combat
The target sword becomes
invincible -- it cannot be broken,
dropped or snatched, it gets triple
Ace of Swords
the normal number of dice & adds,
and it can damage anything; lasts
(L) rounds

Suit of Pentacles (Discs)

The target sword fights against its

wielder (use weapon dice & adds
only, not personal adds); the victim
must fight himself for (L) rounds


Subtracts (L squared) from the

Adds (L squared) to the target's IQ,
target's IQ, LK, or CHA
King of Pentacles LK, or CHA (cartomancer's
(cartomancer's choice); lasts (L)
choice); lasts (L) game turns
game turns
One object of cartomancer's choice
will appear -- it must be a mundane
& generic inanimate object (a
Queen of Pentacles weapon, clothing, furniture, boat,
etc.) but will be of rich material &
opulently decorated; lasts (L
squared) turns

Infuses the target object with the

ability to infuse disease on contact
(an (L) level disease); infectiousness
lasts (L) turns, but the diseases run
their course

Restores one broken item to goodas-new (max item weight = (L

Knight of Pentacles
cubed) lbs); or cures (L squared)
hit points

Will slow one target's physical and

mental speed by a factor of (L) (a
"slow-motion" spell, at Level 2, it's
similar to Glue You)

Cartomancer may ask three Dear

Page of Pentacles
God questions

Pleasantly intoxicates (L) targets for

(L) turns -- fun at a party, but in
combat will eliminate all personal

Summons a beneficent guardian

spirit (MR = cartomancer's total
ten attributes); it will guard a home,
family, business for (L squared)

The target must attempt a L1 LK

SR; if he fails, he will lose a total of
(L squared) x 10 gp value; if he
succeeds, he will realize a similar

Allows the target to see through the The target may craft a lie or disguise
deceptions of one individual or
that is exceptionally effective (add
group and discern their true
(L) to the level of SR required to see
through it)
eight Triples the target's DX for for (L) Reduces the target's DX by two
rounds; or gives the target master's thirds for (L) rounds; or robs the
skill in one chosen craft (like
target of one craft skill for (L) hours
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 103

carpentry) for (L) hours

Causes one object to become
lighter or heavier (cartomancer's
choice) by a factor of (L) for (L)

Dispels all illusions & magicks not

exceeding (L) level

Undo one immediate action (within

The target's immediate, foremost
six the last round or turn); it is as if it
fear proves to be true
did not happen
Cartomancer may take any group
action or effect (combat totals,
Shields one target; the next (L
damage received, spell effects, etc.)
squared) weapon dice, spell levels,
and redistribute them among that
and even SR levels that attack or
group as desired; affects up to (L)
thwart him will be absorbed
targets and may be used for (L)
Blessings upon (L) targets for (L)
turns -- they will not break or lose
any possessions, nor can the
fumble any SR
Ensures & exaggerates glory
three received by one target (also
increases rewards)
Brings an answer (or leads one to
two the answer) of a perplexity or

Grants one Wish; just how big a

Ace of Pentacles wish the GM will allow depends
upon the cartomancer's level

The Major Arcana

Curses upon (L) targets for (L) turns

-- they drop whatever is in hand
(just once), and they fumble SR's on
a non-double 6 or less
Sours the glory due to one target, or
causes one act deserving of reward
to be ignored
Causes the target to prance about
like a drooling idiot for (L) rounds
(victims are allowed a L2 CHA SR
to resist only if their level is higher
than the cartomancer's)
Summons a Demon Servant, MR =
((L squared) x 10) [alternately, if
the cartomancer makes an IQ SR,
she may choose the exact demonic
type, up to the level of the SR made;
if the demon has a CHA greater than
the cartomancer, it is allowed a (L)
level CHA SR to become freewilled]. It will serve for one
combat, one set task not longer than
(L) days, or serve in a general way
for (L) turns

I - Magician Cartomancer may cast any standard Attacks one magic-using target,
Wizardly spell (up to (L) level) that draining all Mana (spell power); or
she can name and provide proper disenchant (L) magic objects. If

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 104

parameters for
Cartomancer will receive an
ambiguous vision from the
II - High Priestess Priestess. If interpreted correctly,
it will reveal secrets/answers to the
trouble at hand
Fecundity & Comfort; depending
upon (L), this brings healing,
III - Empress
satisfaction (feed (L) people, heal
(L) x 10 hits, etc.)

Mana is drained, it may be

"donated" to another (to replace
spent Mana, it will not exceed the
normal limit)
The Ultimate Lie -- the
cartomancer's next spoken sentence
will be totally believed by everyone
who hears it and cannot make an (L)
Level IQ SR.
Obfuscation -- the cartomancer &
group will now utterly confound up
to (L) targets; their words &
movements will leave their
opponents in abject uncertainty

If not currently in battle,

cartomancer may bless one target
(not himself) with +1 IQ or Mana, Disguise -- gives (L) targets the
IV - Emperor permanent; or cartomancer may
complete illusion of being someone
attempt a L2 LK SR; if successful, or something else; lasts (L) hours
he may pull the card of his choice
from the deck and cast that
Pomposity -- if target's CHA does
not exceed (cartomancer's CHA x
Prayer -- cartomancer may direct a
V - Hierophant
(L)), target will not be believed and
plea directly to a chosen god.
his followers feel great
disillusionment; lasts (L) turns
Guarantees a favorable
introduction between two targets of
opposite gender (or compatible
gender preference); or restores lost
spiritual innocence (as for a
VI - Lovers
traumatized child); or if target's
IQ+LK+CHA does not exceed
cartomancer's, target will be
smitten with good will -- violence
& anger fades

Pick one thing to go wrong (it must

be an ordinary thing, nothing
miraculous); that misfortune befalls
(L) targets

The right course of action, best

VII - Chariot choice, correct answer will be

Afflicts (cartomancer's CHA x (L))

targets with discord & clamor -- can
cause riots, even rebellions -- the
feelings last until sunrise or a leader
with CHA greater than the
cartomancer's begins to rally them

VIII - Strength One target will recover from & be

completely immune to all attacks
on the will & psyche (includes
gazes, possession, hypnotism,
TTYF, Dum Dum, etc.); lasts (L)

One target is stripped of all

resistance to disease & mental
assaults (no SR's allowed versus
such attacks); cartomancer may also
choose to inflict (L) dice directly to
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 105

Revealer of Mysteries cartomancer correctly pieces
together any clues (gets BIG hint
IX - Hermit from the GM), and knows of any
gods or spirits acting upon her or
her cause; or divine the origin &
true purpose of one target
Add +1 to LK for everyone in
cartomancer's party (1 turn); or
X - Wheel of Fortune reverse a choice -- undo one very
recent action ("I wish I hadn't
opened that door.")
Brings the weight of true justice to
bear upon the immediate situation
[unbiased justice as defined by
XI - Justice
Athena will be done, not
necessarily the will of the
One target is sealed in complete
stasis -- it is in perfect suspension
XII - Hanged Man and cannot be harmed; duration is
pre-set by cartomancer, up to (L
cubed) days
One target ages by (L squared)
XIII - Death years (target may be a being or
object of any size)

CON; lasts (L) turns

Grand Illusion - creates an illusion
of unlimited scale & depth
(including a complete environment),
affects up to (L) targets -- it cannot
be disbelieved but can be dispelled
by a Level (L) Dis-Spell; lasts up to
(L) days
The cartomancer chooses one
immediate & present thing (object,
concept, process) -- the GM then
determines how it is doubled
Breaking the inevitable -- a thing
which is about to happen will be
avoided; the thing must be currently
happening (falling, standing in the
path of a flood, under sentence of
death), it will not work on eventual
things (dying of old age).
Resurrects one dead target;
warning: the exact nature of the
resurrection is subject to cosmic
laws & the whims of fate (i.e., if the
death is very recent, it should work
as expected, but the GM is free to
play with the effects of this one)
Places (L) targets in a trance, they
will be in a sleep-walking state &
obey the cartomancer's suggestions
for (L) turns

Heals the effects of up to (L

squared) years of aging; or
completely heals one target of all Conjures an Elemental
XIV - Temperance physical, mental, & mystic ills & (cartomancer's choice), MR = (10 x
injuries (except for curses cast at a (L squared)); serves for (L) turns
level higher than the
Up to (L) targets will be controlled
by their animal nature for (L) turns
(in combat, it usually means
XV - Devil
berserker rage; in other
circumstances, unreasoning lust or
greed is the result)
XVI - Tower A catastrophic downfall; either
literal (collapsing walls) or
figurative (collapsing doctrine or

Dismisses all demons up to MR =

(10 x (L squared)); or exorcises one
possessing demon; or calms rage or
emotional obsession in one target
Casts one target into mystical
imprisonment In a strange, far away
land for (L squared) years; a Level
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 106

authority); any one man-made

construct or concept may be the
target, nature of the downfall is
governed by (L) and the GM
Restores to complete health one
target, provided it is alive or dead
not more than 24 hours; or
XVII - Star
permanently increases the target's
IQ by an amount equal to the
target's level

(L) SR on LK or CHA is allowed

Permanently reduces target's IQ by

(L); a Level (L) LK SR is allowed

Draws forth in the mind one's worst,

Destroys undead of up to (L) levels hidden terrors, targets either flee or
or targets; or cures one target of
are reduced to whimpering
XVIII - Moon
lycanthropy; or blesses one target wretches; affects (L) targets whose
with (L cubed) experience points IQ is not greater than the
Inflicts (10 x (L squared)) hits
directly to the CON of one
XIX - Sun Vampire or unholy spirit; or brings
forth healthy fertility in a field of
crops, a herd, or a woman
One target (of a level not
exceeding (L)), will draw the
pointed attention of the god or
goddess they have wronged or
XX - Judgement offended the most; however, if the
target is very pious & has not
offended the gods, then the
attention of the god who is most
pleased will be drawn

Dispels minor domestic problems,

calms quarrels, even causing small
debts to be repaid; or if cartomancer
is ready & situation appropriate
(GM's whim), opens a door to direct
communication with a demigod of
The cartomancer may transform into
a being of light, immune to damage
except by mystic or demonic attack,
able to travel freely wherever light
can, and do touch damage =
personal adds (no armor); lasts (L)

Causes one target to obsessively

fixate upon whatever mundane task
Arranges for ordinary transport to
is immediately before him to the
any location in the known world;
exclusion of all else, this is an (L)
or gives passage for cartomancer &
level curse & lasts until dispelled;
XXI - World (L) others to any mystical
or gives passage for cartomancer &
"heaven"-type realm, within the
(L) others to any mystical "hell"reach of cartomancer's level &
type realm, within the reach of
piety (GM's whim)
cartomancer's level & impiety
(GM's whim)
Allows (L) targets to do something
utterly foolish and get away with
0 - Fool
it! (walking through fire, crossing
a bridge that isn't there, etc.)

Inflicts upon one target a curse of

foolery (pratfalls, fumbled speech,
impulsive choices, all SRs must be
attempted with one die) for (L) days

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 107

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 108


The following guide presents a closer look at the monsters and enemies that roam the Great Land.
Although there is some world-specific information, most of this guide can be used in any T&T
Some of the monsters are original, some are straight out of "official" Tunnels & Trolls material
(including supplementals), some from medieval bestiaries, some stolen from other games, and many
are adapted from the now out-of-print trilogy All the World's Monsters edited by Jeff Pimper & Steve
Perrin. Where I have name credit for a creature, the contributors are noted.

Airsquid / MR: 2d6 15

Airsquids are great, helium-filled squids which lair in mountain peaks. They can grow to
over 60 feet long. Anyone taking hits from an Airsquid must make a L2 DX SR or be
enwrapped in the tentacles (L4 ST SR to get free). If it has enwrapped any victim and is
still fighting others, there is a 50% chance that it will simply fly off with its meal.
Ant, Giant / MR: * swarms: 3d6 10
These ants are roughly mouse-sized driver ants.

Bandits / MR: 4d6

These can take the form of any sort of human or mixed rabble. They are generally poorly
organized, poorly led, and poorly equipped (exceptions to this should be special
developments by the GM). They may have no treasure at all; but on a roll of 9+ on 2d6,
they have two rolls on the treasure generator and two on the special items table (which
might be used in combat).

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 109

Bandit Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3d6+3
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
CON = 3d6+8
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no specials
2: curare poison
3: rogue; has one 12 point TTYF
4: bruiser; +5 CON, +5 adds, 6d weapon
5: archer; +5 missile adds, +5 DX
6: add a 5 pt shield, and roll again

Banshee / MR: 3d6 5 undead

The Banshee is a strange and terrible spirit, who haunts wicked places and wicked people.
They may only be struck with magic or silver. When the banshee wails, all in her presence
must make a L2 IQ SR or flee in panic; all who take hits must make a L1 CON SR or be
frozen by paralysis.
Basilisk / MR: 2d6 10
The Basilisk is sometimes considered the king of the serpents. It resembles a fat cobra with
a permanent hood and an oversized head graced with a crown of horns; it has four claws
upon which it moves. The basilisk is an exceedingly dangerous creature even if you never
get close enough to fight it. It exudes a poisonous odor -- all in the vicinity must make a L1
CON SR every turn or lose 1d6 to ST. Its gaze carries a curious magical attack -- any one
meeting the eyes of a basilisk must make a L2 IQ SR or momentarily burst into flames
suffering (MR/5) damage.
Bat, Giant / MR: 2d6
These are normally only a threat to the wee folk.
Bat, Vampire / MR: * swarm: 3d6 5
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 110

These normally swarm only in defense; they generally attack singly, picking sleeping
targets. Their victims can awaken on a L3 LK SR; otherwise they lose d6 ST points
Bear / MR: (d6 + 3) 10
Bear, Cave / MR: (d6 + 7) 10 armor: 10
Cave bears are exceptionally ferocious, and because of their bellicose nature, retain full
fighting effectiveness until at least half of their MR is gone.
Bee, Giant / MR: (d6 10) + 30
The sting of a giant bee will do (MR/10) directly to CON unless a CON SR is made on
Bee, Killer / MR: * swarms: *
A swarm of killer bees can be driven off by smoke or magic. Each person attacked makes a
DX roll based on their armor, and if they miss, will take hits equal to how much they
missed by:
no armor = L4
cuirass = L2
full = L1

Beetle, Giant / MR: d6 10

All giant beetle have armor equal to one fourth their MR. They may also have various
special attacks:
special attack


no specials

massive pincers; one opponent must take any hits scored and they
are pinned -- they will take d6 points of crush each round they fail
to make ST SR (Level = MR/10) to free themselves.

caustic chemicals; all opponents must make a L1 ST SR or lose all

personal adds -- in any case, leather armor will be permanently
reduced by one point.

stinger; poison causes immediate vomiting unless a L1 CON SR is


completely magic resistant.

vengeance; upon death its bodily juices form a terrible acid, capable
of dissolving flesh and metal; plus roll one more time on this table.

Blutschink / MR: (d6 + 4) 10

The Blutschink looks almost exactly like a bear, but is only a distant relation. It actually
feeds by draining blood through its fangs. It will seek to pounce upon (or find sleeping) one
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 111

victim -- if they fail a L3 ST or DX SR, they have been pinned and will be drained of d6 ST
per round.
by Ken Pick, from German folklore

Centaurs / MR: 2d6 5

Centaurs are a noble, if somewhat arrogant, kindred. They are classed as "monsters" for
their aloofness and an unfortunate penchant for highway robbery and the occasional armed
excursions (these are often merely actions of self-defense, but it is not how the human
authorities will describe them). Wise folk know them to be intelligent, honorable, and to
have a knack for healing and prophecy. They are justly feared, however, for their martial
prowess -- on the few occasions when scattered bands of centaurs have formed into a
military unit, they have been nearly unstoppable. Being something like cavalry, they can
charge into battle, which doubles their adds on the first round. For their personal stats, see
the Kindreds section.
Centaur Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 3d6
Armor = d6+2
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
CON = 25 + 2d6
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 5d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will be a rogue (half armor, one 12-pt TTYF).
CON = 30 + 2d6
Armor = 2 3d6
Atk = 5d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 4d6; DX = 10 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: marksman; +10 missile adds, DX = 20 + (3d6)
3: rogue; two 12-point TTYF's
4: rogue; half armor, Mana = 4d6, all spells through second level
5: bruiser; +5 CON, +5 armor, +5 adds, 6d weapon
6: roll twice (if you get rogue twice, add one level and 2d6 Mana)

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 112

Centipedes / MR: *
Centipedes will not sting unless provoked. The poison is painful -- unless a L2 CON SR is
made, it will subtract d6 from IQ.
Chimera / MR: 2d6 10 (doubles add & roll over)
This is the classic Greek Chimera -- Lion's head, Goat's body, Serpent's tail. It can breath
fire once per turn (Range = MR in feet; damage = dice + adds as if 1/3 MR).
Personalized Chimera Stats
ST 4
IQ -LK 1/4
DX = 3
CHA 5 (negative)
Mana 3/4

Crow, Killer / MR: * swarm: 4d6 5

These birds are large, fairly intelligent, and determined to provide their own carrion.
Cyclops / MR: 2d6 10
Cyclops are generally smaller and smarter than the regular giants. They sometimes gather
in small communities, and a few have constructed armor (40 points) and swords (8d+8) for
themselves. they never use magic, but can hurl rocks up to 7d in size.
Personalized Cyclops Stats
ST 4
IQ 3/4
LK -DX -CHA 4 (negative)
Mana na

Dog, Death Hound / CON:3d6, armor:2, atk:2d + (18+2d6 adds)

These mastiff-like creatures have wiry metallic hair, but are otherwise ordinary canines
with a particular talent for violence.
by C. Bigglestone & D. Hargrave
Dogs, Wild / MR: 10
These run in packs of 2d6 animals.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 113

See the Dragon appendix below.

Dwarves / MR: 3d6 2
Dwarven brigands are rare, but not unheard of. More likely, dwarves from some small
settlement will cause trouble by marching on their neighbors to settle some legal dispute.
For their personal stats, see the Kindred section.
Dwarven Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2 3d6
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
CON = 2 4d6
Armor = 2 3d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have a 6d weapon.
CON = 2 4d6
Armor = 2 4d6
Atk = 5d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 4d6
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: an extra 2d6 adds
4: full 40 points of armor
5: berserk; never fails morale, and is immune to charm-type magicks
6: roll twice

Elves, Dark / MR: 4d6

Dark Elves are not merely nasty High Elves -- Dark Elves have been corrupted to a point
that resembles demonic possession. They are totally committed to the cause of evil. Their
personal stats are the same as for High Elves.
Dark elf Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2d6
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 114

Armor = d6
Atk = 3d + (3d6 adds)
CON = 3d6
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = regular adds + 2d6; DX = 15 + 2d6
1 in 6 is a rogue -- one 16-point TTYF
CON = 3d6+5
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = regular adds + 3d6; DX = 20 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: Spider Venom poison
3: marksman; +5 DX, +d6 missile adds
4: rogue; half armor, Mana = 4d6, all spells to second level
5: bruiser; +5 CON, +10 armor, 6d weapon
6: roll twice

Fish, Vampire / MR: 2d6

Vampire fish are a cross between piraha and flying fish. Below the surface, they attack in
swarms which will hit all targets with 2d6 damage (doubles add & roll over) each round.
They will attempt to provide their own prey be leaping in great numbers out of the water to
"buzz" small boats, seeking to knock an occupant into the water.
Each Vampire Fish has four large pearlescent incisor teeth which can be worth 2-10 gp
each from a jeweler.

Ghost / CON: 2d6 5 undead

Ghosts attack either with standard magic spells or attribute drain (roll randomly for each
ghost to determine which attribute), but some are relatively harmless. All persons facing a
ghost must make a L2 IQ SR or panic, which halves their IQ & DX for the duration of the
encounter. Ghosts can only be struck by magic or silver.
Some ghosts have only a Mental Attack; they will assault one victim with a Mental-MR
equal to (2d6 2d6). The victim must fight back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors
throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per
level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ
& LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON.] If the victim's Charisma is reduced to 5
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 115

or below, the ghost instills a terrible phobia; if CHA is reduced to zero, the ghost will either
assume residency in the body or leave them a soulless zombie.
Ghoul / MR: 3d6 + 15 undead
These repellent, shambling humanoids are covered with decaying fur and scabby skin; they
have babboonish faces and piercing, glowing eyes (these are Lovecraftian ghouls; c.f.
Pickman's Model). They feast upon decaying corpses buried in unhallowed ground. They
can only be struck by magic or silver weapons. Ghouls use no tools or weapons.
Personalized Ghoul Stats
ST 3
IQ 1/4
LK 1/2
DX -CHA 4 (negative)
Mana -Ghoul Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 3d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 3d + (4d6 adds)
CON = 3 4d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 3d + (6d6 adds)
1 in 6 will have disease.
Roll 2d6; on a 12, it knows all 1st level spells and has a Mana of 3d6.
CON = 3 6d6
Armor = 0
Atk = 4d + (6d6 adds)
Roll 2d6 - 8; that is its level of magic mastery, Mana = (2d6 level)

Giant / MR: 2d6 20

Giants are dull-witted and dangerous -- this breed is always monstrously large ("lesser"
giants are actually large ogres or trolls). They generally use a large rock or tree as a
weapon. there are a very few smart giants; and these are particularly worrisome, for they
often manufacture armor and weapons for themselves. The attribute modifiers below are for
a basic first level giant personality; if rolling for a random giant's personal attributes, first
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 116

roll 2d6 to determine the ST and CON multiplier.

Personalized Giant Stats
ST 5
IQ 1/2
LK -DX -CHA 5 (negative)
Mana na

Goblins / MR: 3d6

Unlike their cousins, the orcs and gremlins, goblins are truly dedicated to evil; they have
sold out to the dark side and find joy only in harming others. As swarming monsters, they
will be merciless and have a high morale. Treasure will usually take the form of poisons
and unusual weapons.
Personalized Goblin Stats
ST 3/4
IQ -LK -DX 1.5
CHA 1/2 (negative)
CON 3/4
Mana -Goblins have one natural magic:
Darkest Hour / (ST cost = 2+) / range: 100'
This will drain the light from any natural source except the sun; cost is 2 ST
points per turn the light is quenched. When the spell is ended, the caster will
actually glow with the stolen light for one turn.
Goblin Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 2d6+3
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 117

Missile adds = melee adds + d6; DX = 10 + (3d6)

1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 2d6+8
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 4d + (3d6 adds)
Missile adds = melee adds + 2d6; DX = 15 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: nothing
2: curare poison
3: rogue, he has one 12-point TTYF
4: a special poison(GM's delight)
5: two-handed smasher: -5 pts armor, +5 adds, use a 6d weapon
6: roll twice
Goblin Shamans follow all the regular shamanic magic rules.

Gremlins / MR: 2d6

Gremlins are the smallest of the goblinoid kindreds. Rarely aggressive, they can still be a
great threat when in defense of their squalid homes. They occasionally ride large lizard
mounts as a sort of miniature cavalry. For their personal stats, see the Kindred section.
Treasure found amongst them is generally very poor.
Gremlin Troops
Common Grunts
CON = d6+3
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6-1 adds)
CON = 2d6
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
Missile adds = d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 2d6+3
Armor = 2 2d6
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 118

Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)

Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
1 in 6 will have curare
1 in 6 will have a 4d weapon
1 in 6 will have 4d6 adds

Griffin / MR: 2d6 10 (doubles add & roll over)

Griffins are particularly attracted to horse-meat, but are dangerous in any case due to their
highly aggressive character. Griffins appear in a great variety of types, the most precious of
which is the golden gryphon. The body parts are prized by material magicians, particularly
the beak, claws, and feathers (the feathers of a golden gryphon make perfect scroll-writing
Grokon / MR: 2d6 10
The Grokon is a wild boar the size of an ox. They a quite aggressive but the meat is usually
very good.
by Scott McCartney

Hag / MR: ?
Hags are a general class of unkind female mystics, some living, others more like liches,
some are former witches or wizards, others are merely uncharitable wretches who have
fallen into the wiles of some twisted demigod. They are more or less mortal and can be
harmed by ordinary weapons, although many of them will have magical protections of
various kinds. Most hags will have the ability to control mystically a kind of weather or
element or animal. Nearly all have some sort of attribute drain attack.
Many hags make a sort of Mental Attack; their Mental-MR equals 2d6 (doubles add & roll
again) times five. The victim must fight back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors throw
3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level,
everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK
(over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. If they defeat a victim (reduce CHA to zreo),
they will either transfer permanently 2d6 points of their chosen attribute, or enslave the
victim as a mindless zombie.
A few hags may be created as ordinary magic-users with full access to the standard
wizardly spells. Most hags should have special magical abilities individually rolled for
Harpy / MR: 2d6 5
Harpies are ferocious and vengeful -- they will steal food and occasionally babies as well.
They do, however, seem to serve some mysterious divine purpose, and it is well not to go
hunting harpies, as this may draw the disapproval of Hera. Harpies have the magical ability
to call forth a wind of (MR) or (IQ 5) mph.
Personalized Harpy stats
ST 1.5
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 119

IQ 2/3
LK -DX = 3
CHA 2 (negative)
CON 1.5
Mana na

Harvestman / MR: 2d6 25

Harvestmen are often presumed to be the result of some mad wizard's experiment. Actually,
they are the spawn of an unholy union between an ancient spider demon and his high
priestess. They appear roughly like monstrous human hands the size of an ox-cart, with
fingers for legs and a fanged human skull for a face. Harvestmen frequently hunt in packs
of d6; in the lair there will always be a Harvest Queen (MR = 2d6 50). In combat, the
harvestmen fight normally with MR, but if they ever score hits that exceed their opponent's
DX, ST, and LK (compared separately, not combined), they do no damage but pin their
victim in a crushing grip. The victim cannot fight back, but may break free with a L5 ST
SR. On each round, the victim will take 2d6 crush damage and must make a L2 LK or DX
SR to avoid being bitten. The venom of a harvestman causes quick putrefaction -- it does
2d6 to CON and instantly reduces Mana to zero; and any victim that survives the venom
must make a L1 CON SR for each of ST, DX, & CON or lose one point permanently.
by Paul Jaquays
Hawk, Giant / MR: 4d6 2
Giant hawks are quite rare and are usually found among the highest mountains. They have a
wingspan of 8 to 14 feet and prey upon goats, antelope, and the occasional humanoid.
Hell Maiden / MR: 3d6 4
The Hell Maidens are a product of some unsavory demigod. They have voluptuous bodies
clothed only in chainmail but their heads are bare skulls. They normally wield 4d
longswords and get 14 points of armor from their chainmail. They commonly ride undead
horses and sometimes even Carrion, but Hell Maidens are not undead, nor are they
demonic. They are immune to all mental magicks (including TTYF). Hell Maidens eat their
by Dave Hargrave
Personalized Hell Maiden Stats
ST 2
IQ -LK -DX 1.5
CHA 2 (negative)
CON 1.5
Mana na

Hobbit, Black / MR: 3d6

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 120

Black Hobbits are halflings who have turned sour -- they are not so much evil as hateful,
spiteful, vengeful, greedy, nasty, and downright ugly. They are far too quarrelsome to
gather into communities and are usually found in very small gangs. They are infamous for
the use of poisoned and diseased weapons. MR rated Black Hobbit swarms will attack
without warning or reason, but have poor morale. The personalized stats of a black Hobbit
are the same as for regular, nice hobbits.
Although greedy, they have terrible taste; treasure may sometimes be significant, but is
often merely bizarre collections of garbage.
Black Hobbit Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 2 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 2 4d6
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = (regular adds) + d6; DX = 10 + 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
1 in 6 will have pepper blade venom (halves personal adds).
CON = 2 4d6
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 3d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = (regular adds) + 2d6; DX = 15 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: pepper poison
4: diseased; anyone wounded must make a L2 CON SR
5: marskman; missile adds = 15+2d6, DX = 25+3d6
6: roll twice

Hydra / MR: 2d6 20

The hydra is not, as some believe, a relative of dragons. It is a unique magical species with
some unknown relations to the gods. Hydras normally have 7 heads, and although two do
not grow to replace one, the hydra does have a phenomenal regenerative capacity. The
hydra is immune to all forms of poison and can regenerate (d6 5) points per round. Each
head can act independently or in concert (divide the MR by 7 to determine the combat roll
for an individual head).
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 121

Killwing / MR: d3 10
This is a furry bat-like creature with big teeth and a three-foot wingspan. It seeks to stun its
prey with a sonic blast and then carry them off. They are a particular danger to fairies.
Their sonic blast does nonlethal damage depending upon range: make a CON SR at the
level indicated by the range and take hits equal to how much the roll was missed by:
0 - 10': L3
11 - 20': L2
20 - 30': L1
by C. Bigglestone

Kittyhawk / MR: 4d6

These have the body of a bobcat and the wings & tail of a hawk; they are sometimes found
in flocks of d6. Their normal attack is a dive, which doubles their adds.
by Sean Cleary

Lamia / MR: 2d6 10

The Lamiae are either the creations or children of the goddess/creature Lamia. Either way,
they are sacred to her. The goddess Lamia is a treacherous deity with few followers, her
rituals involve infant sacrifices and bloody orgies. The "common" Lamiae that adventurers
are likely to run up against are a race of truly evil creatures, all female, with the lower body
of a huge serpent. They are venomous; their poison attacks DX and ST simultaneously,
doing 2d6 to each. Lamia characters may take any class.
Personalized Lamia Stats
ST 2.5
IQ -LK 1/2
DX -CHA 2 (negative)
Mana 1.5

Lemure / CON: 2d6 5 undead

The lemure is a loathsome abomination that is sometimes mistaken for a decayed corpse
lying in some refuse heap. It has mouldering green skin that appears leprous, and solid red
eyes which glow like coals. Anyone seeing a lemure must make a L1 IQ SR, or halve their
IQ & LK due to fear. It does not attack to damage a victim, but simply to touch them. A
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 122

touched victim must make a L2 LK SR or be frozen helpless. Once the lemure is alone with
a victim, it will initiate a Mental Attack; its Mental-MR equals 8d6. The victim must fight
back using Mental Combat ability [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu
Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are
calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions
as CON]. If it succeeds, the lemure fades away and the victim takes its place.
Lemures can only by struck by silver or magic weapons.
by Steve Davies
Lich / MR: ? undead
A Lich is an undead sorcerer; a wizard who so hated or feared death that he or she used
ancient, forbidden secrets to preserve the body beyond death and seal the soul within. They
should be individually crafted as wizards of at least 16th level; however, some of their
magical abilities may not survive in their new form -- they may lose spell levels, points of
IQ or DX, or knowledge of certain spells.
Liches are undead spirits and can only be harmed by magical or silver weapons. Despite
retaining their intelligence and personality, they no longer "interface" through their mortal
brains in quite the same way, and are thus immune to mental magicks (including TTYF).
Liches have no maximum Mana limit, they may store as many points as they wish.
However, liches cannot recover Mana naturally. In order to gain Mana points, a lich must
eat the brains of a humanoid, drink the blood of a fairy or unicorn or mystical creature, or
eat the flesh of a demon (all these must be within three hours of death). Each such "meal"
provides 1d6 Mana points per victim's level or MR/10. Also, a lich may gain 2d6 Mana
points be removing his own heart and bathing it in still waters that are reflecting the moon
(only one such bath per night is allowed).
Lion, Fire / MR: 2d6 10
Fire Lions are just like regular lions, but they have deep crimson hides with brilliant scarlet
manes (an undamaged pelt is worth up to 12,000 gp in the south, 4-6,000 in the north). In
addition to their fangs and claws, Fire Lions can also breath fire once per turn, (use dice &
adds equal to one fourth its full MR). They dislike water and will be irritated and confused
by rain.
by Pavel Curtis and Chris Rolls

Manticore / MR: 2d6 20

The Manticore's of T&T have the head of a man with three rows of teeth, the body of a
lion, and a tail like a scorpion. It is very fast, can leap great distances, and has a strong
desire for humanoid flesh. 1 in 6 are magic-users, with all first level spells and a Mana of
4d6. Its poison is quite painful and deadly; it will do x points to CON for y rounds (x = MR/
20, y = MR/10).
Minotaur / MR: 2d6 5
Minotaurs are mostly solitary, and although aggressive and violence-prone, they are not
considered evil or dangerous. When a minotaur berserker attacks an unsuspecting party,
half the time he is only looking for a good fight and won't actually kill anybody. Do not,
however, mistake this for low morale; an enraged minotaur is every bit as stubborn and
deadly as a bull. For their personalized stats, see the Kindred section.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 123

Minotaur Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 10 + 3d6
Armor = d6-2
Atk = 3d + (3d6 adds)
CON = 12 + 4d6
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
2 in 6 will have a two-handed 6d weapon.
1 in 6 will have an extra d6 adds.
CON = 15 + 4d6
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 5d + (5d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 4d6
Plus roll 1d6 for specials:
1: no special
2: double the armor
3: bruiser; +10 CON, +5 Adds, 6d weapon
4: berserk; never fails morale, immune to charm-type magicks
5: an extra 2d6 adds
6: roll twice

Morghoul / MR: 2d6 5 undead

The Morghoul is the rare result of some very wicked attempts to preserve life or cheat
death. It appears like a thick green-yellow fog in humanoid shape. It can only be struck by
silver or magical weapons. If the Morghoul succeeds in moving over someone (L1 DX SR
to avoid), that person is inflicted with a rotting disease which prevents any CON recovery
except through magic. When attacked by weapons that can harm it, the Morghoul fights
normally; and anyone taking hits from the morghoul will be inflicted with the rotting
disease. The disease can be shaken off naturally if the victim makes a L5 CON SR the
following sunrise; otherwise, it will take a L6 Healing Feeling.
by Dave Hargrave
Mummy / MR: d6 10 undead
The average mummy is only a fair fighter; they are too slow and clumsy to be a threat to
anyone capable of running away. They may be struck by normal weapons and are also
highly flammable. They are, however, immune to all mental magicks, take no damage from
any missile weapon, and maintain their full fighting MR until all their (CON) MR is gone.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 124

Mutant, Slime / MR: 2d6 2d6

Slime Mutants appear in the environs of Rum Lake and its outlet during the months of
February & March. They wash down from the Stinking Swamp every spring, bringing
random destruction until the warmth and salty waters destroy them. They are usually
mindless, and take only one hit point from any missile weapon hit. They may at random
have disease or magical effects.

Ogre / MR: 4d6 2

Ogres may be brutish and ugly, but are generally not quite as stupid as some would believe.
They frequently use armor and weapons, and can band together in crude military
formations. For their personalized stats, see the Kindred section. Ogres get four points of
armor from their tough hide.
Orcs / MR: 4d6
Orcs are brutal, violent, and immature, but not necessarily evil. What causes them to be
such a threat is their love of a good "scrap" and the fact that something unbroken &
uncorrupted seriously offends their sense of aesthetics. For their personal stats, see the
Kindred section.
Orc Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3d6
Armor = 2 (d6-2)
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3d6+3
Armor = 2 d6
Atk = 4d + (2d6 adds)
Missile adds = 2d6; DX = 3d6
1 in 6 will have curare.
CON = 3d6+8
Armor = 2 2d6
Atk = 4d + (4d6 adds)
Missile adds = 3d6; DX = 5 + (3d6)
Plus roll one die for specials:
1: no special
2: curare poison
3: Spider Venom poison
4: bruiser; +5 CON, +10 armor, 6d weapon
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 125

5: rogue; one 10-pt TTYF

6: roll twice

Owl, Giant Golden / MR: 3d6 5

Giant Golden Owls are quite intelligent, although still fairly normal animals. Their favorite
food is gremlin or goblin; they will occasionally take a hobbit, but they seem to have a
genuine dislike for the evil types and prey on them in preference to anything else.
They are immune to mental and emotional persuasion magicks (not including TTYF). They
also have the curious ability to channel an electric shock through their talons -- they may do
so (d6) times per day, and doing so will quadruple any hits scored that round (electrical hits
are non-lethal).
by Dave Hargrave

Rats / MR: 5 swarms: d6 10

There is a 1 in 6 chance that the rats bear a disease.
Rats, Giant / MR: 3d6
Giant Rats normally come in gangs of one or two d6.
Roc / MR: 3d6 25
Rocs are exceedingly rare -- because of their monstrous size, they can prey only upon
mammoth, grokon, whales, and the like. They lair in the high mountains, but their great
wings can take them to virtually anywhere.

Sabrecats / MR: 2d6 5, or 3d6 10

Sabre-Toothed tigers come in several varieties. Many are small, about the size of leopard,
and prey upon small game. The classic giant sabrecats are larger than tigers and weigh
several hundred pounds -- they prey upon mammoth, grokon, and humanoids. The hide of
the larger variety is worth up to 800 gp in good condition.
Salamander / MR: *
The Salamander is a small reptile of fearsome reputation. It is completely immune to flame
and heat, and even will extinguish a campfire if it strolls through one. The skin retains its
qualities when removed -- it cannot even be heated by flame, let alone harmed. Many other
parts of the Salamander are valued by wizards and alchemists. However, of all creatures,
the Salamander has the deadliest venom -- a single bite will cause 3d6 CON hits per round
for d6 combat rounds (a L3 CON SR will reduce the damage to 1d6 per round).
Scorpion / MR: *
To avoid a standard scorpion's sting requires a L1 DX SR. The poison is painful, and
attacks DX, subtracting d6 points for d6 (10 minute) turns. A L1 CON SR must be made
each of those turns to avoid the damage.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 126

Shadowjack / MR: 4d6

Shadowjacks are semi-magical humanoids. They can disappear into any shadow and
reappear from any connected shadow. Plus, while in the shadow, all hits will be healed. If
the shadowjack's own shadow touches another person, no magic cast by that person can
affect the shadowjack. All shadowjacks are treated as if they were rogues, and are
automatically capable of handling all magicks below their own level. Shadowjacks are
villainous in character, but have a stern code of honor and will keep their word, not harm
the defenseless, etc. However, they are second only to dwarves in cherishing grudges.
Shadowjack Personal Stats
ST -IQ 1.5
LK 1/2
DX -CHA 1.5 (negative)
CON -Mana --

Skeleton / MR: 2d6 5 undead

Skeleton warriors are the favorites of necromancers and undead lords. They can be struck
by ordinary weapons, but are not good targets for missile weapons. All missile to-hit SRs
are doubled in level when firing at a skeleton, and if you score a hit, you will not get
personal adds (there is a practical limit to how much damage one missile can do to a
Skeleton Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 20
rmor = 5 point shield
Atk = 3d + 4
CON = 40
Armor = 5 point shield
Atk = 4d + 10
1 in 6 will have chainmail cuirass, +6 armor
CON = 50
Armor = 8 point cuirass
Atk = 6d + 16
Missile adds = 10; DX = 20

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 127

Snakes, common / MR: 2d6

To avoid a snake's strike requires a L3 DX SR, reduce by one level if you have a shield,
reduce by another level it you have full armor. Most snake venoms attack ST, doing d6
points for d3 turns (a L1 CON SR on each turn will prevent damage, but you'll still be
sick). One in six is a death viper whose poison does 2d6 for d6 turns.
Snake, Metal Cobra / MR: 64 armor: 16
This curious construct is immune to all poison, heat & cold attacks, and mental magicks
(including TTYF), and ordinary arrows. Its poison is a searing acid that causes convulsions
unless a L4 CON SR is made; in any case, all personal adds are lost. It will drag its victims
to a lair, where there may be much treasure.
Snake, Syren / MR: 4d6
The Syren is a winged serpent of the desert. It moves swiftly and can fly faster than a
running horse. Its venom causes 1d6 to ST, but if a L1 CON SR is not made, the victim will
fall immediately unconcious.
Snake, Winged Viper / MR: 2d6 5
This viper will swoop down and attempt to enwrap one victim -- if they fail a L2 DX SR,
they are completely pinned. They then must make a L2 LK SR to avoid the bite -- the
poison causes immediate weakness (STR = 2, lasts one hour) unless a L2 CON SR is made;
plus the CON damage from the venom is one point per turn for 3d6 turns.
Sphinx / MR: 3d6 5
Sphinx's are very intelligent, but do not use magic. They are badly addicted to riddles and
similar puzzles -- if they lose such a contest, they must do the bidding (one time only) of
the victor. However, if they win, the loser is at her mercy (this usually involves being
throttled and eaten). Sphinx's are not aggressive, but can be quite vengeful if wronged.
Personalized Sphinx Stats
ST 1.5
IQ 2
LK -DX = 3
CHA 2 (negative)
CON -Mana na

Spider, Giant / MR: 3d6 5

Giant Spiders come in nearly as many varieties as the smaller sort. They trap or hunt in the
same manner as the smaller versions. Except for special breeds, spider venom attacks the
ST, causing 2d6 hits (half that if the victim makes a L2 CON SR). Giant Spiders are also
immune to any venom.
Squonk / MR: 10 IQ: d3+2
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 128

A Squonk looks like a severely diseased chinchilla; it is twisted and covered with boils and
sores. Because of its profound ugliness, the poor thing has a persecution complex. It
collects shiny objects ("pretty stuff") in its lonely den and will only burst into tears when
intruders disturb it. It will whine about peoples stealing its pretties and beating up on it
because it is ugly -- it is truly very sad. It is also very defenseless, but any being who treats
a Squonk poorly will permanently lose one point of LK.

Tiger, Flying / MR: 3d6 5

Flying Tigers normally attack while on the wing; they can produce (3d6) fireballs each day,
and can spit one per round (L3 DX SR to avoid getting hit) -- the fireballs do 2d6 damage
and are vaguely napalm-like; they will not burn for a long period but their great heat will
ignite any flammables.
by R. P. Smith
Treeman / MR: 4d6 2d6
Treemen are a very strange and patient race; only the mysterious druids seem to know
anything about them. They are very rare and usually solitary. They can be difficult to
distinguish from real trees and there is no guarantee that they will behave any differently.
They serve their own purposes and rarely communicate with other races, although they
have been known to speak most languages. They may, in fact, be immortal, and elder
treemen have been rumored to grow over a hundred feet in height.
Treemen are flammable, of course, but take no extra damage from flame attacks. Their bark
is worth eight points of armor, and like dragons, treemen are immune to magicks cast by
anyone with an IQ lower than their own.
Personalized Treeman Stats
ST 4
IQ 2
LK -DX 1/2
CHA 2 (negative)
Mana --

Trivern / MR: 2d6 3d6

Triverns appear much like a wyvern, except for the three heads and three stingered tails.
The three tails will attempt to strike in addition to the trivern's regular combat roll. Each
targeted victim must make a L3 LK or DX SR to avoid being hit (make it a L5 SR if the
target is actively fighting the trivern). The stinger automatically penetrates all but full plate
armor and does 3d6 directly to CON, no SR. For each third of its MR it loses, the trivern
loses the use of one head and one tail.
by Dave Hargrave
Troll / MR: 3d6 5
Trolls are impressive rock spirits in humanoid form. They can and do use weapons and
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 129

tools, although rarely armor. They get a LK SR at the level of the spell versus any magic
used against them. If they are struck by direct sunlight, they will be turned to stone,
although if not smashed they will be restored at nightfall.
Personalized Troll Stats
ST 3
IQ -LK -DX -CHA 4 (negative)
Mana 1/2

Troll, Fire / MR: 4d6 5

These follow all the rules for regular trolls, but Fire Trolls glow a dull red and have a body
temperature like red hot iron. They are of course immune to flame and heat, and immersion
in fire or lava will heal them (a Blasting Power spell will heal rather than harm). They fear
cold, but take only normal damage from cold attacks. Because of their great heat, they can
double their dice (not adds) versus any opponent who is not immune to heat damage.
by Dan Pierson

Vampires / MR: 4d6 3 undead

Vampires are exactly as represented in the Hammer films, they can usually be classed as
rogues. The have a regenerative ability -- they recover CON hits equal to their LK every
Most vampires also have a Mental Attack; their Mental Combat roll is calculated as for
regular characters, but they roll 6 dice. [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung
Fu Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are
calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions
as CON]. Anyone whose CHA is reduce to 3 or less by a vampire is completely under their
Personalized Vampire Stats
ST 2.5
IQ 1.5
LK 1.5
DX -CHA -- (negative)
CON -Mana --

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 130

Vorpal Bunny / CON = 5

The vorpal bunny is a peaceable, little white fluffy creature except when its territory is
invaded. It will then attack by swift leaps and slash the throats of its victims with great
fangs. Each round, it will select one target and make an attack. The target must make a DX
SR, regardless of armor, how high a level they make determines the outcome of the attack:
L4: saved
L3: 3d6 damage (armor protects)
L2:1d6 damage (no armor)
L1: 2d6 damage (no armor)
failed: 3d6 damage (no armor)
fumbled: instant decapitation
In order to score any hits on a vorpal bunny, a fighter must first make a L6 DX SR; if they
fail to make even a L1, they must instead make their full combat roll and apply it against
whoever was this turn's target of the bunny. Vorpal bunnies are also curiously immune to
all mental magicks (including TTYF), and any magicks cast by a person whose IQ is not a
multiple of three.

Wargs / MR: 3d6 5 armor: 4

Wargs are the descendants of the ancient Dire Wolves, the lord of canines. Not only are
they stronger and meaner than a regular wolf, they are much smarter. If they score any hits
on a person, the victim must make a L3 DX or ST SR or be pounced upon and driven to the
White Fang / MR: 2d6 5
White Fangs are reptilian canines, roughly like great danes with light, scaly skin and two
pearl white fangs. If they score any hits, they can inject a milky venom (L2 CON SR or fall
asleep for d6 hours).
by Pavel Curtis
Wight / MR: ? undead
A mound wight is one of the most fearsome undead monsters known. Only humans and
Dark Elves who have moved on the wrong paths and worshipped the wrong things ever
become wights. Each one is an individual with unique magic items and spells. All wights
appear as pale spirits dressed in pale, moonstone-like plate armor (20 points of protection
versus all attacks). They can only be struck by magic or mithril weapons (not ordinary
silver). Each has wizardly powers up to level = (d6, if you roll a six, add & roll over).
They also may use Mental Attack -- figure Mental Combat ability and adds according to
stats, and they roll (2d6) dice. A mental attack is made against one victim, who must fight
back with Mental Combat [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu Fighters
roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are calculated like
combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions as CON]. A
victim whose CHA is reduced to zero by a wight is quite simply dead.
The stats below are static; wights do not increase in level.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 131

Mound Wight Stats

ST 2
IQ 1.5
LK 2
DX 1.5 ( 3 if elf)
CHA 5 (negative)
Mana (d6)
adapted from Dan Pierson

Wizard / MR: ?
Most of the wizards encountered in an adventure should be deliberate NPCs, created as per
the normal procedures. However, what follows is an emergency random wizard generator.
All die rolls are 2d6, doubles add & roll over.




11-12 13-15 16-18 19-22 23-26








IQ = 8 + (2d6); plus 1d6 per 10 levels or more

Mana = (2d6)+(2d6); plus 1d6 per 10 levels or more

Wolf / MR: 2d6 4

Wolves run in packs of (1d6) dice; and are very rarely led by a Warg.
Wolf, Flying / MR: 2d6 4
Flying wolves are very similar to regular wolves, except for their ecological niche. They are
rare, and a full set of feathers from a mature specimen can be worth up to 2,000 gp.
Wolf, Ice / MR: 3d6 5
Ice Wolves may actually be a form of elemental. They appear only in cold weather, and are
more frequent during and after bitter storms. They appear to be made of tightly packed
snow, with icy eyes and fangs. Cold and cold attacks heal rather than harm them. They take
only normal damage from heat attacks, but cannot exist if the temperature is above 40F.
Anyone taking hits from an ice wolf must make a L1 CON SR or lose d6 points of DX to
the cold.
by Wayne Shaw
Wraith / MR: psychic undead
Wraiths may appear in many forms, from dust-devils to lifelike figures. They are all
immune to all mental magicks (including TTYF) and can only be struck by silver or magic
weapons. All wraiths attack only through mental combat. Their Mental-MR equals (2d6,
doubles add & roll again) times 5. A mental attack is made against a single victim, who
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 132

fights back with Mental Combat [Warriors throw 3 dice, Warrior-Wizards & Kung Fu
Fighters roll 4 dice, Wizards get one die per level, everyone else uses 2 dice; adds are
calculated like combat adds but based only on IQ & LK (over 12); and Charisma functions
as CON]. If a wraith reduces a victim to zero CHA, they will absorb all experience and
memories permanently.
Wyvern / MR: 2d6 2d6
Wyverns are distant and lesser cousins of the classic dragons. They have bat like wings and
no forelimbs. They do not breath fire or use magic, but they can still be quite intelligent.
Personalized Wyvern Stats
ST 3
IQ 3
LK 1/2
DX = 3
CHA 4 (negative)
Mana na

Zombie / MR: d6 5 undead

Zombies are unfortunate, mindless slaves. They can be struck by ordinary weapons, but
severed parts will continue to be active.
Zombie Troops
Common Grunts
CON = 3 3d6
Armor = d6 - 2
Atk = 2d + (d6 adds)
CON = 3 4d6
Armor = d6
Atk = 3d + (d6 adds)
1 in 6 will have chainmail cuirass, +6 armor

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 133

GM's Note: I have a great respect for the mythical image of dragons, and I dislike using them as
"random" monsters -- that is, just another head for the party to bash. I believe each dragon
encounter should be special, and especially prepared -- each dragon being a unique individual.
Therefore, the information below is not exacting in detail. It is left up to the GM to fill in the
blanks for each dragon.

There are a great number of different types of dragons throughout the Great Land, although all but
the "classical" dragons form a small minority. This dissertation will outline the known qualities of
these dragons.

These magnificent, floating, fan-winged beasts who once splashed the sky with awesome mating
dances are quite extinct. Being only normal animals, without the intelligence and magicks of their
nobler cousins, they long ago fell beneath the lances of self-righteous knights and crusading

Also called Native dragons, these are the true definition of dragons and constitute 90% of the
population of dragonkind. Their form is classical -- hexapedal (four legs, two wings), with great wings
and powerfully armored heads bristling with horns or frills. Their scales are green with occasional
gold, silver, or russet highlights. They are highly intelligent, graceful, and powerful.
Their sapience is proved by the fact that they are among the few "monsters" that can learn from
experience and grow in level advancement. Many, although not all, are true wizards and acquire spells
from senior dragons in a manner similar to humanoid wizards.
In combat, the average adult dragon will roll 25 dice + 200 or better. However, the fiery breath
counts for 15 of those dice, so the dragon will fight with only ten dice if the breath weapon is
neutralized (through flame immunity, etc.). The flaming breath can be used as a missile weapon with
a range around 100 feet, doing damage equal to a fifth of the combat roll (e.g., 5 + 40).
A few classical dragons have an acid breath weapon, and some in the far north are known to breath
a freezing mist. All classical dragons have a magical nature and are quite immune to any spell cast by
a wizard with an IQ lower than theirs.
The MR of a classical dragon ranges from 200 for a small juvenile to well over 1000 for the older
Personalized stats:
ST 25
IQ 2
LK 1/2
DX 3
CHA 5(negative)
CON 50
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 134

Mana 10

Hermes and Hecate once got into a great argument; each claimed that they had created dragons.
Since neither one of them actually did, the dispute was unresolved. So Hermes nipped off to another
universe and pilfered some dragons he could call his own. Not to be outdone, Hecate brought some
different dragons from yet another world. This went on for quite some time before Zeus put a stop to
the contest. As a result, the Great Land now has a small but highly varied population of foreign
These dragons have been identified as belonging in six distinct groups, as given below. They all
share certain common traits: They are magickal in nature, but have no magic immunities; many can
cast spells but none are wizards -- they use pure earth magicks and are limited in how often they may
cast a spell (these spells are innate, not learned); and each has one or more powerful breath weapons
of amazing diversity. (When attacking with only their breath weapon, they use one fifth their MR as
the combat roll, as for classical dragons).
The six categories of foreign dragons are listed in order of their commonalty, the most numerous
groups first.

These are highly decorous beasts with great frills and crests. They are all of a solid, brilliant hue,
where from the class is named. Their most outstanding trait, aside from the color, is that these are
lizards with a purpose. Chromatic dragons have a decidedly malevolent character, and delight in
fulfilling the traditional roles of looting villages and toasting virgins.
There are five distinct subspecies:
adult MR










poison gas







These are similar to Chromatic dragons in appearance, except that their scales have a stunning
metallic sheen. Their character is quite different, however. The metallic dragons all seem to be kind,
benevolent, and downright goodly. Communities which have one of these dragons nearby soon learn
to be proud and even protective of it. Not surprisingly, these dragons are bitter enemies of the
Chromatic dragons.
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 135

There are five subspecies; the golden one is wingless and appears to run upon the wind:
adult MR




sleep, or fear gas



lightning, or Oh-Go-Away gas



acid, or Glue You gas



fire, or poison gas



cold, or paralysis gas

There are three dragon species with the nature of existing in two forms.
Cloud Dragon
This is a pretty, poly-hued wingless giant; when not in dragon form it appears
as an ordinary cloud. It's spells are always weather-oriented. Adult MR is
600-1400; its breath weapon is a ferocious blast of wind at better than hurricane
Mist Dragon
Probably a relative of the cloud dragon, this is a coastal creature which spends
much of its time in the form of a mist or fog. Adult MR is 400-1100; its breath
weapon is a thick mist which drowns its victims.
Shadow Dragon
This is a malevolent beast which looks like a solid shadow -- no features can be
seen in the blackness. It has the ability to meld into shadows and doing so will
heal it. Its spells are always illusion magicks. Adult MR is 200-600; its breath
weapon is a cloud of total darkness which can panic the best of warriors.

These are gorgeous creatures whose translucent scales shimmer like crystals. They are quite even
tempered and tend toward acts of neither violence nor virtue. Three of them are unusual in that their
breath weapon is actually a voice weapon, the shrill screech causing mystic effects upon all within
There are five subspecies:
adult MR




blinding cloud



dehydrating cloud



wail that deafens or KO's



wail that causes fear or paralysis

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 136



wail that disintegrates!

These are fabulously magical creatures. Apparently, their bodies are entirely made up of the
substance for which they are named. It is believed they are magical constructs of some alien demigod.
There are three "species":
This polished metal dragon reflects sunlight so strongly, it dazzles its
opponents. Adult MR is 500-1200, not mentioning its natural armor (50-120
points!); its breath weapon is a powerful version of the Smog spell.
This one is almost transparent, and immune to all spells that affect the mind
(TTYF, Dum-Dum, Mind Pox, Image, etc.), raising the possibility that it may be
a type of golem. Adult MR is 300-900; its breath weapon is a flaming liquid
which continues to burn.
This one sports wings but it cannot fly. Adult MR is 400-1200; its breath
weapon is lava.

These rare creatures are extraordinarily beautiful and their coats are highly prized. Among their
scales, the herbal dragons sport manes, crests, or stripes of thick, long fur whose bright, rich color
gives the dragons their names.
There are eight subspecies:
adult MR




polymorphing gas



lightning, or sleep or blindness gas



"Medusa" gas



Death gas (SR allowed at a level =







webbing sputum



paralysis gas




Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 137

These are general use booty tables, featuring only coins & gems. Any treasure involving magic or
weapons should be determined before the encounter, as appropriate for the encounter.
There are six categories of treasure -- decide which one best suits the previous owner of the loot
and make the rolls. At your discretion, these results are per individual, not for a whole party.







2d6 - 5

d6 - 5


d6 5



d6 - 4


d6 5

d6 d6


d6 - 4

d6 - 5


d6 5

d6 5


d6 - 2

d6 - 5


d6 5

d6 10

d6 5

d6 - 1

d6 - 3


d6 10

d6 10

d6 d6 10

(doubles add &
roll again)

d6 - 3



Jeweled Items
These can include any number of things; in addition to the possibilities below, feel free to use this
for any special items that you want to throw at the protagonists (treasure maps, letters of introduction,
keys, etc.).
Type of Item (1d6):
1 Necklace with (d6 d6) gems
2 Ring with (d6 - 2) gems
3 Bracelet with (2d6 - 5) gems
4 Earrings with (d6 - 4) gems
5 Brooch with (2d6 - 3) gems
Crown; roll again
6 1-4 = (d6 - 2) gems of size 3 or better
5-6 = (6d6) random gems
Setting of Item (2d6):
value listed is base cost of the setting only
2 Bronze d6 5 cp
3 Copper d6 sp
4-6 White Metal 2d6 sp
7-8 Silver d6 gp
9-10 Gold d6 5 gp
Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 138

11 Platinum 2d6 10 gp
12 Mithril alloy 2d6 100 gp

This is a detailed table especially for crystologists. It gives the base value in gp per ounce or carat,
and the spell level the gem is used at (that's the number following the # sign, it is here as a reference
aid, so you can easily find what magick the stone may be good for). Percentage dice (two d10's) is
required for this table -- some results require a second roll of 1d6 to determine the sub-type of gem
1-5 Agate .1/oz
1 = Red #1
2 = Black #2
3 = Grey #3
4 = Brown #4
5 = Green #5
6 = Moss #6

6-7 Alum .1/oz


8-9 Alatuir .2/oz


10-12 Amber .5/oz

1-2 = Yellow #1
3 = Red #2
4 = Green #5
5 = Living #6
6 = Blue #7

13-14 Amethyst 6/ct #1

15-16 Antipathes 1/ct
1-4 = smooth #2
5-6 = rough --

17-18 Asbestos, crystal .1/ct #4

19-20 Beryl 5/ct
1-2 = Yellow-green
3-4 = Green #4
5-6 = Yellow #5


21-22 B'dissai (clr amber) 1/oz #7

23-24 Carbuncle 1/ct #2
25-26 Carnelian


1-3 = Clear #1
4-5 = Blood #2
6 = Sard #3

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 139

27-28 Cater's Eye 2/ct #4

29-30 Cat's Eye 2/ct #5
31-32 Catochitis 3/oz #4
33-34 Chalcedony 2/oz #1
35 Coral 3/oz
1-4 = Red #3
5 = Green #4
6 = Black #5

36 Cross Stones 3/ct #5

37-38 Crystal (quartz) 1/ct
1-2 = Blue #6
3-6 = Clear #7

39 Diamond 18/ct
1-2 = Green #3
3 = Blue #4
4 = Yellow #5
5 = Red #6
6 = White #7,9

40-41 Emerald 18/ct #1

42-45 Feldspar .5/ct
46-47 Garnet 4/ct


48-50 Hematite .5/ct


51-54 Iron Pyrite -- #1

55-56 Jade 12/oz
1-2 = Yellow #2
3 = Green #3
4 = Red #4
5 = White #5
6 = Blue #6

57-59 Jasper .2/ct

1-3 = Green #3
4-5 = Red #6
6 = Green+red #7

60-61 Jet .3/oz


62-63 Lapis Lazuli 2/ct #6

64-65 Magnetite 2/ct #2,7
66-67 Malachite .5/ct #5
68-69 Melitite .3/oz


70-71 Milkstone .2/ct -72-73 Moonstone .3/ct


Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 140

74-75 Onyx 1/ct #6

76 Olivine 1/ct #2
77-78 Opal 10/ct
1-3 = Black #3
4-5 = Clear #4
6 = Milky #7

79-80 Pearl 20/ct #1,3

(Black if roll snake-eyes) #7

81-82 Peridote 1/ct #5

83-84 Ruby 15/ct #2,3
(starred if you roll a 6) #5

85-86 Sapphire 16/ct

1-2 = Blue #2
3-4 = Yellow #4
5 = Green #5
6 = Black #7

87-88 Sardonys 1/ct #4

89-90 Schist 1/ct #3
91-92 Selenite 1/ct -93-94 Serpentine 13/oz #1
95-96 Sunstone 1/ct #2
97-98 Topaz 3/ct #4
99-00 Turquoise 5/ct #1,5
(Sky if you roll snake-eyes) #6

Unless specifically stated, use the following as a guide to the general size & relative value of the
stones. Roll 1d6 to find out what to roll for the size -- this size will be in the units given in the table
above, either ounces or carats. Roll 2d6 on either the Raw column for uncut, natural stones, or the
Cut column for previously selected and cut jewelry stones. The table indicates if the stone is capable
of being magicked by a Crystologist, and the multiplier for the base value.
Size (1d6):
1 1d6
2 2d6
3 d6 5
4 2d6 5
5 2d6 10

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 141

6 2d6 3d6

Quality (2d6):
raw stones

cut stones











Good (magicable)




Superior (magicable)

Flawless (magicable)
To get the final value of any stone, take the base value per carat or ounce and multiply by
the size, then multiply that result by the quality multiplier. Stones of flawed or fair quality
cannot be used to contain or create magicks.

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 142




Ht & Wt

Saving Rolls:

melee adds
(ST, LK, DX over 12, under


missile adds
(ST, LK, DX [x2] over 12,
under 9)


Armor :
Throw 2 dice & add attribute, must
equal or exceed level of SR
*doubles add & roll again
*4 or less on dice Fumbles

Helm :

Level 1 = 20
Level 2 = 25
Level 3 = 30
Level 4 = 35
Level 5 = 40
Level 6 = 45
Level 7 = 50, etc.

Shield :
Hits taken:


Total Armor:



dice + adds


combat roll






___+___ Languages:







need for next Notes:


Tunnels & Trolls is a trademark of Flying Buffalo, Inc. Character Sheets designed by Bruce V. Edwards

Tunnels & Trolls Treasury - 143

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