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AP English Language Summer Homework (2016)


Book Name:


ISBN: ()

This Boy's Life: A Memoir

Tobias Wolff


On Writing Well

William Zinsser


Before entering into the school year you are required to complete a summer
assignment. This summer assignment is based on Tobias Wolffs memoir,
This Boys Life, and William Zinssers On Writing Well.
You are required to read Zinssers suggestions on writing and then maintain a
journal while reading the Wolff text. In your journal you must react to
particularly effective or ineffective passages, and to try and keep in mind when
Wolff is or is not following Zinssers suggestions. Your journal is a place to
record particularly strong rhetorical techniques and to react to the text with
your own thoughts and opinions. You should have a minimum of 8 journal
entries, each of 150-200 words.
After completion of the texts and journals, students must write an expository
paper that discusses why they think Wolffs book was or was not impressive,
effective, or interesting. The word limit is 750-1000 words. It is suggested that
students attempt to explain what the purpose of the book was, who the target
audience was, and any rhetorical techniques that caught their attention
(especially imagery, diction, syntax, and tone). They are required to quote the
texts and use specific examples as they explain their thoughts. These tasks will
be used to receive a basic understanding of what each students analytical
ability and rhetorical knowledge is at the beginning of the year.
In your computer you must also keep a separate document for new vocabulary
from This Boys Life. You should note any unfamiliar vocabulary in your
notebook, search and write down the definition, and write an original
sentence using the word in context. You should have no fewer than 50 new
words in your document. You will be quizzed on vocabulary in September.

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