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Literature of the World

Bro Joe


Modern movie version of a scene from Lysistrata by Aristophanes
1. Give an example of contemporary popular satire.

2. Describe and react to the costumes in this cinematic production.

3. A or D and E: I am familiar with and enjoy ribaldry in entertainment.

4. As the director of the play, you provide some apt physical interactions
between the husband and wife.

5. Prepare and act out the change in actors voice when Cinesias shifts from
comic to tragic recitation (l. 239).

6. Cinesias often enacts impatience. Describe in detail or ape how he does this
with his voice and gestures.

7. A A or D and E: Given the premise of the plot, this scene is realistic.

8. Brainstorm some ways to create peace.

9. Speculate on why Cinesias appeals to his wifes maternal instincts.

a. A or D and E: This appeal is successful.


or D and E: Cinesias promises to promote the peace that the ladies

strike is hoping to attain.
a. A or D and E: Cinesias upholds his promise to promote peace.


Speculate on why the goddess (l 301) is a particularly attractive

nude girl.


A or D and E: The Greeks, even though they have been waging war, do
possess a common culture.



A or D and E: Lysistrata, the sentinel, herself flirts with Cinesias.

a. A or D and E: Myrrhine also flirts with Cinesias.
b. A or D and E: This flirting is effective.

Speculate on the motivation of Lysistrata to report that Myrrhine often

praises her husband Cinesias. Quote professionally one such line.


A or D and E: Myrrine does love her husband.


Explain Myrrhines denial that Cinesias really does want her.


List two ways that Cinesias tries to persuade his wife to have sex with
a. Speculate on his strategy.


Cinesias tries to shift the blame for Myrrhines refusal to the rest of the
Greek women.

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