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The Principal Secretary,


Subject: Associa on with Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Kharagpur for Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2017

Respected Sir,
I am Ayush Agrawal, Senior Manager, Corporate and Media Rela ons at Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT
E-Cell, IIT Kharagpur is dedicated towards inspiring students to start up with their own ventures. Throughout the year,
we conduct various ac vi es to promote entrepreneurship and encourage students to embrace the concept of star ng
one's own enterprise. In the past few years we have had various eminent and successful entrepreneurs speaking
including B. K. Chaturvedi, Nishant K Rao, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Phanindra Sama, Rajat Sharma, Kishore Jayaraman and
many more, in our ins tute about their entrepreneurial experiences and the joys and hardships of their journey to

Global Entrepreneurship Summit is an annual forum for academicians, new-age entrepreneurs, eminent business
personali es, venture capitalists and the students to gather at one place and share their entrepreneurial endeavor and
experiences, and take entrepreneurship to greater scales. It consists of Lectures, Workshops, Panel Discussions and
culmina on of our na onal level compe ons (GES16 Website).
Since, we are a non-prot organiza on we associate with various rms every year to help us conduct the event.
Since, WEBEL has associated with us in the past year, we would like to associate with WEBEL again as our strategic
sponsor and help us conduct the event.
Under these terms we would request you to provide us with a monetary assistance of 3 Lakh Rupees. The amount will be
used for conduc ng various events and as a prize money of the startups that win the Global Business Model Compe on
conducted by E-Cell, Empresario.
I have a ached the en re partnership proposal along with this le er.
We look forward to your posi ve reply.
Yours sincerely,
Ayush Agrawal,
Senior Manager,
Corporate and Media Rela ons,
Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Kharagpur.
Contact: +91 7548080858

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