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Engineering drawing

Team Assignment: "Chess Pieces"

We have been working Inventor for several weeks now. Everyone has
completed the Revolve and Pattern assignments, which included
techniques that will be needed to create these chess pieces.
Teams: You all have been assigned to teams, with team leaders. For
this assignment team members should work together to decide on who
will have what responsibilities. Team leaders shall have final say. Since
there are 6 pieces to be designed and only 3 or 4 people on each team,
the work may not be divided evenly. Responsibility should be assigned
based on ability to complete the tasks, but every team member is
expected to design at least one piece. It is up to each team to work
together to create the six chess pieces. Team members should work
together to solve any problems.
The Theme: One of the critical elements to this project is the
selection of the theme. A theme is a unifying style or element which all
of the pieces have in common. For example, one popular style of chess
set is the Civil War chess set, in which the two sides each represent
the North and the South. Your team should work together to determine
the best theme. Remember that whatever you chose has to be
modeled using Autodesk Inventor, so some themes may be more easily
expressed than others.
Design Rules: Your firm has been hired to design a new set of
chessmen for a game publisher. Each side in a game of chess has six
(6) pieces: pawns, rooks (castles,) bishops, knights (horses,) queens,
and kings. Your team will have to design each of the six pieces but this
must be done in accordance with the design rules laid down by the
publisher. These design rules are shown in the table below.








Design Rule
Should have a big round "head."
The top of the rook should have
crenellations. These are the blocks
around the rim at the top of the castle
The Knight should look as much like a
horse's head as possible. It can be a
stylized horses head.

Inventor Rules:
Important: Each piece should be a separate file!
You will mostly be using the Revolve command. Remember that to
make a 1" base, the side of the profile must be half an inch (.5") from
the axis.
For the Rook and Queen you will need to use the Pattern command.
For the King you may need to use more than one sketch.
The Bishop and Knight may be the hardest.
Each of the six pieces is worth 25 points for a total of 150.
Everyone on the team receives the teams grade.
Each team member must complete at least one chess piece. For every
team member who does not complete a piece, 25 points will be
What to hand in:
1. For each chess piece, create an A-size drawing as shown.
2. Create four views as shown: Top, Front, and Isometric, and
3. Remove hidden lines and specify the scale per view.
4. Dimension the piece completely. There should be no question of
how large any feature is. Do not place any dimensions on the
isometric view.
5. Include the standard A size border and title block. Using the
Arial font throughout, list the following information: Team
number, name of the student who drew the piece, drawing
number (# of 6), date, etc.
6. Staple all sheets together and hand in as a packet.
Failure to complete any of these steps will result in the deduction of
Extra credit:
1. Creativity in the design of the chess pieces; creative use of
textures and materials.
2. Create an assembly file with a chessboard and the pieces set up
on it. Create a C-sized poster showing the assembly.



Design Rule




The bishop should be wearing a pointed

"hat." There should be a diagonal slash
removed across the front of the hat.




The queen needs to wear a crown with




jewels that rise up from the rim at

regular intervals.
The king's crown should have a threedimensional cross that stands upright.

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