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Contents Preface and performance notes Préface et notes aux exécutants......... Vonwort und Anffthrangshineise 5.000 ssnsnusnsnnnnnsconnnsns Xi Bulgar from Odessa (Odessa bulgar) .o.soce..0n rears ercntresansrsecnsn At the Rabbi's Feast (Baym reba sude) .o......0sonunesseninnvnnsen sont Freylechs from Bukovina* (Bukovinerfreylekhs) ...susssnenreonninn 8 Freylechs from Warsaw {Varshaver freylekhs) 10 Leading the In-laws Home* (Fim di mekhutonim aheym).. 12 In-laws’ Dance (Mekhutonim tants) ....cecesiecsenee Sweet Father (Tate ziser) ..... Dance of Displeasure® (Broyges tants) ..ssisesinunnnnnnne 20 Bulgar from Kishinev* {Kishinever bulgar) .......0.c0scssssssssserssesce 22 Dance of Delight* (Preplekh tants}... 26 Doina (Doyna sana Street Melody* (Der gasr nign} . ‘The Wise Man’s Song (Dem tzadiks zemerl) ss... Litfle Galitsian Dance (Galitsianer tents!) Jewish Wedding Song (Khosn kale mazl tov sevens 38 Dance! Dance! (Tants, yidelekh, tants!) sae AO Pieces marked * are compatible with the versions for violin in The Klezmer Fiddfer. a 2 ‘unauthorised copying of the whole | Bulgar from Odessa Odessa bulgar ¢ NI2VT NOOVIN ‘Clatineé Lively J = 120 melody, Easy clarinet Piano (ofc © Copyright 2002 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd. 11399 aaa Dz Fine 7 = T ee e (He — At the Rabbi’s Feast Baym rebns sude * TTD 9IIYI Aw. Slow and stately J -.60 Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Fao al 4 a Freylechs from Bukovina* Bukoviner freylekhs poybeap IsPnyp a With movement J =96 Jast time to Coda @ v melody -—— 4 clarinet Piano > compatible with the versie for sok it The Alezmer Per 11399) 10 Freylechs from Warsaw Varshaver freylekhs «© DDVO™ID INNTVINN Fast J = 120 Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano Gm7(n03) __ Gm7n03)_ 1399 " Gm7in03)_ SS Fine 1139 7 Leading the In-laws Home" Fim di mekhutonim aheym © D™TAN DININ “TTP Naftule Brandwein With dignity } = 116 Clarinet 4 9 2 melody Easy clarinet _ * compatible wil the venom fr son in The Kiger dr — 11399 14 11399 16 In-laws’ Dance Mekhutonim tants © YIRD ONIN Steady J = 66 last time to Coda & Clarinet melody - = a Easy clarinet Piano ny Cr Coda 11399 Sweet Father Tate ziser «© VDOT YORO Very lively J = 104 wi é Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano 11399 19 cm lpminos) 2 Dminod) Dm 1 2, ‘Dixino3} n{n03) Dance of Displeasure* Broyges tants © prev YI With a “ills ds oe Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano > compatible with the version fir voln in The Klezmer Fidler = 11399) a $ -_ % ta ES = = “ye 1m = rd J] 5 4 y (hg # i | ty TA ‘ {: Wi bP bel tis 4s ™| Th a li) i fy Din Ir nS oy * aad re.) | ww Pot | 1399 Bulgar from Kishinev’ Kishinever bulgar © TNIPIA AYP Cheerfully J = 144 Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano G Dinos) G r * compte withthe vio doe von on The Reser Fiddle 399 23 SES ¥ * = D7%n03) G Co = G st DT == & = + terns 2 49 i FE we —— = 11399 76 ~ f= = = = SS eS fgenit 55 o ss oF 2 (10 finish) gt (SU See PS = gt = 2 e Te 75 ie G Zam Dibass only) G . = + — fy + z — 3 [ f g z \ = . I : F 11399 Foi Giecs, Hatem Rurape, 2880 ve 26 Clarinet 54 melody Easy ‘clarinet Piano 8 Dance of Delight’ Freylekh tants © PANY JVIMID With movement 4 = 112 last ime 10 Coda @® ayy 1 v Fm = wy ¥ z = =| sss =. le — 7 7 11399) z D.S. al Coda 11399 Doina Doyna © 837 Very freely / =<. 12 repeat several times i __Menusiegeraliom , Clarinet = = — ie pS melody F& SD SSE d 5 : = eo Piano ° Pe = ee z — con Ped. repeat several times > 1 a , , = tonite yh Tf =—— 1 ye use repeat several times pees Mpg pte ty ; L —— repeat several times i cm Gm. = =. i 8 =e a 3 = S ee = eZ 2 13399 29 repeat several times é es s i i (pee = SEF a repeat several times repeat several times + Street Melody” Der gasn nign © TW TOR VT Stately } = 120 Clarinet melody 4 Easy clarinet Piano * exsupatble wis the vein For sialin in The Kiezer Bt 11399) 3 2 ‘The Wise Man’s Song Dem tzadiks zemerl ¢ S>YTVT OP IRS OVT Clarinet melody With energy J =92 Easy clarinet Piano 1399 33 7 = UL Fa yy (t lies te iT =e bleu i: i ite al i ce Ra Re 4 : 4 nal 4 [ns TTA A y ly +e r te i 1 a OT a . t . 1 | + Is . =I als i Pines P ah +7] k tT a 4 i t ~ iy Mk tat i iy aR ST th i? r ie % ii” Hee 6 . ° st | Th) A ‘ Hy) 4 nh 3 + ng | Ae ny et ‘t 1139 11399 Coda 11399 36 Little Galitsian Dance Galitsianer tents] » OSI¥D MUIR" NA Very fast J =96 % Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano (Fm) © mC Bm HC Bhmc |2¢ Bime 11399) a7 Canis.) 1399 Jewish Wedding Song Khosn kale mazl tov © 19 ba 7D yn Lively J=120° % Clarinet melody FQ— Easy clarinet Piano r—_F : last time to Cods %) 1399 D.S. al Coda © CODA 18, ra > 11399 Dance! Dance! Tants, yidelekh, tants! © SpINy ,JVSyT ,pINw Not too fast J =65 Clarinet melody Easy clarinet Piano 139 4 18 y__sttime to Coda =e 72] SS G7 Primedby ialstan & Co. Lid, Amersham, Bucks., England 11399

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