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ATLAS - 2016

Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop

2018 ATLAS Transdisciplinary-Transnational-Transcultural

(T3) International Conference will be held at the Babe-Bolyai
University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Babe-Bolyai University
is classified as an advanced research and education university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. It is the only university in Romania which offers a PhD degree in transdisciplinarity. With
more than 41,000 students, it is the largest university in the
country. The Babe-Bolyai University offers study programs
in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, and French. The
university was named after two prominent scientists from
Transylvania, the Romanian bacteriologist Victor Babe and
the Hungarian mathematician Jnos Bolyai.



2018 ATLAS T International

June 3-7, 2018

Conference Theme

2018 ATLAS Transdisciplinary-Transnational-Transcultural (T3)

International Conference program will consist of invited and
selected papers emphasizing transdisciplinary, transnational
and transcultural global problems. The general theme of this
conference is Being Transdisciplinary. Plenary sessions
and keynote panels will be presented by prominent speakers.
Round table discussions on specific TD topics will also be


Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning & Advanced
Studies (ATLAS)
Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas Tech University
International Center for Transdisciplinary Research &
Studies (CIRET), France h


Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR)

Faculty of European Studies (FSE) and Institute of European Research, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN), Romania
The Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies in Science,
Spirituality, Society (IT4S), Bucharest, Romania


Dr. Atila Ertas
Texas Tech University
Mechanical Engineering Department
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1021
Phone: (806) 834-5788
email: (

ATLAS 2018
Prof. Dr. Basarab Nicolescu (France), member of the
Romanian Academy, Chair
Prof. Dr. Atila Ertas (USA), Vice-chair
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Avils (Mexico)
Prof. Dr. Sren Brier (Danemark)
Prof. Dr. Fr. Ioan Chirila (Romania)
Prof. Dr. Fr. Doru Costache (Australia)
Prof. Dr. Ubiratan d'Ambrosio, member of the Academy of Sciences of So Paulo (Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Paul Gibbs (United Kingdom)
Prof. Dr. Esin O. Iik (Turkey)
Dr. Clara Jans, member of the Royal Spanish Academy (Spain)
Dr. Sacha Kagan (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Neira (Chili)
Prof. Dr. Derrick Tate (China)
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Whitehouse (Canada)

ATLAS 2018
Prof. Dr. Vistrian Maties (Technical University of ClujNapoca and CIRET, Paris) Chair
Dr. Liciniu Kovacs (Transylvania Business School,
University Babe-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca)
Dr. Magda Stavinschi (Institute for Transdisciplinary
Studies in Science, Spirituality, Society (IT4S), Bucharest and CIRET, Paris)
Dr. Paula Bud (Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University Babe-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca)
Dr. Stelian Pasca Tua (Faculty of Orthodox Theology,
University Babe-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca)


In 2011, The George & Ronya Kozmetsky (G&R K) Memorial lectures at The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning
and Advanced Studies (TheATLAS) have been established
to honor the memory of their shared passion for innovation,
service, and global prosperity.


The George and Ronya Kozmetsky Memorial Medal Award
was established in 2011 as a special honor to the distinguished lecturer of the G&R K Memorial lecture.

George & Ronya Kozmetsky

were partners in life, who
shared a passion for service
to society through innovation and inspiring young
men and women to face the
future with confidence and
to embrace leadership positions in business and society. As an example of their
partnership, they co-authored a popular book Making It Together: A Survival
Manual for the Executive
Family. They also served
on advisory boards at schools throughout the country, spoke
to student groups, worked for curricular innovation, sponsored leadership conferences, and supported innovative faculty research through the familys RGK Foundation.
Dr. Kozmetsky was a co-founder and former Executive Vice
President of Teledyne, Inc.the first major technology conglomerate in the US with more than 100 companies. At The
University of Texas at Austin, where Dr. Kozmetsky was dean
for sixteen years, he pioneered in educational technology
and education about technology, revolutionizing the curriculum and the manner in which it was taught. His vision, his
energized drive, his ability to call on the resources of major
corporations throughout America, his concept of educating
students by incorporating computers and technology in the
classroom, and his far-reaching motivational leadership enabled him to lift the College and Graduate School of Business
into the top rank in the nation. More than twenty thousand
students graduated under his deanship. He also participated
in the founding of the Graduate School of Industrial Admin-

istration at Carnegie Mellon University, and was a founding

board member of the ATLAS.
In 1977, Dr. George Kozmetsky (1917-2003) founded the
IC Institute at The University of Texas at Austin and began
his long march of helping to make Austin the 4th technopolis
in the US (the other three being Boston, Silicon Valley, and
North Carolinas research triangle) in half the time, i.e. about
15 years.
With his special capability to connect the dots, he was the
key architect to facilitate a coordinated state, city, and academia drive in achieving this dream which was realized in
the early 1990s. Along the way, he created the Austin Technology Incubator at The University of Texas at Austin, which
combines economic development and business education;
and the Texas Capital Network, which promotes innovative
financing for new ventures. His contributions have resulted
in employment for tens of thousands of Americans and billions of dollars of exports. He has been intimately involved
in facilitating technology transfer from the public, federal,
and university sector, into private enterprise. Dr. Kozmetsky
has counseled, nurtured, and developed more than a hundred companies; he has helped to launch them, served on
their boards, assisted in identifying key personnel and niche
markets, and on occasion helped finance them. His accomplishments helped to bolster our nation's competitive position
in world markets. Dr. Kozmetsky was awarded the National
Medal of Technology in 1993 as an acknowledgement of his
exceptional contributions in technology and education.
Mrs. Ronya Kozmetsky spent her life as a champion of children, women's issues and opportunities. She was instrumental in the establishment and success of several organizations
both non-profit and for profit including SafePlace women's
shelter and the First Women's Bank of California, a pioneering institution to provide women banking services including
access to credit to enable them to start their own business.
Additionally, she is a Co-Founder of Leadership Texas, Leadership California, and Leadership America a network of accomplished women, dedicated to advancing the leadership
role women play in impacting business, social issues and
public policy. Ronya was also involved in many organizations
including: the Center for Child Protection, The Austin Project, Covenant House, the Austin Symphony and Symphony
Square, and the CEDEN Family Resource Center. She was
a Visiting Committee Member at the School of Social Work at
the University of Washington, Advisory Committee Member
of the Women's Resource Center in Waco, Member of the
Governor's Task Force for Equal Opportunity in Employment
for Women and Minorities, and on the Board of Directors of
the Texas Foundation for Higher Education. She also served
on the City of Austin Child Care Council and the Texas State
Treasurer's Asset Management Advisory Committee.

In 2012, The Kwoh-Ting Li (KTL) Memorial lectures at The
Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies (TheATLAS) have been established to honor the memory
of Kwoh-Ting Li .

The Kwoh-Ting Li Memorial Medal Award was established in
2012 as a special honor to the distinguished lecturer of the
Kwoh-Ting Li Memorial lecture.
K.T, Li was a Chinese economist and
politician best known as the "Father of
Taiwan's Economic Miracle" for his work
in transforming Taiwan's economy from
an agrarian-based system into one of the
world's leading producers of information
and telecommunications technology. He
had founded Hsinchu Science Park. In
recognition of Lis contributions to the
industrialization ofhis country, he was awarded the Ramon
Magsaysay Award by the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation of the Philippines in August 1968 for government service.
The Award was generally considered an Asian equivalent
of the Nobel Prize. In July 1969, Li was offered the post of
Minister of Finance in a cabinet reshuffle, which he accepted
with some reluctance because of his greater interest in industrial development. Nonetheless, Li carried out his duties
as Finance Minister with remarkable success and dedication.
Upon assuming his new post, Li immediately organized a
small team with legal advisors and started to search for ways
to modernize the fiscal system. He developed several innovations which improved the nations fiscal system tremendously.
His written works number more than 1,000 items, some of
which have appeared in English. In 1976 Mei-Ya Publishing Company in Taipei came out with the first edition of his
collected papers under the title The Experience of Dynamic
Economic Growth on Taiwan (1959-1975) by Mei-Ya Publishers. A second publication of collected papers The Economic
Transformation of Taiwan (1976-1988), has published by
Shepheard-Walwyn Ltd. of the United Kingdom later in October 1988. After retirement in 1990, he received the First
Cynthia and George Mitchell International Award in Biotechnology in Houston, Texas, USA. Li holds distinguished Honorary Citizen of the State of Arizona, USA (1987) and Distinguished Honorary Citizen of the State of Texas, USA (1990).
He is an honorary member of the ATLAS and the recipient of
the The ATLAS-Academy Gold Medal of Honor award.



Prof. Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

Honorary Board member
Raymond Yeh taught at several universities for more than
20 years and helped two Computer Science departments to
top ten national rankings as chairman of department. He was
also the CDC distinguished chair Professor at the University
of Minnesota. He holds honorary professorship at five universities. Dr. Yeh is the founding editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and was on the editorial board
of various journals. He also founded the Technical Committee on Software Engineering and International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE) within the IEEE Computer
Dr. Yeh co-founded two successful software companies and
two professional societies. He has been a consultant to many
nations including United Nations, United States, China, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, and works with executives of many leading edge global companies as well as with
founders of start-up companies. He has published 10 technical books and coauthored two business books. Dr. Yeh is an
IEEE Centennial Medal laureate, and a recipient of the Pioneer in Information Technology Award from the government
of Taiwan, among others. He is a fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Society for Design
and Process Science (SDPS), and a senior research fellow
at IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Yeh
had been a long term volunteer at the City of Ten Thousand
Buddhas, a Buddhist monastery located in northern California since 2003.

Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop

President of
Babe-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(member of the
Romanian Academy)

Transylvania. How the Jesuits Dealt with the Orthodox and

Catholic Ideas, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2014, De manibus
Vallacorum scismaticorum Romanians and Power in the
Mediaeval Kingdom of Hungary (The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries), Editura Peter Lang, 2013, as well as the
volume Biseric, societate i cultur n Transilvania secolului
al XVI-lea. ntre acceptare i excludere, Editura Academiei
Romne, 2012.

MONDAY June 4, 2018

Ioan-Aurel POP, historian and professor at the Faculty of

History and Philosophy of Babe-Bolyai University in ClujNapoca, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History,
Art History, and he is member of the Romanian Academy (in
2001, he was elected correspondent member, and he became full member in 2010).
After high school studies at Andrei aguna National College in Braov (as head of the class, 1974) and university
studies at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Cluj-Napoca, in history (as head of the class, 1979), he became a
secondary school teacher, then assistant lecturer, associate
professor and professor at the same department at the University of Cluj-Napoca. In 1989, he obtained his Ph.D. with
a thesis dedicated to the history of Romanian institutions in
Transylvania during the XIV-XVI centuries, for which he won,
after publication, the George Bariiu award of the Romanian
Academy (1991).
Ioan-Aurel Pop has been granted many national and international awards, the title Doctor Honoris Causa of the universities in Alba Iulia, Timioara, Oradea, Cahul, Galai, Sibiu,
Trgu Mure, State University of Chiinu,Ion Creang
Pedagogical University of Chiinu. He has been elected, in
March 2012 (reelected in 2016), rector of Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and in March 2013 member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg (Austria).
Since 1999, he is correspondent member of the European
Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris (France),
and, since 2015, member of Virgilian National Academy of
Mantova (Italy), but he is also member of various historical organizations with national and international prestige. Ioan-Aurel Pop served as director of the Romanian Cultural Institute
in New York (USA) and of the Romanian Institute for Culture
and Humanistic Research in Venice (Italy). Moreover, since
1993, he is director of the Centre for Transylvanian Studies
of the Romanian Academy. Ioan-Aurel POP is also author
and co-author of over fifty (50) books, treatises and manuals,
and over three hundred (300) studies and articles. Among his
most recent publications we mention Istoria, adevrul i miturile, second edition, Editura Enciclopedic, 2014; Cultural
Diffusion and Religious Reformation in Sixteenth-Century

9:00 am- 10:00 am, Monday, June 4

HE Emil Boc, Mayor of the town of Cluj-Napoca to

be confirmed
Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the University
His Sanctity the Metropolitan Andrei, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramure and Slaj-- to be confirmed
Prof. Dr. Nicolae Pun, Dean of the Faculty of European Affairs







Prof. Dr. Basarab Nicolescu, Chair of the Conference

20:00 pm - 22:30 pm
June 5, 2018

10:50am - 11:15 am
16:45 pm - 17:05 pm

Dr. Basarab Nicolescu
10:00 am- 10:25 am, Monday, June 4

ity -Theory and Practice, Hampton Press, Cresskill, New Jersey, 2008. A complete biobibliography of Dr. Basarab Nicolescu can be found on the page:

Dr. Paul Gibbs (UK)
10:25 am- 10:50 am, Monday, June 4

Prof. Dr. Basarab Nicolescu

Prof. Member of the
Romanian Academy,
President, International
Center for Transdisciplinary
Research and Studies (CIRET)

Being Transdisciplinary, as Keystone of

Facing the Challenges of the
21st Century
Theoretical physicist at the Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France. Professor at the BabesBolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Member of the
Romanian Academy. Professor Extraordinary at the School
of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Founding member of ISSR. President-Founder of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET), a non-profit organization (170 members from 27 countries), which has a web site at : http://ciret-transdisciplinarity.
org/index.php. Founder and Director of the Transdisciplinarity
Series, Rocher Editions, Monaco, of the Romanians in Paris
Series, Oxus Editions, Paris and of the Science and Religion Series, Curtea Veche, Bucharest (in collaboration with
Magda Stavinschi). A specialist in the theory of elementary
particles, Basarab Nicolescu is the author of 130 articles in
leading international scientific journals, has made numerous
contributions to science anthologies and participated in several dozen French radio and foreign multimedia documentaries on science. Basarab Nicolescu is a major advocate of
the transdisciplinary reconciliation between Science and the
Humanities. He published many articles on the role of science in the contemporary culture in journals in USA, France,
Romania, Italy, United Kingdom, Brazil, Argentina and Japan.
His books include : Hidden Third, Quantum Prose, New York,
2016; From Modernity to Cosmodernity - Science, Culture,
and Spirituality, State University of New York (SUNY) Press,
New York, 2014, Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity, State University of New York (SUNY) Press, New York, 2002; Science,
Meaning and Evolution - The Cosmology of Jacob Boehme,
Parabola Books, New York, 1991. He edited Transdisciplinar-

Prof. Dr. Paul Gibbs

Director of
Education Research
University of Middlesex
London, UK

Transdisciplinarity and the Realisation of

Personal Potentiality
Professor Paul Gibbs is Director of Education Research
at the University of Middlesex. His first degree in Psychology was awarded by the University of Wales, his Masters
in Education (Education and Trust) is from Cambridge University, and his three doctoral awards were received from
Southampton University (Ph.D.) and Middlesex University
(Doctor of Professional Studies (Transdisciplinary Studies)
and D.Litt. (Higher Education)). He is a professor of the University, founder of the Centre for Education Research and
Scholarship and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Open
University in Hong Kong and the University of Cyprus. He is
an educator and researcher having taught notions of transdisciplinarity alongside social realism and Heideggerian
hermeneutics, and has over 30 successful transdisciplinary
professional doctorate students. He has published 20 books
on topics ranging from the marketing of higher education to
vocationalism and higher education, and has published more
than 80 academic articles. His particular approach to transdisciplinarity that informs his work is through the works of Heidegger, neo-Confucian thought and the insights of Basarab
Nicolescu. He is currently completing two books: one on
Transdisciplinary Higher Education and one on Happiness.
He is also Series Editor of SpringerBriefs on Key Thinkers
in Education and Debating Higher Education: Philosophical
Perspectives for Springer Academic Press and Series Editor
of Praxis in Education with Bloomsbury Press. He remains
active in transdisciplinary educational research leading a
cross-cultural research group studying happiness and trust in
higher education, funded by Charles Lam.

11:15 am- 12:10 pm, Monday, June 4
Being Transdisciplinary in
Higher Education
Prof. Dr. Daniel Neira (Chili)

Prof. Dr. Daniel Neira

Faculty of Education
University of Concepcin
Daniel Neira is a Chilean Born subject. Since 1980 He is a
Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Concepcin in Chile. His field of work is educational sciences under
the view of transdisciplinarity and complexity and at present
active member of CIRET. He has publications in the field
and participant in many conferences in USA, England,Spain,
Cuba, Brasil, Mexico, Bolivia as well has having been invited
as Visiting Professor at Monash university in Australia and
regularly invited to Barcelona University.


13:05 pm - 14:30 pm

June 6, 2018

12:10 pm- 13:05 pm, Monday, June 4
Being Transdisciplinary in
Pre-tertiary Education
Prof. Mirela Murean (Romania)

Prof. Dr. Raymond T. Yeh
14:30 pm- 14:55 pm, Monday, June 4

chanical Engineers (ASME), a Fellow of Society of Design

and Process Science (SDPS), and a Fellow and honorary
member of The Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning & Advanced Studies (TheATLAS). He is also an honorary member of International Center for Transdisciplinary Research
(CIRET), France. Dr. Ertas has earned both national and international reputation in engineering design. Dr. Ertas is the
author of a number of books, and technical papers that cover
many engineering technical fields. Dr. Ertas contributions
to teaching and research have been recognized by numerous honors and awards. He has been PI or Co-PI on over 40
funded research projects. Under his supervision 194 MS and
Ph.D. graduate students have received degrees.

Prof. Mirela Murean
High-School Teacher in the
Romanian Language Department of Moise Nicoara National College, Arad, Romania
Professor Mirela Murean is a high-school teacher in the
Romanian Language Department of Moise Nicoara National
College, Arad, Romania. As a member of the National Committee for Romanian Literature Curriculum Design, she is one
of the designers of the new curriculum performed today in all
schools in Romania, according to the reform of education,
which took place in the country starting from 1997; member
in the Board of the National Association of Teachers of Romanian Literature (ANPRO) (,
member in the Board of the national didactic review, Perspective (Perspectives) issued in ClujNapoca, Romania;
coordinator of The Transdisciplinary Center of Educational
Applications from Moise Nicoara National College, Arad;
chief editor of T Journal (; member of the Scientific Board of the Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies in Science, Spirituality, Society (http://, coordinator of the three International Conferences organized in Arad, Romania, concerning the transdisciplinarity in pre-tertiary education (2012, 2013, 2015). Her
research interests and work are in the fields of philosophy
of education and educational strategies, curriculum design,
transdisciplinary education. She edited the book Transdisciplinaritatea de la un experiment spre un model didactic
(Ed.) Junimea Publishing House, Iai, 2010 (in Romanian)
and she has published many articles on trasdisciplinarity.

Prof. Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

Honorary Board member

Economy, Management, and

Humanitarian Actions


15:50 pm- 16:45 pm, Monday, June 4

Being Transdisciplinary in
Economy, Engineering and Management
Prof. Dr. Derrick Tate (China) and
Prof. Dr. Vistrian Maties (Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca and CIRET, Paris)

14:55 pm- 15:50 pm, Monday, June 4

Being Transdisciplinary in
Engineering Education
Prof. Dr. Atila Ertas (USA)

Prof. Dr. Atila Ertas

Professor and Director of
Academy of Transdisciplinary
Department of Mechanical
Texas Tech University
Dr. Atila Ertas, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, received his masters and Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. He
is a Senior Research Fellow of the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas Austin, a Fellow of American Society of Me-

Prof. Dr. Derrick Tate

Founding Head of
Industrial Design Department
Xian Jiaotong
Liverpool University
Suzhou, China
Dr. Derrick Tate is an Associate Professor and Founding
Head of the Department of Industrial Design at Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University. He aims to impact society through
bringing design thinking to areas of strategic importance: assessing the innovative potential of design ideas, developing
sustainable approaches for building systems, transportation,
and manufacturing; and broadening participation in innovation. Dr. Tate has carried out his research activities at the two
ends of the research spectrum where they will have the greatest impact: fundamental research that provides a science
base for the future of entrepreneurial engineering design as
well as the application of design theories and tools to technology innovation. His recent projects include working with West

Texas entrepreneurs on the development of innovative and

sustainable designs and a US-Tanzania Workshop: Advancing the Structural Use of Earth-based Bricks, funded by NSF.
He received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering degree from
Rice University. His S.M and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical
Engineering are from MIT in the areas of manufacturing and
design, respectively.

Prof. Dr. Vistrian Maties

Head of the Coordinating
Center of the National
Mechatronic Platform
Technical University of
Cluj Napoca
Dr. Vistrian Maties is full professor at Technical University
of Cluj Napoca, since 1995, Former Head of the Department of Mechatronics and Machine Dynamics, Head of the
Research Center on Mechatronics and Head of the Coordinating Center of the National Mechatronic Platform. He is an
active promoter of mechatronic philosophy in education and
research activities in Romania. For his educational and research activities it is representative the fact that he published
more than 250 scientific papers in journals and at the international and national scientific conferences. Also 20 books
were published and more than 50 research projects in the
field of mechatronics were coordinated. Based on the transdisciplinary identity of mechatronics, the concept of mechatronics-environment for transdisciplinarity learning and
integral education was developed. PhD works and scientific
papers on the subject were developed too. For his contributions to Mechatronics development at National and International level he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of
Technical University Gheorghe Asachi Iasi and of Transilvania University of Braov (Romania). He is member of :
IFToMM (International Federation for Promotion the Science
of Machines and Mechanisms);International Center of Transdisciplinary Research and Studies (CIRET), Paris,France;
ARoTMM (Romanian Association for Promotion the Science
of Machines and Mechanisms); SRoMECA (Romanian Association for Mechatronics),founding member; ARR (Romanian
Association for Robotics) and AGIR (Romanian Association
of Engineering).

Dr. Sacha Kagan (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Domingo Adame (Mexico)

17:05 pm- 17:30 pm, Monday, June 4

17:30 pm- 17:55 pm, Monday, June 4

Dr. Sacha Kagan

Research Associate
Institute of Sociology and
Cultural Organization (ISKO),

Art and Sustainability

Dr. Sacha Kagan is a research associate at the Leuphana
University Lneburg (Germany), ISCO (Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization). He is the Chair of Research
Network 2 (Sociology of the Arts) at the European Sociological Association, a founding coordinator at the international
level of Cultura21 (cultural fieldworks for sustainability), and
a member in the ecoartnetwork and in the walking artists network a.o. His main research and action areas are the transdisciplinary field of arts and (un-)sustainability and the cultural
dimension of sustainable (urban) development. His current
research project, The City as Space of Possibility explores
the city of Hanover, Germany ( Further links: personal website: http://sachakagan.wordpress.
com ; university webpage: ; publications list: http://

Prof. Dr. Domingo Adame

Director of the
Magazine Theatrical
Research of the
Veracruzana University,

Transdisciplinary Theater for the

Re-enchantment of Being and the World

Bachelor in Dramatic Literature and Theater by Autonomous

National University of Mexico UNAM (1983), Master in Literary
Studies by Autonomous University of State of Mexico (1993)
and PhD by Iberoamericana University (2001), has followed a
course of specialization in performance and theatrical direction in Theater School of Krakow, Poland (1985-86). He has
worked as actor, director, professor and theatrical researcher
in several institutions of higher education of the country. From
2001 until now is professor-researcher in Veracruzana University in Xalapa, Mexico.
Is author, between other titles of: The theatrical director interpreter-creator. Proceed hermeneutic having to the dramatic
text (1995); Theaters and Theatricalities in Mexico, XX Century (2003); Tribute of the Oxymoron. Introduction in the Theories of the Theatricality (2005); To Comprise the Theatricality
(2007) and Knowledge and Representation. A re-learning to
the Trans- Theatricality (2009).
Has been Director of the National Centre of Theatrical Research Rodolfo Usigli of The National Institute of Fine Arts
(1989-1993), Founder President of Mexican Association of
Theater Research (1993), Director of the Theater Faculty of
The Veracruzana University (2005-2009), and is Director of
the Magazine Theatrical Research of The Veracruzana University and Mexican Association of Theater Research.
His lines of Research are Theater in Mexico, Complexity and
Transdisciplinarity and Transtheatre.
Member of the National System of Researchers by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, Mexico), and of the International Center of Studies and Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET, Paris).

Prof. Dr. Sren Brier (Danmark)

Prof. Lily Yeh

17:55 pm- 18:20 pm, Monday, June 4

18:20 pm- 18:45 pm, Monday, June 4

Prof. Dr. Sren Brier

Semiotics of Information,
Cognition and Communication,
Copenhagen Business School,

The Cybersemiotic Model of

Sren Brier is Professor in the Semiotics of Information, Cognition and Communication Sciences at the Department of
International Business Communication at Copenhagen Business School. He is MSc in biology focusing on ethology from
U. of Copenhagen, Ph.D. in Philosophy of Information Science at U. of Roskilde and Doctor (Habil) of transdisciplinary
Philosophy of science at CBS with the book Cybersemiotics:
Why information is not enough, Toronto University of Press
(now a Google book and on Kindle,
Founder and editor in Chief of the interdisciplinary quarterly
journal Cybernetics & Human Knowing, a fellow of the American Society for Cybernetics receiving The Warren McCulloch Award; one of the founders of Int. Ass. For Biosemiotic
Studies and on the editorial board of its Journal Biosemiotics
as well as the scientific board of The Science of Information
Institute and the Foundation of Information Science and of
several scientific journals. His been practicing Transcendental meditation and has an interest in Perennial philosophy and
its relation to the scientific worldview as well as the pragmaticist and semiotic philosophy of C. S. Peirce and the system
science of N. Luhmann. , https:// He is a member of
the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research &
Studies (CIRET, France).

Prof. Lily Yeh

Executive Director, and Lead
Artist of The Village of Arts and

When I see brokenness, poverty, and crime in inner cities, I

also see the enormous potential and readiness for transformation and rebirth. We are creating an art form that comes
from the heart that reflects the pain and sorrow of peoples
lives. It also expresses joy, beauty, and love. This process
lays the foundation of building a genuine community in which
people are reconnected with their families, sustained by
meaningful work, nurtured by the care of each other and will
together raise and educate their children. Then we witness
social change in action.
- Lily Yeh

Prof. Dr. Juan M. Sanchez
18:45 pm- 19:10 pm, Monday, June 4

Urban Alchemy, Transforming Devastation

to Hope and Revitalization through
Art and Creativity
Lily Yeh is an internationally celebrated artist whose work has
taken her to communities throughout the world. As founder
and executive director of the Village of Arts and Humanities in North Philadelphia from 1968 to 2004, she helped
create a national model in creative place-making and community building through the arts. In 2002, Yeh pursued her
work internationally, founding Barefoot Artists, Inc., to bring
the transformative power of art to impoverished communities
around the globe through participatory, multifaceted projects
that foster community empowerment, improve the physical
environment, promote economic development and preserve
indigenous art and culture. In addition to the United States,
she has carried out projects in multiple countries including
Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Rwanda, China, Taiwan, Ecuador, Syria, Republic of Georgia, Haiti, and Palestine. (www.
In 2004 she launched a decade long Rwanda Healing Project
which aimed to address the lingering grief of the 1994 genocide. As part of this project, she transformed a rough mass
grave into a beautiful memorial park in Rugerero. It became
the official genocide memorial for the region. In addition, she
launched multiple programs in healing, education, and job
opportunities to transform the survivors and the Twa villages
in Rugerero from destitution and grief into vibrant and joyful self-sustaining communities. Using art as a medium for
social change, Yeh has positively influenced many impoverished communities worldwide.

Prof. Dr. Juan M. Sanchez

Temple Foundation
Endowed Professor
The University of
Texas at Austin, TX

The George Kozmetsky Legacy in

Transdiciplinary Education
Dr. Juan M. Sanchez is the past Vice President for Research
at The University of Texas at Austin and holder of the Temple
Foundation Endowed Professorship #4 in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering.
He obtained his B.S. in Physics at the University of Cordoba,
Argentina, 1971; M.S. in Materials Science, 1974; and Ph.D.
in Materials Science, 1977 at the University of California, Los
Angeles. Dr. Sanchez is the author and co-author of over 140
technical publications on a wide range of topics in materials science and engineering. His current research interests
are in the electronic, thermodynamic and structural properties of materials including intermetallic compounds, magnetic
and non-magnetic alloys, thin films and magnetic multilayers. Primary interest is the development and application of
first principles computational methods for the construction
of phase diagrams of multicomponent material systems.
Other research interests include the development of lasercontrolled selective chemical vapor deposition processes for
metals, alloys and ceramics.

Dr. Sanchez serves on the Council of Federal Relations of the

Association of American Universities; the Board of Trustee
of the Southwestern Universities Research Association; the
National Scientific and Policy Advisory Council for the Hogg
Foundation for Mental Health; the International Advisory
Board of the University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico; and the External Evaluation Committee of the Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Technologica, Mexico. Dr. Sanchez
is a past member of the Board of Visitors of the US Army War
College; the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public
Policy of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science; and the Board of Directors of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

TUESDAY June 5, 2018

Prof. Dr. HE Emil Hurezeanu
9:00 am- 9:25 am, Tuesday, June 5

9:25 am- 10:20 am, Tuesday, June 5
Being Transdisciplinary in
Exact Sciences
Prof. Dr. Esin O. Isik & Prof. Dr. Louise Hecker

Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop
19:30 pm- 22:30 pm, Monday, June 4

HE DrHC Emil Hurezeanu

Emil H. Hurezeanu,
Romanians Ambassador in

Conflict of Civilizations:
Transdisciplinary Aspects
Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop
President of
Babe-Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(member of the
Romanian Academy)

Emil Hurezeanu was born in 1955 in Sibiu. He studied Law

at the Cluj University and has a Master of Arts in International Relations and Strategic Studies at the Boston University. Poet, author, a very well-known Radio and TV producer,
Emil Hurezeanu has won two national prices for literature in
Romania and received several distinctions for his TV shows,
followed by millions of spectators.
Emil Hurezeanu was editor and later director of the Romanian
department of Radio Free Europe in Munich (1983-1995) and
Deutsche Welle in Cologne (1995-2002), chief editor of the
newspaper Romania Libera and President of the editorial
council of the Realitatea-Catavencu group. His TV shows
Cap si pajura, with C.T. Popescu and Jurnalul de seara with
Cosmin Prelipceanu have become quality standards for the
Romanian political TV shows.
Emil Hurezeanu is a much appreciated lecturer and very often invited at Universities in Romania and abroad. He has received the honoris causa doctorate from several Universities.
His most recent book of political essays from 2015 Pe trecerea timpului was a best seller and has been appreciated as
one of the most interesting and credible political chronicle of
the past 20 years.
In June 2015 Emil Hurezeanu has been appointed Ambassador of Romania in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Prof. Dr. Esin O. Is k

Assistant Professor
Bogazici University
Istanbul, Turkey

Esin ztrk Ik, Ph.D. completed her Bachelor's studies

in the Computer Engineering department of the Middle East

Technical University in 1999. She attended the Biomedical
Engineering program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She finished her thesis studies on the development
of regularization methods for magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) data reconstruction under the guidance of Donald B.
Twieg, Ph.D. and received her Master's degree from UAB
in 2002. Thereafter, Dr. ztrk Ik was admitted to the joint
Bioengineering program between the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California at San Francisco. She joined the Margaret Hart Surbeck Laboratory of
Advanced Imaging to work with Sarah J. Nelson, Ph.D. The
goal of her thesis research was to implement several fast MRI
and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data
acquisition and reconstruction techniques for faster and more
accurate spectral quantification of brain tumors using the
clinical 3T MR scanners. Dr. ztrk Ik completed her Ph.D.
studies in 2007 and continued her research as a postdoctoral
fellow in the Radiology and Biomedical Imaging department
at University of California at San Francisco. Her postdoctoral
research studies included the implementation and optimization of higher resolution and sensitivity MRSI techniques on
the whole body high field 7T MRI scanners. Dr. ztrk Ik
has been working as an assistant professor at the Biomedical Engineering Institute of the Bogazii University since Fall
2014. The main aim of her projects has been developing
novel molecular magnetic resonance imaging techniques to

allow for a better understanding of underlying biochemistry of

diseases in order to improve patient health.

Dr. Louise Hecker

Assistant Professor of
Medicine, University of Arizona &
Research Investigator
Southern Arizona
VA Health Care Sysytems
Dr. Heckers broad research background and training has
been rooted in regenerative biology, with experience in development, tissue engineering, and mechanisms of injury-repair. Her resaerch team previously identified a novel role for
NADPH oxidase-4 (Nox4), an oxidant-generating enzyme, in
mediating myofibroblast functions and scar tissue formation
(fibrosis), published in Nature Medicine. Since this discovery, her research interests have expanded to include understanding the role of aging/senescence in lung injury-repair
responses. Dr. Heckers current research interests also encompass translational aspects, including drug discovery for
Nox4 and the development of preclinical animal models of
acute lung injury and fibrosis.

10:20 am- 11:15 am, Tuesday, June 5
Being Transdisciplinary in
Mass Media Popularization of
Exact Sciences
Dr. Magda Stavinschi

Dr. Magda Stavinschi

Institute for Transdisciplinary
Studies in Science, Spirituality,
Society (IT4S), Bucharest and
CIRET, Paris
Honorary researcher of the Astronomical Institute of the
Romanian Academy, whose director she was for 15 years

(1990-2005); President of the Astronomy Education and

Development Commission of the International Astronomical Union IAU (2006-2009), President of the IAU Working
Group The Future Development of the Ground-Based Astrometry (2000-2009), President of the Working Group Astronomy and Cultural Heritage of the European Society for
Astronomy in Culture SEAC (from 2004), member of the
International Society for Science and Religion ISSR, of the
International Center for Transdisciplinary Research CIRET,
of the Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy
of Science and Technology, President of the Institute for
Transdisciplinary Studies in Science, Spirituality and Society
IT4S and of the Association for Dialogue between Science
and Religion in Romania ADSTR, Officier de l'Ordre National du Mrite (France, 2005).
More than 300 scientific articles, of which more than half in
peer-reviewed journals, hundreds of articles and scientific papers for the public.
Co-editor of the series tiin i Religie / Science and Religion, tiin, Spiritualitate, Societate / Science Spirituality,
Society, Curtea Veche Publishing.
Editor or co-editor of several volumes, such as: Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses
(1997), Advances in Solar Research at Eclipses from Ground
and from Space (2000), Leons dastronomie (2003), Astrometry for Astrophysics (2013), 14 Steps to the Universe (2015).
Author or co-author of many books: Astronomical Observatory, 75 Years of Existence (1983), Cometa Halley / Halley Comet (1985), La drum cu Pmntul / On the Road with the Earth
(1986), Coopration entre astronomes roumains et franais
une longue tradition (1995), ntuneric n plin zi / Darkness
in Broad Daylight (1999), Mic dicionar al eclipselor / Small
Dictionary of Eclipses (1999, in English 2000), Timpul de-a
lungul...timpului / The Time along the Time (2002), Dup
122 de ani: Venus i Soarele / After 122 years: Venus and
the Sun (2004), Histoire celeste. Entre Roumanie et France
(2008), Bucharest Observatory Centennary (2008), Istoria
astronomiei romneti / History of the Romanian Astronomy
DVD (2014), Constantin Prvulescu, erou i cercettor al
cerului / Constantin Prvulescu, Hero and Researcher of the
Sky (2015), Astronomul Nicolae Donici; enigme descifrate /
The Astronomer Nicolae Donici, Deciphered Enigma (2015),
Astronomia i Academia Romn / The Astronomy and the
Romanian Academy (2016).,

11:15 am- 12:10 am, Tuesday, June 5
Being Transdisciplinary in
Human Sciences
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Whitehouse

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Whitehouse

Prof. of Medicine University of
Toronto, and President of
Intergenerational Schools
Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, PhD is Professor of Neurology and
former or current professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Bioethics, History, Nursing and
Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University, Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and
President of Intergenerational Schools International. He is
also currently a strategic advisor in innovation at Baycrest
Health Center. He received his undergraduate degree from
Brown University and MD-PhD (Psychology) from The Johns
Hopkins University (with field work at Harvard and Boston
Universities), followed by a Fellowship in Neuroscience and
Psychiatry and a faculty appointment at Hopkins. In 1986
he moved to Case Western Reserve University to develop
the University Alzheimer Center. In 1999 he founded with
his wife, Catherine, The Intergenerational School, a unique
public multiage, community school ( He is
active as a geriatric neurologist, cognitive scientist, environmental ethicist, and photographer. He is active in visual arts,
dance and music organizations globally. He is a true transdisciplinarian. He is coauthor of The Myth of Alzheimers: what
you arent being told about todays most dreaded diagnosis.
( and hundreds of academic
papers and book chapters. He also occasionally performs as
Tree Doctor, a metaphorical creature who educates humans
about being healthy from the perspective of a tree.


12:10 pm - 13:45 pm

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Avils
13:45 pm- 14:10 pm, Tuesday, June 5

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Avils

Light Designer, Mexico City,

Architecture and Urban Life

Gustavo Avils (Mexico) studied Architecture at the
Iberoamericana University. Since 1984 he has been
focused on Light in Architecture. His dedication to architectural lighting culture has conducted him to take
on a transdisciplinary academic approach to articulate
his practice through different standpoints on light and
lighting. With this unique view he founded Lighteam in
1986. He has an extensive teaching experience and
is sought after to speak at conferences worldwide.
His work achieves a wide variety of applications and
Gustavo Avils represents one of the most enthusiast
professional and academic development line positions on an International context. He is member of AIA,
IALD, IES, IIDA and founder of DIM with other Mexican
colleagues. Gustavo was named part of the Board of
Directors of IALD and holds the FONCA (Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes) National Scholarship for
Creators. As a continuous academic effort to promote
architectural lighting culture, Gustavo has recently
founded the Architectural Lighting Design Specialization at the UNAM.



14:10 pm- 15:05 pm, Tuesday, June 5

Being Transdisciplinary in
Sustainability Studies and Actions
Dr. Sacha Kagan

16:25 pm - 17:20 pm, Tuesday, June 5

Being Transdisciplinary in
Religious and Spiritual Approaches
Prof. Dr. Fr. Ioan Chirila

Dr. Sacha Kagan

Research Associate
Institute of Sociology and
Cultural Organization (ISKO),
Please see Invited Speaker-2 for short bio.

15:05 pm- 16:00 pm, Tuesday, June 5
Being Transdisciplinary in
Humanitarian Actions
Prof. Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

Prof. Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

Honorary Board member
Please see Keynote Speaker for short bio.

Prof. Dr. Fr. Ioan CHIRIL

President of the Senate of
Babes-Bolyai University in
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ph.D. in Theology Old Testament and Hebrew Language.
Areas of competence: Old Testament theology, exegesis
and hermeneutics, Jewish literature, biblical archaeology
and biblical Hebrew. Full professor of Old Testament, Biblical Archaeology and Hebrew Language at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj-Napoca. Father Chiril is currently
the President of the Senate of Babes-Bolyai University in
Cluj-Napoca, member of the Center for Biblical Studies BBU,
Visiting Professor of UMF Iuliu Haieganu in Cluj-Napoca,
founding member of IASSO (Institute for Advanced Studies
in Science and Orthodoxy), corresponding member of ETRFI
Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity, Ratisbon
Institute, Jerusalem. Father Chirila has authored 10 books,
among which: Sfnta Scriptur Cuvntul cuvintelor [The
Holy Scripture Word of words] Cluj-Napoca: Renaterea,
2010, 414 p.; Fragmentarium exegetic filonian II Nomothetica repere exegetice la Decalog [Philonian Exegetical
Fragmentarium II, Nomothetic Exegetical Landmarks to
the Decalogue], Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2003, 174 p. Qumran
i Mariotis dou sinteze ascetice locuri ale mbogirii
duhovniceti [Qumran and Mariotis - two ascetical synthesis - places of spiritual enrichment], Cluj-Napoca: Presa
Universitar Clujean, 2000, 141 p. Cartea profetului Osea
breviar al gnoseologiei Vechiului Testament(tez de doctorat)
[The Book of Hosea - breviarum of Old Testament gnoseology (doctoral thesis)], Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 1999, 264 p.

extensive body of research into an organized hierarchy of

systems sciences. Dr. Warfield and his colleagues analyzed
complexity and human cognition for over forty years and developed the founding relationships for the still-emerging systems science discipline that underpins significant portions of
modern systems engineering. His rich body of work embodies analytical methods and frameworks, behavioral science
and philosophies that formalize our understanding of complexity in our world. He holds IEEE Centennial Medal. In 2006
John N. Warfield was awarded the Joseph G. Wohl Award
for Career Achievement and in 2007 he received INCOSE
Pioneer Award and was also awarded the IEEE Third Millennium Medal.

17:20 pm - 19:10 pm, Tuesday, June 5
Being Transdisciplinary in
Politics and World Affairs
Prof. Dr. His Excellency Emil Hurezeanu

All technical papers will be reviewed by the Program Technical Committee. Competitively selected papers will be first
published in the Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering &
Science by ISSN number: 1949-0569, then every year will be
included as a book chapter published by TheATLAS with
an ISBN number. For more information see

HE DrHC Emil Hurezeanu

Emil H. Hurezeanu,
Romanians Ambassador in


Please see Invited Speaker-7 for short bio.

19:10 pm - 20:00 pm, Tuesday, June 5
Trans-panel on Being Transdisciplinary:
Emerging ideas
Prof. Dr. Basarab Nicolescu

Prof. Dr. Basarab Nicolescu

Member of the
Romanian Academy,
President, International
Center for Transdisciplinary
Research and Studies (CIRET)
Please see Opening Address for short bio.

The Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science is

dedicated to honor Professor John Warfield by recognizing responsibilties for a culture of peace and transdisciplinary

Professor Warfield
Professor Warfield (1925-2009) received the Bachelor of
Arts in 1948, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
in 1948, and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in
1949 from the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. He
received the Doctor of Philosophy degree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana in 1952. John Warfield is
widely recognized as the father of systems science. He has
been an educator, a research scientist in complex systems
and organizational dynamics, and a leader in integrating an

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science (TJES)

is a transdisciplinary international journal which bridges the
gap between science, engineering, art, culture, spirituality
and society. It is a peer-reviewed annually published online
open access journal covering research on transcultural, transreligious, transpolitic, and transnational global unstructured
problems such as health, disasters, poverty, water and food
crises, environmental crises, violence, terrorism, humanitarian assistance and needs, well-being, transportation, security, international development, global economy (knowledge
economy), sustainable development, energy issues, social
policy and globalization, green engineering and science, art
and design, complexity, research on contemporary issues,
demographic changes, theology, and international ethics.

Researchers are also encouraged to submit manuscripts related to:

Development of integrated analysis, synthesis, and design from a wide range of knowledge.
Development of unified transdisciplinary modeling frameworkdeveloping computer based modeling systems
that permit cooperation and collaboration among diverse
groups that are globally dispersed in order to drive complex research efforts to an innovative solution.
Designing and development of communication infrastructure and shared resources to facilitate computational and transdisciplinary thinking within existing
Transdisciplinary education.


Dr. Herbert A. Simon
Nobel Laureate
Carnegie Mellon University
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : January, 2001

Dr. Lu Yyong Xiang

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mult.hon.Dr. Eng.
President, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Vice-Chairman of the Standing
Committee, NPC
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor: June 2005

Dr. George Kozmetsky

IC2 Institute, University of
Texas at Austin
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : January, 2001

Professor Nam P. Suh

The Ralph E. & Eloise F. Cross Professor
Director, The Park Center for
Complex Systems
MIT, Cambridge, MA
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor: June 2006

Dr. Steadman Upham

President, Claremont Graduate
University, CA
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : January, 2001

Dr. Herbert Weber

Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor: June 2006

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Sixth man walked on the Moon
Founder of the Institute of Noetic
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : April, 2007

Dr. Gnter Valet

Max-Planck-Institut fr Biochemie,
Am Klopferspitz 18, D-82152
Martinsried, Germany
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor: June 2006

Dr. Ali Nayfeh

Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for the
Honor : April, 2007

Bruce R. Korf, MD., Ph.D.

Wayne H. and Sara Crews Finley Professor
Chairman, Department of Genetics University
of Alabama at Birmingham, AL
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : June, 2006

Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : October, 2008

Professor Carl Adam Petri

Honorary Professor, Department of
Informatics, Hamburg University
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : April, 2007

Lily Yeh
Founder, Artists without Borders
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : October, 2008

Professor Dr. Oktay Sinanoglu

Nominated twice for Nobel Prize
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : April, 2007

Red McCombs
McCombs Enterprises
Chairman & COO
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : March, 2010

Honorable K. T. Li
Changing Taiwan from an economy
reliant on light industry to
high technology
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : January, 2001
Dr. Michael Anthony Arbib
Fletcher Jones Professor of
Computer Science
University of Southern California
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : May, 2002
Dr. C.V. Ramamoorthy
Emeritus Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : May, 2002

Dr. Raymond T. Yeh

IC2 Institute Senior Research Fellow,
University of Texas at Austin
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : November, 2003

Dr. Chun-Yen Chang

1999 Science & Engineering Award Laureate
Founding Director of National Nano-Device
Labs in Taiwan
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for the
Honor : April, 2007

Dr. Yuan T. Lee

Nobel Laureate
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : October, 2007


Prof. O. J. L. Tzeng
Former Minister of Education in
Taiwain and Former Vice President
of Academia Sinica, the National
Research Academy of Taiwan
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : February, 2012

Dr. Chang-Hai Tsai

Chairman of the Board
China Medical University
Taichung, Taiwan
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : February, 2012

Barry Lam
Chairman & CEO
Quanta Computer Inc.

Dr. Basarab Nicolescu

Member of the
Romanian Academy
President (CIRET), France

Date of TheATLAS Board decision

for the Honor : February, 2014

Date of TheATLAS Board decision

for the Honor : February, 2014

Dr. Atila Ertas

Professor and Director of
Academy of Transdisciplinary
Studies, Mechanical Engineerin
Department, Texas Tech University
Date of TheATLAS Board decision for
the Honor : August, 2012

Dr. M. Katherine Banks

Dean of Engineering
Texas A&M University
Member of the National
Academy of Engineering
Date of TheATLAS Board decision
for the Honor : March 2016

Dr. Juan M. Sanchez

Temple Foundation
Endowed Professor
The University of
Texas at Austin, TX

for short bio.

Date of TheATLAS Board decision

for the Honor : March 2016


ATLAS awards will be presented during the ATLAS Reception on Monday, June 4, 2018

Dr. Magda Stavinschi

Institute for Transdisciplinary
Studies in Science, Spirituality,
Society (IT4S), Bucharest and
CIRET, Paris


Prof. Dr. Domingo Adame

Director of the
Magazine Theatrical
Research of the
Veracruzana University,

Dr. Sacha Kagan

Research Associate
Institute of Sociology and
Cultural Organization (ISKO)




The Most Beautiful Tour of


Hotel Opera Plaza

9:00 am Departure from Cluj-Napoca

Str. G-ral Traian Mooiu 10-12
+40 364 403 600, +40 264 428 164

Hotel Victoria

9:45 am Turda Salt Mine: Turda: The Turda Salt Mine, a museum of salt mining, one of the most beautiful underground
place in the world ( - guided tour in English,
1 hour. 11:00 am Departure for Sibiel (Lunch on board the

15:00 pm Dumbrava Sibiului: Dumbrava Sibiului, The Museum Of Traditional Folk Civilization, the most important ethnomuseum institution in Romania - guided tour in English, 1.5
hours. Lunch at one of the restaurants inside The Museum of
Traditional Folk Civilization, 1.5 hours. 18:30 pm Departure
for Dumbrava Sibiului.

Bd. 21 Decembrie 1989 54-56
Tel: +40 264 597 963; Fax: +40 264 597 573
Mails through the Web page

Hotel City Plaza

Str. Sindicatelor 9-13
Tel: + 40 264 450 101
Fax: + 40 264 450 152
Single standard: 115-147
Double standard: 124-159
Single Deluxe: 119-152
Double Deluxe: 130-167

Capitolina City Chic Hotel

13:30 pm Sibiel: The Zosim Oancea Museum of Icons on

Glass. The Zosim Oancea Museum of Icons on Glass, the
largest existing exposition of icons on glass in Transylvania,
a miracle of artistic creativity and religious inspiration born of
the riches of the Orthodox Christian tradition and the imagination of Romanian peasant painters, 1 hour. 14:30 pm Departure for Dumbrava Sibiului.

19:00 pm Sibiu: Sibiu is one of the most important cultural

centres of Romania and was designated the European Capital of Culture for the year 2007, along with the city of Luxembourg. Formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxons,
the old city of Sibiu was ranked as "Europe's 8th-most idyllic
place to live" by Forbes in 2008. We visit the Large Square
(142 meters long and 93 meters wide, it is one of the largest
ones in Transylvania), Small Square, Huet Square - guided
tour in English, 1 hour.

20:00 pm Departure for Cluj-Napoca

(arrive around 22:30)

Str. Victor Babe 35
Tel: +40 264 450 490
Fax: +40 264 450 497
Mobile: +40 751 450 490
Hotel Meteor Cluj
Str. B-dul Eroilor 29
Tel/Fax: +4-0264 591 060
+40 264 591 062
+40 371 026 697
Mobile: +40 728 287 717

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