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Half Hollow Hills School District

Independent Formal Observation




Department Cert Type

4785 Courtney Freer West Hollow (053) ENL

Tenure Date Opened Observation Date Observer

Professional Tenured 11/17/2016


Date Closed Score

Lori Campbell 1/31/2017


Select one rating for each criterion as they apply.

Ratings: (H) Highly Effective, (E) Effective, (D) Developing, (I) Ineffective, (N/O) Not Observable

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1a:Ms. Freer used the knowledge of the content to connect comprehension to the background knowledge of the
English Language Learners. The plans provided a large amount of review of the previous content. With this
background awareness, Ms. Freer prepared a lesson to make connections to the lyrics of the song. There was a
wide range of tasks that provided her students with visuals, realia, verbal, and speaking support.
1b: Ms. Freer discussed the 6th period integrated class with a great amount of knowledge of each individual
student that she services. The class has 22 students. Of the 22 students, 5 of them are ENL students. Ms. Freer
works with the entire class but focuses on the language development of the English Language Learners. Her role
is to prepare the appropriate material for those students based on their backgrounds, language proficiency,
culture, and current skill comprehension.
1c: The learning outcomes took into account the varying needs of the group in particular the English Language
Learners. The differentiation was prepared in the form of a handout, to provide different types of learning and
language proficiency levels. Students were expected to analyze text in a collaborative discussion based on prior
1d:Several resources was prepared for this lesson. Both teachers prepared a PowerPoint to guide the lesson.
Review was incorporated into the thought provoking slides. A student guide was provided as a support
document. Visuals were provided for all students in the form of two videos. This variety available to the ENL
students was useful in making content connections. A cloze activity was prepared for the entire class. The ENL
students were given a modified version of the handout.
1e:Ms. Freer demonstrated understanding of the different ENL students in the observed lesson. These students
have varying needs based on their language abilities and comprehension. Ms. Freer prepared a lesson that had
differentiation available during the group work.
1f: The plan to assess student understanding was aligned with the instructional outcomes. Students were aware
that the discussions that existed in the lesson were being assessed through question and answer. Ms. Freer
prepared to observe the groups during the discussion task and listen to each group share responses. After the
discussion, students were expected to complete a cloze activity and a reflection. The criteria was clear to the
students to complete.

1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

1c: Selecting Instructional Outcomes

1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

1e: Designing Coherent Instruction

1f: Designing Student Assessments

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

2a: Respect amongst all of the students and both teachers was genuine. This was displayed as the interactions
were natural and collaborative. Ms. Freer spoke to each student by using their name. This was helpful during the
whole group instruction. The ENL students were integrated into the class. Students followed directions from both
teachers. As students shared responses from the analysis of the song, all students were respectful of listening to
the responses shared. Positive feedback occurred regularly. Student-to-student feedback was observed as they
gave high 5s after a successful response.
2b:This discussion based lesson provided the students with a lot of review from previous content learned. The
classroom was a busy place, enriched with discussion and collaborative ideas. Students demonstrated answers
regularly to the guided topics.
One suggestion for this particular lesson would be to group the ENL students together. Although it is important to
integrate all of the ENL students into the lesson, the level of expectations would be differentiated, and provide
their voices to be heard during the group work more frequently.
2c: Classroom routine was well understood. This was evident in the group discussions that were initiated by
classmates. Students discussed each task as it was assigned and contributed their voices to the whole group
2d: Students took an active role in the discussions expected during the lesson. The first activity was displayed on
the board, and students took an active role speaking to the students in the group about previously learned
content, the civil rights movement. The behavior was appropriate as they were focused on the task. Both
teachers discussed about the slang word, bird, specifically in England. This discussion incorporated all of the
students making a connection to the other slangs we use here in the US.

Half Hollow Hills School District

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2e: The classroom was designed to integrate the ENL students into the class. The group formation of the desks
provided the opportunity for the ENL students to be seated with other students. Appropriate for the lesson
The classroom was visually appealing with resources all over the walls.

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures

2d: Managing Student Behavior

2e: Organizing Physical Space

3a: Communicating with Students

3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

3c: Engaging Students in Learning

3d: Using Assessment for Instruction

3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

4a: Reflecting on Teaching


4b: Maintaining Accurate Records


4c: Communicating with Families


4d: Participating in a Professional Community


4e: Growing and Developing Professionally


4f: Showing Professionalism


Domain 3: Instruction
3a: Expectations were communicated clearly verbally with additional support available in visual form. Review of key
terms started the lesson. Segregation was one of the vocabulary words displayed on the SMARTboard. The visual
provided on the slide was an additional connection available to the students when reviewing the term.
As two videos were displayed on the SMARTboard, students were expected to take notes of their thoughts. Ms.
Freer worked with the ENL Students.

3b:As soon as the bell rang, students were asked to turn and talk to the students in their seating group. This
discussion prompt provided a warm up session for ENL students to use their voices in a collaborative nature.
During the group task, Ms. Freer incorporated additional thought questions to add clarity to the lyrics of the song.
Students discussed as both teachers walked around the room. Ms. Freer encouraged the groups to work together
to create responses. This reminded the group to participate. This also reminded the ENL students to use their
The handout provided to the ENL students was differentiated to provide the additional prompts necessary to
complete the task. The additional steps to bold the text was provided for support necessary.
3c: Students were expected to discuss the concept of the slang word, chick. Students spoke to the peers at their
group of desks to create a list of alternative slang words for women, for example chick. Students were working
together to create a list. Students were completely engaged as Ms. Freer and the classroom teacher (Ms. Clark)
circulated the room to ensure all groups were on tasks. The students remained on task and were sharing
responses with Ms. Freer as they monitored each group.
The closure of explanation of the true meaning was captivating to the students. After completing the analysis,
students learn the facts of the meaning of the song, Blackbird.
3d:Assessment was discussion based during most of the observed lesson. Students were expected to take notes
and engage in conversations amongst groups. After watching the videos of the song, students were expected to
read the lyrics, analyze the poem/song. During the analysis, students were asked to see the relationship to
modern civil rights movements and record the responses in bullet form.
For the ENL students (and other students in the class), one suggestion was to design assessment during the
lesson with additional writing expectations. This will provide the ENL students the opportunity to share their
understanding, in their own words to provide their voices to be heard.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Observer Comments
Teacher Comments

Half Hollow Hills School District

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This document requires Electronic Signatures.

Lori Campbell
Observer Signature

2/1/2017 9:49:46 AM

Courtney Freer
Teacher Signature

2/1/2017 9:42:39 AM

Half Hollow Hills School District

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