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Vastu Sashtra Land & plot

Situation of Plot: A land that was a burial ground, or a crematorium is not suitable for living. Ideally
it should be flat level ground. A land on a hill is also not a suitable. If it is on a slope, then the land
sloping down toward the north or east is ok but if it is sloping to the west it is not good.
A valley or a large pit around the land or a depression in the land is inauspicious.
A plot situated between two larger plots is not good as it brings poverty.
If the plot is next to a bridge it is not auspicious particularly if the bridge is on the north or east
side. You can compromise if it is on the south or west side.
Dont buy a plot with obstructions like hills, tall buildings or towers on the north, north east or east sides as the
suns rays will be blocked. However such things on the west or south sides are auspicious as they bring health,
wealth and happiness as they block the harmful western rays.
Similarly water source located on the southwest side of a building will bring misery. If the plot has a well,
swimming pool, lake, river or a stream flowing on the north east it is auspicious.
If there is an electrical power supply station or large electric pole on the north east side of the plot it is not good for
the vibrations.
The plot should not be within twice the distance of the height of the house to any public place like temple, hospital,
factory etc. If the distance is more than that then it is ok. The house should be at least 80 ft or more away from
any temple. The gate should not face a temple and the shadow of a temple should not fall on the house.
Avoid plots near a meat shop, workshop, laundry, shoe shop, etc.
The fence or the boundary wall should be higher on the west and south and lower on the north and east sides.

Roads near the plot: A plot with a road running straight at any of its four main sides has its
This is called Veedhi Shoola or Therukuthu. Please note this is different from roads running
along the sides.

udios/media industries and residences.

punishments/actions can be initiated.

ouble in all spheres for inmates.

money are observed in addition tolitigation.

The plot with roads running along on all four sides is the best. It brings health, wealth and happiness.
The plot with roads running along on three sides on the north, west, and east is not so good. Roads on the north,
south, and west is also not so good.
It is inauspicious if there are three roads only on the east, south, and west.
If there are roads on only the east and north side, that is good.
If there are roads on the west and north, it is average.
The plot with a road running along and ending at the northeast corner is very good. But if the road ends on any
other part of the plot it is usually not good.
A road on the east or north side of the plot is good, but a road on the south or west side is not so good.
The plot on a T or Y intersection is not auspicious.
The best plot is the square one followed by the rectangular one. The four sides of the plot should be towards the
four main directions. A hexagon shaped plot ( 8 even sides) is also good.
Direction of the plot: The direction that the front of a property faces is important.
Plot facing East is good for scholars, philosophers, priests, professors, teachers etc.
Plot facing North is good for those in power, administration and those who work for government.
Plot facing South is good for business class and for those who work in business organisations.
Plot facing West is for those who provide supporting services to the society.
If the plot of land does not squarely face the four cardinal directions, and if the road does not run in one of the four
cardinal directions, the house should be built facing the four directions

About Vastu Sastra The Vastu legend

Size & shape of plot Soil & slope of plot

The Vastu Mandala

Construction, well & boundary

Plot situation, direction & roads

Entrance & main door

Trees & plants

Dining room

Outside & garage

Toilet & bathroom

Bed room
Study room

Safe & valuables room

Living or sitting room

Pooja room



Water tank

Upper floor

Griha pravesh pooja Balcony, veranda & roof

Room size

Vastu & astrology

Vastu for Office

Useful tips

Vaastu for Plot

Vastu for Factory

Building a dream home needs vigilant considerations and apart from the good architectural
design and construction techniques, the location of the plot affects the energy of the
residents through out life.
It is advisable to follow vastu guidelines while selecting a plot to make sure that the place
becomes a healthful, energetic, cheerful and prosperous residence we all deserve.
1. Location of the Plot
2. Direction of the Plot
3. Shape of Plot
4. Color of the Soil
5. Adjoining Roads

Location of the Plot according to Vastu

The following considerations are useful for location.
The site having fertile earth, fruit trees, flowering plants, grass is good for construction.
The site without any source of ground water should be avoided.
The site near temple ashram, school, college, hospital, graveyard, Garbage dump site
should be avoided.
If the plot is small, there should be no big tree like Mango, Banana etc.
If the plot is big, building area should be far away from the tree.

Direction of the Plot according to Vastu

The East and North facing plots are appropriate for house construction. Care should be
taken while designing the house facing West and South direction because some directions
have positive impacts while the other have negative on occupants of the house. For example
if the kitchen is in South-East, there are always good results on health. But if the kitchen is
in North-East, the health is affected adversely.

Shape of Plot according to Vastu

Shape of plot matters a lot in the selection of land. The following are some shapes of the

The plot should be of square or rectangular shape. Ratio of width and length should not be
more than 1:2 in rectangular plot. The square plot is the best.
Plots having triangular, round shape, hexagon, octagon or polygon shapes should be
avoided because these are not good for construction.
Plots having an extended NE (North-East) corner is lucky.
Gomukhi Plot is good for house construction. The plot narrow at front and wide at the
back is also called low pressure plot. However, it is advisable to consult a vastu expert
before finalizing the decision.

Singhmukhi Plot is not suitable for residential purposes. Such a plot is wide at the front
as compared to the back. It may be used for commercial activites . It is suitable for the
residence facing the roads in eastern or northern side. Such a plot is also called high
pressure plot. But it is advisable to consult a vastu expert before finalizing the decision.

Color of the Soil

Color of the soil is another important aspect which should not be avoided at the time of
purchasing the plot. The following colors of soil are considered better for construction

1. Red
2. Yellow
3. White
4. Black
Red soil is suitable for executives who are engaged in administrative and legal services.
These executives are usually employees of Government, armed forces or administration.
Yellow and Green is considered by shareholders, businessmen, bankers and by those who
are directly related to commercial activities.
Usually White soil is preferable for intellectual professionals like doctors, engineers,
teachers, poets, musicians, consultants etc.
Note: Black and clay soil is not good for construction.

Adjoining Roads
A plot adjoining roads at any of the four sides affects the life of family members.
affects of such a plot are given below.

Plot Having One Road




Good, Prosperous and Wealthy


Average, Good for Business People





Good for Women , Prosperous &


Good for Business Concern

Plot Having Two Roads

Roads From

North And

East and


Very Good



South And


West and


North and


East and


Plot Having Roads on Three Sides

The plot facing roads from three sides is an average plot. It can be improved by leaving a
passage at fourth side.

Plot Having Roads on All Sides:

The Plot having road on all side is best plot.

Plot Facing T-Junction:The Plot facing T or Y-Junction is not suitable for construction. It is

Plot at the Dead End of the Road: The plot is not appropriate for construction. It can be
improved by extending the road up to the width of plot.

Plot at the dead end of Road

Extending the road upto the plot width


The selection of a site is very important since the site represents a fixed form, that will radiate positive
as well as negative energies depending on its location, orientation, shape, slope and soil quality. While
selecting a Site these five major points are to be kept in mind.
Normally a Vaastu Expert is not involved at the
suggest that it is good to involve one, at the
valuable in deciding the right Site. Generally,
selecting a site, will by default be in accordance

time of buying a Site. But as a Vaastu Expert, I would

time of selecting a Site, as his inputs could be very
the points an Vaastu Expert will keep in mind while
with Vaastu Shastra.

If you already own a Site for construction of house or office, you should still refer to the Vaastu
Guidelines prescribed for the selection of suitable Site.
In the Selection of a Site, the following Vaastu Guidelines should be looked into, since most of these
guidelines are based on scientific reasoning and few on common sense.







Proper guidelines have been put fin Vaastu Shastra for the Selection of a Site. As Vaastu is a science,
there is logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As a Vaastu Expert I have made an attempt to
explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically. It is up to you to decide what you want to follow
and what you dont.
Peaceful, calm place with lot of greenery and good water source with good soil, for obvious reasons.
The fertile soil is an indication of good soil for construction.
While purchasing a piece of land, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few
moments. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you.
The Reasoning is that it is always advisable to trust your instinct but make sure you are not influenced
by anything or anyone else, for good reasons.
Check the Plot history; it should be a good history. It is best to buy land where happy and successful
people have lived. The natural reasoning behind the concept is totally psychologically, you will feel that
a land where people were happy and prosperous; has good vibes or energy.
Check for the road adjacent to the plot. Plot with pathways on all four sides is considered the best. It
ensures health, wealth, prosperity and happiness. The natural reasoning for the logic is because a Plot
with roads on all four sides is not abutting any bodys property and hence one can derive maximum
lighting and ventilation from all four sides.
The next best option is a Plot with roads on the North or East. The reasoning I understand for it is that
more light and air can enter from these sides in the mornings.
If there are source of water or water in or around the plot; check their location. Plots with a water
source in the North, East or North-East are good. The Reason is that the germicidal U-V rays of the
morning sunlight, which engulf the North-East corner in the morning, can purify the water.

It is advisable to avoid a haunted or dilapidated house. The Plot should not be purchased, if in the
recent past someone has committed suicide on it, or if there have been several deaths over a period of
a couple of months. You may psychologically feel uneasy if you happen to know of such a past.
Avoid purchasing a plot that has been sold under stress. Such Plots should be purchased only with
caution and proper consultation with a Vaastu expert. One good reason is that you may feel
psychologically unhappy and guilty, knowing that the Plot was sold out of helplessness and that the
previous owner must be still holding onto it.
We have to avoid sites near a public place or buildings. The Plot should not be near or adjacent to any
public place like temple, hospital, factory, school, college etc. Such places will constantly be crowded
and noisy. But if they are at least 80 ft to 100 ft away, then the plot is acceptable.
We cannot live in an environment with foul smell. It is advisable to avoid sites near smelly places. The
Plot should not be near a meat shop, workshop, leather tannery, laundry, shoe shop, dustbins, sewage
drains etc. The bad smell emanating from these places will permeate the house permanently and
naturally create a atmosphere in the house that is not suitable to live in.
Sites where either cactus or trees with thorn grow should be avoided. Such sites indicate sandy soil
which will not support the foundation effectively. The soil of such land is not strong enough to hold the
foundation of the building.
If the plot is between large plots, it should be avoided. In such plots the owner of the smaller plot can
construct only a much smaller house than the owners of the larger plots and thus, may subconsciously
feel small with respect to the neighbors. This can create a feeling of inferiority in the owner.
It is good to avoid plots with lot of cracks or too much wet soil. The cracks indicate dried up clayey soil
and too wet soil also indicates clayey soil that does not allow the drainage of water. Such soil is not
suitable for a building foundation as it will retain moisture and necessitate extra expenditure for waterproofing the foundation.
Strictly avoid Plots facing a T or Y intersection of roads. This is because you can see oncoming traffic
and this may give you the nervousness feeling or lack of privacy. However, in some cases, as
explained below, such plots are acceptable.
Plots facing a T or Y intersection, where roads or lanes run right into the face of the site from different
directions are called Veethii (road) Shool (Arrows). Since it is difficult to comment on the different
permutations and combinations of roads, oncoming roads, directions etc, that form the Veedi Shoolas,
let us examine the basic considerations, in naming them as good, not bad, bad and very bad.

EastNorthEast If the oncoming road is from the East, and hits the North-East part of the
Plot, it is considered a good site.

NorthNorthEast If the oncoming road is from the North, and hits the North-East part of
the Plot it is considered a good site.

West NorthWest If the oncoming road is from the West, and hits the North- West part of
the Plot, it is considered as a not bad site.

SouthSouthEast If the oncoming road is from the South, and hits the South- East part of
the Plot, it is considered as a not bad site.

East SouthEast If the oncoming road is from the East, and hits the South- East part of the
Plot, it is considered a bad site.

North NorthWest If the oncoming road is from the North, and hits the North-West part of
the Plot, it is considered a bad site.

West SouthWest If the oncoming road is from the West, and hits the South-West part of
the Plot, it is considered a very bad site.

South SouthWest If the oncoming road is from the South, and hits the South-West part of
the Plot, it is considered a very bad site.


If your Plot is facing an intersection, (called a Veethi Shool), as you can see the oncoming traffic and
people, this may give you the nervousness feeling or lack of privacy. In order to overcome this, you
can use the corner of the plot that faces the intersection as a garage or car porch etc so that the main
house is not facing the intersection. Or you could fence off that part and use it for some other purpose
like a garden or outhouse etc.
As per Vaastu Shastra, the shape of the plot affects the well being of the inmates. It has been noted
certain shape of plots have a good effect, while others shapes a bad effect and some plots can be used
after making corrections to a suitable shape. As Vaastu is a science, there is logic and reasoning
behind every guideline. As a Vaastu Expert, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally
and scientifically, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you dont.
Square plot
A plot with equal length and width is considered as an ideal site for construction. As per Vaastu, it
ensures all round growth, prosperity and happiness. In ancient time, houses were designed around a
central square courtyard, for better ventilation, a square plot was considered the most suitable.
Rectangle plot

A plot having the length and width in 1:2 ration are considered good. If the length faces north and
width faces west, it would be considered more suitable. Such plots are considered to bestow good
health, wealth and prosperity upon the residents. Like in a square site, it is easy to design a square or
rectangle shaped house in such plot with extra space used for trees, outhouse etc and hence is not
Triangular plot
The Triangle shaped plot is not good. Such sites are considered as sites where there will always be
fear of fire.
Circular/Elliptical/Oval Plots
Such shapes are not considered good for construction of houses. According to Vaastu, such plots
would bring bad luck to the owners.
Plots With more than 4 sides
Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon shaped plots should be avoided for construction of house. People in such
plots always live in fear.
Gou-mukhi plot
A plot that is narrow in the front and wide at the back is called Gou Mukhi. Such plot is considered
auspicious for residential purpose. Such plots bring prosperity to the house owners.
Simha-mukhi plot
A plot that is wide in the front or entrance and narrow at the back is known as Simha Mukhi plot. Such
plots are considered inauspicious for residential purpose but are suitable for commercial purpose.
Plots with corners cut
Plots with a missing corner should not be purchased for any reason. If you must, then do so with
proper consultation of an Expert Vaastu Shastri. Plots with cut corners are considered inauspicious.
Plots with projections or extensions
The plots with extension in the North or East or North-East are considered good. Other extensions are
considered as inauspicious. Plots with extensions in the North-West, South-East or South-West are
not considered good, they bring bad luck to the owners.
Vaastu Shastra lays down guidelines to aid you in the selection of a plot with the ideal direction. As
Vaastu is a science, there is logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As a Vaastu Expert, I have

attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you can decide what you
want to follow and what you dont.
Site Orientation means the location or position of the plot with respect to the Cardinal directions. In
lay mans language, if you stand in the plot and see towards the road which direction you see? The
plots orientation is identified by the direction that the front of the plot faces. When you stand in the
Site and face the road, the direction you face is said to be the plots orientation. For example, a plot
with a road in the North, is called a North facing.
In Vaastu there is clear explanation regarding the direction of the plot. Let us understand the eight
directions, which are identifiable depending on the position of the Sun in the sky. They are:

East (poorv): The Sun rises in the East.

West (Paschim): The Sun sets in the West.

North (Uttar): When one faces the East, the direction to the left is the North.

South (Dakshin): When one faces the East, the direction to the right is the South.

Where the two Cardinal directions meet, is also as significant as the main direction, since it combines
the forces emanating from both the directions.

North-East (Eeshan): This is where the North and East meet.

North-West (Vaayavya): This is where the North and the West meet.

South-West (Nairuthya): This is where the South and the West meet.

South-East (Aagneya): This is where the South and the East meet.


In ancient scriptures it has been written that the sun is the Giver of Life and its role was deeply
considered while designing the principles of Building Design. Buildings are oriented in such a way
that at all times the inmates benefit from the useful effects of the morning Suns UV radiation which
helps in the synthesis of Vitamin D in our bodies, while being protected from the harmful effects and
the intense heat of the infra-red rays of the afternoon Sun. As such, the most frequently used rooms

during the day are oriented in the East (for morning sunlight) and the North (for constant sunlight in
India) whereas the rooms that are used mostly at night are restricted to the South and the West.
Thus, the layout of a House and the rooms have been prescribed in Vaastu, according to the position
of the Sun, through out the day, from the time it rises in the East to the time it sets in the West.
Depending which direction the plot faces, it becomes either easier or more difficult to design the
layout of the House. This is why the facing of the plot or Site Orientation is given importance while
selecting a site or plot for construction of house.


In ancient text of Vaastu guidelines to aid in the Selection of a plot with the ideal Orientation are
based on Common sense, scientific reasoning and logic. As per Vaastu:
All directions are considered good and each has its own advantages. The only reason I understand is;
in any city or town, there are roads in all four directions and naturally there have to be houses on both
sides of the roads. Also, the city looks more aesthetic if there are houses in all the four directions.
Hence, according to Vaastu, all plots are considered good.
East facing Plot is good for scholars, philosophers, priests, professors, teachers etc. The Logic- East
(morning sun rays) is considered the source of enlightenment. North facing plot is good for those in
power, administration and those who work for government. South facing plot is good for business class
and for those who work in business organizations at management level. West facing plot is more
suitable for those who provide supporting services to the society.
The reason why Vaastu attributes each direction to a different class of people is because in ancient
times, Indian society was divided into four classes of people, based on their occupations. But gradually
these classes became castes and there was very little social mixing between the castes and so people
of each caste preferred being with their own people. Hence their homes were grouped together.
In a plot that does not squarely face the cardinal directions it is fount that its axis is not parallel to the
magnetic axis of the Earth. In such a case, the house should be built on the Site facing the other four
directions. There is a technical procedure by which the cardinal points are ascertained for the
orientation of the buildings. It should be done in the centre of the plot which is considered the naval of
the Vaastu Purusha. In order to benefit from the useful effects of the Sun and other natural elements,
it is better if the house is built facing the cardinal directions.
In ancient Vaastu text proper guidelines have been prescribed to aid you in the selection of a plot or
site with the ideal soil type. As Vaastu is a science, there is logic and reasoning behind every
guideline. As a Vaastu Expert, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically,
so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you dont.

To construct a building for any purpose, land is required. And it is a fact the land has not been
previously not allocated for the same. It has to be some or the other kind of site that has to be used.
It should be correctly noted for what purpose the land was being used previously.
While purchasing land, it is ideal to buy a piece of land that is most suitable for cultivation i.e., where
the vegetation can grow. There are different types of soil based on the colour- brick red, dark brown,
white, red, yellow, black etc. Generally the soil which is good for cultivation like red, brick red, brown,
yellow soil etc is also good for the foundation of a building. Whereas, black and clayey soil which is not
good for cultivation is also not good for buildings as it retains water and can cause dampness to the
It is advised to avoid a site with black and clayey soil. The Reason being, the black soil indicates soil
that retains water and doesnt allow good drainage. It is best to avoid such a site because it will
require special kind of foundation and water-proofing which will cost many time more than the usual
Again avoid rocky piece of land for construction purpose. Land with too many rocks and thorny trees is
not considered good. This is because it may be an indication that there is rock below which will have
to be blasted out before laying the foundation, causing unexpected expenditure.
A land with lot of worms should be avoided. This may be an indication that the soil is very loose and
will not support the foundation well.
According to scriptures written by King Bhoj, the ancient Indian Vaastu Specialist, there are two
simple tests to check the suitability of the soil type.
WATER TEST: Dig a 2ftx2ftx2ft hole and slowly fill it with water. Let the soil absorb the water. Note
the time period. If the time taken to absorb the water is more than an hour, it is considered good.
After the water is absorbed, check for cracks in the pit, if there are many then it is not suitable. If the
water is absorbed readily, then the soil is not suitable to sustain the load of the building. If there are
cracks, it indicates clayey soil, which will retain water and hence, can cause dampness to the
foundation. Land with sandy or clayey soils will necessitate extra strong foundations with proper water
proofing, which in turn will be more expensive.
SOIL TEST: Dig another 2ftx2ftx2ft hole and then fill it up again. If some soil is left over after filling,
the land is considered good. If there is no soil left after filling up, it is average. If after putting the
complete soil back in the pit it is not fully filled, it is not good. This is the test to determine the soils
natural moisture, density and aeration. If the hole is not fully filled up, it means the soil is dense and
clayey and hence will retain water which is not good for a building foundation.

Surprisingly, even today people adopt the same method for testing the soil at the site. In fact, it is the
first thing an Architect instructs the client to get done, so that the kind of structure can be decided
and the structural engineer can design the structure and foundation accordingly.


In ancient Vaastu scriptures great

slope of the land. As Vaastu is a
a Vaastu Expert, I have attempted
can decide what you want to follow

importance has been given to the selection of site based on the

science, there is logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As
to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, so that you
and what you dont.


The North-East half of the plot is called the Solar half and the South-West half is called the Lunar half.
Ideally the Solar half (Sun) should be lower than the Lunar half (moons surface). In short, Vastu
recommends that always, the:

North-East corner should be the lowest,

North-West should be higher than the North-East corner,

South-East should be higher than the North-West corner,

South-West should be higher than the South-East corner.

The North-East corner should be the lowest and the South-West corner should be the highest: The
Logic- This ensures the ideal flow of light and solar energy from the North-East corner (morning light
and constant light) into the house. Also, when the South-West corner is higher than the North-East
corner, it serves as a buffer (to the West and South-West sunrays) and prevents the heating up of the
rest of the house.
Avoid plots with a depressed or raised centre: Avoid plots humped at the center and sloping on all
sides. Similarly avoid plots that are depressed at the center. The Logic- If the center is too depressed
or too much higher, it is difficult and expensive to level the site as it may even have rock below, which
will have to be blasted out.
The road level should be lower than the Site: The Logic- Normally there is a storm water drain
between the Site and the road, so when there is heavy rainfall, even if the drain overflows, the excess
water will flow onto the road instead of the site. Also, all the excess water from the site will flow out
into the drain and road instead of vice-versa.

In cities, it is difficult to get sites that meet the requirements of Vaastu. However, there are ways
of correcting sites that are not in accordance with Vaastu.
Plot sloping down from the North-East to wards South-West can be corrected. If the North-East corner
is at a higher elevation than other sides of the property, you can dig soil from that corner and dump it
in the South and West portions. This way the land will slope down from the South-West toward the
Plot with a raised or has a humped in the centre of the plot, it again can be corrected. If the plot is
raised in the centre then, the earth can be dug out and dumped towards the South-West of the plot.
Plot with a depressed centre can also be corrected. If the plot is depressed in the centre, then earth
can be dug out from the rest of the Site and filled in the centre to balance out the levels.

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