Media and Democracy Week 3

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Fake News Analysis: February 1:

1. That Muslims sent President Trump a letter thanking him for banning
2. Other sources are popping up saying that hes not getting positive
letters from the public.
3. No, because the only match would be the fake news URL.
4. Bob the Empire News Potato--5.
6. January 29 2017
7. Satire- the sue of humor or exaggeration.
a. Over joyed that they will not be allowed to enter the USA
because Trump turned this place into a full blown shit show.
b. Yes satire
8. It has nothing to say about it
Class Notes:
Confirmation bias: the tendancy to interpret new evidence as confirmation.
Selective perception: the process by which individuals perceive what they
want to in the media messages while ignoring opposing viewpoints.
Fake News:
About to get more intense because of the Real-Time Reenactment which is
a facial recognition reenactment.
Snopes: biased. Says if news is real or fake.
Questions to Prof Alicastro:
Have you encountered fake news??
has come into contact with fake news
there is a lot of vetting that goes on before they are approved
news story needs to be vetted by four different steps.
Ex: Pope John Paul: closing shot was a nun praying for the pope, got a
shot from Visnews, backed up the shot, the camera man told the nun
what to do. It was staged
Worry about he video stream, all over the place, need to know where
the video comes from.
o Need to be checked and double checked.
Fake news affecting the population as a whole?
Problem: not enough education solution is more educations
Media literacy should be in the core ciriculum in grammar school
Always need to know if it is reliable or if it is real.
LIE not even fake news.

Affected the population bc 50 percent get their news form Facebook.

NO journalist work from FB.
Algorithm: feed you more and more of a narrow point of view.
o Ex: Hilary Clinton running a child molestation ring in Pizza Parlor.
Pizza gate
The guy runs many sites of fake news out of California
Opinion on Facebook and google filtering
How will they draw the line?
o Anything that appears on their site should be sourced
o See if it comes from a reliable source
o SPJ: reliable info
o What you read and may repeat will come form a reliable source
Solution: educated in media literacy will be part of your reasonability if
the material is real or not
Fake news has been around as long as we have been around: every
newspaper is owned by a political party, so Americans would read a lot and
knew which political party owned which newspaper.
3 problems w fake news:
1. Fake stories that can cause danger or manipulate
2. People do it to make money, the more clicks the more payment:
commercial agenda
3. Fake news discredits legit statements
Opinion based sites: opinions that have their place in the op-ed page and
should be biased in facts.
Reporting is based off of facts
Best way to judge tweets: ex: inauguration: twitter should not lead in the
Start my factually presenting the truth of the tweet
Then describe what kind of tweet it is
Craft Questions for Colloquia:
1. A majority of fake news is seen off of Facebook, do you think the
filtering system will help the situation or bring about other ways for it
to be spread.

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