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INSTITUT FOR BYZANZFORSCHUNG INSTITUT FOR BYZANZFORSCHUNG DER OSTERREICHISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DDER OSTERREICHISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN INSTITUT FOR BYZANTINISTIK UND NEOGRAZISTIK INSTITUT FOR BYZANTINISTIK UND NEOGRAZISTIK, DER UNIVERSITAT WIEN BYZANTINA ET NEOGRAECA. GRIECHISCHE KULTUR VINDOBONENSIA IN SUDOSTEUROPA Hewes IN DER NEUZEIT haa ie BEITRAGE ZUM SYMPOSIUM MARIA A. STASSINOPOULOU IN MEMORIAM GUNNAR HERING ete a BAND XXVI Herausgegeben von MARIA A. STASSINOPOULOU TOANNIS ZELEPOS, “Te oe OAW Verse vo 8 M. Oro Kase in er Sang 15, Deer 26 eink nit tts des Klann de eens Repl Maes dr pinaphchistrsces Kise nde Steg ‘on Olsen ke Rete Brine Fina nia fr yen ad Nop Une Win in Tig empsie do Heme BN ns tos The Chu fhe Tass he etie Mage (1837 sw hide ee nt gt oe Ae by Ses Papua, Nes one Pte by Apap Karan ie verve aise setae een Zl hell on srcede sual wn skoumpesans say 9783-00-07 Cori © 2008 senshi Nini dr Waren Desk Bide Bess Gsm, 1230 Win pn cen ca 08-7 Terie aca Inhalt Vorwort dr Herausgeber Progra, . Pavvos Treas, Methoologsche Unelegungen zur Geschichts sehretung dher das neueiiche Grecheland Haxs-Miciart Miro, ,Homo Hemicus*— Homo Quieus“?Chan- ‘ceund Probleme eines mentalisgescichlichen Ansates in der Fistorischen Balkanforechang. ops Bogen, Auslindischer Monarch und Konsittion: Die ‘moearchsche Herscaft in Griechenland, Rumlaien und Bulga: rien im 19. abrbundert Mess. Mer, Das Weedon der rumaische Lent. Herscher ‘nd Aufsindsche in den ruminischen Landem aus Sict eines rmanischen Poltikes Max Dineen Prvsus, Die Fparonspi 6s Kable. Bibliohil- ‘blogic bibiogaphische Bemedkungen mi cinem angsblichen Unisum Jun Cuxraaacion-Sananeste, MEX 20 op 2 epi. Der Eos ‘und seine Wiskungen in der phanaricaschenLyrik dee Auklaung ‘Naowa Davovs, Lachen ander Sshwelle ze Neuroit CLauow Ronen, Griechische Untetanen des Osmanischen Reichs im Registerbuch der Beschwerde Heumy Arcriowaris-Tsoucasans, The Codes of Bishopics a5 a source of Social History Dass G. Arosrowrcitcs, H Opdfogn Exxinoa os avraciievo ‘IG ROliosis Oe yd row 15% axa VVasiuos N. Maknts, Evgeios Voulgaris und Vole: Ive ver meintche Begegnung und Auseinandersetang am Hot Frcichs es Grossen. » 45 65 85 o M3 129 ns 153 16s 6 iat ‘Karta PaPakonstantn, Grek Maine History of the 18° Cen tury A new project. Manis Errrinoou, Testing Human Feelings and Reactions in Con- ice: The Case ofthe Greek Revolution of 1821 Axon Linkos, On negative consiousness Mania Cisne Cuatznoxau, ea pur xepSoawoiag kt Bing00- is om Lan eps rov 19" aver Denerais Stauaromootes, The Spliting athe Orthodox Mille 95a Secilrizing Process: The Clerea-Lay Assembly ofthe Bulgarian Exarchat istanbul 1871) Acarmaxis AZHUS, Die Aufeiung der Spaten in dor grecischen Presse am Anfang des 2, Jahrhunderts. 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Die positive Resonanz forte zu einer fron Themensilfit und 20 unterschidichen Vortagssruktures, aber ich 2uintensiven Distussoneninerhalb der thematsch ggliderten Sit- ‘angen des Symposiums. Hie, aber auch dar dass sie mahezy all he Beige den Herausgsber zor Verfgung stellen wollen wir ws bei den Teilebmerinnen wn Teiaehmer nochmal herlich badanken. Vier gre Themenberiche selon sich bald heaus:sovial- und kul historsche Fragen zu den Grchen im Osmanischen Reich, poltit- und sozialhistorische Aspekte der griehischen Geschichte nach 1830, verglei- ‘hende Unterschungen zu den Orhodonen in Osianschen Reich und ia ‘den neuen Natcnalsanten,shlieflich Fragen au den verschiedenen Foren ‘er gricehischen Diaspora Die iene Themenaiedrung des Symposions wurde auch in nun vor liegenden Band beibehalten. Pais TzGaas efit it einer Obeesicht ‘her rere mathodologsche Auseinandrstzungen in der neugrichisshen Te nr impish, Wolfen Use Pic Met en "Sumanden Vang Fagen Utena, dhs match ct eget Bnd ae 20 Masa Xen Xenon lag xu ms SumpBopic H cLCaEy and ns apacrnéc mg oovaldins me “ynaplodo mg Dou pag po yop URS HW expen 1 tov Smiociow rpoosbon, mips vEB.Hopy oro slaidepo anc pos je ig pueompracts ovis ea ey avy pmaTObSe- ‘ons SynSouow Epo Dog H wars wepboenonta exierehARSense ‘us vloos pone mg Kawefeok. cor Gis ovo yeoeNnvend Kpo5 Kt enuamiedémyce ry Foes Sepp war exept pon, Mapa Xprvion Kareindwow IE / KNE~ Abi as Dewernios Stawaroroutos / THEssaLowtKt ‘The Splitting of the Orthodox Millet as a Secularizing Process The Clerical Lay Assembly of the Bulgarian Ezarhate (lsanbad 1871) In tho fl of 1858 the fist seston ofthe Millet Provisional Council was convened at Fene, inthe headquarters ofthe Ecumenical Pavarhate of i has’ become known as the “Ethnsynelsfl™ ("National i ey fee ny ones of Orthodox millet (= religions commanty inthe Ottoman Empire) res from th ariles of famous imperial dere, ht ofthe Hat Hinayan ‘of 18562 The Assembly's proceedings went on fortwo yar, ad led to the ‘ration of a “constitutions” text, the General Regulations, which for he |886-1880 Nol Ase" f°NetoaProvsonl Comet. The Ono et ‘est "ermine mayo which ek ef emi he oe ‘rowseimenettarth sc hems the Geka ih eek {he Orson gi Howcer a ae aaconsn ss pj fea “rsgpesceo tore onplen ay Frtsran the Any of 85 ‘el emp thee il ey viz, Ase of Orb let a tho he pe majors of eresentier we Grek Ont patel rth sha fn of er ni pean aes Aco 2 The wie hy taste te Mls Acetyl ed ine fern onl ty oe es Say eT Ae Sone ste Fon Nits Der Coreen See Cas Pu rons Ath Aus, “Ot ma Kian Ooops earn {Sty os ron oma TE” vu UnypangeApgevvianon (tat “Hhaownesaug 158-86") [he Gel Rept of Boxers Par ste wun the Cex TE ofthe Pata’ Caen pr ep: “Preis ft Aen of ie (980 p87 au Denes Samos fist ime institutionalize the patcpation ofthe ly element in the leston ofthe Patriarch an well as inthe administration ofthe Paiarchate through the etalishment of a new orga, the Standing Mixed Council eight of whose twelve members belonged tothe lity? Tn February 1871, one year afer the Sublime Pore (which atthe time vas headed by the Grand Vizier Ali paga ised the impeil decree (r= nan) which foresaw the establishment of the Bulgarian Earchate, there was Convene at Onakdy (Msochor) in Istanbul aso the Church National As- embly ofthe Exarchats'ssuppaters? The Assembly met from 23 February nti 26 uly of that same yar its asic tak was to const a Statute for the Exarchat, a constitutional map accering to which it would operate in the future. Clearly, the convocation ofthis Clerical-Lay Assembly was the Tat Ran ms ov gay a err no ti aw nrg em howe psoas ca A nk te ml Tiron). ConainleT92 The eth bch psd Frenchy LP, “Reman Gra Se gine Onto eo Tug ie {8 One Chan (18 det ms Ot vo De 2. Fr Pei! a oe 1m ii, (on, The nec moet tenn of he pe Deer Seaton Megat lainey sen et I tov Ogee py o lem md Seclarei owaaeconsrton a noo te Comes Parc te 9 Cot) As Alan, 20. «Therm nts of Carne Soar "Chr Nea Asa nord tal yoga san Heyford, we wil mat fees uacha's Anon "asin Aven" 0 “Chath Naonal Ase ‘echongeb. Fite nets he ovis Me Cae lian 10st) an 35 reat ps wih Bela pn arte te pes ‘Seu whwe soniye Maun, See Meo. Bara Pra {Hho Ta (re elgatan Era 1189) Sai 1989, px 32-326 Mh {ines ply am So, Pana Bagrt Nard Sir Conga (ae ‘seer me (The et Dla Natal avn (wea oe ‘rho bans? 186) 9p 81-2 «Fare le Suna ft Each se Pratt ne Pe Baga Ck ferNoad Sth eS he fe apn Chas Nena As) ar Bi Tet he Teta) Camo Nader 1871 ¢ Dalmonlor ‘vn sa papa Pars Crome Nad Sie. The hh eto Assen of f1- Calste oem e eeae e L e ‘ay of te Fint Cah Nanas Sf 201 p87 We ely Tenis ites ts mr pi Roby a, ‘The Spliing of Onadoe Malet aesSesvcinePacas 245 rica wing point between the recognition ofthe Exarchate on behalf of ‘the Otoman sate and the announcoment ofthe Schl, i, the condemne tion ofthe Exarchate by the Ecumenical Patarchat in Septembor 1872 In theory, the view has been expressed ~ and this has been the ta ‘onl poston of Bulgarian national historiography ~ tha the formation of ‘Bulgarian church within the famework ofthe Otoman Empire was the result ofa process that began withthe recognition of the Grek Autocepha Jous Church in 1850, The spiting of the Orthodox millet through the gradual parcling out ofthe Empire by the nationalist movements which ‘erupted in is Fropean tetris invbly led othe eteation of nationl- lined ecclesiastical bodies which were forced t confront the problem of thet degre of dependence onthe Great Church.” Bulgarian historiography has generally deat withthe founding of the ‘Exact by the inprial dere of February 1870 a Prometiean moment of national awakening For is past, Grek historiography dealt with the Bima Mins, ct p36 ive Tes; De Sejm Cana (1819-809 See 20001 pp 0-8 nd ewok oT. Sr Bs Baga ka rai. oi 191 xa 487-50 Dury he tbs si he ui nal movement had eo he ‘ren sea wih prin wl eng anomie Sins he igus te Dine tay ne ous athe wi be ap he lpr emmy lal hp us he nope fe dem ica inp chch: Omri see 0, Musuaen" Cunson “Te po tee pia atl epsonaion 18 + Ofer ra ey ante igo nei ener ‘Scomnny shes Bgsas pec oabtay ne Blea Gch le rat Bg sO Sy. Clan of ar ‘ts cn be enero 10 ys fm te hon) Sto 19 Ns Soe Plin dint ri ivi ewe { Pau Boren rk Dahan: Obteanen poe tt to 178 ‘nao, Babar: ian ct mpbsn Sse Mao Bane; Ga Kn (Si 1910 293s nd ‘er pot of Uauno's esting scanty explo eng Ste he ered awa te ean Tat oe Emons mg Spang a8 mg Fenchs Sina eg 21 ‘ufponsi Bet pm ngnon ren Bogapans Zeros Repo oe Can te spinel y bea ently 21 Fesuny Tt mae te Dla ies Gusta 28 and. were repel pase mx anit eel “Bal {nLite ready Ks an 8 ls along {Eeexacal nepndon ft tomes Ae he at Se nthe sts qu te Goverment” Arle renga Para i ale ‘tal Oot Cisne nthe ents ony ove he Gres 238 Doses Samana However, ifsomeone were wo serch for he tue motives of Kristo poston, one would have fo examine his fndamertal perspective on the Dositon of the Bulgarian nation within te Framework ofa unified Christian ‘world [ekumene™: the amazing thing is that, nthe early 1870s, his are omy Comakov had ended up defending the imperial Otioman warld” ‘guns the expansion of Rossin influence le by Ighatie, essentially con- traditng the radial demands of earlier decades” Those who had pasion- ttely supported eccesastel dependence fom the Pasiarchate were eau- ious about national indopendence iit as tobe granted trough the intt- ‘eation of Rossin, "These interesting mages and changing stances remain largely unex- plained or apear contradictory, even when taking into account the arable ‘of ntrventio by the Great Powers (obviously exested trough their en assis in Istanbul). What we must now consier isthe role of interest 0p, which were composed of members ofboth communities Ris common forthe recent istoriogapty ofboth ides ~ Bulgarian and ‘Greek ~o interpret the politcal stances and bcavior ofeach elit agent within the complex environment ofthe Otoman Empire espevaly during the Tanzimat period, based on whether the agent dafended or opposed the rationale of therefor. As this eriterion seldom proves adequate, istrians resort 10a further parameter: each agent's links to one of the Great Powers ‘sive within Otoman terior. Rarely, however, do such analyses contain fn effort f sort these players int interest groups, which might network according to thee own rules ~ not necessarily opposed fo, bt possibly a en or complomentary to the positions of the major ideological blo ach intrest group might contain persons wit ferent ideological orient ‘on, connestion to diferent power centers, and dynamically diverse be favors Ofer, ah interes group may include individuals who main friendly eations with the embassies of different foreign Powers, without this necesaily counteracting the activites of hee the omrads.” Quite ‘the contrary: this may be the onby necessary and suicient condition for securing the group's long-term interests would be intresting then, to examin through tis es the actions of the wo chief actors ofthe [871 Assembly, Krstevie and Coma, s Well 7 Ry god xml of he ops of Can an ese inh opening pes {era's Asnbhee Ton opis pp. 379-9, eps EAS Pas Boo, "La mise pote ago et Sia Cmay—un ‘Sn se sre, Buon Micali 2 DD. The Siting te Onn Mile x Sesiing Pct 259 5 thi signficant figure: the Bint Exarch i the history’ ofthe Bulgarian Church, Anim, Metropol of Vidin™ ‘GavtilKristeve has sometimes been desried by Bulgarian historians asa Russopil.® at tke times, s Turophile and sometimes even as bo at once.” Butf we examine Krstevi'spariiaton in interest groups, wwe Ftd something quite dierent. We have noted above tat he took par in he formation ofthe frst Ecumenical Patrarchate’s Mixed Coun i 1862, serving together with Dimtir Gesoglu asa representative ofthe Bal. arian community in Istanbul. Kristie sso took pa in the elections of {wo patriarchs (1860 and 1863) as aly representative and he retured in 1858 othe Mited Couns sevice, aa ime when Pabarchats's contron- tation withthe Bulgarian community bad eached ts ight. ‘Kristevie accepted the position of member of the Mixed Council upon the recommendation of the welL known Neo-Phanariote Pavlos Mousours, brother of Konstan Mausoures, Te later was fr many years the O toman Empire's Ambassador in London and was also Stephan Bogorid's soncindaw, Keistvié had earlier served a Bogoridi's deputy on Samos, ‘wher the later was the Pine of the sland. But wht is ineresing that Bogor was the most important pile of suppor for English policy within the Ecumenical Pariarchate, and by extension, the Onhodox mille. Inter rmariages among the Bogorti, Meusouos, and Stour fails had ex tended the network of English (or beter, pro-Western) inlvence even fur Fortes Exch fhe inet Borin Cuca ee ‘gal wh [thi Ie algun Fr Sofi 8H: KPa Ba ‘om sar tn (1814198), uc Ai 86-18) So 956 ‘Oni ua mie of et moderate fb Bla ey of Co Sinope hich ews god Kou eft Ho Las nd esa ae Sesh nop ete ob Orb nese at ie TS (ser easiness Wa ‘hh sed he prtal resem thls oes Fapmening be OF “inane Se slant Rogie na Tuco wast connie Homescape the poston of Crass ‘Vier as ile ty Mid Nein pp alan csr ops st ‘rR snc onld ve i on ib gt od ons ih Stouts tego yay o tama tet. A ed “asco Manne Ned's kel uur i ll ceneton Wi ‘zac he Art ananar ac of rdViner Nahs Ned Pu ae ‘on Jule Ea Sd 32190), 6.2507 260 Deneion Samtaponos ther, Kristeviémntained thi relationship, especially with the younger brother, Pavlos, throughout the 186, whun the later ose f the positon of Prince of Samos in 1867, whish he etsind uni 1873 Further incontrovertible proof of Kristevié's condi relations with his circle x provided by his shor carer in the autonomous hegemony of Eas- fem Rumelia, where he was called to serve by Alekos Bogor, Sephan's Son, who bed the posion ofthe hegemony’: govern in 1879 It vey lnterestng that both Alckos Bogoridi and Kristvi satisfied simultane- ously the requirements of Gret Britain (Alekos Bogor’ fens at reform ‘were doles nape bythe pro-Western inlunceof his family) and of Rassia(Krstevie'sstmce on the eclesistial question satsed Russian poly and theoretically made the Bulgarian neo-Phanarite the pla ofthe egemony’s administration aller the Congress of Berit). The coexistence ‘of these two mien offers an excellent demonstration of the wemendously Symamic nature of interest groups inthe Otioman Empire. Krdstovi's close afiny to thie cle was indspasble, and thsi the ‘only way to explain his stance towards Stephanos Karatheodores. Both Karatheodoes and Kristevi belonged tothe same polital camp, that of| the reformers. Conseguont, the disagreement between the two men is di ful interpret if one's soliton ithe alliance nthe great undertake ing ofthe Tanzimat reforms. "The reformer bloc comprised varios interest groups each wth is ov ideological orientation and diferent degres of dependency on the powerful ‘sors on the Ottoman politcal stage. For instance the standoff beween Karathoadoes and Kristevie (and essay, the Mousours fly) may ‘interpreted in the context of ther-Grand Vizier Mehmed Kopel’ re ‘rouping ofthe English sphere of inonce. ‘Stefanos Karatheodores, a longtime Russoptil, was fom he circle fonmed by Patriarch Gregris VI during his fist term (1835-10). Grego ios was wellknown for his friendly sentiment toward Russia: is fist term ‘vas interrupted in 1840, afer ntcesion by the English Embassy, when ‘Gregori interfered in questions of mariage and divorce among the British citizens ofthe Ionia Isles, However Karatheodores had begun i the mid— 1450s to demand the enactment of reforms inthe Oxoman Empire. He ‘was now the personal physician of Sultan Abdul Meci, and of Stephan Bogorii himsel. In the summer of 185, however, the death of Boporid Ti, Princ Basa, GN pain p16 TA. Men, fai and ‘Mevhlsn fie Bonar cae 9601672 asa pers cpm Tee Spigot Orban Milt wa Serine Pses 261 led osc within the Anlopie Boe over who would govem iin ly Consent he confit hewsen Kitt and Karthcodores reflects this inca vaya he Begining fhe 186s been the Kahcodores td Meouos flies ver who would dinate a he pro-weter Wing the Parca Kosch! that Kes as among those cone pasyig Gand Vier Mele Kop on hn gran oar th the Er Peat provinces of th Empire in 14,” ile Pavlos Mouser triton immedtely a the lst of Kets tothe Mined Coane a 1862 this other Kontos refered io Kreis oe of oe However, a8 we have aon noted, Kristo not want to tack Kuzateadre openly adasune te burden of sping the wt. The reson sso ony th hi would mes a reak in is reltins withthe word of FaviarcateKarheodoresasured the chit tren of theory aad ‘hesesicllylepitiniing the reforms, which were posed trough ae: ing oth sc principle of te a may, Karteodores a no cd al te mejor refine Parca he change nthe poses of leg Pariah inthe conto f the Holy Syd nthe sbi ‘othe arbhop ce This effet wastoo great be dpe by Kristi spoil when heise had usd tas model or composing the Staite of Excite “This woul ls sem to explain why he fis to sign the papbt ‘erin Karte inset When te Baran comm tame opel ‘esis the Pariah, he contd ot oly okep his hanes of cm rnin wih open bt evento parle in steal bodies, ‘As noted, he tempt ally te English spre of nlence was spear headed by Mehmed Kopi, ice the intloctal oping of the adi teal eesti of Anghphile polis Mist Rey pay (no had ed in 18S) ad tuned t0 France. Al page sed Fuad ago, who arnt theo he 180s i the le of Grand Vir ad focgn inst, tet to wean the Empite aay frm the monopoly of serving English intrest, while lo tings dvelp thi own network nen within ‘he Pavachat. A pera gop of tankers, led by Osos Zari nd Christakis Zoprafn and rghaly fee Iargey tothe efor of an Dates Darna Rash, Covi Krsten ot mt saree | naa __ sei ie wen Od nd Ne] Mia T1845. 3, atm Deron Rosa, Gav Krser St mee ste! moe Gan rte bo te Ot ade Ne Srna ppp 1-76 262 Devers Satoubs enemy of Stephan Bogor, Psych, took on the task of counerbalncing the leadership role assumed by the Karathoodres and Mousotos families onthe opposing sie” Allthis might ot som diet relevant to event in the Bulgarian camp ~ but such an impression could nt be farther from the truth. This s not demonstrated by the example of Kristevit aloe. It was the same wit his ‘reat rival atthe Assembly of 187, the physician Stojan Comakoy In his Tees reenly published by Hiya Todev"), Comakov shows that he was ‘very familia ith the internal svuggles among the Greeks” It seems, in fact that during his participation inthe mixed Geeco-Bularan commitce appointed by Ali pasa in the mid-1860s, he had developed close reaions ‘withthe “bankers pry” led by Georgios Zari In general, Comakoy has ben weated by Bulgarian historians as tiend- ly w English poi. Plamen Bozinoy quite recently attempted to interpret omakov's hesitation in embracing the Revolution of April 1876 a5 a result of his commitment to promote the cutural development of the Bulgarian ation inthe famework provided by the Tanzimat stream of reforms, a advanced by two leading figures of this period: Ali pas and Fuad pasa” “This argumentation regarding the ates at reform may be compatible witha perspective ofinter-commnal” allitaces from the top. Indeed it seems thatthe “bankers pry” within the Patriarchate was manned during ‘he 1840s under the protection of Alf pga ven as that politician wes sup- porting members ofthe radical Bulgarian wing, such a Coma,” possibly inorder to exert presse onthe “hardline clericaliss ofthe Parichat, Toon gpl * falc ep Sannin Coon nna ie Ptah (er) ke by tReet To {pet sa ep. 338 Tas ermcn povis pee canis oe al ‘Fecners atop er vos (ae D Soren a ee “amas tse ot at uy Hn ing a sere’ ‘errumare nandeweccity te kashcotses fy Coeur Nt sc Za ora Too apc ley.) tay Noe epi se ‘Sita ota cbc poet lob ns pe ‘ent. srr apc 2) * Roun mov "amidst lg 6D Sj Comoro on an tei ur Har ence 1-2 0p 8 tim Tosapetsvo pe he Slingo he Ono Mikasa Seataey Paces 263, ‘Air all hat had bee the professed aim ofthe “bankers party” with one small exception: their gal had bee to weaken the tp clergymen who nat ‘only did ot agre with the necessity of the reforms, tut were actually an ‘obstacle tothe interests of ther chosen plac Joachim I (although “Toachim I had also come fom the ranks of the “hari” clerical!) 1 is very interesting that thse two segments ofthe two communities tough ‘ned thei stance agains ther iteral ponents immediately following the ‘deat of Ai Paja i Seamer 1871 (Comakow against the Bulgaria com- ‘munis onservaives” andthe Grek Orthodox bankers aginst the “cos ‘romising™ patiarchs: the Russophile Gregorios VI and his pro-westrn Successor Anthimos VI), which soon resulted in an impasse. Schism now appeared to be te only solution, Its equaly interesting that during the ‘etiod of Eastem Crisis just as Comakow seemed to have resigned himsaif tothe idea that the medem Bulgarian state would emerge with the help of Russa, Georgios Zritis expressed his ant-Rassian fears, and submited io 1878 the English embaty a plan forthe union of the Otioman Empire with the Kingdom of Greece along the ites of Austo-Hangay) the oly ‘olution that could curb Russian influence in he Balk ‘But what was the "Rassopil” stance agsins thi alleged opponents? ‘On 29 duly 1891, 2 fourmember delegation (composed of Kristevi, Haz van Penéovit, Comakov, and Calogl) submited the Statute ofthe Exarchate to the Sublime Porte, Based on this document, though not agree ing to alts provisions, the Poneasseate to the election ofan Exarch on February 1872, The next day (12 Febrary), lion Lovéaski (fered to s"lrionLofsou” in the Greek soures), the candidate favored by Sto- jan Comakov, was elected. The Exachate-clet, however, as prosége of the liberal radial wing, could not guarantce thatthe basic tems of Ottoman law would be followed, and was therefore forced to resign Four dys Inter, the lection was rpested and the pos filled by Anim, Metopolitan of vain According to Bulgarian historians sch ly Todey the essential argu- ‘ment betwoen Kristexié and Comakov atthe Church National Assembly of 1871 actually reflected the disagreement between tose fiend and tose hostile othe Russian policy (Russophiles vs. Russophabes)So it was Count Tenate'sinsreased politcal influence that ested in Loveans losing the poston of Exarch, and inthe ascension ofa person closer tthe wishes and T asamn Kors, “To Baepontyrs Sra” The Grek Brin geo | loco Et Hv siya be rea Nata] Vb I 317 264 onc Sampouos politica aspirations of Russa. a ths sens, the 1871 Assembly seems to have moved events inthe opposite dection from the Assembly of 1858-60, in terms of relignments among the various powers: for if the later was 8 systematic (and ultimately sucessful) atte by the Wester-sendly faction witia te Patarchate o weaken the pillars of Russian pliy inthe top tiers of the mil the powerful Aristarhis family in particular) ~e5- ‘ently, io sonsolidte the consequences of Rassias defeats in the Crime 4h war and within the Pabarchate~ the former reste fom the force ‘etn ofthe Rusia elomet onto the Otomanpolical scene. So, its one thing 10 follow the evolution of the “secularization” process though the ‘rovsions inthe fina texts ratified atthe two Assembles, and quite a ‘tert judge the degree of secularization achieved by the reforms onthe bass ofthe realignment of political power relations within the Greck Or ‘hodox and Bulgarian Orthodox communities. However, the question ofthe realignment of politcal power relations i aways more complicated than it appears at ist lance: for instance, a we have already mentioned, the undoubted lender ofthe 1888-60 reforms, So- anos Karatheodores, was a tational Russoptile, an the same held for Georgios Zarifis and his father in-law Demetrios Zafeiopouls inthe years before the Crimean War In ether words, in terms ofthe Ecumenical Pati- chute, the pillars of Russian policy were demolished by estile Rus- sophie With the above in mind the events of he sumer of 1871 maybe inter preted diferent. Patriarch Gregoros VI a taditonal representative of Russian influence inthe Patriarchate, was tocked ih into the mindset ‘hal the Patriarchate could not recognize the Exachate unless it were ratified by an Ecumenical Syed. But it was impossible to summon an Ecumenical Synod, for mamerous reasons but chiefly Because that would have neces sated the prsence ofthe Rassian Onhodow Church, Gregoriosrexigned permanenly (following an earlier notice of resignation, which had bean rejected) in erly June 1871. This happened during the Assembly ofthe [Exarchists a point when is procedings had reached an impase. This impasse was resolved withthe aeceplance of Gregois's resignation Krastevit although a "Russopile" followed «tough pole line against Gregorios * OF couse, this should not surprise us sige the confrontation A pray inet extange ok pli on 1 M170 (ee ons ser he ao fe nara tte Parc Gear Vans don of Bl Sista ty Reinet he tera sce gi te Rese Pa {ich sone pent crac ts Soc The rhe marin ‘Se moses toned we deci een of Shen pepe Ot The Solin oft Ont Mla x SsolgPes 268. over the founding of the Exarchate had reached its zenith. Nevertheless, there were some indications during the Church National Assembly that many fof is members were interested in developments atthe Paiarchate For ‘example, to of the leaders ofthe former radical, Harion Makariopolski {nd Stojan Comakov, spoke, out ofthe bl, positively of Patriarch Grego- acini adn yt inst om religous mein. The Kristi Now ate pon ve hese mops log wih he ay ae ‘eas meu bourne tsa we cnt rsd ve he ‘Pace: Which mevpains do ou mea? Sue of ha ane ee kc ‘le nl hth seine rns Sent proves Lean be 2 er she nal Yoon Yo ist ts a ne raya at ty are natn fr hi They er fred fle the pepe athe pepe waned met Patrice Wes pole ne? (Or degre eh Blain Those Ono Cristias who isa we eee nan Faroe Ty yt led "be Baran pe Pare | sgh Bulgrn popu 18 meeps sees ‘roa dose rm The ven camot save cle ‘Sisal mer Sacer oss ve bos ula han et eon ‘Our dats eth Bugrans We Ont sins wou gay wee "ry air who wold emp ly, and ped ye Holy Gos. The "ah ing wy scythe ams pe, mond eo clan Sos [Me Spx tn ahd he meni Sond, aging a a tng I shod hy ate Pa heed (Our dea Boar Iba ora an of ia? Ou wor (er eget Do ot hk tt wth your stance 0 wil fac the Hagin po ‘change cure otha which hat ely ee The ep ao hey Oro ‘hse an hy il ae atonon he Ord fh Bu hy 0 get Wi Be “cee ye Paice rare lene Ke Ct eg. We've ar deans with hemes wih te Pai was eset ha hs sen 29 May ge {Bit ples 17 Mg. Soe Tol pi p98 Far prt oa ‘er ves of tis hating Sabor se Nero ra Ds pe ‘Some of hwo abl 1 pp. 18188 266 Denti Smstpouoe ios And that seems at est contradictory fortwo graduates of Theopilos Kairi's school in Andeos® Kats had been condemned as thoosophist and excommunicated by the Patiachate during Gregorios’s fist term (1835-40), Furthermore, Gregorios had aso been a eentless persecute of ‘Theoketos Pharmakides, who had provide the inspiration forthe model of the nationalized church ia the Balkans, and whose example was ced by ‘many Bulgarian radicals inthe Assembly. Therefore, these postive eval tins of Greorios were probably only meant o be taken in ther specific ‘context. The radial Exarhists robubly prefered that Greporios emai 08 the throne, fr that elevated their ovm position. If he were replaced by 2 ‘moce pliable paar, then Krdstevie's "moderato pola stance would roby preva ‘Gregorios was succeeded by Amos VI. Anhimos had been friendly 1 Stephan Bogor (he was elected unde his protection foe the st time in 1845), and afer the ltrs death tothe Mousourosfaily- Pavlos Mou sours, having rise to Boome Prince of Samos in 186, had the necessary Clout to supper Anthimos's election. Therefore, Krisevie's tough stand ‘against Greoros in adopting the reformist gends in its erty can be explained within the context of «broader game of realignment of political Power elation. Kristevié was defintely volved in ringing Anti the favorite ofthe Mowsouros family, back to the throne. n doing this, he expected not only ofeach a mitual soltion to the Bulgarian Question, but sso to present the Exarchate as an organization compatible with bath principles of Orthodox ecumencalism and the te of Feforms of which the Patriarchate ha proved incapable "econo euing eson print he potion of arch ad te shit hy sh oe, Tin opt cae th na en esp sc gr ncn (own 20, Ts etn ‘Set of Gres prety nig eames 8 mt ae, Hom ‘mer suo at On te ce td, Cato, evening ote Gusta of Poses aid we Pe red ha be ep bon lo ree ca ‘Sdvemined everyone atthe Pare el emcee cpl canal ‘owas avis asa fom rani Tsp 26 The gest ms ‘pros won adh een aed fom te sa he re the Enlsh Estas, fm Ten he was eet fe eas ed above) tal 186. wen te excep plel hese reslg tothe Cea eet iba awe ota of Rasa nek Sep ay On Kata cel sete wey Nae Danny “Une ape et ane ‘efron Xe sl ks ve pee Taps Ka" ‘te Hance 40995, 9. 82110 ‘The Spin oft Orn Milas Seeing Pees 267 Ceruiny the fll of Gregori reste from the change ofthe Russian mbassy's ait aginst him Ignatie perceived the ptarch's weakness to manage further the Bulgarian question. Therefore, the oppositional t= tude of figures like Krsteviéapinst him theoretically ensred the interes ‘of Russia also. However, even if Gregocos was considered henceforth 3s Played out, and it was cen tht he would leave the throne it was by n> means clear wh his soeessor would be. The fact that Athi, the can

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