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Here is some information about the alerts:

For below errors

logon and do health check. Normally it is spike and can be ign
ored but if it persists notify Infosys Basis Team @ GlobalSapBasisTech@coca-cola
Used memory/allocated memory
Commit duration too long
http response time
j2ee average response time
number of application threads
CPU load
Updates in error logon check SM13
notify Basis if error
Work process running more than X seconds normally not an issue you can check SM3
7 for runtime of previous jobs
Abap error if functional error taken care of by GTS team if it is system related
notify Basis
QRFC check client 100 - this is functional error BW queues will be cleared when
data load job runs ignore unless it persists
Client settings error
ignore handled by GTS team
Timeout occurred while logging in
see if you can logon do health check

For Below Errors : Inform respective teams based on alerts.

Mail ids
: OS team: , Basis:CBIG-A,, Backup:VS IMS BaaS Ops,;
Disk space if /db2 directory notify DB team if other directory notify OS/Basis
Filesystem not available notify OS/Basis
Backup issues
email Backup Ops & copy Basis team
Server 0 not running logon to Java URL ,If not working : Inform VS Basis team
Jcontrol is not green yellow or grey
logon to Java URL,If not working :Inform VS
Basis team
System is not reachable
see if you can logon run SM51 compare to build sheet,If
not working :Inform VS Basis team
Connection problems occurred see if you can logon,If not working :Inform VS Basi
s team
The dispatcher is not running
see if you can logon,If not working :Inform VS Bas
is team
Instance is not available see if you can logon,If not working :Inform VS Basis t
Indexserver or other services is not available in *7 system
logon to Hana studio
check services,If not working :Inform VS Basis team
Ping failed logon to system, check ping at OS level:Infrom OS team and VS BASIS
/vsexport used % : ignore

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