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The comparison of the mesopotamia and the egypt's,To Start off

the Mesopotamia has five bodies of water which are known as the
tigris,and euphrates river,the river valley,persian gulf,and
Egypt has seven bodies of water and they are known as the Nile
river,river valley,sahara desserts,cataracts,red sea,Nile
delta,and flooding.
The mesopotamian government is ruled by priests and then later
the kings ruled the people,They believe kings had god's divine
approval.Empires first kings were priest of warriors.The Empires
had names such as Akkadians,babylonians,assyrians,and chaldeans.
The government that egypt has is theocracy.Pharaoh was a rulerpriest

and a god.He owned everything,dynasties broken into three

frames The old kingdom,The middle kingdom and the new kingdom.
The mesopotamians

believed in polytheism which means they

believe in more than one god,marduk which means king of gods and
ishtar which means love.The egyptians also believed in polytheism
also but RE-means the sun god and Osiris means the afterlife.
The mesopotamians social life consisted of a upper class and
middle class and a lower class.In the upper class that is where
the kings and priest would be,In the middle class the
artisans,merchants,famers and,fisherman,The lower class consisted
of slaves.
The egyptians did not have it set up like that they had
pharaoh,the priest and nobles,the traders,artisans,shop keeper
and scribes.
The mesopotamians did not have a good travel source so they use3d
the tigris and euphrates river to travel.
They used rope trusses to stiffen the beam of ships.They used
weaving,textile,water storage and irrigation as a technical

The egyptians used art and such as the piece of art with an oval
with a horizontal line at the end.egyptian technology describes
devices and technology invented or used in Ancient egypt. The
Egyptians invented and used many simple machines, such as the
ramp and the lever, to aid construction processes.

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