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US History 10/World Geography

Instructor: Mr. Alberto Vera, James McKay

Office Hours: M-Th 3:10 3:30


Course Summary: This American history course will examine people, places, movements, and
events spanning from the exploration of the New World to the conclusion of World War I.
Classroom Rules
1. Laptops are for work related activities only.
2. Sit in your proper seat as soon as you enter the room.
3. Be respectful to everyone, and their right to learn, in the room.
4. All D-E school policies apply to the classroom so read your handbook.
1. Student will receive a warning for their first violation.
2. Subsequent violations, regardless of the day theyre committed, will see the student serve
detention either during lunch or before or after school.
3. Repeated violations, or egregious behavior, and student will receive an office referral and
instructed to leave the room.
Daily Work: (notes, quizzes, assignments, worksheets, etc):
You are expected to work during class time.
You are expected to come to class ready to turn in, explain, or review your homework.
There is no extra-credit work.
Grade Calculation: A total point grading system is used in this class based on tests, projects,
end-of-quarter exams, and class final. Grades are typically updated once-a-week on Monday or
A = 100% - 95%
A- = 94% - 92%
B+ = 91% - 89%
B = 89% - 85%

B- =
C+ =
C =
C- =

84% - 83%
82% - 80%
79% - 76%
75% - 74%

D+ =
D =
D- =
F =

73% - 71%
70% - 67%
66% - 65%
64% - 0%

Late Work Policy: All students are expected to have their work done on the next day of class. A
late project will lose one letter grade for each day it is late.
Attendance Policy: Students are marked tardy if they are not in their seats at the start of the bell.
Regarding absences, this class follows the district's attendance policy.
Students with more than 3 unexcused tardy marks, or 1 unexcused absence, may lose up to 10%
of their grade per unexcused absence.

Internet Usage: Internet usage is a privilege, not a right. Students are expected to use the
computer solely for class related purposes.
The 1st time a student is discovered playing games, browsing music/video, or being off-task will
be given a warning. The 2nd infraction will result in the student having internet privileges taken
away and they will have to work with pencil and paper on their own. Upon a 3rd infraction, the
student may be sent to the office and have a referral issued for their behavior. Discipline may
include detention, lost lunches, or restitution work.
For this class, students are expected to have the following:
(a) a notebook with space set aside exclusively for Social Studies notes,
(b) Social Studies folder that is exclusively for Social Studies,
(c) pens and a pencils
Cheating: Cheating and copying someone elses work is the same thing.
1. You are cheating if you are copying someones work or if you are letting someone else copy

your work.
2. Plagiarism is cheating and will be treated as cheating.
3. The first time you are caught cheating will result in you earning a zero on that test or assignment.
A letter will be sent to your guardians, the principal, and your school counselor informing them
that you have been caught cheating. I will also include a copy of the work or the test in question.
4. The second time you are caught cheating I will initiate the procedures to have you fail the class.
The schools administration will have the final say if you will fail the class.
Food (this includes junk food) is NOT ALLOWED at any time in the classroom or in the school
hallways. Water in approved containers is allowed. Please refrain from bringing any food at any
time. If you do, you will be asked to throw it away. Multiple infractions of this rule will result in
lunch detention and a student-parent-teacher meeting.
All phones must be deposited into Mr. Veras bin for storage prior to the beginning of class.
The only electronic device to be used during class time is your school-issued Netbook. If
students are seen using their phones in class, the phones will be taken to office to be retrieved
after the school day (the office charges $5 for phone retrieval on the 2nd and subsequent
US History Units
1. The 1920s
2. The 1930s
3. World War 2

4. The Post-War Years and the Cold

5. The Sixties
6. The War in Vietnam

7. From Nixon to Carter

8. Reagan Bush and Clinton

9. Current Times

24 January 2017
Hello Social Studies Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome back! My name is James McKay and I will be co-teaching and interning
with Mr. Vera in 10th & 12th grade Social Studies this year. I am participating in the
Teacher Preparation Collaborative through Winona State University, and am fortunate to
be spending the entire year in a classroom at Dover-Eyota High School.
To begin the year, Mr. Vera and I will be co-teaching and presenting the material
cooperatively. As we move into second semester, I will take over the majority of the
responsibilities and Mr. Vera will remain accessible as a valuable resource for both the
students and myself.
I would like to encourage all students to feel free to approach either myself or Mr.
Vera with any questions or concerns you have. Our door is always open and we will be
happy to talk to you or schedule a time when we can meet. I would also like to encourage
all parents/guardians to feel free to contact us anytime with any questions or concerns
that may arise. You can find both of our emails listed at the bottom of this letter.
I am looking forward to a great year and getting to know each of you as the year

James Mckay

Instructions: You are to keep the syllabus in your Social Studies folder. Please
detach, sign, and return to Mr. Vera to indicate that you have read and agree to the


STUDENT Name (Print):

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