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Andrew Collins

45 Bonnie Circle
Ellabell, GA 31308

Victim Impact Statement

Defendant William Moore CRl5-1131

- Jl

January 9,2017
The Honorable Judge James Bass
133 Montgomery Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Dear Judge Bass,

My name is Andrew Collins my sister is Mandi Kaiser, who was murdered on Feb, 18th 2015 by
the hands of a coward, Willie Moore. So here we are today giving our statement on how this has
impacted our life. It's very simple; this has impacted every single part of mine, and my family's
life. I mean every single part. Of course the most obvious is I am now without a sister, my
parents without a daughter, and my nieces without a mother and a lifile boy without his
grandmother. Our family used to reach out to people in need and try and help whenever
necessary to complete strangers. No one was ever turned away from my parents or my house.
Now that's not the case. I have no trust in people anymore, we learned the hardest way possible
about wolf in sheep's clothing. My trust in people, my religious beliefs, and my everyday life
destroyed in an instance.
When we lost Mandi, we not only lost her, but we also lost my sisters 2 youngest daughters, who
have been with us almost all there, life, now we get them a couple weeks aye;ar. My mother lost
her best friend, and my father lost his baby girl. The effects of all this will be felt forever. It will
never be forgotten, things will never be back to how they used to be when Mandi was with us, all
due to the horrific act of a heartless coward.

My life will never be the same, I will never trust any strangers again, I will always be looking for
the worst in someone, and I will always be looking over my shoulder. That's no way to havelo
live, but that's how it is now thanks to Willie. He took more than a life when he murdered mv
sister; he changed mine and my families' whole life forever.
With all that being said, when William is begging for the courts mercy,I hope you have none.
He showed none while he was brutally beating my sister to death and left her to lay there like she
was nothing. He left her lying in the house for my mother to find. I would also like to request he
have the very minimum amenities allowed when he goes to prison. No intemet access, very
minimum visitation, whatever can be done to make the rest of his days the worst he's ever
experienced. No sentence will be acceptable to me for what heos done, I just hope whatever is
decided he gets no pleasure in it for the rest of his miserable life.

Andrew Collins

Karen Collins
45 Bonnie Circle
Ellabell, GA 31308
Karen.collinsS 5 I

Victim Impact Statement

Defendant William Moore CRl5-1131


January 9,2017

The Honorable Judge James Bass

133 Montgomery Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Dear Judge Bass,

My name is Karen Collins. I am the mother of Mandi Kaiser

On behalf of the family I would like to thank the jury for their decision to convict this monster of
murdering Mandi. We all are given choices to make in this life and William Moore took the evil
choice and murdered a precious person who is mourned every second of every day. How do I
know this? The Jury returned a verdict of guilty. The facts of the case were proven beyond a
reasonable doubt and William Moore was found guilty of the heinous murder of our precious
Mandi! We feel pain down to the very core of our souls. A pain that will never go away.
On February 18,2015I had no idea that my world would stand still when Breanna called me at
work in a panic because she could not get her mom to answer the phone or her door as Breanna
was pounding on the door. I told her to call the police and I was on my way. What we found
when the police and the owner of the apartment unlocked the door was soul shattering and heart
breaking pain. There my daughter lay dead all alone.
The day we found her body on the floor there were so many emotions going through me that I
couldn't begin to explain how I felt. I do not recall my immediate reaction. The only thing I can
remember is staring at her lifeless body. I kept telling myself it wasn't real, but when we viewed
her body at the funeral home, the finality hit me and more of my heart broke away. I have no
idea what was said at her funeral service due to being in a state of shock. I cannot even
remember the four hour ride to Cherokee County. Every morning I wake up thinking that it was
all a dream, but a fresh wave of tears is always my morning greeting as reality hits me and takes
my breath away.
Oh, how Mandi loved her children and her grandson. Everything in her life was about the
children. Her girls and her grandson were her whole world and she loved each of them with a
love beyond any other. Now, Amie and Evelyn will not have their mother when they go on their
first date, their first love, their first prom, graduation, their wedding or any other happy occasion
in their lives. All they will have is a picture.

Mandi was with Breanna in the operating room when Brayden was born. The look of love on her
face was priceless. A love for Breanna and for Brayden. Breanna felt so safe with her mom being
with her. Mandi was so very proud when she became a grandmother. She called Brayden
"Gammy's Fatty Man." She was so in awe of him from the day he was born. We have a picture
of Mandi in the sitting room and Brayden looks at it and says, "Gam Gam." He looks for his
Gam Gam every day. Brayden likes to call people on the phone and he will cry because he wants
to call his Gam Gam. He is not old enough to know why she is not around anymore. Brayden
will look at her picture and say, 'oH"y, GamGam, where are you?"
When Mandi loved she loved with her whole heart. Her heart was for helping people. I have
seen her give the coat she was wearing to a pregnant woman who had no coat and it was below
fteezing outside. Mandi did not hesitate, she just pulled off her coat and put it on the woman. She
has gone out of her way to track down two of her friends that were homeless and one was being
abused. Mandi found both of them and took them home to their families. It didn't stop there, she
would call and check on both of the women to make sure they were ok. Mandi loved people no
matter who they were. She was very excited about getting ready to enroll in college to nnisn ner
nursing degree, a degree that no longer will be.
The doctors have diagnosed me with PTSD, depression, and anxiety due to the murder of my
daughter. Seeing Mandi lying on that floor is an image that will be forever etched into my mind.
I am now seeing a therapist for grief counseling along with a therapist to help me cope with the
trauma and shock from losing Mandi. I cannot sleep much at nighf and when I do I have
nightmares. Nightmares of hearing Mandi screaming for help and I can't get to her or I cannot
find her. Nightmares that someone is following me and I cannot get away no matter how hard I
try and then I turn into Mandi and she is being strangled and fighting foiher life, a life that ends.

Ifiave a college degree and had a career teaching children for over twenty years. I haven,t been
able to work due to the fact I cannot concentrate on much of anything. IVty mind wanders
to the
point that sometimes I am just sitting and staring at the walls. I have no idea where I go
to, but I
do not know what is going on around me when I blank out like that. There have been times
I have even driven through a red light while driving down the road due to the fact that mv mind
went somewhere else and I was not seeing what was going on around me.
I used to be a very trusting person, but not anymore. I spend most of my time at home due
to the
fact I do not trust anyone that I do not know. People ruy that I have changed and that
I am not the
person I used to be. Grieving for the loss of a child is one of the most lidchanging
and soul
changing experiences a parent faces. I have changed and even I have to get ur"d to the
person that I have become. I am no longer a people person. I am extrem"ly
hyp.r-uigilant when I
am around others waiting to see if they are going to hurt me or someone else. Anxiety
attacks hit
me if I am around a group of people or if I am somewhere that is extremely loud. My
normal is knowing I will NEVER get over this loss.... Not in a day or u rr1illion years.

My husband and I have lost our only daughter, Andrew lost his sister, Amy lost

a sister-in-law,
the girls lost their mother, Brayden has lost his grandmother, aunts and uncles lost a niece,
many many people lost a friend. At her funeral they had to open up three rooms just
to hoid
everyone who came to pay their respects to Mandi. That told us a iot how Mandi's life
impacted everyone that ever had the privilege of knowing her. By William Moore's

and cowardly actions, we have been paralyzedby the anger, grief, and pain that we have
experienced. We are now living a way of life that we would not have chosen and we do not like
it. '...I watch videos over and over just so I can see her and hear her voice again. I am so thankful
that our last words to each other were that we loved each other. I not only lost my daughter, I lost

my friend.

Even going shopping can out of nowhere knock me to my knees. At Christmas,

we were
shopping for flowers to make a spray for Mandi's grave, all I could think about
was that I should
be shopping for gifts and not flowers for her grurr. tit.! All of our
first holidays and her birthday
without her was devastating to all of us. The house was too quiet without
her loud voice and her
infectious laughter. Never have we known so much agoniziigpain.
Life as we have known it is
gone and that will never get easier. People say
to *ou-. on. Just where do they want us to go?
There is no moving on when you have fo.o
thing a
parent could ever have happen to them. A ?lnila
" "r,irJltiir.l"ria.oilitating
child's death leaves
a hole in the heart that can never
be fixed.

william Moore's decision to take the life of a human

being with no regard for the effect it may
have on others is

unimaginable. There are no words that can accurately

describe how we feel
inside' To lose a child is unbearable, but when
they are taken in such awaythat Mandi was at
hands of another person' it adds more to
the pain. i would have never thought in a
million years
that the word murder would be associated
with our family, but it is. ,Mhy? Because we let
a wolf
in sheep's clothing into our home and our
lives. what a smooth talking liar he turned
out to be. It
sickens me that he sat at our dinner table
and shared family dinners wiih us on
and it
sickens me further to think that this monster
called *r uour!!! I never want the word
mom to
pass through his rips ever again
when he is speaking of me!!!!!
The screaming and crying that came from
Amie and Evie when their dad told them that
mother had died was so heart wrenching
no one in the room will ever want to relive
that moment
ever again' My heart actually ached
to the point Lrondered if I was having
but it
more of my heart breaking away as I
listened to those babies cry out for their
They were asking why it had to bJtheir
mommy because she was always nice
and loved them
and not some other mean mommy
who didn't hle their kids. There were
no answers to that
question' At the funeral home Evie
and Amie touched their mom and asked
why Mommy felt
hard and said that their mommy was
always soft and cuddly and hugged them
all the time. I took
them to the cemetery ar christmas
you wish you could
reach down there and pull her back
to us?" Heart b;"il;gi yes! That is
of what william
Moore has done to Mandi,s children.


Not only did we lose Mandi, but we also

lost Evie and Amie. The girls had always
been with us
or lived close to us and we could see"ry guy or they could
anytime they
wanted to do so' Now, Evie and Amie
are livin! ro* rro*r'awaywith
their dad in canton.
Thankfully their dad will lets us have
th.-- o'holidays and breaks from school. It is
not the
dav, but we will take whai time we
can get with them and make


My husband said one day, "You know, people said it would get easier, but it hasn't. He is right.
It hasn't gotten easier on any of us. Dealing with the pain and loss is just as hard now as it was
when it first happened. We deal with it over and over with each passing day.
We have no more opportunities to hug her and say I love you to her. The sound of her laughter
will never be heard again. Family dinners and holiday dinners will always have an empty chair.
Our heart will be forever filled with pain. We love and miss her every second of every day. The
opportunities to say, ool love you" are forever gone. Our family is forever "broken", but we will

remain broken together.

will grieve for a lifetime. Period. The end. There is no "moving on," no "getting over
it." There is no fix, no solution to our heartache. There is no glue for our broken heart, no elixir
for our pain, no going back in time.

For as long as I breathe, I will grieve and ache and love my daughter with all my heart and soul.
When a mother gives birth, she has an immediate, instinctive need to nurture and protect her
child. I would give anything to change places with Mandi, to take away the terror and pain she
suffered that night. For the rest of my life, I will feel the guilt that I wasn't there when she needed
me most.

William had to be in control. When that control was broken he resorted to harmful punishment.
Many other women were abused by him and we rejoice in the fact that he will never be able to
hurt another woman. I thank God that any control that he had over others has been broken and he
no longer has control of anything. William Moore is now the one who will be controlled. Everv
second of his days will be controlled by others.
Your Honor, considering the brutality of Mandi's death and William Moore's history of
domestic violence, it is the request of the family that the maximum penalty for the crime in
which William Moore was convicted be imposed. Because of his heinous and cowardly acts,
Mandi is no longer with us. As a family we also request that William not be given any special
privileges such as computer, tv, etc. He needs to be punished and not given any luxuriei.
Compassion is a word commonly used for and by defendants. However, I ask, how much
compassion this evil monster had when he chose to kill my daushter?

Thank you,
Karen Collins

Loving mother of Mandi Kaiser.

Forever in our hearts.

Breanna Hartlaub

45 Bonnie Circle
Ellabell, GA 31308
pad gettbreanna@email.

Victim Impact Statement


Defendant William Moore CRl5-1131

- Jl

January 9,2017

The Honorable Judge James Bass

133 Montgomery Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Dear Judge Bass,

My name is Breanna Hartlaub, Mandi Kaiser was my mother. On February 18, 2015, my world,
along with many others was turned upside down. Today we sit here family and friends and tell
how this has impacted our lives, it has impacted my life in every aspect. The most obvious is I no
longer have my mother, my son no longer has his grandmother, my daughter will never meet her
grandmother because William Moore took her from us.
Most people last image of their loved one is a nice service and their loved one peacefully laying
in casket, unfortunately that's not the last image of my mother that I have. My last image of my
mother is her lying on her living room floor. William Moore took her life and then left her like
she was nothing. My mother meant a lot to a lot of people, we didn't realizejust how many until
her funeral and visitation at the funeral when they had to open up two more rooms and it was still
standing room only, at her funeral there was not an open seat in the chapel and people were
standing along the walls as we walked out as they carried my mom casket to the Herse.

I was told once that when a loved one passes away you cherish the memories and the time you
had with them, they were right. We should have had more time with her, been able to make more
memories with her, I now cling to those memories because William Moore may have taken my
mom away from me but he can never take the memories away. My favorite memory with my
mom was the day my son was born. The joy on her face was un describable. She loved my son so
much, now all he will have left of my mom are the things we tell him as he grows up and the
pictures of them together. In coming weeks I'll be getting ready to welcome my daughter in to
the world and one of the hardest things about it is knowing I won't have my mother there with
me, she won't get to meet her granddaughter.
The heartbreak myself and my family feel every day is something that I wish we did not have to
feel, no one should have to go through the trauma my family has had to endure. The first thing I
see when I wake up in the momings is the horrifying image of my mom laying dead on the floor,
the last thing I see before I fall asleep at night is that very same image. I have re occurring
nightmares often of the day we found my mom, its like a tape that plays over and over again.
That image will never go away. Many say time heals, it doesn't. The pain today is as bad as it
was the day our lives were flipped upside down.

One of her childhood friends described my mom very well when he said "she was a fun, loving,
outspoken person with a huge heart and an infectious laugh that you could never forget. She
loved her family and all of her friends, if you ever needed her for anything you could always
count on her even if it was just someone to listen, she was the one.'o

My mom is missed deeply, that is a pain we will never be able to get rid of. Honestly its not one
I'd want to get rid of. Greif is the price we pay for love and she was very loved my so many.
Willie Moore took a lot from us when he murdered my mom but one thing he can never ever
take away from us is the arnazingmemories that we have of her, like our last Christmas together,
my sons very first birthday, the day my son was born, the list goes on. I'm glad William will
spend the rest of his life in jail because that means he can never make another family feel the
pain my family has been through since February 18th,2015.
When William asks the court for mercy I hope and pray you take into consideration the lack of
mercy he showed to my mother when he beat her to death and left her laying on the floor like she
was nothing.


Breanna Hartlaub

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