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Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Part 1 - Logistics
Unit Title:
Lets Grow Together - Printmaking 101
Subject Area:
Art and Science

Curriculum Strand(s):

Possible FOUR Marks

Instructional Designers: Christopher Le Vann, Kelsey Kozak, Haley
Gawryluk and Alyssa Penner
Grade: 4

Duration: (number of classes X class length) ART:7-10 classes of

approx. 45 min.
18 - Classes

Supplies/Materials Required: Pencils, pencil crayons, paper, crayons, markers, paint, styrofoam plates,glue, string, paint brushes, water and
containers, cardboard.
This unit fits in our subject curriculum through science and printmaking. Art and print will be integrated into science as a core subject in Plant
Growth and Changes for grade 4. It will address a visual arts perspective by having a realistic grasp assignment that promotes artistic thinking and
representation of plants in a print media format. We have grouped these outcomes together to give the students an outlet to experiment with
making lifts and transfers of plant and explore printmaking materials, application of paint and use of brushes and rollers. The students will be able
to explore found objects, categorize and observe types of plants using a scientific observational approach. It is developmentally responsive by
catering to the student's interests of representing their learning in fun and differentiated media formats.
Prior knowledge:
Students will need to be aware of the variety and differentiation in plants that are around them and how they impact people. They will need to
have a basic understanding learned in previous years which includes texture rubbings, lifts and transfers, application of paint, stamping and using
print making images to make pictures. This unit will also build off of the students previously learned knowledge of color, design, pattern and
space. The students will bring in their creativity and curiosity for representing art in meaningful ways. They will be involved in planning the
reflection process and the discussion of how they will represent the grasps assignment visually. In order to find out what the students already
know we will develop an anticipatory set that has a large amount of formative assessment. They will be making prints of plants using more than
one color but also touch on stenciling, smudge and blot printing, relief printing and monoprints. The teacher will be using prompting questions
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design:

Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

and a journal reflection to find out how many students have used these techniques and what they know about them. In the next year, students will
be progressing their knowledge by continuing their exploration of print materials, collages and applying these techniques to new compositions.
Most importantly they will be using other materials such as wood, soap, wax, erasers, plaster, clay and styrofoam in further years. This will give
them different mediums of expression.

Part 2 Desired Results

Possible FOUR Marks

Learning Outcomes (state the specific learner outcomes from the curriculum document):
GLOS and SLOs:
Grade 4 Art
C. Printmaking
Further explore printmaking materials and their uses and effects.
Make relief prints (printing from a built-up surface) using glue line, string, cardboard or collage materials.
Make prints using stencils.
Make smudge or blot prints by folding paper with ink between.
Explore printing with more than one colour.
Make monoprints, working directly with the plate or a surface.
Continue using print-making techniques learned in other grades.
Apply print-making techniques to compositions.
B. Painting
Mix paints to show intensity of colour.
Continue to use paint in combination with other media and techniques.
Use preliminary sketches as the basis for a painting, as well as painting directly.
C. Craftmanship:
Refinement of forms and surface qualities is necessary to give a finished appearance to a composition.
Students will improve compositions by refining, rehearsing and critiquing.
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Grade 4 Science

4-10 Demonstrate knowledge and skills for the study, interpretation, propagation and enhancement of plant growth.

Describe common plants, and classify them on the basis of their characteristics and uses.
Identify examples of plants that have special needs.
Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions:

Students will understand:

Process of printmaking (monoprints, relief prints, prints using
stencils, stamping, smudge or blot prints)
That objects found in everyday life can create unique textures and

1. How is printmaking unique?

2. How can art enhance learning?

Grading must be objective
The process of the final project is just as (if not more) important
than the final product

Students will know:
The history of printmaking
The printmaking process
Printmaking tools and materials

Students will be able to:
Recognize that printmaking has a history
Create a print using tools properly
Identify and utilize printmaking tools and materials

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Part 3 Assessment Evidence

Possible FOUR Marks

Performance Task:
The Gapalecko Middle School students are thrilled to be submitting their creative and innovative, print of plants in a contest to have their art
appear on the cover of Get Up and Grow Monthly. They must show their process from start to finish, a reflection of their work, and techniques that
have been used to develop their masterpiece. Some conditions are required. Students art needs to be inspired from a plant and use two or more of
the printmaking techniques learned throughout this unit. The winner will have their art featured in the magazine and a successful product will not
only be a visually appealing product but a thorough representation of the steps required for creation.
Link to final project handout -
G - Goal
What should students
accomplish by
completing this task?
R Role
What role
(perspective) will
students be taking?
A Audience
Who is the relevant
S Situation
The context or
challenge provided to
the student
P Product,
What will the student

Goal - Students should be able to create a captivating print using a printmaking technique learned in class (relief print,
monoprint, etc.) to submit in a contest to have their art featured on the cover page of Get up and Grow Monthly

Role - Students are creative artists submitting a print in an effort to be published in Get up and Grow Monthly Magazine.

Audience - Magazine editors and established critiques of print making and various art.
Situation -The editors of Get up and Grow Monthly Magazine are looking for a printmaking themed cover image for next
months issue.
Product - An unique, eye-catching, cover worthy print of a plant.

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

S Success criteria
What do they need to

Success - Properly use a printmaking technique and display process to create a unique submission for Get Up and Grow
Monthly Magazine.

Other Evidence:
Student self-reflection opportunities for articulation: Ongoing art reflection journal (will be collected and reviews at the end of the unit),
students will also complete a reflection for their final project, which is linked below.
Assessment/Rubrics - Formative, Summative, Informal, Formal:
The final project will be taken in for summative assessment and will be marked using the rubric linked below.

Part 4 Learning Plan

Possible EIGHT Marks

Introductory Activity
How will you engage students and generate interest at the beginning of the unit? Describe your anticipatory set.
Assignments and/or small projects to develop skill sets including timeline for each lesson:
- Fruit and Vegetable Print
- Mind Map on History of Printmaking
- Prints using Stencils
- Smudge or Blot Prints
- Leaf/Flower Print
- Cardboard and String Print
- Styrofoam Print
- Final Print

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Idea Development or growth from trajectory - is it personal and/or relevant to the student?
- This project is relevant because it connects the grade four art curriculum with the science unit Plant Growth & Changes, intended for
students in grade 4. This project also enhances the learning in science by giving the students multiple ways to represent their newly acquired
knowledge and appreciation of living things. It also appeals to the students personal interests by promoting a minimum of two different
techniques to encourage individuality and interest for all students.
Summative or major project which brings together learning and skill sets developed throughout the unit:
- The final print the students will be creating uses a minimum of 2 techniques learned in class to demonstrate their hypothesis or educated
guess of their plants growth. This will be used for summative assessment along with their process documentation of creating the final
project and their reflection.
Art History Connections:
- Students will learn where printmaking originated and how it has changed over time.
Indigenous/Cultural Connections:
- Students will gain a brief understanding of the Chinese culture where printmaking first became prominent. Students will get a chance to
view established works and learn how the Chinese used printmaking.
- Students will be able to use print making materials and techniques to visually represent plants from a culture, city or country of their own
Social Action/Justice Consideration:
- Students will have freedom and choice in their plant submission. They will participate in class discussions regarding the environment (ex:
impacts of pollution and deforestation).
Technology Tie-ins:
- Smartboad
- Youtube videos

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Lesson #

Learning Outcome


Fruit and vegetable prints

Students will use different

fruits and vegetables to
create prints.
- They will experiment with
different colors in their
- They will be encouraged to
try multiple colors on one
stamp to observe what
occurs (if the colors mix,
Teacher will discuss the
history of printmaking in art
through an interactive
Smartboard lesson.

History of printmaking

Make prints using


Students will use pre made

stencils (geometric shapes)
to create an image of a plant
using a media of their choice
Shapes will include:
- circles
- squares


Students will reflect in
journals on an aspect of
printmaking they learned
during this lesson.

Students will create a mind
map on the history of
printmaking that will be
handed in as formative

On an exit card - Students
will explain what
geometric shapes they used
to create their plant and
what image they created.

Resources / Materials/ Art Supplies

(media, technology, audio, visual, internet,
community, equipment, software, etc.)
Variety of fruits and vegetables, paint, and
white paper, paint brushes, water, buckets,
paper, tablecloths, aprons.
Paper, pencils, coloring materials, smartboard
for above link

Geometric stencil ideas:

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Make smudge or blot



Students will create a nature

scene using images of trees
on half of a 12 x 18 paper.
- Students can choose the
season they want to create
and use specific colors to
represent it.


Leaf Print
- Students will go outside
and collect leaves around the
school to use for a relief
- The students will dip (or
paint) at least 3 different
sized leaves in paint with
any colors of their choice
and transfer the paint onto
- Students will use their leaf
print to make a bookmark .

Monoprint part 2

Cardboard and String Print

- Students will first sketch
their image on a piece of

Stencils, paper, paint, crayons, markers,


Students will reflect on
how their use of color
represents the season they
chose for this assignment.
Paper, variety of paint, brushes, water,

On an exit card - Students
will give an example of one 7KXW8
other object found in
everyday life that could be Paper, 3 leaves of diverse sizes, variety of
used in relief printing.
paint colors, paint brushes, water, paper
ex- hands
towel, tablecloths, aprons

In their journals - Students
will write the two different
types of relief prints they

String Print Guidelines:

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Relief Print

Final Project

They will then glue a string

around their sketch to create
a stamp.
- Students will paint the
string and stamp it on their
paper. They can then create
a pencil sketch that revolves
around their stamped print.
Working directly with the
plate or a surface:
Students will sketch a nature
image onto a piece of
- Students will first create a
sketch (on paper) of the
image they want to print.
- Students will then recreate
the drawing on their
- Students will etch the
drawing into the styrofoam
- Students will paint the
styrofoam and then apply
paper on top to create a
Create a print of a plant to
submit for the Get up and
Grow Monthly Magazine.
Step 1. Students will create
a mindmap of ideas for their
final project (in their

learned in class and which

technique they prefer.


Cardboard, string, pencils, glue, paper, paint,

paint, brushes, water, buckets

Styrofoam, pencil or etching tool, paint,

brushes, paper, water, buckets

On an exit card - students

will write down the process
for creating monoprints.

Final project

Any of the above materials needed, as well as

materials students request for their final

Process to create final

project (Making Learning

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Step 2. Students will sketch

out their plan for their final
project (materials needed,
techniques used, final image
Step 3. Students will
brainstorm with 2 other
students in the class to
review eachothers plans and
suggest ideas/changes.
Step 4. Students will alter
their initial ideas to add in
Step 5. Students will create
their final image.

- in journals
- must include proof of
each of the 4 steps (mind
map, sketch, peer feedback,
sketch alteration)
- must also include self
reflection on the process

Possible FOUR marks

Part 5 Reflection
Possible FOUR Marks
In order to address individual learner needs, this unit will heavily consider student voice and choice. Students will be learning through hands on
assignments and creating projects that reflect their own personality and interests. They will be instructed through a variety of techniques and have
ample freedom in their GRASPS assignment. Although this unit is mostly done independently, students will be encouraged to work in groups in
technique development and brainstorming.
There are many instructional strategies being used including media, video, slide shows, direct instruction, manipulatives, discussions and
kinesthetic activities such as stamping on cardboard. The science unit will also focus on social justice and the environment by promoting the
societal concerns that impact plant life including pollution, deforestation and global warming. It will focus on plants from many different
geographic areas of the world in order to take into account individuals culture and adaptations of plants. The students will also be journaling their
process as well as their work to ensure they feel they have influence in their assessment and work created. During assessment the teacher will
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

promote student thinking by asking students on what they intend to say to their audience, how they feel about each print making technique and any
changes they would have made looking back. Presentation is an important aspect of print.
Bibliography and Cited Sources:
Fall Reflections Monoprints. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Fruit and Vegetable Prints. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Geometric Shapes Template (Manip-U-View). (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Geometric Shapes To Print, Cut, Color and Fold. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Mocomi Kids Follow. (2015). History of Printing for Kids - Mocomi. Retrieved November 21, 2016, from
Monoprinting with Foil. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2016, from

ATTACH ALL Developed Resources (Examples, Exemplars and Handouts):

Link to Fruit and Vegetable Print -
Link to History Mindmap -
Link to Stencil Print -
Link to Blot Print -
Link to Leaf Print Bookmark -
Link to Cardbaord and String Print -
Link to Styrofoam Print -
Link to Final Project Handout -
Link to Final Project -
Link to Self-Reflection -
Link to Final Project Rubric -
Possible EIGHT Mark
Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit Plan Template 4th year Courses - EDES 361

U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

Template created by: Middle Years Instructor Team at Red Deer College (2013), Design and Rubric for EDES 361 template adapted/edited by: Sheena McNiff-Wolfe (2015 and 2016)
Adapted from: McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2004). Understanding by Design: Professional Development Workbook. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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