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MCQS Tutorial II

1: Von Gierke's disease is due to the deficiency of

a. Glucose -6 phosphatase
b. Glucose -1 phosphatase
c. Branching enzyme
d. Glycogen phosphorylase
e. Glucose 1,6 diphosphatase

Answer A

2: Glucose can be synthesized from all except -

a. Amino acids
b. Glycerol
c. Acetoacetate
d. Lactate

Answer C

3: What is the major fate of glucose-6-phosphate in the liver in the

fed state

a. Isomerisation to Fructose-6-phosphate
b. Hydrolysis to glucose
c. Conversion to glycogen
d. Conversion to ribulose-6 phosphate

Answer C

4: Which one of the following is completely dependent on glucose as


a. Renal cortex
b. Adrenal cortex
c. Heart
d. Retina

Answer D
5: Muscle glycogen is mainly utilized for supplying energy to -
a. Liver
b. Heart
c. Brain
d. Muscle

Answer D

6: Lactate is transported from muscle to which organ

a. Heart.
b. pancreas
c. Stomach
d. Liver

Answer D

7: Insulin does not promote transport of glucose in which of these-

a. Hepatocytes
b. Muscles
c. Red Blood Cells
d. Adipose tissue

Answer C

8: Glycerol is converted to glucose in-

a. Liver
b. Muscle
c. Brain
d. Heart

Answer A

9: Pyruvate dehydrogenase contains all except -

a. Biotin
b. NAD
c. lipoic acid
d. CoA

Answer A

10: Which of the following enzymes are involved in gluconeogenesis

b. Fructose 1, 6-biphosphatase
c. Phosphofructokinase-1
d. Pyruvate carboxylase
e. Triose phosphate isomerase

Answer C

11: In the fasting state, glucose is obtained from-

a. Liver glycogen
b. Muscle glycogen
c. Both
d. None

Answer A

12: A eats a very poor diet and consumes two bottles of vodka a day.
He is admitted to a hospital in coma. He is hyperventilating and has
low blood pressure and high cardiac output. A chest x-ray shows that
his heart is enlarged. Laboratory tests show that he is suffering from
thiamin (vitamin B1) deficiency. Which of the following enzymes is
most likely to be affected?

a. Lactate dehydrogenase
b. Pyruvate carboxylase
c. Pyruvate decarboxylase
d. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
e. Pyruvate kinase

Answer D
13: The metabolite that is regarded as the dead end in glycolysis

a. Pyruvate
b. Lactate
c. 2, 3-bisphosphoglycerate
d. 3-phosphoglycerate

Answer B

14: Fructose 2-6 biphosphate is -

a. An intermediate of the TCA cycle
b. A positive allosteric regulator of phosphofructokinase 1 PFK-1
c. A negative allosteric regulator of PFK-1
d. Activator Gluconeogenesis at increased levels

Answer B

15: Positive signals for glycogen breakdown include in all the

following except -
a. Cyclic AMP
b. Blood glucose
c. Epinephrine
d. Ca2+

Answer B

16: Mc Ardles disease is due to the deficiency of which enzyme in

muscle tissue
a. Gluc 1 phosphatase
b. Gluc 1, 6 diphosphatase
c. Gluc 6 phosphatase
d. Glycogen phosphorylase

Answer D

17: Electrons from NADH are transported from the cytosol to the
mitochondria by
a. Malate
b. Aspartate
c. Glutamate
d. Oxaloacetate

Answer A

18: The first reaction of glycolysis produces

a. Glucose 6 phosphate
b. Glucose 1, 6 diphosphate
c. Glucose I-phosphate
d. Fructose 1-phosphate

Answer A

19: The action of glycogen phosphorylase during glycogen

breakdown results in the production of what intermediate

a. Glucose 6 phosphate
b. Glucose 1, 6 diphosphate
c. Glucose I-phosphate
d. Fructose 1-phosphate

Answer C

20: In glycolysis ATP is produced by which of the following enzymes

a. Hexokinase
b. Phosphoglycerate kinase
c. Phosphofructokinase (PFK-1)
d. Phosphohexose isomerase

Answer B

21: Adrenaline acts on which enzyme in glycogen breakdown

a. Glucokinase
b. Hexokinase
c. Glycogen Phosphorylase
d. Glucose diphosphatase

Answer C

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