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Field Study 6

(On Becoming a 21st Century


Submitted by:
Jessica V. Namo

Submitted to:
Prof. Rodolfo Caberoy

Republic of the Philippines

University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique
Field Study _ 6
Credit: 1 unit
Duration: 18 hours

Field Study 6 On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher is one of the Experiential Learning
Courses of the prospective teacher. It is tells the journey of how to become a teacher as
exemplified in the Teacher Education and Development Map in the pre-service education. Like
any point in the map, pre-service education is connected to the core which is the National
Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). The updated workbook is slanted towards OBE
in Teacher Education as Provided by CHED Administrative Order No. 1, s. 2014.

The Teaching Profession and Community Immersion are the two subjects where FS 6, maybe
anchored on all experiential activities are related to the in-depth understanding and testing of
learned concepts through actual immersion and observations in real life situations that relate
to teaching and learning.

Kolbs Experiential Learning Cycle guides the process that every student should undergo.
The model presents the four elements which are:
1. Concrete experiences activities that the students are asked to do in the school or
community setting.
2. Observation and reflection concrete experiences through direct or indirect observation
through data, reflections, and insights.
3. Forming and affirming concepts through observation and reflection validation of
prior learnings, or forming of new ones to enhance prior learning.
4. Testing in new situation in the future forming plans on how to utilize learnings when
student become student teachers or professional teachers.
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As we continue our journey to become a professional teacher, let us remember the stages or




21st Century
You are born a teacher somebody would tell you. Is this TRUE? What attributes or
qualities should you have that would tell that you want to be a good teacher in the future? Like
learners, teachers are molded by nature and nurture. Nature means your inborn qualities, your
natural tendencies. Nurture means, how you were trained or taught to become a teacher. You
are born with qualities and attributes that would fit you to become teachers. Let us find out in
this episode.


Describe own personal qualities that will make one a good teacher
Identify the personal qualities of an experienced teacher that you have interviewed and
Compare own personal qualities with those of the observed teacher

My Learning Essentials

What Are Some Personal Qualities of Good Teachers?

1. Intelligence ability to make sound decision, analyse, make judgment,

make solutions, possess higher order thinking skills, and other types of
intelligence. The teacher is intelligence.
2. Compassion natural qualities to empathize, to feel what others feel, to
be tolerant of others. The teacher is compassion.
3. Emotional Stability - ability to be calm under pressure, cheerful and
optimistic, level headed. The teacher is emotionally stable.
4. Innovativeness natural tendency to create new things, modify existing
ones, imaginative, finds solutions to problems quickly, and makes use
of available materials. The teacher is innovative.

5. Fairness natural attribute to look at both sides of the issue before

making judgment, gives equal chances for both sides to be heard,
removes personal biases. The teacher is fair.
6. Self-confidence natural tendency to feel I can do it, works alone,
determined to succeed. The teacher is self-confident.
7. Cooperativeness natural action to work together with others,
willing to share. The teacher is cooperative.
8. Buoyancy ability to survive in difficult situation, balances life,
optimistic and cheerful. The teacher is buoyant.
9. Reliability attribute demonstrated by dependability, sincerity, and
honesty. The teacher is reliable.
In order to accomplish my desired learning outcomes, these are the steps I have to follow:
Step 1: Stop for a while and reflect. Ask myself: What are my qualities that will make me a good
Step 2: Do Activity 1 based on instruction given.
Step 3: Secure permission to interview and observe a professional
Step 4: Use the checklist in my interview. Write an essay about the
teacher from my interview and observation results. This essay
will be part of my portfolio entry. Title: Personal Qualities of an
Experienced Teacher: A Personal Encounter.
Step 5: Based on my interview, add to my list of qualities previously
identified in this episode other qualities not included.
Step 6: Make a personal reflection and include this in my pieces of
evidence for a portfolio.

Activity 1
Am I This Person?
Name: Jessica V. Namo BSED 4A
School: University of Antique
Semester: 1st Semester

Bilbao, 2010 (Shortened version, 2014)
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe YOU.
Place a mark in Box B if the indicators fit you most of the time or an X mark
if the description does not fit you most of the time. Identify your quality by
choosing the appropriate label in Box C. Write the letter in Box B. You may use
the letter more than once for your answer. Just leave the item that you marked

Box B Box C
Box A Match the Personal Quality Level
Personal Attribute Indicator checked
mark with
Label in
Box C.
(write letter
1. I am mentally alert. B
2. I am very imaginative for H
new ideas.
3. I like to try out new H
4. I appreciate other D Intelligent
5. I am tolerant of other D
person. C. SELF-
6. I adjust to different A CONFIDENCE / Self-
situations. confident
7. I look at the brighter A
side of life. D. COMPASSION /
8. I dont consider myself D Compassionate
as better than others.
1. I share privileges D
with others. A. COOPERATIVENES
S / Cooperate
2. I give personal time for the E
3. I make it a point to do the I
job well.
4. I make quick solution to B B. IFAIRNESS / Fair

5. I volunteer to do task for C
6. I work for the group even I
without affirmation in
return. C. EMOTIONAL
7. I am calm in the midst of A
Emotionally stable
8. I am dependable on a given X
9. I give equal chance for F
others to be heard.
10. I am sure of what I C
11. I hold my anger even G
when provoked. E. RELIABILITY / Reliable
12. I am punctual in C
Activity 2 Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher
Personal Qualities Check Put Labels of
those Qualities
The experienced teacher:
1. Is mentally alert Intelligence
2. Is very imaginative Innovative
3. Tries out new things Innovative
4. Appreciates other people Compassionate
5. Tolerates other people Compassionate
6. Adjust to different situations Buoyant
7. Looks at the brighter side of Buoyant
8. Does not consider self as Compassionate
better than others
9. Shares privileges with others Compassionate
10. Gives up personal time x
for the group
11. Sees to it that he/she Reliable
does job well
12. Makes quick solution to Intelligent
the problems
13. Volunteers to do task Cooperative
for others
14. Works for the group Cooperative
even without being affirmed
15. Is calm in the midst of Buoyant
16. Is dependable on giving x
17. Gives equal chance for Fair
others to be heard
18. Is sure of what he/she Self- confidence
19. Holds anger even when Compassionate
20. Is punctual in Self confidence

Portfolio Entry

Name of the Teacher: Mrs. Jran T. Occea

Personal Qualities:

Maam Occea is an intelligent teacher for me. She possesses a lot of

qualities a teacher should possess. Shes compassionate for she appreciates every
effort her students did and tolerates their good habits in learning. Shes
innovative for shes making new
instructional materials out of an old one
and does integrate technology in her
teachings. She is also a fair teacher for she
gives an equal chance for her students to be
heard. I really admire her in some aspects
of being a teacher. She never complains on
the task given by the school principal to her
even though it is not already her command
responsibility. For me, Maam Occea is an
honourable teacher.

My Reflections/Insights
A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good teacher? Write in at
least two (2) paragraphs.
As a prospective teacher, I am going to use my personal qualities to become a good
teacher by applying all of the acquired and learned techniques, strategies,
methods, and approaches to my teachings. All the knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values I have will be reflected on my teachings as well as in dealings with my
future students.

I will also be an emphatic teacher someday so that I can be able to understand my

students e.g. their levels of learnings and their skills and values. For I do believe
that a teacher does not focus on teaching the knowledge and skills rather instilling
values as well in molding the young minds and hearts.

B. How does the experienced teacher, utilized his/her personal qualities to

make him/her good teacher? Write in at least two (2) paragraphs.

The teacher utilizes her personal qualities to make her a good teacher by
giving her students a fair share in the teaching - learning process. She
accepts her students ideas, opinions and concepts about the lessons.

The teacher as well share her own experiences to the students not to boast
herself rather to serves as an inspiration to them that in every walk of life
there are always difficulties and struggles we encounter in our ways to
success and better life we aimed for. The essence of them all, the lessons and
learning s you pick that makes a better and mature you.

Integrating Theory and Practice

A. What have I learned from my experience?

Direction: Label the Personal qualities that are described in the box.
1. Are you as a person, someone can lean on? Are you honest and sincere in
words and actions? Are you consistent in your actions and responses to
different situations?

What personal quality do you possess?

a. Innovativeness
b. Intelligence
c. Buoyancy
d. Reliability

2. Do you easily give up? Are you moody, a loner? Does pressure in work
make you surrender? Is it difficult for you to succeed after you fail? Do
you have poor intrapersonal relationship

What quality do you lack?

a. Buoyancy
b. Cooperativeness
c. Reliability
d. Fairness

3. Do you believe in yourself and in what you can do? Can you work alone
without asking help from others? Do you believe in the saying: No guts,
No glory?

What quality do you have?

a. Self confidence
b. Innovativeness
c. Compassionate
d. Emotional stability

4. Are you easily upset by petty things? Do you worry a lot? Do you panic
when pressured? Do you often feel that you are to be blamed?

What personal quality do you lack?

a. Innovativeness
b. Emotional stability
c. Cooperativeness
d. Reliability

5. Do you have higher order thinking abilities? Do you excel in your abilities
in any of Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences? Do you act quickly on
problems of immediate concern?

What personal quality do you possess?

a. Innovativeness
b. Compassion
c. Self confidence
d. Intelligence


Read carefully and answer YES if you can do it or NO if you cannot do it.
Identify the personal quality being described. Write on the blank provided.

1. Will you use your intelligence to plan and implement appropriate lesson for your
YES___ NO___

2. Will you adjust to whatever situation you will be assigned as a teacher in the
YES___ NO___

3. Will you be capable of doing your job as a teacher alone with less assistance
from your peers and superiors for?
YES___ NO___

4. Will you share your skills and talents to help others so that the result will add
to learning outcomes?
YES___ NO___

5. Will you able to confront difficult problems as a teacher by using your capacity
to sink and swim under difficult times?
YES___ NO__
My Learning Portfolio

Pieces of Evidence:
1. Picture of self and descriptions of personal qualities in a Photo essay and
I am a compassionate being, sympathetic and empathic of course, a determined individual that
can do a task given with or without supervision. I love teaching.
As a future teacher, I will impart not only the knowledge and
skills rather instilling values to the young hearts and minds. It is a
great opportunity on my part to be a part of their lives and a part of
their success as well.
For I do believe that, efforts and
courage are useless without purpose
and direction. Therefore, I am
working very hard now in shaping my
future and in achieving goals in life.

2. Photo Essay of the Experienced

Teacher Personal Attributes or
Characteristics and reflections.
Friendly, approachable,
compassionate, kind, passionate in teaching, love the subject
taught, patient and help us to succeed by sharing ideas and some
techniques, strategies and methods that will surely help us achieve our dreams (which is to
become a teacher).
Maam Occea is one of an example of an excellent teacher in the field, because she can
handle many students or two sections in an hour class successfully. She encourages them to
learn and teach those new facts and informations that are relevant in the lessons and
todays trend.
I can reflect on her, because during my elementary days we were combined with the
other class in order for the teacher to catch up with the required topics on time before the
final exams or periodic test. It is not easy to be a teacher for it is a very tedious task but
then, I am determined to be one.


Field Study 6
On Becoming the
21st Century


What is your philosophy about schools and education? Since you will become a teacher,
you must have a clear understanding of your strong belief or philosophy of education. A
philosophy will guide your actions in teaching and learning. This section will cover some of the
fundamental educational philosophies that will help you as future teacher.
Learning Episode 2 will tackle only Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism,
Existentialism, Behaviourism, Linguistic Philosophy and Constructivism.

Identify ones philosophy of teaching and education

Gather information on the philosophy of education of experienced teachers
Clarify how these philosophies are being put into practice

Here is the way to achieve your desired learning outcomes (DLO). Follow this.
Activity 1 will be Step 1 to 6
Step 1: Know thy self. Determine your own philosophy, by answering the 40 items scale.
Step 2: Record your answer on the matrix provided on the column S (students).
Add all your scores from all the items in the cluster.
Step 3: Go to a school where you have a teacher as a resource person. Request two of the
teachers to answer the same survey form that you answered. Secure a permit before asking
them to answer. Your coordinator will endorse that to the teacher.
Step 4: Record their answer, in the same way you did it with your own results.
Step 5: Analyze the results in the matrix. Rank the Philosophies of each one from the Most
Dominant (highest) to the Least Dominant (lowest)
Step 6: Add the result matrix as your entry to the portfolio
Activity 2 will be Step 7 to 9
Step 7: Go back to the school where you surveyed the teacher. Identify from our matrix, his/her
dominant philosophy
Step 8: Observe his/her class and activities in at least three hours. Record your observation in
your notebook. Write down at least 5 teaching actions that reflect his/her philosophy of
education. Describe in detail.
Step 9: Prepare this report as an entry to your portfolio.
My Learning Activities
Activity 1 Know Thy Self: My Philosophy of
(Based on Sadker &Sadker, 2nd Ed. Bilbao, 2014)

What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of the following
statements about the nature of education. Decide whether you agree or disagree with
each statement: Use the following numbers to express your response:

Legend: 4 Agree strongly 2 Disagree

3 Agree 1 Disagree strongly

1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.

2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
3. Many students learn best by engaging in real- world activities than
4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
5. Subject matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small
6. The school subjects should include only essential for all students to
7. Schools above all, should develop students abilities to think deeply,
analytically, and creatively than develop social skill or acquire body of
8. Teaching should prepare students for analysing and solving the types of
problems they will face outside the classroom.
9. Reality is determined by each individuals perceptions. There is no
objective and universal reality.
10. People are shaped much more by their environment than by the
exercise of their free will.
11. Students should not be promoted to the next grade until they have
read and mastered certain key material.
12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the
students or society.
13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal
experiences and needs of the students.
14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do
15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same
18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and
19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
22. Education should be focus on timeless question such as What is
beauty? or What is truth?
23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools
should plan for more social gathering in their curricula.
24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and
find the meaning of their existence.
25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students
26. Countries must become more competitive economically; hence schools
must bolster their academic requirements for more competition.
27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own
sake, rather than to help them into their careers.
28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of
minorities and women.
29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
30. Reward students well for learning so they will remember and be able to
apply what they learned, even if they were not able to understand why the
information is worth knowing.
31. Philippines schools should attempt to instil traditional Filipino values
in students.
32. Teacher- guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of
teaching students.
33. Students should be active participants in learning process.
34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an
individual decides it to be.
35. We can place lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine
which students behaviours are acceptable and which are not.
36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts
regarding the books, people, and events.
37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like computer
38. Teachers must stress to the students the relevance of they are learning
to their lives outside and inside the classroom.
39. It is more important for the students to develop positive self-concept
than to learn specific concepts.
40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent test to
determine what they have learned.

My Philosophy of Education

Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Existentialism Behaviourism

Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T Item S T T
1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2

3 3 2 2 2 4 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 4
1 1 2 3 4 5
4 2 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 3
6 7 8 9 10
3 4 3 1 2 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 3
11 12 13 14 15

3 3 3 3 2 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 4 3 4
16 17 18 19 20
2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3
21 22 23 24 25
3 4 2 2 4 1 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 3
26 27 28 29 30
3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 3
31 32 33 34 35
3 3 4 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4
36 37 38 39 40

Total Total Total Total Total

Legend: S- Self, T1-Teacher 1; T2- Teacher 2

Based on the information taken, answer the following questions:

Rank your total raw scores for each category. Do the same for Teacher 1 and Teacher 2.
1. What Philosophy is most dominant for you? Progressivism
Which is least dominant? Perennialism

For Teacher 1, which is the most dominant? Progressivism

Least dominant: Perennialism

2. For Teacher 2, what Philosophy has gained the highest score? Behaviourism

This is the most dominant philosophy of the teacher. What has the lowest score? Existentialism

Activity 2 Application of Philosophy of education in the

Name of Teacher: Mrs. Jeran T. Occea Dominant Philosophy:

Observations: Write at least 5 observations in narrative form that

Name of Teacher: Mrs. Linfa S. Rafols Dominant
shows the application of the dominant philosophy of the Teacher.
Philosophy: Behaviourism
1. As what I have observed, Maam Occea uses variety of
Observations: Write at least
methods, techniques, 5 observations
strategies in narrative
and approaches in attacking
form that shows the application of the dominant
her lessons.
philosophy of the Teacher.
2. Before she starts the lesson proper, she asked first the idea or
opinions of her students about the topic to determine the level
1. Maam Rafols, sets the mood of the classroom for
of understanding of her students.
her students, so that when the students came they
were ready for the discussions.
3. She lets her students read the story and afterwards, discussed
it and sharing the information gathered in the class.
2. She never tolerate late and frequent coming in and
Shein the classroom.
encourages her students to participate actively in the class
3. She even scolded her students to get their attention
and focus on the lesson.
5. She lets her students do the activity which will help them
4. understand
She better the lessons.
uses illustrations and pictures to help her
students grasp the idea of what it looked like as it
6. She is open in all suggestions and comments given by her
was describe in the story.

5. Time to time she reprimand her students in coming

in and out in the classroom and told them to
continue reading and do the activity afterwards.

My Reflections/ Insights
6. She arranged the classroom properly so that her
students would feel comfortable while listening and
paying attention to the class discussions.
1. Have you discovered your dominant Philosophy of Education? How do you
feel after knowing it? Is your philosophy or firm belief of education
reflected in what you are doing as a future teacher?

Yes, I was amazed by the result. Somehow the result made me realized that I am not a
strict teacher if ever I would be given a chance to be equipped in the field.

My dominant Philosophy of Education is: Progressivism.

The practices that I do as a student and future teacher that reflect my
philosophy are:

Well, I do believe that my dominant philosophy or strong belief is reflected in what I

am doing as a future teacher because I am learning well if I experienced or discovered
my own. I dont just rely on the facts and concepts given rather I love to expand my
idea through searching and further readings.

The practices that I will do, that will reflect my Philosophy of Education will be:

The practices I do are discovery learning, experiential learning, uses authentic task and
materials, and integrate technology in my learning.

2. In your observations, does an experienced teacher practice what they

believe in (philosophy of education) in actual teaching? If yes, describe the
instance/ episode. If No, what could be the reason?

As what I have observed, Maam Occea and Maam Rafols practiced their both
philosophy of education in actual teaching. For example, Maam Occea let her
students locate the place/country of where the place can be found on the glode or
map. Then, she let her students do an activity( story mapping). While Maam Rafols,
make a connection of events in the story in the real life situation.

Integrating Theory and Practice

What have you gained from your experiences in Task No. 2, Activities 1 and 2?

Direction: Choose the correct answer from the options.

1. What is the right philosophy that every teacher should follow when teaching?

I. Pragmatism
II. Perennialism
III. Existentialism
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I, II and III

2. Mr. Balgos teaches science in the Junior High School. He taught the concept that
sunlight is necessary for the plants in the process of photosynthesis. Applying the
philosophy of pragmatism, Mr. Balgos should ______________.

a. Show a PowerPoint presentation of photosynthesis

b. Ask the students to bring plant leaves in school
c. Draw the leaves of the plant and color this green
d. Ask the students to do a simple experiment about photosynthesis

3. A philosophy that believes in prior learning or what the learners already know is

a. Essentialism
b. Behaviourism
c. Constructivism
d. Naturalism

4. Behaviourism is a philosophy that has been anchored on the theories that relate to

I. Trial and error

II. Stimulus and response
III. Brain and thinking
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I, II and III

5. The teachers teaching philosophy is reflected by which of the following?

I. Choice of teaching methods
II. Choice of circle of friends
III. Choice of how to use leisure time
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I, II and II


Field Study 6
On Becoming
the 21st


A teacher as a professional will always be found in a school setting. A teachers official
working place is a school. A school is an institution where learning occurs under the guidance
of a professional called the teacher.
How does a teacher operate or function in a school setting? How will a teacher manage
the learning environment in the school setting?
List the activities in the daily routine of the teacher
Identify the teachers role in creating a conducive learning environment in the school.
This experiential learning episode will take you to the school setting. You will spend more
time making observations and talking to your resource teacher. Here are the steps that
will guide you in your journey today.

Step 1: Visit a particular teacher in school.

Step 2: Secure the teachers program. Study the time schedule and activities.
Step 3: Make a school setting observation at a certain period of the days activities.

Based on the daily program, find out what the teacher is supposed to do during the time
of your visit. Observe what the teacher is doing. Take note of the different activities.

My Learning Essentials
A regular school day is equivalent to 8 hours. It begins officially at 8:00 in the morning
and ends up at 5:00 in the afternoon. Adjustments are sometimes made, but the time spent in
school is 8 hours. Majority (of the eight hours) is spent guiding the learners in their lessons,
which is called the contact period. Usually, the teacher is assigned to teach for 6 hours. The
remaining time of 2 hours is spent for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Normally,
there are five school days per week, Monday to Friday.

Usually, a teacher is assigned to one class, as a class adviser. She is made to teach one or
more subject content areas depending on the population of the school and the number of
teachers. There are schools where the teacher teaches all the subjects for the whole class
while in bigger schools they have subject area specialists, who teach the same subject in the
same grade level or different grade levels.

My Learning Map
This experiential learning episode will take you to the school setting. You will spend more
time making observations and talking to your resource teacher. Here are the steps that will
guide you in your journey today.

Step 1: Visit a particular teacher in a school.

Step 2: Secure the teachers program. Study the time schedule and the
Step 3: Make a school setting observation at a certain period of the days

Based on the daily program, find out what the teacher is supposed to do during the time of
your visit. Observe what the teacher is doing. Take note of the different activities.

My Learning Activity

Activity 1 Teacher in the School Setting:

Encounter of the First Kind

1. Record Observations

At the time you are in school, what significant observation have you

Areas of Focus for My Observation (Describe clearly as you

Observation in can)

the School Setting

Physical Setting
1.Classroom - Arrange accordingly to set the
Arrangement atmosphere for the learners. Well
lighted and partially ventilated.

2.Bulletin Board - Displayed clearly at the back of the

Display class to avoid destruction. Every room
has it displayed even outside for posting
of news, activities, etc.

3.School - Small and limited but can accommodate

Playground the class activities.

4.Learning - The school has the variety of textbooks

Resource Center that can cater students research needs.
They also have computers and internet

Socio- Psychological Setting

1.Class schedules - The students were following their class

schedule and interchanged the room for
the next class.

2.Teachers - The teacher follows the guidelines which

Activities were allotted for them to do.

3.Learners - The students are allowed to do a

Activities collaborative learning during Fridays in
every subject they have.
4.Co-curricular - The school does not focus on knowledge
Activities based only, the school administrators
see to it that the students also enjoyed
and showed their talents through inter
class meet.

5. Extracurricular - Some of the students are engaged in

Activities school clubs and organizations.
My Reflections/ Insights

Based on the teachers program and your observations, answer the following:
1. Would you consider teaching as a full time job? Why? Why not?
No, for I do believe that teaching is a mission. I am being called and send to teach the young
minds and hearts. I am going to do it not only for the pay rather for the service. Even though
nobody recognizes my efforts I will still remain teaching. And right now I am very excited to

2. Are the conditions in the classroom conducive to the welfare of both the learners and
teacher? How will you improve on it?
Honestly, its partly no, because there are sections which have many members that a small
classroom cannot cater them all. Some of the students sit on a stool with no armchair. They
over crowded the room and sometimes there are a lot of destructions (noise). Maybe I can
improve it by dividing the group into two sections. There, the teacher can cater them all as
well as the seats in the classroom. The school as well can request a light bulb or fluorescent
bulb to light the classrooms and ceiling fans or electric fans to ventilate their rooms to make it
more conducive and comfortable for the teacher and the students.

3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, are you motivated to continue
on becoming a teacher? What in the teachers practices inspire you to become a
professional teacher?
Yes I am motivated to continue on becoming a teacher. Like what Maam Occea did, she
inspires me that I can be a better teacher someday as well as Maam Rafols. Their practices
inspire me to do more and I can do something they dont have in molding the lives of the
young ones.

4. How can I improve the school setting that I observed when I become a teacher?
a. Classroom arrangement
The textbooks should be placed and arranged accordingly in a cabinet with
designated names.

b. Bulletin Board display

Display new charts and diagrams that are relevant on the lesson or subject matter
taught not the obsolete one.
c. School Playground
Create a wider space and covered so that the students can play even if its raining or

Integrating Theory and Practice

What previous learning or concepts are affirmed by this learning episode? Lets find out.

1. A classroom teacher comes to school early in the morning and goes home late. Officially,
the number of hours spent in school should be _____.
a. 6 hours
b. 8 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 3 hours

2. As required, all teachers should eat lunch at exactly 12:00 noon because its their noon
a. This statement is true.
b. This statement is false.
c. This statement is doubtful.
d. This statement is a rule.

3. As observed, all teachers in the whole school _______.

a. Begin classes at the same time at 8:00 AM
b. Ends classes at the same time at 5:30 PM
c. Wear the same school uniform
d. Live in the same village

4. Which of these activities is NOT required of a teacher in school?

a. Come to class on time
b. Attend the flag ceremony
c. Attend school activities
d. Take a nap at noon time

5. Aside from teaching and guiding the learners in the classroom, a teacher has to do other
things. This one activity should be to ________.
a. Fed the children everyday
b. See to it that the classroom is conducive for learning
c. Provide school materials for the whole year
d. Sell snacks in the classroom
Field Study 6
On Becoming
the 21st


In the Philippines, the government has built schools in almost all barangays, town or city.
This was done to provide access and equal opportunity for every school child for quality
education. At present, there are more than half a million public school teachers deployed in all
these schools throughout the country. The school and the teacher have a very crucial
responsibility in bringing about change and development in the community on one hand and
the community provides a lot learning opportunities on the other hand.
Where else can one find resources that are authentic and are in the context of school
setting? The COMMUNITY. Who is one significant community person who earns great respect of
the community? The TEACHER.


Identify community resources available for use by the teachers in the school through a
Rapid Appraisal Survey
Observe how teacher utilize community resources in teaching
Collect information on how the teacher is looked upon in the community
How will I achieve the desired learning outcomes? Join me, as we go through the steps we have
to follow.
Step 1: Conduct a Rapid Survey of the Barangay (in groups)
1 Report to the Punong Barangay upon arrival in the community.
2 Peruse the community map to find out the area you are going to cover.
3 Secure the available information from the records of the Barangay Secretary
4 Spend time to go around the barangay for visual observation
5 Interview some folks from whom you can secure or verify the data.
Step 2: Make an inventory or list of the existing community resources based on the Rapid
Step 3: Based on inventory, match the available resources with the subject areas taught in
Step 4: Observe classes and identify what community resources are utilized
Step 5: Conduct a random survey to find out how the school teachers are perceived in the
My Learning Essentials

Here are some key points in this episode:

While the school is the official working place of a Teacher, the
community is the wider learning environment.
Schools are often perceived to be the transformative agent of change;
hence the teachers are agents of change.
The teachers are looked upon as important agents of change.
Teachers roles and functions do not stop within the four walls of the
school, but extend beyond the community.
The community provides the authentic resource for teaching and

My Learning Map

How will I achieve the desired learning outcomes? Join me, as we go through the steps we
have to follow.
1. Step 1- Conduct a Rapid Survey of the Barangay (in groups)
1.1. Report to the Punong Barangay upon arrival in the community
1.2. Peruse a community map to find out the area you are going to
1.3. Secure the available information from the records of the
Barangay Secretary.
1.4. Spend time to go around the barangay for visual observation.
1.5. Interview some folks from whom you can secure or verify the
2. Step 2- Make an inventory or list of the existing community resources based on the Rapid
3. Step 3 Based on the inventory, match the available resources with the subject areas
taught in schools.
4. Step 4 Observe classes and identify what community resources are utilized.
5. Step 5 Conduct a random survey to find out how the school teachers are perceived in
the community.

Activity 2 Classroom Utilization of Community Resources in

Community Resources Utilized in Classroom
Subjects in Community Resources Utilized
Botanical garden
Vegetable garden
Mathematics N/A

Social Studies Community map

Barangay History
Globes and charts

My Reflections/Insights
1. How do you feel about the participation of the school, teacher and
learners in the celebration of the barrio fiesta?

I feel overwhelmed by the fact that the school and the community
should collaborate with each other in the total development of each and
every individual as well as the community and the school themselves.
The school and the community should join hand in hand to make a
peaceful and fruitful living.

2. How does the view of the people in the community improve the
teachers status?

The view of the people into the community about the teachers
struggles helps them improve their behaviour and outlooks in life.

3. What realization that relates to your becoming a teacher, have you

gained from your concrete experiences and observations in the

I realized that being a teacher plays a vital role not just in teaching the
learners but by how they mingle with the people in the community. The
community set a high regards to them not just as a person but as a
teacher and they serves as a role model to them.

Integrating Theory and


Direction: Choose the letter of correct answer from the choices given.

1. Which statement is TRUE about the community where the school is located?
A. It is part of the learning environment.
B. It is outside and so is not part of the school.
C. There are no learning resources in the community.
D. It serves as a school garden.
2. The barangay officials if asked as a resource person can best speak on ________.
I. Community governance
II. Health and well being
III. Literacy program
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II and III
3. Natural resources like rivers, lakes, mountains, and hills, found in the community
can be used best as resources in teaching ________.
A. Mathematics
B. Science
C. English
D. Physical Education
4. It is always important for the teacher to transfer learning and practices from the
school to the _______.
A. Church
B. Community
C. City
D. Sports complex
5. The community holds high respect of a teacher if he/she is a __________.
A. money lender
B. role model
C. rumour monger
D. gambler
Field Study 6
On Becoming
the 21st Century


Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been
comparable in all parts of the globe, hence each year, a celebration of the WORLD TEACHERS
This alone would tell us, the recognition and honour given to the best profession of all:
TEACHING. A teacher is an extraordinary person in whose hands lie the future of the world. A
teacher regardless of what country he/she comes from should be a GLOBAL TEACHER or the
Thus, you should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views, with wider breadth and deeper
sense because you too will be a global teacher.
This Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher of the 21st century.

Identify competencies of the global Filipino teacher

Increase knowledge of other countries teachers competencies
Compare the global Filipino teacher with the other teacher of the world

My Learning Essentials

Let us begin with ourselves, The Filipino teachers. Why are

Filipino teachers doing very well in classrooms and schools outside
our country? Are Filipino teachers doing well in our country as well?
Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers, best teachers and
model teachers. They are honoured by the school, parents and
community as well. Would you like to be a global teacher of the 21st
century? As global teachers, you should be the excellent ones.

Read some teaching skills and qualities needed of the global

Thinks and acts both locally and globally
Has classroom management skills
Makes content relevant and updated.
Has skills in critical thinking
Uses technology in education
Has deep understanding multiculturalism and globalization
Has skills to collaborate with teams
Brings the world into the classroom, school and community
Continuously grow professionally

A Filipino teacher should have these qualities and skills, too. These competencies are
enshrined in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) of the Philippines.

Here are the steps that you should take in order to reach your desired learning outcome.
1 Request for a short interview of any public school teacher about the teachers
competencies in the NCBTS. (Elementary or High School)
2 Request the teacher to answer a short questionnaire on the NCBTS teachers
3 Analyze the data.
1 In which of the seven domains did the teacher rate the herself/himself HIGH?
2 Which competencies are practiced by the teacher all the time? Often?
Sometimes? Never?
4. Go to web, interview, chat, Skype or use other means to obtain the information about other
teachers in at least two other countries aside from the Philippines.

Name of the Teacher ____________________________________________________

School ______________________________________________________

Grade level/Year Level __________________

Instruction: Based on your NCBTS TSNA Individual Profile, please check the Domain, where you
rated yourself HIGH. Please give your explanation.


NCBTS TSNA Domains Give brief explanation why you are rated
Domain 1 Social Regard for Because the teacher possesses
Learning some qualities which serves as a
role model for her students. Activities
Domain 2 Learning She set the learning environment
Environment NCBTS and
smooth the Global
and comfortable 1
for the Teacher
learners to learn.

Domain 3 Diversity of She accepts and adopts strategies

Learners to address the needs to differently
abled students.
Global Teachers the World Over
Activity 2
Domain 4 Curriculum Delivers accurate and updated
content knowledge using
appropriate methodologies,
approaches and strategies.
Domain 5 Planning Prepares formative and summative
Assessing of Reporting
Personal Qualities of Professional
test in line with Requirements
the curriculum. to
Country Teachers Qualities of become Professional
Domain 6 Community Teachers Teachers
Participates in community
Linkages activities that promote learning.
Thailand Compassion Master Have a degree
Intelligent learning and teacher
Domain 7 Personal Growth Self Manifest personal qualitiestraining
administratio such as
& Professional Development enthusiasm, flexibility and caring.
confidence n
Self - Role model
motivation for students

Australia Being kid Basic All teachers

Passion for competence have a degree
teaching ahold and teacher
Love of children Always learn training
Enthusiastic and update Experienced
info. teacher
Discipline in
Master class
with hold

My Reflections/Insights

1. If NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed be
able to meet the challenges of global education? Why? Why not?

Yes. As what she responded she was able to meet the challenges of global education. She
tends to adapt the new environment, new culture and different lifestyles she encountered
with students.
2. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of
the standard requirements for a professional teacher? Explain your answer.
No. I noticed that all countries have similar requirements for a teacher to become a
teacher or to employ. The teacher should have a degree of teacher education and have
masters, doctorate and of course trainings attended.

3. Are Filipino teachers comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries?

Explain your answer.
Yes. Because Filipino teachers are considered as global competent in the field of teaching.
Filipino teachers are train vigorously in schools before they got their diploma and to be
able to equip in the field there are a lot of things they need to comply before they got the

4. How would you prepare to become a global teacher of the 21 st century? How do you
see yourself?

Well, I am doing my very best in learning all the things that I need when I become a
teacher. I always pay attention to all the teachings and new information that are
necessary to make me prepared and equipped in a teaching profession. I see myself as
one of those globally competitive and excellent teachers in the field.

Integrating Theory and practice

Choose the correct option.

1. The most challenging components of teaching in another country are _________.

A. mastery of the subject matter

B. making instructional
C. adjusting to cultural differences
D. constructing assessment tool
2. Teaching is a universal vocation. Wherever the teacher is assigned, his or her
primary concern is to _________.

A. Earn a good salary

B. Make the students learn
C. Be the most important person
D. Do self-sacrifice

3. In the 21st century, the fastest development or change that the teacher should
catch up with as a teacher is in the __________.

I. Use of technology
II. Knowledge of globalization
III. Practice of collaboration
A. I
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

4. If you are an excellent teacher here in the Philippines, you can very well teach in
any ASEAN country. This statement __________.
A. Is false
B. Is true
C. An overstatement
D. Cannot be determined

5. For a Filipino teacher to succeed in teaching in the country and elsewhere in the
world, he or she should_________.
I. Master and practice the competencies of the NCBTS
II. Be multilingual and multicultural
III. Think and act both locally and globally
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I, II and III
Global Teacher from Other Countries

Personal Qualities of a Teacher:
Answer: Good organizational skills, good interpersonal and communication skills, an open mind and
flexible attitude, willingness to debate and discuss.

Professional Qualities of a Teacher:

Answer: Enthusiastic about teaching, knows organizational routines, procedures and policies,
knowledgeable of the subject taught, can offer a range of teaching and learning techniques.

Requirements to become Professional Teachers:

Answer: You have 5 years of teaching experience and you are willing to do anything that is assigned to
you even not your field of expertise.

Teachers Story
Living abroad can challenge you in ways that you never thought possible. It puts you in
unfamiliar situations and tests your reactions. During the process, a person will most definitely change,
but it doesnt necessarily make them a better person. Its how we react and adapt to these new
challenges that decides if weve truly become better or not. I am a Math Teacher who dreamed to work
abroad in my early years of teaching in Philippines until I was recommended by a friend to work here in
Indonesia. In our school community I am experiencing diversity in terms of culture and beliefs but as
time go by Im learning to understand and adapt some of their beliefs without forgetting that I am a
Filipino. I can say that working abroad helped me to become more independent be globally competitive to
other race of people. We Filipinos should be proud for being A FILIPINO citizen even we are in other
country. Since then, I have been fulfilling my dream of traveling the world by teaching Mathematics in
Study 6

My FS Learning Task Overview

In the Philippines, only those with professional license are authorized to teach.
There are fundamental requirements to be a professional teacher. One has to graduate in
college with a baccalaureate degree, pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Be a
member of professional teacher organizations and abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers. In addition, teachers must grow in the profession by undertaking continuing
professional development/education.
My Desired Learning Outcomes

Present clear definition of a professional teacher

Describe a Filipino professional teacher
Identify fundamental laws that professional teaching in the country
My Learning Essentials

Some of the basic questions on the professionalization of teaching are the following:

1. What are the legal bases of considering teaching as a Profession?

2. What are the requirements to become a Professional Teacher?
3. What is the career path of a Filipino Professional Teacher?

Consider these as answers:

1. Fundamental Laws and Policies
1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV
PD 1006- Professionalization of Teacher
RA 7836- Regulation and Supervision of the Practice of Teaching
and Prescribing the Licensure Examination for Teachers or the
Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
2. Qualifications of a Filipino Professional Teacher
Holds a Professional Teachers License
Holds a Bachelors degree in Education or any Bachelors degree
with 18 units of professional education units
Member of a Professional Teacher Organization
Undertake continuing professional development
Abide by the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
3. Requirements to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers(LET)
Earned a Bachelors Degree in Education or any Bachelors
Degree with 18 units of professional education units
Must be a Filipino citizen
Other requirements as prescribed by the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC)
4. Career Path of Professional Teachers
Beginning Professional Teacher- 1 to 3 years of teaching

My Learning Map
This episode will bring you to a closer encounter with professional teachers. To achieve
your desired learning outcomes, you will follow this learning map.
Step 1. Have a close encounter with a Beginning Professional Teacher.
Step 2: Have a close encounter with a Young Professional Teacher
Step 3: Have a close encounter with a Mentor/Master Professional Teacher
Step 4: Have a close encounter with the Expert or Sterling Professional Teacher
Step 5: Have a close encounter with a Retired Professional Teacher
Step 6: Record all answers and prepare a written report.
Step 7: Request to take picture of the teacher which will form a part of your report.

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Close Encounter with a Beginning Professional Teacher

(1-3 Years Teaching Experience)

Resource Teacher: Rene Boy H. Calcaa

Sir Calcaa earned his degree from West Visayas State University, in La Paz, Iloilo
City on March 2013. The University prepared him to become a good
teacher by giving more preparations in teaching Math subjects. He
passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) on March 2016
with a passing rate of 81.6. He started teaching as a professional on
June 2013. Students who are interested to learn more about Math is
the one that makes him happy as a teacher. Students who do not pay
attention in learning the subject makes him feel disappointed as a
teacher. INSET for K 12 programs is the professional development
activity/ training he participated in. Sad to say he never belonged to
any professional organization. The code of conduct he strictly follows
is the teachers and the learners. The relationship of the teachers with
their students must hold a strong bond wherein students could open
up their problems with the teachers to seek some advice is the specific
behaviour that should be followed to the utmost according to him.
Lastly, he dreamed to be a humble servant that could influence students how to become
globally competitive professionals before he retire.

Activity 2 Close Encounter with a Young Professional Teacher

(4-10 Years Teaching Experience)

Name of the Resource Teacher: Ms. Rusel B. Espino

According to Maam Espino, she is satisfied with her job as

a professional teacher for the past few years because she
enjoyed teaching her students. Instilling knowledge, skills and
values are the things that make her a happy
professional teacher while limited time for her
family and personal business makes her sad.
She planned to finish her Masters degree and
proceeds to doctorate degree in the future. She
thought of retiring as a professional teacher but
dont have planned to look for other job than
Close Encounter with a Mentor/Master Teacher
Activity 3 (11-15 Years Teaching Experience)

Name of Resource Teacher: Mrs. Luanne C. Salise

She is satisfied with her job as a mentor professional teacher for

the past few years especially when she sees her students / trainees
becoming good or successful in their endeavour. She said that she is
happy if her students or trainees were able to apply what
she shared with them and sad if they just took for
granted what she taught. She mentored younger
professionals by sharing with them her experiences so
that it could give those lessons. For she believe in a
saying which goes, If you know the road ahead, ask
someone who has travelled it. Looking back to her early
years as a professional compared to the mentees now she
said that the mentees now are not that serious. During
her time, they are so determined to be better in every
endeavour that they do. One of the things that she can
say is that she is always recognized for her good
performance in her job. Her future plan is to finish her
masters degree. She also thinks of retiring as a professional teacher
and also is promoted but she said that shell just do her job well.

Close Encounter with an Expert/Sterling Teacher

Activity 4 (15 Years Teaching Experience)
Name of a Resource Teacher: Mrs. Monali E. Saylo

Maam Saylo said that she is satisfied with her job as professional teacher for the
past 15 years because she is able to share her knowledge to her students. The
things that she did as an expert professional teacher that makes her happy is
teaching her students in a way that could help them change
their lives. Her most unforgettable experience as an expert
professional teacher is being a part of her students life as
they climb the ladder of success towards attainment of their
dreams sharing their of them once in their life the life of
being a student. Teaching life experiences of a teacher and
was able to contribute partly on her students success in
their teaching career and profession. She plans for the
future as an expert professional teacher is to engage in
research works related to improve the teaching profession.
She has been promoted because of professional growth and
the benefit she gets from promotion is high salary grade .

Close Encounter with Retired Teacher

Activity 5 (Retired from Teaching)

Name of the Resource Teacher: Vicente B. Aguilar

Sir Aguilars usual activities as a retired
professional teacher are the usual routine done by the
teacher which is going to school as aspartame
instructor. He find his past teaching experiences as
memorable and his most significant experience is
during his stint as principal in Laboratory High School.
His 42 years in the profession is worth remembering
and he has no regrets. When he sees his graduates who
are holding an administrative position in DepEd is the
most significant contribution to the teaching profession
for him. He has been promoted and was the first
principal of PSCA during the time of Dr, Gallega. He
considered teaching as the greatest profession and the
graduates is his greatest achievements. The food for
thought that he likes to give us is: Always carry torch
of excellence of UA, the Antiques Pride.

My Reflections/Insights

Based on the answers given by the teachers you interviewed,

do they reflect a true professional teacher?
1. Why do you think so?
Yes, because a professional teacher possesses a qualities that are required
for them to be equipped as a teacher and to function effectively and
satisfactorily. They teach out of service not for the salary alone. They also
love touching the lives and imparting knowledge, skills and values to

Based on the interviews you conducted, is being a professional

teacher a fulfilling job? Why?
Yes. Being a professional teacher is a fulfilling job because upon seeing your
students excel in their endeavour and chosen field youll feel overwhelm by
the fact that youre a part of it. You are one of the reasons why they achieve
their dreams and by helping the institution to produce productive graduates.
You also feel proud of yourself even though your efforts wont be recognized.

Considering that you will be a future professional teacher,

what standards of behaviour should you uphold based on the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

As a prospective professional teacher, the standards of behaviour that I should

uphold based on the Code of Ethics for professional teacher are found in all
articles. Because a professional must possess dignity and reputation with high
moral values as well as technical and professional competence and adheres to
observes and practices a set of ethical of ethical and moral principles, standard
and values.
Integrating Theory and

1. After the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the first legal basis to make teaching as a
profession and consider teachers are professionals was __________.

A. RA 7836
B. PD 1006
C. RA 7640
D. Code of ethics for Professional teachers
2. Who among these graduates is not qualified to take the Licensure Examination for
Teachers (LET)?
A. Bachelor of Elementary Education
B. Bachelor of Agricultural Education
C. Associate in Arts
D. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
3. All Filipino professional teachers must have _______.
A. A professional teachers license
B. A recognized masters degree
C. Teaching experience
D. Published research article
4. Which of the following practices is NOT allowed in the Code of ethics for
Professional Teachers?
A. Teachers shall insure that teaching upholds the highest standards.
B. Teachers shall accept tutorial fees for the slow learners in her class.
C. Teachers shall live with dignity in all places at all times.
D. Teachers shall establish maintain cordial relations with parents
5. What should be the best description of teaching as a profession?

A. Teaching is the noblest profession.

B. Teaching is a lucrative job in this country.
C. Teaching requires less preparation


Mrs. Jeran T. Occea, my

cooperating Teacher
Grade 9 Dolphin and Sea Lion


Class discussions

Mrs. Rafols with Grade 8


Mrs. Linfa S.
Rafols Make connections

Mrs. Occea with Grade 9
Dolphin & Sea Lion

Mrs. Jeran T.


Locating the
Origin and
and I
Bulletin Board


Learning center

With the
Barangbang OIC

With Ms. Fern O.


Interview with the

Brgy. Kagawad
My naughty Group


encounter with
the beginning
Close encounter
with a Mentor/
Master Teacher

Close encounter
with a Young
Close encounter with the
Close encounter
retired Teacher
with an

Teacher in Indonesia
Teacher in Barangbang
National High School



Name of the Teacher: Ms. Fern O. Marfil

School: Barangbang National High School
Grade level/ Year Level: Grade 9 (Teaching English)

Instruction: Based on your NCBTS-TSNA Individual Profile, please check the Domain, where
you rated yourself HIGH. Please give your explanation.


NCBTS-TSNA Domains If HIGH, Give brief explanation why you are

check rated HIGH
Domain 1- Social High I act as positive model inside and
Regard for Learning outside the school. I am always
punctual in every activity that I
attended. I respect everyone and I gain
respect in return.
Domain 2- Learning High I always maintain a good relationship
Environment with my students in extent that they
can share their problems and
thoughts. I communicate learning
goals and always encourage them to do
their best. I make sure that the
classroom is conducive for learning.
Domain 3- Diversity of High I respect my students and I always take
the Learners in consideration their diversity, their
strengths and weaknesses. I also look
at their background so that I can
adjust my lessons and relate it to their
experiences. I also make activities that
can be applied in a real world
Domain 4- Curriculum High I take time to study my lesson before I
discuss it. I make sure that they
understand the lesson before moving
on to the next topic. I prepare for
instructional materials, videos to
motivate them and games. I always
train them to be independent by giving
them individual works and I also put
emphasis the virtue of teamwork.

Domain 5-Planning, High I call for a parents meeting once a

Assessing and Reporting month to communicate the
performances of their child and to
discuss with them the things that
they can contribute to their childs
development, especially students who
needs attention. I also communicate
to the students their strengths and
weaknesses so that they can develop
and improve it.
Domain 6- Community High In our school we are actively
Linkages participating in the community activities
(like Brgy. Fiesta, Brigada, Brgy.
Christmas Party, etc). I am also make
activities where it requires my students
in the community and we a long sharing
of experiences in the class.
Domain 7- Personal High I am attending different seminars and
Growth and Professional trainings to improve my skills, knowledge
Development and abilities so that I can give more
learnings to my students. I value my
dignity as a teacher and I exert lot of
efforts to be an effective teacher. I
embrace this profession with passion
and love and I always show it to
Sido San Juan National High

Barangbang National High School



Barangbang National
High School Faculty
& Buildings

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