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Based on the description of the previous chapter, it is known that both activities
of street vendors and the activities of each city has their own guidance. Then
problems arise when a lack of compatibility between the demands of space
activities of the existing town with the demands of street vendors who occupy it.
Under these conditions, there needs to be considered the use of public space
that is used to connect both of them as well as possible, and in this case the
analyzes were conducted to look for things that are suitable with each demands.
Because of the activities carried out regarding the layout while the arrangement
of space itself will be about the relationship between humans and the one or
more particular object visually (Hakim, 1987: 1), the space mapping vendors are
not only required to ensure the smooth operation of street vendors and space
activities of the city so demands, but also required to create the impression of a
harmonious and aesthetic.
In this regard, it would require an analysis to see things that are in accordance
with the demand. The analysis will be conducted consist of the analysis elements
of public space (this analysis is basically intended for the arrangement of street
vendors later in accordance with the surrounding environment or will be suitable
in the rules of the aesthetics of the city) and the analysis of the activity of street
vendors (this analysis is basically is intended to be both functional and visually
the presence of street vendors goes along in living space they occupy).
3.1.Analisis Elements Public Space / Public Space
Public space analysis consisted of analysis of pedestrian paths / sidewalks,
parking lots and analytical analysis of the mass of the building.
3.1.1. Suitability Analysis of Pedestrian / Walkways

A. Eligibility Criteria for Pedestrian

According Shirvani (1985; 48), walkways / pedestrian is a facility giving comfort
to pedestrians as well as a support element for trade activities.
component Structuring criteria
Pedestrian path To give comfort to
Shirvani, 1985;48
B. Analysis of Suitability Pedestrian

From the observations that have been made in the area of research, data showed
that space pedestrian path that is mostly used by street vendors in carrying out
its activities, so that pedestrians can not freely in walking because they have to
walk in place that were not proper and it is not according to the function of
pedestrian paths.
The existence of street vendors on the sidewalks indirectly interfere with
pedestrian activity because they had to walk side / road. From the results of
questionnaires carried out on traffic / pedestrian 92% of respondents considered
the activities of street vendors who occupy almost the entire space sidewalk
disrupt pedestrian activity and interfere with the convenience of pedestrians, so
it needs to be a clear division between the space walkers with space activities
Street vendors.

Based on the results of the analysis conducted there are some conclusions,
1. The shape of the building mass merchandisers in the research area both in
front of residential land, the land in front of the offices and in front of commercial
land is not in accordance with the arrangement, in which the height of buildings
PKL cover formal building behind him, besides the color of the building cloister
diverse visually less lovely. Besides the existence of street vendors in the space
pavement cause interference invasion (presence of real interference within a
particular space), it is seen from the emergence of obstacles to traffic, especially
traffic of people caused by extensive trade places PKL is too large, resulting
sidewalk can not be maximum use by pedestrians.
2. From the results of field observations that the data obtained in any place
street vendors operating time of 08.00 s / d 20:00 pm, and is not yet available
parking space, causing impromptu parking lot that is located on the side / road.
This is not in accordance with the main principles of the arrangement of parking
in urban areas where any presence of an activity shall be provided with space to
park a vehicle, therefore, one of the solutions the parking lot is by the utilization
of parking space for activities carried out at different times, for example where
formal building parking / office used as a visitor parking lot at night time street

3. There was contact between the pedestrian activities with the activities of
hawkers, this is because the pedestrian path / sidewalk in the research area is
used by street vendors in carrying out activities that take up almost the entire
space sidewalk creating barriers to pedestrian traffic. Additionally circulation
space does not attract more memorable due to the laying of merchandise
irregular and not in accordance with the function of the pavement as the roads
used by pedestrian comfortably and safely of the vehicle as well as the beauty of
an area.
4. The size of the space activities of street vendors in the study area average of
150-200 cm located along the pedestrian path / sidewalk so pedestrians are
forced to walk on the side / road. In order for the benefit of pedestrians and
street vendors can go hand in hand there needs to a clear division between the
wide sidewalks used by pedestrians with the size of the space activities of street
vendors and when it is not possible to accommodate the number of street
vendors are then required relocation.

Structuring vendors is essentially an activity inseparable from the overall city
planning, then this section will be presented a recommendation for town
planning in connection with the structuring of street vendors. The inputs for local
governments and related institutions in Garut regency are as follows:
1. In urban spatial planning should already allocated space for informal sector
activities in spaces of formal activities. Given all the formal activities will
definitely be followed by the development of informal activities as a form of
support activities. Additionally in spatial planning informal sector activities
should be determined standard amount of space activities of street vendors and
determine the number and types of vendors at a location and needs to be made
of local regulations governing penalties for street vendors who break the rules
that have been determined given the absence of rules about K3 in Garut .

2. Management of the sidewalk activities of street vendors in Garut requires

institutional membership is derived from the existing set of street vendors and
formal traders who interact with vendors due to the strong social capital.

3. The regulation of zonation holds an important role in structuring street

vendors in Garut order to create discipline, regularity and comfort of the city.
4. The need for in-depth study of the spatial plan merchandisers and zonation
arrangement in the control space utilization.
5. The need for an optimal location analysis study if it would be the relocation of
street vendors to another location by involving the relevant stakeholders.
6. The need for coordination with local work units (SKPD) related to street
vendors and create an organization structure that deals with street vendors.
7. Alternative models street vendors arrangement that is relocating in-situ (in
place arrangements), each of which requires a prerequisite to control land use
and zonation space
8. The need for a form of cooperation with the community or the owner formal
activities to provide convenience to vendors in terms of use of land to be used as
a street vendor activity and the formal building land owners get some sort of
consequences or incentives such as tax breaks etc.
9. The need for "thinning" PKL every points in the corridors Ahmad Yani street,
Siliwangi, Cikuray, Ciledug, Mandalagiri and Pasar Baru to minimize the
accumulation of the number of street vendors and efforts to reduce the number
of street vendors in the study area.

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