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Unit 3 Assessment

Per 3

There were many compromises that occurred that ensured the government would work
with the people to create a more perfect union. There was the Great Compromise that
would make the states represent themselves. They called it the House of
Representatives. They also came up with the Three-Fifths Compromise. This
compromise was going to help count slaves as population. So they said every 5 slaves
counted as 3 people. A compromise is a settlement of differences by mutual
concessions or an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims
and principles. This was all planned on in the Constitutional Convention. The
Constitutional Convention was a convention to write the constitution and to solve the
compromises. It was also to write a better constitution. Some people didnt wanna sign
the constitution because they thought it was against their religion.

The Articles of Confederation was the early constitution. There were many
problems with it. People say it was too rushed or it was just to get Great Britain out of
our colonies but its true. Not even all the states approved it. It started to impact the
money in congress which they ended up taxing the farmers. These colonists escaped
Great Britains power and harsh taxes to get taxed again? People were furious! Captain
Daniel Shays of the Continental Army started a rebellion. It was called Shays Rebellion
as farmers joined to rebel and protest. The rebellion shut down courthouses so they
cant shut down farms. They stole guns from the north. Since the continental army was
disbanded, Congress could not do anything but to send militia troops to Springfield to
restore order. That ended Shays Rebellion. This made congress to call an emergency
convention to rewrite the constitution.

The Bill of Rights enforce the amendments to the constitution. This protects us
from the governments power. The government cannot control us due to the 5th-8th
amendments. The constitution made everybody happy because of this. People were
happy because they got to choose who would represent their state in congress (except
Maryland). Maryland is not apart of it because they voted out of it. A lot of people didnt
sign the constitution because of business reasons or illness. People also didnt sign the
Constitution because of the ratification in maryland. Back to the Bill of Rights, this
helped more people who are other religions. The First Amendment states Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. This means that Congress
cannot make any faith the official religion of the United States. It also says the First
Amendment builds a wall of separation between church and state. The Government
cant take over because of our rights and the power of We The People.
The Constitution made a more perfect union by creating branches of law. The
Legislative Branch Makes the rules, makes the budget, and establishes Federal courts.
The Executive branch Enforces the laws, Negotiates treaties, and acts of the
commander in chief of military. The Judicial branch Interprets the laws and judges if that
law is constitutional. They also rule on cases between states. The Legislative Branch
makes laws by members of the senate proposing them. If the Legislative Branch
approves that proposal they turn it into a law. Then, it gets sent to the Executive Branch.
The Executive Branch approves and passes the laws to the Judicial Branch if the Chief
Executive ( the President ) approves it. The Chief Executive can order treaties with
other countries but only with the consent of the senate. After the Law gets passed by
the Executive Branch, they pass it to the Judicial Branch. The Judicial branch is the last
stop of the law progress.The judicial branch consists of the system of federal courts and
judges. Theres the Federal Court, this court works with the federal laws which consists
of acts of Congress, treaties ratified by the Senate, regulations promulgated by the
executive branch, and case law originating from the federal judiciary. Then theres the
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the last stop of the Judicial Branch. Once a law
is passed, its final. If its not passed, it can go through all of the Branches again.
Members of the Judicial Branch consist of 9 who are called Justices. Usually when
being appointed, Justices serve on the court for life.

The conclusion of this essay will be explained here. There were many
compromises that made sure the government works with We the People. There was
the Great Compromise that showed how the states would represent themselves by
putting in the House of Representatives. There was the Three-Fifths Compromise which
decided how to count slaves as people. Every slave was of a persons vote. There
was the Electoral College that decided how the delegates from each state choose
somebody to run the country. The Government works for the people due to the Bill of
Rights. The Bill of Rights restates and reinforces the Ten Amendments. The 5th-8th
amendments ensure that We the People control our rights and the Government
controls our power. This made a more perfect union by making sure We the People
were happy but at the same time it made sure we were running a perfect country.

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