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Spiritual Animal Healer Program

Spiritual Animal Healer Program

Channeled by Linda Colibert
All artwork and manuals for the Spiritual Animal Healer Program --
copyright by Linda Colibert 2008
SpiritLight Reiki

Spiritual Animal Healer Program

The Spiritual Animal Healer Program helps in all areas of animal healing.
There are no prerequisitesalthough it would help for students to have
some knowledge of Reiki energies and how they work. Anyone can learn to
use the energies of the Spiritual Animal Healing Program.
There are 6 attunement levels in the Spiritual Animal Healing Program,
each one connects on a deeper level and allows you to communicate and
heal animals with a higher degree of energies:

1. Level 1: Animal Communicationstrongly enhances your abilities to

understand and communicate with animals.

2. Level 2: Emotional Trauma Animal Healingthis attunement allows you

to connect with animals on an emotional level and works to heal them
emotionally. You will learn what causes emotional trauma in animals
and how to help animals deal with it.

3. Level 3: Physical Animal Healingthis attunement connects you to

powerful healing energies that work to help heal physical ailments in
animals, including relieving pain, and speeding recovery of injuries,
illness, and disease.

4. Level 4: Animal Behaviorthis attunement helps you to understand

what causes behavior problems in animals and works to help heal
animal behavior problems.

5. Level 5: Wild Animal Environmental Healingthis attunement connects

you to the energies of animal species and their environmental habitat in
the wild and works to help heal the environment as well as helping
animals species to survive in the wild, including endangered species.

6. Level 6: Crossing Over Animalsthis attunement connects you to

animals on the deepest level, and works to help you cross them over in
peace and with love.

Spiritual Animal Healer Program

Level 1: Animal Communication

Physical Communication

Whenever you are trying to communicate with an animal, you need to

understand that they are not human, and the way they communicate with
us is through what makes sense to them. For example, one of my dogs
when asked, What do you want? will run to the kitchen counter or the
cabinet and place her front feet on the countertop. I have learned that this
means she wants a treat. I can hold something out to her, she will sniff it
and if it is not what she wants, she will point her nose toward the box of
dog biscuits. She is talking to me physically in the only way she knows
how. The same is with going outside she will go to the back door and sit
and look at me and then at the door and wait. If I do not respond, she will
bark and stand up and point her nose at the door. She cannot speak to me
with words in my language, but she talks to me in her own way. This is true
for any animal. They will try to physical speak to you through motions and
sounds. You must pay close attention so that you can understand what the
animal is telling you.
Animals can learn to recognize certain words and understand what we are
saying to them. These will be simple words that are repeated with a specific
action that always follows the word, and any animal will learn to recognize
and understand. For example, my dogs have learned words like out,
want, cookie, stay, sit, lay down, come on wait, their names,
etc.. I know they have learned these words because I can use the words in
different sentences when talking to someone else, and they will pick up on
one word or short phrase and react to it. Cats also will do this. If you pay
close attention to animals, you will be able to see and recognize how much
of your language they can and do learn.
The physical communication between you and animals is a part of being
able to understand them and for them to understand you. Any Animal and
humans are different species and there often exists a communication
barrier between species. Use everything you can to help you break down
this difference in communication and language, and you will discover that
it is much easier to then move to the level of telepathic communications
with an enhanced ability for both animals and humans to understand each

Telepathic and Psychic Communication with Animals

When you communicate with animals, any animal, telepathically or

psychically, you will receive messages in various ways. You may see
flashes of images, feel certain feelings, smell or taste something connected
to the animals memory. Sometimes you will hear the message in your own
language, which is your higher self translating for you. All of these things
will give you insight and clues to what the animal has experienced or what
the animal is trying to tell you.
There are four parts to psychic communications with animals.
The first is the Telepathic, which comes from the animals past memories
and/or the present. The information may not be complete because the
animals memories, like our own memories may be distorted with time, or
parts may be forgotten. In this form of communication, you will need to put
the pieces together like a puzzle to form the big picture.
The second part is Imprinting. There is no such thing in reality as time and
space. Everything takes place in the present. Time is not linear and
horizontal, but vertical. In other words, everything exists in the present,
stacked on top of each other. Therefore, when you are doing this type of
psychic work, you will be actually stepping into a parallel time of existence,
in which you will be able to receive various imprints of the energies there
the events that have happened. You may see the event, feel it, etc., which
allows you to experience the event that has taken place in some way. This
also takes place in the past and present, but does not rely on the animals
memories of an event or thing.
The third part of psychic communications with animals, is seeing and
feeling the animals energies. This allows you to see the animals chakras
and aura. All things have auras, and all animals have chakras that are like
our own. The colors of the chakras of animals are the same as ours and
relate to the same areas of the physical body. The first chakra (root chakra)
is red and located in the groin area of the animal. The second chakra (navel
or center), is orange and located in the abdomen. The third chakra (solar
plexus) is yellow and located in the area just below the rib cage or the pit of
the stomach. The fourth chakra (heart chakra) is green and located in the
heart area. The fifth chakra (throat chakra) is blue, and is located in the
throat area. The sixth chakra (third eye) is purple or indigo, and is located
in the area just slightly above and between the brow. The seventh chakra
(crown) is white, though some people may see this as purple, and is
located at the crown or top of the head.
The fourth part of psychic communication with animals is to connect to
your higher self so that the messages you receive will be better understood
by you. The Higher Self can interpret the sensations, the bits and pieces of
information that you receive and help you understand. Also, your Higher
Self can help the messages you send to the animal to be better understood
by the animal. Your Higher Self knows what is being communicated
between you and the animal and can act as a translator. Any guides you

have may play a part in helping you and the animal receive and send
messages and understand them.

Animal Communication Symbol

The symbol is a pink heart with a white crown in the center. Visualize this
symbol with the crown glowing with white light. The pink heart represents
universal love. The white crown represents your higher self and the
connection entering through the crown chakra to the heart with universal
Use this symbol by visualizing it over the animal, preferably the animals
third eye, either distantly or in person. You can use a picture of the animal
if this helps you to focus. You only need to hold the visualization for about
30 seconds and then allow the messages to come in to you.
In fact, this symbol may help you with any psychic work or healing work,
by visualizing it first and holding the symbol in your mind for 30 seconds,
before beginning any psychic work or healing work.

To read any animals aura or chakras, begin first with the Animal
Communication Symbol and then think of the animal or look at the animal if
it is physically present. Allow your mind to clear and think of seeing the

first chakra. Pay attention to whatever comes into your mind, you will see
the color, and if it is bright and clearly red (the first chakra is red), or if
other colors or darkness is swirling or blocking the flow of that chakras
energies. When you have finished, move up to the second chakra, which
should be orange and is located in the navel area of the abdomen, and do
the same thing you did with the first chakra. Continue to repeat this with
each chakra, all the way through the crown. Notice any discoloration,
darkness, or dullness, which can indicate problems in the area of the
chakra. This will help you determine what areas may be injured or effected
by illness or disease.
You may want to send healing to the chakras by visualizing the darkness
being pulled out of the animal (hold a stone or something in your hand to
absorb the negative energies) if you are doing this in person. If you are
doing it distantly, visualize the darkness and negativity being pulled out of
the animal and being transmuted into positive energies of love and light.
Visualize the chakra being cleared and see it glowing brightly. Do this with
each chakra to clear each one and help prevent negativity that can cause
illness from building up. You can do this on a regular basis to help keep
the chakras clear vibrant.

Animal Aura
People work to keep their own auras clear, yet many people never think to
clear their pets aura. Negativity can build up in an animals aura just as it
can in a human. Negativity in forms of residue-- from environment, other
people who are around an animal or who come in contact with the animal,
even for a short time, can attach and cling to an animals aura just as it can
in people. This negativity can cause an animal to become sick, just as it
would a human.
Visualize the Animal Communication Symbol and intend to see the animals
aura. Allow the images to come in to you. Notice the color of the animals
aura. Pay attention to any darkness or any ethereal things that may be
clinging or attached. You will want to clear these out and help the colors of
the animals aura be bright and shining. Visualize any negativity in the
animals aura being pulled out of the aura. When you are finished clearing
the aura and the chakras, send pure white light through the animals crown
chakra and down through all of the animals chakras. Then surround the
animal with pure white light. White light contains all of the light colors and
will heal any weak chakras or holes in the aura by filling it with the color it
is meant to be. It is like a big dose of vitamins for the chakras or/and the
aura! The chakras and the aura will draw what it needs from the pure white
light to heal and shine brightly.

To Help Locate a Lost Animal

If you have an animal that is lost, you can use the Animal Communication
Symbol and visualize it over the third eye of the animal. Focus your
attention on guiding the animal home. This will connect you to the animal

and help guide the animal back. Since you are connected to the animal, you
may find yourself drawn to a specific place or receive a message about
where to look for the animal. Using the symbol and connecting to the
animal will draw the animal toward you and you toward the animal. This
helps you to find a lost animal and reduces the time you will have to search
to locate the animal.


The Attunement to Level One Animal Communication will connect you to

animals, and Spirit in a way that will enhance your abilities to communicate
with, and understand animals. It links you to the energies that strengthen
and deepen your comprehension of animals by calling upon your higher
self as an interpreter between you and any animal. This will improve your
abilities to receive psychic messages and to intuitively know what animals
are trying to tell you, and also increases your abilities to be understood by
animals. It helps break down the communication barriers between you and
animals. The more you work with the energies, the stronger your abilities
will become. You do not need an attunement to develop your abilities or
work with animals in either psychic communications or healing, however,
the attunements of the Spiritual Animal Healer Program do increase your
abilities, strengthen your connections, and speed your learning and
spiritual ascension in the areas of animal healing and psychic abilities.

To Receive the Attunement to the Spiritual Animal Healer Program

Level 1Animal Communication:
Be sure you can have about 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time where you will
not be disturbed and get comfortable. When you are ready, take 3 deep
breaths, exhaling slowly to expel any negative energies or tension, clearing
your energies before beginning your attunement. When you are ready, say,
I accept this attunement for the Spiritual Animal Healer ProgramLevel 1
(Animal Communication) from (your teachers name) now. Then just relax
and allow the energies to flow in and enjoy your attunement.

To Send This Attunement:

The Spiritual Animal Healer Program attunements are sent by intention in
the way that works best for you. You can pass this attunement distantly or
in person. Always pass the attunements in this program in the way you feel
guided, because each person is different and the most powerful way for
you to pass the attunements will be in the way that you feel most
comfortable with.
Get comfortable and take three deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Then say, I
ask that (name) be attuned to (name of attunement and level of the
attunement) on (date and time). Thank you! And so it is. Then just allow
the energies to flow through you and to the person being attuned.

There will be no ill side effects of this attunement. Instead, you will feel
filled with love and light. You may or may not see colors or visions. You
may or may not receive messages during the sending or receiving of this

Reiki is a form of energy healing that always helps and never harms. If your
pet or animal friend is ill or injured, please take him or her to the
veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Reiki works hand in hand with the
medical profession.

This Spiritual Animal Healer Program is not affiliated with any other animal
healing reiki, program, or attunements that may or may not be in existence.
It is not to be confused with any other animal healing attunements or reiki

The Spiritual Animal Healer Program is founded and copyrighted by Linda

All of the attunements and levels of the Spiritual Animal Healer Program
are a part of the complete program and are NOT to be sold separately. The
Spiritual Animal Healer Program a complete system consisting of 6
attunements that build upon each other and increase in energies with each
Please respect the energies of this attunement and the work that went into
bringing it to youit is a powerful system that should not be devalued.
Please keep your prices when you sell the Spiritual Animal Healer Program
at a price that reflects its value. The Spiritual Animal Healer Program is
NOT to be given away freely on any yahoo group or similar group.

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