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Translation and Transliteration

The Graceful and Benevolent Litany
Morning and Evening Devotions

Compiled by:
Imam Abdullah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad

Edited by Professor G. Mohamed

alwird FIN E.indd 1 1/3/12 7:59 AM

Translation and Transliteration

The Graceful and Benevolent Litany
Morning and Evening Devotions

Compiled by:
Imam Abdullah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad

Edited by Professor G. Mohamed

WIRD pages 1a and 2a.indd 1 1/3/12 10:19

WIRD pages 1a and 2a.indd 2 1/3/12 10:19

My late parents Abdul Ghani and Fatima

My late wife Rukeyah Mohamed.
My children Ashraf, Nawal and Taariq,
My daughter-in-law Shanaaz and
All my grandchildren.


that deal with the Knowledge and Remembrance of
Allh and that furthers ASHNATAAR
PUBLICATIONS objective of excellence in research,
scholarship and education.

P.o. Box 1366, Sea Point 8060

Cape Town, South Africa.


First published in January 2012 by

Reprinted March 2012

All rights reserved

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved
above, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise)
without the prior written permission of the above
publisher of this book.

Graphic and Cover Design by Abdullah Amien


All Praise belongs to Allh , the One without Whose

Guidance this translation and transliteration of the Wird
Al-Laf would not have been possible. The One Who
opens the vistas of the intellect and the heart, and assists
His bondsmen in the penning of the meanings and
interpretations of His Address, in order that He may
prepare the one who reads and hears it. This Blessing
and Mercy of Allh , the Majestic, will unlock the
heart to a trajectory that will lead to His Door. May
Allh bestow Blessings and Peace upon our beloved
Prophet Muammad , his family and his Companions.

This translation and transliteration owe so much to so

many minds, friends and family. I would however like
to acknowledge the following persons who gave so
generously of their time, and who so eagerly shared
their insights:

Shaykh Ziyaad Salie of the Strand, Western Cape,
South Africa, for his transliteration of the entire text,
for transcribing the Arabic, for assisting with the
translation of the Arabic and for typesetting the final
Shaykh Achmad Hendricks, one of the Imms of the
Azzwiyah Mosque, Cape Town, South Africa.
Maulana Abdurragmaan Khan of Cape Town, South
Africa, for assisting with the translation of this

May Allh bless and reward all the above

contributors, in this world, and in the Hereafter.

Professor Ghoesain Mohamed (Editor)

Visiting Professor of Chinese Medicine, Beijing,
China; Western Medical Clinician and Practitioner
of Chinese Medicine and Tibb al-Nabawi, Cape
Town, South Africa.


In the Name of Allh, the Most Compassionate, the
Most Merciful. Peace and Blessings upon our beloved
Prophet Muammad , his family and his Companions.

The Al-Wird al-Laf The Graceful and Benevolent

Litany which reflects on the many Attributes of Allh,
was compiled by Al-Imm Al-Qub Al-abb Abdullh
ibn Alaw Al-addd. It consists of invocatory sayings
of the Prophet , holistically weaved into pertinent
Qurnic Verses, and coupled with a number of
inspirational lines provided by the author himself. This
wird is called Al-Wird al-Laf, because it is the kinder
and lighter of the awrd, compared with Al-Wird al-
Akbar, which is more intense.

A wird (pl. awrd) is any litany one chooses to recite

for invocatory purposes, such as the Asm al-usn (the
Ninety Nine Names of Allh) for example.

The Al-Wird al-Laf can be practised individually or in
congregation, the latter being the preferred. It is
recommended, that it be recited after the Fajr Prayer in
the morning and after the Maghrib Prayer in the
evening, but it can be recited at any time of the day. In
the evening, the words in brackets should be read
instead (refer to pgs. 30, 32, 46, 48, 50). The prime
reason for the translation and transliteration of the Al-
Wird al-Laf, is to empower the reader, in order for
him/her (the worshipper, the bid) to understand,
internalise and reflect on the passages in this litany, and
to enable him/her to climb the various stations (maqm)
in his/her journey to Allh , the Most Compassionate,
the Most Merciful.

Through Dhikrullh1 (remembrance of Allh), we can

heal illnesses of the body and the heart (purification),
and thus bring our system into balance (homeostasis).
The resultant spiritual purification will propel our being
to a higher level (station, maqm). This will enable us to
receive the Divine Message that is reflected through our
senses (tongue, eyes etc.), and through our personal
conduct. The Prophet said in a adth: Allh the
Exalted and Transcendent stated: I am near to the
thoughts of my bondsman2 (servant) as he thinks about

Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also
Remember him in My Heart; and if he remembers Me in
an assembly, I Remember him in a better Assembly; and
if he draws near to Me by the span of a palm, I draw
near to him by a cubit; and if he draws near to Me by a
cubit3, I draw near to him by the space of two hands
(outstretched hands); and if he walks towards Me, I will
rush (run) towards him. (Bukhr4, Muslim5,Tirmidh6
and Ibn Mja7).

For the Qurnic translations we opted for The Holy

Qurn by Yusuf Ali, The Noble Qurn by Drs
Muammad Al-Hill and Musin Khan and The
Qurn by Mawlana Widuddn Khan. In order to
make it easy for readers from any part of the world to
read the transliteration of the Arabic, we have used, in
the main, the Encyclopedia of Islam (New Edition) with
minor adjustments. This translation has valuable end
notes to explain the meanings of untranslatable Arabic
words, Islamic concepts, Qurnic quotations and

We hope and pray that this translated and transliterated

version of the Al-Wird al-Laf will be spiritually

enriching to the many wayfarers on their journey
towards Allh .

Professor Ghoesain Mohamed (Editor)

Visiting Professor of Chinese Medicine, Beijing,
China; Western Medical Clinician and Practitioner
of Chinese Medicine and Tibb al-Nabawi, Cape
Town, South Africa.


Imm Abdullh al-addd, the author of the well-

known daily wird (or litany) Rtib al-addd, is a
member of a large family of saints, scholars and dut
of the B Alaw family of aramawt. The roots of
this family go back to Imm Amad al-Muhjir a
decendant of the Nab through Imm Ali al-Uraydi
son of Imm Jafar al-diq. Imm Amad is known as
al-Muhjir because he fled (hijrah) the heavy political
disturbances in Baghdad, where his father had moved
earlier from Medina, and moved with his family to
Yemen and eventually settled in aramawt. His qabr
(grave) is still there built-up and frequented by the B
Alaws and others.

Books on Taawwuf and especially the works of

Imm Ghazli were studied, memorized, dissected,
practiced and passed on from generation to generation.
During the early part of the history of this family, they
preferred anonymity. Their spiritual methods and
insights were preserved like a closely guarded family
secret. The value of this remarkable family-focussed
spirituality came to the notice of the broader Ummah

much later. They made a particularly strong impression
in Makkah and Medina from around the 9th 10th
centuries A.H. onwards when a number of the B
Alaw Sayyids moved to the ijs and settled there.
The dawa activities of this family is probably the
primary reason for the spread of Islam in South East
Asia. Traditional Islam was brought to Indonesia, the
Phillipines, Malaysia, Brunei and a large part of
Southern India in this way.

The great spiritual leader and organizer of the B

Alaw arqah was Imm Muammad al-Faqh al-
Muqaddam B Alaw. He received the fi spiritual
lineage that passes through Imm Ghazli, from Ab
Madyan during the 6th century A.H. the age of the
emergence of the great uruq. The family also possesses
lineages that go back to the Nab  through the family.

Imm Abdullh al-addd was born on a Sunday

night, during the month of afr, in the year 1043 A.H.
His father was Alaw ibn Muammad ibn Amad al-
addd, and his mother the very pious Salma bint
Aydars ibn Amad al-ibshi. Both of them died in the
year 1073 A.H.

The Imm contracted small-pox at the age of 3 and
lost his eyesight. He grew up in Tarm, one of the well-
known towns in aramawt, and it was here that he
memorized the Qurn. He displayed a very powerful
spiritual tendency from a very early age. The Imm used
to go into very deep spiritual states during the arah.
One childhood friend of his, Imm Amad Umr al-
Hadawn said, that at times he could not come out of his
state of bliss, unless they carried and placed him on top
of the qabr of Imm Muammad al-Faqh al-
Muqaddam. The Imm also won the favour of the
spiritual masters of his time. Another friend of his,
Imm Amad Hshim al-ibsh said, they used to study
together the works of Imm Ghazli under the great
Shaykh of the B Alaws, Imm Umr Abdurramn
al-As. During one session the Shaykh told him:
You and Abdullh al-addd are the same at the
beginning, and you will part the same at the ending.

In his early life, the Imm traveled frequently.

Whenever he heard of a saintly person, he would pay
them a visit to receive their blessings and guidance. In
this way, he built up a collection of ijzt and khirqahs,
details of which can be seen in the great collections of
the Alaw scholars.

The dominant figures in the spiritual life and
development of the Imm, were Sayyid Umr al-As
and Sayyid Muammad ibn Alaw, the latter being the
great Makkan scholar and spiritual guide. These, and
other shuykh, thought highly of the Imm. Sayyid
Umr al-As, for example, said that no one equalled
Imm al-addd in their age. Sayyid Amad ibn Nir
compared al-addd to B Yazd al-Bistami. The great
scholar Sayyid Shaykhayn ibn usayn called Imm al-
addd the Kabah of hearts.

The Imm is known to have frequented the qabr of

Nab Hd , may Allahs Peace and Blessings be upon
him, which is located near aramawt. He advised
people to recite the mawld at this holy shrine. He also
regularly spent time at the qabr of al-Faqh al-
Muqaddam and Shaykh Ab Bakr Slim al-Aynati. The
name of the last saint is quoted in one of the works of
Tuan Ysuf. In fact, Tuan Ysuf ends one of his
treatises with a piece of the poetry of Shaykh Ab Bakr
Slim. According to his students, the Imm used to do
these visitations after Asr on both Fridays and

Imm al-addd performed his ajj in the year
1079 A.H. He was 35 years old at the time, and stayed
at the house of Sayyid usayn B Fal in Makkah. His
landlord also thought highly of him. Sayyid usayn
saw in him a combination of the traits of both Sayyid
Muammad ibn Alaw and the great fi shaykh of
Makkah Amad al-Qushsh.

Imm al-addd was actively involved in teaching.

Since the age of 27, he taught at the famous Musjid al-
Hujayrah in Tarm. At the same time, he conducted
classes at his zwiyah. A point to note here is, that the
whole concept of a zwiyah as an educational institution
rather than fundamentally as a place of worship or
musjid, is a typical Alaw phenomenon. They built
zawy (pl. of zwiyah) near or next to the musjid
wherever they traveled or settled. His classes were well
attended, and from those classes, emerged some of the
greatest scholars in arami history. The author of the
world famous rislah al-jmiah, Imm Amad Zayn
al-ibsh for example, attended those classes for
approximately 40 years.

In the year 1083 A.H., at the age of 39, Imm al-

addd built his home near Tarm. The house is in the

centre of a complex, surrounded by a musjid (Musjid al-
Fat). This hallowed place soon became the spiritual
and intellectual centre of aramawt. The list of
scholars and ufiyyah, who attended or stayed at this
place, is too long to mention. Huge charitable afalt
(pl. of aflah - gatherings) were held at this musjid,
where both rich and poor were hosted. The Imm called
this place w al-Khayrt wa al-Nr, which literally
means embracing goodness and light.

In the beginning Imm al-addd stayed at al-w

for short periods of time, sometimes for a year,
whereafter he would return to the city. In the year 1099
A.H., at the age of 55, he moved to al-w
permanently, where he had classes during the day, on
Mondays and Thursdays. These were held inside or on
the roof of the house. Other classes were held every
night in the musjid.

The Imm passed away in the year 1132 A.H. at the

age of 89. He fell sick on the 27th of Raman of that
year, and remained sick until the 7th of Dhul Qadah.
The ghusl was done by his son and successor, Sayyid
asan al-addd and the janzah was led by his other
son, Sayyid Alaw. The attendance at the janzah was

so huge, that it was said, that the mayyit left the house
after Asr, and was only laid to rest in the qabr after

Imm al-addd left 10 children 6 sons and 4

daughters. In addition to all this, the Imm left a
considerable legacy of writings. The Imms books,
which are highly recommended, and where poetry takes
pride of place, have benefitted generations of both
students and scholars. One scholar said that most of the
Imms deepest insights are contained in his poetry.
Interestingly, the descendants of a few local Imms
have copies of the famous commentary of Imm Amad
bin Sumayyit on the Lmiyyah (called Lmiyyah
because each verse ends with the Arabic letter lm) of
the Imm al-addd. He also composed a series of
awrd (or litanies) most of which are central to the daily
practices of the B Alawiyyah and their students.

Imm Abdullh al-addd has written a number of

very useful books. Here is a list of some of them:
Al-Nasi al-Dniyyah Advice of the Dn
Al-Dawah al-Tmmah The Complete Message
Rislah al-Muwanah wa al-Mudhharah wa
al-Muwzarah Book of Assistance

Kitb al-Murd Book of the Seeker or Spiritual
Rislah al-Mudhkarah Book of Reminiscence
Sabl al-Iddikr wa al-Itibr Lives of Man
Tathbt al-Fud Strenghtening of the Heart

Some of these books have recently been translated of

which the translations of Dr. Muaf al-Badaw, who we
know personally, is recommended.

Shaykh Achmad Hendricks



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HGB D%E F(BBC) A! / ?
JGB D%E F(BBI) &  @> 1
Bismillhir ramnir In the Name of Allh,
ram Most Compassionate,
Most Merciful.
1 Qul huwal lhu aad. 1 Say: He is Allh, the
One and Only;
2 Allhu amad. 2 Allh, the Eternal,
3 Lam yalid wa lam 3 He was not born, nor
ylad. does He give birth;
4 Wa lam yakul lah 4 And there is nothing
kufuwan aad. like Him.8 (3 times)

Bismillhir ramnir In the Name of Allh,

ram Most Compassionate,
Most Merciful.
1 Qul adhu birabbil 1 Say: I seek refuge with
falaq. the Lord of the
2 Min sharri m khalaq. 2 From the mischief of
created things;
3 Wa min sharri 3 From the mischief of
ghsiqin idh waqab. darkness as it becomes
4 Wa min sharrin 4 From the mischief of those
naffthti fil uqad. who practise secret arts;
5 Wa min sharri sidin 5 And from the mischief
idh asad. (thalthan) of the envious one as he
practises envy.9 (3 times)


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ZGB D%E F(BBH) K%6 @> 1

\^G\] D%E F(CI) W 6-[   
Bismillhir ramnir In the Name of Allh,
ram Most Compassionate,
Most Merciful.
1 Qul adhu birabbin 1 Say: I seek refuge with
ns. the Lord and Cherisher
of mankind;
2 Malikin ns. 2 The King (or Ruler) of
3 Ilhin ns. 3 The God (or Judge) of
4 Min sharril waswsil 4 From the mischief of
khanns. the whisperer (of evil),
who withdraws;
5 Alladh yuwaswisu f 5 (The whisperer) who
udrin ns. whispers into the
hearts of mankind;
6 Minal jinnati 6 From among jinn and
wanns. (thalthan) men.10 (3 times)

Rabbi adhu bika min O my Lord! I seek refuge

hamaztish shayn. Wa with You from the
adhu bika rabbi suggestions of the Evil
ayyaurn. Ones; And I seek refuge
(thalthan) with You, O my Lord! In
the event that they come
near me.11 (3 times)

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BB^GBBJ D%E F(CI) W 6-[   @> 1

Afaasibtum annam Did you (really) imagine
khalaqnkum abathaw that We created you
wa annakum ilayn l without any purpose, and
turjan. that you would not be
brought back to Us (for

Fatalallhul malikul Therefore, Exalted be

aqqu l ilha ill huwa Allh, the True King; there
rabbul arshil karm. is no god but He; the Lord
of the Throne of Honour!

Wa may yadu maallhi He who invokes another

ilhan khara l burhna deity along with Allh a
lah bih fainnam deity of whose divinity he
isbuh inda rabbih has no proof will be
innah l yufliul kfirn. brought to account by his
Lord. Verily, the
unbelievers will not be

Wa qurrab-bighfir So say: O my Lord!

waram wa anta khayrur Forgive us and have
rimn. Mercy on us; for You are
the best of those Who show
 Y4 ` =9
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 ) M  8'T    - : Y    
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 >  : Y  :' Y
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c L  N4 

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 VT U   % * + ,p 
(%"!") . T b) 

B\GB] D%E F(Is) r )d  @> 1

Fa subnallhi na So glorify Allh in the
tumsna wa na evening and in the
tubin. morning.

Wa lahul amdu And Praise be to Him in

fissamwti wal ardi the Heavens and on earth;
waashiyyaw wa na and glorify Him in the
tuhirn. late afternoon and at

Yukhrijul ayya minal It is He Who revives the

mayyiti wa yukhrijul living out of the lifeless,
mayyita minal ayyi wa and cause the living to
yuyil ara bada die. He gives life to the
mawtih wa kadhlika earth after its death; and
tukhrajn. you shall be raised to life
(resurrected) in the same

 Adhu billhis  I seek refuge in Allh,

samil almi minash the All-Hearing, the All-
shaynir rajm. Knowing, from the
(thalthan) rejected shayn.14
(3 times)

%< .%  / _p)
0 `b :4 , W 4);  N 4 %6 S a 
%j *) X
a t%
 7-  L  c 
Q TU /  -' %,'
4u f O N      W  )   _  j <  K%  6
 4  )    e @v%  j U  3  T w   ,4 e  u
L      u 4u f O N      T ) 

>% `R   S  S <    T j     -[     4 =   d ; 
! W  ) U  % ,   Y4 ` 1 e)'` _ 

Law anzaln hdhal Had We sent down this
qurna al jabalil lara Qurn on a mountain, you
aytah khshiam would have certainly seen
mutaaddiam min it humbling itself and
khashyatillh, wa tilkal splitting asunder for its
amthlu naribuh linnsi fear of Allh.We relate
laallhum yatafakkarn. these parables to men so
that they may reflect.

Huwallhulladh l ilha He is Allh; there is no

ill huwa limul ghaybi god, but Him. The All-
wash shahdati huwar Knower of the Unseen and
ramnur ram. the seen. He is the Most
Compassionate, Most

Huwallhulladh l ilha He is Allh; there is no

ill huwal malikul god, but Him; the King,
quddsus salmul the Most Pure, the Source
muminul muhayminul of Peace (Perfection), the
azzul jabbrul Giver of Security, the
mutakabbir, Protector, the All-Mighty,
the Compeller, the
Supremely Great;

subnallhi amm Glory be to Allh. (High is

yushrikn. He) above all that they
associate as partners with


yz 1   >'   > %`  & %M    
 > {  D
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 4 4 =
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%  T 6-[      
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 - %_    * +,p 


CHGCB D%E F(J\) )U Y  @> 1

^BG]\ D%E F(I]) D%9%
  @> 1
Huwallhul khliqul He is Allh, the Creator,
briul musawwiru lahul the Maker, the Fashioner.
asmul usn, yusabbiu To Him belongs the Most
lah m fissamwti wal Beautiful Names.
ari wa huwal azzul Everything in the Heavens
akm. and the earth glorify Him.
And He is the All-Mighty,
the All-Wise.15

Salmun al nin Peace and salutations to

fillamn. Noah among the nations
(man, jinn and all that

Inn kadhlika najzil Verily, this is the way that

musinn. We reward the righteous.

Innah min ibdinal For he was one of Our

muminn. believing bondsmen.16

 Adhu bikalimtil  I seek refuge in the

lhit tmmti min sharri Perfect Words of Allh
m khalaq. (thalthan) from the evil that He
created.17 (3 times)

~9 y~ .   1 h - )dX    } N  

. T <   h T  =  =
     yz   > {
   ~9  n
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L ) .      8  ap u 4 u f  8  ap L  ap
.L  1 >   ` ,    Y - %a  'T1 W p FL  
(%< *> p)
 Bismillhilladh l  In the Name of Allh,
yaurru maasmih in Whose Name no harm
shayun filari wa l can be done on earth or in
fissami wa huwas Heaven. He is the All-
samul alm. Hearing, the All-
(thalthan) Knowing.18 (3 times)

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I find myself

abatu minka f nimatin this morning with favours
wa fiyatin wa sitrin, (bounties), good health
faatmim nimataka and protection from You.
alayya wa fiyataka wa So, O Allh, complete
sitraka fidduny Your favours, good health
walkhirah. (thalthan) and Your protection for
(In the evenings, recite: me in this world as well as
amsaytu instead of in the Hereafter.19
abatu). (3 times)

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! This morning

abatu ush-hiduka wa I take You, the carriers of
ush-hidu amalata arshika Your Throne, Your Angels
wa malikataka wa jama and all of creation as
khalqika, annaka antallhu witnesses, that truly You
l ilha ill anta wadaka are Allh; there is no god,
l sharka laka, wa anna but You, You have no
sayyidan Muammadan partners, and that truly,
abduka wa rasluk. Muammad is Your
(arbaan) bondsman and
Messenger.20 (4 times)

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D  %* 8  6 - 4 
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     4 f  : `= 
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BC\ QE F(\) Q* _ @> 1
 Alamdulillhi rabbil  All Praise is only for
lamn, amdan yuwf Allh, Lord of the
niamah wa yukfiu Worlds; Praises that are
mazdah. (thalthan) equal to His Bounties and
matches His added Grace
and Bounties.21 (3 times)
 mantu billhil am,  I believe in Allh, the
wa kafartu biljibti Great; and I reject all
waghti, wastamsaktu idols and false gods; and I
bilurwatil wuthq, grasp solidly the most
lanfima lah wallhu trustworthy handhold that
samun alm. never breaks. And Allh
(thalthan) is All-Hearing, All-
Knowing.22 (3 times)

 Ratu billhi rabban  I accept Allh as my

wa bilislmi dnan, wa Lord, Islm as my
bi-Muammadin religion, and Muammad,
allallhu alayhi wa lihi Peace and Blessings be
wasallama nabiyyan upon him and his family,
wa rasl. (thalthan) as a Prophet and
Messenger.23 (3 times)
asbiyallhu l ilha Allh is sufficient for me.
ill huwa alayhi There is no god, but He.
tawakkaltu wa huwa In Him do I put my trust,
rabbul arshil am. and He is the Lord of the
(saban) Mighty Throne!24
(7 times)
 `Y P  0  4
  4  Y - %a 'T1 :4 ,
' P  j 5 
 . '1 
() U ,)

F) T M  @y%R   1p ~'au  j54  

 9  - L 
.)' U   * +,p
 9  - L  

%ap ~ 6_; / 8 4

 ap u 4u  F~ '*> 8
 ap  j 5 
F8  < V_1 %-  ,   j , :4 , %ap F  ` ,
L _ < 6* L   y *p F8
 < 6P   * +,p
 %- )' .  - L 
)  w  a9 ~  )  2%9 ~ ` aN * y *p F~ ,
.8  ap u (   aNd 

 Allhumma alli al  O Allh! Send
sayyidin Muammadin Blessings upon our master
wa lih wa abih wa Muammad, his family
sallim. (ashran) and Companions, and
bestow Peace upon them.25
(10 times)

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I ask You of

asaluka min fujatil unexpected good fortune,
khayr, wa adhu bika and I seek refuge in You
min fujatish sharr. from unexpected ill-

 Allhumma anta  O Allh! You are my

rabbi, l ilha ill anta Lord. There is none
khalaqtan, wa ana worthy of worship besides
abduka wa ana al You. You have created
ahdika wa wadika me, and I am Your servant,
mastatatu, adhu bika and I am true to my
min sharri m anatu, promise and commitment
to You, to the best of my
ability. I seek refuge in
You from the evil of what
I have committed.

abulaka bi nimatika I acknowledge Your

alayya wa abu bi favour upon me, and
dhanb faghfirl fainnah confess to my sins; forgive
l yaghfirudh dhunba me, for none but You can
ill anta. forgive sins.27
L  ap u 4u  F~ '*> 8
 T , F8  ap  j 5 
. T o <   g
 ) <   (   c
 ap 8
d > 8

F     U    %- FW %  y%. %- 

. T o <   :' <   %
 * u @   t  
W p F)     y0 ~ .
'  :4 ,  W p  , p 
.% , y0 ~ .
'  * k

 - F~ =  a )' .  - L 4

 * + ,p ~ 'au  j 5 
 6* rN /E
~ '*> W u F%j _TP%  ap FQ0 *v
'  )' .
.0 T ; _= -d k0 ) P
 :4 ,

 Allhumma anta rabb  O Allh! You are my
l ilha ill anta alayka Lord, there is no god, but
tawakkaltu wa anta rabbul You. In You do I put my
arshil am. complete trust, and You
are the Lord of the
Mighty Throne.

 M shallhu kna,  What Allh Wills,

wa m lam yasha lam happens; and what He
yakun, wa l awla wa l does not Will, does not
quwwata ill billhil happen; and there is no
aliyyil am. Power nor Strength, save
that of Allh, the Most
High, the Great.

 Alamu annallha al  Know that indeed,

kulli shayin qadr, wa Allh has Power over all
annallha qad aa bi things and that indeed,
kulli shayin ilm. Allh comprehends all
things in His Knowledge.28

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I seek Your

adhu bika min sharri protection from the evil
nafs, wa min sharri kulli of my self, and from the
dbbatin anta khidhum evil of every moving
biniyatih, inna rabb creature which You have
al irim mustaqm. under Your control.
Indeed, my Lord is on the
straight path (in terms of
Truth and Justice).29
 - F  T w _1
p L  _  )* Fr dT % ~d %   
 F ~ a . ~  l P
p F) T R _1
pL  *N ,
L ;  /  - 0   
 p :4 u  ~ = a :4u ~ 6 c
.0 T , Q9) 

FW S Y   * +,p ~'au  j54  

  ' j   - L  
 - L  * + ,p F
 =   S R <    - L
 * + ,p
    Q `2  - L  * + ,p F
 M `   ` R  
.t% b )'  ) j  

%T a d  ~9 QT9% <   L 4
p ~ 'au  j 5 
.@) / f 
 Y ayyu Y  The Ever-Living, the
Qayym, biramatika Self-Subsisting (by
astaghth, wa min Whom all subsist). I seek
adhbika astajr, ali l help through Your Mercy
shan kullah, wa l and protection from Your
takiln il nafs wa l Punishment. Set right all
il aadim min khalqika my affairs, and do not
arfata ayn. leave me to myself or to
anyone from Your
creation, even for the
blink of an eye.30

 Allhumma inn  Allh! I seek refuge in

adhu bika minal hammi You against anxiety and
wal azan, wa adhu grief, and I seek refuge in
bika minal ajzi wal kasal, You from weakness and
wa adhu bika minal laziness, and I seek refuge
jubni wal bukhl, wa in You from cowardice
adhu bika min and greed, and from
ghalabatiddayn wa unbearable debt and from
qahrir-rijl. the oppression of

 Allhumma inn  Allh! I beseech You

asalukal fiyata to grant me safety in this
fidduny wal khirah. world as well as in the

@%9%<   QT9% <     <   L 4
p ~ 'au  j 5 
.~ %- ~  p }%   
 T av  ~ 6 v ~ 9 Q   
.~ c%,  >  - 4 ~ c> , ) _1 4
 j 5 

F~   /  - }     T *  - ~ 6 o  4

 j 5 
+ ,p F~   9  - ~ % .  ,  ~ 6T    , 
.~ _Y c  - t%  _ o< *
 _2 p W p L
 ap F~ 6   j c 8
8  ap ~ 6_; / 8  ap  j 5 
 ap F~ 6T ; = c 8
 ap ~ 6_T  c 8
8  ap ~ 6 < Vc
.)     y0 ~ .
'  :4 , 8  ap F~ 6T TY
 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I ask You
asalukal afwa wal safety, security and
fiyata wal muftad permanent protection in
dimata f dn wa relation to my religion,
dunyya wa ahl wa ml. worldly affairs, family
and property.32

 Allhummastur  O Allh! Conceal my

awrt wa min rawt. faults and defects and lay
to rest my fears.

 Allhummafan min  O Allh! Protect me

bayni yadayya wa min from the front, the rear,
khalf wa an yamn the right, the left and from
wa an shiml wa min above; I seek refuge in
fawq, wa adhu Your Magnificence, in the
biaamatika an ughtla event that I may suddenly
min tat. be destroyed from

 Allhumma anta  O Allh! You created

khalaqtan wa anta me, and You guide me,
tahdn, wa anta tuimun, and You provide me with
wa anta tasqn, wa anta food, and You provide me
tumtun, wa anta tuyn, with drink; and You shall
wa anta al kulli shayin cause me to die, and You
qadr. shall give me life
(resurrect me); and You
have Power over all
 Fr! 1 ?  @)  V9 :4 , [%6T = - p] %6Y `P p
0  Y - %6'T`a  v :4 ,  FA
 ! / ?  Q   :4 ,
%6T *p Q - :4 ,  F 1   4  T ,  :P 
. T ) U    - W % %- F% = - % T 6  T  )  *u

 * F%6T = - p
L  * %6Y `P
L pL  *  j 5 
 T u
 T ,  FD    a L  * %TY a
.[)  T  ] >U

   [:=4 - p ] l `P

L p [%6T =
 - p] %6Y `P
' >  54    Y
. T  %<   (  4

 Aban al firatil  We enter this morning
islm, wa al kalimatil with the natural purity of
ikhl, wa al dni Islm, with the Words of
nabiyyin Muammadin Sincerity, with the religion
allallhu alayhi wa lihi of our Prophet Muammad
wa sallam, wa al millati (Blessings and Peace be
abn Ibrhma anfan upon him and his family)
musliman wa m kna and in accordance with the
minal mushrikn. (In the faith of our father Ibrhm,
evenings, recite: amsayn who was by nature an
instead of aban). upright Muslim; and he was
not from the idolaters.35

 Allhumma bika  Allh! We enter the

aban wa bika amsayn, day and the night through
wa bika nay wa bika Your Power and Mercy.
namtu, wa alayka nata We live and die through
wakkalu wa ilaykan You, and on You do we
nushr. (In the evenings, depend, and in Your
recite: wa ilaykal mar, Presence will we be
instead of wa ilaykan resurrected.36
 Aban wa abaal  We, and the entire
mulku lillhi wal amdu Kingdom of Allh have
lillhi rabbil lamn. (In risen this morning, purely
the evenings, recite: amsay for the sake of Allh; and
n wa amsal mulku, instead all Praise be to Allh,
of aban wa abaal Lord of the Worlds.
 ] rT  N 4 )T/ L
N4 4
   1 p ~ 'au  j 5 

a [% ] Y _ 9 [QT 
[% ] > a [% ] ) 
.[% ]     [% ] _) *

N 4 ] rT  N 4 )T/ L 4

   1 p ~ 'au  j 5 
[% ] `  %- ) T /  [% ]  T 9 %- ) T /  [Q T 
N 4 )' .  - L  * + ,p .[% ]   < * %- ) T / 
%- )' .  [% ]  T 9 %- )' .  [Q T   N 4 ] r T 
.[% ]   < * %- )' .  [% ] ` 

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I ask of You
asaluka khayra hdhal the best of this day, its
yawm fatah wa narah (spiritual) openings, its
wa nrah wa barakatah help, its light, its blessings
wa hudh. (In the and its guidance.37
evenings, recite: hdhihil
laylah fatah wa narah
wa nrah wa barakatah
wa hudh).

 Allhumma inn  O Allh! I ask of You

asaluka khayra hdhal the goodness of this day,
yawm wa khayra m fhi the best of what is in it,
wa khayra m qablah and the best of what is
wa khayra m badah, before it; and the best
of that which is after it;

wa adhu bika min sharri and I seek Your protection

hdhal yawm wa sharri against the evil of this day,
m fhi wa sharri m the evil that is in it, and
qablah wa sharri m the evil of that which is
badah. (In the evenings before it, and the evil of
recite: hdhihil laylah and that which is after it.
fh, qablah and

 p Q0  < a  - ~ * [:=4 - p] l `P 4
p %-  j 5 
  L  ) .      L  6  9 L ;  /  -' 0 
.L  +4 :4 , )  Ud  L     Y
  L  9

 >  ;  / v  ,    Y * 

:  W %Y` 1 
(%"!") .c%  v 
  -  . ) , Qa  =  a

  ;  / v  ,    Y *  T o <   

 W %Y` 1 
.c%  v 
  -  . ) , Qa  =  a :  >

 Allhumma m abaa  Allh! Whatever
b min nimatin aw bounty has come my way,
biaadim min khalqika or the way of any of Your
faminka wadaka l creation this morning, has
sharka laka falakal indeed come from You.
amdu walakash-shukru You have no partner, and
al dhlik. (In the to You belong all Praises
evenings recite: ams and all Thanks.38
instead of abaa)

 Subnallhi wa bi  Glory and Praise be to

amdih adada khalqih Allh, equal to the
wa ri nafsih wa zinata number of His creation,
arshih wa midda to the degree that pleases
kalimtih. (thalthan) Him, to the weight of His
Throne, and the ink of the
meaning of His Eternal
Words.39 (3 times)

 Subnallhil am  Glory be to Allh, and

wa bi amdih adada by Praising Him I Glorify
khalqih wa ri nafsih Him. Glory be to Allh
wa zinata arshih wa the Almighty, equal to the
midda kalimtih. number of His creation,
(thalthan) the pleasure of Himself,
the weight of His Throne,
and the ink of the
meaning of His Eternal
Words.40 (3 times)

Fy% =
  ~9 & / %- v  ,   W %Y` 1 
Fn > { ~9 & / %- v  ,   W %Y` 1
FL  +4  T * %- v  , 
 W %Y` 1
.& %/   %- v  ,   W %Y` 1

Fy% =
  ~9 & / %- v  ,  54    Y   
Fn > { ~9 & / %- v  ,  54    Y  
FL  +4  T * %- v  ,  5   Y
.& %/   %- v  ,  54    Y  

 Subnallhi adada  Glory be to Allh,
m khalaqa fssami, equal to the number of His
creation in the Heavens;
Subnallhi adada Glory be to Allh, equal
m khalaqa flari, to the number of His
creation on earth;
Subnallhi adada Glory be to Allh, equal
m bayna dhlik, to the number of His
creation between them;
Subnallhi adada Glory be to Allh, equal
m huwa khliq. to the number of Him
being the Creator.

 Alamdulillhi adada  All Praise be to Allh,

m khalaqa fssami, equal to the number of His
creation in the Heavens;
Alamdulillhi adada All Praise be to Allh,
m khalaqa flari, equal to the number of His
creation on earth;
Alamdu lillhi adada All Praise be to Allh,
m bayna dhlik, equal to the number of His
creation between them;
Alamdulillhi adada All Praise be to Allh,
m huwa khliq. equal to the number of
Him being the Creator.

Fy% =  ~9 & / %- v  ,  u 4u  
Fn  > { ~9 & / %- v  ,  u 4 u 
FL +4  T * %- v  ,  u 4 u 
.& %/   %- v  ,  u 4 u 

Fy% =
  ~9 & / %- v  , ) ` p  
Fn  > { ~9 & / %- v  , ) ` p 
FL +4  T * %- v  , ) ` p 
.& %/   %- v  , ) `  p 

 L ilha illallhu  There is no god, but
adada m khalaqa Allh, equal to the number
fssami, of His creation in the
L ilha illallhu adada There is no god, but Allh,
m khalaqa filari, equal to the number of His
creation on earth;
L ilaha illallhu adada There is no god, but Allh,
m bayna dhlik, equal to the number of His
creation between them;
L ilha illallhu adada There is no god, but Allh,
m huwa khliq. equal to the number of
Him being the Creator.

 Allhu akbaru adada  Allh is the Greatest,

m khalaqa fssami, equal to the number of His
creation in the Heavens;
Allhu akbaru adada Allh is the Greatest, equal
m khalaqa filari, to the number of His
creation on earth;
Allhu akbaru adada Allh is the Greatest, equal
m bayna dhlik, to the number of His
creation between them;
Allhu akbaru adada Allh is the Greatest, equal
m huwa khliq. to the number of Him
being the Creator.
 T o <   :' <   %
 * u @   t  
Fy % =
  ~9 & / %- v  ,
v  ,  T o <   :' <   %
 * u @   t 
Fn > { ~9 & / %-
v  ,  T o <   :' <   %
 * u @   t 
FL +4  T * %-
v  ,  T o <   :' <   %
 * u @   t 
.& %/   %-

 L awla wal  There is no Power nor
quwwata ill billhil Strength except with
aliyyil ami adada m Allh the Exalted, the
khalaqa fssami, Mighty, equal to the
number of His creation
in the Heavens;
L awla wal quwwata There is no Power nor
ill billhil aliyyil ami Strength except with
adada m khalaqa Allh the Exalted, the
filari, Mighty, equal to the
number of His creation
on earth;
L awla wal quwwata There is no Power nor
ill billhil aliyyil ami Strength except with
adada m bayna dhlik, Allh the Exalted, the
Mighty, equal to the
number His creation
between them (Heaven
and earth);
L awla wal quwwata There is no Power nor
ill billhil aliyyil ami Strength except with
adada m huwa khliq. Allh the Exalted, the
Mighty, equal to the
number of Him being
the Creator.

 F L  ) .       u 4u  
:4 ,    8  T   : TY    Y   
 p 0@> +
'  v  , F)     y0 ~ .
.0@) -

|% _ - 0  Y - %a  'T1 :4 ,  '1 

' P 4
  j 5 
@ ! P  F   , ~ 9 %- v  , F Q  > (%
 4 :4 ,  F  L  - r   *  T v %-! 1
(%"!") .0@) -  p 0@> +
'  v  ,  `Y P 

 L ilha illallhu  There is no god, but
wadah l sharka Allh. He is One. He has
lah, lahul mulku wa no partner. His is the
lahul amdu yuy wa Kingdom, and His is the
yumtu wa huwa al Praise. He gives life and
kulli shayin qadr, death, and He has Power
adada kulli dharratin over all things; equal to
alfa marrah. the number of every atom
(thalthan) a thousand times.
(3 times)

 Allhumma all wa  O Allh! Send Peace

sallim al sayyidin and Salutations upon our
Muammadin mifti master Muammad, the
bbi ramatillhi adada key to the Door of Your
m f ilmillhi, altan Mercy, equal to the
wa salman dimayni number of Your
bidawmi mulkillh, Knowledge; an
wa al lihi wa abih Everlasting Peace and
adada kulli dharratin Salutation in Your
alfa marrah. Everlasting Dominion,
(thalthan) is showered upon his
family and Companions;
equal to the number of
every atom a thousand
times. (3 times)
abb Umar ibn Slim ibn afth in his
Khulah, recommends that after the Wird al-
Laf or any Awrd, the supplicant should say:

 4  )    u 4u  } N   )  w_1 p

     } N  r dT;  ~d Y 
(  cp D    T ) 
(@) - C]) .~  )  2  ( ' > F T u
 6-[   T6-[    ) w_1p 
(@) - C])

abb Umar ibn Slim ibn afth in his
Khulah, recommends that after the Wird al-
Laf or any Awrd, the supplicant should say:

 Astaghfirullhalladh  I seek refuge in Allh.

l ilha ill huwar There is no god but Him,
ramnur ramul ayyul the Most Compassionate,
qayyumul ladh l yamtu the Most Merciful; the
wa atbu ilayhi, Ever-Living, the Self-
rabbighfirl. Subsisting; He Who never
(27 marratan) dies; I repent to Him.
O Lord forgive me!
(27 times)

 Astaghfirullha  I ask Allh to forgive

lilmuminna wal all believing men and
mumint. believing women.
(27 marratan) (27 times)


Dhikrullh (remembrance of Allh); Dhikr: invocation;
a generic term that includes categories such as awrd
(sing. wird) and azb (sing. izb) that are usually
translated as litanies. A wird is a litany one chooses to
recite for invocatory purposes, while a izb has a more
restricted meaning and application. In the context of
Dhikr it refers to a litany that is designed for purposes of
protection and safeguarding e.g. the izb Al-Bar
(Litany of the Sea).
Bondsman: slave (lit. and fig.); servant; servitude and
obedience to Allh.
Cubit: an ancient measure of length, approximately
equal to the length of a forearm.
Imm Muammad ibn Isml ibn Ibrhm ibn Al-
Mughrah Al-Bukhr (Ab Abdullh) was born on
the 13th of Shawwl in the year 194 A.H/ 773 C.E, in
Bukhra, in the Province of Khurusn. The Imm died
on the 1st of Shawwl in the year 256 A.H/835 C.E, and
was buried in Khurtank, a village near Samarkand. It is
said, that before compiling his a, Imm Al-Bukhr
had a dream in which he saw the Prophet . In the
dream, Imm Al-Bukhr was using a fan to drive away
the flies from the Prophet . The dream was interpreted
to mean that he would be driving away the falsehood
that had been levelled against the Noble Prophet .
Imm Al-Bukhr said: I compiled my book The
a over sixteen years, and extracted six hundred
thousand (600,000) adth, and made it evidence
between myself and Allh, the Most High. The Imm
began collecting adth at the tender age of ten.
Muslim ibn al-ajjj, Ab al-usayn was born in
the year 202 A.H/781 C.E and died in the year 261
A.H/840 C.E. A very famous compiler of adth,
whose collection is known as the a Muslim, which
ranks among the six major collections.
Ab s Muammad Al-Tirmidh was born in the
year 209 A.H/788 C.E. and died in the year 279
A.H/858 C.E. Like Imm Al-Bukhr, Imm Al-
Tirmidh was one of the six main compilers of the
adth. Although he was blind, Imm Al-Tirmidh
travelled extensively. He is said to have resided in the
area of Balkh.
Ibn Mjah was born in the year 209 A.H/788 C.E and
died in the year 273 A.H/852 C.E. His full name was
Ab Abdullh Muammad ibn Yazd al-Rab al-
Qazwni ibn Mjah. He was one of the six principal
compilers of Islamic traditions in Sunn Islm. He
travelled widely in search of knowledge and the adth.
Srah al-Ikhl
Ab Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said:
Srah al-Ikhl (Srah 112) equals one third of the
Qurn. (Narrated by Muslim). According to al-
abarn, Ab Hurayrah narrates that the Prophet
said: Whosoever recites Srah al-Ikhl eleven times,
it is as if he has read the Qurn four times; and he
would be the best among the people of the earth, as long
as he fears Allh.

isha narrated that a companion, who led an

expedition for the Prophet , would lead the prayer and
end the Qurnic recitation with Qul huwallhu aad.
When they returned this was mentioned to the Prophet
who said: Ask him why he does so, which they
did. He replied: It is the attribute of al-Ramn (The
All-Merciful) and I love to recite it. So the Prophet
said: Tell him that Allh Loves him.

Anas relates that a man said to the Envoy of Allh: I

love Srah al-Ikhl. He told him: Love of it will
admit you to Paradise. (al-Tirmidh)
Srah al-Falaq and Srah al-Ns (Al-
Muawwadhatayn )
Uqbah bin mir relates that once, when he and the
Prophet were walking between Juayfa and al-Abw,
they were struck by a gust of wind and (were shrouded
in) intense darkness. Thereupon the Prophet began
to recite Qul adhu birabbil falaq and Qul adhu
birabbin ns (Srah 113 and 114 respectively). The
Prophet then said: O Uqbah seek protection from
Allh by them, for there is nothing comparable to them
when seeking protection. (Narrated by Ibn Dwd)

The Allmah Ibn ajar said, in relation to this adth,

in his commentary on the Mishkt: There is nothing
more effective in removing and protecting (oneself
from) black magic, than reading these (Srahs) on a
regular basis, especially after each prescribed prayer, as
we have tried (this and found it to be so).
Rabbi adhu bika min hamaztish
It is narrated in a adth that the Prophet asked for
protection against Satan and his followers (with the
above formula). It is also the formula preferred by
Imm al-addd and is revealed in the Qurn in Srah
al-Mumunn (Srah 23, verses 97-98). Imm al-
Ghazl included it among the invocations of wu, and
many Ulam have taken it from him, and approved of

Amr ibn Shubayb relates from his father, who in

turn related it from his father that: The Prophet
taught us (the following) words to say when we awoke
from our sleep with a startle: In the Name of Allh, I
seek refuge in the complete words of Allh from His

anger, His punishment and from the evil among His
creation; and my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the
insinuations of devils and I seek refuge in You, my
Lord, in their presence.
Afaasibtum annam khalaqnkum
Al-Baghawi narrated that Anas said: Ali ibn
Masd passed-by an afflicted man and he recited the
verses Afaasibtum annam khalaqnkum abathan
to the end of the Srah (Srah 23, verses 115-118) and
the man was cured; so the Prophet said: By the One
in Whose Hand lies my soul, if a man with certainty was
to read it on a mountain, it (the mountain) would

Muammad bin Ibrhm narrated from his father, that

the Prophet sent him on an expedition, and he
ordered them to read the above verses in the evenings
and mornings. He said they did so and they were
protected and victorious.
Fa subnallhi na tumsna wa na tubin
Ab Dwd narrated in his book of Sunan from Ibn
Abbs that the Prophet said: Whosoever recites
in the morning, Fa subnallhi na tumsna wa na
tubin until wa kadhlika tukhrajn (Srah 30,
verses 17-19), will obtain the reward he missed that day;

and whosoever recites it in the evening, will obtain the
reward he missed that night.
Adhu billhis samil almi minash shaynir
Maqal bin Yasr narrated that the Prophet said:
Whosoever recites Adhu billhis samil almi
minash shaynir rajm, three times and recites the last
three verses of Srah al-ashr (Srah 59, verses 22-24),
Allh will appoint seventy thousand angels who will
pray for him until sundown, and if he dies that day, he
will die a martyr; and whosoever recites these verses at
sundown, he shall achieve the same.
Law anzaln hdhal qurna al jabalil
There are two ideas associated in mens minds with a
mountain: one is its height, and the other that it is rocky,
stony and hard. Now comes the metaphor: the
Revelation of God is so sublime that even the highest
mountains humble themselves before it. The Revelation
is so powerful and convincing that even the hard rock
splits asunder under it. Will man then be so arrogant as
to consider himself superior to it, or so hard-hearted as
not to be affected by its powerful Message? The answer
is No for unspoilt man; and Yes for man when
degraded by sin to be the vilest of creatures.

Salmun al nin fillamn
Ibn Askir narrated that Ab Ummah said that the
Prophet said: Whosoever recites in the evening,
Salmun al nin fillamn. Inn kadhlika najzil
musinn. Innah min ibdinal muminn, no scorpion
will sting him that night.
Adhu bikalimtillhit tmmti min sharri m
In a Muslim it is narrated from Ab Hurayrah
that the Prophet said: Whosoever says at nightfall,
Adhu bikalimtillhit tmmti min sharri m khalaq,
no harm shall affect him.

And in another adth, a man came to the Prophet

and said: What an affliction I received from a scorpion
last night! The Prophet replied: If you had said,
when night fell, Adhu bikalimtillhit tmmti min
sharri m khalaq, it would not have harmed you.
Bismillhilladh l yaurru
Al-Tirmidh and Ab Dwd narrated that Uthmn ibn
Affn said that the Prophet said: Whosoever
says: Bismillhilladh l yaurru maasmih shayun fil
ari wa l fissami wa huwas samul alm, three
times, no harm shall come to them. And in another
narration: No sudden affliction will reach him.

Allhumma inn abatu minka
Ibn Assuni narrated that Ibn Abbs said that the
Prophet said: Whosoever says, Allhumma inn
abatu minka f nimatin wa fiyatin wa sitrin,
faatmim nimataka alayya wa fiyataka wa sitraka
fidduny walkhirah, three times in the morning and
evening, makes it incumbent upon Allh to complete
His provisions upon him.
Allhumma inn abatu ush-hiduka
Ab Dwd narrated that Anas bin Mlik said that
the Prophet said: When one says, Allhumma inn
abatu ush-hiduka wa ush-hidu amalata arshika
(until the end of the du), Allh will free a quarter of
him from the fire, and if he recites it twice, Allh will
free half of him, and if he recites it three times, Allh
will free three quarters of him, and if he recites it four
times, (Allh will) free him from the fire.
Alamdulillhi rabbil lamn, amdan
Imm al-Nawaw narrates in his book, Al-Adhkr, in the
chapter on Praise (Al-amd), that Ab Nar al-
Tammr, on the authority of Muammad ibn al-Nar
, said: dam said to Allh: O Lord, you have
occupied my time with hard work to earn a living, so
teach me something that encompasses all praise and all
glorification. So Allh revealed to him: O dam, say
three times in the morning and evening, Alamdulillhi

rabbil lamn, amdan yuwf niamah wa yukfiu
mazdah. This encompasses all Praise and
mantu billhil am, wa kafartu biljibti
Al-fi al-Mundhar narrated in al-Targhb wa al-
Tarhb from Makid al-Shayn of ibn Ab al-Duny
that Urwah ibn Zubayr would seek protection by
reading, three times in the morning and three times at
night, mantu billhil am, wa kafartu biljibti
waghti, wastamsaktu bilurwatil wuthq, lanfima
lah wallhu samun alm.
Ratu billhi rabban wa bilislmi dn
Thawbn narrates that the Prophet said:
Whosoever says, Ratu billhi rabban wa bilislmi
dn, wa biMuammadin allallhu alayhi wa lihi
wasallama nabiyyan wa rasl, Allh will suffice him
(is sufficient for him).

Al-abb Amad bin Alaw Jamal al-Layl said that one

of the reasons for a good ending (usn al-khtimah) is
diligency in his prayer.
asbiyallhu l ilha ill huwa
Ab Dard narrates that the Prophet said:
Whosoever says in the morning and evening,
asbiyallhu l ilha ill huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa

huwa rabbul arshil am, Allh will suffice all his
matters (both) worldly and in the Hereafter.
Invoking blessings and prayers upon the
The Prophet said: He who invokes blessings and
prayers upon me in the morning and evening ten times,
my intercession for him will be incumbent on me. He
also said: Whosoever invokes blessing and prayers
upon me once, Allh will bless him ten times.

The adths on the merits of invoking blessings upon

the Prophet are many, and many books have been
written on this.
Allhumma inn asaluka min fujatil khayr
Anas narrates that the Prophet used to recite, in
the morning and evenings, Allhumma inn asaluka
min fujatil khayr, wa adhu bika min fujatish
Sayyid al-Istighfr (the Master of Asking
In the a al-Bukhr, Shaddd ibn Aws narrates that
the Prophet said: The master of istighfr (asking
forgiveness) is: Allhumma anta rabb l ilha ill
anta (until the end of the du) and then he said:

Whosoever says it with certainty in the morning and
dies on that day, will enter Paradise.
Allhumma anta rabb l ilha ill anta alayka
riq ibn abb said: A man came to Ab Dard and
said, O Ab Dard your house is burning! He replied:
No, it is not. Allh, the Almighty, would never allow
that based on the words I heard from the Envoy of
Allh . Whosoever says this (below) at daybreak, no
affliction will befall him until night time, and
whosoever says this (below) at the end of sunset, no
affliction will befall him until the following morning;
Allhumma anta rabb l ilha ill anta alayka
tawakkaltu (until the end of the du). And in
another narration: Nothing that he dislikes will befall
him, his family or his possessions, and I have said those
words today and they are: Allhumma anta rabb l
ilha ill anta alayka tawakkaltu (until the end of
the du). Then Ab Dard rose, headed towards his
house, and everyone followed him. When they arrived
at his house, they found that all the surrounding houses
had burnt except his house.
Y ayyu Y Qayym, biramatika astaghth
Anas narrates that when a matter worried the Prophet
, he would say: Y ayyu Y Qayym, biramatika
astaghth, wa min adhbika astajr, ali l shan
kullah, wa l takiln il nafs wa l il aadim min
khalqika arfata ayn.
Allhumma inn adhu bika minal hammi wal
Ab Sad al-Khuar narrates that the Envoy of
Allh once entered the mosque, at a time not
appointed for any prescribed prayer. There he saw
sitting, a man from the Anr, named Ab Ummah.
He said to him: O Ab Ummah, why do I see you
sitting in the mosque at a time not for any prescribed
prayer? Ab Ummah replied: O Envoy of Allh! I
am overwhelmed by grief and debts. The Envoy of
Allh said: Shall I teach you some words by which,
if you recite them, Allh will remove your grief and
discharge your debts? He said: Yes, O Envoy of
Allh. The Envoy of Allh said: Say, in the morning
and evening: Allhumma inn adhu bika minal hammi
wal azan, wa adhu bika minal ajzi wal kasal, wa
adhu bika minal jubni wal bukhl, wa adhu bika min
ghalabatiddayn wa qahrir-rijl. He said: I did what
the Envoy of Allh asked me to do, and Allh removed
my grief, and discharged my debts.
Allhumma inn asalukal fiyata
Ibn Umar narrates that the Prophet used to recite
the following du in the mornings and evenings:
Allhumma inn asalukal fiyata fidduny wal
khirah. Allhumma inn asalukal afwa wal fiyata
wal muftad dimata f dn wa dunyya wa ahl wa

Allhumma anta khalaqtan wa anta tahdn
Samrah bin Jundub narrates that the Envoy of Allh
said: Whosoever says in the morning and evening:
Allhumma anta khalaqtan wa anta tahdn, wa anta
tuimun, wa anta tasqn, wa anta tumtun, wa anta
tuyn, wa anta al kulli shayin qadr, seven times,
there is nothing that he asks Allh that He would not

In his Wird al-Kabr Imm al-addd mentions that this

du should be recited seven times.
Aban al firatil islm
Abdurramn ibn Abr said that the Envoy of Allh
used to recite, when he rose in the morning: Aban
al firatil islm, wa al kalimatil ikhl, wa al dni
nabiyyin Muammadin allallhu alayhi wa lihi wa
sallam, wa al millati abn Ibrhma anfan
musliman wa m kna minal mushrikn.
Allhumma bika aban
Ab Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet used to
say in the morning: Allhumma bika aban wa bika
amsayn, wa bika nay wa bika namtu, wa alayka
natawakkalu wa ilaykan nushr.

Aban wa abaal mulku lillhi
It was narrated by Ab Dwd ibn Mlik al-Ashar
that the Envoy of Allh said: When you rise in the
morning, say: Aban wa abaal mulku lillhi wal
amdu lillhi rabbil lamn wa sharri m fhi wa
sharri m qablah wa sharri m badah; and in the
evening you should say the same.
Allhumma m abaa b min nimatin
Abdullh bin Ghannm narrated that the Envoy of
Allh said: He who says, Allhumma m abaa b
min nimatin aw biaadim min khalqika faminka
wadaka l sharka laka falakal amdu walakash-shukru
al dhlik, has fulfilled his thanks (towards Allh) for
that day; and he who says it in the evening, has fulfilled
his thanks for that night.
Subnallhi wa biamdih adada khalqih
It has been narrated by Juwayriyah Ummil Muminnah
that the Prophet left his home one morning after
Fajr prayer while Juwayriyah was reciting the dhikr.
After completing the u prayer, the Prophet
returned home and saw Juwayriyah was still reciting her
dhikr. He then asked her: Are you still reciting the
dhikr since I left? He then said: When I left you I
recited four phrases three times. If you compare them
with what you have been reciting since dawn, they are
more befitting. He then recited the above phrases.

The following Suwar (pl. for Srah) and yt (pl. for
yah) are found in the Wird al-Laf:

Srah Al-Ikhl (112), Verses 1-4 (pg. 18)

Srah Al-Falaq (113), Verses 1-5 (pg. 18)
Srah Al-Ns (114), Verses 1-6 (pg. 20)
Srah Al-Muminn (23), Verses 97-98 (pg. 20)
Srah Al-Muminn (23), Verses 115-118 (pg. 22)
Srah Al-Rm (30), Verses 17-19 (pg. 24)
Srah Al-ashr (59), Verses 21-24 (pg. 28)
Srah Al-fft (37), Verses 79-81 (pg. 28)
Srah Al-Tawbah (9), Verse 129 (pg. 32)


Mighty and Majestic is He

Exalted and Sublime is He

May Allhs Blessings and Peace be upon him

May peace be upon him

May Allh be pleased with him

May Allh be pleased with them (2)

May Allh be pleased with them (more than 2)


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