Artifactcoversheet7 A

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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: Peer Review

Teaching Standard: 7

Engages in professional growth.

Standard Criteria: A

Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning.

I choose this artifact to show:

___X__ Growth in the standard

_____ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:

Each year, teachers are required to review our peers twice a year. I am in a team of four
other teachers, and wanted to observe another teacher that teaches Social Studies.
This is the easiest way to do this is to watch and learn from my colleague in the team of
three because while I am in planning, he is teaching Social Studies. I observed a
veteran teacher, which was very beneficial to me.

Reflection on the artifact:

I enjoyed going into another teachers room to observe them and learn what I can do
better in my classroom. I am excited to observe other teachers and see what successes
they are having in their classroom because I can learn from them and better my
teaching. Seeing Darin teach the same lesson that I was teaching in a different way was
inspiring because his practice with the content was more hands-on than mine was. I had
never thought of using the math whiteboards in Social Studies.

I also really enjoyed how Darin would discuss what we were currently learning and
compare it to other regions that we have learned about in past chapters. I think that by
doing this, the information can be dissected and learned in a deeper way. I have
implemented this into my current instruction.

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