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Philanders Most Splendiferous Source of News and Gossip.

Vol. 7, Issue 8 April 24, 2015

The Sendoff Issue

Inside This Issue A Retraction Senior Art Major Displays Exhibition of His Own Dick
the reader(s) of the Kenyon by Calvin Thrust
Drama Major Breaks Fifth To
Wall; Implodes Universe GUND GALLERY --
An earlier version of this issue, Since the dawn of homo
briefly released yesterday morning, sapiens to the philosophi-
Record Three Students Not contained an article based around cal ingniosit of Freud,
Honored at Honors Day Lacan, and iek, the phal-
notable Kenyon graduate Graham
lus has been the subject of
Gund 63. Intended for humor, the
deeply reflexive interpreta-
Sophomores Artsy Insta- article dipped instead into ad homi-
tion, says Director Natalie
nem, and has been substituted.
gram Post Resolves Border Marsh on Gund Gallerys
recent exhibition of 236
Immigration Conflict The spirit of our paper is not to ma- works, among them, paint-
lign or attack; we aim to laugh with, ings, sculptures, selfies,
not to laugh at. We wish to reiterate ornamental staves, and one
Senior with First Lottery that we, like the rest of the Kenyon significance ascribed to the works.
burial vessel, all in the shape of the While I understand that future ma-
Number Picks Mather, Buys community, appreciate what Mr. penis of art major Richard Hedd 15.
Gund has done and continues to do jors may be upset by my exhibition
Fedora Named Bigger Isnt Better, Hedds replacing their little senior show, my
for our campus. work is -- ironically, perhaps -- the body of work is simply too important
largest student showcase to date. Due to be dismissed, said Hedd. It has
Sendoff T-Shirt Logo Re- We wish to offer our apologies, and to resounding positive reception, the
our reassurance that we will be nothing to do with winning back my
placed with More Detailed Gallery directors have announced that ex-girlfriend after she left me due to
more discerning with our treatment the exhibition will make an annual ap-
Penis Photograph of public figures in the future. my inability to maintain an erection.
pearance falling on the days normally That definitely did not happen.
allocated to the Senior Art Exhibition. The exhibition, including critically
Hipster Actually Pleased Sincerely yours, The Gallery has ignored student re-
with the Snow The Staff of the Collegiate sponse due to the postmodern artistic Continued on page 2.

Admissions Achieves Target Whiteness Project Helps Lizard Elite Continue

Acceptance Rate of 0% to Disguise Presence from Unsuspecting Humans
by Kat Schrodinger After the supplement was struck in by Miguel ngel Kill
Fall 2013, Admissions responded to
RANSOM HALL -- According to the question on all students minds: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION
statistics released last week, the Ad- Why? From a prepared statement, THEATRE -- Students flocked to
missions Office has achieved their Doolilly read, Barriers to application the Community Foundation Theatre
long-term goal of accepting 0% of like additional essays, lists of activi- this Wednesday to participate in the
applicants. ties, and the ability to read and write, multi-platform Whiteness Project,
From a record-breaking number are all pointless and stupid. People are which discussed whiteness as an eth-
of applications, said Jana Doolilly, ignoring the goal: a higher number of nic identity, the concept of white-
Director of Rejection, we were de- applicants will give us a higher-quali- ness itself, as well as how to stop the
lighted to accept exactly zero students ty selection pool, and we will be able
humans from realizing that they are
to the Class of 2019. To celebrate, to reject them with far less regret,
controlled by an reptilian elite. from what role caucasian Americans
weve replaced the popular Thumbs thanks to our decreased knowledge of
Up! program with a Thumbs Down! their actual personalities. I really enjoyed the presentation, should be playing in ongoing race is-
program. Programming includes ad- Now, over a year later, Admissions said Molly Morgans 15. It was so sues as well as how to hide scales un-
ditional rejection letters sent in giant, has sent a record number of rejection nice to be able to express opinions derneath summer dresses and shorts.
fancy packaging designed for ulti- letters. This, Doolilly said Satur- I dont normally feel comfortable George Jansen told the Collegiate
mate disappointment. We have also day, represents the pinnacle of our sharing: how Ive always wanted to that the Whiteness Project had been
planned a Cabaret for Nobody. achievements here at Admissions. be part of the discussion of race in a beneficial experience. Sometimes
The Kenyon administration has re- Our 0% acceptance rate represents America, but dont feel like I deserve its just so hard to fool my human
cently made controversial changes to our entrance into the highest, most a voice, and also how best to control friends into thinking I have meat
the application process. Most notably, elite tier of colleges in the United the minds of the flesh humans. hands instead of claws, especially
for the Class of 2018, the application States. This obviously makes us bet- Students responded well to the
no longer included a supplement; re- ter than Harvard. Look at the num- project, and discussions ranged Continued on page 2.
quiring only the Common App. bers.

th e k e n yon collegiate 1
A L U M N I S P O T L I G H T: From Dick, page 1.

Ralph Garfield 96, Creator of Twitter Account @HarryStylesDickSquad acclaimed pieces such as An Estimat-
ed 18 Million Men in the U.S. Alone,
I Could Stay Hard If Youd Lose 15
Pounds, and I Am Going To Kill Your
Lover Ron, frames the penis as both
subject and object, conceptually de-
basement of Caples Hall filled to ca- HAMSTERS NAME WAS ALSO constructing binaries such as the soci-
pacity last Tuesday with students ea- LOUIS, and someday, who knows? etal implications of possessing an ab-
ger to hear career advice from alum- Louis might even retweet you. horrently infinitesimal schlong. In his
nus Ralph Garfield 96, best known Dont listen to the haters, Gar- mixed-media work The Imperfect En-
for creating the highly successful One field, who while at Kenyon was a var- joyment, Hedd confronts his infantile
Direction fan twitter account @Har- sity basketball player and a member fear of time through the depiction of
ryStylesDickSquad. of Beta Theta Pi, advised. No matter a broadsword impaling a grandfather
Garfield, who is happily married how many times a thirteen-year-old clock. The second hand ominously
with two children, cited the abil- Niam shipper from Portugal tells you points to 43 seconds, symbolically
ity to telecommute and wide-ranging pointed, but the more research I did, to kill yourself, you have to stay true reflecting the joint paradox of prema-
connections as two big perks of his the more I realized Bella was right, to whichever two members of One ture climax and ennui through pas-
position. Ive met people all over Garfield explained. Louis and Harry Direction you believe are cultivating tiche (an obvious hearkening towards
the world through this career path, would complement each other per- a secret homosexual relationship. his mentor, Walter Gropius).
Garfield boasted. For example, @ fectly, both intellectually and sexu- When asked about former band I hope my work will be appreci-
MrsKaelynnStyles1234 is a twelve- ally. It just snowballed from there. member Zayn Maliks recent depar- ated for generations to come, Hedd
year-old girl who lives in New Jer- If Garfield had to pick some- ture from the group, Garfields ex- added, until one day we might reach
sey, while @1DIsTheOnlyD4Me is thing in his portfolio hes proudest pression grew murderous. We dont an era of post-human catharsis, in
a forty-three-year-old divorcee from of, it would probably be my 563rd say the Z-word in this house, he which I may escape my wretched
WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO mortal form and simply be a brain
Brazil. Its opened me up to so many said. The Z-word is dead to us.
CLEVELAND?!??? tweet, Garfield floating in a jar, with a massive ex-
different people and opportunities. At press time, Garfield was crack-
said, adjusting his limited-edition 1D ternal dildo relaying streams of data
Garfield initially became interest- ing his knuckles, diving into a plate
snapback. That was back in 12. It into my hypothalamus, my pleasure
ed in tweeting at the boy band profes- of his wifes homemade chocolate center. A world devoid of the need for
sionally when his then-twelve-year- was an important one because Liams chip cookies, and beginning to draft
then-girlfriend Danielle Peazer favor- art, or the touch of a woman.
old daughter Isabella was suspended the following tweet: HARRY U The exhibition continues until May
from school following a disagree- ited it. Ive got it framed next to my SING LIKE AN ANGLE PLEASE 10th. Patrons of all ages are invited.
ment with a classmate about One diploma. RETWEET & FOLLOW I LOVE
Directions romantic entanglements. If I have any advice, its to never YOU PS WHEN ARE YOU COM-
At first I was concerned and disap- give up, Garfield said. Just keep ING TO CLEVELAND!?!??!? From Lizard Elite, page 1.
when trying to open jars. I never real-
POV: My Summer Standoff ized how much more I could be doing
to help the fight against injustice and
by Wayne Dusty Urp also that I need to blink more so as
not to raise suspicion.
I heard there was trouble a-brewin Matthew Hughey, author of White
between a bicycle rustler and Sher- Bound and member of the High Sau-
iff Dick at the Breezeway. I was all ropod Council, discussed at length
the way in Old Ma Unitys Board- how to live amongst unsuspect-
ing House, so I hopped on my nag, a ing meatbags and control their lives
vintage 10-speed Schwinn, and made from the shadows, as well as the ever
for Mather. But when I got there, alls changing role of white-identifying
I found was a clump of empty Papa Americans in todays society.
Johns boxes tumblin in the wind. Their minds are gooey and weak,
I took a swig from my hip flask, but the flesh men are not to be taken
right there in the open--this here lightly. Do not let them take your
boom town of Gambier was a law- temperature and discover that you are
less place, to say the least. I saw my not warm blooded. If you are caught,
handsome mug in the purple plastic summon the Dark Ones with your
bottom of my flask, and realized I gle and laid eyes on Beau, my beau. Beau grabbed his can of Bud and lizard cries and they will dispose of
needed a refill. The local barkeep, I should say, my ex-beau, Beau. And I grabbed mine. We measured thirty the victim before they can alert the
Phil Abramovitz from my Quest for what did I see but my old flame hand paces apart, and on the count of three, human governments to our presence.
Justice class, sure knew how to run n hand with the bicycle rustler him- we shotgunned em. Im proud to say The Office of Diversity, Equity,
a honky-tonk saloon, and I knew he self! It seemed like just a blue moon that I drew first. and Inclusion said they were eager
was down South for the day. Me and ago I was swingin my partner round But at the end of the day, Beau still to do more events like the Whiteness
my bike lit off for good Ol Kenyon at and round, and Beau and I were yell- rode off into sunset handfast with that Project in the future. A spokesperson
a brisk trot. I had to abandon my loyal in TIMBER. The last time I had seen varmint. I retrieved my steed and set said they were already working on a
steed at Hells Gate so he couldnt be him was when he up and left me for off down the Gap Trail with only the screening called Human Problems:
struck lame by gravel in the gears, another boy at Old Man Weavers cot- dust cloud I kicked up for company. Having People Faces and Being
and then damned if I didnt get the in- tage. But now we locked eyes, and I Its a lonesome life bein a Kenyon People which is already projected
fernal pebbles stuck in my spurs. knew this neon orange corral werent Kowboy. to spark discussion and discourse
I arrived at the Southern Quadran- big enough for the both of us. What I just wish I knew how to quit Bud amongst students and faculty alike.
wed got here was a summer standoff. Light, and him.

2 p l e a se r ec yc le is s ue befo r e o r a fter r ea d i n g  2
Freshman and Science Quads Revealed Poetry Showcase: How Softly Fall the
to Be Thigh Muscles of Hill Giant Rains of Spring (Upon that Biotch Lindsay)
by Ord Dimmesdale
a Sonnet by Kat Schrodinger
FRESHMAN QUAD -- In a stunning
turn of events, it has been discovered How softly fall the rains of spring tonight,
that the Freshman and Science quads of
Kenyon College are in fact the powerful, Upon that biotch Lindsay Ellen Grace.
throbbing upper leg muscles of an earth
giant indigenous to central Ohio.
The sweetning purple of the dim twilight
I had some suspicions after the first illuminates her awful fucking face.
few earthquakes that something was
afoot, said Jackson Squarlish 18, resi- These days, the vicious winter winds are spent;
dent of Lewis Hall. I dug out my old
seismograph to measure the tremors, but instead, a springtime breeze brings buds to bloom ...
instead of usual vibrations, it picked up
some humanlike grumbles and the re-
would you believe that fucker Lindsay went
frain from what I deduced was a Nordic and hooked up with my boyfriend in my room?
sea shanty.
Squarlishs roommate, Jack Eittach Like, who the fuck thinks, Thats a good idea!
18, added, I feel kind of weird know-
ing that weve been living on the thigh amidst these beauteous days of April sun?
of another dude. Like, what if its the I hope she contracts violent diarrhea,
inner thigh? Now I feel weird about all ingrained himself into the landscape of
those times I sat outside on the grass. rural Ohio. while drinking Miller Lite alone at 1.
Were our upper legs touching? Im not Not everyone is dismayed by the dis-
cool with that. covery that their campus perches pre- This dewy weather ushers in the new,
The giant, presumed to have been cariously atop a large and filthy man,
slumbering beneath Gambier for over however. A new fraternity, the Thigh except my hate for Lindsay, tried and true.
two hundred years, has recently begun Taus, has formed and its members are
the process of awakening. Giants are in the process of mapping out the re-
basically very big humans, explained mainder of the hill giants body parts.
Anthropology professor and giant en- I always thought Peirce looked rather
thusiast David Suggs. What we have phallic, commented fraternity president
here is a classic male specimen, possibly Gershwin Peterson 16. Now I guess I
originating from Scandinavia, who has know why.

The Class of 2015: Oh, the Places Theyll Go!

Name: Rick Banannas Name: Cate Yang Name: Bryan Jennings Name: Andrea Canterbeard

Major: Slight but Perpetual Major: Deliberately Avoiding Major: Drama-then-IPHS-then- Major: Math and Economics; mi-
Malaise Eye Contact English-then-Liberal-Arts nors in English, MLL, and Music

Interests: Nothing is interesting. Interests: environmentalism; Interests: Jacking off in every Interests: Im juggling so many
Nothing is original. Nothing is liberalism; reaffirming current academic building hobbies! But Ive been focused
anything. beliefs on finishing my honors thesis.

Whats in his future? Whats in her future? Whats in his future? Whats in her future?
Multiple divorces, alcoholism, Three failed business ventures, Half a decade in a cubicle, two Working in Admissions!
reckless drunk driving, crippling four children who are not loved decades in a different cubicle,
disappointment, and prison for equally, and five colonoscopies! and six months spent desperately
petty theft! chasing lost youth!

c o lle g i ate@kenyon.ed u 3
Human Female Wears Sundress WANTED ADS; LOST & FOUND; PERSONALS
FOR HIRE: Housing their prey and all I can think about is
by Kat Schrodinger adhere quite closely to the ribcage. Lottery Assassin getting laid. I am fucking deprived.
Inside the ribcage of the human And fucking-deprived. Help.
MIDDLE PATH -- Sources report female who wore the sundress on Will pay $500 for a quiet, efficient
that a human female was spotted Sun- Sunday, it has been widely suggested elimination of the first 38 lottery num- LOST: ALL PHI KAPS
day wearing a sundress. The human that a heart was beating steadily, with bers in the rising sophomore class. If
females legs, thanks to the sundress a range somewhere between 40 and interested, please meet behind the Every Phi Kap has been reported
length of approximately thirty-nine 100 beats per minute. In addition -- chemical sheds by the science quad. missing. It has been five months since
inches, were largely visible. Sources within the confines of the sundress, Sniper rifle preferred; knife or less any Phi Kap was heard from; how-
added that the human females knees many layers of skin, and muscular traditional methods also acceptable. ever, this was deemed normal behav-
were crinkly at the front and were and fat tissues alike -- a pair of func- ior. If you know the whereabouts of
supported by her calves, which ended tioning lungs provided sufficient WANTED: Fur Therapy any Phi Kaps, please inform Campus
in a pair of ankles. oxygen for the human female not to Safety.
Beneath the straps of the human asphyxiate and go into cardiac arrest. Will pay up to $20 to play with a
females sundress sat two shoulders, The human female walked with a puppy or kitten. Will pay up to $10 FOUND: That Ass
each in close proximity to both a pair slight limp, due to a track injury sus- to play with an older dog or cat. Will
of collarbones and the neck, which tained six months before while she pay up to $5 to play with a dead dog Ohh, damn, girl. DAMN. Damn, look
was centrally located above the ster- trained for the 400 meter dash. Also or cat. Will pay $1 for the skin of the at that ass. Mm. Move that thing. Shit.
num and below the brain cavity. Re- visible on the human female were a raccoon that keeps wandering around Hell yeah. Dude, check out the ass on
ports show that the shoulders moved pair of scars on her upper left arm, the front of your New Apt. this girl. Ow! What was that for?
when the human female walked, and one procured from diving to catch a
remained relatively more still when frisbee when the human female was WANTED: Validation 20-Year-Old Girl Seeking
she did not walk.
The sundress on the human female
thirteen years old, one procured from
the human females family cat, Snuf-
Sensitive Frat Boy
Will pay a quarter for every compli-
proved an irritation as the human fums, who passed away last month ment provided. Suggested topics in- Do you have brothers who dont
female left Peirce Hall; the fabric at the age of fourteen. The human clude facial regions, choice of major, share your genetic code? Do you play
bunched up between her backpack female received the news about her future prospects, current GPA, and pong four nights a week? Do you like
and the flesh of her human body, and cat from her mother after leaving a breast size. $5 extra provided if com- reading and snuggling and talking
therefore showed a few more square seminar for her major, which is his- pliments are given in public. about the future and looking at pic-
inches than usual of the skin, which tory, and let herself into the bathroom tures of the ocean? Do you look back
is the largest organ in the mammal to think about the time she had shared WANTED: Genitalia fondly on being hazed? Do you cry at
homo sapiens. with the cat. She did not cry, because the end of Titanic and look down at
Though this information has not he had been sick for a while and they Do you exist? Do you have a dick? your collared shirt with like, a little
been verified, eyewitnesses suspect had been expecting it, but she was How about a vagina? Something bit of embarrassment, but its not like
that beneath the front of the human still sad. On the Sunday in question, else? Please, God, let me touch your youre afraid to show emotions? Do
females sundress were a pair of she was thinking about Snuffums genitals. I wont pay you, that would you totally support your bros in ev-
breasts. Past the skin of the breast is quite a bit, as he enjoyed being out- be weird. Just let this be your good erything they do because like, thats
fatty tissue that can often assist hu- side during springtimes. deed for the day, how about that? what an emotional bond really is, and
man females in breastfeeding; behind One eyewitness reported, Dude, Please. I need human contact. Finals man, Justin, I just want to see you
that are the pectoral muscles, which shes fucking hot. are closing in like hunters around happy? Hit. Me. The fuck. Up.
NEWS IN BRIEF Collegiate Staff
Proponent of Five-Second Rule Film Students Actor Choices
Limbic System . . . Kat Schrodinger
Frontal Lobe . . . . . . . . . Slick Dave
Hypothalamus . . . . Khaytelynne Hwight

Discards Crawling Infant Reveal He Only Has Two Friends Pituitary Gland . . . . . . . Barb Lardlarp
Cerebellum . . . . . Jack B. Thimbledon
Occipital Lobe . . . . . . Laslo Mandelcorn
by Khaytelynne Hwight by Slick Dave
Pineal Body . . . . . Sidney Applebaum
Thalamus . . . . . . . Anna Feldspar
BOOKSTORE -- Local bastion of hygiene Sandra Maclean is BOLTON THEATER -- Five-sixths of the way through the Medulla Oblongata . . . . Phil Tippett
under investigation after authorities found a live, healthy baby semester, it has become clear to his classmates that Mac Optic Chiasma . . . . . . Irving Mellish
in the dumpster behind the Kenyon Bookstore. Reports indicate Berstela 15 only has two friends. Corpus Callosum . . . Dallas Hernandez
Choroid Plexus . . . . . . Floyd Culkin
that the baby was covered in filth from crawling on the ground He uses the same actors for every single movie he does, Anterior Commissure . . Ord Dimmesdale
for upwards of five seconds, as humans in early stages of devel- and theyre not even good, said classmate Tom Ginsberg Pons . . . . . . . . . Calvin Thrust
opment are known to do. 16. Spinal Cord . . . . Miguel Angel Kill
Yes, I did discard the infant in question, said Maclean Berstelas choices for actors at first seemed innocent: the Mammillary Body . . . . [REDACTED]
All Neurons . . Ruth Thundercat Bubis
without hesitation. I ran over as it started crawling around the two actors portrayed two young people in love in his first
Bookstore, but by the time I reached it, the five-second window movie The 30th. However, when he had these same two Interns . . . . . . . Arms, legs, heart, lungs,
was up. There was nothing anyone could have done. actors, a man and a woman, portray John Travoltas and hands, fingernails, teeth, nose, earlobe,
The infants mother says she turned around after making a Samuel L Jacksons characters in his remake of Pulp Fic- wenis, feet, shin, humerus, jugular vein,
aorta, ventricles, arteries, veins, bron-
purchase only to find her son in Macleans arms. She asked tion, the class began to notice a trend. chioles, eardrums, various piercings
what I would do if I found a Goldfish on the floor. I said eat it, This trend continued during the experimental film sec-
obviously. That didnt go over well. tion, where Berstelas film featured both actors wearing Founder/Editor Emeritus . . . . Louis
Witnesses say Maclean shook her head in disgust and pro- paper plates over their faces and gently poking moldy or- Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Col-
legiate, 1st Earl Collegiate of Ohio,
ceeded to dispose of the sentient garbage. Im sorry, she said, anges. Their most recent star turn occurred during the class KG, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO
but your child is completely unsanitary. You can make a new examination of noir, where the woman and man played a
one in a few months. curvy dame and a streetlamp respectively.
When asked in an exclusive interview what the precise dif- The sad thing is, Ginsberg added, Im pretty sure that
ference is between five and six seconds, Maclean told the Col- his two actors are dating, so Im not even sure if they really
legiate, ONLY EVERYTHING, at which point she tripped count as friends, because hes like a third wheel or what-
and fell on our office floor. Although our staff is fairly certain ever.
that we helped her up at around 4.5 seconds, Maclean was tak- At press time Berstela was casting the two actors to al-
ing no risks, and climbed solemnly into the trash can in obser- ternate turns playing the main character in his remake of
vance of her principles. She will remain there until garbage day. Tom Hanks movie Castaway.

Th e K e n yon Collegiate 6

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