The Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 4.8

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Philanders Most Splendiferous Source of News and Gossip.

Vol. 4, Issue 8  January 25, 2011

Returning Juniors To Student Body: Wheres Josh Samuels? Inside This Issue
Alternative College Sets
By Charlie Adams and
Roy McKluskin
Up Shop In Van On
Gaskin Avenue
GAMBIER Upon returning to cam-
pus, members of the class of 2013 who
studied abroad for the fall semester
beheld their beloved Kenyon, took
account of the college as they remem-
bered it, and demanded to know where
the hell Josh Samuels 12 went. De-
spite facing a great range of changes
that occurred in their absence from
personal issues like break-ups and
self-actualization to broader changes
including several new construction Cookie Hoarder Insists
projects the two hundred-odd stu- Josh Samuels, in his days at Kenyon College.
dents who spent the last five months this week? Is he living off-campus? arrived on campus after break. Its For The Table
away from Gambier were unanimous Wheres Josh? I still dont understand, offered
in their desire to know where Samuels Well-known for his dancing and Louie Waterford 13 as he strolled along No, Girl Sitting Alone
had gone and why. devoted Lady Gaga fandom, Samuels Middle Path last week with friends. Doesnt Need The Chair
Seriously, you guys, wheres also wrote and produced several popu- People keep telling me that Josh Sam-
Josh Samuels? asked Carrie Pick- lar internet videos. He first became a uels isnt at Kenyon any more, and I say Transfer Transfers
man 13 within minutes of returning rose to prominence at Kenyon thanks No, you must be mistaken. Thats not
last week. Hes not on Middle Path, to his distinctive sartorial presence, possible. The guy is like like, what Senior Finally Figures
hes not in the atrium, hes not danc- the absence of which was immediately is Kenyon without him? I wouldnt
ing in the front row in Rosse Hall I sensed and called into question by ev- even recognize the place. Out Which Building
dont understand. Is Josh out of town ery member of the Junior class as they Wheres Josh? he added. Is Bushnell

The Kenyon Collegiate is currently accepting new applicants.

Email to apply.
More Students Turning Off JSTOR Safe-Search WKCO DJ Just Gonna Play Some Music He Likes
By Ricardo Carrigano flamboyant in style. The query also By Billy Hughes which feature music that he thinks is
returned three pages of scholarly ar- pretty cool and sometimes music
OLIN LIBRARY According to ticles about Elton John. FARR HALL Junior Brad Ran- that he describes as chill. He has
a study released by LBIS this week, Even students who did not partici- dusky announced last night that he also been praised for the diversity of
more and more students have begun pate in the study agree with its find- will return to the airwaves next month his programming. Known to select
setting their JSTOR Safe-Search ings. English major Cary Hunter 13 with a brand new radio show. Entitled
settings to off. While this unfiltered said that, in looking for a critical essay Mythic Suits, it will feature music If I judge it to be worthy of
mode of the academic journal database on Henry Jamess narrative style, she he likes.
referred to by LBIS employees as discovered an article entitled, Les- Randusky first came to prominence my liking, you better believe
the plastic-sleeve version pro- sons of the Master: The Henry James in the WKCO scene in the spring of Ill play it.
vides more access to content, it also Novel. To her surprise, a video re- 2010 with his show Torrents of Rain-
yields some unseemly results. cording popped up of a woman sitting water. Randusky credits the success tracks spanning across the decades,
One anonymous student tracked by in a high-backed chair reading What of Torrents with his groundbreak- he often plays oldies like Bob Dylan
the study was looking up Flamboy- Maisie Knew. Hunter said the woman ing theme of playing songs he had re- along with newer, more obscure bands
ant style + English for an art history then sensuously turned her gaze to the cently discovered and wanted to listen like The Black Keys. No matter the
assignment when he stumbled across camera, inviting the junior to come to again, while occasionally mixing style or time period, said Randusky,
a periodical article that seemed less watch [her] explicate this [novel] in a things up and playing songs he liked in if I judge it to be worthy of my liking,
focused on the architectural idiom more tutorial-like setting. high school or middle school but just you better believe Ill play it.
notable during the Late Gothic period Thankfully, added Hunter, the hadnt listened to in a while. When pressed for information,
than toward two English gentlemen The Junior DJ has become some-
engaging in activity most assuredly Continued on page 3. thing of a celebrity for his radio shows, Continued on page 3.

t he kenyon collegiat e  1
News In Brief
ing burns to his left forearm. Homestyle, International, all the va- Students are advised to disregard
Confused Student Tries Graziano was last seen holding an
empty bowl in front of the milk dis-
riety the folks in the kitchen are
just geniuses. Thats what makes me
any cries of Oh jeez, oh man! they
hear coming from Gund Commons.
To Order Lobster Roll penser in Peirce servery, silently cry-
love it: every morning, when I walk
into Peirce, I know Im about to find

From Middle Ground Roll Of Smarties

something new to appreciate.
Amazing, Davis added wistfully,

MIDDLE GROUND CAF Guy Using Peirce Wrong Mistaken For Ecstacy At
wiping his mouth with the Newscope.

Tom Somehow Already Peeps Formal

Sources report that at 6 p.m. yester-
day evening, junior biology major UPPER DEMPSEY According to
Megan Graziano approached the several puzzled sources, sophomore
counter at Middle Ground Caf and
attempted to order a lobster roll. Swamped
Kevin Davis has been using Peirce
wrong since at least last Fall. Unusual
habits such as removing entire bags
PEEPS LOUNGEA roll of Smart-
ies candy was mistaken for a package
of Ecstasy pills after being found on
Middle Ground is a popular desti-
nation for students looking to take of milk for the road and casually GUND COMMONS According to the floor of the Peeps Lounge late
a break from dining hall cuisine, eating lettuce from the salad bar have sources, in spite of only being a week Friday evening during the organiza-
but the college hangout has never made Davis a subject of much scruti- into the spring semester, Tom Serpico tions annual formal, sources report.
before served New England seafood ny and discussion; even friends of the 13 is already sitting in Gund, com- The candy was discovered by Peeps
fare, a source of contention for at undeclared Mather resident described pletely and utterly overwhelmed by treasurer and designated face painter
least one known student at Kenyon his dining approach as gross and work. Amanda Collins 12, who was rooting
College. way, way off-base. Those close to Serpico, a philosophy major from around near a table of Kraft American
Despite the fact that Middle Davis were unable to pinpoint when Allentown, Pennslyvania, has man- Cheese Singles.
Ground does not and has never of- his erratic behavior began, or what aged to exceed everyones expecta- I thought Smarties was some
fered such a selection, Graziano may have caused his apparent misun- tions by inexplicably creating more kind of street name, Collins said.
requested a lobster roll and blindly derstandings to develop. work for himself over the course of They dont call them rolls for noth-
offered up her K-Card before the Poor kid clearly just doesnt get the weekend. ing, right?
barista replied that lobster rolls how to do Peirce, said AVI assistant I went in with philosophy reading, After the candies were dispersed
were not offered on the menu. Gra- chef Cheryl Martin. Every few years an English response and some flash- amongst the crowd of eager party-go-
ziano replied by rolling her eyes you see a case like this, somebody cards to memorize for a quiz on Ro- ers, things started to get way the fuck
and ordering a medium-spicy em- whos just not on board with the eti- man art on Friday, Serpico recalled, outta control, said fellow Peep and
panada. quette and the boundaries. Like, yes- and ended up with a research paper on Book Arts major, Oakley Barns 13.
After coming to understand that terday, I had to stop him from pouring the African Diaspora, a figure drawing Students reportedly experienced
she could not actually order an em- hot sauce on a whole fresh serving portfolio due on Monday and signed what psychologists call the placebo
panada, Graziano scratched her head tray of fried eggs. Plus, of course, up for piano lessons every Thursday. effect, behaving in such a way that
in confusion and requested a third were all on strict orders not to let That and I volunteered to work in the suggests an ecstasy trip without the
option: Okay, okay, then I guess him walk out of here with any more Bio Department as a lab tech. presence of any actual chemical ef-
Ill just get a double-down corndog Nalgenes full of butter. As of press time, Serpico has man- fects. After consuming the candies,
with the mustard on the side. Af- Davis himself, however, is unde- aged to sign himself into an intro students proceeded to flail their arms
ter hearing the commotion at the terred by such criticism. I just love Dance Class, join Chamber Singers as if caught in a violent seizure and
front counter, Middle Ground cook this place, he said last Saturday eve- and create a synoptic major fusing the remove articles of clothing.
and part-time mosaic artist Randy ning in Upper Dempsey, where he writing of Bertolt Brecht and the psy- High or not, I hope my disposable
Wallace allegedly pounded his fists was eating french fries out of a full chology of evil, which he tentatively camera photos come out, Collins
on the deep fryer in frustration, caus- metal serving tray. The desserts, titled Brechting Bad. stated.

Semester Abroad Drama Program Life Changing

By Chase Counterweight romantic love, more like an amaz- now I know that you cant coddle an move his body.
ing platonic love that involves great audience. An audience doesnt know When asked about his friends re-
CAPLES After returning from a amounts of touching. what they want. You must disturb actions, Carlyle stated that his only
four-month conservatory-style training Carlyle, who comes from an upper them. Carlyle has also stated that he friend is the cold stage and the heat of
program in New Hampshire, Greg Car- middle class suburb outside of Boston, no longer wishes to be called an ac- the bodies atop it.
lyle 13 informed his friends last week reportedly came to Kenyon without an tor, but rather a theatre artist. No one will ever understand,
that his life will never be the same. idea of what he wanted to study, but Greg has been acting pretty bemoaned Carlyle. Ill never be the
Saying that his eyes were opened to by his sophomore year he had declared strange, said friend Steve Gravel 13. same again.
a physical and spiritual intimacy that drama. Carlyle credits his appearance He gets up super early every morn- The old Greg is dead, added Car-
he never thought possible before, Car- in Renegade Theaters production of ing to greet the sun and he wont shut lyle. Now I have come out of my co-
lyle reportedly told of a world where You Cant Take It With You with push- up about how efficiently hes able to coon. The world will be shocked.
borders are broken down and love runs ing him into theater. I auditioned be- The students of Carlyles abroad program, and the other fifteen sixteenths of his soul.
between every human being, adding cause this cute girl in my Psych class
that he had seen such a world. A world told me she was, said Carlyle, and
where artists live and work together then I fell in love with the theatre. I
creating like has never been seen be- knew I had to do this for the rest of
fore. my life.
I will never again be closer to But after returning from abroad
anyone than those people, confessed Carlyes outlook on theater has
Carlyle to the people he once consid- changed entirely. I used to be content
ered his close friends, people who will to make people laugh, dare I even say,
never understand love, but not, like, to entertain them, said Carlyle, but

2 p l ease recycle issue b e f o r e o r a f t e r r e a d i n g 2

Notes From A Beard
By the Beard of Jack McGregor 13 tenance. Honestly, I love the guy but
Dont Step On The Peirce Seal!
By Beauregard Beauregard the Great Hall? How many days have
sometimes he just didnt seem to been brightened by watching Lucile
care. I knew it was time to say good- Traditions come and go at Kenyon. balancing backpacks on her nose?
bye for a little while, to get back We write our allstus, nail posters to How many people have been spared
to my roots and discover the Beard trees, scrawl pithy comments across the shame of putting a full plate of
Within. My travels have been cha- the weeks Newscope. But you know food on the revolving dish thingy
otic, but my fellow beards and I have what doesnt come and go? Endan- by feeding their flax-encrusted cod
found ourselves in our pilgrimage. gered species. So please, as a senior, to Lucile? Peirce needs her. Please,
We can all learn a little something I implore you juniors, sophomores, dont step on the Peirce seal.
about facial hair if we say goodbye and freshmen especially freshmen
to it. I mean, we may not be you, but not to let one tradition die. Lords and Even if you care nothing for
we deserve a little compassion. Here Ladies, I beg you: dont step on the
are some ways to show your facial
school pride, nothing says
Peirce seal.
hair that you facial care. Lucile the Peirce seal has been Kenyon like a pinniped.
1. Lotion, lotion, lotion. Lots of with us for a very long time: I can
lotion. This onell probably make remember seniors telling tales to Sure, we have the Lords and La-
Hey guys, its me, Jacks facial hair. another appearance on the list. the freshmen about when they were dies, and those are great mascots. In
Its been a crazy semester away from freshmen, and those freshmen are and of themselves, they set Kenyon
Jacks face, and as I look back, Im My travels have been cha- now seniors telling our current fresh- apart from the run-of-the-mill tigers
overjoyed that I made this decision. otic, but my fellow beards men about what its like to be fresh- and Spartans or what have you. But
Believe it or not, before I left in Sep- men. And also seniors. And also the we have a seal! A real, living, breath-
tember for the woods of Montana, I
and I have found ourselves. seal was there. Basically, its an im- ing, Panini-press-using, seal. What
was a mustache well, half mus- portant tradition. more could you ask for? Even if you
tache, half peach fuzz. I was pathet- 2. Occasional re-stylings, or Sure, maybe the novelty of it has care nothing for school pride and I
ic, Ill be the first to admit. But as manscapings, will work wonders worn off, and maybe Im just being must be honest, I dont normally go
soon as I broke free of Jacks face, on a beards pride. Beards want to be curmudgeonly, but I truly do believe in for that sort of thing nothing says
my hair caught a breeze it hadnt felt the Sheriff of Nottingham as much that some things deserve sanctity and Kenyon like a pinniped.
in some time: the breeze of true free- as you do. respect. Its part of why I came to Ke- It is said that if you step on the
dom. 3. A beard, above all else, wants nyon: the idea that some things, no Peirce seal, you wont graduate or
Montana has been good to me, to be comfortable. Do what you can matter how silly they may seem from get married. It has also been scientifi-
and some of my readers may be sur- to increase the comfort of your beard an outsiders perspective, are still sa- cally confirmed that if you step on the
prised to learn that I am no longer to achieve a lasting relationship. cred. Out there, seals are attractions Peirce seal, youre giving her severe
that pre-adolescent monstrosity of a 4. Want to do something fun for at Sea World. Here at Kenyon, seals back trauma and causing her to suffer
harelip, but a full, healthy beard wor- your beard? Beards love the woods are sacred. Please, dont step on the psychological distress at the sight of
thy of Grizzly Adams himself. Ev- like bears love honey. Do your beard Peirce seal. human beings.
ery morning, I tangle myself in the a favor and take him out to a forested How many times have you walked She was here before you arrived,
healthy forest foliage and rub myself area, and let him explore. Listen to to lunch and seen that adorably fin- and shell be here long after youre
in the pure clay of the earth. I co- your beard, and your beard will lead footed mammal hanging out with the gone, so please, dont step on the
mingle with the woodland creatures the way, usually to some sort of foli- rugby team on the couches outside Peirce seal.
freely; I just bid farewell to a pair of age or clay. You can simulate this ex- Please. dont step on the Peirce seal.
baby robins whom I nursed to full perience at home with dirt from your
maturity within my healthy locks. It yard, but its not as satisfying. Your
felt good to really give back to the beard knows the difference.
community, and I know that Kip and 5. Above all, have fun with your
Brunswick share a bond with me that beard. Take risks with your beard.
nothing can break. Being away from Something with some shea butter is
my face has made me realize what nice every once and a while. Never
being a beard is all about. forget that.
Jacks a great guy, but when it Well, I gotta go. A family of bea-
comes to facial hair care (FHC), he vers is trying to incorporate me into
has some issues. Back at Kenyon, their dam system. What can I say, I
Jack had me on a strict regimen of make for a hell of a filter. Safe trav-
Cheetos crumbs and obsessive main- els, and hearty hairs!

JSTOR, from page 1. WKCO, from page 1.

video ended right as she began to ease four to five years of graduate work un- Randusky hinted that Mythic Suits Students across campus reported
the novel down her blouse. til they can cope with the full range of would be an infusion of the 90s Se- excitement at the prospect of hearing
When asked if he had ever used JS- information available on JSTOR. attle Grunge scene, some of the more more music that Randusky happens
TOR on this uncensored setting, Pro- I mean, continued Reed, sure, guitar driven stuff to come out of to fancy that week. Brads got great
fessor of English Reed Thistle replied youll have to deal with ads like In- North Carolina in the early 2000s, and taste in music, said Rachel Green 13.
that the search-mode was something crease Your Reading Speed By Up To a few of the Austin-based indepen- Its the perfect mix of popular songs
of a secret among academics. We pre- Four Inches (All-Natural). But the dents to round it all out. and more obscure songs that sound
fer to not tell students about it because, sheer girth of added content more or But most of the time Ill probably like popular songs.
frankly, theyre not quite ready for less rounds things out. end up playing The Smiths, added He plays the Beatles! she added.
what theyll find. They need at least Randusky. How did he know I love the Beatles?

c ollegiate@kenyon.e d u 3
Good News, Guys! I Got In!
By Liza Stimpleton were at the beginning of last semes-
Yeah, Have Fun Freezing Your Ass Off In Russia
By Arthur Shtoople tervention. You even tweeted about
ter? Remember when I cried under it later: GUYS guess who just got a
my bed for an hour with a container free bowl of curried red lentil from
of Nutella after my advisor told me MG!~?~! I couldve done without
I had to rewrite my personal state- knowing that. I think we all could
ment? Well, now it feels like all of have, actually. Its like, cool, some-
that was worth it. Gosh, everyone is thing completely mundane happened
going to be so happy for me. I should to you and you didnt have to spend
change my Facebook status so ev- four dollars of your parents money
eryone can like my achievement. because of it.
Not only will my peers appreci- Now youre one step closer to
ate my success and goodwill, so
will the children in Russia who are Ugh, Im so sick of hear-
probably so eager to learn. Imagine ing all of these tidbits about
how much they will glean! They your life.
will be the sponge to my waterfall of
Hey. You guys. Listen up. I made it knowledge, the wind in my sail on
into the program! Remember? Im the journey toward goodly wisdom, Okay, cool your jets, girl. No one spending two years of your life in
one step closer to getting that teach- the wide-eyed deer to my swiftly ap- has won anything yet, so stop acting horrendous winter weather. Mean-
ing fellowship! I just got the e-mail proaching eighteen-wheeler of pa- like youve got a reserved throne in while Ill probably work part time as
last night and I couldnt be happier. I tience and understanding. I will lead heaven or something. Ugh, Im so a Starbucks barista paying off student
know there are like, two more rounds them out of the darkness and into the sick of hearing all of these tidbits loans. The only kids Ill be helping
to go in the selection process, but I light like a shepherd guiding a flock about your life. You got free soup there are the ones who cant get the
really think my chances are only get- of sheep from the hungry beasts from Middle Ground that one time WiFi to work on their iPads and want
ting better at this point. lurking in the forest that represent because the K-Card machine broke extra whipped cream on their pump-
Remember how stressed we all like, ignorance, or something. and you acted like it was divine in- kin spice low-fat frappacinos.

PROFILE Students Sport Vintage Clothing, Opinions

Student Returns From Abroad Socially Inept
By Billy Hughes been bringing his first edition of the By Gunderson Threeply
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
KENYON COLLEGE Student Mental Disorders I, published in 1952 PEIRCE Recent reports indicate
sources report that a vintage trend has by the American Psychiatric Associa- that Philip Oldsman 13 has returned
spread across campus, manifesting it- tion, to his Introduction to Psychol- to campus as a complete social wreck
self in everything from trim suits with ogy class and quotes it frequently. after studying abroad in Innsbruck,
slim lapels, to a complete rejection of My professor tried to argue that de- Austria.
the theory of plate tectonics. pression stems from depleted levels Close friend Rebecca Glendale 14
Antique attitude is especially ap- of serotonin, said Hanks. But I told remarked, I was all excited for Phil
parent in members of the freshman her that its just a case of Hysterical to be back, but theres just something,
class who reportedly look to icons of Melancholia due to feminine over- I dunno, off about him. Like he wont
the past for ideas. Jack Werner 15 stimulation, simply solved by rest, stop talking about Study Abroad.
says that he takes his inspiration from air, and pelvic massage. And then there are the crying fits.
icons of the fifties and sixties, such Its like, ok, yeah, I know youre sad
as Marlon Brando, John F. Kennedy, Poodle skirts and homosexual- that youre not in Austria anymore,
and even the fictional Don Draper. I ity as a disease? Come on, ev- but you dont need to broadcast it so
prefer a slim profile, said Werner, a much. Im right here, you know
good thin tie, conservative shoes, and
eryone knows that those work. Even casual acquaintances had no-
a crisp shirt ironed by my maid. ticed a change in Oldsmans behav-
Someday Ill even be able to af- Sophomore Shelly Tokins called ior. I mean he used to be such a cool
her style 1940s chic with a touch of guy, said Elliot Heaney 12, but Oldsman, posing.
ford live-in-help, added Werner.
Indeed, many students have cred- good ol British Imperialism, which now its like everything is him saying tell that I was involved in a human
ited the class of 2015 with bringing features bandannas, bright lipstick, oh man I didnt have any friends in trafficking ring against my will sto-
around a revival of seemingly obso- and methodical annexation of tables Austria and Im so glad to be back ry? Or man, even worse, the I didnt
lete styles of dress and thought. But in Peirce. I like things that comple- on the Hill. Its getting a little ridicu- sleep for 32 hours and then saw a man
Martha Gerkin 12 believes that this ment each other, said Tokins, and lous. I mean, hes great and all, but he in a dog suit pissing on another man
vintage feel is nothing new. I cant I really think the system of imperial needs to stop this whole I ate alone in a business suit in a back alley sto-
speak for everyone else, clarified leadership via viceroy complements in the Bemis music room because I ry. He could at least throw us a bone
Gerkin, but Ive been dressing and my hair rollers and two-toned shoes. was scared that no one would want to and tell the one about when the Rus-
thinking retro for years. Poodle skirts While most students are reportedly sit with me thing hes got going on. sian mobster made him sing Castle
and homosexuality as a disease? embracing these vintage trends, some Yeah I know it was this completely in the Clouds from Les Miserables at
Come on, everyone knows that those are a little slower to adopt them. I incredible experience, but he doesnt gunpoint again.
work. Latch on to something else, consider myself a progressive, re- need to feel like hes better than us. Look, its great that he made all
freshmen. ported Frank Dutcher 13, and Im God. these connections and had all these
However, Gerkin does give credit all for skinny ties and the like, but I I mean it wouldnt be so bad if he amazing experiences, dont get me
to the class of 2015 for bringing really dont know how I feel about didnt just tell the same stories over wrong, she added, but goddamn
vintage thought into the classroom. this voting rights for women thing. and over again, said Ellen Haige 13. dude, you have to change up your
Freshman Greg Hanks has reportedly Like, how many times is he going to material a little bit.

C ollegiate@kenyon.e d u 4
Its That Time Of Year Again Could You Keep It Down With The Terrible Sex?
By Crippling Seasonal Depression an admissions fellow rather than By Thadeus Dillworth kind of normal rhythm. That, I think,
risking the cold rejection of the wouldve been fine. But the con-
outside world, Ive got some great stant, nervous stop-and-go routine
activities planned for us this next just makes it impossible to drift off. I
month. dont mean to sound judgemental
First, I thought wed go with what you do in the privacy of your
alternating freezing rain and grey, own triple is your business but
slushy snowmud, just to set the weve gotta learn to live with each
scene. Im picturing you, in your other here. I mean, how am I sup-
winter boots, sliding down the hill posed to get any rest when youre
to New Apts. and into my arms. right next door making such a racket
Im excited to be spending lots for thirty seconds every six or seven
of time together in your bookstore minutes? Its unnerving. Of course,
sweatpants, which by midmonth I dont want to make things awk-
should be crusty with dried Ramen ward for your partner. After all, she
water. I figured we could watch a Hey, Whats up man? How was was silent most of the time, besides
movie, or twelve movies, either in your weekend? Listen: I dont mean answering her phone and leaving to
Well folks, once again weve made total darkness at two in the morn- to be rude, but you know the walls open the door for Papa Johns.
it this far. After beginning first se- ing or under the romantic glow of are pretty thin around here, and I Im not calling myself a sex guru,
mester in the dappled August sun- Mathers finest fluorescents. Ive couldnt help overhearing that it really. I see you in the KAC doing
light, ducks lined neatly in a row heard that Sister Act II and Beverly sounded like you were having some only abdominal workouts, so I know
(quacking strains of Kokosing Hills Chihuahua are both on Ken- pretty bad sex Saturday night. Now, youre on the right track, but if I can
Farewell of course!) we watched ster. Its really up to you though. Im not one to judge I may only make a suggestion, Human Sexual
the fall foliage come and go in all Lets face it, we might spend most have had one girlfriend but it Behavior with Percy Willsworth
its effervescent beauty, your zeal for of the film we watch scrolling seems you could really use some and Medieval Christianity with
learning following swiftly behind. through the Facebook of an ex or improvement. At first I thought Professor Fergenheimer both really
The bitter sting of finals week came getting really good at Fruit Ninja maybe you were trying to loft your improved my late night activities
and went. But truly the best month anyway. Whatever your choice, just bed on your own, especially when as I am sure you can hear.
of the year still lies ahead. Yes chil- know Ill be there to get Cheez-Nip you kept on grunting awkwardly and So thanks for listening. As much
dren, I speak of Cupids month, of dust in your hair and grape Kool mumbling well, where should I put as I know this is awkward for you,
February. Aid on your roommates laptop. it? It wasnt until you put on Let I want you to know there is nothing
Whether youre a junior regret- While were at it, I thought we it Burn by Usher followed by Get to be ashamed about especially
ting your decision not to go abroad, might also go completely slack aca- Your Freak On by Missy Elliot (on not crying after making love. I for
a freshman still pining for Middle- demically, have a few drinks before repeat) that I figured out what was one know it can be an extremely
bury (or Swarthmore! Remember AT. Oooh. I know. Maybe we could going on. And let me tell you I emotional experience. Anytime you
how your mother sobbed when you try out that Mulligan thing I saw on could not get to sleep at all. want to talk, or pick up some hints,
got rejected?), or an institutional- the registrars website...the possi- Now, maybe I would have fallen my door is always open. Unless Im
ized senior considering becoming bilities are really endless. asleep if you had gotten into some busy, ;).

Freshman Hanging Out Publically In Towel Not Actually Locked Out Of Room
By Button Gwennit lounges, by the vending machines,
and in the laundry room. When asked
Gossip Squirrel
your one-and-only
MCBRIDE Last Thursday eve- repeatedly if he was locked out of his source into the
ning, freshman Anthropology major room, Santone chuckled and respond- scandalous lives of
Stephen Santone walked down the ed by saying, Just chilling. kenyons elite
corridor of McBride Hall wearing When meeting a group of friends Wa k e y
nothing but a towel around his waist in Gund Commons for a casual game wakey, Ke-
and a pair of Lincoln High School Ju- of pool last week, Santone promptly nyon schol-
nior Varsity Tennis flip flops. When removed his North Face fur-lined ars! Another
asked by several of his hallmates parka and revealed the familiar pasty semester has
whether he was locked out of his white chest and terrycloth towel that come and
room, Santone replied that he was is now considered a staple of San- gone, and
not in fact barred from the room, but tones wardrobe. with it plenty
rather that he enjoyed hanging out Roommate Chad Mostow com- of drama,
publicly in a towel. mented, Santones just a crazy dude. romance,
Im just comfortable, said San- Love that guy. Whats strange though and intruge.
tone. Im not actually locked out. is that Ive never actually seen him Yikes! But hope springs eternal, dear
Ive got my lanyard right here, see? take a shower. Mostow now prefers readers, and the new year is a time
Santone then proceeded to swing to leave the door to the room wide for new beginnings. Word has it that
a purple Kenyon lanyard with his open as to avoid any confusion or certain notable woodland hunks are
P.O. box key, room key, and K-Card miscommunication between the two Santone, feeling free and easy.
back from their travels abroad and
around his right pointer finger. roommates. sense of style. After all, Santone looking foxier than ever in their thick
Sources report frequent spottings Santone claims that by freeing explained, shower shoes are just winter coats. Keep an eye out, girls.
of Santone in a towel and flip flops himself of traditional clothing choic- one way of saying, Look at that cool January is a time for digging up old
around the McBride 2nd and 3rd floor es, he better expresses his unique guy! nuts, not burying new ones.
XOXO, Gossip Squirrel

c ollegiate@kenyon.e d u 5
AVI Provides Most Authentic Excellent Chinese New Year Celebration
By Gung Hay Fat Choy students who resisted this process,
or showed signs of nostalgia for
THE PEOPLES SERVERY Sun- their table in Old Side were taken
day Peirce dinner featured a pros- downstairs by staff, where they seem
perous, most authentic and excllent to have disappeared.
Chinese New Year celebration. Yet about an hour and a half into
AVI Employees dressed in match- dinner, the tenor slowly began to
ing one-piece suits shepherded change as AVI opened up some Spe-
hungry masses of students into the cial Gastronomic Zones, where stu-
Peoples Servery of Kenyon College dents could in small quantities take
(PSKC), where they were directed to food they might eat just for them-
the officially sanctioned Communal selves. People were also permitted
Action Station, the other more pri- to begin breaking off from their six
vate-interest stations conspicuously table arrangements, so long as they In decorating for the new year, AVI spared no expense.
closed. Students then dutifully wait- did not threaten the greater arrange- ing future dinners like it. The com- During cleanup of the celebration,
ed in long, snaking lines to receive ment of the New Side. ment card box and board AVI had a Bold Student 13 saw to it that
their rations of steamed white rice, However, shortly thereafter a deemed too irregular, and replaced he would stand in front of the floor
salted fish, and hot tea. it with many copies of Little Red waxer, impeding its path even as it
After receiving their meals, em- Many students were written Cookbooks, which contain some tried to maneuver around him. To his
ployees allowed students to gradu- up, with the most grevious of the favorite meals and recipes of fortune some of his peers whisked
ally filter into only New Side Peirce, Chairwoman Nugent. him away before the situation devel-
as Old Side had been destroyed for dissidents deported. For the integrity of the celebra- oped into anything messy.
impeding the progress of the Chi- tion, Campus Safety and Security When asked to comment about
nese New Year celebration. Students group of students emboldened by turned off the lights and scattered the the lone man who stood defiantly in
sat in rectangular arrangements of these reforms demonstrated in the students out of the Peoples Servery, front of the waxer, AVI told the Col-
six tables, with five surrounding middle of the PSKC, demanding returning peace and harmony to the legiate that no such person existed,
one communal table in the middle, that they might be able to provide space. Many students were written or ever will exist, and that it should
to which every student was required comments about the dinner its up, with the most grievous dissidents stop asking such damaging ques-
to give some of his or her meal. Any preparation, execution, and regard- deported to Denison. tions.

Study: Toxic Pollution To Blame For Pleasing Winter Weather Collegiate Staff
By Charlie Adams English Barb . . . . . . . . Charlie Adams
Alpine Swift . . . Beauregard Beauregard
Blondinette . . . . . . . . . Clams Casino
GAMBIER In an alarming study Fish Eye Roller . . . . . Roy McKluskin
released last Monday, a special Muffed Helmet . . . . Gunderson Threeply
Knox County commission observed American Flying Baldhead . . . Boat Thorpe
Mookee . . . . . . . Barker D. Flugelhorn
a direct link between this winters Texan Pioneer . . . . . . . . Pumpy Calico
pleasing weather and rising levels Pigmy Mariola . . . . . . . . Billy Hughes
of industrial emissions, toxic waste Saddle Homer . . . . . . . Clifford Seldom
dumping, and open-air garbage Blue Tumblr of Cluj . . Ichabod Townley
German Nun . . . Lady Beatriz C. Hildegard
burning throughout the county. The Bavarian Pouter . . . . . Patty OFurniture
report, a 90-page document filled Tippler . . . . . . . Ambrosia Sweetwater
with photographs of brilliant icicles Bursa . . . . . . . . . Ricardo Carrigano
and snow-blanketed countryside, Budapest Muffled Stork . . . Button Gwennit
Clean Legged Spot Swallow . . . Sterile Meryl
called the changing weather pat- A winter day in Gambier, made mild by deadly neurogas. Frillback . . . . . . . . . Jeffrey Cashpore
terns symptomatic of out-of-control Pigeon . . . . . Ruth Thundercat Bubis
water runoff, industrial gas venting, air, basking beneath the fluffy win-
abuse of the environment by Knox
fertilizer dumping, semi truck emis- ter clouds, or making any contact at
County businesses and private citi- Interns . . . . . . . Crop Milk, Squabs, Seeds,
sions, buildup of mercury, smoke all with the pure, glistening drifted Breadcrumbs
zens alike. Members of the board
from burning tires, and carcinogenic snow.
declined to comment on the record Founder/Editor Emeritus . . . . Louis
chemical explosions were to blame, For years weve left the coun-
but did direct interested parties to Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Col-
he added. tys industrial sector basically un-
a website detailing the early symp- legiate, 1st Earl Collegiate of Ohio,
Indeed, the twelve-member com- regulated, said former Mt. Vernon KG, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO
toms of toxic gas and sludge inges-
mission that authored the study at- Parks Director Harland Smith, and
tributed the mid-December spate of now our chickens are coming home
Its certainly been a wonderful
clear, balmy days to a combination to roost. Mild December nights and Retractions
white winter for Knox County, said
of greenhouse gas buildup, hot sul- fluffy, sparkling, dive-right-in snow
Mt. Vernons own Mayor Dick Ma-
phuric vapor release, and the decom- are just the beginning. If we dont Next week, the Collegiate plans
vis. Most days have been positively
position of woodland creatures poi- get serious about pollution control, to publish a retraction stating that the
summery, which is a true blessing to
soned by organophosphates. Their things are only going to get worse. names of several Kenyon administra-
our farmers, not to mention those of
assessment went on to describe how Imagine walking out of your house tors were spelled wrong in this issue.
us who dread bundling up and trudg-
deadly cyanide fumes from an elec- in the middle of April, say and With that in mind: S. Greogia Nugent.
ing about each December. But thats
tronics plant near Fredericktown feeling the warm breeze of a misty Christina Mistranelo. Mat Groutman.
excluding the handful of delicate, se-
were responsible for the thick ivory evening, with the sun brilliantly set- The Collegiate also wrote in last
rene white snowfalls weve seen I
snowflakes that blanketed the county ting and fireflies just starting to blink weeks Ten Greatest Secrets of
guess Old Man Winter just couldnt
throughout January. In a concluding from the grass. Is that the kind of Peirce that lime-twist Sririacha is
keep it all to himself.
section, the board cautioned citizens world you want to live in? the greatest sauce in the servery. We
Naturally, we were more than a
to avoid breathing the brisk winter see that not one person has even tried it
little surprised to find out that waste-
since then. What the hell, people?

2 p l ease recycle issue b e f o r e o r a f t e r r e a d i n g 6

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