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NIM :1414201109




In Act No. 23 of 1992 on Health is health worker is any person who
dedicated themselves in the field of health, have the knowledge and skills
through education or health which require the authority in running the
health service.


1. Medical personnel medicine, consisting of doctors and dentists.
2. Nursing staff, consisting of nurses and midwives.
3. Pharmacy staff, comprised of pharmaceutical analyst, assistant
pharmacist, and the pharmacist.
4. Nutritional power includes dietisien and nutritionists.
5. Physical theraphy force includes physiotherapists, speech
therapists, and okupasiterapis.
6. Medical technical personnel covering radiotherapist, radiographers,
dental technicians, engineers elektromedis, health analysts,
refraksionis optical dispensers, othotik prosthetic, transfusion
technicians and medical recorder.
7. Public health professionals include health epidemiologist,
entomologist health, health educators, medical microbiologist,
health administrators and sanitarians.


1. Doctor
Doctor is someone who have a duty to give a health consultan to
their patient. They usually wear a sterile white coat and a sterile
gloves. Every doctor tool must be sterilization first to keep it clean
and won't transmit it bacteria to the patient. Not everyone that can
cure sick people named doctor. Doctor need specific training and a
doctor tittle.
2. Nursing staff
Executing Nursing Services
Business in the field of Nursing Services
Educators Nursing Services
3. Pharmacy staff
Pharmacists is a profession with respect to the art and science of
preparing a suitable material and either from natural or synthetic
sources to be distributed and used in hpengobatan and disease
prevention. Pharmaceuticals also summarizes sutu knowledge of
identification, sorting / selection, pharmacology work, preservation /
preservation, combination, analysis and standardization /
standardization of drugs and medicines. Pharmaceuticals also
includes deployment and use appropriate and safe, whether
submitted on prescription of a doctor, dentist or veterinarian
licensed, or in case of legally permissible, delivered or sold directly
to consumers.

Most pharmacists provide medication therapy for a particular

patient. They are the pharmacists who practice in community
pharmacies. As doctors and nurses, they are trained in the clinic,
the patient learns to identify specific kebutuha individually, and plan
and implement appropriate drug therapy. This is known as a
pharmacist practitioner (practitioner) or pharmacists practice
(practicing pharmacist).
4. Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy is a health service that is intended for the individuals
and groups in an effort to develop, maintain, and restore movement
and function throughout the life cycle by using physical modalities,
physical agents, mechanical, motion, and communication.
Physiotherapy can train patients with specific exercise, stretching
and a variety of techniques and use some special tools to solve the
problems facing patients who can not be overcome with
physiotherapy exercises. Based on the scope of services of
physiotherapy and demanding needs of the community, divided
a.Fisioterapi Women's Health
b.Fisioterapi Growth
c.Fisioterapi Health and Safety
d.Fisioterapi Elderly
e.Fisioterapi Sports
f.Fisioterapi Public Health
5. Nutrisionists
Nutritionist or dietitian is a medical professional who specializes in
dietetics, which is the study of nutrition and the use of a special diet
to prevent and treat disease. According to the Decree of the Minister
kesehatn Republic of Indonesia Number 374 / Menkes / SK / III /
2007, it is said that nutritionist is someone who has attended and
completed the academic education in the field of nutrition according
to the rules applicable, have the duty, responsibility and full
authority to conduct funsional in the field of nutrition services, food
and dietetic well in the community, the individual or hospital.
Nutritionists can act as owners, consultants or as employees of
catering business. As an employee catering business, a nutritionist
has the ability to become a manager of a catering business daily
activities, such as in the areas of planning, procurement, pruduksi,
distribution or in the field of quality control. In addition, nutritionists
also play a role in providing consultation and education about good
diet in order to prevent or in the healing process of degenerative
diseases. A nutritionist can also work in hospitals as dietisien. A
nutritionist can also work in the field of food and nutrition journalism
where they can publish scientific articles and tips on good nutrition.
The experience, knowledge, and skill of Nutrition Academy
graduates will be able to provide information to prospective
customers about supplements. In addition, many private sector and
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which organizes nutrition
programs in harmony with the program launched by the Ministry of
Health. The knowledge and skills are highly sought after nutritionists
to operate the program, both as a search / data processor,
consultant / counselor or executive power.
6. Radiographers
Radiographic examination includes examining patient for
radiodiagnostic and nuclear medicine and imaging, including ultra
sonography (ultrasound)
Radiation exposure techniques in radiotherapy.
Guarantee implementation of the health care field of radiology /
radiography limited authority and responsibility.
Ensure the accuracy and security measures in operating the
equipment poteksi radiation or radiology and radiation sources.
Perform quality assurance measures radiography equipment.
7. Health Epidemiologist
Role of Epidemiology
The ability of epidemiology to determine the distribution and the
factors that cause health problems and direct intervention is
required, the epidemiology is expected to have a role in public
health such as:
Identifying the factors that play a role in the occurrence of diseases
or health problems in the community.
Provide the data necessary for health planning and decision-making.
Helping to evaluate the health program is being or has been done.
Develop methodologies for analyzing the state of a disease in an
effort to overcome or mitigate them.
Directing interventions needed to address the problem to be solved.

D. Problem In Medical People

Public Health Problem
To facilitate understanding of Public Health Problems that often occur
needs to be divided into several groups, among others: problems of health
behavior, environmental, genetic and health services will rise to maternal
and child health problems, nutritional problems and diseases both
communicable or non-communicable. Health problems can occur in the
general population or vulnerable groups (infants, toddlers and mothers),
the elderly and workers.

Public Health problems caused Behavioral Health influenced the level of

education, so that the knowledge society for healthy behavior is very less.
The process of formation of healthy behavior must be preceded
knowledge of health education.

Environmental health problems, a state of the environment has positive

effects on people's health to the fullest. Environmental health problems
consists of: Healthy neighborhoods, water supply, waste management and
garbage, food processing and management of public health supporting

Health Care issues, quality will produce maximum health for the
community. Health care professionals should be according to the standard
availability of resources (health personnel, buildings, means of support)
and good service procedures.

Professional health workers, including medical, nursing, paramedical and

non-nursing medical administration. Currently the community is difficult to
accept the maximum health services due to issues of professional
personnel is still lacking and is not distributed evenly.

Lack of knowledge and economic motives for profit is often used as a

reason why people took part masalahan Health can also often terataso
yet. Although the current government has been doing a lot in health care
quality improvement but there is still the behavior of health workers who
deviate from the original purpose of existence is to improve public health.
Hopefully someday maximum of Health Services and public health
problems can be resolved.


Public health is a state of mental, physical, social spared a group of germs,

Public Health problems often arise because of a lack of information and

the means of the government regarding Health,

Public Health problems can be solved by moving the government

community to the fullest potential.
Out patient at Hospital/Clinic
Outpatient care is medical care to a patient for the purpose of
observation, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and other health
services, without requiring the patient is hospitalized. The advantage,
patients do not need to pay to stay (hospitalization).

In Patient
The patient is a person who receives medical care, patients often suffer
from illness or injury and require a doctor's help to recover it.

Word of Indonesian patients analog patient words of English. Patient is

derived from the Latin patiens who have the same meaning to the word
starch, which means suffering.

Hospitalization (hospitalization) is a term that means the process of

patient care by health professionals as a result of certain diseases, where
patients are lodged in a room in the hospital. Patient room is a room
where patients are treated. This room was often only a ward which is
inhabited by many people at once. Currently, many of wards in hospitals
are already very similar to hotel rooms. Patients who visited the
Outpatient Unit, will get a letter from the doctor-patient, when the patient
requires treatment in a hospital, or a stay in hospital.

Differences in genetic diseases with

Genetic diseases or genetic disorder is a condition caused by
abnormalities by one or more genes that cause a clinical phenotype
condition. Some of the causes of genetic diseases, among others:

Abnormalities in chromosome number as in Down syndrome (presence of

an extra chromosome 21) and Klinefelter syndrome (males with two X
chromosomes).Recurrent gene mutations that can cause fragile X
syndrome or Huntington's disease.Defective genes inherited from the
parents. In these cases, the genetic disease is also known as hereditary
diseases. This condition occurs when an individual is born from two
healthy individuals carrying the defective gene, but it can also happen
when the defective gene is a dominant gene.
Infectious diseases are diseases caused by the entry of germs. The
disease is transmitted from one person to another. A healthy person
should be avoided from the people who suffer from this class.

The main causes of such infections are bacterial and bodies of living
(organism). These germs are spread by various ways and vector.

My experience of the Medical care

This incident around 2004, patients enter hospital emergency rooms Padang
Panjang, the history, the patient fell from the second floor of the house. up in the
emergency room, examination by surgeons and emergency room nurse, was
found abrasions on the right cheek of the patient, feet, and hands, nose
bleeding, the patient is in a state of unconsciousness. according to the results of
the level of consciousness using the formula GLASGOW COMA SCALE (GCS), the
patient's level of consciousness while only 7 to 15. The level of awareness of the
full value is teorits with 7 levels of consciousness, doctors diagnose the patient
suffered severe head injuries. Typically patients with this rare condition such that
saved his life. It may be said in 100 events one person who can survive, and
even then is miracle .Dokter encourage patients to refer to the hospital at which
the equipment is more sophisticated, namely RSUP DR.M. Djamil Padang.Singkat
stories of parents do not want their patients are referred. he wants his children
treated in hospitals long Padang alone, even with sophisticated tools. Eventually
the patient being treated. After treatment for 24 hours the child is fully aware of
the GCS 15. And after one week of treatment the child is back in good health. of
this incident I have a conclusion: as sophisticated and powerful as any
human science will not be able to predict the secrets and knowledge
GOD Almighty

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