Unitplandance 1

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Dance Unit

Grades 7 - 9

EDES 364
Trevor Keeper
Kenzie Scherger, Miranda McIntyre, Shawney Larson & Haley
Table of Contents:

Section A - Dance Background and


Section B - Specific Outcomes

Section C - Sequential list of Skills and

Drills/ Activities

Section D - Descriptions and Diagrams

for Skills

Section E - Description and Diagrams for


Section F - Evaluation and Assessment

Section A: Dance Background and
The unit that we will be teaching covers a broad range of dances. It begins with basic skills such
as proper stretching, listening to music and finding the rhythm. During this unit we will be
teaching hip hop, broadway, bollywood and line dances. Once we have practiced a wide variety
of dance moves the students will be instructed to choreograph their own dance as a culminating
project for the unit. This dance will incorporate the basic skills we have learned as well as the
more difficult dance moves. The assessment method that we have chosen for this unit is
self-reflection, a matching quiz, skills checklist and the grade from their final group dance.

A Brief History of Dance:

Definition of Dance: to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps,
especially to the accompaniment of music.

Dance has evolved immensely over the years but started out with sacred movement with song
and story. Dance started from ancient rituals, celebrations and entertainment. Different types of
dances were formed as each ethnic groups were able to adapt it to their lifestyles. The first dance
that we will be learning out in class is Line Dancing; this style of dance can be strongly linked to
country-western music, but also folk dancing and ballroom dancing. This style of dance involves
repeating a sequence of steps with groups of people usually in a line. This style of dance is very
popular in today's society; whether you are going to the local country bar or attending a wedding
reception you can bet line dancing will be involved. The second dance we will be learning is
Bollywood; this style of dance is based on Indian classical dance or folk dances from different
parts of India. "Bollywood" refers to the Hindi culture, art, and film industry from Bombay.
Bollywood dance started to change in the 70s because it became more popular as it was seen in
numerous movies. The clothing and the costume are an extremely important part of this dance
and it is important for the students to understand that. The third dance we will be learning about
in class is Jazz; Jazz dance originated from the African American vernacular dance of the late
1800s to the mid-1900s. The technique for jazz is the foundation for all movement within the
dance. The most common word used is spotting because in jazz the students will be doing a lot
of spinning. This term will be discussed further within the classroom. The fourth dance that we
will be learning about is Hip Hop; this type of dance refers to street dance styles. This type of
dance includes a wide range of styles. This is important within the classroom because the
students will need choice while creating their own dances. Different movement created for hip
hop started in the 1970s. All of these dances have a background and it is important not only to
teach the students the dance moves but to increase their knowledge and background on the
dances they will be learning about and performing.

Safety Considerations:
Footwear is recommended but not required. Wearing socks and/or footed tights only is
prohibited because someone may slip and hurt themselves.
All students must conduct themselves in an appropriate matter, sportsmanship can be
seen throughout the unit
No chewing gum (as it can be a choking hazard) If you are seen chewing gum you will be
asked to spit it out in the nearest garbage.
Always tie your hair back with nothing covering your face
Warm up (helps make sure muscles are not pulled)
Cool down (to ensure that the muscles are not stiff the next day)
Be aware of other people (make sure you do not hurt others while you are dancing)
Remove all jewellery (jewellery may be ripped out by yourself or others)
Wear sensible clothes (depending on your dance, this may help flexibility)
Wear sensible footwear (if worn within the particular dance being taught)
Listen to who is speaking (This will help you learn the important dance moves)

When the students are practicing their dances make sure students have enough personal room to
do their dance moves, this will prevent any injuries from occurring. Tip: Each student must be an
arm length away when practicing skills.
*If a student is not confident with a move make sure it is modified.

Ensure students are warmed up and stretched prior to dancing so injuries can be at minimized.
Students will gain the understanding of the importance of proper stretching and learn techniques
to help them carry out this precaution.

Equipment Needed:
Sound System/ music for each dance
Appropriate clothing/ shoes
Gymnastic mats in students plan on adding in lifts during their dances

Special Considerations:
The steps used in this dance unit can be modified or adapted to fit the needs of every
Visuals and videos can be provided to those who may need it
Vocal cues to help in learning of dance moves
During the choreographing of group dances students will be using peer judgement and
Costumes must be appropriate and follow school guidelines

Components of a Dance Class:

1. Warm up (static/dynamic stretching)
2. Technique center floor
3. Technique across the floor
4. Improvisation (structured/non-structured)
5. Choreography
6. Performance

7 Steps when Choreographing a Dance:

1. Choose subject matter
2. Explore and select movement
3. Coordinate music and movement
4. Explore movement possibilities
5. Refine and memorize
6. Finishing touches
7. Perform dance
Section B: Specific Outcomes
A: Activity (Students Will)
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

A71: demonstrate ways to A81: select, combine and A91: apply and refine
improve and refine the functional perform specific locomotor skills locomotor skills and concepts
and expressive quality of in a variety of activities to to a variety of activities with
locomotor skills to improve improve personal performance increased control to improve
personal performance personal performance

A72: demonstrate locomotor A82: select, combine and A92: apply and refine
skills by using elements of body perform locomotor skills by locomotor skills by using
and space awareness, effort and using elements of body and elements of body and space
relationships to improve personal space awareness, effort and awareness, effort and
performance relationships to improve personal relationships to improve
performance personal performance

A78: refine and present a A88: select, refine and present A98: create, refine and present
variety of dance sequences; e.g., a variety of dance sequences; a variety of dance sequences;
folk, square, social and novelty, e.g., jazz, square, social and e.g., jazz, square, social and
alone and with others novelty, alone and with others novelty, alone and with other

A79: choreograph and perform A89: choreograph and perform A99: choreograph and
dance sequences, using the dance sequences, using the perform dance sequences, using
elements of movement and basic elements of movement and basic the elements of movement and
dance steps and patterns dance steps and patterns basic dance steps and patterns

B: Benefits Health (Students Will)

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

B74: identify different body B84: acknowledge the B94: acknowledge and analyze
types and how all types can perceptions that occur as a the media and peer influences
contribute to, or participate result of media influence on on body image
positively in, physical activity body types in relation to
physically active images

C: Cooperation (Students Will)

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

C76: identify and demonstrate C86: identify and demonstrate C96: identify and demonstrate
positive behaviours that show positive behaviours that show positive behaviours that show
respect for self and others respect for self and others respect for self and others

D: Do It Daily (Students Will)

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

D74: explain the benefits of, and D84: design and perform D94: analyze, design and
demonstrate safe, warm-up and warm-up and cool-down perform warm-up and
cool-down activities activities cool-down activities

D75: recommend safe movement D85: appraise or judge D95: design safe movement
experiences that promote an movement experiences for experiences that promote an
active, healthy lifestyle safety that promote an active, active, healthy lifestyle; e.g.,
healthy lifestyle student-created games
Section C: Sequential list of Skills and
Drills/ Activities
Lessons Skills Drills

Lesson 1: Introduce counting and the 1. Clap to different rhythms and

Counting, importance of rhythm. get students to count out loud
warm up and - counting 1-8 2. In a circle each student will
stretching - finding the accent have a number (1-8) they will
Students will experience different then clap and say their
warm up techniques to wake up number repeating throughout.
their bodies followed by proper 3. Group Warm up and
dynamic/static stretching that is dynamic/static stretching
modeled and practiced.
- Jumping jacks
- Running on the spot
- Isolations (neck and
- Standing hamstring stretch
- Lunges (dynamic and static)
- Seated stretches

Lesson 2: Macarena (IceBreaker) Students will be introduced to three

Line Dancing Cha Cha Slide different line dances and instructed to
- Clap hands to rhythm follow along with the teacher. As the
- Grapevine students come in the Macarena will
- Walks (forward and be playing and encouraging them to
backward) dance. The cha cha slide will be
- Hop/jump taught first as it is more basic
- Stomp followed by cadillac ranch and
- Mambo footloose.
- Turn on the spot 1. Students spread out in a large
Cadillac Ranch area where they can visualize
- Heel clicks what the teacher is modeling.
- Leg extensions to side (right 2. Practice steps demonstrated
and left) by teacher
- Heel dig (right and left) 3. Ask students questions and
- Toe taps give feedback
- Leg twist and slap 4. Put moves to music
- Grapevine - Songs: Macarena, Cadillac
- Direction change Ranch, Cha Cha Slide and
- Clap to rhythm Footloose
- Walks (Forward and

- grapevine left, then right
- right toe touch, left toe
touch x2
- heel clicks x2
- right heel, heel, toe, toe
- right heel, left heel, right
heel, right heel
- toe, step to the side, slap
- swing leg and change

Lesson 3: - Ball step Teach students five steps and then

Bollywood - Hip isolations put them into a sequence to make a
- Hand movements Bollywood dance.
- Arm waves (high and low) 1. This will be done slowly and
in periods without music as
well as with the music,
continually adding on to the
dance in progressions
2. The teacher will demonstrate
prior to the lesson what the
dance will look like so
students can understand what
to expect
- Song: Jai ho

Lesson 4: - Step digs Students will learn a variety or

Broadway - Shoulder isolations Broadway moves to be put into a
(Jazz) - Step kicks simple routine taught by the teacher.
- Kick ball change
- Step touch (tondue) 1. Across the floor (marches,
- Soutenue sugars, gallops, chass, pas de
- Sugars bourre, chaine turns, drag
- Push turns cross, step kick)
- Kick line 2. begin combination with the
- Jazz hands teacher demonstrating the
skills and asking students to
learn each move first without
music then with music
- Song: Expensive by Tori
Lesson 5: - High knee runs 1. Begin with hip hop warm up
Hip Hop - Top rock and walks across the floor to
- Three step turn get into the groove
- Snake with whole body 2. Transition into teaching the
- Push turn students a short routine that
- Arm and hip sways will continue into the next
- Levels with body lesson
- Arm isolations 3. This routine will be taught in
small parts where the first
two steps will be taught
without music then attempted
with the music and so on.
This way the students can get
familiar with the tempo and
rhythm early on
- Song: Treasure by Bruno

Lesson 6: - Floor slide 1. Begin with across the floor

Hip Hop - Bum spin (walks, slides, grape vine)
- Small bridge with leg kick 2. Review moves learnt from
- Roll ups last lesson and allow students
- Fast arm isolations to ask questions and receive
- Pop and lock feedback
- Bounces alternating sides 3. Add on to routine as a whole
class slowly and perform as
many times until comfortable
with routine all together

Lessons 7 - 13: Any moves that were demonstrated 1. Students will be given class
Choreograph and practiced throughout the unit time (5) to choreograph their
Group Dance (social dance, bollywood, own dances in groups no
and Perform contemporary and hip hop) larger than 6
including any original moves 2. Once groups have planned
students are wanting to showcase and rehearsed their dances
- Any skills learnt throughout they will perform them to the
the unit incorporating the class
different genres (social 3. Their group performance will
dance, Bollywood, be evaluated based on set
contemporary and hip hop) criteria that will be available
- Teamwork and to them throughout the
communication creating process
- Selection of appropriate
music, costumes and props
if wanted
Section D: Descriptions and Diagrams for

Lesson 1 : Basic Skills/ Stretching

Introduce counting and the importance of rhythm.

- counting 1-8
- finding the accent

Jumping jacks: Jumping from feet together and arms down to an open position with arms up
high in a V shape

Running on the spot: Students will be able to do a running movement while staying in one

Isolations (neck and shoulders): Standing with feet apart look left, right, up and down. Move
shoulders up to ears and back down (together then alternating)
Standing hamstring stretch: While standing, your body should bend at your hips and secondly
your arms should hang down and touch your toes

Lunges (dynamic and static): Front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg stretch directly
back, transition backwards straightening the front leg for hamstrings (move dynamically back
and forth). To make this stretch static, hold the stretch with front leg bent and back leg straight
(alternate sides)

Seated stretches: Sitting up tall with legs stretched out in front of body, bring arms up and reach
forward towards toes (first with a flat back then rounded)
Lesson 2: Line Dances

Macarena (IceBreaker)

Cha Cha Slide Skills:

Clap hands to rhythm: While listening to music clap hands to the beat in an 8 count bar

Grapevine: Beginning with feet together, step right foot apart, followed by the left foot crossed
behind, then the right foot again apart and the left foot steps to meet the right (alternates sides)

Walks (forward and backward): Taking steps alternating feet to the rhythm of the music

Hop/jump: Both feet together and knees slightly bent, spring into the air landing on both feet for
a jump. A technical hop starts on one foot, springing into the air and landing on the same foot.
The song calls it a Hop but it is considered a jump

Stomp: Beginning with feet together, pick up one foot, using the whole foot stomp it on the floor
picking the same foot up immediately (alternate). This skill does not change weight

Mambo: Stomp foot, twist foot, step together

Turn on the spot: Feet stay planted as one foot crosses over and you turn and make one full
rotation; this helps you turn without moving from the spot you started

Cadillac Ranch Skills:

Heel clicks: Toes start together with heels separated (pigeon toed) then heels click together

Leg extensions to side (right and left): Step sideways with one foot while the other stays
planted and then step back together
Heel dig (right and left): Pick up one foot and place the heel of that foot out in front of body.
This skill does not change weight

Toe taps: Strike the tip of the toe on the floor and release it immediately

Leg twist and slap: Turn your body and raise your one leg up while slapping it
Direction change: If you are facing the front turn to your right, this dance will let you turn four.
times, each time facing a different direction

Lesson 3: Bollywood
Ball step: Step on the ball of one foot followed by a whole foot step with the other in plie
(bending the knee). Using the ball of your foot to change your weight

Hip isolations: Move hips up and down to the rhythm

Hand movements: Pinch together thumbs to middle fingers with wrist rolls to music
Arm waves (high and low): Sway arms to either side of the body going in the same direction to
the music.

Lesson 4: Broadway (Jazz)

Step dig: step apart with one foot bringing the other foot to it with only the ball on the ground.
This skill changes weight and can alternate sides

Shoulder isolations: Alternating shoulders so that they touch your ears and press back down

Step kicks: Step onto one foot, bringing the other leg to extend out in front and then alternate

Kick ball change: One leg extends in front of body 45 degrees above the floor or higher, the leg
that is being kicked steps back, and then step forward on other leg to completed the ball change

Step touch (tondue): Step with one foot and extend the other out straight to the side (or any
direction) with a pointed foot. This skill changes weight as it alternates feet
Soutenue: To support. To draw one leg evenly to the other done in place with a half or whole
turn, outwards or inwards

Sugars: Step and twist legs while in plie (legs bent) from right to left

Push turns: Forward step followed by a pivot or half turn and finished with a step on the other

Jazz hands: Arms are out to the side of the body, slightly bent, with hands open and fingers
spread wide

Chaine turn: A turn done in any direction by stepping on the ball of one foot, with a straight leg
and bringing the other to meet it while making one single rotation
Chasse: To chase. This dance step is similar to a gallop only done in a forward motion where the
back leg follows the front as step, leap and step

Lesson 5: Hip Hop

High knee runs: Runs done on the spot while knees come up high in front of hips

Top rock: Start with feet together and step out with foot while crossing arms in front of chest,
this is followed by a heel dig across body and opposite foot and arms go out low to the side
(alternates legs)

Three step turn: A step to the side with legs apart followed by a second step to make a half turn
and face the back and a third steps that continues with the other foot to come back to the front

Snake with whole body: As one foot steps out, legs are bent, body makes a side wave starting
with the head moving through until head comes back up
Push turn: Forward step followed by a pivot or half turn and finished with a step on the other

Arm and hip sways: Arms and hips move in the same direction to the music up high and down

Levels with body: Making body stand tall, medium and low. Standing up straight, bending at the
knees and floor work

Lesson 6: Hip Hop Cont.

Floor slide: One hand on floor, slide on side of your leg with legs bent
Bum spin: Sitting on floor, bring legs together, while holding thighs and spin in a circle on your

Small bridge with leg kick: Start sitting on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor
and hands pressed on the floor with fingertips facing feet. Lip hips up off the ground stretching
arms straight and kicking one leg straight on an angle with a flexed foot

Roll ups: Slowly rolling up from a low level to a high level with head coming up last

Arm isolations: Moving arms precisely with sharp movements

Pop and lock: Bring feet together as arms sharply come up by shoulders, bending at the elbows
then quickly put arms straight down by sides and lastly bend knees and bring arms up bending at

Bounces alternating sides: Leaping from one foot to the other while bouncing.
Lessons 7 - 10: Creating a Dance Routine
Students can use any moves that were demonstrated and practiced throughout the unit (social
dance, bollywood, contemporary and hip hop) including any original moves students are wanting
to showcase.
Any skills learnt throughout the unit incorporating the different genres (social dance,
Bollywood, contemporary and hip hop)
Teamwork and communication - everyone contributes equally
Selection of appropriate music, costumes and props if wanted
Section E: Descriptions and Diagrams for
Drills (See Videos)
**The skills that we have chosen to explain are demonstrated in our routines that we have
created for our dances, and instead of writing out the skills again we have chosen to create a
video of each of the dances.**

Link to the video:


Lesson 1: Warm Up and Stretching

History/Background of dance
Media influences on body image
Group warm up
Proper stretching

Lesson 2: Line Dancing

Macarena - this will be the icebreaker
ChaCha Slide - we will do this as a whole class to warm up
Cadillac Ranch - this will be broken up into smaller parts and then learned as a whole
Footloose - this will be broken up into smaller parts and then learned as a whole

Lesson 3: Bollywood
Combination to the song Jai Ho this will be broken up into smaller parts and then
learned as a whole.

Lesson 4: Broadway (Jazz)

Jazz steps across the floor
Short Jazz combination to Expensive by Tori Kelly

Lesson 5 and 6: Hip Hop

Hip hop warm up
Walks across the floor
Combination to Treasure by Bruno Mars
Lessons 7 - 13: Choreograph Group Dance
Group choreography:
- Lesson 7: Begin class with a group warm up involving dynamic and static stretching to
music lead by the instructor (5 mins). Get into groups (students choose) discuss as well as
pick a song and brainstorm ideas
- Lesson 8: Students are free to do their own warm up (5 mins). Begin dance and use all
group members contributions (teacher circulates and gives feedback and ideas)
- Lesson 9: Students are to do a small warm up in their groups (5 mins). Add on to dance
and teacher will remind to think about a costume (teacher circulates and gives feedback
and ideas)
- Lesson 10: Students are to do a small warm up in their groups (5 mins). Continue adding
on to the dance hoping to finish and perfecting what is already choreographed (teacher
circulates and gives feedback and ideas)
- Lesson 11: Students are to do a small warm up in their groups (5 mins). Finish dance and
practice multiple times to ensure confidence and readiness (teacher circulates and gives
feedback and ideas)
Final Performance:
- Lesson 12: Group warm up using the Cha Cha Slide lead by the instructor. Students must
present their dance to the class while being assessed by teacher. Other students must be
respectful and cheer on all groups
- Lesson 13: Group warm up using the Cha Cha Slide. Continue and finish performances
Section F: Evaluation and Assessment
Self Assessment (Participation) 30%

My Name:____________________________ Date:____________________

Throughout the dance unit I... Always Mostly Sometimes Never

4 3 2 1

Listened and followed instructions

Worked cooperatively with my fellow

classmates and group members

Was respectful, friendly and kind

Was confident performing the steps for

each dance

Performed with few mistakes

Followed the rules and procedures

Attended all classes

Worked hard to learn the steps properly

Maintained a positive attitude

Tried my absolute best




Group Evaluation-Final Dance Performance (Participation) 30%


Partner 1:_______________________ Yes No

Was respectful of all members of the group

Worked cooperatively with all group members

Tried hard to learn the dance

Showed commitment and contribution

Listened and considered everyones ideas

Partner 2:_______________________ Yes No

Was respectful of all members of the group

Worked cooperatively with all group members

Tried hard to learn the dance

Showed commitment and contribution

Listened and considered everyone's ideas

Partner 3:_______________________ Yes No

Was respectful of all members of the group

Worked cooperatively with all group members

Tried hard to learn the dance

Showed commitment and contribution

Listened and considered everyones ideas

Teacher Evaluation Rubric (Skill) 20%

Group:_____________________________________ Your Name:________________

WOW-4 Yes-3 Almost-2 Not there-1

Effort/Creativity Showed Showed good Lacked Showed no

unique creativity and originality and effort, no
originality and originality creativity, did creativity or
creativity, they not seem originality
clearly put a sincere.
lot of effort into Showed little
the dance effort

Skill Showed Showed use Showed use of Showed little

excellent use many of skills few skills with skill and little
of many skills learned with some confidence
learned and confidence and confidence and with multiple
executed them performed with multiple mistakes
with few mistakes mistakes
and no

The Body Use whole Use some Use little whole Use no whole
body whole body body body
movements or movements or movements or movements or
gestures gestures gestures gestures

Space Use multiple Use a few Use 1 level Students use

levels (low, different levels and move in 1 no other levels
med, high) and (low, med, direction or or move in any
in different high) and pathway different
directions and move in a few direction
pathways different
directions and

Time Their rhythm Have music Have music No rhythm or

and music and rhythm is but minimal to music
match up almost there no rhythm
Final Exam (Knowledge) 20%

In your own words describe the definition of Dance: (2 marks)


Which one of these dances incorporates soutenus and sugars? (1 mark)

A) Bollywood
B) Hip Hop
C) Broadway
D) Social Dance

Explain the background history of Hip Hop (5 marks)


Name 2 safety considerations used in dance (2 marks)

1.) ____________________________
2.) ____________________________

Which of these dances did we not go over in class? (1 mark)

A) Ballet
B) Broadway
C) Hip Hop
D) Bollywood

Name 3 skills that we learned during the Bollywood dance (3 marks)


True or False: Media doesnt have an influence on body image. (1 mark)

A) True
B) False

Explain 3 things you learned, as well as your favourite dance and why. (5 marks)












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