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Report Card

Class Name:
Year: 2016/2017

Class Teacher:
Principal: John ONeill
Term Dates: September 5th, 2016 January 31st, 2017

As a school community we strive to be lifelong inquirers inspired by and challenged through authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
Being committed to providing an exceptional education, we foster international mindedness, critical thinking, inclusion and respect for diversity
and the willingness to act with integrity and compassion.

Rokko Island 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku Kobe city 658-0032 | Tel: 078-857-9777 / Fax: 078-857-9775
Learner Profile
The learner profile is a profile of the whole person as a lifelong learner. The attributes and descriptors of the
learner profile define the type of learner the IB hopes to develop in its programmes. The overall
development of each student as a learner can be identified in this profile. We have focused on the following
characteristics in the second term:

They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct
Inquirers inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning
and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so
Knowledgeable doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and
balanced range of disciplines.

They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able
Reflective to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning
and personal development.

They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize
and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more
Communicators than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively
and willingly in collaboration with others.

Teacher Comments

Excused absence: Unexcused absence: Days late:

Units of Inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme Central Idea

Lines of inquiry Concepts

Transdisciplinary Skills


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Transdisciplinary Theme Central Idea

Lines of inquiry Concepts

Transdisciplinary Skills


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Transdisciplinary Theme Central Idea

Lines of inquiry Concepts

Transdisciplinary Skills


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Speaking and Listening

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Pattern and Function

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Shape and Space

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Data Handling

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL)


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

German as a Foreign Language (GFL)

Visual Art

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling


Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

Physical Education

Emerging Developing Demonstrating Mastering Excelling

The comments explain in detail the students achievements and the focus for further development.

Emerging: The student attempts to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, skills, knowledge and processes acquired.
Developing: With regular support, the student is beginning to apply the concepts, skills, knowledge and processes acquired.
Demonstrating: With increasing independence, the student is able to apply and demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, skills, knowledge
and processes acquired.
Mastering: The student consistently and independently applies and demonstrates an understanding of the concepts, skills, knowledge and
processes acquired.
Excelling: The student demonstrates excellent understanding of the concepts, skills, knowledge and processes, and is able to m
ake accurate
evaluations in real-life contexts.

Class Teacher: ________________________________ Principal: _________________

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