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(Compiled: January 2013 January 2016; Drafted: February-December 2016; Published: January 2017)

As we put ourselves in the right frame of mind, God willing, for this great revolution, these are some
little but power food for thought, words of advice, or words of inspiration etc. from very key sources,
including the Bible, the Quran, Revolutionaries/Philosophers, and Historians/Educators. Please take
them seriously. They include:
As you place your faith in God to make these FROM REVOLUTIONARIES AND PHILOSOPHERS
strong decisions and take their corresponding (1) Without deviation from the norm, progress can
strong actions, (1) Matthew 6:31-33 say- (31) [NEVER] be possible Frank Zappa, American Song
Therefore take no thought saying, what shall writer and guitarist(2) As we approach the great social
we eat, or what shall we drink, or what wither challenges of our time, we MUST acknowledge that old
shall we be clothed (32) For after all these thinking will not provide the new solutions that we [direly]
things do the Gentiles seek. (33) For your need. These [new] solutions [though] will be uncomfortable,
Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have needs of hard to sell, and risky to execute, but the cost of not [selling
all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom and] executing them will be even much greater Simon
of God and His righteousness, and all these Mainwaring, Australian-American Brand & Advertising
things shall be added unto you..(2)Romans Consultant.(3) The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may
12:18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, attack it; ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
be peaceful with all men.(3) I. Kings 22:3 Winston Churchill, British Premiere(4) Those who make
Then the King of Israel said to his servants. Do peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
you really know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to inevitable John F. Kennedy, American President..(5)
us? Yet we are hesitating to take it out of the Never neglect details. When everyones mind is dulled or
hand of the King of Syria?...(4) Eccle. 4:5 distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant. Gen. Collin
The stupid one folds his hands while is flesh Powell, former Secretary of State etc.
wastes away. Etc.

Liberia: A Small, Failed, Dirty Country Built On The Pillars Of

Corruption: Here Are The Downright Proofs!!!!!
The Quran makes us to understand that to stand up FROM HISTORIANS AND EDUCATORS
for Gods principles, especially the truth, we must be (1) Life must be lived forward, but it can ONLY be
prepared to go the extra mile; thus for example: (1). understood backward. Soren Kierkegaard, Danish
Surat/Quran 2:42 And do not cloak (or confuse) Philosopher(2) Those who dont know their History
the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth are probably not doing well in their English and Maths
knowingly.(2) Surat/Quran 2:193 Keep on Patrick JOrouke, American Journalist.(3) History is
fighting against them until mischief ends, and the who we are, and why we are the way we are David
way prescribed by God prevails. But if they desist, McCullough, American Historian(4) To forget
then know that hostility is only against history is a betrayal [of the pains and sacrifices of those
wrongdoers.(3) Surat/Quran 4:75 And why who lived before us] and to deny past crimes is to [keep
should you not fight in the cause of Allah, and of repeating them, like DULL and STUPID Liberia]
those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and President Ching Jing Ping, China....(5) A good book[or
oppressed)? Men, women, and children whose cry is, article] is an education of the heart; it enlargens your
Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people sense of human possibility; [it educates you about] what
are oppressors, and raise for us from thee, one who the human nature is, [it also educates you] about what
will protect, and raise for us from thee, one who will happens in the world. [For] it is a creator of inwardness.
help. [Courtesy of several scholarly interpretations] Susan Sontag, American Writer

In direct connection to Newtons 3rd Law of Motion, Liberias incredible level of mischief, coupled with
the level of excessiveness of its confusion MUST be confronted with massive Truth Telling and detailed
solution options, so please sacrifice your time to read and re-read these articles well. Thanks.

Note: Apart from other smaller articles for your ongoing reading, we have 7 main revolutionary
pamphlets, with four addendums or extensions, totaling 11 revolutionary pamphlets. To save time
for reading the main contents in each of the 7 main pamphlet, we urge you to only bother yourself
with the reading of the acknowledgement sections of only two of these 7 BIG pamphlets these two
include the pamphlet, Why is this case considered a revolutionary and game-changing one for
Liberia, which is a stand-alone and a MUST read pamphlet in its entirety, and the pamphlet,
Why Do We Need a Complete Revolution and How can we go about it. The remaining 5
pamphlets carry the same content in those preliminary sections, which you dont necessarily have
to go through, once you have done so for the two pamphlets named above. Meanwhile, these
preliminary or introductory sections (i.e. the acknowledgements and the dedications) are relatively
the same across all of our pamphlets, especially the last 5, which are entirely homogeneous.
Thanks for helping to save time, and enhancing your revolutionary reading experience.

Because of our incapacity to verify every name by its exact spelling or to get the full names of
some of our sources for one reason or the other, we are placing single quotes around names
whose spellings we were unable to verify and names we also failed to get in full. We apologize
if any of your names fall into this category.
Entries on our table of contents dont necessarily suggest subtitles in the main work. They are
basically meant to provide clues for what ideas form part of the content on each page
Because we are not Liberians, talk less about being Americo-Liberians, who ABSOLUTELY
hate to right their wrongs wherever they fall short, and will prefer to go on living in their
MESS forever, we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, are open to corrections and updates to these
documents or articles every step of the way. We therefore encourage you to please feel free to
send your corrections, comments, opinions etc. to any of our articles at or etc. and we will assess
those points, and where necessary make the appropriate corrections and updates to our work,
then repost the affected material to our internet sites, and inform ALL about such
Being people of faith in God, we are highly influenced by an argument presented in one
blogpost from a social counsellor called Maria Lourdes Macabasco which suggests that
every human being, and by extension every nation or every unit of people, is a house with four
rooms a physical room, a mental room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. The
beautiful argument stressed in Macabasscos blogpost, which our revolution absolutely agrees
with, is that unless we go into each of these four rooms every day to do some clean up, we are
never a complete person or entity. Considering these four key dimensions of our national
lives, and after having thoroughly dissected our countrys problems, the Plain Truth
Revolution is completely convicted that our problem is more spiritual in nature and weight
than it is with the other three dimensions, thus, requiring our battle at hand for freedom and
the deliverance of our country to be a battle of wills, spirit, and soul, rather than a battle of
AK 47s and Rocket Launchers. As such, we back almost all of our arguments with concepts
from Gods Holy Scriptures be it the Bible, the Quran etc. in all of our work because this is
our most suitable weapon of choice in this very crucial war without violence for the
redemption of the dead soul of our dear country. We believe in the Word of God because all
through history it has demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanitys feet and the best light
to our paths, according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us
what is good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise.
It is the ultimate tool in helping us learn the best possible life to live. Gods Word is true, plain
and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a very DIRTY, NASTY and
DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. Gods Word is living, active, powerful, and
sharper than any double-edged sword piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and
of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of the thoughts of mans heart. The Word of God,
our Plain Truth Revolutions weapon of choice, is the only best weapon used for very close
range combats rather than long range warfare, and our countrys battle requires a close-range
Again, based upon our background of faith, and with the Word of God being our weapon of
choice, we are massive in our information gathering, information dissemination, awareness
creation, and all of our other civic actions for that matter because the Word of God has
instructed us to do so. For instance, in the Book of Proverbs Chapter 18, verses 13, 15, and 18,
we are thought and instructed respectively that the first step, and yea the first principle, to
solving any [gigantic] problem, like our countrys problem at hand, is to gather all the facts
first, NOT some; the second step is to open up to new ideas, or to invite more ideas in solving
the problem, and the third step is to create room for hearing from all, or the both sides of the
divide, or parties to the problem. Our writings therefore are massive because they are not
intended merely for sensation; they are meant to speak for every generation of our country
(past, current and future); they are intended to provide useful leads for all of the 7 big
constituencies that our revolution represents etc.
Parts of our presentation may appear rather unconventional; some of the facts and arguments we
present may appear overemphasized or oversimplified; our article titles also may appear too long
and verbose etc. whichever the case, to your inconvenience. If this ever happens, we beg your
pardon to muster the courage and read on; make your own sense out of the work. For we are
revolutionaries, battling by all means to change a terrible situation, God willing, that sadly no one
in our country wants to ever bother themselves trying to solve from the very root, for 2 centuries
now. We therefore have vowed never to be restricted though in a positive and constructive sense
too much by conventions, norms, or protocols. One of our big time inspirations, President John F.
Kennedy, Americas 35th President has told us, Conformity is the jailer of progress and the enemy
of growth, while another compatriot of his, American guitarist and music writer, Frank Zappah
says, Without deviation from the norm, there can never be any progress. We are inspired by these
admonishments to use our common sense in going to the extra mile to make our points very clear
and the arguments granular. And sometimes single facts presented many times only serve to
support different arguments.
The Acknowledgement Section for each one of the pamphlets is divided into three (a) the
personal acknowledgement section, which highlights units, individuals, institutions, and nations
that the vision bearer of this enterprise and the primary author of these literatures himself has
decided to give credit to for impacting his life; (b) the general revolutionary acknowledgement
section, which features every entity, individual, institution, and nation whose influence and
activities have facilitated the right knowledge, enlightenment, conditions and so forth to make this
revolutionary idea possible; and (c) the Special Revolutionary acknowledgement section, the last
section of our acknowledgment which brings in each party that has helped verify all of our
historical research findings by adding the current reality flavor to them. (This is a MUST read
section as it serves as the main trigger to kindle your final decision about whether to buy in to the
Plain Truth Revolutionary idea or to reject it). Welcome on board.

Relationship 16.ALL-WEATHER
(*) etc.)
# Name Relationship 1.
17 Victor Badio
Helena Mentee
1. Doris Zor Landlady 2.
18. Bobby Brown
Augustine Kotee Uncle
1. Tarkpor
a. GloriaKartee
(Daughter) Father
[This is a woman of 3. Andrew Gibson
2. Moinma G. Kartee
b. Delcontee () Mother (*)
very exceptional 4. Veronica Kinapoe RELATIVES
3. Martha Kartee
c. Prince son Stepmother
patience and consi- 5.
# Joseph
Name Dennis Relationship
4. Leahmon Karatee Sister
ration] 6.
1. Philip Sassie
Solomon Wamah Father-in-Law
2. Zaye
Tony Kartee
T. Bleh
Beyond Friend 7. Isaac Karmon (current relationship)
6. Parlone Kartee
a. Ladia Bleh (Wife) 8.
2. Paul Jappah
Mary Wamah Mother-in-law
7. Zlanwohn Kartee 9. Sam Fannie ()
(*) 10. William Morris 17. Alex C. Knuckles
3. Irene Wamah Sister-in-law
# Name 11. Darlington Gbeior 18. Timothy
9. Mama Kartee ( ) Holt
1. Alphonso Togba 12. Robert Beer
10. Yarkernah Kartee Brother 4. Linda Julius Sister-in-law Wlemus
19. McDonald
11. Manju
Zota Kamara
Kartee 13. Charles Sherman ()
12. Musa Barry
Joseph Kartee 14. Augustine Williams
5. Mary David Sister-in-law
13. Nulleh Ngafuan
Zlanser Kartee 15. Samuel Musa ()
14. SamuelKartee
Mama Wallace, Sr Sister 16. Patrick Wreh
6. Solomon Wamah, Jr. Brother-in-Law
6. Esther Wallace
8. Saah Joe
9. John Mulbah # Name
FAMILY 1. Deborah Cringar - former fiance
10. Steven Chea 1. a. Ruth
The Seventh
# Name Relationship ShermanDay Adventist Church
- Mother
11. Abdulai Yen 2. b. Sam
All ofCringar
the Instructors under
1. Alice Wamah Partner/Fiance - Father (*) whose voices
12. Morris Paye I have sat (R. S. Caulfield, Unification
2. Joyful (Preston) Kartee Son c. Robert Tarpeh Uncle
3. Courage Kartee Daughter Town, Margibi
d. Saturday TarpehCounty;
Aunt Protestant
US PRESIDENTS THAT HAVE GREATLY Methodist Resource Center, Danane,
4. Stamina Kartee Son 2. Massa Kennedy former fiance
IMPACTED OUR LIVES La Cote dIvoire; University of Liberia;
5. Festus Johnson Foster Son a. Cuttington
Hawa Kennedy Mother
University Graduate School
1. George Washington b. Mr.
etc.)Kennedy - Father
Thomas Jefferson 3. c. Kamau
Bunch Kennedy Brother
M. Lizwelicha, USAID/GEMAP
#3. NameLincoln
Abraham Relationship 4. d. Larry Kennedy - Brother
Sophie Hobbs, USAID/GEMAP
4. Nathaniel Doeward
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1st Foster Fthr (*) 5. e. John M. Dukuly - Brother
Bill Kennedy
5. JohnBeatrice Kor
F. Kennedy 1st Foster Mthr 6. John K. Wangolo
3. Ma Filani Kamara Foster Grandma 7. Harry RELATIVES
EXTENDED A. Greaves, Jr.
6. Lyndon B. Johnson
7. Barack Obama (Danane, La Cote
Peat Norman 5. Paul
dIvoire, *)
2. Henry Mango
4. Soree Kamara 2nd Foster Fthr
7. Allen Subah
(Abidjan, La Cote
Name Mango
5. Ma Yeilieh Mangoe Paternal GrandMa 1. S. Alfred P. Harris, II 7. Edwin M. Snowe, Jr.
1. Ho Chi Minch 13. Nelson Mandela
6. Ma Menkapoe 2. Richard OTHER
8. Aaron J. Wheagar
2. Vladimir Lenin Tomah Maternal
14. Robert Mugabe GrandMa
7. #3. Name
Aletha K. Hoff 9. T. Nelson Williams,II
3. MaoJohn Leabeh
Zedong Uncle Pohamba
15. Hifikepunye
8. Meiway Barlea 1.
4. Isaac Dahn, Sr. (*)
Belle Y. Dunbar 10. Jackson F. Doe, Jr.
4. Deng Xiaoping
9. 2.
5. Isaac Dahn,
B. Felix Jr.
Zeekeh 11. McDonald Wlemus
5. Chi Augustine
Jing Ping Kotee
10. 3.
6. Michael Dahn
Timothy Holt 12. Alexander Knuckles
6. GusLohnpea
Hall Mentee
11. Austin S. Kartee 4. Dahnboy Dahn
7. Eugene V. Debbs
12. Dearzrua Deemi Cousin 5. FOURGbeahn Fahngalloh
8. Steward Alexander
13. Histin Deemi 6. John Harmon THE MOST
9. John Bachtell
14 1. The United States of America
10. FelixAlice Fahngalloh
Houphoet Boigny Aunty
2. China 5. Japan 8. The UK
11. Thomas Sankara
3. Russia 6. Switzerland 9. France
12. Jomo Kenyatta
4. Ivory Coast 7. Republic of Ireland 10. Israel


# Name
1. Jacob Zumah Jallah
A. INDIVIDUALS 2. Samuel Toweh
3. Martin Kollie
4. Jacob Massaquoi
# Name
1. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
2. Dr. Elwood Dun
# Name
3. Dr. Amos Sawyer
1. Karl Marx
4. Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae
2. John Maynard Keynes
1. President Barack Obama i. LOCAL
2. Michelle Obama # Name
3. Amb. Deborah Malac 1. Joseph Saye Guannu
4. Karin Langrin 2. Professor Tuan Wleh
3 Prof. Alhaji G. V. Kromah
i. LOCAL # Name
# Name 1. Hugh Mason Brown
1. Coalition for the transformation of Lib. 2. Dr. James Ciment
2. Liberia Institute for Public Integrity 3. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta
3. Center for the exchange of intellectual opinions 4. Hezekiah Niles
ii. INTERNATIONAL 5. Jo Sullivan
# Name
1. League of Nations F. REVOLUTIONARIES
2. United Nations/UNMIL # Name Identities
3. Global Witness 1. George Washington US
4. Amnesty International 2. Mahatma Gandhi India
5. Transparency International 3. Martin Luther King, Jr. US
6. U S Department of State 4. Nelson Mandela South Africa
7. Conciliation Resources 5. Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe
8. Publish What You Pay Coalition 6. Mao Zedong China
9. Finance Uncovered, UK 7. Deng Xioping China
10. US Department of Justice 8. Che Guevara Cuba/Bolivia
9. Jose Mujica Ecuador
10. Fidel Castro Cuba
# Name
1. Lone Star Cell MTN
# Name Type
2. Cellcom Communications
Liberia Broadcasting
3. Nova Phone
Corporation/Sys. (LBS/ELBC) Electronic
ii. INTERNATIONAL 2. Farbric FM 101.1
# Name 3. Voice FM 102.7
1. Google 3. Microsoft 4. Truth FM 96.1
2. Facebook 4.YouTube 5. Twitter 5 Sky FM 107


6. Love FM i. LOCAL
7. Power/Red Power FM # Name Identity
8. National Chronicle/Hot 1. Prince Johnson Senator
Pepper Newspaper Print/online 2. Henry Yallah
9. FrontPage Africa 3. Dallas Gweh
10. In Profile Daily 4. Emmanuel Nuquay Representative
11. Public Agenda 5. Tiawon Gongloe Lawyer
12. Daily Observer 6. Negbalee Warner
13. Focus 7. Christiana Tah
14. Heritage 8. Koffi Woods
15. Spirit of Truth 9. Harry Greaves (*) Economist
PRINT) 11. Simeon Freeman Politician
# Name Type 12. Amara Konneh
1. British Broadcasting Corp. Electronic 13. Darious Dailon
2. Radio France International 14. Mary Lorene Brown Educator
3. China Radio International 15. Zayzay Pewee Other
4. Cable News Network /TV 16. Francis Tamba
5. Al-Jazeera 17. Tabarosa Tarponweh
6. New York Times Print ii. INTERNATIONAL
7. UK Guardian # Name
1. Dr. Charles Johnson 5. George Schuyler
2. Sir John Simon 6. Mr. A. E. Yap
3. Prof. S. Raymond Buell 7. Neils Haghns
# Name Type
4. Dr. Fred P.M. Van der Kraij
1. Rodney Sieh Local
2. Julius Jeh Local I. CLERGIES
3. Henry Costa i. LOCAL
4. T. Max Jlateh # Name Faith/Religion
5. Mary Williams 1. Solomon Juah Christian
6. Tetee Gebro 2. Jensen Wallace
7. Tamba Johnny 3. Simeon Dunbar
8. Darious Zinnah 4. Evangelist Charles
9. Jordan Poronpea Diaspora 5. Pastor Sirleaf
10. Christian Nelson 6. Kortu Brown
11. Toyouwa Harris /Analyst 7. Samuel A. Brewer
12. George Fahnbulleh /Analyst 8. Rev. Gontee
13. Jah Johnson Editor 9. Pastor Gemini Getteh
14. Jerry Wehtee Wion Contributor 10. Rev. Foday Karpeh
15. Jones Nhinson Williams 9. Ali Krayee Muslim


1. Robin White # Name Faith/Religion
2. Elizabeth Blunt 1. Ibn Al Qayyim Muslim
3. George Turner 2. Hesham A. Hassaballa
3. Mohammed Banonleat
4. Friday Oravbierre Christian
5. Rick Warren



The Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Steve Jobs once said, A lot of people in our industry havent
had very diverse experiences, so they dont have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very
linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. He then concludes, The broader ones
I. understanding
the human SOURCES
experience, the better designs we will have.
With this exhortation from Mr. Jobs, we disclose here that
A. INDIVIDUALS 35. on the overall,Ellen
President our motivation to embark on
Johnson Sirleaf
this revolutionary project was at first primarily inspired 36. by a Harry Greaves about our countrys
do something
1. Jensen Wallace 15. Vladamir Lenin
NASTY, SHAMEFUL history, but then we needed a strong 37. backing
too fromMiatta
events, so, we had
2. Pastor Simeon Dunbar 16. John Batchel
to painfully take 4 round17. years to see 38. Makita Redd/Wreh,
if our convictions from historical researches could be strongly
3. Pastor Sirleaf, Presenter, Eugene Debbs
4. Pastor by Oravbiere,
Friday enough of empirical
18. Pank proofs
Yan Zeeahoefrom todays 39. realitiesJonathan
this time span was
5. Pastor Rick Warrenenough conventionally, for
19. Sheila Paskman such a serious 40.
research Rep.
work. George Mulbah
Consequently, the below current
event accounts,
6. President Barack Obamopinions,20.
E. Johnson realities 41. Rep. Alex Grant
Sirleaf etc. have helped us truly connect the dots and thus
7. President Chi Jing Ping 21. Julius Jeh
strengthened our case for this inescapable revolution. We 42.doubt Isaac Redd
it, that any well-meaning person would
8. President John F. Kennedy 22. Nagbe Sloh 43. Rep. Gabriel Nyenkan
read the current event accounts of these narratives, sufficiently backed by history, and still think that
9. President Thomas Jefferson 23. Lewis Brown 44. Minister Gyudee Moore
we, as
10. Barry a people, can use reforms
Goldwater 24. JacoborZuma
gradualistJallahapproaches to handle our countrys deadly problem and
45. Jerelimick Piah,
11. Hillary ourselves from this
Clinton 25. untold
Gaye called nationhood, gain our rightful human status, and
46. Nagbe Sloh
12. Leemake
Kuan ourYew
Creator proud of 26.making us too in His own image. The list below constitutes our Plain Truth
Jah Johnson
47. Senator Henry Yallah
13. Karl Marx
Revolutions revered heroes27. John
and S. Morlu through whose inputs our revolution has finally become
14. Mao Zedong God willing,28.and Eratus 48. Mr. Tarbarosa Tarponweh
recognize and celebrate 49. them as our
Liberian Girlsspecial acknowledgements
trafficked to Lebanon
29. Sam Webb
forever. Their collective message to us, in short is: Plain 50. TruthD.Revolution, please go ahead, we join
Maxwell Kemayan
and stand by you, whichever way possible. 51. Dr. Randolph McClain
1. Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS/ELBC)
52. Cllr. Afian Sherman
2. World
heroeson theheroines
and Information Society
therefore are(WSIS)
as follows, among many more to come up in later publications
53. John S. Morlu
by the grace of God. Weve placed their contributions under 54. different subheadings. We will start with
Samora Wolokollie
the historical
CURRENT accountsOF
EVENTS of how the Black
LIBERIAS Americans Liberia was pronounced DOOMED by its
conceivers and designers even before it was established,
FOUNDATION B. and how this curse has been acutely
pronounced, warned about, and decried by different actors, including prominent people in world affairs
1. Global Witness
1. ByupJames
to thisCiment
point. (2x)
This will 28.
be followed
Min. Moses by Jackson
different accounts
2. of the UNNASTY
Securitystate of Liberia from current
event realities.
2. Nancy Oku Bright (2x) Please note that apart from
29. Miatta Fahnbulleh numbered or
3. bulleted names,
Farbric F.M. bolded names of individuals
and institutions
3. Pastor Solomon Juah within any30.ofSen.
the Dallas
text inGwehthis section represent
4. some of our
Liberias special
Truth acknowledgements.
& Reconciliation
4. Dr. Charles Johnson
Welcome to our very special31. acknowledgement
Aagon Tingba section: Commission
5. John Randolph, 32. Cllr. Benedict Sannon
5. US Congress
6. US Pres. Abraham Lincoln 33. Jonathan Gant
7. Jerome J. Verdier 34 Jonathan Paye-Layleh
8. Dede Dolopei,
9. Oumu K. Syllah,
10.Bishop Arthur F. Kulah, A. INDIVIDUALS
11.Sheikh Kafumba F. Konneh,
1. Steve Kolubah,
12.Pearl Brown Bull, 2. Amb. Chigozie Obi-Nnadozie,
13.Gerald B. Coleman, 3. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2x)
14.John H. T. Stewart, 4. Rep. Richmond Anderson
15.Massa Washington, 5. Mo Ibrahim, 18. Musa
16.Henrietta Joy Abena Mensa Bonsu 6. Menipaket Dumoi 19. John S. Morlu
17.Hugh Mason Brown 7. Rep. Gabriel Smith 20. Julius Jeh
18.Dr. James Ciment 8. Sen. Thomas Grupee 21. R. Bhofal Chambers
19.Wikipedia/History of Liberia 9. Karin Langrin 22. Sen. Oscar Cooper
20.Koffi Woods 10. Deborah Malac 23. Saah Gborlie
21.Dr. Amos Sawyer 11. Amb. Tina Intelmann 24. Nicolas Cook
22.Dean Johnson 12. Ismail Serageldin 25. Dr. James Ciment
23.Wilfred Bangourah 13. Dr. Amos Sawyer 26. Tycon J.
24.Darious Dillon 14. Nathaniel Barnes 27. Sir John Simon
25.Jim Hunt 15. Keith Morris 28. Darious Deylon
26.Brad Henry 16. Dayboy 29. Lawrence Yealue
27.Min. George Werner 17. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta

32. Tamba Johnny 39. Samora Wolokollie VI. PEOPLE OR INSTITUTIONS WHOSE
33. Francis Tamba 40. Acarious Gray IDEAS JUST MATCH OURS
34. Robert A. Sirleaf 41. Augustine Ngafuan 1. Thomas Jefferson 7. Hassan Kiawu
35. Austin Kawal 42. Thomas Doe-Nah 2. Tarkpor R. Kartee 8. Simeon Freeman
36. Darious Zinnah 43. Dr. Amos Sawyer
3. Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, 9. Antonio Gutierrez
37. Indi Cal 44. Cllr. Elijah Saah 4. Sen. Geraldine D. Sheriff
38. Blamo Nelson 45. Rodney Sieah 5. Melvin Tayglay Weah Johnson
46. Rev. Lurther Tarpeh 6. Bhofal Chambers (formerly Jallah Langlin)
1. Conciliation Resources/CR VII. WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT
2. The League of Nations
1. President Abdou Fattah Al Sessay
IV. LIBERIA, A HUGE 21ST CENTURY 2. Antonio Gutierrez 4. Mr. Peter Graaf
ECONOMIC WASTE 3. President Barack Obama 5. Rebecca Nanyou

1. Mr. Karl Marx 5. Sam Jackson ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP

2. Common Sense Analyst 6. President Obama
3. Wikipedia 7. Linda Yu FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE PTR
4. President Sirleaf 8. Hewyikoo Kaiyuma
1. Roland S. Kartee 5. Preston Kartee
V. THE ENDURING DANGERS THAT 2. Alice Wamah 6. Courage Kartee
LIBERIA POSES TO ITSELF AND THE 3. Joseph Kartee 7. Stamina Kartee
1. Global Witness - 14. Common Sense FIRST NEW MEMBERS OF THE PTR
2. Cllr. Thompson Adibayo Analyst (5x)
3. Cllr. Dempster Brown, 15. Abraham Lincoln 1. Jamel Constance
4. Bishop Wilmot Burbroh 16. Oku Bright
5. Gladys Johnson 17. Carl Victor OUR CURRENT DIRECT/INDIRECT
6. Senator Comany Wisseh 18. Farbric NightTime MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH
7. George Dalton 19. President Obama
8. Mulbah Morlu 20. Tom Woewiyou 1. Dejure Members: All members of our 7 big
9. Robert W. Clower 21. Sam Zemurray constituencies, mentioned in the Dedication
10. Mitchel Harwitz 22. Lee Christmas Section of every written work or article of our
11. A. A. Walters 23. United Fruit Comp revolution
12. North Western University 24. Andrew Preston 2. Defacto Members (*have all right to decline
13. Oxford University 25. Maj. Gen Smedley
publicly if not convicted or interested): All those we
26. Com. Matthew have acknowledged in our works. For they have
Calbraith Perry always believed in us, and will no doubt believe in
our dreams for the country we all equally own.
27. Cornel R. West 41. Cllr. Gloria Scott
28. J. Yanqui Zaza, 42. John Morlu OUR ONLINE MEMBERSHIP FIGURE
29. Sarah Chayes 43. Rebecca Murray (PEOPLE THAT HAVE AGREED WITH
30. Noam Chomsky 44. Philibert Brown OUR DEBATES ON SOCIAL MEDIA
31. William Blum 45. Brownie Samukai INCLUDING JOINING OUR GROUPS AND
32. Nicolas Cook, 46. Martin K. N. Kollie ONLINE COMMUNITIES)
33. Library of Congress 47. Donald Trump, now
US President Elect 3. Facebook.._____
34. Dana J. Hyde 48. Mulbah Morulu
35. Wendell Nimley 49. Robert W. Clower 4. YouTube.._____
36. Evangelist Charles 50. Benedict Sannon
37. Min. Amara Konneh, 52. ELBC Chris Sirleaf 5. Google +._____
38. President Nhuru Kenyatta 53. Sen Jewel H. Taylor
39. President Barak Obama 54. Dr. Togba Tipoteh 6. Twitter._____
40. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 55. Radio France
**These figures will be revealed subsequently.


Our Plain Truth Revolution represents seven (7) big constituencies of Gods children (including past,
current and future generations of our country and all of our well-wishers elsewhere) to whom we are
very proud to always dedicate every work or article we write, and action we take. Our distinguished
constituencies include:

(a) Millions in their graves today who have died at the direct cause of Americo-Liberian state-
sponsored and state-promoted mischief, mayhem, atrocities and other criminal activities;

(b) Millions in their graves today who have died completely unaccomplished, even though they
had vast potentials, but these potentials could never be explored and exploited due to Americas
imperialist activities here and the Americo-Liberians explicit vendetta campaign against us;

(c) Millions alive in our country who have missed out, or given up on the realization of their
dreams and fullest potentials in life, all because their country works out every policy behind the
scenes to stifle such possibility under the guise of running government;

(d) The millions who have suffered untold kangaroo justice at the hands of the ever rotten
Americo-Liberian Justice System in this country, and continue to suffer this same fate over and
over today;

(e) Our entire future generations for whom this cruel national arrangement has laid no
foundation, but yet expects all of the magic of nation-building and society-stabilization etc. to be
performed by them (i.e. these hopeless, deprived and destroyed in advance future generations);

(f) citizens in the diaspora who worry a lot about whats happening to their country, but are just
unable or incapacitated, one way or the other, to impact the situation, and

(g) foreign friends who love our country, and love us personally as friends, but keep worrying,
what the causes are, that this country will not wake up to the true meaning of nationhood,
especially for the benefit of all of its citizens etc.

All this means that it is only the devil, or the strongest of his lieutenants, who would want to thwart
such a great agenda like this Plain Truth Revolution for Gods children.

1. Acknowledgment............i
2. Dedication..............x
3. References..a
4. Introduction............1
5. INTOSAI on auditors role in fighting corruption.....1
6. What does attempting to fight corruption mean in Liberia........1
7. Several definitions of the word
8. The different levels or scales of corruption........2
9. The different categories of corruption........2
10. Some selective accounts of corruptions damaging impacts on society............3
11. Seven points proving that Liberia = corruption and Corruption = Liberia......4- 16
A. Liberias first set of political and security-sector corruptions4
B. Blatant Corruption in the choice of the countrys name and emblems...7
C. How massive political corruption characterized the deposition of E.J. Roye 8
D. How massive corruption damages all of Liberias loans- two examples8
E. How corruption damages all of Liberias Concession deals few examples10
F. Few key questions to be derived from these kinds of accounts.11
G. How Firestone recruited workers in Liberia, and how Portugal thwarted
this Nasty trend...12
H. How presidents wanting to fight corruption, Liberias strongest foundation
stone end up with disgrace or even loss of life..13
i. Tubmans TWPs stance on corruption and his own performance...15
ii. Tolbert, Doe, Taylor and Bryant on Corruption16
iii. Charles Taylors experience..16
12. How indigenous are 16:1 against Americo-Liberians in the fight
against Corruption****16
13. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the last straw that has broken the massive
Americo-Liberian corruption machine and hegemonic camels back..16 - 65
A. Why Ellen is considered an ideal reference for helping conclude the Black
American settlers ginger bread boy in West Africa16
B. Before becoming President, Ellen claimed she knew these 8 key things
or national problems better than anyone else..17
C. Some of the ways that Ellen has performed against these 8 things she
claimed she knew better about Liberia than everyone else.....20
D. A few examples of how President Sirleaf and her government have
been sustaining and promoting corruption..35
i. Liberia, on her Code of Conduct, her deeply flawed national constitution,
and the UN Convention Against Corruption.....36
ii. Ellen and sons $3.7 billion waiver and their manipulation of oil
blocks bidding processes...37
iii. Ellens $160 million RIA scandal, her defense of corrupt officials,
and her practice of reshuffling or reassigning corrupt officials..37
iv. Robert Kilby, Ellen Corkrum and Cllr. Shermans take on
the countrys corruption situation..40
v. How the government treats and reacts to integrity institutions
vi. Ellens description of corruption and her call for special corruption
E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, seemingly last un-rehabilitated settler president.42
F. How accolades are given Madam Sirleaf to help her overcome challenges,
but to no fruition, unfortunately..43
G. Some of the results of Ellens good leadership thus far...45
i. How the Fund For Peace sums up Liberias performance and health.46
ii. How Dr. Chambers assesses Madam Sirleafs performance...47
iii. How truth and honesty can boost a leaders ability to achieve greatly47
iv. How Ellen could have been a good example of following
Americas footsteps .47
14. A good example of honesty in Obamas excellence........48
15. Why Ellen can never be like President Obama or any American President for
that matter50
16. Reasons why Americo-Liberians need to be booted out of our public arena..51
17. Lets pay heed to Nick Cleggs warning.........51
18. Call for Liberian Men of God to follow the examples of Martin Luther King
and Desmond Tutu...51
19. Lessons for Liberian Men of God from Mr. Gordon Hinckley and Bsh. Tutu........51
20. Ours, and MLKs message to foreign partners........52
21. Our strong parting words.52


An INTOSAI article once contended that if the top authority; for example, the Chief
Executive Officer of a company, the Minister of a ministry, or the President of a country is
involved in corrupt practices, auditors will never make any substantial contribution or impact
in the fight against corruption [either] because these top authority elements will do all they
can in their powers to prevent auditors from getting access to the right information relating to
their corrupt activities [or they will fight to kill any reports from auditors about their devilish
corrupt acts]. Note: INTOSAI is the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.

This devilish determination even becomes deadlier when someone in top authority figures
out that a subject or subordinate is resolved to criticize or expose their corrupt acts or deals.
That subject or subordinate even risks his or her own life if it is established that he/she wants
to be a threat in whatever way to official corruption.

In the case of Liberia, most interestingly, someone trying to pose any form of threat to
official corruption in any entity or institution may not know initially that they are embarking
painfully on a bigger enterprise that spans far beyond that entity or institution, and that they
are venturing into uncharted waters; meaning, they are attempting to fight against the current;
they are attempting to fight against the bedrock of an entire society; they are attempting to
undermine a solid foundation that has been laid for close to two hundred years; they are
attempting to overthrow a well rooted economic, cultural and political status quo; they are
attempting to fight against an established and official way of life etc. Indeed, they may not
know definitely that they will have the devil to pay for such a determination. Of recent in
Liberia, actors such as Cllr. Michael Allison, a bold citizen openly trying to expose
corruption in the first branch of the Black Americans (Liberian) Legislature met up with
some very mysterious death in the very process. May his soul rest in peace. It however takes
so much of faith to undertake this kind of enterprise anywhere for the matter.

Another more moderate reaction from the authorities in Liberia for those trying to pose such
a threat to their status quo (i.e. entrenched or endemic culture of corruption) is to effect some
arbitrary dismissal against the suspected threat. People like Prof. Tuan Wleh, Thomas Keydor
and others are living witnesses. They (meaning the Liberian powers that be) will cruelly
abuse their offices and authority in the spirit of political expediency just to ensure they firmly
maintain this grip on the NASTY culture of CORRUPTION. But a little piece of advice here
from the Plain Truth Revolution is that with this reality of threat however, the fate of
suffering some form of arbitrary and illegal dismissal from job should not deter any true hero
and advocate of social justice and the emancipation of their people.

With this brief preface presented above, let us now begin our discussions about corruption -
with emphasis on Liberia with several definitions of the word CORRUPTION, and then
outline some of its deadliest effects on human progress from others own experiences and
perspectives, then hit back home to how America and her Americo-Liberians began the
foundation of their now failed Liberia with CORRUPTION. We will further continue with

explanations and illustrations about how corruption has been the normal way of life;
continues to be; and will remain the way of life of Liberia, unless we uproot this NASTY
foundation and build a new nation on more promising principles. We finally will conclude
the pamphlet with our revolutionary call to action. Worried about the roadmap to building a
new and excellently promising national foundation, we urge you to worry no more, as the
Plain Truth Revolution can guide our country, the Grain Coast (Liberia) through this process
very successfully God willing.

First off, corruption, as sadly understood by Liberians, is not restricted to mere business, or
business management practices. It is not only about financial improprieties as most people,
especially most Liberian people restrict it to. According to Wikipedia, corruption has several
key definitions as follows:

1. From a philosophical, theological, or moral perspective, corruption refers to a spiritual

or moral impurity (dirtiness), or a deviation from an ideal, or set standard. In layman
terms, we will say here, corruption means intentionally (in most cases) dodging what is
right, or what has been set as a standard, just to satisfy your personal interest.

2. According to Transparency International, corruption is the abuse of entrusted power or

authority for private gain, or the illegitimate use of public office for private gains. The
same site went on to say that corruption deeply hurts everyone who depends on the
integrity of people in positions of authority and trust.

3. Greek and Italian philosophers, Aristotle and Cicero define the adjective CORRUPT
as both utterly broken and the abandonment of good habits respectively.

4. From the Perspective of the UN Office for Drugs Abuse and Crime Prevention,
corruption is an administrative or financial impropriety that takes place in the form of
bribery, kickbacks, [fake] commissions, or other benefits to both the corruptor and the
corrupted without leaving any trace in the official records.

Corruption can occur at different levels or scales, including petty corruption, grand
corruption, and systemic (endemic) corruption. The last happens when corruption has
eaten up every fabric of a given society, like the Liberian scenario. Corruption can also be
placed into different categories, including Political or Administrative Corruption
(examples: nepotism, favoritism, or using coercion); Police or General Security Sector
Corruption (examples: police or security personnel flouting official codes of conduct,
falsifying evidence against an accused, or using coercion etc.); Judicial Corruption
(examples: improper sentencing of convicted criminals, bias in the hearing and judgment of
cases, and so forth), Economic Corruption (examples: bribery, fraud, embezzlement,
cooking the books, among others.).

Nothing deals the greatest blow to mankinds collective success, wellbeing, or general
progress equal to corruption. Here are a few observations from different sources about the

very damaging impacts that corruption has on our collective wellbeing and development as a

a. Hector Boham and Sam Asamoah of the Corruption and Fraud Audit Consortium of
Ghana had the following to say about corruption. According to the duo, corruption
causes high prices of goods and services; corruption results into reduced investment,
which in turn leads to reduced goods and services, all of which end up to undue
inflation; corruption makes donors uninterested in committing themselves to help; it
leads to lowered foreign direct investment; it causes decrease in tax revenue, which thus
leads to governments inability to finance budget expenditure (Liberias biggest problem
now, also called budget deficit or budget short fall); corruption leads to the building of
inferior public infrastructure; it leads to serious uncertainties in economic transactions;
and of course, corruption, indeed, badly obstructs all activities relating to economic

b. Then next comes the United Nations Family: UNODC Executive Director, Yury
Fedotov said, corruption is a serious roadblock to economic development. It aggravates
inequality and injustice, and it undermines stability, especially in the worlds most
vulnerable, regions. For the UNODC itself, it disclosed that Evidence shows that
corruption harms poor people more than anyone else; it stifles economic growth and
diverts desperately needed funds from education, healthcare and other public services.
Then the UN Boss, Mr. Ban Kii Moon himself, made these remarks in 2009 on the
occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day. He said, When public money is
stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build schools, hospitals, roads, and
water treatment facilities etc. When foreign aid is diverted into private bank accounts,
major infrastructure projects come to a complete halt. Corruption makes fake and
substandard drugs to be dumped onto the market, and makes hazardous wastes to be
dumped onto our landfill sites and into our seas and oceans. Mr. Moon concluded,
Corruption hinders economic development by distorting markets and damaging private
sector integrity, and that the vulnerable or poor people, in all this trouble, suffer first and
suffer the worst.

c. Even the Liberias Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), despite its weakness and
virtual uselessness, alludes to the fact that corruption breaks down the rule of law
frameworks and leads to imprudent spending and the waste of public resources. The
LACC also acknowledges and describes corruption in it profile statements as a major
challenge to economic development, poverty alleviation and democratic governance.

Having laid all these powerful premises for our main argument, lets now look at how Liberia
began laying the very first foundation block of nationhood on the pillar of corruption, and
has since then worked in line with this foundation and has improved upon it so tremendously
that in this 21st century, Liberia continues to top the worlds table of corruption whether
formally or informally among over 200 independent nations and territories on the face of

planet Earth. We have decided to overwhelmingly convince you below that Corruption
equals to Liberia and that Liberia is perfectly equal to Corruption with 7 key points:

1) The identical first piece of land acquired to settle the very initial batch of settlers
(Americo-Liberians); which means, the very first piece of land on which the building of
the new nation, Liberia, began, i.e. Cape Mesurado, was acquired using two different
forms of corruption: Political Corruption (in the form of trick and addifice), and
Security Sector Corruption (an outright coercion, to which when we add more weight,
could be declared as an armed robbery). This is how history explains the story.
According to sources such as,, Liberian History Up To1847.etc, when
the American Colonization Society decided to embark on her clever campaign of
weeding out bad Black Apples from the American Society in 1816, they sent their
agents to England a year later to seek British permission and assistance in finding land
for them in West Africa on which they could dump their increasing number of
unwanted Blacks that were now posing so much threat to the American Society, since
Britain was the first to have started this kind of Black Resettlement Scheme using Sierra
Leone as the dumping ground in 1787. Britain sent them (the ACS Agents) over to
Governor Charles McCarthy, who was in control of things in Sierra Leone. It is not quite
clear whether the Americans pursued the talks in Britain by sending a separate team to
meet Governor McCarthy in advance of starting their so called Black Repatriation. Be
that as it may, the ACS prepared her first shipload of around 84 unwanted Black
elements bound for Sierra Leone in early 1820 on board Elizabeth the Mayflower,
accompanied by both ACS and U.S Government Agents. When Agents Samuel Mills
and Ebenezer Burgees, on behalf of the Ship crew disembarked in Sierra Leone and
made a request for space to Governor McCarthy, their request was instantly rejected by
the Sierra Leonian British Governor. The Governor then probably referred them to
Shebro Island, where traditional African Kings were in charge, although still as part of
the Sierra Leonean Protectorate or Colony.

So the Americans went on to Shebro Island with this embarrassing, altogether 88

member crew. Apprehensive about such mass movement and perhaps already conscious
of this devious American Scheme, the African Kings at Shebro refused this suspicious
crew again, but decided to accommodate them temporarily while they searched other
alternatives. By this time, hell was already racing on the Elizabeth family, as they began
contracting Malaria and dying in their numbers, but agents on this mission were
apparently mandated never to return with this troublesome group back home, come what

When the news about Elizabeth crews deplorable condition hit back home, the U.S
Government and the ACS sent a reinforcement and rescue ship, the Nautilus, comprising
some more unwanted Blacks and additional ACS and US Government Agents, with a
renewed mandate. It was elements from this reinforcement crew (in person of Jonathan

B. Winn and Christian Wiltberger) that sailed Southeast of Sierra Leone, to present day
Liberia to search for land since Sierra Leone had refused totally to host these American
Immigrants permanently and they were dying by the day.

Winn and Wiltberger again failed to secure a land deal in present day Liberia, owing
apparently to the same apprehension that gripped the Native Kings at Shebro Island.
Badly determined never to return these bad apples, or never to fail on this purely
business mission, Agents Winn and Wiltberger decided to seek the intervention and
possible assistance of US Naval Officials onboard a different American Facility, the
Alligator Battleship, that was stationed or patrolling the Atlantic Ocean around West
Africa a covert military support for these ACS missions. Mindful of the African Kings
pre-conscience about this Immoral Scheme and also determined desperately never to
fail again in their quest for some piece of land, as these Black Immigrants kept dying at
Shebro, US Navy Surgeon Eli Ayres and Captain Robert Field Stockton from the
Alligator Battleship arrived on Cape Mesurado or Ducor (apparently on Winns and
Wiltbergers instruction on December 11, 1821 to resume the failed land talks initiated
by Winn and Wilbarger; but this time, putting aside all honesty and sincerity and
employing tricks, coupled with coercion in order to succeed at all costs, which happened
in the end, of course.

To first win the attention and sympathy of the Native Kings who had gotten wise up to
some extent about this evil American Agenda, Officers Eli and Robert, claiming to be
acting on behalf of the US Government, put the Native Kings under the impression that
they wanted their crew members (the Black troublesome immigrants) to settle down
temporarily at Cape Mesurado, during which time the actual origins of each of these
Black Immigrants on various parts of the African continent would be determined, for
them to be taken later to their final destinations.


This LIE created some room for the Americas to be considered by the Tribal Kings for
further discussions. Cognizant of the fact that such an explanation like the assurance
given the Native Kings could never suffice in any report to be sent to their bosses across
the Atlantic (i.e. the US Government and the ACS), Messrs. Ayres and Stockton had to
further maneuver to get the actual mission accomplished once they now had the time to
go into discussions with the Native Kings and their subjects at this Second Ducor
Conference of December 1821. Eli and Robert needed to give account of a definite land
purchase deal and a permanent plan for the settlement of these Rotten Apples so as to
win them (Eli and Robert) some prominence, and most importantly, to bring a final sigh
of relief to the ACS and the American Government. Remember here that the founders of
the ACS and other influential Americans who had embarked on this so called Black
Repatriation Scheme had used four very dangerous adjectives to describe the targets

for this ACS campaign, which included: PROMTERS OF MISCHIEF, MENTALLY

FORMER SLAVES. Nobody plays with history; for all these are the major
characteristics of their Liberia today.

At these Second Ducor Talks however, the sticky issue was that according to the Tribal
Kings and their subjects, their lands were communal and could not be sold. This became
the major bone of contention that dragged the talks. It was based on the Native Kings
especially King Peter and his subjects insistence upon this very crucial point that
pricked Captain Robertfield Stockton to draw out his pistol (handgun) and point it at the
head of King Peter, while at the same time he ordered his warship, the USS Alligator, to
begin drawing closer to the Liberian shore where the discussions were being held, in a
rather belligerent and frightening fashion all this to coerce the Native people into
giving up their land for some so called purchase arrangement, which the Natives finally
did in fear for their lives. A SECOND FORM OF CORRUPTION, COERCION, HAD

To make the deal appear as a formal business deal because it must be formally
documented and sent to the ACS and the American Government, Eli and Robert
arranged a price tag for Cape Mesurado (although the exact amount is not specified in
history), and did a part payment in kind, of and INSULTING $300 worth of assorted
stale goods, comprising smoke fish, old pairs of shoes, salt etc., promising to pay the
unspecified balance in cash at a later unspecified date. Robert and Eli then documented
their deal and sent it to their bosses across the Atlantic, while Eli, with a great sigh of
relief went on to Sierra Leone (either now Shebro Island or Fourah Bay or both) and
started evacuating the remaining Black Americans to their new, criminally found home,
Cape Mesurado, a location from where the building of present day dismally failed
Liberia began.

Two dirty things had happened here all of which constitute corruption and even theft
of property: (a) the poor, helpless Natives had been coerced into giving up their land,
Cape Mesurado, something Eli and Robert could never have accomplished on Shebro
Island or Fourah Bay because of fear for Governor McCarthy (b) the promise of a
balance payment in cash was a big SCAM this constituted trick and addifice; a good
medium for theft of property.

The essence of all these details as you may be aware by now is to justify our case for the
redoing of a better national foundation, no matter how cumbersome and arduous,
because once we get things all wrong from the very foundation, nothing will ever work
well for us even in a million years time, unless we come back painfully, and correct
these basic, fundamental or structural mistakes. We cant do this if we dont know the
details of whats happening. American former Chief of Staff and prominent statesman,
Gen. Collin Powell once said, Never neglect details. When everyones mind is dulled
(out), or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant

2) Every account of written and oral history has it that the Black American Immigrants
(Grain Coasts Enduring Nightmare) came and met 16 different African Ethnic Groups,
some of which had settled here for up to 7 centuries (Liberian History up to 1847). But
because, from the time this 17th troublesome and unproductive ethnic group, the so-
called Settlers or the Americo-Liberians, got accommodated through some hook or
crook up to date, they had developed the notion that they are the best of human breed;
they are the most superior in human quality, while members of the 16 ethnic groups are
little lower than human beings etc., everything concerning their new nation, Liberia,
explicitly excluded the interests of the indigenous communities. The name of their
country, Liberia, was proposed to the ACS in the early 1820s by American
Congressman, Robert Goodloe Harper. This name had to be maintained, and every creed
howbeit criminal that this name stood for; every emblem or symbol of this new
nation, had to explicitly match the name. Because the settlers were, and continue to be
less intelligent though, another American man, Harvard Law School Professor, John
Simon Greenleaf, had to come and guide them at their so called constitutional
convention of June 25 to July 25, 1847, in ensuring that everything about this new
nation matched the name given earlier by his compatriot, all to the cruel neglect of the
interests of 16 different ethnic communities (considered by them as barbarians,
savages, beasts or wild animals), even up this date in different, sometimes subtle
manners. As such the flag of their nation took on 11 stripes representing the Johnsons,
Wilsons, Lewises, and Gardners that sat at their so-called constitutional conventional
and never any Yarkpawolos, Wees, Dayougars, or Nyanfores, though these latter
surnames had accommodated them earlier and were alive and somewhere around during
this so- called convention (Liberian History Up To 1847). The seal only cared to
symbolize the means by which these Rotten Apples came to the Grain Coat; the motto
too was only keen on narrating the purported reason for which this devilish 17 th ethnic
group came to the Grain Coast etc.

They summed up all this in the beginning line of the preamble of their first constitution
and their so-called Declaration of Independence, which states: We the people of the
Republic of Liberia were originally the people of the United States of North America.
Note that this statement still reigns supreme today.

When we defined corruption earlier on in this pamphlet, we mentioned from the

Transparency International website that corruption was the abuse of public office for
private gains or the illegitimate use of ones official position or edge to wield private
benefit particularly at the detriment or disadvantage of fellow human beings, especially
people you should be calling your compatriots in this case. When the interests of 16
different ethnic groups are ignored just for the benefit of one group then this definition
of corruption applies; and while it is true that people from the 16 ethnic communities
were not part of the selection of people for the constitutional convention, once at the
convention, the delegates should have known that they came from among other people,
and were representing all alike, even if it were not specified this way, but true to the

claim made earlier, they really considered members of the 16 tribal communities as
animals who were not supposed to be represented among human beings, PERIOD!!!!
No stability can ever be attained with such stinging reality still being glossed over,
and nothing has changed as yet concerning this NASTY mindset.

3) Another form of blatant political corruption occurred among the Liberian pioneers
themselves in 1871, when the Mulattoes did everything possible outside their so-called
laws to oust the only black-skinned elected President by then, Edward James Roye
(1870-1871). An illegal group of Anti-Roye elements apparently organized by the
Mulatto elite deposed Roye on October 26, 1871 (A Short History Of The First Liberian
Republic) and formed an interim government on their own, called the Chief Executive
Committee, a committee which in turn called back an already impeached Vice President
under Roye, a Mulatto, James Skirving Smith, to come and complete Royes term of few
more months. Meanwhile impeached Smith was only waiting for a recessing Senate to
come back from break to have him investigated, but this never happened again, all
because the Mulattoes had gotten what they wanted. The Chief Executive Committee,
and Skirving Smith, in a series of political actions stage-managed by the countrys first
President, Joseph Jenkins Robert, a Mulatto, organized a mysterious one man
presidential contest, which J. J. Roberts won to bring him back to office for the 5 th and
6th terms (1872-76). All these series of illegal actions were approved by the countrys
rubber stamped Legislature and Judiciary all dominated and influenced by the
Mulattos at the time. When they were behaving in such an uncivilized way like this, the
Settlers were proud that they were leaving behind a perfect legacy for future
generations God forbid.

4) Liberias endemic corruption has never allowed it realize anything from the numerous
international loans they have been receiving all through history. We will just give you
two separate examples here, although the list itself is so long:

According to the book, A First History of The First Liberian Republic, Liberia
contracted some $500,000 loan form a British firm in 1871. The arrangement was
concluded by President E. J. Roye, assisted by his Secretary Of State, Hilary R. W.
Johnson, Liberias Consul General to London, David Chinery, and one of E. J. Royes
officials only referred to as Anderson, who was the main mission man that handled the
actual cash. It is reported that Mr. Anderson fled with an unspecified amount of this
money to an unknown location and only $135,000 of this money ever reached Liberia.
The handling of this $135,000 was so controversial that there is no account of what the
country benefited from it. The conclusion of this story was that Liberia now owed a 35
year loan of $500,000 plus its yearly, compounded interest to be amortized. As the
country has never had, and continues to date, never to have any definite and robust
revenue generation program and strategy, Liberia never officially paid a dime out of this
loan and its interest.

In 1906, Liberias negotiation or application for a new loan was approved by another
British Company, to allow it repay some portion of the failed 1871 loan and use the rest
for small development projects. Because Liberias economy had terribly gone bad at the
time, a country that sadly only consumes but doesnt produce anything by itself,
President Barclay had to make some unimaginable concessions and compromises to
quality for this loan, including for example, granting unconditional citizenship to the
savages, the wild animals (the indigenous people of this country) in 1904, as a way
of complying with the British demand for a compulsory change of policy by the Amerio-
Liberian elite towards the interior. This was at the domestic front, but according to, Barclay Liberia adopted the British
pound sterling as legal tender; Barclay approached the owner of the first rubber
company to operate in Liberia, Sir Harry Johnston, a British, of the Liberia Rubber
Company, to help him (Barclay) in the negotiations. To encourage Sir Johnston, Barclay
pre-gave Johnston the contract to carry on the development projects on behalf of the
government, which the loan was targeting. This was mainly to build a few miles of road.
For that reason Barclay and Johnston worked quickly to change Johnstons Liberia
Rubber Companys name to Liberia Development Company, a company that apart from
its concessions terms of exploiting wild rubber, Barclay extended them the free right to
exploit any kind of mineral resource (diamond, gold etc.) in their concession area, which
also spanned almost the whole country at the time. Barclay also gave LDC the right to
set up its own police force. Liberia never had a police force when this was happening
more than 50 years after their Mickey Mouse independence. It remained so until the
1950s, more than 100 years after independence, before the Liberia National Police was

After Johnston helped Barclay and the $500,000 was finally acquired from Erlanger &
Company in 1906, this how the loan money was shared: Barclay gave $200,000 to
Johnston for road projects and additionally gave Johnston $35,000 as personal loan.
Although not explicitly mentioned, Barclay might have used $105,000 as part payment
of the old, failed 1871 loan. In the end, the government announced a balance of
$160,000 that was left in her coffers, with which she purchased two vehicles and built a
few miles of near Monrovia. Again, Liberia had contracted another huge international
loan of $500,000 with compounded interest per annum in addition to all, or the balance
of the ill-fated 1871 loan.

In 4 to 5 years, Liberia, not seeing any way out of her financial mess, again begged
America to help her in securing another loan to help pay for these two past unproductive
loans, and they succeeded with a $1.7 million loan in 1912, but lets stop here for now,
as this story is long and painful to narrate.

The big question however remains, who, the productive person, will ever argue against
the fact that it is now time to change this dirty, biased name called Liberia, which has
brought us nothing good to read about other than trauma, trauma and trauma all the

way. Moreover, as the Plain Truth Revolution is demanding, who, the productive person
also will argue that it is not time for us to legally ban these cruel, corrupt and
unproductive Americo-Liberians out of our public sector, so that this beautiful land can
once and for all breathe some sigh of relief and start experiencing the true meaning of
independence and self-determination? No other options can help us now other than these
drastic, but very remedying revolutionary actions. Theres a saying that drastic times
call for drastic measures

5) Liberia was established or founded exclusively for exploitation, to be effected through

massive corruption. The country has never, in its almost 200 year history, up to this
2016, ever signed any sound or any balanced concession agreement for any of its very
important resources. Liberia is always bending over backwards in all of its business
deals owing to visionless leaders and a very corrupt system. Before the new millennium,
the most painful and exploitative of all of Liberias international concession agreements
however has been the Firestone Agreement. Firestone, a billion dollar Rubber and Tire
Company, acquired a 99 year concession from Liberia in 1926, of 1million acres of land
at 6 cents per acre to cultivate what would later become the worlds largest rubber
plantation. Firestone initially had exclusive rights upon the land selected to exploit other
natural and mineral resources; she was exempted from all present and future taxes; the
company had right to engage into logging; and as usual, Firestone was given the go
ahead to displace any number of tribal communities from their land without any
compensation. Backed by the Liberian Frontier Force (now Armed Forces of Liberia),
the Rubber and Tire company was authorized to collect able bodied indigenous men and
boys at about 15 cents per each living head from the Tribal Chiefs for the planting and
subsequent tapping of the companys rubber at $3 to $4 per the monthly salary of each
worker just to comply with some international norms; as these people worked under
very terrible conditions etc. and etc.

But with respect to our subject, CORRUPTION, here is how the Firestone bill went
through in the Liberian Legislature. President Charles King, former President Arthur
Barclay, Secretary of State Edwin James Barclay, and Maryland County Senator William
V.S. Tubman were those who staunchly advocated the Firestone bill. What is more
interesting about Liberias endemic corruption in this deal is that former President
Arthur Barclay and sitting Senator William V.S. Tubman were the private lawyers for
Harvey Firestone when Senator Tubman was the principal person introducing and
defending the Firestone bill for the acceptance of this 99 year concession contract in the
Senate, and they succeeded. At the passing of the bill in 1926, this is what entrepreneur
Harvey Firestone had to say, The greatest concession of its kind ever made has now
been realized. It will surprise you to discover ahead in this pamphlet, fellow citizens
and the world at large, that in January of 2011, another American, Ambassador Linda
Thomas Greenfield made similar statement at Chevrons (an American oil and gas
companys) acquisition of Liberian Oil Blocks 11, 12, and 14 in another dubious
US$10.7 billion oil deal with Madam Sirleaf and her government. You will also be

surprise to notice that Liberia, as a country did not benefit in terms of physical cash,
especially received at a lump sum up to $7,000 out of the whole 99 year Firestone Deal.
Please now get a gist of how the peanuts realized from the Firestone deal went.

Remember, as we said above, Liberia now had unpaid international debts from 1871,
1906 and 1912; and, around the early 1920s or exactly by 1918, she was applying for
another $5 million loan from America directly, which was out-rightly rejected by the
American Congress on grounds that Liberia didnt know how to manage her own
money, talk less about loan money, probably they had no much interest in the Liberian
leadership at the time. Harvey Firestone, a smart business man, having discovered how
stupid, greedy and pressed against the wall these myopic Liberian leaders were, offered
them a compulsory $5 million loan with some huge interest rate at the signing of their
99-year rubber concession deal. Pushed against the wall, these numbskulls accepted the
loan. Over half the cash (over $2.5 million) of the loan amount went against all of
Liberias old loans, and was paid to the British creditors by Firestone himself, who also
withheld the balance cash to be paying against each installment due of this new $5
million loan since Liberia was, and continues to be considered grossly irresponsible and
unable to handle anything for herself. You can read about all this disgraceful event
mainly from and a little from A Short
History of the First Liberian Republic.

The big question remains, are these any respectable forefathers or predecessors to
keep identifying with, in terms of sustaining their life styles? The answer is a
resounding NO. We, people of the newer generations tend to overlook these kinds of
traumatizing details about our countrys past, which is too detrimental to our own
success in life because our progress is tied to some strings in the past, if we dont know
by now. In fact, can we now try answering each of the few questions below with utmost

a) Dont we know that these dirty actions by these foolish people in the past greatly
affect our lives and progress today, and that we are compelled to do something about
it now, or else it will continue unabated?

b) Why do we think these accounts went down into history if they were not meant to be
acted upon? Should we joke and laugh about these kinds of grave issues when the
descendants of the perpetrators of these heinous acts live among us and continue to
inflict even bigger pains upon us more and more through the criminal gang their
parents set up here in 1822 called government (i.e. Government of Liberia)?

c) Dont we know that history serves to narrate to us examples of terrible mistakes that
we ought not to repeat? Dont we know that history is the basis upon which we get to
understand our problems of today?

d) The American journalist and writer, P. J. ORouke said, Those who dont know
their history are probably also not doing well in their English and Math. Is this man

lying here; are we doing well in any other aspect of live since we are ignoring these
grave historical realities?

6) According to Prof. Alhaji G. V. Kromah, Firestone had employed more than 10,000
laborers on its plantations by 1930. And according to official government sources
however, more than 8,500 had not gone to work for Firestone voluntarily, (but instead,
through some coercive and corrupt arrangement). Firestone Agents, heavily backed by
Liberia Frontier Force armed men went to Native Chiefs, gave them 15 cents for each
living head of our indigenous brothers and sometimes sisters during the rice planting
season (January to June) and 10 cents per living head during off-planting season (July to
December) and imposed quotas on each village. This recruitment system supplied
Firestone with tens of thousands of indigenous Liberian laborers up to the early 1960s.
Here is how it got curbed or minimized to some extent. In August of 1961, the
Government of Portugal in retaliation, or in reaction to Liberias proven lip service
towards African anti-colonial efforts, filed a complaint with the International Labor
Organization (ILO) concerning the failure of the Liberian Government to observe the
Forced Labor Convention of 1950. The Portuguese might have made specific reference
to the Firestone scenario. The ILO quickly setup a committee to investigate Portugals
complaint against Liberia in late 1961 or early 1962. Before the committee could
publish it findings, the Liberias always unprincipled and rubber stamp Legislature
quickly enacted a law revising the recruitment of labor in Liberia in 1962. It was only
then that the forced labor and corrupt recruitment system that had been supplying
Firestone for more than 35 years became outlawed on the books.

7) All of what we have elaborated above is to justify more and more that Liberia was built
on the pillars of corruption and its whole batch of accomplices, including sectionalism,
human trafficking, broad day stealing etc.; meaning, no one can leave the Liberian
structure standing and attempt to root out or fight corruption successfully. Liberia and
corruption are mutually inexclusive, so if we want to get rid of one, we must equally get
rid of the other. What a strong statement though, but thats the bare reality. And when we
refer to Liberia here, we are referring to the structural arrangement and not the territorial
confines, or its good people. Nothing will ever work here unless the structural (i.e.
cultural, political, economic etc.) foundations of this country are completely dismantled
and redone. We demand a new national foundation built on the pillars of Justice, moral
uprightness, mutual respect and hard work etc.

Lets remember though, that we should never be thinking of using guns and violence
anymore in this place to achieve these objectives. Our time for using them is just over,
and they have miserably let us down. Wondering whats the clear roadmap to
performing these huge civic duties and achieving lasting success, please give the Plain
Truth Revolution all your attention now, as God prepares us day by day to lead the way.
We can, through Gods grace, drive all of us through the process to a successful and

nobler end. We are too good as a people and too rich as a nation to deserve all these
mess that we are going through.

Having said that, our point #7 argues that those Liberian Presidents who, in line with the
theme of this pamphlet, have had it at the backs of their minds that the countys
cornerstone is corruption; and as such, nothing could be done about it while Liberia still
stood, have not had very embarrassing moments during their leaderships, but on the
other hand, those who have deliberately defied this fact, and have boasted of wanting to
fight corruption, have ironically met up with huge accounts of disgrace in their political
and personal lives. Lets look at a few key examples below:

A. Charles Dunbar Burgess King (1920-1930) - King said he was determined to fight
corruption when he took power and this commitment was on his lips all through the
years of his reign. Here is an illustrious declaration he made against corruption in his
1928 inaugural address; There shall be strict adherence to the principle embodied in
our present financial program A strict accountability of the application of public
funds will be insisted upon Like in the past, we shall insist upon speedy and
exemplary punishment meted out to all officials found tampering with public revenues of
any kind or nature whatsoever, irrespective of their private or political connections(A
Short History of the First Liberian Republic, P.58).

Meanwhile, this President King was the man who won the most corrupt election ever
in world history, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, 1995, p.432. In that
election of 1927, that Mr. King won, and was speaking above at its inaugural
ceremonies, the total number of registered voters in the country at the time did not
exceed 15,000, but President King, the professed hero against corruption, received an
unintelligible 235,000 votes over his archrival, T. J. R. Faulkner, who won 8,922 votes.
Additionally, in the League of Nations Christy Report of 1930, it was pointed out that
President King, his Vice President Allen Yancy, and other officials were receiving $45
for each living indigenous boy or man they exported as slave to Fernando Poo, with the
help of the Liberia Frontier Force, now called the Armed Forces of Liberia. King was
pressured to resign at the close of 1930 as a result of the Cuthbert Christy Report, which
terribly indicted his government for numerous counts of administrative misdemeanors
and human rights violations.

As usual, Liberia has used two tools to perpetuate and sustain corruption impunity and
a weak, unobjective and highly dependent Judiciary. Charles King was not prosecuted
for these indictments, but was rewarded by his Firestone partner in crime and relative
William V. S. Tubman to serve both as Minister Consular to Washington DC (1948-50)
and then Liberias first Ambassador Proper to the USA (1950-1952).

B. William V. S. Tubman (1944-1971) - Although he accepted corruption as the nations

backbone and a normal way of life and as such enjoyed it and didnt make any much

noise about fighting corruption, it must also be remembered that he bore standards for
the longest, for the True Whig Party, a party that championed the following cause
against corruption, as presented in one of their 1971 publications, the year of Tubman
death coincidentally: .. The principal object of the party (meaning the True Whig
Party) is to provide a government for the state; and the soundest formula in the
pursuance of this objective is good governance. Among the most destructive of evils
against governments anywhere are dishonesty and corrupt practices, which have a
tendency not only to erode the effectiveness of government, but also to demoralize the
body politic. (Honesty In Government, 1971 Election Guide of the True Wing Party
Published By The Age Publishing Company in Monrovia).

Now, a president, whose party stood by these perfect principles and virtues, did leave
behind the following legacies:

Mr. William V. S. Tubman, Liberias longest serving president of 27 unbroken years, the
one during whose regime the countrys economy got exposed to the outside world, and
was compared to none else on Earth besides the Japanese economy in terms of growth
figures, a lawyer and an administrator of high Americo-Liberian caliber, knew very well
that it was immoral, illegal, dishonest, unethical, corrupt etc. to be a lawmaker of the
country while at the same time be an active private lawyer of a foreign firm; and, to add
insult to injury, help to sponsor a bill in the Legislature to grant concessionary rights to
the company for which you work as a private lawyer. Mr. Tubman was the private
lawyer of Firestone while at the same time Maryland County Senator, and was the same
person sponsoring the bill to grant Firestone concession rights in Liberia. At the close of
the day, the deal went through, and Firestone acquired right to 1 million acres of
Liberian land at 6 cents per acre, with virtually no taxes or other fees to be paid to the
Liberian Government; free exploitation rights to all concessional areas for diamonds,
gold etc. and almost free labor from among indigenous Liberians.

All concession contracts facilitated by Mr. Tubman or signed directly under his gavel of
authority were very shady and incredibly exploitative. Two major examples, apart from
the criminal Firestone Concession mentioned above are as follows:

i. The Bomi Hills Mining Concession In this 1945 iron ore agreement, the Liberia
Mining Company (an American mining concession in actuality, originally called
Bethlehem Steel) was given exclusive rights to extract all other minerals from the
concessional area of 3 million acres, except for gold, diamond and platinum mockingly.
The 80 year concession had no provision for any physical development to the affected
concessional areas and Liberia received an encumbered (i.e. inclusive of other
deductions like depletion fees etc.) share of 20 cents out of every ton of iron ore
exported and reported at will by the company. We dont have as yet exactly what a ton
of iron ore cost at the time when iron ore prices were at their record highs, but today, a
ton of pig iron costs around $80 to $95 according to . And the most
foolish and incomprehensible thing about this whole contract, according to Prof. Tuan

Wleh is that the Liberian Government was paying depletion fees to the company as the
natural ore depleted from Bomi Hills. Because this foolish arrangement was what we
refer to in business as a laugh all the way to the bank deal, the LMC exploited all the
ore deposits in 26 years, less than half of the concessional time, and closed the mine (A
Short History of The First Liberian Republic). When journalists and judges exposed the
stupidities surrounding the deal, they were reportedly flogged, locked up, and some
dismissed by President Tubman. One of the victims of these foolish misuse of power by
Tubman was the prominent Liberian Judge, T. Gybli Collins (idem, p. 59).

ii. The LAMCO Iron Ore Mining Concession this concession of 1953 or thereabouts
gave LAMCO (another reportedly American dominated company) 250 million tons of
high grade iron ore for 70 years with government receiving an encumbered 16 cents out
of every dollar reported by LAMCO at will. Liberia became Africas largest, and
worlds 3rd largest exporter of iron ore by 1967 as a result of LAMCOs massive mining
operations, with LAMCO earning billions form Liberia per year. (A short History of the
first Liberian Republic; In The Cause Of The People etc.).

Bill Tubman had his own presidential yacht when the whole country could not afford its
own air taxi according to reliable sources

When civil servants in the country were not earning up to US$50 per month, there was a
compulsory contribution deducted from their salaries across the board for the
celebration of Mr. Tubmans birthday every year (In The Cause of The People) etc.

C. William R. Tolbert (1971-1980) Tolbert didnt make much noise about fighting
corruption, although he was a man more action oriented than words. His Government
however established the National Task Force for The Eradication of Corruption, an
initiative some political commentators referred to as a mere charade, anyway. Tolbert
however is remembered for instructing a commission during his time to draw up the first
ever code of conduct for public officials though this code did not come out before he
(Tolbert) got killed by Samuel Kayon Doe on grounds that he had perpetuated and
facilitated rampant corruption in his government.

D. Samuel Kayon Doe (1980-1990) Doe barbarically killed President Tolbert and
officially 27 of Tolberts government officials in the name of liberating Liberia from
rampant corruption, according to Wikipedia. As if he was ignorant that Liberia was built
on the pillars of corruption, and its key accomplices of I, me, and myself etc., Doe
sadly declared this national godfather, CORRUPTION, as a first degree felony (high
treason), punishable by death or long time imprisonment (Liberian History Since 1980),
and set up a whole military tribunal to fast track corruption cases. In fact, it was that
tribunal that prosecuted, convicted and executed those first 13 officials on firing squad
for corruption. But sadly, apart from the fact that his very ascendency and the rest of his
subsequent actions within the presidency constituted other forms of grave corruption; on
the economic side of things, in less than 3 to 4 years, Doe had shifted the goal post and

ignominiously succumbed to this Liberian cultural giant and social mainstay;

CORRUPTION; and he was now deeply into the practice, with speculations that he
became one of Africas richest presidents in less than 10 years.

E. Charles McCarthy Taylor (1997-2003) - Taylor recognized corruption as a great threat

to national growth and development, and promised in his inaugural address of August
2,1997 to stamp this menace out of the Liberian public sector. But sooner than later,
Taylor had become entrenched into highly corrupt practices that it is alleged, during his
regime, the countrys central bank was being run from his private home.

F. Charles Gyude Bryant (2003-2005) Interim President Bryant claimed to be very

passionate about fighting corruption. According to the LACC (i.e. the Liberia Anti-
Corruption Commission), Bryant started an anti-corruption task force to prove his
commitment. But sadly later again, Bryants name went down the pages of Liberian
history as one of the most corrupt leaders of the country ever. He himself was
prosecuted for corruption, but fortunately for him in the American Settlers Liberia,
nobody loses a corruption ease, except as a result of some terrible witch hunt, so Bryant
was acquitted.

G. Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2003-persent) this womans name has been penned
down thus far in the Liberian History as the Queen of All Modern Day Corruption. Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, the most educated, most experienced, and most knowledgeable about
the countrys problem among the rest of the Americo-Liberian leaders, came to power
and declared corruption as Public Enemy #1, making strong public statements against
this practice or plaque, but fortunately for the indigenous community of this country to
get their arguments right, this reportedly great granddaughter of Settler President Hillary
R.W. Johnson has turned out to be that last straw that has broken the embarrassing
Americo-Liberian hegemonic camels back! A hint to the wise is quite sufficient!!!

Mahatma Gandhi says, Mankind is notoriously too dense to read the signs that God sends
from time to time. We require drums to be beaten into our ears before we should wake up from
our trance (slumber, sleep) and hear the warning .. Indigenous, and all other well-meaning
fellow citizens, for all men were born equal. We are 16/1 in this battle without guns. Please
lets wake up from our slumber before it gets too late and we lose the only home we have, to
resident aliens who are persistently bent on pillaging all of our resources to later leave us in
the mess and fly off to their first homes. Over 190 years is more than enough for one group of
people to prove themselves over and over again that they absolutely are not cut out for certain
thing (management/leadership), and we keep pushing them into it out of fear. There are times
in life that we must decide that enough is enough! A hint to the wise again is quite sufficient!!

With that said, we come back again to the discussion of the Settlers last massive failure
demonstrated in Madam Johnson Sirleaf. In our initial definition section, we mentioned that
CORRUPTION meant moral impurity or intentional deviation from what is right; and that
Aristotle and Cicero defined the word CORRUPT respectively as utterly broken and the

abandonment of good habits. Applying specifically Ciceros definition of corruption to

Madam Sirleafs behavior within the presidency, which will all be climaxed by Aristotles
perspective of corruption, or what it means to be corrupt, we will say here that in order to
abandon good habits as Cicero said, one must have known the good habits well in advance
before deciding to abandon them later, a decision that utterly breaks everything apart.

Accordingly, before and upon becoming president, these are some of the good habits about
leadership and good governance that Madam Sirleaf, a graduate of the John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University and a former World Bank Economist and
Divisional Head of the United Nations Development Program etc. said she knew and claims to
still know today. We are going to bring you eight (8) of the many things about leadership and
governance that the Black American Setters iron lady claims to know, and then bring at least
two accounts of her performances thus far corresponding to each of the 8 points. So please
tighten your seat belts for this fascinating section:

1. In her memoir, This Child Will Be Great Madam Sirleaf recalls the frailty of former
President Tolbert, which she claimed contributed to his downfall. According to the
Settlers Iron Lady, President Tolbert included too many family members in his circles
(FrontPage Africa, Monday, August 6, 2012), among which were his son, A. B Tolbert
and his two brothers, Frank Tolbert and Stephen Tolbert etc., according to another media
outlet, the African Standard Magazines, Friday, April 5, 2013 edition.

2. A prominent Liberian, Simeon Freeman, quoted Madam Sirleaf from a recording of

some speech she delivered before the American Congress earlier on, as describing
Liberias past leaders, based on their poor governance and mismanagement of the
countrys resources, as all, irresponsible leaders.

3. Being very knowledgeable about the countrys deep seated problems and the glaring
need for the country to break with its crude, ugly past before it can make any progress,
this is what Madam Sirleaf made of this reality in her January 16, 2006 inaugural
address; We recognize that this change is not just for the sake of change, but a
fundamental break with the past, thereby requiring that we take bold and decisive
steps to address the problems that for decades have stunted our progress, undermined
national unity and kept old and new cleavages in ferment.

4. For her massive educational and professional background, Liberians have looked to this
woman as the most suitable technician for the solution of the countrys mountainous
problems. As both an experienced theoretical and practical economist, this is what
Madam Sirleaf made of the countrys bad economic system. In her 2006 inaugural
address, Madam Sirleaf said, We are blessed with an endowment rich in natural and
human resources; yet, our economy has collapsed due to several civil conflicts and
economic mismanagement by successive governments. We can promote those
activities that add value in the exploitation of our natural resources. Moreover,
speaking on the theme The Importance Of Natural Capital To Development at the

African Natural Resources Sustainability Summit in Gaborone, Botswana on Friday,

May 25, 2012, according to an Executive Mansion Press Release, Madam Sirleaf told
participants that based on lessons learnt from the past, when resource rich country like
Liberia had to extract and export their natural resources without long term benefits for
their nation and people, she has vowed upon assuming power not to repeat those same
mistakes by ensuring that all concession agreements benefit the people and the
government equitably.She recalled how in the 1970s, the price of iron ore fell
drastically while that of oil rose substantially, but because Liberia was faced with the
reality of the Free Market System, the country had no choice but to dig more iron ore, at
the cost of abusing its environment.Lamenting how the situation left the country
with big craters and artificial lakes on the landscape and not much else to show for the
millions of tons of ore exported, President Sirleaf upon taking office in 2005, according
to the press release, therefore committed her government to renegotiating every
concession agreement in the country for mineral extraction and agribusiness. The press
release went on quoting the President as saying, What we sought to show was that,
people who work the land, have decent living conditions and we also send out a message
that when theres equality between the people and the government, and between the
government and investors, everybody wins.

5. In her memoir, This Child Will Be Great Madam Sirleaf takes keen cognizance of the
fact that strong leadership is critical to finding answers to African nations chronic
problems and, makes reference to one African country benefitting from the fruit of such
strong and decisive leadership. This is how she commented on the issue; Why are some
countries able, despite their very real and serious problems, to press ahead along the
road to reconciliation, recovery and development while others cannot? These are
critical questions for Africa and their answers are complex and not always clear.
Leadership is crucial of course. Kagame was strong leader, decisive, focused,
disciplined, and honest, and he remains so today. I believe that some time peoples
characters are modeled by their environment. Angola, like Liberia, like Sierra Leone, is
resource rich, a natural blessing that sometimes has the sad effect of diminishing the
human drive for self-sufficiency, the ability and determination to maximize that which
one has. Kagame had nothing. He grew up in a refugee camp, equipped with only his
own strength of will and determination to create a better life for himself and his

6. Madam Sirleaf strongly acknowledges that the country desperately needs genuine
reconciliation and national healing, not based on rhetorical talks and theories etc. but
based on perfecting democracy and spreading progress. Heres what she made of this
indispensable necessity in her January 2012 inaugural address: True reconciliation
means a process of national healing. It means learning the lessons of the past to perfect
our democracy. But above all, it means economic justice for our citizens and the spread
of progress to all our people. It means realizing job opportunities and giving our young
people the skills they need to prosper and create the life they choose

7. This Harvard trained President knows the debilitating consequences of corruption on

any attempts made by governments and peoples to advance economically and other
wise. This is how she put it in her 2006 inaugural address: We know that if we are to
achieve our economic and income distribution goals, we must take on forcibly and
effectively the debilitating cancer of corruption. Corruption erodes faith in government
because of the mismanagement and misapplication of public resources. It weakens
accountability, transparency and justice, corruption short changes and undermines key
decision and policy making processes. It stifles private investments which create jobs
and assure support from our partners. Corruption is a national cancer that creates
hostility, distrust, and anger. Corruption, under my administration, will be the major
public enemy. We will confront it. We will fight it. Any member of my administration
who sees this affirmation as mere posturing, or yet another attempt by yet another
Liberian leader to play to the gallery on this grave issue should think twice. Anyone who
desires to challenge us in this regard will do so at his or her personal disadvantage. In
this respect, I will lead by example. [And] I will expect and demand that everyone
serving in my administration leads by example.

8. As an Executive Committee member of the Liberia Action Party, Ellen made the
following comments about Samuel Doe and his government before the African
Subcommittee on the Liberian Crisis in June 1990, according to the National Chronicle
Newspaper of May 3, 2012: Today, the Liberian State is exhausted and virtually near
collapse. Economic resources have been plundered and misused by public officials
whose greed and conspicuous consumption are unparalleled in the nations history.
Citizens and country alike have been reduced to begging for survival while substantial
wealth accumulates in the hands of a privileged few. Referring to President Doe
directly, she says, He speaks of love for a people, but a people who are feeling the
brunt of a steady decline, which has left them impoverished. Unemployment, spiraling
cost of living, inadequately equipped schools, little means of transportation, and a
depleted national capital stock are common conditions which they face.

Madam Sirleaf is very notorious at political grand standing; meaning if we decide to outline all
of her empty speeches, pronouncements and filibustering here, including her fake
commitments about solving Liberias gigantic problems etc., it means we will be boringly
heading for another 500 page revolutionary pamphlet, which we are not prepared to do now, so
for brevity sake, we pause on these 8 points to bring you below at least two accounts or
instances each of how her personal administrative actions or those actions directly influenced
by her, have violated all of the 8 points above, largely owing to a leadership mindset or
preconception clouded with selfishness, corruption and lack of love for nation, not to mention
the inherent criminality. All these are sadly being promoted by the countrys entrenched and
sustained culture of impunity, which has made everyone, from leaders down to the least of
status in society feel that they can do, or act anyhow and go scot free. Note the numbering

below i.e. 1-1 for example means the first number of this sections explanations, but
explaining point #1 of Ellens claims above; with 2-2 meaning, point #2 of this section,
explaining the second account of things Ellen claims to know, as presented above, and so

1-1). A president who had heavily criticized her former boss and predecessor, Tolbert, as
being nepotistic and cronyiastic has, by this 10th year of her administration left
the following examples of these same acts behind:

According to the Inprofile Daily Newspaper edition of Tuesday, August 27, 2013, a
2013 report released by Human Rights Watch on Liberia included President Sirleafs
share of the blame regarding the undefeatable strength that corruption seems to maintain
on Liberia. The report indicated that in recent years, the President herself has appointed
her sons to prominent political positions defying media and civil society complaints of
nepotism and conflicts of interest.

In the African Standard, April 5, 2014 edition, it is reported that up to September 2013,
the son of President Sirleaf, Robert A. Sirleaf, held 4 different lucrative and challenging
positions 3 in government and one in the private sector as follows:

a. Chairman of the Board Of Directors of the National Oil Company of Liberia

b. Senior (Political) Advisor to the President
c. Liberias Representative to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
d. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the First International Bank Liberia Ltd.

The magazine also said that Robert Sirleaf is believed to be the main recruiting agent of
government, a role wherein he hires cronies and fires perceived enemies. Further, according to
the magazine, among Madam Sirleafs nepotistic line up, apart from Robert Sirleaf, are the

a. Charles Sirleaf, Son ...Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Liberia

b. Fomba Sirleaf, Stepson ......National Security Agency Director
c. Ambulai Johnon, Cousin.Former Minister of Internal Affairs
d. Varney Sirleaf, Nephew..Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
e. Estrada Bernard, Brother-in-LawLegal Advisor to the President
Then came the National Chronicle, Monday, June 24,2013 edition with its lineup of
Madam Sirleafs friends, other relatives and cronies in government, some of whom
earn the highest recorded salaries ever in the history of the Liberian public sector, as

a. Dr. Edward McClain, an in-law Minister of State


b. Judie Moore, Foster Son of Dr. Edward McClain .Special Project Implementer,
Executive Mansion [Note: he is now Minister of Public Works]
c. Evert Richardson, a McClain Deputy Minister of State
d. Jhu Richardson, married to a McClain, Evert.............[Some Government Consultant]
e. Dr. Rudolph McClain, an in-law President, National Oil
Company of Liberia (NOCAL)
f. Ian Yap, [Some close friend or relative].Consultant, Executive Mansion
(the man who allegedly nets US$ 70,000 per month)

2-2). Madam Sirleaf, on a tape in the possession of Mr. Simeon Freeman, states that her
predecessors were irresponsible in the leadership and administration of the country.
How will we judge the following actions and facts about Ellen then?
A. In August 2012, a Danish Journalist, Mads Johan Brugger Cortzen launched a
documentary to highlight the deadly weaknesses within the Liberian governing system
[owing to vested interests], in which the journalist himself, intentionally fraudulently
purchased a Liberian diplomatic post and a Liberian passport, all for US$150,000. He
called his documentary the Ambassador. The Danish journalist purchased his
Liberian Consul General Position from the Foreign Affairs Ministry at the price
mentioned above and all of his diplomatic documents were signed by the President
herself. In an interview with Rodney Sieh of the FrontPage Africa Newspaper, that was
published on August 6, 2012, the President admitted this administrative blunder and
embarrassment, referring to the Danish Journalist as a criminal and an imposter because
according to her, The man went through the NSA search, but used a false name.
She furthered, He broke the system, theres no question about that.

B. When the Liberian General Auditing Commission (GAC) published its findings about
how Chevron was criminally going about the purchase of Liberias lucrative Oil Blocks
11, 12 and 14, allegedly paying bribes here and there, to have the Legislature quickly
ratify this shady US$ 10.7 billion deal, fear gripped Chevron, and they wanted to back
off the deal to probably strike a new, clearer one, in line with the GACs
recommendation for the nullification and renegotiation of the deal. But Madam Sirlearf,
according to a US diplomatic cable dated April 26, 2010, stressed that she will not
nullify the existing contracts because in her words, Doing so would take years
(precious time) and would delay Liberias oil exploration gains [no matter what
faults were found in those contracts].

C. The Publish What You Pay Coalition (PWYP), a British international integrity
institution, revealed in January of 2012, that the President (Sirleaf) told the people of
Grand Cape Mount County that the Liberian Government made errors in the Sime
Darby 70-year Concession Agreement. The group furthered, Just few weeks ago, in
late April 2013, the President (Sirleaf) again, visited Sinoe County and admitted that the
government blundered in the multiple-decade Golden Petroleum Agreement. Now, the
PWYP, according to an rssnews.coms publication entitled Ellen Government

Banjoes [Cheaply Auctions] Liberias Resources alarmed that its attention was
drawn to the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (LEITIs)
sanctioned Post Contract Award Audit Report wherein it was revealed that almost all of
the $8 billion worth of resource contracts signed by the government since 2009 had
violated the Liberian laws. According to the group, Entity Concession Committees were
never appointed, coupled with lack of stakeholders forums, while Agriculture
concession durations are not compliant with public lands laws, among others.

D. According to a tape played by Mr. Christian Nelson of Online Radio LIB, simulcast
with Farbric F.M., a local radio station in Monrovia, Madam Sirleaf was heard putting
up an argument that her government was opened to including dual citizenship holders
[in public offices] because these people used to send remittances back home to their
suffering Liberian families during the countrys civil war. This tape was played in early
August 2013.

Since that has been the policy or approach of the UP-led Government as pronounced by
the Boss Lady herself, lets get a little gist of what has happened, and continues to
happen to the Liberian economy:

Wikipedia reports that as of 2014, Liberia was the 4 th among the worlds 7 countries
worst hit by capital flight, a phenomenon usually accompanied by grave economic
paralyses such as a sharp drop in exchange rate, a serious loss of assets nominal
values etc.

According to a May 12, 2009 article of the New Democrat Newspaper, quoting the
Central Bank of Liberias Financial and Economic Bulletin covering October to
December 2008, an average of US$12.3 million was leaving Liberias already
strangulated economy monthly as remittances going abroad. As more bureaucrats
have now been imported into the country, and as more of them have now worked
the system and increased their salaries and benefits, one can safely estimate that a
total of between $15 million to $20 million now leaves the countrys economy
monthly as remittances, when Liberia herself can never independently contribute
more than $400 million to her own national budget annually.

3-3). Note that the below explanations will handle points 3 and 4 above, so we should
really be enumerating it as 3-3 and 4-4, in line with how weve been going about this

The president said Liberia desperately needed change and a fundamental break with
the past. Moreover, she lamented that our natural resources had been poorly
managed, promising that we will now add value to our raw resources and ensure
that government and all the people benefit equally. But here are still some of the
harshest political and economic realities during the long tenure of someone who
promises to break with the past:


A. In an article in the New Democrat Newspapers Friday, February 17, 2012 edition
entitled, Depoliticizing Professional Appointments, it was reported that [political
analysts] now observe that just as former Presidents Samuel K. Doe and Charles
Taylor [etc.] disfigured government services with mediocre cronies and fanatic
loyalists, and not competent and productive individuals, Madam Sirleaf was doing
the same. The article claims that governmental appointments were now politicized
beyond competence and professional levels, and that the key criteria for selecting
individuals responsible for policy design and implementation was no more
competence and professional levels, but expediency, appeasement and political
accommodation, with loyalty tests and youth labels seeming to be the guide posts. It
concludes that these were now the hallmarks of the Ellen Sirleaf-led Government.


A. Shortly after the minimization or disappearance of Feudalism as a popular economic

system in the 15th century, there came about Capitalism, then next and lastly as yet,
Socialism. Capitalism and Socialism are in widespread use around the world today,
but in different tweaked forms and mixtures, and not in their purely traditional forms
as they were when introduced centuries back.

Socialism is an economic system characterized by the social ownership of the

means of production [not necessarily Factors of Production] and the cooperative
management of the economy. Social ownership may refer to cooperative enterprises,
common ownership, state ownership, citizen ownership etc. of equity, or any
combination of these. A socialist economic system places more emphasis on the
production of goods and services to directly satisfy economic demand and human
needs than an obsession with the accumulation of personal/private capital and
personal/private profit. The revival of Republicanism and the American Revolution
of 1776 and the Egalitarian Value introduced by the French Revolution of 1789 gave
rise to Socialism as a distinct political movement.

Then comes Capitalism, an economic system in which trade, industry, and the
means of production are controlled by private owners with the primary goal of
making profits (regardless of what the consequences are, to a people). The central
characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, and
wage labor. In a capitalist economy, the parties to a transaction typically determine
the prices at which assets, goods, and services are exchanged. Capitalism can be
practiced in different forms and sub forms to match the empirical economic reality of
a people, but its more traditional and naked or raw forms include mercantilism,
(the 16th century capitalism) and free market capitalism, also called the Laissez Faire
capitalism (the 17th century capitalism still professedly practiced by Liberia mainly),
and the modern forms include Corporate Capitalism and Mixed Capitalism or Mixed

Economy (the American practiced Capitalism, which leans mostly on Socialist

modus operandi). Mixed economy is largely a market based economy consisting
of both private and public ownership (a form of socialism) of the means of
production and economic interventionism through macroeconomic policies intended
to correct market failures, reduce unemployment, and keep inflation low. This is the
Western style Capitalism. In fact, from empirical research, no country in the world
now purely practices Capitalism; as this ideology or theory is more of a housemaid
than an independent or a dependable house wife.

Proponents of capitalism argue that it creates more prosperity (like it is truly doing
for Liberia, for example) than any other economic system, and that its benefits are
mainly for the ordinary person. But opponents to this view, like us, the Plain Truth
Revolution strongly disagree, and argue that Capitalism (in its traditional form) is
associated with economic instability and it makes a nation unable to provide for
the wellbeing of its own citizens.

But here is how Veteran German Economist, Scientist, Politician and Key
Contributor to the design of both economic systems (understandably), Karl Marx,
and his collaborator Fredrick Engels conclude this debate. The both economists said
that Socialism is a historically inevitable phase of development, which comes about
through social revolution to resolve the conflicting class relationships of Capitalism.
They said that the fundamental objective of Socialism is to attain an advanced level
of material production and therefore greater productivity, efficiency, and rationality
as compared to Capitalism and all previous systems, under the view of that an
expansion of human productive capability is the basis for the extension of freedom
and equality.

And dont get it wrong, markets are free, and there are private ownerships and
competitions in a socialist economy, but one fact that remains remarkably
outstanding is that government takes the lead all the way in Socialism to ensure that
there is stability, and enough or surplus of all of the citizens basic needs, unlike a
twisted form of Laissez-Faire Capitalist structure, like those professedly practiced by
Liberia, which irresponsibly sits by and shifts these key national obligations to
private citizens or private concerns.

Since the less intelligent Americo-Liberian framers of this failed state heard
Capitalism in the mouths of Americans and adopted this 18 th century economic
system in its thwarted and twisted form, as she does with everything else, in 1822,
besides Tolbert, to some extent, none of the rest so-called leaders, including the
current Colorado and Harvard Universities trained economist and administrator, has
ever tried to tweak or even change if thats what it takes this 18 th century Laissez-
Faire Capitalism that dull people like J.J. Roberts and Allen Benson etc. adopted.
Today, here we are after 194 years of economic existence on this planet, nothing
worthwhile this gloomy country can ever boast of other than trauma. The net effect

of their Laissez-Faire Capitalism they adopted in 1822 is an old, two century old
economy entirely dominated by foreigners because ordinary citizens have no genuine
means of getting into business, as government is both not interested and doesnt care.
Woe unto all these failures, for they deserve no respect from our generation for the
level of shame, lack of vision, lack of innovation, they continue to curse this country

B. In the 1920s, Liberian leaderships made up of mere Junior and Senior High level,
selfish and unpatriotic men initiated and operated the Open Door policy. This
traditional form of economics places premium on the extraction of mineral,
agricultural and other natural resources, leaving them in their raw, crude or natural
forms and exporting them for little or nothing. The Open Door Policy encourages
only, or mainly foreign investors to come and extract the countrys resources, while
placing very less restrictions on the outflows of profits made by these foreign
investors. Another weakness of this policy is that economic activities reserved for
citizens are not even protected from foreigners. The net effect of the Open Door
Policy is thus a nation that keeps emphasizing the extraction of mineral and other
resources for export rather than one that emphasizes production for domestic
consumption and export through industrialization.
Shockingly for her level of education, wealth of experience, and long international
contact, Liberia again under Madam Sirleaf, has never been able to introduce any
value addition activity to any of her resources, and more concession agreements
according to research have been signed by her government than any other
government in this failed states history, for the same old, traditional extraction and
export of the countrys resources. Even more disgracefully, almost all of this
governments closed to 100 or so concession and other agreements signed in
different forms thus far, violate Liberias already weak and outdated laws (LEITI
sponsored Moor Stevens post Contract Award Audit of 2012; House Of
Representatives Ways, Means and Finance Committee Chairmans May 2012
Communication to the Honorable Speaker; the Publish What You Pay Coalition
2013 Report; the Liberia Institute of Public Integrity Report etc.). The president who
lamented the leaving behind of big craters and artificial lakes on the countrys
landscape and not much else to show for the millions of tons of ore exported by
mining companies in Liberia before her ascendency has sadly auctioned out more
than 10 blocks of the nations precious oil resources in deals that all, cruelly rob the
country of its future economic and overall development as follows:

According to the National Chronicle Newspaper of Thursday, April 26, 2012, the
Liberian Legislature observed that while section 3.3 of the New Petroleum Law of
Liberia provides for a mandatory equity interest of 20% for NOCAL (or simply 20%
ownership for the country) in all Petroleum Exploration and Production Sharing
Contacts, 6 out of the 10 existing oil contracts are silent on Liberias 20% ownership;
3 provide for 10% ownership, while one excluded ownership altogether.
Note: This logically means a future loss of 170% out of the 200 aggregate percentage
points for Liberia in terms of equity ownership in her own natural resource, with an
800% aggregate already going to foreign companies. So with respect to ownership of

our own oil, because of the selfishness, greed, wickedness, and proven lack of a
sense of belongingness to this country employed by Madam Sirleaf and her
government, foreign companies now have 970% aggregate or 97% while we, as a
country, have 30% aggregate or 3% of our own resource when it comes to ownership
Then comes section 3.4 of the New Petroleum Law, which provides for 10% stock
purchase by Liberian citizens in every oil contract, or in the companies that sign such
contract with the government. According to the Legislature, as presented by this
same source above, 6 out of the existing 10 PSCs are silent on stock purchases, while
4 exclude any stock purchases. This means, Liberians are not sure of buying any
shares in the companies that will drill their oil later. And even if these were
considered, where is the stock sale or stock exchange mechanism in Liberia, one
would ask, to effect such specialized transactions?

Finally, section 3.7 of the same law provides for a mandatory royalty payment of
between 12-18% on gross production to the country, depending on whether the
production is off, or on shore. According to the Legislature, 6 out of the existing 10
PSCs are silent on royalty payments to Liberia, and only 3 provide for 5% royalty
payments. This technically means a future loss of 165% out of an aggregate 180%
royalty payment benefit due to Liberia. Note: the Legislators blame all this on the
actions of the President, her son, and a privileged few.

All of the above safely and fearlessly translate into saying, that out of the first 10
oil blocks that a Madam Sirleaf-led Government has auctioned, Liberia has a 3%
average share in terms of equity or ownership; Liberia has absolutely no
assurance of ever buying stock in any of the companies that will soon be drilling
our precious resource, and when it comes to royalties/fees payable to government
for such things as security protection, land use, and other state services etc.
Liberia will be receiving 0.083% out of a total of 18% mandated by law for our
own oil.

All this again, just as in the days of Tubman, as decried by Liberias Harvard trained
President above, means more holes, more artificial lakes etc. for Liberia when active
drilling starts sometimes soon, and heightened tension against the government of the
day, at the time when Madam Sirleaf, her son, few cronies and their families shall
have already been out of here to their first home, the wonderful USA, Liberias
heaven, enjoying their stolen wealth, gotten largely from conniving with foreign
capitalists to pillage the nations resources. This has been a normal thing for
Americo-Liberian leaders, again, with the exception of Mr. Tolbert, the best so far
our knowledge has established.

Meanwhile, as we speak, a once hustler, trying to make life reportedly in incorporate

America by hanging onto low profile or even odd jobs, Mr. Robert A. Sirleaf, son of
Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, is now being reported by the African Standard

Magazine to have, by 2013, accumulated assets worth US$2.5 billion in a country

that has never as yet independently raised equal to $400 million for her own annual

And with respect to the blatant violations above, these same New Petroleum Laws of
Liberia, whose very basic provisions, these greedy, cruel and myopic people have
failed to abide by in 10 or more major oil deals, are the same laws they are using
millions of dollars claiming to reform. The Liberian Legislature (mainly the House
of Representatives) reportedly spent US$ 0.9 million late 2013 carrying a draft new
oil law around the country for consultations with a citizenry that the forefathers of
Liberia had considered beasts and failed miserably to educate for almost two
centuries now. The National Oil Company (NOCAL) herself has over the recent
years been carrying out similar nationwide consultations, using hundreds of
thousands of dollars to improve these same laws that they themselves find pleasure
violating its elementary provisions. When Madam Sirleaf was sending her son to the
National Oil Company to go and accumulate wealth for their family from the sale of
some of these key oil blocks, she sent him in the name of reforms. No one knows
where these reforms are, as yet, when repeated consultations, revisions and recasting
on go, and with insult being added to injury, as new related laws are being
introduced in this evolving sector. The situation had come to ahead to the point that
NOCAL authorities had to invite a 17 year old relative of the president, a foreign
high school student, to fly from across the Atlantic Ocean and come to make
presentation at one of the oil law reform consultations held in the country quite

The fact remains that all this mess is possible because impunity has been inaugurated
as the most powerful tool used by the Black American Settlers to perpetuate and
sustain their unimaginable culture of corruption. The issue of stealing government
money and selling out fellow citizens of indigenous backgrounds like domesticated
animals started far back with Stephen Allen Benson as early as the 1850s with great
impunity. Among outstanding economic criminals came Arthur Barclay, Charles
King, and Bill Tubman notably, all with incredible impunity. Madam Sirleaf has
joined the fray and has now performed even worse than all her predecessors
combined. If she, her children, and their closed affiliates are not brought to book and
dealt with legally for this wanton mortgaging of our precious resources, the last
chance given to another of the Jones, Ureys, Tubman, McClains, Weeks etc. to
ascend to the presidency of this country would definitely mean the auctioning of our
balance deep water oil backs at 10 cents each and the selling of our balance
Agricultural lands to foreigners probably for 2 cents per acre, then finally, the broad
day selling of our human beings as they already tested the waters with their Ebola
claims the last time. Oh what a disgraceful set of people so called an elite class in
this place. But the Plain Truth Revolution has designed something good for them by
the grace of God.

C. One historian opined some time ago that, No matter how rich a country is in natural
resources, if the country does not have the manpower to develop those resources, the
resources would be of very little or no use at all to the owner country. And if the
resources are developed by companies from different countries, the owner country
stands to benefit nothing much in terms of employment and other opportunities.
Liberia is a classic example of this paradox. The country is blessed with critical
natural resources; the land is so fertile and rainfall is abundant, but trained manpower
has never been available. Even if the foreign firms decide to train Liberians, they
will still have a limitation so as not to affect their own business interests adversely.
These are some of the seamy sides of capitalism. Madam Sirleaf, the Harvard trained
administrator has even exacerbated this negative economic trend by now promoting
Foreign Direct Investment even more than her predominantly illiterate and visionless
predecessors (we would always exempt Mr. Tolbert to a huge extent). Today, Liberia
is boasting of over US$19 billion in Foreign Direct Investment that citizens feel
almost no impact of (, June12, 2013), and this President is even
yearning to attract more and more FDIs if afforded the least opportunity, with no
efforts, no plans whatsoever, to introduce any form of value addition or to even begin
working on the countrys own production capabilities. Its so amazing to learn of
such cruelty. Whats the essence now, of learning or going to school, when we will
not change anything? Unfortunately, all this bad news is being engined by
D. Liberias chief economic argument from the date of its spoiled foundation has been
this: The country believes that in order for it to achieve a rapid growth rate, it must
receive a high rate of investment, and since the rate of savings in Liberia is so low to
facilitate such huge level of investment, the best alternative is to look for grants,
loans, and foreign direct investments desperately, to the very sad neglect of
embarking on massive industrialization plans that will boost domestic production
and consumption. According to Prof. Tuan Wleh, it is along these lines, or based
upon this distorted economic view that the Americo-Liberian economists, backed by
their foreign experts have concluded now that the domestic market is too small to
warrant the establishment of giant industries/factories; and so, the country should
only export raw materials and wait for Gods time for the market to expand before
she contemplates on setting up basic industries. Furthermore, the Black American
Economists and their foreign experts continue to argue that Liberia lacks the skilled
technicians required to operate complex industries; and hence, the country must
generate this type of manpower first before it can think about industrialization. For
this reason, the government established the Liberia Free Zone Authority (LIFZA),
where foreign companies come and assemble or package their goods for export,
taking advantage of, in the exact word of LIFZA, Liberias reliable and
inexpensive workforce; its policy of freedom from taxation and nationalization; its
free currency and exchange controls, and its liberal export and import duties, the
enjoyable low government and labor pressures. It is through the pursuit of such
strategy that Liberia will be able to achieve economic development the Americo-
Liberians say.

This is the same economic policy that Madam Sirleaf and her government
dishonorably continue to pursue, even more aggressively than ever before for Liberia

during this 21st century. This President, like her first predecessor, J. J. Roberts, is off
the country almost every week in search of grants, loans, various kinds of assistance,
and foreign investors to come and take over Liberias lands and other vital resources
for small money. In fact, at the receipt of credentials of ambassadors from others
other countries, Ellen can be heard, with emphasis, announcing the level of natural
resources that Liberia has, that she will be glad to see them trying to work around
which one they are interested in exploiting. As further proof of all this, Liberia, for
the past very few years has contracted grants and loans worth pretty close to US$2
billion barely 3 and a half years after the international community waived an
unproductive US$ 4.9 billion debt owed by the country. More on Liberias recent
loans and grants can be found in President Sirleafs Annual Message To The Second
Session Of The 53rd Legislature (published in the January 30, 2013 edition of the
National Chronicle Newspaper) and the 2013 update of the Liberian economy by
Finance Minister Amara Konneh (published in the News Newspaper of September
19, 2013).

In a Monday, August 6, 2012 exclusive interview with the FrontPage Africa

Newspaper, the President of Liberia boasted about this economic trajectory when she
said, We went all out to look for support in terms of grants, soft loans, philanthropic
assistance etc., and we are making progress with our standing with the

Fellow citizens, who will want to always doubt what philosophers and historians tell
us about these kinds of developments. In the book, Liberian history up to 1847, it is
mentioned that Great Britain, from the inception of Liberia, described this so-called
nation, as a mere American Philanthropic Experiment. Did they really lie, almost
200 years on? Then Norman Cousin says, History is a vast early warning system.
Did he lie too?

E. Form the foundation of the Liberian state, government has been the only
industry for employing its citizens. According to Prof. Tuan Wleh, the situation of
everyones dependence on government jobs to survive started turning out so badly as
early as the 1860s to the extent that Monrovia turned into a one-industry town, and
this industry, as said above, was, and still continues to be, GOVERNMENT, an
entity, according to the Liberian mentality that only consumes and doesnt produce.
As a result, a new, very serious crisis crept in; and that is, government could no
longer pay its subjects adequately and regularly. To overcome this ever growing, and
very embarrassing short fall, authorities began the twin errors that have gotten
Liberia to where it still is today:
Borrowing money from outside to attend to its financial obligations, including the
ever growing number of government employees
Auctioning the countrys resources for anything that comes the so called leaders

To date, and under the gavel of such a prominent international civil servant like the
Americans Black Settlers Iron Lady, Ellen Johnson, this nasty situation continues
unabated. The two narratives below corroborate this claim:

Liberias 2013/2014 proposed budget was in the tone of US$582 million (www.front, August 11, 2013). Appearing on a local radio talk show,
Farbric FM 101 New Dawn on September 9, 2013, the media consultant at the
Ministry of Finance, Mr. Lawrence Randall, confirmed that, of this amount above,
payroll alone, as always, would consume over $200 million, while procurement
items, a good portion of which are consumables, will take over $200 million as
usual. Assuming that the both categories of expenses above took around US$450
million, as suggested by Mr. Randall, and as normal, it means that recurrent
spending alone constitutes a little over 77% of Liberias annual budget. No national
budget will fail to include other provisions like contingency, allotments for the
settlement of obligations, both domestic and international etc. So, of the around
22% of the budget left after recurrent spending, provisions will have to be made for
contingency, for payables etc., which means that Liberia is left with probably less
than 10% of her budget each year for capital expenses a scenario that translates
into the crude reality that this Black American country will NEVER EVER be able
to build a 100 km asphalt road for herself independently. What a disgrace that
continues to persist with no sign of improvement, even with the most
experienced Americo-Liberian again in the drivers seat. Note: Recurrent
expenses include money spent on such regular and short term things as
compensation, goods, services etc. while capital expenditure includes what is spent
on such things as infrastructure and other forms of development for long term benefit

Because government continues to remain the only industry for the employment of
Liberians, other than foreign capitalists who operate at will, Liberia can never
improve her unemployment record independently. According to a Public Agenda
Newspaper Report of January 29, 2014, President Sirleaf had promised Liberians in
2011 to create 20,000 jobs per annum as of the beginning of 2012. But by December
of 2013, two years after this BIG LIE from Ellen, when the government was engaged
by some people, including the media, to show evidence of the 20,000 jobs promised
two years back, Madam Sirleaf and her ministry of labor officials treated this kind of
grave national issue with mockery, characterized by laughter, as if this was nothing
to be serious about. If Liberia were a country that believed in their economic
wellbeing more than stupid politics, people would have gotten in the streets ever
since to ensure that those jobs were created every year. However, thank God its not
late, this is exactly what the Plain Truth Revolution has come to ensure a country
more concerned about their health, education, and general economic outlook than
one being ridden by foolish criminals calling themselves politicians time in and out.

F. The above reckless handling of the emerging oil sector is an extension of Presidents
King and Tubmans lavish Open Door Policy, now being sustained by another
American Black Settler, Madam Ellen Johnson. In fact, this dirty policy has now
taken root so much under her that Liberia is currently only concerned about the raw
materials to be exported rather than what can be produced and consumed

domestically; and as a result, the country still suffers these elementary, but very
serious economic paralyses, like the few listed below, during this age and time:

The country still imports over 98% of what it can consume

The development of the country depends totally on the pace set by foreign capitalists
and donors
Foreign capitalist, after they have acquired all of our countrys resources for peanuts
determine our employment/unemployment levels and other key macroeconomic
economic indicators
Foreign investors in developing countries like Liberia, are primarily interested in
huge profiteering, and as quickly as possible before the locals can come to
themselves. For that reason, they hardly teach citizens all the tricks of their trade. As
a result, the host country will always not have adequately trained and skilled
workforce because this reality threatens the interests of the foreign firms who also
want to create opportunities and wealth for their own people first. Liberia is
perpetually tied to this bleak fate.
Liberia continues to survive completely at the mercy of the world market, a very
dangerous economic situation. Take for example this harsh fact that the developed
countries with their advanced technology, always control the world market, and are
capable of replacing imported products with artificial ones, or capable of producing
these same products massively in substandard forms for export.
G. Lastly, from 1822 to this new millennium, Liberias economic growth has reportedly
been stunted by three key problems always:
Very few have had the capacity to start their own businesses; the government does
not empower its own citizens and it does not promote thinking into entrepreneurship
Those in positions of influence and authority; those with the capacity
(i.e. authoritative capacity) to change this ugly economic situation with their
education and experience, almost all of them prefer government jobs and politics.
For the very few that try to venture into entrepreneurship, all of the biggest obstacles
to business progress haunt them daily, including very poor governmental services
and public infrastructure, but high taxes and aggressive collection mechanisms
against locals, coupled with very poor and sometimes absolutely no access to capital.
We would like to specify some of the key problems here as the fact that from 1822,
this failed country has never had good roads, not even urban roads, talk less about
farm to market roads; no reliable transportation facilities (meaning vehicles etc.); no
reliable electricity and so forth.

As a result of these and many more nightmares, it takes highly established, highly
connected, strongly supported individuals and firms, in terms of finances, to venture
into the Liberian business terrain, characteristics one could just entirely attribute to
only foreigners or some other crooks who are in government. Because of this,
Liberia still holds the dubious distinction of having the largest number of foreign
owned business enterprises in Africa, and probably now in the world. Almost 5 out

of every 7 business enterprises in Liberia according to Prof. Wlehs In the Cause of

the People are foreign owned. Liberia is particularly dependent on foreign
enterprises for its annual production output and its growth.

This economic trend unfortunately had derived from the settlers mentality which
they have successfully inculcated into the Liberian society, including the indigenous
population, even down to the baby born yesterday. In the settlers view, business and
farming are reserved for very low class citizens, which implies, for example, the vast
uneducated indigenous population. Up to this 2016, all these appalling realities
remain the same, 194 years on.

5-5). Liberias so called Iron Lady, the relatively last of the Settlers 22 presidents in a
country that has had 24 presidents or presidential administrations, acknowledges that
strong and decisive leadership is crucial to Africas chronic problems and makes
reference to President Paul Kagames superb leadership in Rwanda. But while the real
Iron Lady, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom, holder of
Bachelors in Chemistry (with emphasis in X-ray Crystallography), trained, educated
and seasoned barrister, with specialization in taxation, leader of the British
Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990 etc. had to close her eyes in the early 1980s to
drastically reduce direct taxes, increase indirect taxes, increase interest rates etc. to
slow the growth of the money supply in her economy as a way of solving the chronic
economic problems her government had inherited, which eventually resulted to a
huge reduction in the rate of inflation in Britain at the time, thereby putting prices
under control, the Americo-Liberia Iron Lady, who claims to be trained in Economics
or Business Management from what many would call the worlds most prestigious
University, Harvard, is on record each time declaring to her people that she has, or
her government has, no control over prices and other economic variables. While the
real Iron Lady stubbornly refused to yield to separatist or dissident Irish Republican
Army (IRA) and Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) prisoners demands to be
granted political prisoner status, which meant going back to status quo, on grounds
that restoring these kinds of rights or making such concession would translate into a
bad precedent as she declared crime is crime is crime, it is not political which
resulted into the deaths of Bobby Sands and nine others on hunger strikes while
demanding these political prisoner rights, the Americo-Liberian part of Iron Lady is on
record that she is busy preventing corruption, but not punishing for it (because her
parents probably told her to spare the rod while training the child) (FrontPage Africa
Monday, August 6, 2012, UN General Assembly Address 2013 etc.) Note: we are not
necessarily saying here that we must be so adamant or inflexible to the extent that
people die from hunger strikes, but there are times that we must put our feet down to
uphold certain moral principles based on what is at stake.
The Americo-Liberian Iron Lady is also on record once for appointing one John
Steward to head the Liberia Maritime Authority, but it was later revealed by different
sources that Mr. Stewart, probably a dual citizenship holder, had 13 indictments
hanging against him in Washington D.C. (FrontPage Africa, August 6, 2012). This
same Americo-Liberian Iron Lady, after her government had indicted a key official
(Ellen Corkrum) for multiple crimes, including economic sabotage, theft of property,
criminal conspiracy etc. (The People Newspaper, Friday August 2, 2013) and she

instructed her security operatives to have this indicted fugitive stopped from fleeing
the country, the main person who should have implemented this order, the countrys
Police Chief, was reportedly caught on tape facilitating the smooth escape of the
fugitive indictee, which was successful ( For some other
problem with conduct, this Police Chief in question, Director Chris Massaquoi, was
subject of a Senate Vote of No Confidence, followed by their request to the President
to have him immediately disrobed sometime early 2014, according to media reports.
Almost 4 years on, after this Corkrum issue, with the Senates fake mandate coming in
later, this same Police Chief was still enjoying the confidence of the government, and
was in fact, even once heard publicly dismissing two very low class, newly recruited
subordinates (i.e. one Humphrey Karn and Varney Massallay) for allegedly taking
bribes valued at around US$ 0.16 or LS$30. (ELBC News, May 24-26, 2014). He
enjoyed his governmental post for long years until some international job opportunity
came his way before he reportedly asked his boss to replace him. The allegations
against these two young guys remain heavily contested, but in a Black American
outcasts Liberia, these officers risk NEVER being accorded any fair justice. The Plain
Truth Revolution must be categorical here of course, that a Chris Massaquoi acting
independently under an independent Grain Coast, would never be involved with these
kinds of horrible maneuvers because members of our 16 indigenous Ethnic groups, as
he is, are on the average good and productive, but when acting under the devilish
influence of Americo-Liberians, in their so-called government, thats when they
behave this way, sometimes even unconsciously, just to keep life going.

More to the decisiveness deficit of this Americo-Liberian Iron Lady, recordings later
revealed to the public by the same indicted fugitive mentioned above, featured the
governments Defense Minister scorning and disparaging the government for rampant
corruption, and blasting the President herself for keeping corrupt officials in
government (the Informer Newspaper August 14, 2013). The so-called Iron Lady never
took any action in response to this recording either in terms of correcting the faults in
government alluded to by the Defense Minister, or taking the Minister to task if his
statements were EVER wrong. What an incredible lack of leadership and principles
the hallmark of almost all Americo-Liberian leaderships for which they must be done
away with completely now from our public sector, at least for 100 years until
thoroughly rehabilitated.

6-6). A President who defined True Reconciliation and National Healing as perfecting
democracy and spreading progress, has commanded the following track records,
among many other appalling ones, when it comes to perfecting this democracy and
spreading this much talked-about progress:
According to Social Scientist, democracies can only survive in the midst of credible,
objective, and independent democratic institutions run by educated and sound minds.
But when, under this Americo-Liberia Iron Lady, the Executive Branch of
Government can, just according to a single audit report (as decried by Rep. Bhofal
Chambers of Maryland County), negotiate and approve 68 concession agreements
within a short range of time, 66 of which breach national laws, talk less about
international laws, and all this is ratified by the Legislature with ease; and then, not a

single day in this country one would hear the Judiciary successfully taking the
Legislature or the Executive to task in the spirit of perfecting the System Of Checks
And Balances etc., then where are the trusted democratic institutions through whose
actions reconciliation will be fostered and progress spread. Under this President, an
Auditor General, that is, John Morlu, who took the most aggressive of steps recorded
so far in this countrys recent history to truly fight corruption, including the
preparation and subsequent dispatch of over 70 strong audit reports to the requisite
authorities, recommendations for the nullification of bogus and faulty concession
agreements etc. was dispossessed of his job in favor of another Auditor General later
referred to by analysts as the Presidents Project to Weaken the Fight Against
Corruption. To prove critics right, this man that replaced Mr. Morlu, is reported to
have commissioned 42 audits but could never conclude any, and was later
embarrassingly fired by the same President herself through some strong Legislative
intervention for his proven involvement with acts of conflict of interest and
corruption (InProfile Daily, August 27, 2013), surely because he never built some
good, criminal rapport with them, though. John Morlu could not maintain his job
because of the governments problem with him for exposing corruption, and his
dismissed successor did not stand any trial for the alleged crimes he committed. No
democracy works like this, and progress can never be spread this way.
Under this woman, who was admiring Paul Kagame in her memoir just yesterday,
while President Kagame still, up to this 2016, pursues all suspected perpetrators and
accomplices of his countrys 1994 genocide (although the official trials just ended
their 20th year), turning them over to both national and international courts one by
one, so as to use the justice system to strongly avoid any future reoccurrence of
similar national calamity, Liberia has only been embarking on a process to sustain
and further exacerbate the perversion of laws and of justice. For example, after a
deadly civil war that took away the lives of around half a million citizens, damaged
enormous amounts of properties, and displaced millions, when the Liberian Truth
and Reconciliation Commission cross-examined each of the major perpetrators and
major victims, and then indicted Madam Sirleaf and a few of her other top officials,
they manipulated the Americo-Liberians rotten Supreme Court at the time under
another Settler descendant (specifically planted for this mission) to rule against the
TRCs recommendation banning the indictees from politics for 30 years as
unconstitutional and a violation of the indictees constitutional rights. What they and
their Supreme Court simply meant in this instance was that the over 500,000 persons
killed in cold blood through the enterprises set up by Madam Sirleaf and the others
didnt have their parts of constitutional and even basic human rights.
( Tuesday, June 7, 2011 etc.
Ten years into the Americo-Liberian Corruption Queens regime, nothing major has
changed in the US State Departments Assessment of the countrys human rights and
justice system report. For instance, these major reports have almost always begun
and closed this same way: The introduction has almost always said, The most
serious human rights abuse [or issues] were those tied to lack of justice: judicial
inefficiency and corruption; lengthy pretrial detention; denial of due process; and
harsh prison conditions... Other important human rights abuses included police
abuse, harassment and intimidation of detainees and others; arbitrary arrests and

detention; official corruption. Then at the closing of these reports, one would
always find this assessment, Judges were susceptible to bribes to award damages in
civil cases. Judges sometime requested bribes to try cases, release detainees from
prison, or find defendant not guilty in criminal cases. Defense attorneys and
prosecutors sometimes suggested that defendants pay bribes to secure favorable
ruling from, or to appease judges and prosecutors.

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, or LACC, another democratic institution

set up to fight the nations so called public enemy#1 has no trust. They only invest
gate minor cases and there are other cases before them whose subjects are beyond
their (i.e. the LACCs) scope or simply put, above Liberian laws. For example, in the
LACC 2013 annual report, you can find such cases like David Kotee made/asked to
Restitute $12,000 To Public Works Ministry, Smythe Institute/Africa Motors
Refund Concluded etc., but for cases like Grace Kpan/Montserrado County
Development Fund And Social Development Fund Mismanagement, the remarks
seen there is no cooperation. There is a case involving the National Petroleum,
and LACC remarked, acquisition of requisite documents from LPRC was not
forth coming etc. At the close of the US State Departments 2013 Reports, it says,
the LACC received 25 cases (although LACC website said 16), investigated 23 of
them, and recommended four for prosecution, resulting to no convictions.

Again, if all these institutions, including more not mentioned here are not trusted,
then when will Liberia attain generalized trust, a key and indispensable social
capital, and how will reconciliation EVER come about; and finally, how will
progress EVER spread as the Americo-Liberian Iron Lady has said? To add insult to
injury, the President herself promises every time and lies, then one wonders,
who then in this country would be trusted?

(7-7. In her scathing criticisms of Samuel Doe, Madam Sirleaf said, under Doe, Liberia
&. was exhausted and near collapse, citing among many things that the economic
8-8). resources of the country were being plundered and mismanaged, some of the major
handicaps which she was insinuating owed their roots to corruption and bad
governance. For this, the Harvard trained Administrator highlighted corruption as the
public enemy #1. Here is a gist of the 10 year highlights of an Iron Lady that had
declared corruption as the principal enemy of the public sector in her first inaugural
address of 2006:
a) Every honest person would agree that the first and foremost tool that any serious
corruption fight would employ is a definite and all-encompassing Code of Conduct
that will clearly define all acts of corruption and misconduct, and then specify acts
that constitute breaches, including other accompanying penalties. The settlers Iron
Lady is quite aware of this elementary fact. Liberias first attempt to carve out a code
of official conduct was in 1979 immediately after its deadly Rice Riots, but the
committee set up to do this work either didnt report, or their report wasnt made
public before the death of the president that constituted the committee and the

complete overthrow of his government in 1980 (Liberian History Since 1980, p.4-5).
The whole project then died. In fact, it is speculated that Madam Sirleaf was even
part of this committee. More than 35 years on, and 10 years into the Americo-
Liberian Iron Ladys administration, the issue of a definite and all-encompassing
code of conduct to be used as a reference and authority to fight corruption is still an
elephant in the room.
b) When the flaw-laden Liberian Constitution was being drafted between 1981 and
1983, Constitutional Committee Chairman, Dr. Amos Sawyer included the
establishment of a Claims Court that would hold government officials directly
responsible for personal damages to the state or any of its people. Right upon
discovering this key anti-corruption and behavior regulation provision, the political
editors and elite of the day vehemently deleted it with a 5G speed, threw it into the
dust bin, and made it never ever to resurface, or if it ever resurfaced somehow as it
did later, NEVER in the life time of Liberia should it EVER be implemented
(Liberian History Since 1980, P.12). Madam Sirleaf took oath to defend these kinds
of actions intended to preserve the Liberian heritage and culture (Endemic
Corruption), so this action, glaringly intended to sustain corruption, will remain
conscientiously upheld by all Liberian Presidents like her. True to this claim, no
authority in this country is ever thinking about the need for establishing anything to
be called a Claims Court, though some provision appear in Article 26 of the current
constitution for it to be established.
c) The United Nations came up with a comprehensive anti-corruption package in
October of 2003 that encompasses the prevention of corruption, the criminalization
of this evil, the forging of international cooperation in tackling issues of corruption;
and a very key one, the recovery of all assets lost to corruption. The UN then
requested all of its member states to sign, approve [ratify], and accede to [or
domesticate] this protocol between December 2003 and December 2005. Liberia,
who has almost always been the first among nations of the world in signing and
ratifying international protocols just for the sole purpose of receiving assistance and
contributing nothing substantial, has only been able to sign onto this strong UN anti-
Corruption package (in principle), but has never ratified the protocol officially to
date, talk less about domesticating it, according to the UNODC website. And more
over, corruption, in itself, has NEVER as yet, been criminalized in Liberia an
embarrassing development persistently highlighted in the US State Department
Justice related reports on Liberia.
d) Here are a few accounts of how this John F. Kennedy School of Governments
graduate and her top officials have been documented either directly involved with
corruption or engaged in actions that openly protagonize corruption or demonstrate
vested interest in corruption. Sorry that we may not be able to go into much details
here as compared to works done in some of our other revolutionary pamphlets due to
space and time, but further references will be provided appropriately:
i. In a special editorial of the National Chronicle Newspaper of Thursday, April 26,
2012, it was lamented that Madam Sirleaf and her son, Robert unilaterally waived
$3.7 billion to American Oil giant Chevron, while awarding Oil Blocks 11, 12 and
14. The total value of the entire deal was confirmed by the US Embassy to be
estimated at $10.7 billion according to a leaked US Diplomatic Cable published by

an American Foreign Service publication called ProPublica. According to this outlet,

although the US. Embassy in Liberia declined at the time to make Ambassador Linda
Thomas Greenfield available for interview, she celebrated the deal in a January 25,
2011 cable with the subject, Outreach and Commercial Success, in which
Ambassador Greenfield wrote as follows: Embassy intervention and advocacy
assured a level, open playing field that resulted in Chevron signing a US$10.7
billion [sic] contract. This constitutes the largest concession in Liberian History
Note: this is how all of Liberias previous 10 oil blocks were auctioned out in very
shady deals. The National Legislature, confirming how all of the 10 previous oil
concession agreements violated Liberian laws in a National Chronicle, Thursday,
April 26, 2012 story entitled After Thoroughly Researching The Petroleum Law, Oil
Contracts A Vehicle To Enrich A Privileged Few made the following smart
comments as presented in the story:
.According to the Legislators observations, the process of deriving a national
decision on the awarding of oil blocks through a well-designed and manipulated
international competitive bidding, serving as a mechanism to channel a national
decision is counterproductive and serves as a vehicle to defraud the country and
enrich a privileged few at the expense of the rest of the country. The story further
quotes the lawmakers as saying, The action of President Sirleaf and her son to
pervert the PPCC (Public Procurement and Concessions Commission) Laws and
illegally award Oil Block 13 to their American interest, Chevron (although Oil Block
13 changed hands later to ExxonMobil, another American interest) will definitely
undermine the budget process of fiscal year 2011/2012, the legislators observed.
As we said earlier, this is how all of the oil sector contracts have been going. Block
13 again, believed to be the richest of all of Liberias oil blocks thus far, a 625,000
acre (2,500 square kilometer) oil block, 18 miles offshore Liberias central coast, was
auctioned out in a similar shady way. Oppositions from a cross section of
professionals and Liberian opinion leaders came against the Block 13 deal. Even at
the level of the Legislature itself, Representatives Aquarius Gray and Bhofal
Chambers alarmed or suggested that the Block 13 deal was heavily fraudulent. At
some point, speculations surfaced that members of the Legislature were demanding
US$5 million as kickbacks to ratify the agreement although another news had it that
the agreement was negotiated and concluded in New York by the Executive and
representatives of the foreign firms. Inspite of the many cries and oppositions
however, the plenary of both houses chose to ignore all the complaints and ratify this
deal on Tuesday April 2, 2013. In a FrontPage Africa story that came up that same
April, it was reported that (of the alleged $5million requested earlier), US$2.5
million was instead dished out allegedly to lure the Legislature into ratifying the
deal. A few days after signing the deal, Madam Sirleaf and a few of her top
government officials were reportedly celebrating their success at a cocktail reception
with their Exxon Mobil counterparts at the residence of US Ambassador Deborah
Malac, where Ellen paid homage to all those who made the deal come through. This
what the President said in this FrontPage Africa Report, It took a lot of work. There

were many times when we went into hitches, but we are glad that it is now over. Its
been a great adventure and we are so happy that this great adventure came to a
successful conclusion with Exxon Mobil being a great partner to Liberia...
To conclude all that has happened with respect to the first 10 official oil block
contracts, House of Representatives Ways, Means and Finance Committee
Chairman, Hon. Emmanuel Nuquay, on May 8, 2012 addressed a communication to
Speaker J. Alex Tyler as reported in the May 9, 2012 edition of the National
Chronicle Newspaper, revealing that all of the 10 oil block contracts signed thus far
by the government were terribly flawed (we will say here terribly corrupt). Here is
an excerpt of the letter from the Newspapers report quoting Hon. Nuquay: We
established through NOCALs report that all of the existing Production Sharing
Contracts violate sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.7 of the Petroleum Law of 2002. Today,
Hon. Speaker and members, we are confronted with the situation where 10
production sharing contracts grossly and flagrantly violate our Petroleum Laws. We
are blessed that this is happening under the authoritative gavel of President Sirleaf, a
great leader, who knows the magic of renegotiating contracts to benefit Liberia
the lawmaker threw in an irony to decry the situation.
ii. A National Chronicle Newspaper underground investigation dug out another ploy by
the President and her inner circles to dupe Liberia of US$100 million in a deal in
which they had requested a loan (already being approved allegedly) of US$160
million from the Equatorial Guinean President, Theodore Obiang Nguama for the
rehabilitation of the Roberts International Airport, which investigations proved
actually that it cost US$60 million. At the point of almost receiving the money, the
paper reported that the GOL was putting the country under false impression that
President Nguama was extending Liberia a grant. The paper, in these investigations
also uncovered a web of corrupt deals about the first familys involvement with the
running of the Roberts International Airport, including their shares in the hotel and
catering services at the airport, all under shady arrangements. These investigations
further exposed how the President had designated her Brother-In-Laws Foster Son
to oversee the renovation of the airport and had tipped him to become the next Public
Works Minister just to both execute this contract and to protect the First Familys
interests at the airport. When these secrets leaked, as usual, there was fury and threat
of lawsuit from the Executive Mansion against the paper, but under the criminal
Black American Settlers of this place, these are just scams to save face and to drive
away public attention when exposed (National Chronicle Monday, June 24, 2013).
Meanwhile today, all of what the Executive Mansion was trying to refute according
to reports, including the Presidents intention to appoint her Brother-In-Laws Foster
Son to become Public Works Minister, and the actual cost of rehabilitating the
Roberts International Airport being $60 million etc. according to that National
Chronicles Story have come to reality.

iii. In the Black American Settlers Liberia, a president can plead or stand in the gap for
officials indicted for malpractices instead of allowing the officials exonerate
themselves. The Americo-Liberian Iron Lady is on record for consistently putting up
defense for her Finance Ministers to date, even if the ministers themselves lie
conspicuously to the public. For example, she put up a strong defense once for her
first and second Finance Ministers respectively when both were implicated in a
HIPC Audit Report that indicted them of misappropriating US$5 million (Public
Agenda Newspaper: LACC Wants Ngafuan, Others Suspended). This President
tried covering up for a third Finance Minister when it became glaring that he had
blatantly lied under oath for diverting desperately needed US$13 million EU
(European Union) support to the Liberian Health Sector
(, July 1, 2013;,
July 2, 2013 and August 11, 2013; and the Inquirer Newspaper, July 4, 2013).
iv. In the Americo-Liberian World, the fight against corruption gets stronger when
officials accused of criminal dealings are reassigned, shifted, reshuffled, turned
over to a peer department/ministry to rest a bit, asked to honorably resign; or in
a scam move, dismissed, just to divert public attention while one waits for a
reassignment etc. all depending on the gravity of the corrupt act committed or the
level of vested interest that the First Family or any big fish has in the case at stake.
For example, when former Agriculture Minister Dr. Chris Toe was accused of
bribery and the squandering of US$400,000 from the Rubbers Planters Associations
bank account, and this became somewhat evident, he reportedly requested the
opportunity to tender in his resignation (so as not to be prosecuted) and was granted
his wish (Daily Observer Newspaper, September 7, 2009). According to the same
source, former Public Works Minister Luseni Donzo, when he was accused of
mismanaging several road development projects, and it became crystal clear, even
from audit reports, he was reassigned to the position of Infrastructure Advisor or to
the President. Bong County superintendent Rennie Jackson, the same source reports,
was suspended for having mismanaged County Development Funds in the tone of
US$500,000. He was later reinstated to his position.
In more related developments, Madam Sirleafs favorite for the leadership of the
General Auditing Commission in 2012, after discontinuing the term of no
nonsense John S. Morlu in April 2011, Robert Kilby, and his Cameroonian partner
in crime, Nassah Panks, organized a shell company called the Independent
Software Certification Company (ISCC), with alleged aims, among others, to
defraud the government, according to sources. Kilby took over the GAC on
September 3, 2012, and in less than three months, signed a $220,000 fleet and asset
management contract with his friend, Pearing Davis Parkinson, head of the General
Services Agency (GSA), on December 3, 2012, in total contravention of already
weak Liberian Laws. On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, Madam Pearing Parkinson, in a
budget hearing at the House of Representatives, unconsciously leaked out the ISCC

fleet and asset management deal that Kilby had signed with her entity. This greatly
exposed the both officials and the house was pushed to pass a vote of no confidence
in Kilby, and in fact, the both officials (In Profile Daily Newspaper, August 27,
2013). The Settlers Iron Lady was constrained to dismiss her project Robert Kilby
and her close friend Parkinson to save face. The both were never prosecuted and the
next news that came up later through the grapevines was that President Sirleafs
Settler Sister, Madam Parkinson was reappointed as some Ambassador At Large. The
Congress for Democratic Changes Vice Chairman for Operations, Mr. Mulbah
Morlu confirmed this Parkinson reassignment news on a local radio, Sky FM on
February 13, 2014.
v. According to a Friday August 2, 2013 report in the Peoples Newspaper, Liberia
Airport Authority Board Chairman, Musa Bility, Roberts International Airport
Managing Director, Ellen Corkrum and others had been indicted by the Government
of Liberia for multiple crimes, including economic sabotage, theft of property,
criminal conspiracy etc. Few days later, according to,
Liberias Iron Lady, speaking at the Certification Program of members of the Nimba
County Land Dispute Commission she had setup earlier and asked him, Mr. Bility to
head, President Sirleaf, in appreciating the Land Commission Chairman, already
indicted Musa Bility, made the following comments, implicitly making reference to
the indictment hanging over her friends head: He always responds to governments
call to take on difficult and strategic assignments. Because of that, sometimes he gets
all kinds of criticisms and false accusations; but in each case, I can say to you that
the confidence we have in the carrying out of his responsibility with integrity and
commitment is strong because we believe in him so says the President.
vi. The Iron Ladys Party Chairman himself had gotten so fed up with some of these
mess that he had to express the following observations during his Independence Day
Oration of July 26, 2013, according to the People Newspaper, Monday, July 29,
2013s edition: ..There must be something that we have not done right or
something that we ought to do that we havent done yet, [which] makes people,
including the LACC (Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission) itself to criticize us for
corruption in our country every day. Liberia cannot be transformed especially when
public service is evaluated by the Liberian people at large as the place where
corruption persists and is practiced as a matter of freedom..
e) In order to qualify for debt waiver and begin contracting new loans, Liberia had to
meet certain good governance and anti-corruption policy requirements of the
international community, something which culminated into the establishment of key
anti-corruption and other integrity institutions like the General Auditing
Commission (GAC), the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), the Liberia
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LETI) etc. between 2007 and 2009.
As if the attainment of total debt relief in 2010, and the beginning of contracting new
loans a year or two later meant an end in itself, Liberia immediately began its
business as usual by impeding, discouraging and disparaging the functions and

roles of these key integrity institutions. The Liberian Government now constantly
expresses doubts about the conclusiveness of the GAC reports. Almost every official
whose institution is audited now rubbishes the commissions reports, according to an
article in the September 19, 2013s edition of the National chronicle Newspaper. As a
result of the aggression against the GAC, the same source narrates, about 80 reports
from audits conducted in the past years had been gathering dust at the National
Legislature, awaiting public hearing, news which claimed the attention of UN
Secretary General, Mr. Banki Moon, according to another local daily. An evidence of
the lack of political will to confront this menace called corruption has been the
apparent resistance or refusal by the National Legislature and the Judiciary to ever
submit to audits, according to the same source. The Ministries of Information and
Justice were reported to have declared that GAC reports were not reliable, and
therefore, no serious government will rush to court on the basis of mere audit
reports because audit reports were not evidence. The Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission has been an object of condemnation too, and a victim of non-
cooperative postures from both the Legislature and the Judiciary. In a July 1, 2013s
publication of the New Dawn Newspaper, the then LACC Boss, Cllr. Frances
Johnson Allison blamed lawmakers for lost opportunities for the country, when the
53rd National Legislature was reported to have, for the second time, rejected the bill
to grant the LACC prosecutorial powers to handle corruption cases, on grounds that
the Ministry of Justice could do the job, when in fact in most instances, it is reported
that this Ministry clears suspects for what it almost always claims as lack of
sufficient evidence. The LETTI also hired Moor Stevens a British Auditing Firm
in 2012 to conduct some special compliance audit on concessions in the country,
but a local daily revealed that the work, which was due to have been completed by
January 2013, was persistently delayed due to lack of cooperation. Later reports
suggested that 66 out of Liberias 68 concessions available for audit or audited at the
time however violated the National Laws and other best practices. This was also
confirmed by Maryland County Representatives Bhofal Chambers.

f) President Sirleaf, who throughout her election campaigns, assured the Liberians that if
elected, she will wage a vigorous war on CORRUPTION regardless of where this cancer
existed in society; and after her election renewed this commitment when she described
corruption as a debilitating cancer, that among other things eroded faith in government;
weakened accountability, transparency and justice; short changed (or short circuited ) and
undermined key decision and policy making processes; stifled investments that help reduce
unemployment; created hostility, distrust and anger; and as such, declared this
practice/menace as public enemy #1, is now seen and heard all around the place after 10
years in power, still complaining that the Legislature is not agreeing with her to grant the
LACC (Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission) prosecutorial powers to adequately handle
corruption cases; and that, also, she has placed before the Legislature a proposed bill to
establish some special court, Criminal Court F (just as Samuel Doe established the
Special Military Tribunal for Corruption) to exclusively tackle graft cases. Meanwhile the
countrys Judicial System has specialized criminal courts reportedly ranging from A-E,
anyone of which could be designated for such responsibility, according to veteran lawyer
and politician, and head of Ellens own Unity Party, Cllr. Varney Sherman. Moreover,
Madam Sirleaf is now recorded in the pages of Liberian History as one of, if not the Settlers
Most Powerful Presidents Ever, in terms of having an almost absolute control over the

Legislature to the extent that Senator Gbehzongar Findley, President ProTempore of the
Senate, was some time ago described by another Liberian Politician as President Sirleafs
Personal Hangbag Carrier. This is a President who, according to a US. Diplomatic Cable
of April 26, 2010, assured her business partner, US. Oil giant, Chevron, that she will ensure
that the companys oil concession contract in Liberia is ratified at once by the Legislature,
despite the numerous faults that were being established surrounding and within said
contract, and this ratification happened with 5G speed. In fact, this is a president who has
almost never failed convincing the National Legislature to ratify any of her governments
reportedly over 70 concession agreements thus far, no matter what faults were established
surrounding and within those contracts. Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, reported by some
source as the grand or great granddaughter of former Settlers President Hilary R. W.
Johnson, is indeed that last straw that has broken the Black American Settlers embarrassing
hegemonic camels back, and thus made the case stronger for us to now get the Johnsons,
McClains, Joneses, Tubmans etc. completely out of our public sector peacefully at least
for 100 years so they get rehabilitated, as the pure educated Natives of this country put back
together their long broken pieces. This is an unrelenting demand of the Plain Truth
To conclude, it is common knowledge that, social, mental, psychological and other forms of
intangible effects, like even low morale, can heavily impede our progress as individuals,
especially while playing major leadership roles, but things even become worst
psychologically and mentally when such things as invectives (insults), contemptuous
provocations, and attacks are directed at our physical persons. Empathetic of the challenge
of her gender, and admiration of her personal achievements, and then determined to help
her succeed, the international community has had, in our opinion, to bend over backwards
on most occasions trying to encourage, please and motivate this Americo-Liberian Iron
Lady so as to help her perform well, by extending her or conferring on her all sorts of
prestigious accolades and honors apart from rendering her all of the financial and other key
necessary support to make this Black American descendant achieve greatly. Madam Sirleaf
is quite aware of this glaring fact and knows embarrassingly that she doesnt deserve most
of these awards. But apart from this, it is also suggested in some quarters that some people
in the international community have gone this extra mile too (giving Ellen more gifts and
accolades) just to enable them get hold of our country resources easily. So they flatter this
unprincipled leader to closely win her over. Regardless of the intents however, we still
celebrate with her, especially for some of those good things the international community
has done for us through her. Lets bring you a few examples of some of the great assistance
been rendered Ellens Liberia, and how she too now lives her whole life in honors and
accolades, coming from every angle almost every week:
When Liberias hands were tied economically with a crippling US$ 4.9 billion debt that
no one in this country can definitely give account of how it was spent, the international
community, through concerted efforts completely waived all this debt against Liberia by
June 2010 to enable Madam Sirleaf and her governments spread their tentacles around
for grants, loans and other forms of financing to facilitate their so-called developmental

When it was compelling that Liberia had to setup and operate the requisite anti-graft and
good governance and transparency institutions to win international favor, and Liberia
had no means on her own to establish and run these institutions independently, foreign
partners helped in the establishment of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, the
General Audition Commission, the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative,
the Public Procurement & Concessions Commission, the Internal Audit Agency etc. and
still continue to finance these institutions to date
When the embarrassing news of Madam Sirleafs involvement in the countrys bloody
and senseless Civil War began to spread like wild fire with an air of amazement and
astonishment (especially because this woman had earlier been denying any links to
people that brought war on the country), the international community was pushed to
confer on her the Nobel Peace Prize to ease down the tension on her (October 7, 2011)
and to also help her get reelected, but this Americo-Liberian Iron Ladys own conscience
terribly flogged her up to this point in 2016 that she didnt deserve this award, when in
fact, she was a major founder and the fund raiser of the leading warring faction that
wreaked the most havoc on the countrys population.
According to Wikipedia, Madam Sirleaf co-founded the Natural Patriotic Front of
Liberia along with Charles Taylor and Tom Woewiyu. The Liberian Iron Lady is
convinced inward that this peace prize awarded her was dishonest because she has
never been an advocate of justice in Liberia, but rather she has been a dangerous and
blood thirsty political power seeker, for which she has been both allegedly and
provenly linked with all of the coups, warmongering and bloodletting of her times in
Liberia. These events include the 1985 Coup, after protesting her partys defeat at the
presidential polls, when she was according to sources later caught on tape in company
with the coup makers/leaders ( January 7, 2011). This woman was
linked to the establishment of another one of the Liberian warring groups, LURD
(Liberians United For Reconciliation and Democracy) to fight Charles Taylor after she
lost to this man, her own NPFL co-founder at the 1997 presidential polls again
(according to an early 2014 WikiLeaks document republished by the Liberian
(Microscope Newspaper Of February 28, 2014). Ellen knows very well that it is for the
sake of power that she worked tirelessly behind the scenes to eliminate all potential
human threats to her ambition, especially political heavy weights from the indigenous
Liberian braincamp like Jackson Doe etc. (
According to these are some of the numerous
medals and international accolades Mrs. Sirleaf has won:
Crisis group Fred Cunny Award For The Prevention Of Deadly Crises (2008)
FAO CERES medal-2008
The Friend Of The Media Award
Honorary Doctorate Degrees from 14 universities in the United States
Peace and Environment Africa Award from Nigeria (2013). This was reported by

In the midst of the huge debt waiver and these countless awards and other major
supports, within 3 years of this historic debt waiver, Liberia has now been extended
more and more grants, loans, and other financial assistance now worth around US$2
billion learning from reliable sources
The Government of Liberia, in the midst of all this has been able additionally to now
contract around US$19 billion in Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), there are latest
news that they are now downgrading this amount due to some economic trouble
however, etc.
But despite all these direct, indirect, personal, national, international etc. support put up
for Madam Sirleaf and her Liberia to rise to the challenge, their complaints of
difficulties encountered always, and their flimsy excuses have even intensified. Here are
some of the results secured so far by Ellen and her government in response to all of the
motivations provided her and support extended her and her government both
domestically and internationally:
For the very first time ever in her history, and as the most powerful warning shot that the
need for a complete change must never now be postponed as usual, this settlers Liberia
was disgracefully declared as planet earths Most Corrupt Country twice in just 3 years
(2010-2013) by German-based Transparency International, a title as the sports people
normally put it, Liberia still defends in some respects. A key comment worth noting that
was made by the TI during Liberias 2013 Certification for the Worlds Most Corrupt
Country, according to is this: In Liberia, 86% of residents
surveyed said that their government was ineffective at fighting corruption. This was the
largest portion of any of the 107 nations that Transparency International surveyed.
What a continuous disgrace to nationhood!
The United States, Liberias closest ally, doesnt mince words in describing the failures,
the appalling conditions, and incredibly dismal performances of a country which had
been described by former President Grover Cleveland in 1886 as an Offshoot of The
American System. It was spelt out in the US State Departments Report on Liberia that in
2012, the American Government didnt want to keep allowing delusions to overshadow
realities on ground in Liberia. Among other key revelations, the report indicated that
after 9 years of peace and the recovery of economic growth following progress being
made towards restarting security and the establishment of stability, Liberia is still one of
the poorest countries (almost always among the least 5). Basic services such as public
power, water and sewage, land phones, among others, are said to be either very limited
or unavailable, and medical facilities in Liberia are very poorly equipped and also
incapable of providing many services. Medicines are scarce, often beyond expiration
dates and generally unavailable in most areas. In many places, doctors are scarce, and in
places where doctors are supposed to render free medical services, they still expect
payment in cash at the time of service.
In describing Liberia justice system, the US State Department is always reporting a
virtually completely failed system. For example, almost all of these reports start by
saying, The most serious human rights abuses were those tied to the lack of justice
and end by saying Judges were susceptible to bribes. They requested bribes to try
cases, release detainees, finding defendants not guilty etc.

The Ministry Finance, in its 2013 update of the Liberian Economy, in this time and age,
reported that the very elementary manufacturing processes going on in the country
[conducted by foreigners] were unfortunately experiencing extremely low outputs due to
the lack of electricity, the lack of skilled workers, and high cost of inputs etc. The report
also said that access to long term financing is limited; it continues, electricity reaches to
less than 5% of the countrys population; all seasons road is within 5 kilometers; and
that the interior of the country is cut off from the [so-called] capital city during the rainy
season, and so forth.
In an allafrica.coms June 2013 article, the Liberia Institute For Public Integrity (LIPI)
lamented that over 60% of Liberians didnt have access to pure and safe drinking water
at the time when the Iron Lady Ellen was voted by her African colleagues as the
continents Goodwill Ambassador for Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), although
it is now established in Liberia that Mrs. Sirleaf and her Executive Branch are in the
business of dishing out hundreds of millions of dollars of the countrys scarce resources
in lobbying for international recognition, which culminates into some of these medals
and awards.
Liberia is blessed with numerous precious resources. Some of them include: over 10,
million acres of agricultural land; about 9 million acres of thick rain forests which
produce logs etc. with the friendliest agricultural climate in the world; about 2.8 billion
long tons of proven iron ore deposits, most of which have now been depleted by
marauding settler economic vampires calling themselves national leaders, however.;
vast quantities of diamond, gold and manganese; and huge quantity of proven natural
oil deposits, of which the current puppet government has already mortgaged more than
10 key blocks mainly to their American partners for peanuts as it has always been the
case. But sadly this 194 year old country was graded in 2014 as the worlds second
poorest country with a GDP per capita of less than, or around $500, according to In comparison, the worlds richest country in terms of this same
GDP per capita indicator is now 43 year old Qatar, which was only doing sea trading
and pearl (precious stones or gem) hunting before later discovering natural oil like
Liberia has done today. This gulf state now wields a GDP per capita of over US$88,000.
Meanwhile, Liberia started signing natural resource concession agreements more than
100 years ago, and has up to this 2016, signed over 90 concession agreements in
different forms; has attracted closed to US$20 billion in Foreign Direct Investment just
in few years ( and in around 3 years, beginning from 2010, has contracted
new loans and grants closed to US$2 billion, if not more by now. Shamefully, upon
hearing this news about baby Qatars success, an old, failed, rusty Liberian
Government began negotiating with the Persian Gulf State to help with its huge
unemployment burden that has never improved since 1822.
US Foreign Service publication, ProPpublica, a few years ago said that Liberia again was
graded among the worlds least 5 countries in the UN Human Development index at which
time more than 80% of the population was said to still live on less than $1.25 a day. This
country was moreover reported to have the highest levels of income inequality in the world.
These conditions are even been further exacerbated now by the Settlers Harvard trained
economist, and Queen of Corruption.

Because of all these appalling realities about Liberia, this is what the current US President,
a Black or Colored, who from all indications should be naturally more sympathetic to
Africans, continues to do, or has maintained as a position during all the active years of his
leadership, apparently with a heavy heart, in response to Liberias poor governance and
massive failure after even his administration has over the past few years invested, through
the USAID, around $100 million trying to improve governance in this country. In mid-
2013, [which continued onto 2014, and in 2015], President Barack Obama renewed an
executive order on Liberia in continuation of US National Emergency, with respect to the
former Liberian regime of Mr. Taylor. The Concord Times Newspapers July 19, 2013
edition published a Whitehouses Statement on this issue as saying, In a statement released
on January 22, 2004 in Executive Order # 13348, the US Government declared a National
Emergency with respect to the Taylor Regime pursuant to the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act (50 USC 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary
threat to the foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of
Mr. Taylor and other persons; in particular their unlawful depletion of Liberian
resources and their removal from the country and secreting of Liberian funds and
property, which have undermined the countrys transition to democracy and the orderly
development of its political, administrative and economic institutions and resources. (Mr.
Obama probably wanted to be diplomatic by not mentioning Madam Sirleaf by name in this
statement, but from all indications, she and many of her officials are implicated here).
All of the unbearable realities presented about Liberia above can be summed up into the
countrys categorization and characterization within the Fund for Peaces Failed States
Tracking, or index as published within two Liberian local dailies (the People and the
Concord Times, both of July 19, 2013), excerpted as follows: According to the
Foreign Policy Magazines Failed States Tracking, Liberia is rated very high among
CRITICAL STATES that are at huge risks of returning to conflict. The report puts Liberia at
a score of 93.3 (although Concord Times reports 95.1), which means that this mere
American Philanthropic Experiment, as described by Great Britain some time ago, is too
far away form stability and could rupture at any time again into conflict. Such rating,
according to the report, can be interpreted as a serious collapse in the overall governance
and management of the state. The report, in its breakdown by indicators, states that Liberia
has terribly declined by 6.7% in human rights, while its economy faces a dreadful decline
by 8.6%. [Meanwhile all this was being said when Liberias cruel Queen Jezebel and her
officials were lying every time that the countrys economy was, and is in good health and
growing by 8.1% annually. OH WHAT A TERRIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF
The Failed State Index, produced by the Fund for Peace, is a critical tool in highlighting not
only the normal pressures that all states experience, but also in identifying when those
pressures are pushing a state towards the brink of failure. By highlighting pertinent issues in
weak and failing states, the Failed State Index and the Social Science Framework plus the

software application upon which it is built make political risk assessment and early warning
of conflict accessible to policy makers and the public at large.
Unfortunately and very shamefully, this is what all of the international support forced on
Madam Sirleaf to make her own name and more importantly develop her poor country have
all resulted into. In a radio program on one of Liberias FM dials, Early Morning Talk, on
Love FM, a clip playing the voice of Maryland county Representative Bhofal Chambers had
him making or suggesting the following statement while resigning from the ruling Unity
Party of the Settlers Iron Lady: . I resigned from the UP because I now saw that the
captain of this ship was heading for a serious shipwreck.. He was referring here to
Madam Sirleaf, Standard Bearer of the Unity Party. Dr. Chambers could not have said it any
better or stronger than this!!!!
Before closing, while it is true we all know that this countrys problems are foundational,
huge and inherited, what TRUTH and SINCERITY, when used as the only tools, can
help any knowledgeable leader accomplish, can go far beyond human understanding. Mrs.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf resided and studied in the Great United States of America for a huge
portion of her life; some of her children were reportedly born in the US and are as such
legitimate American citizens. Every time Madam Sirleaf is off to the United States for both
private and official business etc. all this meaning that if she were smart, honest, and God-
fearing, she would have put up the most shining example of Americas magnificent
leadership culture in Africa if our debate that Liberia is a massive failure that needs to be
dismantled and redone was not substantial enough. But this woman instead, has
convincingly demonstrated the overwhelming barrenness of the Americo-Liberian Class or
Ethnic Group with all of her so-called achievements and global recognition.
America is no doubt the worlds greatest country with most of the worlds brightest brains;
a White dominated society with some of the most painful racial provocations still being
experienced in this 21st century. But imagine this superpower with other very difficult
characteristics to handle, now live and work under the gavel of a young, Black Man, whose
background, among other things, shows no record of a strong financial heritage/inheritance.
According to two articles published by (entitled, Top Nine
Racist Things Republicans Have Done Since President Obama Has Been In Office and
Have Republicans Ever Hated A President More Than Obama?), these are some of
harshly unthinkable personal trials and tribulations that President Obama has have to be
undergoing while performing his Chief Executive Officer duty for the American
Government and People; and in the midst of all these huge provocations/tribulations, the
kinds of accomplishments this Black young President, ever in the history of America, can
now boast of in 5 to 6 years time, as of the publication of the articles above:
a) Nobody will ever forget South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilsons notorious You Lie
outburst on September 9, 2009 during President Obamas Address to a Joint Session of
Congress, specifically during his statement about immigration reforms. By the way, like
Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer, who had earlier narrated a scorning dream
about the First Family and later used a series of derogatory remarks and insulting

gestures against them broad day, Congressman Joe Wilson also rudely pointed his finger
at President Obama in his You Lie! outburst.
b) Newt Gingrich, a top contender for the Republican Presidential nomination, referred to
President Obama as the Most Successful Food Stamp President in American History.
Apart from this racist point that Newt was trying to make, he didnt know that more
Whites than Blacks received food stamps (34% to 22%). He was also lighting The
KuKlux Klans Cross while making this remark. Remember the KuKlux Klan for their
racist actions in American History. This same Newt, during the November 2011
Republican debates, mentioned the President by name 7 times, but not once did he
EVER refer to him as President Obama [or even Mr. Obama]. Instead, he called him
Barack Obama 4 times and just plain Obama 3 times. In fact, not one of the three
leading Republican contenders, who collectively mentioned the president 9 times,
EVER referred to him as President Obama, Mr. President, or the President.

c) Kansas Speaker Mike ONeal publicly cited a Bible Verse for President Obama to be
killed; his wife to be widowed, and his children to be orphaned. The same Mr. ONeal
forwarded an email to State House Republicans referring to the First Lady as Mrs.
d) Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Orange County, California Republican
Central Committee, forwarded an email in April of 2010 that included a doctored
(modified) photo of the President and his parents as monkeys.
e) Colorado Congressman Dough Lamborn openly said during a radio interview that he
didnt even want to be associated with President Obama. In Lamborns word, doing so
was like touching a tar baby (i.e. a baby so dirty as being rubbed/polished with black
coal tar, asphalt etc.).
f) A poll from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life once showed that 30% of
(Liberal or Moderate) Republicans and 34 % of Conservative Republicans believed
President Obama was a Muslim. These numbers were expected to double years later.
While others think that theres nothing wrong with being a Muslim; for many, this is just
a sign that Mr. Obama is an alien and is therefore threatening.
g) Republican Candidate Mitt Romney claims that President Obama hates Capitalism and
is not a real American. He said once, and not his first time for that matter, that Mr.
Obama has a very strange, and in some respects, strange to the American experience,
type of philosophy. Liberals look at Conservatives claiming that President Obama is a
Socialist, or that he doesnt really love America, and thinks Americans are nuts (silly,
foolish etc.). But theres practically a consensus within the GOP (Grand Old Party, the
Republican Party) that these things are true. If a Republican Candidate came out today
and said for example, Barack Obama is a good person who loves his country, but I just
think hes wrong about policies, that candidate would probably be booted out of the
Republican Party [right away].
h) Congressional Republicans once turned down President Obamas requests for meeting at
the Whitehouse; refused to return his calls, and walked out of budget negotiations with
him. In fact, things got so bad that Speaker John Boehner, on August 31, 2011 became
the first Speaker in American History to tell a sitting President that he would not be

permitted to deliver a constitutionally approved address to a Joint Session of Congress

on a date specifically requested by the Whitehouse.
Note: Late 2013, government operations virtually came to a complete halt in the whole of
the United States, with huge global economic repercussions as a result of disagreements
between Congress and President Obama over the Affordable Health Care Bill, also referred
to as Obama Care, proposed by the President. Congress held the American budget for a
week or so, nearly bringing the worlds biggest economy down to its knees before
compromise deals were reached between both sides to see the Obama Care go through in
the end. In fact, President Obama has have to most often veto bills to get them through as a
result of these deep disagreements most probably underpinned by racial motivations.
But despite all these mountainous obstacles; these great displays of gross disrespects to the
presidency in some instances; these disparaging acts of racism and unwarranted personal
attacks at this young, Blackman, President Obama has remained incredibly steadfast,
composed, focused, and determined to leave behind a lasting legacy for history to judge him
by. Among the numerous successes achieved, in terms of programs, projects, and policies
etc. designed and implemented by Mr. Obama and his able lieutenants thus far within these
5 to 6 years as of this publication above are as follows:
1. The historic Affordable Healthcare Package for the Americans (the Obama Care)
2. Extended Unemployment Benefits
3. Consumer Financial Protection
4. The Mortgage Refinancing Program
5. The Auto Industry Jobs Rescue Program
6. The Economic Stimulus Program
7. The Equal Pay For Women Program
8. The Stem Cell Research
9. The Student Loan Refinancing Program
10. Two Pro-choice Female Supreme Court Appointees
11. Extermination of Americas most outstanding enemy in all time history (Osama Bin
12. True to his campaign promise, the controversial Iraq Military Draw Down has been
13. The Hate Crime Initiatives
14. Just in the month of December 2013, the US unemployment rate dropped to a 5 year
low of 6.7% when the Obama Administration, in parts of 2013 alone, provided over
74,000 new, permanent jobs. etc.
In life, constructive jealousy improves our performance and keeps our heads up high.
Despite reportedly being her former subordinate or junior schoolmate at Harvard, and
being almost a compatriot (remember Mr. John Morlu and others have repeatedly accused
Madam Sirleaf of holding and hiding American Citizenship which she has never denied or
done so convincingly yet etc.), Ellen can never be like Mr. Obama, nor can she even go
closed to the hem of his leadership coat because unlike Obama, whose DNA is embossed
with honesty, morality, justice, vision, and hard work etc., history says, Ellen and her

Americo-Liberian ancestors parts of DNAs are embossed with moral laxity, mental
inferiority, promotion of mischief, and criminal orientation.
To even prove these claims further; that is, through words and deeds, as an individual and
clearly the one that is now in the firing line for her own character and those of her fellow
Black American Settlers, Ellen lied that she had no connection with Taylor and his NPFL
rebels, it turned out to be true; Ellen has mainly only been doing well at lying, blundering,
and plundering etc. For example, Ellen lied that if the Executive Mansion were to broken
down or burned by her NPFL rebels, she would rebuild it in three months with her
incomparable international NGO contacts, fortunately for her, the Executive Mansion was
not broken or burned down by rebels during War Days as she had instructed, but it just
experienced a little fire incident at one of its floors at the time when she had finally gotten
what she had masterminded the killings of more than 500,000 mainly tribal Liberians for,
and at the time when she already now had the countrys resources under her complete
control. However in 10 years of all this authority, power and glorious opportunities, she has
not been able as yet to just renovate that one floor of the Executive Mansion, but continues
to work as an Internally Displaced President from the Foreign Affairs Ministry Building
shamefully for all these years of her presidency. Ellen lied that she was going to provide
electricity to only Monrovia alone in 6 months of her presidency, she has failed to do so in
10 years, but is dishonorably saying now that she didnt know how enormous these tasks
were. Ellen lied that she was going to fight corruption root and branch, but as we speak, she
now defends a double championship title for the entire worlds Queen of Corruption. Ellen
lied that she was going to provide 20, 000 jobs every year, later, when asked about where
those job were, she shied away from the question etc. If we decide to list all of her lies or
even half of them here, we will be heading for another whole revolutionary pamphlet, not to
mention her other criminal acts, which this pamphlet has reasonably treated.
Before Ellen came to power, education in Liberia was a mess, it has even now turned more
into a mess in line with current world standards; before she held on to the gavel of national
authority , the health sector was dying, ten years into her administration, the sector has even
deteriorated further; before Madam Sirleaf became President, Liberia, in Sports, especially
Football, even used to enter the continental competition (African Cup of Nations, although
to go nowhere into the league, but today, Liberia does not even come close to smelling
qualifications for the tournament; of the few road rehabilitation projects undertaken by her
government thus far, this fake Nobel Laureate herself is on record for describing them as
substandard etc. and etc.
Fellow citizens, we need no rocket scientist to tell us anymore that the Americo-Liberians
are NOT any leadership materials and its getting too belated that we (legally) boot these
people out of our public sector completely to be able to inaugurate and sustain a new and
more cherished national pride under educated, honest, nationalistic and full blooded Kollies,
Kolubas, Does, Konnehs, Wleemongars, Nyensuahs etc,, who would be overly concerned
about what happens to our fathers, mothers, and fellow suffering citizens way there in
Glorgakpa, Winegarbli, Tuzon, Lepula, Lontuo, Tarjuywon etc.; who would be keen on

inaugurating once and for all the culture of discipline, honesty, moral rectitude, hard work
etc. instead of the current entrenched one of deceit, bigotry, corruption, dishonesty,
unimaginable selfishness, and so on; who would be more particular about protecting and
making wise use of our little more left precious resources after huge portions have already
been wantonly pillaged and given out free to foreigners by people who care less about the
future of a country in which their original navel strings were not buried and a country they
consider their second home or farm etc.
To all well-meaning citizens (young and old), student groups, intellectuals, civil society
organizations, and all alike, the Plain Truth Revolutionaries are urging you to wake up
and smell the coffee now, before it gets too late. Young Nick Clegg, Leader of the
British Liberal Democratic Party has this to admonish us. Clegg says, For far too long,
the worlds poorest people have seen no benefit from the vast natural resources in their
own backyards. It is time to end the injustice where ordinary people are silent witnesses,
left to suffer without basic services, as the profits from their countrys assets are hidden
and plundered by corrupt regimes.
To our religious community we urge you to be like Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and
Bishop Desmond Tutu etc. to join and play active roles in this sweeping revolutionary
debate that no amount of force can now stop in this country God willing. Please ponder
upon these wise words as your food for thought, our loving pastors, reverends, imams
and evangelists. Mr. Gordon B. Hinckley once said, You are good, but it is not enough
to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The
world must be a better place because of your presence. And the good that is in you must
spread to others (not necessarily only those small congregations that you talk to every
Saturday or Sunday). Bishop Desmond Tutu closes it up for us here by saying, If you
are neutral in situations of injustice then you have chosen to side with the oppressor. If
an elephant has its foot in the tail of a mouse and (you Bishops, Imams and Reverends,
etc.) say you are neutral, then that mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
To our good friends, international partners, embassies, foreign donors and NGOs, we
say, there are times that we need to halt our normal operations and do a little rethink or
reflection, especially regarding the results of our years of investments. In the case of
Liberia, we tell you that there is indeed a big curse here that we must all now stop;
identify it, and remove it, before taking any steps forward. That means, we should now
break the mode, loving friends. In the words of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the
circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.
Again, fellow countrymen, one and all, the need now for a drastic change in our country can
never be avoided anymore. This compulsory change, although recognized by both past and
current generations, has continuously been postponed because of our fear to slip out of our
comfort zone. But we like to let you know here that this direly needed change will never
come about if we keep waiting for some other time or some other persons. As President
Barack Obama put it, for we are truly the ones that we have been waiting for, and we are
those very ones that we have been seeking to effect this change.

You are encouraged to find and read all of our interesting revolutionary pamphlets, some of
which expose each of the major problems that compel this change, while others provide a
roadmap for how this change can be actualized God willing. So please find them, read, and
lets come together to debate the issues, reason them out, and finally transform country into
a true paradise and beacon of hope for Africa. Our Facebook page We also have three discussion groups: a
Facebook group and a Google+ Community, both under the name Grain Coast (Liberia)
Independence Movement (GIM), which are at and respectively, plus a Google+ Page named plaintruthliberia, also at We moreover have a Twitter and a YouTube presence, with our Twitter
handle being @plaintruthrev, and on YouTube, we are at
You are additionally encouraged to Google out any of our key documents or pamphlets by
titles as an option. We highly urge you to please share your thoughts with us at,, or You can further share with us any historical
documentaries or any other worthwhile articles intended to encourage us, or strengthen our
case for this revolution, and any other concerns, using the address above.

Note that work can be updated as necessary. Thank you all, and may God bless our original
Grain Coast.



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Guannu, J. S. (2010). A Short History of the First Liberian Republic. Monrovia: Star Books

Guannu, J. S. (2010). Liberian History Since 1980. Monrovia: Star Books

Guannu, J. S. (2010). Liberian Civics. Monrovia: Star Books

Mayson, D.T.W. (2010). In the Cause of the People. *.Benin, *.Lagos, *.Abuja, *.Aba: Mindex
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Wild, J. J. (2007). Financial Accounting Fundamentals. New York..: McGraw-Hill Irwin

Wilson, C. A. (- ). Public Policy: Continuity and Change, Second Edition.

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Wheagar A. (2012, February 13). Negbalee and His LPRC Malice. FrontPage Africa. Vol.6, No. 112; 4

Ghahn, H. W. (2012, February 13). Why I (Negbalee Warner) Resigned As Chairman of LPRC Board of
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Staff. (2011, July 7). Ellen Dissolves Entire LPRC Board: Jallah, Jackson Ordered to Restitute
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Staff. (2011, July 15). Bropleh Arrested, Dragged to Jail for Corruption. National Chronicle. Vol.17, No.
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