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How to Clean the acne scars using limes

2 limes

How to use:
1) Clean your face with clean water.
2) Squeeze 1 or 2 lime
3) Apply the squeeze of limes on the face, especially on the part of acne scars
4) Leave on for 15 minutes until dry in your face.
5) Rinse your face with clean water.
6) Perform it routinely for 2 to 3 times a week.

Cara Membersihkan bekas jerawat dengan
menggunakan jeruk nipis
Bahan Bahan:
2 buah jeruk nipis

Cara pakai:
1) Bersihkan wajah dengan air bersih.
2) Peras 1 atau 2 jeruk nipis
3) Terapkan perasan jeruk nipis pada wajah, terutama pada bagian bekas
4) Biarkan selama 15 menit sampai kering di wajah Anda.
5) Bilas wajah dengan air bersih.
6) Lakukan rutin selama 2 sampai 3 kali seminggu.

1. What is needed in the procedure text?

2. When the face were in apply the squeeze of lime can
rinse your face with clean water?
3. Where we can applying the squeeze of limes?
4. Why limes can clean the acne scars?
5. How will we get maximum results?

1. 2 limes.
2. When it has 15 minutes or until dry in your face.
3. On the face, especially on the part of acne scars.
4. On lime contained vitamin C higher compared to vitamin C
other types of oranges. The other contents in lime the
vitamin b1 , sulphur , an acid citron , glycosides , resin ,
volatile oil , amino acids , citric acid , oil fly , and
other .With the nutrition are lime could be used as an
alternative to treat beauty and health supporting .
5. If we clean the acne scars using limes it routinely for 2
to 3 times a week.

Putri Ikhdina N



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