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Running head: LESSON PLAN 1


Ana Rosa Barela

National University

In partial fulfillment for the requirements for TED 635

Professor Dr. Pine

August 22, 2015



Teachers should have a well thought out lesson plan in order to be fully prepared for what

is going to be taught as well as have the learner objectives defined. It is also a great

means of classroom management when a lesson plan is well structured.


11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724

Lesson Plan Design

Subject: History/Social Science Grade: 6 Lesson Topic: Introduction to World History
Candidates Name: Ana Rosa Barela ID # 02351040
Site Supervisor: Mrs. Adriana Mendez NU Supervisor:
Date: __08/21/2016___________________________________
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
6th Grade History/Social Science
In today's global economy it is

Focus Learners important for students to learn how

Student has slight auditory and processing delays. to locate places and know the

Needs to have things repeated and checked for physical as well as cultural aspects

understanding. of different locations in order to be

more effective and functional in our

Couple of students with ADHD and get antsy after progressively more international

several minutes of instruction. world. It is also important for

students to understand how the

This will be the first lesson for History/Social history of geography has shaped

Science in 6th grade, lesson is geared to review and played significant roles in how

prior learning and introduce new concepts to help people, cities, and countries have

with future lessons. evolved within their locations and

Standards- their ideas.

History 6.1.2-3
SL.1.a-d, 2

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

The students will be able to name the
Completing the crossword puzzle
continents- The students will be able to
will demonstrate that the student
complete the continent crossword puzzle
understands the continents
Describe features of the Earth's surface- the
relationships within a map
students will be able to describe at least 5

different features and write them down

The completion of the Venn
within the Venn diagram.
diagram with at least 5 differences
Explain what different kinds of maps show
and 5 similarities will demonstrate
and how they have changed over time- The
the students knowledge of the
students will be able to do a short group
different features between a globe
presentation based on the continental drift.
and a map.

The group discussion will help the

students work collaboratively to

discuss the changes of maps over

time and also help develop social

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the learner outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )

The teacher will ask a series of questions to check
It is important to analyze what the
for prior knowledge regarding the following

vocabulary terms. The students will use their students already know in order to

individual whiteboards to answer the questions and focus on the concepts that they

raise them in the air for the teacher to review. currently do not understand. It is

also a way to get a glance at where

vocabulary: each student currently stands in

Drift order to be able to group students

Mass based on their current levels and
Continent into groups where the higher
Landform achieving students will be able to
Longitude help their peers.
Political Map
Physical map
Thematic map

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)

The student with the auditory deficiency is seated
It is important for the student with
in the front closest to me, where I will be able to
auditory difficulties to be at a closer
observe and check for understanding and be able
proximity to the teacher in order to
to monitor for clues to see if he is following the
be able to hear clearer .

Same for the EL students, also

The ELL learners are seated with a student that is
being closer to the front will give
bilingual that can assist with interpretation if

needed. I use many visuals to help EL students them a better look at the visuals that

reinforce what I am saying. The teacher will also they can use to help reinforce the

make sure to speak standard concise English in a vocabulary being used by the

slower pace to help EL students follow. teacher.

The lesson is designed to have small breaks where Using Kagen strategies to help give

students will stand up and move around a little bit small breaks between the lessons

to help the students expend energy and not get too will help students stay engaged and

antsy. active throughout the lesson.

Gifted and more advanced learners will get the

opportunity to help and peer teach during the

group discussions.

Check for Understanding:

The teacher will check for understanding by

monitoring the EL students and other students with
special needs by asking questions and calling them
by name.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying
degrees of skill level)

Promethium board The use of the promethium board

Whiteboard will be used to incorporate

Worksheets technology into the lesson. This will
Different Maps allow for visuals to be displayed to
Globe help EL learners reinforce what is
Individual white boards being said and also it will help
Venn Diagram incorporate a video into the lesson
History/Social Science Textbook as well. The white board will be
used to write down key vocabulary
words that will be introduced
throughout the lesson as well as
display the learner outcomes for the
students to see. The maps and
Globe will be additional visuals and
manipulative for the students. The
individual whiteboards will be a
means for all students to participate
when asked a question by writing
their answers on their whiteboard.
The worksheets will be a means for
the students practice what they

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model, demonstrate,

check for understanding)
In the beginning of the lesson the teacher will have Having the students analyze the
a picture of Stonehenge on the promethium board picture of Stonehenge will help
to have the students analyze while they are eating activate prior knowledge or get
their breakfast. There will be a worksheet with a them thinking and curious about
poem about Stonehenge that the students will have what they are going to learn about.

to read followed by one question to get the

students thinking about Stonehenge and World It will be the introduction to early

After a few minutes of having students write down world history and lead to the
their thoughts, I will have students do a pair share discussions of what the lesson will
to discuss with their shoulder partner. Using be all about.
popsicle sticks with the students names, I will
randomly choose a couple of names to share.
The teacher will then discuss Stonehenge and its
significance in World history dating back several
thousands of years, and used as an introduction to
the history dating back to Pangaea and the
evolution to today's continents.

On the promethium board, as a class we will

analyze the different maps based on Alfred
Wegener's theory of continental drift.
The teacher will model the meaning of drift and
split apart by pulling apart puzzle pieces.
There are 8 groups in the classroom, 6 groups of 4
and 2 groups of three. The two groups of 3 will be
assigned the same continent and the other 6 will
get a different one. As a group the students will
discuss the position of their continent throughout
the 65 million year timeframe based on Wegener's
continental drift theory.
The discussion of the physical changes in our
planet will lead to the discussion of the globes and
maps of today.
The students will analyze the difference between a

map and a globe and write their findings in a Venn


Check for Understanding:

Students randomly selected will be able to share
their findings about Stonehenge as well as be able
to explain the position of the continents millions of
years ago compared to where they are today.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for

understanding and provide feedback and re-teaching)

Review of Stonehenge and worksheet as guided
Having different types of learning
practice. The students will get the opportunity to
activities will keep the students
discuss their work with shoulder partners as well.
engaged and prevent from getting
Collaborative learning will take place when each
antsy in their seats by providing
group will be assigned a continent to analyze in
opportunities to keep active by
each of the three different maps based off of
changing locations in the room
Wegener's Continental drift theory and discuss it
during the pair share and group
among their groups and share with the class.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome.

Note: Independent activities are assigned assuming that students understand the
concept well enough to work on their own.)

The students will be able to analyze and compare a By letting the students pretend that
world map to a globe and be able to display the they are cartographers, they will be

differences and similarities by completing a Venn engaged and excited to analyze the
diagram. difference between the world map
and the globe and record their
individual findings in the Venn

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

Observation during group cooperation will be an
informal type of assessment. Having several different types of
assessments will give different

The students will be able to complete a Venn learner types to be able to show

diagram with at least 5 differences from each, and what they have learned.

5 similarities.

The students will be able to complete the

Crossword puzzle identifying the 7 continents and
other key vocabulary.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

The teacher will hand out a second blank Venn The students will think about what
diagram and have the students take it for they learned in class by reviewing
homework to re-do their original diagram in a and editing their own work.
more organized and presentable way. This will also The closing questions will get
give the students to re-think about what they wrote students thinking about how the
and be able to edit, add or adjust their diagram lesson can relate to the way they
based on the class discussions. use maps and think about how it

Before closing the lesson ask students "Why do relates to the way things are today.
people use maps more often than globes? What are
some things that maps show? How have maps
changed over time?

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs
additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

It has been a blessing for me to get the opportunity to work with a former classmate of mine,
Mrs. Mendez. She has been a great help by guiding me with the lesson and correlating it with the unit
that pertains to the students first week of school.
Overall, I believe the lesson went great. The only thing I would change in the future is to
divide this lesson into two and split it between two days. It was a lot of information to cover and I
caught myself speaking fast to try to cover it all and I feel this was not fair to the EL learners.
I have had the opportunity to have been able to observe the students for two days, so I was
familiar with which students are hyperactive and tend to be the most talkative. The student with the
auditory needs is seated in very front and one talkative student was moved to the middle where I was
able to keep a closer eye and have closer proximity to him when I saw him start talking.
Class participation went well, in my opinion. However, there is one student who did not want
to speak out in front of the class. At first I thought it was because he did not do his work, but I noticed
that he did. I turned out he is just shy and does not like to speak in front of the whole class. For future
reference this is important information that I need to know about my students so that I can prevent
students from being embarrassed in front of their peers. The time frame for the lesson was an hour
and 15 minutes but ended up being a little over an hour and a half which cut into some of the math
intervention time. Since it is early in the school year and early in the day, it was not a big deal.


Mifflin, Houghton (2007) History Social Science: World History. Houghton Mifflin
Company. Boston.

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