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Aire Q.

Gr.9-St. Martin De Porres

Reaction Paper

In the beginning, as I watched the movie I just find Billy and Nick
irresponsible and so immature you cant see in them the potential
of passing in the Google company. Then, I felt so bad about their
team being rejected by others, and I saw how desperate they are
to overcome their task. It so hard to think that they can win the
task they are facing, you just cant find them winning because
they arent having teamwork, cooperation and lack of trust, and
one of them dont show interest about the task they have to
conquer, And theres this time one of them gave up and leave,
but they have realized that they cant do it without him so one of
them convince him to come back and its such a relief that he
actually came back. And at the end hard work and cooperation
overpower and their team aim the highest downloads and they
didnt know that the head of that internship favored them, and
they were guaranteed a job with Google. That was so interesting.

I find him so lazy
and stubborn
because he is
always attached
on his phone.
lyle Billy & Nick Yo-Yo
He stands up as a I find them so I find Yo-Yo silent
leader in the team easy go lucky and and dont talk too
and try to act like childish they just much I think hes
a hip to hide his enjoy things. But not that friendly.
insecurities, I find in the other hand,
him too bossy. they dont give
up easily and
conquer things
with hard work.

Neha is so out-
going and talked
too much unlike
Yo-Yo and I find
her cooperative.

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