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Effects of Salts on Limestone Dissolution Rate

in Wet Limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization

Naohiko Ukawa and Toru Takashina
Hiroshima Research & Development Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.,
4-6-22, Kanonshin-machi, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733 JAPAN


Michio Oshima and Tsuyoshi Oishi

Engineering and Construction Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.,
15-1, Tomihisa-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162 JAPAN

To understand how the dissolution rate of limestone used for absorbent in a wet
flue gas desulfurizationplant is affected by the soluble salts formed from
hydrogen chloride gas in flue gas as well as from the impurities contained in the
used raw material limestone itself, various limestone slurries each added with a
single salt of CaC12, MgCI,, NaCl, Na2S04and MgSO, were titrated with sulfuric
acid. From the titration results the dissolution rate was found to vary greatly
with the kind and the concentration of the salts with a general tendency to
decrease in chloride solution but to increase in sulfate solutions.
Based on this finding, the authors proposed a semi-empirical simplifed model.
The evaluated results using this model closely agreed with the measured values of
the limestone dissolution rate both in single-salt solutions and mixed salt

As it became clear that the dissolution rate of limestone was

INTRODUCTION affected significantly by the kind and concentration of salts,
the authors proposed the semi-empirical dissolution rate model
in which ionic strength and bisulfate ion were introduced as
In wet limestone flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process, pow- the affecting factors.
dered limestone dissolves and neutralizes acidity produced by Consequently, the dissolution rates evaluated by the pro-
SOz absorption in liquid phase. posed dissolution model closely agreed with the experimental
It is known that the soluble salts have effects [6, 91 on the results. The dissolution rates of limestone in mixed salts were
dissolution rate of the limestone used as the absorbent but also examined in detail since various salts exist in mixed states
sufficient quantitative examinations had not yet been con- in commercial FGD processes.
ducted to clarify the phenomena.
It is thus very important to obtain quantitatively the effects
of the salts because the most dominant factor which determines
the performance of the FGD is the limestone dissolution rate. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCE-
Under normal operating conditions in the FGD process, the DURE
kinds and concentrations of salts accumulating in the absorbent
slurry vary widely and are governed by the concentrations of The dissolution rate of the limestone was measured in a
impurities in the flue gas, the chemical composition of the batch reactor shown in Figure 1 .
limestone, and the water balance of the FGD process. Two methods such as pH-stat and free-drift have been
In this study, various limestone slurries, each added with a used to determine the dissolution rate of limestone. In the
single salt, were titrated with sulfuric acid to measure the present study, the pH-stat method used by many other inves-
dissolution rate. Salts used were calcium chloride (CaCl,), mag- tigators [ I , 2, 81 was selected due to its high reproducibility.
The reactor was agitated at 600r.p.m., by a turbine (6 blades,
nesium chloride (MgCl,), sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sul-
fate (Na,S04) and magnesium sulfate (MgS04). 50 mm diameter, 10 mm width) to fully fluidize the sample.

294 November, 1993 Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4)

Table 1 Properties of limestone used for the tests
CaO [wt To] 54.6
MgO [wt 0701 0.23
Fez03 [wt or01 0.013
SiO, + Acid insoluble [wt olo] 0.12
A1203 [wt or01 0.01 1
Purity [wt VO] 97.5
Particle size 45 [pml 97.2 [wt 0701 passing

r=- (3)

@ Reactor l130mm I d 2Omme ) @ pH meter

Here, because the limestone dissolution rate ( r ) varies with
its particle size distribution and chemical composition, lime-
@ Baffle 0 Recorder stone from specified mine with a consistent particle size dis-
@ Thermostated water @ Limestone
tribution was used throughout the experiments to eliminate
@ Air @) H Z S O ~ S ~ ~ this source of variability.
@ Thermometer @ Reservoir for Hz504 SOln Properties of the used limestone are shown in Table 1.
@ p~ Sensor @ Pump As the comparison standard, the limestone dissolution rate
@ p~ Controller @ Balance (r) was employed when 70% of initially charged limestone
dissolved because the r varies with the change in the limestone
FIGURE 1. Limestone dissolution rate measurement particle size and the limestone concentration during the titra-
apparatus tion.
To investigate the effects of salts, Na2S04,MgSO,, MgCI,,
NaCl and CaCI, were added individually or as mixtures. The
reagents used were of pure grade made by Hayashi Pure Chem-
A sulfuric acid solution (1.O mol/P) was titrated into a lime- ical Industries, Ltd.
stone slurry of 2 Pin the reactor to maintain the pH at 5.2 *
0.1. The experiment was initiated by the addition of 20 g of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
limestone and 200 g of seed gypsum.
Sulfuric acid was selected as the acid to simulate the totally Limestone Dissolution Rate in Single Salt Solutions
oxidizing condition in absorber tank by so called in-situ ox- Figure 2 shows the relationship between concentrations of
idation [4]which is usually being applied to the current FGDs. various coexisting salts and the relative dissolution rates ( R )
The use of the sulfuric acid eliminated the strong inhibition
of limestone dissolution by sulfite which had been previously 2.5 -
investigated by Chan and Rochelle [I, 81. The operating pH Kind of Salt
was determined from the pH range in the commercial FGD
and the operability of the experiments.
The titration rate of sulfuric acid was automatically con-
trolled by a feed pump monitoring the pH of the slurry. The
slurry temperature was thermostated at 50 f 1C by a water -

jacket outside the reactor. Air was sparged at 13 Umin into

the slurry to release carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere
-Calculated line
to eliminate the effect of dissolved CO,.
The weight of sulfuric acid was continuously measured by
a balance and recorded. The titration speed was calculated
from the periodic decrease in the sulfuric acid weight.
The titrated sulfuric acid dissolves limestone by following
reaction: al
c A
H2S04+ CaCO, i-
H20-CaS0,.2H,0 + CO, (1)

The mass balance equation of SO:- for the titration is given

by :

Where F is the titration rate of H2S04[P/h], Cs is the con- 2 0.5

centration of H2S04 [mo1/4, t is time [h], r is the dissolution
rate of limestone with H2S04 [mol/P.h] which is thought to
express removal rate of SO:- by gypsum crystallization, V is
the volume of limestone slurry in the reactor [4and C is the
concentration of H2S0.,in the slurry [mol/4. 0
In this experiment, i:he volume change of the slurry was 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
small and the steady state for SO:- in the slurry was attained Concentration of [S04*-] or [Cl-1/2 [mol/tl
due to the prevention (of supersaturation by addition of the
seed gypsum. Thus, the limestone dissolution rate was ex- FIGURE 2. Effect of salt concentration on limestone
pressed by: dissolution rate
Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4) November, 1993 295
2.5 2.5 -
System Mixing ratio of Na2S04 System Mixing ratio of MgC12
0 NazS04- MgS04 [NazSOsl I ([Na2SO41+IMgSOsl . 0 MgC12-CaC12 [MgClzlI(fMgClzI + ICaCM)
0 NazS04 NaCl
~ [NazS041I ([NazS041+ [NaCIl I 2 -
MgCh MgS04 [MgClzI I([MgC121+ [MgS041)
Total conc. of salts : [Na2S041+IMgS041 = 0.2 [mollt'l Total conc. of salts : [MgC121+ [CaClzl = 0.2 ImolIe]
[NazSO4] + (NaCIlI2 = 0.2 [mol/e] [MgClzI+ IMgS041 = 0.2 ImolIt]
2.0 - Background
- 2.0 Background
: CaSO4.2H2Osaturated
: 50 rC]
-Calculated line - Temperature
CaS04'2HzO saturated
50 ["C]
I -Calculated line
-.g 1.5


5 1.0
.-P Y)



(r 0.5

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o
Mixing ratio of Naz S 04 [mol/mol] Mixing ratio of. MgCl2 [rnol/rnol]

FIGURE 3. Limestone dissolution rate in mixed salts FIGURE 4. Limestone dissolution rate in mixed salts
sohtion solution
of limestone. The relative dissolution rate ( R ) is a ratio of the
dissolution rate (r,,) in a standard solution containing no salt Figure 4 expresses the dissolution rate as a function of the
and the dissolution rate (r) in a solution containing a salt, MgCI,-CaCI, mixing ratio.
and is defined by: With a greater mixing ratio of MgCl,, the dissolution rate
increased mildly. This also agrees with the result that a re-
duction in dissolution rate is less affected by MgCl, than that
(4) by CaCl,.
Figure 4 also shows the dissolution rates in solutions con-
taining MgC1, and MgS04. Similar to the case of the sodium
In chloride solutions such as CaCl,, MgCI, and NaCI, the salts in Figure 3, the dissolution rate decreased in a solution
dissolution rate decreases with the concentration of salt. At containing a greater amount of MgCl, and increased in a so-
the same C1- concentration, the decrease in dissolution rate lution containing a greater amount of MgS04.
is greater in the CaCI, and MgC1, solutions than that in the
NaCl solution.
When sulfates such as Na,SO, and MgS0, were added, the
dissolution rate increased. The effects of the sulfates were SIMPLIFIED MODEL FOR THE EVALUATION OF
entirely different from those of the chlorides. SALT EFFECTS
Influencing Factors
Limestone Dissolution Rate in Mixed-Salt Solutions
The test results concerning the limestone dissolution rate
were summarized as follows:
Figure 3 shows how the dissolution rate of limestone changed
in the solution containing Na,SO, and MgS0, at different -The dissolution rate decreases as the concentration of a
mixing ratios. With a greater mixing ratio of Na,S04, the chloride increases.
dissolution rate increased mildly. This agrees with previously -The dissolution rate increases as the concentration of a
described results where the dissolution in solution containing sulfate increases.
Na,S04 exhibits a slightly greater rate than that containing To explain these results qualitatively, the authors assumed
MgS04. the following influencing factors:
Figure 3 also depicts the dissolution rate change in the so-
lution containing Na2S0, and NaCl. a) The dissolution rate decreases when the ionic strength
(I)increases as observed in a chloride solution.
As also mentioned previously, the individual salts had an b) The increase of the dissolution rate in a sulfate solution
entirely different effect on the dissolution rate. is brought about by the effect of bisulfate ions coexisting
The effects of the mixed salts on the dissolution rate are in the solution in equilibrium.
located midway between the effects of these salts when they
were added alone. That is, the dissolution rate decreased in a The factor a) is based on the previous report [5] that the
solution containing a greater amount of NaCI, and increased dissolution of limestone is controlled primarily by the diffusion
in a solution containing a greater amount of Na,SO,. of H' from the bulk of solution to the limestone surface, and

296 November, 1993 Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4)


0 0 0.5 1.5 2
(Ionic strength)2 [rnoll~1~

FIGURE 5. Effect of ionic strength on limestone dis- I

solution rate Background : CaSOs. 2H7.0 saturated
Temperature : 50 [C]
high ionic strength inhibits the dissolution by decreasing the : 5.2 [-I
diffusivity of the H .
+ I I I I I I I I
The factor b) is due to the idea that sulfates enhance the
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
dissolution rate by providing an additional species of diffusing
Conc. of sulfate solution [mollel
acidity i.e. the bisulfate ion (HSO;) to the limestone surface.
In the case of chlorides, only the effect of a) occurs and the FIGURE 6. Relation between sulfate solution concen-
dissolution rate decrease;. While in the case of sulfates, the tration and parameter f,
effects of a) and b) offset each other and depending on its
degree, the dissolution rate increases.
Previous studies [ I , 81 had demonstrated precious theoretical The pattern of the relation expressed in equation 6 was
approach to the effect O F solution composition on the disso- similar to that of the previous study [8] and closely agreed
lution rate of limestone. However, the strong effect of sulfate with the reported dependence of the H + diffusivity on the ionic
or bisulfate ion as shown in the present study had not been strength. But in the present research, the weaker dependence
discussed sufficiently. Therefore, the authors tried to propose of dissolution rate of limestone on the ionic strength than in
a semi-empirical simplified model for the evaluation of lime- the previous study [8] was found. The cause of the difference
stone dissolution rate, considering the effect of bisulfate ion probably is due to the differences of experimental conditions
as a dominant factor. such as pH and the flow rate of sparging gas.

Modeling of the Dissailution Rate Determination of fs

First, it is assumed that the relative dissolution rate ( R ) The effects of sulfates are separated using the data of the
defined in equation 4 is expressed by the product of the effects Na2S0, and MgSO., system and considering the above-men-
of the above two mutually independent factors as follows: tioned effect of the ionic strength.
From the measured R and calculated f, by equation 6, fs
could be obtained by equation 5 .
Figure 6 shows the relation between fsand the sulfate con-
f,and fs are parameters indicating the degrees of effects of the centration. It is found that fs increases as the concentration
ionic strength and bisul.fate ions respectively. The f1means of sulfate increases. The probable reasons for this are thought
relative diffusion rate of acid and the fs corresponds to the to be as follows:
relative acid concentration. In the system containing no salt, When a sulfate exists, bisulfate ions are formed in the fol-
both frand fs are defined to be 1.0. lowing equilibrium.

SO:- + H +eHSO; (7)

Determination of fi
In addition to H + , the bisulfate ions also react with the
Using data of NaCl and MgClz system in Figure 2, fris limestone and enhance the dissolution rate.
obtained. As this system contains no sulfates, fsshould be 1.O
and f1is obtained direclly from the observed R. HSO; + CaCOS+ 2H20-CaSO, .2H20+ HCO; (8)
After trying to find out the most fittable curve to the meas-
ured value, an empirical formula shown in equation 6 was From previous report [7], it was thought that the dissolution
obtained. rate of limestone was nearly proportional to the H + ion con-
centration within the pH range conducted in this study. If this
log f,= 0.0730- 0.286& (6) was true, the dissolution rate would become equal regardless
of the kinds of salts when pH is the same, and differences in
As shown in Figure 5 , the solid line calculated by equation the dissolution rate with kinds of the salts would not be ex-
6 shows close agreemeni to measured values. Strictly speaking, plainable. If it is presumed that HSO; also reacts directly as
the ionic strength I should be calculated using the molality, shown in equation 8 with CaCO, as well as H + and its reaction
but considering the relatively low salt concentration, it was rate is 01 times greater than the reaction of H + , the following
calculated in terms of rnolarity for easiness in practical use.
expression can be applied.

Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4) November, 1993 297


The value of [H] is obtained by:

[H] = 10-PH/yH+ (12)

- 14
The pH value at the standard conditions is 5.2. Therefore,
Y equation 11 can be rewritten as follows:
12 -
10-5.2+ p[HSOi]

fs= 10-5.2 p[HSO;],

p = a YH+ (13)

Strictly speaking, the activity coefficient yH+of hydrogen ion

varies with the ionic strength and liquid composition, but is
assumed to be constant within the test range of this study for
Calculation conditions That is, when fsis plotted as a function of [HSO;], a linear
Background : CaS04.2H20 saturated relation is obtained and /3 is obtained from its y intercept or
Temperature : 50 [Cl
0 1 I
The concentration of bisulfate ion can be calculated by:
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Conc. of sulfate solution [rnol/e] [HSO;] =Kc[H+][SO:-]

FIGURE 7. Concentration of bisulfate ion in sulfate = Ka- 10-PHISO~-](Y~Oa-/Y~~~,)

Ka is the equilibrium constant of formation reaction of bi-
r = k([H+]+ a[HSO;]) f, - (9)
sulfate shown in equation 7 and has the following value at
50C according to the literature [5].
Where, k is a reaction rate constant. A similar relation holds
under the standard condition without salt. Ka= 194.6 (15)

r,= k([H+],+ a[HSO;],) (10) Using the method reported by Helgesen [3]which is regarded
relevant in the range of high salt concentration, the activity
coefficient is evaluated as follows:
Where, the suffix stands for the standard condition with no
salts addition. From the definitions in equations 4 and 5 and
from equations 9 and 10, the following relation is obtained.

Where, A, B and Care evaluated to be 0.535,0.333 and 0.043,

Figure 7 shows a relation between the concentration of salt
and the concentration of calculated [HSO;] taking into con-
sideration the gypsum saturated background.
In Figure 8, fsvalues obtained are plotted against the con-
centration of HSO;, and the linear relation between [HSO;]
and fs therein gives following p in equation 13

U Comparison of Measured and Calculated Dissolution
.- System Rates of Limestone
E l The effects of the ionic strength and sulfate on the limestone
E Background dissolution rate are calculated by equations 6 and 13, and R
n Conditions : CaS04.2H20 saturated
: 5.2 [-] is evaluated by equation 5.
Temperature : 50 Cl The solid lines in Figure 2 show the calculated R in the
svstems of the various salts. The results of calculation nearly
0 agree to those of the measured.
0 5 10 15 ~ 1 0 - 5 Solid lines in Figure 3 show the calculated relations between
Conc. of bisulfate ion [mollel the R and the mixing ratios of salts in the Na2S04-MgS04and
Na,SO.,-NaCl systems. In both systems, the calculated results
FIGURE 8. Relation between bisulfate ion concentra- also fit in with the observed. In the CaCl,-MgCl, and MESO,-
tion and parameter fs

298 November, 1993 Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4)

MgC12systems, the calculated results of R approximately agree F = titration rate of H2S04[Uhl
to the measured values a!; shown in Figure 4. As mentioned f1 = parameter indicating the effect of ionic strength on
above, it has become clear that the simplified model proposed the limestone dissolution rate [ -1
in this section provides a qJantitative explanation of the effects fs = parameter indicating the effect of bisulfate ion on
of various salts and their mixtures on the limestone dissolution the limestone dissolution rate [ -1
rate. I = ionic strength [mol/e]
Ka, Kc = equilibrium constant based on activity, and con-
CONCLUSION centration respectively [Umol]
k = reaction rate constant [h-1
In the wet limestone FCiD process, various kinds of soluble R = relative dissolution rate of limestone [ - ]
salts formed from impurities contained in the flue gas and r = dissolution rate of limestone [mol/L?-h]
limestone accumulate in the absorbent slurry. t = time [h]
These soluble salts influence the dissolution rate of limestone V = volume of limestone slurry in the reactor [PI
used as the absorbent. Experimental investigation was made Yi = activity coefficient of ion i [ -1
to clarify the effects of the various kinds of salts and their % P = empirical constant [ - I
concentrations on the dissolution rate of limestone. As a result,
it was made clear that the dissolution rate decreased in the
chloride solutions but increased in the sulfate solutions. SUBSCRIPT
To explain these phenomena, a semi-empirical simplified
model based on the following fundamental mechanisms was
proposed: o = standard condition with no salts addition

a) The dissolution rate. decreases as the ionic strength in-

b) The dissolution rate in a sulfate solution increases due LITERATURE CITED
to the effect of coexisting bisulfate in equilibrium.
1. Chan, P. K., and G. T. Rochelle, Limestone Dissolution:
The model provides a quantitative explanation of the ex- Effects of pH, C 0 2 and Buffers Modeled by Mass Trans-
perimental results. fer, ACS Symposium Series, No. 188, 75 (1982).
It is possible to evaluate the effects of salts on the limestone 2. Ellis, A. R., An Investigation of UK Limestone Reactivity
dissolution rate not only in single salt systems but also in their for the Limestone-Gypsum FGD Process, I ChemE Sym-
mixtures. posium Series, No. 106, 251 (1989).
In the actual FGD process, the characteristics of flue gas, 3. Helgesen, H. C., Am. J. Sci., 267, 729 (1969).
impurities in limestone an.3 operating conditions such as water 4. Heydorn, E. C., C. L. Yeh, K. Muramatsu and N. Ukawa,
balance vary greatly froni plant to plant resulting in the ac- Proc. of Seventh Annual International Pittsburgh Coal
cumulation of various kinds of salts in the absorbent slurry. Conference, Pittsburgh (1990).
The effects of these salts on the limestone dissolution rate 5 . Kharaka, Y. K., and I. Barnes, Solution-Mineral Equi-
are complicated and were difficult to evaluate so far. The librium Computations, U .S. Geological Survey Menlo
results of this study would give a practical means of evaluating Park, California (1973).
these complicated effects. Paying attention to the effects of 6. Owen, D. G., W. D. Halstead and J. R. P. Cooper, I.
the salts is important for improving the design accuracy, since Chem. E. Symposium Series, No. 116, 349 (1990).
the dissolution rate of limestone is a key factor which governs 7. Plummer, L. N., T. M. L. Wigley and D. L. Parkhurst,
the desulfurization efficiency. Am. J. Sci., 278, 179 (1978).
8. Rochelle, G. T., P. K. R. Chan and A. T. Toprac, Lime-
NOTATION stone Dissolution in Flue Gas Desulfurization Process,
EPA Report No. EPA-600/7-83-043 (1983).
C = concentration o f H2S04in slurry [mol/Pl 9. Schongrundner, W., R. J. Marr and H. Maier, VGB
Cs = concentration of H2S04used for titration [mol/Pl Kraftwerkstechnik, 8, 70 (1990).

Environmental Progress (Vol. 12, No. 4) November, 1993 299

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