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The design community is moving from prescriptive to
performance-based design

TIONS and away from prescrip-
tive codes for fire engineering is
creating new opportunities for
steel building design, according
to P.F. Johnson of Arup Fire
Engineering in Melbourne Vic,
Australia. Johnson was one of 15
speakers to discuss fire-related
topics at the recent Second
World Steel Congress in San
Sebastian, Spain. Performance-
based regulations have been
introduced into countries includ-
ing the United Kingdom, New
Zealand, Sweden and Australia,
and others, such as the U.S.A.
and Canada will follow shortly,
Johnson stated. Other countries
with evolving fire codes include
Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan
and Israel. The benefits of the
performance approach are
believed to include greater flexi-
bility in design, increased oppor-
tunities for innovation, equal or
better levels of safety and
greater cost effectiveness in con-
Writing in the Journal of
Constructional Steel Research,
Johnson expounds that there
has been a great deal of research
into performance of steel struc-
tures in fire. In simple terms,
what has been found is that a
structural steel frame of a build-
ing performs much better than
the individual elements that are
tested in the laboratory furnace
test using standard time-temper-
ature curve.
A full-scale, eight-story test facility has been built inside a hangar at Cardington Added Jef Robinson, B.SC.,
in Bedforshire, UK. C.Eng., of British Steel, another
speaker at the conference: For

Modern Steel Construction / July 1998

many years it has been recog-
nized that it is necessary to build
structures that will resist col-
lapse in the event of fire because
all materials weaken when they
are heated. The traditional
response to this phenomenon has
been to consider designing a
structure and ensuring its fire
resistance as two separate, even
to some extent conflicting, activi-
ties. Design is governed by Codes
and Standards that are derived
from studies and assessment of
structural behavior, while fire
resistance is governed by build-
ing regulations evolved largely
in response to fire disasters. The
normally accepted way to satisfy
both design codes and building
regulations is to cover steel with
insulating fire protection on-site
during construction. A variety of tests were carefully monitored in the Cardington test facility.
However, natural fire tests in
simulated buildings, which have
been carried out from time-to- roof occurred. eral fiber spray. In spite of this
time for many years, have con- At the time, the beams were under-protection, stability was
sistently shown that the behav- expected to fail at 550C and it maintained. Even though the
ior of structural elements in came as a surprise to find that beam temperature reached
whole frames differs markedly some beams actually reached 644C the maximum deflection
from that of single elements in 950C before the roof collapse was only 168mm in the 6-meter
standard fire tests that are used occurred. The reason for this span (span/36).
to assess regulations require- enhanced performance was given
ments. as interaction between mem- WILLIAM STREET - AUSTRALIA
berswhich implies that beams The 41-story, steel-framed
FIRE TESTS in structures have better perfor- building at 140 William Street
In Robinsons paper, he cites a mance than beams in standard was Melbournes tallest when
number of recent fire tests: fire tests.. completed in 1971. The columns
were concrete encased but the
LIVERPOOL HOSPITAL (UK) WASHINGTON steel beams and the underside of
One of the first indications A few years later, in 1981, an the metal deck floors were fire
that real structures might interesting large-scale test was protected with an asbestos con-
behave differently from single done in Washington. A two-story taining product. The sprinkler
members in standard fire tests test structure with plan dimen- system was of extra-light hazard
came when a test was carried sions 40 32 ft (12 9 m) was category with no sprinklers in
out on a simulation of the built to simulate the ninth and the ceiling spaces. After 20 years
Liverpool Hospital roof back in tenth floors of a 20-story build- the building became due for its
1978. The natural fire test was ing. The beams in the fire com- first refit and the asbestos-based
done in a large rig of 300m2 (20 partment were 305 102 33 protection had to be removed.
15m) inside which was a fire spanning 6 meters and with a At the time of the refurbish-
compartment of 42m 2 (6 7m) floor loading of 80lbs. /sq. ft. ment the Building Code of
connected by open doors to the were subject to the maximum Australia required a fire resis-
larger volume. The roof com- permissible stress. A fire test tance time of 120 minutes for the
prised one-way spanning beams carried out in one quarter of the beams and slab, an ordinary haz-
of 254 146 31kg/m with later- ground floor (6 5 3m) using a ard level sprinkler system and
al purlins supporting 1.8 wood crib fire of 50 kg/m2 gener- sprinklers in the ceiling voids.
hectares of roof decking. The fire ated a fire temperature of The reinforcement details in the
load was very high at 95kg/m 2 1070Cequivalent to a one- slab were such that without pro-
giving a heat output of 15MW hour standard rating. The tection to the soffit 120 minutes
and a fire temperature of beams, however, had been given would not be achieved on the
1100C. A partial collapse of the only -hour protection by min- basis of standard fire test assess-

Modern Steel Construction / July 1998

ments. Similarly, to attain 120 tions of furniture in a typical In the fire the heavier
minutes in the beams protection office compartment of this multi- columns survived undamaged
would be required. The total cost story commercial building. The but the lighter columns
was estimated to exceed $2 mil- compartment, 8.4m 3.6 m, was deformed in the heat and short-
lion. The questions then arose - glazed on two sides and again ened by 100 mm, an effect con-
Does the fire protection need to had a non-fire rated suspended sidered to be due to restrained
be replaced? Does the sprinkler ceiling. The fire load comprising thermal expansion of the
system need to be upgraded? To desks, chairs, carpet, computer columns from the surrounding
answer the questions a test terminals, paper etc. was equiva- moment frame. The surrounding
building was constructed at the lent to 44kg of wood/m2. The fire frame however would also sup-
BHP Laboratories in Melbourne was started in a waste bin and port the columns once they had
that simulated a section of a typ- allowed to burn out naturally, reached their maximum capaci-
ical story of the 410-story struc- though it was found necessary to ty. As a result of load re-distribu-
ture. It consisted of an open plan leave open the door in order to tion no structural failure
office area 12m square in plan allow the fire to grow. The occurred and the integrity of the
containing a partitioned small atmosphere reached a maximum floor slab was maintained. The
office 4m square in the middle of temperature of 1163C while structure was repaired in 30
one of the glazed walls. Natural unprotected beams above the days at a cost of less than 5% of
fire tests were carried out with suspended ceiling reached the total loss and no lives were
real office furniture, with the 430C. Unprotected freestanding lost.
most severe test having a fire columns were placed both inside
load equivalent to 65kg of and outside the compartment to FIRE TESTS: CARDINGTON
wood/m2. Columns were protect- generate data. Maximum tem- As a natural progression from
ed with fire resistant plaster- perature of columns inside was the earlier fire tests cited above,
board; the beams (above a non- 730C and 480C for external British Steels Swinden
fire rated suspended ceiling) columns 300 mm from the win- Technology Centre has recently
were unprotected. dows. The results of the tests carried out a series of tests on a
The test program showed that were sufficient to justify unpro- full-scale, eight-story, steel-
the existing extra-light sprinkler tected beams and external framed composite test building
level was effective in controlling columns. located in a huge hangar at
both developing and well-devel- Cardington in Bedfordshire, UK.
oped fires in both the open plan BROADGATE - UK The test structure was
and small office areas. In a test Unlike the previous examples designed as a normal commercial
carried out when the beams and of experimental fire tests, at office building to national design
slab were unprotected and the Broadgate a severe fire of over 4- requirements and was built
sprinkler system switched off, 1/2 hours duration occurred dur- using normal fabrication and
the maximum temperature ing construction of a real 14- construction processes, explained
reached at any point on the story building. The opportunity M.A. OConnor and D.M. Martin,
castellated central beam above was taken, with the clients sup- both of British Steel, in their
the non-fire rated suspended port, to conduct a detailed inves- paper presented at the Second
ceiling was 632C at 112 min- tigation to seek to establish the World Steel Congress and print-
utes. Its deflection was 120mm structural performance during ed in the Journal of
at the mid point of its 12 meter the fire in addition to the normal Constructional Steel Research.
span. The deflection recovered structural survey under such cir- The braced-frame structure
almost completely when the cumstances, which is aimed pri- incorporates three stiff cores (a
structure cooled. marily at defining the needs for central lift shaft and two stair-
As a result of the tests and a reinstatement. wells at either side of the build-
risk assessment program, the Building contractors offices ing) and a composite floor con-
building was approved by the and storage facilities on the first struction. The floor layout
authorities with unprotected floor level, which had been erect- consists of five 9m (32) bays
beams, with unprotected floor ed around the steel columns at along the elevation and three
slabs and without upgrading the that level, caught fire and were bays across the structure.
extra-light hazard sprinkler sys- completely destroyed. The Johnson described the various
tem. columns of the building, which Cardington tests in his paper
passed through the heart of the presentation.
380 COLLINS STREET - fire, had not been fire protected. The first test was conducted
AUSTRALIA Atmosphere temperatures in the in January 1995 on steel work
This test, also conducted by fire were estimated to be of the supporting the 7th floor. A
BHP Research, Melbourne, was order of 1000C and metallurgi- restrained, unprotected sec-
carried out to collect tempera- cal examination of the steelwork ondary beam and associated
ture data under real fire condi- suggested beam temperatures of composite slab were heated to
around 600C.

Modern Steel Construction / July 1998

temperatures approaching 870C pane of glazing was broken, the applied throughout the building
over a period of 2 hours and 45 temperature rose to 265C but using sandbags.
minutes. The maximum deflec- there was still insufficient oxy- As with previous tests, the
tion of the beam and slab at the gen for sustained fire growth. ventilation governed the devel-
end of the test was only 230mm Only after a second pane was opment and severity of the fire.
(i.e. span/39). Through signifi- broken was there sufficient oxy- Rapid ignition led to window
cant restraining action, the test gen available for flashover to breakage, leading to lower peak
indicated that single composite occur. Some 6 minutes after temperatures although a much
beams possess a significant flashover, the temperatures had longer fire duration. The maxi-
degree of inherent structural fire increased rapidly to a maximum mum compartment temperature
resistance, which suggested that compartment temperature of was 763C, approximately 62
passive fire protection could be 1051C. A maximum steel tem- minutes from ignition. The maxi-
eliminated for such members in perature of 903C was reached mum steel temperature of 691C
multi-story buildings. after a further 12 minutes. occurred on the bottom flange of
In a second test carried out in The results of this test may be one of the main deep beams. The
May 1995, a 2.5m strip across summarized as follows: maximum temperature in the
the full 21m width of the struc- The floor slab continued to secondary beams was 685C and
ture was subjected to a gas fire withstand the applied load in the edge beams of 536C.
furnace test. The furnace sur- from above. The maximum-recorded value
rounded two internal columns, The partitions retained their of the displacement of the floor
two peripheral columns and integrity throughout the test. slab was 557mm. The limiting of
three primary composite beams The masonry wall retained its any damage within the particu-
designed to support the 4th floor integrity despite significant lar compartment boundaries and
steelwork. The column members thermal stress and lateral the floor immediately above
were fire protected to within deformation. demonstrated the integrity of the
200mm of the lower flanges of A maximum mid span steel overall steel structure and the
the beams. displacement of 270mm benefits of continuity and mem-
In this test, exposed steelwork occurred 128 minutes into the ber interaction.
temperatures of 802C were test; after cooling, this had Test results were quite inter-
recorded over a period of approx- recovered by 110mm. esting and confirm the results of
imately 2 hours. This test The fire did not develop signif- earlier studies. The tests indi-
showed the inherent fire resis- icantly until the double-glaz- cate that the behavior of unpro-
tance of composite beams in the ing was deliberately broken tected steelwork in a composite
absence of passive protection The structure remained total- framework is substantially bet-
with a maximum beam deflec- ly intact. ter than indicated in single-
tion of approximately span/34. A second major fire test took member fire tests, OConnor
Severe local distortions did place on 2 April 1996. This was and Martin concluded.
occur in the internal columns in the largest test planned for the The Cardington tests have
the exposed connection areas. eight-story steel structure. The shown that steel beams have
This damage was similar to that fire was situated on the second remained in place, supporting
observed in the Broadgate fire in floor in a corner compartment their load, at temperatures as
London in 1992. The external and this affected the third floor much as 330C higher than
columns showed little deflection. steelwork. The total floor area BS5950: Part 8 would predict,
The next test was the BRE under test was 342m2. Two sides Johnson states. Any deforma-
Corner Fire Test, which was con- of the fire compartment had fire- tions were very localized, with
ducted on the second. The aim resisting walls, with the other the structure totally undamaged
was to demonstrate the ability of two sides consisting of a dado away from the fire compart-
the structure to survive a severe wall with double glazed windows ment.
fire within a compartment repre- with an open section in each According to Johnson, the
sentative of a corner office. The wall. All columns and connec- design implications appear to be:
fuel involved was wood cribs tions were fire protected but the unprotected beams in compos-
designed to create a fire load beams, including edge beams, ite frames can withstand
density of 40kg/m2. The walls of were left unprotected. 1100C without collapse
the compartment consisted of A total of 42 large timber cribs columns are more critical and
fire resistant gypsum and there were placed within the compart- will need protection in multi-
were double glazed windows on ment to give a fire load of story buildings
one face. approximately 40kg/m2 or a the floor slab gives stability in
After ignition and a period of total fuel weight of 13,680kg. fire
time, the fire reached a tempera- Floor loads of 5.48kN/m2, repre- load transfer is not part of
ture of 265C and became senting the dead load plus one current design procedures but
starved of oxygen. After one third of the imposed load, were it obviously occurs

Modern Steel Construction / July 1998

alike the confidence to substitute
active for passive protection and
make it possible to gain the
undoubted benefits of sprinklers
without cost penalty, since the
cost of passive protection and
sprinklers is often about the
In a building that remains
stable the hazard to life is the
same whether the beams are
protected or not. It is smoke that
kills people and since sprinklers
cut down smoke we could expect
an active/passive substitution
policy to enhance life safety. In
terms of financial losses a substi-
tution policy would also pay divi-
dends. The main cost of fire
doesnt come from structural
repair, it comes from damage to
A sustained fire caused distortion but no collapse.
building contents and from loss
of businesssprinklers stifle
slab membrane action also 1. Unprotected beams in steel fires before they have a chance
occurs deck composite frames can to cause such damage.
where double glazed windows withstand 1100C without col- Ultimately the ability to pre-
do not break, fire development lapse. dict real structure behavior in
is often insignificant. 2. Columns are more critical real fires and to adjust the prob-
Added Robinson: Analysis of than beams and will need pro- ability of unwanted events are
the data from the Cardington tection in multi-story build- key elements to an engineering
project is still in its early stages ings. approach to fire. The challenge is
and we cannot, as yet, draw con- 3. The floor slab makes a major to ensure that the methodology
clusions. However, there are a contribution to stability in is presented in a way that is
number of inferences that we can fire. Further studies are need- easy to use and easy to check.
draw from simple observation of ed to understand and quantify We have to make certain that
both the Cardington results and its behavior. the new methods are as accessi-
of several major fires. ble to the Building Control
DESIGN Officer as they are to the Fire
STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR 1. Bridging (load transfer) is not Safety Engineering experts, oth-
1. Modern steel-framed steel incorporated in design proce- erwise they will be relegated to
deck composite structures are dures and yet it obviously unusual specialist applications
remarkably resilient in fires. occurs. Can we design for it; which would be a tragic fate for
Members have deformed [in likewise, should we design for an emerging discipline that
the tests] but none have col- it? holds so much promise.
lapsed. 2. Slab membrane action is also
2. Global structural stiffness not incorporated in design but (Copies of the Proceedings of
seems unaltered by six major is obviously happening. the Second World Steel Congress
fires so far. Should we design for it? can be purchased from Elsevier
3. In dead load tests after fires, 3. Double glazed windows did Science for $425. For more infor-
severely deformed slabs with- not break and lack of ventila- mation, consult their web site at
stood loads significantly high- tion stifled the fire. Can fire
er than their design load. growth be controlled by design
4. Longitudinal expansion of of the glazing?
unprotected beams has been One message that comes
minimal. through clearly from the
5. End plate connections can Cardington Project is that mod-
split on cooling - revised ern steel framed structures can
design details could overcome be designed to survive fires with-
this. out protection to the beams,
Robinson concludes. This should
FIRE RESISTANCE give designers and regulators

Modern Steel Construction / July 1998

In recent years, significant
improvements in fire protection
materials have taken place. Low-
cost mineral fiber or vermiculite
sprays are often used for beams
and columns (which are then
covered usually covered with
suspended ceilings or wallboard
to improve aesthetics). Also, thin
intumescent coatings (which
expand when heated to form a
solid protective foam) are gain-
ing a foothold in the market-
Another approach that is gain-
ing some popularity is the use of
concrete in-filling both for wide
flange members and HSS.
The use of poured concrete,
rather than blockwork, between
the flanges of steel members fur-
ther increases fire resistance.
According to studies cited by
Robinson and others at the 2nd
World Steel Congress, dense
poured concrete is more effective than lightweight blocks at drawing
heat from the steel section. Without reinforcement, other than shear
studs fixed to the web at 500mm intervals to carry nominal load to
prevent bursting of the concrete, the failure temperature with poured
concrete between the flanges is raised to over 800 degrees C.
Further, it can give a fire rating of one hour without application of fire
protection on site.
When reinforcement is included in the concrete, loads from the hot
flanges can be transferred, not just to the cool web of the steel sec-
tion, but also to the load bearing concrete and fire resistance up to
two hours is obtainable without further protection. One additional
advantage of concrete-filled columns is that they have a high resis-
tance to impact damage from vehicles.
Some designers are utilizing concrete-filled hollow sections in
which hollow structural sections (HSS) act as permanent formwork
for the concrete. The load transfer mechanism is similar to that of in-
filled columns and fire resistance times of up to two hours can be
achieved. Concrete reinforcement may be by standard bars or
through injecting steel fibers into the wet concrete mix. The HSS
members can be filled off-site or erected and then filled.

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