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Biology Weekly exercise

G7 S2 PB Nutrition in humans
Name: ____________________ Date:

Choose the correct answers

1. The following parts of our body is in the mouth, except

a. Teeth b. tongue c. Salivary glands d. pharynx

2. A piece of flap like tissue that usually prevents food from going down the wrong way is
a. Larynx b. Epiglottis d. glottis d. trachea

3. The following parts are inside the small intestine, except

a. Jejunum b. colon c. duodenum d. ileum

4. Which one is the largest gland in the body?

a. Pancreas b. heart c. liver d. spleen

5. Which of the following processes, does not happen in the mouth?

a. Saliva is mixed with the food.
b. The boli are swallowed and pass down into the oesophagus via the pharynx.
c. Salivary amylase digests starch to maltose
d. Food is mixed with gastric juice

6. Gastric juice is made up of the following substances, except

a. Amylase b. dilute hydrochloric acid c. pepsin d. rennin

7. Which of these enzymes digests protein into peptones?

a. Pepsin b. protease c. lipase d. rennin

8. The rate of absorption of digested food substances depends on the following factors,
a. The surface area of the small intestine
b. The membrane that separates the food substances from the blood capillaries
c. The concentration gradient
d. The amount of the enzymes

9. Which one is not a function of liver?

a. Regulation of blood glucose concentration
b. Production of bile
c. Iron storage
d. Fat synthesis

10.Most of the absorbed sugars are stored as _____________ in the liver.

a. Glucose b. glycogen c. amino acids d. starch

Answer the following questions

1. Describe how food moves along the gut using these words: longitudinal muscle, circular
muscle, contract, relax, peristalsis.
2. Complete the following table.

Source Enzyme Action

Salivary glands (mouth)
Gastric glands (Stomach)

Epithelial cells (small


3. Mention four adaptations of small intestines for absorption of food substances.

4. What role does the liver play in the digestion and utilization of food substances?

5. Mention harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

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