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Prayer with fasting is very powerful. Fasting for a minister is like workout for an
athlete! It empowers and helps power of God to flow through us. It has brought
revival in places and changed history. Jesus entered into the ministry after doing
a 40 days fast. Fasting prayer will equip us for spiritual warfare and also to:
Solve unsolved problems, get answer for unanswered prayers, get eluding
Overcome unmanageable crisis, get over impossible tasks, overcome dangers
Demolish demonic strong holds, get healing and deliverances, break curses
and bondages


Fasting prayer multiplies the effect of prayer and brings great results. Some of
the benefits are given here
1. To Honor / Serve / Minister to God
Lk 2:37 Serve God with prayer and fasting
Ac 13:1-3 Serve God with prayer and fasting
2. To Control Flesh and bring it under Spirit; have intimacy with God
and get His Guidance
It will bring restoration, wholeness, revival. It will help in having deeper
relationship with God and to become stronger in Christ
1 Cr 9:27 to make body a slave, under control of spirit ;
2 Cr 12:9-10 When we are week, we are strong
Dan 9:20 to get insight and understanding;
3. For Restoration and revival of Church, Region or Nation
Emphasize our plea and seriousness for revival before the Lord.
Ezra 8:23 the corporate fasting prayer is answered
2 Ch 7:14 hear prayer, forgive sins and heal land
Acts 13:1-3 corporate fasting prayer releasing will of God
4. For breakthroughs and to Break the power of evil
To break power of enemy and attacks of evil over people and congregations
Mt 7:21 Some kind of evil spirits will go out only with fasting and


Fasting prayer multiplies the effect of prayer and brings great results. Some of
the benifits are given here

1. Empowering through Fasting Jesus is the model

Fasting releases the power of Holy Spirit through us. Look at how Jesus
operated after fasting.
Lk 4:1-2 Jesus was filled with Holy Spirit
Lk 4:14 Power of Holy Spirit was flowing from Him
Fasting prayer can release you into a ministry operating in power, signs and
2. Weapon for Spiritual Warfare Demonic forces become uncomfortable!
Fasting prayer acts as a powerful weapon for spiritual warfare. It can dispel
demonic spirits, displace demonic strong holds and can break curses!
Mt 7:21 Some kind of evil spirits will go out only with fasting and prayer
2 Cr 10:3-6 Our weapons are spiritual, not carnal
3. Restoration & Revelation through Fasting prayer!
Righteousness is the foundation of faith. In case of unrighteousness, kingdom
of darkness rules! Faith taps into the power of God and releases the blessings
into the physical realm. Praise brings down the presence of God itself and
release anointing and blessings.
a. Jl 2:15 Fasting while in depressed state; Jl 2:25-29 Restoration and
b. Ac 2:16-18 Restoration and revelation baptism of HS and visions
and dreams
c. Is 58:12 Restoration in fasting
4. To Overcome Crisis or Calamities!
Fasting prayer is the best remedy when faced insurmountable crisis or
national level calamities! Fasting prayer has changed history of nations!
Es 4:15-15 Stopped distraction of Jewish race
Jo 3:4-5 Avoided destruction of Nineveh
5. To Get Protection / Direction from God
In times of confusion, fasting prayer is effective. Further when there is an
impossible task or insurmountable problem, fasting is a solution!
Ez 8:21-23 Ezra fasted and prayed and God replied
2 Ch 20:3 Jehoshphat facing powerful enemy, but fasted and God gave
6. To Enter into Ministry / Appoint Ministers/ Plant Churches
Jesus started ministry after a 40 day fast. He is our model! Disciples fasted
and prayed and Holy Spirit set apart apostles, evangelists etc.
Ac 13:3-4 Appointment of ministers
Ac 14: 23 Appointment of Ministers and planting churches
7. To humble ourselves and strengthen the spiritual man!
When we are weak, we are strong spiritually. Fasting is self-humbling
experience (Ez 8:21) wherein spirit takes control over flesh. When we humble
ourselves, Lord will lift you up. Jesus model: Jesus humbled himself and He
was exalted above all names (Pp2:5-9)
a. 2 Cr 12:9-10 When we are week, we are strong
b. Js 4:10 Humble ourselves and God will lift us up
c. 1 Pt 5:5-6 Humble and God will lift up in due time.
8. Fasting Prayer To dethrone enemy and take control of body
Fasting empowers us. It is a process of taking control of body and spirit. It will
result in healing, deliverance and wholeness.
Is 58:8 healing and health
Is 58:9 wholeness and restoration
9. Fasting can bring answer to prayer, receive direction from God and can
result in Revival!
Faith taps into the power of God and releases the blessings into the physical
realm. Praise brings down the presence of God itself and release anointing
and blessings.
Ez 8:21-23 Answer for fasting prayer ; Dn 1,9 Answer to fasting prayer
of Daniel
2 Ch 3:18 hear prayer, forgive sins and heal land!
10. To Bring Power and Presence of God!
There are many other biblical principles for effective prayer. Some of them
are enumerated below:
a. Is 55:8 Bring down the Glory of God into our midst. Holy Spirit will
hover over us.
b. 2 Cr 3:18 As we behold His glory, we will move from glory to glory


Fasting may be carried out by inspiration of Holy Spirit. If Holy Spirit inspires it
can be done on regular basis (say one day once a week, one seven days a year,
21 days or 40 days in few years etc)

1. Respect Our body

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our spirit leaves in our body. It has
to carry us to do commandments and commissioning done by the Holy Spirit.
However, our body should be brought under the control of our spirit.
a. Lk 4:1-2 Jesus was filled with Holy Spirit
b. Lk 4:14 Power of Holy Spirit was flowing from Him
Fasting prayer can release you into a ministry operating in power, signs and
2. Weapon for Spiritual Warfare Demonic forces become uncomfortable!
Fasting prayer acts as a powerful weapon for spiritual warfare. It can dispel
demonic spirits, displace demonic strong holds and can break curses!
a. Mt 7:21 Some kind of evil spirits will go out only with fasting and
b. 2 Cr 10:3-6 Our weapons are spiritual, not carnal
3. Restoration & Revelation through Fasting prayer!
Righteousness is the foundation of faith. In case of unrighteousness, kingdom
of darkness rules! Faith taps into the power of God and releases the blessings
into the physical realm. Praise brings down the presence of God itself and
release anointing and blessings.
a. Jl 2:15 Fasting while in depressed state; Jl 2:25-29 Restoration and
b. Ac 2:16-18 Restoration and revelation baptism of HS and visions
and dreams
c. Is 58:12 Restoration in fasting
4. To Overcome Crisis or Calamities!
Fasting prayer is the best remedy when faced insurmountable crisis or
national level calamities! Fasting prayer has changed history of nations!
i. Es 4:15-15 Stopped distraction of Jewish race
ii. Jo 3:4-5 Avoided destruction of Nineveh
5. To Get Protection / Direction from God
In times of confusion, fasting prayer is effective. Further when there is an
impossible task or insurmountable problem, fasting is a solution!
i. Ez 8:21-23 Ezra fasted and prayed and God replied
ii. 2 Ch 20:3 Jehoshphat facing powerful enemy, but fasted and
God gave victory

Praying as per biblical principles get the result! Multiple modes and levels of prayer
produce exponential results. Fasting will boost intensity and effectiveness of prayer,
at least 10 fold if not hundred fold. Use it to
Solve unsolved problems, get answer for unanswered prayers, get eluding
Overcome unmanageable crisis, get over impossible tasks, overcome dangers
Demolish demonic strong holds, get healing and deliverances, break curses
and bondages

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