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EVEN SEM 2015-16




1. What are software agents? (Nov/Dec2013)

2. Define the effect of Heuristic accuracy on performance. (Nov/Dec2013)
3. What are the functionalities of the agent? (Nov/Dec2012)
4. How we can avoid ridge and plateau in Hill Climbing. (Nov/Dec2012)
5. What is a rational agent? (Nov/Dec2011)
6. State the significance of using heuristic functions? (Nov/Dec2011)
7. Distinguish between supervised learning and unsupervised learning. (Nov/Dec2011)
8. What are the four component to define a problem? Define them. (Apr/May2013)
9. List down the characteristics of intelligent agent? (Apr/May2011)
10. What do you mean by local maxima with respect to search techniques? (Apr/May2011)
11. Define bi-directed search(Nov/Dec2013)
12. What is Intelligence?
13. Describe the four categories under which AI is classified with examples.
14. Define Artificial Intelligence.
15. List the fields that form the basis for AI.
16. What is a Knowledge Based System? Explain.
17. List a few of the task domains of AI.
18. Describe the components of a KBS.
19. What id meta-knowledge?
20. Expand LISP and PROLOG.
21. What is a Production System?
22. Define state-space search technique.
23. List the steps in performing a state-space search.
24. What is heuristic search?
25. Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples.
26. Define the logic behind Hill climbing, Best-First Search, BFS and DFS.
27. What is AI?
28. What are the task domains of artificial intelligence?
29. List the properties of knowledge?
30. What is an AI technique?
31. What are the steps to build a system that solves a problem?
32. What is a state space?
33. Explain the process operationalization?
34. How to define the problem as a state space search?
35. What does the production system consists of?
36. What are the requirements of a good control strategy?
37. What is chronological backtracking?
38. Give the advantages of depth-first search?
39. Give the advantages of breadth-first search?
40. What is combinatorial explosion?
41. Give an example of a heuristic that is useful for combinatorial problems?
42. What is heuristic?
43. Define heuristic function?
44. What is the purpose of heuristic function?
45. Write down the various problem characteristics?
46. What is certain outcome and uncertain outcome problem with examples?
47. What are the classes of problems with respect to solution steps with eg?
48. Illustrate the difference between any-path and best problem with examples?
49. What are the types of problems with respect to task interaction with a person?
50. What is propose and refine?
51. What is monotonic production system?
52. What is nonmonotonic production system?
53. What is commutative and partially commutative production system?
54. What are weak methods?
55. Write generate and test algorithm?
56. How is hill climbing different from generate and test?
57. When hill climbing fails to find a solution?
58. What is local maximum?
59. What is ridge?
60. What is plateau?
61. List the ways to overcome hill climbing problems?
62. Differentiate steepest accent from basic hill climbing?
63. Differentiate simple hill climbing from simulated annealing?
64. What are the components essential to select an annealing schedule?
65. What is best first search process?
66. State Graceful decay of admissibility
67. What is an agenda?
68. What is the limitation of problem reduction algorithm?
69. What is constraint satisfaction?
70. What is operator subgoaling?
71. Define playing chess


1. (i) Explain any two Informed search strategies. (10marks) [Apr/May2015]

(ii) Discuss about Constraint satisfaction problem (6marks)
2. Explain the following uninformed search strategies [Apr/May2015]
(i) Depth first search (6marks)
(ii) Iterative Deepening Depth First search (6marks)
(iii) Bidirectional search (4marks)
3. (i) What is an agent? Explain the basic kinds of agent program (10marks) [Nov/Dec2014]
(ii) Explain the components necessary to define a problem (6marks)
4. (i) What is depth limited search? Give the recursive implementation of depth limited search
(8marks) [Nov/Dec2014]
(ii) Discus recursive best first search algorithm (8marks) [Nov/Dec2014] [May/Jun2013]
5. (i) What are the problems caused due to incomplete knowledge on the states or actions?
Define each with Example. (8marks) [May/Jun2014]
(ii) Describe constraint satisfaction problem in detail (8marks)
6. (i) Explain the components of problem definition with an example. (8marks) [May/Jun2014]
(ii) Briefly explain the search strategies in uninformed search (8marks)
7. What are the five uninformed search strategies? Explain any two in detail with an example
(16marks) [Nov/Dec2013]
8. Explain the approach of formulation for constraint satisfaction problems with an example
(16marks) [Nov/Dec2013]
9. (i) What is uninformed search? Explain depth first search with an example (8marks)
10. (i) Explain the nature of heuristics with an example. What is the effect of heuristics accuracy
on performance? (8marks) [May/Jun2013]
(ii) Write a simple back tracking algorithm for constraint satisfaction problems. (8marks)
11. Explain in detail, the structure of different intelligent agents. (16marks) [Nov/Dec2012]
12. Explain in detail on the characteristics and applications of learning agents? (16marks)
13. Explain briefly the various problem characteristics?
14. What are the problems encountered during hill climbing and what are the ways available to
deal with these
15. problems?
16. Explain the process of simulated annealing with example?
17. Write A* algorithm and discuss briefly the various observations about algorithm?
18. Discuss AO* algorithm in detail?
19. Write in detail about the constraint satisfaction procedure with example?
20. Explain how the steepest accent hill climbing works?
21. Write in detail about the mean end analysis procedure with example?
22. Illustrate how to define a problem as a state space search with an example?
23. Discuss the merits and demerits of depth-first and breadth-first search with the algorithm?


1. Define the first order definite clause. (Nov/Dec2013)

2. State the expressiveness extension(Nov/Dec2013)
3. Represent the following sentences in predicates All the children likes sweets.
4. What is the significance in using the unification algorithm? (Nov/Dec2012)
5. Distinguish between predicate and propositional logic. (Nov/Dec2011)
6. What factors justify whether the reasoning is to be done in forward or backward reasoning?
7. Differentiate universal and existential quantifiers. (Apr/May2013)
8. What is skolemization? (Apr/May2013)
9. What factor determines the selection of forward or backward reasoning approach for an
AI problem? (Apr/May2011)
10. What are the limitations in using propositional logic to represent the knowledge base?
11. What do you mean by Game Playing?
12. What are the components of a Game software?
13. What is a plausible-move generator? What is its role?
14. Define alpha & beta values in a game tree.
15. Mention some of the knowledge representation techniques
16. How is predicate logic helpful in knowledge representation?
17. Define semantic networks.
18. What is the need of facts and its representation?
19. What is property inheritance?
20. Discuss in brief about ISA and Instance classes.
21. Give some use of conceptual dependency.
22. Define inference.
23. Define logic.
24. Write short notes on uniqueness quantifier.
25. Write short notes on uniqueness operator.
26. Define WWF with an example.
27. Define FOL with an example.
28. Difference between propositional and FOL logic.
29. Define forward chaining and backward chaining.
30. Define Horn clause.
31. Define Canonical horn clause.
32. Write notes on long term and short term memory.
33. Name any 3 frame languages.
34. Write short notes on SCRIPTS.
35. Define frames.


1. Illustrate the use of First Order Logic to represent knowledge (10marks) [Apr/May2015]
2. Give the completeness proof of resolution (8marks) [Nov/Dec2014]
3. Differentiate propositional logic with FOL. List the inference rules along with suitable
examples for First Order Logic. (10marks) [May/Jun2014]
4. State and explain the various steps in knowledge engineering process (16marks)
[Nov/Dec2013] & [Apr/May2011]
5. Explain the steps involved in knowledge engineering projects with example (10marks)
6. Consider the following facts and represent them in predicate form
F1. There are 500 employees in ABC company
F2. Employees earning more than Rs.5000 pay tax
F3. Jhon is a Manager in ABC company
F4. Manager earns Rs.10,000.
Convert the facts in predicate form to clauses and then prove by resolution: "Jhon pays tax".
(16marks) [Nov/Dec2012]
7. What are the four basic types of agent program in any intelligent system? Explain how did
you convert them into learning agents?. (16)
8. Explain the following uninformed search strategies with examples.
(a) Breadth First Search. (4)
(b) Uniform Cost Search (4)
(c) Depth First Search (4)
(d) Depth Limited Search (4)
9. What is PEAS? Explain different agent types with their PEAS descriptions. (16)
10. Explain in detail the properties of Task Environments. (16)
11. Define a problem and its components. Explain how a problem solving agent works? (16)
12. Explain real-world problems with examples. (16)
13. Explain in detail with examples
(a) Iterative deepening search (8)
(b) Bidirectional search (8)
14. How an algorithms performance is evaluated? Compare different uninformed search
strategies in terms of the four evaluation criteria. (16)
15. Issues in knowledge representation
16. 2. State Representation of facts in predicate logic.
17. 3. How will you represent facts in propositional logic with an example?
18. 4. Explain Resolution in brief with an example.
19. 5. Write algorithm for propositional resolution and Unification algorithm.
20. 6. Explain in detail about forward and backward chaining with suitable example.
21. 7. Explain steps involved in Matching.
22. 8. Explain in detail about semantic nets with its types and application with suitable examples.
23. 9. Explain in detail about frames representation.
24. 10. Disucss about conceptual dependency.
24. Explain in detail about scripts and CYC along with their uses.


1. Define temporal models. (Nov/Dec2013)

2. Define the Bayee rule. (Nov/Dec2012)
3. What do you mean hybrid Bayesian network? (Nov/Dec2012)
4. List two applications of Hidden Markov model. (Nov/Dec2011)
5. What are the logics used in reasoning with uncertain information? (Nov/Dec2011)
6. State Bayes rule. (Apr/May2013)
7. Give full specification of a Bayesian network. (Apr/May2013)
8. Define Dempster- Shafer theory? (Apr/May2011)
9. What are continuous random variables? (Nov/Dec2013)
10. Describe Bayes theorem.
11. What are the disadvantages of Closed World Assumption (CWA). How will you over- come
12. Define Non monotonic reasoning.
13. What are Truth Maintenance Systems? Draw its block diagram.
14. What are Bayesian networks? Give an example.
15. What is fuzzy logic? What is its use?
16. How Knowledge is represented?
17. What is propositional logic?
18. What are the elements of propositional logic?
19. What is inference?
20. What are modus ponens?
21. What is entailment?
22. What are knowledge based agents?
23. What are the two commitments of logic and define them?
24. What are the components of a first order logic?
25. What is the difference between the two quantifiers in the logics?
26. What is synchronic and diachronic?
27. What are casual rules?
28. What are diagnostic rules?
29. What is a model based reasoning systems?
30. What are the various steps in knowledge engineering process of a first order logic?
31. What are the various resolution strategies?
32. What is ontological engineering?
33. What is upper ontology?
34. What distinguish general purpose ontology and special purpose ontology?
35. What are categories and objects?
36. What is reification?
37. Define NMR
38. Define Justifications
39. What is non monotonic inference?
40. Difference between JTMS and LTMS
41. Define Bayes theorem.
42. What do you mean by Rule based system?
43. Define fuzzy logic.
44. What is credit assignment problem?
45. Define Frame problems.
46. What is planning?
47. What is nonlinear plan?
48. What is understanding
49. State different types of mapping
50. What do you understand by Default reasoning.
51. Is minimax depth fist search or Breadth first search.
52. What are singular extensions?
53. What is a Bayesian network?
54. Define dumpster Shafer theory.
55. What is goal directed mode.
56. Write in short about iterative deepening.
57. What are the components of planning system?


1. Explain Forward chaining and Backward chaining algorithm with an example (16marks)
2. Explain about the exact inference in Bayesian networks (16marks) [Apr/May2015]
3. Explain the forward chaining algorithm with the help of the pseudo code (8marks)
4. Explain variable elimination algorithm for answering queries on Bayesian networks (8marks)
5. Consider the following facts
(i) I saw my cat in the living room in 3hours ago.
(ii) 2 hours ago my door below open.
(iii) Three quarters of the time my door below open, my cat runs outside the door.
(iv) One hour ago I thought I heared a cat noise in my living.
Assume I was half cetain
(v) In one hour period the probability that the car will leave the room is 0.2. There is also a 0.2
probability that he may enter the room. What is the certainity that the cat is my living room? Use
Bayesian networks to answer this. (8marks) [May/June2014]
6. Explain the forward chaining process and efficient forward chaining with example. State its
usage. (16marks) [Nov/Dec2013]
7. Explain the need of fuzzy set and fuzzy logic with example (8marks) [Nov/Dec2013]
8. Discuss Backward chaining algorithm (8marks) [May/Jun2013]
9. (i) What is the enumeration algorithm for answering queries on Bayesian networks. (8marks)
(ii) Describe a method for constructing Bayesian networks. (8marks)
10. Explain the concept behind partial order planning with suitable examples. (16marks)
11. Explain the use of planning graphs in providing better heuristic estimates with suitable
examples (16marks) [Nov/Dec2012]
12. Explain the method of performing exact inference in Bayesian Networks (16marks)
13. Explain the method of handling approximate inference in Bayesian Networks (16marks)
14. (i) Define the syntactic elements of first-Order logic (8) (ii) Illustrate the use of first-order
logic to represent knowledge. (8)
15. Explain the steps involved in the knowledge Engineering process. Give an example. (16)
16. Explain with an example
a. forward chaining (8) (b) Backward chaining (8)
17. Give resolution proof for example problem statement :
a. West is a criminal (8) (b) Curiosity killed the cat (8)
18. What is Ontological Engineering? Explain with the diagram the upper ontology of the world.
19. How categories are useful in knowledge representation. (16)
20. What is situation calculus? Explain the ontology of situation calculus. (16)
21. What is a frame problem? (4) How do you solve the following problems in situation
a. Solving the representational frame problem (6)
b. Solving the inferential frame problem (6)
22. Write sort notes on
a. Event calculus (4)
b. Generalized events (4)
c. Intervals (4)
d. Fluents and objects (4)
23. Explain in detail the shopping agent for the Internet shopping world example. (16)
24. Explain in detail about Non Monotonic Reasoning with an example.
25. Describe the logics for NMR.
26. Sketch in detail about DFS and BFS implementation of NMR.
27. State how JTMS can be used to solve medical diagnosis.
28. Show how TMS are useful tools in solving constraint satisfactions problems.
29. Explain in detail about minimax procedure.
30. Explain the effect of Alpha beta cut off over minimax.
31. How would the minimax procedure have to be modified to be used by a program playing 3
a. or 4 persons instead of 2 persons.
32. Explain in detail about components of planning system.
33. Explain about various planning systems with appropriate examples.
34. What is understanding and state what makes it hard to understand.


1. Distinguish between Problem Solving and Planning. (Nov/Dec2012)

2. What are the characteristics of partial order planer? (Nov/Dec2012)
3. Distinguish between state space search and plan space search. (Nov/Dec2011)
4. Define partial order planning. (Nov/Dec2011)
5. What is consistent plan? (Apr/May2013)
6. Define critical path. (Apr/May2013)
7. Define partial order planner? (Apr/May2011)
8. What are the differences and similarities between problem solving and planning?
9. What is partial order planning? (Nov/Dec2013)
10. List down two applications of temporal probabilistic models? (Apr/May2011)
11. State the types of approximation methods. (Nov/Dec2013)
12. Define entailment constraints. (Nov/Dec2013)
13. Distinguish between supervised learning and reinforcement learning. (Nov/Dec2012)
14. Define computational learning theory. (Nov/Dec2012)
15. Define Inductive learning. (Nov/Dec2011)
16. Distinguish between supervised learning and unsupervised learning. (Nov/Dec2011 &
17. Define support vector. (Apr/May2013)
18. Explain the concept of learning from example? (Apr/May2011)
19. How statistical learning differ from reinforcement learning? (Apr/May2011)
20. What are the types of learning?
21. What is an ensemble learning?
22. Give a simple mathematical model for a neuron.
23. What are the two choices for activation function?
24. What are the categories of neural network structures?
25. What is memoization?
26. State the factors involved in analysis of efficency gains from EBL.
27. State the design issues that affect the learning element.
28. State the factors that play a role in the design of learning systems.
29. State the decision tree as a performance element.
30. Define state-space search.
31. What are the types of state-space search?
32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Partial-Order Planning?
33. What is a Planning graph?
34. What is Conditional planning?
35. What is action monitoring?
36. Define planning.
37. List the features of an ideal planner?
38. What are the components that are needed for representing an action?
39. What are the components that are needed for representing a plan?
40. What are the different types of planning?
41. Define a solution.
42. Define complete plan and consistent plan.
43. What are Forward state-space search and Backward state-space search?
44. What is Induction heuristics? What are the different types of induction heuristics?
45. Define Reification.
46. What is reified link?
47. Define action monitoring.
48. What is meant by Execution monitoring?


1. Explain the use of planning graph in providing better heuristic estimation with suitable
example (16marks) [Apr/May2015]
2. Explain in detail about Active and Passive Reinforcement learning (16) [Apr/May2015]
3. (i) Give a detailed account on the planning with state space research (8marks)
(ii) Explain the concept behind partial order planning with examples (8marks)
4. Describe planning graph in detail (8marks) [May/June2014]
5. Suppose you set this as a machine learning problem to a learning agent. You specify that the
positives are the exams which are difficult (10marks) [May/Jun2014]
6. Explain the procedure of planning with state space search with example (16marks)
7. Discuss state space search based planning algorithms (8marks) [May/Jun2013]
8. Explain the concept of planning with state space search using example (16marks)

1. What are expert systems?

2. What are the most important aspects of expert system?
3. What are the characteristics of expert system?
4. Sketch the general features of expert system?
5. Who are all involved in the expert system building?
6. Explain the role of domain expert?
7. Explain the role of knowledge engineer?
8. What is the use of expert system building tool?
9. Compare the merits of human over artificial expertise?
10. Compare the merits of artificial over human expertise?
11. Give the structure of an expert system?
12. Explain the approaches in interviewing the expert?
13. What is the use of expert system tools?
14. Name the programming languages used for expert system applications?
15. What are the types of tools available for expert system building?
16. Explain AGE?
17. What are the typical components of an expert system support environment?
18. What are the stages in the development of Expert System Tools?
19. Name the programming methods supported by expert system tools?
20. What are the knowledge representations supported by expert system tools?
21. What are the applications of EMYCIN?
22. What are the applications of EXPERT?
23. When is Expert System Development Possible?
24. When is Expert System Development justified?
25. When is Expert System Development appropriate?
26. What are the questions to ask when selecting an Expert system tool?
27. What are the limitations of expert systems?
28. What are the problems the company faces when trying to apply expert system?
29. What are the common pitfalls in planning an expert system?
30. What are the pitfalls in dealing with the domain expert?
31. Where is expert system work being done?
32. What is meant by a commercial expert system?
33. Name any two expert system used in research?
34. Name any two expert system used in business?
35. Explain XCON?


1. Explain in MYCIN and write its applications.

2. Explain in EXPERT and write its applications.
3. Explain the various stages in development of ES tools.
4. Explain the tasks involved in building expert system? Explain the difficulties involved in
developing an expert system?
5. What are common pitfalls in planning an expert system? Explain the pitfalls in dealing with
the domain expert and Explain the pitfalls during the development process
6. What is meant by high performance expert system? How is it used in research and in
7. In detail Explain XCON & DART.

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