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Program Description:

"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel
beam end connections using double clip angles bolted to the beam web and bolted to either the column, flange,
column web, or girder web. The connections may be subjected to end shear reaction and/or axial load.
Specifically, all applicable "limit states" for the end connection analysis pertaining to the clip angles, bolts, beam
web, column flange or web, and girder web are checked.

This program is a workbook consisting of five (5) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Bolted Clips(Col Flg) Clip angles bolted to beam web and bolted to column flange
Bolted Clips(Col Web) Clip angles bolted to beam web and bolted to column web
Bolted Clips(Girder) Clip angles bolted to beam web and bolted to girder web
Uncoped Beam Table End shear reaction capacities for uncoped beams using clip angles

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 13th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
2. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 13.0 (2005) as well as the AISC 13th Edition (ASD) Manual (2005).
3. This program assumes that the tension capacity for any "limit state" is reduced by the presence of shear.
For allowable bolt tension in the presence of shear, the "interaction" (combined stresses) is handled directly
by the AISC Code equations. For other "limit states" in combined stresses such as bolt bearing, gross and
net shear and tension, and block shear and tension tearout, the effect of "interaction" is handled by use of
the formula, P/Ra+(R/Rv)^2=1, as suggested from the following reference:
"Combined Shear and Tension Stress" - by Subhash C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986.
Thus, the reduction factor applied to the tension "limit state" capacity is = (1-R/Rv)^2.
where: R = actual shear end reaction
Rv = allowable shear capacity for the particular "limit state" considered
4. This program follows the procedure for "yield line" theory for the flexural analysis of either a column web or
a girder web subjected to an axial load, as outlined in "Connections" by Larry S. Muir and William A. Thornton
and published by Cives Steel Company.
(Note: This booklet is a reprint of Chapter 3, from the "Structural Steel Designer's Handbook, 4 th Edition.)
5. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box
is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3


Using Clip Angles Bolted to Column Flange and Bolted to Beam Web
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Project Name: Client: ###
Project No.: Prep. By: Date: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam and Support Data: tf=0.615 ###
Beam Size = w16x26 d=21 ###
Column Size = w21x62 ###
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi ###
Column Yield Stress, Fyc = 50 ksi Face of Col. Flange ###
g=5.5 ta=0.375 ###
Connection Loadings: ED=1.25 D2 =2.25 ###
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 60.00 kips D1=3
Beam Axial Force, P = 20.00 kips Nr=4 S ###
S P=20 k
Connection Data and Parameters: R= 60 k ###
Angle Leg (OSL) at Column, Lc = 4 in. Lc=4 ###
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3 1/ 2 in. s=0.5 ###
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 3/ 8 in. Lb=3.5 ###
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi A325
Diameter of Bolts, db = 7/ 8 in. General Nomenclature
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325 N
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N tw=0.25 c=0 X
Faying Surface Class = N.A. tf=0.345 dc1=0
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard N.A.
Number of Bolts in Vert. Row, Nr = 4 Class A
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. d=15.7 Class B
Dist. from Top/Beam to Bolts, D1 = 3.0000 in. Standard
Bolt Vertical Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Oversized
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.2500 in. bf=5.5 dc2=0
Dist. from Support to Bolts, D2 = 2.2500 in. c=0 ###
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. Beam and Cope Nomenclature
Length of Flange Cope(s), c = 0.0000 in. ###
Depth of Top Flange Cope, dc1 = 0.0000 in. Max. Shear Capacity of Connection: ###
Depth of Bottom Flange Cope, dc2 = 0.0000 in. R(max) = 68.25 kips ###
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.0000 in. R = 60.00 kips ###
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 in. S.R. = 0.88 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Member Properties: ###
Beam: Column: ###
A= 7.68 A= 18.30 in.^2 ###
d = 15.700 d= 21.000 in. Yes
tw = 0.250 tw = 0.400 in. No
bf = 5.500 bf = 8.240 in.
tf = 0.345 tf = 0.615 in. Bolt Bearing C
k = 0.747 k= 1.120 in. C2 =

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Results: Lcs =
Rpe =
General Parameters: Rps =
Bolt and Material Data: Rpv =
dh1 = 15/16 in. dh1 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in angles) Shear Yielding
dh2 = 15/16 in. dh2 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in beam web/col. flg) Avg =
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = *db^2/4 Rvg =
Fua = 58.0 ksi Fua = 58 for Fya = 36 (for angles) Shear Rupture
Fub = 65.0 ksi Fub = 65 for Fyb = 50 (for beam) Avn =
Fuc = 65.0 ksi Fuc = 65 for Fyc = 50 (for column) Rvn =
Block Shear ("
Clip Angles to Support: Anv =
Bolt Tension and Shear: (Note: eccentricity between C.L.'s of beam and connection is ignored) Agv =
Nb = 8 bolts Nb = 2*Nr (total number of bolts at support connection) Ant =
vb = 7.50 kips/bolt vb = R/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Rbs =
fv = 12.47 ksi fv = vb/Ab (actual bolt shear stress) Clip Angles to B
= N.A. Bolt Shear (Do
Tb = N.A. kips Nb =
Fnv = 48.00 ksi Fnv = Nominal shear stress for A325-N from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104 Pr =
Fnv' = 48.00 ksi Fnv' = Fnv (no reduction needed for comb. effects) =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Fnv' / 2 (allowable bolt shear stress) vb =
ks = N.A. ks = not applicable for N or X bolts =
Vb = 14.43 kips/bolt Vb = Ab*Fv (allowable shear/bolt) Tb =
Rbv = 115.45 kips Rbv = Nb*Vb (allow. shear load) Rbv >= R, O.K.
T= 2.50 kips/bolt T = P/Nb (actual tension/bolt) Vb =
ft = 4.16 ksi ft = T/Ab (actual bolt tension stress) Rbr =
At = 0.4617 in.^2 At = *(db - 0.9743/n)^2, where n is the numbers of threads per inch Rbv =
Fnt = 90.00 ksi Rba =
Fnt = Nominal tension stress for A325 bolts from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104
Fnt' = 90.00 ksi Fnt' = Fnt (no reduction needed for comb. effects Bolt Bearing C
Ft = 45.00 ksi Ft = Fnt' / 2 (allowable bolt tension stress) C2 =
B = 27.06 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (allow. tension load) Lce =
Rbt = 216.48 kips Rbt = Nb*B (allow. tension load) Rbt >= P, O.K.
Rpe =
Prying Action and Clip Angle Bending at OSL's: Rps =
p = 2.7500 in. p = Min. of: S or S/2+ED (tributary angle length/bolt) Rpv =
b = 2.4375 in. b = (g-tw-ta)/2 Bolt Bearing C
b' = 2.0000 in. b' = b-db/2 C2 =
a = 1.3700 in. a = minimum of: (bfc-g)/2 , (2*Lc+twb-g)/2 , or 1.25*b Lce =
a' = 1.8075 in. a' = a+db/2 Lcs =
= 1.1065 = b'/a' Rpe =
d' = 0.9375 d' = dh1 Rps =
= 0.6591 = 1-d'/p Rpa =
= 8.878 = (1/)*(B/T-1) Shear Yielding
' = 1.0000 If >= 1: ' = 1, If < 1: ' = lesser of 1.0 or (1/)*(/(1-)) Avg =
ta(req'd) = 0.355 in. ta(req'd) = SQRT(6.66*T*b'/(p*Fua*(1+*'))) ta >= ta(req'd), O.K.
tc = 1.503 in. tc = SQRT(6.66*B*b'/(p*Fua)) Shear Rupture
' = 10.8540 ' = 1/(*(1+))*((tc/ta)^2-1) Avn =
Ra = 22.35 kips If ' >1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+) , If ' < 0: Ra = Nb*B Rvn =
If 0 <= ' <= 1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+*') Ra >= P, O.K.

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Rtg =
Clip Angles to Support (continued): Net Tension Ca
Atn =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Rtn =
C2 = N.A. in. Block Shear ("
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Anv =
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Agv =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Ant =
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Rbs =
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nb-1)*Rps } Rp >= R, O.K.
Anv =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Agv =
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Ant =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Tension Tear-O
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Anv =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Agv =
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Rto =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Beam Checks fo
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Bolt Bearing C
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta C2 =
Ant = 0.656 in.^2 Ant = 2*{ (2*Lc+tw-g)/2-(dh1+1/16)/2 }*ta Lce =
Rbs = 102.06 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Lcs =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
Clip Angles to Beam Web: Rps =
Bolt Shear (Double-Shear): (Note: eccentricity = D2 is neglected per AISC Manual pg. 10-8) Rpv =
Nb = 4 bolts Nb = Nr (total number of bolts at beam connection) Bolt Bearing C
Pr = 63.25 kips Pr = SQRT(R^2+P^2) (resultant load) C2 =
= 18.43 deg. = 90-(ATAN(R/P)) (angle from vertical) Lce =
vb = 15.81 kips/bolt vb = Pr/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Lcs =
= N.A. Rpe =
Tb = N.A. kips Rps =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Allow. shear stress from AISC Table 7-1, page 7-22 (for N bolts)Rpa =
Vb = 28.86 kips/bolt Vb = 2*Fv*Ab (2 for Double Shear) Shear Yielding
Rbr = 115.45 kips Rbr = Nb*Vb (allow. end shear) ho =
Rbv = 109.53 kips Rbv = Rbr*COS (vertical) Rbv >= R, O.K.
Rba = 36.51 kips Rba = Rbr*SIN (axial) Rba >= P, O.K.
kv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Vertical): Cv =
C2 = N.A. in. Rvg =
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Shear Rupture
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Avn =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Rvn =
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Gross Tension
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps } Rpv >= R, O.K.
Rtg =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Axial): Net Tension Ca
C2 = N.A. in. Atn =
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Rtn =
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Block Shear ("
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Anv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axialAgv
Rpa = 69.71 kips Rpa = 2*Nr*Rpe*(1-(R/Rpa)^2) Rpa >= P, O.K.

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Rbs =
Clip Angles to Beam Web (continued): Tension Tear-O
Anv =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Agv =
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Ant =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Tension Tear-O
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Anv =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Agv =
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Rto =
Gross Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Web Buckling
Atg = 8.625 in.^2 Atg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Web Buckling
Rtg = 142.82 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
Bolt Bearing C
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986)
Net Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: C2 =
Atn = 5.625 in.^2 Atn = Atg-2*(Nb*(dh1+1/16))*ta Lce =
Rtn = 101.82 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fua*Atn)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2) <= (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2)Lcs =
Rtn >= P, O.K.
Rps =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rpv =
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Bolt Bearing C
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta C2 =
Ant = 0.563 in.^2 Ant = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Lce =
Rbs = 99.34 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Lcs =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
Rps =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rpa =
Anv = 0.563 in.^2 Anv = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Shear Yielding
Agv = 0.938 in.^2 Agv = 2*ED2*ta ho =
Ant = 5.063 in.^2 Ant = ((ED1+(Nr-1)*S)-((Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Avg =
Rto = 99.47 kips Rto = {min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant)}*(1-(R/Rbs)^2)h/tw =
Rto >= P, O.K.
Cv =
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rvg =
Anv = 1.125 in.^2 Anv = 2*(2*((Lb-D2)-(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Shear Rupture
Agv = 1.875 in.^3 Agv = 2*(2*(Lb-D2))*ta Avn =
Ant = 4.500 in.^2 Ant = 2*((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16))*ta Rvn =
Rto = 150.08 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Gross Tension
Rto >= P, O.K.
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges: Rtg =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Vertical): Net Tension Ca
Lce = 2.531 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Atn =
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Rtn =
Rpe = 17.06 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Block Shear ("
Rps = 17.06 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Anv =
Rpv = 68.25 kips Rpv = Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps Rpv >= R, O.K.
Ant =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Axial): W14X43
Lce = 1.281 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Rbs =
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Tension Tear-O
Rpe = 12.49 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Anv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axialAgv load=
Rpa = 49.97 kips Rpa = Nb*Rpe Rpa >= P, O.K.

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Tension Tear-O
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges (continued): Anv =
Agv =
Shear Yielding Capacity of Beam Web: Ant =
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Rto =
Avg = 3.925 in.^2 Avg = d*tw Web Buckling
Rvg = 78.50 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fyb*Cv*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Shear Rupture Capacity of Beam Web: yc =
Avn = N.A. in.^2 Avn = not applicable for uncoped beam In =
Rvn = N.A. kips Rvn = not applicable for uncoped beam
Fbc =
Gross Tension Capacity of Beam: Rwb =
Atg = 7.680 in.^2 Atg = A Web Buckling
Rtg = 95.80 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fyb*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986) f=
Net Tension Capacity of Beam: c/ho =
Atn = 6.680 in.^2 Atn = Atg-(Nr*(dh2+1/16))*tw k=
Rtn = 217.10 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fub*Atn) <= (0.60*Fyb*Atg) Fbc =
Rtn >= P, O.K.
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: W12X40
D3 = N.A. in. Beam Checks fo
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam Bolt Bearing C
C2 =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Lce =
Ant = N.A. in.^2 Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Lcs =
Rbs = N.A. kips Rbs = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpe =

Rpv =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: Bolt Bearing C
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam C2 =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Lce =
Ant = N.A. in.^2 Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Lcs =
Rpe =
Rto = N.A. kips Rto = not applicable for uncoped beam Rps =

Shear Yielding
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: ho =
Anv = 0.500 in.^2 Anv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)-[0.5*(dh2+1/16)]}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun in beam length Avg =
Agv = 0.750 in.^3 Agv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun in beam length h/tw =
Ant = 1.500 in.^2 Ant = ((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh2+1/16))*tw kv =
Rto = 58.50 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fub*Anv+0.50*Fub*Ant, 0.30*Fyb*Agv+0.50*Fub*Ant)Cv =

Shear Rupture
Web Buckling (Flexural Rupture) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: Avn =
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Rvn =
e= N.A. in. e = not applicable for uncoped beam Gross Tension
yc = N.A. in. yc = not applicable for uncoped beam Atg =
In = N.A. in.^4 In = not applicable for uncoped beam Rtg =
Sn = N.A. in.^3 Sn = not applicable for uncoped beam Net Tension Ca
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam Atn =
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges (continued): Anv =
Web Buckling (Flexural Local Buckling) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: Agv =
c/d = N.A. c/d = not applicable for uncoped beam Ant =
f= N.A. f = not applicable for uncoped beam W8X10
c/ho = N.A. c/ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Rbs =
k= N.A. k = not applicable for uncoped beam Tension Tear-O
fd = N.A. fd = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
lambda= N.A. lambda = not applicable for uncoped beam Agv =
Q= N.A. Q = not applicable for uncoped beam Ant =
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam ((D3
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam
Tension Tear-O
Column Checks: Anv =
Prying Action and Column Flange Bending Agv =
twc = 0.4000 in. twc = tw (web doubler plate is ignored for prying) Ant =
p = 3.0000 in. p = S (for bolts in column flange) Rto =
b = 2.5500 in. b = (g-tw)/2 Web Buckling
b' = 2.1125 in. b' = b-db/2 ho =
a = 1.3750 in. a = minimum of: (bfc-g)/2 , (2*Lc+twb-g)/2 , or 1.25*b e=
a' = 1.8125 in. a' = a+db/2 yc =
= 1.1655 = b'/a' In =
d' = 0.9375 in. d' = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 Sn =
= 0.6875 = 1-d'/p Fbc =
= 8.429 = (1/)*(B/T-1) Rwb =
' = 1.0000 If >= 1: ' = 1, If < 1: ' = lesser of 1.0 or (1/)*(/(1-)) Web Buckling
tf(req'd) = 0.3269 in. tf(req'd) = SQRT(6.66*T*b'/(p*Fuc*(1+*'))) tf >= tf(req'd), O.K.
tc = 1.3973 in. tc = SQRT(6.66*B*b'/(p*Fuc)) (to develop 'B' in bolts/no prying) lambda =
' = 2.7954 ' = 1/(*(1+))*((tc/tfc)^2-1) Q=
Ra = 60.11 kips If ' >1: Ra = Nb*B*(tfc/tc)^2*(1+) , If ' < 0: Ra = Nb*B Fbc =
If 0 <= ' <= 1: Ra = Nb*B*(tfc/tc)^2*(1+*') Ra >= P, O.K.
Column Checks
Bolt Bearing in Column Flange: Prying Action a
Rpc = 335.79 kips Rpc = (1/2)*(2.4*db*tf*Fuc*Nb) Rpc >= R, O.K.
Column Web Yielding: (Criteria is assumed for beam near column end per AISC Eqn. J10-3) b =
twc = 0.4000 in. twc = tw (web doubler plate is ignored for prying) b' =
N = 9.000 in. Assume: N = (Nr-1)*S a=
Rwy = 157.33 ksi Rwy = (1/1.5)*Fyc*twc*(N+2.5*kc) Rwy >= P, O.K.
Column Web Crippling: (Criteria is for beam near column end per AISC Eqn. J10-5a) d' =
twc = 0.4000 in. twc = tw (web doubler plate is ignored for prying) =
N = 9.000 in. Assume: N = (Nr-1)*S =
Rwc = 80.00 kips Rwc = (1/2.0)*0.4*twc^2*(1+3*(N/d)*(twc/tfc)^1.5)*SQRT(E*Fyc*tfc/twc)' =
Rwc >= P, O.K.
tc =
Web Doubler Plate to Column Flange Welding: ' =
Ldw = N.A. in. Ldw = 2*((Nr-1)*S+2*ED) Ra =
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = P/Ldw
= N.A. in. (size) = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) Bolt Bearing in
(max) = N.A. in. (size) (max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) Rpc =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3


Using Clip Angles Bolted to Column Web and Bolted to Beam Web
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Project Name: Client: ###
Project No.: Prep. By: Date: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam and Support Data: tw=0.4
Beam Size = w16x26 bf=8.24
Column Size = w21x62 ###
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi ###
Column Yield Stress, Fyc = 50 ksi Face of Col. Web ###
g=5.5 ta=0.375 ###
Connection Loadings: ED=1.25 D2 =2.25 ###
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 60.00 kips D1=3
Beam Axial Force, P = 20.00 kips Nr=4 S ###
S P=20 k
Connection Data and Parameters: R= 60 k ###
Angle Leg (OSL) at Column, Lc = 4 in. Lc=4 ###
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3 1/ 2 in. s=0.5 ###
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 3/ 8 in. Lb=3.5 ###
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi A325
Diameter of Bolts, db = 7/ 8 in. General Nomenclature
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325 N
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N tw=0.25 c=0 X
Faying Surface Class = N.A. tf=0.345 dc1=0
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard N.A.
Number of Bolts in Vert. Row, Nr = 4 Class A
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. d=15.7 Class B
Dist. from Top/Beam to Bolts, D1 = 3.0000 in. Standard
Bolt Vertical Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Oversized
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.2500 in. bf=5.5 dc2=0
Dist. from Support to Bolts, D2 = 2.2500 in. c=0 ###
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. Beam and Cope Nomenclature
Length of Flange Cope(s), c = 0.0000 in. ###
Depth of Top Flange Cope, dc1 = 0.0000 in. Max. Shear Capacity of Connection: ###
Depth of Bottom Flange Cope, dc2 = 0.0000 in. R(max) = 68.25 kips ###
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.0000 in. R = 60.00 kips ###
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 in. S.R. = 0.88 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Check Col. Web Bending/Shear? No ###
Member Properties: ###
Beam: Column: ###
A= 7.68 A= 18.30 in.^2 ###
d = 15.700 d= 21.000 in. Yes
tw = 0.250 tw = 0.400 in. No
bf = 5.500 bf = 8.240 in.
tf = 0.345 tf = 0.615 in. Bolt Bearing C
k = 0.747 k= 1.120 in. C2 =

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Results: Lcs =
Rpe =
General Parameters: Rps =
Bolt and Material Data: Rpv =
dh1 = 15/16 in. dh1 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in angles) Shear Yielding
dh2 = 15/16 in. dh2 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in beam/col. webs) Avg =
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = *db^2/4 Rvg =
Fua = 58.0 ksi Fua = 58 for Fya = 36 (for angles) Shear Rupture
Fub = 65.0 ksi Fub = 65 for Fyb = 50 (for beam) Avn =
Fuc = 65.0 ksi Fuc = 65 for Fyc = 50 (for column) Rvn =
Block Shear ("L
Clip Angles to Support: Anv =
Bolt Tension and Shear: (Note: eccentricity between C.L.'s of beam and connection is ignored) Agv =
Nb = 8 bolts Nb = 2*Nr (total number of bolts at support connection) Ant =
vb = 7.50 kips/bolt vb = R/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Rbs =
fv = 12.47 ksi fv = vb/Ab (actual bolt shear stress) Clip Angles to B
= N.A. Bolt Shear (Do
Tb = N.A. kips Nb =
Fnv = 48.00 ksi Fnv = Nominal shear stress for A325-N from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104 Pr =
Fnv' = 48.00 ksi Fnv' = Fnv (no reduction needed for comb. effects) =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Fnv' / 2 (allowable bolt shear stress) vb =
ks = N.A. ks = not applicable for N or X bolts =
Vb = 14.43 kips/bolt Vb = Ab*Fv (allowable shear/bolt) Tb =
Rbv = 115.45 kips Rbv = Nb*Vb (allow. shear load) Rbv >= R, O.K.
T= 2.50 kips/bolt T = P/Nb (actual tension/bolt) Vb =
ft = 4.16 ksi ft = T/Ab (actual bolt tension stress) Rbr =
At = 0.4617 in.^2 At = *(db - 0.9743/n)^2, where n is the numbers of threads per inch Rbv =
Fnt = 90.00 ksi Fnt = Nominal tension stress for A325 bolts from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104 Rba =
Fnt' = 90.00 ksi Fnt' = Fnt (no reduction needed for comb. effects Bolt Bearing C
Ft = 45.00 ksi Ft = Fnt' / 2 (allowable bolt tension stress) C2 =
B = 27.06 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (allow. tension load) Lce =
Rbt = 216.48 kips Rbt = Nb*B (allow. tension load) Rbt >= P, O.K.
Rpe =
Prying Action and Clip Angle Bending at OSL's: Rps =
p = 2.7500 in. p = Min. of: S or S/2+ED (tributary angle length/bolt) Rpv =
b = 2.4375 in. b = (g-tw-ta)/2 Bolt Bearing C
b' = 2.0000 in. b' = b-db/2 C2 =
a = 1.3700 in. a = minimum of: (bfc-g)/2 , (2*Lc+twb-g)/2 , or 1.25*b Lce =
a' = 1.8075 in. a' = a+db/2 Lcs =
= 1.1065 = b'/a' Rpe =
d' = 0.9375 d' = dh1 Rps =
= 0.6591 = 1-d'/p Rpa =
= 8.878 = (1/)*(B/T-1) Shear Yielding
' = 1.0000 If >= 1: ' = 1, If < 1: ' = lesser of 1.0 or (1/)*(/(1-)) Avg =
ta(req'd) = 0.355 in. ta(req'd) = SQRT(6.66*T*b'/(p*Fua*(1+*'))) ta >= ta(req'd), O.K.
tc = 1.503 in. tc = SQRT(6.66*B*b'/(p*Fua)) Shear Rupture
' = 10.8540 ' = 1/(*(1+))*((tc/ta)^2-1) Avn =
Ra = 22.35 kips If ' >1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+) , If ' < 0: Ra = Nb*B Rvn =
If 0 <= ' <= 1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+*') Ra >= P, O.K.

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Rtg =
Clip Angles to Support (continued): Net Tension Ca
Atn =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Rtn =
C2 = N.A. in. Block Shear ("L
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Anv =
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Agv =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Ant =
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Rbs =
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nb-1)*Rps } Rp >= R, O.K.
Anv =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Agv =
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Ant =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Tension Tear-O
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Anv =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Agv =
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Rto =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Beam Checks fo
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Bolt Bearing C
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta C2 =
Ant = 0.656 in.^2 Ant = 2*{ (2*Lc+tw-g)/2-(dh1+1/16)/2 }*ta Lce =
Rbs = 102.06 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Lcs =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
Clip Angles to Beam Web: Rps =
Rpv =
Bolt Shear (Double-Shear): (Note: eccentricity = D2 is neglected per AISC Manual pg. 10-8) Bolt Bearing C
Nb = 4 bolts Nb = Nr (total number of bolts at beam connection) C2 =
Pr = 63.25 kips Pr = SQRT(R^2+P^2) (resultant load) Lce =
= 18.43 deg. = 90-(ATAN(R/P)) (angle from vertical) Lcs =
vb = 15.81 kips/bolt vb = Pr/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Rpe =
= N.A. Rps =
Tb = N.A. kips Rpa =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Allow. shear stress from AISC Table 7-1, page 7-22 (for N bolts) Shear Yielding
Vb = 28.86 kips/bolt Vb = 2*Fv*Ab (2 for Double Shear) ho =
Rbr = 115.45 kips Rbr = Nb*Vb (allow. end shear) Avg =
Rbv = 109.53 kips Rbv = Rbr*COS (vertical) Rbv >= R, O.K.
Rba = 36.51 kips Rba = Rbr*SIN (axial) Rba >= P, O.K.
Cv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Vertical): Rvg =
C2 = N.A. in. Shear Rupture
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Avn =
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Rvn =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Gross Tension
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Atg =
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps } Rpv >= R, O.K.
Net Tension Ca
Atn =

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Block Shear ("L

Clip Angles to Beam Web (continued): Anv =
Agv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Axial): Ant =
C2 = N.A. in. Ubs =
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Rbs =
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Tension Tear-O
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Anv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axialAgv load=
Rpa = 69.71 kips Rpa = 2*Nr*Rpe*(1-(R/Rpa)^2) Rpa >= P, O.K.
Rto =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Tension Tear-O
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Anv =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Ant =
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rto =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Web Buckling (
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Beam Checks fo
Gross Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Bolt Bearing C
Atg = 8.625 in.^2 Atg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta C2 =
Rtg = 142.82 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986) Lcs =
Net Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rpe =
Atn = 5.625 in.^2 Atn = Atg-2*(Nb*(dh1+1/16))*ta Rps =
Rtn = 101.82 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fua*Atn)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2) <= (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2) Rpv =
Rtn >= P, O.K.
C2 =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Lce =
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Lcs =
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta Rpe =
Ant = 0.563 in.^2 Ant = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Rps =
Rbs = 99.34 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Rpa =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
ho =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Avg =
Anv = 0.563 in.^2 Anv = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta h/tw =
Agv = 0.938 in.^2 Agv = 2*ED2*ta kv =
At = 5.063 in.^2 Ant = ((ED1+(Nr-1)*S)-((Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Cv =
Rto = 99.47 kips Rto = {min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant)}*(1-(R/Rbs) Rvg =
Rto >= P, O.K.
Avn =
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rvn =
Anv = 1.125 in.^2 Anv = 2*(2*((Lb-D2)-(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Gross Tension
Agv = 1.875 in.^3 Agv = 2*(2*(Lb-D2))*ta Atg =
At = 4.500 in.^2 Ant = 2*((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16))*ta Rtg =
Rto = 150.08 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Net Tension Ca
Rto >= P, O.K.
Rtn =

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Anv =
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges: Agv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Vertical): Ant =
Lce = 2.531 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge W14X43
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Rbs =
Rpe = 17.06 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Tension Tear-O
Rps = 17.06 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Anv =
Rpv = 68.25 kips Rpv = Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps Rpv >= R, O.K.
Ant =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Axial): Rto =
Lce = 1.281 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Tension Tear-O
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Anv =
Rpe = 12.49 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Agv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial Ant load=
Rpa = 49.97 kips Rpa = Nb*Rpe Rpa >= P, O.K.
Web Buckling (
Shear Yielding Capacity of Beam Web: ho =
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam e=
Avg = 3.925 in.^2 Avg = d*tw yc =
Rvg = 78.50 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fyb*Cv*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Sn =
Shear Rupture Capacity of Beam Web: Fbc =
Avn = N.A. in.^2 Avn = not applicable for uncoped beam Rwb =
Rvn = N.A. kips Rvn = not applicable for uncoped beam
c/d =
Gross Tension Capacity of Beam: f=
Atg = 7.680 in.^2 Atg = A c/ho =
Rtg = 95.80 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fyb*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986) Fbc =
Net Tension Capacity of Beam: Rwb =
Atn = 6.680 in.^2 Atn = Atg-(Nr*(dh2+1/16))*tw W12X40
Rtn = 217.10 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fub*Atn) <= (0.60*Fyb*Atg) Beam Checks fo
Rtn >= P, O.K.
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: C2 =
D3 = N.A. in. Lce =
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam Lcs =
Rpe =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rps =
Ant = N.A. Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpv =
Rbs = N.A. kips Rbs = not applicable for uncoped beam Bolt Bearing C

Lce =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: Lcs =
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpe =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rps =
Ant = N.A. in.^2 Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpa =
Shear Yielding
Rto = N.A. kips Rto = not applicable for uncoped beam ho =

h/tw =
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: kv =
Anv = 0.500 in.^2 Anv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)-[0.5*(dh2+1/16)]}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun Cv
in b=
Agv = 0.750 in.^3 Agv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun in beam length Rvg =
Ant = 1.500 in.^2 Ant = ((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh2+1/16))*tw Shear Rupture
Rto = 58.50 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fub*Anv+0.50*Fub*Ant, 0.30*Fyb*Agv+0.50*Fub*Ant) Avn =

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3


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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Atg =
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges (continued): Rtg =
Web Buckling (Flexural Rupture) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: Net Tension Ca
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Atn =
e= N.A. in. e = not applicable for uncoped beam Rtn =
yc = N.A. in. yc = not applicable for uncoped beam Block Shear ("L
In = N.A. in.^4 In = not applicable for uncoped beam D3=
Sn = N.A. in.^3 Sn = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam ((D
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam
Ant =
Web Buckling (Flexural Local Buckling) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: W8X10
c/d = N.A. c/d = not applicable for uncoped beam Rbs =
f= N.A. f = not applicable for uncoped beam Tension Tear-O
c/ho = N.A. c/ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
k= N.A. k = not applicable for uncoped beam Agv =
fd = N.A. fd = not applicable for uncoped beam Ant =
lambda= N.A. lambda = not applicable for uncoped beam ((D3
Q= N.A. Q = not applicable for uncoped beam Rto =
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam Tension Tear-O
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam
Agv =
Column Checks: Ant =
Rto =
Bolt Bearing in Column Web: Web Buckling (
twc = 0.4000 in. twc = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyc) ho =
Rpc = 218.40 kips Rpc = (1/2)*(2.4*db*twc*Fuc*Nb) Rpc >= R, O.K.
yc =
Column Web Bending: (assume LRFD "yield line" theory and convert results back to ASD) In =
twc = N.A. in. twc = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyc) Sn =
mp = N.A. kips mp = 0.25*Fyc*twc^2 Fbc =
Tc = N.A. in. Tc = dc-2*kc Rwb =
a= N.A. in. a = (Tc-c)/2 Web Buckling (
b= N.A. in. b = a = (Tc-c)/2 fd =
c= N.A. in. c=g lambda =
L= N.A. in. L = (Nr-1)*S Q=
= N.A. = 0.90 Fbc =
Pn = N.A. kips Pn = *8*mp*(SQRT(2*Tc/(Tc-g))+L/(2*(Tc-g))) Rwb =
Pa = N.A. kips Pa = Pn/1.5 (converting LRFD value back to ASD value) Column Checks

twc =
Column Web Out of Plane Shear: Rpc =
twc = N.A. in. twc = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyc) Column Web B
fv = N.A. ksi fv = (P/Nb)/(twc*(S-dhc)) twc =
Fv = N.A. ksi Fv = 0.4*Fyc
Tc =
Web Doubler Plate to Column Flange Welding: a=
Ldw = N.A. in. Ldw = 2*((Nr-1)*S+2*ED) b=
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = P/Ldw c=
= N.A. in. (size) = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) L=
(max) = N.A. in. (size) (max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3


Using Clip Angles Bolted to Girder Web and Bolted to Beam Web
Subjected to Shear and/or Axial Load
Project Name: Client: ###
Project No.: Prep. By: Date: ###
Input Data: ###
Face of Girder Web ###
Beam and Support Data: g=5.5 ta=0.375 ###
Beam Size = w16x26 ED=1.25 D2 =2.25 ###
Girder Size = w21x62 D1=3
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi Nr=4 S ###
Girder Yield Stress, Fyg = 50 ksi S P=20 k
R= 60 k ###
Connection Loadings: Lc=4 ###
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 60.00 kips s=0.5 ###
Beam Axial Force, P = 20.00 kips Lb=3.5 ###
Connection Data and Parameters: General Nomenclature
Angle Leg (OSL) at Girder, Lc = 4 in. ###
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3 1/ 2 in. tw=0.25 c=0 ###
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 3/ 8 in. tf=0.345 dc1=0
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi A325
Diameter of Bolts, db = 7/ 8 in. A490
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325 d=15.7 N
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N X
Faying Surface Class = N.A. SC
Bolt Hole Type in Clip Angles = Standard bf=5.5 dc2=0
Number of Bolts in Vert. Row, Nr = 4 c=0 Class A
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. Class B
Dist. from Top/Beam to Bolts, D1 = 3.0000 in. Beam and Cope Nomenclature
Bolt Vertical Spacing in Angles, S = 3.0000 in. Oversized
Edge Distance for Angles, ED = 1.2500 in. ###
Dist. from Support to Bolts, D2 = 2.2500 in. ###
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. ###
Length of Flange Cope(s), c = 0.0000 in. ###
Depth of Top Flange Cope, dc1 = 0.0000 in. Max. Shear Capacity of Connection: ###
Depth of Bottom Flange Cope, dc2 = 0.0000 in. R(max) = 68.25 kips ###
Girder Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.0000 in. R = 60.00 kips ###
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 in. S.R. = 0.88 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Check Girder Web Bending/Shear? No ###
Member Properties: ###
Beam: Girder: ###
A= 7.68 A= 18.30 in.^2 ###
d = 15.700 d= 21.000 in. Yes
tw = 0.250 tw = 0.400 in. No
bf = 5.500 bf = 8.240 in.
tf = 0.345 tf = 0.615 in. Bolt Bearing Ca
k = 0.747 k= 1.120 in. C2 =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Results: Lcs =
Rpe =
General Parameters: Rps =
Bolt and Material Data: Rpv =
dh1 = 15/16 in. dh1 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in angles) Shear Yielding
dh2 = 15/16 in. dh2 = Nominal hole dimensions from Table J3.3 (in beam/girder webs) Avg =
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = *db^2/4 Rvg =
Fua = 58.0 ksi Fua = 58 for Fya = 36 (for angles) Shear Rupture
Fub = 65.0 ksi Fub = 65 for Fyb = 50 (for beam) Avn =
Fug = 65.0 ksi Fug = 65 for Fyg = 50 (for girder) Rvn =
Block Shear ("L
Clip Angles to Support: Anv =
Bolt Tension and Shear: (Note: eccentricity between C.L.'s of beam and connection is ignored) Agv =
Nb = 8 bolts Nb = 2*Nr (total number of bolts at support connection) Ant =
vb = 7.50 kips/bolt vb = R/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Rbs =
fv = 12.47 ksi fv = vb/Ab (actual bolt shear stress) Clip Angles to Be
= N.A. Bolt Shear (Dou
Tb = N.A. kips Nb =
Fnv = 48.00 ksi Fnv = Nominal shear stress for A325-N from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104 Pr =
Fnv' = 48.00 ksi Fnv' = Fnv (no reduction needed for comb. effects) =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Fnv' / 2 (allowable bolt shear stress) vb =
ks = N.A. ks = not applicable for N or X bolts =
Vb = 14.43 kips/bolt Vb = Ab*Fv (allowable shear/bolt) Tb =
Rbv = 115.45 kips Rbv = Nb*Vb (allow. shear load) Rbv >= R, O.K.
T= 2.50 kips/bolt T = P/Nb (actual tension/bolt) Vb =
ft = 4.16 ksi ft = T/Ab (actual bolt tension stress) Rbr =
At = 0.4617 in.^2 At = *(db - 0.9743/n)^2, where n is the numbers of threads per inch Rbv =
Fnt = 90.00 ksi Rba =
Fnt = Nominal tension stress for A325 bolts from AISC Table J3.2, page 16.1-104
Fnt' = 90.00 ksi Fnt' = Fnt (no reduction needed for comb. effects Bolt Bearing Ca
Ft = 45.00 ksi Ft = Fnt' / 2 (allowable bolt tension stress) C2 =
B = 27.06 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (allow. tension load) Lce =
Rbt = 216.48 kips Rbt = Nb*B (allow. tension load) Rbt >= P, O.K.
Rpe =
Prying Action and Clip Angle Bending at OSL's: Rps =
p = 2.7500 in. p = Min. of: S or S/2+ED (tributary angle length/bolt) Rpv =
b = 2.4375 in. b = (g-tw-ta)/2 Bolt Bearing Ca
b' = 2.0000 in. b' = b-db/2 C2 =
a = 1.3700 in. a = minimum of: (bfc-g)/2 , (2*Lc+twb-g)/2 , or 1.25*b Lce =
a' = 1.8075 in. a' = a+db/2 Lcs =
= 1.1065 = b'/a' Rpe =
d' = 0.9375 d' = dh1 Rps =
= 0.6591 = 1-d'/p Rpa =
= 8.878 = (1/)*(B/T-1) Shear Yielding
' = 1.0000 If >= 1: ' = 1, If < 1: ' = lesser of 1.0 or (1/)*(/(1-)) Avg =
ta(req'd) = 0.355 in. ta(req'd) = SQRT(6.66*T*b'/(p*Fua*(1+*'))) ta >= ta(req'd), O.K.
tc = 1.503 in. tc = SQRT(6.66*B*b'/(p*Fua)) Shear Rupture
' = 10.8540 ' = 1/(*(1+))*((tc/ta)^2-1) Avn =
Ra = 22.35 kips If ' >1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+) , If ' < 0: Ra = Nb*B Rvn =
If 0 <= ' <= 1: Ra = Nb*B*(ta/tc)^2*(1+*') Ra >= P, O.K.

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Rtg =
Clip Angles to Support (continued): Net Tension Ca
Atn =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Rtn =
C2 = N.A. in. Block Shear ("L
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Anv =
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Agv =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Ant =
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Rbs =
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nb-1)*Rps } Rp >= R, O.K.
Anv =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Agv =
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Ant =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Tension Tear-O
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Anv =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Agv =
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Rto =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at OSL's: Beam Checks fo
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Bolt Bearing Ca
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta C2 =
Ant = 0.656 in.^2 Ant = 2*{ (2*Lc+tw-g)/2-(dh1+1/16)/2 }*ta Lce =
Rbs = 102.06 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Lcs =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
Clip Angles to Beam Web: Rps =
Bolt Shear (Double-Shear): (Note: eccentricity = D2 is neglected per AISC Manual pg. 10-8) Rpv =
Nb = 4 bolts Nb = Nr (total number of bolts at beam connection) Bolt Bearing Ca
Pr = 63.25 kips Pr = SQRT(R^2+P^2) (resultant load) C2 =
= 18.43 deg. = 90-(ATAN(R/P)) (angle from vertical) Lce =
vb = 15.81 kips/bolt vb = Pr/Nb (actual shear/bolt) Lcs =
= N.A. Rpe =
Tb = N.A. kips Rps =
Fv = 24.00 ksi Fv = Allow. shear stress from AISC Table 7-1, page 7-22 (for N bolts)Rpa =
Vb = 28.86 kips/bolt Vb = 2*Fv*Ab (2 for Double Shear) Shear Yielding
Rbr = 115.45 kips Rbr = Nb*Vb (allow. end shear) ho =
Rbv = 109.53 kips Rbv = Rbr*COS (vertical) Rbv >= R, O.K.
Rba = 36.51 kips Rba = Rbr*SIN (axial) Rba >= P, O.K.
kv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Vertical): Cv =
C2 = N.A. in. Rvg =
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Shear Rupture
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Avn =
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Rvn =
Rps = 22.84 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Gross Tension
Rpv = 157.42 kips Rpv = 2*{ Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps } Rpv >= R, O.K.
Rtg =
Net Tension Ca
Atn =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Block Shear ("L

Clip Angles to Beam Web (continued): Anv =
Agv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web (for Axial): Ant =
C2 = N.A. in. Ubs =
Lce = 0.781 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Rbs =
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Tension Tear-O
Rpe = 10.20 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } Anv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axialAgv load=
Rpa = 69.71 kips Rpa = 2*Nr*Rpe*(1-(R/Rpa)^2) Rpa >= P, O.K.
Rto =
Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Tension Tear-O
Avg = 8.625 in.^2 Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta Anv =
Rvg = 124.20 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Ant =
Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rto =
Avn = 5.625 in.^2 Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*(dh1+1/16)*ta) Web Buckling (
Rvn = 97.88 kips Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn Rvn >= R, O.K.
Beam Checks fo
Gross Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Bolt Bearing Ca
Atg = 8.625 in.^2 Atg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta C2 =
Rtg = 142.82 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986)Lcs =
Net Tension Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rpe =
Atn = 5.625 in.^2 Atn = Atg-2*(Nb*(dh1+1/16))*ta Rps =
Rtn = 101.82 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fua*Atn)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2) <= (0.60*Fya*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvn)^2) Rpv =
Rtn >= P, O.K.
C2 =
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Lce =
Anv = 5.063 in.^2 Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta Lcs =
Agv = 7.688 in.^2 Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta Rpe =
Ant = 0.563 in.^2 Ant = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Rps =
Rbs = 99.34 kips Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Rpa =
Rbs >= R, O.K.
ho =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Avg =
Anv = 0.563 in.^2 Anv = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta h/tw =
Agv = 0.938 in.^2 Agv = 2*ED2*ta kv =
At = 5.063 in.^2 Ant = ((ED1+(Nr-1)*S)-((Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Cv =
Rto = 99.47 kips Rto = {min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant)}*(1-(R/Rbs)^ Rvg =
Rto >= P, O.K.
Avn =
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: Rvn =
Anv = 1.125 in.^2 Anv = 2*(2*((Lb-D2)-(dh1+1/16)/2))*ta Gross Tension
Agv = 1.875 in.^3 Agv = 2*(2*(Lb-D2))*ta Atg =
At = 4.500 in.^2 Ant = 2*((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16))*ta Rtg =
Rto = 150.08 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) Net Tension Ca
Rto >= P, O.K.
Rtn =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Anv =
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges: Agv =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Vertical): Ant =
Lce = 2.531 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge W14X43
Lcs = 2.063 in. Lcs = Clear distance between bolt holes Rbs =
Rpe = 17.06 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Tension Tear-O
Rps = 17.06 kips Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Anv =
Rpv = 68.25 kips Rpv = Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps Rpv >= R, O.K.
Ant =
Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web (for Axial): Rto =
Lce = 1.281 in. Lce = Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge Tension Tear-O
Lcs = N.A. in. Lcs = not applicable since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial load Anv =
Rpe = 12.49 kips Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*tw*Fub), (2.4*db*tw*Fub) } Agv =
Rps = N.A. kips Rps = not applicable, since all are edge bolts for bearing due to axial Ant load=
Rpa = 49.97 kips Rpa = Nb*Rpe Rpa >= P, O.K.
Web Buckling (
Shear Yielding Capacity of Beam Web: ho =
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam e=
Avg = 3.925 in.^2 Avg = d*tw yc =
Rvg = 78.50 kips Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fyb*Cv*Avg Rvg >= R, O.K.
Sn =
Shear Rupture Capacity of Beam Web: Fbc =
Avn = N.A. in.^2 Avn = not applicable for uncoped beam Rwb =
Rvn = N.A. kips Rvn = not applicable for uncoped beam
c/d =
Gross Tension Capacity of Beam: f=
Atg = 7.680 in.^2 Atg = A c/ho =
Rtg = 95.80 kips Rtg = (0.60*Fyb*Atg)*(1-(R/Rvg)^2) Rtg >= P, O.K.
(Ref.: "Combined Shear & Tension Stress" by: S.C. Goel, AISC Journal, 3rd Qtr.-1986)Fbc =
Net Tension Capacity of Beam: Rwb =
Atn = 6.680 in.^2 Atn = Atg-(Nr*(dh2+1/16))*tw W12X40
Rtn = 217.10 kips Rtn = (0.50*Fub*Atn) <= (0.60*Fyb*Atg) Beam Checks fo
Rtn >= P, O.K.
Block Shear ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: C2 =
D3 = N.A. in. Lce =
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam Lcs =
Rpe =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rps =
Ant = N.A. Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpv =
Rbs = N.A. kips Rbs = not applicable for uncoped beam Bolt Bearing Ca

Lce =
Tension Tear-Out ("L-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: Lcs =
Anv = N.A. in.^2 Anv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpe =
Agv = N.A. in.^2 Agv = not applicable for uncoped beam Rps =
Ant = N.A. in.^2 Ant = not applicable for uncoped beam Rpa =
Shear Yielding
Rto = N.A. kips Rto = not applicable for uncoped beam ho =

h/tw =
Tension Tear-Out ("U-shaped") Capacity of Beam Web: kv =
Anv = 0.500 in.^2 Anv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)-[0.5*(dh2+1/16)]}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun in beam length Cv =
Agv = 0.750 in.^3 Agv = 2*{(D2-s-1/4)}*tw, assuming -1/4" for underrun in beam length Rvg =
Ant = 1.500 in.^2 Ant = ((Nr-1)*S-(Nr-1)*(dh2+1/16))*tw Shear Rupture
Rto = 58.50 kips Rto = min(0.30*Fub*Anv+0.50*Fub*Ant, 0.30*Fyb*Agv+0.50*Fub*Ant) Avn =


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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Atg =
Beam Checks for Uncoped Flanges (continued): Rtg =
Net Tension Ca
Web Buckling (Flexural Rupture) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: Atn =
ho = N.A. in. ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Rtn =
e= N.A. in. e = not applicable for uncoped beam Block Shear ("L
yc = N.A. in. yc = not applicable for uncoped beam D3=
In = N.A. in.^4 In = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
Sn = N.A. in.^3 Sn = not applicable for uncoped beam ((D
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam Agv =
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam
Web Buckling (Flexural Local Buckling) Capacity for Uncoped Flanges: Rbs =
c/d = N.A. c/d = not applicable for uncoped beam Tension Tear-O
f= N.A. f = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
c/ho = N.A. c/ho = not applicable for uncoped beam Agv =
k= N.A. k = not applicable for uncoped beam Ant =
fd = N.A. fd = not applicable for uncoped beam ((D3
lambda= N.A. lambda = not applicable for uncoped beam Rto =
Q= N.A. Q = not applicable for uncoped beam Tension Tear-O
Fbc = N.A. ksi Fbc = not applicable for uncoped beam Anv =
Rwb = N.A. kips Rwb = not applicable for uncoped beam
Ant =
Girder Checks: Rto =
Bolt Bearing in Girder Web: Web Buckling (
twg = 0.4000 in. twg = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyg) ho =
Rpg = 218.40 kips Rpg = (1/2)*(2.4*db*twg*Fug*Nb) Rpg >= R, O.K.
yc =
Girder Web Bending: (assume LRFD "yield line" theory and convert results back to ASD) In =
twg = N.A. in. twg = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyg) Sn =
mp = N.A. kips mp = 0.25*Fyg*twg^2 Fbc =
Tc = N.A. in. Tg = dg-2*kg Rwb =
a= N.A. in. a = D1-kg Web Buckling (
b= N.A. in. b = Tg-(a+c) fd =
c= N.A. in. c = (Nr-1)*S lambda =
L= N.A. in. L=g Q=
= N.A. = 0.90 Fbc =
Pn = N.A. kips Pn = *2*mp*(((2*SQRT(2*Tg*a*b/(a+b))+g/2)*(a+b))/(a*b)) Rwb =
Pa = N.A kips Pa = Pn/1.5 (converting LRFD value back to ASD value) Girder Checks:

twg =
Girder Web Out of Plane Shear: Rp =
twg = N.A. in. twg = tw+td*(Fyd/Fyg) Girder Web Be
Rw = N.A. kips twg =
fv = N.A. ksi fv = Rw/(twg*(g-dhg)) mp =
Fv = N.A. ksi Fv = 0.4*Fyg
Web Doubler Plate to Girder Flange Welding: b=
Ldw = N.A. in. Ldw = 2*((Nr-1)*S+2*ED) c=
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = P/Ldw L=
= N.A. in. (size) = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) =
(max) = N.A. in. (size) (max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) Pn =

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08:05:08 344266187.xls of 22
"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3


Allowable Shear Reaction at Uncoped Beam End Connection
Using Clip Angles Field Bolted to Beam Web
Project Name: Client: ###
Project No.: Prep. By: Date: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 50 ksi g=5.5 ta=0.375 ###
Angle Leg at Support, Lc = 4 in. D2 ###
Angle Leg at Beam Web, Lb = 3 1/ 2 in. D1=3 ###
Angle Leg Thickness, ta = 3/ 8 in. Nr=3 S ###
Yield Stress of Angles, Fya = 36 ksi S R Bolted Clip Angles
Diameter of Bolts, db = 7/ 8 in. ###
ASTM Bolt Desig. = A325 Lc=4 ###
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N tw s=0.5 A325
Faying Surface Class = N.A. Lb=3.5 A490
Bolt Hole Type = Standard N
Vert. Dist. to Bolts, D1 = 3.000 in. X
Bolt Spacing in Angles, S = 3.000 in. SC
Bolt Gage in Angle OSL's, g = 5.500 in. N.A.
Edge Dist. for Angles, ED = 1.250 in. Class A
Beam Setback Distance, s = 0.5000 in. Class B
Beam Beam # Bolt Uncoped Flanges ###
Size Web, tw Rows with Bolted ###
(Depth) (in.) (Nr) Clip Angles ###
W6 0.170 1 11.6 ###
W8 0.170 2 23.2 ###
W10 0.190 2 25.9 ###
2 27.3 ###
W12 0.200
3 41.0 ###
W14 0.230 3 47.1 ###
3 51.2 ###
W16 0.250
4 68.3 Bolt Shear (Doubl
3 61.4 Ab =
W18 0.300 4 81.9 =
5 102.4 Tb =
4 95.6 Fnv =
W21 0.350 5 119.4 Fv =
6 143.3 Vb =
5 123.6 Rb =
W24 0.395 6 147.9 Bolt Bearing Capa
7 172.2 Fu =
5 123.6 Rpe =
6 147.9 Lcs =
W27 0.460
7 172.2 Rps =
8 196.5 Rpv =
6 147.9 Block Shear (Tear
7 172.2 Anv =
W30 0.470
8 196.5 Agv =
9 220.8 Ant =
6 147.9 Rbs =
7 172.2 W36x485
W33 0.550 8 196.5 R(bolted) =
9 220.8 W36x393
10 245.1 W36x359
6 147.9 W36x328
7 172.2 W36x300
W36 0.600 8 196.5 W36x280
9 220.8 W36x260
10 245.1 W36x256

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"CLIPCONN-ALL-BOLT-13.xls" Program
Created By: Joel Berg, P.E.
Based on a Program By: Alex Tomanovich, P.E.
Version 1.3

Criteria for Calculation of Shear Reaction Capacity for Uncoped Beams: W36x232
1. Bolt Shear (Single-Shear) for (2) Clip Angles: W36x210
Ab = *db^2/4 W36x194
= not applicable for A325-N Bolts W36x182
Tb = not applicable for A325-N Bolts W36x170
Fv = Fv from AISC Table J3.2 (for A325-N bolts) = 24 ksi W36x160
Vb = Fv*Ab W36x150
Rb = (2*Nr)*Vb W36x135
2. Bolt Bearing Capacity of (2) Clip Angles: W33x567
Fua = 58 ksi, for Fya = 36 ksi W33x515
C2 = not applicable for Standard holes W33x468
dh = db+1/16 (for Standard holes) = 0.9375 in. W33x424
Lce = ED-dh/2, Clear distance between edge bolt hole and edge W33x387
Lcs = S-dh, Clear distance between bolt holes W33x354
Rpe = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lce*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } W33x318
Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*ta*Fua), (2.4*db*ta*Fua) } W33x291
Rpv = Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps W33x263
3. Shear Yielding Capacity of (2) Clip Angles: W33x221
Avg = 2*((Nr-1)*S+(2*ED))*ta W33x201
Rvg = (1/1.5)*0.60*Fya*Avg W33x169
4. Shear Rupture Capacity of (2) Clip Angles: W33x141
dh = db+1/16 (for Standard holes) = 0.9375 in. W33x130
Avn = Avg-2*(Nr*dh*ta) W33x118
Rvn = (1/2)*0.60*Fua*Avn W30x581
5. Block Shear (Tear-Out) of (2) Clip Angles at OSL: W30x477
Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta W30x433
Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta W30x391
Ant = 2*{ (2*Lc+tw-g)/2-(dh1+1/16)/2 }*ta W30x357
Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) W30x326
6. Bolt Shear (Double-Shear), where eccentricity = D2 is neglected per AISC Manual pg. 10-8 W30x261
Ab = *db^2/4 W30x235
= not applicable for A325-N Bolts W30x211
Tb = not applicable for A325-N Bolts W30x191
Fv = Fv from AISC Table J3.2 (for A325-N bolts) = 24 ksi W30x173
Vb = (2)*Fv*Ab (where 2 is for Double-Shear) W30x148
Rb = Nr*Vb W30x132
7. Bolt Bearing Capacity of Beam Web: W30x116
Fub = 65 ksi, for Fyb = 50 ksi W30x108
C2 = not applicable for Standard holes W30x99
dh = db+1/16 (for Standard holes) = 0.9375 in. W30x90
Lcs = S-dh, Clear distance between bolt holes W27x539
Rpe = (1/2)*(2.4*db*tw*Fub) W27x494
Rps = (1/2)*min{ (1.2*Lcs*tw*Fua), (2.4*db*tw*Fua) } W27x448
Rpv = Rpe+(Nr-1)*Rps W27x407
8. Block Shear (Tear-Out) of (2) Clip Angles at Beam Web: W27x336
Anv = 2* { (ED+(Nr-1)*S)-[(Nr-1)*(dh1+1/16)+(dh1+1/16)/2] }*ta W27x307
Agv = 2*(ED+(Nr-1)*S))*ta W27x281
Ant = 2*(ED-((dh1+1/16)/2))*ta W27x258
Rbs = min(0.30*Fua*Anv+0.50*Fua*Ant, 0.30*Fya*Agv+0.50*Fua*Ant) W27x235
9. Allowable Shear Reaction for Connection Using Clip Angles Field Bolted to Beam Web: W27x194
R(allow) = Minimum of items #1,#2, #3, #4, #5, #7, and #8 from above W27x178

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