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English dialogue

Brian = B

Ahmad = A

One day on first campus day

B : hey bro, are you geologist student?

A : yap, who are you?

B : Im geologist student too. My name is Brian, whats your name?

A : Im Aul,where are you come from?

B : Im from Surabaya, how about you?

A : Im from Martapura

B : Im sorry, Martapura in kalimantan isnt ?

A: yes, is in kalsel. But Martapura isnt ordinary city. Martapura is the best and
biggest diamond production in indonesia and the quality is best too

B : oh yes i know. So, how do you know Trisakti University?

A : i know because i was lived in jakarta for 2 years before. So i know it. How
about you?

B : i know from my family and from web, Trisakti is one of the famous univesity in
indonesia and its has the best energy faculty too

A : oh thats same with me, so why i choose geology engineering. By the way,
why are you choose geology engineering?

B : i choose geology because most of my cousin work on oil and mining company
and i see its have a good prospect in future.

A : why are you so sure about that?

B : yes because there are so many oil source in the world that not all properly
explore yet expecialy in indonesia

A : so, why dont you choose petroleum engineering or mining?

B : because i see geology have more branch of job than petroleum or mining.
Because if geology we can work on petroleum or mining. While mining or
petroleum only can work on its specialities. How about you? Why are you choose

A : i choose geology because i want to explore my landmark in martapura

B : thats sounds good, so do you want to be diamond miner?

A : hahaha of course not, its hard to find a potential territory for diamond
minerals, but there are many coal and oil trap there, and i want to continue my
fathers job

B : so you have a coal mine?

A : yes, and i want to continue and explore again to search good source there to
make a good job vacancy to the people. How about you?

B : wow thats brilliant plan bro. my plan i want to work in other country like in
europe, dubai and many more. Because i want to explore my experience to be a
expert engineer.

A : that sounds good, i wish we can do that bro. so do you know about geology

B : mmm.. i dont know much, but my cousin told me that we will study about
rocks and minerals at first. Do you know about minerals or rocks before?

A : i know little because i already read my father books

B : can you explain to me?

A : *explain the mohs scale* thats the hardness scale about mineral, but only
that i know

B : wow thats cool, so i can ask you if i need a information right?

A : haha i just know about that we can share the knowledge and you have to
read about geology lesson too before enter the class.

B : thats good bro

A : by the way where do you stay here?

B : i stay near here. How about you?

A : i stay in apartement in central jakarta

B : so why do you get here? is the traffic jam disordered?

A : yes, but i will try to come early and use public transportation

B : thats great wish you can do it bro

A : hahaha thank you dude.

B : my pleasure..

A : pardon me, whats your father job brian?

B : oh my father work with government in BUMN

A : wiiih so why dont you want to be like your father?

B : this is my passion bro, I love everything about earth

A : we have the same passion dude

*Lecture is come into class*

A : hey lecture is coming, prepare your notebook dude

B : yes sir!

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