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Narrative Report


Unlocking Potentials of Unstoppable Students


Physics Society of Adamson University successfully accomplished its extra-

curricular activity entitled InPHYnite: Unlocking Hidden Potentials of
Unstoppable Students. With its theme: A talent that will be put in a test, and
a mind that will be used at its best, InPHYnite served as an opportunity for
the students to expose their talents through series of activities to bring out
the best in them. The event was divided into two phases which were held
last November 19, 2016 at the FRC 4th floor and December 8, 2016 at the
Physics Hall. The said event comprised of seven activities namely Chroma:
On the spot poster making contest, Spectrum: Capturing Physics through the
Lens, Manifesto: On the spot essay writing contest, Himig Ng Pasko: Song
writing Contest, Panorama: Short film making contest, Protg: Exposing
Talents Beyond Limits and a speech workshop conducted by Ms. Pamela B.
Mantuhac, Office for Vincentian Identity and Mission Director of Adamson
University. From the activities conducted, students coming from different
courses were able to manifest their skills in different fields of their expertise.
Event Paradigm

With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's

ability, one can build a better world. Dalai Lama

Infinite possibilities and opportunities await those who have the

courage to unleash what is innate in them. However, most talents are not
easily recognized, but the good news is, when they are given an avenue
where they can be free to express themselves, there will be no doubt that
they will reach the peak of self-discovery.

As college students with piled responsibilities and school works, we

tend to forget about giving ourselves a break and do what excites us. One
example is doing something that is not merely related to academics but is
more concerned in enhancing our skills and expressing our capabilities that
most people know nothing about.

From this, Physics Society of Adamson University took the opportunity

to conduct a series of activities to encourage the students to unleash their
talents and discover their potentials. In line with its theme A talent that will
be put in a test, and a mind that will be used at its best, InPHYnite
comprised of seven activities namely: Chroma: On the spot poster making
contest, Spectrum: Capturing Physics through the Lens, Manifesto: On the
spot essay writing contest, Himig Ng Pasko: Song writing Contest, Panorama:
Short film making contest, Protg: Exposing Talents Beyond Limits and a
speech workshop, fueled the passion of Adamsonians in different fields of art.

A week prior the first phase, spearhead of InPHYnite and Business

Manager of PSAU, John Alexius Garcia, conducted meetings in preparation for
the much awaited event. The officers conducted room to room promotions
around the campus to invite students coming from different courses to take
part on the activities. The Adamsonians expressed their overwhelming
excitement and signed up in front of Physics department.
Last November 19, 2016, the first phase of InPHYnite was launched
comprised of three activities namely: Chroma: On the spot poster making
contest, Manifesto: On the spot essay writing contest and Spectrum:
Capturing Physics Through the Lens which were held the FRC 4th floor.

Students came as early as 8am and registered on the contest they

were interested about. PSAU Officers gladly assisted them and facilitators led
them to the room they were assigned to.

After an hour, spearhead of the event, John Garcia, signaled the

officers to finally begin the contest. First, facilitators led the Adamsonian
prayer before reading the mechanics and the guidelines for each activity
followed by the announcement of the themes which were different for each
category. For the poster making contest, students were asked to use their
color palettes in giving
life and depicting the
Adamson spirit through
their works of art. From
the materials provided,
they brought their artist
in them and drawn
different interpretations
in line with the theme.

Fig 1. Participants bow their heads as they pray the

Adamsonian prayer before the contest proper
On the other hand, the theme for Manifesto: On the spot essay writing
contest, concerns how the students could express through literature their
opinions on the state of the country for the first 100 days under President
Rodrigo Dutertes leadership. Adamsonians were provided a pen and paper
wherein they were able to pour in their thoughts whether they are in favor of
the changes or are they dismayed by it.

For the photography contest, each participant was instructed to roam

around the campus and use
their creativity on displaying
the beauty of the science
that explains everything.
Through the lens of their
cameras, they were able to
exhibit that Physics is

Figure 2. With their creative skills, participants roam

around the campus to take photos for Spectrum
After three hours of editing and polishing their masterpieces, the
participants laid their works on the officers assigned to each room.

For the entire event, a trash poll was displayed in front of the
registration booth as a part of the activities in line with Breakthrough.
Participants involve themselves on the debate on the burial of the late
President Ferdinand Marcos. By sticking the likes and dislike stickers after
segregating their trash, participants were able to express their thoughts on
the issue.

Pictures were
documented by
Mary Shamay
Ferrer, External
Directress and Vince
Multimedia Director.

As soon as the
participants left the
area, the officers
cleaned and packed
the materials used
and proceeded to
an evaluation
meeting headed by the event spearhead, John Garcia to discuss the needed
improvements for the next activities.

A really great talent finds its happiness in execution. Johann

Wolfgang von Goethe Figure 3. Participants involve themselves on current
issues as they answer the trash poll
One of the fulfillments that a student leader could have is being able to
motivate other students in all aspects. From the previous activities
conducted, PSAU helped the students in harnessing their skills in writing,
drawing and in taking photos based from their creativity. On the 8th of
December, the second phase of inPHYnite continued its goal and became a
host for showcasing the talents of Adamsonians. The event was held at the
Physics Hall from 8am to 5pm and was divided into two timelines: a speech
workshop for the am session which was headed by Ms. Pamela B. Mantuhac,
Office for Vincentian Internal Affairs Director and a talent show entitled
Protg: Exposing Talents Beyond Limits in the afternoon session.
Registration ran for an hour from 8am wherein participants coming
from different department braved themselves into signing in hope of having
a new learning experience, sharing their gifts and to also entertain everyone.

To formally start the program, master of the ceremony and Multimedia

Director of PSAU, Vince Descalzo, called on the President of PSAU, Harriette
Estidola to give the opening remarks. After expressing her gratefulness for
the unyielding support of the students, she encouraged everyone to listen
thoroughly on the topic to be discussed. She also tackled the importance of
the workshop since we are future professionals who will deal in the corporate
world where social skills are undeniably demanded. From that, she ended her
speech by giving the floor to the OVIM Director of Adamson University and
also one of the respected English professors in the campus, Ms. Pamela B.

After greeting everyone a pleasant morning, Ms. Mantuhac introduced

her topic which is about the 3Ps of Unparalleled Presentation namely: Poise,
Posture and Presentation.

You should always be prepared for audience, she emphasized. Ms.

Mantuhac lectured on the effective ways on how the participants could
overcome their fear of facing the crowd and also having the confidence to
talk in front.

From her inspiring talk, she mentioned that she also had the same
struggle when she was young. At an early age, most people tease her for her
looks but that did not stop her to overcome the things that try to stop her.
Also, given the fact that she is a Bisaya, she did not let people have the
satisfaction to belittle her capabilities and proved to them that she is fluent
in English. She said that eventually, as she continued to believe in herself,
she was able to be the best version of herself. Ms. Mantuhac inspired the
students that they must always believe in themselves in order for them to
achieve their goals.

Fake it until you make it, she added.

Thereafter, she gave some tips on having a good posture. In order to
have confidence, one must practice how to look confident. To further discuss,
she asked the participants to stand up, chin up and walk confidently.

After the demonstration, she asked some volunteers, one from the
gents and one from the ladies, to demonstrate how to sit and walk properly.
One of the volunteers is the spearhead of InPHYnite, John Garcia who showed
the proper way of sitting for men.

One of the
highlights of
her talk is her
words to
encourage the
students to
have the right
Aside from
being good in
Figure 4. Spearhead of InPHYnite, John Garcia, demonstrating speaking, the
how to sit properly as instructed by Ms. Mantuhac important
thing is that they must be reminded that there has always be an allowance
for mistake.

Ms. Mantuhac also shared some of her experiences as a speaker and proved
that even those who are already good in speaking, also has stage fright. She
said that most of the time, when we commit errors, we are already afraid of
trying again. She shared one of her unforgettable
experiences, public speaking experience is when she was going to have talk
with professionals, those who really have a reputation. But that did not stop
her from doing her best.

She proved that in every experience, we will also get more than just
having regrets.

Experience only becomes a failure when you let yourself be victimized

by the mistakes of the past.

The OVIM Director encouraged everyone to always look forward and to

always think that everything must always be one level up.

Lastly, she emphasized the importance of punctuality and lectured how

students should manage their time. To wrap up, the winning combination for
a successful presentation was shown in front.

After that, she asked another set of volunteers to read some verses
and demonstrate the proper way of speaking in front. Participants took the
opportunity to show what they had learned from the inspiring talk.
Afterwards, a moving video was shown to everyone which talked about

Students were all eyes and ears on the talk which tackled about how
we should change our perspective when dealing with stress.

She ended the talk by thanking everyone and by suggesting that they
must continue to practice and be passionate in every work that they are

A certificate and a token of appreciation were given to Ms. Mantuhac

before lunch break.
For the PM
session, John
Garcia instructed
the contestants
to pick their
number for their
turn to present
and proceeded to
finally open the

With high
energy, masters
of the ceremony,
Clariza Andales
and Vince
Descalzo, from the Multimedia Committee, warmly welcomed the
participants and the contestants. Not prolonging the waiting, they called on
John Garcia to give the opening remarks.

Garcia expressed his gratitude to those who took part on the activities
in line with inPHYnite. He also recognized the presence of the judges: Adriane
Figure 5. John Garcia instructing the contestants to pick their
Felix Gantioqui from the AUSG Creative Team, and Cultural Directress of
PSAU, Jessa Espique .

Protg was joined by diverse students including foreign students who

also performed a song number. Each participant gave their best performance
and was dominated by singing.

Jowin Pafin from UCAS, wowed the audience by singing Halo and
Tadhana by Up Dharma Down. After the performance, each judge gave their
comments on the contestants performance. The unique trio composed of
three male 2nd year students named CErebrus blended their voices upon
singing Justin Biebers Mistletoe and Bruno Mars When I was your man.
Figure 6. CErebrus showacase their talents as they perform a medley

Song numbers followed their performances including a duet from the

hosts, Andales and
Descalzo who sang
Way Back Into Love.
The three judges
also did not miss
the opportunity and
performed a song
and dance number
for the audience.

The last but

not the least
conquered the stage
by his unique
Ronald San Miguel from BS Pharmacy, used his sense of humor to
entertain the audience by creating mash ups of songs. The whole room

was filled with laughter from his hilarious performance. Winners were
announced thereafter and were awarded with a cash prize, certificate and a
Figure 7. One of the judges. Adriane Gantioqui performed
medal. a song number
Pictures were taken with the participants and the team behind the
success of inPHYnite. As soon as the students left the area, officers cleaned
and packed and an evaluation meeting was conducted later on headed by
John Garcia.

To sum it up, inPHYnite was held victorious through the efforts not only
by the officers but also by the passionate students who are always ready for
any competition. Truly, competence is always seen in every Adamsonian.

Prepared By: Checked and Reviewed By:

Noted By:

Bernna Mae A. Ecija Harriette C. Estidola Mr.

Robertson A. Laban

Undersecretary, PSAU President, PSAU

Adviser, PSAU

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