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*** BLOCK A: BASIC INFORMATION *****************************************

Welcome to HYDRUS-1D
LUnit TUnit MUnit (indicated units are obligatory for all input data)
lWat lChem lTemp lSink lRoot lShort lWDep lScreen lVariabBC lEquil lInverse
t f f f f t f f f t f
lSnow lHP1 lMeteo lVapor lActiveU lFluxes lIrrig lDummy lDummy lDummy
f f f f f f f f f f
NMat NLay CosAlpha
1 1 1
*** BLOCK B: WATER FLOW INFORMATION ************************************
MaxIt TolTh TolH (maximum number of iterations and tolerances)
10 0.001 1
TopInf WLayer KodTop InitCond
f f 1 f
BotInf qGWLF FreeD SeepF KodBot DrainF hSeep
f f f f 1 f 0
hTab1 hTabN
1e-006 10000
Model Hysteresis
0 0
thr ths Alfa n Ks l
5.792e-02 3.699e-01 3.967e-02 3.020e+00 4.612e-03 0.5
C: TIME INFORMATION ******************************************
dt dtMin dtMax DMul DMul2 ItMin ItMax MPL
8.64 0.864 30 1.3 0.7 3 7 1
tInit tMax
0 1680
lPrintD nPrintSteps tPrintInterval lEnter
t 1 10 f
*** END OF INPUT FILE 'SELECTOR.IN' ************************************

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