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First Edition

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Introduction by Laura LaBella

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The history of India / edited by Kenneth Pletcher. 1st ed.

p. cm. (Understanding India)
In association with Britannica Educational Publishing, Rosen Educational Services.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-61530- ( **&)
1. IndiaHistory. 2. IndiaSocial conditions. I. Pletcher, Kenneth.
DS436.H593 2010

On the cover: The Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. www.

Back cover: The Temple at Khajuharo, India, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Molloy

Pages: 21, 56, 90, 115, 134, 162, 191, 210, 228, 256, 279, 301, 324, 326, 328, 330 Detail of Akbar
tames the Savage Elephant, Hawa'i, outside the Red Fort at Agra, miniature from the
'Akbarnama' of Abul Fazl, c.1590 (gouache on paper) Victoria & Albert Museum, London,
UK/The Bridgeman Art Library/Getty Images

Introduction 14

Chapter 1: The Beginnings of India's

History 21
From the Paleolithic Period to the Decline of the
Indus Civilization 24
The Early Prehistoric Period 24
The Indian Paleolithic 25
Mesolithic Hunters 26
The Earliest Agriculturalists and Pastoralists 27
Neolithic Agriculture in the Indus Valley and
Baluchistan 27
Developments in the Ganges Basin 29
Earliest Settlements in Peninsular India 29 38
Earliest Settlements in Eastern India 30
The Rise of Urbanism in the Indus Valley 30
Extent and Chronology of Early Harappan Culture 30
Principal Sites 31
Subsistence and Technology 31
Culture and Religion 32
Indus River 33
The Indus Civilization 33
Character and Signicance 33
Chronology 34
Extent 35
Planning and Architecture 35
Important Sites 37
Mohenjo-Daro 37
Harappa 40
Kalibangan 40
Lothal 42
Other Important Sites 42
Population 43
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 43
Communications 45
Craft and Technology 45
Trade and External Contacts 47
Language and Scripts, Weights and Measures 48
Social and Political System 49
Art 50
Religion and Burial Customs 51
The End of the Indus Civilization 52

Post-Harappan Developments 52
The Post-Urban Period in Northwestern India 53
The Appearance of Indo-Aryan Speakers 53
The Late 2nd Millennium and the Reemergence of
Urbanism 54
Peninsular India in the Aftermath of the Indus
Civilization (c. 20001000 bce) 55

Chapter 2: The Development of Indian

Civilization from c. 1500 bce to 300 ce 56
Traditional Approaches to Indian Historiography 56
Trends in Early Indian Society 57
From c. 1500 to c. 500 bce 59
Early Vedic Period 60 71
Vedic Religion 61
The Beginning of the Historical Period,
c. 500150 BCE 62
Pre-Mauryan States 62
Location 63
Political Systems 64
Economy 65
Religion 65
Jainism 66
Magadhan Ascendancy 67
Campaigns of Alexander the Great 68
The Mauryan Empire 68
Chandragupta Maurya 69
Bindusara 69
Ashoka and His Successors 69
Financial Base for the Empire 70
Mauryan Society 72
Mauryan Government 72 74
Ashokas Edicts 73
Mauryan Decline 75
The Concept of the State 76
From 150 BCE to 300 CE 77
Rise of Small Kingdoms in the North 77
Indo-Greek Rulers 77
Central Asian Rulers 78
Oligarchies and Kingdoms 79
The Shunga Kingdom 80
Kalinga 80
The Andhras and Their Successors 81

Southern Indian Kingdoms 81

Contacts with the West 83
Society and Culture 85
Guilds 85
Finance 85
Impact of Trade 86
Religious Patronage 86
Literature 88
Assimilation of Foreigners 89

Chapter 3: Developments from 300 to

c. 1200 ce 90
From 300 to 750 CE 90
Northern India Under the Guptas 91 88
Successor States to the Guptas 93
The Deccan 94
Deccan 95
Southern India 97
Society and Culture 98
From 750 to c. 1200 101
Northern India 101
The Tripartite Struggle 101
The Rajputs 103
The Coming of the Turks 105
The Deccan and the South 105
The Cholas 106
The Hoysalas and Pandyas 107
Society and Culture 107
The Economy 109
Social Mobility 109
Religion 110
Literature and the Arts 111 114
CHAPTER 4: Northern India in the Early
Muslim Period 115
The Delhi Sultanate 115
The Turkish Conquest 117
The Early Turkish Sultans 118
Slave Dynasty 119
Consolidation of Turkish Rule 120
The Khaljs 122
Centralization and Expansion 123
Taxation and Distribution of Revenue Resources 123

Expansion and Conquests 124

The Urban Economy 125
The Tughluqs 126
Reversal and Rebellion 127
Society and the State Under the Tughluqs 128
Decline of the Sultanate 131
The Post-Delhi Sultanate Period 132
The Rise of Regional States 132
Struggle for Supremacy in Northern India 133

Chapter 5: Southern India in the Early

Muslim Period 134
The Muslim States of Southern India, c. 13501680 134
The Bahmani Sultanate 135 145
Bahmani Consolidation of the Deccan 135
External and Internal Rivalries 139
Vizierate of Mahmud Gawan 140
Bahmani Decline 142
Successors to the Bahmani 143
The Vijayanagar Empire, 13361646 146
Development of the State 146
Vijayanagar 147
Consolidation 148
Wars and Rivalries 149
Decentralization and Loss of Territory 150
Later Dynasties 151
Reconsolidation 152
Growth of Power 153
Renewed Decentralization 155
Relations with the Muslim States 156
Decline of Vijayanagar 156
Military Policies 156 147
Loss of Central Control 157
Breakup of the Empire 158
Administration of the Empire 159

Chapter 6: The Mughal Empire,

15261761 162
The Signicance of Mughal Rule 162
The Establishment of the Mughal Empire 163
Bbur 163
Conquest of Hindustan 163
Babur's Achievements 164

Humyn 164
Sher Shah and His Successors 165
Restoration of Humyn 166
The Reign of Akbar the Great 166
Extension and Consolidation of the Empire 166
The Early Years 166
Struggle for Firm Personal Control 168
Subjugation of Rajasthan 168
Conquest of Gujarat and Bengal 169
The Frontiers 170
The State and Society Under Akbar 170
Central, Provincial, and Local Government 170
The Composition of the Mughal Nobility 171
Organization of the Nobility and the Army 172
Revenue System 172
Fiscal Administration 173
Coinage 173
Evolution of a Nonsectarian State 174
Akbar in Historical Perspective 175
The Empire in the 17th Century 175
Jahngr 177
Loss of Kandahar 177
Submission of Mewar 177
Developments in the Deccan 178
Rebellion of Khurram (Shah Jahan) 178
Mahabat Khan's Coup 179
Shah Jahn 179
The Deccan Problem 179
Central Asian Policy 180
Taj Mahal 181
War of Succession 182
Aurangzeb 182 181
Local and Peasant Uprisings 182
Assessment of Aurangzeb 183
Mughal Decline in the 18th Century 184
The Sikh Uprisings 184
Cracks in the Core 185
Struggle for a New Power Centre 186
The Emperor, the Nobility, and the Provinces 186
Ndir Shahs Invasion 188
The Afghan-Maratha Struggle for Northern India 189
Political and Economic Decentralization During the
Mughal Decline 190

Chapter 7: Regional States, c. 17001850 191

The Marathas 191
Early History 192
Rise of the Peshwas 192
Subordinate Maratha Rulers 194
Mughal Mystique in the 18th Century 195
The Case of Mysore 195
Challenge from the Northwest 196
The Afghan Factor in Northern India, 17471772 197
The Sikhs in the Punjab 198
Early History 198
From Banda Singh Bahadur to Ranjit Singh 200
Rajasthan in the 18th Century 202
Sikhism 203 215
The South: Travancore and Mysore 205
Politics and the Economy 207
Cultural Aspects of the Late Precolonial Order 209

Chapter 8: European activity in India

1498c. 1765 210
The Portuguese 211
The Dutch 212
The British 16001740 213
Kolkata 217
The French 217
The Anglo-French Struggle, 17401763 218
European Military Superiority 220
Revolution in Bengal 221
The Period of Disorder 17601772 225

Chapter 9: The extension of British power,

c. 17651856 228
The Company Bahadur 228 223
The Company and the State 230
Relations with the Marathas and Mysore 233
The Ascent to Paramountcy 236
The Government of Lord Wellesley 236
The Government of Lord Minto 238
The Government of Lord Hastings 239
The Settlement of 1818 240
Organization and Policy in British India 241
Organization 241

The Determination of Policy 244

The Completion of Dominion and Expansion 246
Ranjit Singh 248
The First Century of British Inuence 251
Political Effects 251
Economic Effects 252
Social Effects 253
Cultural Effects 254

Chapter 10: British India from the Mutiny

to World War I 256
The Mutiny and Great Revolt of 18571859 256
Nature and Causes of the Rebellion 257
The Revolt and Its Aftermath 259 262
Climax of the Raj, 18581885 260
Government of India Act of 1858 261
Social Policy 261
Government Organization 263
Economic Policy and Development 264
Foreign Policy 266
The Northwest Frontier 266
The Second Afghan War 267
The Incorporation of Burma 268
Indian Nationalism and the British Response,
18851920 269
Origins of the Nationalist Movement 269
Sir Surendranath Banerjea 270
The Early Congress Movement 272
The First Partition of Bengal 273
Nationalism in the Muslim Community 275
Reforms of the British Liberals 276
Moderate and Militant Nationalism 277 275
Chapter 11: British India from World War I
to 1947 279
World War I and Its Aftermath 279
Indias Contributions to the War Effort 279
Anti-British Activity 281
The Postwar Years 282
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 284
Gandhis Strategy 285
Satyagraha 286

Prelude to Independence, 19201947 287

Constitutional Reforms 287
The Congresss Ambivalent Strategy 289
Muslim Separatism 292
The Impact of World War II 294
British Wartime Strategy 296
The Transfer of Power and the Birth of
Two Countries 297

Chapter 12: The Republic of India 301

The Nehru Era, 19471964 301
Government and Politics 302
Foreign Policy 304
Economic Planning and Development 306 307
Post-Nehru Politics and Foreign Policy 307
The 1965 War with Pakistan 308
Indira Gandhis Impact 309
Indira Gandhi 310
The Bangladesh War 311
Emergency Rule 312
The Janata Interlude and the Return of
Indira Gandhi 314
Sikh Separatism 315
India Since the Mid-1980s 316
The Premiership of Rajiv Gandhi 316
Foreign Policy 317
V.P. Singhs CoalitionIts Brief Rise
and Fall 318
Congress Government of
Narasimha Rao 320
The First and Second BJP Governments 321
Return of the Congress 323 311

Conclusion 324

Glossary 326
For Further Reading 328
Index 330
Introduction | 15

T o outsiders, India is an exotic land,

steeped in ancient culture and spiri-
tuality. But to focus solely on these
differences of religion, language, and
socioeconomic status.
Most Indian people practice one of
often-applied attributes is to ignore the six different religions. They speak hun-
true depth and diversity that make India dreds of dialects of 16 officially recognized
the rich, vibrant country it is today. languages. They are divided into several
India is the second-most populous nation social castes and thousands of different
in the world and also the worlds largest sects. Yet the traditions that have been
functioning democracy. It is the birth- passed down for centuries have managed
place of two major religionsBuddhism to weave their way through society, poli-
and Hinduismas well as the homeland tics, and virtually every other aspect of
of Sikhism and Jainism. Over the centu- life on the subcontinent.
ries the subcontinent has endured Hundreds of years of foreign inva-
numerous struggles, not only over reli- sion and rule have also left their mark
gion, but also for self-rule and economic on India and its people. Despite the fact
equality. Some of those struggles con- that India is bordered by the massive
tinue today, but India has nonetheless Himalayas on the north, this barrier was
managed to emerge as a major global neither high enough nor daunting
force. As readers explore Indias long his- enough to keep out invaders over the
tory they will come to understand these centuries. Those invasions began around
struggles. 1500 bce, when the Aryans from Central
The writer Mark Twain once said, Asia displaced the Indus valley civiliza-
India is the cradle of the human race, tion that had been in existence for a
the birthplace of human speech, the thousand years. Gradually, the Aryans
mother of history, the grandmother of spread their inuence throughout the
legend, and the great grandmother of tra- region, creating the Vedas and the rst
dition. Tradition is a key word in this literary records of Indias cultures.
statement. No matter how modern India In about 325 bce, Chandragupta
has become, its traditions have always Maurya established an empire that spread
dened and formed the foundation of from Bengal in the east to Afghanistan in
this vast nation. Tradition is what has the northwest. The Mauryan empire
held the country and its people together reached its peak around 250 bce, under
for thousands of years, despite great the helm of its third emperor, Mauryas

Mohandas K. Gandhi with poet Sarojini Naidu, 1930. Popperfoto/Getty Images

16 | The History of India

grandson Ashoka. No other group would However, over time, Mughal power
control so much of the subcontinent for weakened. By the 18th century, dynastic
another 2,000 years after the Mauryan rivalries and incursions from the north
empires demise. And yet other important were eroding Mughal control. Also a fac-
and formidable empires rose up over tor in the Mughals demise was the
time. The Gupta dynasty in the north increasing presence of various European
(320540 ce) ruled at a time when works traders who had come and established
of great Hindu literature were written and factories, or trading colonies at Bombay
great advances were made in mathemat- (now Mumbai), Madras (now Chennai),
ics and the sciences. and Calcutta (now Kolkata).
Meanwhile, the Chola civilization When Europeans rst arrived in
united parts of southern India; its kings India, beginning with the Portuguese
ruled for more than a millennia, even in the late 15th century, their aim was not
though by the 3rd century different noble empire building but trade, primarily
families were battling for ascendancy. Indian spices but other goods as well.
Still, there was a owering of religion, art, French and English traders followed in
architecture, and classical Sanskrit litera- the 17th century. But when Mughul power
ture. Beautiful temples and institutions of collapsed in the mid-18th century, the
higher education were built. English stepped in to ll that vacuum.
Islam came to be an important force The East India Company, originally
in India. The rst Muslim traders reached established by Britain to manage its trade
Central Asia not long after the Prophet with India, came to rule large parts of the
Muhammads death in 632 ce. Over the subcontinent. However, by the mid-19th
next several centuries, waves of Muslim century, the company had been abolished
invaders made further inroads southward and the British government directly con-
into the subcontinent, challenging the trolled virtually all of India.
Hindus for power. The Delhi sultanate On the outside, British rule appeared
controlled much of northern India from to meet with little resistance. Yet over
the 13th to the 16th centuries. It was suc- time, resentment over colonial rule began
ceeded by the great Mughal Empire. In to bubble up to the surface. Tensions
1525, Babur, the Muslim ruler of Kabul, exploded in 1857, when Indian troops in
crossed the mountains from Afghanistan the northern part of the country mutinied
and attacked the Delhi sultanate. He soon and killed their British officers. Indians
established dominion over all of northern called it the First Indian War of
India, laying the foundation of the Independence, while the British referred
Mughal Empire (15261857). The Mughal to it as the Indian Mutiny. Within two
rulers were noted for their tolerance of years, the British had quashed the rebel-
other religions. lion and had enacted a bloody retribution,
Introduction | 17

but the desire of the Indian people for an Britain nally withdrew from the subcon-
independent country grew stronger. tinent, Jinnahs negotiations led to a
The majority of the Indian populace hastily drawn partition between primar-
could neither read nor write, but a small ily Hindu India and the Islam-dominated
group of highly educated people worked portion that came to be known as
their way into the colonial government, Pakistan. This rapid division of borders
and gradually they started a movement led to a frantic race to safety, as Hindus
toward independence. Over time, the and Muslims ed from one land to the
British allowed more participation by other. In the violence that ensued, hun-
Indians. dreds of thousands of people were killed.
However, Indian sentiment kept After having led a campaign of non-
growing for the British to leave India and violence, Mahatma Gandhi was dismayed
for Indians to establish self-government. by the bloodshed. Many Hindus held him
One individual is associated more than responsible for the violence because he
any other with Indias eventual emanci- had failed to prevent the partition. One
pation from British rule: Mohandas Hindu extremist took his revenge on
Karamchand Gandhi, known to the world January 30, 1948, murdering Gandhi
as the Mahatma (Great Souled). This while he was walking to a prayer meeting
slight, unassuming man, with his cam- in Delhi.
paigns of nonviolent civil disobedience, As India mourned the death of one
provided a turning point in the nations leader, they looked hopefully to another.
nal push for independence. In 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru became inde-
As that goal came closer and closer, pendent Indias rst prime minister. On
tensions increased between Muslims and August 14, when the Indian Constituent
Hindus. Animosity between these two Assembly met at Delhi to assume control
religious groups in India stretched back of their nations destiny, Nehru made a
centuries, and efforts by one group or the historic speech, saying, At the stroke of
other to rule the subcontinent had long the midnight hour, when the world
been a source of tension. sleeps, India will awake to life and free-
In the power struggle between dom. A moment that comes but rarely in
Muslims and Hindus, bloodshed was also history when we step out from the old to
nothing new. But the clashes that the new, when an age ends, and when the
occurred after the subcontinent nally soul of a nation long suppressed nds
secured its freedom were among the most utterance.
violent. By the 1940s, Muslims in India Nehru was determined to nally
were demanding a separate Muslim state, make India self-sufficient. The British
a campaign that was led by politician had moved the country toward modern-
Mohammed Ali Jinnah. In 1947, when ization, introducing railroads, modern
18 | The History of India

irrigation methods, and the textile indus- she could do little to solve them. A small
try. They had helped nurture the rst minority was enjoying the fruits of the
European-style middle class in its cities. nations labours, while the majority toiled
And, they had introduced to India a in desperate poverty.
democratic system of government. Yet The division of wealth between haves
two centuries of colonial rule had left and have-nots is deeply embedded in the
indelible scars on the subcontinent. caste system, a tightly closed hierarchical
Most people still worked as farmers, yet social organization that arose out of the
India was unable to feed itself. Much of Hindu religion. The caste system divides
the population was uneducated. Diseases society into four tightly restricted social
such as malaria and cholera ran ram- classes: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas
pant, especially among Indias poorest (rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and land-
residents. holders), and Shudras (servants). Another
Nehrus aim was to reshape Indias group, traditionally called untouchables
economy. He oversaw the building of (although other names such as Dalit are
dams and factories, referring to them as now used), fall outside the caste system.
the new temples of India. Nehru also Under the caste system, the favoured
attempted to redistribute the land more classes enjoy an elite status, while the
fairly among the rural population, achiev- lowest classes endure a menial existence.
ing partial success. Although Nehru Castes are not supposed to intermarry, or
prodded Indian industry and created new even intermingle. Even as modernization
wealth, it still was not evenly distributed. was spreading throughout Indiaand
Moves toward self-reliance contin- even as the Indian government has made
ued under Nehrus daughter, Indira great efforts to outlaw class distinctions
Gandhi, who was elected prime minister the caste tradition has remained deeply
in 1966. She pushed for a so-called Green embedded in Indian culture, and it has
Revolution to ensure that India could continued to be difficult for people to
support its own food needs. By the 1970s, escape the lowest rungs of society.
India had become self-sufficient in grain As the country struggled to rise out
production and was even exporting some of poverty and toward self-sufficiency,
grain by the 1980s. Indian industry also resurgences of violence between Muslims
began to expand during this time. and Hindus continued to threaten Indias
Despite these successes, the public security. In 1971, the Bengali population
grew increasingly frustrated and disen- of what was then the eastern portion of
chanted with Indira Gandhis Pakistan grew increasingly disaffected
administration. Although Gandhi spoke and sought independence. The Pakistani
passionately about the continuing prob- army launched a violent campaign, which
lems of disease, poverty, and illiteracy, India eventually countered with a
Introduction | 19

military intervention that put an end to being second only to China in popula-
the conict, and the new country of tion. At the turn of the 20th century it was
Bangladesh was created. home to about 238 million inhabitants,
Muslim-Hindu tensions have exploded but today, India claims more than one bil-
many times since the Bangladesh war, lion residents. Though it makes up just
such as in 1992, when a crowd of Hindus over 2 percent of the earths surface area,
in the north Indian city of Ayodha demol- more than 16 percent of the worlds popu-
ished a mosque on land that both lationone out of six people on the
religious groups had claimed as their earthcalls the country home.
own. That night, a mob rampaged In the pages of this book, as readers
through the city, destroying Muslim- make their way from the earliest days of
owned shops, homes, and mosques. Two the Indus Valley civilization to the mod-
thousand people, most of them Muslims, ern India that exists today, they will see
were killed. In November 2008, 10 Muslim how the subcontinent has been trans-
gunmen killed some 174 people and formed throughout the years by invaders,
injured more than 300 others in a series by local rulers, and nally, by globaliza-
of terrorist attacks in Mumbai. tion and the high-tech revolution. They
Religion continues to be a conten- will also discover that, while India
tious element in India, along with income embraces modernization, this is a coun-
and social stratication. Poverty remains try that still clings tightly to its past.
widespread, especially in rural India, While office buildings and superhigh-
where most of the countrys population ways spring up in Indias cities, the
still lives, largely as it has for centuries. ancient monuments and places continue
Poverty also still exists in the big cities, to be preserved. There is no greater testi-
but life there has changed drastically. mony to Indias past than the one ocks
Urban India is today a major centre for of tourists visit each year. The Taj Mahal,
education, government, modern industry, an architectural masterpiece built by the
sophisticated health care, and the techno- 17th-century Mughal emperor Shah
logical expertise that has become sought Jahan, is considered one of the greatest
after by nations around the world. wonders of the world. It is evidence that,
In sheer numbers alone, India has however much India may change, it will
become a major global forcethe country always remain in touch with its past.
The Beginnings of
Indias History

T he Indian subcontinent, the great landmass of South Asia,

is the home of one of the worlds oldest and most inuen-
tial civilizations. In this book, the subcontinent, which for
historical purposes is usually called simply India, is under-
stood to comprise the areas of not only the present-day Republic
of India but also the republics of Pakistan (partitioned from
India in 1947) and Bangladesh (which formed the eastern part
of Pakistan until its independence in 1971).
Since early times the Indian subcontinent appears to
have provided an attractive habitat for human occupation.
Toward the south it is effectively sheltered by wide expanses
of ocean, which tended to isolate it culturally in ancient times,
while to the north it is protected by the massive ranges of the
Himalayas, which also sheltered it from the arctic winds and
the air currents of Central Asia. Only in the northwest
and northeast is there easier access by land, and it was through
those two sectors that most of the early contacts with the out-
side world took place.
Within the framework of hills and mountains repre-
sented by the Indo-Iranian borderlands on the west, the
Indo-Myanmar borderlands in the east, and the Himalayas to
the north, the subcontinent may in broadest terms be divided
into two major divisions: in the north, the basins of the Indus
and Ganges (Ganga) rivers (the Indo-Gangetic Plain) and, to
the south, the block of Archean rocks that forms the Deccan
22 | The History of India

This map of India shows its major geographic features. GeoAtlas

plateau region. The expansive alluvial in that it remained relatively thinly pop-
plain of the river basins provided the ulated and did not form the focal point
environment and focus for the rise of two of any of the principal regional cultural
great phases of city life: the civilization developments of South Asia. However,
of the Indus valley, known as the Indus it is traversed by various routes linking
civilization, during the 3rd millennium the more-attractive areas north and
bce; and, during the 1st millennium bce, south of it. The Narmada (Narbada)
that of the Ganges. To the south of this River ows through this belt toward the
zone, and separating it from the penin- west, mostly along the Vindhya Range,
sula proper, is a belt of hills and forests, which has long been regarded as the
running generally from west to east and symbolic boundary between northern
to this day largely inhabited by tribal and southern India. The northern parts
people. This belt has played mainly a of India represent a series of contrasting
negative role throughout Indian history regions, each with its own distinctive
The Beginnings of Indias History | 23

cultural history and its own distinctive East of the Punjab and Rajasthan,
population. In the northwest the valleys northern India develops into a series of
of the Baluchistan uplands (now largely belts running broadly west to east and
in Balochistan, Pak.) are a low-rainfall following the line of the foothills of the
area, producing mainly wheat and barley Himalayan ranges in the north. The
and having a low density of population. southern belt consists of a hilly, forested
Its residents, mainly tribal people, are in area broken by the numerous escarp-
many respects closely akin to their ments in close association with the
Iranian neighbours. The adjacent Indus Vindhya Range, including the Bhander,
plains are also an area of extremely low Rewa, and Kaimur plateaus. Between the
rainfall, but the annual ooding of the hills of central India and the Himalayas
river in ancient times and the exploita- lies the Ganges River valley proper, con-
tion of its waters by canal irrigation in stituting an area of high-density
the modern period have enhanced agri- population, moderate rainfall, and high
cultural productivity, and the population agricultural productivity. Archaeology
is correspondingly denser than that of suggests that, from the beginning of the
Baluchistan. The Indus valley may be 1st millennium bce, rice cultivation has
divided into three parts: in the north are played a large part in supporting this
the plains of the ve tributary rivers population. The Ganges valley divides
of the Punjab (Persian: Panjab, Five into three major parts: to the west is the
Waters); in the centre the consolidated Ganges-Yamuna Doab (the land area that
waters of the Indus and its tributaries is formed by the conuence of the two riv-
ow through the alluvial plains of Sind; ers); east of the conuence lies the middle
and in the south the waters pass natu- Ganges valley, in which population tends
rally into the Indus delta. East of the to increase and cultivation of rice pre-
latter is the Great Indian, or Thar, Desert, dominates; and to the southeast lies the
which is in turn bounded on the east by a extensive delta of the combined Ganges
hill system known as the Aravali Range, and Brahmaputra rivers. The Brahmaputra
the northernmost extent of the Deccan ows from the northeast, rising from the
plateau region. Beyond them is the hilly Tibetan Himalayas and emerging from
region of Rajasthan and the Malwa the mountains into the Assam valley,
Plateau. To the south is the Kathiawar being bounded on the east by the Patkai
Peninsula, forming both geographically Bum Range and the Naga Hills and on
and culturally an extension of Rajasthan. the south by the Mikir, Khasi, Jaintia, and
All of these regions have a relatively Garo hills. There is plenty of evidence
denser population than the preceding that inuences reached India from the
group, but for topographical reasons northeast in ancient times, even if they
they have tended to be somewhat iso- are less prominent than those that arrived
lated, at least during historical times. from the northwest.
24 | The History of India

Along the Deccan plateau there is a the emergence of the rst cities in the
gradual eastward declivity, which dis- IndusRiver system (c. 35002600 bce), (4)
penses its major river systemsthe the Indus, or Harappan, civilization (c.
Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri 26002000 bce, or perhaps ending as late
(Cauvery)into the Bay of Bengal. as 1750 bce), and (5) the Post-Urban Period,
Rising some 3,000 feet (1,000 metres) or which follows the Indus civilization and
more along the western edge of the precedes the rise of cities in northern India
Deccan, the escarpment known as during the second quarter of the 1st millen-
the Western Ghats traps the moisture of nium bce (c. 1750750 bce). The materials
winds from the Arabian Sea, most nota- available for a reconstruction of the history
bly during the southwest monsoon, of India prior to the 3rd century bce are
creating a tropical monsoon climate almost entirely the products of archaeolog-
along the narrow western littoral and ical research. Traditional and textual
depriving the Deccan of signicant pre- sources, transmitted orally for many centu-
cipitation. The absence of snowpack in ries, are available from the closing centuries
the south Indian uplands makes the of the 2nd millennium bce, but their use
region dependent entirely on rainfall for depends largely on the extent to which any
its stream ow. The arrival of the south- passage can be dated or associated with
west monsoon in June is thus a pivotal archaeological evidence. For the rise of civ-
annual event in peninsular culture. ilization in the Indus valley and for
contemporary events in other parts of the
FROM THE PALEOLITHIC subcontinent, the evidence of archaeology
PERIOD TO THE DECLINE OF is still the principal source of information.
THE INDUS CIVILIZATION Even when it becomes possible to read the
short inscriptions of the Harappan seals, it
The earliest periods of Indian history are is unlikely that they will provide much
known only through reconstructions from information to supplement other sources.
archaeological evidence. Since the late In those circumstances it is necessary to
20th century, much new data has emerged, approach the early history of India largely
allowing a far fuller reconstruction than through the eyes of the archaeologists, and
was formerly possible. This section will dis- it will be wise to retain a balance between
cuss ve major periods: (1) the early an objective assessment of archaeological
prehistoric period (before the 8th millen- data and its synthetic interpretation.
nium bce), (2) the period of the prehistoric
agriculturalists and pastoralists (approxi- THE EARLY PREHISTORIC
mately the 8th to the mid-4th millennium PERIOD
bce), (3) the Early Indus, or Early Harappan,
Period (so named for the excavated city of In the mid-19th century, archaeologists in
Harappa in eastern Pakistan), witnessing southern India identied hand axes
The Beginnings of Indias History | 25

comparable to those of Stone Age Europe. Stone Age) and Chalcolithic Age (Copper-
For nearly a century thereafter, evaluation Stone Age) also are applied, but
of a burgeoning body of evidence con- increasingly, as archaeology has yielded
sisted in the attempt to correlate Indian more-detailed cultural proles for those
chronologies with the well-documented periods, scholars have come to emphasize
European and Mediterranean chronolo- the subsistence bases of early societies
gies. As the vast majority of early nds e.g., hunting and gathering, pastoralism,
were from surface sites, they long and agriculture. The terms Early Harappan
remained without precise dates or cultural and Harappan (from the site where
contexts. More recently, however, the exca- remains of a major city of the Indus civili-
vation of numerous cave and dune sites zation were discovered in 1921) are used
has yielded artifacts in association with primarily in a chronological way but also
organic material that can be dated using loosely in a cultural sense, relating respec-
the carbon-14 method, and the techniques tively to periods or cultures that preceded
of thermoluminescent and paleomagnetic the appearance of city life in the Indus val-
analysis now permit dating of pottery ley and to the Indus civilization itself.
fragments and other inorganic materials.
Research beginning in the late 20th cen- The Indian Paleolithic
tury has focused on the unique
environment of the subcontinent as the The oldest artifacts yet found on the sub-
context for a cultural evolution analogous continent, marking what may be called the
to, but not uniform with, that of other beginning of the Indian Lower Paleolithic,
regions. Increasing understanding of come from the western end of the Shiwalik
plate tectonics, to cite one development, Range, near Rawalpindi in northern
has greatly advanced this endeavour. Pakistan. These quartzite pebble tools and
Most outlines of Indian prehistory akes date to about two million years ago,
have employed nomenclature once according to paleomagnetic analysis, and
thought to reect a worldwide sequence of represent a pre-hand-ax industry of a type
human cultural evolution. The European that appears to have persisted for an
concept of the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic extensive period thereafter. The artifacts
Period (comprising Lower, Middle, and are associated with extremely rich sedi-
Upper stages), remains useful with regard mentary evidence and fossil fauna, but
to South Asia in identifying levels of tech- thus far no correlative hominin (i.e., mem-
nology, apart from any universal time line. bers of the human lineage) remains have
Similarly, what has been called the Indian been found. In the same region the earliest
Mesolithic Period (Middle Stone Age) cor- hand axes (of the type commonly associ-
responds in general typological terms to ated with Acheulean industry) have been
that of Europe. For the subsequent periods, dated paleomagnetically to about
the designations Neolithic Period (New 500,000 years ago.
26 | The History of India

The Great Indian Desert, straddling Upper Paleolithic exhibit adaptations for
what is now the southern half of the India- working particular materials, such as
Pakistan border, supplied signicant leather, wood, and bone. The earliest rock
archaeological materials in the late 20th paintings yet discovered in the region
century. Hand axes found at Didwana, date to the Upper Paleolithic.
Rajasthan, similar to those from the Other important Paleolithic sites that
Shiwalik Range, yield slightly younger have been excavated include those at
dates of about 400,000 years ago. Hunsgi in Karnataka state, at Sanghao
Examination of the desert soil strata and cave in North-West Frontier Province,
other evidence has revealed a correlation Pak., and in the Vindhya Range separat-
between prevailing climates and the suc- ing the Ganges basin from the Deccan
cessive levels of technology that plateau. At the latter, local workers
constitute the Paleolithic. For example, a readily identied a weathered Upper
prolonged humid phase, as attested by Paleolithic limestone carving as a repre-
reddish brown soil with a deep prole, sentation of a mother goddess.
appears to have commenced some
140,000 years ago and lasted until about Mesolithic Hunters
25,000 years ago, roughly the extent of
the Middle Paleolithic Period. During The progressive diminution in the size
that time the area of the present desert of stone artifacts that began in the
provided a rich environment for hunting. Middle Paleolithic reached its climax in
The Rohri Hills, located at the Indus the small parallel-sided blades and
River margins of the desert, contain a microliths of what has been called the
group of sites associated with sources of Indian Mesolithic. A great proliferation
chert, a type of stone that is a principal of Mesolithic cultures is evident through-
raw material for making tools and weap- out India, although they are known
ons. Evidence surrounding these chert almost exclusively from surface collec-
bandsin an alluvial plain otherwise tions of tools. Cultures of this period
largely devoid of stonesuggests their exhibited a wide variety of subsistence
development as a major factory centre patterns, including hunting and gather-
during the Middle Paleolithic. The transi- ing, shing, and, at least for part of the
tion in this same region to a drier climate period, some herding and small-scale
during the period from about 40,000 to agriculture. It may be inferred from
about 25,000 years ago coincides with numerous examples that hunting cul-
the onset of the Upper Paleolithic, which tures frequently coexisted and interacted
lasted until about 15,000 years ago. The with agricultural and pastoral communi-
basic innovation marking this stage is ties. These relationships must have
the production of parallel-sided blades continually varied from region to region
from a prepared core. Also, tools of the as a result of environmental and other
The Beginnings of Indias History | 27

factors. Strikingly, such patterns of inter- agricultural lands extending from the
action persisted in the subcontinent Tigris-Euphrates river system to the Nile
throughout the remainder of the prehis- valley) in the Middle East. Across the pla-
toric period and long into the historic, teau, lines of communication existed
with vestiges still discernible in some from early antiquity, which would sug-
areas in the 20th century. gest a broad parallelism of developments
Thus, chronologically, the Mesolithic at both the eastern and western extremi-
cultures cover an enormous span. In Sri ties. During the late 20th century,
Lanka several Mesolithic sites have been knowledge of early settlements on the
dated to as early as about 30,000 years borders of the Indus system and
ago, the oldest yet recorded for the period Baluchistan was revolutionized by exca-
in South Asia. At the other end of the sub- vations at Mehrgarh and elsewhere.
continent, in caves of the Hindu Kush in
northern Afghanistan, evidence of occu- Neolithic Agriculture in the
pation dating to between 15,000 and Indus Valley and Baluchistan
10,000 bce represents the Epipaleolithic
Stage, which may be considered to fall The group of sites at Mehrgarh provides
within the Mesolithic. The domestication evidence of some ve or six thousand
of sheep and goats is thought to have years of occupation comprising two major
begun in this region and period. periods, the rst from the 8th through the
Many of the caves and rock shelters of 6th millennium bce and the second from
central India contain rock paintings the 5th through the 4th (and possibly the
depicting a variety of subjects, including 3rd) millennium. The earliest evidence
game animals and such human activities occurs in a mound 23 feet (7 metres) deep
as hunting, honey collecting, and dancing. discovered beneath massive alluvial
This art appears to have developed from deposits. Two subphases of Period I are
Upper Paleolithic precursors and reveals apparent from the mound artifacts.
much about life in the period. Along with Phase IA, dating to the 8th7th mil-
the art have come increasingly clear indi- lennium bce, was an aceramic (i.e.,
cations that some of the caves were sites of lacking pottery) Neolithic occupation.
religious activity. The main tools were stone blades, includ-
ing lunates and triangles, some probably
THE EARLIEST AGRICULTUR- mounted in wooden hafts with bitumen
ALISTS AND PASTORALISTS mastic; a relatively small number of
ground stone axes have been found.
The Indo-Iranian borderlands form the Domestication of wheat and barley appar-
eastern extension of the Iranian plateau ently reached the area sometime during
and in some ways mirror the environ- this phase, as did that of sheep and goats,
ment of the Fertile Crescent (the arc of although the preponderance of gazelle
28 | The History of India

bones among the animal remains Striking changes characterize Period

suggests continued dependence on hunt- II. It appears that some major tectonic
ing. Houses of mud brick date from event took place at the beginning of the
the beginning of this phase and period (c. 5500 bce), causing the deposi-
continue throughout the occupation. tion of great quantities of silt on the plain,
Accompaniments to the simple burial of almost completely burying the original
human remains included shell or stone- mound at Mehrgarh. Nearly all features of
bead necklaces, baskets, and occasionally the earlier culture persisted, though in
young caprids (both sheep and goats) altered form. There was an increase in the
slaughtered for the purpose. use of pottery. The granary structures pro-
Phase 1B, dating to the 7th6th mil- liferated, sometimes on a larger scale. The
lennium, is characterized by the remains of several massive brick walls and
emergence of pottery and improvements platforms suggest something approach-
in agriculture. By the beginning of Phase ing monumental architecture. Evidence
1B, cattle (apparently Bos indicus, the appears of several new crafts, including
Indian humped variety) had come to pre- the rst examples of the use of copper and
dominate over game animals, as well as ivory. The area of the settlement appears
over sheep and goats. A new type of to have grown to accommodate an increas-
building, the small regular compartments ing population.
of which identify it almost certainly as a While the settlement at Mehrgarh
granary, rst appeared during this phase merits extensive consideration, it should
and became prevalent in Period II, indi- not be perceived as a unique site. There
cating the frequent occurrence of crop are indications (not yet fully explored)
surpluses. Burial took a more elaborate that other equally early sites may exist in
forma funerary chamber was dug at one other parts of Baluchistan and elsewhere
end of a pit, and, after inhumation, the on the Indo-Iranian borderlands.
chamber was sealed by a mud brick wall. In the northern parts of the Indus sys-
From the latter phase of Period I also tem, the earliest known settlements are
come the rst small, hand-modeled substantially later than Mehrgarh. For
female gurines of unburned clay. example, at Sarai Khola (near the ruins of
The Period I evidence at Mehrgarh pro- Taxila in the Pakistan Punjab) the earliest
vides a clear picture of an early agricultural occupation dates from the end of the 4th
settlement exhibiting domestic architec- millennium and clearly represents a tra-
ture and a variety of well-established crafts. dition quite distinct from that of
The use of seashells and of various semi- contemporary Sind or Balochistan, with
precious stones, including turquoise and ground stone axes and plain burnished
lapis lazuli, indicates the existence of trade red-brown pottery. The same is the case
networks extending from the coast and at Burzahom in the Vale of Kashmir,
perhaps also from Central Asia. where deep pit dwellings are associated
The Beginnings of Indias History | 29

with ground stone axes, bone tools, and the nucleus from which stone-ax-using
gray burnished pottery. Evidence of the pastoralists appear to have spread to
aceramic Neolithic stage is reported at many parts of the southern peninsula has
Gufkral, another site in the Kashmir been located. The earliest radiocarbon
region, which has been dated by radio- dates obtained in this area are from ash
carbon to the 3rd millennium and later. mounds formed by the burning on these
sites of great masses of cow dung inside
Developments in the cattle pens. These indicate that the rst
Ganges Basin settlers were seminomadic and that they
had large herds of Brahman (zebu) cattle.
In the hills to the south of the Ganges The earliest known settlements, which
(Ganga) valley, a group of sites has been were located at Kodekal and Utnur, date to
assigned to the Vindhya Neolithic; for about 2900 bce. Other important sites are
at least one of these, Koldihwa, dates as Brahmagiri and Tekkalkota in Karnataka
early as the 7th millennium have been and Utnur and Nagarajunikonda in
reported. The sites contain circular huts Andhra Pradesh. At Tekkalkota three gold
made of timber posts and thatch; associ- ornaments were excavated, indicating
ated implements and vessels include exploitation of local ore deposits, but no
stone blades, ground stone axes, bone other metal objects have been found, sug-
tools, and crude handmade pottery, often gesting a relative scarcity of metals.
bearing the marks of cords or baskets These early sites produced distinctive
used in shaping the clay. In one case a burnished gray pottery, smaller quanti-
small cattle pen has been excavated. Rice ties of black-on-red painted pottery, stone
husks occur, though whether from wild axes, and bone points, and in some
or cultivated varieties remains to be instances evidence of a stone-blade
determined. There exists considerable industry. The axes have a generally oval
uncertainty about the chronology of section and triangular form with pointed
these settlements; very few radiocarbon butts. Among bone remains, those of cat-
dates penetrate further than the 2nd tle are in the majority, while those of
millennium. sheep or goats are also present. Other
settlements have been excavated in
Earliest Settlements in recent years in this region, but so far they
Peninsular India have produced dates from the 2nd mil-
lennium, suggesting that the culture
The earliest dates recorded for settle- continued with little change for many
ments in peninsular India belong to the centuries. Stone axes of a generally simi-
opening centuries of the 3rd millennium. lar form have been found widely
A pastoral character dominates the evi- throughout the southern peninsula and
dence. In the northern parts of Karnataka, may be taken as indications of the spread
30 | The History of India

of pastoralists throughout the region dur- suggest distinct groupings among the
ing the 2nd millennium bce. communities.
At a somewhat later date, probably
Earliest Settlements in toward the middle of the 4th millennium
Eastern India bce, agricultural settlements began to
spread more widely in the Indus valley
Archaeologists have long postulated the itself. The earliest of these provide clear
existence of Neolithic settlements in links with the cultures along or beyond the
the eastern border regions of South Asia western margins of the Indus valley. In the
on the basis of widespread collections of course of time, a remarkable change took
ground stone axes and adzes, often of dis- place in the form of the Indus settlements,
tinctive forms, comparable to those of suggesting that some kind of closer interac-
Southeast Asia and south China. There is, tion was developing, often over considerable
however, little substantial evidence for distances, and that a process of conver-
the date of these collections or for the cul- gence was under way. This continued for
ture of the people who made them. approximately 500 years and can now be
Excavations at one site, Sarutaru, near the identied as marking a transition toward
city of Guwahati, revealed stone axes and the full urban society that emerged at
shouldered celts (one of the distinctive Harappa and similar sites about 2600 bce.
tool types of the Neolithic) in association For this reason, this stage has been named
with cord- or basket-marked pottery. the Early Harappan, or Early Indus, culture.

THE RISE OF URBANISM IN Extent and Chronology of

THE INDUS VALLEY Early Harappan Culture

From about 5000 bce, increasing num- It is now clear that sites assignable to the
bers of settlements began to appear Early Harappan Period extend over an
throughout the Indo-Iranian borderlands. immense area: from the Indus delta in the
These, as far as can be judged, were south, southeastward into Saurashtra;
village communities of settled agricultur- up the Indus valley to western Punjab in
alists, employing common means of the northwest; eastward past Harappa
subsistence in the cultivation of wheat, to the Bahawalpur region of Pakistan;
barley, and other crops and in the keep- and, in the northeast, into the Indian
ing of cattle, sheep, and goats; there was a states of Punjab and Haryana. In short,
broadly common level of technology the area of the Early Harappan culture
based on the use of stone for some arti- was nearly coextensive with that of the
facts and copper and bronze for others. mature Indus civilization.
Comparison and contrast of the high- Radiocarbon dating of artifacts from a
quality painted pottery of the period number of the excavated sites provides
The Beginnings of Indias History | 31

a fairly consistent chronological picture. Harappan Kalibangan (Kali Banga) in

The Early Harappan Period began in the Rajasthan resembled Rehman Dheri
mid-4th millennium bce and continued in form. It later served as the basis for
until the mid-3rd millennium, when the an expanded settlement of the mature
mature Indus civilization displaced it in Indus civilization. Still farther east in the
many regions. In some regions, notably eastern Punjab and in Haryana are many
in Punjab, the mature urban style seems other Early Harappan sites. Among them
never to have been fully established, and several have been excavated, notably
in these areas the Early Harappan style Banawali and Mitathal. Another example
continued with little or no outward sign of of a walled settlement of the period is
mature Harappan contact until about Tharro in southern Sind. This was proba-
2000 bce. bly originally a coastal site, although it is
now many miles from the sea. There the
Principal Sites surrounding wall and the extant traces of
houses are of local stone.
One of the most signicant features of
the Early Harappan settlements is the Subsistence and Technology
evidence for a hierarchy among the sites,
culminating in a number of substantial Many of the excavated sites mentioned
walled towns. The rst site to be recog- above have yet to be fully studied and the
nized as belonging to the Early Harappan ndings published, and knowledge of
Period was Amri in 1929. In 1948 the the various features of the life and
British archaeologist Sir Mortimer economy of their inhabitants remains
Wheeler discovered a small deposit of somewhat scanty. All the evidence indi-
pottery stratied below the remains cates that the subsistence base of Early
of the mature Indus city at Harappa. Harappan economy remained much as it
The next site to be excavated with a view had already developed at Mehrgarh
to uncovering the Early Harappan Period some two millennia earlier; cattle, sheep,
was Kot Diji (in present-day Sind prov- and goats constituted the principal
ince, Pakistan). A stone rubble wall domestic animals, and wheat and barley
surrounded this settlement, which formed the staple crops. From Kalibangan
appears to date to about 3000 bce. An and several other sites in Bahawalpur and
even earlier example is Rehman Dheri, Punjab comes intriguing evidence con-
near Dera Ismail Khan, which appears to cerning the use of the plow. At the former
have achieved its walled status during site, excavators discovered what appeared
the last centuries of the 4th millennium. to be a plowed eld surface preserved
There the roughly rectangular, grid- beneath buildings from the mature Indus
patterned settlement was surrounded period. The pattern of crisscrossed fur-
by a massive wall of mud brick. Early rows was virtually identical to that still
32 | The History of India

employed in the region, the wider fur- Culture and Religion

rows in one direction being used for taller
crops, such as peas, and the narrow per- It may be concluded on the basis of pot-
pendicular rows being used for oilseed tery decoration that major changes were
plants such as those of the genus taking place in the intellectual life of the
Sesamum (sesame). From Banawali and whole region during the Early Harappan
sites in the desiccated Sarasvati River Period. At a number of sites the pottery
valley came terra-cotta models of plows, bears a variety of incised or painted
supporting the earlier interpretation of marks, some supercially resembling
the eld pattern. script. The signicance of these marks is
The evidence for the various Early not clear, but most probably they repre-
Harappan crafts and their products also sent owners marks, applied at the time of
calls for further publication and detail manufacture. Although it would be an
before a rm picture can be obtained. exaggeration to regard these marks as
Thus far, only a small number of copper actual writing, they suggest that the need
tools have been found, and little can yet for a script was beginning to arise.
be conrmed regarding their sources and Among the painted decorations found
manufacture. A number of the settlement on the pottery, some appear to carry a dis-
sites lie far from any sources of stone, tinctly religious symbolism. The clearest
and thus the regular appearance of a instance of this is in the widespread
stone-blade industry, producing small, occurrence of the buffalo-head motif, char-
plain or serrated blades from prepared acterized by elongated horns and in some
stone cores, implies that the raw materi- cases sprouting pipal (Ficus religiosa)
als must have been imported, often from branches or other plant forms. These have
considerable distances. The same been interpreted as representing a buf-
assumption applies to the larger stones falo deity. A painted bowl from Lewan
employed as rubbers or grinders, but in displays a pair of such heads, one a buffalo
the absence of detailed research, no rm and the other a Bos indicus, each adorned
conclusions are possible. Related evi- with pipal foliage. Other devices from the
dence does indicate that some painted pottery may also have religious
contemporary sites, such as Lewan and signicance, particularly the pipal leaves
Tarakai Qila in the Bannu basin, were that occur as independent motifs. Other
large-scale factories, producing many examples include sh forms and the sh-
types of tools from carefully selected scale pattern that later appears as a
stones collected and brought in from common decoration on the mature Indus
neighbouring areas. These same sites pottery. Throughout the region, evidence
also appear to have been centres for the supports a convergence of form and dec-
manufacture of beads of various semi- oration in anticipation of the more
precious stones. conservative Indus style.
The Beginnings of Indias History | 33

Indus River
The Indus River is the great trans-Himalayan river of southern Asia. It is one of the worlds
longest rivers, with a length of 1,800 miles (2,900 km), and its annual average ow of 272 billion
cubic yards (207 billion cubic metres) is twice that of the Nile River. The Indus rises in south-
western Tibet and ows northwest through valleys of the Himalayas. After crossing into the
Kashmir region, it continues northwestward through the Indian- and Pakistani-administered
areas of the region and then turns south into Pakistan. Swelled by tributaries from the Punjab
region, including the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej rivers, it widens and ows more
slowly. It has supplied water for irrigation on the plains of the Indus valley since ancient times.

The remains discussed above, con- Character and Significance

sidered collectively, suggest that four or
ve millennia of uninterrupted agricul- While the Indus civilization may be con-
tural life in the Indus region set the sidered the culmination of a long process
stage for the nal emergence of an indig- indigenous to the Indus valley, a number
enous Indus civilization about 2600 bce. of parallels exist between developments
It could also be argued, however, that the on the Indus River and the rise of civiliza-
substantial Early Harappan walled tion in Mesopotamia. It is striking to
towns constituted cities. Much research, compare the Indus with this better-known
excavation, and comparative analysis and more fully documented region and to
are required before this fertile and pro- see how closely the two coincide with
vocative period can be understood. respect to the emergence of cities and of
such major concomitants of civilization
THE INDUS CIVILIZATION as writing, standardized weights and
measures, and monumental architecture.
The earliest known urban culture of the Yet nearly all the earlier writers have
Indian subcontinent is known as sensed the Indian-ness of the civilization,
the Indus (or Harappan) civilization. even when they were largely unable to
Among the great civilizations of the articulate it. Thus, historian V. Gordon
ancient worldthe others being Egypt, Childe wrote that:
Mesopotamia, and the Huang He (Yellow
River) region of Chinathe Indus was the India confronts Egypt and
most extensive. Babylonia by the 3rd millennium
34 | The History of India

with a thoroughly individual and implied by this vast area of cultural uni-
independent civilization of her formity. The evidence of widespread
own, technically the peer of the trade in many commodities, the apparent
rest. And plainly it is deeply uniformity of weights and measures, the
rooted in Indian soil. The Indus common script, and the uniformity
civilization represents a very per- almost common currencyof the seals all
fect adjustment of human life to a indicate some measure of political and
specic environment. And it has economic control and point to the great
endured; it is already specically cities Mohenjo-daro and Harappa as their
Indian and forms the basis of centres. The presence of the great grana-
modern Indian culture. (New ries on the citadel mounds in these cities
Light on the Most Ancient East, and of the citadels themselves suggests
4th ed., 1952.) partly on the analogies of the cities of
Mesopotamiathe existence of priest-
The force of Childes words can be kings, or at least a priestly oligarchy, that
appreciated even without an examina- controlled the economy and civil govern-
tion of the Indus valley script found on ment. The intellectual mechanism of
seals; the attention paid to domestic this government and the striking degree
bathrooms, the drains, and the Great Bath of control implicit in it are still matters of
at Mohenjo-daro can all be compared to speculation. Nor can scholars yet speak
elements in the later Indian civilization. with any certainty regarding relations
The bullock carts with a framed canopy, between the cities and surrounding vil-
called ikkas, and boats are little changed lages. Much more research needs to be
to this day. The absence of pins and the done, on many such topics, before the full
love of bangles and of elaborate nose character of the Indus civilization can be
ornaments are all peculiarly South Asian. revealed.
The religion of the Indus also is replete
with suggestions of traits known from Chronology
later India. The signicance of the bull,
the tiger, and the elephant; the composite The rst serious attempt at establishing a
animals; the seated yogi god of the seals; chronology for the Indus civilization
the tree spirits and the objects resem- relied on cross-dating with Mesopotamia.
bling the Shiva linga (a phallus symbolic In this way, Cyril John Gadd cited the
of the god Shiva) of later timesall these period of Sargon of Akkad (23342279
are suggestive of enduring forms in later bce) and the subsequent Isin-Larsa Period
Indian civilization. (20171794 bce) as the time when trade
It is still impossible to do more than between ancient India and Mesopotamia
guess at the social organization or the was at its height. Calibration of the ever-
political and administrative control growing number of radiocarbon dates
The Beginnings of Indias History | 35

provides a reasonably consistent series frontier with Iran. These sites were proba-
from site to site. The broad picture thus bly ports or trading posts, supporting the
obtained suggests that the mature Indus sea trade with the Persian Gulf, and were
civilization emerged between 2600 and established in what otherwise remained a
2500 bce and continued in full glory to largely separate cultural region. The
about 2000 bce. Thereafter the evidence uplands of Baluchistan, while showing
is still somewhat unclear, but the late clear evidence of trade and contact with
stage of the mature culture probably con- the Indus civilization, appear to have
tinued until about 1700 bce, by which remained outside the direct Harappan rule.
time it is probably accurate to speak of the To the east of the Indus delta, other
Post-Urban, or Post-Harappan, stage. coastal sites are found beyond the marshy
salt ats of the Rann of Kachchh (Kutch)
Extent and in the interior of the Kathiawar
Peninsula (Saurashtra). These include the
All the earlier writers have stressed the estuarine trading post at Lothal on the
remarkable uniformity of the products of Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay), as well as
the Harappan civilization, and for this rea- many other sites, some of which are major.
son they provide a denite hallmark for its West of the Indus River a number of
settlements. The more-recent evidence important sites are situated on the alluvial
suggests that, if the outermost sites are Kacchi desert region of Balochistan, Pak.,
joined by lines, the area enclosed will be a toward Sibi and Quetta. East of the Indus
little less than about 500,000 square miles system, toward the north, a number of sites
(1,300,000 square km)considerably occur right up to the edge of the Himalayan
larger than present-day Pakistanand if, foothills, where at Alamgirpur, north of
as is generally inferred, this cultural unifor- Delhi, the easternmost Harappan (or per-
mity coincided with some sort of political haps, more properly, Late Harappan)
and administrative unity, the size of the settlement has been discovered and partly
resulting empire is truly vast. Within this excavated. If the area covered by these
area, several hundred sites have been iden- sites is compared with that of the Early
tied, the great majority of which are on Harappan settlements, it will be seen that
the plains of the Indus or its tributaries or there is an expansion in several directions,
on the now dry course of the ancient along the coast to both the west and the
Saraswati River, which owed south of the east and eastward through the Punjab
Sutlej River and then, perhaps, southward toward the Ganges-Yamuna Doab.
to the Indian Ocean, east of the main
course of the Indus itself. Outside Planning and Architecture
the Indus system a few sites occur on the
Makran Coast, the western-most of which The Harappan sites range from extensive
is at Sutkagen Dor, near the present-day cities to small villages or outposts.
36 | The History of India

The two largest are Mohenjo-daro and Amri, Chanhu-daro, and Judeirjo-daro in
Harappa, each perhaps originally about a Sind; and Sandhanawala in Bahawalpur.
mile square in overall dimensions. Each Among the smaller sites, special interest
shares a characteristic layout, oriented attaches to Lothal, where a number of
roughly north-south with a great fortied unique and problematic features were
citadel mound to the west and a larger discovered in excavations. Of all the sites,
lower city to the east. A similar layout is Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Kalibangan, and
also discernible in the somewhat smaller Lothal have been most extensively exca-
town of Kalibangan, and several other vated, and more can be said of their
major settlements appear to have shared original layout and planning. Thus, they
this scheme. Other major sites include are considered in greater detail below.
Dholavira and Surkotada near the Rann of At three of the excavated major sites,
Kachchh; Naushahro Firoz in Balochistan, the citadel mound is on a north-south
Pak.; Shortughai in northern Afghanistan; axis and about twice as long as it is broad.

Stupalike stone tower, Mohenjo-daro, eastern Pakistan. Frederick M. Asher

The Beginnings of Indias History | 37

The lower city is laid out in a grid pattern The houses were invariably entered
of streets; at Kalibangan these were of from the side lanes, with the walls to the
regularly controlled widths, with the main streets presenting a blank brick
major streets running through, while facade broken only by the drainage
the minor lanes were sometimes offset, chutes. Apart from domestic structures, a
creating different sizes of blocks. At all wide range of shops and craft workshops
three sites the citadel was protected by a have been encountered, including pot-
massive defensive wall of brick, which at ters kilns, dyers vats, and the shops of
Kalibangan was strengthened at intervals metalworkers, shell workers, and bead
by square or rectangular bastions. At makers. There is surprisingly little evi-
Kalibangan, traces of a somewhat less dence of public places of worship,
substantial wall around the lower town although at Mohenjo-daro a number of
have also been discovered. In all three possible temples were unearthed in the
cases the city was situated near a river, lower city, and other buildings of a ritual
although these courses are now extinct. character were reported in the citadel.
The most common building material at The size of houses varies considerably.
every site was brick, but the proportions of At the one extreme are single-roomed
burned brick to unburned mud brick vary. barracks, with cooking and bathing areas
Mohenjo-daro employs burned brick, per- formed within by partition walls, and at
haps because timber was more readily the other are large houses around a cen-
available, while mud brick was reserved tral courtyard or sometimes with a set of
for llings and mass work. Kalibangan, on intersecting courtyards, each with its own
the other hand, reserved burned brick for adjoining rooms. Nearly all the larger
bathrooms, wells, and drains. Most of the houses had private wells. In many cases
domestic architecture at Kalibangan was in brick stairways led to what must have
mud brick. Brick was generally bonded been upper stories or at roofs. The bath-
in courses of alternate headers and rooms were usually indicated by the ne
stretchersthe so-called English bond. quality of the brickwork in the oor and
Stone was rarely, if ever, employed struc- by waste drains.
turally. Timber was occasionally used as a
lacing for brickwork, particularly in large- Important Sites
scale work such as the defenses or the
granary at Mohenjo-daro. The common Mohenjo-Daro
bricks were made in an open mold, but for
special purposes sawed bricks were also The mounds of Mohenjo-daro lie near the
employed. Timber was used for the uni- right bank of the Indus in the Larkana dis-
versal at roofs, and in some instances the trict of Sind province. The excavations
sockets indicate square-cut beams with revealed that the lowest level of former
spans of as much as 14 feet (4.5 metres). occupation was covered by deposits of
38 | The History of India

The Great Bath, Mohenjo-daro, eastern Pakistan. Frederick M. Asher

alluvial silt to a depth of about 30 feet (10 archaeologist Sir John Hubert Marshall
metres), attributable to annual ooding. discovered a massive platform of mud
The lowest levels are thus below the brick and clay approximately 20 feet (6
present-day water table and are still metres) in depth, above which were six
largely unexcavated. As noted above, the main building levels. Under this platform
main features of the layout of Mohenjo- lay the remains of the early period. It is
daro are a citadel to the west and a lower probable, but by no means certain, that the
city and grid of streets to the east. Enough platform was raised as protection against
has been said of the general features of the oods. Both it and the great brick defen-
lower city to make it unnecessary to say sive wall around the perimeter were built at
more of the considerable areas excavated the beginning of the intermediate period.
in that part. The citadel, however, demands The main buildings of the citadel all
further attention. In the citadel the English apparently belong to the same period. The
The Beginnings of Indias History | 39

most striking of these is the Great Bath, corbeled drain disgorging on the west
which occupies a central position in the side of the mound. The bath was reached
better-preserved northern half of the cita- by ights of steps at either end, originally
del. It is built of ne brickwork, measures nished with timbered treads set in bitu-
897 square feet (83 square metres), and is 8 men. The signicance of this extraordinary
feet (2.5 metres) lower than the surround- structure can only be guessed at, but it has
ing pavement. The oor of the bath generally been thought that it is linked
consists of two skins of sawed brick set on with some sort of ritual bathing. To the
edge in gypsum mortar, with a layer of north and east of the bath were groups of
bitumen sealer sandwiched between the rooms that evidently were also designed
skins. Water was evidently supplied by a for some special function, probably asso-
large well in an adjacent room, and an out- ciated with the group of administrators or
let in one corner of the bath led to a high priests who controlled not only the city

Stone board game from Harappa, now in the Harappa Museum, eastern Pakistan. Robert
Harding World Imagery/Getty Images
40 | The History of India

but also the great state that it dominated. roughly a parallelogram on plan, measur-
To the west of the bath a complex of brick ing approximately 1,300 by 650 feet (400
platforms about 5 feet (1.5 metres) high by 200 metres). Excavation there revealed
and separated from each other by narrow a great platform of mud brick about 20
passages formed a podium of some 150 by feet (6 metres) in thickness, with a mas-
75 feet (45 by 22 metres), which has been sive brick wall around the perimeter.
identied by Wheeler as the base of a Below the defenses were discovered
great granary similar to that known at traces of the Early Harappan Period. The
Harappa. Below the granary were brick excavations were not extensive enough
loading bays. In the southern part of the to reveal the layout of the interior, but
mound an oblong assembly hall was dis- about six building periods were discov-
covered, having four rows of ne brick ered above the platform. The most
plinths, presumably to take wooden col- interesting remains were discovered
umns. In a room adjacent to this hall, a immediately north of the citadel, close to
stone sculpture of a seated male gure the bed of the river: there were a series of
was discovered, and nearby a number of circular platforms evidently intended to
large worked-stone rings, possibly of hold mortars for pounding grain; a
some architectural signicance. It seems remarkable series of brick plinths, which
certain that this area was invested with are inferred to have formed the podium
some special signicance and may well for two rows of six granary buildings,
have been a temple or connected with each 50 by 20 feet (15 by 6 metres) and of
some religious cult. a different design from those at Mohenjo-
daro; a series of pear-shaped furnaces,
Harappa apparently used for metallurgy; and two
rows of single-roomed barracks, which
The vast mounds at Harappa stand are generally thought to have been occu-
on the left bank of the now dry course of pied by servants. Two other discoveries
the Ravi River in the Punjab. They were at Harappa were made to the south of the
excavated between 1920 and 1934 by citadel. There two cemeteries were
the Archaeological Survey of India, in foundR. 37, belonging to the Harappan
1946 by Wheeler, and in the late 20th Period, and H, dating from the Late or
century by an American and Pakistani even Post-Harappan Period.
team. When rst discovered, the exten-
sive surviving brick ramparts led to the Kalibangan
sites being described as a ruined brick
castle. The lower city is partly occupied Third in importance among excavated
by a modern village, and it has been seri- Harappan sites is Kalibangan, which
ously disturbed by erosion and brick stands on the left bank of the dry bed of
robbers. The citadel, to the west, is the Saraswati River in northern Rajasthan.
The Beginnings of Indias History | 41

Remains of the artisans quarter excavated at Harappa, eastern Pakistan. Roger Viollet/
Getty Images

As mentioned above, an Early Harappan courses of an accurately laid rhomboid

settlement lies beneath the later remains, central section with oblong bastions at
and the main Harappan township has a each corner and smaller bastions on the
layout strikingly similar to that of north and south walls. The principal
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. In the lower access was from the south via a ight of
town, excavation has revealed as many as steps. Access from the north was via a
nine building phases. The citadel mound narrow postern reached by a stairway,
is a parallelogram on a plan of about 430 beyond which was a further rhomboid
feet (130 metres) on the east-west axis section, having an inset gateway in the
and 850 feet (260 metres) on the north- northwest corner, near the riverbank.
south. The whole site has been drastically Traces of a brick wall around the lower
reduced by brick robbers, but careful town were also encountered. The central
excavation has revealed the foundation sector of the citadel contained a series of
42 | The History of India

high brick platforms divided by narrow found on the citadel at Mohenjo-daro.

passages. The upper parts of these plat- The remaining enclosed area was evi-
forms had been seriously damaged, and dently taken up by houses and shops.
their function is mysterious, but they do Among the signicant nds were a bead
not appear to have been the foundation makers factory and the shops of gold-
for a granary. The northern sector con- smiths and coppersmiths. The main
tained normal domestic housing. A street ran from north to south.
cemetery was discovered a short distance The most unexpected discovery at
to the west of the town. It may be expected Lothal, however, was a great brick basin
that, when the excavation of this site is measuring some 718 by 121 feet (219 by 37
published, it will add greatly to knowl- metres) with extant brick walls of 15 feet
edge of the Indus civilization. (4.5 metres) in height. This lay east of the
settlement, alongside the platform on
Lothal which the granary block stood. At one
end of the basin was a small sluice or
One other excavated site deserves spe- spillway with a locking device. The exca-
cial attention; this is Lothal, a small vator has inferred that the basin was a
settlement built on low-lying ground dock to which ships could be brought
near a tributary of the Sabarmati River on from the nearby estuary via an articial
the west side of the Gulf of Khambhat. It channel that would have been kept clear
appears to have served as a port or trad- of silt by controlling the ow of water
ing station. Its layout is distinctive: the from the spillway. This view has not been
site is roughly rectangular, measuring universally accepted; another view is that
about 1,180 feet (360 metres) on the long it provided a source of fresh water for
north-south axis and 690 feet (210 metres) drinking or agriculture. A cemetery was
on the east-west. It was surrounded by a found outside the perimeter of the wall,
massive brick wall, which was probably west of the site.
used for ood protection. The southeast-
ern quadrant takes the form of a great Other Important Sites
platform of brick with earth lling, rising
to a height of about 13 feet (4 metres). On A growing number of other sites have
this were built a series of further smaller been excavated, each important in its
platforms with intersecting air channels, own way. On the coast near Las Bela in
reminiscent of the granary at Mohenjo- Balochistan, materials suggesting a sub-
daro, with overall dimensions of about stantial shell-working industry have been
159 by 139 feet (48 by 42 metres). Behind found at Balakot. Not far from Mehrgarh,
this block were other buildings including at the head of the Kacchi desert region in
a row of 12 bathrooms with connected Balochistan, the small settlement of
drains, also strongly reminiscent of those Naushahro Firoz provides valuable
The Beginnings of Indias History | 43

evidence of the actual transformation of day for comparison. Hugh Trevor

Early Harappan into mature Harappan. Lambrick proposed a gure of 35,000 for
Near the Rann of Kachchh, Surkotada is a Mohenjo-daro and a roughly similar g-
small settlement with an oblong fortica- ure for Harappa, while Walter A.
tion wall of stone. Also in Kachchh is Fairservis estimated the former at about
Dholavira, which appears to be among 41,250 and the latter about 23,500. These
the largest Harappan settlements so far gures are probably conservative. It
identied; a nine-year excavation at the would be possible to produce estimates
site completed in 2001 yielded a walled of the population for other sites along
Indus valley city that dated to the similar linesnotably for Kalibangan, of
mid-3rd millennium bce and covered which the lower city has an area about
some 3.5 acres (1.4 hectares). The one-fth that of Mohenjo-daro.
Archaeological Survey of India team
uncovered a sophisticated water-man- Agriculture and Animal
agement system with a series of giant Husbandry
reservoirsthe largest 265 by 40 feet (80
by 12 metres) wide and 23 feet (7 metres) It is certain that such great concentra-
deepused to conserve rainwater. Of tions of population had never been seen
excavated sites in Punjab, Banawali is an in the Indian subcontinent before that
important major settlement, surrounded date. Clearly the exploitation of the Indus
by massive brick defenses. One of the River oodplains and the use of the plow
most surprising discoveries, far outside attested in Early Harappan times by nds
the central area of the Indus civilization, in Kalibangan were matters of supreme
is Shortughai in the Amu Darya (Oxus importance. The Indus is at a minimum
River) valley, in northern Afghanistan. during the winter months and rises
There the remains of a small Harappan steadily during the spring and early sum-
colony, presumably sited so as to provide mer, reaching a maximum in midsummer
control of the lapis lazuli export trade and then subsiding. Lambrick has shown
originating in neighbouring Badakhshan, how the traditional exploitation of the
have been excavated by a French team. oods could provide a simple means of
growing the principal crops without even
Population plowing, manuring, or using major irriga-
tion. The main cereals would be sown at
There have been two independent esti- the end of the inundation on land that
mates of the population of Mohenjo-daro. had recently emerged from the oods,
Both are based on an estimation of the and the crop would be harvested in March
original area covered and the density of or April. Other crops might be sown in
the people living there, using traditional embanked elds at the beginning of the
settlements in the region in the present oods so that they could receive
44 | The History of India

The Brahman or zebu (Bos indicus), the famous humped cow of India. AFP/Getty Images

necessary water while growing and be seeds of mustard (most probably Brassica
harvested in the autumn. Wheat samples juncea) were obtained. Finally, there is
from the Indus cities have been evidence that cotton was cultivated and
identied as belonging to Triticum used for textiles.
sphaerococcum and two subspecies of T. A number of domesticated animal spe-
sativumvulgare and compactum. Barley cies have been found in excavations at the
is also found, of the species Hordeum Harappan cities. The Brahman or zebu (Bos
vulgare, variety nudum and variety hex- indicus), the humped cattle of India, were
astichum. Rice is recorded in Harappan most frequently encountered, though
times at Lothal in Gujarat, but whether it whether along with a humpless variety,
was wild or cultivated is not yet clear. such as that shown on the seals, is not clearly
Other crops include dates, melon, ses- established. The buffalo (B. bubalis) is less
ame, and varieties of leguminous plants, common and may have been wild. Sheep
such as eld peas. From Chanhu-daro, and goats occur, as does the Indian pig (Sus
The Beginnings of Indias History | 45

cristatus). The camel is present, as well as for river travel than for sea travel. A terra-
the ass (Equus asinus). Bones of domestic cotta model of another type of boat with a
fowl are not uncommon; these fowl were socket for mast and eye holes for rigging
domesticated from the indigenous jungle was discovered at Lothal. This appears to
fowl. Finally, the cat and the dog were both be a somewhat more seaworthy vessel.
evidently domesticated. Present, but not The dock basin at Lothal may have pro-
necessarily as a domesticated species, is the vided berth for ships of the size of the
elephant. The horse is possibly present but country craft that still ply between India
extremely rare and apparently only present and the Persian Gulf. Heavy pierced
in the last stages of the Harappan Period. stones discovered in the vicinity of the
dock basin at Lothal were assumed by
Communications the excavator to be similar to stones still
used by the local boatmen as anchors.
It is clear that, to achieve the degree of
uniformity of material culture evidenced Craft and Technology
in the excavations, considerable contact
must have been maintained between the The Indus civilization exhibits a wide
towns and cities of the Indus state. Such range of crafts and technical skills. As
contact may have been by both land and Childe remarked, these depended on the
river, just as the foreign trade must have same basic discoveries as those exploited
employed both overland and sea routes. in Egypt or Mesopotamia, but in each
For land travel the predominant means case the crafts acquired a signicance of
was probably the pack bullock, camel, or their own. More-recent research at
ass. All these animals are still, or were Mohenjo-daro has shown that different
until recently, used for pack transport in quarters of the lower city appeared to
the more-remote country districts of the house the families who specialized in dif-
subcontinent. For travel on the at allu- ferent crafts; such evidence strengthens
vial plains, the bullock cart was probably the view that occupational specialization
the main vehicle. Terra-cotta models of was rmly established.
such carts, apparently very little different Copper and bronze were the princi-
from the modern Indian cart, are fre- pal metals used for making tools and
quently encountered. For the transport of implements. These include at oblong
persons, smaller carts, with a body raised axes, chisels, knives, spears, arrowheads
above the level of the axle and a framed (of a kind that was evidently exported to
canopy (much like the modern ikka), are neighbouring hunting tribes), small
known from small bronze models. Several saws, and razors. All these could be
representations of boats also occur. They made by simple casting, chiseling, and
are mostly of simple design without hammering. Bronze is less common than
masts or sails and would be more suitable copper, and it is notably rarer in the
46 | The History of India

lower levels. Four main varieties of metal particularly noteworthy. They include
have been found: crude copper lumps in several varieties of etched carnelian
the state in which they left the smelting and long barrel beads made with
furnace; rened copper, containing trace extraordinary skill and accuracy. Shell
elements of arsenic and antimony; an and ivory were also worked and were
alloy of copper with 2 to 5 percent of used for beads, inlays, combs, bracelets,
arsenic; and bronze with a tin alloy, often and the like.
of as much as 11 to 13 percent. The cop- The pottery of the Indus cities has all
per and bronze vessels of the Harappans the marks of mass production. A sub-
are among their nest products, formed stantial proportion is thrown on the
by hammering sheets of metal. Casting wheel (probably the same kind of foot-
of copper and bronze was understood, wheel that is still found in the Indus
and gurines of men and animals were region and to the west to this day, as dis-
made by the lost-wax process. These too tinguished from the Indian spun wheel
are technically outstanding, though the common throughout the remaining parts
overall level of copper-bronze technol- of the subcontinent). The majority of the
ogy is not considered to have reached pottery is competent plain ware, well
the level attained in Mesopotamia. formed and red but lacking in aesthetic
Other metals used were gold, silver, appeal. A substantial portion of the pot-
and lead. The latter was employed occa- tery has a red slip and is painted with
sionally for making small vases and such black decoration. Larger pots were prob-
objects as plumb bobs. Silver is relatively ably built up on a turntable. Among the
more common than gold, and more than painted designs, conventionalized
a few vessels are known, generally in vegetable patterns are common, and
forms similar to copper and bronze exam- the elaborate geometric designs of the
ples. Gold is by no means common and painted pottery of Baluchistan give way
was generally reserved for such small to simpler motifs, such as intersecting
objects as beads, pendants, and brooches. circles or a scale pattern. Birds, animals,
Other special crafts include the sh, and more-interesting scenes are
manufacture of faience (earthenware comparatively rare. Of the vessel forms, a
decorated with coloured glazes)for shallow platter on a tall stand (known as
making beads, amulets, sealings, and the offering stand) is noteworthy, as is a
small vesselsand the working of stone tall cylindrical vessel perforated with
for bead manufacture and for seals. The small holes over its entire length and
seals were generally cut from steatite often open at top and bottom. The func-
(soapstone) and were carved in intaglio tion of this latter vessel remains a
or incised with a copper burin (cutting mystery.
tool). Beads were made from a variety of Although little has survived, very
substances, but the carnelians are great interest attaches to the fragments
The Beginnings of Indias History | 47

of cotton textiles recovered at Mohenjo- caused the establishment of economic

daro. These provide the earliest evidence relations with peoples living outside the
of a crop and industry for which India Harappan state. Such trade may be con-
has long been famous. It is assumed that sidered to be of two kinds: rst, the
the raw cotton must have been brought obtaining of raw materials and other
in bales to the cities to be spun, woven, goods from the village communities or
and perhaps dyed, as the presence of forest tribes in regions adjoining the
dyers vats would seem to indicate. Indus culture area; and second, trade with
Stone, although largely absent from the cities and empires of Mesopotamia.
the great alluvial plain of the Indus, There is ample indication of the former
played a major role in Harappan material type, even if the regions from which spe-
culture. Scattered sources, mostly on the cic materials were derived are not easy
periphery, were exploited as major fac- to pinpoint. Gold was almost certainly
tory sites. Thus, the stone blades found in imported from the group of settlements
great numbers at Mohenjo-daro origi- that sprang up in the vicinity of the gold-
nated in the int quarries at Sukkur, elds of northern Karnataka, and copper
where they were probably struck in quan- could have come from several sources
tity from prepared cores. principally from Rajasthan. Lead may
have come from Rajasthan or elsewhere
Trade and External Contacts in India. Lapis lazuli was probably
imported from Iran rather than directly
It has been seen above that the area cov- from the mines at Badakhshan, and tur-
ered by the Indus civilization had a quoise probably also came from Iran.
remarkably uniform level of material cul- Among others were fuchsite (a chromium-
ture. This suggests a closely knit and rich variety of muscovite) from Karnataka,
integrated administration and implies alabaster from Iran, amethyst from
internal trade within the state. Evidence Maharashtra, and jade from Central Asia.
of the actual exportation of objects is not There is little evidence of what the
always easy to nd, but the wide diffusion Harappans gave in exchange for these
of chert blades made of the characteristic materialspossibly nondurable goods
Sukkur stone and the enormous scale of such as cotton textiles and probably vari-
the factory at the Sukkur site strongly ous types of beads. They may have also
suggest trade. Other items also appear to bartered tools or weapons of copper.
indicate trade, such as the almost For the trade with Mesopotamia there
identical bronze carts discovered at is both literary and archaeological evi-
Chanhu-daro and Harappa, for which a dence. The Harappan seals were evidently
common origin must be postulated. used to seal bundles of merchandise, as
The wide range of crafts and special clay seal impressions with cord or sack
materials employed must also have marks on the reverse side testify. The
48 | The History of India

presence of a number of Indus seals at Ur for Meluhhan and Mesopotamian traders.

and other Mesopotamian cities and the By the subsequent Old Babylonian Period,
discovery of a Persian Gulf type of seal trade between the two cultures evidently
at Lothalotherwise known from the had ceased entirely.
Persian Gulf ports of Dilmun (present-
day Bahrain) and Faylakah, as well as Language and Scripts,
from Mesopotamiaprovide convincing Weights and Measures
corroboration of the sea trade suggested
by the Lothal dock. Timber and precious The maintenance of so extensive a set of
woods, ivory, lapis lazuli, gold, and luxury relations as those implicit in the size and
goods such as carnelian beads, pearls, uniformity of the Harappan state and the
and shell and bone inlays, including the extent of trade contacts must have called
distinctly Indian kidney shape, were for a well-developed means of communi-
among the goods sent to Mesopotamia in cation. The Harappan script has long
exchange for silver, tin, woolen textiles, deed attempts to read it, and therefore
and grains and other foods. Copper ingots the language remains unknown. Relatively
appear to have been imported to Lothal recent analyses of the order of the signs
from a place known as Magan (possibly on the inscriptions have led several schol-
in present-day Oman). Other probable ars to the view that the language is not of
trade items include products originating the Indo-European family, nor is it close
exclusively in each respective region, to Sumerian, Hurrian, or Elamite. If it is
such as bitumen, occurring naturally in related to any modern language family, it
Mesopotamia, and cotton textiles and appears to be the Dravidian, presently
chickens, major products of the Indus spoken throughout the southern part of
region not native to Mesopotamia. the Indian peninsula; an isolated member
Mesopotamian trade documents, lists of this group, the Brahui language, is spo-
of goods, and official inscriptions men- ken in western Pakistan, an area closer to
tioning Meluhha (the ancient Akkadian those regions of Harappan culture. The
name for the Indus region) supplement script, which was written from right to left,
Harappan seals and archaeological nds. is known from the 2,000-odd short inscrip-
Literary references to Meluhhan trade tions so far recovered, ranging from single
date from the Akkadian, Ur III, and Isin- characters to inscriptions of about 20
Larsa periods (i.e., c. 23501794 bce), but, characters. There are more than 500 signs,
as texts and archaeological data indicate, many appearing to be compounds of two
the trade probably started in the Early or more other signs, but it is not yet clear
Dynastic Period (c. 2600 bce). During the whether these signs are ideographic,
Akkadian Period, Meluhhan vessels sailed logographic, or other. Numerous studies
directly to Mesopotamian ports, but by the of the inscriptions have been made dur-
Isin-Larsa Period, Dilmun was the entrept ing the past decades, including those by a
The Beginnings of Indias History | 49

Russian team under Yury Valentinovich It has also been suggested that certain
Knorozov and a Finnish group led by curious objects may have been accurately
Asko Parpola. Despite various claims to made optical squares with which survey-
have read the script, there is still no gen- ors might offset right angles. In view of the
eral agreement. accuracy of so much of the architectural
The Harappans also employed regular work, this theory appears quite plausible.
systems of weights and measures. An early
analysis of a fair number of the well- Social and Political System
formed chert cuboid weights suggested
that they followed a binary system for the Despite a growing body of archaeological
lower denominations1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 evidence, the social and political struc-
and a decimal system for the larger tures of the Indus state remain objects
weights160, 200, 320, 640, 1,600, 3,200, of conjecture. The apparent craft special-
6,400, 8,000, and 12,800with the unit of ization and localized craft groupings at
weight being calculated as 0.8565 gram Mohenjo-daro, along with the great diver-
(0.0302 ounce). However, a more recent gence in house types and size, point
analysis, which included additional toward some degree of social stratica-
weights from Lothal, suggests a rather dif- tion. Trade was extensive and apparently
ferent system, with weights belonging to well-regulated, providing imported raw
two series. In both series the underlying materials for use at internal production
principle was decimal, with each decimal centres, distributing nished goods
number multiplied and divided by two, throughout the region, and arguably cul-
giving for the main series ratios of 0.05, minating in the establishment of
0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500(?). Harappan colonies in both Mesopotamia
This suggests that there is still much work and Badakhshan. The remarkable unifor-
to be done to understand the full complex- mity of weights and measures throughout
ity of the weight system. Several scales of the Indus lands, as well as the develop-
measurement were found in the excava- ment of such presumably civic works as
tions. One was a decimal scale of 1.32 the great granaries, implies a strong
inches (3.35 cm) rising probably to degree of political and administrative
13.2 inches (33.5 cm), apparently corre- control over a wide area. Further, the
sponding to the foot that was widespread widespread occurrence of inscriptions in
in western Asia; another is a bronze rod the Harappan script almost certainly indi-
marked in lengths of 0.367 inch (0.93 cm), cates the use of a single lingua franca.
apparently half a digit of a cubit of 20.7 Nevertheless, in the absence of inscrip-
inches (52.6 cm), also widespread in west- tions that can be read and interpreted, it is
ern Asia and Egypt. Measurements from inevitable that far less is known of these
some of the structures show that these aspects of the Indus civilization than
units were accurately applied in practice. those of contemporaneous Mesopotamia.
50 | The History of India

Art cast-bronze gures, including several

fragments and complete examples of
The excavations of the Indus cities have dancing girls, small chariots, carts, and
produced much evidence of artistic activ- animals. The technical excellence of the
ity. Such nds are important, because bronzes suggests a highly developed art,
they provide an insight into the minds, but the number of examples is still small.
lives, and religious beliefs of their cre- They appear to be Indian workmanship
ators. Stone sculpture is extremely rare, rather than imports.
and much of it is quite crude. The total The popular art of the Harappans
repertoire cannot compare to the work was in the form of terra-cotta gurines.
done in Mesopotamia during the same The majority are of standing females,
periods. The gures are apparently all often heavily laden with jewelry, but
intended as images for worship. Such g- standing malessome with beard and
ures include seated men, recumbent hornsare also present. It has been gen-
composite animals, orin unique erally agreed that these gures are largely
instances (from Harappa)a standing deities (perhaps a Great Mother and a
nude male and a dancing gure. The n- Great God), but some small gures of
est pieces are of excellent quality. There mothers with children or of domestic
is also a small but notable repertoire of activities are probably toys. There are

Steatite seals of the Indus valley civilization (c. 2300c. 1750 BCE); in the National Museum of
India, New Delhi. P. Chandra
The Beginnings of Indias History | 51

varieties of terra-cotta animals, carts, and Then there are the stone sculptures found
toyssuch as monkeys pierced to climb a to a large extent associated with these
string and cattle that nod their heads. buildings. Finally, there are the terra-
Painted pottery is the only evidence that cotta gures, as well as the seals and
there was a tradition of painting. Much of amulets that depict scenes with evident
the work is executed with boldness and mythological or religious content. The
delicacy of feeling, but the restrictions of interpretation of such data necessarily
the art do not leave much scope for involves a largely subjective element, but
creativity. most commentators have thought that
The steatite seals, to whose manufac- they indicate a religious system that was
ture reference was made above, form the already distinctly Indian. It is assumed
most extensive series of objects of art in that there was a Great God, who had
the civilization. The great majority show a many of the attributes later associated
humpless unicorn or bull in prole, while with the Hindu god Shiva, and a Great
others show the Indian humped bull, ele- Mother, who was the Great Gods spouse
phant, bison, rhinoceros, or tiger. The and shared the attributes of Shivas wife
animal frequently stands before a ritual Durga-Parvati. Evidence also exists of
object, variously identied as a standard, a some sort of animal cult, related particu-
manger, or even an incense burner. A con- larly to the bull, the buffalo, and the tiger.
siderable number of the seals contain Mythological animals include a compos-
scenes of obvious mythological or reli- ite bull-elephant. Some seals suggest
gious signicance. The interpretation of inuence from or at least traits held in
these seals is, however, often highly prob- common with Mesopotamia; among
lematic. The seals were certainly more these are the Gilgamesh (Mesopotamian
widely diffused than other artistic artifacts epic) motif of a man grappling with a pair
and show a much higher level of work- of tigers and the bull-man Enkidu (a
manship. Probably they functioned as human with horns, tail, and rear hooves
amulets, as well as more-practical devices of a bull). Among the most interesting of
to identify merchandise. the seals are those that depict cult scenes
or symbols; a god, seated in a yogic (med-
Religion and Burial Customs itative) posture and surrounded by
beasts, with a horned headdress and erect
In spite of the unread inscriptions, there phallus; the tree spirit with a tiger stand-
is a considerable body of evidence that ing before it; the horned tree spirit
allows for conjecture concerning the reli- confronted by a worshiper; a composite
gious beliefs of the Harappans. First, beast with a line of seven gures stand-
there are the buildings identied as tem- ing before it; the pipal leaf motif; and the
ples or as possessing a ritual function, swastika (a symbol still widely used by
such as the Great Bath at Mohenjo-daro. Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists).
52 | The History of India

Many burials have been discovered, other such calamities. Third, it is con-
giving clear indication of belief in an ceivable that human activities, such as
afterlife. The cemeteries excavated at invasions of tribespeople from the hills
Harappa, Lothal, and Kalibangan are to the west of the Indus valley, perhaps
clearly separated from the settlement even Indo-Aryans, contributed to the
and show that the predominant rite was breakdown of Indus external trade links
extended inhumation, with the body or more directly disrupted the cities. The
lying on its back and the head generally fourth theory posits the occurrence of an
positioned to the north. Quantities of epidemic or a similar agent of devasta-
pottery were placed in the graves, and tion. It appears likely that some complex
sometimes personal ornaments adorned of natural forces compromised the fabric
the bodies. Some graves took the form of of society and that subsequent human
brick chambers within which the body intervention hastened its complete
was placed. At Lothal several pairs of breakdown.
skeletons were found in the same grave,
and it has been suggested that this is an POST-HARAPPAN
indication of some form of suttee (a later DEVELOPMENTS
Hindu custom in which wives end their
lives after the death of the husband). It is still far from certain at what date
the urban society broke down. The
The End of the Indus decline probably occurred in several
Civilization stages, perhaps over a century or more;
the period between about 2000 and 1750
There is no general agreement regard- bce is a reasonable estimation. The col-
ing the causes of the breakdown of lapse of the urban system does not
Harappan urban society. Broadly speak- necessarily imply a complete break-
ing, the principal theories thus far down in the lifestyle of the population
proposed fall under four headings. The in all parts of the Indus region, but it
rst is gradual environmental change, seems to have involved the end of what-
such as a shift in climatic patterns and ever system of social and political
consequent agricultural disaster, per- control had preceded it. After that date
haps resulting from excessive the cities, as such, and many of their
environmental stress caused by popula- distinctively urban traitsthe use of
tion growth and overexploitation of writing and of seals and a number of the
resources. Second, some scholars have specialized urban craftsdisappear.
postulated more-precipitous environ- The succeeding era, which lasted until
mental changes, such as tectonic events about 750 bce, may be considered
leading to the ooding of Mohenjo-daro, as Post-Harappan or, perhaps better, as
the drying up of the Sarawati River, or Post-Urban.
The Beginnings of Indias History | 53

The Post-Urban Period in features already present during the Pre-

Northwestern India Urban and Urban phases.

In Pakistans Sind province the Post- The Appearance of

Urban phase is recognizable in the Indo-Aryan Speakers
Jhukar culture at Chanhu-daro and other
sites. There certain copper or bronze Scholars have traditionally agreed that a
weapons and tools appear to be of for- people speaking Old Indo-Aryan dialects
eign type and may be compared to of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-
examples from farther west (Iran and European language family arrived in the
Central Asia); a different but parallel Indian subcontinent during the late 3rd
change is seen at Pirak, not far from and 2nd millennia bce. These newcomers
Mehrgarh. In the Kachchh and Saurashtra purportedly came from the steppes to the
regions there appears to have been a north and east of the Caspian Sea, mov-
steady increase in the number of settle- ing rst southward into the southern
ments, but all are small and none can parts of Central Asia and from there fan-
compare with such undoubtedly ning out across the Iranian plateau and
Harappan cities as Dholavira. In this spreading throughout northern India,
region, however, the distinctive foreign disrupting the established sedentary cul-
metal elements are less prominent. ture and driving its Dravidian-speaking
An intriguing development occurs inhabitants of the Indus civilization
along the Saraswati valley: there the southward. The movement itself remains
early Post-Urban stage is associated hypothetical, but evidence from cemeter-
with the pottery known from the ies at Sibri and south of Mehrgarh, near
Cemetery H at Harappa. This coincides the mouth of the Bolan Pass, shows strik-
with a major reduction in both the num- ing parallelsincluding foreign copper
ber and size of settlements, suggesting a and bronze tools and weapons and typi-
deterioration in the environment. In the cal pottery formswith that from
eastern Punjab too there is a disappear- cemeteries of the Sapalli-Tepe group in
ance of the larger, urban sites but no Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. This corre-
comparable reduction in the number of spondence suggests a date of about 2000
smaller settlements. This is also true bce for the presence of these people on
of the settlements farther east in the the borders of the Indus system.
Ganges-Yamuna valleys. It is probably However, it is even more difficult to
correct to conclude that, in each of these identify traces that may be associated
areas during the Post-Urban Period, with the movement of Indo-Aryan speak-
material culture exhibited some ten- ers into the central Indus plains or to
dency to develop regional variations, determine whether the occasional copper
sometimes showing continuations of or bronze weapons of foreign type found
54 | The History of India

in late contexts at Mohenjo-daro or deterioration in the environment

Chanhu-daro are evidence of their pres- throughout the Indus system. Many of the
ence there. Moreover, even if Indo-Aryans Post-Urban settlements seem to have
actually conquered some of the Indus cit- been abandoned, and traces are found of
ies and established hegemony over the temporary settlements that were probably
local population, it has to be explained associated with nomadic pastoral groups
why they appear to have given up many and distinguished by the poverty of their
of their distinctive material products material culture. Along the Saraswati there
while presumably retaining their distinc- is further evidence of the drying up of the
tive speech. Derawar oasis, with a further decline in
One hypothesis is that between about the number and size of settlements. As
2000 and 1500 bce not an invasion but a yet, these events are not properly dated,
continuing spread of Indo-Aryan speakers but they may tentatively be assigned to a
occurred, carrying them much farther into period from about 1200800 bce. In
India, to the east and south, and coinciding Saurashtra a similar if less extreme
with a growing cultural interaction decline in the number of settlements is
between the native population and the new also evident. Even much farther south, in
arrivals. From these processes a new cul- Maharashtra, the opening of the 1st mil-
tural synthesis emerged, giving rise by the lennium seems to have coincided with a
end of the 2nd millennium to the conscious period of desiccation, in which the our-
expressions of Aryan ethnicity found in ishing agricultural settlements at sites
the Rigveda, particularly in the later hymns. such as Inamgaon declined; temporary
A more recent and controversial theory encampments of pastoral nomads indi-
put forward by such scholars as American cate a general deterioration in the
Jim G. Shaffer and Indian B. B. Lal suggests standard of living.
that Aryan civilization did not migrate to To the north, in Punjab, Haryana, and
the subcontinent but was an original eth- the upper Gangetic plain, such deteriora-
nic and linguistic element of pre-Vedic tion is less apparent, perhaps because the
India. This theory would explain the dbee- proximity of the Himalayas produced a
line of physical signs of any putative Aryan higher level of rainfall. It is in this area
conquest and is supported by the high that a new tendency emergesthe expan-
degree of physical continuity between sion of settlements associated with the
Harappan and Post-Harappan society. pottery known as Painted Gray Ware.
This characteristic ceramic accompanied
The Late 2nd Millennium and a spread of settlements toward the east
the Reemergence of Urbanism into the upper Ganges-Yamuna valleys
and constitutes a distinguishing feature
Toward the end of the 2nd millennium of the process of development that, by
there appears to have been a further the second quarter of the 1st millennium
The Beginnings of Indias History | 55

bce, gave rise to the rst cities of the or strongly pastoral character. From
Ganges system. (The previous wave of about 2000 bce there appears to have
urbanization appears not to have pene- been a general expansion of these settle-
trated below the upper Gangetic plain.) ments. It is sometimes suggested that
Another factor that coincided with, if this expansion may have been in some
not actually contributed to, the new pro- way a result of the end of the Indus civili-
cess of change is the beginning and zation and that large numbers of
spread of iron working. The earliest dated Harappans migrated to the south.
occurrence of iron is probably that from There is little solid evidence to support
about 1200 to 1100 bce at Pirak in the this view, and it appears rather that the
Kacchi region. Comparably early dates development was primarily indigenous.
are suggested at other widely scattered What is particularly noteworthy is the
sites, but it probably took many years for way in which regional cultural variants
the use of iron in almost all types of tool- occurred throughout peninsular India
making to become common in all regions. and often seem to be ancestral to the
During this period an increasingly marked major cultural regions known from later
contrast may be observed between the historical times. In Maharashtra the
growing number of cities across the north excavations at Inamgaon have provided
and the relatively less-developed settle- the clearest picture so far of the develop-
ment pattern of peninsular India, where a ments and changes that took place in
mixture of small-scale agriculture and one of these regions. There can be seen
pastoralism coincided with the appear- the variety of crops and domestic ani-
ance of the various types of Megalithic mals, the changing house types,
graves and monuments. suggestions of tribal chiefdoms, limited
craft specialization, and trade. Copper
Peninsular India and bronze artifacts, though still rela-
in the Aftermath of the tively scarce, appear alongside stone
Indus Civilization blades and axes. This mixed technology
(c. 20001000 bce) continued until the time when iron
became common. Farther south, in
It was stated above that the earliest Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, there is simi-
known settlements in peninsular India lar evidence, although the staple crop
appeared early in the 3rd millennium appears to have been millet, and wheat
and showed either a mixed agricultural and barley are absent.
The Development of
Indian Civilization
from c. 1500 BCE
to 300 CE
T he gradual decline of the Indus civilization marks the
beginning of the transition, over the span of roughly
1,800 years, from prehistoric to historic times. Among many
remarkable developments, the period is notable for the rise
and fall of vast and small states (notably the Mauryan empire),
the further spread of Indo-Aryan speakers and, later, the inva-
sion of Alexander the Great, the emergence of great religions,
and remarkable achievements in literature and the arts.


The European scholars who reconstructed early Indian his-

tory in the 19th century regarded it as essentially static and
Indian society as concerned only with things spiritual.
Indologists, such as the German Max Mller, relied heavily
on the Sanskritic tradition and saw Indian society as an idyl-
lic village culture emphasizing qualities of passivity,
meditation, and otherworldliness. In sharp contrast was
the approach of the Scottish historian James Mill and the
Utilitarians, who condemned Indian culture as irrational and
inimical to human progress. Mill rst formulated a periodiza-
tion of Indian history into Hindu, Muslim, and British periods,
a scheme that, while still commonly used, is now
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 57

controversial. During the 19th century, transformation of tribe into state and
direct contact with Indian institutions with oligarchic and monarchical govern-
through administration, together with ments. Centralized imperialism, which
the utilization of new evidence from was attempted under the Mauryan
recently deciphered inscriptions, numis- empire (c. 325185 bce), gave way gradu-
matics, and local archives, provided fresh ally to decentralized administration and
insights. Nationalist Indian historians of to what has been called a feudalistic pat-
the early 20th century tended to exagger- tern in the post-Gupta periodi.e., from
ate the glory of the past but nevertheless the 7th century ce. Although the village
introduced controversy into historical as an administrative and social unit
interpretation, which in turn resulted in remained constant, its relationship with
more precise studies of Indian institu- the mainstream of history varied. The
tions. In more recent times, historians concept of divine kingship was known
have reconstructed in greater detail the but rarely taken seriously, the claim to
social, economic, and cultural history of the status of the caste of royalty becom-
the subcontinentthough politics has ing more important. Because conformity
continued to inuence the study of to the social order had precedence over
Indian history. allegiance to the state, the idea of repre-
A major change in the interpretation sentation found expression not so much
of Indian history has been a questioning of in political institutions as in caste and
an older notion of Oriental despotism as village assemblies. The pendulum of pol-
the determining force. Arising out of a itics swung from large to small kingdoms,
traditional European perspective on Asia, with the former attempting to establish
this image of despotism grew to vast pro- empiresthe sole successful attempt
portions in the 19th century and provided being that of the Mauryan dynasty. Thus,
an intellectual justication for colonial- true centralization was rare, because local
ism and imperialism. Its deterministic forces often determined historical events.
assumptions clouded the understanding Although imperial or near-imperial peri-
of early interrelationships among Indian ods were marked by attempts at the
political forms, economic patterns, and evolution of uniform cultures, the periods
social structures. of smaller kingdoms (often referred to as
the Dark Ages by earlier historians) were
TRENDS IN EARLY more creative at the local level and wit-
INDIAN SOCIETY nessed signicant changes in society
and religion. These small kingdoms also
A considerable change is noticeable dur- often boasted the most elaborate and
ing this period in the role of institutions. impressive monuments.
Clan-based societies had assemblies, The major economic patterns were
whose political role changed with the those relating to land and to commerce.
58 | The History of India

The transition from tribal to peasant the requirements of trade, and pilgrim-
society was a continuing process, with age centres. In the 1st millennium ce,
the gradual clearing of wasteland and the when commerce expanded to include
expansion of the village economy based trade with western Asia, the eastern
on plow agriculture. Recognition of the Mediterranean, and Central and
importance of land revenue coincided Southeast Asia, revenue from trade con-
with the emergence of the imperial sys- tributed substantially to the economies
tem in the 4th century bce; and from this of the participating kingdoms, as indeed
period onward, although the imperial Indian religion and culture played a sig-
structure did not last long, land revenue nicant part in the cultural evolution of
became central to the administration and Central and Southeast Asia. Gold coins
income of the state. Frequent mentions of were issued for the rst time by the
individual ownership, references to crown Kushan dynasty and in large quantity by
lands, numerous land grants to religious the Guptas; both kingdoms were active in
and secular grantees in the post-Gupta foreign trade. Gold was imported from
period, and detailed discussion in legal Central Asia and the Roman Republic
sources of the rights of purchase, bequest, and Empire and later perhaps from east-
and sale of land all clearly indicate that ern Africa because, in spite of Indias
private ownership of land existed. Much recurring association with gold, its
emphasis has been laid on the state sources were limited. Expanding trade
control of the irrigation system; yet a sys- encouraged the opening up of new routes,
tematic study of irrigation in India and this, coupled with the expanding vil-
reveals that it was generally privately lage economy, led to a marked increase of
controlled and that it serviced small areas knowledge about the subcontinent dur-
of land. When the state built canals, they ing the post-Mauryan period. With
were mainly in the areas affected by both increasing trade, guilds became more
the winter and summer monsoons, in powerful in the towns. Members of the
which village assemblies played a domi- guilds participated in the administration,
nant part in revenue and general were associated with politics, and con-
administration, as, for example, in the trolled the development of trade through
Chola (Cola) kingdom of southern India. merchant embassies sent to places as far
The urban economy was crucial to aeld as Rome and China. Not least,
the rise of civilization in the Indus valley guilds and merchant associations held
(c. 26002000 bce). Later the 1st millen- envied and respectable positions as
nium bce saw an urban civilization in the donors of religious institutions.
Ganges (Ganga) valley and still later in The structure of Indian society was
coastal south India. The emergence of characterized by caste. The distinguish-
towns was based on administrative needs, ing features of a caste society were
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 59

endogamous kinship groups (jatis) emphasis on the major deities in the case
arranged in a hierarchy of ritual ranking, of the rst and on the teachings of the
based on notions of pollution and purity, founders in the case of the latter two. It
with an intermeshing of service relation- was this level, endorsed by affluent
ships and an adherence to geographic patronage, that provided the base for the
location. There was some coincidence initial institutionalization of religion. But
between caste and access to economic the three levels were not isolated; the
resources. Although ritual hierarchy was shadow of the third fell over the rst two,
unchanging, there appears to have been the more homely rituals and beliefs of
mobility within the framework. Migrations which often crept into the third. This was
of peoples both within the subcontinent the case particularly with Hinduism, the
and from outside encouraged social very exibility of which was largely
mobility and change. The nucleus of the responsible for its survival. Forms of
social structure was the family, with Buddhism, ranging from an emphasis
the pattern of kinship relations varying on the constant renement of doctrine on
from region to region. In the more com- the one hand to an incorporation of magi-
plex urban structure, occupational guilds cal fertility cults in its beliefs on the other,
occasionally took on jati functions, and faded out toward the end of this period.
there was a continual emergence of new Sanskrit literature and the building
social and professional groups. of Hindu and Buddhist temples and
Religion in early Indian history did sculpture both reached apogees in this
not constitute a monolithic force. Even period. Although literary works in the
when the royalty attempted to encourage Sanskrit language continued to be writ-
certain religions, the idea of a state reli- ten and temples were built in later
gion was absent. In the main, there were periods, the achievement was never again
three levels of religious expression. The as inspiring.
most widespread was the worship of local
cult deities vaguely associated with FROM C. 1500 TO C. 500 BCE
major deities, as seen in fertility cults, in
the worship of mother goddesses, in the By about 1500 bce an important change
Shakta-Shakti cult, and in Tantrism. Less began to occur in the northern half of the
widespread but popular, particularly in Indian subcontinent. The Indus civiliza-
the urban areas, were the more puritani- tion had declined by about 2000 bce (or
cal sects of Buddhism and Jainism and perhaps as late as 1750 bce), and the
the bhakti (devotional) tradition of stage was being set for a second and
Hinduism. A third level included classi- more lasting urbanization in the Ganges
cal Hinduism and more abstract levels valley. The new areas of occupation were
of Buddhism and Jainism, with an contiguous with and sometimes
60 | The History of India

overlapping the core of the Harappan that Indo-European-speaking peoples had

area. There was continuity of occupation a common homeland from which they
in the Punjab and Gujarat, and a new migrated to various parts of Asia and
thrust toward urbanization came from Europe. The theory stirred intense specu-
the migration of peoples from the Punjab lation, which continues to the present day,
into the Ganges valley. regarding the original homeland and the
period or periods of the dispersal from it.
Early Vedic Period The study of Vedic India is still beset by
the Aryan problem, which often clouds
In addition to the archaeological legacy the genuine search for historical insight
discussed above, there remains from this into this period.
period the earliest literary record of That there was a migration of Indo-
Indian culture, the Vedas. Composed in European speakers, possibly in waves,
archaic, or Vedic, Sanskrit, generally dating from the 2nd millennium bce, is
dated between 1500 and 800 bce, and clear from archaeological and epigraphic
transmitted orally, the Vedas comprise evidence in western Asia. Mesopotamia
four major textsthe Rig-, the Sama-, the witnessed the arrival about 1760 bce of the
Yajur-, and the Atharvaveda. Of these, Kassites, who introduced the horse and
the Rigveda is believed to be the the chariot and bore Indo-European
earliest. The texts consist of hymns, names. A treaty from about 1400 bce
charms, spells, and ritual observations between the Hittites, who had arrived in
current among the Indo-European- Anatolia about the beginning of the 2nd
speaking people known as Aryans (from millennium bce, and the Mitanni empire
Sanskrit arya, noble), who presumably invoked several deitiesIndara, Uruvna,
entered India from the Iranian regions. Mitira, and the Nasatyas (names that occur
Theories concerning the origins of in the Rigveda as Indra, Varuna, Mitra, and
the Aryans, whose language is also called the Ashvins). An inscription at Bogazky
Aryan, relate to the question of what has in Anatolia of about the same date con-
been called the Indo-European homeland. tains Indo-European technical terms
In the 17th and 18th centuries ce, European pertaining to the training of horses, which
scholars who rst studied Sanskrit were suggests cultural origins in Central Asia
struck by the similarity in its syntax and or the southern Russian steppes. Clay tab-
vocabulary to Greek and Latin. This lets dating to about 1400 bce, written at
resulted in the theory that there had been Tell el-Amarna (in Upper Egypt) in
a common ancestry for these and other Akkadian cuneiform, mention names of
related languages, which came to be princes that are also Indo-European.
called the Indo-European group of lan- Nearer India, the Iranian plateau was
guages. This in turn resulted in the notion subject to a similar migration. Comparison
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 61

Vedic Religion
The ancient Vedic religion of India was contemporary with the composition of the Vedas and
was the precursor of Hinduism. Often called Vedism, this religion of the Indo-European-speaking
peoples who entered India sometime before 1500 BCE from the region of present-day Iran was a
polytheistic system in which Indra was the highest-ranked god. It involved the worship of numer-
ous male divinities connected with the sky and natural phenomena. Ceremonies centred on ritual
sacrice of animals and on the use of soma to achieve trancelike states. These ceremonies, simple
in the beginning, grew to be so complex that only trained Brahmans could carry them out cor-
rectly. Out of Vedism developed the philosophical concepts of atman and Brahman. The spread
(8th5th century BCE) of the related concepts of reincarnation, karma, and release from the cycle
of rebirth through meditation rather than sacrice marked the end of the Vedic period and the
rise of Hinduism. The Hindu initiation ceremony, upanayana, is a direct survivor of Vedic tradition.

of Iranian Aryan literature with the Vedas include invocations to the gods, ritual
reveals striking correspondences. Possibly hymns, battle hymns, and narrative dia-
a branch of the Iranian Aryans migrated to logues. The 9th mandala is a collection
northern India and settled in the Sapta of all the hymns dedicated to soma, the
Sindhu region, extending from the Kbul unidentied hallucinogenic juice that
River in the north to the Sarasvati and was drunk on ritual occasions.
upper GangesYamuna Doab in the south. Few events of political importance
The Sarasvati, the sacred river at the time, are related in the hymns. Perhaps the
is thought to have dried up during the most impressive is a description of
later Vedic period. Conceived as a god- the battle of the 10 chiefs or kings: when
dess, it was personied in later Hinduism Sudas, the king of the preeminent
as the inventor of spoken and written Bharatas of southern Punjab, replaced his
Sanskrit and the consort of Brahma, pro- priest Vishvamitra with Vasishtha,
mulgator of the Vedas. It was in the Sapta Vishvamitra organized a confederacy of
Sindhu region that the majority of the 10 tribes, including the Puru, Yadu,
hymns of the Rigveda were composed. Turvashas, Anu, and Druhyu, which went
The Rigveda is divided into 10 man- to war against Sudas. The Bharatas sur-
dalas (books), of which the 10th is vived and continued to play an important
believed to be somewhat later than the role in historical tradition. In the Rigveda
others. Each mandala consists of a num- the head of a clan is called the raja; this
ber of hymns, and most mandalas are term commonly has been translated as
ascribed to priestly families. The texts king, but more recent scholarship has
62 | The History of India

suggested chief as more appropriate in the priest, whose ritual actions ensured
this early context. If such a distinction is prosperity and imbued the chief with
recognized, the entire corpus of Vedic lit- valour. The chief was primarily a war
erature can be interpreted as recording leader with responsibility for protecting
the gradual evolution of the concept of the clan, for which function he received a
kingship from earlier clan organization. bali (tribute). Punishment was exacted
Among the clans there is little distinction according to a principle resembling the
between Aryan and non-Aryan, but the wergild of ancient Germanic law, whereby
hymns refer to a people, called the dasyus, the social rank of a wronged or slain man
who are said to have had an alien lan- determined the compensation due him
guage and a dark complexion and to or his survivors.
worship strange gods. Some dasyus were
rich in cattle and lived in fortied places THE BEGINNING OF THE
(puras) that were often attacked by the HISTORICAL PERIOD,
god Indra. In addition to the dasyus, there C. 500150 BCE
were the wealthy Panis, who were hostile
and stole cattle. For this phase of Indian history a variety
The early Vedic was the period of of historical sources are available. The
transition from nomadic pastoralism to Buddhist canon, pertaining to the period
settled village communities intermixing of the Buddha (c. 6th5th century bce)
pastoral and agrarian economies. Cattle and later, is invaluable as a cross-reference
were initially the dominant commodity, for the Brahmanic sources. This also is
as indicated by the use of the words gotra true, though to a more limited extent, of
(cowpen) to signify the endogamous Jain sources. In the 4th century bce there
kinship group and gavishti (searching are secular writings on political economy
for cows) to denote war. A patriarchal and accounts of foreign travelers. The
extended family structure gave rise to the most important sources, however, are
practice of niyoga (levirate), which per- inscriptions of the 3rd century bce.
mitted a widow to marry her husbands
brother. A community of families consti- Pre-Mauryan States
tuted a grama. The term vish is generally
interpreted to mean clan. Clan assem- Buddhist writings and other sources from
blies appear to have been frequent in the the beginning of this period mention 16
early stages. Various categories of assem- major states (mahajanapada) dominat-
blies are mentioned, such as vidatha, ing the northern part of the subcontinent.
samiti, and sabha, although the precise A few of these, such as Gandhara,
distinctions between these categories are Kamboja, Kuru-Pancala, Matsya, Kashi,
not clear. The clan also gathered for the and Koshala, continued from the earlier
yajna, the Vedic sacrice conducted by period and are mentioned in Vedic
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 63

literature. The rest were new states, either to the southwest of present-day Delhi.
freshly created from declining older ones The Kuru-Pancala, still dominant in the
or new areas coming into importance, GangesYamuna Doab area, were extend-
such as Avanti, Ashvaka, Shurasena, ing their control southward and eastward;
Vatsa, Cedi, Malla, Vrijji, Magadha, and the Kuru capital had reportedly been
Anga. The mention of so many new states moved from Hastinapura to Kaushambi
in the eastern Ganges valley is attribut- when the former was devastated by a
able in part to the eastern focus of the great ood, which excavations show to
sources and is partly the antecedent to have occurred about the 9th century bce.
the increasing preeminence of the east- The Mallas lived in eastern Uttar Pradesh.
ern regions. Avanti arose in the Ujjain-Narmada val-
ley region, with its capital at Mahishmati;
Location during the reign of King Pradyota, there
was a matrimonial alliance with the royal
Gandhara lay astride the Indus and family at Kaushambi. Shurasena had its
included the districts of Peshawar capital at Mathura, and the tribe claimed
and the lower Swat and Kabul valleys. For descent from the Yadu clan. A reference
a while its independence was terminated to the Sourasenoi in later Greek writings
by its inclusion as one of the 22 satrapies is often identied with the Shurasena and
of the Achaemenian Empire of Persia (c. the city of Methora with Mathura. The
519 bce). Its major role as the channel of Vatsa state emerged from Kaushambi.
communication with Iran and Central The Cedi state (in Bundelkhand) lay on a
Asia continued, as did its trade in woolen major route to the Deccan. South of the
goods. Kamboja adjoined Gandhara in Vindhyas, on the Godavari River, Ashvaka
the northwest. Originally regarded as a continued to thrive.
land of Aryan speakers, Kamboja soon The mid-Ganges valley was domi-
lost its important status, ostensibly nated by Kashi and Koshala. Kashi
because its people did not follow the maintained close affiliations with its east-
sacred Brahmanic ritesa situation that ern neighbours, and its capital was later
was to occur extensively in the north as to acquire renown as the sacred city of
the result of the intermixing of peoples Varanasi (Benares). Kashi and Koshala
and cultures through migration and were continually at war over the control
trade. Kamboja became a trading centre of the Ganges; in the course of the con-
for horses imported from Central Asia. ict, Koshala extended its frontiers far to
The Kekayas, Madras, and Ushinaras, the south, ultimately coming to comprise
who had settled in the region between Uttar (northern) and Dakshina (southern)
Gandhara and the Beas River, were Koshala. The new states of Magadha
described as descendants of the Anu (Patna and Gaya districts) and Anga
tribe. The Matsyas occupied an area (northwest of the delta) were also
64 | The History of India

interested in controlling the river and of a council of elders probably selected

soon made their presence felt. The con- from the Kshatriya families. The most
ict eventually drew in the Vrijji state important institution was the sovereign
(Behar and Muzaffarpur districts). For a general assembly, or parishad, to the meet-
while, Videha (modern Tirhut), with its ings of which members were summoned
capital at Mithila, also remained power- by kettledrum. Precise rules governed the
ful. References to the states of the seating arrangement, the agenda, and
northern Deccan appear to repeat state- the order of speaking and debate, which
ments from sources of the earlier period, terminated in a decision. A distinction was
suggesting that there had been little fur- maintained between the families repre-
ther exchange between the regions. sented and the others. The broad authority
of the parishad included the election of
Political Systems important functionaries. An occasional
lapse into hereditary office on the part of
The political system in these states was the chief may account for the tendency
either monarchical or a type of represen- toward monarchy among these states. The
tative government that variously has divisiveness of factions was a constant
been called republican or oligarchic. The threat to the political system.
fact that representation in these latter The institutional development within
states assemblies was limited to mem- these oligarchies suggests a stabilized
bers of the ruling clan makes the term agrarian economy. Sources mention
oligarchy, or even chiefdom, preferable. wealthy householders (gahapatis) employ-
Sometimes within the state itself there ing slaves and hired labourers to work on
was a gradual change from monarchy to their lands. The existence of gahapatis
oligarchy, as in the case of Vaishali, the suggests the breaking up of clan owner-
nucleus of the Vrijji state. Apart from ship of land and the emergence of
the major states, there also were many individual holdings. An increase in urban
smaller oligarchies, such as those of the settlements and trade is evident not only
Koliyas, Moriyas, Jnatrikas, Shakyas, and from references in the literary sources but
Licchavis. The Jnatrikas and Shakyas are also from the introduction of two charac-
especially remembered as the tribes to teristics of urban civilizationa script and
which Mahavira (the founder of Jainism) coinage. Evidence for the script dates at
and Gautama Buddha, respectively, least to the 3rd century bce. The most
belonged. The Licchavis eventually widely used script was Brahmi, which is
became extremely powerful. germane to most Indian scripts used sub-
The oligarchies comprised either a sequently. A variant during this period
single clan or a confederacy of clans. The was Kharoshti, used only in northwestern
elected chief or the president (ganapati or India and derived from the Aramaic of
ganarajya) functioned with the assistance western Asia. The most commonly spoken
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 65

languages were Prakrit, which had its local encouraged specialization of labour and
variations in Shauraseni (from which Pali the hereditary principle in professions,
evolved), and Magadhi, in which the which was also a characteristic of caste
Buddha preached. Sanskrit, the more cul- functioning. Gradually some of the
tured language as compared with Prakrit, guilds acquired caste status. The prac-
was favoured by the educated elite. Paninis tice of usury encouraged the activity of
grammar, the Astadhyayi, and Yaskas ety- nanciers, some of whom formed their
mological work, the Nirukta, suggest own guilds and found that investment
considerable sophistication in the devel- in trade proved increasingly lucrative.
opment of Sanskrit. The changed economy is evident in the
growth of cities and of an urban culture
Economy in which such distinctions as pura
(walled settlement), durga (fortied
Silver bent bar coins and silver and cop- town), nigama (market centre), nagara
per punch-marked coins came into use (town), and mahanagara (city) became
in the 5th century bce. It is not clear increasingly important.
whether the coins were issued by a politi-
cal authority or were the legal tender of Religion
moneyers. The gradual spread in the
same period of a characteristic type of The changing features of social and eco-
luxury ware, which has come to be known nomic life were linked to religious and
as the northern black polished ware, is intellectual changes. Orthodox traditions
an indicator of expanding trade. One maintained in certain sections of Vedic
main trade route followed the Ganges literature were questioned by teachers
River and crossed the Indo-Gangetic referred to in the Upanishads and
watershed and the Punjab to Taxila Aranyakas and by others whose specula-
and beyond. Another extended from tions and philosophy are recorded in other
the Ganges valley via Ujjain and the texts. There was a sizable heterodox tradi-
Narmada valley to the western coast or, tion current in the 6th century bce, and
alternatively, southward to the Deccan. speculation ranged from idealism to mate-
The route to the Ganges delta became rialism. The Ajivikas and the Carvakas,
more popular, increasing maritime con- among the smaller sects, were popular
tact with ports on the eastern coast of for a time, as were the materialist theories
India. The expansion of trade and conse- of the Buddhas contemporary Ajita
quently of towns resulted in an increase Keshakambalin. Even though such sects
in the number of artisans and merchants; did not sustain an independent religious
some eventually formed guilds (shrenis), tradition, the undercurrent of their teach-
each of which tended to inhabit a partic- ings cropped up time and again in the later
ular part of a town. The guild system religious trends that emerged in India.
66 | The History of India

Jainism is a religion of India that teaches a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through
a disciplined mode of life founded upon the tradition of ahimsa, nonviolence to all living crea-
tures. Beginning in the 7th5th century BCE, Jainism evolved into a cultural system that has
made signicant contributions to Indian philosophy and logic, art and architecture, mathe-
matics, astronomy and astrology, and literature. Along with Hinduism and Buddhism, it is one
of the three most ancient Indian religious traditions still in existence.
While often employing concepts shared with Hinduism and Buddhism, the result of a com-
mon cultural and linguistic background, the Jain tradition must be regarded as an independent
phenomenon. It is an integral part of South Asian religious belief and practice, but it is not a
Hindu sect or Buddhist heresy, as earlier scholars believed.
The name Jainism derives from the Sanskrit verb ji, to conquer. It refers to the ascetic
battle that it is believed Jain renunciants (monks and nuns) must ght against the passions
and bodily senses to gain omniscience and purity of soul or enlightenment. The most illustri-
ous of those few individuals who have achieved enlightenment are called Jina (literally,
Conqueror), and the traditions monastic and lay adherents are called Jain (Follower of
the Conquerors), or Jaina. This term came to replace a more ancient designation, Nirgrantha
(Bondless), originally applied to renunciants only.
Jainism has been conned largely to India, although the recent migration of Indians to
other, predominantly English-speaking countries has spread its practice to many Commonwealth
nations and to the United States. Precise statistics are not available, but it is estimated that
there are roughly four million Jains in India and 100,000 elsewhere.

Of all these sects, only two, Jainism There were a number of similarities
and Buddhism, acquired the status of among these two sects. Religious
major religions. The former remained rituals were essentially congregational.
within the Indian subcontinent; the latter Monastic orders (the sangha) were intro-
spread to Central Asia, China, Korea, duced with monasteries organized on
Japan, and Southeast Asia. Both religions democratic lines and initially accepting
were founded in the 6th5th century bce; persons from all strata of life. Such mon-
Mahavira gave shape to earlier ideas of asteries were dependent on their
the Nirgranthas (an earlier name for the neighbourhoods for material support.
Jains) and formulated Jainism (the teach- Some of the monasteries developed into
ings of the Jina, or Conqueror, Mahavira), centres of education. The functioning of
and the Buddha (the Enlightened One) monks in society was greater, however,
preached a new doctrine. among the Buddhist orders. Wandering
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 67

monks, preaching and seeking alms, gave conquered Anga, which gave him access
the religions a missionary avour. The to the Ganges deltaa valuable asset in
recruitment of nuns signied a special terms of the nascent maritime trade.
concern for the status of women. Both Bimbisaras son Ajatashatruwho
religions questioned Brahmanical ortho- achieved the throne through patricide
doxy and the authority of the Vedas. Both implemented his fathers intentions
were opposed to the sacrice of animals, within about 30 years. Ajatashatru
and both preached nonviolence. Both strengthened the defenses of the
derived support in the main from the Magadhan capital, Rajagrha, and built a
Kshatriya ruling clans, wealthy gahapa- small fort on the Ganges at Pataligrama,
tis, and the mercantile community; which was to become the famous capital
because trade and commerce did not Pataliputra (modern Patna). He then
involve killing, the principle of ahimsa attacked and annexed Kashi and Koshala.
(noninjury) could be observed in these He still had to subdue the confederacy
activities. The Jains participated widely of the Vrijji state, and this turned out to
as the middlemen in nancial transac- be a protracted affair lasting 16 years.
tions and in later centuries became the Ultimately the Vrijjis, including the
great nanciers of western India. While important Licchavi clan, were over-
both religions disapproved in theory of thrown, having been weakened by a
the inequality of castes, neither directly minister of Ajatashatru, who was able to
attacked the assumptions of caste soci- sow dissension in the confederacy.
ety; even so, they were able to secure a The success of Magadha was not
certain amount of support from lower solely attributable to the ambition of
caste groups, which was enhanced by the Bimbisara and Ajatashatru. Magadha had
borrowing of rituals and practices from an excellent geographic location control-
popular local cults. The patronage of ling the lower Ganges and thus drew
women, especially those of royal families, revenue from both the fertile plain and
was to become a noticeable feature. the river trade. Access to the delta also
brought in lucrative prots from the east-
Magadhan Ascendancy ern coastal trade. Neighbouring forests
provided timber for building and ele-
Political activity in the 6th5th century phants for the army. Above all, nearby
bce centred on the control of the Ganges rich deposits of iron ore gave Magadha a
valley. The states of Kashi, Koshala, and lead in technology.
Magadha and the Vrijjis battled for this Bimbisara had been one of the earli-
control for a century until Magadha est Indian kings to emphasize efficient
emerged victorious. Magadhas success administration, and the beginnings of
was partly due to the political ambition of an administrative system took root.
its king, Bimbisara (c. 543491 bce). He Rudimentary notions of land revenue
68 | The History of India

developed. Each village had a headman Nandas is referred to in Greek sources,

who was responsible for collecting taxes and some historians have suggested that
and another set of officials who super- Alexanders Macedonian and Greek sol-
vised the collection and conveyed the diers may have mutinied out of fear of
revenue to the royal treasury. But the full this army. The campaign of Alexander
understanding of the utilization of land made no impression on the Indian mind,
revenue as a major source of state income for there are no references to it in Indian
was yet to come. The clearing of land con- sources. A signicant outcome of his
tinued apace, but it is likely that the campaign was that some of his Greek
agrarian settlements were small, because companionssuch as Onesicritus,
literary references to journeys from one Aristobulus, and his admiral, Nearchus
town to another mention long stretches recorded their impressions of India. Later
of forest paths. Greek and Roman authors such as Strabo
After the death of Ajatashatru (c. 459 and Arrian, as well as Pliny and Plutarch,
bce) and a series of ineffectual rulers, incorporated much of this material into
Shaishunaga founded a new dynasty, their writings. However, some of the
which lasted for about half a century until accounts are fanciful and make for better
ousted by Mahapadma Nanda. The ction than history. Alexander estab-
Nandas are universally described as lished a number of Greek settlements,
being of low origin, perhaps Sudras. which provided an impetus for the devel-
Despite these rapid dynastic changes, opment of trade and communication
Magadha retained its position of strength. with western Asia. Most valuable to his-
The Nandas continued the earlier policy torians was a reference to Alexanders
of expansion. They are proverbially con- meeting the young prince Sandrocottos,
nected with wealth, probably because a name identied in the 18th century as
they realized the importance of regular Chandragupta, which provides a chrono-
collections of land revenue. logical landmark in early Indian history.

Campaigns of Alexander the Great The Mauryan Empire

The northwestern part of India witnessed The accession of Chandragupta Maurya
the military campaign of Alexander the (reigned c. 321297 bce) is signicant in
Great of Macedon, who in 327 bce, in pur- Indian history because it inaugurated
suing his campaign to the eastern what was to become the rst pan-Indian
extremities of the Achaemenian Empire, empire. The Mauryan dynasty was to rule
entered Gandhara. He campaigned suc- almost the entire subcontinent (except
cessfully across the Punjab as far as the the area south of present-day Karnataka),
Beas River, where his troops refused to as well as substantial parts of present-day
continue ghting. The vast army of the Afghanistan.
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 69

Chandragupta Maurya suggested dates ranging from the 4th cen-

tury bce to the 3rd century ce. Most
Chandragupta overthrew the Nanda authorities agree that the kernel of
power in Magadha and then campaigned the book was originally written during the
in central and northern India. Greek early Mauryan period but that much of
sources report that he engaged in a con- the existing text is post-Mauryan.
ict in 305 bce in the trans-Indus region According to Jain sources,
with Seleucus I Nicator, one of Chandragupta became a Jain toward the
Alexanders generals, who, following end of his reign. He abdicated in favour of
the death of Alexander, had founded the his son Bindusara, became an ascetic, and
Seleucid dynasty in Iran. The result was a traveled with a group of Jain monks to
treaty by which Seleucus ceded the trans- southern India, where he died, in the ortho-
Indus provinces to the Maurya and the dox Jain manner, by deliberate slow
latter presented him with 500 elephants. starvation.
A marriage alliance is mentioned, but no
details are recorded. Bindusara
The treaty ushered in an era of friendly
relations between the Mauryas and the The second Mauryan emperor was
Seleucids, with exchanges of envoys. One Bindusara, who came to the throne about
among them, the Greek historian 297 bce. Greek sources refer to him as
Megasthenes, left his observations in the Amitrochates, the Greek for the Sanskrit
form of a book, the Indica. Although amitraghata, destroyer of foes. This
the original has been lost, extensive quota- name perhaps reects a successful cam-
tions from it survive in the works of the paign in the Deccan, Chandragupta
later Greek writers Strabo, Diodorus, and having already conquered northern India.
Arrian. A major treatise on political econ- Bindusaras campaign stopped in the
omy in Sanskrit is the Artha-shastra of vicinity of Karnataka, probably because
Kautilya (or Canakya, as he is sometimes the territories of the extreme south, such
called). Kautilya, it is believed, was prime as those of the Cholas, Pandyas, and
minister to Chandragupta, although this Ceras, were well-disposed in their rela-
view has been contested. In describing an tions toward the Mauryas.
ideal government, Kautilya indicates con-
temporary assumptions of political and Ashoka and His Successors
economic theory, and the description of
the functioning of government occasion- Bindusara was succeeded by his son
ally tallies with present-day knowledge of Ashoka, either directly in 272 bce or, after
actual conditions derived from other an interregnum of four years, in 268 bce
sources. The date of origin of the Artha- (some historians say c. 265 bce). Ashokas
shastra remains problematic, with reign is comparatively well documented.
70 | The History of India

He issued a large number of edicts, which violence, and gradually he was drawn to
were inscribed in many parts of the empire the Buddhist religion. He built a number
and were composed in Prakrit, Greek, and of stupas. About 12 years after his acces-
Aramaic, depending on the language cur- sion, he began issuing edicts at regular
rent in a particular region. Greek and intervals. In one he referred to ve Greek
Aramaic inscriptions are limited to kings who were his neighbours and con-
Afghanistan and the trans-Indus region. temporaries and to whom he sent
The rst major event in Ashokas envoysthese were Antiochus II Theos of
reign, which he describes in an edict, was Syria, the grandson of Seleucus I; Ptolemy
a campaign against Kalinga in 260 bce. II Philadelphus of Egypt; Antigonus II
The suffering that resulted caused him to Gonatas of Macedonia; Magas of Cyrene;
reevaluate the notion of conquest by and Alexander (of either Epirus or
Corinth). This reference has become the
bedrock of Mauryan chronology. Local
tradition asserts that he had contacts with
Khotan and Nepal. Close relations with
Tissa, the king of Sri Lanka, were fur-
thered by the fact that Mihinda, Ashokas
son (or his younger brother according to
some sources), was the rst Buddhist mis-
sionary on the island.
Ashoka ruled for 37 years. After his
death a political decline set in, and half a
century later the empire was reduced to
the Ganges valley alone. Tradition asserts
that Ashokas son Kunala ruled in
Gandhara. Epigraphic evidence indicates
that his grandson Dasharatha ruled in
Magadha. Some historians have suggested
that his empire was bifurcated. In 185 bce
the last of the Mauryas, Brihadratha, was
assassinated by his Brahman commander
in chief, Pushyamitra, who founded the
Shunga dynasty.

Stupa 1 (Great Stupa), eastern gateway, Financial Base for the Empire
Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Frederick M. Asher The Mauryan achievement lay in the abil-
ity to weld the diverse parts of the
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 71

subcontinent into a single political unit clearing of wasteland and settle it with vil-
and to maintain an imperial system for lages of Sudra cultivators. It is likely that
almost 100 years. The nancial base some 150,000 persons deported from
for an imperial system was provided by Kalinga by Ashoka after the campaign
income from land revenue and, to a lesser were settled in this manner. Megasthenes
extent, from trade. The gradual expansion wrote that there were no slaves in India,
of the agrarian economy and improve- yet Indian sources speak of various cate-
ments in the administrative machinery for gories of slaves called dasas, the most
collecting revenue increased the income commonly used designation being dasa-
from land revenue. This is conrmed by bhritakas (slaves and hired labourers). It
both the theories of Kautilya and the is likely that there was no large-scale slav-
account of Megasthenes; Kautilya main- ery for production, although slaves were
tained that the state should organize the used on the land, in the mines, and in the

Stupa 2, Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India. Frederick M. Asher

72 | The History of India

guilds, along with the hired labour. councillors. He dened these groups
Domestic slavery was common, however. as endogamous and the professions as
The nature of land revenue has been a hereditary, which has led to their being
subject of controversy. Some scholars considered as castes. The philosophers
maintain that the state was the sole owner included a variety of priests, monks, and
of the land, while others contend that there religious teachers; they formed the small-
was private and individual ownership as est group but were the most respected,
well. References to private ownership were exempt from taxation, and were the
would seem to be too frequent to be only ones permitted to marry into the
ignored. There also are references to the other groups. The farmers were the larg-
crown lands, the cultivation of which was est group. The soldiers were highly paid,
important to the economy. Two types of and, if Plinys gures for the army are cor-
taxes were leviedone on the amount rect9,000 elephants, 30,000 cavalry,
of land cultivated and the other on the and 600,000 infantrytheir support must
produce of the land. The state maintained have required a considerable nancial
irrigation in limited areas and in limited outlay. The mention of herdsmen as a
periods. By and large, irrigation systems socioeconomic group suggests that,
were privately controlled by cultivators although the agrarian economy was
and landowners. There is no support for a expanding and had become central to the
thesis that control of the hydraulic machin- state income, pastoralism continued to
ery was crucial to the political control of play an important economic role. The
the country. artisans probably represented a major
Another source of income, which section of the urban population. The list-
acquired increasing importance, was reve- ing of magistrates and councillors as
nue from taxes levied on both internal and distinct groups is evidence of a large and
foreign trade. The attempt at improved recognizable administrative personnel.
political administration helped to break
the economic isolation of various regions. Mauryan Government
Roads built to ensure quick communica-
tion with the local administration The Mauryan government was organized
inevitably became arteries of exchange around the king. Ashoka saw his role as
and trade. essentially paternal: All men are my chil-
dren. He was anxious to be in constant
Mauryan Society touch with public opinion, and to this end
he traveled extensively throughout his
According to Megasthenes, Mauryan empire and appointed a special category
society comprised seven occupational of officers to gauge public opinion. His
groups: philosophers, farmers, soldiers, edicts indicate frequent consultations
herdsmen, artisans, magistrates, and with his ministers, the ministerial council
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 73

being a largely advisory body. The offices continued to be an important official, as

of the sannidhatri (treasurer), who kept did the accountant and the tax collector
the account, and the samahartri (chief (sthanika and gopa, respectively). For the
collector), who was responsible for larger units, Kautilya suggests the main-
revenue records, formed the hub of tenance of a census. Megasthenes
the revenue administration. Each describes a committee of 30 officials,
administrative department, with its divided into six subcommittees, who
superintendents and subordinate offi- looked after the administration of
cials, acted as a link between local Pataliputra. The most important single
administration and the central govern- official was the city superintendent
ment. Kautilya believed that a quarter of (nagaraka), who had virtual control over
the total income should be reserved for all aspects of city administration.
the salaries of the officers. That the higher Centralization of the government should
officials expected to be handsomely paid not be taken to imply a uniform level of
is clear from the salaries suggested by development throughout the empire.
Kautilya and from the considerable dif- Some areas, such as Magadha, Gandhara,
ference between the salary of a clerk and Avanti, were under closer central con-
(500 panas) and that of a minister (48,000 trol than others, such as Karnataka, where
panas). Public works and grants absorbed possibly the Mauryan systems main con-
another large percentage of state income. cern was to extract resources without
The empire was divided into four embedding itself in the region.
provinces, each under a prince or a gover-
nor. Local officials were probably selected Ashokas Edicts
from among the local populace, because
no method of impersonal recruitment to It was against this background of impe-
administrative office is mentioned. Once rial administration and a changing
every ve years, the emperor sent officers socioeconomic framework that Ashoka
to audit the provincial administrations. issued edicts that carried his message
Some categories of officers in the rural concerning the idea and practice of
areas, such as the rajjukas (surveyors), dhamma, the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit
combined judicial functions with assess- dharma, a term that dees simple trans-
ment duties. Fines constituted the most lation. It carries a variety of meanings
common form of punishment, although depending on the context, such as uni-
capital punishment was imposed in versal law, social order, piety, or
extreme cases. Provinces were subdivided righteousness; Buddhists frequently used
into districts and these again into smaller it with reference to the teachings of the
units. The village was the basic unit of Buddha. This in part coloured the earlier
administration and has remained so interpretation of Ashokas use of the word
throughout the centuries. The headman to mean that he was propagating
74 | The History of India

Buddhism. Until his inscriptions were corroborated the assertions of the

deciphered in 1837, Ashoka was practi- Buddhist sources, because in some of
cally unknown except in the Buddhist the edicts Ashoka avowed his personal
chronicles of Sri Lankathe Mahavamsa support of Buddhism. However, more-
and Dipavamsaand the works of the recent analyses suggest that, although he
northern Buddhist traditionthe was personally a Buddhist, as his edicts
Divyavadana and the Ashokavadana addressed to the Buddhist sangha attest,
where he is extolled as a Buddhist the majority of the edicts in which he
emperor par excellence whose sole ambi- attempted to dene dhamma do not sug-
tion was the expansion of Buddhism. gest that he was merely preaching
Most of these traditions were preserved Buddhism.
outside India in Sri Lanka, Central Asia, Ashoka addressed his edicts to the
and China. Even after the edicts were entire populace, inscribing them on rock
deciphered, it was believed that they surfaces or on specially erected and nely
polished sandstone pillars, in places where
people were likely to congregate. It has
been suggested that the idea of issuing
such decrees was borrowed from the
Persian Achaemenian emperors, espe-
cially from Darius I, but the tone and
content of Ashokas edicts are quite differ-
ent. Although the pillars, with their animal
capitals, have also been described as imi-
tations of Achaemenian pillars, there is
sufficient originality in style to distinguish
them as ne examples of Mauryan impe-
rial art. (The official emblem of India since
1947 is based on the four-lion capital of the
pillar at Sarnath near Varanasi.) The carv-
ings contrast strikingly with the numerous
small, gray terra-cotta gures found at
urban sites, which are clearly expressions
of Mauryan popular art.
Ashoka denes the main principles of
dhamma as nonviolence, tolerance of all
Inscription on Ashokan pillar, Lauriya- sects and opinions, obedience to parents,
Nandangarh, Bihar state, India. respect for the Brahmans and other reli-
Frederick M. Asher gious teachers and priests, liberality
toward friends, humane treatment of
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 75

servants, and generosity toward all. These roads and rest houses, the planting of
suggest a general ethic of behaviour to medicinal herbs, the establishment of cen-
which no religious or social group could tres for tending the sick, a ban on animal
object. They also could act as a focus of sacrices, and the curtailing of killing
loyalty to weld together the diverse strands animals for food. He also instituted a
that made up the empire. Interestingly, the body of officials known as the dhamma-
Greek versions of these edicts translate mahamattas, who served the dual function
dhamma as eusebeia (piety), and no men- of propagating the dhamma and keeping
tion is made in the inscriptions of the the emperor in touch with public opinion.
teachings of the Buddha, which would be
expected if Ashoka had been propagating Mauryan Decline
Buddhism. His own activities under the
impact of dhamma included attention to Some historians maintain that the disin-
the welfare of his subjects, the building of tegration of the Mauryan empire was an
aftermath of Ashokas policies and
actions and that his pro-Buddhist policy
caused a revolt among the Brahmans.
The edicts do not support such a conten-
tion. It has also been said that Ashokas
insistence on nonviolence resulted in the
emasculation of the army, which was con-
sequently unable to meet the threat of
invaders from the northwest. There is,
however, no indication that Ashoka delib-
erately ignored the military wing of his
administration, despite his emphasis on
Other explanations for the decline of
the empire appear more plausible.
Among these is the idea that the econ-
omy may have weakened, putting
economic pressure on the empire. It has
been thought that the silver currency of
the Mauryas was debased as a result of
this pressure. The expense required for
the army and the bureaucracy must have
Lauriya-Nandangarh pillar, Bihar state,
tied up a substantial part of the income. It
India. Frederick M. Asher
is equally possible that the expansion of
agriculture did not keep pace with the
76 | The History of India

expansion of the empire, and, because had evolved by this time to explain the
many areas were nonagricultural, the rev- evolution of the state. Some theorists pur-
enue from the agrarian economy may not sued the thread of the Vedic monarchies,
have been sufficient for the maintenance in which the clan chief became the king
of the empire. It is extremely difficult to and was gradually invested with divinity.
compute the population of the empire, An alternative set of theories arising out
but a gure of approximately 50 million of Buddhist and Jain thought ignored the
can be suggested. For a population of idea of divinity and assumed instead that,
mixed agriculturalists and others to sup- in the original state of nature, all needs
port an empire of this size would have were effortlessly provided but that slowly
been extremely difficult without inten- a decline set in and man became evil,
sive exploitation of resources. Relatively developing desires, which led to the
recent excavations at urban sites show a notions of private property and of family
distinct improvement in material pros- and nally to immoral behaviour. In this
perity in the post-Mauryan levels. This condition of chaos, the people gathered
may be attributable to an increase in together and decided to elect one among
trade, but the income from trade was them (the mahasammata, or great elect)
unlikely to have been sufficient to sup- in whom they would invest authority to
plement fully the land revenue in maintain law and order. Thus, the state
nancing the empire. came into being. Later theories retained
It has been argued that the Mauryan the element of a contract between a ruler
bureaucracy at the higher levels tended and the people. Brahmanic sources held
to be oppressive. This may have been that the gods appointed the ruler and that
true during the reigns of the rst two a contract of dues was concluded between
emperors, from which the evidence is the ruler and the people. Also prevalent
cited, but oppression is unlikely to have was the theory of matsyanyaya, which
occurred during Ashokas reign, because proposes that in periods of chaos, when
he was responsible for a considerable there is no ruler, the strong devour the
decentralization at the upper levels and weak, just as in periods of drought big
for continual checks and inspections. A sh eat little sh. Thus, the need for a
more fundamental weakness lay in the ruler was viewed as absolute.
process of recruitment, which was proba- The existence of the state was pri-
bly arbitrary, with the hierarchy of marily dependent on two factors: danda
officials locally recruited. (authority) and dharma (in its sense of
the social orderi.e., the preservation
The Concept of the State of the caste structure). The Artha-shastra,
moreover, refers to the seven limbs (sap-
Allegiance presupposes a concept of tanga) of the state as the king,
statehood. A number of varying notions administration, territory, capital, treasury,
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 77

coercive authority, and allies. However, valley assumed a largely passive role
the importance of the political notion except when faced with campaigns from
of the state gradually began to fade, the northwest. In the northern Deccan
partly because of a decline of the political there arose the rst of many important
tradition of the republics and the propor- kingdoms that were to serve as the bridge
tional dominance of the monarchical between the north and the south. Kalinga
system, in which loyalty was directed to was once more independent. In the
the king. The emergence of the Mauryan extreme south the prestige and inuence
empire strengthened the political notion of the Cera, Chola, and Pandya kingdoms
of monarchy. The second factor was that continued unabated. Yet in spite of politi-
the dharma, in the sense of the social cal fragmentation, this was a period of
order, demanded a far greater loyalty economic prosperity, resulting partly
than did the rather blurred idea of the from a new source of incometrade, both
state. The kings duty was to protect within the subcontinent and with distant
dharma, and, as long as the social order places in Central Asia, China, the eastern
remained intact, anarchy would not pre- Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia.
vail. Loyalty to the social order, which
was a fundamental aspect of Indian civili- Rise of Small Kingdoms
zation, largely accounts for the impressive in the North
continuity of the major social institutions
over many centuries. However, it also In the adjoining area held by the
deected loyalty from the political notion Seleucids, Diodotus I, the Greek governor
of the state, which might otherwise have of Bactria, rose in rebellion against the
permitted more-frequent empires and a Seleucid king Antiochus II Theos and
greater political consciousness. After the declared his independence, which was
decline of the Mauryas, the reemergence recognized by Antiochus about 250 bce.
of an empire was to take many centuries. Parthia also declared its independence.

FROM 150 BCE TO 300 CE Indo-Greek Rulers

The disintegration of the Mauryan A later Bactrian king, Demetrius (reigned
empire gave rise to a number of small c. 190c. 167 bce), took his armies into the
kingdoms, whose regional affiliations Punjab and nally down the Indus valley
were often to be repeated in subsequent and gained control of northwestern India.
centuries. The Punjab and Kashmir This introduced what has come to be
regions were drawn into the orbit of called Indo-Greek rule. The chronology of
Central Asian politics. The lower Indus the Indo-Greek rulers is based largely on
valley became a passage for movements numismatic evidence. Their coins were, at
from the north to the west. The Ganges the start, imitations of Greek issues, but
78 | The History of India

they gradually acquired a style of their known in Indian sources as the Shakas
own, characterized by excellent portrai- (who established the Shaka satrap). They
ture. The legend was generally inscribed had attacked the kingdom of Bactria and
in Greek, Brahmi, and Khorosti. subsequently moved into India. The
The best-known of the Indo-Greek determination of the Han rulers of China
kings was Menander, recorded in Indian to keep the Central Asian nomadic tribes
sources as Milinda (reigned 155130 bce). (the Xiongnu, Wu-sun, and Yuezhi) out
He is featured in the Buddhist text of China forced these tribes in their
Milinda-panha (Questions of Milinda), search for fresh pastures to migrate
written in the form of a dialogue between southward and westward; a branch of the
the king and the Buddhist philosopher Yuezhi, the Da Yuezhi, moved farthest
Nagasena, as a result of which the king is west to the Aral Sea and displaced the
converted to Buddhism. Menander con- existing Shakas, who poured into Bactria
trolled Gandhara and Punjab, although and Parthia. The Parthian king
his coins have been found farther south. Mithradates II tried to hold them back,
According to one theory, he may have but after his death (88 bce) they swept
attacked the Shungas in the Yamuna through Parthia and continued into the
region and attempted to extend his con- Indus valley; among the early Shaka
trol into the Ganges valley, but, if he did kings was Maues, or Moga (1st century
so, he failed to annex the area. Meanwhile, bce), who ruled over Gandhara. The
in Bactria the descendants of the line of Shakas moved southward under pressure
Eucratides, who had branched off from from the Pahlavas (Parthians), who ruled
the original Bactrian line, now began to briey in northwestern India toward the
take an interest in Gandhara and nally end of the 1st century bce, the reign of
annexed Kabul and the kingdom of Gondophernes being remembered. At
Taxila. An important Prakrit inscription Mathura the Shaka rulers of note were
at Besnagar (Bhilsa district) of the late Rajuvala and Shodasa. Ultimately the
2nd century bce, inscribed at the instance Shakas settled in western India and
of Heliodorus, a Greek envoy of Malava and came into conict with the
Antialcidas of Taxila, records his devo- kingdoms of the northern Deccan
tion to the Vaishnava Vasudeva sect. and the Ganges valleyparticularly dur-
Vaishnava means a worshiper of the ing the reigns of Nahapana, Cashtana,
Hindu god Vishnu, and Vasuveda is and Rudradamanin the rst two centu-
another Hindu god. ries ce. Rudradamans fame is recorded
in a lengthy Sanskrit inscription at
Central Asian Rulers Junagadh, dating to 150 ce.
Kujula Kadphises, the Yuezhi chief,
The Bactrian control of Taxila was dis- conquered northern India in the 1st cen-
turbed by an intrusion of the Scythians, tury ce. He was succeeded by his son
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 79

Vima, after whom came Kanishka, the into satrap and widely used by these
most powerful among the Kushan kings, dynasties. Its Sanskrit form was kshatrapa.
as the dynasty came to be called. The date The governors of higher status came to be
of Kanishkas accession is disputed, rang- called maha-kshatrapa; they frequently
ing from 78 to 248. The generally accepted issued inscriptions reecting whatever era
date of 78 is also the basis for an era pre- they chose to follow, and they minted their
sumably started by the Shakas and used in own coins, indicating a more independent
addition to the Gregorian calendar by the status than is generally associated with
present-day Indian government; the era, governors. Imperial titles also were taken
possibly commemorating Kanishkas by the Indo-Greeks, such as basileus
accession, was widely used in Malava, basilen (king of kings), similar to the
Ujjain, Nepal, and Central Asia. The Persian shhanshh, of which the later
Kushan kingdom was essentially oriented Sanskrit form was maharatadhiraja. A
to the north, with its capital at Purusapura title of Central Asian derivation was the
(near present-day Peshawar), although it daivaputra of the Kushans, which is
extended southward as far as Sanchi and believed to have come originally from the
into the Ganges valley as far as Varanasi. Chinese son of heaven, emphasizing
Mathura was the most important city in the divinity of kingship.
the southern part of the kingdom.
Kanishkas ambitions included control of Oligarchies and Kingdoms
Central Asia, which, if not directly under
the Kushans, did come under their Occupying the watershed between the
inuence. Inscriptions fairly recently dis- Indus and Ganges valleys, Punjab and
covered in the Gilgit area further attest Rajasthan were the nucleus of a number
such Central Asian connections. of oligarchies, or tribal republics whose
Kanishkas successors failed to maintain local importance rose and fell in inverse
Kushan power. The southern areas were proportion to the rise and fall of larger
the rst to break away, and, by the middle kingdoms. According to numismatic evi-
of the 3rd century, the Kushans were left dence, the most important politically
virtually with only Gandhara and Kashmir. were the Audambaras, Arjunayanas,
By the end of the century they were Malavas, Yaudheyas, Shibis, Kunindas,
reduced to vassalage by the king of the Trigartas, and Abhiras. The Arjunayanas
Persian Ssnian dynasty. had their base in the present-day
Not surprisingly, administrative and Bharatpur-Alwar region. The Malavas
political nomenclature in northern India appear to have migrated from the Punjab
at this time reected that of western and to the Jaipur area, perhaps after the Indo-
Central Asia. The Persian term for the gov- Greek invasions; they are associated with
ernor of a province, khshathrapavan, as the Malava era, which has been identied
used by the Achaemenians, was Hellenized with the Vikrama era, also known as the
80 | The History of India

Krita era and dating to 58 bce. It is likely Uttar Pradesh) was ruled by kings who
that southern Rajasthan as far as the bore names ending in the suffix -mitra.
Narmada River and the Ujjain district
was named Malwa after the Malavas. The Shunga Kingdom
Yaudheya evidence is scattered over
many parts of the Punjab and the adjoin- Magadha was the nucleus of the Shunga
ing areas of what is now Rajasthan and kingdom, which succeeded the Mauryan.
Uttar Pradesh, but during this period The kingdom extended westward to
their stronghold appears to have been include Ujjain and Vidisha. The Shungas
the Rohtak district, north of Delhi; the fre- came into conict with Vidarbha and with
quent use of the term gana (group) on the Yavanas, who probably were Bactrian
Yaudheya coins indicates an adherence Greeks attempting to move into the
to the tribal tradition. References to Ganges valley. (The word yavana derives
Shaiva (Shiva-related) deities, especially from the Prakrit yona, suggesting that the
Karttikeya or Skanda, the legendary son Ionians were the rst Greeks with whom
of Shiva, are striking. The Shibis also the Persians and Indians came into con-
migrated from the Punjab to Rajasthan tact. In later centuries the name Yavana
and settled at Madhyamika (near Chitor, was applied to all peoples coming from
now Chittaurgarh). western Asia and the Mediterranean
Coins of the Kunindas locate them in region, which included the Romans,
the Shiwalik Range between the Yamuna Persians, and Arabs.) The Shunga dynasty
and the Beas rivers. The Trigartas have lasted for about one century and was then
been associated with the Chamba region overthrown by the Brahman minister
of the upper Ravi River, but they also may Vasudeva, who founded the Kanva dynasty,
have inhabited the area of Jalandhara in which lasted 45 years and following which
the plains. The Abhiras lived in scattered the Magadha area was of greatly dimin-
settlements in various parts of western ished importance until the 4th century ce.
and central India as far as the Deccan.
Most of these tribes claimed descent Kalinga
from the ancient lineages of the Puranas,
and some of them were later connected Kalinga rose to prominence under
with the rise of Rajput dynasties. Kharavela, dated with some debate to the
In addition to the oligarchies, there 1st century bce. Kharavela boasts, per-
were small monarchical states, such as haps exaggeratedly for a pious Jain, of
Ayodhya, Kaushambi, and the scattered successful campaigns in the western
Naga kingdoms, the most important of Deccan and against the Yavanas and
which was the one at Padmavati (Gwalior). Magadha and of a triumphal victory over
Ahicchatra (now the Bareilly district of the Pandyas of southern India.
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 81

The Andhras and Their Successors end of the 2nd century ce and asserted
his authority over the Shakas. The 3rd
The Andhras are listed among the tribal century saw the decline of Satavahana
peoples in the Mauryan empire. Possibly power, as the kingdom broke into small
they rose to being local officials and then, pockets of control under various branches
on the disintegration of the empire, grad- of the family.
ually became independent rulers of the The Satavahana feudatories then rose
northwestern Deccan. It cannot be ascer- to power. The Abhiras were the successors
tained for certain whether the Andhras in the Nashik area. The Iksvakus suc-
arose in the Andhra region (i.e., the ceeded in the Krishna-Guntur region. The
Krishna-Godavari deltas) and moved up Cutu dynasty in Kuntala (southern
to the northwestern Deccan or whether Maharashtra) had close connections with
their settling in the delta gave it their the Satavahanas. The Bodhis ruled briey
name. There is also controversy as to in the northwestern Deccan. The
whether the dynasty became indepen- Brihatphalayanas came to power at the
dent at the end of the 3rd century bce or end of the 3rd century in the Masulipatam
at the end of the 1st century bce. Their area. In these regions the Satavahana pat-
alternative name, Satavahana, is pre- tern of administration continued; many of
sumed to be the family name, whereas the rulers had matronymics (names
Andhra was probably that of the tribe. It derived from that of the mother or a mater-
is likely that Satavahana power was estab- nal ancestor); many of the royal inscriptions
lished during the reign of Shatakarni I, record donations made to Buddhist monks
with the borders of the kingdom reaching and monasteries, often by princesses, and
across the northern Deccan; subsequent also land grants to Brahmans and the per-
to this the Satavahana dynasty suffered formance of Vedic sacrices by the rulers.
an eclipse in the 1st century ce, when it
was forced out of the northern Deccan by Southern Indian Kingdoms
the Shakas and resettled in Andhra. In
the 2nd century ce the Satavahanas rees- Signicant, historically attested contact
tablished their power in the northwestern between the north and the Tamil regions
Deccan, as evidenced by Shaka coins can be reasonably dated to the Mauryan
from this region overstruck with the period. Evidence on the early history of
name Gautamiputra Shatakarni. That the south consists of the epigraphs of the
the Andhras did not control Malava and region, the Tamil cankam (sangam) liter-
Ujjain is clear from the claim of the Shaka ature, and archaeological data.
king Rudradaman to these regions. The Inscriptions in Brahmi (recently read
last of the important Andhra kings was as Tamil Brahmi) date to between the 2nd
Yajnashri Shatakarni, who ruled at the century bce and the 4th century ce. Most
82 | The History of India

of the inscriptions record donations made referring to the Irrumporai clan have been
by royalty or by merchants and artisans to found near Karur (Tiruchchirapalli dis-
Buddhist and Jain monks. These are use- trict), identied with the Korura of
ful in corroborating evidence from the Ptolemy. Cankam literature mentions the
cankam literature, a collection of a large names of Cera chiefs who have been dated
number of poems in classical Tamil that, to the 1st century ce. Among them,
according to tradition, were recited at Nedunjeral Adan is said to have attacked
three assemblies of poets held at Madurai. the Yavana ships and held the Yavana
Included in this literature are the Eight traders to ransom. His son Shenguttuvan,
Anthologies (Ettutokai) and Ten Idylls much eulogized in the poems, also is men-
(Pattupattu). The grammatical work tioned in the context of Gajabahus rule in
Tolkappiyam also is said to be of the Sri Lanka, which can be dated to either the
same period. The literature probably rst or last quarter of the 2nd century ce,
belongs to the same period as the inscrip- depending on whether he was the earlier
tions, although some scholars suggest an or the later Gajabahu. Karikalan (late 2nd
earlier date. The historical authenticity of century ce) is the best known of the early
sections of the cankam literature has been Chola chiefs and was to become almost a
conrmed by archaeological evidence. kind of eponymous ancestor to many fam-
Tamilakam, the abode of the Tamils, ilies of the south claiming Chola descent.
was dened in cankam literature as The early capital was at Uraiyur, in an area
approximately equivalent to the area that stretched from the Vaigai River in the
south of present-day Chennai (Madras). south to Tondaimandalam in the north.
Tamilakam was divided into 13 nadus The three chiefdoms were frequently at
(districts), of which the region of Madurai war; in addition there were often hostili-
was the most important as the core of the ties with Sri Lanka. Mention is also made
Tamil speakers. The three major chief- of the ruler of Tondaimandalam with its
doms of Tamilakam were those of the capital at Kanchipuram. There is also fre-
Pandya dynasty (Madurai), the Ceras quent mention of the minor chieftains, the
(Cheras; Malabar Coast and the hinter- Vel, who ruled small areas in many parts
land), and the Cholas (Thanjavur and the of the Tamil country. Ultimately all the
Kaveri valley), founders of the Chola chiefdoms suffered at the hands of
dynasty. The inscriptions of the Pandyas, the Kalvar, or Kalabras, who came
recording royal grants and other grants from the border to the north of Tamilakam
made by local citizens, date to the 2nd and were described as evil rulers, but they
century bce. The chief Nedunjeliyan were overthrown in the 5th century ce
(early 3rd century ce) is celebrated by the with the rise of the Chalukyas (Calukyas)
poets of the cankam as the victor in cam- and Pallava dynasties.
paigns against the Ceras and the Cholas. Cankam literature reects the indig-
Cera inscriptions of the 2nd century ce enous cultural tradition as well as
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 83

elements of the intrusion of the northern Contacts with the West

Sanskritic tradition, which by now was
beginning to come into contact with Numerous sources from the 1st millen-
these areas, some of which were in the nium bce mention trade between western
process of change from chiefdoms to Asia and the western coast of India.
kingdoms. In poems praising the chiefs, Hebrew texts refer to the port of Ophir,
heroism in raids and gift-giving are sometimes identied with Sopara, on the
hailed as the main virtues. The west coast. Babylonian builders used
predominant economy remained pastoral- Indian teak and cedar in the 7th and 6th
cum-agrarian, with an increasing centuries bce. The Buddhist jataka litera-
emphasis on agriculture. The Tamil ture mentions trade with Baveru
poems divide the land into ve ecological (Babylon). After the decline of Babylon,
zones, or tinais. Among the poems that Arab merchants from southern Arabia
make reference to social stratication, apparently continued the trade, probably
one uses the word kudi (group) to supplying goods to Egypt and the east-
denote caste. Each village had its sabha, ern Mediterranean. The discovery of the
or council, for administering local affairs, regular seasonal monsoon winds,
an institution that was to remain a xture enabling ships to sail a straight course
of village life. Religious observance con- across the Arabian Sea, made a consider-
sisted primarily in conducting sacrices able difference to shipping and navigation
to various deities, among whom Murugan on the route from western Asia to India.
was preeminent. Unication of the Mediterranean and
Trade with the Yavanas and with the western Asian world at the turn of the
northern parts of the subcontinent pro- Christian era under the Roman Empire
vided considerable economic momentum brought Roman trade into close contact
for the southern Indian states. Given the with Indiaoverland with northern India
terrain of the peninsula and the agricul- and by sea with peninsular India. The
tural technology of the time, large emperor Augustus received two
agrarian-based kingdoms like those of embassiesalmost certainly trade mis-
northern India were not feasible, although sionsfrom India in 2521 bce.
the cultivation of rice provided a base for The Periplus Maris Erythraei
economic change. Inevitably, trade (Navigation of the Erythrean [i.e., Red]
played more than a marginal role, and Sea), an anonymous Greek travel book
overseas trade became a major economic written in the 1st century ce, lists a series
activity. Almost as soon as the Roman of ports along the Indian coast, including
trade began to decline, the Southeast Muziris (Cranganore), Colchi (Korkai),
Asian trade commenced; in subsequent Poduca, and Sopatma. An excavation at
centuries this became the focus of mari- Arikamedu (near present-day Puducherry
time interest. [Pondicherry]) revealed a Roman trading
84 | The History of India

settlement of this period, and elsewhere The maritime trade routes from the
too the presence of Roman pottery, beads, Indian ports were primarily to the Persian
intaglios, lamps, glass, and coins point to Gulf and the Red Sea, from where they
a continuous occupation, resulting even went overland to the eastern
in imitations of some Roman items. It Mediterranean and to Egypt, but Indian
would seem that textiles were prepared to merchants also ventured out to Southeast
Roman specication and exported from Asia seeking spices and semiprecious
such settlements. Graffiti on pottery stones. River valleys and the Mauryan
found at a port in the Red Sea indicates roads were the chief routes within India.
the presence of Indian traders. Greek sources refer to a royal highway
Large hoards of Roman coins sub- built by the Mauryas, connecting Taxila
stantiate other evidence. The coins are with Pataliputra and terminating at
mainly of the emperors Augustus Tamralipti, the main port in the Ganges
(reigned 27 bce14 ce), Tiberius (reigned delta. On the western coast the major
1437), and Nero (reigned 5468). Their port of Bhrigukaccha (modern Bharuch)
frequency suggests that the Romans was connected with the Ganges valley
paid for the trade in gold coins. Many via Rajasthan or, alternatively, Ujjain.
are overstruck with a bar, which may From the Narmada valley there were
indicate that they were used as bullion routes going into the northwestern
in India; certainly, the Roman savant Deccan and continuing along rivers ow-
Pliny the Elder complained that the ing eastward to various parts of the
Indian luxury trade was depleting peninsula. Goods were transported
the Roman treasury. The coins are found mainly in caravans of oxen and donkeys
most often in trading centres or near the but only in the dry seasons, the rains
sources of semiprecious stones, espe- creating impossible conditions for travel.
cially quartz and beryl. Cankam literature Coastal and river shipping was clearly
attests the prosperity of Yavana mer- cheaper than overland transport. The
chants trading in towns such as main northern route connected Taxila
Kaveripattinam (in the Kaveri delta). with Kbul and Kandahr and from there
The Periplus lists the major exports of branched off in various directions, mainly
India as pepper, precious stones, pearls, linking up with routes across Persia to
tortoise shells, ivory, such aromatic the Black Sea ports and the eastern
plants as spikenard (Nardostachys jata- Mediterranean. The route connecting
mansi) and malabathrum (Cinnamomum China with Bactria via Central Asia,
malabathrum), and silk and other tex- which would shortly become famous as
tiles. For these the Romans traded glass, the Silk Road, linked the oases of Kashgar,
copper, tin, lead, realgar (a red pigment), Yarkand, Khotan, Miran, Kucha,
orpiment (a gold pigment), antimony, Karashahr, and Turfan, in all of which
and wine, or else they paid in gold coins. Indian merchants established trading
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 85

stations. The Central Asian route brought They often made lavish donations to
Chinese goods in large quantities into Buddhist and Jain monasteries, and
the Indian and western Asian markets. It some of the nest Buddhist monuments
is thought that the prosperity resulting of the period resulted from such patron-
from this trade enabled the Kushans to age. In some areas, such as the Deccan,
issue the rst Indian gold coins. Another members of the royal family invested
consequence was the popularity of money with a particular guild, and the
horsemanship. accruing interest became a regular dona-
tion to the Buddhist sangha. This must
Society and Culture also have enhanced the political prestige
of the guild.
The commercial economy played a cen-
tral role during this period. Circuits of Finance
exchange developed at various levels
among groups throughout the subconti- Increasing reliance on money in com-
nent. In some regions these patterns merce greatly augmented the role of
extended to external trade. Agrarian the nancier and banker. Sometimes the
expansion was not arrested, and land rev- wealthier guilds offered nancial ser-
enue continued to be a major source of vices, but the more usual source of money
income, but prot from trade made a sub- was the merchant nancier (shresthin).
stantial difference to the urban economy, Coinage proliferated in the various king-
noticeably improving the standard of liv- doms, and minting attained a high level
ing and registering a growth in the of craftsmanship. The most widely used
number and size of towns. coins were the gold dinaras and suvar-
nas, based on the Roman denarius (124
Guilds grains [about 8 grams]); a range of silver
coins, such as the earlier karshapana (or
The social institution most closely pana; 57.8 grains [3.75 grams]) and the
related to commercial activity was the shatamana; an even wider range of cop-
shreni, or guild, through which trade was per coins, such as the masa, kakani, and a
channeled. The guilds were registered variety of unspecied standards; and
with the town authority, and the activi- other coins issued in lead and potin, par-
ties of guild members followed strict ticularly in western India. Usury was an
guidelines called the shreni-dharma. accepted part of the bankers trade, with
The wealthier guilds employed slaves 15 percent being the typical interest rate,
and hired labourers in addition to their although this varied according to the
own artisans, though the percentage of enterprise for which the money was bor-
such slaves appears to have been small. rowed. Expanding trade also introduced
Guilds had their own seals and insignia. a multiplicity of weights and measures.
86 | The History of India

Impact of Trade monuments in the Deccan. The Jains

found more patrons in the Deccan.
Foreign trade probably had its greatest Literary sources of the period mention
economic impact in the south, but the Hindu temples, but none of comparable
interchange of ideas appears to have antiquity have been found. Apart from
been more substantial in the north. This the Gandhara style of sculpture, a num-
latter effect may have been attributable to ber of indigenous centres in other parts
the norths longer association with west- of India, such as Mathura, Karli,
ern Asia and the colonial Hellenic culture. Nagarjunakonda, and Amaravati, por-
Greek, along with Aramaic, was widely trayed Buddhist legends in a variety of
spoken in Afghanistan and was doubtless
understood in Taxila. The spurt of geo-
graphic studies in the Mediterranean
produced works with extensive descrip-
tions of the trade with India; these
include Strabos Geography, Ptolemys
Geography, Plinys Natural History, and
the Periplus Maris Erythraei. The most
obvious and visible impact occurred in
Gandhara art, which depicted Indian
themes inuenced by Hellenistic and
Roman styles, an attractive hybrid that
inuenced the development of Buddhist
iconography. The more prized among
objects were the ivory carvings that
reached Afghanistan from central India.

Religious Patronage

If art remains are an index to patronage,

then Buddhism seems to have been the
most-favoured religion, followed by
Shaivism and the Bhagavata cult.
Buddhist centres generally comprised a Head of Buddha in gray schist, 2nd3rd
complex of three structuresthe monas- century CE, showing Hellenistic inu-
tery (vihara), the hall of worship (caitya), ences; from Gandhara, northwestern
and the sacred tumulus (stupa)all of Pakistan. Courtesy of the trustees of the
which were freestanding structures in British Museum
the north but were initially rock-cut
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 87

local stones. The more popular medium and Zoroastrianism in Central Asia.
was terra-cotta, by then changed from Arguments over the original teaching of
gray to red, depicting not only ordinary the Buddha had already resulted in a
men and women and animal gures but series of councils called to clarify the doc-
also large numbers of mother goddesses, trine. The two main sects were the
indicating the continued popular wor- Theravada, centred at Kaushambi, which
ship of these deities. compiled the Pali canon on Buddhist
The practice of Buddhism was itself teachings, and the Sarvastivada, which
undergoing change. Affluent patronage arose at Mathura, spread northward, and
endowed the large monasteries with land nally established itself in Central Asia,
and slaves. Association with royalty gave using Sanskrit as the language for pre-
Buddhism access to power. Under the serving the Buddhist tradition. A council
proselytizing consciousness that had held in Kashmir during the reign of
gradually evolved, Buddhist monks trav- Kanishka ratied the separation of the
eled as missionaries to Central Asia and two main schools of Buddhism
China, western Asia, and Southeast Asia. the Mahayana (Greater Vehicle)
New situations inevitably led to the need and the Theravada (or Hinayana, Lesser
for new ideas, as is most clearly seen in Vehicle). The impressive dominance of
the contact of Buddhism with Christianity Buddhism did not arise without hostility
from the patrons of other religions.
Jainism had by now also split into
two groups: the Digambara (Sky-Clad
i.e., naked), the more orthodox, and the
Shvetambara (White-Clad), the more
liberal. The Jains were not as widespread
as the Buddhists, their main centres
being in western India, Kalinga for a brief
period, and the Mysore (modern
Karnataka) and Tamil country.
Brahmanism also underwent changes
with the gradual fading out of some of
the Vedic deities. The two major gods
were Vishnu and Shiva, around whom
there emerged a monotheistic trend per-
haps best expressed in the Vaishnava
Central nave of the Buddhist caitya (holy Bhagavadgita, which most authorities
place) at Karli, near Pune, Maharashtra, would date to the 1st century bce. The
India. Holle Bildarchiv doctrine of karma and rebirth, emphasiz-
ing the inuence of actions performed
88 | The History of India

either in this life or in former lives on didactic sections on religion and morality
present and future lives, became central and elevated to the status of sacred litera-
to Hindu belief and inuenced both reli- ture. Their heroes, Krishna and Rama,
gious and social notions. Vedic sacrices were incorporated into Vaishnavism as
were not discontinued but gradually avatars (incarnations) of Vishnu. The
became symbols of such ceremonial concept of incarnations was useful in
occasions as royal consecrations. subsuming local deities and cults.
Sacricial ritual was beginning to be The epics also served as a treasury of
replaced by the practice of bhakti, a form stories, which provided themes and char-
of personal devotion whereby the wor- acters for countless poems and
shiper shares in the grace of the deity. plays. The works of the dramatist Bhasa,
notably Svapnavasavadatta and
Literature Pratijnayaugandharayana, were founda-
tional to the Sanskrit drama. Ashvaghosa,
Popular epics, such as the Mahabharata another major dramatist who wrote in
and the Ramayana, were injected with Sanskrit, based his works on Buddhist

Ladies in conversation, detail from a folio from a manuscript of the Mahabharata, 1516.
P. Chandra
The Development of Indian Civilization from c. 1500 BCE to 300 CE | 89

themes. The popularity of drama necessi- for social theorists because the new-
tated the writing of a work on dramaturgy, comers had to be tted into caste
the Natyashastra (Treatise on Dramatic society. It was easier to accommodate a
Art) of the sage-priest Bharata. The com- group rather than an individual into the
position of Dharma-shastras (collections social hierarchy, because the group
of treatises on sacred duties), among could be given a jati status. Technically,
which the most often quoted is ascribed to conversion to Hinduism was difficult
Manu, became important in a period of because one had to be born into a par-
social ux in which traditional social law ticular caste, and it was karma that
and usage were important as precedent. A determined ones caste. The theoretical
commentary on the earlier Sanskrit gram- denition of caste society continued as
mar of Panini was provided by the before, and the four varnas were referred
Mahabhasya of Patanjali, timely because to as the units of society. The assimila-
even the non-Indian dynasties of the north tion of local cults demanded the
and west made extensive use of Sanskrit. assimilation of cult priests, who had to
Of the sciences, astronomy and medicine be accommodated within the Brahmanic
were foremost, both reecting the inter- hierarchy. The Greeks and the Shakas,
change of ideas with western Asia. Two clearly of non-Indian origin and initially
basic medical treatises, composed by the ruling group, were referred to as
Caraka and Sushruta, date to this period. fallen Kshatriyas. The Vaishya and
Sudra groups did not pose such a seri-
Assimilation of Foreigners ous problem, because their vague
denition gave them social mobility. It
The presence of foreigners, most of is likely that in such periods of social
whom settled in Indian cities and change some lower-caste groups may
adopted Indian habits and behaviour in have moved up the ladder of social
addition to religion, became a problem hierarchy.
From 300 to c.
1200 CE
T he period between 300 and 1200 was a time of many
changes. Great civilizations rose and fell.Some of Indias
most impressive works of art were created. Philosophy and
religion developed. Islam entered the mix of cultures that
would enrich the subcontinent.

FROM 300 TO 750 CE

Historians once regarded the Gupta period (c. 320540) as the

classical age of India, the period during which the norms of
Indian literature, art, architecture, and philosophy were estab-
lished. It was also thought to have been an age of material
prosperity, particularly among the urban elite, and of rena-
scent Hinduism. Some of these assumptions have been
questioned by more-extensive studies of the post-Mauryan,
pre-Gupta period. Archaeological evidence from the earlier
Kushan levels suggests greater material prosperity, to such a
degree that some historians argue for an urban decline in the
Gupta period. Much of Gupta literature and art derived from
that of earlier periods, and renascent Hinduism is probably
more correctly dated to the post-Gupta time. The Gupta realm,
although less extensive than that of the Mauryas, did encom-
pass the northern half and central parts of the subcontinent.
The Gupta period also has been called an imperial age, but
the administrative centralization so characteristic of an impe-
rial system is less apparent than during the Mauryan period.
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 91

Northern India chiefs, the northern oligarchies, and border

Under the Guptas states in the east, in addition to Nepal.
More-distant domains brought within
The Guptas, a comparatively unknown Samudra Guptas orbit were regarded as
family, came from either Magadha or east- subordinate; these comprised the king of
ern Uttar Pradesh. The third king, Chandra kings of the northwest, the Shakas, the
Gupta I (reigned c. 320c. 330), took the Murundas, and the inhabitants of all
title of maharajadhiraja. He married a the islands, including Sinhala (Sri Lanka),
Licchavi princessan event celebrated in all of which are listed in the inscription at
a series of gold coins. It has been sug- Allahabad. It would seem that the cam-
gested that, if the Guptas ruled in Prayaga paign extended Gupta power in northern
(present-day Allahabad in eastern Uttar and eastern India and virtually eliminated
Pradesh), the marriage alliance may have the oligarchies and the minor kings of cen-
added Magadha to their domain. The tral India and the Ganges valley. The
Gupta era began in 320, but it is not identity of the islands remains problem-
clear whether this date commemorated atic, as they could either have been the
the accession of Chandra Gupta or the ones close to India or those of Southeast
assumption of the status of independence. Asia, with which communication had
Chandra Gupta appointed his son increased. The Ganges valley and central
Samudra Gupta (reigned c. 330c. 380) to India were the areas under direct adminis-
succeed him about 330, according to a trative control. The campaign in the eastern
long eulogy to Samudra Gupta inscribed coastal areas may have been prompted by
on a pillar at Allahabad. The coins of an the desire to acquire the trading wealth of
obscure prince, Kacha, suggest that there these regions. The grim image of Samudra
may have been contenders for the throne. Gupta as a military conqueror is amelio-
Samudra Guptas campaigns took him in rated, however, by references to his love of
various directions and resulted in many poetry and by coins on which he is depicted
conquests. Not all the conquered regions playing the lyre.
were annexed, but the range of opera- Samudra Gupta was succeeded about
tions established the military prowess of 380 by his son Chandra Gupta II (reigned
the Guptas. Samudra Gupta acquired c. 380c. 415), though there is some evi-
Pataliputra (present-day Patna), which dence that there may have been an
was to become the Gupta capital. intermediate ruler. Chandra Gupta IIs
Proceeding down the eastern coast, major campaign was against the Shaka
he also conquered the states of rulers of Ujjain, the success of which was
Dakshinapatha but reinstated the van- celebrated in a series of silver coins. Gupta
quished rulers. interest lay not merely in the political con-
Among those he rendered subservient trol of the west but in the wealth the area
were the rulers of Aryavarta, various forest derived from trade with western and
92 | The History of India

southeastern Asia. Gupta territory adjoin- or bhuktis, and these in turn into smaller
ing the northern Deccan was secured units, the pradeshas or vishayas. The prov-
through a marriage alliance with the inces were governed by kumaramatyas,
Vakataka dynasty, the successors of high imperial officers or members of the
the Satavahanas in the area. Although royal family. A decentralization of
Chandra Gupta II took the title of authority is evident from the composition
Vikramaditya (Sun of Valour), his reign of the municipal board (adhishthana-
is associated more with cultural and intel- adhikarana), which consisted of the guild
lectual achievements than with military president (nagara-shreshthin), the chief
campaigns. His Chinese contemporary merchant (sarthavaha), and representa-
Faxian, a Buddhist monk, traveled in India tives of the artisans and of the scribes.
and left an account of his impressions. During that period the term samanta,
The rst hint of a fresh invasion from which originally meant neighbour, was
the northwest comes in the reign of beginning to be applied to intermediaries
Chandra Guptas son and successor, who had been given grants of land or to
Kumara Gupta (reigned c. 415455). The conquered feudatory rulers. There was
threat was that of a group known in also a noticeable tendency for some of the
Indian sources as the Hunas, or Huns, higher administrative offices to become
though it is not clear whether this group hereditary. The lack of rm control over
had any relations to the Huns of European conquered areas led to their resuming
history. They were in any event a branch independence. The repeated military
of a Central Asian group known as the action that this necessitated may have
Hephthalites. Skanda Gupta (c. 455467), strained the kingdoms resources.
who succeeded Kumara Gupta, and his The coming of the Hunas brought
successors all had to face the full-edged northern India once more into close con-
invasion of the Hunas. Skanda Gupta tact with Central Asia, and a number of
managed to rally Gupta strength for a Central Asian tribes migrated into India. It
while, but after his death the situation has been suggested that the Gurjaras, who
deteriorated. Dissensions within the gradually spread to various parts of north-
royal family added to the problem. Gupta ern India, may be identied with the
genealogies of this period show consider- Khazars, a Turkic people of Central Asia.
able variance in their succession lists. By The Huna invasion challenged the stabil-
the mid-6th century, when the dynasty ity of the Gupta kingdom, even though the
apparently came to an end, the kingdom ultimate decline may have been caused by
had dwindled to a small size. Northern internal factors. A severe blow was the
India and parts of central India were in resultant disruption of the Central Asian
the hands of the Hunas. trade and the decline in the income that
Administratively, the Gupta kingdom northern India had derived from it. Some
was divided into provinces called deshas of the north Indian tribes migrated to
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 93

other regions, and this movement of peo- substantial part of the Ganges valley, where
ples effected changes in the social he came into conict with the Maukharis
structure of the post-Gupta period. The and the rising Puspabhuti (Pushyabhuti)
rise of Rajput families and Kshatriya dynasty of Thanesar (north of Delhi).
dynasties is associated by some scholars The Puspabhuti dynasty aspired to
with tribal chiefs in these new areas. imperial status during the reign of
The rst Huna king in India was Harsha (Harsavardhana). Sthanvishvara
Toramana (early 6th century), whose (Thanesar) appears to have been a small
inscriptions have been found as far south principality, probably under the suzer-
as Eran (Madhya Pradesh). His son ainty of the Guptas. Harsha came to the
Mihirakula, a patron of Shaivism, is throne in 606 and ruled for 41 years.
recorded in Buddhist tradition as uncouth The rst of the major historical biogra-
and extremely cruel. The Gupta rulers, phies in Sanskrit, the Harshacarita
together with Yashodharman of Malava, (Deeds of Harsha), was written by Bana,
seem to have confronted Mihirakula and a celebrated author attached to his court,
forced him back to the north. Ultimately and contains information on Harshas
his kingdom was limited to Kashmir and early life. A fuller account of the period is
Punjab with its capital at Shakala (possi- given by the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim
bly present-day Sialkot). Huna power Xuanzang, who traveled through India
declined after his reign. and stayed for some time at a monastery
at Nalanda. Harsha acquired Kannauj (in
Successor States to the Farrukhabad district), which became the
Guptas eponymous capital of his large kingdom.
He waged a major but unsuccessful cam-
Of the kingdoms that arose as inheritors of paign against Pulakeshin II, a king of the
the Gupta territory, the most important Chalukya dynasty of the northern Deccan,
were those of Valabhi (Saurashtra and and was conned to the northern half of
Kathiawar); Gujarata (originally the area the subcontinent. Nor was his success
near Jodhpur), believed to be the nucleus spectacular in western India against
of the later Pratihara kingdom; Nandipuri Valabhl, Nandipurl, and Sind (lower Indus
(near Bharuch); Maukhari (Magadha); the valley). In his eastern campaign, however,
kingdom of the later Guptas (in the area Harsha met with little resistance
between Malava and Magadha); and (Shashanka having died in 636) and
those of Bengal, Nepal, and Kamarupa (in acquired Magadha, Vanga, and Kongoda
the Assam Valley). Orissa (Kongoda) was (Orissa). His alliance with Bhaskaravarman
under the Mana and Shailodbhava dynas- of Kamarupa (Assam) proved helpful.
ties before being conquered by Shashanka, Although Harsha failed to build an
king of Gauda (lower Bengal). In the empire, his kingdom was of no mean size,
early 7th century Shashanka annexed a and he earned the reputation of being the
94 | The History of India

preeminent ruler of the north. He is Arabs; some Indian sources use the term
remembered as the author of three Sanskrit yavana. The conquest of Sind marked the
playsRatnavall, Priyadarshika, and easternmost extent of Arab territorial con-
Naganandathe theme of the last indicat- trol. A 13th-century Persian translation of
ing his interest in Buddhist thought. The a chronicle from Sind, the Chach-nmeh,
Tang emperor of China, Taizong, sent a gives an account of these events. The ini-
series of embassies to Harsha, establish- tial naval expedition met with failure, so
ing closer ties between the two realms. the Arabs conducted an overland cam-
After the death of Harsha, the kingdom paign. The Arab hold on Sind was loose at
of Kannauj entered a period of decline rst, and the local chiefs remained virtu-
until the early 8th century, when it revived ally independent, but by 724 the invaders
with the rise of Yashovarman, who is had established direct rule, with a gover-
eulogized in the Prakrit poem Gauda- nor representing the Muslim caliph. Arab
vadha (The Slaying of [the King of] attempts to advance into Punjab and
Gauda) by Vakpati. Yashovarman came Kashmir, however, were checked. The
into conict with Lalitaditya, the king of Indians did not fully comprehend
Kashmir of the Karkota dynasty, and the magnitude of Arab political and eco-
appears to have been defeated. nomic ambitions. Along the west coast,
In the 8th century the rising power in the Arabs were seen as familiar traders
western India was that of the Gurjara- from western Asia. The possible competi-
Pratiharas. The Rajput dynasty of the tion with Indian trade was not realized.
Guhilla had its centre in Mewar (with
Chitor as its base). The Capa family was The Deccan
associated with the city of Anahilapataka
(present-day Patan) and are involved in In the Deccan the Vakataka dynasty was
early Rajput history. In the Haryana region closely tied to the Guptas. With a nucleus
the Tomara Rajputs (Tomara dynasty), in Vidarbha, the founder of the dynasty,
originally feudatories of the Gurjara- Vindhyashakti, extended his power
Pratiharas, founded the city of Dhillika northward as far as Vidisha (near Ujjain).
(modern Delhi) in 736. The political pat- At the end of the 4th century, a collateral
tern of this time reveals a rebirth of line of the Vakatakas was established by
regionalism and of new political and eco- Sarvasena in Vatsagulma (Basim, in
nomic structures. Akola district), and the northern line
In the early 8th century a new power helped the southern to conquer Kuntala
base was established briey with the (southern Maharashtra). The domination
arrival of the Arabs in Sind. Inscriptions of of the northern Deccan by the main
the western Indian dynasties speak of con- Vakataka line during this period is clearly
trolling the tide of the mleccha, which has established by the matrimonial alliances
been interpreted in this case to mean the not only with the Guptas but also with
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 95

The entire southern peninsula of India south of the Narmada River is marked centrally by a
high triangular tableland called the Deccan. The name derives from the Sanskrit daksina
(south). The plateau is bounded on the east and west by the Ghats ranges, escarpments that
meet at the plateaus southern tip. Its northern extremity is the Satpura Range. The Deccans
average elevation is about 2,000 feet (600 metres), sloping generally eastward. Its principal
riversthe Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri (Cauvery)ow from the Western Ghats eastward
to the Bay of Bengal. The plateaus climate is drier than that on the coasts and is arid in places.
The Deccans early history is obscure. There is evidence of prehistoric human habitation;
low rainfall must have made farming difficult until the introduction of irrigation. The plateaus
mineral wealth led many lowland rulers, including those of the Mauryan (4th2nd century BCE)
and Gupta (4th6th century CE) dynasties, to ght over it. From the 6th to the 13th century, the
Chalukya, Rashtrakuta, Later Chalukya, Hoysala, and Yadava families successively estab-
lished regional kingdoms in the Deccan, but they were continually in conict with neighbouring
states and recalcitrant feudatories. The later kingdoms also were subject to looting raids by the
Muslim Delhi sultanate, which eventually gained control of the area.
In 1347 the Muslim Bahmani dynasty established an independent kingdom in the Deccan.
The ve Muslim states that succeeded the Bahmani and divided its territory joined forces in
1565 at the Battle of Talikota to defeat Vijayanagar, the Hindu empire to the south. For most of
their reigns, however, the ve successor states formed shifting patterns of alliances in an effort
to keep any one state from dominating the area and, from 1656, to fend off incursions by the
Mughal Empire to the north. During the Mughal decline in the 18th century, the Marathas,
the nizam of Hyderabad, and the Arcot nawab vied for control of the Deccan. Their rivalries, as
well as conicts over succession, led to the gradual absorption of the Deccan by the British.
When India became independent in 1947, the princely state of Hyderabad resisted initially but
joined the Indian union in 1948.

other peninsular dynasties such as the the Gangas, and the Kadambasthe most
Visnukundins and the Kadambas. signicant were the Chalukyas, who are
The Vakatakas were weakened by associated with Vatapi in the 6th century.
attacks from Malava and Koshala in the The Chalukyas controlled large parts
5th century. Ultimately, the Chalukyas of the Deccan for two centuries. There
(Calukyas) of Vatapi (present-day were many branches of the family, the
Badami) ended their rule. most important of which were the Eastern
Of the myriad ruling families of the Chalukyas, ruling at Pishtapura (modern
Deccan between the 4th and 7th centu- Pithapuram in the Godavari River delta)
riesincluding the Nalas, the Kalacuris, in the early 7th century; the Chalukyas of
96 | The History of India

Vemulavada (near Karimnagar, Andhra settled along the west coast of the Deccan.
Pradesh); and the renascent Later Their descendants today constitute the
Chalukyas of Kalyani (between the Bhima Parsi community.
and Godavari rivers), who rose to power in Control over both coasts enhanced
the 10th century. Chalukya power reached the Chalukya kings already rm hold
its zenith during the reign of Pulakeshin on the Deccan. The major river valleys of
II (610642), a contemporary of Harsha. the plateauthe Narmada, Tapi (Tapti),
The early years of Pulakeshins reign were Godavari with its tributaries, and Krishna
taken up with a civil war, after which he were in Chalukya hands, as were the
had to reconquer lost territories and rees- valuable routes in the valleys. This
tablish his control over recalcitrant amounted to control of the west coast
feudatories. Pulakeshin then campaigned trade with western Asia and the Kalinga
successfully in the south against the and Andhra trade on the east coast with
Kadambas, the Alupas, and the Gangas. Southeast Asia. The centuries-long con-
Leading his armies north, he defeated the ict between the northern and the
Latas, Malavas, and Gurjaras. Pulakeshins southern Deccan, of which the Chalukya-
nal triumph in the north was the victory Pallava conict was but a facet, also had
over Harsha of Kannauj. Pulakeshin then geographic, political, and economic
turned his attention to the eastern Deccan causes. Any southern Indian power seek-
and conquered southern Koshala, Kalinga, ing to expand would inevitably try to move
Pishtapuram, and the Vishnukundin king- up the east coast, which was not only the
dom. He started the collateral branch most fertile area of the peninsula but was
of the Eastern Chalukyas based at also wealthy from the income of trade with
Pishtapuram with his younger brother Southeast Asia. Therefore, control of the
Vishnuvardhana as the rst king. northern Deccan required control of
Pulakeshin then launched another major the east coast as well. With the major mari-
campaign against the powerful southern time activity gradually concentrating on
Indian kingdom of the Pallavas, in which Southeast Asian trade, in which even the
he defeated their king Mahendravarman west coast had a large share, the control of
Ithus inaugurating a conict between both coasts was of considerable economic
the two kingdoms that was to continue for advantage. It was along the east coast,
many centuries. Pulakeshin II sent an therefore, that the conict between the
embassy to the court of the Ssnian two regions often erupted. The next 100
Persian king Khosrow II. Good relations years of Chalukya power witnessed the
between the Persians and the Indians of continuation of this conict, weakening
the Deccan were of great advantage to the both contenders. Ultimately, in the mid-
Zoroastrians of Persia, who, eeing from 8th century, a feudatory of the Chalukyas,
the Islamic persecution in subsequent Dantidurga of the Rashtrakuta dynasty,
centuries, sought asylum in India and rose to importance and established
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 97

himself in place of the declining Chalukya in the 6th century after a successful attack
dynasty. The Eastern Chalukyas, who had against the Kalabhras, which extended
managed to avoid involvement in the con- their territory as far south as the Kaveri
ict, survived longer and came into River. The Pallavas reached their zenith
conict with the Rashtrakutas. Another during the reign of Mahendravarman I (c.
branch of the Chalukyas established itself 600630), a contemporary of Harsha and
at Lata in the mid-7th century and played Pulakeshin II. Among the sources of the
a prominent role in obstructing the Arab period, Xuanzangs account serves as a
advance. link, as he traveled through the domains of
all three kings. The struggle for Vengi
Southern India between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas
became the immediate pretext for a long,
The southern part of the peninsula split drawn-out war, which began with the
into many kingdoms, each ghting for defeat of the Pallavas. Apart from his cam-
supremacy. Cera power relied mainly on paigns, Mahendravarman was a writer and
a ourishing trade with western Asia. artist of some distinction. The play associ-
The Cholas retired into insignicance in ated with him, Mattavilasaprahasana,
the Uraiyur (Tiruchchirappalli) area. The treats in a farcical manner the idiosyncra-
Pandyas were involved in ghting the ris- sies of Buddhist and Shaiva ascetics.
ing power of the Pallavas, and occasionally Mahendravarmans successor,
they formed alliances with the Deccan Narasimhavarman I (reigned c. 630668),
kingdoms. also called Mahamall or Mamalla,
The origin of the Pallava dynasty is avenged the Pallava defeat by capturing
obscure. It is not even clear whether the Vatapi. He sent two naval expeditions
early Pallavas of the 3rd century were the from Mahabalipuram to Sri Lanka to
ancestors of the later Pallavas of the 6th assist the king Manavamma in regaining
century, who are sometimes distinguished his throne. Pallava naval interests laid the
by the title imperial. It would seem, foundation for extensive reliance on
though, that their place of origin was the navy by the succeeding dynasty, the
Tondaimandalam, with its centre at Cholas. Toward the end of the 8th cen-
Kanchipuram (ancient Kanci). Prakrit cop- tury, the Gangas and the Pandyas joined
perplate charters issued by the early kings coalitions against the Pallavas. As the
from Kanchipuram often mention places Chalukyas declined under pressure from
just to the north in Andhra Pradesh, sug- the Rashtrakutas, the Pandyas gradually
gesting that the dynasty may have took on the Pallavas and, by the mid-9th
migrated to the Kanchipuram area. The century, advanced as far as Kumbakonam.
Sanskrit and Tamil epigraphic records of This defeat was avenged, but, by the end
the later kings of the dynasty indicate of the 9th century, Pallava power had
that the later Pallavas became dominant ceased to be signicant.
98 | The History of India

Society and Culture fertility cults and local rites and beliefs
that were assimilated into Hinduism.
Some of the Pallava kings took an interest During the same period, orthodox
in the Alvars and Nayanars, the religious Brahmanism received encouragement,
teachers who preached a new form of especially from the royal families.
Vaishnavism and Shaivism based on Learned Brahmans were given endow-
the bhakti (devotional) cults. Among the ments of land. The performance of Vedic
Shaivas were Appar (who is said to sacrices for purposes of royal legiti-
have converted Mahendravarman from macy gave way to the keeping of
Jainism) and Manikkavacakar. Among the genealogies, which the Brahmans now
Vaishnavas were Nammalvar and a woman controlled. The new Brahmanism
teacher, Andal. The movement aimed at acquired a locality and an institution in
preaching a popular Hinduism, in which
Tamil was preferred to Sanskrit, and
emphasized the role of the peripatetic
teacher. Women were encouraged to par-
ticipate in the congregations. The Tamil
devotional cult and similar movements
elsewhere were in a sense competitive with
Buddhism and Jainism, both of which suf-
fered a gradual decline in most areas.
Jainism found a foothold in Karnataka,
Rajasthan, and Gujarat. Buddhism our-
ished in eastern India, with major monastic
centres at Nalanda, Vikramashila, and
Paharpur that attracted vast numbers of
students from India and abroad. Tibetan
and eastern Indian cults, particularly the
Tantric cults, inuenced the development
of Vajrayana (Thunderbolt Vehicle)
Buddhism. The widespread Shakti cult
associated with Hindu practice was based
on the notion that the male can be acti-
vated only by union with the female. Thus,
the gods were given consortsLakshmi (or
Sandstone sculpture of the Buddha, 5th
Shri) for Vishnu; Parvati, Kali, and Durga
century CE, from Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh,
for Shivaand ritual was directed toward India; in the Indian Museum, Kolkata.
the worship of the mother goddess. Much P. Chandra
of the ritual was derived from the earlier
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 99

the form of the temple. The earliest models. Although the Chalukyas did
remains of a Hindu temple, discovered at introduce freestanding temples, most of
Sanchi, date to the Gupta period. These their patronage extended to rock-cut
extremely simple structures consisted of monuments. The Pallavas also began
a shrine room, called a garbhagrha with rock-cut temples, as at Mahabalipur,
(womb house, or sanctum sanctorum), but, when they took to freestanding tem-
which contained an image of the deity ples, they produced the most-impressive
and opened onto a porch. Over the centu- examples of their time.
ries, additional structures were added As temples and monasteries became
until the temple complexes covered larger and more complex, the decorative
many acres. In the peninsula the early arts of mural painting and sculpture
rock-cut temples imitated Buddhist ourished. Early examples of mural paint-
ing occur at Bagh and
Sittanvasal (now in Tamil
Nadu), and the tradition
reached its apogee in the
murals at the Ajanta Caves
(Maharashtra) during the
Vakataka and Chalukya
periods. The fashion for
murals in Buddhist mon-
asteries spread from India
to Afghanistan and
Central Asia and ulti-
mately to China. Equally
impressive was the
Buddhist sculpture at
Sarnath, in Uttar Pradesh.
It is possible that the pro-
liferation of Buddhist
images led to the depic-
tion of Hindu deities in
iconic form.
Temples were richly
endowed with wealth and
Fresco of a court scene from Cave I, Ajanta, Maharashtra, land, and the larger
India, 600700 CE. V. PanjabiShostal/EB Inc. institutions could accom-
modate colleges of higher
learning (ghatikas and
100 | The History of India

mathas), primarily for priests. These col- achievements can be associated with the
leges became responsible for much of the Gupta dynasty.
formal education, and inevitably the use The monasteries and temples were
of Sanskrit became widespread. There centres of formal learning, and the guilds
was an appreciable development of were centres of technical knowledge. The
Hindu philosophy, which now recognized mixture of the theoretical and practical,
six major systems (darshans): Nyaya, however, sometimes occurred, as in the
Vaishesika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, case of medicine, particularly veterinary
and Vedanta. Indicative of the growing science. Advances in metallurgy are
domination of Brahmanic intellectual attested in such objects as the Sultanganj
life, the ancient Puranas were now writ- Buddha and a famous iron pillar now at
ten substantially in their present form Mehrauli (Delhi). Gold and silver coins of
under Brahmanic inuence. the Gupta period exhibit a renement that
The owering of classical Sanskrit lit- was not to be surpassed for many centu-
erature is indicated by the plays and ries. Mathematics was particularly
poems of Kalidasa (Abhijnanashakuntala, advanced, probably more so than any-
Malavikagnimitra, Vikramorvashiya, where in the world at the time. Indian
Raghuvamsha, Meghaduta), although numerals were later borrowed by the
Kalidasas precise date is uncertain. In Arabs and introduced to Europe as Arabic
the south the propagation of Sanskrit numerals. The use of the cipher and the
resulted in the Kiratarjuniya, an epic decimal system is conrmed by inscrip-
written by Bharavi (7th century); in tions. With advances in mathematics
Dandins Dashakumaracarita, a collec- there was comparable progress in astron-
tion of popular stories (6th century); and omy. Aryabhata I, writing in 499, calculated
in Bhavabhutis play Malatimadhava. (pi) to 3.1416 and the solar year to
Tamil literature ourished as well, as 365.3586 days and stated that the earth
evidenced by two didactic works, the was spherical and rotated on its axis. That
Tirukkural (by Tiruvalluvar) and European astronomy was also known is
Naladiyar, and by the more lyrical suggested by the 6th-century astronomer
Silappadikaram and Manimekhalai, two Varahamihira, who mentions the Romaka
Tamil epics. Representing a less common Siddhanta (School of Rome) among the
genre of literature in the Gupta period ve major schools of astronomy.
was the Kama-sutra of Vatsyayana, a Legal texts and commentaries were
manual on the art of love. This was a col- abundantthe better-known being those
lation and revision of earlier texts and of Yajnavalkya, Narada, Brihaspati,
displays a remarkable sophistication and Katyayana. Earlier texts relating to social
urbanity. It was a period of literary excel- problems and property rights received
lence, though in the other arts such levels particular attention. The post-Gupta
of excellence came later. Not all the period saw considerable and lasting
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 101

social change, which resulted not only interest in Kannauj probably centred on
from outside inuences but also from the the trade routes from the Ganges valley.
interaction of the elite Sanskritic culture This was the rst occasion on which a
with more-parochial non-Sanskritic cul- power based in the Deccan made a seri-
tures. The expanding village economy ous bid for a pivotal position in northern
opened up new areas geographically, and India. From the east the Palas also partici-
the increasing importance of guilds in pated in the competition. They are
the towns indicated fresh perspectives on associated with Pundravardhana (near
social life. These activities also incorpo- Bogra, Bangl.), and their rst ruler, Gopala
rated new groups and cultures into the (reigned c. 750770), included Vanga in
existing norms of Indian society. his kingdom and gradually extended his
control to the whole of Bengal.
FROM 750 TO C. 1200 Vatsaraja, a Pratihara ruler who came
to the throne about 778, controlled east-
In both North and South India, smaller ern Rajasthan and Malava. His ambition
kingdoms strove to dominate their neigh- to take Kannauj brought him into conict
bours. Yet despite the depredations of with the Pala king, Dharmapala (reigned
war, this period proved to be culturally c. 770810), who had by this time advanced
rich and productive for much of the sub- up the Ganges valley. The Rashtrakuta
continent. New inuences owed into the king Dhruva (reigned c. 780793) attacked
subcontinent from the sophisticated each in turn and claimed to have defeated
empires of Anatolia (Turkey). them. This initiated a lengthy tripartite
struggle. Dharmapala soon retook
Northern India Kannauj and put his nominee on the
throne. The Rashtrakutas were preoccu-
The 8th century was a time of struggle for pied with problems in the south.
control over the central Ganges valley Vatsarajas successor, Nagabhata II
focusing on Kannaujamong the (reigned c. 793833), reorganized
Gurjara-Pratihara, the Rashtrakuta, and Pratihara power, attacked Kannauj, and
the Pala dynasties. for a short while reversed the situation.
However, soon afterward he was defeated
The Tripartite Struggle by the Rashtrakuta king Govinda III
(reigned 793814), who in turn had to face
The Pratiharas rose to power in the a confederacy of southern powers that
Avanti-Jalaor region and used western kept him involved in Deccan politics,
India as a base. The Chalukyas fell about leaving northern India to the Pratiharas
753 to one of their own feudatories, the and Palas. Bhoja I (reigned c. 836885)
Rashtrakutas under Dantidurga, who revived the power of the Pratiharas by
established a dynasty. The Rashtrakuta bringing Kalanjara, and possibly Kannauj
102 | The History of India

as well, under Pratihara control. Bhojas brief revival of power in Bengal under the
plans to extend the kingdom, however, Sena dynasty (c. 10701289).
were thwarted by the Palas and the In the Rashtrakuta kingdom,
Rashtrakutas. More serious conict with Amoghavarsa (reigned c. 814878) faced
the latter ensued during the reign of a revolt of officers and feudatories but
Krishna II (reigned c. 878914). managed to survive and reassert
An Arab visitor to western India, the Rashtrakuta power despite intermittent
merchant Sulaymn, referred to the king- rebellions. Campaigns in the south
dom of Juzr (which is generally identied against Vengi and the Gangas kept
as Gurjara) and its strong and able ruler, Amoghavarsa preoccupied and pre-
who may have been Bhoja. Of the succes- vented him from participating in northern
sors of Bhoja, the only one of signicance politics. The Rashtrakuta capital was
was Mahipala (reigned c. 908942), moved to Manyakheta (Andhra Pradesh),
whose relationship with the earlier king doubtlessly to facilitate southern involve-
remains controversial. Rajashekhara, a ments, which clearly took on
renowned poet at his court, implies that more-important dimensions at this time.
Mahipala restored the kingdom to its Sporadic campaigns against the
original power, but this may be an exag- Pratiharas, the Eastern Chalukyas, and
geration. By the end of the 10th century the Cholas, the new power of the south,
the Pratihara feudatoriesCauhans continued. Indra III (reigned 914927)
(Cahamanas), Chandelas (Candellas), captured Kannauj, but, with mounting
Guhilas, Kalacuris, Paramaras, and political pressures from the south, his
Chalukyas (also called Solankis)were control over the north was inevitably
asserting their independence, although short-lived. The reign of Krishna III
the last of the Pratiharas survived until (reigned c. 939968) saw a successful
1027. Meanwhile Devapala (reigned c. campaign against the Cholas, a matrimo-
810850) was reasserting Pala authority nial alliance with the Gangas, and the
in the east and, he claimed, in the north- subjugation of Vengi. Rashtrakuta power
ern Deccan. At the end of the 9th century, declined suddenly, however, after the
however, the Pala kingdom declined, with reign of Indra, and this was fully exploited
feudatories in Kamarupa (modern by the feudatory Taila.
Assam) and Utkala (Orissa) taking inde- Taila II (reigned 973997), who traced
pendent titles. Pala power revived during his ancestry to the earlier Chalukyas of
the reign of Mahipala (reigned c. 988 Vatapi, ruled a small part of Bijapur. Upon
1038), although its stronghold now was the weakening of Rashtrakuta power, he
Bihar rather than Bengal. Further defeated the king, declared his indepen-
attempts to recover the old Pala territo- dence, and founded what has come to be
ries were made by Ramapala, but Pala called the Later Chalukya dynasty. The
power gradually declined. There was a kingdom included much of Karnataka,
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 103

Konkan, and the territory as far north as the suffering of the people. Smaller states
the Godavari River. By the end of the 10th along the Himalayan foothills managed
century, the Later Chalukyas clashed to survive without becoming too
with the ambitious Cholas. The embroiled in the politics of the plains.
Chalukyas capital was subsequently
moved north to Kalyani (near Bidar, in The Rajputs
Karnataka). Campaigns against the
Cholas took a more serious turn during In Rajasthan and central India there arose
the reign of Someshvara I (reigned 1043 a number of small kingdoms ruled by
68), with alternating defeat and victory. dynasties that came to be called the
The Later Chalukyas, however, by and Rajputs (from Sanskrit raja-putra, son of
large retained control over the western a king). The name was assumed by royal
Deccan despite the hostility of the Cholas families that claimed Kshatriya status
and of their own feudatories. In the mid- and linked their lineage either with the
dle of the 12th century, however, a Suryavamshi (solar) or the Candravamshi
feudatory, Bijjala (reigned 115667) of the (lunar), the royal lineages of the itihasa-
Kalacuri dynasty, usurped the throne at purana tradition, or else with the
Kalyani. The last of the Chalukya rulers, Agnikula (re lineage), based on a lesser
Someshvara IV (reigned 1181c. 1189), myth in which the eponymous ancestor
regained the throne for a short period, arises out of the sacricial re. The four
after which he was overthrown by a feu- major Rajput dynastiesPratihara,
datory of the Yadava dynasty. Paramara, Cauhan, and Chalukya
On the periphery of the large king- claimed Agnikula lineage. The references
doms were the smaller states such as in Rajput genealogies to supernatural
Nepal, Kamarupa, Kashmir, and Utkala ancestry suggest either an obscure ori-
(Orissa) and lesser dynasties such as the ginperhaps from semi-Hinduized local
Shilaharas in Maharashtra. Nepal had tribes who gradually acquired political
freed itself from Tibetan suzerainty in the and economic statusor else a non-
8th century but remained a major trade Indian (probably Central Asian) origin.
route to Tibet. Kamarupa, with its capital The Chalukyas of Gujarat had three
at Pragjyotisapura (near present-day branches: one ruling Mattamayura (the
Gawahati), was one of the centres of the Malava-Cedi region), one established on
Tantric cult. In 1253 a major part of the former kingdom of the Capas at
Kamarupa was conquered by the Ahom, a Anahilapataka (present-day Patan), and
Shan people. Politics in Kashmir were the third at Bhrigukaccha (present-day
dominated by turbulent feudatories seek- Bharuch) and Lata in the coastal area.
ing power. By the 11th century Kashmir By the 11th century they were using
was torn between rival court factions, and Gujarat as a base and attempting to
the oppression by Harsha accentuated annex neighbouring portions of
104 | The History of India

Rajasthan and Avanti. Kumarapala conict with the Turkish governor of the
(reigned c. 114372) was responsible for Punjab, who briey had extended his terri-
consolidating the kingdom. He is also tory as far as Varanasi. To the west there
believed to have become a Jain and to were conicts with Bhoja Paramara, and
have encouraged Jainism in western the Kalacuris declined at the end of the
India. Hemacandra, an outstanding Jain 12th century.
scholar noted for his commentaries on The Chandelas, whose kingdom com-
political treatises, was a well-known g- prised mainly Bundelkhand, were
ure at the Chalukya court. Many of the feudatories of the Pratiharas. Among the
Rajput kingdoms had Jain statesmen, important rulers was Dhanga (reigned c.
ministers, and even generals, as well as 9501008), who issued a large number of
Jain traders and merchants. By the 14th inscriptions and was generous in dona-
century, however, the Chalukya king- tions to Jain and Hindu temples. Dhangas
dom had declined. grandson Vidyadhara (reigned 101729),
Adjoining the kingdom of the often described as the most powerful of
Chalukyas was that of the Paramaras in the Candela kings, extended the kingdom
Malava, with minor branches in the ter- as far as the Chambal and Narmada rivers.
ritories just to the north (Mount Abu, There he came into direct conict with the
Banswara, Cungarpur, and Bhinmal). Turkic conqueror Mahmd of Ghazna
The Paramaras emerged as feudatories when the latter swept down from
of the Rashtrakutas and rose to emi- Afghanistan in a series of raids. But
nence during the reign of Bhoja. An the ensuing battles were indecisive. The
attack by the Chalukyas weakened the Chandelas also had to face the attacks of
Paramaras in 1143. Although the dynasty the Cauhans, who were in turn being
was later re-established, it remained harassed by the Turks. The Turkish king-
weak. In the 13th century the Paramaras dom at Delhi encroached into
were threatened by both rising Yadava Bundelkhand, but the Chandelas survived
power in the Deccan and the Turkish until the 16th century as minor chieftains.
kingdom at Delhi; the latter conquered The Gahadavalas rose to importance
the Paramaras in 1305. in Varanasi and extended their kingdom
The Kalacuris of Tripuri (near up the Gangetic plain, including Kannauj.
Jabalpur) also began as feudatories of the The king Jayacandra (12th century) is
Rashtrakutas, becoming a power in cen- mentioned in the poem Prithviraja-raso
tral India in the 11th century during the by Candbardai, in which his daughter,
reigns of Gangeyadeva and his son the princess Sanyogita, elopes with the
Lakshmikarna, when attempts were made Cauhan king Prithviraja. Jayacandra died
to conquer territories as far aeld as in battle against the Turkish leader, Muizz
Utkala (Orissa), Bihar, and the Ganges al-Dn Muhammad ibn Sm (Muhammad
Yamuna Doab. There they came into of Ghr), and his kingdom was annexed.
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 105

Inscriptional records associate the year until his death in 1030, he led raids
Cauhans with Lake Shakambhari and its against the rich temple towns in northern
environs (Sambhar Salt Lake, Rajasthan). and western India, using the wealth
Cauhan politics were largely campaigns obtained from the raids to nance suc-
against the Chalukyas and the Turks. In cessful campaigns in Central Asia and
the 11th century the Cauhans founded the build an empire there. He acquired a rep-
city of Ajayameru (Ajmer) in the south- utation as an iconoclast as well as a
ern part of their kingdom, and in the 12th patron of culture and was responsible for
century they captured Dhillika (Delhi) sending to India the scholar al-Brn,
from the Tomaras and annexed some whose study Tarkh al-Hind (The
Tomara territory along the Yamuna River. History of India) is a source of valuable
Prithviraja III has come down both in folk information. Mahmd left his governors
and historical literature as the Cauhan in the Punjab with a rather loose control
king who resisted the Turkish attacks in over the region.
the rst battle at Taraori (Tarain) in 1191. In the 12th century the Ghrid Turks
Prithviraja, however, was defeated at a were driven out of Khorsn and later out
second battle in the same place in 1192; of Ghazna by the Khwrezm-Shah
the defeat ushered in Turkish rule in dynasty. Inevitably the Ghrids sought
northern India. their fortune in northern India, where the
conict between the Ghaznavids and
The Coming of the Turks the local rulers provided an excellent
opportunity. Muhammad of Ghr
The establishment of Turkish power in advanced into the Punjab and captured
India is initially tied up with politics Lahore in 1185. Victory in the second bat-
in the Punjab. The Punjab was ruled by tle of Taraori consolidated Muhammads
Jayapala of the Hindu Shahi family success, and he left his mamlk (slave)
(Shahiya), which had in the 9th century general, Qutb-al-Dn Aybak, in charge of
wrested the Kbul valley and Gandhara his Indian possessions. Muhammad was
from a Turkish Shah. Political and eco- assassinated in 1206 on his way back to
nomic relations were extremely close Afghanistan. Qutb al-Dn remained in
between the Punjab and Afghanistan. India and declared himself sultan of
Afghanistan in turn was closely involved Delhi, the rst of the Mamlk dynasty.
with Central Asian politics. Sebktigin, a
Turk, was appointed governor of Ghazna The Deccan and the South
in 977. He attacked the Hindu Shahis and
advanced as far as Peshawar. His son In the northern Deccan the decline of
Mahmd succeeded to the Ghazna prin- the Later Chalukyas brought about the
cipality in 998. Mahmd went to war with rise of their feudatories, among them
the Shahiya dynasty, and, almost every the Yadava dynasty (also claiming
106 | The History of India

descent from the Yadu tribe) based at against the Pandyas. Chola history can
Devagiri (Daulatabad), whose kingdom be reconstructed in considerable detail
(Seunadesha) included the broad swaths of because of the vast number of lengthy
what is now Maharashtra state. The king- inscriptions issued not only by the royal
dom expanded during the reign of family but also by temple authorities, vil-
Simhana (reigned c. 121047), who cam- lage councils, and trade guilds. Parantaka
paigned against the Hoysala in northern I (reigned 907953) laid the foundation of
Karnataka, against the lesser chiefs of the the kingdom. He took the northern
western coast, and against the Kakatiya boundary up to Nellore (Andhra Pradesh),
kingdom in the eastern Deccan. Turning where his advance was stopped by a
northward, Simhana attacked the Paramaras defeat at the hands of the Rashtrakuta
and the Chalukyas. The Yadavas, however, king Krishna III. Parantaka was more suc-
facing the Turks to the north and the pow- cessful in the south, where he defeated
erful Hoysalas to the south, declined in the both the Pandyas and the Gangas. He
early 14th century. also launched an abortive attack on Sri
In the eastern Deccan the Kakatiya Lanka. For 30 years after his death, there
dynasty was based in parts of what is now was a series of feeble reigns that did not
Andhra Pradesh state and survived until strengthen the Chola position. There
the Turkish attack in the 14th century. The then followed two outstanding rulers who
Eastern Chalukyas ruled in the Godavari rapidly reinstated Chola power and
River delta, and in the 13th century their ensured the kingdom its supremacy.
fortunes were tied to those of the Cholas. These were Rajaraja I and Rajendra.
The Eastern Gangas, ruling in Kalinga, Rajaraja (reigned 9851014) began
came into conict with the Turks advanc- establishing power with attacks against
ing down the Ganges River valley to the the Pandyas and Illamandalam of Sri
delta during the 13th century. Lanka. Northern Sri Lanka became a
province of the Chola kingdom. A cam-
The Cholas paign against the Gangas and Chalukyas
extended the Chola boundary north to
The Cholas (Colas) were by far the most the Tungabhadra River. On the eastern
important dynasty in the subcontinent at coast the Cholas battled with the
this time, although their activities mainly Chalukyas for the possession of Vengi. A
affected the peninsula and Southeast marriage alliance gave the Cholas an
Asia. The nucleus of Chola power during authoritative position, but Vengi
the reign of Vijayalaya in the late 9th cen- remained a bone of contention. A naval
tury was Thanjavur, from which the campaign led to the conquest of the
Cholas spread northward, annexing in Maldive Islands, the Malabar Coast, and
the 10th century what remained of Pallava northern Sri Lanka, all of which were
territory. To the south they came up essential to the Chola control over trade
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 107

with Southeast Asia and with Arabia and I (reigned 10701122), but his reign was
eastern Africa. These were the transit the last of any signicance. The 12th and
areas, ports of call for the Arab traders 13th centuries saw a gradual decline in
and ships to Southeast Asia and China, Chola power, accelerated by the rise of
which were the source of the valuable the Hoysalas to the west and the Pandyas
spices sold at a high prot to Europe. to the south.
Rajaraja Is son Rajendra participated The Hoysalas began as hill chieftains
in his fathers government from 1012, suc- northwest of Dorasamudra (modern
ceeded him two years later, and ruled Halebid), feudatory to the Chalukyas.
until 1044. To the north he annexed the Vishnuvardhana consolidated the king-
Raichur Doab (the interuve between dom in the 12th century. The Hoysalas
the Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers in were involved in conict with the Yadava
Karnataka) and moved into Manyakheta kingdom, which was seeking to expand
in the heart of Chalukya territory. A revolt southward, particularly during the reign
against Mahinda V of Sri Lanka gave of Ballala II (reigned 11731220).
Rajendra the excuse to conquer southern Hostilities also developed with the
Sri Lanka as well. In 102122 the now- Cholas to the east. The armies of
famous northern campaign was launched. the Turks eroded the Hoysala kingdom
The Chola army campaigned along the until, in the 14th century, it gave way to
east coast as far as Bengal and then north the newly emerging Vijayanagar empire.
to the Ganges Riveralmost the exact In the 13th century the Pandyas became
reverse of Samudra Guptas campaign to the dominant power in the south, but
Kanchipuram in the 4th century ce. The their supremacy was brief because they
most spectacular campaign, however, was were attacked in the 14th century by
a naval campaign against the Srivijaya Turkish armies. Information on the
empire in Southeast Asia in 1025. The rea- dynasty is supplemented by the colourful
son for the assault on Srivijaya and account of Venetian traveler Marco Polo,
neighbouring areas appears to have been who visited the region in 1288 and 1293.
the interference with Indian shipping and
mercantile interests seeking direct trad- Society and Culture
ing connections with southern China.
The Chola victory reinstated these con- Apart from the political events of the
nections, and throughout the 11th century time, a common development in the sub-
Chola trading missions visited China. continent was the recognizable
decentralization of administration and
The Hoysalas and Pandyas revenue collection. From the Chola king-
dom there are long inscriptions on temple
The succession after Rajendra is con- walls referring to the organization and
fused until the emergence of Kulottunga functioning of village councils. Villages
108 | The History of India

that had been donated to Brahmans had dissimilarities are substantial, such as the
councils called sabhas; in the non- apparent absence of an economic contract
Brahman villages the council was called involving king, vassal, and serf. In any
the ur. Eligibility qualications generally event, the patterns of land relations, poli-
relating to age and ownership of property tics, and culture changed considerably,
were indicated, along with procedural and the major characteristic of the change
rules. The council was divided into vari- consists of forms of decentralization.
ous committees in charge of the different The commonly used term for a feuda-
aspects of village life and administration. tory was samanta, which designated
Among the responsibilities of the council either a conquered ruler or a secular offi-
was the collection of revenue and the cial connected with the administration
supervision of irrigation. References to who had been given a grant of land in
village bodies and local councils also lieu of a salary and who had asserted
occur in inscriptions from other regions. ownership over the land and gradually
A more recent and much-contested view appropriated rights of ruling the area.
held by some historians holds that the There were various categories of saman-
Chola state was a segmentary state with tas. As long as a ruler was in a feudatory
control decreasing from the centre out- status, he called himself samanta and
ward and a ritual hierarchy that acknowledged his overlord in official
determined the relations between the documents and charters. Independent
centre and the units of the territory. status was indicated by the elimination
The nature of the state during this period of the title of samanta and the inclusion
has been the subject of widespread dis- instead of royal titles such as maharaja
cussion among historians. and maharatadhiraja. The feudatory had
In the Deccan the rise and fall of certain obligations to the ruler. Although
dynasties was largely the result of the feu- virtually in sole control administratively
datory pattern of political relationships. and scally over the land granted to him,
The same held true of northern India and he nevertheless had to pay a small per-
is seen both in the rise of various Rajput centage of the revenue to the ruler and
dynasties and in their inability to with- maintain a specied body of troops for
stand the Turkish invasions. There is him. He was permitted the use of certain
considerable controversy among histori- symbols of authority on formal occasions
ans as to whether it would be accurate to and was required, if called upon, to give
describe the feudatory pattern as feudal- his daughter in marriage to his suzerain.
ism per se. Some argue that, although it These major administrative and eco-
was not identical to the classic example of nomic changes, although primarily
feudalism in western Europe, there are concerning scal arrangements and rev-
sufficient similarities to allow the use of enue organization, also had their impact
the term. Others contend that the on politics and culture. The grantees or
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 109

intermediaries in a hierarchy of grants the Arabs on the Malabar Coast; in other

were not merely secular officials but were cases Indian traders went to distant lands.
often Brahman beneciaries who had Powerful trading guilds could enjoy politi-
been given grants of land in return for cal and military support, as was the case
religious services rendered to the state. during the Chola monarchy. Even the rich
The grants were frequently so lucrative Hindu temples of southern India invested
that the Brahmans could marry into the their money in trade. Pala contacts were
families of local chiefs, which explains mainly with Srivijaya, and trade was com-
the presence of Brahman ancestors in the bined with Buddhist interests. The
genealogies of the period. monasteries at Nalanda and Vikramashila
maintained close relations. By now east-
The Economy ern India was the only region with a sizable
Buddhist presence. The traditional trade
Cultivation was still carried out by the routes were still used, and some kingdoms
peasants, generally Sudras, who remained drew their revenue from such routes as
tied to the land. Since the revenue was those along the Aravalli Range, Malava,
now to be paid not to the king but to the and the Chambal and Narmada valleys.
samanta, the peasants naturally began to Signicantly, the major technological
give more attention to his requirements. innovation, the introduction of the sqiyah
Although the samantas copied the life- (Persian wheel), or araghatta, as an aid
style of the royal court, often to the point to irrigation in northern India, pertains to
of setting up miniature courts in imita- agrarian life and not to urban technology.
tion of the royal model, the system also
encouraged parochial loyalties and local Social Mobility
cultural interests. One manifestation of
this local involvement was a sudden spurt Historians once believed that the post-
of historical literature such as Bilhanas Gupta period brought greater rigidity in
Vikramankadevacarita, the life of the the caste structure and that this rigidity
Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI, and was partially responsible for the inability
Kalhanas Rajatarangini, a history of of Indians to face the challenge of the
Kashmir. Turks. This view is now being modied.
The earlier decline in trade was gradu- The distinctions, particularly between the
ally reversed in this period, with trade Brahmans and the other castes, were in
centres emerging in various parts of the theory sharper, but in practice it now
subcontinent. Some urban centres devel- appears that social restrictions were not
oped from points of exchange for agrarian so rigid. Brahmans often lived off the land
produce, whereas others were involved in and founded dynasties. Most of the
long-distance trade. In some cases, traders groups claiming Kshatriya status had
from elsewhere settled in India, such as only recently acquired it. The conscious
110 | The History of India

reference to being Kshatriya, a character- from the powerful temple religion of

istic among Rajputs, is a noticeable Brahmanism to a widespread popular
feature in post-Gupta politics. The fact bhakti religion and even more widespread
that many of these dynasties were of fertility cults. The distinctions between
obscure origin suggests some social the three were not clearly demarcated in
mobility: a person of any caste, having practice; rites and concepts from each
once acquired political power, could also owed into the other. The formal worship
acquire a genealogy connecting him with of Vishnu and Shiva had the support of
the traditional lineages and conferring the elite. Temples dedicated to Vaishnava
Kshatriya status. A number of new castes, and Shaiva deities were the most numer-
such as the Kayasthas (scribes) and ous. But also included were some of the
Khatris (traders), are mentioned in the chief deities connected with the fertility
sources of this period. According to cult, and the mother goddesses played an
the Brahmanic sources, they originated important role. The Puranas had been
from intercaste marriages, but this is rewritten to incorporate popular religion;
clearly an attempt at rationalizing their now the upa-puranas were written to
rank in the hierarchy. Many of these new record rites and worship of more-localized
castes played a major role in society. The deities. Among the more-popular incar-
hierarchy of castes did not have a uniform nations of Vishnu was Krishna, who, as
distribution throughout the country. But the cowherd deity, accommodated pasto-
the preeminent position of the Brahman ral and erotic themes in worship. The love
was endorsed not merely by the fact that of Krishna and Radha was expressed in
many had lands and investments but also sensitive and passionate poetry.
by the fact that they controlled education. The introduction of the erotic theme
Formal learning was virtually restricted to in Hinduism was closely connected with
the institutions attached to the temples. the fertility cult and Tantrism. The latter,
Technical knowledge was available in the named for its scriptures, the Tantras,
various artisan guilds. Hierarchy existed, inuenced both Hindu and Buddhist rit-
however, even among the Brahmans; ual. Tantrism, as practiced by the elite,
some Brahman castes, who had perhaps represented the conversion of a wide-
been tribal priests before being assimi- spread folk religion into a sophisticated
lated into the Sanskritic tradition, one. The emphasis on the mother god-
remained ordinary village priests cater- dess, related to that expressed in the
ing to the day-to-day religious functions. Shakti (akti) cult, strengthened the sta-
tus of the female deities. The erotic aspect
Religion also was related to the importance of rit-
ual coition in some Tantric rites. The
The local nucleus of the new culture led depiction of erotic scenes on temple walls
to a large range of religious expression, therefore had a magico-religious context.
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 111

Vajrayana Buddhism, current in east- Buddhism and Jainism, especially the

ern India, Nepal, and Tibet, shows opposition to Brahmanic orthodoxy, had
evidence of the impact of Tantrism. The now been taken over by the Tantrists and
goddess Tara emerges as the saviour and the bhakti cults. The Tantrists expressed
is in many ways the Buddhist counterpart their protest through some rather extreme
of Shakti. Buddhism was on the way out rites, as did some of the heretical sects
the Buddha had been incorporated as an such as the Kalamukhas and Kapalikas.
avatar of Vishnuand had lost much of its The bhakti cults expressed the more-
popular appeal, which had been main- puritanical protest of the urban groups,
tained by the simple habits of the monks. gradually spreading to the rural areas.
The traditional source of Buddhist patron- Preeminent among the bhakti groups dur-
age had dwindled with declining trade. ing this period were the Lingayats, or
Jainism, however, managed to maintain Virashaivas, who were to become a power-
some hold in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and ful force in Karnataka, and the Pandharpur
Karnataka. The protest aspect of both cult in Maharashtra, which attracted such
preachers as Namadeva and Jnaneshvara.

Literature and the Arts

It was also in the matha (monastery) and

the ghatika (assembly hall), attached
to the temples, that the inuential philo-
sophical debates were conducted in
Sanskrit. Foremost among the philoso-
phers were Shankara (8th9th century),
Ramanuja (d. 1137), and Madhva (13th
century). The discussions centred on reli-
gious problems, such as whether
knowledge or devotion was the more
effective means of salvation, and prob-
lems of metaphysics, including that of
the nature of reality.
Court literature, irrespective of the
region, continued to be composed in
Ramanuja, bronze sculpture, 12th century, Sanskrit, with the many courts compet-
from a Vishnu temple in Tamil Nadu ing for the patronage of the poets and the
state, India. Courtesy of the Institut dramatists. There was a revival of interest
Franais dIndologie, Pondicherry in earlier literature, generating copious
commentaries on prosody, grammar, and
112 | The History of India

technical literature. The number of lexi- bhakti teachers. There was thus a gradual
cons increased, perhaps necessitated by breaking away from Sanskrit and the
the growing use of Sanskrit by non- Prakrit languages via the Apabhrahmsha
Sanskrit speakers. Literary style tended language and the eventual emergence
to be pedantic and imitative, although and evolution of such languages as
there were notable exceptions, such as Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati,
Jayadevas lyrical poem on the love of Bengali, and Oriya and of the Bihari
Radha and Krishna, the Gitagovinda. The languages.
bhakti teachers preached in the local lan- The period was rich in sculpture, in
guages, giving a tremendous stimulus to both stone and metal, each region regis-
literature in these languages. Adaptations tering a variant style. Western India and
of the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Rajasthan emphasized ornateness, with
Bhagavadgita were used regularly by the the Jain temples at Mount Abu attaining
a perfection of rococo. Nalanda was the
centre of striking but less-ornate images
in black stone and of Buddhist bronze
icons. Central Indian craftsmen used
the softer sandstone. In the peninsula the
profusely sculptured rock-cut temples
such as the Kailasa at the Ellora Caves,
under Chalukya and Rashtrakuta patron-
age, displayed a style of their own. The
dominant style in the south was that of
Chola sculpture, particularly in bronze.
The severe beauty and elegance of these
bronze images, mainly of Shaiva and
Vaishnava deities and saints, remains
unsurpassed. A new genre of painting
that rose to popularity in Nepal, eastern
India, and Gujarat was the illustration of
Buddhist and Jain manuscripts with min-
iature paintings.
Temple architecture was divided into
three main stylesnagara, dravida, and
vasarawhich were distinguished by
Kailasa Temple, Ellora Caves, the ground plan of the temple and by the
Maharashtra state, India. Frederick shape of the shikhara (tower) that rose
M. Asher over the garbhagrha (cubical structure)
Developments from 300 to c. 1200 CE | 113

Surya temple, Osian, Rajasthan state, India. Frederick M. Asher

and that became the commanding fea- Gangaikondacolapuram temples. The

ture of temple architecture. The north Deccani style, vasara, tended to be an
Indian temples conformed to the nagara intermixture of the northern and the
style, as is seen at Osian (Rajasthan southern, with early examples at Vatapi,
state); Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh Aihole, and Pattadakal and, later, at
state); and Konarka, Bhubaneshwar, and Halebid, Belur, and Somnathpur in the
Puri (Orissa state). The Orissa temples, vicinity of Mysore. The wealth of the tem-
however, remain nearest to the original ples made them the focus of attack from
archetype. South Indian temple architec- plunderers.
ture, or dravida, stylewith its The question that is frequently posed
commanding gopuras (gateways)can as to why the Turks so easily conquered
be seen in the Rajarajeshvara and the northern India and the Deccan has in
114 | The History of India

Citragupta temple, at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh state, India, 11th century. P. Chandra

part to do with what might be called the trappings of chivalry and romanticism
medieval ethos. A contemporary that became central to elite activity.
observed that the Indians had become It has been generally held that the
self-centred and unaware of the world medieval period of Indian history began
around them. This was substantially true. with the arrival of the Turks (dated to
There was little interest in the politics of either 1000 or 1206 ce), because the
neighbouring countries or in their tech- Turks brought with them a new religion,
nological achievements. The medieval Islam, which changed Indian society at
ethos expressed itself not only in the all levels. Yet the fundamental changes
feudatory attitude toward politics and that took place about the 8th century,
the parochial concerns that became dom- when the medieval ethos was intro-
inant and prevented any effective duced, would seem far more signicant
opposition to the Turks but also in the as criteria.
Northern India
in the Early
Muslim Period
T he rst Muslim raids in the subcontinent were made by
Arabs on the western coast and in Sind during the 7th
and 8th centuries, and there had been Muslim trading com-
munities in India at least since that time. The signicant and
permanent military movement of Muslims into northern
India, however, dates from the late 12th century and was car-
ried out by a Turkish dynasty that arose indirectly from the
ruins of the Abbsid caliphate. The road to conquest was pre-
pared by Sultan Mahmd of Ghazna (now Ghazn, Afg.), who
conducted more than 20 raids into north India between 1001
and 1027 and established in the Punjab the easternmost prov-
ince of his large but short-lived empire. Mahmds raids,
though militarily successful, primarily had as their object
taking plunder rather than conquering territory.


The decline of the Ghaznavids after 1100 was accentuated by

the sack of Ghazna by the rival Shansabns of Ghr in 1150
51. The Ghrids, who inhabited the region between Ghazna
and Hert, rose rapidly in power during the last half of the 12th
century, partly because of the changing balance of power that
resulted from the westward movement of the non-Muslim
Qara Khity (Karakitai) Turks into the area dominated by the
Seljuq Turks, who had been the principal power in Iran and
116 | The History of India

th al-Dn, Delhi. Frederick M. Asher

The tomb of Ghiya

parts of Afghanistan during the previous while Muhammad of Ghr was estab-
50 years. The Seljuq defeat in 1141 led to a lished in Ghazna and began to try his luck
struggle for power among the Qara in India for expansion. The Ghrid inva-
Khity, the Khwrezm-Shahs, and the sions of north India were thus extensions
Ghrids for control of parts of Central of a Central Asian struggle.
Asia and Iran. By 1152 Ghazna had been Almost all of north India was, how-
captured again by the Ghrid ruler, Al ever, already in contact with Ghr
al-Dn. After his death the Ghrid territory through extensive trade, particularly in
was partitioned principally between his horses. The Ghrids were well known as
two nephews, Ghiyth al-Dn Muhammad horse breeders. Ghr also had a reputa-
and Muizz al-Dn Muhammad ibn Sm, tion for supplying Indian and Turkish
commonly called Muhammad of Ghr. slaves to the markets of Central Asia.
Ghiyth al-Dn ruled over Ghr from Muslim merchants and saints had set-
Frz-Kh and looked toward Khorsn, tled much beyond Sind and the Punjab
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 117

in a number of towns in what are now expansion. By 1202 he was in control of

Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The Ghrids Varanasi, Badaun, Kannauj, and Kalinjar.
also were familiar with the fabulous In the meantime, an obscure adven-
wealth of western and central India. They turer, Ikhtiyr al-Dn Muhammad
therefore followed a route into India Bakhtiyr Khalj of the Ghrid army, con-
through the Gumal Pass, with an eye set quered Nadia, the capital of the Sena
eventually on Gujarat. It was only after kings of Bengal (1202). Within two years
suffering a severe defeat at the hands of Bakhtiyr embarked on a campaign to
the Chalukya army of Gujarat that they conquer Tibet in order to plunder the
turned to a more northerly route through treasure of its Buddhist monasteries, and
the Khyber Pass. in 1206 he attacked Kamarupa (Assam)
to gain control of Bengals traditional
The Turkish Conquest trade route leading to Southeast Asian
gold and silver mines. The attempt, how-
By 1186 the Ghrids had destroyed ever, proved disastrous. Bakhtiyr
the remnants of Ghaznavid power in the managed to return to Bengal with a few
northwest and were in a favourable mili- hundred men, and there he died.
tary position to move against the northern The availability of a large number of
Indian Rajput powers. The conquest of military adventurers from Central Asia
the Rajputs was not easy, however. The who would follow commanders with
Cauhans (Cahamanasa) under Prithviraja reputations for success was one of the
defeated Muhammad of Ghr in 1191 at important elements in the rapid Ghrid
Taraori, northwest of Delhi, but his forces conquest of the major cities and forces
returned the following year to defeat and of the north Indian plain. Other factors
kill the Rajput king on the same battle- were important as well; better horses
eld. The victory opened the road to contributed to the success of mobile
Delhi, which was conquered in 1193 but tactics, and the Ghrids also made bet-
left in the hands of a tributary Hindu ter use of metal for weapons, armour,
king. Muhammad of Ghr completed his and stirrups than did most of their
conquests with the occupation of the mil- adversaries. Perhaps most important
itary outposts of Hansi, Kuhram, Sursuti, was the tradition of centralized organi-
and Sirhind and then returned to Ghazna zation and planning, which was
with a large hoard of treasure, leaving his conducive to large-scale military cam-
slave and lieutenant, Qutb al-Dn Aybak, paigns and to the effective organization
in charge of consolidation and further of postcampaign occupation forces.
expansion. While the Rajputs probably saw the
Qutb al-Dn displaced the Cauhan Ghrids as an equal force competing for
chief and made his headquarters at Delhi paramount power in north India, the
in 1193, when he began a campaign of Ghrids had in mind the model of
118 | The History of India

the successor states to the Abbsid to establish the foundation of an Indian

caliphate, the old Iranian Ssnid Muslim state.
empire, and particularly the vast cen- Qutb al-Dn was the rst ruler in what
tralized empire of Mahmd of Ghazna. has become known, perhaps unreason-
Soon, however, the Ghrid posses- ably, as the Slave dynasty (only he
sions were insecure everywhere. In 1205 actually attained a freed status after
Sultan Muhammad of Ghr suffered a becoming ruler). Slavery was, however,
severe defeat at Andkhvoy (Andkhui) at an integral part of the political system.
the hands of the Khwrezm-Shah dynasty. As practiced in eastern Muslim polities
News of the defeat precipitated a rebel- of this period, the institution of slavery
lion by some of the sultans followers in provided a nucleus of well-trained and
the Punjab, and, although the rebellion loyal military followers (the mamlks) for
was put down, Muhammad of Ghr was important political gures; indeed, one of
assassinated at Lahore in 1206. The
Ghrids at the time held the major towns
of the Punjab, of Sind, and of much of the
Gangetic Plain, but almost all the land
outside the cities still was subject to some
form of control by Hindu chiefs. Even in
the GangesYamuna Doab, the
Gahadavalas held out against the Turks.
Most signicantly, the chiefs of Rajasthan
had not been permanently subdued.

The Early Turkish Sultans

When Qutb al-Dn Aybak assumed

authority over the Ghrid possessions
in India, he moved from the neighbour-
hood of Delhi to Lahore. There he set up
guard against another of Muhammad
of Ghrs slaves, Tj al-Dn Yildiz of
Ghazna, who also claimed his former
masters Indian possessions. In 1208 Qutb Mna
r (1199)a minaret built for
Qutb al-Dn defeated his rival and cap- Qutb al-Dn Aybakand the Alai
tured Ghazna but soon was driven out Darwaza domed gateway (1311) at Quwat
again. He died in 1210 in a polo accident, al-Islam Mosque complex, Delhi.
having made no effort to extend his Frederick M. Asher
Indian conquests, but he had managed
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 119

Slave Dynasty
The Slave dynasty constituted a line of sultans at Delhi that lasted for nearly a century (1206
90). Their family name was Muizz.
The dynasty was founded by Qutb al-Dn Aibak, a favourite slave of the Muslim general
and later sultan Muhammad of Ghr. Qutb al-Dn had been among Muhammads most trusted
Turkish officers and had overseen his masters Indian conquests. When Muhammad was assas-
sinated in 1206, Qutb took power in Lahore. He managed to consolidate his position in a
seesawing war with a rival Slave ruler, Tj al-Dn Yildiz, during which he captured and lost
Ghazna. He was eventually conned to being a purely Indian sovereign. He died in 1210 as a
result of a polo accident, and the crown shortly passed to Iltutmish, his son-in-law.
By the time of Iltutmishs accession, the familys holdings had been severely reduced.
Iltutmish, the greatest of the Slave kings, defeated and put to death Yildiz (1216), restored the
Bengal governor to obedience, and added considerable new territory to the empire, including
the Lower Sindh.
After the death of Iltutmish, his able daughter Raziyya attempted to serve as sultan but
was defeated by opposing Turkish Slave nobles. After 1246 the sultanate was controlled by
Ghiys al-Dn Balban, who was to be sultan himself from 1266 to 1287. Under Balban the Delhi
sultanate fought off several Mongol invasions. The Slave dynasty ended when Jall al-Dn
Frz Khalj staged a successful coup on June 13, 1290, and brought the Khaljs to power.

the principal objects of this form of slav- political interaction were that some men
ery was to train specialists in warfare and of talent had room to rise within the sys-
government, usually Turks, whose rst tem and thus were less tempted to tear it
loyalty would be to their masters. Slave down and that the responsibilities of gov-
status was honourable and was a princi- ernment tended to rest in the hands of
pal avenue to wealth and high position capable men, whether or not they were
for talented individuals whose origins the actual rulers.
were outside the ruling group. It has been The sultans thus not only kept a close
observed that a slave was a better invest- watch over the slave market but also com-
ment than a son, whose claim was not missioned slave merchants as state
based upon proved efficiency. Yet, slaves agents. Sultan Shams al-Dn Iltutmish
with high qualications could get out of (reigned 121136), son-in-law and succes-
control, and often slaves or former slaves sor to Aybak, who was himself a mamlk,
controlled their masters as much as they sent a merchant to Samarkand, Bukhara,
were controlled by them. The benecial and Tirmiz to purchase young slaves on
results for the sultanate of this type of his behalf.
120 | The History of India

Consolidation of against the Mongols and yet would not

Turkish Rule attempt to capture him. Fortunately, the
Mongols were content to send raiding
During his reign, Iltutmish was faced parties no further than the Salt Range (in
with three problems: defense of his west- the northern Punjab region), which
ern frontier, control over the Muslim Iltutmish wisely ignored, and eventually
nobles within India, and subjugation of the Khwrezm-Shah prince ed from
the many Hindu chiefs who still exer- India after causing enormous destruc-
cised a large measure of independent tion within Qabchas domains. Thus,
rule. His relative success in all three areas Iltutmishs cause was advanced, and in
gives him claim to the title of founder of 1228 he was able to drive Qabcha from
the independent Delhi sultanate. His the Punjabi cities of Multan and Uch and,
reign opened with a factional dispute in by establishing his frontier east of the
which he and his Delhi-based supporters Beas River, to avoid a direct confronta-
defeated and killed the rival claimant to tion with the Mongols. He was not able to
the throne, Qutb al-Dns son, and put gain effective control of the western
down a revolt by a portion of the Delhi Punjab, however, largely because the area
guards. In the west Iltutmish was passive was subject to raids by hill tribes.
at rst and even accepted investiture In the east in 1225, Iltutmish launched
from his old rival, Yildiz, but, when Yildiz a successful campaign against Ghiyth
was driven from Ghazna into the Punjab al-Dn Iwz Khalj, one of Bhaktiyr
by the Khwrezm-Shah Al al-Dn Khaljs lieutenants, who had assumed
Muhammad in 1215, Iltutmish was able to sovereign authority in Lakhnauti (north-
defeat and capture him at Taraori. ern Bengal) and was encroaching on the
Iltutmish might have faced a threat him- province of Bihar. Iwz Khalj was
self from the Khwrezm-Shah had it not defeated and slain in 1226, and in 1229
been for the latters conict with the Iltutmish invaded Bengal and slew Balka,
Mongol armies of Genghis Khan. Again the last of the Khalj chiefs to claim inde-
Iltutmish waited while refugees, includ- pendent power. Iltutmishs campaigns in
ing the heir to the Khwrezm-Shah Rajasthan and central and western India
throne, poured into the Punjab and while were ultimately less successful, although
Nsir al-Dn Qabcha, another of he temporarily captured Ranthambhor
Muhammad of Ghrs former slaves, (1226), Mandor (Mandawar; 1227), and
maintained a perilous hold on Lahore Gwalior (1231) and plundered Bhilsa
and Multan. Iltutmishs political talents and Ujjain in Malwa (123435). His gener-
were pushed to the maximum as he tried als suffered defeats, however, at the hands
desperately to avoid a direct confronta- of the Cauhans of Bundi, the Chalukyas of
tion with the armies of Genghis Khan. He Gujarat, and the Chandelas (Candellas)
refused aid to the Khwrezm-Shah heir of Narwar.
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 121

By 1236, the year Iltutmish died, the the streets might perceive the nature
Delhi sultanate was established as of the new regime.
clearly the largest and most powerful of Iltutmish seems to have enjoyed sup-
a number of competing states in north port among his nobles and advisers for
India. Owing to Iltutmishs able leader- his assertion that the legal structure of
ship, Delhi was no longer subordinate to the state in India should not be based
Ghazna, nor was it to remain simply a strictly on Islamic law. Gradually, a judi-
frontier outpost; it was to become, rather, cious balance between the dictates of
a proud centre of Muslim power and cul- Sharah and the needs of the time
ture in India. Iltutmish made clear, emerged as a distinctive feature of the
however, to what extent Islam and Turkish rule. The Muslim constituency,
Islamic law (Sharah) could determine however, could not adjust to the idea of
the contour of politics and culture in the being ruled by a woman, and Raziyyah
overwhelmingly non-Muslim Indian (reigned 123640) fairly quickly suc-
environment. Early in his reign, a party cumbed to powerful nobles (the Shams),
of theologians approached him with the who once had been Iltutmishs slaves.
plea that the indel Hindus be forced, in Still, the new state had enough inter-
accordance with Islamic law, to accept nal momentum to survive severe factional
Islam or face death. On behalf of the sul- disputes during the 10 years following
tan, his wazr (vizier) told the divines Iltutmishs death, when four of Iltutmishs
that this was impractical, since the children or grandchildren were in turn
Muslims were as few as grains of salt in a raised to the throne and deposed. This
dish of food. Despite the Islamic pro- momentum was maintained largely
scription against women rulers, Iltutmish through the efforts of Iltutmishs personal
nominated his daughter Raziyyah slaves, who came to be known as the Forty
(Raziyyat al-Dn) to be his successor. By (Chihilgn), a political faction whose
refusing shelter to the Muslim Jall membership was characterized by talent
al-Dn Mingburnu (the last Khwrezm- and by loyalty to the family of Iltutmish.
Shah) against the pagan Genghis Khan, The political situation had changed
he politely asserted that the Turkish by 1246, when Ghiyth al-Dn Balban, a
power in Delhi, even though a sequel to junior member of the Forty, had gained
a Central Asian social and political enough power to attain a controlling
struggle, was no longer to involve itself position within the administration of the
in the power politics of countries of the newest sultan, Nsir al-Dn Mahmd
Islamic East. Iltutmish legitimated his (reigned 124666). Balban, acting rst as
ambition by obtaining a letter of investi- nib (deputy) to the sultan and later
ture from the Abbsid caliph in Baghdad, as sultan (reigned 126687), was the most
whose name appeared in Hindi on the important political gure of his time.
bullion currency so that the people on The period was characterized by almost
122 | The History of India

continuous struggles to maintain Delhis administrative apparatus. Iltutmish had

position against the revived power of the enforced the centres control over the
Hindu chiefs (principally Rajputs) and by nobles in the districts (iqts and
vigilance against the strife-ridden but wilyahs) by subjecting them to periodic
still dangerous Mongols in the west. Even transfers. Balbans government began to
in the central regions of the state, sultan- investigate what was actually collected
ate rule was sometimes challenged by and spent within the iqt. He appointed
discontented Muslim nobles. a new category of officials, the khwjas,
During the rst 10 years of Nsir to estimate both the income of the iqt
al-Dn Mahmds reign, Balbans cam- holders and the expenses they incurred
paigns against the Hindu chiefs were in maintaining their troops. Any surplus
only partially successful. By 1266, when (fawdil) was to be remitted to the sul-
he assumed the sultanate, his military tans treasury. Balbans policy of
strategy was to work outward from the consolidation, the success of which owed
capital. First, he cleared the forests of much to the death or incapacity of most
Mewatis (Mina); then he restored order in of the Forty and to the lack of rival claim-
the Doab and at Oudh (present-day ants to the throne, strengthened sultanate
Ayodhya) and suppressed a revolt in the rule so that his successors could under-
region of the cities of Badaun and take a number of successful expansionist
Amroha with particular viciousness. campaigns after 1290.
Having established the security of his
home territory, Balban then chose to con- The Khaljs
solidate his rule over the provincial
governors rather than to embark upon Balbans immediate successors, however,
expeditions against Hindu territories. were unable to manage either the admin-
Thus, he reacted vigorously and effec- istration or the factional conicts
tively against an attempt to establish an between the old Turkish nobility and the
independent state in Bengal in the 1280s. new forces, led by the Khaljs; after a
Balban sought to raise the prestige struggle between the two factions, Jall
of the institution of the sultanate through al-Dn Frz Khalj assumed the sultanate
the use of ceremony, the strict adminis- in 1290. During his short reign (129096),
tration of justice, and the formulation of Jall al-Dn suppressed a revolt by some
a despotic view of the relationship of Balbans officers, led an unsuccessful
between ruler and subject. Probably the expedition against Ranthambhor, and
most signicant aspect of his reign was defeated a substantial Mongol force on
this elevation of the position of the the banks of the Sind River in central
sultan, which made possible the reorga- India. In 1296 he was assassinated by his
nization and strengthening of the army ambitious nephew and successor, Al
and the imposition of a tighter al-Dn Khalj (reigned 12961316).
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 123

The Khalj dynasty was not recog- military and administrative cadre by the
nized by the older nobility as coming from early Delhi sultans.
pure Turkish stock (although they were
Turks), and their rise to power was aided Centralization and
by impatient outsiders, some of them Expansion
Indian-born Muslims, who might expect
to enhance their positions if the hold of During the reign of Al al-Dn Khalj, the
the followers of Balban and the Forty were sultanate briey assumed the status of an
broken. To some extent then, the Khalj empire. In order to achieve his goals of
usurpation was a move toward the recog- centralization and expansion, Al al-Dn
nition of a shifting balance of power, needed money, a loyal and reasonably
attributable both to the developments subservient nobility, and an efficient
outside the territory of the Delhi sultan- army under his personal control. He had
ate, in Central Asia and Iran, and to the earlier, in 1292, partly solved the problem
changes that followed the establishment of money when he conducted a lucrative
of Turkish rule in northern India. raid into Bhilsa in central India. Using
In large measure, the dislocation that success to build his position and a
in the regions beyond the northwest fresh army, he led a brilliant and unau-
assured the establishment of an indepen- thorized raid on the fabulously wealthy
dent Delhi sultanate and its subsequent Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad), the
consolidation. The eastern steppe tribes capital of the Yadavas, in the Deccan
movements to the west not only ended early in 1296. The wealth of Devagiri not
the threat to Delhi from the rival Turks in only nanced his usurpation but pro-
Ghazna and Ghr but also forced a num- vided a good foundation for his
ber of the Central Asian Muslims to state-building plans. Al al-Dn already
migrate to northern India, a land that had the support of many of the disaf-
came to be known as Hindustan. Almost fected Turkish nobles, and now he was
all the high nobles, including the famous able to purchase the support of more with
Forty in the 13th century, were of Central both money and promotion.
Asian origin; many of them were slaves
purchased from the Central Asian Taxation and Distribution of
bazaars. The same phenomenon also led Revenue Resources
to the destabilization of the core of the
Turkish mamlks. With the Mongol plun- Centralization and heavy agrarian taxation
der of Central Asia and eastern Iran, were the principal features of Al al-Dns
many more members of the political and rule. The sultan and his nobles depended
religious elite of these regions were in the 13th century largely on tribute
thrown into north India, where they extorted from the subjugated local poten-
were admitted into various levels of the tates and on plunder from the unpacied
124 | The History of India

areas. The sultanate thus had no stable eco- The magnitude and mechanism of
nomic base; the nobles were often in debt agrarian taxation enabled the sultan to
for large sums of money to the moneylend- achieve two important objectives: (1)
ers of Delhi. Al al-Dn Khalj altered the to ensure supplies at low prices to grain
situation radically, implementing the prin- carriers and (2) to ll the state granaries
ciples of the iqt (revenue district) and the with a buffer stock, which, linked with his
kharj (land tax) in their classic sense. famous price regulations, came as a
The iqt, formerly loosely used to mean solution to the critical nancial problem
a transferable revenue assignment to a of maintaining a large standing army.
noble, now combined the two functions of Following their occupation of
collection and distribution of the sultans Afghanistan, the Chagatai Mongols
claim to the bulk of the surplus agrarian began to penetrate well beyond the
product in the form of kharj. Punjab, necessitating a comprehensive
Al al-Dn imposed a land tax set at defense program for the sultanate, includ-
half the produce (in weight or value) on ing the capital, Delhi, which underwent a
each individual peasants holding, regard- two-month siege in 1303. Besides fortify-
less of size. It was to be supplemented by ing the capital and supplying the frontier
a house and cattle tax. The revenue towns and forts with able commanders,
resources so created, divided into iqts, marshaling a large army was the task of
or different territorial units, were distrib- the hour. Further, the vast expenditure
uted among the nobles. But the nobles was to be nanced by means of the exist-
had no absolute control of their iqts. ing resources of the state. Al al-Dn
They had to submit accounts of their planned to compensate for the low cash
income and expenditure and send the bal- payments to his soldiers by a policy of
ances to the sultans treasury. The sultan market control. The policy enhanced the
had prepared an estimate of the produce purchasing power of the soldiers and
of each locality by measuring the land. A enabled them to live in tolerable comfort.
set of officers in each iqt, separate from
the assignee, ensured the sultans control Expansion and Conquests
over it. The khlisah, the territory whose
revenues accrued directly to the sultans The result of Al al-Dns reforms and his
own treasury, was expanded signicantly, energetic rule was that the sultanate
enabling the sultan to pay a much larger expanded rapidly and was subject to a
number of his soldiers and cavalry troops more unied and efficient direction than
in cash. Through these measures the sul- during any other period. Al al-Dn
tan struck hard at all the othershis began his expansionist activities with the
officials and the local rural potentates subjugation of Gujarat in 1299. Next he
who shared economic and political moved against Rajasthan and then cap-
power with him. tured Ranthambhor (1301), Chitor (1303),
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 125

and Mandu (1305), later adding Siwan and his son married into the families of
(1308) and Jalor (1312). The campaigns in important Hindu rulers, and several
Rajasthan opened the road for further such rulers were received at court and
raids into south India. treated with respect.
These raids were intended to result
not in occupation of the land but rather in The Urban Economy
the formal recognition by Hindu kings of
Al al-Dns supremacy and in the collec- The expansion and centralization of the
tion of huge amounts of tribute and Khalj sultanate paralleled economic and
booty, which were used to nance his technological developments of the late 13th
centralizing activities in the north. Al and early 14th centuries. Delhi in the
al-Dns lieutenant Malik Kfr again 13th century became one of the largest cit-
subdued the Yadava kingdom of Devagiri ies in the whole of the Islamic world, and
in 1307 and two years later added the Multan, Lahore, Anhilwara, Kar, Cambay
Kakatiya kingdom of Telingana. In 1310 (Khambhat), and Lakhnauti emerged as
11 Malik Kfr plundered the Pandya major urban centres. The repeated Mongol
kingdom in the far south, and in 1313 invasions certainly affected the fortunes
Devagiri was again defeated and nally of some northwestern cities, but on the
annexed to the sultanate. whole the period was marked by a our-
Al al-Dn also managed to fend off ishing urban economy and corresponding
a series of Mongol attacksat least ve expansion in craft production and com-
during the decade 12971306. After 1306 merce. Advancements in the textile
the invasions subsided, probably as much industry included the introduction of the
because of an intensication of internal wooden cotton gin and the spinning wheel
Mongal rivalries as of the lack of their and, reportedly, of the treadle loom and
success in India. sericulture (the raising of silkworms). In
Ambition, a talent for ruling, and construction technology, cementing lime
the gold of southern India carried Al and vaulted roong radically changed the
al-Dn a long way, but it is also signi- face of the city. The production of paper
cant that he was one of the rst rulers to gave rise to increased record keeping in
deliberately expand political participa- government offices and to widespread use
tion within the sultanate government. of bills of exchange (hundis).
Not only did he partly open the gates to An expanding trade in textiles and
power for the non-Turkish Muslim horses provided constant nourishment to
nobilitysome of whom were even con- the economies of these towns. Bengal and
verted Hindusbut he also at least Gujarat were the production centres for
made gestures toward the inclusion of both coarse cloths and ne fabrics. Since
Hindus within the political world he cavalry came to be the mainstay of the
viewed as legitimate. Both Al al-Dn political and military system of the Delhi
126 | The History of India

sultans, horses were imported in large num- arose a chain of sea emporia all along the
bers beginning in the early years of the 13th Indian Ocean coast. It was, however,
century. Earlier in the 12th century the plunder and tribute from Gujarat, the
Hindu kings also kept large standing Deccan, eastern and central India, and
armies that included cavalry. The Turks, Rajasthancombined with regular taxa-
however, had far superior horsemen. Iron tion in the Indo-Gangetic Plainthat
stirrups and heavy armour, for both horses sustained the economy and the centraliz-
and horsemen, came into common use dur- ing regime of Delhi.
ing the period, with signicant impact on
warfare and military organization. The The Tughluqs
Battles of Taraori, between Prithviraja III
Cauhan and Muhammad of Ghr, were Within ve years of Al al-Dns death
mainly engagements of cavalrymen armed (1316), the Khaljs lost their power. The
with bows and spears; superior Ghrid tac- succession dispute resulted in the mur-
tics were decisive. der of Malik Kfr by the palace guards
The Multanis and Khorsns, in the and in the blinding of Al al-Dns six-
main, controlled the long-distance over- year-old son by Qutb al-Dn Mubrak
land trade. Trade between the coastal Shah, the sultans third son, who assumed
ports and northern India was in the hands the sultanate (reigned 131620). Qutb
of Marwaris and Gujaratis, many of whom al-Dn suppressed revolts in Gujarat and
were Jains. A measure of commercial Devagiri and conducted another raid on
expansion was the emergence and Telingana. He was murdered by his
increasing role of the dallals, or brokers, favourite general, a Hindu convert named
who acted as middlemen in transactions Khusraw Khan, who had built substantial
for which expert knowledge was required, support among a group of Hindus out-
such as the sale of horses, slaves, and cat- side the traditional nobility. Opposition
tle. Al al-Dn Khalj extended a large to Khusraws rule arose immediately, led
loan to the Multanis for bringing goods by Ghz Malik, the warden of the west-
from afar into Delhi. By the mid-13th cen- ern marches at Deopalpur, and Khusraw
tury a stable equation between gold and was defeated and slain after four months.
silver was attained, resulting in a coinage Ghz Malik, who ascended the throne
impressive in both quality and volume. as Ghiyth al-Dn Tughluq (reigned 1320
Northern Indian merchants now bene- 25), had distinguished himself prior to his
ted from the unication of the Central accession by his successful defense of the
Asian steppes, which from 1250 until frontier against the Mongols. His reign was
about 1350 (following an initially quite brief but eventful. He captured Telingana,
destructive Mongol impact) opened up a conducted raids in Jajnagar, and
new and secure trade route from India to reconquered Bengal, which had been inde-
China and the Black Sea. Further, there pendent under Muslim kings since the
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 127

death of Balban. While returning from the Muhammad ibn Tughluq moved to
Bengal campaign, the sultan was killed Daulatabad to ensure an effective control
when a wooden shelter collapsed on him at over the wealthy and fertile Deccan and
Afghanpur, near Delhi. Although some his- Gujarat and possibly also to gain access
torians have argued that Muhammad ibn to the western and southern ports. Gujarat,
Tughluq plotted his fathers death, the case the Coromandel Coast, and Bengal
never has been proved. were the core areas of Indias overseas
The reign (132551) of Muhammad trade. Huge supplies of textiles and other
ibn Tughluq marked both the high point goods, including glass and metal objects
of the sultanate and the beginning of its manufactured in these regions, were
decline. The period from 1296 to 1335 can exported to the Middle East, Africa, and
be seen as one of nearly continuous cen- East and Southeast Asia in exchange for
tralization and expansion. There were horses, precious metals, extracted goods,
few places in the subcontinent where the and raw materials. Muhammad ibn
sultans authority could be seriously chal- Tughluq also planned to face the Mongols
lenged. Muhammad ibn Tughluq, by positioning and equipping himself at a
however, was unable to maintain the safe distance from the northwest.
momentum of consolidation. By 1351 However, no sooner was the sultan
southern India had been lost and much of established at Daulatabad than trouble
the north was in rebellion. broke out in the north, on the western bor-
der, and in Bengal. Muhammad ibn
Reversal and Rebellion Tughluq had to move back to Delhi to
crush the rebellions by his nobles. He also
Muhammad ibn Tughluq faced serious was less successful against an invasion
problems resulting from expansion into by the Mongols, who had come almost to
southern India. Eschewing the Khalj the gates of Delhi. On the other hand, by
policy of maintaining Hindu tributary 1335 the Muslim governor of Mabar, the
states in the south, Muhammad ibn southernmost province of the sultanate,
Tughluq, while still a prince, had begun declared his independence and founded
to bring southern Hindu powers under the sultanate of Madura while Muhammad
the direct control of the sultanate, a pol- ibn Tughluq was busy quelling a rebellion
icy he continued as sultan. Direct in Lahore. Soon rebellions by Hindu chiefs
Muslim rule in the south, however, did had resulted in the formation of several
not necessarily signify control from new states, the most important of which
Delhi. In an effort both to settle other was Vijayanagar. During the next few
Muslim nobles in the south and to main- years, while the sultan shuttled to and fro
tain his control over them, the sultan in an attempt to put down rebellions in
made Daulatabad (Devagiri) his second practically every province, he lost control
capital in 1327. of the rest of his south Indian possessions
128 | The History of India

after successful rebellions in Gulbarga check the power of the nobility and the
(1339), Warangal (134546), and religious leaders; the latter two also had
Daulatabad, which led to the founding of realized the necessity of allowing a cer-
the Bahmani sultanate (1347). Muhammad tain amount of mobility both into and
ibn Tughluq spent the last ve years of his within the army and civil administration
life trying to suppress yet another rebel- for groups that had come to represent
lion in Gujarat and thus could not make signicant and articulated interests. Such
an attempt to regain Daulatabad. a policy also enhanced the power of the
Muhammad ibn Tughluqs successor, sultans over all the nobility, because it
his cousin Frz Shah (reigned 135188), removed old nobles and provided grate-
campaigned in Bengal (135354 and ful new ones. Judging by the revolts
1359), Orissa (1360), Nagarkot (1361), during his reign, however, Muhammad
Sind (1362 and 136667), Etawah (1377), ibn Tughluqs policy toward his nobility
and Katehr (1380). Frz was unable to was too autocratic to succeed. Frz
recover Bengal for the sultanate, and Sind adopted policies that gave his nobles
was no more than a tribute-paying vassal much more autonomy. The result was
during his reign. Frz also showed no that the sultan lost both an important
interest in reconquering the southern means of leverage and a means of adjust-
provinces. He refused to accept an invita- ing to new political circumstances. Frz
tion (c. 1365) from a Bahmani prince to also made little or no attempt to pay offi-
intervene in the politics of the Deccan. cers in cash (rather than in assignments
Frz has been noted in particular for of land revenue), granted hereditary
his conciliatory attitude toward the two appointments, and extended the system
main inuential Muslim groups of of revenue farming. All these measures,
the periodthe religious leaders and the which reversed policies adopted by one
nobility. While Al al-Dn Khalj had or more of the strong rulers of the previ-
kept religion and religious leaders apart ous several decades, tended to decrease
from his political plans and Muhammad Frzs control over his nobility and over
ibn Tughluq had incurred the enmity of the revenue system.
at least some Sus because of his refusal
to give them what they regarded as Society and the State Under
proper support, Frz rewarded Sus and the Tughluqs
other religious leaders generously
and listened to their counsel. He also cre- The Tughluq rule roughly coincided with
ated charities to aid poor Muslims, built an important and interesting develop-
colleges and mosques, and abolished ment in the Hindu countryside, which, to
taxes not recognized by Muslim law. a degree, was a reaction to Al al-Dn
Balban, Al al-Dn, and Muhammad Khaljs harsh measures. If, on the one
ibn Tughluq all had made attempts to hand, his new policy of taxation cut into
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 129

the power of the erstwhile ruling chiefs interestingly, he was also the rst Indian
who had escaped regular payment by ruler in recorded history to advance loans
offering tribute only under military pres- (taccavi) to the villagers for rehabilita-
sure, it meant, on the other hand, a heavy tion following a disastrous famine. He
loss of revenue for the small landlords also proposed a grand scheme for improv-
and village headmen. The latter were ing cropping patterns and extending
also often subjected to severe corporal cultivation. Frz Tughluq created the
torture. The power of the Delhi regime, biggest network of canals known in pre-
however, suffered an obvious setback modern India, wrote off the loans granted
after that. The former rural elite began to earlier to the peasants by Muhammad
reappear, consolidated into the great ibn Tughluq, and, more signicantly,
Rajput caste spread over much of north- enforced a policy of xed tax, as opposed
ern India. Incorporating such groups to the former proportional one, thus guar-
as the Cauhans and the Gahadawalas as anteeing in normal times a larger share
subcastes and clans, the Rajputs claimed of surplus to the intermediaries.
power and perquisites, at least at the The desire of the Tughluq sultans for
local level. The rst appearance of warmer relations with society as a whole
the generic term zamindar, which was further illustrated by a generally
denoted rst superior rights over land appreciative approach to local social and
and its produce and later came to repre- religious practices. A few Hindus
sent the local power-mongers themselves, and Jains had held state positions under
dates to this period. The new caste cohe- the Khaljs; under the Tughluqs the non-
sion also created a sense of unity between Muslim Indians rose to high and
the village elite and the peasantry, which extremely responsible offices, including
in turn added to their strength; at certain the governorships of provinces.
levels, the two classes became virtually Muhammad ibn Tughluq was the rst
undifferentiated. Muslim ruler to make planned efforts to
The Tughluqs thus had to handle the induct Hindus into administration. He
rural classes with care and diplomatic skill. also conducted several discourses with
Ghiyth al-Dn Tughluq modied Al Indian scholars and saints. Frz showed
al-Dn Khaljs system by exempting the vil- keen interest in Indian culture, commis-
lage headmen from paying taxes on their sioning Persian translations (Persian
cultivation and cattle, but he conrmed the being the court language) of some impor-
Khalj sultans injunctions that the head- tant Sanskrit texts and placing an
men were not to levy anything in addition Ashokan pillar in a prominent position
to the existing land tax on the peasantry. on the roof of his palace.
As Muhammad ibn Tughluq adopted While all these developments indi-
a stern policy, he provoked rebellion by cated the sultans broadly tolerant and
the rural chiefs and the peasants, but, catholic policies, they demonstrated at
130 | The History of India

the same time the strength of the locality. Abbsid caliph from his coins, but, when
What was then emerging was a kind of he faced rebellion from every side, he
tacit sharing of power between the local searched for a caliph who could give him
Hindu magnates and the essentially some moral authority to deal at least with
town-based Muslim aristocracy as a cru- his refractory Muslim officers. Frz inher-
cial source of political stability. ited a more difficult situation. Like his
Signicantly, by the time of the Tughluqs, predecessor, he obtained a letter of inves-
a theory of Islamic power, different from titure from the caliph. Further, he took
the universal Islamic theory of state, had several measures to align the state with
also begun to emerge. The Turkish state Sunnite orthodoxy. In addition to giving
was, in a formal sense, Islamic. The sul- important concessions to the ulam, he
tans could not allow open violation of banned unorthodox practices, persecuted
Sharah. They appointed Muslim divines heretical sects, and refused to exempt the
(ulam) to protable offices and granted Brahmans from the payment of jizyah, or
revenue-free lands to many of them. But poll tax on non-Muslims, on the ground
the policy of the state was based increas- that this was not provided for in the
ingly upon the opinion of the sultans and Sharah. Muhammad ibn Tughluqs lar-
their advisers and not on any religious gesse toward the Muslim foreigners was
texts as interpreted by the ulam. In legendary. Frz generously funded pious
view of practical needs and worldly con- works within his territory and in other
siderations (jahndr), the sultans parts of the Islamic world.
supplemented Sharah by framing their The Tughluqs did not fare well in the
own state laws (thawbit). These regula- face of an imminent crisis of the central
tions in cases of conict overrode the treasury. With the loss of Bengal and the
universal Muslim law. southern provinces, Delhi was discon-
Accommodation and tolerance nected from the important supply lines of
afforded a most secure course in such a its gold and silver. This in turn affected
situation; however, the threat from the its capacity to import horses and soldiers.
locality, as well as from the Muslim nobles Cavalry, the backbone of the sultanate
in control of the provinces, sometimes army, was thus severely crippled. Good
compelled the sultans to assert their warhorses were extremely expensive; in
Islamic connections rather forcefully. By the mid-14th century an ordinary Central
doing so, the sultans also intended to Asian steed cost 100 silver tangas, an
strike a balance between the demands of exceptional one 500 silver tangas, while a
orthodoxy and the needs of the state. ne Arabian or Persian racehorse cost as
Ghiyth al-Dn Tughluqs success against much as 1,000 to 4,000 silver tangas. The
Khusraw Khan was presented as the regen- sultans liberal support of the various
eration of Islam in India. Muhammad ibn holy centres and eminent individuals of
Tughluq had removed the name of the the Islamic East also contributed to the
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 131

shortage of precious metals. In response, Gujarat had declared his independence,

Muhammad ibn Tughluq attempted to and between 1391 and 1394 the important
reduce the weight of his coins and experi- Rajput chiefs of Etawah rebelled and were
mented with token money. His proposed defeated four times. By 1394 there
expeditions to Khorsn and the were two sultans, both residing in or
Himalayas were possibly aimed at locat- near Delhi. The result was bitter civil war
ing new sources of horses and precious for three years; meanwhile, the disastrous
metals. Frz Tughluq addressed the cri- invasion of Timur (the Tamerlane of
sis by withdrawing the practice of cash Western literature) drew nearer.
payment to the soldiers and by building Timur invaded India in 1398, when he
an army from among the huge corps of was in possession of a vast empire in the
slaves (mamlks) plundered from Middle East and Central Asia, and dealt
throughout the sultanate. The slaves the nal blow to the effective power and
were, however, no match for the mounted prestige of the Delhi sultanate. In a
archers from the countries northwest of well-executed campaign of four months
the subcontinent. during which many of the disunited
Thus, Frzs weak policy toward his Muslim and Hindu forces of northern
nobility, his light hand on the reins of India either were bypassed or submitted
administration, the resultant inefficiency peacefully while Rajputs and Muslims
and corruption among his ranks, and, ghting together were slaughtered at
indeed, his predecessor Muhammad ibn BhatnagarTimur reached Delhi and, in
Tughluqs failure could be explained only mid-December, defeated the army of
in part in terms of these leaders personal Sultan Mahmd Tughluq and sacked the
proclivities. Both were overwhelmed by city. It is said that Timur ordered the exe-
social and economic circumstances. cution of at least 50,000 captives before
the battle for Delhi and that the sack of the
Decline of the Sultanate city was so devastating that practically
everything of value was removedinclud-
By 1388, when Frz Tughluq died, the ing those inhabitants who were not killed.
decline of the sultanate was imminent; Timurs invasion further drained the
subsequent succession disputes and pal- wealth of the Delhi sultanate. Billon tanga
ace intrigues only accelerated its pace. then replaced the relatively pure silver
The sons and grandsons of Frz, sup- coins as the standard currency of trade in
ported by various groups of nobles, almost the entire northern part of India.
began a struggle for the throne that rap- Bengal, which imported silver from
idly diminished the authority of Delhi Myanmar (Burma) and China, was, how-
and provided opportunities for Muslim ever, an obvious exception. The silver
nobles and Hindu chiefs to enhance their and gold coins struck in the period of the
autonomy. By 1390 the governor of last Tughluqs and their successors in
132 | The History of India

Delhi in the 15th and early 16th centuries out a kingdom in the Punjab that was
were mainly commemorative issues. larger than that of the Sayyid sultans.
Meanwhile, the neighbouring king-
THE POST-DELHI dom of Jaunpur developed into a power
SULTANATE PERIOD equal to Delhi during the reign (140240)
of Ibrhm Sharq. Ibrhms successor,
During the 15th and early 16th centuries, Mahmd, conducted expansionist cam-
no paramount power enjoyed effective paigns against Bengal and Orissa and, in
control over most of north India and 1452, initiated a conict with the Lod sul-
Bengal. Delhi became merely one of the tans of Delhi that lasted at least until the
regional principalities of north India, defeat and partial annexation of Jaunpur
competing with the emerging Rajput and by Bahll Lod in 1479.
Muslim states. The lack of unied rule has led some
historians to describe the period as one of
The Rise of Regional States political anarchy and confusion, in which
the inhabitants suffered because there was
Gujarat, Malwa, and Jaunpur soon no strong guiding hand. Such a conclusion
became powerful independent states; is far from certain, however, even for the
old and new Rajput states rapidly central areas of the Gangetic Plain, where
emerged; and Lahore, Dipalpur, Multan, many battles were fought. In areas where
and parts of Sind were held by Khizr effective regional rule was either restored
Khan Sayyid for Timur (and later for him- or developedas in Rajasthan, Orissa,
self). Khizr Khan also took over Delhi and Bengal, Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur, and vari-
a small area surrounding it after the last ous smaller states in the north, as well as
of the Tughluqs died in 1413, and he in the large and small states of the
founded the dynasty known as the Sayyid. Deccanthe quality of life may well have
The Sayyids ruled the territory of Delhi been comparable or superior to that of ear-
until 1451, trying to obtain tribute and lier centuries for cultivators, townspeople,
recognition of suzerainty from the nearby landholders, and nobles. Although contem-
Rajput rulers and ghting almost contin- porary sources are scarce, the information
uously against neighbouring states to available does not indicate a signicant
preserve their kingdom intact. The last decline in total cultivation or trade (despite
Sayyid ruler, Al al-Dn lam Shah some alteration of trade routes). To the
(reigned 144551), peacefully surrendered contrary, Gujarat and Bengal, in addition
Delhi to his nominal vassal, the Afghan to their fertile tracts and rich handicrafts,
Bahll Lod (reigned 145189), and retired carried on a brisk overseas trade. The
to the Badaun district, which he retained Gujarati traders had a big role in the trade
until his death in 1478. Before he moved of the Middle East and Africa; Chittagong
to Delhi, Bahll Lod had already carved in Bengal was a ourishing port for trade
Northern India in the Early Muslim Period | 133

with China and for the reexport of took him prisoner in Chitor. The rana was
Chinese goods to other parts of the world. thus emerging as another formidable
Rajput contender for supremacy in north
Struggle for Supremacy in India. Meanwhile, Bbur, a descendant of
Northern India Timur, was knocking at the gates of India.
Ibrhm Lod was more autocratic than
These regional states had enough vigour his predecessor, and he was ultimately less
and strength to balance and check the able to control his skittish nobility, which
growth of each others power. With had swelled signicantly following the
the Lod conquest of Jaunpur, however, immigration into India of a considerable
Delhi appeared to reestablish its hege- number of Afghans. They tended to see the
mony over northern India. Bahll Lod sultans as merely rst among equals.
(reigned 145189) and his two successors, Ibrhm soon faced an Afghan rebellion in
Sikandar (reigned 14891517) and Ibrhm the east under the leadership of his brother
(reigned 151726), continued intermit- Jall Khan, and, while Ibrhm put down
tently to expand their control over the this and other Afghan revolts in the region,
surrounding territory. Bahll pacied the groundwork for the nal disaster was
the GangesYamuna Doab and subdued laid in the west. Dawlat Khan Lod, gover-
Etawah, Chandwar, and Rewari. Sikandar nor of the Punjab, and lam Khan Lod,
completed the pacication of Jaunpur Ibrhms uncle, appealed to Bbur, the
(1493), campaigned into Bihar, and Mughal ruler of Kbul, to aid them in
founded the city of Agra in 1504 as a base their attempt to overthrow the sultan.
from which to launch his attempt to con- The adventurous Bbur was at that time
trol Malwa and Rajasthan. probably thinking only of annexing the
By the time of Sikandars death, the Punjab, but, as his previous history had
Afghans could claim a somewhat uneven demonstrated, he was quick to take
control over the Punjab and most of the advantage of political opportunities. In
Gangetic Plain down to Bihar. Still, 1524 he led an expedition to Lahore and
the question of Lod hegemony in north defeated Ibrhms army. Bbur then
India was far from settled. Rana Sanga of passed over his Afghan allies and
Mewar did not simply check the Lod appointed his own officials in the Punjab.
encroachments into central India but After his allies had indignantly left him,
also repulsed a Lod attempt to invade he went on to defeat and kill Ibrhm
Mewar and threatened to move toward at the rst of three important battles at
Bayana and Agra. Eastern Malwa, includ- Panipat, near Delhi, in 1526. The Afghan
ing Chanderi (at that time in possession sultanate underwent a short revival under
of a Rajput leader, Medini Rai), passed the Srs in 154055, only to be replaced
under his overlordship. Rana Sanga by the Mughals again under Humyn
defeated the Khalji sultan of Malwa and and then Akbar the Great.
Southern India
in the Early
Muslim Period
S ultanate rule in most of southern India existed for only a
few years and was rmly established only in the northern
Deccan, with Daulatabad as its centre. The forced withdrawal
of the sultanate forces from the Deccan between 1330 and
1347 was partly the result of resistance offered by Hindu
chiefs and some Muslim nobles. Members of those two
groups established several rebel principalities and the
two strongest states of the souththe Muslim-ruled Bahmani
kingdom and the Hindu-ruled Vijayanagar empire.


C. 13501680

Mabar, the rst among the rebel states to emerge in south

India, was founded at Madurai by the erstwhile Tughluq gen-
eral Jall al-Dn Ahsan Shah in 1335. Lasting only 43 years,
with seven rulers in quick succession, Mabar covered the
mainly Tamil region between Nellore and Quilon and con-
tributed to the commercial importance of south India by
encouraging Muslim traders from the Middle East and even
attempting to sponsor an expedition to the Maldives. The
Mabar wars with the Hoysala dynasty of Karnataka took
place in the lower Kaveri region and were fought for control
over a series of fortied trading stations between the coast
and the interior. The Vijayanagar invasion under Prince
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 135

Kumara Kampana dealt a severe blow to Bahman Shah in 1347 and soon moved
Mabars commercial importance in 1347; his capital to the more centrally located
Vijayanagar completed the conquest in Gulbarga on the Deccan plateau. Much of
137778 under Harihara II. the political and military history of the
Bahmani sultanate can be described as a
The Bahmani Sultanate generally effective attempt to gain con-
trol of the Deccan and a less successful
A revolt by a group of Muslim nobles effort to expand outward from it. The ini-
against Muhammad ibn Tughluq that tial period of consolidation was followed
began in Daulatabad in 1345 culminated by a much longer period of intermittent
in the foundation of the Bahmani sultan- warfare against Malwa and Gujarat in the
ate by Hasan Gang, who ascended the north, Orissa and the Reddi kingdoms of
throne of Daulatabad as Al al-Dn Andhra in the east, and Vijayanagar in
the south.
The rise of Bahmani, Vijayanagar, and
other subregional kingdoms signied a
new trend in the political and military his-
tory of southern India, with the emergence
of fortied warrior strongholds under
Muslim and Hindu chiefs and of advanced
military technology, including artillery
and heavy cavalry. Control over such
strongholds was thus essential to
Bahmanis military supremacy.

Bahmani Consolidation of
the Deccan

Bahman Shah spent most of his reign

consolidating a kingdom in the Deccan
and strengthening his hold over those
Muslim nobles who chose to remain
there rather than to join Muhammad ibn
Tughluq in northern India. He adopted
the four territorial divisions (tarafs)
established by Muhammad ibn Tughluq
Tomb of Ala al-Dn Bahmani, Bidar,
Karnataka, India. Frederick M. Asher for his own administration and estab-
lished departments and appointed
functionaries similar to those of the Delhi
136 | The History of India

mi Masjid (Congregational Mosque), Gulbarga Fort, Karnataka, India. Photographer:

John Henry Rice; Courtesy: Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.

sultanate. Working outward from his cap- Rajahmundry and Kondavidu, in the fol-
ital, he was able to establish his authority lowing years.
over the western half of the Deccan pla- Muhammad Shah I (reigned 135875),
teau and to impose an annual tribute son and successor of Bahman Shah,
upon the Hindu state of Warangal, which began the struggle with Vijayanagar that
had also emerged from the breakup of the was to outlast the Bahmani sultanate and
Deccan portion of the Tughluq empire. continue, as a many-sided conict, into
Often, however, the tribute was not paid, the 17th century. There were at least 10
and a number of wars were fought over wars during the period 13501500, most
the question of whether the Bahmanis of which were concerned with control
could maintain a superior position in over the Tungabhadra-Krishna Doab. The
relation to their eastern neighbours, doab had been an area of contention long
including also the Reddi kingdoms of before the foundation of either the
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 137

Bahmani kingdom or Vijayanagar. Claims Several political and cultural tenden-

and counterclaims of victory show that cies that emerged at this time had
neither side gained effective and lasting signicant effects on the development of
control over the doab, and the struggle the Bahmani state and its successors.
extended eventually into the Konkan and Although the state had been organized
Andhra regions. In his wars against by a group of dissident nobles from the
Vijayanagar and Telingana (Warangal), Delhi sultanate, differences in both the
Muhammad Shah made use of newly culture and the political affiliation of
organized artillery to defeat an army the nobilities developed, largely because
much larger than his own. His two wars of differences in recruiting patterns. Soon
with Vijayanagar gained him little, but his after the foundation of the Bahmani state,
attack on Telingana in 1363 brought him large numbers of Arabs, Turks, and par-
a large indemnity, including the turquoise ticularly Persians began to immigrate to
throne and the town of Golconda with its the Deccan, many of them at the invita-
dependencies; in 1365 his rapid response tion of Sultan Muhammad I, and there
to a rebellion by the governor of they had a strong inuence on the devel-
Daulatabad and some Maratha and other opment of Muslim culture during
chieftains of Berar and Baglana led to a subsequent generations. The new settlers
quick victory. The sultan devoted the last (fqs) also had a political effect, as they
decade of his reign to consolidating his soon began competing successfully for
hold over the territories in his possession. important positions within the political
Institutional and geographic consolida- hierarchy. The original rebels from the
tion under Muhammad Shah laid a solid Delhi sultanate and their descendants,
foundation for the kingdom. His legacy who came to be called dakhns (i.e.,
was soon disturbed, however, when his Deccanisfrom the Deccan), thought of
son and successor, Al al-Dn Mujhid themselves as the old nobility and thus
(reigned 137578), was assassinated by resented the success of the newcomers.
his cousin Dd while returning from a The situation was comparable to that
campaign in Vijayanagar. Dd was in of the Delhi sultanate, in which a party of
turn murdered by Al al-Dns partisans, entrenched nobles had tried to protect
who then set Dds brother Muhammad their privileged position against new-
II (reigned 137897) on the throne and comers who were developing claims to
blinded Dds son. These political diffi- power. Thus, the distribution of high
culties enabled Vijayanagar to take away offices among Persian newcomers by
Goa and other territory along the western Sultan Ghiyth al-Dn (Muhammad IIs
coast, but the rest of Muhammad IIs oldest son, who ruled for about two
reign was peaceful, and the sultan spent months) in 1397 was seen as a threat by
much of his time building his court as a the old nobles and Turks and was proba-
centre of culture and learning. bly a major reason for his assassination.
138 | The History of India

Tomb of Fru
z Shah Bahmani, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. Photographer: John Henry Rice;
Courtesy: Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.

Later the addition of Hindu converts and Bahmani. His reign (13971422) was a
Hindus to the nobility complicated the period of notable cultural activity in the
situation further, as it had in the north, Bahmani sultanate, as well as one of con-
but the division between Deccanis and tinued development of the trend toward
fqs (hereinafter called newcomers) wider political participation. Noted for
was most signicant and contributed to his intelligence and learning, Frz estab-
the disintegration of the Bahmani state. lished on the Bhima River his new capital,
Muhammad IIs peaceful reign was Firuzabad, as the greatest centre of
followed by a year of succession disputes Muslim culture in India at a time when
caused both by party conicts and by the Delhi sultanate was rapidly dissolv-
dynastic rivalries. When Muhammads ing. Perhaps in an effort to balance the
cousins Ahmad and Frz nally gained continuing inux of Persians, as well as
control, Frz succeeded as Frz Shah to strengthen his own position as a ruler
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 139

who was above all the nobles and who Bidar, which was surrounded by more fer-
recognized the realities of political power, tile ground and had become more
Frz gave a number of high offices centrally located now that some territory
to Hindus (Brahmans) and married sev- had been gained to the southeast, in
eral Hindu women, including the Telingana. Perhaps, also, the move signi-
daughter of the king of Vijayanagar. ed Ahmads expansionist ambitions, for
Thus, the parallel with the earlier devel- in 1425 he defeated and killed the Velama
opment of the Delhi sultanate nobility ruler of Warangal and nally annexed
continued. The fact that Hindus were most of Telingana, bringing his eastern
becoming politically more signicant at border to the edge of Orissa. During the
a time when the military rivalry with next decade, however, rebellions forced
Vijayanagar was renewed suggests a Ahmad to allow local chieftains to rule as
political rather than a religious motiva- tributaries throughout much of the area.
tion for that rivalry.
Frz stopped an invasion in the External and Internal Rivalries
north by the Gond raja of Kherla in
Madhya Pradesh and conducted two Although the Bahmani state had been
moderately successful campaigns threatened from the north earlier, it was
against Vijayanagar. The rst brought during Ahmads reign that conicts rst
him a tribute payment and temporary broke out with the northern neighbours
military control over the Raichur Doab, Malwa and Gujarat. The breakdown of
while the second ended with his marriage centralized authority within the Delhi
to the Vijayanagar kings daughter and sultanate and the consequent rise of pro-
the establishment of an apparently ami- vincial kingdoms meant that new rivalries
cable relationship between the two rulers. could develop on a regional basis, and
The peace lasted for only 10 years, how- the Bahmani sultans found themselves
ever, and a third war (141720) ended in a contending with two of the successor
disastrous defeat for Frz by the united states of the Delhi sultanate in an arena
forces of Vijayanagar and Frzs former where their expansionist ambitions had
allies, the Velama faction of the Reddi rul- some chance of success. A border dispute
ing group in Andhra. The Vemas of with Malwa led to a Bahmani victory and
Kondavidu, once hostile, now joined the a short-lived recognition of the chieftain-
sultan. Frzs position was so weakened ship of Kherla as a Bahmani protectorate.
by the defeat that he was forced to abdi- Ahmad I then forged an alliance with
cate in favour of his brother Ahmad, who another northern neighbour, Khandesh,
had the support of most of the army. which acted as a buffer between Bahmani
One of the rst acts of the new sultan, and the kingdoms of Malwa and Gujarat.
Shihb al-Dn Ahmad I (reigned 142236), On the pretext of giving aid to a Hindu
was to move the capital from Gulbarga to chieftain who had revolted against
140 | The History of India

Gujarat, he sent unsuccessful expedi- exclusively of newcomers, who had con-

tions into Gujarat in 1429 and 1430. The vinced the sultan that Deccani treachery
latter defeat was especially signicant, as had been responsible for the defeat in
it partly stemmed from rivalries between Gujarat in 1430. The newcomers thereby
the Deccani officers and the newcomers gained considerable inuence with the
from the Middle East, a friction that sultan but at the same time intensied
appears to have become gradually more the resentment of the Deccanis, who retal-
intense from this point until the decline iated in 1446 by massacring a large
of the Bahmani sultanate. number of them, with the malleable sul-
Toward the close of his reign, Ahmad I tans tacit permission. Later, when the
named his eldest son as his successor and sultan was convinced that the newcomers
gave him full charge of the administration; had been unjustly killed, he punished
he parceled out the provinces (tarafs) many of the responsible Deccanis and
among his other sons, exacting from them promoted the surviving newcomers.
promises that they would be loyal to the During the last years of his reign, Ahmad
new sultan, Al al-Dn Ahmad II (reigned had to face a rebellion in Telingana led by
143658). Even though Ahmad II had to his son-in-law and supported by the sul-
face a rebellion by one of his brothers, a tan of Malwa. It was at this time that
precedent was set for a rule of primogeni- Mahmd Gwn, a newly arrived noble
ture, which seemed to alleviate the from Persia, displayed his military and
problem of succession disputes for the rest diplomatic skills by persuading the rebels
of the century. Unfortunately for later to desist and the sultan to pardon them.
Bahmani rulers, rivalries among the nobil- Under the successors of Ahmad II,
ity were to prove just as detrimental to the Bahmani faced continuous disturbances,
fortunes of the dynasty as family disputes such as further rebellion in Telingana
were in many other dynasties of the period. and three serious onslaughts by Mahmd
Ahmad II proved to be a weaker ruler Khalj of Malwa; the Gajapati king of
than his father had been, and during his Orissa joined the fray by making inroads
reign the conicts among the nobles into the heart of the Bahmani kingdom.
intensied. Two short wars with Humyn (reigned 145861) and Nizm
Vijayanagar in 1436 and 144344 were con- al-Dn Ahmad III (reigned 146163)
ned to Tungabhadra-Krishna Doab and sought the help of Muhammad Begar
signied little except the arrival of a new of Gujarat against Malwa and warded off
power, the Hindu Gajapati king of Orissa, the invasions.
who allied himself with the Bahmani ruler
in the second campaign. Perhaps more Vizierate of Mahmud Gawan
signicant in its ultimate effect was the
Bahmani victory over Khandesh in 1438. The most notable personality of the
The force in that campaign was composed period was Mahmd Gwn, who was a
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 141

leading administrator during the reigns quickly marched south as far as

of Humyn and his son Ahmad III and Kanchipuram in a show of prowess.
was vizier (chief minister) under As vizier, Mahmd Gwn attempted
Muhammad III (reigned 146382). During to enhance the central authorityostensi-
Mahmd Gwns ascendancy, the bly of the crown but possibly his own as
Bahmani state achieved both its greatest wellthrough a series of administrative
size and greatest degree of centralization, reforms and political maneuvers. Up to the
and yet, partly because of the attempts at 1470s the kingdom had been divided into
centralization and partly because of the four provinces, centring around the cities
continuing rivalry between the Deccanis of Daulatabad, Mahur, Bidar, and Gulbarga,
and the newcomers, the period ended respectively. The governors of the four
with Mahmd Gwns assassination and provinces had control over almost all
the rapid dissolution of the effective aspects of civil and military administra-
power of the Bahmani state. tion within their territorial jurisdictions.
After Mahmd Gwns installation Administration was thus decentralized
as vizier in 1463, a series of Bahmani cam- from the beginning, but the relative power
paigns resulted in the subjugation in the of the provincial governors as compared
west of most of the Konkan, including with the centre potentially became even
several forts (e.g., Khelna, Belgaum, and greater as the state expanded and each
Kolhapur) and the important port of Goa, of the four provinces grew larger. To
which was then under Vijayanagar con- decrease the power of the governors,
trol. This not only guaranteed the safety Mahmd Gwn divided each of the over-
of Muslim merchants and pilgrims from grown provinces into two, under separate
piratical attacks but also gave Bahmani governors, reduced the military control of
virtual command over the west coast the governors by bringing all forts but one
trade, at least until the arrival of the in each province directly under the control
Portuguese. In the north the frontier with of the sultan, and tightened central
Malwa was maintained more or less as it control over the employment and payment
was, although Bahmani agreed to return of troops within the provinces. In addition,
Kherlas status as a ef of Malwa. An alli- he introduced a system of measurement
ance with Vijayanagar proved effective in and valuation of agricultural land and cre-
defeating Orissa in 1470. Later, campaigns ated a large block of crown land within
in the east brought some advantages each province. Perhaps the most signi-
against the rival claimants to the Orissa cant of all of Mahmd Gwns measures
throne, who sought Bahmanis help was his policy of balancing important
against one another. In 1481 Muhammad appointments between Deccanis and new-
III, with Mahmd Gwn, succeeded in comers in order to reduce disputes among
taking Kondapalli from Saluva Narasimha, the nobility and to keep himself, as vizier,
the Vijayanagar general, and the sultan above party conicts.
142 | The History of India

Unfortunately for Mahmd Gwn the newcomers for support. An attempt

and for the Bahmani dynasty, party strife on Mahmds life in 1487 by a group of
had developed to such an extent that a Deccanis strengthened the sultans reli-
group of Deccani noblesmotivated by ance on the newcomers and led to the
hostility toward the chief minister as a slaughter of a great many Deccanis. But
newcomer, as well as by dislike of his by this time it began to become apparent
efforts toward centralizationfalsied evi- that the power of the sultan was less than
dence to make Mahmd Gwn appear a that of several of his nobles, and, although
traitor and convinced Muhammad III to he continued to be a valuable pawn for
execute him in 1481. The execution was the provincial governors to try to control,
widely disapproved of by the newcomers his power to rule was nearly gone. The
and even by some of the Deccani nobles, provincial governors and their followers
many of whom sided with Ysuf dil could not be controlled, nor did they
Khan, previously Mahmd Gwns chief believe that maintaining the centralized
supporter. Most of the newcomers returned Bahmani state would any longer be in
to their provinces and refused to come to their best interests. Consequently, the
the capital, and the sultan was left with governors were usually unwilling to aid
only the support of the conspirators. When the sultan when he attempted to put
he died in 1482 (of grief over his error in down rebellions by other governors or by
judgment, the chronicles report), the powerful nobles.
leader of the conspirators, Malik Nib, was One of the rst revolts was that of
able to make himself regent for the kotwal (superintendent of police)
Muhammads minor son, Shihb al-Dn of Bidar, Qsim Bard, a Turkish noble
Mahmd (reigned 14821518). who defeated the army sent against him
by the sultan and then forced Mahmd
Bahmani Decline to make him chief minister of the state.
Qsim Bards attempt to reimpose cen-
Mahmds reign hastened the disintegra- tral authority was opposed by most of
tion of the Bahmani kingdom. An abortive the chief nobles, however, who defeated
attempt to assassinate Ysuf dil Khan him once and then refused to recognize
resulted in the Khans agreement to retire his authority. Next, Malik Ahmad Nizm
to Bijapur and leave Malik Nib and the al-Mulk, the son of Malik Nib, began to
conspirators in charge at Bidar. Now carve out a territory for himself by con-
the lack of institutionalized central power quering Maratha forts along the western
brought group conicts to the fore. Malik coast. He defeated the two armies sent
Nib, never popular even with a number against him by the sultan, whom he
of the Deccanis, was put to death in 1486 forced to recognize his conquests, and in
by the Abyssinian governor of Bihar, and 1490 he assumed a practical indepen-
the sultan subsequently began to rely on dence and established his capital at
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 143

Ahmadnagar. Ysuf dil Khn of sultanate, was of little importance after

Bijapur and Fath Allh Imd al-Mulk 1492. The major rivalry of the next decade
of Berar had demonstrated their sympa- was between two newcomers, Qsim Bard
thy for Malik Ahmads activities and and Ysuf dil Khan. (Qsim Bard, how-
soon emulated him. Although the three ever, was supported by the Deccanis of
governors still did not assume the insig- Bidar in his struggle with another Deccani,
nia of royalty, it was clear by the end of Malik Ahmad of Ahmadnagar.) The shift
1490 that Sultan Mahmd and the chief resulted from the fact that there were no
minister, Qasim Bard, could not com- longer parties of nobles but rather semi-
mand any of them. independent states whose rulers were
attempting to establish and expand their
Successors to the Bahmani authority. Political expediency dictated
the shifting alliances among these regional
During the 1490s the rivalries intensied chiefs, who were no longer representatives
among the former provincial governors, of factional politics but were potential rul-
other high nobles, and Qsim Bard, who ers of independent states. The primary
was the effective head of the government goals of territorial integrity and military
at the Bahmani capital. Each began to supremacy offered sufficient rationale for
form temporary alliances and to ght one or the other of these chiefs to seek
battles with other nobles in order to even the alliance of their traditional enemy
enhance his own position. Gradually the Vijayanagar, particularly in the conicts
ve successor states to the Bahmani sul- between Bijapur and Ahmadnagar.
tanate took shape, as lesser nobles were One issue that occasionally united the
defeated and their territories were incor- Bahmani successor states was the desire
porated by the provincial governors or to prot at the expense of Vijayanagar.
retained by Bidar. Bijapur (1490), Sultan Mahmd II proposed in 1501 that a
Ahmadnagar (1490), and later Golconda policy of an annual jihad, or holy war,
(1512) emerged as the most successful of against the Hindu kingdom be adopted by
these states. Although a Bahmani sultan the Muslim nobles. A number of relatively
still remained as a puppet ruler until at successful raids were undertaken during
least 1538, effective control of the Bidar the next few years, but in 1509 the new
government passed into the hands of ruler of Vijayanagar, Krishna Deva Raya,
Qasm Bards son Amr Bard upon his repulsed the Muslims, who suffered sub-
fathers death in 1505, thus establishing stantial losses. Later the political ambitions
what proved to be a dynastic claim for of Bijapur and Ahmadnagar prompted a
the Bard Shh dynasty of Bidar. series of successful interventions by
Ironically, the conict between Vijayanagar under Rama Raya, a regent
Deccanis and newcomers, which had done who nally usurped the Vijayanagar
so much to destroy the unity of the throne and played a signicant role in
144 | The History of India

Deccan politics. The excesses of Rama reveals their interest in restoring a balance
Raya, carried out on the pretext of assist- in the political situation by recognizing
ing Bijapur against Ahmadnagar in their the right of Ahmadnagar to annex Berar
wars, led to a temporary but fruitful coali- and Bidar in return for recognition of
tion among the ve successor states and Bijapurs right to occupy extensive territo-
the crushing defeat of Vijayanagars pow- ries in the south, particularly portions of
erful forces at the Battle of Talikota in 1565, Vijayanagar. Ahmadnagar did not annex
which, though it did not destroy the Hindu Bidar, owing to intervention by Ibrhm
kingdom, ultimately helped the expan- Qutb Shah of Golconda, but it did acquire
sionist ambitions of Bijapur and Golconda. Berar in 1574. Bijapur was unable to take
During the 16th century the strongest full advantage of the opportunities for
and best-organized of the Bahmani suc- expansion to the south during the 1570s
cessor states was Ahmadnagar (Nizm because of factional disputes among the
Shh), followed by Bijapur (dil Shh) nobles, as well as Golcondas interests in
and then Golconda. All three were much the Vijayanagar-controlled areas. Thus,
larger and more important than Berar and Ahmadnagar managed to retain a slightly
Bidar, and all three either began with or superior position.
soon came to accept the Shite form of The tide began to turn in the 1580s,
Islam (the religion of the Persian newcom- however, with the establishment of a stable
ers) as the official faith of their rulers. regency at Bijapur, fortied by a series of
During the 16th century the three major marriage alliances with other royal lines in
states formed shifting patterns of alli- the Deccan and by the political deteriora-
ances, which sometimes (both before and tion of Ahmadnagar under the rule of the
after 1565) also included Vijayanagar, slightly mad Murtad Nizm Shah.
while the two smaller Muslim states Murtads murder in 1588, by a son who
ranged themselves on one side or the was more insane than he, set off a chain of
other in order to protect their indepen- events that resulted in simultaneous inva-
dence. The goal of military campaigns sions by Bijapur from the south and by
normally was to humble the adversary Murtads brother Burhn, who had the
without doing irreparable harm, for all support of the Mughal emperor Akbar,
three major Muslim states feared the from the north. Burhn defeated the army
supremacy of any one state, and a tripar- of Ahmadnagar, recalled the foreign nobles
tite division of territory seemed more (as the newcomers of Bahmani times were
likely to ensure the continued indepen- by then designated) who had been expelled
dence of all. from the kingdom, and assumed the throne
Bijapur and Ahmadnagar were drawn in 1591. Campaigns against Bijapur and
into a series of conicts over the forts in against the Portuguese at Chaul (just
the Maratha region and the Konkan coast. south of present-day Mumbai [Bombay]),
A treaty between the two in 1571, however, as well as a bitter rivalry between the
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 145

h tombs, Golconda, Andhra Pradesh, India. Frederick M. Asher

Qutb Sha

Deccani and foreign nobles, further weak- Ahmadnagar, and the defeat and annexa-
ened Ahmadnagar at a time when Akbars tion of Khandesh. A group of nobles,
growing interest indicated grave danger. however, led by the Abyssinian Malik
The deaths of both Burhn and his son in Ambr, raised a member of the royal fam-
1595 were followed by increased factional- ily to the throne at Daulatabad and
ism and eventually by civil war as rival continued to ght the Mughals.
claimants to the throne were put forward. Golconda, whose area by the mid-17th
When one party appealed for aid to the century approximated that of the Telugu
governor of Gujarat, Akbar had an excuse linguistic and cultural region, was built up
to launch the campaign he had already as a strong state by the Qutb Shhs from
been planning. The two wars that fol- 1512. It developed a distinct regional cul-
lowed resulted in the Mughal acquisition ture with the founding of Hyderabad in
of Berar, the capture of the ruler of 159091 by Muhammad Qul Qutb Shah
146 | The History of India

and evolved a political system to suit the movement, which began under Akbar
indigenous sociopolitical structure. (reigned 15561605) with a successful
Golconda enjoyed a high level of eco- onslaught against Ahmadnagar, was to
nomic prosperity owing to the productive end with the annexation of Bijapur (1686)
agricultural plains of Andhra and the busy and Golconda (1687) during the reign of
trade of such ports as Masulipatam, as well Aurangzeb (reigned 16581707). During
as to the diamond mines near Vijayawada. the intervening period, the Mughal pres-
The Qutb Shhs steadily expanded ence became increasingly important to
the area under their control during the the remaining Deccan kings, who strug-
16th century at the expense of the politi- gled to maintain or expand their position
cally fragmented Telugu kings and within the Deccan while trying to fend off
Nayakas and held their own against the the advancing Mughal arms.
Vijayanagar rulers and the Gajapatis of
Orissa. Vijayanagar interests in Andhra THE VIJAYANAGAR EMPIRE,
and its intervention in Golconda politics 13361646
through encouragement to the rebel
Nayakas under Krishna Deva Raya and Founded in 1336 in the wake of the rebel-
his successors ceased after the Talikota lions against Tughluq rule in the Deccan,
debacle in 1565. Consolidation was the Hindu Vijayanagar empire lasted for
achieved by Ibrhm Qutb Shah (reigned more than two centuries as the dominant
155080) and enhanced under power in south India. Its history and for-
Muhammad Qul early in the 17th cen- tunes were shaped by the increasing
tury. A conciliatory policy toward the militarization of peninsular politics after
Nayakas, as well as the regimes desire to the Muslim invasions and the commer-
preserve the Telugu warrior ethos, cialization that made south India a major
brought Telugu warrior groups into participant in the trade network linking
Golcondas service. Special attention to Europe and East Asia. Urbanization and
large-scale irrigation and agriculture, monetization of the economy were the
promotion of interregional trade, and two other signicant developments of
administrative centralization were the the period that brought all the peninsular
basic factors in Golcondas stability. kingdoms into highly competitive politi-
In the struggle for control of the cal and military activities in the race for
Deccan after the decline of the Bahmani supremacy.
sultanate, the two southernmost states,
Bijapur and Golconda, ultimately found Development of the State
themselves in the most advantageous posi-
tion, because they were farthest away from The kingdom of Vijayanagar was founded
the growing power of the Mughal Empire by Harihara and Bukka, two of ve broth-
in north India. The Mughals southward ers (surnamed Sangama) who had served
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 147

Vijayanagar (Sanskrit: City of Victory) is a great ruined city in southern India and also the
name of the empire ruled rst from that city and later from Penukonda (in Anantapur district,
Andhra Pradesh) between 1336 and about 1614. The site of the city, on the Tungabhadra River,
is now partly occupied by the village of Hampi in eastern Karnataka state.
The city and its rst dynasty were founded in 1336 by ve sons of Sangama, of whom
Harihara and Bukka became the citys rst kings. In time Vijayanagar became the greatest
empire of southern India. By serving as a barrier against invasion by the Muslim sultanates of
the north, it fostered the reconstruction of Hindu life and administration after the disorders
and disunities of the 12th and 13th centuries. Contact with the Muslims (who were not person-
ally disliked) stimulated new thought and creative productivity. Sanskrit was encouraged as a
unifying force, and regional literatures thrived. Behind its frontiers the country ourished in
unexampled peace and prosperity.
The rst dynasty, the Sangama, lasted until about 1485, whenat a time of pressure from
the Bahmani sultan and the raja of OrissaNarasimha of the Saluva family usurped power. By
1503 the Saluva dynasty had been supplanted by the Tuluva dynasty. The outstanding Tuluva
king was Krishna Deva Raya. During his reign (150929) the land between the Tungabhadra
and Krishna rivers (the Raichur doab) was acquired (1512), the Orissa Hindus were subdued by
the capture of Udayagiri (1514) and other towns, and severe defeats were inicted on the
Bijapur sultan (1520). Krishna Devas successors, however, allowed their enemies to unite
against them. In 1565 Rama Raya, the chief minister of Vijayanagar, led the empire into the
fatal battle at Talikota, in which its
army was routed by the combined
forces of the Muslim states of Bijapur,
Ahmadnagar, and Golconda and the
city of Vijayanagar was destroyed.
Tirumala, brother of Rama Raya,
then seized control of the empire and
founded the Aravidu dynasty, which
established a new capital at
Penukonda and kept the empire
intact for a time. Internal dissen-
sions and the intrigues of the sultans
of Bijapur and Golconda, however,
led to the nal collapse of the empire
Lotus Mahal in Hampi, Karnataka, India. about 1614.
Photographer: John Henry Rice; Courtesy:
Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.
148 | The History of India

in the administrations of both Kakatiya Consolidation

and Kampili before those kingdoms were
conquered by the armies of the Delhi sul- Harihara was succeeded by Bukka (I;
tanate in the 1320s. When Kampili fell in reigned 135677), who during his rst
1327, the two brothers are believed to decade as king engaged in a number of
have been captured and taken to Delhi, costly wars against the Bahmani sultans
where they converted to Islam. They were over control of strategic forts in the
returned to the Deccan as governors of Tungabhadra-Krishna Doab, as well as
Kampili for the sultanate with the hope over the trading emporia of the east and
that they would be able to deal with the west coasts. The Bahmanis generally pre-
many local revolts and invasions by vailed in these encounters and even
neighbouring Hindu kings. They fol- forced Vijayanagar to pay a tribute in
lowed a conciliatory policy toward the 1359. The major accomplishments of
landholders of the area, many of whom Bukkas reign were the conquest of the
had not accepted Muslim rule, and began short-lived sultanate of Mahbar (Madurai;
a process of consolidation and expan- 1370) and the maintenance of his king-
sion. Their rst campaign was against dom against the threat of decentralization.
the neighbouring Hoysala king, Ballala During Hariharas reign the government
III of Dorasamudra, but it stagnated; after of the outlying provinces of the growing
the brothers reconverted to Hinduism state had been entrusted to his brothers
under the inuence of the sage usually to the brother who had conquered
Madhavacarya (Vidyaranya) and pro- that particular territory. By 1357 some of
claimed their independence from the Bukkas nephews had succeeded their
Delhi sultanate, however, they were able fathers as governors of these provinces,
to defeat Ballala and thereby secure their and there was a possibility that the state
home base. Harihara I (reigned 133656) would become less and less centralized
then established his new capital, as the various branches of the family
Vijayanagar, in an easily defensible posi- became more rmly ensconced in their
tion south of the Tungabhadra River, particular domains. Bukka, therefore,
where it came to symbolize the emerging removed his nephews and replaced them
medieval political culture of south India. with his sons and favourite generals so
The kingdoms expansion in the rst cen- that centralized authority (and his own
tury of its existence made it the rst south line of succession) could be maintained.
Indian state to exercise enduring control However, the succession of Bukkas son
over different linguistic and cultural Harihara II (reigned 13771404) precipi-
regions, albeit with subregional and local tated a repetition of the same action. A
chiey powers exercising authority as its rebellion in the Tamil country at the
agents and subordinates. beginning of his reign probably was
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 149

aided by the disaffected sons and officers Nevertheless, Hariharas reign was rela-
of Bukkas deceased eldest son, Kumara tively successful, because he expanded the
Kampana, who were not ready to acknowl- state, maintained internal order, and man-
edge Hariharas authority. Harihara was aged to fend off the Bahmani sultans. The
able to put down the rebellion and subse- control of ports on both coasts provided
quently to replace his cousins with his opportunities for the acquisition of
own sons as governors of the provinces. increased wealth through trade.
Thus, the circle of power was narrowed
once again. The question of succession Wars and Rivalries
to the throne had not been settled, how-
ever. On many occasions, the conict Harihara IIs death in 1404 was followed
resumed between the king and his lineal by a violent succession dispute among
descendant, who tried to centralize the his three surviving sons. Only after two
state, and the collateral relatives (cousins of them had been crowned and dethroned
and brothers), who tried to establish rul- was the third, Devaraya I (reigned
ing rights over some portion of the 140622), able to emerge victorious.
kingdom. Continuing instability, however, coupled
The temporary confusion that fol- with the involvement of Vijayanagar and
lowed the assassination of the Bahmani the Bahmani sultanate as backers of dif-
sultan Al al-Dn Mujhid in 1378 gave ferent claimants to the throne of
Harihara the opportunity to recapture Goa Kondavidu, led to further confrontation
and some other western ports and impose between the two powers (each joined by
his authority southward along the Malabar various of the rivalrous Telugu chiefs).
Coast. During the next decade, pressure Sultan Frz Shah Bahmani supported a
increased for expansion against the Reddi Reddi attack on Udayagiri. In a related
kingdom of Kondavidu in the northeast. move, the sultan himself mounted
Prince Devaraya captured Panagal fort another siege of Vijayanagar city, impos-
and made it a base of operations in the ing tributary conditions that included
region. The slight gains made in 139091 his marriage to Devarayas daughter.
against an alliance of the Velama chieftain Despite Bahmani successes, Vijayanagar
of Rajakonda and the Bahmanis were more managed to hold Panagal, Nalgonda,
than offset when the Bahmani sultan and other forts and to regain Udayagiri.
besieged Vijayanagar in 139899, slaugh- The defeat of Frz Shah in 1419 and the
tered a large number of people, and death of his Vema ally led to the eventual
exacted a promise to pay tribute. The trib- partition of Kondavidu between
ute was withheld two years later, however, Vijayanagar and the Velamas of
when Vijayanagar made alliances with Rajakonda, who had switched sides with
the sultans of Malwa and Gujarat. the Vemas during the protracted
150 | The History of India

struggle. This extensive involvement in control of Raichur and Mudgal forts in

Andhra and Telinganainspired by the the Tungabhadra-Krishna Doab ended
ambition to expand farther up the east- inconclusively. Those campaigns, how-
ern seaboard (an area that the Bahmanis ever, led to further improvements in
to the west also sought to control) Vijayanagars military forces when
brought Vijayanagar into conict for the Devaraya II proclaimed that Muslims
rst time with the kingdom of Orissa to would be welcome in his service and
the north. Although a war was temporar- assigned Muslim archers already in
ily averted, there began a rivalry that was Vijayanagar service to instruct his Hindu
to last more than a century. troops. Devaraya also levied tribute from
Perhaps Devarayas most signicant Sri Lanka and campaigned successfully
achievement was his reorganization of in the Kerala country of the far south,
the army. Realizing the value of cavalry where his victories over local chieftains
and well-trained archers, he imported suggest a process of consolidation. His
many horses from Persia and Arabia and reign saw both the greatest territorial
hired Turkish bowmen, as well as troop- extension and the greatest centralization
ers who were skilled in mounted warfare. of the rst period of the history of
Thus, although it appears that he was sel- Vijayanagar.
dom able to best the Bahmanis in the
eld, he had begun to narrow the strate- Decentralization and Loss
gic and technological gap between north of Territory
and south and to build an army that would
be better suited to warfare on open plains. During the rst 40 years after Devarayas
The short reigns of Devarayas two death in 1446, the centralized power of
sons, Ramcandra and Vijaya, were disas- the state declined, and a considerable
trous. In a war against the Bahmanis, amount of territory along both coasts was
many temples were destroyed, and Vijaya lost to the Bahmani sultans and to the
was forced to pay a huge indemnity. A suddenly powerful Gajapati ruler of
combined invasion by the king of Orissa Orissa. In the 1450s and 1460s Kapilendra
and the Velamas of Andhra resulted in (Kapileshvara), the great king of Orissa,
the loss of the territories newly gained together with his son Hamvira, con-
in the partition of the Reddi kingdom of quered the Reddi kingdom of
Kondavidu. Vijayas son and successor, Rajahmundry and the Vijayanagar prov-
Devaraya II (reigned 143246), recon- ince of Kondavidu, captured Warangal
quered the lost Reddi territories and and Bidar from the Bahmanis, eventually
incorporated them into his kingdom, occupied Udayagiri, and sent a victorious
thus establishing the Krishna River as army down the east coast as far south as
the northeastern boundary. Wars with the the Kaveri (Cauvery) River, where he was
Bahmanis in 143536 and 144344 over repulsed by the able Vijayanagar general
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 151

and governor of Chandragiri, Saluva Narasimha (since transferred to

Narasimha. Penukonda), rather than Virupaksha, who
The Orissan raid had a considerable took advantage of the resultant civil war
effect upon Vijayanagar. It not only weak- in Orissa to regain lost territory. He
ened the empire in the east but also reconquered the Tamil region and
indicated that provincial governors became master of the east coast up to the
might have to fend for themselves if they Godavari River. Bahmani aid to Hamvira,
expected to retain their territories. The in return for the surrender of all the cap-
fact that Devarayas son Mallikarjuna tured forts in Telingana, drew Narasimha
(reigned 144665) was succeeded by a into a war with the sultanate. A two-
cousin rather than by his own son was pronged attack by Muhammad Shah and
another indication of lessened central Mahmd Gwn on Narasimhas territo-
control and of the failure of the king and riesPenukonda and the coastal
his immediate family to secure their own regionand the plunder of Kanchipuram
future, as had been done by many of his in 1481 were only temporarily successful,
ancestors when they removed their cous- for Ishvara Nayaka, a Vijayanagar gen-
ins from positions of power. The new eral, recovered the loot from the returning
ruler, Virupaksha (reigned 146585), had Bahmani forces at Kandukur, and
been a provincial governor. His usurpa- Narasimha recaptured Penukonda after
tion was not accepted by many of the turning back the Bahmani forces.
provincial governors on the east and west
coasts or by the direct descendants of Later Dynasties
Mallikarjuna, who retired to the banks
of the Kaveri and ruled much of the Beginning as a small chieftain about
southern part of the kingdom in a semi- 1456, Narasimha had put together a large
independent fashion. dominion by 1485 as a result of conquests
Beginning in 1470, the Bahmanis, in the south, as well as campaigns against
under the vizier Mahmd Gwn, began Orissa; and, although nominally subordi-
a campaign that succeeded in taking nate to Virupaksha, he was performing
much of the west coast and the northern more extensive military and administra-
Karnataka from Vijayanagar. The loss of tive functions than was his superior. It is
Goa and other ports was especially dis- not surprising that when Virupaksha was
concerting, because it cut off not only an murdered by one of his sonswho was in
important source of trade and state turn murdered by his brotherSaluva
income but the principal source of supply Narasimha (reigned 148590) stepped in
of Middle Eastern horses for the military to remove the new ruler and to begin his
as well. The death in 1470 of Kapilendra own dynasty. Usurpation was easier than
of Orissa temporarily relieved military consolidation, however, and Narasimha
pressure in the east; but it was Saluva spent his reign in relatively successful
152 | The History of India

campaigns to reduce his vassals through- Qsim Bard, who was trying to subdue
out the kingdom to submission and in the newly independent Ysuf dil
unsuccessful attempts to stop the Khan of Bijapur. Narasa took the strate-
encroachment of the king of Orissa. gic forts of Raichur and Mudgal; and,
Narasimha also opened new ports on although they were lost again in 1502, the
the west coast so that he could revive the growing disunity of the emerging Muslim
horse trade, which had fallen into polities would provide many similar
Bahmani hands, and he generally revital- opportunities in the future.
ized the army. By 1490 the process of Narasa also campaigned in the south
centralization had begun again, and both to restore effective control, which had not
internal and external political circum- existed in many areas since the raid from
stances soon would combine to create Orissa in 146364. He compelled most of
better opportunities than ever before. the chiefs and provincial governors to
recognize his suzerainty in both Tamil
Reconsolidation country and Karnataka and nearly
restored the old boundaries of the king-
At his death in 1491, following the siege dom (some eastern districts were still
of Udayagiri (and his own imprisonment held by Orissa). By 1503 Narasa had prac-
there) by Orissa, Narasimha left his king- tically completed the process of
dom in the hands of his chief minister, reconsolidation with which Saluva
Narasa Nayaka, whom he had appointed Narasimha had charged him, although
regent for his two young sons the previ- trade restrictions and other impositions
ous year. The minister in effect ruled by the Portuguese had signicantly com-
Vijayanagar from 1490 until his own promised Vijayanagars prestige. He also
death in 1503. Court intrigues led to the had made virtually certain that his own
murder of the elder prince by one of line rather than that of his old master
Narasas rivals and to the capture and vir- would continue to rule. It was during the
tual imprisonment of the younger prince reigns of his sons that Vijayanagar rose
(officially enthroned as Immadi to new heights of political power and cul-
Narasimha) by Narasa in 1492. The usur- tural eminence.
pation resulted in opposition from Narasas eldest son and successor,
provincial governors and chiefs that best known as Vira Narasimha (reigned
lasted for the rest of Narasas life. Early in 150309), ended the sham of regency.
his regency, however, he had the opportu- After ordering the by-then grown Immadi
nity to take advantage of the beginning Narasimhas murder in 1505, he ascended
of the disintegration of the Bahmani sul- the throne and inaugurated the Tuluva
tanate. He invaded the disputed dynasty, the third dynasty of Vijayanagar.
Tungabhadra-Krishna Doab in 149293 at The usurpation again provoked opposi-
the invitation of the Bahmani minister, tion, which the new king spent most of
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 153

his reign attempting to quell. He was suc- this time were virtually separated into
cessful except in subduing the rebellious ve states) and capturing Raichur fort,
chiefs of Ummattur and Seringapatam in Krishna Deva took advantage of a quarrel
the south and in recovering Goa from the between Bijapur and the Bahmani ruler
Portuguese, with whom, however, he was to subdue both Gulbarga and Bidar
able to establish relations to obtain a sup- and to restore the imprisoned Bahmani
ply of better horses. By this time the sultan to his throne in 1512. During the
Bahmani wars, in which the successor same period he conducted a successful
states had joined, had become a series of campaign to subdue Ummattur in the
annual jihads, or holy wars, maintaining south, and a new province was estab-
the Bahmanis virtual control over the lished from it. From 1513 to 1520, Krishna
doab forts. Deva campaigned against the Gajapati
ruler of Orissa, conquering all that kings
Growth of Power territory up to the Godavari and raiding
as far as the Orissan capital at Kataka.
Vira Narasimha was succeeded by his Orissa then sued for peace, and its king
brother Krishna Deva Raya (reigned gave his daughter in marriage to Krishna
150929), generally regarded as the great- Deva, who consequently returned to
est of the Vijayanagar kings. During his Orissa all the conquered territory north
reign the kingdom became more power- of the Krishna River.
ful than ever before, and internal While Krishna Deva was ghting in
consolidation reached a new peak. the east, Isml dil Shah of Bijapur had
Krishna Deva spent the rst 10 years of retaken Raichur fort. In 1520 Krishna
his reign solidly establishing his author- Deva decisively defeated Isml with
ity over his subordinate chieftains and some aid from Portuguese gunners and
governors while fending off invasions recaptured Raichur. In 1523 he carried the
from the northeast. attack further, invading Bijapur and cap-
In an effort to achieve centralization turing several forts. Krishna Deva razed
and effective political control, Krishna Gulbarga and once again claimed to have
Deva Raya appointed Brahmans and restored the Bahmani sultanate by set-
capable nonkinsmen as commanders, ting one of the three sons of Mahmd
garrisoned the forts with Portuguese and Shah II on the throne. One result of these
Muslim mercenary gunners, and successful campaigns and of Krishna
recruited foot soldiers from local forest Devas subsequent haughty behaviour
tribes; he also created the rank of lesser was to point out vividly to the Muslim
chiefs known as poligars (palaiyakkarars) rulers the dangers posed by Vijayanagar,
in the Vijayanagar service. so that in years to come they thought
After decisively defeating an invad- increasingly of taking concerted action
ing coalition of Bahmani forces (who by against that kingdom. Krishna Devas
154 | The History of India

Tiruvengalanatha Temple complex, Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India. Frederick M. Asher

highly successful reign thus led to depict a thriving city and kingdom under
increased danger to his realm. a highly venerated and capable ruler.
During most of his reign Krishna Krishna Deva Rayas scholarship and
Deva maintained a mutually advanta- patronage of Telugu and Sanskrit litera-
geous relationship with the increasingly ture have become symbols of Telugu
powerful Portuguese, whereby he pride and cultural traditions.
retained access to trade goods, especially About 152425 Krishna Deva abdi-
to horses from the Middle East, while the cated and had his young son crowned
Portuguese were allowed to trade in his king. His son died shortly thereafter, how-
dominions. The accounts from this ever, reportedly poisoned by the jealous
period by the Portuguese travelers former chief minister. Krishna Deva
Domingos Pais and Duarte Barbosa imprisoned the minister and his family
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 155

and dealt successfully with a serious rebel- ruler of Bijapur, Ibrhm dil Shah, after
lion three years laterwhen one of the early attempts to create divisiveness in
ministers sons escapedas well as with Vijayanagar, arbitrated a settlement
Isml dil Shahs attempt to take advan- between Achyuta and Rama Raya. Under
tage of Krishna Devas troubles to recoup the settlement, Achyuta virtually handed
his position. Krishna Devas death in 1529 over his sovereignty to the regent, retain-
ended the period of the kingdoms great- ing nominal kingship.
est military and administrative success. Achyutas reign ended with about
the same external boundaries of the
Renewed Decentralization kingdom as in 1529, but the struggle
with Rama Raya plus the activities of
Krishna Deva had passed over his infant other nobles and chieftains weakened
son and his young nephew and picked the hold of the centre over some of the
his half brother Achyuta Deva Raya provinces. The process of decentraliza-
(reigned 152942) to succeed him. tion had set in again, but now the
Following a brief succession dispute, strongman who would pull the kingdom
Achyuta Deva Raya was able to reach the together was already on the scene. Rama
capital from Chandragiri, where Krishna Raya brought himself to the undisputed
Deva had kept him and other princes pinnacle of power in 154243, when he
conned, and to ascend the throne. defeated his rival in the succession
Although he probably was not as disso- struggle following Achyutas death and
lute a ruler as the Portuguese traveler and crowned his own candidate, Achyutas
writer Ferno Nuniz described him to be, nephew Sadashiva (reigned 154276).
the severe challenges he faced made a After seven or eight years, Rama Raya
successful reign difficult. Krishna Devas also assumed royal titles, but from the
death had precipitated renewed attacks rst Sadashiva was kept under guard,
by Bijapur, Golconda, and Orissa and a and Rama Raya, together with his broth-
revolt by the kings minister, Saluva ers Tirumala and Venkatadri, ruled the
Viranarasimha, and the southern chief- kingdom.
tains of Ummattur and Tiruvadi. Achyuta Rama Raya was able to control,
dealt successfully with all his enemies although not to subdue entirely, rebel-
until the late 1530s, when he was impris- lious nobles in the east and the extreme
oned by Rama Raya, the chief minister, south. He also concluded a treaty with
with whom he had agreed to share power. the Portuguese (1546), whose settle-
Opposition by some of the nobles to ments had been expanding and who
Achyutas imprisonment, combined with had caused no small amount of damage
a revolt in the south, led to his release and to indigenous settlements over the past
the beginnings of civil war; but the new few years. The treaty was broken in
156 | The History of India

1558, however, and Rama Raya then Decline of Vijayanagar

exacted tribute in compensation for
damage to temples caused by the It is likely that the sultans of Golconda
Portuguese. and Ahmadnagar, who had lost much at
the hands of Rama Raya, were primarily
Relations with the Muslim States responsible for the formation of an alli-
ance that destroyed Vijayanagars power
Most crucial during the period of Rama forever. By 1564 at least four of the ve
Rayas rule, however, were Vijayanagars sultans (Berar is questionable) had begun
relations with the Muslim successor their march on Vijayanagar, which
states to the Bahmani sultanate. At least resulted early in 1565 in the disastrous
since Krishna Deva Rayas time, defeat of the Vijayanagar forces in the
Vijayanagar had usually competed on a Battle of Talikota and in the subsequent
more than equal basis and in the same sack and destruction of much of the city
system of state rivalries with the ve of Vijayanagar. Rama Raya was captured
Muslim states. Thus, an invasion from and killed, but his brother Tirumala
Bijapur was repulsed in 1543; in 1548 escaped to the south with the king and
Rama Raya aided Burhn Nizm Shah of much of the royal treasure.
Ahmadnagar in taking a fort from Bidar,
but in 1557 Rama Raya allied himself with Military Policies
Bijapur against the Nizm Shah and
Golconda. The result of the last war was a Although Rama Rayas efforts toward
collective treaty, by which any of the four centralization were not entirely suc-
parties, attacked unjustly by another, cessful, it was his military policies that
could call upon the other allies to stop ultimately led to disaster. There were
the aggressor. When H usayn Nizm Shah rebellions when he replaced many
broke the treaty by invading Bijapur in members of the old nobility with rela-
1560, Vijayanagar and Golconda tives and close associates, but they
responded with an attack that resulted appear to have been no more serious
not only in Ahmadnagars loss of the fort than many other rebellions of previous
of Kalyani to Bijapur but also in an inva- periods under similar circumstances.
sion of Bidar and the defeat of its ruler by Indeed, judging on the basis of the
Rama Raya. Soon, however, the ruler of number and size of the military cam-
Golconda, Ibrhm Qutb Shah, allied paigns that Rama Raya was able to
himself with Ahmadnagar against launch outside Vijayanagar in later
Bijapur, and Rama Raya allied Vijayanagar years, it would seem that his internal
with Bijapur to severely defeat the control was relatively secure. Rama
aggressors. Raya has been criticized for allowing
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 157

Muslims to hold important positions Loss of Central Control

within his administration, and, although
his nal defeat at Talikota was at least The Battle of Talikota did not result in the
partly attributable to the defection of destruction of the kingdom of
two of his Muslim generals, the policy Vijayanagar, although the capital city
appears to have worked well up to that never fully recovered from the ravages it
time. Rama Rayas early experiences as suffered. Rama Rayas brother Tirumala
an official at the court of Golconda established a new headquarters at
appear to have given him ideas for Penukonda and attempted to rebuild the
improving the Vijayanagar administra- army. Much of the south and southeast
tion and army. As early as 1535 he had was lost, however, as the Nayakas of
hired 3,000 Muslim soldiers from Madura, Thanjavur (Tanjore), and Jinji
Bijapur, and he later tried to make the effectively asserted their independence.
Vijayanagar state apparatus more like Rebellions and banditry arose in many
that of the neighbouring Muslim states. areas. Tirumala appealed to Nizm Shah
In short, he was building a state that of Ahmadnagar for aid against a Bijapuri
would be as competitive as possible in invasion that reached Penukonda. He
that time and place. It is likely that at then joined with Ahmadnagar and
rst Vijayanagars Muslim neighbours Golconda in a campaign against Bijapur.
took a similar view of state relations Tirumala accepted the new states of the
and that Vijayanagar was seen as just Nayakas of the south, retained the alle-
another competing state. Rama Rayas giance of Mysore and Keladi, and
military successes and his skill in diplo- appointed his three sons as governors of
macy, together with his arrogance in the three linguistic regions of his king-
the knowledge that Vijayanagar was domTelugu, Kannada, and Tamil. In
stronger than any one of the sultanates, 1570 he had himself crowned and thus
led to the Muslim alliance against him. officially inaugurated the Aravidu
Despite a Muslim historians claim that dynasty, the fourth and last dynasty of
the alliance was formed because of Vijayanagar.
Rama Rayas bad treatment of Muslims, When Tirumala retired, his son
there is little evidence to indicate that Shriranga I (reigned 157285) tried to con-
the principal motives were other than tinue the process of rebuilding while
political. Furthermore, the subsequent struggling to maintain his place among
behaviour of the sultans suggests that, the Muslim sultanates without any sup-
once Vijayanagar had been humbled, port from the major Telugu houses. An
they were willing to return to a system invasion by Bijapur was repulsed with the
of shifting alliances among all the aid of Golconda, but subsequent invasions
Deccan powers. by Golconda resulted in the loss of a
158 | The History of India

substantial amount of territory in the east. in the far south. The process of decentral-
The Vijayanagar government relocated ization, although halted for a time, could
from Penukonda, which had sustained two not be reversed. In the northern areas that
sieges, to Chandragiri. Shrirangas difficul- had been laid to waste by invading armies,
ties stemmed partly from the lack of aid Venkata undertook a program of restora-
from his brothers, who ruled their separate tion by offering lower revenue payments.
regions, and partly from the dissensions of His tact and rmness led to cordial rela-
his nobles and the semi-independent sta- tions with the Portuguese, who established
tus of some of them. Many nobles had a Jesuit mission in 1607. The Dutch were
apparently decided that it was no longer in permitted to build a factory at Devapattana
their best interests to give full support to and a fort at Pulicat, notwithstanding
the larger state and that, in the absence of Portuguese opposition to the latter. It
overwhelming power, the development would appear that by the time of his death
of smaller subregional states was both in 1614 Venkata had accomplished enough
possible and potentially more protable. so that a revival of imperial power and
Shriranga died childless and was suc- prosperity was possible, but instead rival-
ceeded by his younger brother Venkata II ries among the nobility rapidly led to
(reigned 15851614), whose ability and further decentralization and to the dimi-
constant activity, combined with a relative nution of the state.
dearth of interference by the Muslim sul-
tanates, prevented the further Breakup of the Empire
disintegration of centralized authority
over the next 28 years. A series of wars Venkatas nephew and successor,
between 1580 and 1589 resulted in the Shriranga II, ruled for only four months.
reacquisition of some of the territory that He was murdered, along with all but one
had been lost to Golconda in the east and of the members of his family, by one of
the eventual restoration of the Krishna the two contending parties of nobles. A
River as Vijayanagars northern boundary, long civil war resulted and nally degen-
but Venkata spent most of his time erated into a series of smaller wars among
attempting to retain his hold over his a number of contending parties. The sur-
rebellious chieftains and nobles. Most of viving member of the dynasty, Rama
the east and the Tamil south was in rebel- Deva Raya, nally ascended the throne in
lion at one time or another; the most 1617. His reign was marked by factional
serious threat occurred in 1601, when the warfare and the constant struggle to
Nayakas of Madura, Tanjore, and Jinji maintain a much-truncated kingdom
came to the aid of the rebellious Lingama along the eastern coast. Although some
Nayaka of Vellore. Venkata defeated chieftains continued to recognize his
the Nayakas and later made Vellore his nominal suzerainty and that of his suc-
capital, but his authority was not restored cessor, Venkata III (163042), real political
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 159

power resided at the level of chieftains Administration of the Empire

and provincial governors, who were carv-
ing out their own principalities. The Vijayanagar was the rst southern Indian
fourth Vijayanagar dynasty had become state to have encompassed three major
little more than another competing pro- linguistic and cultural regions and to
vincial power. have established a high degree of politi-
Bijapur and Golconda took advan- cal unity among them. The administration
tage of the decline in Vijayanagars of the kingdom sporadically achieved a
strength to make further inroads into the relatively high degree of centralization,
south, while Venkata IIIs own nephew although centrifugal tendencies regu-
Shriranga allied himself with Bijapur. larly appeared. To the original ve rajyas
Interestingly, it was Venkata who granted (provinces) held by the Sangama broth-
the Madraspatna fort to the English as the ers, new ones were added as territories
site for a factory (trading post). In 1642 an were acquired. Within and among these
expedition from Golconda drove the king regions, a complex mosaic of great
from his capital at Vellore. Hearing that chiey houses exercised power to vary-
his uncle was dying, Shriranga deserted ing degrees, though not with the virtual
Bijapur and had himself crowned. autonomy that some historians have sug-
Although he was able to play Bijapur and gested. The central administration had
Golconda against each other for a time, both a revenue and a military side, but
he could not gain control over the provin- the actual business of raising taxes and
cial Nayakas, who were by then virtually troops was mostly the responsibility of
independent; and, when Bijapur and the provincial governors and their subor-
Golconda nally struck at the same time, dinates. The central government
Shriranga and the handful of chieftains maintained a relatively small body of
who came to his aid were powerless to troops, but it assigned a value to the
stop them. A last appeal to his Nayakas lands held by the provincial governors
to come to the defense of Hinduism and determined the number of troops
resulted instead in his defeat by their that were to be supplied from the reve-
combined forces in 1645. Meanwhile, nues of each province. This administrative
Bijapur and Golconda advanced, with the plan led to the development of the nayan-
blessings of the Mughal emperor at Delhi, kara system, in which prominent
who had suggested that they should par- commanders received land grants and
tition Karnataka between themselves. privileged status, becoming Nayakas
The Nayakas realized the danger too late, (local lords or governors). The system,
and by 1652 the Muslim sultans had com- which has been characterized as a kind of
pleted their conquest of Karnataka. military feudalism, worked well enough
Shriranga retired to Mysore, where he when the central authority was strong
kept an exile court until his death in 1672. but provided territorial bases for the
160 | The History of India

Elephant stables, Vijayanagar, Karnataka, India. Frederick M. Asher

Nayakas to build semi-independent Although exact gures are unavail-

hereditary holdings in times of imperial able, the evidence suggests that the level
weakness. The imperial rulers were aware of taxation was close to half of the produce
of the power of the provinces and tried in many areas. Much of the revenue col-
to counter it by appointing members of lected did not go to the state, however,
the royal family as governors of the because various layers of local landholders
militarily more important (but not neces- took their share rst. Although most reve-
sarily more lucrative) provinces. On the nue came from agrarian taxes, commercial
whole, however, the device was not suc- and artisan taxes and tributary duties from
cessful, because succession rivalries, as foreign traders were levied as well.
in the Muslim kingdoms to the north, Under Vijayanagar rule, temples,
tended to produce lial disloyalty to the which exhibited such singularly imperial
throne and even rebellion. features as huge enclosures and entrance
Southern India in the Early Muslim Period | 161

gateways (gopuras), emerged as major Vijayanagar was, to some extent, con-

political arenas. Monastic organizations sciously represented by its sovereigns as
(mathas) representing various religious the last bastion of Hinduism against the
traditions also became focal points of forces of Islam. As with similar Muslim
local authority, often closely linked with religio-political claims, however, this one
the Nayaka chieftaincies. A fairly elabo- often appeared to be more rhetorical than
rate and specialized administrative real. The shifting patterns of alliances
infrastructure underlay these diverse among Vijayanagar and the sultanates,
local and regional religio-political forms. the occasions on which a rival party
Vijayanagar the city was a symbol of of nobles or a claimant to the throne of
vast power and wealth. It was a royal cer- Vijayanagar would enlist the aid of a
emonial and administrative centre and Muslim sultan, and the employment of
the nexus of trade routes. Foreign travel- both Hindus and Muslims in the sultan-
ers and visitors were impressed by the ates and in Vijayanagar suggest that
variety and quality of commodities that rivalries were more political than reli-
reached the city, by the architectural gious. The various progressive reforms of
grandeur of the palace complex and tem- the Vijayanagar army suggest also that
ples, and by the ceremonial signicance efforts were made to transform at least
of the annual Mahanavami celebrations, one aspect of the state in order to make it
at which the Nayakas and other chiefs more competitive with its Muslim and
assembled to pay tribute. other rivals.
The Mughal
Empire, 15261761

T he Mughal Empire at its zenith commanded resources

unprecedented in Indian history and covered almost the
entire subcontinent. From 1556 to 1707, during the heyday of
its fabulous wealth and glory, the Mughal Empire was a fairly
efficient and centralized organization, with a vast complex of
personnel, money, and information dedicated to the service
of the emperor and his nobility.


Much of the empires expansion during that period was

attributable to Indias growing commercial and cultural con-
tact with the outside world. The 16th and 17th centuries
brought the establishment and expansion of European and
non-European trading organizations in the subcontinent,
principally for the procurement of Indian goods in demand
abroad. Indian regions drew close to each other by means of
an enhanced overland and coastal trading network, signi-
cantly augmenting the internal surplus of precious metals.
With expanded connections to the wider world came also
new ideologies and technologies to challenge and enrich the
imperial edice.
The empire itself, however, was a purely Indian historical
experience. Mughal culture blended Perso-Islamic and
regional Indian elements into a distinctive but variegated
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 163

whole. Although by the early 18th century Chagatai Turk (so called because his
the regions had begun to reassert their ancestral homeland, the country north of
independent positions, Mughal manners the Amu Darya [Oxus River] in Central
and ideals outlasted imperial central Asia, was the heritage of Chagatai, the sec-
authority. The imperial centre, in fact, ond son of Genghis Khan). Bbur was a
came to be controlled by the regions. The fth-generation descendant of Timur on
trajectory of the Mughal Empire over the side of his father and a 14th-generation
roughly its rst two centuries (15261748) descendant of Genghis Khan. His idea of
thus provides a fascinating illustration of conquering India was inspired, to begin
premodern state building in the Indian with, by the story of the exploits of Timur,
subcontinent. who had invaded the subcontinent in 1398.
The individual abilities and achieve- Bbur inherited his fathers principal-
ments of the early MughalsBbur, ity in Fergana at a young age, in 1494.
Humyn, and later Akbarlargely Soon he was literally a fugitive, in the
charted this course. Bbur and Humyn midst of both an internecine ght among
struggled against heavy odds to create the Timurids and a struggle between
the Mughal domain, whereas Akbar, them and the rising Uzbeks over the erst-
besides consolidating and expanding its while Timurid empire in the region. In
frontiers, provided the theoretical frame- 1504 he conquered Kabul and Ghazn.
work for a truly Indian state. Picking up In 1511 he recaptured Samarkand, only to
the thread of experimentation from the realize that, with the formidable Safavid
intervening Sr dynasty (154056), Akbar dynasty in Iran and the Uzbeks in Central
attacked narrow-mindedness and big- Asia, he should rather turn to the south-
otry, absorbed Hindus in the high ranks east toward India to have an empire of his
of the nobility, and encouraged the tradi- own. As a Timurid, Bbur had an eye on
tion of ruling through the local Hindu the Punjab, part of which had been
landed elites. This tradition continued Timurs possession. He made several
until the very end of the Mughal Empire, excursions in the tribal habitats there.
despite the fact that some of Akbars suc- Between 1519 and 1524when he invaded
cessors, notably Aurangzeb (16581707), Bhera, Sialkot, and Lahorehe showed
had to concede to contrary forces. his denite intention to conquer
Hindustan, where the political scene
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE favoured his adventure.
Conquest of Hindustan
Having secured the Punjab, Bbur
The foundation of the empire was laid in advanced toward Delhi, garnering sup-
1526 by Zahr al-Dn Muhammad Bbur, a port from many Delhi nobles. He routed
164 | The History of India

two advance parties of Ibrhm Lods Baburs Achievements

troops and met the sultans main army at
Panipat. The Afghans fought bravely, but Bburs brief tenure in Hindustan, spent
they had never faced new artillery, and in wars and in his preoccupation with
their frontal attack was no answer to northwest and Central Asia, did not give
Bburs superior arrangement of the bat- him enough time to consolidate fully his
tle line. Bburs knowledge of western conquests in India. Still, discernible in
and Central Asian war tactics and his his efforts are the beginnings of the
brilliant leadership proved decisive in Mughal imperial organization and politi-
his victory. By April 1526 he was in con- cal culture. He introduced some Central
trol of Delhi and Agra and held the keys Asian administrative institutions and,
to conquer Hindustan. signicantly, tried to woo the prominent
Bbur, however, had yet to encounter local chiefs. He also established new
any of the several Afghans who held mints in Lahore and Jaunpur and tried to
important towns in what is now eastern ensure a safe and secure route from Agra
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and who were to Kabul. He advised his son and succes-
backed by the sultan of Bengal in the east sor, Humyn, to adopt a tolerant
and the Rajputs on the southern borders. religious policy.
The Rajputs under Rana Sanga of Mewar
threatened to revive their power in yun
northern India. Bbur assigned the
unconquered territories to his nobles and Humyns rule began badly with his
led an expedition himself against the invasion of the Hindu principality of
rana in person. He crushed the ranas Kalinjar in Bundelkhand, which he failed
forces at Khanua, near Fatehpur Sikri to subdue. Next he became entangled in
(March 1527), once again by means of the a quarrel with Sher (or Shr) Khan (later
skillful positioning of troops. Bbur then Sher Shah of Sr, founder of the Sr
continued his campaigns to subjugate dynasty), the new leader of the Afghans
the Rajputs of Chanderi. When Afghan in the east, by unsuccessfully besieging
risings turned him to the east, he had to the fortress of Chunar (1532). Thereafter
ght, among others, the joint forces of the he conquered Malwa and Gujarat, but he
Afghans and the sultan of Bengal in 1529 could not hold them. Leaving the fortress
at Ghagra, near Varanasi. Bbur won the of Chunar unconquered on the way,
battles, but the expedition there too, like Humyn proceeded to Bengal to assist
the one on the southern borders, was left Sultan Mahmd of that province against
unnished. Developments in Central Sher Khan. He lost touch with Delhi and
Asia and Bburs failing health forced Agra, and, because his brother Hindal
him to withdraw. He died near Lahore in began to openly behave like an indepen-
December 1530. dent ruler at Agra, he was obliged to
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 165

leave Gaur, the capital of Bengal. centre of power, at least under one or the
Negotiations with Sher Khan fell other of his brothers. Humyn also
through, and the latter forced Humyn fought against the heavy odds of his
to ght a battle at Chausa, 10 miles (16 opponents rapport with the locality.
km) southwest of Buxar (Baksar; June 26,
1539), in which Humyn was defeated. Sher Shah and His Successors
He did not feel strong enough to defend
Agra, and he retreated to Bilgram near During Humyns exile Sher Shah
Kannauj, where he fought his last battle established a vast and powerful empire
with Sher Khan, who had now assumed and strengthened it with a wise system of
the title of shah. Humyn was again administration. He carried out a new and
defeated and was compelled to retreat to equitable revenue settlement, greatly
Lahore; he then ed from Lahore to the improved the administration of the dis-
Sindh (or Sind) region, from Sindh to tricts and the parganas (groups of
Rajputana, and from Rajputana back
to Sindh. Not feeling secure even in
Sindh, he ed (July 1543) to Iran to seek
military assistance from its ruler, the
Safavid Shah Tahmsp I. The shah agreed
to assist him with an army on the condi-
tion that Humyn become a Shite
Muslim and return Kandahr, an impor-
tant frontier town and commercial centre,
to Iran in the event of his successful
acquisition of that fortress.
Humyn had no answer to the polit-
ical and military skill of Sher Shah and
had to ght simultaneously on the south-
ern borders to check the sultan of Gujarat,
a refuge of the rebel Mughals. Humyns
failure, however, was attributable to inher-
ent aws in the early Mughal political
organization. The armed clans of his
nobility owed their rst allegiance to
their respective chiefs. These chiefs,
together with almost all the male mem-
bers of the royal family, had a claim to Tomb of Sher Shah of Su r, Sasaram,
sovereignty. There was thus always a Bihar, India. Frederick M. Asher
lurking fear of the emergence of another
166 | The History of India

villages), reformed the currency, encour- accession of his son Akbar, who was away
aged trade and commerce, improved at the time in the Punjab.
communication, and administered
impartial justice. THE REIGN OF AKBAR
Sher Shah died during the siege of THE GREAT
Kalinjar (May 1545) and was succeeded
by his son Islam Shah (ruled 154553). Akbar (ruled 15561605) was proclaimed
Islam Shah, preeminently a soldier, was emperor amid gloomy circumstances.
less successful as a ruler than his father. Delhi and Agra were threatened by
Palace intrigues and insurrections Hemuthe Hindu general of the Sr
marred his reign. On his death his young ruler, dil Shahand Mughal governors
son, Frz, came to the Sr throne but was were being driven from all parts of north-
murdered by his own maternal uncle, and ern India. Akbars hold over a fraction of
subsequently the empire fractured into the Punjabthe only territory in his pos-
several parts. sessionwas disputed by Sikandar Sr
and was precarious. There was also dis-
Restoration of Humayun loyalty among Akbars own followers.

After his return to Kabul from Iran, Extension and Consolidation

Humyn watched the situation in India. of the Empire
He had been preparing since the death of
Islam Shah to recover his throne. The task before Akbar was to reconquer
Following the capture of Kandahr and the empire and consolidate it by ensur-
Kabul from his brothers, he had reas- ing control over its frontiers and,
serted his unique royal position and moreover, by providing it with a rm
assembled his own nobles. In December administrative machinery. He received
1554 he crossed the Indus River and unstinting support from the regent,
marched to Lahore, which he captured Bayram Khan, until 1560. The Mughal
without opposition the following victory at Panipat (November 1556) and
February. Humyn occupied Sirhind the subsequent recovery of Mankot,
and captured Delhi and Agra in July 1555. Gwalior, and Jaunpur demolished the
He thus regained the throne of Delhi Afghan threat in upper India.
after an interval of 12 years, but he did not
live long enough to recover the whole of The Early Years
the lost empire; he died as the result of an
accident in Shermandal in Delhi (January Until 1560 the administration of Akbars
1556). His death was concealed for about truncated empire was in the hands of
a fortnight to enable the peaceful Bayram Khan. Bayrams regency was
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 167

Agra fort, built by Akbar the Great, in Uttar Pradesh state, India. Frederick M. Asher

momentous in the history of India. At its mediocre ability then followed in quick
end the Mughal dominion embraced the succession. Although not yet his own
whole of the Punjab, the territory of Delhi, master, Akbar took a few momentous
what are now the states of Uttar Pradesh steps during that period. He conquered
and Uttarakhand in the north (as far as Malwa (1561) and marched rapidly to
Jaunpur in the east), and large tracts of Sarangpur to punish Adham Khan, the
what is now Rajasthan in the west. captain in charge of the expedition, for
Akbar, however, soon became rest- improper conduct. Second, he appointed
less under Bayram Khans tutelage. Shams al-Dn Muhammad Atgah Khan as
Inuenced by his former wet nurse, prime minister (November 1561). Third,
Maham Anaga, and his mother, H amdah at about the same time, he took posses-
Bn Begam, he was persuaded to dis- sion of Chunar, which had always deed
miss him (March 1560). Four ministers of Humyn.
168 | The History of India

The most momentous events of 1562 territories under the command of the old
were Akbars marriage to a Rajput prin- Trn (Central Asian) clans and, in order
cess, daughter of Raja Bharmal of Amber, to strike a balance in the ruling class, pro-
and the conquest of Merta in Rajasthan. moted the Persians (Irn), the Indian
The marriage led to a rm alliance Muslims, and the Rajputs in the imperial
between the Mughals and the Rajputs. service. Akbar placed eminent clan lead-
By the end of June 1562, Akbar had ers in charge of frontier areas and staffed
freed himself completely from the inu- the civil and nance departments with
ence of the harem party, headed by relatively new non-Trn recruits. The
Maham Anaga, her son Adham Khan, revolts in 156474 by the members of
and some other ambitious courtiers. The the old guardthe Uzbeks, the Mirzs, the
harem leaders murdered the prime min- Qqshls, and the Atgah Khailsshowed
ister, Atgah Khan, who was then the intensity of their indignation over the
succeeded by Munim Khan. change. Utilizing the Muslim orthodoxys
From about the middle of 1562, Akbar resentment over Akbars liberal views,
took upon himself the great task of shap- they organized their last resistance in
ing his policies, leaving them to be 1580. The rebels proclaimed Akbars half-
implemented by his agents. He embarked brother, Mirz Hakm, the ruler of Kabul,
on a policy of conquest, establishing con- and he moved into the Punjab as their
trol over Jodhpur, Bhatha (present-day king. Akbar crushed the opposition
Rewa), and the Gakkhar country between ruthlessly.
the Indus and Beas rivers in the Punjab.
Next he made inroads into Gondwana. Subjugation of Rajasthan
During this period he ended discrimina-
tion against the Hindus by abolishing Rajasthan occupied a prominent place in
pilgrimage taxes in 1563 and the hated Akbars scheme of conquest; without
jizyah (poll tax on non-Muslims) in 1564. establishing his suzerainty over that
region, he would have no title to the sov-
Struggle for Firm ereignty of northern India. Rajasthan also
Personal Control bordered on Gujarat, a centre of com-
merce with the countries of western Asia
Akbar thus commanded the entire area of and Europe. In 1567 Akbar invaded
Humyns Indian possessions. By the Chitor, the capital of Mewar; in February
mid-1560s he had also developed a new 1568 the fort fell into his hands. Chitor
pattern of king-noble relationship that was constituted a district, and saf
suited the current need of a centralized Khan was appointed its governor. But the
state to be defended by a nobility of western half of Mewar remained in
diverse ethnic and religious groups. He the possession of Rana Udai Singh. Later,
insisted on assessing the arrears of the his son Rana Pratap Singh, following his
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 169

defeat by the Mughals at Haldighat Mughal nobles, and in Bengal and Bihar
(1576), continued to raid until his death in the Afghans under Dd Karrn still
1597, when his son Amar Singh assumed posed a serious threat. Akbar conquered
the mantle. The fall of Chitor and then of Gujarat at his second attempt in 1573 and
Ranthambor (1569) brought almost all celebrated by building a victory gate, the
of Rajasthan under Akbars suzerainty. lofty Buland Darwza (High Gate), at
his new capital, Fatehpur Sikri. The con-
Conquest of Gujarat and Bengal quest of Gujarat pushed the Mughal
Empires frontiers to the sea. Akbars
Akbars next objective was the conquest encounters with the Portuguese aroused
of Gujarat and Bengal, which had con- his curiosity about their religion and cul-
nected Hindustan with the trading world ture. He did not show much interest in
of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Gujarat had what was taking place overseas, but he
lately been a haven of the refractory appreciated the political and commercial

Buland Darwaza (High Gate), built during the reign of Akbar the Great, in Fatehpur Sikri,
Uttar Pradesh state, India. Frederick M. Asher
170 | The History of India

signicance of bringing the other gate- October 1605, the Mughal Empire
way to his empires international extended to the entire area north of the
tradenamely, Bengalunder his rm Godavari River, with the exceptions of
control. He was in Patna in 1574, and by Gondwana in central India and Assam in
July 1576 Bengal was a part of the empire, the northeast.
even if some local chiefs continued to
agitate for some years more. Later, Man The State and Society
Singh, governor of Bihar, also annexed Under Akbar
Orissa and thus consolidated the Mughal
gains in the east. More than for its military victories, the
empire under Akbar is noted for a sound
The Frontiers administrative framework and a coherent
policy that gave the Mughal regime a
On the northwest frontier Kabul, rm footing and sustained it for about
Kandahr, and Ghazn were not simply 150 years.
strategically signicant; these towns
linked India through overland trade with Central, Provincial, and
central and western Asia and were crucial Local Government
for securing horses for the Mughal cav-
alry. Akbar strengthened his grip over Akbars central government consisted of
these outposts in the 1580s and 1590s. four departments, each presided over by
Following H akms death and a threat- a minister: the prime minister (wakl),
ened Uzbek invasion, Akbar brought the nance minister (dwn, or vizier
Kabul under his direct control. To dem- [wazr]), the paymaster general (mr
onstrate his strength, the Mughal army bakhsh), and the chief justice and reli-
paraded through Kashmir, Baluchistan, gious official combined (sadr al-sudr).
Sindh, and the various tribal districts of They were appointed, promoted, and dis-
the region. In 1595, before his return, missed by the emperor, and their duties
Akbar wrested Kandahr from the were well dened.
Safavids, thus xing the northwestern The empire was divided into 15 prov-
frontiers. In the east, Man Singh stabi- inces (subahs)Allahabad, Agra,
lized the Mughal gains by annexing Ayodhya (Avadh), Ajmer, Ahmedabad
Orissa, Cooch Behar, and a large part of (Ahmadabad), Bihar, Bengal, Delhi,
Bengal. Conquest of Kathiawar and later Kabul, Lahore, Multan, Malka, Qhandesh,
of Asirgarh and the northern territory of Berar, and Ahmadnagar. Kashmir and
the Nizm Shh kingdom of Ahmadnagar Kandahr were districts of the province
ensured a rm command over Gujarat of Kabul. Sindh, then known as Thatta,
and central India. At Akbars death in was a district in the province of Multan.
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 171

Orissa formed a part of Bengal. The prov- goal was to reduce their strength and
inces were not of uniform area or income. inuence. The emperor encouraged new
There were in each province a governor, a elements to join his service, and Iranians
dwn, a bakhsh (military commander), came to form an important block of the
a sadr (religious administrator), and a Mughal nobility. Akbar also looked for
qd ( judge) and agents who supplied new men of Indian background. Indian
information to the central government. Afghans, being the principal opponents
Separation of powers among the various of the Mughals, were obviously to be kept
officials (in particular, between the at a distance, but the Sayyids of Baraha,
governor and the dwn) was a signi- the Bukhr Sayyids, and the Kambs
cant operating principle in imperial among the Indian Muslims were spe-
administration. cially favoured for high military and civil
The provinces were divided into dis- positions. More signicant was the
tricts (sarkrs). Each district had a recruitment of Hindu Rajput leaders into
fowjdr (a military officer whose duties the Mughal nobility. This was a major
roughly corresponded to those of a col- step, even if not completely new in Indo-
lector); a qd; a kotwl, who looked after Islamic history, leading to a standard
sanitation, the police, and the administra- pattern of relationship between the
tion; a bitikch (head clerk); and a
khaznedr (treasurer).
Every town of consequence had a
kotwl. The village communities con-
ducted their affairs through pancayats
(councils) and were more or less autono-
mous units.

The Composition of the

|Mughal Nobility

Within the rst three decades of Akbars

reign, the imperial elite had grown
enormously. As the Central Asian nobles
had generally been nurtured on the
Turko-Mongol tradition of sharing power
with the royaltyan arrangement incom- n-e Khass at Fatehpur Sikri,
The Dwa
patible with Akbars ambition of Uttar Pradesh state, India, built c. 1585.
structuring the Mughal centralism P. Chandra
around himselfthe emperors principal
172 | The History of India

Mughal autocracy and the local despo- Organization of the Nobility and
tism. Each Rajput chief, along with his the Army
sons and close relatives, received high
rank, pay, perquisites, and an assurance In order to organize his civil and military
that they could retain their age-old cus- personnel, Akbar devised a system of
toms, rituals, and beliefs as Hindu ranks, or mansabs, based on the deci-
warriors. In return the Rajputs not only mal system of army organization used
publicly expressed their allegiance but by the early Delhi sultans and the
also offered active military service to the Mongols. The mansabdrs (rank holders)
Mughals and, if called upon to do so, will- were numerically graded from command-
ingly gave daughters in marriage to the ers of 10 to commanders of 5,000.
emperor or his sons. The Rajput chiefs Although they fell under the jurisdiction
retained control over their ancestral hold- of the mr bakhsh, each owed direct sub-
ings and additionally, in return for their ordination to the emperor.
services, received watans (land assign- The mansabdrs were generally paid
ments outside their homelands) in the in nonhereditary and transferable jgrs
empire. The Mughal emperor, however, (assignments of land from which they
asserted his right as a paramount. He could collect revenues). Over their jgrs,
treated the Rajput chiefs as zamindars as distinct from those areas reserved for
(landholders), not as rulers. Like all local the emperor (khlisah) and his personal
zamindars, they paid tribute, submitted army (ahads), the assignees (jgrdrs)
to the Mughals, and received a patent of normally had no magisterial or military
office. Akbar thus obtained a wide base authority. Akbars insistence on a regular
for Mughal power among thousands of check of the mansabdrs soldiers and
Rajput warriors who controlled large and their horses signied his desire for a rea-
small parcels of the countryside through- sonable correlation between his income
out much of his empire. and obligations. Most jgrdrs except
The Mughal nobility came to com- the lowest-ranking ones collected the
prise mainly the Central Asians (Trns), taxes through their personal agents, who
Iranians (Irns), Afghans, Indian Muslims were assisted by the local moneylenders
of diverse subgroups, and Rajputs. Both and currency dealers in remitting collec-
historical circumstances and a planned tions by means of private bills of
imperial policy contributed to the integra- exchange rather than cash shipments.
tion of this complex and heterogeneous
ruling class into a single imperial service. Revenue System
The emperor saw to it that no single eth-
nic or religious group was large enough to A remarkable feature of the Mughal sys-
challenge his supreme authority. tem under Akbar was his revenue
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 173

administration, developed largely under by three ministers to look separately after

the supervision of his famed Hindu min- the crown lands, the salary drafts and
ister Todar Mal. Akbars efforts to develop jgrs, and the records of scal transac-
a revenue schedule both convenient to tions. At almost all levels, the revenue
the peasants and sufficiently protable and nancial administration was run by a
to the state took some two decades to cadre of technically procient officials
implement. In 1580 he obtained the previ- and clerks drawn mainly from Hindu ser-
ous 10 years local revenue statistics, vice castesKayasthas and Khatris.
detailing productivity and price uctua- More signicantly, in local and land
tions, and averaged the produce of revenue administration, Akbar secured
different crops and their prices. He also support from the dominant rural groups.
evolved a permanent schedule circle by With the exception of the villages held
grouping together the districts having directly by the peasants, where the com-
homogeneous agricultural conditions. munity paid the revenue, his officials dealt
For measuring land area, he abandoned with the leaders of the communities and
the use of hemp rope in favour of a more the superior landrights holders (zamind-
denitive method using lengths of bam- ars). The zamindar, as one of the most
boo joined with iron rings. The revenue, important intermediaries, collected the
xed according to the continuity of culti- revenue from the peasants and paid it to
vation and quality of soil, ranged from the treasury, keeping a portion to himself
one-third to one-half of production value against his services and zamindari claim
and was payable in copper coin (dms). over the land.
The peasants thus had to enter the mar-
ket and sell their produce in order to meet Coinage
the assessment. This system, called z abt,
was applied in northern India and in Akbar reformed Mughal currency to
Malwa and parts of Gujarat. The earlier make it one of the best known of its time.
practices (e.g., crop sharing), however, The new regime possessed a fully func-
also were in vogue in the empire. The tioning trimetallic (silver, copper, and
new system encouraged rapid economic gold) currency, with an open minting sys-
expansion. Moneylenders and grain deal- tem in which anyone willing to pay the
ers became increasingly active in the minting charges could bring metal or old
countryside. or foreign coin to the mint and have it
struck. All monetary exchanges, however,
Fiscal Administration were expressed in copper coins in Akbars
time. In the 17th century, following the sil-
All economic matters fell under the juris- ver inux from the New World, silver
diction of the vizier, assisted principally rupee with new fractional denominations
174 | The History of India

replaced the copper coin as a common The mahzar was proclaimed in the
medium of circulation. Akbars aim was wake of lengthy discussions that Akbar
to establish a uniform coinage through- had held with Muslim divines in his
out his empire; some coins of the old famous religious assembly Ibdat-
regime and regional kingdoms also Khneh, at Fatehpur Sikri. He soon
continued. became dissatised with what he consid-
ered the shallowness of Muslim learned
Evolution of a men and threw open the meetings to non-
Nonsectarian State Muslim religious experts, including
Hindu pandits, Jain and Christian mis-
Mughal society was predominantly non- sionaries, and Parsi priests. A comparative
Muslim. Akbar therefore had not simply study of religions convinced Akbar that
to maintain his status as a Muslim ruler there was truth in all of them but that no
but also to be liberal enough to elicit one of them possessed absolute truth. He
active support from non-Muslims. For therefore disestablished Islam as the reli-
that purpose, he had to deal rst with gion of the state and adopted a theory of
the Muslim theologians and lawyers rulership as a divine illumination incor-
(ulam) who, in the face of Brahmanic porating the acceptance of all, irrespective
resilience, were rightly concerned with of creed or sect. He repealed discrimina-
the communitys identity and resisted tory laws against non-Muslims and
any effort that could encourage a amended the personal laws of both
broader notion of political participation. Muslims and Hindus so as to provide as
Akbar began his drive by abolishing many common laws as possible. While
both the jizyah and the practice of forc- Muslim judicial courts were allowed as
ibly converting prisoners of war to Islam before, the decision of the Hindu village
and by encouraging Hindus as his prin- pancayats also was recognized. The
cipal condants and policy makers. To emperor created a new order commonly
legitimize his nonsectarian policies, he called the Dn-e Ilh (Divine Faith),
issued in 1579 a public edict (mahzar) which was modeled on the Muslim mysti-
declaring his right to be the supreme cal Su brotherhood. The new order had
arbiter in Muslim religious matters its own initiation ceremony and rules of
above the body of Muslim religious conduct to ensure complete devotion to
scholars and jurists. He had by then also the emperor; otherwise, members were
undertaken a number of stern measures permitted to retain their diverse religious
to reform the administration of religious beliefs and practices. It was devised with
grants, which were now available to the object of forging the diverse groups
learned and pious men of all religions, in the service of the state into one cohe-
not just Islam. sive political community.
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 175

Akbar in Historical what had already occurred. The network

Perspective based on Sher Shahs routes had extended
considerably by 1600. Agra came to be
By 1600 the Mughals in India had linked not only to Burhanpur but also to
achieved a fairly austere and efficient Cambay, Surat, and Ahmedabad. Lahore
state system, for which Akbars genius and Multan were now the gateway to
deserves much credit. However, the Kabul as well as to the ports of the mouth
Mughal system must be studied in of the Indus. The link with Sonargaon
the context of broad historical develop- became a far more secure control over the
ments of the 16th and 17th centuries. ports of Bengal. Many other changes initi-
Long before Akbars schemes, Sher Shah ated in the late 16th century were to be
of Srs short-lived reforms had included consolidated only later, in conjunction
demand for cash payment from the peas- with further political unication.
ants, surveys of agricultural lands and of
crops grown, and a reliable, standardized, THE EMPIRE IN THE 17TH
and high-quality coinage. The Sr ruler CENTURY
insisted on a uniform rate for the entire
empire, which was certainly a major aw The Mughal Empire in the 17th century
in contrast to Akbars consideration for continued its conquest and territorial
regional variations. It is striking, how- expansion, with a dramatic increase in
ever, that the chief zabt territories under the numbers, resources, and responsibili-
Akbar were largely made up of the prov- ties of the Mughal nobles and mansabdrs.
inces already controlled by Sher Shah. There were also attempts at tightening
Another major development of Sher imperial control over the local society
Shahs brief periodnamely, the building and economy. The critical relationship
of a network of roads to improve the con- between the imperial authority and the
nections already started by Bbur between zamindars was regularized and generally
Hindustan and the great trading routes institutionalized through thousands of
extending into central and western Asia sanads (patents) issued by the emperor
via Kabul and Kandahrforeshadowed in and his agents. These centralizing mea-
a measure the later imperial edice and sures imposed increasing demands upon
economy. By laying a road between both the Mughal officials and the local
Sonargaon (in Bengal) and Attock (near magnates and therefore generated ten-
present-day Rawalpindi, Pak.), the Sr sions expressed in various forms of
ruler had made a rst attempt at bringing resistance. The century witnessed the
the economy of Bengal into closer contact rule of the three greatest Mughal emper-
with that of northern India. The expansion ors: Jahngr (ruled 160527), Shah Jahn
under Akbar followed in logical sequence (162858), and Aurangzeb (16581707).
176 | The History of India

The reigns of Jahngr and Shah Jahn 1640s and 1650s. The emperor owned the
are noted for political stability, brisk eco- shipping eets, and the governors
nomic activity, excellence in painting, advanced funds to merchants from state
and magnicent architecture. The empire treasuries and the mints.
under Aurangzeb attained its greatest The shift in the attitude toward trade
geographic reach; however, the period in the course of the 17th century owed a
also saw the unmistakable symptoms of good deal to the growing Iranian inu-
Mughal decline. ence in the Mughal court. The Iranians
Political unication and the estab- had a long tradition of combining
lishment of law and order over extensive
areas, together with extensive foreign
trade and the ostentatious lifestyles of
the Mughal elites, encouraged the emer-
gence of large centres of commerce
and crafts. Lahore, Delhi, Agra, and
Ahmedabad, linked by roads and water-
ways to other important towns and the
key seaports, were among the leading cit-
ies of the world at the time. The Mughal
system of taxation had expanded both
the degree of monetization and commod-
ity production, which in turn promoted a
network of grain markets (mands),
bazaars, and small fortied towns
(qasbahs), supplied by a highly differenti-
ated peasantry in the countryside.
Increasing use of money was illus-
trated, in the rst place, by the growing
use of bills of exchange (hunds) to trans-
fer revenue to the centre from the
provinces and the consequent meshing
of the scal system with the nancial net-
work of the money changers (sarrfs;
commonly rendered shroff in English)
and, second, by the increasing interest of
and even direct participation by the The feast of No ru
z at Jaha
ngrs court,
Mughal nobles and the emperor in trade. painting in the Mughal miniature style,
Thatta, Lahore, Hugli, and Surat were early 17th century. P. Chandra
great centres for such activity in the
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 177

political power and trade. Shah Abbs I justied its capture on the plea that it
had espoused greater state control of belonged to Iran. Jahngr accused the
commerce. Because the contemporary shah of treachery and sent forces to
Muslim empiresincluding the Mughals, recover the fortress. This effort failed,
the Safavids, and the Ottomanswere owing to Shah Jahns rebellion and the
conscious of one another as competitors, illness and death of Jahngr himself.
mutual borrowings and emulations were The loss of Kandahr was a grievous blow
more frequent than the chroniclers would to the prestige of the empire. Jahngr,
indicate. however, commanded full control over
Kabul, having reinforced it now by induct-
Jahangir ing the Afghans under Khan Jahn Lod
into the Mughal nobility. Khan Jahn had
Within a few months of his accession, close connections with the tribesmen in
Jahngr had to deal with a rebellion led the northwestern frontiers.
by his eldest son, Khusraw, who was
reportedly supported by, among others, Submission of Mewar
the Sikh Guru Arjun. Khusraw was
defeated at Lahore and was brought in Jahngrs most signicant political
chains before the emperor. The subse- achievement was the cessation of the
quent execution of the Sikh Guru Mughal-Mewar conict, following three
permanently estranged the Sikhs from consecutive campaigns and his own
the Mughals. arrival in Ajmer in 1613. Prince Khurram
Khusraws rebellion led to a few more was given the supreme command of the
risings, which were suppressed without army (1613), and Jahngr marched to be
much difficulty. Shah Abbs I of Iran, tak- near the scene of action. The Rana Amar
ing advantage of the unrest, besieged the Singh then initiated negotiations (1615).
fort of Kandahr (1606) but abandoned He recognized Jahngr as his suzerain,
the attack when Jahngr promptly sent and all his territory in Mughal possession
an army against him. was restored, including Chitoralthough
it could not be fortied. Amar Singh was
Loss of Kandahar not obliged to attend the imperial court,
but his son was to represent him; nor was
In 1622 Shah Abbs again attacked he required to enter into a matrimonial
Kandahr, and Prince Khurram (later alliance with the Mughal royal family.
Shah Jahn) was directed to relieve that Further, the Rajput rulers of Kangra,
fortress. However, the prince was plan- Kishtwar (in Kashmir), Navanagar, and
ning a rebellion against his father and Kutch (Kachchh; in western India)
failed to take effective action. The for- accepted the Mughal supremacy. Bir
tress fell after a 45-day siege. Shah Abbs Singh Bundela was given a high rank, and
178 | The History of India

a Bundela princess entered the Mughal relatives and associates. The queens
harem. Also signicant was the subjuga- alleged efforts to secure the prince of her
tion of the last Afghan domains in eastern choice as successor to the ailing emperor
Bengal (1612) and Orissa (1617). resulted in the rebellion of Prince
Khurram in 1622 and later of Mahbat
Developments in the Deccan Khan, the queens principal ally, who had
been deputed to subdue the prince.
Toward the last years of Akbars reign,
the Nizm Shhs of Ahmadnagar in the Rebellion of Khurram
Deccan had engaged the attention of the (Shah Jahan)
emperor considerably. The main objec-
tive of his intervention in Ahmadnagar After failing to take Fatehpur Sikri in
was to gain Berar, which had been April 1623, Khurram retreated to the
recently acquired by Ahmadnagar from Deccan, then to Bengal, and from Bengal
Khandesh, and Balaghat, which had back again to the Deccan, pursued all the
been a bone of contention between while by an imperial force under Mahbat
Ahmadnagar and Gujarat. By 1596 Berar Khan. His plan to seize Bihar, Ayodhya,
was conquered and Ahmadnagar had Allahabad, and even Agra failed. At last
accepted Mughal suzerainty. However, Khurram submitted to his father uncon-
the issue of a clearly dened frontier ditionally (1626). He was forgiven and
could not be resolved, and Mughal appointed governor of Balaghat, but the
attacks continued. Under Jahngr the three-year-old rebellion had caused a
rise of Malik Ambr, a Habshi considerable loss of men and money.
(Abyssinian) general of unusual ability,
at the Ahmadnagar court and his alliance
with the dil Shhs of Bijapur cemented
a united front of the Deccan sultanates
and initially forced the Mughals to retreat.
At this time the Marathas also had
emerged as a force in the Deccan.
Jahngr appreciated their importance
and encouraged many Marathas to defect
to his side (1615). Later, two successive
Mughal victories against the combined
Deccani armies (1618 and 1620) restrained
the Habshi general. However, the Deccan Maha bat Khan Mosque, Peshawar, Pak.
expedition remained unnished as a Frederic OhringerNancy Palmer
result of the rise to power of the emper- Agency/EB Inc.
ors favourite queen, Nr Jahn, and her
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 179

Mahabat Khans Coup and the queen under surveillance, but he

was nally overcome. The ordeal greatly
Immediately upon the conclusion of impaired the emperors health, and he
peace with Khurram, the imperious died in November 1627.
queen decided to punish Mahbat Khan
for his refusal to take orders from anyone Shah Jahan
but Jahngr. She ordered Mahbat Khan
to Bengal and framed charges of disloy- On his accession, Khurram assumed the
alty and disobedience against him. title Shah Jahn (ruled 162858).
Instead of complying, he proceeded to Shahryr, his younger and only surviving
the Punjab, where the emperor was brother, had contested the throne but
encamped. Jahngr refused to see him. was soon blinded and imprisoned. Under
Mahbat Khan placed both the emperor Shah Jahns instructions, his father-in-
law, saf Khan, slew all other royal
princes, the potential rivals for the
throne. saf Khan was appointed prime
minister, and Nr Jahn was given an
adequate pension.

The Deccan Problem

Shah Jahns reign was marred by a few

rebellions, the rst of which was that of
Khan Jahn Lod, governor of the
Deccan. Khan Jahn was recalled to court
after failing to recover Balaghat from
Ahmadnagar. However, he rose in rebel-
lion and ed back to the Deccan. Shah
Jahn followed, and in December 1629 he
defeated Khan Jahn and drove him to
the north, ultimately overtaking and kill-
ing him in a skirmish at Shihonda
(January 1631).
The next rebellion was led by Jujhar
Detail from The Emperor Shah Jahan, oil Singh, a Hindu chief of Orchha, in
painting by Bichitr, 1631. Courtesy of the Bundelkhand, who commanded the cru-
Victoria and Albert Museum, London; cial passage to the Deccan. Jujhar was
photographs, EB Inc. compelled to submit after his kinsman
Bharat Singh defected and joined the
180 | The History of India

Mughals. His refusal to comply with sub- began to change gradually after 1648, cul-
sequent conditions led, after a protracted minating in the invasion of Golconda
conict, to his defeat and murder (1634). and Bijapur in 1656 and 1657. A factor in
Unrest in the region persisted. this change was the inability of the
The chronic volatility of the Deccan Mughals to manage the nancial affairs
prompted Shah Jahn to seek a compre- of the Deccan. Subsequently, Bijapur was
hensive solution. His rst step was to compelled to surrender the Ahmadnagar
offer a military alliance to Bijapur, with areas it had received in 1636, and
the objective of partitioning troublesome Golconda was to cede to the Mughals the
Ahmadnagar. The result was both the rich and fertile tract on the Coromandel
total annihilation of the province and Coast as part of the jgr of Mr Jumla,
the accord of 1636, by which Bijapur was the famous Golconda vizier who had now
granted one-third of its southern territo- joined the Mughal service. To a great
ries. The accord reconciled the Deccan extent Shah Jahns new policy in the
states to a pervasive Mughal presence in Deccan also was propelled by commer-
the Deccan. Bijapur agreed not to inter- cial considerations. The entire area had
fere with Golconda, which became a tacit acquired an added value because of the
ally of the Mughals. The treaty limited growing importance of the Coromandel
further Mughal advance in the Deccan Coast as the centre for the export of tex-
and gave Bijapur and Golconda respite to tiles and indigo.
conquer the warring Hindu principalities
in the south. Within a span of a dozen Central Asian Policy
years, Bijapuri and Golcondan armies
overran and annexed a vast and prosper- Following in the footsteps of his prede-
ous tract beyond the Krishna River up to cessors, Shah Jahn hoped to conquer
Thanjavur and including Karnataka. The Samarkand, the original homeland of his
Mughals, on the other hand, maneuvered ancestors. The brother of Emm Qul,
to regain Kandahr (1638) and consoli- ruler of Samarkand, invaded Kabul and in
dated and extended their eastern position 1639 captured Bamiyan, which gave
on the Assamese border (1639) and also offense to Shah Jahn. The emperor was
in Bengal, where Shah Jahn had become on the lookout for an opportunity to move
involved in a dispute over Portuguese his army to the northwest borders. In
piracy and abduction of Mughal slaves. 1646 he responded to the Uzbek rulers
In 1648 he moved his capital from Agra to appeal for aid in settling an internal dis-
Delhi in an effort to consolidate his con- pute by sending a huge army. The
trol over the northwestern provinces of campaign cost the Mughals heavily. They
the empire. suffered serious initial setbacks in Balkh,
The Mughal attitude of benevolent and, before they could recover fully, an
neutrality toward the Deccan states alliance between the Uzbeks and the shah
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 181

Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum complex on the southern bank of the Yamuna River, outside
Agra, India. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahn in memory of his wife, Mumtz
Mahal, who died in 1631. The Taj complex, begun c. 1632, took 22 years to complete.
At its centre lies a square garden area bounded by two smaller, oblong sections, one com-
prising the mausoleum and the other an entrance gateway. The mausoleum, of pure-white
marble inlaid with semiprecious stones, is anked by two red sandstone buildings, a mosque on
one side and an identical
building for aesthetic bal-
ance on the other. It stands
on a high marble plinth with
a minaret at each corner. It
has four identical facades,
each with a massive central
arch 108 feet (33 metres)
high, and is surmounted by a
bulbous double dome and
four domed kiosks.
Its interior, with ne,
restrained stone decoration,
centres on an octagonal
chamber containing the mar-
ble tombs, enclosed by a
perforated marble screen,
with sarcophagi below.
Regarded as one of the
worlds most beautiful build-
ings, it was designated a
UNESCO World Heritage
site in 1983. Steps have been
taken since the late 1990s to
reduce air pollution that has
damaged the facade of the

The Taj Mahal in Agra, India, one of the worlds great archi-
tectural masterpieces. Brand X Pictures/Jupiterimages
182 | The History of India

of Iran complicated the situation. but also manifested signs of weakness.

Kandahr was again taken by Iran, even For more than a decade, Aurangzeb
though the Mughals reinforced their hold appeared to be in full control. The
over the other frontier towns. Mughals suffered a bit in Assam and
Cooch Behar, but they gainfully invaded
War of Succession Arakanese lands in coastal Myanmar
(Burma), captured Chittagong, and added
The events at the end of Shah Jahns territories in Bikaner, Bundelkhand,
reign did not augur well for the future of Palamau, Assam, and elsewhere. There
the empire. The emperor fell ill in was the usual display of wealth and gran-
September 1657, and rumours of his death deur at court.
spread. He executed a will bequeathing
the empire to his eldest son, Dr. His Local and Peasant Uprisings
other sons, Shuj, Aurangzeb, and Murd,
who were grown men and governors of Soon, however, regional disturbances
provinces, decided to contest the throne. again rocked the empire. The Jat peas-
From the war of succession in 165759 antry of Mathura rebelled in 1669; the
Aurangzeb emerged the sole victor. He tribal Pathans plundered the northwest-
then imprisoned his father in the Agra ern border districts and caravan routes,
fort and declared himself emperor. declaring war on Aurangzeb in 1667 and
Shah Jahn died a prisoner on Feb. 1, again in 1672; a rising occurred among
1666, at the age of 74. He was, on the the Satnami sect in Narnaul in 1672;
whole, a tolerant and enlightened ruler, and the Sikhs in the Punjab revolted
patronizing scholars and poets of Sanskrit under their Guru Tegh Bahadur, who was
and Hindi as well as Persian. He system- brutally put to death in 1675. The most
atized the administration, but he raised prolonged uprising, however, was the
the governments share of the gross pro- Rajput rebellion, sparked by Aurangzebs
duce of the soil. Fond of pomp and annexation of the Jodhpur state and his
magnicence, he commissioned the cast- seizure of its rulers posthumous son Ajit
ing of the famous Peacock Throne and Singh with the alleged intention of con-
erected many elegant buildings, includ- verting him to Islam. This rebellion
ing the dazzling Taj Mahal outside Agra, spread to Mewar, and Aurangzeb himself
a tomb for his queen, Mumtz Mahal; his had to proceed to Ajmer to ght the
remains also are interred there. Rajputs, who had been joined by
the emperors third son, Akbar (January
Aurangzeb 1681). By a stratagem, Aurangzeb man-
aged to isolate Akbar, who ed to the
The empire under Aurangzeb (ruled Deccan and thence to Persia. The war
16581707) experienced further growth with Mewar came to an end (June 1681)
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 183

because Aurangzeb had to pursue Akbar non-Muslim subjects by trying to enforce

to the Deccan, where the prince had the principles and practices of the Islamic
joined the Maratha king Sambhaji. state. He reimposed the jizyah on non-
Jodhpur remained in a state of rebellion Muslims and saddled them with religious,
for 27 years more, and Ajit Singh occu- social, and legal disabilities. To begin
pied his ancestral dominion immediately with, he forbade their building new tem-
after Aurangzebs death. ples and repairing old ones. Next, he
Aurangzeb spent the last 25 years of issued orders to demolish all the schools
his reign in the Deccan. Upon his arrival and temples of the Hindus and to put
in the region in 1681, he attempted to cut down their teaching and religious prac-
off the Hindu Marathas from Muslim tices. He doubled the customs duties on
Bijapur and Golconda, which were, as a the Hindus and abolished them alto-
result of earlier Mughal offensives, simi- gether in the case of Muslims. He granted
larly predisposed against Aurangzeb. stipends and gifts to converts from
Failing in this effort, the emperor invaded Hinduism and offered them posts in pub-
and annexed Bijapur (1686) and Golconda lic service, liberation from prison in the
(1687) with the objective of conquering case of convicted criminals, and succes-
the Marathas outright, which he achieved, sion of disputed estates. He also
in his own estimation, by capturing and persecuted some Shites and Sus, who
executing Sambhaji. Maratha resistance veered from his strict interpretation of
proved so stubborn, however, that even Muslim orthodoxy.
after nearly two decades of struggle All these efforts failed miserably at
Aurangzeb failed to completely subdue shoring up the sprawling Mughal politi-
them (see below). The aged emperor died cal structure. Many of Aurangzebs orders
on March 3, 1707. were not implemented, largely because
his nobles did not support them. His big-
Assessment of Aurangzeb otry strengthened the hand of those
sectors that opposed him for political or
Aurangzeb possessed natural gifts of a other reasons. Of further detriment was
high order. He had assiduously cultivated his prolonged absence from the heart-
learning, self-knowledge, self-esteem, land of the empire. While he captured the
and self-control. He was extremely indus- forts of the Marathas, facing his own
trious, methodical, and disciplined in nobles connivance at their escape, many
habits and thoughts, and his private life of his jgrdrs in the north were unable
was virtuous. However, his religious big- to collect their dues from the villages. In
otry made him ill-suited to rule the mixed the regions that experienced economic
population of his empire. growth in the 17th century, the local
Aurangzeb deliberately reversed the power-mongers and their followers in the
policy of his predecessors toward community felt increasingly condent to
184 | The History of India

stand on their own. The abundant com- Chatrasal, the Bundela chief, and
missioning of mansabdrs with which Curaman, the Hindu Jat chief; the latter
the leadership addressed this situation also joined him in the campaign against
far outstripped the empires growth in the Sikhs.
area or revenues. The Mughal centre thus
began to collapse under its own weight. The Sikh Uprisings
In 1707, when Aurangzeb died, serious
threats from the peripheries had begun Bahdur Shah attempted to make peace
to accentuate the problems at the core of with the Sikh Guru, Gobind Singh. But
the empire. when, after the death of the Guru, the
Sikhs once again raised the banner of
MUGHAL DECLINE IN THE revolt in the Punjab under the leadership
18TH CENTURY of Banda Singh Bahdur, the emperor
decided to take strong measures and
The new emperor, Bahdur Shah I (or himself led a campaign against the reb-
Shah lam; ruled 170712), followed a els. Practically the entire territory
policy of compromise, pardoning all between the Sutlej and the Jamuna riv-
nobles who had supported his dead rivals ers, reaching the immediate vicinity of
and granting them appropriate postings. Delhi, was soon under Sikh control.
He never abolished jizyah, but the effort Newly prosperous Jat zamindars and
to collect the tax became ineffectual. peasants, anxious for recognition,
There was no destruction of temples in responded to Bandas egalitarian appeal.
Bahdur Shahs reign. In the beginning They, along with numerous other low-
he tried to gain greater control over the caste poor cultivators, traveled to Bandas
Rajput states of the rajas of Amber (later camp, converted to Sikhism, and took the
Jaipur) and Jodhpur, but, when his name Singh as members of the faith.
attempt met with rm resistance, he real- Banda also had support among the
ized the necessity of a settlement. Khatris, the caste of the Sikh Gurus. The
Because Rajput demands for high Sikh movement was an open challenge to
mansabs and important governorships Mughal royalty. Banda adopted the title
were never conceded, however, the settle- of Sacha Badshah (True King), started a
ment did not restore them to fully new calendar, and issued coins bearing
committed warriors for the Mughal cause. the names of Guru Nanak, the founder
The emperors policy toward the of the Sikh religion, and Guru Gobind.
Marathas was also that of halfhearted The Himalayan Rajput chiefs, secretly in
conciliation. They continued to ght sympathy with any resistance against the
among themselves as well as against the Mughals, also supplied Banda with infor-
Mughals in the Deccan. Bahdur Shah mation, material, and refuge when
was, however, successful in conciliating needed. However, the plains Rajputs, the
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 185

Muslim elite, and the wealthy townsfolk, adviser. His principal opponent was
including some Khatri traders, opposed Zulqr Khan (Dh al-Fiqr Khan), a
Banda. The imperial forces under powerful Iranian noble, who was the chief
Bahdur Shah captured some important bakhsh of the empire and the viceroy of
Sikh strongholds but could not crush the the Deccan. Zulqr negotiated an
movement; they only swept the Sikhs unusual agreement allying the three
from the plains back into the Himalayan other princes against Azm al-Shn and
foothills. In 1715, during Farrukh-Siyars setting forth a partitioned, jointly ruled
reign, however, Banda, together with hun- empire with Zulqr as imperial vizier.
dreds of his followers, was captured by He later shifted his support to Jahndr
the governor of the Punjab. They were all Shah, the most pliable of the three broth-
executed in Delhi. Thus ended the threat ers, but his proposal, in a measure,
of the emergence of an autonomous non- demonstrated the increasing potency of
Mughal state in the Punjab in the early regional aspirations.
18th century. Jahndr Shah (ruled 171213) was a
When Bahdur Shah died (February weak and degenerate prince, and Zulqr
1712), the position of state nances had Khan assumed the executive direction of
deteriorated further as a result of his reck- the empire with power unprecedented for
less grants of jgrs and promotions. a vizier. Zulqr believed that it was nec-
During his reign the remnants of the royal essary to establish friendly relations with
treasure were exhausted. Failure to assign the Rajputs and the Marathas and to con-
productive jgrs strained the loyalties of ciliate the Hindu chieftains in general in
the members of the nobility and of the order to save the empire. He reversed the
mansabdrs and reduced the efficiency of policies of Aurangzeb. The hated jizyah
the state machinery. was abolished. Only toward the Sikhs did
he continue the old policy of suppres-
Cracks in the Core sion. His goal was to reconcile all those
who were willing to share power within
A new element entered Mughal politics the Mughal institutional framework.
in the ensuing wars of succession. While Zulqr Khan made several attempts
previously such contests had occurred at reforming the economic system, but, in
among royal princesthe nobles merely the brief course of his ascendancy, he
aiding one rival or anotherambitious could do little to redress imperial scal
nobles now became direct aspirants to decay. When Farrukh-Siyar, son of the
the throne. The leading contender to suc- slain prince Azm al-Shn, challenged
ceed Bahdur Shah was his second son, Jahndr Shah and Zulqr Khan with a
Azm al-Shn, who had accumulated a large army and funds from Bihar and
vast treasure as governor of Bengal and Bengal, the rulers found their coffers
Bihar and had been his fathers chief depleted. In desperation they looted their
186 | The History of India

own palaces, even ripping gold and silver Singh of Jodhpur and a Maratha force to
from the walls and ceilings, in order to Delhi to depose the emperor.
nance an adequate army. The murder of Farrukh-Siyar created a
wave of revulsion against the Sayyids
Struggle for a New among the various factions of nobility,
Power Centre who also were jealous of their growing
power. Many of these, in particular the old
Farrukh-Siyar (ruled 171319) owed his nobles of Aurangzebs time, resented the
victory and accession to the Sayyid broth- viziers encouragement of revenue farm-
ers, Abd Allh Khan and H usayn Al ing (selling the right to collect taxes),
Khan Braha. The Sayyids thus earned which in their view was mere shopkeeping
the offices of vizier and chief bakhsh and and violated the age-old Mughal notion of
acquired control over the affairs of state. statecraft. In Farrukh-Siyars place the
They promoted the policies initiated ear- brothers raised to the throne three young
lier by Zulqr Khan. In addition to the princes in quick succession within eight
jizyah, other similar taxes were abolished. months in 1719. Two of these, Raf
The brothers nally suppressed the Sikh al-Darajt and Raf al-Dawlah (Shah Jahn
revolt and tried to conciliate the Rajputs, II), died of consumption. The third, who
the Marathas, and the Jats. However, this assumed the title Muhammad Shah, exhib-
policy was hampered by divisiveness ited sufficient vigour to set about freeing
between the vizier and the emperor, as the himself from the brothers control.
groups tended to ally themselves with A powerful group under the leader-
one or the other. The Jats had once again ship of Chn Qilich Khan, who held the
started plundering the royal highway title Nizm al-Mulk, and his fathers cousin
between Agra and Delhi; however, while Muhammad Amn Khan, the two eminent
Farrukh-Siyar deputed Raja Jai Singh to Trns, emerged nally to dislodge the
lead a punitive campaign against them, Sayyid brothers (1720). However, this did
the vizier negotiated a settlement over the not signal the restoration of imperial
rajas head. As a result, throughout north- authority.
ern India zamindars either revolted
violently or simply refused to pay The Emperor, the Nobility,
assessed revenues. On the other hand, and the Provinces
Farrukh-Siyar compounded difficulties in
the Deccan by sending letters to some By the time Muhammad Shah (ruled
Maratha chiefs urging them to oppose 171948) came to power, the nature of the
the forces of the Deccan governor, who relationship between the emperor and
happened to be the deputy and an associ- the nobility had almost completely
ate of Sayyid Husayn Al Khan. Finally, changed. Individual interests of the
in 1719, the Sayyid brothers brought Ajit nobles had come to guide the course of
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 187

Tomb of the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah, in Delhi. Frederick M. Asher

politics and state activities. In 1720 imperial powermost pointedly the per-
Muhammad Amn Khan replaced Sayyid son of the dynastic emperorhad to be
Abd Allh Khan as vizier; after Amn preserved with a rather exaggerated
Khans death (January 1720), the office emphasis. The nobles in control of the
was occupied by the Nizm al-Mulk for a central offices maintained an all-empire
brief period until Amn Khans son outlook, even if they were more con-
Qamar al-Dn Khan assumed the title in cerned with the stability of the regions
July 1724 by a claim of hereditary right. where they had their jgrs. Farmns
The nobles themselves virtually dictated (mandates granting certain rights or
these appointments. However, because special privileges) to governors,
no faction of the nobility, nor for that fowjdrs, and other local officials were
matter the nobility as a whole, was capa- sent, in conformity with tradition, in the
ble of ruling on its own, the symbols of name of the emperor.
188 | The History of India

Individual failings of Aurangzebs suc- internal conditions and geographic dis-

cessors also precipitated the decline of tance from Delhi, as well as the ambition
royal authority. Jahndr Shah lacked dig- and capability of their governorsrefor-
nity and decency; Farrukh-Siyar was mulated their links with the court. The
ckle-minded; Muhammad Shah was friv- Mughal courts chief concern at this stage
olous and overly fond of ease and luxury. was to ensure the ow of the necessary
The rise to power of the latters favourite revenue from the provinces and the main-
consort, Kok Jio, and her relations and tenance of at least the semblance of
associates showed that a position at the imperial unity. Seizing upon the disinte-
Mughal court no longer depended on gration of the empire, the Marathas now
administrative ability, office, or military began their northward expansion and
achievements. Opinions of the emperors overran Malwa, Gujarat, and Bundelkhand.
favourites weighed in the appointments, Then, in 173839, Ndir Shah, who had
promotions, and dismissals even in the established himself as the ruler of Iran,
provinces. invaded India.
The steadily increasing vulnerability
of the centre in the face of agrarian unrest, Nadir Shahs Invasion
combined with the aforementioned irregu-
larities, set in motion a new type of The obvious weakness of the Mughal
provincial government. Nobles with abil- Empire invited Ndir Shahs descent
ity and strength sought to build a regional upon the plains of northern India for
base for themselves. The vizier himself, plunder and spoil. For years the defenses
Chn Qilich Khan, showed the path. of the northwest had been neglected.
Having failed to reform the administra- Ndir captured Ghazn and Kabul,
tion, he relinquished his office in 1723 and crossed the Indus at Attock (December
in October 1724 marched south to found 1738), and occupied Lahore virtually
the state of Hyderabad in the Deccan. unopposed. Hurried preparations were
In the east, Murshid Qul Khan had long then made to defend Delhi, but the fac-
held Bengal and Orissa, which his family tion-ridden nobles could not agree on a
retained after his death in 1726. In the strategy. Ndir defeated the Mughals at
heartland of the empire, the governors of the Battle of Karnal (February 1739), took
Ayodhya and the Punjab became practi- Emperor Muhammad Shah prisoner, and
cally independent. The court needed marched to Delhi. As a reprisal against
money from the governors in order to the killing of some of his soldiers, Ndir
maintain both its functional structure and ordered the massacre of some 30,000
the necessary pomp and majesty. As the Delhi citizens. The invader left Delhi in
court was not in a position to militarily May laden with booty. His plunder
enforce its regulations in the empire, dif- included the famous Koh-i-noor diamond
ferent provincesin proportion to their and the jewel-studded Peacock Throne of
The Mughal Empire, 15261761 | 189

Shah Jahn. He compelled Muhammad (November 1759); he was soon replaced

Shah to cede to him the province of Kabul. by lamgr IIs son Shah lam II. In one
The Iranian invasion paralyzed way or another, the Marathas played a
Muhammad Shah and his court. Maratha role in all these accessions. Maratha
raids on Malwa, Gujarat, Bundelkhand, power had by then reached its zenith in
and the territory north of these provinces northern India. Maratha efforts to domi-
continued as before. The emperor was nate the Mughal court were, however,
compelled to appoint the Maratha chief stubbornly contested by the Afghans,
minister (peshwa), Balaji Baji Rao, as gov- newly risen in power under the leader-
ernor of Malwa. The province of Katehar ship of Najb al-Dawlah. The Afghans
(Rohilkhand) was seized by an adventurer, also had the advantage of support from
Al Muhammad Khan Ruhela, who could Ahmad Shah Durrn. The period thus
not be suppressed by the feeble govern- saw a erce struggle between the
ment of Delhi. The loss of Kabul opened Marathas and the Afghans for control
the empire to the threat of invasions over Delhi and northern India. The
from the northwest; a vital line of defense Afghans enjoyed the blessings of
had disappeared. The Punjab was again the Sunni Muslim theologians, who saw
invaded, this time by Ahmad Shah Durrn in the rise of the Marathas the eclipse of
(Abdl), an Afghan lieutenant of Ndir the power of Islam. The Marathas, how-
Shahs forces, who became king of Kabul ever, were never able to mobilize the
after Ndirs death (June 1747); Ahmad Hindu chiefs of northern India to side
Shah sacked Lahore, and, even though a with them collectively. The Jats and the
Delhi army compelled him to retreat, his Rajputs, who had emerged as effective
repeated invasions eventually devastated rulers of a sizable part of northern India,
the empire. preferred to stay neutral. To the people of
northern India, including the Hindus, the
The Afghan-Maratha Marathas were alien plunderers from
Struggle for Northern India the south, comparable to the Pathans
(Pashtuns) from the northwest.
Muhammad Shah died in April 1748, and Meanwhile, Ahmad Shah Durrn
within the next 11 years four princes had invaded and plundered repeatedly
ascended the Mughal throne. Muhammad the northern plains down to Delhi and
Shahs son, Ahmad Shah (ruled 174854), Mathura. The peshwa then dispatched a
was deposed by his vizier, Imd al-Mulk. strong army under his cousin Sadashiva
lamgr II (ruled 175459), the next Rao to drive away the invader and estab-
emperor, was assassinated, also by the lish the Maratha supremacy in northern
vizier, who now proclaimed Prince Muh India on a rm footing. The nal battle, in
al-Millat, a grandson of Km Bakhsh, as which the forces of Ahmad Shah Durrn
emperor under the title of Shah Jahn III routed the Marathas, was fought near
190 | The History of India

Panipat on Jan. 14, 1761. This defeat shat- In due course, the enrichment of the
tered the Maratha dream of controlling regions emboldened local land- and
the Mughal court and thereby dominat- power-holders to take up arms against
ing the whole of the empire. Durrn did external authority. However, parochial
not, however, found a new kingdom in goals prevented these rebels from con-
India. The Afghans could not even retain solidating their interests into an effective
the Punjab, where a regional confedera- challenge to the empire. They relied on
tion was emerging again under the Sikhs. support from kinsfolk, peasants, and
With Shah lam II away in Bihar, the smaller zamindars of their own castes.
throne in Delhi remained vacant from Each local group strove to maximize its
1759 to 1771. During most of this period, share of the prosperity at the expense of
Najb al-Dawlah was in charge of the the others. In conditions of conict
dwindling empire, which was now effec- and the absence of coordination among
tively a regional kingdom of Delhi. the local elements, the Mughal nobles
assumed the role of mediating between
Political and Economic Delhi and the localities; as the imperial
Decentralization During the group weakened further, the nobles found
Mughal Decline themselves virtually independent, if col-
lectively so, controlling the centre from
With the decline of Mughal central without.
authority, the period between 1707 and The necessity of emphasizing impe-
1761 witnessed a resurgence of regional rial symbols was inherent in the kind of
identity that promoted both political and power politics that emerged. As each
economic decentralization. At the same of the contenders in the regions, in pro-
time, intraregional as well as interre- portion to his strength, looked for and
gional trade in local raw materials, seized opportunities to establish his
artifacts, and grains created strong ties dominance over the others in the neigh-
of economic interdependence, irrespec- bourhood, each also apprehended and
tive of political and military relations. resisted any such attempt by the others.
Bengal, Bihar, and Avadh (Ayodhya) in They all needed for their spoliations a
northern India were among the regions kind of legitimacy, which was so conve-
where these developments were most niently available in the long-accepted
pronounced. These provinces saw a rise authority of the Mughal emperor. They
in revenue gures and also the emer- had no fear in collectively accepting the
gence and increasing affluence of a symbolic hegemony of the Mughal cen-
number of towns served by long-distance tre, which had come to coexist with their
trade routes. ambitions.
Regional States,
c. 17001850

T he states that arose in India during the phase of Mughal

decline and the following century (roughly 1700 to
1850) varied greatly in terms of resources, longevity, and
essential character. Some of themsuch as Avadh
(Ayodhya) in the north and Hyderabad in the southwere
located in areas that had harboured regional states in the
immediate pre-Mughal period and thus could hark back to
an older local or regional tradition of state formation.
Others were states that had a more original character and
derived from very specic processes that had taken place in
the course of the late 16th and 17th centuries. In particular,
many of the post-Mughal states were based on ethnic or
sectarian groupingsthe Marathas, the Jats, and the Sikhs,
for instancewhich had no real precedent in medieval
Indian history.


There is no doubt that the single most important power to

emerge in the long twilight of the Mughal dynasty was the
Maratha confederacy. Initially deriving from the western
Deccan, the Marathas were a peasant warrior group that rose
to prominence during the rule in that region of the sultans of
Bijapur and Ahmadnagar.
192 | The History of India

Early History Khandesh and Berar in the north. This

was a portent of things to come, for the
The most important Maratha warrior mobility of the Marathas was to become
clan, the Bhonsles, had held extensive legendary in the 18th century.
jgrs (land-tax entitlements) under the
dil Shh rulers, and these were consoli- Rise of the PESHWAS
dated in the course of the 1630s and
1640s, as Bijapur expanded to the south The good fortune of Shivaji did not fall to
and southwest. Shahji Bhonsle, the rst his son and successor, Sambhaji, who was
prominent member of the clan, drew sub- captured and executed by the Mughals in
stantial revenues from the Karnataka the late 1680s. His younger brother,
region, in territories that had once been Rajaram, who succeeded him, faced with
controlled by the rulers of Mysore and a Mughal army that was now on the
other chiefs who derived from the col- ascendant, moved his base into the Tamil
lapsing Vijayanagar kingdom. One of his country, where Shivaji too had earlier
children, Shivaji Bhonsle, emerged as the kept an interest. He remained in the great
most powerful gure in the clan to fortress of Jinji (earlier the seat of a
the west, while Vyamkoji, half-brother of Nayaka dynasty subordinate to
Shivaji, was able to gain control over Vijayanagar) for eight years in the 1690s,
the Kaveri (Cauvery) River delta and the under siege by a Mughal force, and for a
kingdom of Thanjavur in the 1670s. time it may have appeared that Maratha
Shivajis early successes were built on power was on the decline. But a recovery
a complex relationship of mixed negotia- was effected in the early 18th century, in
tion and conict with the dil Shhs on somewhat changed circumstances. A
the one hand and the Mughals on the particularly important phase in this
other. His raids brought him consider- respect is the reign of Shahu, who suc-
able returns and were directed not merely ceeded Rajaram in 1708 with some
at agrarian resources but also at trade. In acrimony from his widow, Tara Bai.
1664 he mounted a celebrated raid on the Lasting some four decades, to 1749,
Gujarat port city of Surat, at that time Shahus reign was marked by the ascen-
the most important of the ports under dancy of a lineage of Citpavan Brahman
Mughal control. The next year he signed ministers, who virtually came to control
a treaty with the Mughals, but this soon central authority in the Maratha state,
broke down after a disastrous visit by the with the Bhonsles reduced to gureheads.
Maratha leader to Aurangzebs court in Holding the title of peshwa (chief minis-
Agra. Between 1670 and the end of his life ter), the rst truly prominent gure of
(1680), Shivaji devoted his time to a wide- this line is Balaji Vishvanath, who had
ranging set of expeditions, extending aided Shahu in his rise to power.
from Thanjavur in the southeast to Vishvanath and his successor, Baji Rao I
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 193

(peshwa between 1720 and 1740), man- not only to the new English settlement of
aged to bureaucratize the Maratha state Bombay (Mumbai) but to the Portuguese
to a far greater extent than had been at Goa, Bassein, and Daman.
the case under the early Bhonsles. On the On the other hand, there also emerged
one hand, they systematized the practice a far larger domain of activity away from
of tribute gathering from Mughal territo- the original heartland of the Marathas,
ries, under the heads of sardeshmukhi which was either subjected to raiding or
and cauth (the two terms corresponding given over to subordinate chiefs. Of these
to the proportion of revenue collected). chiefs, the most important were the
But, equally, they seem to have consoli- Gaekwads (Gaikwars), the Sindhias, and
dated methods of assessment and the Holkars. Also, there were branches of
collection of land revenue and other the Bhonsle family itself that relocated to
taxes, which were derived from the Kolhapur and Nagpur, while the main
Mughals. Much of the revenue terminol- line remained in the Deccan heartland, at
ogy used in the documents of the peshwa Satara. The Kolhapur line derived from
and his subordinates derives from Rajaram and his wife, Tara Bai, who had
Persian (the language of Mughal admin- refused in 1708 to accept Shahus rule and
istration), which suggests a far greater who negotiated with some Mughal court
continuity between Mughal and Maratha factions in a bid to undermine Shahu.
revenue practice than might have been The Kolhapur Bhonsles remained in con-
imagined. trol of a limited territory into the early
By the close of Shahus reign, a com- 19th century, when the raja allied himself
plex role had been established for the with the British against the peshwas in
Marathas. On the one hand, in the territo- the Maratha Wars.
ries that they controlled closely, Unlike the Kolhapur Bhonsles and the
particularly in the Deccan, these years descendants of Vyamkoji at Thanjavur,
saw the development of sophisticated both of whom claimed a status equal to
networks of trade, banking, and nance; that of the Satara raja, the line at Nagpur
the rise of substantial banking houses was clearly subordinate to the Satara rul-
based at Pune, with branches extending ers. A crucial gure from this line is
into Gujarat, the Ganges River valley, and Raghuji Bhonsle (ruled 172755), who was
the south; and an expansion of the agri- responsible for the Maratha incursions on
cultural frontier. At the same time, Bengal and Bihar in the 1740s and early
maritime affairs were not totally 1750s. The relations of his successors,
neglected either, and Balaji Vishvanth Janoji, Sabaji, and Mudoji, with the pesh-
took some care to cultivate the Angria was and the Satara line were variable, and
clan, which controlled a eet of vessels it is in this sense that these domains can
based in Kolaba and other centres of the be regarded as only loosely confederated,
west coast. These ships posed a threat rather than tightly bound together.
194 | The History of India

Subordinate Maratha Rulers peshwa, especially to intervene in

moments of succession crisis. The even-
Other subordinate rulers who emerged tual successor of Damaji, Fateh Singh
under the overarching umbrella provided (ruled 177189), did not remain allied to
by the Satara ruler and his peshwa were the peshwa for long, though. Rather, in
equally somewhat opportunistic in their the late 1770s and early 1780s, he chose to
use of politics. The Gaekwads, who came negotiate a settlement with the English
to prominence in the 1720s with the incur- East India Company, which will be dis-
sions of Damaji and Pilaji Gaekwad into cussed at greater length later in this
Gujarat, were initially subordinate not only book. This settlement eventually led to
to the Bhonsles but also to the powerful increased British interference in his
Dabhade family. Their role in this period affairs. By 1800 the British rather than the
was largely conned to the collection of peshwa were the nal arbiters in deter-
the cauth levy, and they consolidated their mining succession among the Gaekwad,
position by taking advantage of differ- who became subordinate rulers under
ences between the peshwa and the them in the 19th century.
Dabhades. The fact that various interests In the mid-18th century a great part of
at the Mughal court were at loggerheads the holdings of the Gaekwads was
with each other also worked to the described in the peshwas correspon-
Gaekwads advantage. However, it was dence and papers as saranjam
only after the death of Shahu, when the (nonhereditary grants to maintain
power of the peshwas was further troops), and the ruler himself was termed
enhanced, that the position of the saranjamdar, or at times jgrdr. The
Gaekwads truly improved. By the early same was broadly true of the Holkars and
1750s, the rights of the family to an exten- Sindhias and also of another relatively
sive portion of the revenues of Gujarat minor dynasty of chiefs, the Pawars of
were recognized by the peshwa, and an Dhar. In the case of the Holkars, the rise
amicable division was arranged. The in status and wealth was particularly
expulsion of the Mughal governor of the rapid and marked. From petty local power
Gujarat subah (province) from his capital brokers, they emerged by the 1730s into a
of Ahmedabad in 1752 set the seal on the position in which Malhar Rao Holkar
process. The Gaekwads preferred, how- could be granted a large share of the
ever, to establish their capital in Baroda, cauth collection in Malwa, eastern
causing a realignment in the network of Gujarat, and Khandesh. Within a few
trade and consumption in the area. years, Malhar Rao consolidated his own
The rule of Damaji (died 1768) at principality at Indore, from which his suc-
Baroda was followed by a period of some cessors controlled important trade routes
turmoil. The Gaekwads still remained as well as the crucial trading centre of
partly dependent on Pune and the Burhanpur. After him, control of the
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 195

dynastic fortunes fell largely to his sons generated by Mahadaji could not be
widow, Ahalya Bai, who ruled from 1765 maintained by his successor, Daulat Rao
to 1794 and brought Holkar power to its Sindhia (ruled 17941827), who was
apogee. Nevertheless, their success could defeated by the British and forced under
not equal that of the last great chieftain the Treaty of Surji-Arjungaon (1803) to
family, the Sindhias, who carved a promi- surrender his territories both to the north
nent place for themselves in north Indian and to the west.
politics in the decades following the third
battle of Panipat (1761). Again, like the Mughal Mystique
Holkars, the Sindhias were based largely in the 18th Century
in central India, rst at Ujjain, and later
(from the last quarter of the 18th century) The careers of some of these potentates,
in Gwalior. It was during the long reign of especially Mahadaji Sindhia, illustrate
Mahadaji Sindhia, which began after the potency of Mughal symbols even in
Panipat and continued to 1794, that the the phase of Mughal decline. For instance,
familys fortunes were truly consolidated. after recapturing Gwalior from the
Mahadaji, employing in the 1780s a British, Mahadaji took care to have his
large number of European mercenaries control of the town sanctioned by the
in his forces, proved an effective and Mughal emperor. Equally, he zealously
innovative military commander who guarded the privileges and titles granted
went beyond the usual Maratha depen- to him by Shah lam, such as amr
dence on light cavalry. His power, al-umar (prince of princes, or com-
however, had already grown in the 1770s, mander-in-chief) and nib wakl-e
when he managed to make substantial mutlaq (deputy regent). In this he was
inroads into a north India that had been not alone. Instances in the 18th century of
weakened by Afghan attacks. He inter- states that wholly threw off all pretense of
vened with some effect in the Mughal allegiance to the Mughals are rare. Rather,
court during the reign of Shah lam II, the Mughal system of honours and titles,
who made him the deputy regent of his as well as Mughal-derived administrative
affairs in the mid-1780s. His shadow fell terminology and scal practices, spread
not only across the provinces of Delhi apace despite the deterioration of impe-
and Agra but also on Rajasthan and rial power.
Gujarat, making him the most formidable
Maratha leader of the era. He caused The Case of Mysore
trepidation among the personnel of the
East India Company and also at Pune, Theoretically, in the 1720s, the Mughals
where his relations with the acting claimed rights over a far larger area than
peshwa, Nana Fadnavis, were fraught had ever been the case under Akbar,
with tension. Eventually, the momentum Jahngr, or Shah Jahn. This area
196 | The History of India

included large parts of southern India, As such, then, few if any of the states
over which central rule was never actu- discussed above made a direct attack on
ally consolidated. Taking advantage of Mughal legitimacy or sought to chal-
their somewhat ambiguous relations lenge Mughal claims head-on. To the
with the Mughals and claiming to be the extent that such a frontal challenge (as
agents of Delhi, the Marathas often made distinct from a rebellion conducted
partial claims on the revenues of these within a shared understanding of the
areas, as cauth and sardeshmukhi. This framework of authority) can be located in
was the case, for example, in Mysore in the period, it comes from the far north-
the 1720s and 1730s. Mysore had come west of the Mughal domain. Eventually,
under the sovereign umbrella of the however, this challenge was to have
Mughals in the late 1690s, as the result of repercussions that were felt by the
an embassy sent to Aurangzeb by Cikka Marathas and other groups.
Deva Raja Vadiyar, the ruler of Mysore at
the time. In effect, this meant that Mysore Challenge from the Northwest
was to pay a periodic tribute (peshkash)
to Mughal representatives in the south, The northwestern frontier between the
but there was a problem in doing so. As Mughals and Safavids had always har-
Mughal authority in the Deccan and the boured elements that possessed the
south was itself fragmented, several pos- potential to destabilize the balance
sible channels of tribute existed. Mysore between these states. The area, which
thus sought to make use of this ambigu- falls largely in present-day Afghanistan,
ity, playing off Chn Qilich Khan (still also had a tradition of religio-political
known as Nizm al-Mulk, a title his movements, often intended to provide a
descendants would inherit), a powerful direct challenge to the Mughals or
Mughal noble who in these years Safavids. An important instance is the
founded a dynasty at Hyderabad, against Roshani movement of Byazd Ansr
the Mughal representative at Arcot, and his successors, which was crushed by
thereby putting off the tribute payment. the Mughals in the late 16th and early
A further variable in the scal politics 17th centuries. Again, in the reign of
of Mysore was the presence of the Aurangzeb, a frontal attack on the legiti-
Marathas; and some clans, such as macy of his rule was made by the Pashtun
the Ghorpades, made it a regular prac- leader, Khushhl Khan Khatak, though in
tice to raid the Mysore capital of this case from the standpoint of orthodox
Seringapatam. In this way, overlapping Islam. Signicantly, in Khushhl Khans
and at times conicting claims were jus- poetic and other literary works, there was
tied with reference to a Mughal centre also an explicit and nostalgic yearning
that was distant and for the most part for the time of Sher Shah of Sr, the
lacked interest in these affairs. Afghan who had expelled the Mughal
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 197

ruler Humyn from Hindustan. The Sadozai lineage of Abdl (Durrn). In

spirit of these writings was translated the wake of the Persian conquerors
into action in the early 18th century, when death, a congregation of Pashtun khans
Mr Vays Khan Hotak, a leader of the at a shrine near Kandahr elected Ahmad
Hotaki clan of Ghilzays, succeeded in Khan to be their leader. His trajectory
carving out a Pashtun state based at took him into conict with the Mughals
Kandahr, under the nose of the Safavid and then the Marathas, and nally he
governor of the area. Between 1709 and acted as a crucial catalyst in the forma-
1715, Mr Vays ruled Kandahr unoffi- tion of the Sikh state in north India.
cially, but his successors were not so
modest. His son, Mr Mahmd, rst THE AFGHAN FACTOR IN
attacked Kermn in Iran and then, in NORTHERN INDIA, 17471772
1722, took the Safavid capital Esfahn
itself and proclaimed himself its ruler. Unlike Ndir Shah, Ahmad Shah Durrn
However, the success of the Ghilzays was (or Ahmad Shah Abdl)as Ahmad
not to last long, as they were challenged Khan came to be known after 1747had
both by their fellow Pashtunsthe little interest in the area west of
Abdls (Durrns)and by the plans of Afghanistan. Rather, his principal endea-
Ndr Qol Beg (later Ndir Shah), a vour was to create a state that would lie
Safavid subordinate who harboured sub- astride the major overland trade routes
stantial ambitions of his own. that passed from northern India to cen-
Between Mr Mahmds death (1725) tral and western Asia. Kandahr naturally
and 1731, Ndr Qoli Beg rapidly consoli- had an important place in this scheme,
dated his hold over eastern Iran and but a great deal of attention also had to
placed a severe check on the rise of be paid to centres in north India, such as
Pashtun power. Subsequently he marched Multan and Lahore. It is no coincidence
into Afghanistan and later the Mughal that Ahmad Shah mounted 9 and possi-
territories, sacking Delhi in 1739. Ndir bly 10 expeditions to the Punjab,
Shahs success in welding together a dis- beginning with the rst year of his reign,
parate set of territories while operating after he had taken Kabul. His campaigns
outside the system of Mughal sover- bear an obvious similarity to the seasonal
eignty provided a model for the Pashtuns migration of the powindah (pastoral
after his assassination in 1747. Many from nomads) from Afghanistan to India,
the Abdls and Ghilzays had been which normally took place in the agricul-
employed by him, and they had had an tural off-season. It was always in autumn
opportunity to learn at close quarters. and winter that the Durrn-led armies
Among those who had been subordinate set out to the east; when summers heat
in this way to Ndir Shah was Ahmad approached, they beat a tactical retreat to
Khan, a member of the relatively small the hills from which they had come.
198 | The History of India

The ability of the Pashtuns to form a Rohilkhand, to the east and northeast of
lasting state in this process was severely Delhi and Agra. They diverted trade from
curtailed by the opposition that Ahmad these older imperial cities to their own
Shah faced within his own home territo- centres and also helped create a new set of
ries. In the 1750s, when the rst concerted routes to Lahore and the northwest. In so
challenge to his authority in the Punjab doing, they helped weaken further the eco-
was posed by an alliance of Mughals, nomic power of the Mughal centre and
Sikhs, and Marathas, Ahmad Shh was accelerated the consolidation of regional
too preoccupied with the rebellion of states on the Gangetic plain itself.
Nsir Khan Balch, to the west, to devote
attention to the threat in the east. Thus, in THE SIKHS IN THE PUNJAB
1757 Ahmad Shahs son Tmr, appointed
governor of the Punjab, was forced to However, a vacuum still existed in the
retreat from Lahore to Peshawar under Punjab, which neither the Mughals nor
the force of attacks from Sikhs and the Durrn were able to ll. It was in this
Marathas. It was only in 1760 that Ahmad context that a Sikh kingdom came to be
Shah returned to ght a campaign in consolidated in the late 18th century.
northern India, which culminated in his
defeat of the Marathas at Panipat in Early History
January 1761. However, even this did not
turn the tide in his favour. The large-scale The origins of the Sikhs, a religious group
attacks that were unleashed on the vil- initially formed as a sect within the larger
lages of Sikh peasantry led only to Hindu community, lie in the Punjab in
intensied resistance, and Ahmad Shah the 15th century. The Sikh founder, Guru
found his area of control in the 1760s con- Nanak (14691539), was roughly a con-
stantly under threat. His campaigns of temporary of the founder of Mughal
1768 and 1769 were accompanied by wide- fortunes in India, Bbur, and belonged to
spread desertions on the part of his allies the Khatri community of scribes and
and levies, who thought the Punjab proj- traders. From an early career as a scribe
ect to be an unviable one. His death in for an important noble of the Lod
1772 thus left his son and successor, Tmr dynasty, Nnak became a wandering
Shah, with many problems to resolve. preacher before settling down at
The Afghan presence in northern Kartarpur in the Punjab at about the time
India during this period was of course not of Bburs invasion. By the time of his
simply restricted to Ahmad Shahs cam- death, he had numerous followers, albeit
paigns. In the course of the middle decades within a limited region, and, like many
of the 18th century, several Afghan lin- other religious leaders of the time,
eages had carved a place for themselves in founded a ctive lineage (i.e., one not
northern India in the area known as related by blood) of Gurus who
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 199

succeeded him. His immediate successor fortied centre and holding court from
was Guru Angad, chosen by Nnak before the so-called Akal Takht (Throne of the
his death. He too was a Khatri, as indeed Timeless One). After a brief imprison-
were all the remaining Gurus, though of ment by the Mughals for these activities,
various subcastes. Hargobind was released, and he once
In practice, the essential teachings of more entered into armed conict with
Nnak, collected in the Adi Granth Mughal officials. He was forced to spend
(Punjabi: First Book), represented a syn- the last years of his life in the Rajput prin-
cretic melding of elements of Vaishnava cipality of Hindur, outside direct Mughal
devotional Hinduism and Su Islam, with jurisdiction, where he maintained a small
a goodly amount of social criticism military force.
thrown in. No political program is evi- A brief period of relative quiet fol-
dent in the work, butas has already been lowed Hargobinds death. However, under
remarked with regard to the Roshanis his son Tegh Bahadur, who became ninth
religious movements in the period had a Guru in 1664, conicts with the Mughals
tendency to assume political overtones, once again increased, partly as a result of
by virtue of the fact that they created Tegh Bahadurs success as a preacher and
bonds of solidarity among their adher- proselytizer and partly because of the
ents, who could then challenge the rather orthodox line of Sunni Islam
authority of the state in some fashion. espoused by Aurangzeb. In 1675 Tegh
The Sikh challenge to the Mughal state Bahadur was captured and executed upon
could be seen as pregured in Nnaks his refusal to accept Islam, thus laying the
own critical remarks directed at Bbur, path for the increased militancy under the
but in reality it took almost three-quarters last of the Gurus, Gobind Singh (1675
of a century to come to fruition. It was in 1708). It should be stressed that it was the
the early 17th centurywhen under some- very success of the Sikh Gurus in attract-
what obscure circumstances Guru Arjun ing followers and acquiring temporal
(or Arjun Mal) was tortured and killed by power that prompted such a response
Mughal authoritiesthat the rst signs of from the Mughals. However, rather than
a major conict appeared. Guru Arjun suppressing Sikhism, the policy of
was accused of abetting a rebel Mughal Aurangzeb backred. Guru Gobind Singh
prince, Khusraw, and, more signicantly, assumed all the trappings of a chieftain,
found mention in Jahngrs memoirs as gave battle to Mughal forces on more than
someone who ran a shop where reli- one occasion, and founded a new centre at
gious falsehoods were sold (apparently a Anandpur in 1689. His letters also sug-
reference to the Khatri origins of the gest the partial assumption of temporal
Guru). His successor, Hargobind (1595 authority, being termed hukmnamas
1644), then began the move toward (loosely, royal orders). However, he still
armed assertion by constructing a chose to negotiate with the Mughals, rst
200 | The History of India

with Aurangzeb and then, after the lat- letters speak of orthodox Islam as an
ters death, with Bahadur Shah I. enemy to be rallied against, thus suggest-
Ironically, with Gobind Singhs death, ing that the Sikhs at this time were
the Sikh threat to Mughal dominance moving somewhat away from their initial
increased. In a further twist, this resulted orientation as mediators between popu-
from the assumption of leadership in the lar Hinduism and Islam. Further, this
Punjab by Banda Singh Bahadur, a early Maratha-Sikh alliance pregures
Maratha who had come under the Gurus later coalitions that were to emerge in the
inuence during the latters last days at context of the Durrn attacks on Punjab.
Nanded in Maharashtra. Between 1709
and late 1710 the Sikhs under Banda From Banda Singh Bahadur to
enjoyed dramatic successes in the sarkars Ranjit Singh
(districts) of Sirhind, Hisar, and
Saharanpur, all of them ominously close The quelling by Mughal forces of the
to Delhi. Banda set up a capital at Sikhs under Banda did not mean an end
Mukhlispur, issued coins in the names of to Sikh resistance to Mughal claims. In
the Gurus (a particularly bold lse- the 1720s and 1730s Amritsar emerged as
majest), and began to use a seal on his a centre of Sikh activity, partly because of
orders even as the Mughals did. In late its preeminence as a pilgrimage centre.
1710 and 1711 the Mughal forces counter- Kapur Singh, the most important of the
attacked, and Banda and his forces Sikh leaders of the time, operated from its
retreated. Expelled from Sirhind, he then vicinity and gradually set about consoli-
moved his operations west into the vicin- dating a revenue-cum-military system,
ity of Lahore. Here too he was based in part on compromises with the
unsuccessful, and eventually he and his Mughal governors of the province. Other
forces were forced to retreat to the fort of Sikhs were, however, less willing than
Gurdas Nangal. There they surrendered Kapur Singh to deal with the Mughal
to Mughal forces after a prolonged siege, authorities and took the paths of social
and Banda was executed in Delhi in 1716. banditry and raiding. These activities
This phase of activity is especially served as a damper on the attempts by the
important for two reasons. First, as dis- Mughal governors of Lahore subah to set
tinct from the sporadic militancy up an independent power base for them-
exhibited under Hargobind and then selves in the region. First Abd al-Samad
Gobind Singh, it was in this period that a Khan and then his son Zakariyy Khan
full-scale Sikh rebellion against Mughal attempted the twin tracks of conciliation
authority broke out for the rst time. and coercion, but all to little avail. After
Second, Bandas role in the matter itself, the latters demise in 1745, the balance
which was somewhat enigmatic, lends the shifted still further in favour of the Sikh
affair a curious avour. Some of Bandas warrior-leaders, such as Jassa Singh
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 201

Ahluwalia, later the founder of the king- not mean that there were never differ-
dom of Kapurthala. The mushrooming of ences or conicts between these
pockets under the authority of Sikh lead- chiefdoms. Nevertheless, at least in the
ers was thus a feature of the two decades face of their major adversary, the Durrn
preceding Durrns invasion of the clan and its allies, these chiefdoms came
Punjab and took place not merely in together to present a united front.
the eastern Punjab but in the Bari Doab, The Sikh chiefdoms continued many
not far from Lahore itself. A unique centre of the administrative practices initiated
was yet to emerge, and the end of the line by the Mughals. The main subordinates
of Gurus with Gobind Singh ensured that of the chiefs were given jgr assign-
spiritual and temporal authority could not ments, and the Persianized culture of the
be combined in a single person as before. Mughal bureaucracy continued to hold
Nevertheless, the principal opposi- sway. Unlike the Gurus themselves, who,
tion faced by Durrn in his campaigns as has been noted, were exclusively
of the 1750s and 1760s in the Punjab drawn from Khatri stock, the bulk of the
came from the Sikhs, even if the Mughal Sikh chieftains tended to be of Jat origin,
forces and Marathas played a role of sig- a fact that drew disparaging remarks
nicance on occasion. These were from at least some contemporary writers,
sanguinary engagements, which cost who spoke of them as Sudras (the lowest
the Sikhs many thousands of lives, as the of the four varnas, or social classes). Thus,
Afghan chroniclers themselves testify. besides the states set up in other regions,
Eventually, by the mid-1760s, Sikh such as Bharatpur, the Jats can be said to
authority over Lahore had been estab- have dominated state building in the
lished, and the Afghans had been unable Punjab in this period as well.
to consolidate their early gains. Under It was one such chief, Ranjit Singh,
Ahmad Shahs successor, Tmr Shah grandson of Charhat Singh Shukerchakia,
(ruled 177293), some of the territories who eventually welded these principali-
and towns that had been taken by the ties for a brief time into a larger entity.
Sikhs (such as Multan) were recovered, Ranjit Singhs effective rule lasted four
and the descendants of Ahmad Shah decades, from 1799 to 1839, and was real-

continued to harbour ambitions in this ized in a context already dominated by
direction until the end of the century. But the growing power of the English East
by the 1770s they were dealing with a India Company. Within 10 years of his
confederation of about 60 Sikh chief- death, the British had annexed Punjab,
tains, some of whom founded what were and so this period can be seen as the last
to remain princely states under the gasp of the old-regime polities in India.
Britishsuch as Nabha and Patiala. His rise to power was based on superior
However, rather as in the case of the military force, partly serviced by
Marathas, the confederate structure did European mercenaries and by the
202 | The History of India

strategic location of the territories that crucial form of remuneration for military
he had inherited from his father. service, and, in the directly taxed lands,
Ranjit Singhs kingdom combined officials bearing the title of krdr (agent)
disparate elements. On the one hand, it were appointed at the level of a unit
represented the culmination of nearly a calledas elsewhere in Mughal domains
century of Sikh rebellions against Mughal the taalluqa (district).
rule. On the other hand, it was based on However strong the state of Ranjit
intelligent application of the principles Singh might have appeared, it was in fact
of statecraft learned from the Afghans. based on a fragile system of alliances, as
This emerges from the fact that he used became apparent soon after his death. At
as his capital the great trading city of the level of the palace, a dispute broke out
Lahore, which he captured in 1799, in the in the early 1840s between two factions,
aftermath of invasions by Shah Zamn, one supporting Chand Kaur, daughter-in-
the successor of Tmr Shah. Having law of Ranjit Singh, who wished to be
gained control of the trade routes, he regent, and the other supporting Shr
imposed monopolies on the trade in salt, Singh. But such disputes could scarcely
grain, and textiles from Kashmir to have been the real reason for the collapse
enhance his revenues. Using the cash he of Sikh power within a decade. Rather, it
was able to collect by these means, he would appear that the state created by
built up an army of 40,000 cavalry and Ranjit Singh never really made the transi-
infantry, and by 1809 he was undisputed tion from being a conquering power to
master of most of Punjab. being a stable system of alliances
Over the remaining three decades of between conicting social groups and
his rule, Ranjit Singh continued to con- regional interests. In any event, the pro-
solidate his territories, largely at the cess of disintegration was accelerated
expense of Afghan and Rajput, as well as and given a helping hand by the British
lesser Sikh, chieftains. In 1818 he took between 1845 and 1849.
Multan, and the next year he made major
gains in Kashmir. At the time of his death, RAJASTHAN IN THE 18TH
the territory that he controlled sat solidly CENTURY
astride the main trade routes extending
from north India to Central Asia, Iran, and Such relatively ephemeral successes at
western Asia. However, in a number of state building as that of Ranjit Singh are
areas, he established tributary relations rare. However, one can nd other
with chieftains, thus not wholly subvert- instances in the context of the 18th cen-
ing their authority. Once again, therefore, tury in which consolidation was rapidly
the model around which the Sikh state followed by reversals. Such instances can
was built bears a striking resemblance to be divided into two categories: those in
that of the Mughals. Jgrs remained a which the consolidation of a particular
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 203


Sikhism is an Indian religion founded in the late 15th century by Nnak, the rst of the Sikh
leaders titled Guru. Most of the religions some 25 million members, called Sikhs, live in the
Punjab regionthe site of their holiest shrine, the Golden Temple, and the principal seat of Sikh
religious authority, the Akal Takht. The Adi Granth is the canonical scripture of Sikhism. Its
theology is based on a supreme God who governs with justice and grace. Every human being,
irrespective of caste or gender, has the opportunity to become one with God. The basic human
aw of self-centredness can be overcome through proper reverence for God, commitment to
hard work, service to humanity, and sharing the fruits of ones labour. Sikhs consider them-
selves disciples of the 10 human Gurus; the Adi Granth assumed the position of Guru after the
death of the last human Guru, Gobind Singh (16661708). Sikhs accept the Hindu ideas of sam-
sara and karma. The dominant order of Sikhism, into which most Sikh boys and girls are
initiated at puberty, is the Khalsa. The emblems of the Khalsa, called the Five Ks, are kes or
kesh (uncut hair), kangha (a comb), kachha (long shorts), kirpan (a ceremonial sword), and
kara (a steel bracelet).

state proved a threat to British power and century the ruler Jai Singh Sawai took
hence was undermined (e.g., the case of steps to increase his power manyfold.
Mysore, which will be explained in the This was done by arranging to have his
next section) and others in which jgr assignment in the vicinity of his
the logic of consolidation and decline home territories and by taking on parcels
appears not to have concerned the British. of land in which the tax rights were ini-
In the latter category can be placed the tially rented from the state and then
case of Jaipur (earlier Amber) in eastern gradually made permanent. By the time
Rajasthan, a Rajput principality controlled of his death in 1743, Jai Singh (for whom
by the Kachwaha clan. From the 16th cen- Jaipur came to be named) had emerged
tury the Kachwahas had been subordinate as the single most important Rajput ruler.
to the Mughals and had, as a consequence, This example was followed some
gradually managed to consolidate their years later in the 1750s by Suraj Mal, the
hold over the region around Amber in the Jat ruler of Bharatpur, wholike Jai
course of the 17th century. The crucial Singhadopted a modied form of
role played in high Mughal politics by Mughal revenue administration in his ter-
such members of the clan as Raja Man ritories. However, by this time, the fortunes
Singh thus paid dividends, and the chiefs of the Jaipur kingdom were seriously in
were permitted to maintain a large cav- question. Under threat from the Marathas,
alry and infantry force. In the early 18th recourse had to be taken more and more
204 | The History of India

Hawa Mahal (Hall of Winds), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Frederick M. Asher

Regional States, c. 17001850 | 205

to short-term scal exactions, while at the expansion into the region in the 1680s
same time a series of crop failures in and 1790s or else had come in a second
the 1750s and 1760s spread a pall over the wave that followed immediately after
regions fragile agriculture. The second 1700. Among these notables, many of
half of the 18th century was thus marked whom set themselves up as tribute-
by an economic depression, accompanied paying chiefs under Mughal authority,
by a decline in the political power of can be counted the relatively petty nawabs
Jaipur, which became a vulnerable target (deputies) of the Balaghat, or northern
for the ambitions of the Marathas, and of Karnataka (such as Abd al-Rasl Khan of
Mahadaji Sindhia in particular. Sira), but there were also far more sub-
stantial men, such as the Nizm al-Mulk
THE SOUTH: TRAVANCORE and Sazd Allah Khan at Arcot. The
AND MYSORE Nizm al-Mulk had consolidated his
position in Hyderabad by the 1740s,
The states discussed so far, with the whereas the Arcot principality had
exception of some of those of the Maratha emerged some three decades earlier.
confederacy, were all landlocked. This Neither of these rulers, while establish-
does not mean that trade was not an ing dynastic succession, claimed full
important element in their makeup, for sovereignty, and thus they continued to
the kingdom of Ranjit Singh was crucially cast themselves as representatives of
linked to trade. However, lack of access to Mughal authority. Southern Indian poli-
the sea greatly increased the vulnerabil- tics in the 1720s emerged, therefore, as a
ity of a state, particularly in an era when game with many petty players and three
the major power was the English East formidable ones: the Marathas (both at
India Company, itself initially a maritime Thanjavur and elsewhere), the Nizm,
enterprise. In the south, unlike the areas and the Arcot (or Karnatak) nawab.
discussed so far, several states did make a In the second half of the 18th century,
determined bid in this period to consoli- the power of all three of these centres
date their power by the use of maritime declined. The succession struggle at Arcot
outlets. Principal among these were in the 1740s and early 1750s left its rulers
Travancore in Kerala under Martanda open to nancial manipulation by private
Varma and Rama Varma, and Mysore British merchants, to whom they were
under Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan. increasingly in debt for war expenses. In
These states rose to prominence, the 1750s the power of Hyderabad also
however, only in the latter half of the 18th declined (after the death of its founder, the
century, or at least after 1740. Before that, Nizm al-Mulk), and control of the coastal
the southern Indian scene had been dom- districts was soon lost, leaving the king-
inated by a group of Muslim notables dom landlocked and relatively sparsely
who had accompanied the Mughal populated. The reign of Pratapasimha
206 | The History of India

Wall painting in the summer palace of Tippu Sultan, Seringapatam, Karanataka, India.
Frederick M. Asher

(173963) marks the beginning of Martanda Varma (ruled 172958). He built

Thanjavurs slide into scal ruin. Here a substantial standing army of about
again it was the mounting costs of war and 50,000, reduced the power of the Nayar
the intrusive presence of the Europeans aristocracy on which rulers of the area
on the coast that triggered the crisis. had earlier been dependent militarily,
In this context the only route remain- and fortied the northern limits of his
ing was for states to build an elaborate kingdom at the so-called Travancore
and well-organized war machine while line. It was also the policy of this ruler to
keeping external supply lines open. The extend patronage to the Syrian Christians,
control of trade was also seen as crucial in a large trading community within his
the statecraft of the period. These princi- domains, as a means of limiting European
ples were put into practice in the southern involvement in trade. The key commodity
Kerala state of Venad (Travancore) by was pepper, but other goods also came to
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 207

be dened as royal monopoly items, Tippus ambitions apparently greatly

requiring a license for trade. These poli- exceeded those of his father, and he
cies were continued in large measure by strove actively to escape the all-pervasive
Martandas successor, Rama Varma (ruled shadow of Mughal suzerainty, as dis-
175898), who was able, moreover, to cussed earlier. However, as in the Sikh
defend his kingdom successfully against kingdom of Ranjit Singh, the problem
a dangerous new rival powerMysore. with the Mysore of Hyder and Tippu was
The rise of Mysore to importance their inability to build an internal consen-
dates to the mid-17th century, when rulers sus. Their dependence on migrants and
of the Vadiyar dynasty, such as Kanthirava mercenaries for both military and scal
Narasaraja and Cikka Deva Raja, fought expertise was considerable, and they
campaigns to extend Vadiyar control over were always resisted by local chiefs, the
parts of what is now interior Tamil Nadu so-called poligars. More crucial was
(especially Dharmapuri, Salem, and the fact that by the 1770s Mysore faced a
Coimbatore). Until the second half of the formidable military adversary in the form
18th century, however, Mysore was a land- of the English East India Company, which
locked kingdom and dependent therefore did not allow it any breathing room. It
on trade and military supplies brought was the English who denied Mysore
through the ports of the Indian east coast. access to the relatively rich agricultural
As these ports came increasingly under lands and ports of the Coromandel
European control, Mysores vulnerability coastal plain in eastern India, and, equally
increased. From the 1760s, steps were as signicant, it was at the hands of an
taken to change this situation. A cavalry English attacking force that Tippu nally
commander of migrant origin, Hyder Ali, was killed in 1799 during the fourth of the
assumed effective power in the kingdom Mysore Wars.
in 1761, reducing the Vadiyars to gure-
heads and displacing the powerful Kalale POLITICS AND THE ECONOMY
family of ministers. First Hyder and then,
after 1782, his son, Tippu Sultan, made The 18th century was a period of consid-
attempts to consolidate Mysore and make erable political turmoil in India, one in
it a kingdom with access to not one but which states rose and fell with some
both coasts of peninsular India. Against rapidity, and that there was a great deal
the Kodavas, the inhabitants of the upland of uidity in the system. Did this politi-
kingdom of Kodagu (Coorg), they were cal turmoil have a clear counterpart in
relatively successful. Coastal Karnataka terms of economic dislocation? This
and northern Kerala came under their does not seem to have been unambigu-
sway, enabling Tippu to open diplomatic ously the case. It is of course true that
and commercial relations on his own raids by military forces would have
account with the Middle East. caused dislocation, and the practice of
208 | The History of India

destroying standing crops was followed for examplewhile others were late
by armies throughout most of the cen- bloomers, as in the case of Travancore,
tury. On the other hand, economic Mysore, or the Punjab. No single chro-
warfare and the attempt to destroy the nology of economic prosperity and
productive base of a rival state were rela- decline is likely therefore to fit all the
tively uncommon in the rst half of the regions of India in the epoch.
18th century. But, after 1750, such means It would also appear for a variety of
were exploited to the harshest degree. reasons, some obvious and others less
The destruction of irrigation tanks, the so, that the mid-18th century marks a
forcible expropriation of cattle wealth, signicant point of inection in key
and even the forced march of masses of processes. For example, the engrossing
people were not unknown in the wars by the English East India Company of
of the 1770s and thereafter. All these the revenues of Bengal subah had the
must have had a deleterious effect on effect of reversing the direction of ow
economic stability and curtailed the of precious metals into the area; whereas
impulse toward growth. Bengal had earlier absorbed gold and
Such negative effects also can be silver in exchange for its exports, this
exaggerated, however. When viewed pattern no longer held. Similarly, on
from Delhi, the 18th century is certainly the external trade front, the latter half
a gloomy period. The attacks of Ndir of the 18th century saw the growth,
Shah and then of Ahmad Shah Durrn, under the companys aegis, of semi-
and finally the attempts by the Rohillas coerced forms of crop production, the
(who controlled Delhi in 176171) to case of indigo being a prominent one.
hold the Mughals to ransom left the But another reason why the latter half of
inhabitants of the city with a sense of the 18th century differs from the period
being under permanent siege. This per- before about 1750 is the changing char-
spective can hardly have been shared acter of war. In the post-1750 period,
by the inhabitants of other centres in warfare became more disruptive of civil
India, whether Trivandrum, Pune, life and economic production than
Patna, or Jaipur. There was a process of before, and at the same time the new
economic reorientation that accompa- technologies in use made it a far more
nied the political decentralization expensive proposition. The use of re-
of the era, and it is on account of this arms on a large scale, the employment
that the experience of Delhi and Agra of mercenaries, and the maintenance of
cannot be generalized. However, even standing armies all are likely to have
the trajectory of the regions was mixed. had profound ramications. But it does
In some, the first half of the 18th appear hyperbolic to describe the pro-
century witnessed continued expan- cesses of the post-1750 period as a total
sionBengal, Jaipur, and Hyderabad, inversion of what went before.
Regional States, c. 17001850 | 209

CULTURAL ASPECTS OF THE This vitality was not restricted purely

LATE PRECOLONIAL ORDER to elite culture. To begin with, many of
the theatre and musical traditions, as well
Even as it has sometimes been main- as formal literary genres of the period,
tained that the 18th century witnessed a picked up and incorporated folk inu-
general decline in material life, the cul- ences. At the same time, the melding of
tural life of the period also has often been popular Hinduism and Islam gave a partic-
denigrated. In fact, there appears to be ular avour to cultural productions
scant justication for such a portrayal of associated with pilgrimages and festivals.
trends. Even Delhi, whose economic con- More than in earlier centuries, the tradition
dition unequivocally declined, housed a of long-distance pilgrimages to major cen-
number of major poets, philosophers, and tres from Varanasi to Rameswaram
thinkers in this epoch, from Shah Wal increased and can be seen to t in with a
Allah to Mr Tq Mr. Further, as regional general trend of increasing mobility. It was
courts grew in importance, they tended to common for post-Mughal states to employ
take on the function of the principal mercenary soldiers and imported scribes
patrons of high culture, whether in music, and clerks. In 18th-century Hyderabad, for
the visual arts, or literature. It is thus also example, Kayasthas from the north were
in relatively dispersed centres, ranging employed in large numbers in the bureau-
from Avadh to Bikaner and Lahore to cracy, while in Mysore the Maharashtrian
Thanjavur, that one nds the courtly tra- Brahmans were given scal offices as early
ditions of culture persisting. Thanjavur as the 1720s. It is apparent that the mobility
under the Marathas is a particularly ne of musicians, men of letters, and artists was
example of cultural efflorescence, in no less than that of these scribal classes.
which literary production of a high qual- When a major new political centre emerged,
ity in Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, and Marathi it rapidly attracted talent, as evidenced in
continued, with some of the Maratha rul- Ranjit Singhs Lahore. Here, Persian litera-
ers themselves playing a signicant ture of high quality was produced, but not
direct role. Similarly, it is in 18th-century at the cost of literary output in Punjabi. At
Thanjavur that the main compositions of the same time, new developments were
what is today known as the Karnatak tra- visible in the elds of architecture and
dition of Indian classical music came to painting. Farther to the north, the princi-
be written, by such men as Tyagaraja, pality of Kangra fostered an important new
Muttuswami Diksitar, and Syama Sastri. school of painting, devoted largely to
Finally, the period brought the develop- Vaishnava themes. Indeed, a surprisingly
ment of a distinct style of painting in large proportion of the surviving corpus
Thanjavur, fusing elements imported of what is understood today to be part of
from the north with older local traditions Indias traditional culture is attributable
of textile painting. to the 17th and 18th centuries.
European Activity
in India,
1498c. 1765
W hen the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama landed
at Calicut (now Kozhikode) in 1498, he was restoring a
link between Europe and the East that had existed many cen-
turies previously. The rst known connection between the
two regions was Alexander the Greats invasion of the Punjab,
327325 bce. In the 2nd century bce, Greek adventurers from
Bactria founded kingdoms in the Punjab and the bordering
Afghan hills; these survived into the late 1st century. This ter-
ritorial contact in the north was succeeded by a lengthy
commercial intercourse in the south, which continued until
the decline of the Roman Empire in the 4th century ce. Trade
with the East then passed into Arab hands, and it was mainly
concerned with the Middle Eastern Islamic and Greek worlds
until the end of the European Middle Ages. The only physical
contact with Europe came from occasional travelers, such as
the Italians Marco Polo and Niccol dei Conti and the Russian
Afanasy Nikitin in the 15th century, and these were few
because of commotions within the tolerant Arab-Islamic
world created by successive incursions of Turks and Mongols.
For Europe in 1498, therefore, India was a land of spices and
of marvels attested to by imaginative Greek authors. For
Muslims, Europe was the land of Rm (Rome) or the Greek
empire of Constantinople (Turkish after 1453), and, for
Hindus, it was the abode of the foreigners called Yavanas, a
corruption of the Greek word Ionian.
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 211

THE PORTUGUESE Travancore, he found the spices, and he

found Muslim Arab merchants
The Portuguese were the rst agents of entrenched at Calicut. It was his succes-
this renewed contact, because they were sors, Francisco de Almeida and Afonso
among the few Europeans at that time to de Albuquerque, who established the
possess both the navigational know-how Portuguese empire in the East. Almeida
and the necessary motivation for the long set up a number of fortied posts; but it
sea voyage. During the 15th century the was Albuquerque (governor 150915) who
direct routes for the Indian tradevia gave the empire its characteristic form.
the Red Sea and Egypt or across Persia, He took Goa in western India in 1510,
Iraq, Syria, and Anatoliahad become Malacca in the East Indies in 1511, and
increasingly blocked, mainly by activities Hormuz (Ormuz) in the Persian Gulf in
of the Ottoman Empire. The surviving 1515, and he set up posts in the East Indian
Egyptian route was subject to increasing Spice Islands (Indonesia). The object of
exploitation by a line of middlemen, end- these moves was to establish for Portugal
ing with the Venetian near-monopoly of a strategic command of the Indian Ocean,
the European trade in the eastern so as to control the maritime spice trade
Mediterranean, and in 1517 it likewise and thereby cripple the economy of the
passed under Ottoman suzerainty. The Ottoman-controlled Middle East. While
motive for nding a new route was there- Malacca was the nerve centre for the
fore strong, especially among the spice-producing islands of Indonesia and
Portuguese and the Spanish, who had the exchange mart for the trade with the
inherited crusading zeal from wars against Far East (East Asia), Goa, not Malacca,
the Muslims (Moors) in Iberia and North was the capital because of Portuguese
Africa. Both countries sought an indirect concern with the Ottoman threat.
route to the East, but Spain became focused The Portuguese method was to rely
on exploiting the wealth of the New World on sea power based on fortied posts and
(discovered while seeking a new route to backed by settlements. Portuguese ships,
Asia) while the Portuguesebolstered by sturdy enough to survive Atlantic gales
navigational techniques learned from the and mounted with cannon, could easily
Genoese (rivals of the Venetians)sought dispose of Arab and Malay shipping. The
a route to the East around southern Africa. bases enabled the Portuguese to domi-
Vasco da Gama, upon his arrival in nate the main sea-lanes; but Portugal,
Calicut, hoped to nd Christians cut off with fewer than one million people and
by Muslim expansion, to deal a blow at involved in Africa and South America as
Muslim power from their maritime rear, as well, was desperately short of manpower.
it were, and hoped to corner the European Albuquerque turned his fortresses into
spice trade. He found his Christians in settlements to provide a resident popula-
the Syrian communities of Cochin and tion for defense. Intermarriage was
212 | The History of India

encouraged. At the same time, Christianity Akbar. Of the latter, there was the
was encouraged through the church. Goa Inquisition at Goa and the forcible subjec-
became an archbishopric. St. Francis tion of the Syrian church to Rome at the
Xavier started from Goa on his mission to Synod of Diamper in 1599.
the south Indian shermen. The The Portuguese thus had few friends
Inquisition was established in 1560. in the East to help them in a crisis, and in
The new mixed population thus became 1580 the Portuguese kingdom was annexed
rmly Roman Catholic and provided a to Spain; thenceforth until 1640, Portuguese
stubborn resistance to attacks. interests were sacriced to those of Spain.
A lack of resources precluded any Because of the Spanish failure to quell a
attempt to establish a land empire. Dutch rising in the Netherlands, and after
Portugals control of the Indian Oceanits the English defeated the Spanish Armada
period of empirelasted through the 16th in 1588, the route to the East was opened to
century. During this time it attained great both English and Dutch.
prosperity. Goa acquired the title of This rst real impact that Europeans
Golden, and it became one of the worlds had on India left distinct though not exten-
wonder cities. Trade with Europe was a sive traces. The rst is the mixed
royal monopoly, and, in addition, a system population of Goans and other Luso-
of licenses for all inter-Asian trade Indians along the western coast of India
enriched the royal exchequer. Inter-Asian and in Sri Lanka and with them a lingua
trade was free to individual Portuguese; franca in the ports and markets. Then
and it was the prots of this, combined came Roman Catholicism, which today
with trimmings from the royal monopoly, has millions of followers and an array of
that gave them their affluence. churches, convents, and colleges all over
The three marks of the Portuguese India. More tangible traces include
empire continued to be trade, anti- imported commodities such as tobacco,
Islamism, and religion. The Portuguese potatoes, pineapples, tomatoes, papayas,
early considered that no faith need be kept cashew nuts, and chilies.
with a non-Christian, and to this policy of
perdy they added a tendency of cruelty THE DUTCH
beyond the normal limits of what was a
cruel age; the result was to deprive them of In the race to the East after the Spanish
Indian sympathy. In religion the obstacle had been removed, the Dutch,
Portuguese were distinguished by mis- having ample resources, were the rst to
sionary fervour and intolerance. Examples arrive after the Portuguese. Their rst voy-
of the former are the Madura mission of age was in 1595, helped by the local
Roberto de Nobili (15771656), nicknamed knowledge of Jan Huyghen van
the White Brahman, and the Jesuit mis- Linschoten, who had worked for six years
sions to the court of the Mughal emperor in Goa. Jacob van Necks voyage to the
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 213

East Indies (Indonesia) in 15981600 was the Dutch in resources, the English were
so protable (400 percent for all of his virtually excluded from the East Indies
ships) that the die was cast for a great when, in 1623, the Dutch seized their fac-
Eastern adventure. The Dutch objective tory (trading post) at Amboina
was neither religion nor empire but trade, (present-day Ambon) and executed its
and the trade in mind was the spice trade. agents and alliesan action the English
The Dutch were monopolists rather than later dubbed the Amboina Massacre.
imperialists. Empire came later, in the 18th It remained for the Dutch to organize
century, as a safeguard for monopoly. their trade, which was operated through
The Dutch therefore went directly to the Dutch East India Company, a compli-
the East Indies, the main source of spices, cated organization dominated by the
and only secondarily to southern India for maritime state of Zeeland. Much larger
pepper and cardamom and to Ceylon (Sri than the English company, it had the char-
Lanka) for these and cinnamon. From 1619 acter of a national concern. Dutch sea
their headquarters were xed at Batavia power, more efficient than that of the
(Jakarta) in Java, from which they devel- Portuguese, secured monopoly conditions
oped a series of outlying stations in the in the islands and sea-lanes. It was only in
East Indian islands (e.g., Celebes [Sulawesi] land areas such as Travancore that resort
and the Moluccas) and intermediate ones had to be made to competition. But there
such as Cape Town in South Africa, along remained the problem of trade, for the
with Ceylon for supply. This was the work Dutch, like the English, were short of
of the governor-general Jan Pieterzoon exchange goods. Textiles were needed to
Coen (served 161823; 162729), and the buy spices in Indonesia, and silver was
whole system may be said to have been needed to buy textiles (cotton or silk) in
completed under the governor-general India and China. To work the spice monop-
Joan Maetsuyker (served 165378). oly, the Dutch developed an elaborate
The Dutch system demanded the con- system of Eastern trade from the Persian
trol of the eastern seas, and this meant the Gulf to Japan, the ultimate object of which
elimination of European rivals, beginning was to secure the goods with which to
with the Portuguese. The Dutch suc- secure the spices without recourse to scarce
ceeded with superior resources and better European resources. It was this trade that
seamanship, but the Portuguese, though brought the Dutch to India at Surat, on the
defeated, were not destroyed. Ousted from Coromandel Coast (Negapatam), in
most strongholds, the Portuguese retained Bengal, and up-country at Agra.
their capital, Goa, in spite of blockades
and sieges; they did not cede the area to THE BRITISH, 16001740
India until 1961. The second European
obstacle was the English, who followed The English venture to India was
the Dutch to the East Indies; no match for entrusted to the (English) East India
214 | The History of India

Company, which received its monopoly becoming the virtual naval auxiliaries of
rights of trade in 1600. The company the empire. This success, with Englands
included a group of London merchants exclusion from Indonesia by the Dutch in
attracted by Eastern prospects, not com- the same period, determined that India,
parable to the national character of the not the Far East, should be the chief the-
Dutch company. Its initial capital was atre of English activity in Asia.
less than one-tenth of the Dutch compa- There followed through the 17th cen-
nys. Its object, like that of the Dutch, was tury a period of peaceful trading through
to trade in spices; and it was at rst mod- factories operating under Mughal grants.
estly organized on a single-voyage basis. This held good for Surat and later for
These separate voyages, nanced by Hugli (1651) in Bengal. In the south the
groups of merchants within the company, factory at Masulipatam (1611) was moved
were replaced in 1612 by terminable joint to the site of Madras (now Chennai),
stocks, which covered operations over a granted by a Hindu raja (1640); it shortly
term of years. Not until 1657 was a perma- (1647) came under the control of the sul-
nent joint stock established. tans of Golconda and thence passed to the
The companys objective was the Mughals in 1687. The only exception to
spices of the East Indies, and it went to this arrangement was the island port of
India only for the secondary purpose of Bombay (now Mumbai); although inde-
securing cottons for sale to the spice grow- pendently held, its trade was small because
ers. The British East Indian venture met the Marathas, soon locked in combat
with determined Dutch opposition, culmi- with the Mughals, held the hinterland.
nating in the massacre at Amboina in 1623. The trade the company developed
In India the English found the differed radically from that of the Dutch.
Portuguese enjoying Mughal recognition It was a trade in bulk instead of in highly
at the western Indian port of Surat. priced luxury goods; the prots were a
Portuguese command of the sea nullied factor of volume rather than scarcity; it
the English embassy to the Mughal court worked in competitive instead of monop-
in spite of its countenance by the emperor olistic conditions; it depended upon
Jahngr. However, the English victory at political goodwill instead of intimidation.
Swally Hole in 1612 over the Portuguese, The English trade became more prot-
whose control of the pilgrim sea route to able than that of the Dutch, because the
Mecca was resented by the Mughals, smaller area covered and the lack of
brought a dramatic change. The embassy armed forces necessary to enforce
of Sir Thomas Roe (161518) to the Mughal monopoly reduced overhead charges. But
court secured an accord (in the form of a it encountered its own difficulties. The
farmn, or grant of privileges) by which Indians would take little other than silver
the English secured the right to trade in exchange for their goods, and
and to establish factories in return for the export of bullion was anathema to
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 215

This painting shows the 1599 meeting of the Mughal emperor Akbar meeting with Sir John
Mildenhall. Mildenhall was sent by Queen Elizabeth I to obtain privileges for the setting up
of the East India Company. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
216 | The History of India

the concept of mercantilism, then government insisted on a merger, which

Englands reigning political economy. was completed in 170809 under the name
Lack of military power meant manage- of the United Company of Merchants of
ment of Asian governments instead of England Trading to the East Indies. This
their coercion. Lack of home dominance was the body that 40 years later launched
meant compromise and hazard of fortune. on the sea of Indian politics.
To solve the silver problem, the A way for rivals to harass the com-
English developed a system of country pany, besides attacks on the export of
trade not unlike that of the Dutch, bullion, was to limit the sale of cotton
the prots of which helped to pay for the goods in England. In 1700 the sale of
annual investment of goods for England. Asian silks and printed or dyed cottons
Madras and Gujarat supplied cotton was forbidden, but trade continued for
goods, and Gujarat supplied indigo as reexport to continental Europe. After 1700
well; silk, sugar, and saltpetre (for gun- the company found a new protable line
powder) came from Bengal, while there in the Chinese tea trade, whose imports
was a spice trade along the Malabar Coast increased more than 40-fold by 1750.
from 1615 on a competitive basis with the In India the company suffered a seri-
Dutch and Portuguese. Opium was ous setback when it resolved, under the
shipped to East Asia, where it later inspiration of Sir Josiah Child, to resort
became the basis of the Anglo-Chinese to armed trade and to attack the Mughals.
tea trade. The merchants lived in facto- The emperor Aurangzeb was too strong,
ries (trading houses) or in a collegiate however, and the venture (168690) ended
type of settlement where life was con- in disaster. Out of this asco came both
ned, colourful, and often short. the foundation of Calcutta (now Kolkata)
The company had many difficulties in by Job Charnock in 1690a mudat that
England. There was mercantilist disap- had the advantage of a deep anchorage
proval and mercantile jealousy of the and the age of fortied factories
companys monopoly; moreover, govern- surrounded by satellite towns. These
ment instability threatened the companys were the answers, with Mughal consent,
privilege. King Charles I encouraged the to increasing Indian insecurity. The
rival Courteen Association (1635), and Madras factory was already fortied, and
Oliver Cromwell allowed virtual free trade Fort William in Calcutta followed in 1696.
until 1657. Under the later Stuarts the com- The company thus had, with independent
pany prospered, only to have its hopes Bombay, three centres of Indian power.
dashed by a war in India and by the Whigs For the next half century the company
Glorious Revolution of 168889. The conned its relations with the Mughals,
Whigs promoted a new company in 1698, who had now spread to the deep south
which, however, failed to oust the old one beyond Madras, to disputes over rights
after some years of struggle. In 1702 the and terms of trade at local levels. Fresh
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 217

The city of Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), the capital of West Bengal state, is in northeastern
India. Formerly the capital (17721911) of British India, it has long been one of Indias largest
metropolitan areas. It is located on the Hugli (Hooghly) River, about 96 miles (154 km) north of
the rivers mouth in the Bay of Bengal. The English East India Company established a trading
centre at the site in 1690, which grew and became the seat of the British province called the
Bengal Presidency. It was captured by the nawab (local ruler) of Bengal, who in 1756 imprisoned
a number of British there (in a prison known as the Black Hole of Calcutta); the city was retaken
by the British under Robert Clive. Calcutta was an extremely busy 19th-century commercial
centre, but it began to decline with the removal of the colonial capital to Delhi in 1911. The
decline continued when Bengal was partitioned between India and Pakistan in 1947 and when
Bangladesh was created in 1971. The ood of refugees from those political upheavals boosted
the citys population but also signicantly added to its widespread poverty. Despite its prob-
lems, Kolkata remains the dominant urban area of eastern India and a major educational and
cultural centre.

privileges were obtained in Delhi, and (137 km) south of Madras, from a local
these they were content to argue about ruler in 1674. It obtained Chandernagore
rather than ght for. The factors were (now Chandannagar), 16 miles (26 km)
learning the art of Indian diplomacy as north of Calcutta, from the Mughal gover-
they had formerly to learn the arts of nor in 169092. At rst the French
Indian commercial management. initiatives suffered from the mixing of
grandiose political and colonial schemes
THE FRENCH with those of trade, but, under the care of
Franois Martin from 1674, the company
The French had shown an interest in the turned increasingly to trade and began to
East from the early years of the 16th cen- prosper.
tury, but individual efforts had been The progress of the settlements was
checked by the Portuguese. The rst via- interrupted by events in Europe. The
ble French company, the French East India Dutch captured Pondicherry in 1693; when
Company, was launched by the minister of the French regained it under the Peace of
nance Jean-Baptiste Colbert, with the Ryswick (1697), they gained the best forti-
support of Louis XIV, in 1664. After some cations in India but lost their trade. By
false starts, the French company acquired 1706 the French enterprise seemed mori-
Pondicherry (now Puducherry), 85 miles bund. The companys privileges were let
218 | The History of India

to a group of Saint-Malo merchants from of stability. In western India the Marathas

170820. After 1720, however, came a dra- were dominant. However, there was com-
matic change. The company was petition between Marathas, Mughals,
reconstituted, and over the next 20 years and local rulers for political supremacy in
its trade was expanded, and new stations the Deccan. There was a sense of impend-
were opened. The Indian Ocean island of ing change in the air; the Mughal emperor
Mauritius was nally settled in 1721; Mahe was sickly, the nizam was aged, and the
in Malabar and Karaikal on the eastern Marathas were active and ambitious.
coast were acquired in 1725 and 1739, It was on this scene that events in
respectively. Chandarnagar was revived. Europe precipitated an Anglo-French
The French company remained under the struggle in India. The War of the Austrian
close supervision of the government, Succession began with Frederick II of
which nominated the directors and, from Prussias seizure of Silesia in 1740; France
1733, guaranteed xed dividends. In spite supported Prussia, and from 1742
of the companys growth and its fostering England supported Austria. The stage
by government, its sales in Europe in 1740 thus set, the English decided that the
were only about half those of Englands French Indian trade was too powerful to
East India Company. Its trade was large be left alone; the neutrality of previous
enough to be worth seizing but not years was therefore abandoned. Both
great enough to rival that of the English. sides depended on sea power for success,
Other enterprises in India included a but it was the French who moved rst
Danish East India Company, which oper- with an improvised eet from Mauritius,
ated intermittently from 1616 from Bertrand-Franois Mah, comte de La
Tranquebar in southern India, acquiring Bourdonnais, drove the British in alarm to
Serampore (now Shrirampur) in Bengal Bengal and captured Madras after a
in 1755, and the Ostend Company of weeks siege in September 1746. Quarrels
Austrian Netherlands merchants from between La Bourdonnais and the gover-
1723, a serious rival until eliminated nor of Pondicherry, Joseph-Franois
by diplomatic means in 1731. Efforts by Dupleix, marred this unexpected success,
Swedes and Prussians proved abortive. but an English attack on Pondicherry was
repelled. Then the Treaty of Aix-la-
THE ANGLO-FRENCH Chapelle (1748), which ended the war,
STRUGGLE, 174063 returned Madras to the British in exchange
for Cape Breton Island in North America.
In 1740 India appeared to be relatively It would thus appear that the status
tranquil. In the north the Persian Ndir quo had been restored. In fact the situa-
Shahs invasion (1739) had proved to be tion had radically changed. Madras was
only a large-scale raid. In the Deccan the now recognized as British by European
Niz m al-Mulk provided some measure treaty, and this was accepted by one of the
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 219

rival Indian chiefs. The French had grown nizams murder in December 1750. French
in prestige as skillful soldiers and in troops conducted Muzaffar Jang toward
power by detachments of the French eet Hyderabad; when Muzaffar in turn was
left behind on La Bourdonnaiss depar- murdered three months later, the French
ture. Above all, the astute Dupleix had succeeded in placing the late nizams third
seen the opportunity offered for exploit- son, Salbat Jang, on the Hyderabad
ing the new French reputation in the throne. Thenceforward, in the person of the
confused politics of the region. For some skillful Charles, marquis de Bussy-
years there had been a disputed succes- Castelnau, Dupleix had a kingmaker at the
sion to the governorship of Karnataka centre of Muslim power in the Deccan.
(the Carnatic), itself a dependency of the The British response to these dra-
Nizm al-Mulk of Hyderabad. The nizam matic successes was to support for the
had installed a new Carnatic nawab (dep- Carnatic nawabship the late nawabs son,
uty; from the Arabic nawwb) in 1743, but Muhammad Al, who had taken refuge in
the dispute smouldered on between the the rock fortress of Trichinopoly (now
partisans of the two rival families, who Tiruchchirappalli). They had already
looked impartially to Marathas, Mughals, interfered in the affairs of Tanjore
and Europeans for help. (Thanjavur) and were no strangers to
In 1748, on the morrow of Aix-la- Indian politics. The French supported
Chapelle, an occasion for French Chanda Sahib for the nawabship. There
interference occurred with the death of the thus developed what was really a private
aged Nizm al-Mulk. There was a disputed war between the two companies.
succession between his second son and a Bussy-Castelnau was established at
grandson, Muzaffar Jang. Dupleix, encour- Hyderabad, with the revenues of the
aged by his easy repulse of the Carnatic Northern Sarkars (six coastal districts) to
nawab from the walls of Madras, decided to support his army. In the south the French
support both Muzaffar and the claimant had only Muhammad Al to remove. But
to the Carnatic nawabship, Chanda Sahib. from 1751 Dupleixs star began to wane.
Dupleixs reward for success would be the Robert Clive (later 1st Baron Clive of
means of ruining the British trade in south- Plassey), a discontented young British fac-
ern India and gaining an indenite tor who had left the countinghouse for the
inuence over the affairs of the whole eld, seized the fort of Arcot, political cap-
Deccan. At rst fortune favoured him. The ital of the Carnatic, with 210 men in
Carnatic nawab was killed in the Battle of August 1751. This daring stroke had the
Ambur (1749), which demonstrated con- hoped-for effect of diverting half of
vincingly the superiority of European arms Chanda Sahibs army to its recovery.
and methods of warfare. The threatening Clives successful 50-day defense permit-
invasion of the new nizam (now a heredi- ted Muhammad Al to procure allies from
tary title), Nsir Jang, ended with the Tanjore and the Marathas. The French
220 | The History of India

were worsted, and they were eventually The British could supply Madras from
forced to surrender in June 1752. Dupleix both Britain and Bengal. The French com-
never recovered from this blow; he was pany was under the control of the French
superseded in August 1754 by the director government, and the company suffered
Charles-Robert Godeheu, who made a not from the vicissitudes of its politics.
unfavourable settlement with the British.
The French gained but a brief respite; EUROPEAN MILITARY
the Seven Years War in Europe, in which SUPERIORITY
Britain and France were once more on
opposite sides, broke out in 1756. Both The supremacy in Indian politics, which
sides sent armaments to the East. The seemed to come so suddenly to the
rst British force was diverted to Bengal, Europeans in India, also requires expla-
so that the French general Thomas- nation. There was the matter of arms. The
Arthur Lally had an advantage on his Mughals imported their cavalry tactics
arrival in 1758. Lally was brave but head- from Turkestan and their artillery from
strong and tactless; after taking Fort St. Turkey. Their rearms remained slow-
David, he lost time and credit marching ring and cumbersome, so that they were
to Tanjore, where he forfeited Indian sym- outclassed both in rate of re and in
pathy by executing temple Brahmans. range by the 18th-century European mus-
Then his attack on Madras (175859) mis- ket and the cannon landed from European
carried, while Clives troops from Bengal eets. In the face of charging Mughal
defeated the French garrison of the cavalry, infantry armed with such faster
Northern Sarkars. When Sir Eyre Coote and more accurate weapons could re
arrived with reinforcements, the British three times instead of once, thus destroy-
defeated Lally decisively at the Battle of ing the traditional dominance held by
Wandiwash in January 1760. Bussy- heavy cavalry in Indian warfare.
Castelnau, who had been recalled from Moreover, beyond this technical advan-
Hyderabad, was captured; and Lally tage, the Europeans also had the
retreated to Pondicherry, where, after an advantage of discipline. Troops with loy-
eight-month siege made tense by bitter alty guaranteed by regular pay were more
recrimination, he surrendered in January than a match for the personal retinues or
1761. The French threat to British power mercenary soldiers of the Indian chiefs,
in India had come to a temporary close. however brave the latter might be indi-
This defeat could be partly blamed on vidually. A chronic problem with Indian
Lally, but there were also other, more vital armies at that time was the lack of means
causes. An overriding factor was the to pay them; campaigns would be
British command of the sea. Lally could diverted for collecting revenue for this
get no allies for lack of money and no purpose (when Europeans later trained
money for lack of supply from France. Indians in the European manner, their
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 221

advantage increased; discipline removed south India were still awaiting reinforce-
the uncertain factor of personal leader- ments from France.
ship, and regular pay removed the Indian Al Vard Khanthe nawab and vir-
generals bugbear of mutiny). A further tual ruler of Bengaldied in April 1756,
advantage was civil discipline; the leaving his power to his young grandson
European forces were directed by men Sirj al-Dawlah. The latters position was
themselves under discipline, who were insecure because of discontent among
without hereditary connections or ties to his officers, both Hindu and Muslim, and
the local population (though to modern because he himself was at the same time
eyes European company men often both headstrong and vacillating. On an
seemed refractory or disloyal, by stan- exaggerated report that the British were
dards of India at that time they were fortifying Calcutta, he attacked and took
regularity itself). Indian loyalty was to an
individual leader who might be killed, to
relatives who might back the wrong side
in a conict, and to governments that
might (and often did, for various reasons)
fail to pay their troops. On the Indian
side, whatever the situation, someone
was nearly always looking over his shoul-
der thinking of the chances of a change
of leadership or a successful coup and
what this might mean to him personally.
Thus, the European possessed not only
an expertise denied to the Indians but
also a spirit of condence, a tenacity, and
a will to win that was rare in the Indian
forces of the time.


The revolution in Bengal was the product

of a number of unrelated causes. The
imminence of the Seven Years War
prompted the British to send out Clive This dramatic engraving shows British
with a force to Madras in 1755. Succession prisoners being kept in the Black Hole of
troubles in Bengal combined with British Calcutta after Bengal forces captured
mercantile incompetence to produce a Fort William in 1756. Rischgitz/Hulton
Archive/Getty Images
crisis at a moment when the French in
222 | The History of India

the city after a four-day siege, on June 20, Indian state with outstanding success.
1756. The ight of the British governor This system of a sponsored Indian
and several councillors added ignominy state, controlled but not administered,
to defeat. The survivors were held for a was the one Clive had in mind for Bengal.
night in the local lockup, known as the The prospects for success seemed
Black Hole of Calcutta; many were dead good. The event, however, proved other-
the next morning. wise, and there were reasons for this not
News of this disaster caused conster- realized at the time. The chiefs were so
nation in Madras. A force preparing to lacking in vigour that they made little
oust Bussy-Castelnau from the Deccan resistance to British encroachments.
was diverted to Bengal, giving Clive an External danger could come from only
army of 900 Europeans and 1,500 Indians. one direction and sourcethe Mughal
He relieved the Calcutta survivors and authorityand that was at the moment in
recovered the city on Jan. 2, 1757. An dissolution. While Bussy-Castelnau had
indecisive engagement led to a treaty no French merchants to satisfy, the
with Sirj al-Dawlah on February 9, which British merchants in Calcutta were ready
restored the companys privileges, gave and eager to exploit the situation. And,
permission to fortify Calcutta, and because the British companys govern-
declared an alliance. ment was made up entirely of merchants,
This was a decisive point in British it is easy to understand why the spon-
Indian history. According to plan, Clive sored state of 1757 became the virtually
should have returned to Madras to pur- annexed state of 1765.
sue the campaign against the French; but Before breaking with Sirj al-Dawlah,
he did not. He sensed both the hostility Clive took the French settlement of
and insecurity of Sirj al-Dawlahs posi- Chandernagore, which the nawab left to its
tion and began to receive overtures to fate lest he need British help to repulse an
support a military coup. The chance of Afghan attack from the north. The actual
installing a friendly and dependent conict with Sirj al-Dawlah, at Plassey
nawab seemed too good to be missed. (June 23, 1757), was decided by Clives
Having taken this decision, Clive chose resolute refusal to be overawed by supe-
the right candidate in Mr Jafar, an rior numbers, by dissensions within the
elderly general with much inuence in nawabs camp, by Mr Jafars failure to
the army. In so acting, Clive was probably support his superior, and by Sirj al-Daw-
inuenced by the example of Bussy- lahs own loss of nerve. Plassey was, in
Castelnau at Hyderabad; for six years fact, more of a cannonade than a battle. It
Bussy-Castelnau had maintained himself was followed by the ight and execution
with an Indo-French force, sustaining the of Sirj al-Dawlah, by the occupation of
nizam, Salbat Jang, and maintaining Murshidabad, the capital, and by the
French inuence in the largest south installation of Mr Jafar as the new nawab.
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 223

Robert Clive, Indias British governor, receives a decree from Indias Mughal ruler Shah
lam II allowing the East India Company the administration of the revenues of Bengal,
Bihar, and Orissa. Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Clive now controlled a sponsored Gauhar (later Shah lam II), who hoped to
state, and he played the part with great strengthen his position in the confused
skill. His position was prejudiced at the world of Delhi politics by acquiring Bihar.
outset by the nawabs failure to nd Clive also had to deal with the Dutch, who,
the expected hoarded treasure with which hearing of Mr Jafars restiveness and
to fulll his nancial promises to the alarmed by the growth of British power in
British. The nawab therefore looked for Bengal, sent an armament of six ships to
nancial support toward his Hindu depu- their station at Chinsura on the Hooghly
ties, with whom saving was second nature. River. Though Britain was at peace with
Clive had therefore to intervene repeat- the Netherlands at the time, Clive maneu-
edly. In 1759 he defended Patna from attack vered the Dutch into acts of aggression,
by the heir to the Mughal throne, Al captured their eet, defeated them on land,
224 | The History of India

and exacted compensation. They retained employing agents who used the British
Chinsura but could never again challenge name to terrorize the countryside and
the British position in Bengal. infringe on the companys monopoly.
Clive left Calcutta on Feb. 25, 1760, at The second measure was the accep-
the height of his fame and aged only 34, tance of gifts. This was not forbidden by
looking forward to an English political the company and was, in fact, a recog-
career. The nawab was completely depen- nized custom; but it opened the
dent on the British, to whose trade it oodgates of corruption. On the strength
seemed that the rich resources of Bengal of rumours regarding the vast sum of
were now open. But the prospect was less the Murshidabad treasury, large amounts
brilliant than it looked; and for this, and were paid to the armed forces and to the
for the troubles that ensued in the next company leaders following the citys
few years, Clive had a direct responsibil- capitulation. In addition, Clive obtained
ity. Two measures undermined the plan a further Mughal title and then claimed
of a sponsored state, leading to the com- a revenue assignment, or jgr, for its
panys bankruptcy on the one hand and upkeep, which was worth a large annual
to the virtual annexation of Bengal on the sum. In the context of contemporary val-
other. The rst of these was an under- ues these grants equaled nearly
standing with Mr Jafar, not mentioned one-fourth of the average annual Bengal
in the actual treaty, that personal domes- revenue and represented some 6 percent
tic trade (i.e., trade within India) of of the then annual revenue of Great
company employees would be exempted Britain. With such a vigorous opening of
from the usual tolls and customs duties. the oodgates, it is not surprising that
The companys trade with Europe had the other servants of the company asked
since 1717 been exempt from such taxes, for more almost as a matter of right and
but the application of such concessions that the companys directors in London,
to individual employeesor to anyone, with relatives and connections on the
for that matter, who held an exemption spot, preferred verbal denunciations to
pass (dastak)was a scal disaster, since any resolute or sustained action. The
the pass system was widely abused. Local effects became speedily apparent when
Indian traders were soon unable to com- in fact the Murshidabad treasure turned
pete against rivals with such an out to be only a fraction of its rumoured
advantage, and the company itself was value, so that (as Clive later admitted to
soon out-positioned by its own employ- a parliamentary enquiry), the nawab had
ees (who received little compensation to sell jewels, goods, and furniture to
from the company and relied on their meet his obligations. The results of
own entrepreneurial skills to make ends these measures unfolded in the next
meet.) From free trade many company decade and continued to be felt for a
employees passed to intimidation, generation.
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 225

THE PERIOD OF DISORDER, the districts, and raised a disciplined force

176072 under an Armenian officer. He then turned
to the company and negotiated a settle-
The departure of Clive signaled the ment with Vansittart, by which the
release of acquisitive urges by the com- companys merchants were to pay an ad
panys Bengal servants. These urges were valorem duty of 9 percent, against an
so strong that the governor, Henry Indian merchants duty of 40 percent. At
Vansittart (served 176064), found him- this the Calcutta council revolted, reduc-
self unable to control them. Under the ing the companys duty to 2.5 percent and
companys constitution, he had only one on salt only. The breach came in 1763,
vote in a council of up to a dozen and when Mr Qsim, after defeat in four
could be overruled by any knot of deter- pitched battles, murdered his Indian bank-
mined men. During these years, a body ers and British prisoners and ed to Avadh.
of British merchants, long separated from The next year Mr Qsim returned with
British standards and social restraints, the emperor Shah lam II and his minis-
suddenly found themselves with real but ter Shuj al-Dawlah to be nally defeated
undened authority over the whole of a at the Battle of Buxar (Baksar). That con-
large and rich province. It is not surpris- ict, rather than Plassey, was the decisive
ing that they thought mainly of getting battle that gave Bengal to the British.
rich quickly. These events had been viewed with
The rst step was the deposition of the growing alarm in London. The news of
nawab Mr Jafar on the grounds of old age the Mr Qsim campaign coincided
and incompetence. He was supplanted by with the victory of Clives faction in the
his son-in-law, Mr Qsim, after the latter company over that of Lawrence Sulivan.
had paid a large gratuity to the company Clive used it to appoint himself governor
and to Vansittart personally. In addition, with power to act over the head of the
he ceded to the British the districts of council; he intended an administrative
Burdwan, Midnapore, and Chittagong. reformation and a political settlement.
Both sides wanted power, and both sides He arrived in May 1765 to nd that the
were short of money. The nawab had lost British victory at Buxar had placed Shah
substantial land revenue and the lucrative lam in his hands but had created a situ-
tolls on the British merchants private ation of deep confusion in other respects.
trade; the company was receiving no Mr Jafar had been restored to power but
remittances from Britain, because the soon died; his second son succeeded him
directors considered that Bengal should after bestowing lavish gratuities to the
pay for itself. A clash was inevitable. company. The British merchants and
Mr Qsim removed his capital to dis- their agents were the unresisted preda-
tant Munger where he could not be so tors of the Bengal economy, and no one
easily overseen, asserted his authority in knew the next step to take.
226 | The History of India

Clive acted with extraordinary vigour. remained in Indian hands, and for super-
Within four days of arrival he had set up a intendence Clive appointed a deputy
Select Committee; and, when he left less divan, Muhammad Rid Khan, who was
than two years later, he had effected at the same time appointed the nawabs
another revolution. Turning to Indias deputy. The chain was thus complete.
political situation, Clive had to decide The company, acting in the name of the
where to stop. No one barred his way to emperor and using Indian personnel and
Delhi, and he could at that moment have the traditional apparatus of government,
turned the whole Mughal Empire into a now ruled Bengal. The companys agent
company-sponsored state. But he realized was Rid Khan; the success of the experi-
that Delhi was easier to have than to hold. ment turned on his efficiency and the
He xed his frontier at the borders of Bihar extent of the governors support.
and Avadh. Shah lam was given the dis- Within the company, Clive enforced
tricts of Kora and Allahabad, and he settled his authority by accepting some resigna-
in the latter city, with a tribute (or subsidy) tions and enforcing others. Gifts amounting
from Bengal that was nearly 10 percent of to a value of more than 4,000 rupees were
its estimated revenue. Shuj al-Dawlah forbidden, and those between that gure
received back Avadh, with a guarantee of and 1,000 rupees were only to be received
its security, in return for paying the troops with official consent. The regulation of pri-
involved and a cash indemnity. These two vate trade was more difficult, for the
were to be buffers between the company company paid virtually no salaries. Clive
and the Marathas and possible marauders formed a Society of Trade, which operated
from the north. the salt monopoly, to provide salaries on a
Clives next step was to settle Bengals graduated scale; but the company direc-
own status. The Mughal emperor still had tors disallowed this on the ground of
much inuence, though little power; his expense, and two years later they replaced
complete disfavour might therefore have it by commissions on the revenue, which
done the company more harm than good. cost the company more. Finally, Clive dealt
Clives solution was to obtain from Shah with overgrown military allowances with
lam the dewanee, or revenue-collecting equal vigour, overcoming a mutiny headed
power, in Bengal and Bihar (the company by a brigade commander. He used a legacy
was thus the imperial divan [dwn] for from Mr Jafar to start the rst pension
those two provinces). The nawab was left fund for the Indian army.
in charge of the judiciary and magistracy, Clive left Calcutta in February 1767.
but he was helpless because he had no His workdiplomatic, political, and admin-
army and could get money to raise one istrativewas a beginning rather than a
only from the company. complete settlement. But in each direction,
This was Clives system of dual gov- instead of looking back to the past, it
ernment. The actual administration reached out to the future. This creative
European Activity in India, 1498c. 1765 | 227

View across the Hughli (Hooghly) River to Fort William, Calcutta (now Kolkata), c. 1760.
Hulton Archive/Getty Images

period exacted a heavy price. Clive was Presents and bribes were the price
pursued to England by his enemies, who Indians had to pay for freedom from
launched a parliamentary attack, which, harassment. They were able, through
though triumphantly repulsed in 1773, led their connection with the administration,
to his suicide the following year. to arrange virtual monopolies for particu-
It is worth noting how the companys lar articles in particular districts, xing a
servants so enriched themselves at that low purchase price as well as a high
time that they undermined the economy selling price. They could arrange com-
of Bengal, and those who returned to missions on revenue collection,
Britain became a byword for ostentation. mercantile transactions, and any form of
Apart from the great political prizes commercial activity. What was not
already mentioned, it must be remem- done through agents could be arranged
bered that all the companys servants through intermediaries, who also, of
were engaged in private trade on their course, had their own compensation.
own account. Their new authority and the Thus, a man could make a fortune, lose it
companys power enabled them to exploit in Britain, return for another, lose it again,
their trade with little hindrance. They had and return for a third. It is signicant that
the means of using intimidation (through from the time of Clives second governor-
their agents) against Indian rivals such ship lamentations increased that the
as the indigo growers and Indian police, opportunities for quick fortunes were
customs, revenue, and judicial officials. slipping away.
The Extension of
British Power,
c. 17651856
T he year 1765, when Clive arrived in India, can be said to
mark the real beginning of the British Empire in India as a
territorial dominion. However, the regime he established was
really a private dominion of the East India Company. It was not
a British colony, and it tted into the highly exible structure
of the dying Mughal Empire. The structure of the administra-
tion was Mughal, not British, and its operators were Indian,
personied by the deputy nawab Muhammad Rid Khan.


The company was a continuation of the traditional state under

British control, and it can be aptly described by its popular title,
the Company Bahadurthe Valiant, or Honourable, Company.
This Company Bahadur state continued through the governor-
ship of Warren Hastings and in essence until the early 19th
century, although Lord Cornwallis (governor-general, 178693
and 1805) substituted largely British for Indian personnel. The
revenue was collected by the officers of the deputy nawab;
the law administered was the current Mughal (Islamic) crimi-
nal code, with the traditional personal codes of the Hindu and
Muslim communities; the language of administration was
Persian. Only the army broke with the past, with its British offi-
cers, its discipline, and its Western organization and tactics.
It was this state that Warren Hastings inherited when he
became governor of Bengal in 1772. Noteworthy in his 13-year
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 229

experience some security and a settled

order, if not yet an equitable society. Next,
the company took over the responsibility
for the revenue collection from Rid Khan,
who was arraigned for corruption; the
charges could not be proved, however,
even with the approving support of the
British authorities. Hastings substituted
British for Indian collectors working under
a Board of Revenue. In a way this was a ret-
rograde step, for the new collectors were
often as corrupt as their predecessors and
more powerful; but the change gave legal
power to those who already wielded it in
fact, and in the future their irregularities
could more easily be dealt with than could
the surreptitious dealings through the old
Indian collectors. Finally, Hastings insti-
Warren Hastings, oil painting by Tilly tuted a network of civil and criminal courts
Kettle. Courtesy of The National Portrait
in place of the deputy nawabs. The same
Gallery, London
law was administered by British judges,
who were often incompetent, but a model
was provided into which Western ideas
rule were his internal administration, his and practices could later be fed.
dealings with his council, and his foreign These changes held good through the
policy. Hastings inherited a state that in period of Hastings rule and may be said
the ve years since Clives departure had to have provided a viable, though not yet
stepped back toward the corruption from very competent or equitable, state.
which Clive had rescued it. But Hastings Criminal and personal law cases were vir-
was armed with authority by the directors, tually in the hands of Indian assessors to
so that the rst two years of his govern- British judges who did not know Persian;
ment were a period of real reform. He rst revenue administration was distorted by
dealt with the dastaks, or free passes, the the collectors desire for both personal
use of which had crept in again since gain and increased returns for the com-
Clives departure; they were abolished, and pany. Hastings was least successful in his
a uniform tariff of 2.5 percent was enforced revenue administration, in which he never
on all internal trade. Private trade by the advanced beyond a condition of trial and
companys servants continued but within error; a ve-year settlement made in igno-
enforceable limits. The Bengalis began to rance proved unsuccessful, and he was
230 | The History of India

nally reduced to annual settlements, This struggle, lasting for years, left
which meant hit-and-miss arrangements Hastings triumphant but also embittered;
with the traditional zamindars. he had to deal not only with the opposi-
Hastings was personally incorrupt, tion in Calcutta, which never ceased, but
but he had to tolerate a good deal in oth- also with the constant threat of superses-
ers and to resort to extensive jobbing to sion in the involved politics of London at
placate his supporters both in Bengal and that time. This strain probably accounts
in London. He left a personal legend for the acts that formed important items
behind him, but his administration was in Hastingss subsequent impeachment
disorderly as well as strong. A reason for these were the dunning (demands for
this can be found in his relations with his money) of Raja Chait Singh of Varanasi
council. Under the Regulating Act of 1773, and his deposition in 1781 and the pres-
Hastings became governor-general of suring of the Begums of Avadh (the
Fort William in Bengal, with powers of mother and grandmother of the nawab
superintendence over Madras and saf al-Dawlah) for the same reason.
Bombay. He was also given a supreme Hastingss nancial difficulties at the
court, administering English law to the time were great, but such actions were
British and those connected with them, harsh and high-handed.
and a council of four, appointed in the The impeachment of Hastings at the
Regulating Act. The leading council mem- behest of Edmund Burke and the Whigs,
ber, Sir Philip Francis, hoped to succeed which followed his return from India and
him, and, because Hastings had no power ended in his acquittal but retirement in
of veto, Francis was able with two support- 1795, was a kind of very rough justice.
ers to overrule him. For two years Hastings Hastings had saved for the company its
was outvoted, until the death of one mem- Indian dominions, and he was relatively
ber enabled him to use his casting vote. incorrupt. But the charges served notice
But the struggle continued until Francis that the companys servants were respon-
wounded by Hastings in a duelreturned sible for their actions toward those they
to London in 1780, to continue his ven- governed, and for these actions they were
detta there. The conict culminated with answerable to Parliament. Hastings was
charges against Hastings of corruption by so identied with the companys rule that
an Indian official, Nand Kumar he was the inevitable target for any such
(Nandakumar), and with the latters con- assertion of principle.
viction before the supreme court of
perjury and his execution under English THE COMPANY AND
law. The episode exposed the moral weak- THE STATE
ness of the council majority, which failed
to reprieve Nand Kumar, and convinced During the rst half of the 18th century,
the Indians of Hastings overriding power. the East India Company was a trading
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 231

corporation with a steady annual dividend of servants dismissed for irregularities by

of 810 percent, offering its employees anothera factionalism epitomized by the
prospects of a modest fortune through pri- struggle between Clive and Lawrence
vate trade, along with great hazards to Sulivan for control of the company. These
health and life. It was directed in London by developments occupied the 1760s, drasti-
24 directorselected annually by the share- cally reducing the prestige of the company.
holding body, the Court of Proprietorswho On the side of discipline, alarm at the over-
worked through a series of committees. ruling of Henry Vansittart and the wars
The Bengal adventure from 1757 against Mr Qsim and Shah lam led to
turned the two courtsof directors and the dispatch of Clive as governor in 1765.
proprietorsinto political bodies, because As the effect of Clives measures dimin-
they now controlled a great eastern state. ished after his return to England in 1767,
Shares became political counters, the pur- three supervisors were dispatched to
chase of which might secure votes needed Bengal in 1769 with plenary powers, but
to change the companys policy. A second they were lost at sea. Then Hastings was
result was the return to Britain of the com- appointed in 1772 with a reform mandate.
panys servants with fortunes; their But it was too late, for bankruptcy was now
ostentation and lack of restraint earned knocking at the door.
them the title nabob (the English version The company had hoped for large
of nawab). These events soon produced prots from Clives rst control of Bengal.
reactions. The shareholders wanted to The hopes then shortly dashed were
share in this new wealth, in the guise of revived by his second governorship. Clive
increased dividends, and the directors believed that he had secured an ample
wanted the company as well as its ser- revenue surplus for the company. On the
vants to benet from this wealth. Two strength of these expectations, the com-
processes were thus set in motionone a panys dividend was raised to 12.5 percent
rising pressure for increased dividends in 1767; in the same year the rst signs of
and the other an attempt by the company parliamentary opposition were bought
to discipline its servants and to secure off by the offer of a large annual cash
some prot for itself. Broadly speaking, it incentive to the state in return for undis-
was the success of the rst and the failure turbed possession of Bengal. As the
of the second that provoked state inter- expectations withered, this became a
vention in the companys affairs. nancial millstone that compelled the
The close personal connection company in 1772 to ask for a loan to avert
between the direction and the companys bankruptcy. This opened the oodgates
servants themselves weighed heavily and of parliamentary criticism, leading to
eventually stultied the directors efforts. committees of inquiry and revelations of
It produced an inrmity of purpose, which malpractices, to Clives suicide (1774), and
led to the return to Bengal by one faction to the beginning of state intervention.
232 | The History of India

In 1773 the British government gave a Bengal. The superintending power added
substantial loan to the company, but its responsibility with little power to enforce
price was the Regulating Act, passed the it. The supreme court decided to admin-
same year. The act sought to regulate ister English law (the only law it knew)
the affairs of the company, in both and to apply it not only to all the British
London and India. In London the quali- in Bengal but also to all Indians con-
cations fee for a vote was doubled, and nected with them; in practice this meant
the directors terms were extended from those Indians in Calcutta, and it led to
one to four years, with a years gap before such grave abuses as the hanging of
reelection. This ended the soliciting of Nand Kumar for an offense not recog-
votes for the control of policy by private nized as being capital in any Indian code.
interests and gave continuity of policy In 1780 the companys privileges ran
to the direction. In India a governor- out, but this was during the crisis of the
generalship of Fort William in Bengal American Revolution, so a decision was
was established, with supervisory control delayed until 1784. Charles James Foxs
over the other Indian settlements and radical measure to transfer the control of
Warren Hastings as its rst incumbent. British India to seven commissioners was
Hastings was given four named council- defeated by the inuence of King George
lors, but future appointments were to be III in the House of Lords, but the next
made by the company. Finally, a supreme year the matter was settled for more than
court with a chief justice and three judges 70 years by Prime Minister William Pitt
was set up. The Regulating Act was a rst the Youngers India Act of 1784. Its
step toward taking the political direction essence was the institution of a dual con-
of British India out of the hands of the trol. The directors were left in charge of
company and of securing a unied over- commerce and as political executants,
all control. But it had serious defects, but they were politically superintended
which bedeviled administration in by a new Board of Control, the president
Bengal and made India (despite British of which, in the person of Henry Dundas,
preoccupation with the American soon became the virtual minister for
Revolution) a leading subject of contro- India. The directors dealt with the board
versy over the next 20 years. through a secret committee of three, but
The governor-general possessed no their dispatches to India could be altered,
veto in his council. With three political vetoed, and dictated by the board. The
councillors from Britain, each ready to take governor-general could be recalled by
Warren Hastingss place, this led to his vir- the crown. In India the governors council
tual supersession by the majority for two was reduced to three, including the com-
years and to a paralysis of the executive. mander in chief, and by an amending act
Hastings used the energy in ghting his he acquired the veto, which Warren
council that should have gone to reforming Hastings had missed so much. Finally,
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 233

there was to be a parliamentary inquiry Relations with the Marathas

before each 20-year renewal of the com- and Mysore
panys charter.
Pitts India Act proved to be a land- After Clives settlement in 1765, the East
mark because it gave the British India Company had no desire for any fur-
government control of policy without ther acquisitions. Its object was still trade;
patronage. The cumbrous dual system it regarded the acquisition of Bengal as a
developed into a seesaw arrangement of political framework for the safe conduct
give and take, becoming ever stronger on of trade, justied by the danger of near
the government side as greater ability, anarchy in its most protable scene of
inuence, and power had their effect. The operations. But such a resolution was eas-
inquiry provision produced a national ier to make than to keep. Indian states
inquest on Indian affairs every 20 years, were ever ready to seek European help in
marking successive stages in the diminu- achieving their own projects; many of the
tion of the companys political power. On companys servants looked longingly at
the rst such inquiry, in 1793, the com- territorial revenues that might assist
pany repelled an attempt to compel it to their own enrichment, and the exigencies
support Christian missionary work; this of Indian politics at times made non-
incident led to the foundation of the alignment difficult to observe.
Church Missionary Society in 1799. In In 1765 the three centres of the com-
1813 the company was obliged by panys power were independent of each
Parliament to admit missionaries and other, but the post-Mughal Indian pat-
was deprived of its monopoly on trade. tern was becoming clear. In the north
By the Act of 1833 it lost its trade alto- there were the Mughal fragments of
gether and was thenceforth a governing Allahabad, Avadh, and Delhi, with the
corporation under increasing state sur- Sikhs resurgent in the Punjab. In
veillance. In 1853, with the introduction the Deccan the nizam of Hyderabad
of competitive examinations, the com- maintained his Mughal regime uneasily,
pany lost most of its patronage and also sometimes overwhelmed by two vigor-
had to admit nominated directors. ous and expansive powersthe Marathas
Policies were increasingly dictated to a and Mysore.
sulky or apathetic board. The last case of The Marathas had made their bid for
the recall of a governor-general by the the Mughal succession in the previous
company was that of Lord Ellenborough decade, and they were now recovering
in 1844; this was the real swan song of the from a disastrous defeat at Panipat
company, because it was recognized that (1761). The unied leadership of the
such a thing could never happen again. peshwa had given way to a confederacy
The company had become a managing of the peshwa and four military dictator-
agency of the British government. ships developing into monarchies. The
234 | The History of India

This painting shows the English settlement of Fort St. George on the Coromandel Coast in
1785. The city of Madras (now Chennai), founded by the East India Company, grew up around
this seaport. Edward Gooch/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Marathas were restless, energetic, and by degrees dependent on the company

acquisitive; their greatest enemy was because he needed its support against
their own divisions. the threat of Hyder and the nizam.
In the south the old Hindu state Ingenious and feckless, the nawab
of Mysore had passed into the hands of involved Madras in south Indian politics
Hyder Ali in 1762. When Warren Hastings and the company in his affairs by borrow-
took overall control of the companys ing from company employees.
possessions in 1774, Madras had already Hastings had a natural gift for real-
stumbled into war with Hyder Ali and politik, but he was tied to a policy of
had submitted to a virtually dictated nonaggression. Much of his diplomatic
peace under the walls of Madras in 1769. skill was spent repairing the blunders of
The nawab of the Carnatic had become others. His major work for British India
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 235

was preserving the companys dominion While this war was in progress,
against a coalition of country (Indian) Hastings was confronted with a far
powers, virtually unaided from home, at a greater menace. In 1780 the ineptitude of
time when Britain was itself hard pressed Madras provoked a coalition of the nizam,
both in America and by a European coali- Hyder Ali, and the Marathas, which
tion. His rst work was to safeguard Bengal defeated the companys armies and swept
from the reviving power of the Marathas, over the Carnatic. Though without hope
who had conducted Shah lm II to Delhi of succour from Britain, itself hard-
in 1771. Hastings intervened and handed pressed, Hastings set about sustaining
Allahabad and Kora to Shuj al-Dawlah of the Madras forces and dividing his foes.
Avadh in return for a subsidy and a treaty. In 1781 the military balance was restored,
The following year he found himself assist- and the next year the Marathas made
ing the nawab of Avadh to crush the peace (the Treaty of Salbai). Hyder Ali
Afghan Rohillas in the GangesYamuna died (1782), French help arrived too late
Doab (this stroke was the rst item in the to affect the issue, and in 1784 the Treaty
indictment at his impeachment, but its of Mangalore with Hyder Alis son Tippu
effect was to stabilize the north Indian sit- Sultan restored the status quo. Hastings
uation for the next 10 years). thus had little to show in the way of
In western India, Hastings was the empire building. His feat of defense with-
victim of Bombay brashness and of direc- out external aid was nevertheless
torial blunders. A succession struggle in remarkable. He preserved the British
Pune for the peshwa-ship led Bombay to dominion in India, and by so doing he
support Raghunatha Rao in the hope of made it possible for others to extend it.
securing the island of Salsette and town The company had become one of the rec-
of Bassein. When this was counter- ognized great powers of India.
manded by Calcutta, London intervened Pitts Act of 1784 reiterated the com-
to renew the venture. In 1779 a British panys own intentions by forbidding
army was surrounded on its way to Pune, aggressive wars and annexations. Lord
one month before a force sent by Cornwallis and his successor Sir John
Hastings completed a brilliant march Shore (governor-general 179398) were
across India at Surat. This precipitated eager to comply, but Cornwallis neverthe-
the Convention of Wadgaon, the terms of less found himself involved in the third
which were likewise repudiated by Mysore war (179092) with Tippu Sultan,
British officials. In 1782 the British made who possessed his fathers ability without
peace with the peshwa, abandoning his judgment. The cause was a combina-
Raghunatha and having only Salsette to tion of Tippu Sultans intransigence with
show for seven years of war. This rst conicting obligations undertaken by
round of what came to be called the the Madras government. It took three
Maratha Wars was a draw. campaigns before Cornwallis could bring
236 | The History of India

Tippu Sultan to bay. Half his dominions was therefore a decisive period in the rise
were annexed, more as a precaution than of the British dominion.
as an exercise in imperialism. But Tippu Wellesley decided rst to strike at
Sultan remained formidable and, not Mysore, still a formidable military power
unnaturally, more hostile than ever. and avowedly hostile. He had little diffi-
culty getting the nizam for an ally and
THE ASCENT TO securing the neutrality of the peshwa. The
PARAMOUNTCY nizam, hard pressed by the Marathas, was
persuaded to disband his contingent of
At that point a radical change occurred in French-trained troops in return for a prom-
British policy. Two causes were princi- ise of protection. This was the rst of
pally responsible. There was a growing Wellesleys subsidiary treaties. Tippu
body of opinion within the company that Sultan had entertained French republican
only British control of India could end the envoys and had planted a tree of liberty at
constant wars and provide really satisfac- Seringapatam, but when the British
tory conditions for trade; full dominion stormed Seringapatam in May 1799 he was
would be economical as well as salutary. isolated and at bay, and he found too late
The more-compelling immediate cause that concessions, in the Indian tradition,
was the transformation of European poli- would not save him. Tippu Sultan died
tics by the French Revolution. A new ghting in the breach. Wellesley tempered
French threat to India emerged, this time his imperialism with diplomacy by restor-
overland, with Napoleon Is Egyptian ing the child head of the old Hindu
expedition of 179899. It was certain that reigning family as the ruler of half of Tippu
a French army under such a leader would Sultans dominions; the other half was
nd many friends in India to welcome it, divided between the nizam and the com-
not least Tippu Sultan. pany. This substantially enlarged the area
of the Madras presidency.
The Government of For the next three years Wellesley
Lord Wellesley was occupied with certain exercises in
realpolitik and with developing his device
The next governor-general, Lord of the subsidiary treaty. The realpolitik
Mornington (later Richard Colley was evidenced in four directions. On the
Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley), com- death (1801) of the reigning Carnatic
bined the convictions of the imperialist nawab, Wellesley took over his territories,
group with a mandate to deal with the pensioning the new nawab with one-fth
French. Wellesley was thus able to use of the revenue. The same fate befell the
this fear of the French as a cover for his small but highly cultivated state of
imperialism until he was near to complete Tanjore (1799) and the port city of Surat
success. His term of office (17981805) on a disputed succession.
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 237

The biggest of these exercises con- external attack in return for control of its
cerned the Mughal successor state of foreign relations. For this purpose it pro-
Avadh in northern India, which had been vided a subsidiary force of company
in treaty relationship with the company troops, who were commonly stationed in
since 1765. This rich state had fallen into a cantonment near the state capital. The
disorder under the listless though cultured state paid for this force by means of a
rule of saf al-Dawlah; on his death in 1797 subsidy, which was often commuted into
a succession dispute and an Afghan inva- ceding territory. In order to protect itself
sion of the Punjab gave Wellesley a from an external enemy, the state in ques-
welcome opportunity for interference. He tion bound itself irrevocably to the British
pressed the nawab to disband his troops power, providing at the heart, as it were,
and increase his payment to the company the means of its own coercion should it
for his subsidiary force. When the nawab ever wish to resume independence.
made an offer to abdicate, it was accepted Wellesley rst applied this system in
immediately; but, on nding that abdica- 1798 to Hyderabad, when the aging
tion would mean annexation and not his Nizm Al Khan was in dire fear of the
sons succession, he withdrew it, and Marathas. In 1800 the subsidy was com-
Wellesley treated him as rebellious. In pounded for the nizams share of the
1801 Wellesley annexed half the state, Mysore annexations. The same system
including the GangesYamuna Doab and was applied to Avadh, when the great
almost all of Rohilkhand. Whatever the annexation of 1801 was said to be on
verdict on the means employed, this move account of the subsidiary force. It was
had important consequences. Avadh then the turn of the Marathasone of the
was isolated, and a jumping-off place was few remaining bastions of Indian inde-
secured for an attack on the northern pendence. Had the Maratha chiefs
Marathas. The company was no longer remained united, Wellesley could have
looking for buffer states as shields against accomplished little; the death of the
attack but for territory that would serve as young peshwa released fresh dissensions,
springboards for offensive action. however, heightened by the death of the
This change of attitude applies to minister Nana Fadnavis in 1800. The
Wellesleys development of the subsid- chiefs Holkar and Dawlat Rao Sindhia
iary system. In the hands of Clive and contended for power over the peshwa, Baji
Hastings, it was a defensive instrument Rao II. On Holkars success in 1802,
to safeguard the companys possessions; Baji Rao ed to Bassein and applied for
in the hands of Wellesley, it became an British aid. Such an opportunity at the
offensive device with which to subject centre of Maratha power was not to be
independent states to British control. The missed; there was also the justication
essence of the system was that the com- that Dawlat Rao Sindhia, in the north, had
pany undertook to protect a state from 40,000 French-trained troops under a
238 | The History of India

French commander. The Treaty of broke up Sindhias French army, occupied

Bassein (Dec. 31, 1802) placed, as it were, Delhi, and took the aged emperor Shah
a time bomb at the heart of the Maratha lam II under protection. Then came a
confederacy; British troops were sta- check, however, with the intervention of
tioned at Pune, at the price of a cession of Holkar using the old Maratha cavalry tac-
territory, and the peshwa was reduced to tics, forcing the British to retreat, and
dependency on the British. besieging Delhi. Though Holkar was later
This action provoked the Second defeated, this was the signal for which
Maratha Warat rst against Dawlat Rao exasperated directors and a doubting
Sindhia and Raghuji Bhonsle and then ministry had been waiting. Wellesley was
against Holkar. At rst the British won recalled. His race for hegemony had been
resounding victories. Wellesleys brother lost in the last lap. But Wellesleys work,
Arthur (later Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of avowedly imperialistic, made ultimate
Wellington) defeated the Sindhia-Bhonsle supremacy inevitable. The Marathas were
coalition in west-central India, while Lord too broken to reunite, and there was no
Lake (Gerard Lake, 1st Viscount Lake) one to take their place.

The Government of
Lord Minto

The next 10 years were an interlude, not a

new era. During that period both Sindhia
and Holkar plundered the chiefs of
Rajasthan, thus preparing them mentally
for future British overlordship. Meanwhile,
bands of freebooters known as Pindaris
raided the Nagpur (home of the Bhonsle
dynasty) and Hyderabad states in widen-
ing circles and thence entered British
territory. These were dispossessed villag-
ers and discarded soldiersthe human
otsam and jetsam of the frequent wars.
They had the elusiveness of guerrillas,
and they received the tacit countenance
Duke of Wellington, portrait by Francisco
de Goya, 1812. In the National Gallery, of the Maratha princes but not the good-
London. Courtesy of the Trustees, The will of the population, who were their
National Gallery, London principal victims.
Lord Minto (governor-general 1807
13) was occupied with the revived French
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 239

danger, which was once again serious Hastings, however, rst had to deal in
with the Treaty of Tilsit (1807) and 181416 with the Gurkhas of the northern
Napoleon Is resulting alliance with kingdom of Nepal, who inicted a series
Russia. To guard against a French- of defeats on a Bengal army unprepared
sponsored Russian attack, British for mountain warfare. Each side earned
missions were sent to Afghanistan, to the respect of the other. The resulting
Persia, and to Ranjit Singh, the Sikh ruler Treaty of Segauli (1816) gave the British
of the Punjab. The rst two proved fruit- the tract of hill country where Shimla
less, but the Treaty of Amritsar (1809) (Simla), the site of the future summer
with Ranjit Singh dened British and capital of British India, was situated, and
Sikh spheres of inuence and settled it settled relations between Nepal and
relations for a generation. Mintos other British India for the rest of the British
achievement was the capture of the le de period. Nepal remained independent and
France (Mauritius) and Java from the isolated, supported by the export of sol-
French-controlled Dutch; the former diers to strengthen the British military
island became a colony, and the latter presence in India.
was restored to the Dutch under the Lord Hastings then turned to the
peace treaty. One result of this episode Pindaris. By a large-scale and well-
was the acquisition of the key point of planned enveloping movement, he hoped
Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. to enclose them in an iron net. But this
involved entering Maratha territories
The Government of and seeking the cooperation of their
Lord Hastings princes. Sindhia agreed after agonizing
indecision, and this really settled the
The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 issue. Holkars state was in disorder and
opened a new era in India by strengthen- was easily defeated. Both the raja of
ing the commercial and economic Nagpur and the peshwa resisted and
arguments for completing supremacy attacked the British forces stationed
and by removing all fear of the French. under their respective subsidiary treaties.
The Pindari raids, which grew year by Nagpur quickly collapsed, but the peshwa
year until they affected both the Bengal kept up a running ght before surrender-
and Madras presidencies, added further ing in June 1818. The Pindari bands
reasons for action. The nal act was themselves, chased hither and thither,
directed by Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1st broke up or surrendered.
marquess of Hastings (governor-general The East India Company was thus
181323), who came to India as a consola- the undisputed master of India, as far
tion for his failure to attain the as the Sutlej River in the Punjab. This epi-
premiership under his friend the prince sode was completed by the acceptance
regent (later King George IV). Lord of British suzerainty by the Rajput chiefs
240 | The History of India

of Rajasthan, central India, and Kathiawar, prosperous and disorderly state of Avadh.
as they had formerly accepted the In all there were more than 360 units;
Mughals. Thus the year 1818 marks a politically, they were like the surviving
watershed, when the British Empire in fragments of a broken jigsaw puzzle, with
India became the British Empire of India. all its complexity but without its unity.
The subjection of a whole subconti-
The Settlement of 1818 nent containing a unique civilization has
long been a source of historical wonder-
The diplomatic settlement of 1818, except ment. The one-time explanations of
for a few annexations before 1857, remained innate superiority and of mere fate are no
in force until 1947 and is therefore worth longer seriously entertained. But analysis
some attention. The company, under the goes far to dissipate the mystery. In the
inuence of its guiding star of economy, rst place, the feat was not unique;
wished to be saved as much of the expense the Turkish Muslims had twice done
of administering India as possible, espe- much the samefor shorter periods, it is
cially the less fertile portions. Having true, but also with fewer resources. All
controlled the larger states by its subsid- these achievements were made possible
iary forces (for which they paid), it was by the innate divisiveness of Hindu soci-
content with tribute from the remainder, ety, rent by class and caste divisions,
with control posts at strategic points. which rendered it unusually willing to
Thus, Kathiawar was controlled from call in unwelcome outsiders to defeat the
Baroda and Rajasthan from Ajmer. There still more unwelcome neighbour. The for-
was no thought of integration as in Mughal eigners, asked in the rst resort to assist
days. The states were isolated and in defeating a rival, were in the last resort
excluded from any connection with the accepted as masters in preference to
British. About half of India remained dominance by a rival. Thus, Marathas
under Indian rulers, robbed of any power preferred the British to the Mughals, and
of aggression and deprived of any oppor- the nizam preferred the British to the
tunity of cooperation: in the south were Marathas. Long historical memories can
the large units of Mysore, Hyderabad, and be inhibiting as well as inspiring. Against
Travancore; in the west, the states of this setting can be set the companys urge
Shivajis family; across the centre to the toward unity in the interests of trade.
east, Nagpur and a number of poor jun- Even when its Indian trade was no longer
gle states; in the west and west-central protable, India gave prots to others,
areas, numerous Rajput and other Hindu and its opium bought the Chinese tea,
chiefs with the surviving Maratha states of which gave the East India Company its
Sindhia, Holkar, and the Gaekwar; west overall prots. Given the fact of expan-
of the Yamuna River, some Sikh prince- sion, Britain enjoyed the advantage of
doms; and in the Ganges valley, the still overseas reinforcement through its sea
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 241

power and of reserves of power, far greater Madras, Mountstuart Elphinstone in

than that of any Indian prince, through its western India, and Sir Charles T. Metcalfe
rapidly expanding industrial economy. A in Delhi; to this trio must be added a
lost battle for the British was an incident fourthHolt MacKenzie, whose planning
in a campaign, for the Indian prince usu- determined the lines of settlement from
ally the end of the chapter. Then there Banaras (Varanasi) to the Yamuna River.
were the technical advantages of arms
and military discipline and the immense Organization
general advantage of a disciplined civil-
ian morale. In the later stages this was The only areas so far denitely settled
boosted by the rising self-condence of were those of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
Europeans in general, with their belief Lord Cornwallis had been charged by
that the western European civilization Pitt with the reorganization of Bengal
was the only truly progressive one that under the new act. Besides being a sol-
had ever existed. For the Hindu, on the dier of distinction, Cornwallis was a
other hand, his world was at its lowest man of outstanding integrity, a landlord
ebbin the Kali Yuga, or Dark Agewhile with rural tastes, and an instinctive
the Muslim believed in inscrutable fate.
The Hindus heart was in his religio-
cultural complex, and political dominion
meant little to the ordinary Hindu so long
as this remained untouched.



The realization of supremacy in 1818

made urgent the problem of the organi-
zation of and determination of policy for
British India. So far only Bengal had been
deliberately organized; the extensive
areas annexed after 1799 in the north and
the south were still under provisional
arrangements. Now the peshwas domin-
ions in the west awaited settlement. The
administrators of the rst 30 years of
the 19th century gave British India the
Lord Cornwallis, undated engraving.
form it retained until 1947. Outstanding Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.
among them were Sir Thomas Munro in
242 | The History of India

Whig. Cornwallis rst undertook a the Islamic one, humanely modied. A

cleansing of the existing system. new police force replaced the former local
Discipline among the companys ser- constables of the zamindars. This new
vants was enforced at the price of system, which, with its division of author-
dismissal. Private trade was forbidden ity, showed its Whig inuence, was
to all government officers, and the ser- rounded off by the proclamation of the
vice was divided into administrative rule of law, making all governmental acts
and commercial branches. These mea- answerable in the ordinary courts of law.
sures (which, with others, became Though hardly noticed at the time by
known as the Cornwallis Code) were Indians, it was a radical innovation with
coupled with a generous salary system, far-reaching effects. It was a charter of
which removed the temptation to cor- civilas distinct from politicalliberty.
ruption. From this time the companys Cornwalliss permanent settlement of
service began to gain its later reputa- the land revenue is the measure that most
tion for efficiency and integrity. All this deeply affected the life and structure of
could be done because the governor- Indian society, three-quarters of the reve-
general, with his council of three and his nue coming from the land. He found a
veto power, was now unassailable to the system of hereditary zamindars, who had
attacks that had ruined Vansittart and acquired police and magisterial powers
frustrated Warren Hastings. as well and who were much shaken by the
From this base Cornwallis built up frequent changes of revenue policy under
the Bengal system. Its rst principle was the British. The settlement was the deci-
Anglicization. In the belief that Indian sion in 1793 to stabilize the revenue
officials were corrupt (and that British demand at a xed annual gure, with a
corruption had been cured), all posts commission to the zamindar for collec-
worth more than 500 a year were tion, and to regard him as the owner of his
reserved for the companys covenanted zamindari; he had the disposal of waste-
servants. Next came the government. lands within his jurisdiction, but these
The 23 districts each had a British collec- lands were liable to be sold for arrears of
tor with magisterial powers and two payment. Thus, the land revenue collec-
assistants, who were responsible for rev- tor became a landlord, with the Achilles
enue collection. The judicial system was heel that the lands he administered could
organized with district judges for both be sold for arrears, while the tiers of lesser
civil and criminal cases. In civil cases landholders became his tenants. The
there were four courts of appeal; and in zamindar reaped the prot of rising prices
criminal, four circuit courts. Criminal jus- and of cultivation of wasteland, while the
tice was taken over from the nawabs classes below him lost their occupancy
deputy, thus removing the last shred of rights. The intended protection of these
Mughal authority. The criminal code was tenants proved illusory because their
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 243

rights were customary, unsupported by to retain most of their land and many of
documents. The legal cases that ensued their privileges. He even continued some
clogged the courts to the point of break- donations to Hindu temples. He used the
down. Initially, the zamindar often lost ryotwari method of assessing land reve-
his holding because the xed demand nue, collecting through local officials
was pitched too high. The net result of from the village headmen. In Bombay he
this measure was the creation of a land- encouraged Western learning and sci-
lord class, loyal to the British connection ence, tempting suspicious Brahmans to
but divorced from touch with the cultiva- open their minds to the West. He foresaw
tors. The government, receiving the the ultimate end of British rule through
revenue from the zamindars, knew little voluntary Westernization, and he took
of the people and could do little for them. the rst steps toward introducing the new
At rst the Bengal system was thought world without antagonizing the old.
to provide the key to Indian administra- In the north, Sir Charles Metcalfe dis-
tion, but doubts multiplied with the years. covered the largely autonomous village
In Madras, Sir Thomas Munro retained with its joint ownership and cultivation
the paternal framework of government by caste oligarchies. He believed this to
but introduced a radically differing be the original pattern of rural organiza-
method of revenue management known tion throughout India, and it became his
as the ryotwari system, in which the set- passion to preserve it as far as possible in
tlement was made directly with the current conditions. Like Munro and
cultivator, each eld being separately Elphinstone, he was suspicious of change
measured and annually assessed. The and wished to leave the villagers alone as
system eliminated the middleman but far as possible. In this he was powerfully
sometimes placed the cultivators at the supported by the work of Holt MacKenzie,
mercy of lower officials, who often formed the Bengal secretary whose memoran-
cliques of caste groups. Munro consid- dum of 1819 set a course of recognition
ered that innovation and ignorance were and record of village rights for the whole
the ruling British vices. His system tended of the northwestern provinces (as later
to be static and to allow the subordinate revised and codied, this marked the end
tail to wag the directing British dog. of the Bengal system of permanent reve-
In western India, Mountstuart nue settlement).
Elphinstone had the problem of reconcil- The resulting system of administra-
ing to British control the resentful tion of British India was still largely Indian
Marathas of the peshwas dominions. in pattern, though it was now British in
With a masterly mixture of tact and rm- direction and superintendence. It was
ness, he largely succeeded. He retained paternalistic and hierarchical, and it suf-
Indian agency as far as possible, and he fered, like its immediate predecessors,
allowed the Maratha nobles, or jgrdrs, from a chronic tendency to overassess.
244 | The History of India

The Mughal emperor was replaced by the the new machine industries of Britain
mystical entity the Company Bahadur, and ruined such ancient crafts as cotton and
its representative, the governor-general, silk weaving. The new legal system, with
moved about with almost equal pomp. The its network of courts, proved efficient on
higher direction was exclusively European, the criminal justice side but was heavily
but the officers acted in a Mughal spirit, overloaded on the civil.
and the administration at subdistrict and The strain and the scandal of this sit-
village level went on much as before. But uation created a demand for increased
there were also large changes. The British Indian agency and caused the rst
established on a national scale the idea of breaches in the British monopoly of
property in land, and the resulting buying higher office. Indianization began with
and selling caused large class changes. the confessed inefficiency of the British
Their new security beneted the commer- legal system. The picture is completed by
cial classes generally, but the deliberate the companys army, separately organized
sacrice of Indian industry to the claims of in the three presidencies and officered,
like the civil service, exclusively by the
British. It was backed by contingents of
the British army. The Bengal army pre-
ponderated in numbers and ghting
spirit. By European standards it was cum-
brous and inefficient; some of its defects
were exposed in the early days of the war
with Nepal. But it was more than a match
for anything that could be brought against
it. Of other powers in the region, only the
Russians, could they have moved so far in
force, might have made short work of it.

The Determination of Policy

The administration of British India thus

established was impressive though pon-
derous. But it was essentially static; it was
a repair of the machinery of government
without any decision about its direction.
This 1858 illustration shows plainclothes Such a situation in a subcontinent could
sepoys, Indian soldiers from the Bengal not be viable for long.
army of the British East India Company. In the early 19th century a great debate
Hulton Archive/Getty Images went on in Britain about the nature of the
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 245

government in India. The company the restraints of the East India Companys
wanted India to be regarded as a eld for monopoly.
British commercial exploitation, with the Some of these inuences seeped into
company holding the administrative whip the Tory ascendancy, which lasted until
with one hand and exploiting with the 1830. In 1813 the East India Company lost
other. This pleased no one but the com- its monopoly of trade with India and was
pany itself. As an extension of this, the new compelled to allow free entry of mission-
regime could be regarded as a law-and- aries. British India was declared to be
order or police state, holding the ring British territory, and money was to be set
while British merchants in general traded aside annually for the promotion of both
protably. But this was assailed from sev- Eastern and Western learning. But the
eral quarters. There was the Whig demand, real breakthrough came with the governor-
rst voiced by Edmund Burke in his cam- generalship of Lord William Bentinck
paign against Warren Hastings, that the (served 182835) and with the Whig gov-
Indian government must be responsible ernment that from 1830 carried the great
for the welfare of the governed. This was Reform Bill.
reinforced by Evangelicals in England, Bentinck was a radical aristocrat. His
both Anglican and Baptist, who added the administrative reforms were in line with
rider that, as the ruler, Britain was respon- utilitarian theory but with deference to
sible for Indias spiritual and moral welfare local conditions and in harmony with his
as well. The Evangelicals were a rising own military sense of command. In
force, inuential in the British establish- Bengal the collector was made the real
ment. Their remedy for India, as a head of his district by the addition of civil
preparation for conversion, was English judgeship to his magistracy; he was also
education. They were reinforced in this by disciplined by the institution of commis-
the rising group of freethinking utilitari- sioners to superintend him. The judiciary
ansfollowers of Jeremy Bentham and was overhauled with the same eye to a
John Stuart Millwho were inuential in chain of authority.
the companys service, who wished to use But it was as a social reformer that
India as a laboratory for their theories, and Bentinck made an indelible mark on the
who thought Indian society could be trans- future of India. He was commissioned by
formed by legislation. Finally, there were the directors to effect economies in order
radical rationalists who had borrowed the to show a balanced budget in the
doctrine of human rights from France and approaching charter-renewal discus-
wished to introduce them into India, sions. In doing this he incurred much
and on the practical side there was a body odium, but he was able to take the rst
of British merchants and manufacturers steps in Indianizing the higher judicial
who saw in India both a market and a prof- services. On his arrival Bentinck was con-
itable theatre of activity and who chafed at fronted with an agitation against suttee,
246 | The History of India

the burning of Hindu widows on the Westernized self-governing dominion. In

funeral pyres of their husbands. In sup- the former case, the British were wardens
pressing the practice, he had to face the of a stationary society; in the latter, trust-
reproaches of both Hindus and Europeans ees of an evolving one.
on the grounds of religious interference. A word should be added about the
But he was also fortied by the support of Indian states. Their place in British India
the Hindu reformer Ram Mohun Roy. In was also a subject of the great debate on
thus acting and in prohibiting child sacri- the future of India. On the whole, the
ce on Sagar Island and discouraging argument for subordinate isolation held,
infanticidea widespread practice and no great change occurred in their
among the RajputsBentinck established status until after the revolt of 1857. Out of
the principle that the general good did the discussions, however, came the de
not permit violations of the universal facto principle of British paramountcy,
moral law, even if done in the name of which was increasingly assumed though
religion. The same principle applied to not openly proclaimed. The only impor-
the suppression of ritual murder and rob- tant change before 1840 was the takeover
bery by gangs of thagi (thugs) in central of Mysore in 1831 on the ground of mis-
India in the name of the goddess Kali. government; it was not annexed, but it
Bentinck also substituted English for was administered on behalf of the raja for
Persian as the language of record for gov- the next 50 years.
ernment and the higher courts, and he
declared that government support would THE COMPLETION OF
be given primarily to the cultivation of DOMINION AND EXPANSION
Western learning and science through
the medium of English. In this he was After the settlement of 1818, the only
supported by Thomas Babington (later parts of India beyond British control were
Lord) Macaulay. a fringe of Himalayan states to the north,
This period saw the British in India the valley and hill tracts of Assam to the
committed to promoting the positive wel- east, and a block of territory in the north-
fare of India instead of merely holding a west covering the Indus valley, the
ring for trade and exploitation; to introduc- Punjab, and Kashmir. To the south Ceylon
ing Western knowledge, science, and ideas was already occupied by the British, but
alongside the Indian with a view to even- to the east the Buddhist kingdom of
tual absorption and adoption; and to Myanmar (Burma) straddled the
the promotion of Indian participation in the Irrawaddy River.
government with a view to eventual Indian The Himalayan states were Nepal of
self-government. It was the changeover the Gurkhas, Bhutan, and Sikkim. Nepal
from the concept of a Mughal successor and Bhutan remained nominally inde-
statethe Company Bahadurto that of a pendent throughout the British period,
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 247

though both eventually became British controlled by a group of emirs, or chiefs.

protectoratesNepal in 1815 and Bhutan British indifference changed to action in
in 1866. Sikkim came under British pro- the 1830s, owing to the advance of Russia
tection in 1890; earlier it had ceded the in Central Asia and to that nations diplo-
hill station of Darjiling (Darjeeling) to matic duel with Lord Palmerston about
the British. The valley and hill tracts of its inuence in Turkey. Afghanistan was
Assam were taken under protection to seen as a point from which Russia could
save them from attack by Burmans from threaten British India or Britain could
Myanmar. Beginning in 1836, the Indian embarrass Russia. Lord Auckland (served
tea plant was cultivated, after the failure 183642) was sent as governor-general,
of Chinese imported ones, and thus com- charged with forestalling the Russians,
menced the great Indian tea industry. and from this stemmed his Afghan
In the early 19th century the Burmans adventure and the First Anglo-
were in an aggressive mood, having Afghan War (183842). The method
defeated the Thais (1768) and subjected adopted was to restore Shah Shoj, the
Arakan and hill states on either side of exiled Afghan king, then living in the
the river valleys. Attacks on British pro- Punjab, by ousting the ruler of Kabul,
tected territory in 1824 started the First Dst Muhammad. Ranjit Singh cooper-
Anglo-Burmese War (182426), which, ated in the enterprise but cleverly
though mismanaged, led to the British avoided any military commitment, leav-
annexation of the coastal strips of Arakan ing the British to bear the whole burden.
and Tenasserim in 1826. The Second The route of invasion lay through Sind,
Anglo-Burmese War (1852) was caused because of Sikh occupation of the Punjab.
by disputes between merchants (trading The emirs treaty of 1832 with the
in rice and teak timber) and the Rangoon British was brushed aside, and Sind was
governor. The governor-general, Lord forced to pay arrears of tribute to Shah
Dalhousie (served 184856), intervened, Shoj. At rst things went well, with vic-
annexing the maritime province of Pegu tories and the occupation of Kabul in
with the port of Rangoon (now Yangon) 1839. But then it was discovered that Shah
in a campaignthis time well-managed Shoj was too unpopular to rule the
and economical. Commercial imperial- country unaided; the British restoring
ism was the motive for this campaign. force thus became a foreign occupying
To the northwest, British India was armyanathema to the liberty-loving
bounded by the Sikh kingdom of Ranjit Afghansand was regularly engaged in
Singh, who added the Vale of Kashmir putting down sporadic tribal revolts.
and Peshawar to his state in 1819. Beyond After two years a general revolt in the
was confusion, with the Afghan monar- autumn of 1841 overwhelmed and virtu-
chy in dissolution and its lands parcelled ally annihilated the retreating British
between several chiefs and Sind (Sindh), garrison. Meanwhile, the Russian menace
248 | The History of India

Ranjit Singh
Raujit Singh (17801839; also spelled Runjit Singh, byname Lion of the Punjab) was the founder
and maharaja (180139) of the Sikhkingdom of the Punjab.
He was the only child of Maha Singh, on whose death in 1792 he became chief of the
Shukerchakias, a Sikh group. His inheritance included Gujranwala town and the surrounding
villages, now in Pakistan. At 15 he married the daughter of a chieftain of the Kanhayas, and for
many years his affairs were directed by his ambitious mother-in-law, the widow Sada Kaur. A
second marriage, to a girl of the Nakkais, made Ranjit Singh preeminent among the clans of the
Sikh confederacy.
In July 1799 he seized Lahore, the capital of the Punjab (now the capital of Punjab prov-
ince, Pak.). The Afghan king, Shah Zaman, conrmed Ranjit Singh as governor of the city; in
1801, however, Ranjit Singh proclaimed himself maharaja of the Punjab. He had coins struck
in the name of the Sikh Gurus, the revered line of Sikh leaders, and proceeded to administer
the state in the name of the Sikh commonwealth. A year later he captured Amritsar, the most
important commercial entrept in northern India and sacred city of the Sikhs. Thereafter he
proceeded to subdue the smaller Sikh and Pashtun (Afghan) principalities that were scat-
tered over the Punjab. But his later forays east were checked by the English, with whom he
signed the Treaty of Amritsar (1809), xing the Sutlej River as the eastern boundary of his
Ranjit Singh then turned his ambitions toward the north and west, against the Pashtuns. In
the summer of 1818 his troops captured the city of Multan and six months later entered the
Pashtun citadel, Peshawar. In July 1819 he nally expelled the Pashtuns from the Vale of
Kashmir. By 1820 he had consolidated his rule over the whole Punjab between the Sutlej and
Indus rivers.
All of Ranjit Singhs conquests were achieved by Punjabi armies composed of Sikhs,
Muslims, and Hindus. His commanders were also drawn from different religious communities,
as were his cabinet ministers. In 1820 Ranjit Singh began to modernize his army, using European
officers to train the infantry and the artillery. The modernized Punjabi army fought well in cam-
paigns in the North-West Frontier (on the Afghanistan border). Ranjit Singh added Ladakh (a
region of eastern Kashmir) to his kingdom in 1834, and his forces repulsed an Afghan counter-
attack on Peshawar in 1837.
In 1838 he agreed to a treaty with the British viceroy Lord Auckland to restore Shah Shoj
to the Afghan throne at Kabul. In pursuance of this agreement, the British Army of the Indus
entered Afghanistan from the south, while Ranjit Singhs troops went through the Khyber Pass
and took part in the victory parade in Kabul.
Shortly afterward, Ranjit Singh was taken ill, and he died at Lahore in June 1839, almost
exactly 40 years after he had entered the city as a conqueror. In little more than six years after
his death, the Sikh state he had created collapsed because of the internecine strife of rival chiefs.
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 249

in eastern Europe had receded. Aucklands Outram was superseded by the militant
successor, Lord Ellenborough (served general Sir Charles James Napier; and
184244), arranged for a brief reoccupa- resistance was provoked, to be crushed at
tion and sack of Kabul by means of a the Battle of Miani (1843). Sind was then
converging march from Kandahr in the annexed to the Bombay Presidency; after
south and Jallbd in the east and a four years of rough-and-ready rule by
return through the Khyber Pass. Thus, Napier, its economy was put in order by
honour was satised, and the fact of Sir Bartle Frere.
defeat was glossed over. Shah Shoj was There remained the great Sikh
shortly thereafter murdered. The episode state of the Punjab, the single-handed
demonstrated, at a heavy price in terms creation of Ranjit Singh. Succeeding to a
of money and human suffering, both the local chiefship in 1792 at the age of 12, he
ease with which Afghanistan could be occupied Lahore in 1799 under a grant
overrun by a regular army and the diffi- from Zamn Shah, the Afghan king. He
culty of holding it. The enterprise, though could thus pose as a legitimate ruler, not
conceived as an insurance against only to his own people (the Sikhs) but to
Russian imperialism, developed into a the majority of Muslims of the Punjab.
species of imperialism itself. Economics From this start he extended his domin-
joined with Afghan spirit to put a limit on ions northwestward as far as the Afghan
British expansion in this direction. hills and including the Kashmir region
After the Afghans came Sind. There and southwestward well beyond Multan,
was little to be said for the emirs them- toward the Sindh region. The Treaty of
selvesa group of related chiefs who had Amritsar with the British in 1809 barred
come to power in the late 18th century his expansion southeastward; besides
and had kept the country in poverty and directing Ranjits expansionism north-
stagnation. A treaty in 1832 threw the westward, it produced an admiration for
Indus River open to commerce except for the disciplined companys troops, who
the passage of armed vessels or military coolly repelled the Sikh Akali suicide
stores; at the same time, the integrity of squads when they attacked the British at
Sind was recognized. Thus, Aucklands Amritsar. From that time dates the forma-
march through Sind was a clear violation tion of the formidable Sikh army with its
of a treaty signed only seven years before. 40,000 disciplined infantry, 12,000 cav-
Sore feelings at the turn of events in alry, and powerful artilleryas well as
Afghanistan produced a nal breach. On large numbers of foreign mercenary offi-
a charge of unfriendly feelings by the cers. It was generally agreed that the Sikh
emirs during the First Anglo-Afghan army compared favourably for efficiency
War, Karachi, occupied in 1839, was with the companys forces.
retained. Further demands were then Ranjit Singh employed Hindus and
made; the moderate resident James Muslims besides Sikhs, but his regime
250 | The History of India

was in fact a Sikh dominion based on tacit rising at Multan became a national Sikh
Hindu support and Muslim acquiescence. revolt; the Sikh court was helpless.
It used most of the revenue to support the Another brief and still bloodier war, with
army, which made it apparently powerful the Sikhs this time ghting resolutely,
but retarded development. It was a highly ended with their surrender in March 1849
personal system, centred on Ranjit him- and the British annexation of the state.
self. It was thus one that the company Annexation this time proved viable,
would not lightly attack but that had inner perhaps because of the underlying ten-
weaknesses behind its formidable facade. sion between Sikhs and Muslims. The
These weaknesses began to be exposed on Sikhs may have preferred the British to a
the morrow of Ranjits death in 1839; within Muslim raj. The British repressed the sir-
six years the state was on the verge of dis- dars, or Sikh leaders, but left the rest of
solution. Army disbandment or foreign the community and its religion untouched.
adventure seemed the only way for the Whatever the reason, the Sikhs sided
Sikhs to deal with this crisis. The former with the British during the 1857 mutiny; the
being impossible, at length the Rani Muslims, however, could not forget their
Jindan, regent for the boy prince Dalip loss of power to the Sikhs. There was little
Singh, the chief minister, and the com- commercial exploitation of the state, and
mander in chief agreed on a move against the Sikhs found employment in the army.
the British. The frontier was crossed in Lord Dalhousie closely supervised the
December 1845, and a sharp and bloody administration through a like-minded
war ended in a British victory at the Battle agent, Sir John Lawrence. The pair pro-
of Sobraon in February 1846. The British duced a new model administration,
feared to annex outright a region full of establishing what was known as the Punjab
former soldiers and wished to retain a school. It was noted for strong personal
buffer state against possible attack from leadership, on-the-spot decisions, strong-
the northwest. By the Treaty of Lahore arm methods, impartiality between the
they took Kashmir and its dependencies, communities, and material development,
with the fertile Jullundur (now Jalandhar) including irrigation. A canal, a road, or a
area, reduced the regular army to 20,000 bridge was the Punjabi officials delight.
infantry and 12,000 cavalry, and exacted a The cultivator was preferred to the sirdar;
sizable cash indemnity. The British then the countryman was preferred to the towns-
sold Kashmir to the Hindu chief Gulab man. The Punjab system was strong and
Singh of Jammu, who had changed sides efficient, creating prosperity, but it never
at precisely the right moment. Thus were reconciled the two main confessional com-
sown the seeds of a chronic political munities or welded them into unity.
problem for the subcontinent. Lord Dalhousies reign is often
Sikh nobles chafed under the condi- regarded as an exercise in imperialism; in
tions of the peace, and two years later a fact it was more an exercise in Westernism.
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 251

Dalhousie was a man of great drive and sovereignties of the Carnatic and Tanjore
strong conviction. In general, he consid- and declined to continue the former pesh-
ered Western civilization to be far was pension to his adopted son.
superior to that of the Indian, and the
more of it that could be introduced, the THE FIRST CENTURY OF
better. Along these lines he pushed BRITISH INFLUENCE
Western educationintroducing a grant-
in-aid system, which later proliferated The onset of British inuence in India
Indian private collegesand planned differed both in manner and in kind from
three universities. Socially, he allowed that of other historical invasions. The
Christian converts to inherit the property British came neither as migrating hordes
of their Hindu families. Materially, he seeking new homes nor, originally, as
extended irrigation and the telegraph armies seeking plunder or empire. They
and introduced the railway. had no missionary zeal. Yet eventually
Politically, British administration was they did more to transform India than did
preferable to Indian, and it was to be any previous ruling power. This apparent
imposed where possible. Externally, this paradox requires some explanation.
led to annexation, as in the Punjab and in
Myanmar, rather than to the control of for- Political Effects
eign relations or to a British-superintended
native regime. Internally, it led to the At rst the British were only one group of
annexation of Indian states on the ground foreign traders among several, fortunate to
of misgovernment or the doctrine of nd in the Mughals a rm government
lapse. The leading case of misgovernment ready to foster trade. Their entry into poli-
was the disorderly but prosperous Muslim tics was gradual, rst as allies of country
state of Avadhone of the oldest allies of powers, then as their virtual directors, and
the British. The doctrine of lapse con- only nally as masters. At each step they
cerned Hindu states where rulers had no were assisted by local powers who pre-
direct natural heirs. Hindu law allowed ferred British inuence to that of their
adoption to meet these cases, but Dalhousie neighbours. It was mainly in the 20 years
declared that such must be approved by from 1798 to 1818 that they were consciously
the supreme government; otherwise there imperialistic and only thereafter that they
was lapse to the paramount power, which treated India as a conquered rather than an
meant the imposition of the usual British acquired country. The effect of this was to
administration. The three principal cases replace the defunct Mughal regime and the
were Satara in 1848 (the descendants of the abortive Maratha successor empire with a
Maratha king Shivaji), Jhansi (1853), and veiled but very real hegemony.
the large Maratha state of Nagpur (1854). Indians were accustomed to the idea
Finally, Dalhousie abolished the titular of political unity and overlordship. They
252 | The History of India

admired the British for being more suc- East India Companys operations was
cessful than themselves, while reprobating marginal. Production of cotton and silk
many of the British habits and doctrines. goods, indigo, saltpetre, and, later, opium
But the old ruling classes showed little was stimulated in particular areas such as
sign of adopting British institutions; after Bengal, Gujarat, and Malwa, with some
1818 they withdrew within themselves, gain to the middlemen but no sign of any
nursing their memories rather than feed- general rise in living standards. India was
ing their hopes. The Indian regimes of then, as now, mainly agricultural, and its
1857 all assumed a traditional form. The industries, though signicant, were mar-
one department in which Western inu- ginal to its whole economy. The latter
ence was effective was the military. From changed, however, with the acquisition of
the time of Mir Qasim in Bengal (1760 Bengal. The bias in favour of British mer-
63), Indian princes began to train troops chants diverted trade from their Indian
in the European manner and to form counterparts, though some of the prot
parks of artillery. Some of these bodies, went back to the British merchants Indian
culminating in Ranjit Singhs Sikh army, agents. The extravagant present giving, a
attained a high degree of efficiency. Their large abuse of a traditional system,
problem was maintenance, for most diverted much money to Britain. Still
princes lacked the necessary resources to more, the pressure on the zamindars
pay their men and officers regularly and for more revenue, and theirs in turn on the
maintain their arms. Indian opinion, in cultivators, further diminished the Bengali
general, saw the British as the latest hold- income. To this must be added the opera-
ers of the traditional paramount power. tion of monopolies, public and private.
There was no novelty in the fact that there When the Bengal famine of 1770 occurred,
were foreign personnel within the gov- a famine reckoned to have swept away
ernment, for this had been a Mughal one-third of the population, little attempt
practice too. What was new was the arti- at relief was made, though it would have
cial division between British India and been practicable given Bengals network
Indian-governed India, with little contact of waterways. The cruel severity with
between the two. The Mughals had prac- which the revenue was still collected at
ticed partnership for a century; the Turks this time delayed recovery for many years.
and Afghans, subordinate cooperation; Economic recovery was further delayed
but the British, it seemed, wished to forget by Warren Hastingss makeshift revenue
the Indian leaders altogether. arrangements; and much dislocation was
caused in the social structure, with its own
Economic Effects effect on economic life.
Cornwalliss permanent settlement
Things were quite different in the eco- (1793), after an initial period of disloca-
nomic eld. Up to 1750 the effect of the tion, gave relief and security to the
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 253

zamindars, who beneted by the rise in manufactured articles, to the prot of

prices and the cultivation of wastelands; the foreigner.
the cultivators themselves, now the zamin-
dars tenants-at-will, remained as poor as Social Effects
before. Apart from the zamindars, the
principal class to benet from the British The social effects of this period were con-
was that of the entrepreneurs of Calcutta, siderable. They took mainly the form of
who acted as agents and bankers to the the displacement of classes. As already
British. Thus, both Clives and Hastingss noted, there was a general disturbance in
business managers became wealthy land- Bengal caused by the permanent settle-
owners. In Madras little could be done ment, whereby the lesser landholders
until the burden of the Carnatic nawabs were reduced to the condition of tenants-
debts was removed and the country was at-will. But there was also disturbance
settled after the Cornwallis-Wellesley among the zamindars. The rst upset fol-
annexations (179299). There, economic lowed the famine of 1770, when the
settlement turned on the working of the cultivators were often too few for the rev-
ryotwari revenue system; regularity of col- enue demand to be met, and farming
lection was offset by severity of the revenuethat is, selling the right of
assessment, and the same may be said of taxation to a second partyfor some time
both western and northern India. took the place of a revenue settlement.
After about 1800 there was a new The second upset came with the perma-
factor: machine-made cotton goods from nent settlement of 1793, when the revenue
Britain. These steadily undermined the gure xed was in many cases too high
Indian handicraft industries until all but for the existing cultivation. By 1820 it was
the highest and coarsest grades of cloth calculated that more than one-third of the
were squeezed out. The district of Dacca estates had changed hands through sale
(now Dhaka, Bangl.) was especially illus- for arrears of land tax. The purchasers
trative of this process. Beginning in were in the main the Calcutta entrepre-
1836, tea was grown in Assam and neurs newly enriched by their contacts
coffee was cultivated in the south. Coal with the British. Many were absentees.
mining was begun, but its growth, with The social link between landholder and
that of the jute and cotton machine cultivator had been broken, cash nexus
industries, had to wait for the second replacing traditional rights.
half of the century. The average Indian In Calcutta itself, these same rentiers
was far more secure than before (except formed a fashionable and intellectual
for famine) but generally was not much society from which came the rst signi-
more prosperous. India drifted toward cant cultural contacts with the West. It
the status of a colonial economy, a sup- was composed of the prosperous section
plier of raw materials, a market for of the three upper Bengali castes, with
254 | The History of India

such others as gained acceptance by their farther-reaching. At rst there was little
wealth or education. Collectively, this lit- enough. But as the Europeans grew in polit-
erate class of gentry was known as the ical importance, Indians became interested
bhadralok (respectable people). in the causes of the growth, so that the rst
In the north there was less disloca- examples of cultural inuence were in the
tion, though the landholders, many of military eld. Some Europeans, in their
whom had no title but the sword, tended turn, early interested themselves in Indian
to be repressed. There was a general rec- culture, as evident from the foundation of
ognition of rights and broadly of their the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784 by Sir
protection. The chief sufferers were rul- William Jones and from the translation of
ing families, who lost power, and the Sanskrit works such as the Bhagavadgita
official aristocracy, who lost office. In and Kalidasas Abhijnanashakuntala and
the south, chiefs whom Sir Thomas of Persian works such as the n-e Akbar
Munro dispossessed were largely in the by Ab al-Fadl Allm.
class of robber barons. As the British completed their suprem-
In western India a balance between acy, four Indian attitudes could be
aristocratic and cultivating rights was discerned. There were Indians who rejected
perhaps better-maintained than else- all things Western, retiring to their houses
where, and relations were more and estates to dream of the past. There
harmonious. Of signicance was the rapid were those who were clients and employ-
development of Bombay from the time it ees of the British, as they had been of the
came to possess a large hinterland in 1818. Mughals and the Turks before them, with-
With it came the rise of the enterprising out any intention of giving up their
Parsi community (Zoroastrians of Persian traditional culture. But there were also
heritage). those who, while remaining good Hindus
In general, apart from Bengal, there or Muslims, began to study Western ways
was some repression of the old aristoc- and thought for careerist purposes. And
racy, a regulation and preservation of there was, nally, a small group who sought
lesser landholders rights, and an encour- to study the ideas and spirit of the West
agement of the commercial classes. with a view to incorporating in their own
Communities did not break up, but their society anything that seemed desirable.
fortunes rose and fell with their ability to The agents of Western inuence
adjust to changing conditions. were government officials, who carried
Western ideas such as utilitarianism and
Cultural Effects equality before the law and Western con-
cepts of property into their administration
The cultural effects of British inuence dur- of revenue and the law, and missionaries,
ing the century from 1757 to 1857, though who combined hostility to Hinduism and
less spectacular, were in the long run Islam with the presentation of a new
The Extension of British Power, c. 17651856 | 255

ethicthe practice of good works and the was the latter who began the movement of
promotion of English education as pre- borrowing from the West without any feel-
liminaries for conversion. It was at this ing of disloyalty to their past.
point that the Indian careerist and Princely India remained, for the most
inquirer met the new Western stream of part, in a stagnant traditionalism. In
thought. The English language was pop- British India land settlements had pro-
ular because it opened paths to duced much social dislocation while
employment and inuence; orthodox purporting to respect traditional rights
Hindus patronized the English schools and to learn from the past; in particular,
and promoted the Hindu College (now the Western concept of property in land
Presidency College) in Calcutta (1816). had led to much social displacement. The
This college, along with Alexander Duffs Westernized legal system was efficient in
Scottish Church College, also in Calcutta, suppressing crime but dilatory in uphold-
became a centre of Western inuence ing rights and incomprehensible for
and saw the rise of the Young Bengal most natives in its working. Social evils
movement, the Westernizing zeal of like suttee and infanticide and practices
which denied the Hindu religion itself. such as those of the thugs had been sup-
But between the complete pressed or discouraged, but Hinduism
Westernizers and the careerists was a third and Islam were still by and large
group, which found a leader of genius in respected. The revolutionary aspect of
Ram Mohun Roy. Making a moderate for- the British presence was the decision,
tune in Calcutta nance, which he invested taken about the time of the tenure of Lord
in zamindaris, from 1815 Roy advocated William Bentinck as governor-general, to
reforms in Hindu society and the accep- introduce Western knowledge and sci-
tance of some features of Western thought. ence through the medium of the English
He denounced suttee (the burning of wid- language. Western inventions like the
ows) and championed the cause of the telegraph, modern irrigation, railways,
Indian widow and wife. He advocated and steamships followed, throwing India
English education as a means of bringing open to the industrial mechanistic and
Western knowledge to India. He democratic world of the developing
denounced idolatry and preached mono- West. Along with education came the
theism. With his Precepts of Jesus, he Christian missionary intrusion, with its
both introduced the Christian ethic into moral and ideological challenge. This, in
Hindu society and drew the sting of mis- its turn, provoked a creative response
sionary attacks. He nally founded a from Ram Mohun Roys circle, who were
reforming Hindu body, the Brahmo Samaj laying the foundations of a modernized
(Society of Brahma), in 1828. Both Hinduism, which was later to nd politi-
careerists and Roys followers cooperated cal expression in the Indian National
in the spread of English education, but it Congress.
British India from
the Mutiny to
World War I
B y the year 1857 the British had established complete
political control of the Indian subcontinent, which they
ruled directly or through subordinate princes. They had
established an authoritarian system of government, making
use of Mughal practice and tradition and supported by an
efficient civil service and a relatively efficient army.


When soldiers of the Bengal army mutinied in Meerut on

May 10, 1857, tension had been growing for some time. The
immediate cause of military disaffection was the deployment
of the new breech-loading Eneld rie, the cartridge of which
was purportedly greased with pork and beef fat. When
Muslim and Hindu troops learned that the tip of the Eneld
cartridge had to be bitten off to prepare it for ring, a number
of troops refused, for religious reasons, to accept the ammu-
nition. These recalcitrant troops were placed in irons, but
their comrades soon came to their rescue. They shot the
British officers and made for Delhi, 40 miles (65 km) distant,
where there were no British troops. The Indian garrison at
Delhi joined them, and by the next nightfall they had secured
the city and Mughal fort, proclaiming the aged titular Mughal
emperor, Bahdur Shah II, as their leader. There at a stroke
was an army, a cause, and a national leaderthe only Muslim
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 257

who appealed to both Hindus and The military cause was both particular
Muslims. and general. The particular reason, the
greased cartridges for the Eneld ries,
Nature and Causes of the was a mistake rectied as soon as it was
Rebellion discovered; but the fact that explanations
and reissues could not quell the soldiers
This movement became much more than suspicions suggests that the troops were
a military mutiny. There has been much already disturbed by other causes. The
controversy over its nature and causes. Bengal army of some 130,000 Indian
The British military commander Sir troops may have contained as many as
James Outram thought it was a Muslim 40,000 Brahmans as well as many Rajputs.
conspiracy, exploiting Hindu grievances. The British had accentuated caste con-
Or it might have been an aristocratic sciousness by careful regulations, had
plot, set off too soon by the Meerut out- allowed discipline to grow lax, and had
break. But the only evidence for either of failed to maintain understanding between
these was the circulation from village to British officers and their men. In addition,
village of chapatis, or cakes of unleav- the General Service Enlistment Act of 1856
ened bread, a practice that, though it also required recruits to serve overseas if
occurred on other occasions, was known ordered, a challenge to the castes who
to have taken place at any time of unrest. composed so much of the Bengal army. To
The lack of planning after the outbreak these points may be added the fact that the
rules out these two explanations, while British garrison in Bengal had been
the degree of popular support argues reduced at this time to 23,000 men because
more than a purely military outbreak. of troop withdrawals for the Crimean and
Nationalist historians have seen in it Persian wars.
the rst Indian war of independence. In The general factors that turned a mili-
fact, it was rather the last effort of tradi- tary mutiny into a popular revolt can be
tional India. It began on a point of caste comprehensively described under the
pollution; its leaders were traditionalists heading of political, economic, social, and
who looked to reviving the past, while the cultural Westernization. Politically, many
small new Westernized class actively sup- princes of India had retired into seclusion
ported the British. And the leaders were after their nal defeat in 1818. But the wars
not united, because they sought to revive against the Afghans and the Sikhs and
former Hindu and Muslim regimes, which then the annexations of Dalhousie alarmed
in their heyday had bitterly clashed. But and outraged them. The Muslims had lost
something important was required to pro- the large state of Avadh; the Marathas had
voke so many to seize the opportunity of a lost Nagpur, Satara, and Jhansi. Further,
military uprising to stage a war of the British were becoming increasingly
independence. hostile toward traditional survivals and
258 | The History of India

contemptuous of most things Indian. countryside, ready to break out whenever

There was therefore both resentment and governmental pressure might be reduced.
unease among the old governing class, Then came the Western innovations
fanned in Delhi by the British decision to of the now overcondent British. Their
end the Mughal imperial title on Bahdur educational policy was a Westernizing
Shahs death. one, with English instead of Persian as the
Economically and socially, there had official language; the old elites, schooled
been much dislocation in the landholding in the traditional pattern, felt themselves
class all over northern and western India slighted. Western inventions such as the
as a result of British land-revenue settle- telegraph and railways aroused the preju-
ments, setting group against group. There dice of a conservative society (though
was thus a suppressed tension in the Indians crowded the trains when they had

This illustration from the Illustrated London News shows armed forces in the street and
ruined buildings during the sepoy uprising, part of the Indian mutiny (18571859). Hulton
Archive/Getty Images
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 259

them). More disturbing to traditional sen- surrender of Kanpur, after a relatively brief
sibilities were the interventions, in the siege, was followed by a massacre of virtu-
name of humanity, in the realm of Hindu ally all British citizens and loyal Indian
custome.g., the prohibition of suttee, the soldiers at Kanpur. The Lucknow garrison
campaign against infanticide, the law held out in the residency from July 1, in
legalizing remarriage of Hindu widows. spite of the death of Sir Henry Lawrence
Finally, there was the activity of Christian on July 4. The campaign then settled down
missionaries, by that time widespread. to British attempts to take Delhi and
Government was ostentatiously neutral, relieve Lucknow. In spite of their appar-
but Hindu society was inclined to regard ently desperate situation, the British
the missionaries as eroding Hindu society possessed long-term advantages: they
without openly interfering. In sum, this could and did receive reinforcements from
combination of factors produced, besides Britain; they had, thanks to the resolution
the normal tensions endemic in India, an of Sir John Lawrence, a rm base in the
uneasy, fearful, suspicious, and resentful Punjab, and they had another base in
frame of mind and a wind of unrest ready Bengal, where the people were quiet; they
to fan the ame of any actual physical had virtually no anxiety in the south and
outbreak. only a little in the west; and they had an
immense belief in themselves and their
The Revolt and Its Aftermath civilization, which gave resolution to
their initial desperation. The mutineers,
The dramatic capture of Delhi turned on the other hand, lacked good leadership
mutiny into full-scale revolt. The whole until nearly the end, and they had no con-
episode falls into three periods: rst came dence in themselves and suffered the guilt
the summer of 1857, when the British, feelings of rebels without a cause, making
without reinforcements from home, them frantic and fearful by turns.
fought with their backs to the wall; the In the Punjab were some 10,000 British
second concerned the operations for troops, which made it possible to disarm
the relief of Lucknow in the autumn; the Indian regiments; and the recently
and the third was the successful cam- defeated Sikhs were so hostile to the
paign of Sir Colin Campbell (later Baron Muslims that they supported the British
Clyde) and Sir Hugh Henry Rose (later against the Mughal restoration in Delhi. A
Baron Strathnairn of Strathnairn and small British army was improvised, which
Jhansi) in the rst half of 1858. held the ridge before Delhi against greatly
Mopping-up operations followed, lasting superior forces until Sir John Lawrence
until the British capture of rebel leader was able to send a siege train under John
Tantia Topi in April 1859. Nicholson. With this, and the aid of rebel
From Delhi the revolt spread in June dissensions, Delhi was stormed and cap-
to Kanpur (Cawnpore) and Lucknow. The tured by the British on September 20,
260 | The History of India

while the emperor Bahdur Shah surren- Clemency was given in derision by
dered on promise of his life. angry British merchants in Calcutta, and
Down-country operations centred on of Sir John Lawrence in the Punjab.
the relief of Lucknow. Setting out from Ferocity led to grave excesses on both
Allahabad, Sir Henry Havelock fought sides, distinguishing this war in horror
through Kanpur to the Lucknow resi- from other wars of the 19th century.
dency on September 25, where he was Measures of prevention of future cri-
besieged in turn. But the back of the ses naturally began with the army, which
rebellion had been broken and time was completely reorganized. The ratio of
gained for reinforcements to restore British to Indian troops was xed at
British superiority. There followed the roughly 1:2 instead of 1:5one British and
relief of the residency (November) and two Indian battalions were formed into
the capture of Lucknow by the new com- brigades so that no sizable station should
mander in chief, Sir Colin Campbell be without British troops. The effective
(March 1858). By a campaign in Avadh Indian artillery, except for a few mountain
and Rohilkhand, Campbell cleared the batteries, was abolished, while the
countryside. Brahmans and Rajputs of Avadh were
The next phase was the central Indian reduced in favour of other groups. The
campaign of Sir Hugh Rose. He rst officers continued to be British, but they
defeated the Gwalior contingent and then, were more closely linked with their men.
when the rebels Tantia Topi and Rani The army became an efficient profes-
Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi had seized Gwalior, sional body, drawn largely from the
broke up their forces in two more battles. northwest and aloof from the national life.
The rani found a soldiers death, and
Tantia Topi became a fugitive. With the CLIMAX OF THE RAJ, 185885
British recovery of Gwalior (June 20,
1858), the revolt was virtually over. The quarter century following the bitter
The restoration of peace was hindered Indian revolt of 185759, though span-
by British cries for vengeance, often lead- ning a peak of British imperial power in
ing to indiscriminate reprisals. The India, ended with the birth of nationalist
treatment of the aged Bahdur Shah, who agitation against the raj (British rule). For
was sent into exile, was a disgrace to a civi- both Indians and British, the period was
lized country; also, the whole population of haunted with dark memories of the
Delhi was driven out into the open, and mutiny, and numerous measures were
thousands were killed after perfunctory taken by the British raj to avoid another
trials or no trials at all. Order was restored conict. In 1885, however, the founding of
by the rmness of Charles John Canning the Indian National Congress marked the
(later Earl Canning), rst viceroy of India beginnings of effective, organized pro-
(governed 185862), whose title of test for national self-determination.
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 261

Government of India Act and nonintervention in matters of reli-

of 1858 gious belief or worship within British
India. The announcement reversed Lord
On Aug. 2, 1858, less than a month after Dalhousies prewar policy of political
Canning proclaimed the victory of British unication through princely state annex-
arms, Parliament passed the Government ation, and princes were left free to adopt
of India Act, transferring British power any heirs they desired so long as they all
over India from the East India Company, swore undying allegiance to the British
whose ineptitude was primarily blamed crown. In 1876, at Prime Minister
for the mutiny, to the crown. The mer- Benjamin Disraelis prompting, Queen
chant companys residual powers were Victoria added the title Empress of India
vested in the secretary of state for India, a to her regality. British fears of another
minister of Great Britains cabinet, who mutiny and consequent determination to
would preside over the India Office in bolster Indian states as natural breakwa-
London and be assisted and advised, ters against any future tidal wave of
especially in nancial matters, by a revolt thus left more than 560 enclaves
Council of India, which consisted initially of autocratic princely rule to survive,
of 15 Britons, 7 of whom were elected interspersed throughout British India, for
from among the old companys court of the entire nine decades of crown rule.
directors and 8 of whom were appointed The new policy of religious noninterven-
by the crown. Though some of Britains tion was born equally out of fear of
most powerful political leaders became recurring mutiny, which many Britons
secretaries of state for India in the latter believed had been triggered by orthodox
half of the 19th century, actual control Hindu and Muslim reaction against the
over the government of India remained secularizing inroads of utilitarian positiv-
in the hands of British viceroyswho ism and the proselytizing of Christian
divided their time between Calcutta missionaries. British liberal socioreli-
(Kolkata) and Simla (Shimla)and their gious reform therefore came to a halt for
steel frame of approximately 1,500 more than three decadesessentially
Indian Civil Service (ICS) officials posted from the East India Companys Hindu
on the spot throughout British India. Widows Remarriage Act of 1856 to the
crowns timid Age of Consent Act of 1891,
Social Policy which merely raised the age of statutory
rape for consenting Indian brides from
On Nov. 1, 1858, Lord Canning announced 10 years to 12.
Queen Victorias proclamation to the The typical attitude of British offi-
Princes, Chiefs and Peoples of India, cials who went to India during this period
which unveiled a new British policy of was, as the English writer Rudyard
perpetual support for native princes Kipling put it, to take up the white
262 | The History of India

mans burden. By and large, throughout home with their British wives during fur-
the interlude of their Indian service to the loughs than to tour India as their
crown, Britons lived as super-bureaucrats, predecessors had done. While the intellec-
Pukka Sahibs, remaining as aloof as tual calibre of British recruits to the ICS in
possible from native contamination in this era was, on the average, probably
their private clubs and well-guarded mili- higher than that of servants recruited
tary cantonments (called camps), which under the companys earlier patronage
were constructed beyond the walls of the system, British contacts with Indian soci-
old, crowded native cities in this era. ety diminished in every respect (fewer
These new British military towns were British men, for example, openly consorted
initially erected as secure bases for the with Indian women), and British sympathy
reorganized British regiments and were for and understanding of Indian life and
designed with straight roads wide culture were, for the most part, replaced by
enough for cavalry to gallop through suspicion, indifference, and fear.
whenever needed. The old companys
three armies (located in Bengal, Bombay
[Mumbai], and Madras [Chennai]), which
in 1857 had only 43,000 British to 228,000
native troops, were reorganized by 1867
to a much safer mix of 65,000 British to
140,000 Indian soldiers. Selective new
British recruitment policies screened out
all nonmartial (meaning previously dis-
loyal) Indian castes and races from armed
service and mixed the soldiers in every
regiment, thus permitting no single caste
or linguistic or religious group to again
dominate a British Indian garrison.
Indian soldiers were also restricted
from handling certain sophisticated
After 1869, with the completion of the
Suez Canal and the steady expansion of
steam transport reducing the sea passage
between Britain and India from about
three months to only three weeks, British
women came to the East with ever greater
Queen Victoria in 1887. Alexander
alacrity, and the British officials they mar- Bassano/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
ried found it more appealing to return
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 263

Queen Victorias 1858 promise of Though the government of India was by

racial equality of opportunity in the selec- statutory denition the Governor-
tion of civil servants for the government General-in-Council (governor-general
of India had theoretically thrown the ICS remained the viceroys alternate title), the
open to qualied Indians, but examina- viceroy was empowered to overrule his
tions for the services were given only in councillors if ever he deemed that neces-
Britain and only to male applicants sary. He personally took charge of the
between the ages of 17 and 22 (in 1878 the Foreign Department, which was mostly
maximum age was further reduced to 19) concerned with relations with princely
who could stay in the saddle over a rigor- states and bordering foreign powers. Few
ous series of hurdles. It is hardly viceroys found it necessary to assert their
surprising, therefore, that by 1869 only full despotic authority, since the majority
one Indian candidate had managed to of their councillors usually were in agree-
clear these obstacles to win a coveted ment, but in 1879 Viceroy Lytton
admission to the ICS. British royal prom- (governed 187680) felt obliged to over-
ises of equality were thus subverted in rule his entire council in order to
actual implementation by jealous, fearful accommodate demands for the elimina-
bureaucrats posted on the spot. tion of his governments import duties on
British cotton manufactures, despite
Government Organization Indias desperate need for revenue in a
year of widespread famine and agricul-
From 1858 to 1909 the government of tural disorders.
India was an increasingly centralized From 1854 additional members met
paternal despotism and the worlds larg- with the viceroys Executive Council for
est imperial bureaucracy. The Indian legislative purposes, and by the act of
Councils Act of 1861 transformed the 1861 their permissible number was raised
viceroys Executive Council into a minia- to between 6 and 12, no fewer than half of
ture cabinet run on the portfolio system, whom were to be nonofficial. While the
and each of the ve ordinary members viceroy appointed all such legislative
was placed in charge of a distinct depart- councillors and was empowered to veto
ment of Calcuttas governmenthome, any bill passed on to him by this body, its
revenue, military, nance, and law. The debates were to be open to a limited pub-
military commander in chief sat with this lic audience, and several of its nonofficial
council as an extraordinary member. A members were Indian nobility and loyal
sixth ordinary member was assigned to landowners. For the government of India
the viceroys Executive Council after 1874, the legislative council sessions thus
initially to preside over the Department served as a crude public-opinion barom-
of Public Works, which after 1904 came to eter and the beginnings of an advisory
be called Commerce and Industry. safety valve that provided the viceroy
264 | The History of India

with early crisis warnings at the mini- trade to China; the third was the tax on
mum possible risk of parliamentary-type salt, also jealously guarded by the crown
opposition. The act of 1892 further as its official monopoly preserve. An indi-
expanded the councils permissible addi- vidual income tax was introduced for ve
tional membership to 16, of whom 10 years to pay off the war decit, but urban
could be nonofficial, and increased their personal income was not added as a regu-
powers, though only to the extent of lar source of Indian revenue until 1886.
allowing them to ask questions of gov- Despite continued British adherence
ernment and to criticize formally the to the doctrine of laissez-faire during that
official budget during one day reserved period, a 10 percent customs duty was lev-
for that purpose at the very end of each ied in 1860 to help clear the war debt,
years legislative session in Calcutta. though it was reduced to 7 percent in 1864
The Supreme Council, however, still and to 5 percent in 1875. The above-men-
remained quite remote from any sort of tioned cotton import duty, abolished in
parliament. 1879 by Viceroy Lytton, was not reim-
posed on British imports of piece goods
Economic Policy and and yarn until 1894, when the value of sil-
Development ver fell so precipitously on the world
market that the government of India was
Economically, this was an era of increased forced to take action, even against the
commercial agricultural production, rap- economic interests of the home country
idly expanding trade, early industrial (i.e., textiles in Lancashire), by adding
development, and severe famine. The enough rupees to its revenue to make
total cost of the mutiny of 185759, which ends meet. Bombays textile industry had
was equivalent to a normal years reve- by then developed more than 80 power
nue, was charged to India and paid off mills, and the Indian industrialist Jamsetji
from increased revenue resources in four (Jamshedji) N. Tatas (18391904) huge
years. The major source of government Empress Mill was in full operation at
income throughout this period remained Nagpur, competing directly with
the land revenue, which, as a percentage Lancashire mills for the vast Indian mar-
of the agricultural yield of Indias soil, ket. Britains mill owners again
continued to be an annual gamble in demonstrated their power in Calcutta by
monsoon rains. Usually, however, it pro- forcing the government of India to impose
vided about half of British Indias gross an equalizing 5 percent excise tax on all
annual revenue, or roughly the money cloth manufactured in India, thereby con-
needed to support the army. The second vincing many Indian mill owners and
most lucrative source of revenue at this capitalists that their best interests would
time was the governments continued be served by contributing nancial sup-
monopoly over the ourishing opium port to the Indian National Congress.
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 265

Britains major contribution to Indias convert their commercial agricultural sur-

economic development throughout the plus back into food during depression
era of crown rule was the railroad net- years, and from 1865 through 1900 India
work that spread so swiftly across the experienced a series of protracted fam-
subcontinent after 1858, when there were ines, which in 1896 was complicated by
barely 200 miles (320 km) of track in all the introduction of the bubonic plague
of India. By 1869 more than 5,000 miles (spread from Bombay, where infected rats
(8,000 km) of steel track had been com- were brought from China). As a result,
pleted by British railroad companies, and though the population of the subconti-
by 1900 there were some 25,000 miles nent increased dramatically from about
(40,000 km) of rail laid. By the start of 200 million in 1872 (the year of the rst
World War I (191418) the total reached almost universal census) to more than 319
35,000 miles (56,000 km), almost the full million in 1921, the population may have
growth of British Indias rail net. Initially, declined slightly between 1895 and 1905.
the railroads proved a mixed blessing for The spread of railroads also acceler-
most Indians, since by linking Indias ated the destruction of Indias indigenous
agricultural, village-based heartland to handicraft industries, for trains lled with
the British imperial port cities of Bombay, cheap competitive manufactured goods
Madras, and Calcutta, they served both to shipped from England now rushed to
accelerate the pace of raw-material inland towns for distribution to villages,
extraction from India and to speed up the underselling the rougher products of
transition from subsistence food to com- Indian craftsmen. Entire handicraft vil-
mercial agricultural production. lages thus lost their traditional markets
Middlemen hired by port-city agency of neighbouring agricultural villagers,
houses rode the trains inland and induced and craftsmen were forced to abandon
village headmen to convert large tracts of their looms and spinning wheels and
grain-yielding land to commercial crops. return to the soil for their livelihood. By
Large sums of silver were offered in the end of the 19th century a larger pro-
payment for raw materials when the portion of Indias population (perhaps
British demand was high, as was the case more than three-fourths) depended
throughout the American Civil War directly on agriculture for support than at
(186165); however, but after the Civil the centurys start, and the pressure of
War ended, restoring raw cotton from the population on arable land increased
southern United States to Lancashire throughout this period. Railroads also
mills, the Indian market collapsed. provided the military with swift and rela-
Millions of peasants weaned from grain tively assured access to all parts of the
production now found themselves riding country in the event of emergency and
the boom-and-bust tiger of a world- were eventually used to transport grain
market economy. They were unable to for famine relief as well.
266 | The History of India

The rich coalelds of Bihar began to the Blue Mutiny (violent riots by cultiva-
be mined during this period to help power tors in 185960), but India continued to
the imported British locomotives, and coal export indigo to European markets until
production jumped from roughly 500,000 the end of the 19th century, when syn-
tons in 1868 to some 6,000,000 tons in thetic dyes made that natural product
1900 and more than 20,000,000 tons by obsolete. Coffee plantations ourished in
1920. Coal was used for iron smelting in south India from 1860 to 1879, after which
India as early as 1875, but the Tata Iron disease blighted the crop and sent Indian
and Steel Company, which received no coffee into a decade of decline.
government aid, did not start production
until 1911, when, in Bihar, it launched FOREIGN POLICY
Indias modern steel industry. Tata grew
rapidly after World War I, and by World The Northwest Frontier
War II it had become the largest
single steel complex in the British British India expanded beyond its com-
Commonwealth. The jute textile industry, pany borders to both the northwest and
Bengals counterpart to Bombays cotton the northeast during this initial phase of
industry, developed in the wake of the crown rule. The turbulent tribal frontier
Crimean War (185356), which, by cutting to the northwest remained a continuing
off Russias supply of raw hemp to source of harassment to settled British
the jute mills of Scotland, stimulated the rule, and Pathan (Pashtun) raiders served
export of raw jute from Calcutta to as a constant lure and justication to
Dundee. In 1863 there were only two jute champions of the forward school
mills in Bengal, but by 1882 there were 20, of imperialism in the colonial offices of
employing more than 20,000 workers. Calcutta and Simla and in the imperial
The most important plantation government offices at Whitehall, London.
industries of this era were tea, indigo, and Russian expansion into Central Asia in
coffee. British tea plantations were started the 1860s provided even greater anxiety
in north Indias Assam Hills in the 1850s and incentive to British proconsuls
and in south Indias Nilgiri Hills some 20 in India, as well as at the Foreign Office in
years later. By 1871 there were more than London, to advance the frontier of the
300 tea plantations, covering in excess of Indian empire beyond the Hindu Kush
30,000 cultivated acres (12,000 hectares) and, indeed, up to Afghanistans northern
and producing some 3,000 tons of tea. By border along the Amu Darya. Lord
1900 Indias tea crop was large enough to Canning (governed 185662), however,
export 68,500 tons to Britain, displacing was far too preoccupied with trying to
the tea of China in London. The ourish- restore tranquillity within India to con-
ing indigo industry of Bengal and Bihar sider embarking upon anything more
was threatened with extinction during ambitious than the northwest frontier
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 267

punitive expedition policy (commonly reverse Lawrences noninterventionist

called butcher and bolt), which was policy and to return to the militant pos-
generally regarded as the simplest, ture of the First Afghan War era, resigned
cheapest method of pacifying the his office rather than accept orders from
Pathans. As viceroy, Lord Lawrence (gov- ministers whose diplomatic judgment he
erned 186469) continued the same believed to be disastrously distorted by
border-pacication policy and resolutely Russophobia. Lord Lytton, however, who
refused to be pushed or lured into the succeeded him as viceroy, was more than
ever-simmering cauldron of Afghan poli- eager to act as his prime minister desired,
tics. In 1863, when the popular old emir, and, soon after he reached Calcutta, he
Dst Muhammad Khan, died, Lawrence notied Shr Al that he was sending a
wisely refrained from attempting to name mission to Kabul. When the emir
his successor, leaving the Dsts 16 sons refused Lytton permission to enter
to ght their own fratricidal battles until Afghanistan, the viceroy bellicosely
1868, when Shr Al Khan nally emerged declaimed that Afghanistan was but an
victorious. Lawrence then recognized earthen pipkin between two metal pots.
and subsidized the new emir. The viceroy, He did not, however, take action against
Lord Mayo (governed 186972), met to the kingdom until 1878, when Russias
confer with Shr Al at Ambala in 1869 General Stolyetov was admitted to Kabul
and, though reaffirming Anglo-Afghan while Lyttons envoy, Sir Neville
friendship, resisted all requests by the Chamberlain, was turned back at the bor-
emir for more permanent and practical der by Afghan troops. The viceroy
support for his still precarious regime. decided to crush his neighbouring pip-
Lord Mayo, the only British viceroy killed kin and launched the Second Afghan
in office, was assassinated by an Afghan War on Nov. 21, 1878, with a British inva-
prisoner on the Andaman Islands in 1872. sion. Shr Al ed his capital and country,
dying in exile early in 1879. The British
The Second Afghan War army occupied Kabul, as it had in the rst
war, and a treaty signed at Gandamak on
Russias glacial advance into Turkistan May 26, 1879, was concluded with the for-
sufficiently alarmed Prime Minister mer emirs son, Yaqb Khan. Yaqb
Disraeli and his secretary of state for Khan promised, in exchange for British
India, Robert Salisbury, that by 1874, when support and protection, to admit to his
they came to power in London, they Kabul court a British resident who would
pressed the government of India to pur- direct Afghan foreign relations, but the
sue a more vigorous interventionist line resident, Sir Louis Cavagnari, was assas-
with the Afghan government. The vice- sinated on Sept. 3, 1879, just two months
roy, Lord Northbrook (governed 187276), after he arrived. British troops trudged
resisting all such cabinet promptings to back over the passes to Kabul and
268 | The History of India

removed Yaqb from the throne, which the new province reduced border conicts,
remained vacant until July 1880, when though for the next decade British troops
Abd al-Rahmn Khan, nephew of Shr continued to ght against Mahsds,
Al, became emir. The new emir, one of Wazrs, and Zakka Khel Afrds.
the shrewdest statesmen in Afghan his-
tory, remained secure on the throne until The Incorporation of Burma
his death in 1901.
The viceroy, Lord Lansdowne (gov- British Indias conquest of Burma
erned 188894), who sought to reassert a (Myanmar) was completed during this
more forward policy in Afghanistan, did so period. The Second Anglo-Burmese War
on the advice of his military commander (1852) had left the kingdom of Ava (Upper
in chief, Lord Roberts, who had served as Burma) independent of British India, and
eld commander in the Second Afghan under the rule of King Mindon (185378),
War. In 1893 Lansdowne sent Sir Mortimer who built his capital at Mandalay, steam-
Durand, the government of Indias foreign ers bringing British residents and private
secretary, on a mission to Kabul to open traders up the Irrawaddy River from
negotiations on the delimitation of the Rangoon (Yangon) were welcomed.
Indo-Afghan border. The delimitation, Mindon, noted for convening the Fifth
known as the Durand Line, was completed Buddhist Council at Mandalay in 1871
in 1896 and added the tribal territory of the (the rst such council in some 1,900
Afrds, Mahsds, Wazrs, and Swts as years), was succeeded by a younger son,
well as the chieftainships of Chitral and Thibaw, who in February 1879 celebrated
Gilgit, to the domain of British India. The his ascendancy to the throne by having
9th earl of Elgin (governed 189499), 80 siblings massacred. Thibaw refused to
Lansdownes successor, devoted much of renew his fathers treaty agreements with
his viceregal tenure to sending British Britain, turning instead to seek commer-
Indian armies on punitive expeditions cial relations with the French, who were
along this new frontier. The viceroy, Lord then advancing toward his kingdom from
Curzon (governed 18991905), however, their base in Southeast Asia. Thibaw sent
recognized the impracticality of trying to envoys to Paris, and in January 1885 the
administer the turbulent frontier region as French signed a treaty of trade with
part of the large Punjab province. Thus, in the kingdom of Ava and dispatched a
1901 he created a new North-West Frontier French consul to Mandalay. This envoy
Province containing some 40,000 square hoped to establish a French bank in
miles (about 100,000 square km) of trans- Upper Burma to nance the construction
Indus and tribal borderland territory under of a railway and the general commercial
a British chief commissioner responsible development of the kingdom, but his
directly to the viceroy. By instituting a pol- plans were thwarted. The viceroy, Lord
icy of regular payments to frontier tribes, Dufferin (governed 188488)impatient
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 269

with Thibaw for delaying a treaty agree- national mainstreams owing beneath
ment with British India, goaded to action the deceptively placid official surface of
by British traders in Rangoon, and pro- British administration: the larger, headed
voked by fears of French intervention in by the Indian National Congress, which
Britains spheresent an expedition of led eventually to the birth of India, and
some 10,000 troops up the Irrawaddy in the smaller Muslim one, which acquired
November 1885. The Third Anglo- its organizational skeleton with the
Burmese War ended in less than a month founding of the Muslim League in 1906
with the loss of hardly 20 lives, and on and led to the creation of Pakistan.
Jan. 1, 1886, Upper Burma, a kingdom of Many English-educated young
greater area than Britain and with a pop- Indians of the post-mutiny period emu-
ulation of some 4,000,000, was annexed lated their British mentors by seeking
by proclamation to British India. employment in the ICS, the legal ser-
vices, journalism, and education. The
INDIAN NATIONALISM AND universities of Bombay, Bengal, and
THE BRITISH RESPONSE, Madras had been founded in 1857 as the
18851920 capstone of the East India Companys
modest policy of selectively fostering the
The Indian National Congress held its introduction of English education in
rst meeting in December 1885 in India. At the beginning of crown rule, the
Bombay city while British Indian troops rst graduates of these universities,
were still ghting in Upper Burma. Thus, reared on the works and ideas of Jeremy
just as the British Indian empire Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Thomas
approached its outermost limits of expan- Macaulay, sought positions that would
sion, the institutional seed of the largest help them improve themselves and soci-
of its national successors was sown. ety at the same time. They were convinced
that, with the education they had received
Origins of the Nationalist and the proper apprenticeship of hard
Movement work, they would eventually inherit the
machinery of British Indian government.
Provincial roots of Indian nationalism, Few Indians, however, were admitted to
however, may be traced to the beginning the ICS; and, among the rst handful who
of the era of crown rule in Bombay, were, one of the brightest, Surendranath
Bengal, and Madras. Nationalism Banerjea (18481925), was dismissed dis-
emerged in 19th-century British India honourably at the earliest pretext and
both in emulation of and as a reaction turned from loyal participation within the
against the consolidation of British rule government to active nationalist agita-
and the spread of Western civilization. tion against it. Banerjea became a
There were, moreover, two turbulent Calcutta college teacher and then editor
270 | The History of India

Sir Surendranath Banerjea

The renowned Indian statesman Surendranath Banerjea (18481925) was one of the founders
of modern India. As a young man, he attempted unsuccessfully to serve in the Indian Civil
Service, at the time virtually closed to ethnic Indians. He then became a teacher and founded a
college in Calcutta (now Kolkata), which was later named for him. Banerjea attempted to bring
Hindus and Muslims together for political action, and for 40 years he put forward a nationalist
viewpoint in his newspaper, The Bengalee. Twice elected president of the Indian National
Congress, he advocated for an Indian constitution on the Canadian model. He was elected in
1913 to two legislative councils and later was knighted (1921); in 1924 he was defeated by an
independence candidate, whereupon he retired to write his autobiography, A Nation in the
Making (1925).

of The Bengalee and founder of the Indu Prakash, helped start the Hindu
Indian Association in Calcutta. In 1883 he reformist Prarthana Samaj (Prayer
convened the rst Indian National Society) in Bombay, wrote historical and
Conference in Bengal, anticipating by other essays, and became a barrister,
two years the birth of the Congress on the eventually being appointed to the bench
opposite side of India. After the rst par- of Bombays high court. Ranade was
tition of Bengal in 1905, Banerjea attained one of the early leaders of Indias emula-
nationwide fame as a leader of the tive school of nationalism, as was his
swadeshi (of our own country) move- brilliant disciple Gopal Krishna Gokhale
ment, promoting Indian-made goods, (18661915), later revered by Mohandas
and the movement to boycott British Karamchand Gandhi (18691948) as a
manufactured goods. political guru (preceptor). Gokhale, an
During the 1870s young leaders in editor and social reformer, taught at
Bombay also established a number of Fergusson College in Poona (Pune) and
provincial political associations, such as in 1905 was elected president of the
the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (Poona Congress. Moderation and reform were
Public Society), founded by Mahadev the keynotes of Gokhales life, and by his
Govind Ranade (18421901), who had use of reasoned argument, patient labour,
graduated at the top of the University of and unagging faith in the ultimate
Bombays rst bachelor of arts class in equity of British liberalism, he was able to
1862. Ranade found employment in the achieve much for India.
educational department in Bombay, Bal Gangadhar Tilak (18561920),
taught at Elphinstone College, edited the Gokhales colleague at Fergusson
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 271

College, was the leader of Indian nation- result of the European communitys rejec-
alisms revolutionary reaction against tion of his liberal humanitarian
British rule. Tilak was Poonas most pop- legislation. One of the key men who
ular Marathi journalist, whose vernacular helped arrange the rst meeting of the
newspaper, Kesari (Lion), became the Congress was a retired British official,
leading literary thorn in the side of Allan Octavian Hume (18291912),
the British. The Lokamanya (Revered Ripons radical condant. After retiring
by the People), as Tilak came to be called from the ICS in 1882, Hume, a mystic
after he was jailed for seditious writings reformer and ornithologist, lived in Simla,
in 1897, looked to orthodox Hinduism where he studied birds and theosophy.
and Maratha history as his twin sources Hume had joined the Theosophical
of nationalist inspiration. Tilak called Society in 1881, as had many young
upon his compatriots to take keener Indians, who found in theosophy a move-
interest and pride in the religious, cul- ment most attering to Indian
tural, martial, and political glories of civilization.
pre-British Hindu India; in Poona, former Helena Blavatsky (183191),
capital of the Maratha Hindu glory, he the Russian-born cofounder of the
helped found and publicize the popular Theosophical Society, went to India in
Ganesha (Ganapati) and Shivaji festivals 1879 to sit at the feet of Swami Dayananda
in the 1890s. Tilak had no faith in British Sarasvati (182483), whose back to the
justice, and his life was devoted primarily Vedas reformist Hindu society, the Arya
to agitation aimed at ousting the British Samaj, was founded in Bombay in 1875.
from India by any means and restoring Dayananda called on Hindus to reject the
swaraj (self-rule or independence) to corrupting excrescences of their faith,
Indias people. While Tilak brought many including idolatry, the caste system, and
non-English-educated Hindus into the infant marriage, and to return to the orig-
nationalist movement, the orthodox inal purity of Vedic life and thought. The
Hindu character of his revolutionary Swami insisted that post-Vedic changes
revival (which mellowed considerably in in Hindu society had led only to weak-
the latter part of his political career) ness and disunity, which had destroyed
alienated many within Indias Muslim Indias capacity to resist foreign invasion
minority and exacerbated communal ten- and subjugation. His reformist society
sions and conict. was to take root most rmly in the Punjab
The viceroyalties of Lytton and Lord at the start of the 20th century, and it
Ripon (governed 188084) prepared the became that provinces leading national-
soil of British India for nationalism, ist organization. Blavatsky soon left
the former by internal measures of repres- Dayananda and established her own
sion and the futility of an external policy Samaj, whose Indian headquarters were
of aggression, the latter indirectly as a outside Madras city, at Adyar. Annie
272 | The History of India

Besant (18471933), the Theosophical Economic demands by the Congress

Societys most famous leader, succeeded started with a call for the reduction of
Blavatsky and became the rst and only home chargesthat part of Indian rev-
British woman to serve as president of enue that went toward the entire India
the Indian National Congress (1917). Office budget and the pensions of offi-
cials living in Britain in retirement.
The Early Congress Dadabhai Naoroji (18251917), the grand
Movement old man of the Congress who served
three times as its president, was the lead-
The rst Congress session, convened in ing exponent of the popular economic
Bombay city on Dec. 28, 1885, was drain argument, which offered theoreti-
attended by 73 representatives, as well as cal support to nationalist politics by
10 more unofficial delegates; virtually insisting that Indias poverty was the
every province of British India was repre- product of British exploitation and the
sented. Fifty-four of the delegates were annual plunder of gold, silver, and raw
Hindu, only two were Muslim, and the materials. Other resolutions called for the
remainder were mostly Parsi and Jain. reduction of military expenditure, con-
Practically all the Hindu delegates were demned the Third Anglo-Burmese War,
Brahmans. All of them spoke English. demanded retrenchment of administra-
More than half were lawyers, and the tive expenses, and urged reimposition of
remainder consisted of journalists, busi- import duties on British manufactures.
nessmen, landowners, and professors. Hume, who is credited with organiz-
Such was the rst gathering of the new ing the Indian National Congress,
India, an emerging elite of middle-class attended the rst session of the
intellectuals devoted to peaceful political Congress as the only British delegate.
action and protest on behalf of their Sir William Wedderburn (18381918),
nation in the making. On its last day, the Gokhales closest British adviser and him-
Congress passed resolutions, embodying self later elected twice to serve as
the political and economic demands of president of the Congress, and William
its members, that served thereafter as Wordsworth, principal of Elphinstone
public petitions to government for the College, both appeared as observers.
redress of grievances. Among these ini- Most Britons in India, however, either
tial resolutions were calls for the addition ignored the Congress and its resolutions
of elected nonofficial representatives to as the action and demands of a micro-
the supreme and provincial legislative scopic minority of Indias diverse
councils and for real equality of opportu- millions or considered them the rantings
nity for Indians to enter the ICS by the of disloyal extremists. Despite this combi-
immediate introduction of simultaneous nation of official disdain and hostility, the
examinations in India and Britain. Congress quickly won substantial Indian
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 273

Helen Keller meets with Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore in New York in 1930.
Transcendental Graphics/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

support and within two years had grown the Congress with unprecedented popu-
to number more than 600 delegates. In larity and militant vitality by his own
1888, when Viceroy Dufferin on the eve of arrogance and by failing to appreciate the
his departure from India dismissed the importance of human sympathy in his
Congress as microscopic, it mustered relentless drive toward greater efficiency.
1,248 delegates at its annual meeting. Still,
British officials continued to dismiss the The First Partition of Bengal
signicance of the Congress, and more
than a decade later Viceroy Curzon The rst partition of Bengal in 1905
claimed, perhaps wishfully, that it brought that province to the brink of
was tottering to its fall. Curzon, open rebellion. With some 85 million
however, inadvertently helped to infuse people, Bengal was admittedly much too
274 | The History of India

large for a single province and merited the partition, Bengali Hindus launched
reorganization and intelligent division. an effective boycott of British-made
The line drawn by Lord Curzons govern- goods and dramatized their resolve to
ment, however, cut through the heart of live without foreign cloth by igniting
the Bengali-speaking nation, leaving huge bonres of Lancashire-made tex-
western Bengals bhadralok, the intellec- tiles. Such bonres, re-creating ancient
tual Hindu leadership of Calcutta, tied to Vedic sacricial altars, aroused Hindus in
the much less politically active Bihari- Poona, Madras, and Bombay to light sim-
and Oriya-speaking Hindus to their ilar political pyres of protest. Instead of
north and south. A new Muslim-majority wearing foreign-made cloth, Indians
province of Eastern Bengal and Assam vowed to use only domestic (swadeshi)
was created with its capital at Dacca (now cottons and other clothing made in India.
Dhaka). The leadership of the Congress Simple hand-spun and hand-woven saris
viewed that partition as an attempt to became high fashion, rst in Calcutta
divide and rule and as proof of the gov- and elsewhere in Bengal and then all
ernments vindictive antipathy toward across India, and displaced the nest
the outspoken bhadralok intellectuals, Lancashire garments, which were now
especially since Curzon and his subordi- viewed as hateful imports. The swadeshi
nates had ignored countless pleas and movement soon stimulated indigenous
petitions signed by tens of thousands of enterprise in many elds, from Indian
Calcuttas leading citizens. Mother- cotton mills to match factories, glass-
goddess-worshipping Bengali Hindus blowing shops, and iron and steel
believed that partition was nothing less foundries.
than the vivisection of their mother Increased demands for national edu-
province, and mass protest rallies before cation also swiftly followed partition.
and after Bengals division on Oct. 16, Bengali students and professors extended
1905, attracted millions of people thereto- their boycott of British goods to English
fore untouched by politics of any variety. schools and college classrooms, and
The new tide of national sentiment politically active Indians began to emu-
born in Bengal rose to inundate India in late the so-called Indian JesuitsVishnu
every direction, and Bande Mataram Krishna Chiplunkar (185082), Gopal
(Hail to Thee Mother) became the Ganesh Agarkar (185695), Tilak, and
Congresss national anthem, its words Gokhalewho were pioneers in the
taken from Anandamath, a popular founding of indigenous educational insti-
Bengali novel by Bankim Chandra tutions in the Deccan in the 1880s. The
Chatterjee, and its music composed by movement for national education spread
Bengals greatest poet, Rabindranath throughout Bengal, as well as to Varanasi
Tagore (18611941). As a reaction against (Banaras), where Pandit Madan Mohan
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 275

Malaviya (18611946) founded his private Nationalism in the

Banaras Hindu University in 1910. Muslim Community
One of the last major demands to be
added to the platform of the Congress in While the Congress was calling for swaraj
the wake of Bengals rst partition was in Calcutta, the Muslim League held its
swaraj (self-rule), soon to become the rst meeting in Dacca. Though the
most popular mantra of Indian national- Muslim minority portion of Indias popu-
ism. Swaraj was rst articulated, in the lation lagged behind the Hindu majority
presidential address of Dadabhai Naoroji, in uniting to articulate nationalist politi-
as the Congresss goal at its Calcutta ses- cal demands, Islam had, since the
sion in 1906. founding of the Delhi sultanate in 1206,
provided Indian Muslims with sufficient
doctrinal mortar to unite them as a sepa-
rate religious community. The era of
effective Mughal rule (c. 15561707),
moreover, gave Indias Muslims a sense
of martial and administrative superiority
to, as well as a sense of separation from,
the Hindu majority.
In 1857 the last of the Mughal emper-
ors had served as a rallying symbol for
many mutineers, and in the wake of the
mutiny most Britons placed the burden of
blame for its inception upon the Muslim
community. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
(181798), Indias greatest 19th-century
Muslim leader, succeeded, in his Causes of
the Indian Revolt (1873), in convincing
many British officials that Hindus were
primarily to blame for the mutiny. Sayyid
had entered the companys service in 1838
and was the leader of Muslim Indias emu-
lative mainstream of political reform. He
visited Oxford in 1874 and returned to
found the Anglo-Muhammadan Oriental
College (now Aligarh Muslim University)
Sultan Sir Mohammad Shah, Aga Khan
at Aligarh in 1875. It was Indias rst centre
III, 1935. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.
of Islamic and Western higher education,
276 | The History of India

with instruction given in English and mod- Lord Minto, the new secretary of state for
eled on Oxford. Aligarh became the India, John Morley, was able to introduce
intellectual cradle of the Muslim League several important innovations into the
and Pakistan. legislative and administrative machinery
Sayyid Mahdi Ali (18371907), popu- of the British Indian government. First of
larly known by his title Mohsin al-Mulk, all, he acted to implement Queen
had succeeded Sayyid Ahmad as leader Victorias promise of racial equality of
and convened a deputation of some 36 opportunity, which since 1858 had served
Muslim leaders, headed by the Aga Khan only to assure Indian nationalists of
III, that in 1906 called upon Lord Minto British hypocrisy. He appointed two
(viceroy from 190510) to articulate the Indian members to his council at
special national interests of Indias Whitehall: one a Muslim, Sayyid Husain
Muslim community. Minto promised that Bilgrami, who had taken an active role in
any reforms enacted by his government the founding of the Muslim League; the
would safeguard the separate interests of other a Hindu, Krishna G. Gupta,
the Muslim community. Separate Muslim the senior Indian in the ICS. Morley also
electorates, formally inaugurated by the persuaded a reluctant Lord Minto to
Indian Councils Act of 1909, were thus appoint to the viceroys executive council
vouchsafed by viceregal at in 1906. the rst Indian member, Satyendra P.
Encouraged by the concession, the Aga Sinha (18641928), in 1909. Sinha (later
Khans deputation issued an expanded Lord Sinha) had been admitted to the bar
call during the rst meeting of the at Lincolns Inn in 1886 and was advocate
Muslim League (convened in December general of Bengal before his appointment
1906 at Dacca) to protect and advance as the viceroys law member, a position
the political rights and interests of he felt obliged to resign in 1910. He was
Mussalmans of India. Other resolutions elected president of the Congress in 1915
moved at its rst meeting expressed and became parliamentary undersecre-
Muslim loyalty to the British govern- tary of state for India in 1919 and governor
ment, support for the Bengal partition, of Bihar and Orissa in 1920.
and condemnation of the boycott Morleys major reform scheme, the
movement. Indian Councils Act of 1909 (popularly
called the Morley-Minto Reforms),
Reforms of the British directly introduced the elective principle
Liberals to Indian legislative council membership.
Though the initial electorate was a
In Great Britain the Liberal Partys elec- minuscule minority of Indians enfran-
toral victory of 1906 marked the dawn of chised by property ownership and
a new era of reforms for British India. education, in 1910 some 135 elected
Hampered though he was by the viceroy, Indian representatives took their seats as
British India from the Mutiny to World War I | 277

members of legislative councils through- Gokhale took immediate advantage of

out British India. The act of 1909 also these vital new parliamentary procedures
increased the maximum additional mem- by introducing a measure for free and
bership of the supreme council from 16 compulsory elementary education
(to which it had been raised by the throughout British India. Although
Councils Act of 1892) to 60. In the provin- defeated, it was brought back again and
cial councils of Bombay, Bengal, and again by Gokhale, who used the platform
Madras, which had been created in 1861, of the governments highest council of
the permissible total membership had state as a sounding board for nationalist
been raised to 20 by the act of 1892, and demands. Before the act of 1909, as
this was increased in 1909 to 50, a major- Gokhale told fellow members of the
ity of whom were to be nonofficial; the Congress in Madras that year, Indian
number of council members in other nationalists had been engaged in agita-
provinces was similarly increased. tion from outside, but from now, he
In abolishing the official majorities of said, they would be engaged in what
provincial legislatures, Morley was follow- might be called responsible association
ing the advice of Gokhale and other with the administration.
liberal Congress leaders, such as Romesh
Chunder Dutt (18481909), and overriding Moderate and Militant
the bitter opposition of not only the ICS Nationalism
but also his own viceroy and council.
Morley believed, as did many other British In 1907 the Congress held its annual
Liberal politicians, that the only justica- meeting in Surat, but the assembly,
tion for British rule over India was to plagued by conict, never came to order
bequeath to the government of India long enough to hear the presidential
Britains greatest political institution, par- address of its moderate president-elect,
liamentary government. Minto and his Rash Behari Ghose (18451921). The divi-
officials in Calcutta and Simla did succeed sion of the Congress reected broad
in watering down the reforms by writing tactical differences between the liberal
stringent regulations for their implemen- evolutionary and militant revolutionary
tation and insisting upon the retention of wings of the national organization and
executive veto power over all legislation. those aspiring to the presidency. Young
Elected members of the new councils were militants of Tilaks New Party wanted to
empowered, nevertheless, to engage in extend the boycott movement to the
spontaneous supplementary questioning, entire British government, while moder-
as well as in formal debate with the execu- ate leaders like Gokhale cautioned
tive concerning the annual budget. against such extreme action, fearing it
Members were also permitted to intro- might lead to violence. Those moderates
duce legislative proposals of their own. were attacked by the militants as
278 | The History of India

traitors to the motherland, and the agreed to the new viceroys proposal that
Congress split into two parties, which a separate province of Bihar and Orissa
would not reunite for nine years. Tilak should be carved out of Bengal. King
demanded swaraj as his birthright, and George V journeyed to India for his coro-
his newspaper encouraged the young nation durbar in Delhi, and there, on
militants, whose introduction of the cult Dec. 12, 1911, were announced the revoca-
of the bomb and the gun in Maharashtra tion of the partition of Bengal, the
and Bengal led to Tilaks deportation for creation of a new province, and the plan
sedition to Mandalay prison from 1908 to shift the capital of British India from
to 1914. Political violence in Bengal, in Calcutta to Delhis distant plain. By shift-
the form of terrorist acts, reached its peak ing their capital to the site of great
from 1908 through 1910, as did the sever- Mughal glory, the British hoped to pla-
ity of official repression and the number cate Bengals Muslim minority, now
of preventive detention arrests. aggrieved at the loss of provincial power
Although Minto continued to assure in eastern Bengal.
Morley that opposition to the partition of Reunication of Bengal indeed
Bengal was dying down, and although served somewhat to mollify Bengali
Morley tried to convince his Liberal Hindus, but the downgrading of Calcutta
friends that it was a settled fact, the from imperial to mere provincial capital
opposite, in fact, was true. Harsher repres- status was simultaneously a blow to
sion seemed only to breed more violent bhadralok egos and to Calcutta real
agitation. estate values. Political unrest continued,
Before the end of 1910, Minto nally now attracting Muslim as well as Hindu
returned home, and Morley appointed acts of terrorist violence, and Lord
the liberal Lord Hardinge to succeed him Hardinge himself was nearly assassi-
as viceroy (governed 191016). Soon after nated by a bomb thrown into his howdah
reaching Calcutta, Hardinge recom- as he entered Delhi atop the viceregal
mended the reunication of Bengal, a elephant in 1912. The would-be assassin
position accepted by Morley, who also escaped in the crowd.
British India from
World War I
to 1947
L ater in 1912 Edwin Samuel Montagu, Morleys political
protg, who served as parliamentary undersecretary of
state for India from 1910 to 1914, announced that the goal
of British policy toward India would be to meet the just
demands of Indians for a greater share in government. Britain
seemed to be awakening to the urgency of Indias political
demands just as more compelling problems of European war
preempted Whitehalls attention. The ultimate goal of the
Indian nationaliststhe end of the raj and independence
would have to wait for more than three decades while the
world experienced two global wars that anked a crippling
economic depression.


In August 1914, Lord Hardinge announced his governments

entry into World War I. Indias contributions to the war became
extensive and signicant, and the wars contributions to
change within British India proved to be even greater. In many
wayspolitically, economically, and sociallythe impact of
the conict was as pervasive as that of the mutiny of 185759.

Indias Contributions to the War Effort

The initial response throughout India to Lord Hardinges

announcement was, for the most part, enthusiastic support.
280 | The History of India

Indian princes volunteered their men, of British Indian racial discrimination

money, and personal service, while lead- the ranks of royal commissioned officers.
ers of the Congressfrom Tilak, who had In the early months of the war, Indian
just been released from Mandalay and troops also were rushed to eastern Africa
had wired the king-emperor vowing his and Egypt, and by the end of 1914 more
patriotic support, to Gandhi, who toured than 300,000 officers and men of the
Indian villages urging peasants to British Indian Army had been shipped to
join the British armywere allied in back- overseas garrisons and battlefronts. The
ing the war effort. Only Indias Muslims, armys most ambitious, though ill-
many of whom felt a strong religious alle- managed, campaign was fought in
giance to the Ottoman caliph that had to Mesopotamia. In October 1914, before
be weighed against their temporal devo- Turkey joined forces with the Central
tion to British rule, seemed ambivalent Powers, the government of India launched
from the wars inception. an army to the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab
Support from the Congress was pri- to further Viceroy Curzons policy of con-
marily offered on the assumption that trol over the Persian Gulf region.
Britain would repay such loyal assistance Al-Basrah (Basra) was taken easily in
with substantial political concessionsif December 1914, and by October 1915 the
not immediate independence or at least British Indian Army had moved as far
dominion status following the war, then north as Al-Kt (Kt al-Amrah), barely
surely its promise soon after the Allies 100 miles (160 km) from Baghdad. The
achieved victory. The government of prize of Baghdad seemed within reach of
Indias immediate military support was British arms, but, less than two weeks
of vital importance in bolstering the after Gen. Sir Charles Townshends
Western Front, and an expeditionary doomed army of 12,000 Indians started
force, including two fully manned infan- north in November 1915, they were
try divisions and one cavalry division, left stopped at Ctesiphon, then forced to fall
India in late August and early September back to Al-Kt, which was surrounded by
1914. They were shipped directly to France Turks in December and fell in April 1916.
and moved up to the battered Belgian This disaster became a national scandal
line just in time for the First Battle of for Britain and led to the immediate res-
Ypres. The Indian Corps sustained ignation of Indias secretary of state,
extraordinarily heavy losses during the Austin Chamberlain.
winter campaigns of 191415 on the west- Edwin Montagu, Chamberlains suc-
ern front. The myth of Indian racial cessor at Whitehalls India Office,
inferiority, especially with respect to cour- informed the British House of Commons
age in battle, was thus dissolved in sepoy on Aug. 20, 1917, that the policy of the
blood on Flanders elds. In 1917 Indians British government toward India was
were at last admitted to the nal bastion thereafter to be one of increasing
British India from World War I to 1947 | 281

association of Indians in every branch of Muslim disaffection also grew and

the administration . . . with a view to the acquired revolutionary dimensions as the
progressive realization of responsible Mesopotamian campaign dragged on.
government in India as an integral part Many Indian Muslims appealed to
of the Empire. Soon after this stirring Afghanistan for aid and urged the emir to
promise of political reward for Indias start a holy war against the British and in
wartime support, Montagu embarked defense of the caliphate. After the war the
upon a personal tour of India. During his Khilfat movement, an offspring of grow-
tour, Montagu conferred with his new ing pan-Islamic consciousness in India,
viceroy, Lord Chelmsford (governed was started by two ery orator-journalists,
191621), and their lengthy deliberations the brothers Shaukat and Muhammad Ali.
bore fruit in the Montagu-Chelmsford It lured thousands of Muslim peasants to
Report of 1918, the theoretical basis for abandon their village homes and trudge
the Government of India Act of 1919. over frozen high passes in a disastrous
hijrah (ight) from India to Afghanistan.
Anti-British Activity In Bengal, terrorist bombings continued
to harass officials, despite numerous pre-
Anti-British terrorist activity started soon ventive detention arrests made by Indian
after the war began, sparked by the return Criminal Intelligence Division police
to India of hundreds of embittered Sikhs under the tough martial-law edicts pro-
who had sought to emigrate from their mulgated at the wars inception.
Punjab homes to Canada but who were The deaths of Gokhale and of the
denied permission to disembark in that Bombay political leader Sir Pherozeshah
country because of their colour. As British Mehta in 1915 removed the most power-
subjects, the Sikhs had assumed they ful moderate leadership from the
would gain entry to underpopulated Congress and cleared the way for Tilaks
Canada, but, after wretched months return to power in that organization after
aboard an old freighter (the Komagata its reunication in 1916 at Lucknow. That
Maru) in cramped and unsanitary condi- historic session in December 1916
tions with inadequate food supplies, they brought even greater unity to Indias
returned to India as conrmed revolu- nationalist forces, as the Congress and
tionaries. Leaders of the Ghadr the Muslim League agreed to a pact out-
(Revolution) party, which had been lining their joint program of immediate
started by Punjabi Sikhs in 1913, jour- national demands. The Lucknow Pact
neyed abroad in search of arms and called rst of all for the creation of
money to support their revolution, expanded provincial legislative councils,
and Lala Har Dayal, the partys foremost four-fths of whose members should be
leader, went to Berlin to solicit aid from elected directly by the people on as broad
the Central Powers. a franchise as possible. The leagues
282 | The History of India

readiness to unite with the Congress was Great Britain; also supplied by India were
attributed to the pacts stipulation that raw jute, cotton goods, rough-tanned
Muslims should receive a far higher pro- hides, tungsten (wolfram), manganese,
portion of separate electorate seats in all mica, saltpetre, timbers, silk, rubber, and
legislative councils than they had various oils. The government of India
enjoyed under the act of 1909. Thanks to paid for all its troops overseas, and, before
such generous concessions of political the war ended, the viceroy presented a
power by the Congress, Muslim leaders, gift of 100 million (actually an imperial
including Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876 tax) to the British government. The Tata
1949), agreed to set aside doctrinal Iron and Steel Company received Indian
differences and work with the Indian government support once the war started
National Congress toward the attain- and by 1916 was producing 100,000 tons
ment of national freedom from British of steel per year. An industrial commis-
rule. This rapprochement between the sion was appointed in 1916 to survey the
Congress and the Muslim League was subcontinents industrial resources and
short-lived, however, and by 1917 com- potential, and in 1917 a munitions board
munal tensions and disagreements once was created to expedite the production of
again dominated Indias faction-ridden war matriel. Wartime ination was
political scene. Tilak and Annie Besant immediately followed by one of Indias
each campaigned for different home-rule worst depressions, which came in the
leagues, while Muslims worried more wake of the devastating inuenza epi-
about pan-Islamic problems than all- demic of 191819, a pandemic that took a
India questions of unity. far heavier toll of Indian life and resources
than all the casualties sustained through-
The Postwar Years out the war. (Indians accounted for
roughly half of the pandemics total
By Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1918, more deaths worldwide.)
than a million Indian troops had been Politically, the postwar years proved
shipped overseas to ght or serve as non- equally depressing to Indias great expec-
combatants behind the Allied lines on tations. British officials, who in the rst
every major front from France to Gallipoli ush of patriotism had abandoned their
in European Turkey. Nearly 150,000 ICS posts to rush to the front, returned to
Indian battle casualties, more than 36,000 oust the Indian subordinates acting in
of them fatal, were sustained during the their stead and carried on their prewar
war. Indias material and nancial contri- jobs as though nothing had changed in
butions to the war effort included the British India. Indian soldiers also returned
shipment of vast amounts of military from battlefronts to nd that back home
stores and equipment to various fronts they were no longer treated as invaluable
and nearly ve million tons of wheat to allies but reverted immediately to the
British India from World War I to 1947 | 283

status of natives. Most of the soldiers Gandhis appeal received the strongest
recruited during the war had come from popular response in the Punjab, where
the Punjab, which, with less than one- the nationalist leaders Kichloo and
tenth of Indias population, had supplied Satyapal addressed mass protest rallies
as many as half of the combatant troops both from the provincial capital of Lahore
shipped abroad. It is thus hardly surpris- and from Amritsar, sacred capital of the
ing that the ashpoint of postwar violence Sikhs. Gandhi himself had taken a train
that shook India in the spring of 1919 was to the Punjab early in April 1919 to
Punjab province. address one of those rallies, but he was
The issue that served to rally millions arrested at the border station and taken
of Indians, arousing them to a new level of back to Bombay by orders of Punjabs
disaffection from British rule, was the lieutenant governor, Sir Michael
government of Indias hasty passage of ODwyer. On April 10, Kichloo and
the Rowlatt Acts early in 1919. These
black acts, as they came to be called,
were peacetime extensions of the war-
time emergency measures passed in
1915 and had been rammed through
the Supreme Legislative Council over the
unanimous opposition of its Indian mem-
bers, several of whom, including Jinnah,
resigned in protest. Jinnah wrote to
Viceroy Lord Chelmsford that the enact-
ment of such autocratic legislation,
following the victorious conclusion of a
war in which India had so loyally sup-
ported Britain, was an unwarranted
uprooting of the fundamental principles
of justice and a gross violation of the
constitutional rights of the people.
Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Gujarati
barrister who had returned from South
Africa shortly after the war started and
was recognized throughout India as one
of the most promising leaders of the
Congress, called upon all Indians to take Mohandas K. Gandhi with delegates of
sacred vows to disobey the Rowlatt Acts the Indian Round Table Conference,
and launched a nationwide movement for London. Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.
the repeal of those repressive measures.
284 | The History of India

Indian visitors study the bullet-pocked wall in Amritsar. The wall was the site of a massacre
on April 13, 1919, in which British officers ordered soldiers to open re on an unarmed crowd,
killing nearly 400 civilians. Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images

Satyapal were arrested in Amritsar and sent with Gurkha (Nepalese) and Balochi
deported from the district by Deputy troops from Jullundur to restore order.
Commissioner Miles Irving. When their
followers tried to march to Irvings bun- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
galow in the camp to demand the release
of their leaders, they were red upon by Soon after Dyers arrival, on the after-
British troops. With several of their num- noon of April 13, 1919, some 10,000 or
ber killed and wounded, the enraged mob more unarmed men, women, and chil-
rioted through Amritsars old city, burn- dren gathered in Amritsars Jallianwala
ing British banks, murdering several Bagh (bgh, garden; but before 1919 it
Britons, and attacking two British women. had become a public square) to attend a
Gen. Reginald Edward Harry Dyer was protest meeting, despite a ban on public
British India from World War I to 1947 | 285

assemblies. It was a Sunday, and many raj into nationalists who would never
neighbouring village peasants also came again place trust in British fair play. It
to Amritsar to celebrate the Hindu thus marks the turning point for a major-
Baisakhi festival. Dyer positioned his ity of the Congresss supporters from
men at the sole, narrow passageway of moderate cooperation with the raj and its
the Bagh, which was otherwise entirely promised reforms to revolutionary non-
enclosed by the backs of abutted brick cooperation. Liberal Anglophile leaders,
buildings. Giving no word of warning, he such as Jinnah, were soon to be displaced
ordered 50 soldiers to re into the gather- by the followers of Gandhi, who would
ing, and for 10 to 15 minutes 1,650 rounds launch, a year after that dreadful massa-
of ammunition were unloaded into the cre, his rst nationwide satyagraha
screaming, terried crowd, some of whom (devotion to truth) campaign as Indias
were trampled by those desperately revolutionary response.
trying to escape. According to official
estimates, nearly 400 civilians were Gandhis Strategy
killed, and another 1,200 were left
wounded with no medical attention. Dyer, For Gandhi, there was no dichotomy
who argued his action was necessary to between religion and politics, and his
produce a moral and widespread effect, unique political power was in great mea-
admitted that the ring would have con- sure attributable to the spiritual
tinued had more ammunition been leadership he exerted over Indias masses,
available. who viewed him as a sadhu (holy man)
The governor of the Punjab province and worshipped him as a mahatma
supported the massacre at Amritsar and, (which, in Sanskrit, means great soul).
on April 15, placed the entire province He chose satya (truth) and ahimsa
under martial law. Viceroy Chelmsford, (nonviolence, or love) as the polar stars of
however, characterized the action as an his political movement; the former was
error of judgment, and, when Secretary the ancient Vedic concept of the real,
of State Montagu learned of the slaugh- embodying the very essence of existence
ter, he appointed a commission of inquiry, itself, while the latter, according to Hindu
headed by Lord Hunter. Although Dyer (as well as Jain) scripture, was the high-
was subsequently relieved of his com- est religion (dharma). With these two
mand, he returned a hero to many in weapons, Gandhi assured his followers,
Britain, especially conservatives, who unarmed India could bring the mightiest
presented him with a jeweled sword empire known to history to its knees. His
inscribed Saviour of the Punjab. mystic faith magnetized millions, and the
The Massacre of Amritsar turned sacricial suffering (tapasya) that he
millions of moderate Indians from took upon himself by the purity of his
patient and loyal supporters of the British chaste life and prolonged fasting armed
286 | The History of India

The concept of satyagraha (Hindi: insistence on truth or zeal for truth) was introduced
in the early 20th century by Mahatma Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resis-
tance to evil. Gandhis satyagraha became a major tool in the Indian struggle against British
imperialism and has since been adopted by protest groups in other countries.
According to this philosophy, satyagrahispractitioners of satyagrahaachieve correct
insight into the real nature of an evil situation by observing a nonviolence of the mind, by seek-
ing truth in a spirit of peace and love, and by undergoing a rigorous process of self-scrutiny. In
so doing, the satyagrahi encounters truth in the absolute. By his refusal to submit to the wrong
or to cooperate with it in any way, the satyagrahi asserts this truth. Throughout his confronta-
tion with the evil, he must adhere to nonviolence, for to employ violence would be to lose correct
insight. A satyagrahi always warns his opponents of his intentions; satyagraha forbids any tac-
tic suggesting the use of secrecy to ones advantage. Satyagraha includes more than civil
disobedience; its full range of application extends from the details of correct daily living to the
construction of alternative political and economic institutions. Satyagraha seeks to conquer
through conversion; in the end, there is neither defeat nor victory but rather a new harmony.
Satyagraha draws from the ancient Indian ideal of ahimsa (nonviolence, or love), which is
pursued with particular rigour by Jains. In developing ahimsa into a modern concept with
broad political consequences, as satyagraha, Gandhi also drew from the writings of Leo Tolstoy
and Henry David Thoreau, from the Bible, and from the great Sanskrit epic the Bhagavad Gita.
Gandhi rst conceived satyagraha in 1906 in response to a law discriminating against Asians
that was passed by the British colonial government of the Transvaal in South Africa. In 1917 the
rst satyagraha campaign in India was mounted in the indigo-growing district of Champaran.
During the following years, fasting and economic boycotts were employed as methods of satya-
graha, until the British left India in 1947.
Critics of satyagraha, both in Gandhis time and subsequently, have argued that it is unre-
alistic and incapable of universal success, since it relies upon a high standard of ethical
conduct in the opponent, the representative of evil, and demands an unrealistically strong
level of commitment from those struggling for social amelioration. Nonetheless, satyagraha
played a signicant role in the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr., in the
United States and has spawned a continuing legacy in South Asia itself.
British India from World War I to 1947 | 287

him with great powers. Gandhis strategy in 1947, were thus clearly set in motion in
for bringing the giant machine of British their separate directions.
rule to a halt was to call upon Indians to
boycott all British-made goods, British PRELUDE TO INDEPENDENCE,
schools and colleges, British courts of 19201947
law, British titles and honours, British
elections and elective offices, and, should The last quarter century of British crown
the need arise if all other boycotts failed, rule was racked by increasingly violent
British tax collectors as well. The total Hindu-Muslim conict and intensied
withdrawal of Indian support would thus agitation demanding Indian indepen-
stop the machine, and nonviolent nonco- dence. British officials in London, as well
operation would achieve the national as in New Delhi and Simla, tried in vain
goal of swaraj. to stem the rising tide of popular opposi-
The Muslim quarter of Indias popu- tion to their raj by offering tidbits of
lation could hardly be expected to constitutional reform, which proved
respond any more enthusiastically to either too little to satisfy both the
Gandhis satyagraha call than they had Congress and the Muslim League or too
to Tilaks revivalism, but Gandhi late to avert disaster. More than a century
laboured valiantly to achieve Hindu- of British technological, institutional, and
Muslim unity by embracing the Ali ideological unication of the South Asian
brothers Khilfat movement as the pre- subcontinent thus ended after World War
mier plank of his national program. II with communal civil war, mass migra-
Launched in response to news of the tion, and partition.
Treaty of Svress dismemberment of
the Ottoman Empire in 1920, the Khilfat Constitutional Reforms
movement coincided with the inception of
satyagraha, thus giving the illusion of British politicians and bureaucrats tried
unity to Indias nationalist agitation. Such to cure Indias ailing body politic with
unity, however, proved as chimerical as the periodic infusions of constitutional
Khilfat movements hope of preserving reform. The separate electorate formula
the caliphate itself, and in December 1920 introduced for Muslims in the
Mohammed Ali Jinnah, alienated by Government of India Act of 1909
Gandhis mass following of Hindi-speaking (the Morley-Minto Reforms) was
Hindus, left the Nagpur Congress. The expanded and applied to other minorities
days of the Lucknow Pact were over, and by in the Government of India Acts (1919
the start of 1921 the antipathetic forces of and 1935). Sikhs and Christians, for exam-
revivalist Hindu and Muslim agitation, ple, were given special privileges in
destined to lead to the birth of the inde- voting for their own representatives com-
pendent dominions of India and Pakistan parable to those vouchsafed to Muslims.
288 | The History of India

The British raj thus sought to reconcile Assembly candidates, and only about
Indian religious pluralism to representa- 17,000 elite were allowed to choose
tive rule and no doubt hoped, in the Council of State members. Dyarchy (dual
process of fashioning such elaborate con- governance) was to be introduced at the
stitutional formulas, to win undying provincial level, where executive councils
minority support for themselves and to were divided between ministers elected
undermine the arguments of Congresss to preside over transferred departments
radical leadership that they alone spoke (education, public health, public works,
for Indias united nationalist movement. and agriculture) and officials appointed
Earlier official support of, and appeals to, by the governor to rule over reserved
Indias princes and great landowners had departments (land revenue, justice,
proved fruitful, especially since the incep- police, irrigation, and labour).
tion of the crown raj in 1858, and more The Government of India Act of 1935
concerted efforts were made in 1919 and gave all provinces full representative and
1935 to wean minorities and Indias edu- elective governments, chosen by fran-
cated elite away from revolution and chise extended now to some 30 million
noncooperation. Indians, and only the most crucial portfo-
The Government of India Act of 1919 liosdefense, revenue, and foreign
(also known as the Montagu-Chelmsford affairswere reserved to appointed offi-
Reforms), under which elections were cials. The viceroy and his governors
held in 1920, increased the number of retained veto powers over any legislation
Indian members to the viceroys Executive they considered unacceptable, but prior
Council from at least two to no fewer than to the 1937 elections they reached a gen-
three and transformed the Imperial tlemans agreement with the Congresss
Legislative Council into a bicameral leg- high command not to resort to that con-
islature consisting of a Legislative stitutional option, which was their last
Assembly (lower house) and a Council of vestige of autocracy. The act of 1935 was
State (upper house). The Legislative also to have introduced a federation of
Assembly, with 145 members, was to have British Indias provinces and the still
a majority of 104 elected, while 33 of the autonomous princely states, but that
Council of States 60 members were also institutional union of representative and
to be elected. Enfranchisement contin- despotic rule was never realized, since
ued to be based on property and the princes were unable to agree among
education, but under the act of 1919 the themselves on matters of protocol.
total number of Indians eligible to vote The act of 1935 was itself the product
for representatives to provincial councils of the three elaborate sessions of the
was expanded to ve million; just one- Round Table Conference, held in London,
fth of that number, however, were and at least ve years of bureaucratic
permitted to vote for Legislative labour, most of which bore little fruit. The
British India from World War I to 1947 | 289

rst sessionattended by 58 delegates Award, Great Britains unilateral attempt

from British India, 16 from the British to resolve the various conicts among
Indian states, and 16 from British political Indias many communal interests. The
partieswas convened by Prime Minister award, which was later incorporated into
Ramsay MacDonald in the City of the act of 1935, expanded the separate-
Westminster, London, in November 1930. electorate formula reserved for Muslims to
While Jinnah and the Aga Khan III other minorities, including Sikhs, Indian
led among the British Indian delegation Christians, Anglo-Indians, Europeans, dis-
a deputation of 16 Muslims, no Congress tinct regional groups (such as the Marathas
deputation joined the rst session, as in the Bombay Presidency), and special
Gandhi and his leading lieutenants were interests (women, organized labour, busi-
all in jail at the time. Without the Congress ness, landowners, and universities). The
the Round Table could hardly hope to Congress was, predictably, unhappy at
fashion any popularly meaningful reforms, the extension of communal representa-
so Gandhi was released from prison before tion but became particularly outraged at
the second session started in September the British offer of separate-electorate
1931 but, at his own insistence, attended it seats for depressed classes, meaning the
as the Congresss sole representative. so-called untouchables. Gandhi under-
Little was accomplished at the second ses- took a fast unto death against that offer,
sion, for Hindu-Muslim differences which he viewed as a nefarious British
remained unresolved and the princes con- plot to wean more than 50 million Hindus
tinued to argue with one another. The away from their higher-caste brothers and
third session, which began in November sisters. Gandhi, who called the untouch-
1932, was more the product of official ables Children of God (Harijans), agreed
British inertia than any proof of progress after prolonged personal negotiations
in closing the tragic gaps between so with Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891
many Indian minds reected in earlier 1956), a leader of the untouchables, to
debate. Two new provinces emerged, how- reserve many more seats for them than
ever, from those official deliberations. In the British had promised, as long as
the east Orissa was established as a prov- they remained within the Hindu
ince distinct from Bihar, and in the west majority fold. Thus, the offer of separate-
Sind (Sindh) was separated from the electorate seats for the untouchables was
Bombay Presidency and became the withdrawn.
rst Muslim-majority governors province
of British India since the reunication of The Congresss
Bengal. It was decided that Burma should Ambivalent Strategy
be a separate colony from British India.
In August 1932 Prime Minister Gandhi, promising his followers freedom
MacDonald announced his Communal in just one year, launched on Aug. 1, 1920,
290 | The History of India

his rst nationwide satyagraha cam- remained the Congresss primary strat-
paign, which he believed would bring the egy, actual partial cooperation in the
British raj to a grinding halt. After more postwar reforms thus became the alter-
than a year, and even with 60,000 satya- nate tactic of those Congress leaders who
grahis in prison cells across British India, were less orthodox Hindu, or more secu-
the raj remained rm, and, therefore, lar-minded, in outlook. The Swarajists
Gandhi prepared to unleash his last and won more than 48 out of 105 seats in the
most powerful boycott weaponcalling Central Legislative Assembly in 1923, but
upon the peasants of Bardoli in Gujarat to their numbers were never quite enough
boycott land taxes. In February 1922, on to prevent the British from passing the
the eve of that nal phase of boycott, word legislation they desired or believed was
reached Gandhi that in Chauri Chaura, needed to maintain internal order.
United Provinces, 22 Indian police were Gandhi was released from jail in
massacred in their police station by a February 1924, four years early, after a sur-
mob of satyagrahis, who set re to the gery. Thereafter he focused on what he
station and prevented the trapped police called his constructive program of hand
from escaping immolation. Gandhi spinning and weaving and overall village
announced that he had committed a uplift, as well as on Hindu purication
Himalayan blunder in launching satya- in seeking to advance the cause of the
graha without sufficient soul-cleansing Harijans, especially through granting
of Indias masses and, as a result, called a them entry to Hindu temples, from which
halt to the noncooperation movement. they had always been banished. Gandhi
He was subsequently arrested, however, himself lived in village ashrams (religious
and found guilty of promoting disaffec- retreats), which served more as models for
tion toward the raj, for which he was his socioeconomic ideals than as centres
sentenced to six years in prison. of political power, though the leaders of
While Gandhi was behind bars, the Congress ocked to his remote rural
Motilal Nehru (18611931), one of north- retreats for periodic consultation on
ern Indias wealthiest lawyers, started strategy.
within Congress a new politically active In many ways Congress policy
party, the Swaraj Party. Motilal Nehru remained plagued by ambivalence for
shared the lead of this new party with the remaining years of the raj. Most mem-
C.R. (Chitta Ranjan) Das (18701925) of bers of the high command aligned with
Bengal. Contesting the elections to the Gandhi, but others sought what seemed
new Central Legislative Assembly in to them more practical or pragmatic solu-
1923, the party sought by antigovernment tions to Indias problems, which so often
agitation within the council chambers to transcended political or imperial-colonial
disrupt official policy and derail the raj. questions. It was always easier, of course,
Though Gandhian noncooperation for Indian leaders to rally the masses
British India from World War I to 1947 | 291

behind emotional religious appeals or during his famous march against the salt
anti-British rhetoric than to resolve prob- tax in 1930, which was the prelude to
lems that had festered throughout the his second nationwide satyagraha. The
Indian subcontinent for millennia. Most British governments monopoly on
Hindu-Muslim differences, therefore, the sale of salt, which was heavily taxed,
remained unresolved, even as the Hindu had long been a major source of revenue
caste system was never really attacked or to the raj, and, by marching from his ash-
dismantled by the Congress. ram at Sabarmati (near Ahmedabad,
Imperial economic exploitation did, Gujarat) to the sea at Dandi, where he
however, prove to be an excellent nation- illegally picked up salt from the sands on
alist catalystas, for example, when the shore, Gandhi mobilized millions of
Gandhi mobilized the peasant masses of Indians to follow him in thus breaking
Indias population behind the Congress the law. It was an ingeniously simple way
to break a British law nonviolently, and
before years end jail cells throughout
India were again lled with satyagrahis.
Many of the younger members of the
Congress were eager to take up arms
against the British, and some considered
Gandhi an agent of imperial rule for hav-
ing called a halt to the rst satyagraha in
1922. Most famous and popular of these
militant Congress leaders was Subhas
Chandra Bose (18971945) of Bengal, a
disciple of C.R. Das and an admirer of
Hitler and Mussolini. Bose was so popu-
lar within Congress that he was elected
its president twice (in 1938 and 1939) over
Gandhis opposition and the active oppo-
sition of most members of its central
working committee. After being forced to
resign the office in April 1939, Bose orga-
Children and women walk during the 240-
nized with his brother Sarat his own
mile (385-km) Salt March (MarchApril Bengali party, the Forward Bloc, which
1930). The march, organized by Mahatma initially remained within the Congress
Gandhi, was the beginning of a satya- fold. At the beginning of World War II,
graha campaign against British rule in Bose was arrested and detained by the
India in 193031. Time & Life Pictures/ British, but in 1941 he escaped their sur-
Getty Images veillance and ed to Afghanistan, thence
292 | The History of India

to the Soviet Union and Germany, where than a Hindu sadhu or mahatma, he
he remained until 1943. devoted his energies and intellect to the
Jawaharlal Nehru (18891964), national movement and, at age 41, was
Motilals only son, emerged as Gandhis the youngest elected president of the
designated successor to Congress leader- Congress in December 1929, when it
ship during the 1930s. A Fabian socialist passed its Purna Swaraj (Complete Self-
and a barrister, the younger Nehru was Rule) resolution. Jawaharlals radical
educated at Harrow School and at Trinity brilliance and energy made him a natural
College, Cambridge, and was drawn into leader of the Congresss youth move-
the Congress and the noncooperation ment, while his Brahman birth and family
movement by his admiration for Gandhi. fortune overcame many of that partys
Though Jawaharlal Nehru personally more conservative leaderships misgiv-
was more of an Anglophile aristocrat ings about placing him at the Congresss
helm. The Purna Swaraj resolution
proclaimed on Jan. 26, 1930, later to be
celebrated as independent Indias
Republic Daycalled for complete free-
dom from the British but was later
interpreted by Prime Minister Nehru as
permitting India to remain within the
British Commonwealth, a practical con-
cession young Jawaharlal had often
vowed he would never make.

Muslim Separatism

The Muslim quarter of Indias population

became increasingly wary of the
Congresss promises and restive in
the wake of the collapse of the Khilfat
movement, which occurred after Kemal
Atatrk announced his modernist Turkish
reforms in 1923 and disavowed the very
title of caliph the following year. Hindu-
Muslim riots in Malabar claimed hundreds
Jawaharlal Nehru, photograph by of lives in 1924, and similar religious riot-
Yousef Karsh, 1956. KarshRapho/Photo ing spread to every major city in northern
Researchers India, wherever rumours of Muslim cow
slaughter, the polluting appearance of a
British India from World War I to 1947 | 293

dead pigs carcass in a mosque, or other the eastern half of Bengal, as well as
clashing doctrinal fears ignited the tinder important pockets of the United
of distrust ever lurking in the poorer sec- Provinces and the great princely state
tions of Indias towns and villages. At each of Kashmir. (The princely state of
stage of reform, as the prospects of real Hyderabad was ruled by a Muslim
devolution of political power by the British dynasty but was mostly Hindu.) One of
seemed more imminent, separate-elector- Punjabs greatest Urdu poets, Sir
ate formulas and leaders of various parties Muhammad Iqbl (18771938), while pre-
stirred hopes, which proved almost as siding over the Muslim Leagues annual
dangerous in triggering violence as did meeting in Allahabad in 1930, proposed
fears. The older, more conservative leader- that the nal destiny of Indias Muslims
ship of the pre-World War I Congress should be to consolidate a North-West
found Gandhian satyagraha too radical Indian Muslim state. Although he did
moreover, far too revolutionaryto not name it Pakistan, his proposal
support, and liberals like Sir Tej Bahadur included what became the major prov-
Sapru (18751949) organized their own inces of modern PakistanPunjab, Sind,
party (eventually to become the National the North-West Frontier Province, and
Liberal Federation), while others, like Balochistan. Jinnah, the Aga Khan,
Jinnah, dropped out of political life and other important Muslim leaders were
entirely. Jinnah, alienated by Gandhi and at the time in London attending the
his illiterate mass of devoutly Hindu dis- Round Table Conference, which still
ciples, instead devoted himself to his envisaged a single federation of all Indian
lucrative Bombay law practice, but provinces and princely states as the best
his energy and ambition lured him back possible constitutional solution for India
to the leadership of the Muslim League, in the aftermath of a future British with-
which he revitalized in the 1930s. Jinnah, drawal. Separate electorate seats, as well
who was also instrumental in urging as special guarantees of Muslim auton-
Viceroy Lord Irwin (later, 1st Earl Halifax; omy or veto powers in dealing with
governed 192631) and Prime Minister sensitive religious issues, were hoped to
MacDonald to convene the Round Table be sufficient to avert civil war or any need
Conference in London, was urged by many for actual partition. As long as the British
Muslim compatriots, including Liaquat raj remained in control, such formulas
Ali Khan (18951951), to become the per- and schemes appeared to suffice, for the
manent president of the Muslim League. British army could always be hurled into
By 1930 a number of Indian Muslims the communal fray at the brink of extreme
had begun to think in terms of separate danger, and the army had as yet remained
statehood for their minority community, apolitical andsince its post-mutiny reor-
whose population dominated the north- ganizationuntainted by communal
western provinces of British India and religious passions.
294 | The History of India

In 1933 a group of Muslim students Muslims soon viewed the new Hindu
at Cambridge, led by Choudhary Rahmat raj as biased and tyrannical and the
Ali, proposed that the only acceptable Hindu-led Congress ministries and their
solution to Muslim Indias internal con- helpers as insensitive to Muslim demands
icts and problems would be the birth of or appeals for jobs, as well as to their
a Muslim fatherland, to be called redress of grievances. The Congresss
Pakistan (Persian: Land of the Pure), partiality toward its own members, preju-
out of the Muslim-majority northwestern dice toward its majority community, and
and northeastern provinces. The Muslim jobbery for its leaderships friends
League and its president, Jinnah, did not and relations all conspired to convince
join in the Pakistan demand until after many Muslims that they had become sec-
the leagues famous Lahore meeting in ond-class citizens in a land that, while
March 1940, as Jinnah, a secular constitu- perhaps on the verge of achieving free-
tionalist by predilection and training, dom for some Indians, would be run by
continued to hope for a reconciliation indels and enemies to the Muslim
with the Congress. Such hopes virtually minority. The league made the most of
disappeared, however, when Nehru the Congresss errors of judgment in gov-
refused to permit the league to form ernance; by documenting as many
coalition ministries with the Congress reports as it could gather in papers pub-
majority in the United Provinces and lished during 1939, it hoped to prove how
elsewhere after the 1937 elections. The wretched a Muslims life would be under
Congress had initially entered the elec- any Hindu raj. The Congresss high
tions with the hope of wrecking the act of command insisted, of course, that it was a
1935, butafter it had won so impressive secular and national party, not a sectar-
a victory in most provinces and the ian Hindu organization, but Jinnah and
league had done so poorly, mostly the Muslim League responded that they
because it had inadequately organized alone could speak for and defend the
itself for nationwide electionsNehru rights of Indias Muslims. Thus, the lines
agreed to participate in the government of battle were drawn by the eve of World
and insisted there were but two parties War II, which served only to intensify
in India, the Congress and the British raj. and accelerate the process of communal
Jinnah soon proved to Nehru that the conict and irreversible political division
Muslims were indeed a formidable third that would split British India.
party. The years from 1937 to 1939, when
the Congress actually ran most of British The Impact of World War II
Indias provincial governments, became
the seed period for the Muslim Leagues On Sept. 3, 1939, the viceroy Lord
growth in popularity and power within Linlithgow (governed 193643) informed
the entire Muslim community, for many Indias political leaders and populace
British India from World War I to 1947 | 295

that they were at war with Germany. For Lahore Resolution, later known as the
Nehru and the Congresss high com- Pakistan Resolution, was passed by
mand, such unilateral declarations were the largest gathering of league delegates
viewed as more than insensitive British just one day after Jinnah informed his
behaviour, for, in undertaking to run most followers that the problem of India is not
of British Indias provinces, the Congress of an inter-communal but manifestly of
thought of itself as the viceroys partner an international character. The league
in administering the raj. What a betrayal, resolved, therefore, that any future con-
therefore, this autocratic declaration of stitutional plan proposed by the British
war was judged, and how angry it made for India would not be acceptable to the
Nehru and Gandhi feel. Instead of offer- Muslims unless it was so designed that
ing loyal support to the British raj, they the Muslim-majority areas of Indias
demanded a prior forthright statement of North-Western and Eastern Zones were
Britains postwar goals and ideals. grouped to constitute independent
Neither Linlithgow nor Lord Zetland, his States in which the constituent units
Tory secretary of state, was prepared, shall be autonomous and sovereign.
however, to pander to the Congresss Pakistan was not mentioned until the
wishes at Great Britains darkest hour of next days newspapers introduced that
national danger. Nehrus outrage helped word in their headlines, and Jinnah
convince the Congresss high command explained that the resolution envisioned
to call on all its provincial ministries to the establishment of not two separately
resign. Jinnah was overjoyed at this deci- administered Muslim countries but
sion and proclaimed Friday, Dec. 22, 1939, rather a single Muslim nation-state
a Muslim Day of Deliverance from the namely, Pakistan.
tyranny of the Congress raj. Jinnah met Gandhi launched his rst individual
regularly with Linlithgow, moreover, and satyagraha campaign against the war in
assured the viceroy that he need not fear October 1940. Vinoba Bhave, Gandhis
a lack of support from Indias Muslims, foremost disciple, publicly proclaimed
many of whom were active members of his intent to resist the war effort and was
Britains armed services. Throughout subsequently sentenced to three months
World War II, as the Congress moved far- in jail. Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the
ther from the British, rst with passive next to openly disobey British law, was
and later with active noncooperation, the sentenced to four years behind bars. By
Muslim League in every possible way June 1941 more than 20,000 Congress
quietly supported the war effort. satyagrahis were in prisons.
The rst meeting of the league It was also in 1941 that Bose ed to
after the outbreak of the war was Germany, where he started broadcasting
held in Punjabs ancient capital of appeals to India urging the masses to
Lahore in March 1940. The famous rise up against British tyranny and
296 | The History of India

to throw off their chains. There were, close personal friend of Nehru, to New
however, few Indians in Germany, and Delhi with a postwar proposal. The Cripps
Hitlers advisers urged Bose to go back to Mission offered Indian politicians full
Asia by submarine; he was eventually dominion status for India after the wars
transported to Japan and then to end, with the additional stipulation, as a
Singapore, where Japan had captured at concession primarily to the Muslim
least 40,000 Indian troops during its League, that any province could vote to
takeover of that strategic island in opt out of such a dominion if it pre-
February 1942. These captured soldiers ferred to do so. Gandhi irately called the
became Netaji (Leader) Boses Indian offer a post-dated cheque on a bank that
National Army (INA) in 1943 and, a year was failing, and Nehru was equally nega-
later, marched behind him to Rangoon. tive and angry at Cripps for his readiness
Bose hoped to liberate rst Manipur to give so much to the Muslims. Crippss
and then Bengal from British rule, but the hands had been tied by Churchill before
British forces at Indias eastern gateways he left London, however, as he was
held until the summer monsoon gave ordered by the war cabinet merely to con-
them respite enough to be properly rein- vey the British offer, not to modify it or
forced and drove Bose and his army back negotiate a new formula. He ew home
down the Malay Peninsula. In August empty-handed in less than a month, and
1945 Bose escaped by air from Saigon but soon afterward Gandhi planned his last
died of severe burns after his overloaded satyagraha campaign, the Quit India
plane crashed onto the island of Formosa. movement. Declaring that the British
presence in India was a provocation to
British Wartime Strategy the Japanese, Gandhi called upon the
British to quit India and to leave Indians
Lord Linlithgows initial refusal to discuss to deal with the Japanese by nonviolent
postwar ideals with the Congress left means, but Gandhi and all members of
Indias premier national party without an the Congress high command were
opportunity for constructive debate about arrested before the dawn of that move-
any political prospectsthat is, other ment in August 1942. In a few months at
than those it could win by noncoopera- least 60,000 Indians lled British prison
tion or through violence. However, after cells, and the raj unleashed massive force
Japan joined the Axis powers in late 1941 against Indian underground efforts to
and moved with such rapidity into most disrupt rail transport and to generally
of Southeast Asia, Britain feared that the subvert the war effort that followed the
Japanese would soon invade India. In crackdown on the Quit India campaign.
March 1942 the war cabinet of British Parts of the United Provinces, Bihar, the
Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent North-West Frontier, and Bengal were
the socialist Sir Richard Stafford Cripps, a bombed and strafed by British pilots as
British India from World War I to 1947 | 297

the raj resolved to crush all Indian resis- sturdy enough to bridge the gulf between
tance and violent opposition as swiftly as the Congress and the Muslim League.
possible. Many Indians were killed and Two weeks after the Simla talks
wounded, but wartime resistance contin- collapsed in midsummer, Churchills
ued as more young Indians, women as government was voted out of power by
well as men, were recruited into the the Labour Partys sweep of Londons
Congresss underground. polls, and Prime Minister Clement Attlee
Japans attack on Pearl Harbor in appointed one of Gandhis old admirers,
December 1941 brought the United States Lord Pethick-Lawrence, to head the India
into the war as Britains most powerful ally. Office. With the dawn of the atomic age
By late 1942 and throughout the rest of the in August and Japans surrender,
war, U.S. arms and planes steamed and Londons primary concern in India was
ew into Calcutta and Bombay, bolstering how to nd the political solution to the
British India as the major Allied launching Hindu-Muslim conict that would most
pad against Japanese forces in Southeast expeditiously permit the British raj to
Asia and China. The British raj thus withdraw its forces and to extricate as
remained rm despite growing Indian many of its assets as possible from what
opposition, both violent and nonviolent. seemed to the Labour Party to have
Indian industry grew rapidly, moreover, become more of an imperial burden and
during World War II. Electric power out- liability than any real advantage for Great
put doubled, and the steel plant at Britain.
Jamshedpur became the British Empires
foremost by the wars end. Indian ship- THE TRANSFER OF POWER
yards and light-manufacturing plants AND THE BIRTH OF TWO
ourished in Bombay, as well as in Bengal COUNTRIES
and Orissa, and, despite many warnings,
the Japanese never launched major air Elections held in the winter of 194546
attacks against Calcutta or Madras. In proved how effective Jinnahs single-plank
mid-1943 Field Marshall Lord Wavell, who strategy for his Muslim League had been,
replaced Linlithgow as viceroy (194347), as the league won all 30 seats reserved for
brought Indias government fully under Muslims in the Central Legislative
martial control for the wars duration. No Assembly and most of the reserved pro-
progress was made in several of the vincial seats as well. The Congress was
Congresss attempts to resolve Hindu- successful in gathering most of the gen-
Muslim differences through talks between eral electorate seats, but it could no longer
Gandhi and Jinnah. Soon after the wars effectively insist that it spoke for the
end in Europe, Wavell convened a political entire population of British India.
conference in Shimla in late June 1945, but In 1946 Secretary of State Pethick-
there was no meeting of minds, no formula Lawrence personally led a three-man
298 | The History of India

cabinet deputation to New Delhi with the Punjabs large and powerful Sikh pop-
hope of resolving the CongressMuslim ulation would have been placed in a
League deadlock and, thus, of transfer- particularly difficult and anomalous posi-
ring British power to a single Indian tion, for Punjab as a whole would have
administration. Cripps was responsible belonged to Group B, and much of the
primarily for drafting the ingenious Sikh community had become anti-Muslim
Cabinet Mission Plan, which proposed a since the start of the Mughal emperors
three-tier federation for India, integrated persecution of their Gurus in the 17th cen-
by a minimal central-union government tury. Sikhs played so important a role in
in Delhi, which would be limited to han- the British Indian Army that many of
dling foreign affairs, communications, their leaders hoped that the British would
defense, and only those nances required reward them at the wars end with special
to care for such unionwide matters. The assistance in carving out their own nation
subcontinent was to be divided into three from the rich heart of Punjabs fertile
major groups of provinces: Group A, to canal-colony lands, where, in the kingdom
include the Hindu-majority provinces of once ruled by Ranjit Singh (17801839),
the Bombay Presidency, Madras, the most Sikhs lived. Since World War I, Sikhs
United Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, and the had been equally erce in opposing the
Central Provinces (virtually all of what British raj, and, though never more than 2
became independent India a year later); percent of Indias population, they had as
Group B, to contain the Muslim-majority highly disproportionate a number of
provinces of the Punjab, Sind, the North- nationalist martyrs as of army officers.
West Frontier, and Balochistan (the areas A Sikh Akali Dal (Party of Immortals),
out of which the western part of Pakistan which was started in 1920, led militant
was created); and Group C, to include marches to liberate gurdwaras (door-
the Muslim-majority Bengal (a portion ways to the Guru; the Sikh places of
of which became the eastern part of worship) from corrupt Hindu managers.
Pakistan and in 1971 the country Tara Singh (18851967), the most impor-
of Bangladesh) and the Hindu-majority tant leader of this vigorous Sikh political
Assam. The group governments were to movement, rst raised the demand for a
be virtually autonomous in everything separate Azad (Free) Punjab in 1942. By
but matters reserved to the union centre, March 1946 many Sikhs demanded a Sikh
and within each group the princely states nation-state, alternately called Sikhistan
were to be integrated into their neigh- or Khalistan (Land of the Sikhs or Land
bouring provinces. Local provincial of the Pure). The Cabinet Mission, how-
governments were to have the choice of ever, had no time or energy to focus on
opting out of the group in which they Sikh separatist demands and found the
found themselves should a majority of Muslim Leagues demand for Pakistan
their populace vote to do so. equally impossible to accept.
British India from World War I to 1947 | 299

As a pragmatist, Jinnahterminally remarks as a complete repudiation of

afflicted with tuberculosis and lung can- the plan, which had to be accepted in its
ceraccepted the Cabinet Missions entirety in order to work. Jinnah then
proposal, as did Congress leaders. The convened the leagues Working
early summer of 1946, therefore, saw a Committee, which withdrew its previous
dawn of hope for Indias future prospects, agreement to the federation scheme and
but that soon proved false when Nehru instead called upon the Muslim Nation
announced at his rst press conference to launch direct action in mid-August
as the reelected president of the Congress 1946. Thus began Indias bloodiest year
that no constituent assembly could be of civil war since the mutiny nearly a cen-
bound by any prearranged constitu- tury earlier. The Hindu-Muslim rioting
tional formula. Jinnah read Nehrus and killing that started in Calcutta sent

Muslim women board a train at New Delhi in India to travel to the newly independent
Pakistan on August 7, 1947. Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
300 | The History of India

deadly sparks of fury, frenzy, and fear to Britains Parliament passed in July
every corner of the subcontinent, as all 1947 the Indian Independence Act, order-
civilized restraint seemed to disappear. ing the demarcation of the dominions of
Lord Mountbatten (served March India and Pakistan by midnight of Aug.
August 1947) was sent to replace Wavell 1415, 1947, and dividing within a single
as viceroy as Britain prepared to transfer month the assets of the worlds largest
its power over India to some responsi- empire, which had been integrated in
ble hands by no later than June 1948. countless ways for more than a century.
Shortly after reaching Delhi, where he Racing the deadline, two boundary com-
conferred with the leaders of all parties missions worked desperately to partition
and with his own officials, Mountbatten Punjab and Bengal in such a way as to
decided that the situation was too dan- leave the maximum practical number of
gerous to wait even that brief period. Muslims to the west of the formers new
Fearing a forced evacuation of British boundary and to the east of the latters,
troops still stationed in India, but, as soon as the new borders were
Mountbatten resolved to opt for parti- known, roughly 15 million Hindus,
tion, one that would divide Punjab and Muslims, and Sikhs ed from their homes
Bengal, rather than risk further political on one side of the newly demarcated bor-
negotiations while civil war raged and a ders to what they thought would be
new mutiny of Indian troops seemed shelter on the other. In the course of
imminent. Among the major Indian lead- that tragic exodus of innocents, as many
ers, Gandhi alone refused to reconcile as a million people were slaughtered in
himself to partition and urged communal massacres that made all previ-
Mountbatten to offer Jinnah the premier- ous conicts of the sort known to recent
ship of a united India rather than a history pale by comparison. Sikhs, settled
separate Muslim nation. Nehru, however, astride Punjabs new line, suffered the
would not agree to that, nor would his highest percentage of casualties. Most
most powerful Congress deputy, Sikh refugees relocated in the relatively
Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel (1875 small area of what is now the Indian bor-
1950), as both had become tired of der state of Punjab. Tara Singh later
arguing with Jinnah and were eager to asked, The Muslims got their Pakistan,
get on with the job of running an inde- and the Hindus got their Hindustan, but
pendent government of India. what did the Sikhs get?
The Republic of
T hus, the new republic was born at the stroke of midnight
on August 15. However, Indias rst years of freedom
were plagued by the tragic legacy of partition. Refugee reset-
tlement, economic disruption and inadequate resources for
virtually every need, continuing communal conicts (as more
than 10 percent of Indias population remained Muslim), and,
within a few months of independence, the outbreak of unde-
clared war with Pakistan over Kashmir were but a few of the
major difficulties confronting the newborn dominion.


Mountbatten had remained in New Delhi to serve as Indias

rst new governor-general, mostly a ceremonial job.
Meanwhile Nehru took charge of free Indias responsible
government as its rst prime minister, heading a Congress
cabinet, whose second most powerful gure was Patel.
Gandhi, who accepted no office, chose to walk barefoot
through the riot-torn areas of Bengal and Bihar, where he
tried through his presence and inuence to stop the commu-
nal killing. He then returned to Delhi, and there he preached
nonviolence daily until he was assassinated by an orthodox
Hindu Brahman fanatic on Jan. 30, 1948. The light has gone
out of our lives, Prime Minister Nehru said, and there is
darkness everywhere. Yet Nehru carried on at Indias helm,
and, owing in part to his secular, enlightened leadership, not
302 | The History of India

Reorganization of states and union territories since independence. (Left) India in 1955, with
the former princely states integrated in the union; (right) India after the States Reorganization
Act in 1956 and later administrative changes.

only did Indias ood of religious hatred popularity helped to hide the traditional
and violence recede but also some prog- continuity of Indias internal problems,
ress was made toward communal few of which disappeared under his
reconciliation and economic develop- leadership.
ment. Nehru spoke out fearlessly against
Indias caste-ridden and priest-ridden Government and Politics
society, which, as a Hindu Brahman pan-
dit, he could do without fear of too much The Dominion of India was reborn on
upper-caste criticism. His charismatic Jan. 26, 1950, as a sovereign democratic
brilliance, moreover, continued to make republic and a union of states. With uni-
him a major vote-winner in each election versal adult franchise, Indias electorate
campaign that he led (195152, 1957, 1962) was the worlds largest, but the traditional
throughout his 17 arduous years in office, feudal roots of most of its illiterate popu-
as the Congressopposed only by minor lace were deep, just as their religious
parties and independent candidates caste beliefs were to remain far more
dominated political life. Nehrus powerful than more recent exotic ideas,
modernist mentality and cosmopolitan such as secular statehood. Elections were
The Republic of India | 303

to be held, however, at least every ve and service examinations. Pressure for

years, and the major model of govern- such reorganization increased in 1953,
ment followed by Indias constitution was after the former British province of
that of British parliamentary rule, with a Madras was divided into Tamil Nadu
lower House of the People (Lok Sabha), in (Land of the Tamils) and Andhra (from
which an elected prime minister and his 1956 Andhra Pradesh), where Telugu,
cabinet sat, and an upper Council of another Dravidian tongue, was spoken by
States (Rajya Sabha). Nehru led his ruling the vast majority. Nehru thus appointed
Congress Party from New Delhis Lok the States Reorganization Commission
Sabha until his death in 1964. The nomi- to redesign Indias internal map, which
nal head of Indias republic, however, was led to a major redrawing of administra-
a president, who was indirectly elected. tive boundaries, especially in southern
Indias rst two presidents were Hindu India, by the States Reorganization Act,
Brahmans, Rajendra Prasad and passed in 1956. Four years later, in 1960,
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the latter a the enlarged state of Bombay was divided
distinguished Sanskrit scholar who had into Marathi-speaking Maharashtra and
lectured at Oxford. Presidential powers Gujarati-speaking Gujarat. Despite these
were mostly ceremonial, except for brief changes, the difficult process of reorgani-
periods of emergency rule, when the zation continued and demanded
nations security was believed to be in attention in many regions of the subcon-
great danger and normal constitutional tinent, whose truly continental
procedures and civil rights were feared to character was perhaps best seen in this
be too cumbersome or threatening. ongoing linguistic agitation. Among the
Indias federation divided powers most difficult problems was a demand by
between the central government in New Sikhs that their language, Punjabi, with
Delhi and a number of state governments its sacred Gurmukhi script, be made the
(crafted from former British provinces official tongue of Punjab, but in that state
and princely states), each of which also many Hindus, fearing they would nd
had a nominal governor at its head and themselves disadvantaged, insisted that
an elected chief minister with his cabinet as Hindi speakers they too deserved a
to rule its legislative assembly. One of the state of their own, if indeed the Sikhs
Congresss long-standing resolutions were to be granted the Punjabi suba
had called for the reorganization of (state) for which so many Sikhs agitated.
British provincial borders into linguistic Nehru, however, refused to agree to a sep-
states, where each of Indias major arate Sikh state, as he feared that such a
regional languages would nd its admin- concession to the Sikhs, who were both
istrative reection, while English and a religious and a linguistic group, might
Hindi would remain joint national lan- open the door to further Pakistan-style
guages for purposes of legislation, law, fragmentation.
304 | The History of India

Foreign Policy India refused to give him much more than

one year and sent troops into the state in
Nehru served as his own foreign minister September 1948. Both invasions met little,
and throughout his life remained the if any, resistance, and both states were
chief architect of Indias foreign policy. swiftly integrated into Indias union.
The dark cloud of partition, however, hov- Kashmir, lying in the Himalayas, pre-
ered for years in the aftermath of Indias sented a different problem. Its maharaja
independence, and India and Pakistan was Hindu, but about three-fourths of its
were left suspicious of one anothers population was Muslim, and the state itself
incitements to border violence. was contiguous to both new dominions,
The princely state of Jammu and sitting like a crown atop South Asia.
Kashmir triggered the rst undeclared Maharaja Hari Singh tried at rst to remain
war with Pakistan, which began a little independent, but in October 1947 Pashtun
more than two months after indepen- (Pathan) tribesmen from the North-West
dence. Prior to partition, princes were Frontier of Pakistan invaded Kashmir in
given the option of joining the new trucks, heading toward Srinagar. The inva-
dominion within which their territory lay, sion triggered Indias rst undeclared war
and, thanks to the vigorous lobbying of with Pakistan and led at once to the maha-
Mountbatten and Patel, most of the rajas decision to opt for accession to India.
princes agreed to do so, accepting hand- Mountbatten and Nehru airlifted Indian
some pensions (so-called privy purses) troops into Srinagar, and the tribesmen
as rewards for relinquishing sovereignty. were forced to fall back to a line that has,
Of some 570 princes, only 3 had not since early 1949, partitioned Kashmir into
acceded to the new dominion or gone Pakistan-held Azad Kashmir (the western
immediately over to Pakistanthose of portion of Kashmir) and the Northern
Junagadh, Hyderabad, and Kashmir. The Areas (the northern portion of Kashmir,
nawab of Junagadh and the nizam of also administered by Pakistan) and Indias
Hyderabad were both Muslims, though state of Jammu and Kashmir, which
most of their subjects were Hindus, and includes the Vale of Kashmir and Ladakh.
both states were surrounded, on land, by Nehru initially agreed to Mountbattens
India. Junagadh, however, faced Pakistan proposal that a plebiscite be held in the
on the Arabian Sea, and when its nawab entire state as soon as hostilities ceased,
followed Jinnahs lead in opting to join and a UN-sponsored cease-re was agreed
that Muslim nation, Indias army moved to by both parties on Jan. 1, 1949. No state-
in and took control of the territory. The wide plebiscite was held, however, for in
nizam of Hyderabad was more cautious, 1954, after Pakistan began to receive arms
hoping for independence for his vast from the United States, Nehru withdrew
domain in the heart of southern India, but his support.
The Republic of India | 305

Indias foreign policy, dened by was exacerbated in the late 1950s after
Nehru as nonaligned, was based on Five India discovered a road across Aksai
Principles (Panch Shila): mutual respect Chin built by the Chinese to link its
for other nations territorial integrity and autonomous region of Xinjiang with
sovereignty; nonaggression; noninterfer- Tibet. The tension was further height-
ence in internal affairs; equality and ened when, in 1959, India granted asylum
mutual benet; and peaceful coexistence. to the Dalai Lama, Tibets spiritual leader.
These principles were, ironically, articu- Full-scale war blazed in October 1962
lated in a treaty with China over the Tibet when a Chinese army moved easily
region in 1954, when Nehru still hoped through Indias northern outposts and
for Sino-Indian brotherhood and lead- advanced virtually unopposed toward
ership of a Third World of nonviolent the plains of Assam before Beijing
nations, recently independent of colonial ordered their unilateral withdrawal.
rule, eager to save the world from Cold The war was a blow to Nehrus most
War superpower confrontation and cherished principles and ideals, though
nuclear annihilation. as a result of swift and extensive American
China and India, however, had not and British military support, including
resolved a dispute over several areas of the dispatch of U.S. bombers to the
their border, most notably the section worlds highest border, India soon
demarcating a barren plateau in Ladakh secured its northern defenses. Indias
most of which was called Aksai Chin, police action of integrating Portuguese
which was claimed by India as part of Goa into the union by force in 1961 repre-
Jammu and Kashmir state but never sented another fall from the high ground
properly surveyedand the section bor- of nonviolence in foreign affairs, which
dered on the north by the McMahon Line, Nehru so often claimed for India in his
which stretched from Bhutan to Burma speeches to the UN and elsewhere.
(Myanmar) and extended to the crest of During his premiership, Nehru tried hard
the Great Himalayas. The latter area, des- to identify the countrys foreign policy
ignated as the North-East Frontier with anticolonialism and antiracism. He
Agency (NEFA) in 1954, was claimed on also tried to promote Indias role as the
the basis of a 1914 agreement between peacemaker, which was seen as an exten-
Arthur Henry McMahon, the British for- sion of the policies of Gandhi and as
eign secretary for India, and Tibetan deeply rooted in the indigenous religious
officials but was never accepted by China. traditions of Buddhism, Jainism, and
After China had reasserted its authority Hinduism. Like most foreign policies,
over Tibet in 1950, it began appealing to Indias was, in fact, based rst of all on its
Indiabut to no availfor negotiations governments perceptions of national
over the border. This Sino-Indian dispute interest and on security considerations.
306 | The History of India

Economic Planning and India Consortium of the major Western

Development powers and Japan provided some $5 bil-
lion in capital and credits, and, as a result,
As a Fabian Socialist, Nehru had great Indias annual iron output rose to nearly
faith in economic planning and person- 25 million tons by the plans end, with
ally chaired his governments Planning about three times that amount of coal pro-
Commission. Indias First Five-Year Plan duced and almost 40 billion kilowatt-hours
was launched in 1951, and most of its of electric power generated. India had
funds were spent on rebuilding war-shat- become the worlds 10th most advanced
tered railroads and on irrigation schemes industrial country in terms of absolute
and canals. Food grain production value of output, though it remained per
increased from 51 million tons in 1951 to capita one of the least productive of the
82 million tons by the end of the Second worlds major countries.
Five-Year Plan (195661). During that As modernity brought added com-
same decade, however, Indias population forts and pleasure to Indias urban elite,
grew from about 360 million to 440 mil- the gap between the larger industrial
lion, which eliminated real economic urban centres and the areas of extensive
benets for all but large landowners and rural poverty became greater. Various
the wealthiest and best-educated quarter schemes designed to reduce rural pov-
of Indias urban population. The landless erty were tried, many ostensibly in
and unemployed lower half of Indias emulation of Gandhis sarvodaya (rural
fast-growing population remained inade- uplift) philosophy, which advocated
quately fed, ill-housed, and illiterate. community sharing of all resources for
However, Nehrus wisdom in keeping his the mutual benet and enhancement of
nation nonaligned helped accelerate the peasant life. The social reformer Vinoba
countrys economic development, as Bhave started a bhoodan (gift-of-land)
India received substantial aid from both movement, in which he walked from vil-
sides of the Cold War, with the Soviet lage to village and asked large landowners
Union and eastern Europe contributing to adopt him as their son and to give
almost as much in capital goods and tech- him a portion of their property, which he
nical assistance as did the United States, would then distribute among the land-
Great Britain, and West Germany. The less. He later expanded that program to
growth of iron and steel industries soon include gramdan (gift-of-village), in
became a truly international example of which villagers voluntarily surrendered
coexistence, with the United States build- their land to a cooperative system, and
ing one plant, the Soviet Union another, jivandan (gift-of-life), the giving of all
Britain a third, and West Germany a ones labour, the latter attracting volun-
fourth. For the Third Five-Year Plan (1961 teers as famous as the socialist J.P. (Jaya
66), launched during Nehrus era, an Aid Prakash) Narayan, founder of the Janata
The Republic of India | 307

(Peoples) opposition to the Congress more-remote villages remained centres

of the mid-1970s. The Ford Foundation, of superstition, poverty, caste division,
an American philanthropic organization, and illiteracy.
began a community development and It was not until the late 1960s that
rural extension program in the early chemical fertilizers and high-yield food
1950s that encouraged young Indian col- seeds brought the Green Revolution in
lege students and technical experts to agriculture to India. The results were
focus their skills and knowledge on vil- mixed, as many poor or small farmers
lage problems. Indias half million were unable to afford the seeds or the risks
villages, however, were slow to change, involved in the new technology. Moreover,
and, though a number of showcase vil- as rice and, especially, wheat production
lages emerged in the environs of New increased, there was a corresponding
Delhi, Bombay, and other large cities, the decrease in other grain production.
Farmers who beneted most were from
the major wheat-growing areas of Haryana,
Punjab, and western Uttar Pradesh.



At his death on May 27, 1964, Nehrus

only child and closest condante, Indira
Gandhi, was with him. Long separated
from her husbandFeroze Gandhi, by
then deceasedIndira had moved into
Teen Murti Bhavan, the prime ministers
mansion, with her two sons, Rajiv and
Sanjay. She had accompanied her father
the world over and had been the leader of
his Congress Partys ginger group
youth movement, as well as Congress
president, but, as a young mother and
widow, she had not as yet served in par-
liament nor on her fathers cabinet and,
This photo, taken in 1952, shows Gandhi hence, did not put herself forward as a
disciple and religious leader Vinobha candidate for prime minister. Though it
Bhave, the founder of the Bhoodan Yujna appeared that Nehru was grooming her
(land-gift movement). James Burke/ as his successor, he had denied any such
Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images intention, and his party instead chose Lal
308 | The History of India

Indira Gandhi (left) rides with her father, Indias prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, in 1961.
Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Bahadur Shastri as Indias second prime of his countrys civil and military affairs,
minister. Shastri had devoted his life to and his regime had received substantial
party affairs and had served Nehru well military support from the United States.
both inside and outside his cabinet. His By 1965 Ayub felt ready to test Indias
modesty and simplicity, moreover, frontier outposts, rst in the Sindh (Sind)
appealed to most Indians. and then in Kashmir. The rst skirmishes
were fought in the Rann of Kachchh
The 1965 War with Pakistan (Kutch) in April, and Pakistans U.S.-made
tanks rolled to what seemed like an easy
Almost immediately after Shastri took victory over Indias counterparts. The
office, India was faced with a threat of war Commonwealth prime ministers and
from Pakistan. Pakistans president, the UN quickly prevailed on both sides
Mohammad Ayub Khan, had led a mili- to agree to a cease-re and withdrawal of
tary coup in 1958 that put him in charge forces to the prewar borders. Pakistan,
The Republic of India | 309

however, believed it had won and that Indira Gandhis Impact

Indias army was weak, and Zulkar Ali
Bhutto, Ayubs foreign minister, urged Indira Gandhis soft-spoken, attractive
another round in Kashmir that summer, personality masked her iron will and
to which Ayub agreed. In mid-August autocratic ambition, and most of her
Pakistan launched Operation Congress contemporaries underesti-
Grandslam with the hope of cutting mated her drive and tenacity. During her
across the only signicant overland route rst year in office, she visited Washington,
to Kashmir before India could bring up its where she won substantial support for
outmoded tanks. Indias forces, however, Indias weakened economy, and her sub-
moved a three-pronged tank attack aimed sequent visit to Moscow reected the
at Lahore and Sialkot across the interna- continuation of her fathers policy of non-
tional border in Punjab early in September. alignment. Trying to defuse Sikh
The great city of Lahore was in range of agitation, moreover, and as a reward for
Indian tank re by September 23, when a Sikh military service in the Kashmir war,
UN cease-re was agreed on by both she granted the long-standing Sikh
sides. Each countrys army had suffered demand of a Punjabi suba (state), which
considerable losses and had run low on required partition of the existing state of
ammunition as a result of the immediate Punjab but left its newly designed capital
decision by the United Kingdom and the of Chandigarh as shared administrative
United States to embargo all further mili- headquarters of the new states of Punjab,
tary shipments to both armies. Shastri with a Sikh majority, and Haryana, with a
was hailed as a hero in New Delhi. slight Hindu majority.
A Soviet-sponsored South Asian Several years of poor monsoons had
peace conference was held early in conspired with wartime spending to
January 1966 at Tashkent, in what was undermine Indias economy, and Prime
then the Uzbek S.S.R., where Ayub and Minister Gandhis subsequent decision
Shastri nally reached an agreement on to devalue the rupee cost her party con-
January 10 to restore normal and peace- siderable losses at the polls in Indias
ful relations between India and Pakistan. fourth general elections, in 1967. Although
The next morning, however, Shastri was the Congress, with 283 seats (of 520), was
dead of a heart attack, and the Tashkent still considerably larger than any of the
Agreement hardly outlived him. Before various left- and right-wing opposition
the months end, Indira Gandhi, who had parties, none of which gained more than
served in Shastris cabinet as minister of 44 seats, her overall Lok Sabha majority
information and broadcasting, had been was reduced from some 200 (which
elected by the Congress Party to become she had inherited) to fewer than 50.
Indias next prime minister. She easily The Congress, moreover, lost most of the
defeated her only rival, Morarji Desai. more than 3,400 elective seats in the state
310 | The History of India

Indira Gandhi
The Indian politician Indira Gandhi (191784) served three consecutive terms as prime minis-
ter (196677) and a fourth (198084) before her assassination in 1984. Indira Priyadarshini
Nehru, the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, studied in India and at the University of Oxford. In
1942 she married Feroze Gandhi (d. 1960), a fellow member of the Indian National Congress.
In 1959 she was given the largely honorary position of party president, and in 1966 she achieved
actual power when she was made leader of the Congress Party and, consequently, prime minis-
ter. She instituted major reforms, including a strict population-control program. In 1971 she
mobilized Indian forces in East Bengals secession from Pakistan and rebirth as Bangladesh.
She oversaw the incorporation of Sikkim in 1974. Convicted in 1975 of violating election laws,
she declared a state of emergency, jailing opponents and passing many laws limiting personal
freedoms. She was defeated in the following election but returned to power in 1980. In 1984 she
ordered the army to attack the Golden Temple complex of the Sikhs at Amritsar to root out Sikh
militants inside the temple; some 450 Sikhs died in the ghting. Later that year she was shot
and killed by her own Sikh bodyguards in revenge.

assemblies, and Gandhi felt obliged to partys leadership, who favoured the Lok
invite Desai into her cabinet as deputy Sabha speaker Neelam Sanjiva Reddy; she
prime minister and nance minister. As proved to be a skillful political manager
leader of Gujarats wealthy banking and for Giri, who was easily elected. Because
business elite, Desai was considered a of this, the old guard of the Congress
pillar of economic stability, whose pres- Party expelled Gandhi for indiscipline,
ence in New Delhi would swiftly restore but, refusing to be intimidated, she rallied
condence in the Congress government. most of the elected members of parlia-
Indias rst Muslim president, Zakir ment to her New Congress standard and
Husain, was also elected in 1967, but his led a left-wing national coalition of com-
death two years later opened a wider rift munist and provincial Dravidian and
in Congress leadership and gave Gandhi Akali parties from Punjab and Tamil
the opportunity of taking more power into Nadu. Desai led the old guard, a minority
her own hands, as she began rejecting the of Congress members who remained as
advice and support of her fathers closest the prime ministers opposition in the Lok
colleagues of the old guard, including Sabha but who could not thwart any of her
Desai, whom she forced out of her cabinet. major legislation, including a constitu-
For president she backed her own candi- tional amendment to abolish former
date, Vice President V.V. (Varahagiri princely pensions in 1970. Gandhi called
Venkata) Giri, against the majority of her new elections at the end of 1970,
The Republic of India | 311

On June 22, 1971, refugees carry their belongings as they approach the Indian border, after
eeing from ghting in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Popperfoto/Getty Images

andsweeping the polls the following Mohammad Yahya Khan, refused to hon-
March with the promise Eliminate pov- our the democratic choice of his countrys
erty!her party won 350 seats in a Lok majority. At the end of March 1971, after
Sabha of 515. failed negotiations in which Mujib
demanded virtual independence for East
The Bangladesh War Pakistan, Yahya Khan ordered a military
massacre in Dhaka (Dacca). Though
In December 1970 Pakistan held general Mujib was arrested and own to prison in
elections, its rst since independence. West Pakistan, he called on his followers
The Awami League, headed by East in the east to rise up and proclaim their
Pakistans popular Bengali leader independence as Bangladesh (Land of
Mujibur Rahman (Sheikh Mujib), won a the Bengalis). Some 10 million refugees
clear majority of seats in the new assem- ed across the border from East Pakistan
bly, but West Pakistans chief martial law to India in the ensuing eight months of
administrator and president, Gen. Agha martial rule and sporadic ring by West
312 | The History of India

Pakistans army. Soon after the monsoon of its own as swiftly as possible. Pakistan
stopped, Indias army moved up to the subsequently forged stronger ties with
Bangladesh border and by early China and with Muslim countries to the
December had advanced virtually unop- west but found itself further diminished as
posed to Dhaka, which was surrendered a potential challenge to Indian hegemony
in mid-December. Mujib, released by over South Asia.
Pres. Zulkar Ali Bhutto, who had taken
over from the disgraced Yahya Khan, ew Emergency Rule
home to a heros welcome, and in January
1972 he became the rst prime minister The Bangladesh war raised Prime
of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Minister Gandhi to virtual mother god-
Indias stunning victory over Pakistan dess stature at home. She was viewed as
in the Bangladesh war was achieved in a brilliant military strategist and diplo-
part because of Soviet military support mat, and her popularity was never greater
and diplomatic assurances. The Treaty of than in the years immediately after that
Peace, Friendship, and Cooperation, brief December war. By late 1974, how-
signed in mid-1971 by India with the Soviet ever, Gandhis golden image had
Union, gave India the arms it used in the tarnished, for, despite her campaign rhet-
war. With the birth of Bangladesh, Indias oric, poverty was hardly abolished in
already dominant position in South Asia India. Quite the contrary, with skyrocket-
was enhanced, and its foreign policy, ing oil prices and consumer-goods
which remained officially nonaligned, ination, Indias unemployed and land-
tilted further toward the Soviet Union. less, as well as its large xed-income
In a last-ditch but futile effort to sup- labouring population, found itself
port Pakistan, a nuclear-armed aircraft sinking deeper into starvations grip
carrier of the U.S. Pacic Fleet was sent to and impossible debt. Student strikes and
the Bay of Bengal, ostensibly to evacuate mass protest marches rocked Bihar
civilians from Dhaka, but the war ended and Gujarat, as Narayan and Desai joined
before any such assistance could be ren- forces in leading a new Janata Morcha
dered. Many Indians viewed the aircraft (Peoples Front) movement against
carriers presence so close to their own government corruption and Gandhis
shores as provocative nuclear weapons allegedly inept leadership. The mass
rattling, and by 1972 India launched an movement gathered momentum through-
atomic program of its own, detonating its out the rst half of 1975 and reached its
rst plutonium-armed device under climax that June, when the Congress lost
the sands of Rajasthan in May 1974. The a crucial by-election in Gujarat and
atomic explosion was felt in Pakistans Gandhi herself was found guilty by
neighbouring Sind province and triggered Allahabads High Court of several counts
that countrys resolve to produce a bomb of election malpractice during the last
The Republic of India | 313

campaign for her Lok Sabha seat. The under house arrest for almost two years,
mandatory penalty for that crime was and some of Indias most prominent jour-
exclusion from holding any elective office nalists, lawyers, educators, and political
for six years from date of conviction. activists were muzzled or imprisoned.
Opposition leaders threatened a civil Gandhi announced her Twenty-Point
disobedience campaign to force the prime Program soon after the emergency was
minister to resign, and many of her oldest proclaimed, and most points were aimed
cabinet colleagues and Congress Party at reducing ination and energizing the
advisers urged her to step down pending economy by punishing tax evaders, black
an appeal to Indias Supreme Court. marketers, smugglers, and other real crim-
Following instead the advice of her ambi- inals. Prices did come down, production
tious and energetic younger son, Sanjay, indexes rose dramatically, and even the
on June 26, 1975, Gandhi persuaded Pres. monsoon proved cooperative by bringing
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed to declare a abundant rains on time two years in a row.
national emergency, which empowered At the same time, however, popular dis-
her to do whatever she considered best content was fostered by some of the
for the country for at least six months. emergency acts, such as a freeze on wage
The elite Central Reserve Police force, the increases, pressure for increased worker
prime ministers palace guard, was ordered discipline, and a birth-control program ini-
to arrest Desai and the ailing and aged tiated by Sanjay that mandated sterilization
Narayan, as well as hundreds of others for families with more than two children. It
who had worked with her father and was perhaps because of the economic
Mohandas Gandhi in helping India to win gains that the prime minister decided
its freedom from British rule. She then early in 1977 to call general elections, but
blacked out the entire region of Delhi in she may also have believed what she read
which the press was published and about herself in her controlled press or
appointed Sanjay as her trusted personal feared a military coup had she simply
censor of all future news leaders and edito- refused to seek a civil mandate for her pol-
rials. Her minister of information and icies. Most political prisoners were
broadcasting, Inder K. Gujral, immediately released, and Narayan immediately joined
resigned rather than accept orders from Desai in quickly revitalizing the Janata
Sanjay, who held no elective office at the movement, whose campaign warned
time but who clearly was becoming one of Indians that the elections might be their
the most powerful persons in India. India last chance to choose between democ-
is Indira, and Indira is India, was the call racy and dictatorship. In the elections,
of Congress Party sycophants, and soon held in February, Indira and Sanjay both
the country was plastered with her poster lost their Lok Sabha seats, as did most of
image. Practically every leader of Indias their loyal followers, and the Congress was
political opposition was jailed or kept reduced to just 153 seats, 92 of which were
314 | The History of India

from four of the southern states. The Indira Gandhi had again been elected to
Janata Partys 295 seats (of a total 542) the Lok Sabha, but this time as a member
gave it only a modest majority, but opposi- of the Congress (I) Party (the I stood for
tion candidates together represented more Indira), which she and her supporters
than two-thirds of the Lok Sabha. had formed that year. She was expelled
from the Lok Sabha the following month
The Janata Interlude and the and then briey imprisoned, but this
Return of Indira Gandhi action brought a strong backlash of sym-
pathy for her from millions of Indians,
At the age of 80, Desai took the post of many of whom a year earlier had feared
prime minister. Although Narayan was her as a tyrant.
too sick to accept any office, there were No major legislation was introduced
others in the Janata Party, especially by the new government, which in a year of
Charan Singh, of the Jat peasant caste, inaction seemed incapable of solving any
who considered themselves at least as of Indias problems and lost the con-
worthy of becoming prime minister dence of most of the populace. In mid-July
as Desai, and the petty squabbling over 1979, Desai resigned rather than face a
power and all the perks of high office no-condence motion that had been
kept the new leaders in Delhi so preoc- tabled in the Lok Sabha and would easily
cupied that little time or vital energy have passed. Charan Singh was then
was left with which to address the selected prime minister, but just a few
nations crying problems and needs. weeks later he too resigned. President
Freedom did return, however, including Reddy, who had been elected along with
laissez-faire in all its worst forms, and Desai in 1977, called for new elections and
ination soon escalated, as did smug- dissolved parliament in the winter of 1979.
gling, black-marketing, and every form In January 1980 Indias seventh gen-
of corruption endemic to any poor coun- eral election returned Indira Gandhi to
try with underpaid bureaucrats and power over New Delhis central govern-
undereducated police. Even the rains ment. The Congress (I) Party, which had
failed Desai, whose high-spending run on the slogan Elect a government
regime soon used up the substantial sur- that works, won 351 of the 525 contested
plus in food grains that Gandhi had Lok Sabha seats, as against 31 for Janata.
amassed in new storage facilities. Sanjay Gandhi also won election to the
Politically, perhaps the worst error Lok Sabha and resumed his former post
made by Desai was to insist on punishing as head of the Congresss youth wing (the
Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi, both Youth Congress). Though he remained
of whom were accused of many crimes, outside his mothers cabinet, he person-
none of which would be easy to prove in ally selected half of the Congresss
any Indian court. In November 1978 successful Lok Sabha candidates, and it
The Republic of India | 315

appeared that he was being groomed as prime minister tried to appease Sikh frus-
her successor. In June 1980, however, trations by appointing a Sikh, Zail Singh,
Sanjay Gandhi was killed in the crash of a as her home minister, in charge of police
new stunt plane he was ying. Indira nationwide, yet most of the leaders in
Gandhi, who seemed never fully to Chandigarh and Amritsar distrusted
recover from the loss of Sanjay, immedi- Singh and soon came to distrust Gandhi
ately recruited her elder son, Rajiv, into even more. Though in 1982 she nomi-
political life. Rajiv had been a pilot until nated Zail Singh to be the rst Sikh
his younger brothers death but took up president of India, even that symbolic
politics at his mothers insistence. elevation of a member of the small Sikh
minority to the highest office in Indias
Sikh Separatism secular republic failed to quell the rising
storm over Punjab.
Indias problems of poverty, pluralism, By the early 1980s some Sikhs were
inequities in development and gross dis- calling for more than mere separate pro-
parities in wealth and education, and vincial statehood, instead demanding
continuing provincial and communal nothing less than a nation-state of their
violence did not disappear or diminish. own, an autonomous Sikh Khalistan, or
The worst violence erupted in Punjab, Land of the Pure. More moderate Sikh
where, ironically, the majority of the Sikh leaders, such as Harchand Singh
population had gained affluence in the Longowal, who was elected president of
wake of Indias Green Revolution of the Akali Party in 1980, unsuccessfully
the late 1960s. Yet bumper crops and attempted to avert civil war by seeking to
higher per capita incomes brought all the negotiate a settlement of Sikh demands
gadgets and toys of modernity, which with New Delhis Congress leaders.
pulled or lured many younger Sikhs away Extremists like Jarnail Singh
from ingrained tradition and religious Bhindranwale won the support of many
values that others considered sacred. younger devout Sikhs around Amritsar,
This opened large gaps within Sikh soci- who were armed with automatic weapons
ety, almost as wide and deep as those that and launched a violent movement for
separated Punjab from the rest of India. Khalistan that took control of the Sikhs
Though Indira Gandhi had agreed in holiest shrine, the Golden Temple
1970 to transfer Chandigarh to the (Harimandir), and its sacred precincts.
recently divided Punjab as its sole capi- Gandhi and her government seemed
tal, that simple act had never been carried unable to do anything to stop the grow-
out, for Haryanas mainly Hindu popu- ing number of politically motivated
lace vigorously demanded adequate killings and acts of terror in Punjab,
compensation if their state were to be Haryana, and Delhi. She knew that nation-
deprived of so valuable an asset. The wide elections would have to be called by
316 | The History of India

January 1985, and the overwhelming to stop the orgy of murder and terror in
Hindu majority of Indias electorate Delhi. Several well-known leaders of the
would likely judge her government too Congress (I) Party in Delhi were accused
weak to be retained. In 1984, therefore, by human-rights activists of having
Gandhi gave her generals permission to incited the Hindu mobs to violence, but
launch their Operation Bluestar, as it none was ever accused in any court of law
was code-named, against the Golden or sentenced to any jail term.
Temple. Early in June, after a night of
artillery re, they moved tanks and troops The Premiership of
into the temple precincts, and for four Rajiv Gandhi
days and nights the battle raged, until
Bhindranwale and most of his snipers Rajiv Gandhi wisely opted to call for fresh
were dead. Hundreds of innocent people elections nationwide soon after taking
were caught in the cross re, and at least office, and, reaping the sympathy vote for
100 soldiers died. Khalistan had its rst his mothers murder, won the December
martyrs. In retaliation, on Oct. 31, 1984, 1984 election by the largest majority ever
Gandhi herself was shot dead by two of amassed by any party leader in indepen-
her own Sikh guards inside her garden in dent India. In her own violent death,
New Delhi. The next day mobs of blood- Indira Gandhi thus assured her sons suc-
thirsty thugs began to roam the Sikh cession to the post of power for which she
neighbourhoods in and around Delhi, had carefully groomed him during the
where they set re to cars, homes, and last four years of her life.
businesses and launched a massacre of With the Congress (I) winning more
Sikhs that left thousands dead and many than 400 seats in the Lok Sabha, Rajiv
more thousands wounded and homeless Gandhi could have passed virtually any
in the worst religious riot since partition. legislative program he wanted. He chose
to work toward removing onerous licens-
INDIA SINCE THE MID-1980S ing restrictions and other bureaucratic
red tape relating to high-technology
The night Indira Gandhi died, her son imports and the establishment of foreign-
ew back to New Delhi from West Bengal, funded factories and other businesses in
where he had been on the campaign trail. India. The new prime minister hoped to
Pres. Zail Singh also ew home, from a lead India into the computer age, and,
visit to the Persian Gulf, and swore in the departing from his grandfathers Fabian
40-year-old Rajiv Gandhi as prime minis- Socialist predisposition toward Great
ter, though he had not even been a Britain and his mothers leaning toward
member of his mothers cabinet. Several the Soviet Unionwhich continued to
days later, on the eve of his mothers bolster Indias air and sea defensesRajiv
funeral, Rajiv decided to call out the army Gandhi looked more to the United States
The Republic of India | 317

for help and to American technology as of corruption, and recent price increases
his favoured model for Indias develop- on essential goods made the Congress (I)
ment. Though hundreds of millions even more vulnerable to opposition par-
remained unemployed or underemployed ties, including the right-wing Bharatiya
and illiterate, he stopped emphasizing, as Janata (Indian Peoples) Party (BJP),
his grandfather and mother had done, the headed by L.K. (Lal Krishna) Advani, and
need to abolish or even diminish poverty V.P. Singhs new Janata Dal. In the gen-
for Indias lower half, instead addressing eral elections held in November, Gandhi
himself more to the captains of Indian barely managed to retain his own Lok
industry and commerce and advocating a Sabha seat, as the Congress (I), winning
trickle-down theory of economic growth. only 193 seats, lost its majority. The
Because of his youth, Gandhi repre- Janata Dal (141 seats) emerged with
sented the ascension of a new generation the second largest block, and V.P. Singh,
to power and brought with him the hope with the support of the BJP (88 seats) and
of resolving some of Indias long-standing the two main communist parties (44
problems. His initial popularity, however, seats), was able to put together a coali-
began to diminish after his rst two years tion majority that took office in December.
in office, and charges of mismanagement
became common. His greatest political Foreign Policy
challenge, though, resulted from problems
with a member of his own cabinet, Minister Relations with the United States improved
of Finance V.P. (Vishwanath Pratap) Singh, during the last half of the 1980s, with
who by 1987 had conducted investigations greater trade, scientic cooperation, and
into the machinations of several of Indias cultural exchanges. When civil rule
leading industrial and commercial fami- resumed in Pakistan in 1988, Indias rela-
lies and houses whose reputations for tax tions with that country also reached a
evasion were notorious. In January of that new level of friendship, though the South
year, Singh found himself suddenly trans- Asian thaw proved to be brief.
ferred to the Ministry of Defense, but his In December 1985 Rajiv Gandhi had
crusade against corruption continued in endorsed a bold initiative, helping to
his new ministry, where he found signs of launch the seven-nation South Asian
nancial kickbacks in the procurement Association for Regional Cooperation
of arms, especially from the Swedish (SAARC), whose annual meetings there-
rm of Bofors. A political uproar followed, after offered the leaders of India and
and Singh, charging that the government Pakistan, as well as their smaller neigh-
was hindering his investigation, resigned bours, unique opportunities to informally
from the cabinet in April. discuss and resolve problems. The prob-
By 1989 Gandhi, as well as the lem of Kashmir was among the worst of
Congress (I), was still tainted by charges these, though India had in the late 1980s
318 | The History of India

also accused Pakistan of arming and then Richard) Jayewardene, the two leaders
sending Pakistani agents across the signed a peace accord that provided the
Punjab border. In late 1989 strikes, terror- Tamils with an autonomous province
ism, and unrest escalated in Kashmir, and within a united Sri Lanka. India agreed to
by early 1990 the area was rocked by a prevent Tamil separatists from using its
series of violent explosions and erce territory, notably Tamil Nadu, for training
exchanges of heavy re along the line of and shelter and agreed to send an Indian
control that separated the Indian- and Peace-Keeping Force (IPKF) to disarm the
Pakistani-administered sectors of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil
Kashmir. A newly vitalized liberation Tigers) and other Tamil forces. The IPKF,
front in Srinagar captured the allegiance however, soon found itself embroiled in
of many young Kashmiri Muslims, who ghting the Tamil Tigers. The accord had
may have been inspired by unrest in never been popular among Tamils or
Israels West Bank or in eastern Europe or Sinhalese, and by 1989 the Indian govern-
by the Soviet Unions withdrawal from ment was bowing to Sri Lankan pressure
Afghanistan to risk their lives in a strug- to pull out its troops. In March 1990, with
gle for freedom from Indian occupation. its mission unaccomplished, the last of
New Delhi responded by proclaiming the IPKF had been withdrawn.
presidents rule, suspending all local
elected government, and rushing in addi- V.P. Singhs CoalitionIts
tional troops until the entire state of Brief Rise and Fall
Jammu and Kashmir was under curfew
and martial law. New Delhi refused to dis- V.P. Singh, who had initially denied any
cuss the matter with any foreign powers, interest in becoming prime minister,
as it insisted that the situation in the state emerged after the 1989 elections as the
was a purely domestic matter that could leader of a loosely knit coalition whose
be dealt with by Indians alone. extreme wings were basically antipa-
The Indian government was also con- thetic to each other. Haryanas Jat leader,
fronted by unrest in neighbouring Sri Devi Lal, who nominated V.P. Singh for
Lanka, where in the 1980s conict between prime minister, became deputy prime
the islands Sinhalese Buddhist majority minister, thus raising fears in Punjab that
and its Tamil Hindu minority broke out another period of harsh Delhi rule was
into civil war. With a large, politically about to begin. V.P. Singhs rst visit as
powerful Tamil community of its own, prime minister, however, was to Amritsars
India viewed the unrest with particular Golden Temple, where he walked bare-
concern and had since the 1970s tried foot to announce that he hoped to bring a
diplomacy to no avail. In 1987, after sev- healing touch to Punjabs sorely torn
eral SAARC meetings between Gandhi state. Singh promised a political solution
and Sri Lankas president, J.R. (Junius for the regions problems, but, reecting
The Republic of India | 319

The Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India, prior to its destruction in December 1992. Frederick
M. Asher

the ambivalence in his new coalition, the 1990 a mass march of Hindus bearing con-
move in Amritsar was not followed up by secrated bricks to rebuild Ramas birth
the transfer of Chandigarh, nor indeed temple won the support of most members
by any state elections. of Advanis BJP, as well as of many other
A similar ambivalence within the Hindus throughout India. V.P. Singh and
coalition was seen with respect to events his government, however, were committed
in Ayodhya (in Uttar Pradesh), an ancient to India as a secular nation and would not
capital andas most orthodox Hindus permit the destruction of the mosque,
believebirthplace of the deity Rama. The which Muslims considered one of their
Babri Masjid, a mosque erected by oldest and most sacred places. Indias
the Mughal emperor Bbur in Ayodhya, police were thus ordered to stop the more
was said to have been built over the very than one million Hindus marching toward
site of Ramas birthplace, where a more Ayodhya, including Advani himself, who
ancient Hindu temple, Ram Janmabhoomi, rode in a chariot such as King Rama might
was supposed to have stood. In the fall of have used. On October 23, the day that
320 | The History of India

Advani was stopped and arrested, Singh than 60 Janata (S) members in the Lok
lost his Lok Sabha majority, as the BJP Sabha, however, the new prime ministers
withdrew its support for the coalition. hold on power was tenuous and not
Singh had earlier come under severe expected to survive any longer than
attack from many upper-caste Hindus of deemed expedient by Gandhi and the
northern India for sponsoring implemen- Congress (I) bloc. When the Congress (I)
tation of the 1980 Mandal Commission walked out of the Lok Sabha in March 1991,
report, which recommended that more Shekhar had little choice but to resign and
jobs in all services be reserved for mem- call upon President Venkataraman to
bers of the lower castes and ex-untouchable announce new general elections.
outcaste communities. After he announced
in August 1990 that the recommendations Congress Government of
would be enforced, many young upper- Narasimha Rao
caste Hindus immolated themselves in
protests across northern India. V.P. Singhs The rst round of the elections took place
critics accused him of pandering to the on May 20, but the following day in Tamil
lower castes for their votes, and many Nadu, in a small town just south of
members of his own party deserted him on Madras (Chennai), Gandhi was assassi-
this searing issue, foremost among them nated in a suicide bomb attack. A woman
Chandra Shekhar, who led a splinter group apparently of Sri Lankan Tamil origin
of Janata Dal dissidents out of Singhs and bearing a concealed plastic bomb
coalition. On Nov. 7, 1990, V.P. Singh destroyed herself and more than a dozen
resigned after suffering a vote of no con- others crowded around Gandhi, who,
dence by a stunning margin of 356 to 151. though expected to regain the post of
Most of those who voted against the prime minister, had abandoned his previ-
prime minister were members of Rajiv ous security precautions to campaign
Gandhis Congress (I) Party, for Gandhi more vigorously. The other two rounds of
retained the largest single block of party the elections were postponed in respect
faithful in the Lok Sabha; however, for the young leader. After Sonia, Rajivs
Advanis BJP support also lined up against Italian-born widow, declined an invita-
Singh. The smallest new party bloc in Lok tion by the central committee of the
Sabha belonged to Shekhar, whose Janata Congress (I) to replace her husband as
Dal (S)the S stood for Socialistgained party president, the Congress (I) closed
the support of Gandhi and thus came ranks behind P.V. (Pamulaparti Venkata)
to be invited by Pres. Ramaswamy Narasimha Rao, one of its most senior
Venkataraman to serve as prime minister leaders and diplomats, and unanimously
before the end of 1990. Devi Lal, who in elected him Congress (I) president.
August had been ousted by Singh, again The only way to exist in India is to
became deputy prime minister. With fewer coexist, Narasimha Rao told his
The Republic of India | 321

pluralistic nation as election campaigning 464-year-old mosque ignited the coun-

resumed in early June. Though the trys worst interreligious rioting since the
younger Gandhis assassination appar- Indian partition of 1947 and set the stage
ently had ended the Nehru dynasty, the for severe clashes between Hindu and
Nehru legacy of secular democratic devel- Muslim extremists during the rest of
opment for India remained embodied at the decade.
the head of the Congress (I). Born in the Also in 1992, amid allegations of cor-
southern presidency of Madras in what is ruption within the Rao government, a
now Andhra Pradesh state, Narasimha number of bankers, brokers, and political
Rao had been a disciple of Mohandas gures were indicted in a wide-scale
Gandhi and of Nehru, had served in the stock market swindle in which public
Lok Sabha, and was appointed foreign funds were used to inate stock prices in
minister under both Indira Gandhi and order to benet the conspirators. These
Rajiv Gandhi. On June 20, after the nancial misdealings took place in a
Congress (I) won more than 220 of the 524 framework of growing economic liberal-
seats contested for the Lok Sabha, ization, deregulation, and privatization
Narasimha Rao was able to form a minor- that had begun under the government of
ity government and became the rst Rajiv Gandhi and that continued
Indian prime minister from a southern unabated through the close of the cen-
state. The opposition in the Lok Sabha tury. Indias move toward a more
was led by Advani, whose BJP won some market-oriented economy was fueled
120 seats, reaching a new peak in popular- largely by an educational system that
ity, especially in the Hindi-speaking produced a huge number of graduates in
heartland of northern India, where it took technology and the sciences, and India
control of Indias most populous state, experienced a dramatic growth in its
Uttar Pradesh. The Janata Dal gained high-technology and computer sectors.
fewer than 60 seats, just slightly more than
the approximately 50 seats won by the two The First and Second BJP
communist parties. Governments
The Rao governments nearly ve-
year rule was marked by many challenges. Despite a booming national economy,
In 1992 Advanis promise to resume his the Congressthe (I) was by then
sacred pilgrimage to Ayodhya to erect droppedpolled poorly in the 1996 gen-
Ramas temple became an immediate and eral election, falling from 260 seats in the
potentially explosive issue when, despite Lok Sabha to only 140 (an all-time low).
promises of restraint from Hindu nation- In part, this drop in Congress support
alist leaders, an army of Hindu protestors stemmed from accusations of political
tore down the Babri Masjid in December corruption on the part of Narasimha Rao;
of that year. The destruction of the to some extent, however, it signaled a rise
322 | The History of India

in Hindu nationalism in the form of the the BJP was able to form a new governing
BJP. That party increased its representa- coalition, again under Vajpayee.
tion in the Lok Sabha from 113 to 161, the The BJP coalition, called the National
overall largest party representation, but Democratic Alliance, crumbled in April
no party had sufficient seats to form a 1999 and operated as a caretaker govern-
government. The BJP, led by Atal Bihari ment until elections that fall. The BJP
Vajpayee, was unable to form a stable again had a good outing, outpolling all
coalition, and Vajpayee held the premier- other parties and raising its representa-
ship for scarcely a week. tion in the Lok Sabha to 182 seats. The
A hastily contrived coalition, the Congress representation in the lower
United Front (UF), under Janata Dal poli- house eroded even further, to 112 seats.
tician H.D. Deve Gowda, soon was able to India had conducted its rst nuclear
seat a government. But the UF relied on weapons test in 1974, but its program for
the support of the Congress from the out- developing and elding such weapons
side, in exchange for continuing certain had been covert. Under the BJP, India
Congress policies. The coalition still publicly and proudly declared itself a
proved unstable, and Gowda was replaced member of those states possessing
as prime minister in April 1997 by Inder nuclear weapons, and in May 1998
Kumar Gujral, also of the Janata Dal. within months of the BJP coming to
However, an interim report on Rajiv powerIndia conducted a series of ve
Gandhis assassination released in nuclear weapons tests. This apparently
November stated that the Dravida was interpreted as sabre rattling by
Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) party, a Pakistan, which responded by detonating
member of the UF, shared responsibility its own nuclear devices. The interna-
in Gandhis death. The Congress removed tional community harshly condemned
its support, and, after the collapse of the both sides and urged the two new nuclear
UF, new elections were slated for March powers to begin a dialogue, particularly
1998. (The claims against the DMK were on the unresolved question of Kashmir.
never substantiated.) Despite several tentative steps toward
Much to the chagrin of the Congress, rapprochement, armed conict broke out
the BJP polled well in the March elections, between India and Pakistan in the high
increasing its membership in the Lok mountains of the Kargil region of Jammu
Sabha from 160 seats to 179. The Congress, and Kashmir state in May 1999. Eventually,
now led by Sonia Gandhi, increased their intense international pressure induced
representation slightly, garnering an addi- the Pakistani government to withdraw its
tional ve seats. No single party seemed troops to its side of the line of control.
to be in a position to form a government Nonetheless, Kashmir continued to be a
(Janata Dal had fallen to a mere six seats), point of contention, and acts of terrorism
and it was only after much politicking that conducted by extremists hoping to
The Republic of India | 323

change Indian policy toward the region the rst prime minister since Jawaharlal
grew more common and severe. Nehru to do so after having served a full
ve-year rst term.
Return of the Congress Singh had been minister of nance
under Narasimha Rao until 1996, and he
The BJP espoused a broad Hindu nativ- was the man most credited with restruc-
ism. During the years of BJP government, turing the Indian economy during the
Hindu products were favoured over 1990s. The election was seen by many as
imports, names of cities were changed a turn away from the pro-urban policies
either to reect the precolonial name adopted by the BJP. Since the early 1990s,
(e.g., Chennai for Madras) or to bring the Indias economy had boomed, particu-
name more in line with local pronuncia- larly in the high-technology and
tion (Kolkata for Calcutta)and the party technical-services sector. The economy in
openly opposed what it considered non- many rural areas, however, had stagnated.
Hindu values. Farming remained largely dependent on
Given Indias tradition of secular poli- the monsoon, and many formerly remote
tics, many Indians were uncomfortable areas were opened up merely so that their
with the BJPs pro-Hindu approach, and natural resources might be exploited with
this discomfort was perhaps one of the little benet to local inhabitants. The UPA
reasons why the BJP had such a poor espoused a strongly pro-farmer message
showing at the May 2004 elections. The and sought to introduce rural programs
Congress regained some ground lost in reminiscent of those of the New Deal era
previous general elections, raising its rep- in the United States. The new govern-
resentation in the Lok Sabha to 145 seats; ment aimed to revitalize the agrarian
the BJPs membership fell to 137 seats. As economy, step up investment in agricul-
had become the pattern in other recent ture, provide access to credit, and improve
elections, no party was situated to call a the quality of rural infrastructure. The
government on its own, so the Congress government made employment genera-
formed a coalition known as the United tion and social equity important features
Progressive Alliance (UPA). Congress of its agenda. An indication of the govern-
leader Sonia Gandhi opted not to take the ments efforts on the latter point actually
premiership, however, and instead recom- began during the BJP era, when Kocheril
mended Manmohan Singh, a Sikh, for the Raman Narayanan, a Dalit (untouch-
post. The Congress made signicant able), served as president (19972002).
gains in the 2009 parliamentary elections, After the Congress came to power,
increasing its seat total in the Lok Sabha Pratibha Patil became the countrys rst
to 206; conversely, the BJPs total fell to woman president in 2007, and another
116. Singh formed another cabinet and Dalit, Meira Kumar, was named the rst
was sworn in for a second term, becoming woman speaker of the Lok Sabha in 2009.

A s India approaches its 65th year of independence, it

faces challenges, but its future also holds great promise.
The nation is working to build diplomatic bridges to Pakistan.
In October 2008 limited trade resumed between the Indian-
and Pakistani-administered segments of Kashmir, the rst
such commerce through the region in six decades. The
resumption of this trade signaled improved relations between
the two countries.
India is also making efforts to combat terrorism both at
home and abroad. Along with the growth of terror by Muslim
extremists, India experienced a rise in violence among com-
munist (mostly Maoist) groups known as Naxalites. First
formed in the 1960s, Naxalite groups experienced a revival in
the early 21st century, espousing a doctrine of liberation and
emancipation. They generally operated on the fringes of
society in the most economically backward regions and were
highly attractive to marginalized tribal peoples, poor rural
residents, and others with grievances. The union government
soon acknowledged that Naxalism, along with terrorism, pre-
sented signicant threats to internal security in India.
However, efforts to deter terrorist attacks did not prevent
some major deadly incidents, including the bombing of mul-
tiple trains in Mumbai in July 2006, bombings in several
locations in Delhi in September 2008, and the assault by
armed terrorists on several buildings in central Mumbai two
months later.
India remains a land of marked contrasts. Economically,
it is a world leader in high technology, while at the same time
vast numbers of people survive on subsistence agriculture.
The country has an enormous and growing population,
which has more than tripled since 1947 and has steadily
gained ground on that of China, but it also contains some of
Conclusion | 325

Mass celebrations in India commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Indian Mutiny of
185758, which in India is often called the rst war of independence against British rule. The
India Today Group/Getty Images

the most spectacular natural scenery on region. Yet, as it struggles with its myriad
earth. India has made great strides at of challenges, India remains the worlds
reducing the inuence of its ancient most populous democracy, with a multi-
caste system, but class distinctions and party electoral system that provides a
inequities remain, and sectarian ten- stable government responsible and
sionsespecially between Hindus and responsive to the voters. India is a major
Muslimsperiodically air into inci- player on the global diplomatic stage,
dents of remarkable violence. A large, expanding on its early role as leader of the
highly educated middle class has Nonaligned Movement to one in which it
emerged, but India remains one of the is at the forefront of the worlds lower-
worlds poorest countries per capita, with income countries as they negotiate with
tens of millions of people living in great the major industrial powers. Throughout
poverty. It has developed nuclear weap- it all, Indias culture remains vibrant and
ons, but this action has spurred rival thriving, a pastiche of ancient traditions,
Pakistan to do the same and has been a modern popular culture, and numerous
factor in increasing tensions in the combinations of these various elements.

alluvial Relating to soil or sediments that are deposited by

running water.
amelioration An improvement or the act of making better.
analogous Corresponding in some manner.
arrears An unpaid and overdue debt or unfullled
bastion A projecting part of a fortication that is situated
in both corners of a straight wall.
bellicosely Aggressive or hostile in temperament.
bifurcated Divided into two branches or parts.
bitumen A naturally occurring viscous and sticky sub-
stance resembling asphalt.
carnelian A reddish-brown semiprecious gemstone used
in jewelry making.
centrifugal Moving outward or away from the center.
citadel A stronghold or fortied place in or near a city.
conciliatory Willing to compromise.
concomitant One that occurs or exists concurrently with
something else.
cumbrous Difficult to handle.
despotism Government ruled by one individual with abso-
lute power or control.
dramaturgy The techniques of dramatic composition.
endogamous Marriage within ones own group or tribe in
accordance with custom or law.
ephemeral Short-lived.
eponymous Describes the giving of ones name to some-
thing, such as a city, state, institution, etc.
exchequer A treasury of a state or nation.
feudalistic Relating to a political and economic system in
which people provided services to a lord in return for
the use of his land.
Glossary | 327

garrison A military post. ostentation A pretentious show of

gypsum A mineral used to make plaster wealth or importance.
or cement. plebiscite A vote by the electorate on
hegemony Leadership exercised by one some important public question.
nation over another. plinth A square base of a column or
ignominy Personal dishonor. pier, like a pedestal.
incumbent The current holder of postern An entrance other than the main
an office. one, such as a back door or gate.
inorganic Matter that lacks the charac- promulgate To formally put a law into
teristics of a living organism. operation.
interregnum The time between the end proselytizer One who tries to convert
of a sovereigns reign and the reign others to a particular religion.
of his or her successor. realpolitik Politics based on practi-
lunate A crescent-shaped, small cal rather than moral
stone tool. considerations.
malleable Impressionable. renascent Being reborn.
mastic Resin from a tree that can serve satyagraha The form of nonviolent
as an adhesive. resistance initiated in India by
metallurgy The heating of metals to Mahatma Gandhi.
give them desired shapes or spoliation Robbery or plundering in a
properties. time of war.
microlith A small stone tool. stupa A dome-shaped monument or
monarchical Pertaining to a government structure that houses Buddhist relics.
led by a sole and absolute ruler, usu- surreptitious Stealthy and secretive.
ally for life and by hereditary right. suzerainty A relationship between
mutineers People who are openly rebel- states in which the international
lious and refusing to obey authority. affairs of a subservient state are
nexus The core center. controlled by the more powerful one.
nomenclature A system of names used syncretic The fusion of different sys-
in a science or art by an individual or tems of belief, as in religion or
community. philosophy.
numismatic Pertaining to coins or temporal Temporary, earthly.
currency. tripartite Involving three parties.
oligarchic Pertaining to a government vizier A high officer in certain Muslim
led by a few. governments.
For Further
Bose, Sumantra. Kashmir: Roots of Conflict, Paths to
Peace. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University
Press, 2003.
Danilou, Alain. A Brief History of India. Rochester, VT.:
Inner Traditions, 2003.
Dettman, Paul R. India Changes Course: Golden Jubilee to
Millenium. Westport, CT: Prager Publishers, 2001.
Eraly, Abraham. India. New York: DK Pub. 2008.
Eraly, Abraham. The Mughal Throne: The Saga of Indias
Great Emporers. London: Phoenix, 2004.
Guha, Ramachandra. India After Gandhi: The History of the
Worlds Largest Democracy. New York: Ecco, 2007.
Hardy, Peter. The Muslims of British India. London, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1972.
Judd, Denis. The Lion and the Tiger: The Rise and Fall
of the British Raj. Oxford, England: Oxford University
Press, 2004.
Kamdar, Mira. Planet India: How the Fastest-Growing
Democracy Is Transforming America and the World.
New York: Scribner, 2007.
Luce, Edward. In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India.
New York: Anchor, 2008.
Mansingh, Surjit. Historical Dictionary of India. Lanham,
MD.: Scarecrow Press, 2006.
Matane, Paulias, and M.L. Ahuja. India: A Splendour in
Cultural Diversity. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications
Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
Mishra, Pankaj. Temptation of the West. New York: Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, 2006.
Nilekani, Nandan. Imagining India: The Idea of a Renewed
Nation. New York: Penguin Press, 2009.
For Further Reading | 329

Panagariya, Arvind. India: The Emerging Vohra, Ranbir. The Making of India: A
Giant. New York: Oxford University Historical Survey. Armonk, NY: ME
Press, 2008. Sharpe, Inc., 1997.
Robb, Peter. A History of India. New Watson, Francis. India: A Concise
York: Palgrave, 2002. History. New York: Thames &
SarDesai, D.R. India: The Denitive Hudson, 2002.
History. Boulder, CO: Westview Wolpert, Stanley. A New History of
Press, 2008. India. New York: Oxford
Thapar, Romila. Early India: From the University Press, 2004.
Origins to AD 1300. Berkeley: Wood, Michael. India. New York: Basic
University of California Press, 2004. Books, 2007.

A Alexander the Great, 56, 68,

69, 210
Abdals, 197
Almeida, Francisco de, 211
Achyuta Deva Raya, 155
Amoghavarsa, 102
Adil Shahs, 144, 178, 192
Andhras, 81
Advani, L.K., 317, 319320, 321
Anga, 6364, 67
Anglo-Burmese wars, 247
the British and, 247249, 257,
Anglo-French struggle in India,
northern India and, 197198
Aga Khan III, 276, 289, 293
and Bahmani sultanate, 137
Agarkar, Gopal Ganesh, 274
agriculture/agrarian economy, conquests, 94, 97, 115
72, 7576, 83, 109, 173, 197, Aranyakas, 65
265, 324 Aravidu dynasty, 147, 157, 159
early, 27, 28, 30, 4344, 55, 58 Archaeological Survey of India,
Ahmad I, Shiha b al-Dn, 139140 40, 43
Arjun, 177, 199
Ahmad II, Ala al-Dn, 140
art, 5051, 8687, 90, 99
Ahmad III, Nizam al-Dn, 140, 141
Ahmad Khan (Ahmad Shah from 750 to 1200 CE, 110, 112
18th-century, 209
Durra n), 189, 197198,
201, 208 prehistoric, 27, 32, 46
Ahmadnagar, 143144, 145, 147, Artha-shastra, 69, 7677
156, 157, 178, 180, 191 Aryans, 6061, 62, 63
Ahmad Shah Durra n (Ahmad Asaf al-Dawlah, 230, 237
Khan), 189, 197198, 201, 208 Ashoka, 6970, 71, 72, 76
Ajatashatru, 67, 68 edicts of, 7275
Akbar the Great, 133, 144, 145, atomic/nuclear programs,
146, 163, 166175, 178, 195, 212 312, 325
extension and consolidation Auckland, Lord, 247, 248, 249
of empire, 166170 Aurangzeb, 146, 163, 175, 176,
in historical perspective, 175 182, 185, 186, 188, 192, 196,
state and society under, 199, 200, 216
170174 Avadh, 191, 230, 237, 240, 251,
Akkadian Period, 48 257, 260
Albuquerque, Afonso de, 211 Avanti, 63, 73
Index | 331

Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 308309 Bhutan, and the British, 246247

n, 185 Bhutto, Zulkar Ali, 312
Bihar, 102, 104, 117, 120, 133, 142, 164, 169, 170,
B 178, 185, 190, 193, 223, 226, 241, 266, 289
bur, 133, 163164, 175, 198, 199, 319 Bijapur, 143144, 147, 153, 155, 156, 157, 159, 180,
Bahadur Shah I, 184, 185, 200 183, 191, 192
Bahadur Shah II, 256257, 258, 260 Bimbisara, 67
Bahlu l Lod, 132, 133 Bindusara, 69
Bahmani dynasty, 95, 134, 135143 BJP governments, 321323
decline of, 140, 141, 142143 Blavatsky, Helena, 271272
rivalries, external and internal, 139140 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 291292, 295296
successors of, 143146, 156 Bos indicus cattle, 28, 32, 44
and Vijayanagar empire, 147, 148, 149, 150, Brahmans/Brahmanism, 61, 62, 63, 67, 70, 74,
151, 152153 75, 76, 80, 81, 153, 209, 220, 243, 257, 260,
Bahman Shah, Ala al-Dn, 135136 272, 292
Baji Rao I, 189, 192193 from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 87, 89
Baji Rao II, 237 from 300 to 750 CE, 98, 100
Balban, Ghiya th al-Dn, 121122, 123, 127, 128 from 750 to 1200 CE, 108, 109110
Ballala II, 107 during Muslim period, 130, 139
Balochistan, 23, 28, 4243 British presence in India
Baluchistan, 23, 27, 28, 35, 46 anti-British activity and, 281282, 283
Banda Singh Baha dur, 184185, 200 ascent to paramountcy, 236241
Banerjea, Surendranath, 269270 climax of the raj, 260266
Bangladesh, independence/creation of, 21, 217, completion of dominion and expansion,
298, 311312 246251, 256
Bangladesh War, 311312 cultural effects of, 254255, 258259
Bayram Khan, 166167 early, 159, 193, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 205,
Bengal 207, 208, 212, 213
and the British, 208, 221224, 225, 226, 227, economic effects/policy of, 252253, 264266
229, 231, 232, 233, 235, 241, 242243, 244, end of, 286, 293, 300
252, 253, 269, 289 extension of power (17651856), 228255
conquest of by Akbar, 169170 foreign policy, 266269
rst partition of, 273275, 278 from the mutiny to WWI, 256300
mutiny of army, 256260, 279 opposition to, 256260, 281283, 296297
revolution in, 221224 organization and policy, 241246, 263264
Bengal Presidency, 217, 239 political effects of, 251252
Bentinck, Lord William, 245246, 255 relations with the Marathas and Mysore,
Besant, Annie, 282 233236
bhakti cults, 111, 112 revolution in Bengal and, 221224
Bhave, Vinoba, 306 from 1600 to 1740, 213217
Bhoja I, 101102, 104 social effects of, 253254
Bhonsle dynasty, 192, 193, 238 social policy, 261263
332 | The History of India

struggle with French, 218220 Chandra Gupta II, 9192

from WWI to 1947, 279300 Chandragupta Maurya, 6869
Buddha (Gautama Buddha), 62, 64, 65, 66, 73, Chanhu-daro, 36, 44, 47, 53, 54
75, 87, 111 Chelmsford, Lord, 281, 283, 285
Buddhism, 51, 59, 62, 6667, 70, 7374, 75, 76, 78, Childe, V. Gordon, 3334, 45
81, 82, 85, 8889, 93, 94, 97, 246, 305 Chiplunkar, Vishnu Krishna, 274
from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 8687 Chola kingdom, 58, 69, 77, 82, 97, 102, 103,
from 300 to 750 CE, 98, 99 106107, 108, 109, 112
from 750 to 1200 CE, 109, 110111, 112 Christianity, 87, 158, 169, 174, 206, 211, 212, 251,
Bukka, 146148, 149 255, 259, 261
burial customs, 40, 52 Churchill, Winston, 296, 297
Burke, Edmund, 230, 245 Clive, Robert, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222224,
Burma, 289 225227, 228, 229, 231, 233, 237, 253
incorporation of, 268269 Company Bahadur, 228, 244, 246
Burmans, 247 Congress (I) Party, 314, 316, 317, 320, 321
Bussy-Castelnau, Charles, marquis de, 219, Cornwallis, Lord, 228, 235236, 241242,
220, 222 252253
Cripps, Richard Stafford, 296, 298
Cripps Mission, 296
C Curzon, Lord, 268, 273, 274, 280
Campbell, Colin, 259, 260
Canning, Charles John, 260, 261, 266
caste system, 5859, 65, 67, 76, 271
from 750 to 1200 CE, 109110 Dalai Lama, 305
assimilation of foreigners and, 89 Dalhousie, Lord, 247, 250251, 257, 261
British Empire and, 240, 253254, 257, 289 Das, C.R., 290, 291
Indian National Congress and, 291 Dayananda Sarasvati, Swami, 271
in Mauryan empire, 72 Deccan, the, 21, 2324, 64, 77, 78, 81, 85, 86, 218
in Mughal Empire, 173, 184 from 300 to 750 CE, 9497
Republic of India and, 302, 307, 320, 325 from 750 to 1200 CE, 101, 105106, 108
Sikhs and, 199, 201 Bahmani consolidation of, 135139
in southern India, 83 history of, 95
under Tughluqs, 129 during Mughal Empire, 178, 179180, 196
Cauhans, 103, 104, 105, 117, 120, 129 during Muslim period, 127, 128, 135
Central Asian rulers, 7879 Delhi sultanate, 95, 115132, 135136, 137, 139,
Cera kingdom, 69, 77, 82, 97 148, 275
Chalukya dynasty, 9597, 99, 101, 102103, 104, decline of, 131132, 138
105, 106, 107, 109, 112, 117, 120 period after, 132133
Chamberlain, Austin, 280 Desai, Morarji, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314
Chanda Sahib, 219 Devapala, 102
Chandelas, 104, 120 Devaraya I, 149, 150
Chandra Gupta I, 91 Devaraya II, 150, 151
Index | 333

dhamma, 7375 Forty, the, 121, 122, 123

Dhanga, 104 Francis, Philip, 230
Dharmapala, 101 French East India Company, 217218
Dholavira, 36, 43, 53 French presence in India, 217218, 222, 236,
divine kingship, 57 237239
Dufferin, Lord, 268269, 273 struggle with English, 218220
Dupleix, Franois, 218, 219, 220
Durand Line, 268
Durrans, 197, 200, 201 G
Dutch East India Company, 213, 214 Gaekwads, 193, 194
Dutch presence in India, 158, 212213, 214, 216, Gahadavalas, 104, 118
217, 223224 Gama, Vasco da, 210, 211
Dyer, Reginald Edward Harry, 284, 285 Gandhara, 62, 63, 68, 70, 73, 78, 79, 86
Gandhi, Indira, 307, 309311, 312313, 314, 321
assassination of, 316
E return to power, 314316
Early Dynastic Period, 48 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 270, 280, 283,
Early Harappan Period, 3031, 35, 40, 41, 43 285, 289, 292, 305, 306, 313, 321
culture and religion, 3233 assassination of, 301
principal sites, 31 and partition of Pakistan, 300
subsistence and technology, 3132 strategy for resistance to British, 285287,
early prehistoric period, 2427 286, 289291, 293, 296
East India Company (British), 194, 195, 201, and WWII, 295
205, 207, 208, 213214, 216, 217, 218, 224, Gandhi, Rajiv, 307, 315, 316317, 320, 321
225, 228, 239 assassination of, 320, 321
British India and, 241255, 261, 269 Gandhi, Sanjay, 307, 313, 314315
settlement of 1818 and, 240 Gandhi, Sonia, 320, 322, 323
the state and, 230233 Gangas, 95, 96, 97, 102, 106
Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 241, 243 Ganges (Ganga) River, 21, 22, 65, 67
Europeans, presence in India, 195, 201, 206, Ganges valley, 23, 29, 55, 63, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 79,
210227 84, 91, 101, 106, 193, 240
period of disorder (17601772), 225227 Ganges valley civilization, 55, 58, 5960, 63
superiority of military and, 220221, 241 Genghis Khan, 120, 121, 163
Ghaznavids, 115, 117
Ghiyath al-Dn Tughluq, 126, 129, 130
F Ghose, Rash Behari, 277
Farrukh-Siyar, 185, 186, 188 Ghurids, 115118, 126
fertility cults, 59, 98, 110 Gobind Singh, 184, 199200, 201, 203
feudalism, 57, 108 Gokhale, Gopal Krishna, 270, 272, 274, 277, 281
feudatories, 108 Golconda, 143, 144, 145146, 147, 155, 156, 157,
z Shah Bahmani, 138139, 149 158, 159, 180, 183
z Tughluq, 128, 129, 130, 131 Government of India Act of 1858, 261
334 | The History of India

Government of India Act of 1909, 287 from 300 to 750 CE, 9899, 100
Government of India Act of 1919, 281, 287, 288 from 750 to 1200 CE, 104, 110
Government of India Act of 1935, 287, 288289 the British Empire and, 240, 241, 246, 251,
Govinda III, 101 254255, 256257, 259, 261
Gowda, H.D. Deve, 322 during Gupta period, 90
Great Revolt of 18571859, 256260 during Mughal Empire, 163, 168, 174, 183
Greeks, 68, 69, 70, 75, 7778, 89, 210 during Muslim period, 121, 122, 125, 127,
guilds, 58, 59, 65, 85, 100 129130, 131, 135, 136, 138, 139
Gujarat, 44, 60, 111, 117, 127, 139140, 165, 178, nationalism and, 271, 272, 275, 322, 323
193, 194 Republic of India and, 305, 319320
conquest of by Akbar, 169170 resistance against British and, 285, 287
Gujral, Inder Kumar, 322 Sikhism and, 198, 199, 203, 249250
Gupta period, 9093, 94, 95, 99 tension/violence with Muslims, 278, 287, 289,
administration of, 92 291, 292293, 297, 299300, 301302, 321, 325
art/literature in, 90, 100 and Vijayanagar empire, 161
end of, 9293 historical period, beginning of, 6277
northern India during, 9193 Holkar, 237, 238, 239
post, 58, 90, 100101, 109, 110 Holkars, 193, 194195
successor states to, 9394 Hoysala dynasty, 95, 107
Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, 94, 101 Humayun, 133, 140, 141, 163, 164165, 166, 167,
Gurjaras, 92, 96 168, 197
Gurus, 198199, 201, 203, 248 Hume, Allan Octavian, 271, 272
Hunas (Huns), 9293
H Hyderabad, 95, 188, 191, 196, 205, 208, 209, 219,
Harappa, 24, 25, 30, 31, 34, 3537, 40, 41, 43, 47, 237, 238, 240
50, 52 Hyder Ali, 205, 207, 234, 235
Harappan Period, 24, 25, 3352, 60
Early, 3033, 35, 40, 41, 43 I
Late, 35, 40 Ibrahm Lod, 133, 164
Post, 35, 40, 5255 Iltutmish, 119, 120121, 122
Hardinge, Lord, 278, 279 imperialism, centralized, 57
Hargobind, 199, 200 independence from Britain, 279, 282, 286
Harihara I, 146148 prelude to, 287297
Harihara II, 148149 India
Harijans, 289, 290 from 1500 to 500 BCE, 5962
Harsha, 9394, 96, 97, 103 from 500 to 150 BCE, 6277
Hastings, Lord, 239240 from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 7789
Hastings, Warren, 228230, 231, 232, 234235, from 300 to 750 CE, 90101
237, 242, 245, 252 from 750 to 1200 CE, 101114
Himalayas, 21, 23, 33, 35, 54, 103 beginning of historical period, 6277
Hinduism/Hindus, 51, 59, 61, 66, 78, 209 beginnings of history, 2455
from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 86, 88, 89 earliest literary record of, 60
Index | 335

earliest settlements in, 2930, 55 Indo-Aryans, 52, 5354, 56

early concept of state, 7677 Indo-Greek rulers, 7778, 79
early contact with the west, 83, 210 Indus (Harappan) civilization, 22, 24, 25, 30, 31,
18th-century politics and culture, 3352, 58
207208, 209 character and signicance of, 3334
European presence in, 210227 chronology of, 3435
geography/regions of, 2124 Early Indus Period, 24, 30
independence from the British, 279, 282, 286, end of, 52, 55, 56, 59
300, 301322 Post-Urban stage, 35, 5255
nationalism in, 269278, 285 Indus River, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 35, 37, 43, 63
Republic of, 301322 Indus valley, 22, 23, 24, 28, 33, 77, 79, 246
revolt against/opposition to British, 256260, rise of urbanism, 3033
281283, 296297 infanticide, 246, 255, 259
traditional approaches to historiography of, Irwin, Lord, 293
5657 Isin-Larsa Period, 34, 48
trends in early society, 5759 Islam/Muslims, 95, 96, 114, 121, 130, 144, 161,
India, Republic of, 301322 196, 199, 200, 209, 242
border with China and, 305 British India and, 249250, 254, 256257, 259,
economic planning and development, 306307 261, 271, 272, 278
emergency rule and, 312314 creation of Pakistan and, 297300
foreign policy, 304305 Mughal Empire and, 168, 174, 183, 199
future of, 324325 nationalism and, 274, 275276
government and politics, 302303 separatism and, 292294
improved relations with Pakistan, 324 tensions with Hindus, 278, 287, 289, 291,
Nehru era, 301307 292293, 297, 299300, 301302, 321, 325
post-Nehru politics and foreign policy, WWI and, 280, 281282
307316, 317318 Islam Shah, 166
return of the Congress and, 323 Ismal Adil Shah, 153, 155
since the mid-1980s, 316323
wars with Pakistan, 304, 308309, 310311,
317318 J
Indian Civil Service (ICS), 261, 262, 263, 269, Jahandar Shah, 185186, 188
270, 271, 272, 276, 277, 282 Jahangr, 175, 176, 177179, 195, 199, 214
Indian National Congress, 255, 260, 264, 269, Jainism, 51, 59, 62, 64, 6667, 69, 76, 82, 85, 272,
270, 272, 277278, 282 285, 286, 306
British reaction to, 272273 from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 86, 87
early movement, 272273, 274 from 300 to 750 CE, 98
independence movement and, 285, 287, 288, from 750 to 1200 CE, 104, 111, 112
289, 290291, 292, 293 during Mughal Empire, 174
partition of Pakistan and, 294, 298, 299 during Muslim period, 129
Republic of India and, 302, 303, 309, 313 Jai Singh Sawai, 203
WWII and, 295, 296297 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, 284285
336 | The History of India

Janata party, 306307, 312, 313314, 320, 321 L

Jats, 186, 189, 191, 201, 203, 314
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali, 282, 283, 285, 287, 289 La Bourdonnais, Bertrand-Franois Mah,
and Muslim separatism, 293, 294, 295, 297 comte de, 218, 219
and partition of Pakistan, 299, 300 Lally, Thomas-Arthur, 220
Jujhar Singh, 179180 Lambrick, Hugh Trevor, 43
languages, and Republic of India, 303
K Lawrence, John, 259, 260
Kachwahas, 203 Lawrence, Lord, 267
Kadambas, 95, 96 Liberals, British, reforms of, 276277, 278
Kalacuris, 95, 104 Linlithgow, Lord, 294295, 296, 297
Kalibangan, 3637, 4042, 43, 52 literature, 8889, 100, 111112, 209
Kamboja, 62, 63 Lok Sabha party, 309, 310, 313314, 316, 317,
Kanishka, 79, 87 320, 321, 322, 323
Kanva dynasty, 80 Lothal, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52
Kapilendra, 150, 151 Lucknow Pact, 281, 287
karma, 87, 89 Lytton, Viceroy, 263, 264, 267, 271
Kashi, 62, 63, 67
Kashmir, 2829, 33, 77, 79, 87, 103, 246, 247, 250 M
war between India and Pakistan over, 301,
304, 317318, 322323 Mabar, 134135
Kautilya, 69, 71, 73 Macaulay, Lord, 246
Khalj, Ala al-Dn, 122, 123125, 126, 128129 MacDonald, Ramsay, 289, 293
Khalj, Jalal al-Dn Fruz, 119, 122 MacKenzie, Holt, 241, 243
Khaljs, 119, 122126, 127 Madras, 239, 241, 243, 253, 269
Khan Jaha n Lod, 177, 179 Magadha, 6364, 69, 70, 73, 80, 91
Khilafat movement, 281, 287, 292 ascendancy of, 6768
Khizr Khan Sayyid, 132 Mahabat Khan, 178, 179
Khurram (Shah Jaha n), 177, 178, 179 Mahabharata, 88, 112
Kolkata, history of, 217 Mahadaji Sindhia, 195
Koshala, 62, 63, 67, 95, 96 Mahavira, 64, 66
Krishna II, 102 Mahendravarman I, 97, 98
Krishna III, 102, 106 Mahipala (908942), 102
Krishna Deva Raya, 143, 146, 147, 153155, 156 Mahipala (9881038), 102
Kshatriya, 109110 Mahmud, Nasir al-Dn, 121, 122
Kulottunga I, 107 Mahmud, Shihab al-Dn, 142, 143
Kumar, Meira, 323 Mahmud Gawan, 140142, 151
Kumara Gupta, 92 Mahmud of Ghazna, 105, 115, 118
Kumara Kampana, 135, 149 Malavas, 95, 96
Kumarapala, 104 Malik Ahmad Nizam al-Mulk, 142143
Kuru-Pancala, 62, 63 Malik Naib, 142
Kushan dynasty, 58, 79, 85, 90 Malla, 63
Index | 337

Marathas, 95, 178, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, Europeans/English and, 214, 216, 217, 219,
189190, 191195, 198, 200, 201, 202, 205, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 233, 237, 240,
209, 214, 218, 219, 226 242, 244, 258
the British and, 233234, 235, 237238, 240, mystique in the 18th century, 195197
243, 257 in the 17th century, 175184
Mughal Empire and, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 signicance of, 162163
subordinate rulers, 194195 Muhammad II, 137, 138
Martanda Varma, 206, 207 Muhammad III, 141, 142

Matsya, 62, 63 Muhammad of Ghur, 104, 116, 117, 118, 119,
Mauryan empire, 56, 57, 6876, 77, 80, 81, 120, 126
84, 90, 95 Muhammad ibn Tughluq, 127128, 129, 130,

decline of, 70, 7576, 77 131, 135
nancial base for, 7072 Muhammad Shah (18th century), 186, 188, 189
government of, 7273 Muhammad Shah I (14th century), 136, 137, 151

post, 58, 69, 76, 77, 90 Mujib, Sheikh (Mujibur Rahman), 311, 312
pre-Mauryan states, 6268 Mumtaz Mahal, 181, 182
society of, 72 Munro, Thomas, 241, 243, 254
Mayo, Lord, 267 Muslim League, 269, 275, 276, 281282
gains power, 297
Megasthenes, 69, 71, 72, 73
and independence movement, 287, 293
Mehrgarh, 27, 28, 31, 42, 53
and partition, 294, 295, 298
Mehta, Pherozeshah, 281
and WWII, 295, 296
Menander, 78
Muslim period
Mesolithic, Indian, 2627
Delhi sultanate, 95, 115132
Mesopotamia, 33, 34, 45, 46, 4748, 49, 50, 51, 60
in southern India, 95, 134146
Metcalfe, Charles T., 241, 243
urban economy during, 125126
Mill, James, 5657
and Vijayanagar empire, 147, 150, 157, 158,
Minto, Lord, 238239, 276, 277, 278
160, 161
Mr Jafar, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226
Muslim separatism, 292294
Mr Qasim, 225, 231, 252
mutiny of 18571859, 256260, 264, 279
Mohenjo-daro, 34, 3540, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 49, Mysore
51, 52, 54 and the British, 233, 234, 236, 237, 240, 246
Mongols, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127, 210 in the 18th century, 205, 207
monks, 6667 and the Mughals, 196
Montagu, Edwin Samuel, 279, 280, 281, 285
Morley, John, 276277, 278, 279
Mountbatten, Lord, 300, 301, 304 N
Mughal Empire, 95, 133, 144, 145, 146, 159, Nadir Shah, 188189, 197, 208, 218
162190, 192, 193, 194, 198, 199200, 201, Nagabhata II, 101
202, 203, 205, 208, 218, 252, 275, 298, 319 Nanak, 198199, 203
decline of, 176, 184190, 191, 195 Nanda dynasty, 68, 69
establishment of, 163166 Nand Kumar, 230, 232
338 | The History of India

Naoroji, Dadabhai, 272, 275 partition/creation of, 21, 217, 269, 287,
Napoleon I, 236, 239 293294, 295, 298300, 301, 304, 316
Narasa Nayaka, 152 war/conict with India, 308309, 310311,
Narasimha, Salavu, 151152 317318, 322
Narasimha Rao, P.V., 320321, 323 Pala dynasty, 101, 102, 109
Narasimhavarman I, 97 Paleolithic, Indian, 2526, 27
Narayan, J.P., 306307, 312, 313, 314 Pallavas, 96, 97, 98, 99, 106
Narayanan, Kocheril Raman, 323 Pandya kingdom, 69, 77, 80, 82, 97, 106, 107
nationalism, Indian, 269278, 285 Paramaras, 103, 104, 106
militant vs. moderate, 277278 Parantaka, 106
in the Muslim community, 275276 Parsis, 96, 174, 254, 272
origins of movement, 269272 Pashtuns, 196, 197, 198, 248, 266267, 304
National Liberal Federation, 293 Pataliputra (Patna), 67, 73, 91
Naushahro Firoz, 36, 43 Patel, Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai, 300, 301, 304
Naxalites, 324 Patil, Pratibha, 323
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 292, 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, Persian language, 129, 193, 246, 258
310, 321 Persians, 63, 74, 96, 137, 144, 168, 218
and Republic of India, 301307, 313, 316, 323 peshwas, 192193, 233, 239, 241
Nehru, Motilal, 290, 292 Pethick-Lawrence, Lord, 297298
Neolithic period, 2730 philosophy, 90, 100, 111
Nepal, and the British, 239, 244, 246247 Pindaris, 238, 239
Niz Pitt, William, 232, 233, 235, 241
am Al Khan, 237
Nizam al-Mulk, 205, 218, 219 Polo, Marco, 107, 210

northern India Portuguese presence in India, 141, 144, 152, 153,
from 750 to 1200 CE, 101105, 108 154, 155156, 158, 169, 180, 193, 210, 211212,
Afghan factor in, 197198 213, 214, 216, 217, 305
in the early Muslim period, 115133 post-Delhi Sultanate period, 132133
under the Guptas, 9193 post-Gupta period, 57, 58, 90, 100101, 109, 110
small kingdoms in, 7781 Prasad, Rajendra, 303
struggle for supremacy in, 133 Pratiharas, 101102, 103
Northwest Frontier, and the British, 266267 pre-Mauryan states, 6268
r Jahan, 178, 179 Prithviraja III, 105, 126
Pulakeshin II, 96, 97
O Punjab, 23, 31, 33, 40, 43, 53, 60, 65, 77, 78, 79,
Old Babylonian Period, 48 105, 118, 133, 198, 208, 246, 259
oligarchies, 7980 Sikhs in, 198202, 203, 233, 239, 248, 281, 283,
Orissa, 135, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 150151, 152, 298, 300, 315, 318
153, 155, 170, 171, 178, 241, 289 Punjab system/school, 250
Purna Swaraj resolution, 292
Pakistan, 21, 23, 35, 53, 276 Q
improved relations with India, 324 Qasim Bard, 142, 143, 152
Index | 339

Quit India movement, 296 in southern Indian kingdoms, 83

Qutb al-Dn, 117, 118, 119, 120 Vedic, 61
revolt/mutiny of 18571859, 256260, 264, 279
Rida Khan, Muhammad, 226, 228, 229
R Rigveda, 54, 60, 61
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 303 Ripon, Lord, 271
Raghuji Bhonsle, 193, 238 Romans, 68, 8384, 210
railroads, 251, 255, 258259, 265266 Rose, Hugh Henry, 259, 260
Rajaraja I, 106, 107 Rowlatt Acts, 283
Rajaram, 192, 193 Roy, Ram Mohun, 246, 255
Rajasthan, 23, 26, 41, 47, 79, 80, 84, 103, 104, 111,
118, 240
in the 18th century, 202205 S
subjugation of by Akbar, 168169 Safavid dynasty, 163, 165, 170, 177, 196, 197

Rajendra, 106, 107 Saluva dynasty, 147
Rajput dynasties/Rajputs, 80, 93, 94, 103105, Samudra Gupta, 91, 107
108, 110, 117, 122, 129, 131, 132, 133, 164, 168, Sandhanawala, 36
171172, 177, 182, 184185, 203, 239240, 246, Sangama dynasty, 146148, 159
257, 260 Sanskrit, 59, 60, 61, 65, 69, 83, 87, 89, 98, 100,
Rama Deva Raya, 158 101, 111, 112, 129, 147, 154
Rama Raya, 143144, 147, 155157 Sapru, Tej Bahadur, 293
Ramayana, 88, 112 Sargon of Akkad, 34
Ranade, Mahadev Govind, 270 Satavahana dynasty, 81, 92
Ranjit Singh, 201202, 205, 207, 209, 239, 247, satyagraha, 285, 286, 287, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296
248, 249250, 252, 298 Sayyid Ahmad Khan, 275276
Rashtrakuta dynasty, 95, 101, 102, 104, 106, 112 Sayyid dynasty, 132
Raziyyah, 119, 121 Seleucid dynasty, 69, 77
Reddi kingdoms, 135, 136, 139, 149, 150 Sena dynasty, 102, 117
Reddy, Neelam Sanjiva, 310, 314 Shah Abbas I, 177
regional states (c. 17001850), 191209 lam II, 190, 195, 223, 225, 226, 231, 235, 238
Shah A
religion Shahiya dynasty, 105
from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 8688, 89 Shah Jahan (Khurram), 175, 176, 177, 178, 179,
from 300 to 750 CE, 90, 98 189, 195
from 750 to 1200 CE, 110111 Central Asian policy, 180182
British India and, 254255, 261, 287288, 289 and the Deccan problem, 179180
early, 32, 37, 40, 50, 51, 59 Shah Shoja, 247, 248, 249
during Mughal Empire, 174, 183 Shahu, 192, 193, 194
during Muslim period, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, Shaishunaga, 68
129, 130 Shaivas, 98, 110, 112
the Portuguese and, 212 Shakas, 78, 79, 81, 89, 91
in pre-Mauryan states, 6567 Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 307308, 309
Republic of India and, 305, 318320 Shekhar, Chandra, 320
340 | The History of India

Sher Shah (Sher Khan), 164, 165166, 175, of Mauryan empire, 72

196197 trends in early Indian, 5759
Shilaharas, 103 southern India
Shr Ali Khan, 267, 268 from 300 to 750 CE, 97
Shivaji Bhonsle, 192, 240, 251 from 750 to 1200 CE, 105108
Shiwalik Range, 25, 26 early kingdoms in, 8183
Shortughai, 36, 43 in the 18th century, 205207
Shriranga I, 157158 Muslim states of, 134146
Shriranga II, 158 Vijayanagar empire in, 146161
Shuja al-Dawlah, 225, 226, 235 Sri Lanka, 70, 74, 82, 97, 106, 107, 150, 212, 213, 318
Shunga dynasty/kingdom, 70, 78, 80 Srivijaya empire, 107
Shurasena, 63 Sudras, 68, 71, 89, 109, 201
Sikandar, 133 Susm, 128, 174, 183, 199
Sikhs/Sikhism, 177, 182, 184, 190, 191, 197, Sulivan, Lawrence, 225, 231
198202, 207, 233, 249250 Su
r dynasty, 163, 164, 165166, 175, 196
anti-British activity and, 281, 283, 298 Surkotada, 36, 43
the British and, 239, 240, 247, 248, 249, 250, suttee, 52, 245246, 255, 259
257, 259 Swaraj Party, 290
early history of, 198200
partition and, 298
Republic of India and, 303
separatism and, 303, 309, 310, 315316 Taila II, 102103
uprisings of, 184185, 186, 199200, 250 Taj Mahal, 181, 182
Sikkim, and the British, 246247 Tamil, 98, 100
Sind, and the British, 247, 249 Tamilakam, 82
Sindhia, Dawlat Rao, 237, 238, 239 Tamil regions, 81, 82, 87
Sindhias, 193, 194, 195, 238 Tantia Topi, 259, 260
Singh, Charan, 314 Tantric cults, 98, 103
Singh, Manmohan, 323 Tantrism, 110111
Singh, V.P., 317, 318, 319, 320 Tara Bai, 192, 193
Singh, Zail, 315, 316 tea industry, 247, 253, 266
Sinha, Satyendra P., 276 Tegh Bahadur, 182, 199
j al-Dawlah, 221, 222 Telingana, 137, 139, 140, 150
Skanda Gupta, 92 temples
Slave dynasty, 118119 architecture of, 112113
slaves, 7172, 85, 87, 116, 118119, 123, 131 building of, 98100
society and culture terrorism, 278, 281, 318, 322, 324
from 150 BCE to 300 CE, 8589 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 270271, 274, 277, 278,
from 300 to 750 CE, 98101 280, 281, 282
from 750 to 1200 CE, 107114 Tmur (Tamerlane), 131, 132, 163
under Akbar, 170174 Timurid empire, 163
in Indus civilization, 49 Timur Shah, 198, 201, 202
Index | 341

Tippu Sultan, 205, 207, 235236 Vijayanagar empire, 95, 107, 134135, 146161, 192
Tirumala, 147, 155, 156, 157 administration of, 159161
Toramana, 93 and the Bahmani sultanate, 136137, 139,
tripartite struggle in 8th-century northern 140, 141, 143144, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,
India, 101103 152153, 156
Tughluqs, 126127, 134, 135, 146 decentralization and loss of territory,
society and the state under, 128131 150151, 158
Tuluva dynasty, 147, 152 decline of, 147, 156159, 192
Turks, 210 development of the state, 146151
Bahmani sultanate and, 137 later dynasties, 151156
conquest by/rule of, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, relations with Muslim states, 156
109, 113114, 115132, 240 wars and rivalries during, 149150
Vira Narasimha, 152153
U Virupaksha, 151
Vishnukundin kingdom, 95, 96
United Company of Merchants of England
Vishnuvardhana, 96, 107
Trading to the East Indies, 216
Vishvanath, Balaji, 192, 193
untouchables, 289, 290
Vrijji, 63, 64, 67
Upanishads, 65

Vaishnavas, 98, 110, 112, 199, 209 Wellesley, Lord, 236238, 253
Vajpayee, Atal Bihari, 322 Wheeler, Mortimer, 31, 40
Vakataka dynasty, 92, 9495, 99 World War I, 265, 266, 279, 293
Vansittart, Henry, 225, 231, 242 Indias contributions to, 279282
Vasudeva, 80 postwar years, 282284
Vatsa, 63 World War II, 266, 287, 291
Vatsaraja, 101 British wartime strategy, 296297
Vedas, 6062, 67, 81, 87, 88, 98, 285 impact of, 294296
Vedic literature, 65
Vedic period, 6062, 76
early, 6062
Vedic religion, 61, 271 Yadava dynasty, 95, 105106, 107
Venkata II, 158 Yahya Khan, Agha Mohammad, 311, 312
Venkata III, 158, 159 Yaqu
b Khan, 267268
Venkataraman, Ramaswamy, 320 Yildiz, Taj al-Dn, 118, 119, 120
Victoria, Queen, 261, 263, 276
Vidyadhara, 104
Vijaya, 150
Vijayalaya, 106 Zoroastrianism, 87, 96
Vijayanagar (city), 147, 149, 156, 161 Zulqar Khan, 185186

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