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caricature and short cartoon ~ january 2007
world Authors

the kiks ~ caricatures and short cartoons

of world famous authors
Dear friends,
This is “The KIKS”, an electronic newsletter for all cartoon lovers. We believe that you are the same one because of
taking of this unity newsletter on our site. The title of it is very simple, „The KIKS“ (on Serbian it means: Caricature
and Short Cartoon). „The KIKS“ contains caricatures and short cartoons of world famous authors with high rang in
many views. It's needless talk on that, because in any of the interpretation their value'll is lost. „The KIKS“ should be
carefully listed on your PC and you'll get the spirit relation with authors and their short masterpiece. This is the poent
of sharm at the first, real and unity „The KIKS“.
We are thanking to authors – the cooperators on their excellent works and are inviting the new ones to join us in
creating of unity newspaper in the intercontinental ratio of the global village and we can be able to establish ritham of
month going out of The KIKS.
Send your works to: &

Sincerely, Satirical Manufactory „ŽIKIŠON“ (SRŽ) &

Dragi prijatelji,
pred Vama je “KIKS” elektronski list za sladokusce crtanog duha. Verujemo da ste i Vi takvi čim ste preuzeli ovaj
jedinstveni list sa našeg sajta. On je i u naslovu vrlo jednostavan, „KIKS“ (na srpskom, Karikatura i Kratki Strip).
„KIKS“ sadrži karikature i kratki strip svetskih autora visokog kvaliteta u svakom pogledu. Izlišno ih je prepričavati,
u svakoj interpretaciji gube na svojoj vrednosti. „KIKS“ treba pažljivo prelistati na vašem računaru i lako ćete
uspostaviti duhovni odnos sa autorima i njihovim malim remek delima. U tome i jeste šarm prvog, pravog i jedinog
Zahvaljujemo se autorima – saradnicima na dobrim radovima i pozivamo nove da nam se pridruže u stvaranju
jedinstvenog lista u interkontinentalnim razmerama, svetskog globalnog sela, kako bi uspostavili mesečni ritam
Kontakt i adrese za slanje radova: &

Srdačno Vas pozdravljamo, Satirična Radionica „ŽIKIŠON“ (SRŽ) &


the kiks ~ schort cartoon

the kiks ~ short cartoon
the kiks ~ caricature
the kiks ~ caricatures and short cartoon
the kiks ~ short cartoon
the kiks

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