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Monica Kigozi

Narrative structure
Narrative is an explanation of events, it is also a term for
storytelling. It uses a range of different theorist, to help navigate
why a particular story may follow a certain path. Understanding the
narrative is an important element as it allows the audience to follow
what is going on and why representations are presented in certain

The first theorist Im going to discuss

is Tzvetan Todorov, who created the
theory of how a typical narrative in a
movie plays out. He discusses that
there is an equilibrium within most
linear films meaning that they
typically have a clam and
uninterrupted opening.
However Todorov explains
that there is mainly 4 parts
of a story structure. These include:
Where in the beginning everything is okay we see that
the atmosphere is positive or neutral.
Something or someone disrupts the equilibrium due to
either a problem with the characters or the setting.
An attempt to restore the equilibrium:
Someone identifies the disruption of the equilibrium and there is an
attempt to restore it.
New Equilibrium:
A new equilibrium is established or the previous equilibrium is

Even though this is how a typical movie should play through our
production doesnt follow or fit Todorovs theory due to ours not
being in a linear order and due to it starting immediately with a


Our production follows Barthes enigma codes. The reason why we

chose to do this is because it grips the audiences attention due to
there being an element of mystery. The opening scene starts with a
mystery as we can only see the characters feet/legs due to the
camera being at a low angle which therefore makes the audience
wonder what is happening as it seems a little unclear.

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